Newspaper Page Text
ucjfrmiyt&f.'i . u,- li - ' rmuil 'liml-lliL -mmmwvntmnn bw irmT,.jiiiltuJj1WmnxjilL.Jg!IWJU.lJilJJ' '," HfPgM'WWWH'l"l"P" u lllij ij--i"i,j. iL'-iMJi.irimiirrrgffni iwwgaaBaawfptgaiiBS'jjtML TJil'J'U1 L" !. PWJ ' y I Y. ' ?? 5f x -x Of X Xocal anb Mr. Ed Olivor wna in Columbus, Saturday. Mr. Lou Bort was a capital city visitor Friday. Mrs. Harry Ambrose was in Co luinbiis, Friday. Mr. J. G. Krlnn was a capital city visitor Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Apiin was visiting in Straitsville lust week, Rev. A. W. Buckland was in Cincinnati oyer Sunday last. Mr. Homer Joy, of Starr, was in Logan, Friday on business. Mr. James Allen went to Colum bus and Westerville, Saturday. Mr, John Rom pel was in the Arch City, Friday of last weok. Mrs Charles Yontz was a visitor in Lancaster, Friday of last week. Snpt. J. P. West.of WeBtervillo, wna in Logan a few days last week. Atty. 11. M. Whitoraft was a legal visitor in AthonB, Saturday. Attorney Colonel WeUly was in Columbus, Friday on legal busi ness, Mr. C. W. Stevenson, of Gore, was in Logan, Thursday on busi ness. Mrs. Juke Savey was in Now Lexington a fow days the past week. Sheriff and MrB, Williamson wore in Laurelvillo a fow days last week. Mrs. Frank Stovens was a Nol sonvillo visitor Friday of last weok. Mr. T. Y. Hartzoll and daughter Mable, of Lancaster, was in Logan, Thursday. Messrs. Wood Bowen and Clyde Pottit are home from College on their vacation. Editor Stone, of New Straits ville Record, was in Logan between trains Saturday morning. Everyone would lii benilted by taking Foley's Orino Laxative foi constipation, stomach and liver trouble, as it sweetens the stomach and breath, gently stimulates the liyer and regulates the bowels and is muoh suterior to pills and ordi nary laxatives. Why not try Fol ey's Orino Laxative today, llort to Co. jiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiii!: J- JOB Printing m 'mx, i "The Kind that Pleases "! fl When In noeil of Job Printing: call us up over either Phone i and wo will quote you prices i that are reasonable, with u! guarantee to please you, Let us show you samples of ; Job Printing that's "Up-to-: the-Mlnute" before you place i your next order. I llolh l'lioues No. 6, "That's Us." The Democrat "Sentinel I niiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. 5:::S::::::S:::!S::S::!S:iil5:5::S::S::S:5:'S:!S:'S:'S:S:' J Jv Tt Jv JV J Jt JL v JJ Jv IlitTv ijl A kVi Jj JC v JTj Jj J sr Js iSzSsSk 4s2 vmdi KXi"- BHHF Gqld MedalFiouk jffiBBI I of x x x x x x personal Mr. Walter Doobolo waB a busi ness visitor in Rockbridge, Satur day. Mrs. C. R. Wilson and her moth er went to Pittsburg Pa., Satur day. Mrs. Ambrose Brooker, of Long stroth, was in Logan last week, visiting Mrs. Joe Brooker. Mr. ond Mrs. Pete Dshaven, of Haynes, were iu attendance of the funeral of Thaddeus Floyd, Friday of lust week. WANTED Family washing to do at home. Inquire at home on Gallagher Avenue. Mits. Nowak. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McManigal returned Thursday evening from a visit of a few days in Newark and Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Teoumpsee Floyd, of Laurelville, were in Logan Fri day in attendance nt the funeral of Mr. Thaddeus Floyd. Colds that hang on weaken the constitution and develnpe into con sumption. Foley's Ilonoy and Tar cures persistent coughs that refuse to yield to other treatment. Do not experiment with untried remedies ns delay may result in your cold settling on your lungs, llort to Co. FOR THE SENATE The "Commoner" Announces His Candidacy. Omaha, Nob., Juno 11 "Wil liam Jennings Bryan will be candi date for the Unitod States to suc ceed Elinor J. Burkett, incumbent, a Republican," Such is tho statement made Thursday by Richard L Metoalfe, tho editor of Bryan's Commoner, This Is the first positive announce ment that has been made of the candidacy of Mr. Bryan for the sonate. Democratic party loadors aro already predicting tho oleotiou of ltryan and contend that tho primary law past last winter by the Nebraska legislature will pull him through. It provides that tho legislative candidates may sign a pledge to support tho Sena torial endidato recoiving tho high oft vote at tho primaries regard less of party, tho pledge to go ou tho ballot, Picking Up In Wellston. Prosperity seems to bo coming to Wellston again, as tho mines and comont plants of the Alma Comont Co, aro oponlng up ttTe sumo work, The largo limestone mines and tho' comont plant at Oertt u is one of the groatest in dustries of Wellston, Zimmerman-Davis. On Wednesday of last weok Mr. Henry Zimmerman, of Logan, was married to Miss Jessie Davis, of Centoryille, Tho marriage took place at Wellston at the Baptist parsonage, Rev, Shumaker olllola ting, Mr, ami Mrs, Zimmerman will live in Logan, M . BRYAN MY DEAR 1." HARRIMAN Says That Business is Now on Substantial Basis. Before leaving for Europe "My Dear Mr." Harrlman said that "the business of the country is now on a vory substantial basis" and that "as far as the montal attitude of the public is concerned we aro ou a saner basis today than we were in 1007." Great guns, Edward, that's the way it ought to be. But while you're abroad keep at a safe dis tance from the African jungles. There's nothing to indicate that conditions in the jungle just now are either saner or safer for a "practical man" than in 1007. A Field Meeting at the Experi ment Station. A wheat field-meeting will be held at the Ohio Agricultural Ex periment Station on the afternoon of Tuesday, Juno 22, 1009, follow ed by and evening meeting in Wooster at which tiddrossps will be delivered by Prof. Thomas P. Hunt, Director of the Pennsylvania State College Experiment Station; Mr. C. B. Jenkins, Secretary of the Ohio Millers' State Associa tion, and Hon. A. P. Sandlos, Secretary Ohio Department of Ag riculture. The wheat crop at the Experi ment Station promises a full yield, and the present outlook is favor able for an interesting exhibit of the varietal, cultural and fertilizer experiments-. Trains on tho Pennsylvania roach Wooster from the east and west between 11:00 and 12:00 o'clock a. in. Restaurants in the city will be prepared to servo meals or luncheon, .and there will bo lines of nutomobiloB and ouinibuss es running between tho city and the Experiment Station. If porsons who propose staying over night will notify tho Station a few days in advance, lodging will bo secured at reasonable rates. Take a day oil' and viait tho Ex periment Station ! With a Package of Crisp, Golden-brown Post Toasties and Cream, you can bo sure of a good meal, oven uhon tho cook has "flounced," Koady to servo from tho paekugo without cook'ing a convenient, fascinating food that ticklos and teasos tho palates of old and young folks 'The Taste Lingers" Popular pkg. 10c; large Family she 15c. Made at the Pure Pood Factories of POSTUM CEREAL CO., LTD., Battle Creek, Mich. we u ON Their Home City Does Them Homage. Dayton June 17. In the city in which a few years ago they began in obscurity their first experiment with flying machines. Orvilloand Willbour Wright, the nvitors to day received the homage of their townpeoplo. Escortod by brass bands, led bouoath trumphal arches, through streots decorated with models of tholr aeroplanes and praised in public speeches, the Wright brothers appoared the leaBt conscious that anything un usual was going on and when that part of the program was reachod which read: "Responses by the Wright," Wilbur and Orville each arose and said : ,, Thank you gentle mon." When the fireworks tonight were over, Wilbur turned to Orville and said ; "Lot's hurry home: you know we have to get up oarly." Banking Districts. The state has been divided into nine distriots by State Bank Superintendent B. B. Seymour, to facilitate the work of this depart ment, this action following the divisions made by the state bank ers' association very cloBely. The seventh district comprises Guernsey, Belmont, Coshocton, Noble, Monroe, Washington, Mus kingum, Morgan, Perry, Hocking, Athens and Meigs counties. The work of division has juat been completed in Columbus. Only eight examiners have been appointed, as the Fifth district, comprising Franklin Co., among others will be controlled generally from the main office in Columbus. The assignment of examiners has not yet been announced, for ob- viotiB reasons. To avoid serious results take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney or bladder disorder such as backache, urinary irreglar ities, exhaustion, and you wi I soon be well. Commence taking Foloy's Kidney Remedy today. Hort to Co. ESCAPE FOR THE BOY Child in a Run-away is Unhurt. On Friday morning of last week the team of T. E. Warren, the feed man, took a run from Rose's residence in west Logan, east on Hunter street to the Methodist church, where the wagon skidded to the gutter, and crashed uguinst a tree demolishing tho wagon, Charley Taylor, tho driver, had gone into a lot to deliver somo feed, leaving his little boy in the wagon. The team is young and spirited, became frightened mid started to run. The boy's screams did not help any. When the tree was struck the wagon bed turned completely ovor, and the boy was found beneath it iu the street, but comparatively uninjured, exoept a narrow escape. The team was not hurt much, Old Afollle Stark Will Vote July Tenth. Canton, Ohio, June 17, Tho Stark County Business Men's league, acting for tho "wets," Wednesday aftornoon filed its pe titiou asking the county com mis. doners to order a local option elec tion hero, The petition contained 12,000 namos. The commissioners then met with the "wet" and "dry" leaders and agreed upon July 10 for election, Foley's Honey and Tar is espec ially reoommended far chronio throat and lung troubles and sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found com fort and relief, by using Foley's Houey and Tar, Iiort to Co, NARROW AT CASTLE GOULD Some High Old Times in Rich Circles. New York, Junn 17. The taking of testimony of the servants and employes on tho two Gould ostates, Caatlo Gould at Port Washington, N. Y. and Bluo Gap in Virglna, was proceeded with at tho trial of the suit of Katherlne ClemmonB Gould for a scporatlon from How ard Gould and alimony amounting to $250,000 u yoar. The dofonso lias called a small army of maids, stablemou, givi don ers, clerks, carpenters and other omployes to testify to tlio actions and conduct of Mrs. Gould iu an eirort to justify Mr. Gould In leav ing his wife ou account of her alleged addiction to the use of intoxicants, rendering hor unfit for household and family duties, according to tho husband conten tion. They all testify to tho "high lonesome" taken by Mrs. Gould. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN Too Cloudy to Get a Good Look at the Copper Face. The predicted Eclipse of the Sun on Thursday night of last week, we suppose came oir on schedule time, but it was not visable in Logan, to any great satisfaction. The sun was said to enter the shadow of the moon at about 6 o'clock p. m. but at that time it was cloudy and rained pretty hard at 7 o'clock, after tho sun had sot. So it was that the smokod glass fellows on tho hill sides were largely disappointed. Notice to Tax Payers On account of the in creasing work in the Treas urers and Auditors Oilice, the Tax Books must posi tively close on Monday, July 19th. 1909, so as to give time to make the Set tlement. The Treasurer will be at So. Bloomingville, July 6th. Haynes P, 0., July 7th. Laurelville, July 8th. Carbonhill, July 12th. Murray City, July 13th. to collect taxes. Tax books are now open ed, and it will be appre ciated if tax payers will come early to avoid the rush later' Remember July 19th. is positively the last day that can bo given. J. W. GABRIEL, Treasurer. Joanna: Oold Modal Flour li real economy, I'miiiu.Ncu. HOCKING YALUiY UUUliflN Of Low Rate H.vcurslons Sunday Kxcur&ions to Columbus every Sunday; to I'omoroy, Jackson and intermediate points, Juno 1II-27. Iloineseokors Excursions to Western and Southern points, 1st and .'Id Tuesday each mouth, Twin Tickets to Columbus every day, $l,(i0. Sunimor Tours to the llesorts of the United States and Canada dally. Dally Excursions to New York In July, Lake Chautauqua Excursions, July 2 and y.'), Fourth of July Uxcurslous, National Educational Assocla tlon, Denver, Col,, July .VJ. Christian Endeavor Union, Kenton, O., June 22-25. Elks' Ilouiilon, Los Angeles, Cal., July 11-17. Nat'l Gymnastic Union, Cincin nati, Juno 1U-27, Dally Excursions to 1'aclllo Coast and Far West. ' Pull Information w" r- nlshed ou appllcat' X, Scliweuke, Agt jgmi NS fc cy fiw . TTtigy for the Summer's Cooking No kitchen appliancem'vessuch actual satisfaction and real home comfort as tho new Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove. , Kitchen work, this coming summer, will be better and quick er done, with creater personal comfort for the worker, if, instead of the stifling heat of a coal fire, you cook by the toncintralid name of the NEW PERFECTION Vick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Deliver! heat where you thus It does not overheat Kit til III. 1.1 f .. . . ! with shelf for warming plates and keeping food hot after cooked, also rnnvpnlenf Hrnn .ti.ln.. .!. j..H1-M. It I t . . , . ,.....,j,,, .....j uiriuiueu luck, wuennoi in use, ana two nickeled bars for holding tocls. , Three sizes. With or without Cabinet Top, At your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. beautifully nickeled with a Kavo E Rogers Run the Office Behind Several Thousand. Now if the Republican legisla ture were to put a limit on the fire marshal's expenses "to spite Gov ernor Harmon," and were to put the limit anywhere below the re ceipts of the office, it will convict former Republican legislatures of an extortionate levy upon the poli cy holders of fire insurance com panies. And whom, do you sup pose, will that spite? It will spite the fire insurance companies and the hundreds of thousands of their policy holders in Ohio; and it will further convince them that Gov ernor Harmon did exactly the right thing when he cleaned out the fire marshal's oilice. For Rogers, in the one year he served as fire marslml, had raised salaries and put political pets on the pay roll as 'secret service men' and "special counsel" until more than half the receipts were con sumed in the first five months of the current year. At such a rate of extravagance there would have been a big deficit at the end of the year. What makes such extrava gance inexcusable by comparison is that there were fewer convic tions than were obtained with less expenditure when D. S. Creamer was fire Marshal. Creamer is the man Governor Harris turned out of oilice to give Rogers the place. The legislature might ordain by statute that the fire marshal's ex penditures shall not exceed the re ceipts of tho oilice. No such re striction, however, was needed when this olllne was under Demo cratic control before, and will not be needed by Mr. Zuber, the pres ent fire marshal. The people of Ohio aro familiar with the fact that when Creamer was fire mar shal more fire-bugs were ferreted out and convicted than during any two preceding years since the of fice was created, all expenses of tho oHiee were puid and an unex pended balance of ovor $11,000 was paid into the state treasury. Mr. Zuber out oil' the "secret service" and "speolal counsel" supernumeraries ou the Rngors pay roll, and reduced inflated salaries to the soalo paid when Creamer was lire marshal, lie must conduct tho oilice during the next seven months on less than Rngors paid out during tho past five months, and he will do It without brakes being Bet on him by a Republican legislature, If tho legislature puts on the brakeR it will be an additional re buke to Rogers and further corro boration of tho governor's charges of extravagance and inoillclenoy, If it doesn't, the reason will be self-evident, MPA FOR SALE One of tho most pleasant and throughly appointed homes on Mound Street of Glen view Heights, in Logan, Call at residence or phone, H, T. SlLVEHTHOKNE, June 10 8v, (Mn lOil'H lWm m m HH.HRIH want It never where you don't want it jj the kitchen. Note the CAH1NET TOPf 1. ..II t . . " 1 The jf&Xlfo L A MV nevef -disappoints safe, yyV-L'1jr economical and a won- derful light elver. Solidlv made. Your living-room will be pleasantsi Limn. If not with yuur dealer, write our nearest agency THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated; New Traction Line Proposed. liuukeyo News.) Hocking-Sunday Creek Traction Co. was organized Monday in Co lumbus, for the purpose of build ing a traction line from Neleon ville to Sunday Creek. The capital stock of the com pany is .f.100,000 and tho incorpora tion fee required was ;j;!100. The following well known citi zens were the incorporators: E. B. Youg, J. Gaston Coa, M. A. Kreig, Chus. Vorhes, Warren A. Badger, H. H. Her, and Chas. E, Foston. 31 en Past Fifty m Danger, Men past middle life have found comfort and relief in Foloy's Kid ney Remedy, especially for en larged prostate gland, which is very common among elderly men. L. E. Morris, Dexter, Ky., writes: "Up to a year ago my fathor suf fered from kidney and bladder trouble and several physiciaus pro nounced it enlargement of the prostate gland and advised an operation. On account of his age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recommended Foley's Kid ney Remedy, and tho first bottle relieved him, and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled with this complaint." Bort to Co. Rev. Marshall Harrington Elect, od State Clerk, I Mnryivllle Journal At a special meeting of tho Mar ion Presbytery hold in Delewara Monday afternoon to dissolve the pastoral relations of Rev. Paul R. Hickok, who has been called to one of the large churches in Wash inL'ton. Rev. Marshall Harrinorton of Marysville, was elected states clerk for the presbytery. Hie Honor is one that will be appreci ated by Rev. Marshall Harring ton's friends. I Will Send You Information In regard to a plan I have perfect ed, whereby you can increase your earning power from 50 to 100 per cent in a few months. You merely follow the plan I out line. The method I adopt gels results. You will be enthusiastic when I send you particulars. If your education has been neglected, leave that to me. I will take care of you in that respect. I helped Wm. Dobbyn, an ambitious country boy. He now draws $5,000.00 annually. Ada Menafee followed my advice and in a short time had a po sition at $1,450.00. The in formation I gave her, I can send you. If you want to be somebody to earn a good salary to do something in the world we will tell you how. I will also explain how you can defray expenses while preparing for success. Drop a card NOW, to-day. This will mean more to you than to me, The little effort of addressing me at Columbus, may mean a lifetime of prosperity to you. State age and education, I will answer by re turn mail. Address, C. A. BLISS, BLISS COLLEGE COLUMBUS, O. X-. A tl- -. V. 4,''.'Ai'