Newspaper Page Text
iaiuMiiiMujiiMiiiiiiiiiimijnwiuMuwiiiiiiiiiimMMijiaimuiuXMniiJnim iuiwi ji iniiiiiimiui jimm' jiimiwiii 1111111111 .jimwnnmuijni.uiiui im iwii.iih 1111 L-I!"hii 11 m "in 11 1 1 i.iii 1 ym'n.L -vj jd5W6iBWj''iM ' llwii'rm9rm mmmmuitt Y 1 - r" T Minnnimifflffl!!!! y I 10 DAYS ONLY I These phenominal bargains will not be offered again. It will pay you to lay 3 in your next season's supply at these prices. Every pair of these shoes are 1 brand new this spring. Our policy is never carry goods from one season to ' another. Hence these low prices: 1 SZ 25 pairs mens patent leather oxfords, wore :i.50, now g 20 pairs black dull leather oxfords, now E 29 pairs tan and wine color oxfords, than cost 40 pairs of the inn rpiincpfl 0.00 reduced 1 Come early. They won't last long You'll be more than pleased with these WONDERFUL BARGAINS. Sale Starts, Saturday. June 26th. 1909 STRENTZ iiiuiLiiiiiiUiUiiiiiUiuuuiiauiiuiaiUiUiUiuuuuuiuiiiuuiusiUiUiUitiaiiuuiuiiUiiiuiiiuuiUiuuiiUiUiiiiiiiuaiiiiiiiiii Xocai an6 -kg$&r Mr. Wos Wonn was in Sugar Grove, Sunday. Mr. Fred Shorrurd was in Nel eonvillo, Sunduy. Mr. Clarence Ollure spent Sun day in Columbus. Miss Nellie Bruy was a Lancas ter visitor Sunday. Mr. It. D. MeManigal was in Columbus, Saturday. AiiiA.LiAiiA.LiAtb.LAAiLlAAiti.LiiitA.aiiAibiLlAiiA.ii SPECIALS Bed Spreads and Ready Made Sheets feWl Tho following linos nro qualities that ave worth your attention at special prices. Ectra large heavy crocbot bed spreads, our 1.2.1 and Qfrt 1.00 finalities for l.ou and OVC Largo size fringed bed spreads, with cut corners, our C1 f)f 2.23, 1.75 and l.f.o spreads for $1.80, $1.40 and ipL,J Scalloped bed spreads are talcing brass beds, much oaslor to do up. Lot us show them to you. Large size marsallles scalloped bed spreads, with cut djl QA corners, our 1.75 and 1.50 spreads for $1.10 and ipl.feV Extra sbo satin bed spreads, scalloped and with cut cornors, conies in beautiful pattorns, our 2.50, 2.25 t-l rr and 2.00 sproads for $2.00, $1.80 and tpl.UU Extra largo size satin bed spreads, DOxlOO, scalloped and with cut cornors, comes In tho newest designs, djn OA our 4.50 and .'1,50 sproads for $:t.H0 and ipC.Ow 0-1 bleached seamed Mieots, torn and hommed, made of an extra good quality muslin at tho special AKn prlcoof 1UL" Waists Shirt Waists worth up to $1.00 for 09c. Ono lot of white Shlit Waists In sovoral dlll'orent styles, broken fales, mado of good quality lawns and llugerlo ma terials, beautifully trimmed with lino tucks, laco and embroidery Insertions and niedallons, open In back, long sleeves, waists worth up to $1,00, your choice for , - Rocktcr fWl?JfW?TVIWVW CLOSING OUT SALE Mens and Young Mens Oxfords at Cost and Less Than Cost, Beginning:, Saturday, JUNE 26th. wore 3.50, were :t.50, now at less djp Of? ,OU famous Florsheim oxfords, sold everywhere In the United States at 5.00 now to - - - now to personal a Mr. and Mrs. John Vail were in Columbus, Saturday. Mr. L. R. Ayers wus an Arch City visitor Monday. Mr. Oscar Newman was in the Capital City, Sunday. Mr, Sim Primmer, of Orland, was in Logan, Friday. Prof. C. L. Boyer, of Circlevillo, was in Logan, Monday. tho place of fringed for Iron and jr 69c. - Lytlc Co. IN WHITE 23 pairs celebrated Crawford oxfords, patent leather and a nobby stylish shoe, were 4.00, now HO pairs Crawford pun metal calf blucher oxfords, were 4.00, now 20 pairs Crawford wine colored oxfords, were 4.00, now at these PRICES. We have every size. & LAPPEN Mr. Tom Price was a visitor in Columbus, Wednosday. Mr. W. U. .lonoB, of Route No 4, was in town, Saturday. Mrs. T. E. Warren wont to Oak Hill to visit her folks Monday. Judge W. II. Weitzell, of Ath ens, was in Logan, Circus Day. Marshal Hob Surtoes, of Murray City, was in Logan, Circus Day. Mr. George Sheets, of Bremen, wus in Logan, Saturday, on busi ness. Mr. J. W. Brown, of Rockbridge, was in Logan, Thursday of last week. Mr. Wra. Flowors, of Rock bridge, was a visitor in Logan, Saturday. Mr. L. B. Mills, of Ilesburg, was in Logan, Tuesday and called at our ollico. Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Garman lett Satuiduy for Troy, Ohio, their former home. Our friend, Frank Poling, of Marion, was in Logan, Saturday, and made us a call. Mr. Grover Lehman, of Feniber ville, Ohio, was in Logan, Sunday visiting his people. Mr. Louie Kasuinssen, of Ath ens, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley O'Haro. Miss Mabel Rossman, of Sugar Grove, was in Logan visiting frionds over Sunday. y Mr. and Mrs. Will Snidor ro turned to their homo after a pious ant visit in Marion, Ohio. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, of East Iluntor Street, Sat urday morning, a.daughter, Mrs. Ed Kleinechmidt loft Wednesday morning to visit her peoplo in Curdington, Ohio, Mrs. Lizzie Kaolan and two chil dren, of Noleonvillo, wore guests of Charley Keynes, Sunday. Tho new block house of Charley Price in Kast Lognn on Culver stroot is Hearing completion, Mr, Kimble Clark, of Oreolo, spent Sunday with his mint, Mr. and Mrs, J. M, Mount and family, Father Mono, of Columbus, was in Logan Sunday and hold tho services at the St. John's Church,; Hotter use dolU Medal Flour, YOLANOB. 10 DAYS ONLY $2.90 1 $2.90 1 $2.90 1 and (ho fjA pO.Uv Mr. J. W. Nixon, of Route 3, Logan, was in town Tuesday, and got tho Enquirer with the Demo crat, .Tudgo O. W. II. Wright is over hauling his residence and adding a handsome new porch to the front. Miss Mary Krieg loft Monday morning for Pittsburg, Pa., where sho will visit her sistor for a few weeks. Mrs. Floyd Vore, of Kachel macher, was an over Sundaj' guest of her parents, air. and Mrs. C. W. Schwenke. Mr. Oliver Woltz, of Rock bridge, was in Logan, Tuesday to seo the circus and made our ollico a pleasant call. Mrs. C. W. Schwenke returned Monday from a very pleasant vieit with her sister, Mrs. Edward May, at Kingston, Ohio. Mrs. Fred Eastman and daugh ter returned Sunday evening from two weeks visit with relutivos in Canal Winchester. Miss Mario Mowry, of Colum bus, was in Logan, Friday and Saturday of last week, guest of Miss Emma Floyd. Miss Chase Lehman, of Lancas ter, was tho guest of hor sistor, Mrs. Gus Shivoly, from Saturday to Monday evening. Mr. Shorman Floyd, of Laurel ville, was in Logan last week, be cause of the death and funeral of his father, Mr. Thud Floyd. The ladies of tho Robecoa Lodgo gavo an leo oream fostival at Court Park, Saturday night that notted them a neat little sum, Mrs. S, H, Mathias, of Rock bridge, wub in Logan, Thursday and mado us a call to got in on tho Enquiror clubbing proposition, Miss Minnie Floyd, of Colum bus, was in Logan several days last week, ealltd hero Ly the doath of hor father, Thuddeus Floyd, Mrs, W, 1', Jones and son Francis, of FJsworth, Pa,, are visiting hor sisters, Mrs, JooLano, Mrs, Olivo Thurness and Mrs. Lulu Shorr, Miss Anna Allen, of Klmdalo, KansaB, who has been visiting Miss Florence Bright hero for u fow days, left for her home Tues day morning. Mr! Eph Woods, of Basil, was in Logan, TUcBdtiy, Mr, Phil Chapman, of Lancas ter, was in Logan, Circus day, Ladies of the Fourth Ward, Lo gan, of tho M, li. Church, will hold tho Saturday Market at Court Park next Saturday, Mrs, Charles Breeno and inter esting Httlo daughter Mary, start ed Wednesday morning for Titus ville, Pa,, for a long visit with Mr. Breono's peoplo. Soverul Logan fans wont to Lan caster, Sunday, and witnessed a dotiblo-hoador between Lancaster and Portsmouth, tho former team winning both games. Mr. E. D. Kolloy, who lias been a guard at the Ohio Penitentiary undor the Harris administration, rotirod Saturday from tho servico, and returned home in Logan. Mrs. Fred Grove, accompanied by Iter eiBter Miss Faith James, and little brothor Harrold James, wont to Columbus to spond a woek, guests of Mtb. Parks, of that city. Mr. RubeoII Hare, who has been visiting frionds in Logan for a few days, and delighting Logan au diences with his excellent baritone solos, has left for his homo in Oklahoma. This is taxpaying time and the fellows are getting the habit of paying their tax and then coming direct to our olllce and paying their subscription. A. W. Mauk is assisting Treasurer Gabriel for a few days. Mr. J. W. Beoughor, of Rock bridge, Route 1, was in Logan, Tuesday and took advantage of our Enquirer clubbing offer. He thought the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Democrat-Sentinel to gether wore surely worth $1 25 for one year. Mr. Newton Barker was in Lo gan, Monday and placed the agency for the Swasher," a motor washing mauliino that is a wonder. It is a metal tub and litis a gas burner undtr it to heat tho water, and the power to run the tub comes from attaching a hoso to a water hydrant in the kitchen. The numbering of tho houses is going on in Logan by Contractors Gall'iiey and James, and it will take a philosopher to figure out how jtho numbers run, but per haps this remark will elicit an ex tended explanation of the scheme by Chief Civil Engineer Gall'iioy, for our next issue. It is informa tion wo are after. Buzzard Avenue Mr. John Fauble and wifo, were Rockbridge shoppers, Saturday. Mr. P. I. Kraft called on Mr. Bert Hedge, Monday. Miss Ada Arter spent a few days with hor parents of last week. Mr. Noah. Cavineo and Mr. James Sherban spent Thursday eve. with Kraft family. Mr. Frank Primmer wifo and son spent Sunday with P. J. Kraft and family. Miss. Lizzie Carpenter has re turned home again. Miss Bessie Shaffer and Lizzie Carpenter spont Sunday in Rock bridge. Mr. John Kliok was seen driving on our streets Saturday. Mr. P. J. Kraft and wife tire all smiles; its a boy. Mr. Frank Arter and sister Ada was trying our pikes, Monday. Mr. P. J. Kraft was a Sugar Grove shopper ono day last week. Quito a number attended child ren s night at Mt. Zion' Sunday night. Mr. E. Wilson spont Sunday with Miss Mao, Finefrook. Miss Cora Finofroek spent Sun day of last week with her sistor. Mr. Jerry Eliok, of Mt. .ion spout Sunday with his parents. Mr. Jorry Kliok ctlled on Georgo Friuefrock. Miss Surah Fluofrock and daughter Mao was on our stroets Monday. Buena Vista A number of young peoplo from this placo attended children's ser vice held at Bethany, Saturday evening; all report an onjoyablo time. Flora Kuiie and Mrs, Louie Marks, of Lancaster, visited the formor's mother, Mrs, Martha Kane, Sunduy, Iva Thomas attended the annu al Fulrileld Co, Patterson com mencement held on the LancaBter camp ground, Saturday, June 18. Salem Shoemaker and wifo were Logan visitors, Tuesday, Karl Kano attended Odd Fellows memorial, Sunday, at So. Porry, Rny Bussert and wife, and Clint Moravy and wife were the guests of Mrs. Mary Carrel, Sunday. Wm. FausnaUgh, of Drinklo, wns tho guest of Kdward Thomas and family, Sunday. Dowy, Cocil and May Kano call ed on Vutlie and Mildred Kane, Golda and Alice Arter attended preaching servico at this placo, Sunday afternoon. Buzzard Avenue We are having bouio vory flno weather at present. Mrs, Clint Caves, of Lancaster, spont part of last week with Mrs, Wm. J. Carpontor. Bessie ShaH'or took dinner with Lizzie Carpenter, Sunday. Henry Caves was a Sugar Grovo shopper, Friday. Mrs. Wm. J. Carpenter, two childron, and Mrs. Clint Caves wore in Rockbridge, Saturday. Bessie Shaffer and Lizzie Cur ponter called on Goldie Muthias, of Rookbridge, Sunday. Henry Caves was a Lancaster callor, Wodnesday. Elwood Stivorson, who has been working for P. D. Sloan of Logan, had the misfortune of cutting his knee-cap with a hatchet and gave him a serious attack of blood poisoning; he is improving very slowly. Bessie Shaffer and Lizzie Car penter were Rockbridgo callers, Saturday evening. Valley Crossing Allen Sheik was a pleasant caller in this valley; Thursday. Mis. Ora Kern and three sons, of Lancaster, aud Mrs. Florence (Tnger and daughter were the pleasant guests of Mina McCowen, Tuesday. Charles Unger has purchased him a new binder. He says now be can cut wheat when he pleases. John Evans was in this valley Fri day, to buy hogs, Jacob Wine was on our stteets Sun day, calling on old friends. Those wiio visited with Grandma Unger, Sunday were, Marion Kitchen and family, and Charles I'nger and wife. A. E. Stephen was In this vicinity last week, selling fruit trees. Mrs. Mary Anderson and thiee (laughters and Clara McCowen attend ed chinch at Pine Grove, Sunday. Francis Kuhn was trying our pikes, Sunday evening. Flowery Banks. Edward Pierson passed through this place Tuesday, enroute to Logan. Lucy Krinn was the Friday evening guest of Bertha Smith. Sabra Nihiser was seen on our streets, Friday. Those who attended preaching at Zion from this place, Sunday evening, were: Bertha and Lucy Smith, Vern Pierson, .loshua Nihiser, Thomas Bownes, and Jesse Rolsten and wlte. Wm. Pierson and wife .spent Satur day night and Sunday with Edward Pierson and family. .1. V. Smith and family called on P. A. Rolsten and family, Tuesday. Jacob Nihiser and son passed through this place, Tuesday. Mrs, Etta Beougherand children, of Lancaster, are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. M. Cotterman at this place. Hello Crossingville, we are sorry to hear of your items washing away, but we fear it cannot be otherwise, If it keeps on raining. Philip Geiger lost a valuable horse, Monday. Samuel and Bertha Smith were Lo gan callers, Saturday. Bkli,. Bremen Route 1 There was a large crowd in attend ance at Children's services at Bethel, Sunday afternoon. There will be Children's Services at Harvey Chapel M. E. Church, Sunday morning, .1 une 27th. Everybody In vited. Wm. O. Beery was a Lancaster visi tor Monday. .Jesse Beery, wifo and son Bryan, and .7. II. Graitls, wife and daughter Edna, were the Sunday guests of Win. Scholl and family. Happy Hooligan passed through here en route to Lancaster, Sunday. .1. II. Stoner Is sawing on William Funk's farm at present, Miss Alice Larlinor spent last week in Bremen. Miss Goldie Howdyshell Is doing culinary work for Isaac Blttgers at present. The Bodafor gas and oil compai ,v struck a good oil woll on the farm lfe CENTRAL UNION Mis. Hatllo Thomas one half mile south of llremeii, the latter part of last week. The well llowcd about 1G0 barrel of oil Iwforc It was cased. Several from this section attended the show of .lesse James, Saturday night at Bremen. Tliero Were 25 Patterson in Bush Creek Township this year. Tho Commencement was held In the auditorium at Bremen, Saturday night, June 12th. Dr. Elson, of O, S. C, gave the class address. Hoy Brown, son of .1. S. Hmwn. merchant at Bremen, Is working for J. E. Brown. The School Hoard of Marlon Town ship met Monday, June 21st. and after a long contention as to where to place the teachers, agreed on hir ing the following to take charge of the schools: No. 1, C. 11. Carpenter: No. 2, 1 1. M. Heft; No. :i, W. A. Scholl: No. 4, Earnest Wright; No. 5, I), p. Lecrono; No. (I, F. S. Poling; No. 7, A. M. Elllnger: No. 3, Tena Stedem; No. ii, May Sparnon. Pine Valley Tom Cook and Nick Bowers were shearing sheep for Wm. Anderson, last Monday. Mrs. Wm. Whltmer and children, of Bloomlleld, Ohio, visited Susan Whlt mer, a few days last week. J. W. Schaal and Wm. Collison passed through this valley last Thurs day. Aiiey Dresner was on our streets, last Monday. Eva Stiveison, Ioma and Sherman Marble visited Myrtle and VIrgie Kitchen, Sunday. John Anderson, of Logan, spent Sunday with his parents at this place. Charley Krinn was on our streets, Saturday. Mr. Vetter, of Boss county, visited his daughter, Mrs. Clias. Kitchen, at this place, Saturday and Sunday. John Evans, of Pleasant Valley, called on Wm, Anderson, last Friday. Several people from this place at tended the ice cream supper at Cedar Grove, last Saturday night, all report a good time. Win. Anderson made a business trip to Logan, last Friday. Charles Mutton and Virgil Hone were on our streets, Sunday. .lames Anderson has been working in Logan the past week. Delbert Ilarble took dinner with Otis Kuhn, Sunday. II. W. Kitchen made a business trip to Logan, last Saturday. Amos Boblson was on our streets, one day last week. Charles Kitchen was a Logan visi tor, Saturday. John Dillon made a business trip to Enterprise, Saturday. Chailes Unger passed through this valley, last Friday. Mrs. Liz te Cook called on Sarah Dillon, Sunda'. Rev. Ilaible preached at New Zion, last Sunday night. Oil Valley Guy Wiight made a trip to Union Furnace, Friday. Guy Wiight and Frank Wolfe were at Hush Cieek, Thuisday evening, lishing. There was a biithday party on Miss E'jtella Wright, Saturday evening. There was a large crowd in attend ance and all report a line time. Children's service at Bethany, Sun day, was well attended. Jesse Fickel called on Goldie Scholl, Saturday evening. L. D. Wright was a Logan visitor, Saturday. 11. Wolfe called on Irene Slnes.Sun day evening. Several from this place attended the ice cream social at Webbs Chapel, Saturday evening. Orla Wolfe called on lady friend at Logan, Saturday evening. Wm. Wolfe and Miss Butt" took a pleasant drive, Saturday evening. Samuel Sanderson and wife were Logan visitors, Saturday. Edward Stivison, of Cherry Bidge, and Nora Scholl, of Evergreen Valley, attended the Icecieam social at L. D, Wright's, Saturday evening. At an assemblage of charity work ers at a residence house in the East end, preparing for the fall campaign, Calvin Brewster narrated a story of a mendicant who very much needed a pair of trousers: remembering that physicians wore compelled to wear high-grade clothing, he wandered up above the plaa and fifth avenue, and observing tho name of a physician on a large sliver plate on the door of the line looking residence, he ascended the steps and rang the door bell, an elderly sweet faced lady came to tho door, and tho linnovoiished caller said: "madam I am very hard up and have called to see If 1 could obtain a pair of tho doctois cast oil trousers," the lady smiled at him and replied, "1 am the Doctor." Cunninu Mic. fill I ll 7. 1 St l7i I !j ft 1 1 '1 BELL Long Distance Service IS THE BEST New Rates to Many Points For Information regarding rates or service, call LONG DISTANCE, or communicate with our local Manager, TELEPHONE CO. 1