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-i ) II H . l ' I 1 m r r lVWVVI;WWVi'V'Vi J Logan Opera House GOOD MUSIC, BEST PICTURES, LATEST SONGS J TO-NIGHT i t (Thursday, June 17) Another Oical Sellir Production LOVE UNDER SPANISH SKIES and a thousand fool loci of llllailous Kim BREAKING INTO SOCIETY TO-MORROW NIGHT, FRIDAY, JUNE IOUi. OLIVER CROMWELL Illbtoitcal, Educational, A llili Ail Plcluio. A KKJHTIXd (MIAXOIO A Thriller. Till-: DAIRY MAID'S I ,OV 10 RS Comedy. Two More Fine Solltf I'li'tuics. SATURDAY NIGHT BOOTS AND SADDLES Wild west, the kind cvorjbody likes Many thrilling scenes Including Cu&tei's last battle. DOCKSTADER MINSTREL MISHAPS In which Gene Mult will impersonate the minsliel khifj Dockstader, and IOOi) ft of selected Ameiican comedy. I lie lileclrlc Fans Will be in lull Operation by Saturday Night t Program Changed Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays mid Sattir days,. I:tra Good Show Saturday Night. Open at 7: Continuous Performance Grown rolks 10c Children Mr. ntul Mrs. ii, II. Wullor had as tholr guostB Inst wool;, Mrs, Lydla Kwain and daughter, of Mo Arthur. Mr. nntl Mrs. James Crumonn woro Sunday visitors in Now Ply mouth, guosta o Mra. Cremona's parents. Don't forgot that wo can fix you up a hat choapor than yon over bought ono boforc. Home Millin ery Storo Mr, Ora Prioo is at home from Marietta College. Wo are proud to announce that lie carried oil" the honors of hip clnea. For Vacation-Blue Serge Suits 3 Mrs, Goorgo Hlsh nd ohlldren.'flf and Mrs. iJavltl Later, all oi hook bridge, are gluiBtH of Mru Lew MoGlll, , KCHt SATk Milch cows, threo good ones fresh. I) head to select from. Citizen phono iJCD h. P. P. Mahtin. .5c & Xocal an ? fXC "c v rr fr rir rvn i x- ?? f x r. v. .v. . v- -" " N -N.-.-X ' V. ipr X'&X"X"XMl,tt'&7'13:Z Miss Helen Blasius is visiting in Lancaster today. Bremen is to have a new hotel of 30 rooms. Miss Kva Hyatt is a Capital City visitor today. Mr. John Easterling went to Lancaster this morning. Mr. Jerry Ilainnion wont to Co lumbus today on business. Miss Emma Westenhaver is a visitor in Lancaster today. Mra. Jacob Lill is visiting rela tives in Lancaster this week. Mr. II. T. Silverthorn went to Mt. Sterling Wednesday on business. Mr. James Harden of Ilesboro, was a business visitor in Logan, today. Don't forget that the Home Millinery Store have sonic bargains left to select from. Mr. Fred Boal, of Kaolielniach er, was in Logan, Wednesday. Mr. John Ucker, Jr., is moving in iiis home in South Market street. The irrepressible Constablo Tom Workman, of New Pittsburg, is in Logan today. Mrs. Alice Cherry, ot Orlnnd, was stricken with paralysis on Fri day of last week, and is seriously ill. Mr. Paul Fox is re-decorating li is giocory building in tho West end with a new coat ot paint: Prof. K. K. Harsh, superintend ent of Ward township schools, is in Lancastor today on business. Miss Odabell Burberry was in Bremen over Sunday, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Reeves, Mr. Marcus Lutz, who works in Columbus, was in Logan a few days this week visiting his family. Mrs. Fred Robison, of Murray City, is at tho home of her par ents hero, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. She and her husband are pioud of a now hoy that came to them three weeks ago. Mrs. Mike Krumlauf returned to hor home at LanoaBtor, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Lewis Green, in Logan. The Misses Ruth and Josephine Henderson of Newark, were tho over Sunday guests of their cousin, Miss Nell McManigal. FOR SALE Toam of horses, harness and wagon. Will soil roasonablo. Call Samuel Sanimu: son, Citizens Phone 11 on 22.3. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hansel, of Cliillicothe, have been visiting Mrs. Hansel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Acker, the past week. Messrs. Joe Morris, of Sugar Grove, and Charles Troxol of Rook bridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra, Judge John C. Stough ton and family. Mr. Lloyd Mounts was in Colum bus, Thursday of last woek to photograph a monuniont erected in Columbus cemetery by W. F. Eiaele of this city. Girla don't go out in the hot aun bare headed and get tuned and aim burnt for the suko of the sum that wo ask you for a sun shade. Home Millinery Storo. Miss Alice Mulligan, who lias been the houso guest of Mrs. C. E. Bowen for a few days left this morning for Spencer, Indiana, where sho is teacher of latiri in tho high school. Misses Mario and Katharine Wood, of Little Rock, Arkansas, daughters of Mr. and Mra. Tom Wood, formerlv of this city, are tho guosta of their grandmother, Mrs. Ab Wood, and family. a a For Never-Ending Satisfaction Get One of Our Serge 3 Suits. We Know of None that Looks Better or 5 Wears Better, Particularly for this Season of the 3 Year and this Climate. Our Blue Serge Suits, like our other clothing, arc distinctly dependable. The color is absolutely fast and every thread is strictly pure worsted wool. These Suits arc all Hand Tailored and cut in the very latest styles and every SUIT GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION 3 3 See Our Blue Serge Suits at $10.00 Equal to any $12.50 Suit sold in Logan. Our $12.50 Our $13.00 Our $15.00 IS EXACTLY Til E SAMti IN QUALITY that other Stores get $15.00 for. BLUE SERGE CANNOT BE DUPLICATED for less than $10.50. SERGK IS A BEAUTY and we defy any one to equal it's style, fit and value. We know the superiority of these Suits will make you a customer. Wo know fair treatment and right prices will hold your patron agethat is why 3R.ig!tl"t Prices are accorded YOU, HERE, every day in the year. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 STRENTZ ft LAPPEN hu.u.m.muuu.. SOCIETY VENTS Sewing Circle. Mrs. Charles E. Lytlo will enter tain the Sewing Circle Club Fri day afternoon, at hor homo on Glenview Heights. Kensington The W. R. C. will give a Ken sington party and ton cent supper Friday aftornoon, tho entertain ment committoo being tiioRo whoso names begin with O. R. and S. Picnic. Thimble and Art The Thimble and Art Club met Wedneaday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. H. Brooke, responses to roll call being miscellaneous readings. The hours were spent in a pleasant eocial way, and at aix o'clock a fine two course din ner was served by tho hostesa.who waa assisted in serving by her daughter Mrs. Dr. E. E. Camp bell and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Lukorof Kansas City, was a guest. The next meeting will be with Mrs. F. S. Pursell. President, Mrs. J. T. Sanderson ; Secretary, Mra. A. E. Gutliph ; Press Correspondent, Mrs. Dr. I. C. Wright; Treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Harden. Mra. Chaao was assisted in serving an elegant five o'clock chicken dinnor by Miss Helen Holl and her daughter Miss Martha Chuso. Nondescript Friday Juno 11th. tho Nonde- Notlco of Appointment INtutoor loliti Colllson, dueonsed. 'llmuiuluislKiiod hud heou appointed nml iiuallllpd as executrix of tliu ustntu of John i oIlKoij, Into of IIoiikltiK count v, Ohio, Ue censud. Dated tills iGtli davof June, 19U9. lli.iAiit in Coi.r.isuv, Executrix. iAAllAl)A))iAiii)ii OFFER! CINCINNATI wflPlFI V Jd a Bun bi B f a w n na urn am mmum mwrn AND- ENQUIRER Tuesday aftornoon tho Nondo-' script Club hart a called mooting script Club Indios.wore tho mieats of ,at the homo of J. T. McCormick Mrs. F. F. Rempol at hor dolight ful country home; "Bumblebee Cottage. This was tho Club's annual outing ana a fine Picnic. Leyshon, Vice President; dinner was served on the beautiful , Moses Strawn, Secretary; for the election of new oillcors for tlio comingyear: Mrs. Will Eisele was chosen President; Mrs. Thoa. Mrs. Mrs. grounds. Those who enjoyed the Ed Kleinscmidt, Treasurer and day outside of tho Club, were Mrs, Rempel and Miss Carrio Lutz. DEMOCRAT-SENTINEL iOne Year for Only $1,251 er and the Democrat-Sentinel at $1.25. This is a H J! splendid opportunity to secure two good papers for ! I one year, for a small sum and should be taken advantage of. g W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. held a very interesting meeting Friday aftor noon at the homo ot Mrs. J. C. Feather, on Ikooko street. In tho absence of the President, the Vice President had charge of the moot ing. Thoro was a good attend ance. Mrs, Feather served a fino two course lunch, nssisted by Mra. W. J. Newman. The next meet ing will he in two weeks witli Mrs. Kalklosch on Hunter atroot, tho afternoon's subject boing "Flower Mission Day." Mrs. J. C. Morgan, Press Corre- lent. Tho program committee is I composed of Mra. John Tritsch, Mrs. F. S. Case, Mrs. Chria Juer gensmier and Mrs. J. T. McCor mick, A fine picnic supper was served at the olose of tho business meeting. Jollity Mrs. John Karshnor was hostess for the Jollity Club, Wednesday night and ono of the most pious ant meetings of the season was had. Three contests woro givon in which Mra, Jess Cooley and Mra. Charles Price each won chinuj plates and Mrs. Sam Smitli a mon ey bank. Mra. Karshnor eorved an elegant two course supper, as sisted by Mrs. Geo. Tritsch and Misa Mary IJurberry. Tho visitors were Mrs. Will Davis of Pomoroy, Mrs. Geo. Tritsch, Mrs. Jas. Rut terfield and Miss Mary Burberry. In two weeks the Club meets with Mrs. Ike Martin. Tho visiting ladies were Mrs. Dr. Eastman, Mrs. Jesse Williams, and tho Misses Ada Krieg and Jose phine Henderson. Monday night the Club will meet with Mra. M. H. Cherrington. He's From Missouri; You Have to Show Him. Domestic On Thursday afternoon the ladies of the Domestic Club met with Mrs, Charles Chase, re sponses to roll call being "Items of interest," Instead of a pro gram, new officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Presidont, Mrs. Will Ackor; Vioe Jolly Dozen. Wednesday night tho Jolly Dozen Pedro Club met with Mrs. Will Doishloy and some exciting games of Pedro enjoyed by the four tables of players present. The Club prize a cut glass dish was taken by Mrs. Lash Miller, and the visitora favor, a china bon bon dish was taken by Mrs. Dr. Eastman, the booby a dish mop, going to Miss Josephino Henderson of Newark. A delicious two course supper was served, the hostess bo ing assisted by Mrs.Jesso Williams. Governor Folk Is from Missouri, lie's lcKarded as a pretty good citizen himself". .See what ho says about a cm tain feoit of citi.en: "I do not believe in the mail order citizen. IT IS BETTER THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A THOUSAND TOWNS THAN ONE LARGE CITY. If a place is good enough for a man to ( make his money In, It oertainly ' should be good enough for him to spend his money in. The A merchants have a just right to oil the business of the town in ' which they have their stortt, and every good citizen Will help them to get it." Did you evor seo a FINE LARGE PACT so simply stated? SPEAKING OF LOTS Have You Inspected the ELEGANT BUILDING SITES NOW ON SALE in the NEW I During the month of June, yearly subscriptions li OI H TOWN A I I OTMFNT9 I will be received for the Cincinnati Weekly Enquir- I KJLL 1 V T 1 1 rVLIV 1 I T 1 Li 11; 2C 0' w -SEND IN YOUR NAM ! AT ONCE 1 as this offer may never be made again. , THE DEMOCRAT - SENTINEL li Logan, Ohio fjj If you are looking for a fine investment and a splendid residence location, vou should look over this allotment at once. Think of the superior advantages these lots possess; wide streets, fine brick sidewalks, every lot almost level as a floor and large-enough for a house, stable and garden. LOTS ARE SELLINd RAPIDLY and you should not delay your selection. Prices very reasonable, only $275 to $500 with 10 per cent discount for cash in full. Come on, lets get together and do something toward making Logan a bigger and better town. 3 5 R. R. WRIGHT, Office With V. C. Lowry, James Block. I ri -. ) mflWtfWmMWflt.W , K -in-" 1 HfliijL niHIi""'" ,