Newspaper Page Text
' r i""" vitirfr t-' - tT, nrmmrrr.yifnnw3frmf 22S2S2S2S22S2S2S2S EXCHANGE NEWS NOTES 3ijt!iyKttjK,jt,A"itBi sTUAtiaVll.I.E HECOItt) Mrs Mario MoMullen was In Logan, Saturday, Misses Hullo Wilson and Allco IIowo spent Sunday In Logan. Mrs. I). .1. Richards waB in Lo gan Saturday. Cluulos Cockles and Clarence Mitchell of Logan aro business visitors in town this week. Miss Mary Morpan spent Satiir day in Logan, MUltllAY PITV INDEPENDENT, Mr. Edward Ghent, the Monu mental uian of Logan, stopped over night with Air. Win. Skid nioro, whilo on his way to Glous ter. Pete Sloan, of Logan, wan in town Wednesday on business. Mrs. O. W. Iluls of Logan was visiting in this city, Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Roberts and children have returnod to their home in this city, after a visit with her mother in Logan. Mr. Yaw, of Logan, spent a few days in our town on business. Phil Rochester of Logan was in this city on business, Monday. jIURKAY CITY NEWS P. D. Sloan, of Logan, was a business visitor in the city Tues day. Geo. Baynhain has just recover ed from a severe attack of quinzy. Phil Rochester, of Logan, was a business visitor in town Monday. Dan Roberts was in Logan, Wed nesday, Mrs. 0. W. Huls, of Logan, was in the city Saturday. Geo. Murphy has been appoint ed agent tor the Western Southern Life Insurance Company for this section under superitendent Yaw, of Logan. Editor .nd Mrs. C. A. Chatiield and ton Arl, spent Sunday in Carbonhill. NEr.SiiNVILLi: bcckeyi: Miss Anna White of Logan, waB the guest of friends in this city, Satur lay. Chtirles Hilderbrandt of Logan, was the guest of friends in this city Sunday. Mrs. Charles England of near Logan, was calling on friends in this city, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eberstand family of Logan, were the Sunday guests oF Mack Scot', end family. Mrs. Helen Bowen returned to her home in Logan Thursday eve ning, after a few days visit with nor daughter,Mrs. John Monahan. Harry Ambrose and little daugh ter of Logan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Monahan at the Dew House, Saturday, Miss Mildred McLaughlin and Mibb Kmma Pierpont of Logan, were the over Sunday guesfs of Mr. ani Mrs. Ed Nelson. Howe Bros'. Show. Howe Uro3, big Circus was hero sure enough on Tuesday, and it was a hummer. The weatherman made it a little wet In the forenoon but in the afternoon the show was in good feather and played to a big crowd, as did they also to the towns people in the evening. At noon the streets were crowded with people and the line upon the curb stone ten deep as the big parade passed along the street, looked indeed like the old time circus day. Tho parade was a good one; nice horses, bright wag ons and good bands. One happy co-instinoe to many Logan people was that Dick Yent, our own Dick of long ago, was leader of one of the bauds, and he got a happy recaption dinong his old friendB here, Dick looks well. Forty-Fourth Birthday Anniver sary. On Juno 18th. about 10 inyited relatives and friends arrived at the home of Miss Jane Febus near Haynes Ohio, to help in making her 4-1 th, birthday a happy day, and it certainly was a success. In the well ft IW d baskets that wore brought made the noon hour a pleasant ouo, the afternoon was spent in social chat by the young and old. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Setli Ellis and son Lawrence of near Ktnston; Mr, and Mrs. Jacob France and duugbter Elsie, of Whlsler; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hufflnes and two daughters Nellie god MabUof Whliler; Mr Perry Semi-Annual Friday, A SALE thnt will bo elwiracterizccl by PKTOE CONCESSIONS UNHEARD of in RECENT YEARS. A GENUINE l'lirCMU REDUCTION on every article in the STORE at ONE-FOURTH, ONE-THIRD or ONE-HALF OFF. Every shrowd buyer who has tho interest of herself or family at heart should not ss this opportunity, it )N'T MISS A LINE miss DON Clearance Sale Prices CARPETS "' .. ......... .1 1. I ..!!.. 1.1. IK..I,.11 lunl mi Iii llii hill. Ml'... II 1 IIIT1' 111.' It'MlllillMII Itlllll- ii. r -- .-, 1 1 i.iiiii iMiiiri. iiiii i i i i. in...... .'- - - iii i i- ...ii mi. li75n rrir .ilui', sili' piice - All wool cjiih-U lull 12 Pr, regular die njQ- illui'. siloiirirc All wool filled cirptM CCclnln, ioru 42c Mlo .ltu i ili in in1 Extra licit v 1 I wool Union carpels reg J1D I 'c 5Uc a'niHic t aim's, ill- piii-e.. U"2W Extra collon caipel, rreubr lie value, pi'i .... on. '" Carpi-Is anil iiijrs till! In- IiIrIut for fall as man ufacliiiiTsliiti' ilieuly advanced prices, which nukvs- this offer inn nil tin- more . till. iclitr at these biiR.iin piices. CI earance Sale Prices RUGS on i Dim inniiii !, u no cooiU fiom one st-a on loanotlu-r, tlie-M' prici-s should si-e our carpi'! Ilimr cliMiii-il of llii-i' ilosirawe rues in a lew lime. 0x12 "saxony Axniiiiisler room swe i URS, IK Ef lemilar 19.3(1 tallies, clearance price .v.w 9x12 xl2Smilh teltel rues, regular l"ir 17.50 22.30, cle.ii. nice sale .w xl2SmllhN.'ppeilMn seamless tapestry 11 CQ ruirs, regul ii la.00 taliii's, vale pure ' 9 9.00 values, sale J QQ Pce ' 9x12 granite art si,u.iie-, regular 5,i0 3 OH value-, now 27x51 Axmini-ler nigs, regular 2.00 1.49 value-, now -- J6x72 Axminlster lugs, legulir 3.25 2.69 80c talue-, now ....... 18x36 bath mats, blue or gieen, 1.00 talues, now - Clearance Sale Prices on Lin oleums, Oilcloths and Mattings 2J5 Id 1 oi 1 jard- wide linoleum, ii-gulai piici2.d0, now S-lor2 .ird- wide linoleum, regulai Irice, 1.00, now 8 1 or 2 J arils wide nil rlolh, regular price (i0c, now . - - 0 I or 1 1 2 taids wide oil cloth, tegular pi ire 15c, now ... ..... 1 1 or I tuid wide oil cloth, regulai price 30c, now - - 80c 50c 35c 23c 4-1 Oakgiainlilling, legular price, 50c, 40c 1 I Oak grain filling, leguhr piice Iflc, now All millings ,u 1 3 olt icgulir pi ice. dJC Clearance Prices on Cur tains 1-2 yd rultled Swiss curtains, regu liir.'ioc alue, -alii prlco 42c 85c 2 l-l' yd rutlleil Swiss curtains, regit Hir i.uu viiiuu, sun' pnuu 2 1-2vd rultled SwUs curtains, reg- 4 OK uliit-l.-Vi value, sale price 2 1-2 yd rultled Sttlsscurtalns, regu- 4 fin liu-2iw value, sale prlco . . l.uvr 2 1-2 yd rultled not curtains, regular 4 Ofli 1..1O value, sole price .. w 21-2 yd rultled not curtnlns, regular 4 Of) 2.2.3 value, snlu prlco 1,uu I yd Nottlnglinm curtains, reduced 60c 80c 1.00 1.20 irom auc ijui pun- iu lyd Notlugliaiu curtain-, reduced irom i.imper pair hi : yd Nottnglmiii curtains, reduced from 1.23 par polr to 3 yd Notlnghiuu curtiilns. reduced ironi to . S vd Madras curtains, reduced from 4 Of) "no t .... i.uu 3 yd Madras curtains, reduced from O fjfl 2.30 to 6,uu 3 yd Madras curtains, reduced from O Afi 300 to - '" 3 yd Madia- curtains, reduced from Q Of) I.uo to fJCtJ 3 yd Madrnsnnd cable net curtnlns, A f)f) reduced from Sim to -r.vv One lot of soiled sample curtains and odd pair-to elo-e out at We on tho dollar. Clearance Prices on Domestics Thai will reduce this stock in short order. All best prints. American and .Simpson, an entirely new line to select fiom, AKo perjaid al . . ... -- t2r' Lancaster apron ginghams S I 2c per ?''- ard "21- I'.isl colored ill ess ginghams, I0ciiialit), Cin clearance price, per atd ......r V,2V- Hales 01 Toile U11 Nurd and A. 1'. C. dress gingliain-, win Ih 12 12c, ileal- 1 Op 'in.-.. . ill. in.i s .. I .. ... . . J.CC All licgiughams leduci-d 12& 19c lo pei jam All 25c imported gingham and madias ic ihiceil to, per jaul Sale Starts, Friday, June 25th, 1909 and will continue until further notice. 1NO GOODS SOLD OX TIME AT THESE PRTOE8. 1PRIOES AHE FOR GASH ONLY. 1 Come while tho STOCKS ARE STILL COMPLETE. Tho SAVING and , , - , SATISFACTION will ho Yours The ThurnessWright Co. 154158 S. MULBERRY ST., LOGAN, O. Kuliii und dauglitor Munda ol Ouklancl; Mr, Johnutrmti Huil'iuun of Tarlton ; Mm. Samuel Kebus of Logan ; Mr. Marion Fox of Hromon ; Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Lamma und children of I'ursfill; Mrs. Lousio Poling also of l'ursell; Mr. bliI Mrs. Lewis Keister of Rock House; Mr. Ora Huffman of Gibisonville; Miss Hniel Lama of Lancaster; ttm i nit THE THURNESS -WRIGHT CO'S WILL June 25th, '09 will save yon good American of this ADVERTISEMENT ' All 50c liuporli'il maili.u ictlucril ) lo. pir yard lli'ISUSI count ihmciIi u-iluCi'J from 12 I ie ix-r j.nil to 25c 10c II . -. ..( ....... 1.1. 1 rt...l Ilttc. Kllirilllir 111.IUIL11. Ill'lll UI.LA til... I uhlliM-drrK. uorlli20c ami 15c n- 1 9 I I -. ..-. . . &m It " ilnriMl lo hit aiil anil.-.. ' " --'---- 4 I cooil hiown tmisltn c n 6I 21"! O. ol-1 ' l per jaid . - 1 I nrnvy mown miuim, c gram- !,t u'r 5,m1-- ; 4-1 y lirown muslin, Sc giade I :d per .taril 4 I t-ttr.i K"il miittln. 10c ciaili- at pit jard il t.iMi li.iiitii ntittttti. Op cratl.' 71c ill pel y.trtl.. I extra good lilcuchoil tniisllnstie, reduced to 7c 7Jc 8c 10c 12Jc 10c 8c 25c 25c I-1 extra good blenched nuHllna &y,c, reduced to M heavy bleiiclied muslins 10c, ro il uceil to I l-l best lilenched muslin lajjjc, ro i iluced to 4-4 host Twill muslin ltie, reduced to . ... n )0st silkollries lihc, reduced to uilbnlncs Km. reduced to . . h'-J I.ockwood bleached sh ,0ld nt Sue, sole price. . 9 4 hllIf bleoclied sheotlng, a . . . urlee lieetluK, sold lit u. iienvv unbleuchod sheeting, sold QAp at '.'Sc, solu price . 4r. In blenched pillow tubing, Lite. 17lp to . ... .... -" I- I" bleached pillow tubing ISc, 16c 10c 12.',c 52c 65c io . .... 45 In unbleached pillow casing liJic, to ' 4-' lu bleached pillow casing ISc, to Slxlx) brown sheets (5c, to .. . . Bl.xlO bleached -.Ueots S5c, to Shirt. Waists, Princess Dress ana jumper ouits 20 ii-r cent i eduction on this entile tine. 1.00 shirt wai-l-, long or short sleet es, regulai collai or Dutch collar effect, open front or back, for.... 1,25 lailoicd oi fancy waists, splendid values at 1.25, clearance sale price 1.50 fancy waists, Maltese lace fionts, made front fine soft mull, one of our hir-iTsl si-lli-rii. now low lr nriced at. 80c 98c 1.20 2.40 3.00 2,;o and 3.00 waists, baby Irish Insertion, ft onls made from nice quality of mei- I ceried mull, long sleet e models, very natly, clearance price 1,7a anu 6.00, 5.00 and 3.75 net waists reduced lo 1.50, 4.00 and 1 lot odds and ends in silk waists sold at 5.00, clearance price, each 1 lol white lawn waists, slightly soiled, talue up to 1.50 and 2.00, lo close while llu-y last each at - 6.50 white and colored princess dresses, made fiom soft mercerized batiste, beautifully trimmed w itb lace and in set lion, tcrv elegant talues at the reg ul ir price, clearance sale price on these 2.48 49c 4.98 2.95 4.00 5.00 plain percale jumper suits, comes in tan or light blue piped with white, blue pipeu Willi unite, skill separate piece, sale . jumper and price ... 6.50 and 5.00mi'icerut-d poplin and per cale jumper suils, all in one piece, bcaulifullv trimmed in braided pat tern- with wash soutache braid, sale piice 1.25 and.. Clearance Prices on Wool and Wash Suits Linen jacket suits, tan 01 white, trim meil with wash soulaclie braid, 42 in coal, regular piice 6.50, our piice lo A QtZ close them is......... . Linen jacket suils, blue, tan or white, 36 O QQ in coat, regular 5.00 1 alue, sale price t,ao All wool jacket suils will be sold al I 3 off regu lar price. 25io0r.s.u.!.'! 16.67 "jo0rs:,i" 15.00 "i": 11.00 ' 8.33 All good desirable shades and styles and bar gains at llie above prices. Muslin Petticoats 1 00 slilits reduced to 2.2.3 skirts reduced to 2 50 skirts reduced to 2.0-5sklrts reduced to :i -J'.sklits reduced to 67c 1.50 1.67 1.77 2.17 REMEMBER THIS Mr. und Mrs, David Lima, Mr. und Mrs, Sumual Harsh and Mau Smiers, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Febus, Mr, nnd Mrs, Charley Febus and sen Marwln, Miss Mary Karshnor, Mrs. Margaret Hold, Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Loma and family, Mr. David Reid, Mr. Harly 1'uxton all of Haynes, Ohio, All departed in the early evening Clearance Sale BEGIN dollars on every purcnaso that you wish to malce. or it may lose you a dollar. Dress Skirts Thit slock U replete with cooil values which look doubly alliacllte at these clearance sale prices. '.AAnl...-l. Al . ..!l .1.1... n.l..n.l F1 r ...... .. . 10.00 liUck Allman oili sklrli rnluccu I In S..i0 black voile skirls leiluceil .1.50 black cotton toile skirls i educed 5.00 and 5.i0, black and cotois, Panama skil ts reduced lo 4.00 and 3.50 naty, ureen and black dress skirls, trimmed Willi buttons anil satin folds, clearance price ..!.. rn.lilila i,innllniit,ii.all llw imml lllltlt.lnl Ihitslork, bul Iheeomls are heie and eveijoneis redticeil in price, Clearance Prices on Un derwear Those goods are right In senson, but must go with the balance of tho stock. l(ic sleoveless vosts for .r. 12c sleoveless vosts for 15c sleeveless vests for 25c vests and pants for 40c vests and pants for 8c 10c 12c 20c 32c 40c 40c 80c 20c 12c 8c 20c 20c 20c 42c 55c 8c 12c 20c ,30c vests and pants for liOc union suits for 1.00 union suits for 25c chlldions vests and punts for 1,3c chlldreus vosts and pauts for 10c chlldreus vests and pants for Mens gauze vests and drawers 23c to Hoys vests mid drawers 2.5c for ., , Infants i-euboti shirts 23c to Infants reuben shirts .30 to Infants rouben shirts 0.5c to Infants cotton wrappors 10c to ... . ... Infants cotton wrappers 13c to Infants cotton winpprs25c lo If the article you want Is not mentioned bore come lu and ask for It, we no doubt bate It. Muslin Underwear 3JJc reduction on every piece which makes the prices 011 following corset covers and drawers. .30a corset covers now 75c corset covers now flic corset covers now 1,00 corset covers now 33c 50c 57c 67c 67c 84c 1.00 1.50 1.67 Gowns 1. IK) reduced to .... 1 25 reduced to 1.30 reduced to 2,25 1 educed to . . 2.30 reduced to Clearance Prices on Bed Spreads Plain 1.00 for Frlngo 1.25 for Frlngo and cut corner 1.30 for . Fringe and cut corner 1,75 for 80c 1.05 1.25 1.40 Fringe and cut corner 2.00 4 Cf) Fringe and cut corner 2,30 for Fringe and cutrornoi 3 00 for . j.4U Frlngo and cut cornor 30 for .. 2 80 OurHproads Hi-oall soft Ilulsh and will not wush thin and sluy. wishing her muny happy roturns of the day, One who was thahk, Card of Thanks We wish to express our heart' felt thanks to all those who In any way assisted us or were kind to our beloved daughter and sister, Mary Josephine, during ber long iitHilM iffl ' and Continue Until Further Notice Black Dress, Goods 36 III poplnr cloth, leKUlnr prlCB 4Qn Ho, ndliccil to !18 III iiiolinlrsntul serges, B0c, reduc- OQp I'll tfl . tjOj j lll " " " ' ' .......... 42 111 voiles, reuulni- price 1 CX), reduc- QK A KQ cd to OOKt 41 III volls, regulAi' price 1 !li, redue- 4 4R 2 75 -'i t,,. i.iu do In vollo, regular prlco l.W, reduc A Ofl 4 25' Olto. ,41 In strlpo voiles, regular price J.OT, 4 On reduced to laV 2 75 't' M xranltos, satin directories, her- I rluu lione oireclp. urunollas. rou- ORn lllllT lirlCIl 1 III). rfldllCPll tO . . . (J CJ W noin clillTou pntiinua, regular prlco QCn I i.oi, I educed to ,. OcJO .30 lu broad cloth, regular prlco 1.00, QCn 1 educed to OUj GO In broad cloth, regular prlco 1-50, 4 Of) reduced to ., kett Mln broadcloth, regular price 2 00, 4 Kf) reduced to A.UV Spaco forbids mentioning all the mater- mis lnciuueu, nut me goons aro nero in abundance and all at clearance prices. Colored Dress Goods You can get more and bottor dross goods lu this sain than ever before, and wo have given big values lu other sales, but this car ries on tuo uanner. 34 in popular cloths, 25c, roduced to 19c 30 In lmiiorted mohairs, regular QQn prlco ,30c, salo : ooj 30 In fancy worsted, regular BOc vol 39c 82c ue, saie .... 42 and 4.3 la sorge, worsted, pana mas, otc, sold at 1 OJ, sale .30 and 51 In worsted, regular 1.30 4 Oft grade, per yard 1.41W 421n silk voleeno, poplins, regular I OK l.Mgrade, now per yard lii This will show you how tho reductions go. (tome In and.seo the stock for patterns. Clearance Sale on Notions MennensTn'cum powder, 23c grade iOln for . . ltj Colgates Talcum powder, 2.3c grade 4 Oln lor l&iJ All '-',3c hoso for All -30c hose for ... All W II corsets, wero 1 CO and 1.30, now All Crosco corsets, were 1.00, now 19c 40c 69c 69c All Warnors corsets, regular 1.00 Qe grade, to OUO All Warners corsets, regular 1 .30 4 Ofl l.iJ All Warners corsets, rogOlar 2 00 4 f( ... . 1 .UW All ,3c handkerchiefs for All tochandkerchlofs for All 13c handkerchiefs for All 2.3c handkerchiefs for All 30a handkerchiefs for I'erl r.usta floss 4c, roduced to Hooks and oyes.iJc, reduced to ... 3 for 10c 2ic Dutch collars and ombroldery collars ,30c Dutch collars and embroidery collars 1 IX) long silk glovos, clearance price per pair 4c 8c 12c 19c 40e 3c 4c 20c 40c 80c 1,7.3 long silk glovos, clearance prlco i Ofl per pair ' 1.00 short silk glovos, elearuueo Qftp nrlco. nor oalr Wv T.3c short silk glovos, clearance price, per pair 55c 30c short silk glovos, clearanco ACn prlco, per pair "uu 20 por cent on on nil buttons. Wo cannot mention every article In the stock, but a big reduction Is made on uvory artlalo lu tho entire store. Clearance Prices on Linens CI In bleached all linon damask iSOe, reduced to , . fkS lu blonchod damask 2.3c, reduced to CO In bleached damask 23o, ro duced to ill In bleached dumask 76c, reduced to 72 In bleached damask, extra heavy 42c 20c 19c 60c 85c 85c 1,10 2fin I l.uo, reuueeu to ,'-'"1T2ln bleached dauiusk, good range 01 patterns 1 uu, reuueeu 10 ,72 Iii bleached damask 1.33, reduced ' Napkins to mutch inuny of the abovent 1 groatly reduced prices. to M lu men', damask Mc, reduced AOn to "rii illness and death, which oocured on Monday, June 1-1. We wish to thank all our friends for their sympathy and beautiful Moral of ferings. Jamks Diqken8 AND ClIlI.DltKN, WANTED Family washing to do at home, Inquire at home on Gallagher Avenue, Mrs, Nowak, Pleasant Hill Plow I fa ciii it oeruB to tho order of tin- ilny lu this vicinity. Tlionina Mason and wifo, of Lan caster, and Miss Laura Titnatn, of Buok Hun, and Damoy Klino took dinnor with Jucob Klino, Sunday MIbb Isla Klino callutl on Mrs, Olivo ORg last Sunday.. Elmer Hulllnes visited P. F. Dupler, Sunday. Frank Woltz and wifo visited Samuel Stivison, Sunday. Mooting at Pleasant Hill was well attondod Sunday. Miss Eula Tucker, of ColiimlniH, is sponding tier vacation will) lior grandfather, Mr. Josoph Woltz, of tills place. Mrs. Emma Tidd, of Whip-poor-will, was a Rockbridge shopper ono day last wook. Jacob Klino and wifo, of Pleas ant Hill, made a businosfl trip to LuncaBter last Saturday. Mrs. Lilla Lang, of Gibisonville, was tho Sunday guost of P. F. Dupler and family. Miss Mary Mason, of Lancaster, is spending her vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kline. Mrs. Jacob Klino and daughtor Forest, and Mrs. Lillian Mason took supper with P. F. Dupler and family, of Rockbridgo Sunday. Miss Isla Kline called on Mrs, Ella Matlnas, Wednesday evening. Jacob Carpenter. viBited over Sunday with Jacob Kline, of Pleas ant Hill. Gukamhne. Children's Day. One of the grandest and nobloBt eventB of tho season occured at Bethany U. B. Church, Sunday, Juno the 20th., it being Children' Day or a day set apart for the children to display their love and enthusiasm to Chri8t, the blessed and immaculate son of God. The little ones did very well in the exercise, and may it have been a day that inspired their livep with love, ardor, good will and zonl, and may they enjoy many more bucIi happy days. The enterprise was arduous, but through Kber Mowery, ,the superintendent, and the children's laboring inclination, it was made a nuccees. Following is the program as it was rendered : Souk "When the Sun U Shining." .School Heaponslvo Uoadliitf Prayer Oscnr lmvl Song- "A Song of Cheer," School "A Welcome" Jennie I'MckoI aod's Blessings," Mntunile Keld'i' "One Little Act," Mnudollnrilmi Song "Happy nil tho Time," Primary Hopnrttnont "The Model Church," Kthol Wolfo Exorcise "For Josu," ...liy twosmall girls Scripture Uoadlng "Jomus and tho Children, Mark 10-liMd," ...Frank Poling "Josua and the Children," ...Clyde Hiirucu "Smile Whenever You Can," Francs Klckel Duet with Chorus "llrlghtor than the Sunshluo," v School "Children's Day," Niilllo Clark "Tho Kind Word," Cora Mohlor "Tho OldCountry Church," .. Susie Harden Dialogue "Little Ked Clovor," .Nellie Clark and Mamutlo Kolfur "This Is Children's Day," ...Clyde Harden "l.lvo It Down," Wllllo Hammond "When Ma Begins to Whistle,".. Anna Itohy "Sunset Gates Ajar," .. .Mainmlo Mohlor Song "Marching Hoavonward." . School "The Old Church," Blanche llut'tluu "Who Carries the Business On," Kay Hammond "Hew to tho I.lue," Mnude Harden "Child of the Slums," ... Mamuile Mohler "Scatter tho Sunbeams," ....Beulah Poling Song "Happy Ohlloron's Dny," Primary Dopartmeut "I like to go to Sunday School." Clyde Harden "At Jesus' Foet," VolniafJoodllve "In Lands of Darknoss," Nellie Clark "Our Offering," Kthol Wolfo ''ASmlloandaTmk," Suslo Harden An Exorcise for four girls with ro bponsu by the school "Naturo'.H Song," . ...Susleaud Beululi Poling, Jessie Wright ami Oruco Wolfo Song-"Be Yn Thankful," School "Qraiidiuu'ji Minuet," Anna Koliy .'The Drowning Singer." ....(loldlu Scholl "The Ooloroou," MlssMae llocknian Address Huv.Oscar Davis Otrerlng-J.'A) Closing Song "Steadily Marching ., On," Siilmol Ilenedlctlon. ' j. r. Sunday School Picnic. In naturos green and lofty grove, we, tho Sabbath sohoul, of Now Zion M. K, Church, liuvo decided to hold a Sabbath school colobra tion or picnic on next Subbath, June 27th., in a grovo near Pino Hollow school house, Tho weath er mau has promised to bo good, Kverybody Is cordially invited to bo presont, Bring your buskets woll filled, We have an abundanoo of good cool water for both, man und boost. Come out and enjoy u day with us-, , Ice Cream Festival. There will bo an ice cream festi vul ut the 1'reBbyteriun Church ut Union Furnace on Saturday night of this week, It is qlvon for the benefit of tho Christian Endeavor Society and the Sabbath Sohool. Plenty of band musio and refresh ments, Kverbody invited, UH.DL'CUEDk: aoicv Medal Flour please tcook. Hlitlo of (lliln, Insurance tiopri'timint. to llllllllllS, Aotll I lOOI-t, 01'llHes . I.UIII crt, Huporlntemlont .of Iimira.nce or 111 e Hlnlo niOlilo.itohcrpliy certify thnt H'J M' Hint MfoItmurniieoComimtiy of Now oiki located nt Now Yoilc, In tho Hlnlo ot New York, linn uoinpllnl lit nil rinpcisn with tho laws of this mate, iippltciilila H It, 11ml H nilthorled to tininnct lu this Hllilo Hi up- propilnto business or liuiKiUK insurance, im tho llvesor persons, ami liistirnneiv eonn-'ct-cil thiirowllh nlid lipparllilulllK llii'rolo, and KrniilliiKitiiiiolinsliiKHtnldisnislnorniiiiii; rtlesnapreeerlbid In Hucllim M1 UovIhoiI Hlntiitosor oiilo, until tlio iirstnny of Apill or llioyonrttott sticoeodlntfthoilnto lintvnr. Its condition nnil biislni'ss on tho lltlily llrst dny of Deconibor or tho year next pro. ceding tho dnto linmof, Is shown by llm staimnoiitiindorimtli roinilred bylaw. to uo as follows! AggroKntoniiioiititor iivaliablo asols, s,flo,lin,Oi2.lil AgKlvgalo nmniiiit of llalilllllos (oxcopt ciipllnl), Inoluil Iiik ro:if siirftiicn, nml sperlnl nccuuilllnllons, i2i,- Of to subscribed my iiniiiuiinil I'litlsed ! " nivoilli'liil Mom 10 no uiinrin im.- IHcnl: ilavnnd your llrsl iihiivinvrltton. ! ('. I.l-lMi-:u'r,Hiipoiliiloii- tlnnt of Iiisurnncc, Obituary Mary Funk wns born near Logan O., Fob 22, 18f)7, depnrtnd this llfoat Union Kurnnco, Ohio, at the . ago of 70 years, months nnd 8 days. She was unitod in innrriiigo to Isaac George on March 27, 1850, her husband and children procodod her to that ppirit world. She loaves to mourn her departure threo soiih, throe daughters, twon- ty-ono grnndchildron and two sis tors. HorsicknesB wns a long and severe duration, fllio wur nevor heard to murmur or complain, but said if Bhe could not get woll, she wantod to go hero her BiiiTorinp; would bo over, and wo Badly mies her as wo aro called bo often in this life to Buy good byo to those wo love, it makes us long for that, homo whoro thoro will bo no sor row, pain or death. Wo must bow in humble BiibmiB sion to the Lord, ho dneth all things well. Wo laid her body to rest in' Locust Grove cemetery, Vinton Co., O., thoro to wait the Master's call. OAUD OK THANKS. Wo deBire through tho columns of this pnper to thank our fiiends tmd neighbors who helped us in our Mother's sicknoBS and death. Bkotiikks and Sistehs. Bright Star Falls v Lexington, Ky., June 19 The spectacle of a brilliant shootii.g star was observed by inhabitants of tills city at 11:H0 last night. It ahot iicross tho sky from north to south nnd loft a fiery trail in its wake. It is thought by thoso who witnessed it to liuvo- been Brock's comet, which is looked for ut this timo by sciontintH. Tho phenom enon warn about 00 seconds in pass ing. SEEN 11V 1'liOF. I'OUTEU. A new comet, discovered three days ago by Princeton Univorsity astronomers, was seen curly yes terday morning by Prof. J. G. Portor, of tho' Observatory of Cin cinnati. Tho heavens woro clour and tho observers. lnid a splendid opportunity to view tho f)hy wnn derer. It travels in tho north, north east division of tho Iiouvuiir, Its aseensi' ir at night a 1 hour nnd 10 minutes with it declination north !5i! degrees und 1(1 minutes. Prof. Portor also noted ono of the biggest fulling meteors in yours. Its trail of lire was visible for u half mi mi to, und many peo plo. tolephonod tho observatory, thinking tho brilliunt motecr wis a comet. ni:o. it. nisiioi', sees meteoh. On Friday night of lust wook, Night Policeman G:o. It. Bishop suw tlio suiiio meteor mentioned perhaps in tho above notices. It appeared us It woro on tho horizon in tho north east part of Logan and took a course south west. Ho suid it shot like a rocket and the ball of iiro burstod, throwing out hundreds of smaller motcorp. Tho glaro of tho tail lasted for two minutes nftor tho bursting of the brilliant ball. This occurod Fri day night ut ll:i)0, ind oovornl belated citizens suw tho glaro of light und rushed out of restaurants in time to watch tho Blow ooollng fan tuil of tho shooting star. I x x x x PROBATE COUKT.... ZttttttKK'iKTKVZtt Juno 18r First nnd partial no count of John Howora, guardian of KmmaDlokens, nn imbeoilo, hoard, Same approved und for reoord, June 15, UondlileJby Klizaboth Collison, executrix of John Collins. deceased, liond approved and letters issued, MAlUUAflK LICENSES. I Win, W, King und Miss Klla S, Kuhn, both of Logan. James Novah and Margaret I QaBi, both of Murray City, SCIN.IBS.4il. uunorni niirpms u piinuj-"'""-ors account, lo,lilo.803.H7. Amount of In uomo for tho .tear, Ml,8so,t)2l8l. Amount ' expondlturns for tli your, Jitl.TMWiil 0. . t ,fiiiin.aitiiitiiiiir I luivii linri'lltl. If" K' - -i.Jtt.,ti . ,'vJf