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Wr " iy-v -"l M 9 tT" V " -pipi j$tim,wpw$i' mati!it'jjMwwi.sji $yhibKbibil)lnlhhil ta UK FA GDC NNAT THE DEMOCRAT - I One Year for Only $1.25 f IS During the month of June, yearly subscriptions j H will be received for the Cincinnati Weekly Enquir- 8 er and the Democrat-Sentinel at $1.25. This is a i splendid opportunity to secure two good papers for i? j one year, for a small sum and should be taken j !f advantage of. g BON T WAIT - 5 as this offer may never be made again. 1 THE DEMOCRAT - SENTINEL I us & 'r jf Logan, Ohio f! patri one E is Not Lust For Office That Animates Them. Of course it wasn't "lust for office" thitt induced the Repub lican majority of the state senate to confirm by a strict purty vote the lap-over appointments of Gov ernor Harris as the very first act of a special session which begins before the inauguration of Gover nor Harmon. That act must be set down to a patriotic purpose, (from a partisan standpoint,) to embarrass the administration of one of the foremost Democrats in the nation, who once filled the high olBca of attorney general for all the people of these United States with distinguished honor and fidel ity, and whose broad statesman ship levels up far above the plane of petty politics. Of course it wasn't "lust for otllce" that animated the retiring governor in calling that special session for the last week of his administration so that, although C. C. Weist, M. D. will make his lllth visit to Logan, 0., Ambrose Hotel, Monday, July 5th, '09. 0. A. M. to S J r. One day only C, C, WEIST, M. D. PRACTICE LIMITED To Chioulc f lections of llie Lungi, Note, Ears, Throat, Bronchial Tube, Eyes, Stomach, liver, Boweli, Rectum, Blood, Skin, Nerve, Spine, Brain, Kidney, Bladder, etc. Rupture, Diteaiet of Women. Eye examined and fitted with glutei. Write for free booklet "Practical Suggettiout on How to Keep Well." Addttu all communications to C, C. WEIST, M. D. DtaaUea Hot! Ceiumbui, Ohio ' UP foym 11 maAJ MiS1lM3lll I IWlwilW UBSRIPTN I -AND SEND IN YOUR the people have voted him into retirement, his appointees could be fastened like barnacles upon the administration of the people's choice for governor. That doubt less should be set down to the some "patrotic purposes" from a partisan standpoint. Of course it isn't "lust for of floe" that induces those lap ovors to hang on oyon after being asked to resign for good eauee, nnd to resist removal until new lock' have to be put on the doors; oh no, , it isn't "lust for olllce." It ie. more of that "patriotic purpose" (from a partisan standpoint) to hamper the administration of a statesman who stands as high above them as the Colossus of Rhodes would have towered above the fabled pygmies of Lilliput. The people of Ohio understand the shriek about "lust for office" that goes up from the throats of the hungry hangers-on and their sympathizers, and they're going to make it "Harmon and a clean sweep next time." For the people of Ohio, after a long period of machine manipula tion and boss dictation of political ail'airs, have acquired a lust for clean, honest and decent adminis tration in public olllce that will not be satisfied until they have more of it. Their next opportun ity in this stato will be in Novem ber, next year. Obituary. ThnddeiiB S. Floyd was horn March 28, 1831, near Uugars town, Maryland. At one year of ago ho removed with his paronts to Ohio, and in 1812 removed to Hocking County, Ohio, of which county he has been a resident ovor since. In 1859 ho was united in marri age to Miss Martha Stone, To that union were born threo chil dren, who Biiryivo him. In July 1801 he onliftted in tho service of tho U. S. in tho war of tho Rebellion and served his conn. try until 1802, when ho wiib dis charged for disability, being a member of Co, I,, 2nd, Ohio Volun teor Infantry, since which time ho has been sorely nlllicted, all of whioh he bore with calm reslga tion and without murmur. He was kind hearted, of a pleas ant disposition and was ever ready and willing to render any service of whioh he was capable to relieve the distressed and unfortunate. He was one of eleven children, all of whom except ono member have preceded him to the spirit world, The funeral waB held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resi dence of his brother, J, M, Floyd, Rev. Correli delivering the eulogy. (interment was had in Oak Grove Cemetery, WEEKLY & im it itfiiugi'Mwt nnnnn 1 3 1 iiui rtiu UUUlig TO THE BUB v ENQUIRER SENTINEL c NAME AT E The Property Owner is not Liable for the Tariff. A decision of the greatest im- : portauce to roal estate owners waB handed down yesterday by Judge William L. Dickson in the Com mon Pleas Court, in which he holds unconstitutional that part of the Dow and Dow-Aikin liquor tax laws which provides for the col lection of the Dow tax from the owner of the property in cases where liquor is surreptitiously sold on the premises. The decision is the first upon this phase of the law. The decision came in the suit of Anna M. Foley, owner of a Hat building on Smith street, to enjoin County Treasurer Roth from sub jecting her property to the pay ment of .$279.04, balance due on the Dow- Aikin tax charged against one of her tenants, Mrs, Frunces MoCann, who occupied a Hat in the building. Mrs. McCann was discovered in the alleged business of Belling liquors in her Hat by sleuths from the State Auditor's olllce, sent here for that purpose, und she was placed on the liquor tax duplicate and $534.74 back tuxes ussessed against her. She could not pay, and her furniture and chattels were seized and sold by tho County Treasurer, but the proceods fell short $270 01 from paying the full amount due, and this balance was assessed uguintt tho property owned by Mrs. Foley, Instead of Mrs. Foley paying or allowing hor proporty to be sub jected to the tax she filed suit through Attorney Gideon C. Wil son, asking for an injunction against the collection and attack ing tho constitutionality of that pnrt of tho law which subjects private property to tho payment. She declared that tho flats in the building wore all rented by hor with the express understanding that no liquor was to bo sold on the premises, and, there being no storeroom connected with it, it whs u dwelling house only, She also denied auy knowledge of liquor having been Bold there, and denied having any opportunity of knowing that such was tho case if it were sold, Many of our oitizens are drifting towards Rright'a disease by neg ieating symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble which Foley's Kid ney Remedy will quickly cure Bort & Co, N LIQUOR TAX 0 CI R A & m-m m. n Hovf td Stop the Suffering of the Scorched Skin. More than six thousand pooplo nro hurnod to death ovory year in tho United States. Many timos that numbor are badly burned. A burn of the first dogreo hurts only the outside of the skin. The burned place is red, painfully hot, and tondor. When it gets well, tho outsido layer of skin peols. This outsido layer of the skin is made of scales like thoso of a fish but vory much smaller. To stop the puin from such a burn the uir must bo kept away from it. Lint or cotton wotted from a pint of water into whioh a teaspoonful of baking soda has been stirred, should be put over the burn and held by a bandage. If there is no soda use sweet oil or molasses. Many mnlhors use scrapings from a potato. If a burn of this kind covers a large part of tho body it is dangerous, and a doctor should be sent for. While waiting for him an extensive burn should be wrapped in cotton or covered with Hour. A very large burn which only makes the skin red, without blistering it, may cause one to sink and die from shock and pain. Big burns that are not deep, often come from gas and gasolene explosions in which the heat only lasts a moment. In burns of tho second degree there are blisters. Blisters aro made by water from the blood be ing poured out to cool the burn. The skin over the blister should not be taken away, but the water should be let out of it by a needle prick at its edge. Clothing should be taken off with care not to break any blisters. Tho skin over the blister is the best covering for the raw spot under it until new skin grows. Burns of this kind should have put on them srifc rags, or cotton, dipped in carron oil, which can be had at any drug store, or by cloths smeared with tallow. Over tho cloths a bandage should bo put. Burns of the third degree take the life out of all tho layers of the skin and sometimes out of Mesh under them. The skin is made hard like still" paper. The dead skin and llesh is gotten rid of by matter forming under it. While these deep burns are healing the flesh under them may draw up so that a joint cannot be moved. They always leave bad scars. Any deep burn should have the care of a doctor quickly. Until he gets there the burned one should lie wrapped in a blanket or put into a bath-tub of warm water. Many persons say a burn should be held near a Hanio "to draw the fire out of it." That is foolish. Most of tho deep burns are suf fered by persons whose clothing is ignited. This is because tho Maine is kept against the skin so long, Children whose clothes take fire are usually burned to death. Scalds aro burns from very hot water. They are not likely to be deep because the water runs oil". If the fluid is thicker than water the scald is deepor. Both burns and scalds are most dangerous to children if on tho chest. Water will scald long before it gets uh hot as a llamo. Wattr heated to 130 degroes is as pain ful to ono's hand as tho blaze from a match which is more than 000 degrees. Passing a hand through a blaze tlmt hot gives little pain but one would drop a pan heated to 175 degrees. Tablespoonfuls of coffee or soup heated to 130 degroos can be swal lowed from a spoon without hurt but if the spoon touohos tho lips it burns them. Although tho skin on tho soles of tho fcot is tho thickest on tho body ono cannot stand on a hot plate whioh ' ho could hold in his hand without discomfort, A red coal has a hout of at least 000 degreeB. Iron begins to turn red at 1,000 degrees and the black smith heats it to more than 1800 degrees to hammer it out, The flame in u kerosene lump is 1400 degrees or more, A child with clothing ufire should not run or eoream. Run ning fans the flames und soreutu. log takes deep breaths whioh draw the flame into the chest. 'U1 hjjuidoiiiieflro.iuiokif wrni.She.jg ae j par juuiDQii jii oifuiu wiiiuuii iji iiuiivjr I material and roll upon the floor Nearly always, ono can at onco got a coat or shawl, nr rllg or bod or lnungo cover, or portior. Ono can help olio's self bolter in this way than by using Water, whloli quick ly runs oil'. Any one seeing a parson's cloth ing afiro should so wrap nnd roll him. Often the ono who is afiro linn In lin thi-nwii ilncvii 'I'll I a miiat oxtlHO nml to llllll directed in fllldl I IT lit Hllhl lias 10 00 tlirowil llOWIl. HUB niUSt county. the doororthn Court House. bo dono to put out tho blaze byl1" !"". Hi"K comity, onio, on tho rolling and to koop him from breathing llamo. Rogers Sacrificed. -,. , , . , . , , It loakB out from inner circles ...,., , , that whon Rogors was romovod by .. . too governor no wont to Kepuun- i, i , . i , uuu iiuiimijuiii i.ia uir uumiuut uuu niv Kiuit'oiiu uo , imrn-in.rorii cell ve veil nv .... ..iii . '" H. Illpptiy, for Ihu iniilii Uuu anil Hlnills- adVico U8 to the host Way to carry vllluliruucli of nld ritllrond, tinmen i list ... . . . .... . wnnllr nml northerly. Iiv the Hun of stitd Otlt I1IB ireqiletlt oonat tlltlt IIO , . . . iii would resist removal, but was ... , , , , , ,,.ii . , turned down oold by "Phipps nnd . i .i i .. i ., , ., ... and tho bUtieh" bccatlSO thoy did . ,,.. if i it uuu vtuiii; n imuuoiiy jii ujuuiuu nmi ti in Hcciiou uiimiier i:i, lowiiHtup iiiiiii ..!.,f in. ., ..j..i. .. ... ,tieill,raiipiroraiild eounly. ..H.....DU .....ja mm kiiu lunt ui tuu lap-overs who want to hang on as '.W-Vi'tra'ct 'it Wiu. "l "'""" """ long as possible. So Rogers was' 'I onus or sale ono-thirii endi, nun-thlid In ono year and onu-thlid In two oiirs,ile- Paorificed to save Philips und the furrud payments to ho evidenced hy pro '" . i lnlsnry uotuortlie purchaser or purehaseis, others hangers-on if possible. Oh that's a bunch of "loyal Republi cans" at g. o. p. headquarters. They've got tho "Black Hand" beat a block. Notice to Merchants Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any accounts contracted by my wife. JoriN Heiole. June 17-8w. Sheriff's Sale in Par tition. Laurottn lienway, plalntlu", va. Elizabeth Koop, I.yda Vnntos, Minnie lienway n minor over 14 years of age, and Nettle lion way, a minor H yonrsofnge, and KI-met- .Mil lor, derendauta. Cause No. 40GO. In tho Court or Common Pleas or Iloclclng County, Ohio. Notlco Is hereby given that tho under signed stiorlir or Hocking County. Ohio, by virtue or an aims order or Hale in Partition, Issued out of snld court lu the above entitled pilllHn Ami In him il rnnfp1 nu MhorlfT fonlii cause and to hi in directed as Hherltr nfsnlil county, will, at the door of the Court House In Logan, Hocking County, Ohio, on Saturday, July 10th. A. D., 1909, nt ono o'clock P. M., on said day, ofTcr for sale at public auction, Hie following lands and tenements, situate in Hocking county, State of Ohio, and described as follows: lielug Fractional Lot No. Ono (1) lu Ss tlon Thirty-one (:!1), Township Thlrtee (18), Hauge No. Klghteen (18), Hockin County, Ohio, and being more particular described as follows: llelng apart of tl nn.lliiunL, nnxxnt. -F onlil Dnnllii. .l.nM. c toon llainie No. Eighteen (ISi. Hocklnir County, Ohio, and being more particular! v described as follows: llelng apart of the northwest corner of said section, thenco south upon tho section lino 28.31 chains, thouce south 5'idegreos cast lit 11) chains, to mo conier 01 1110 roau, lueuee vy saiu road , oaiuo jiuyn, ibu uuu uuurjun iiuciuhl hi. ihu north 7J degroes east 80.0X1 chains, thenco into of eight por cent, per milium since said 1101 tli 22 degroes, west tf6!5 chains, 'thence I July :t, ismi, which said mortgage Is recorded north no degroe9, west r 17 clinlns, north 7 In volume IS, recordsof inorignses or IloeU flmrrpos. wprI 1 fit nlmltis. thpnfn nnrtl, j,ln. I llllf couiltv. greos, west 2 Wi chains, thence north 2S1S de-1 gnes, west 2.08 chains to the north lino or said section, thenco west 17.1I7 chains to the . wv ... u..U..., ...u.tuw ..w b.. 'J MU- piace oi oeginning, containing u.ij$ acres, inoieor less, subject to the dower right or said Elizabeth the surviving widow of said Oliver lienway, deceasod Appraised otTwo Hundred and Eighty Dollars (2S0.(H);. Terms of Halo: One third cash, ono third In one year and one third lu two years, do rerred payments to bo evidenced by prom issory notes of the purchaser or purchasers, todraw Interest nt the rato or six per cent rinmdnto or sale and to be secured by mort gage on the premises sold. (liven under my hnnd nt I.ognn, Ohio, this 9th. day of June, A. D, 11 01). GEOUGE 11. WILLIAMSON, Hherllf, C. V. Wright, nttorney for plaintiff. June 10. 5-w. LEGAL NOTICE. Healed bids will bo received by tho Hoard ofTrustoes of Public AITalrs or tho Vlllugo or Logan, Htato of Ohio, at tho otllce ot said Hoard until twelve o'clock uoou, Saturday, July 10th., 1W. for furnishing tho necessary laborand materials for enlarging tho water works system of Logan, Ohio, by sinking wells, and equipping tho same, according to the plans nml specifications on Illo lu snld olllce. Each bid must contain the full itmno of ovory person, partnership or company Inter ested lu thobuuie, nnd be accompanied by a bond In the sum of tl.ooa.oo to tho satisfaction of the Hoard, or u corlllled check on bomo solvent bank, as a guaranty that If the bid Is accepted, a contract will be eiiteied Into and Its peforinnuco properly seaured, Should iinv bid bn rnlnutiul uimli nl,nir will bo returned forthwith to tho bidder, unit should any bid bo accepted such check will be returned upon tho proper execution nnd . securing of tlieoontruct. 1 he right Is reserved to reject nny nnd nil bids. Hy order of the Hoard ofTrustoes or Public AITalrs or Logan, Ohio, H.M, K. Mok, JuuolO, I'Wks. Clerk. Probate Notice Notlco Is hereby gl von tint tho following Accounts ami Vouchers have been nkd In the Probate Court or Hocking County, Ohio, rur!trstnud llutil settlement, J. T. Sander. bon, Administrator of the estuto of John P, Spaur, deceased, and the same will count on for hearing on tlielith day of July, A, I),, IIKIU. lit 10 o'clock A.M.. or as soon us may ho convenient. .1.1 J. HTtillmiTftN. Jilnol7,!l-w Probate J udue, Probate Notlco Notice Is hereby alven that the following Acuounts mid Vouchors have been llled in the Probutu uouil of Hocking County, Ohio, for Mi at ami final settlement or Kpdrlam Shaw, AilmlnUtiutor of the ostHto of J, C. Ileal, deceused, und the sumo will come on for bearing on tho inth day of July, A. I)., HW, nt 10 o'clock A. M or us soon thereafter us may bo convenient, J,O.HTOlinHTON, J uno 17, S-w Probate .1 udgo, Notice of Painters. The Hoard of Kdiicutlou ofClreon (own. Slllll. llOCkllllX COUIltV. Ohio, will rni'illvn bills for tho painting of the Kueholiiiueher senooi iiouse io jiiiiu zuui., luvyitl loo'uloou A. M, Hlders to furnish all material. Pa I lit to be pure white lead and linseed oil. To be throe cunts outbldu, The boa id reserves tho rluht to relent uny und all bids, Address all communications to J.WKLLHTOM.OIorlc, Juno 10. a. w u, K.I), Mo, 4, Logan, O Notloo oi' Apnointmont Kutateof John Oolllsou, Uecoased. Tho undersigned ban boeu appointed and uuulllltd us executrix o the estate of John i.ouuuu, mie 01 Jiomunw co County, Ohio, du- ceased. Dated this 15th dv of June, 1903. KLIZAUKIU OOLI.IBON. Juu178-i Uiecutrlx. litiou. Mary O. Mbdfo mill Jessie L.Culllils Vfl Brtrall V. l'loyd nml 0 A. Pngb. UrtlMO No. Illtf, in tlin Court of Common l'lni of Hook ing County nml HI iilu of Ohio, Nnllno li hereby hIvom Hint the under signed HhoiIITof llncklng comity, (lliln, by vlrtiuiof mi tinier nMiite in imilitlun, liurd ciilL n f mild until'!. In Mm iiluu-n pilllllpil aaiurday, June Zd a. v., W), nt nun o'clock p. m. on until ilny, offer for sale nt public nod Ion, Hid following limits nnd tenements, sltunUil In llncklngcniinly, Hluto of Ohio, nnd described as follows: Holm? lots fill nml filf of llio Incorporated village otJ.oitnii. alsn the follow ! tin unreel I Blttliucil In tliosnlil vIIIiiki) of Lowiiii, hi'i'lii- nir.u nitiiuintuiBcction of ohhi Finn of fim- vur Hiruui iiMuiuuuit soiiuiuiini, with inn south lino or iioweiiHtruoi nxiumiinic, nut- wnrd. thuiiL'o hoiiIIi. Iiv Mold cmsI. lino of nuivcrsiiuot, totimnoitii tumor Mm riiiht I or wny of tho IJoliiuilins uikI llocldnn Vnl- .rnllromt rlulitnor-wny, to thn Houlli-wosi eornor of ntrnutof iiliiiul six nitres, heru-lo- roro convoyed iiy . it ittppev ioieiiio i- ' lliuulillii, thuncennrtli li.r the linn of sulci immii m trnet.toiho miutii line r iiducii street otteniled, tlieuco wusl to Ihn plncn of lieglniilnu, containing four acres morn or l less, and liplng n parlor friicllonnl lots R ri0( mnhfr 6 appraised at JIODOi), lot to draw Interest at the rate of slv per cent from date of sale and to hoaccuicd hy innrl Cngo on the premises solil. (liven under my hand at l.onn.Ohlo, this '.','itli day or May, A. 1)., lww. (IKOIU1K II. WILLIAMSON, HhorllT. ('. V, Wright, Attorney for I'lalitllT. May i'7, rt-w Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. .lames Htorer vs Hester A. Pitt ton and Kit I'nttou. Cause Number, !!(,70. In the Court ot Common l'lons or lloeUlug County, Ohio. Notice Is horoby glvon, Hint the under signed SherllT. ot H'ocUIng county, Ohio, by Virtue ot an Older or Ilxeciltlon. Issued out of said court, lntheabove entitled cause, and to him directed as HhorllT of said coun ty, will, til tho door oftho Court House In Logan, Hocking county, Ohio, on Saturday, June 26, A. D., 1909, at ono o'clock P.M., on said ilny, oiler for .sale al public auction, tho following Innds and tenements, to-wlt: llelng fractional lot number nine (ill. In Section number thirteen (111), Township unmoor thirteen in", iiango iioinner six . teen (101. excepting there rioin MOy-foii one-huiidredtlis Cil-100) of an aero on the north-east sldo ot the public rond convoved . , ,..., ........... ... ..,,.... ..... I I......I... Ill IVIIUI1UI IHUlllU, 1IIIU ..l,,. lUII-llllllMI IJlll IIS (10-100) otnn aero hereiolore conveyed to Mil Patton, which Is described as tollows: Ho L'liinlntr (our nml ten-hiindredtlis 1 1 10-lUii) chains south ot the north east corner or suld lot number nine (ft), thence sou thblxly-three and ono-hnir IBlJi!) degrees west, one and sixty-live, hundredths (I RVIOO) chains, thence north twenty-eight, and one-lmir i'X) degreos west, sevonty (70) chains, tlieuco north forty-Uro (15) degreos, east one and lirty-elght hundredths (1 lis-li))) chains, thonco south thlity-tlueeand one hair (:t!'.j) degroes, oast one and twenty hundredths (1'JO-lliO) chains to Iheiihico of beglnnliiu. cnntninlng sevonty-tlvo (7S) acres, more or 1 less, subject to the ninrtgtwe or Oliver T. Bethel for seven hundred '$700004 dollar.-,, 'io bo sold lor not loss thnu twenty-seven hundred and forty-eight U.7IS.00) dollars the minimum price for which It can bo sold. as fixed by the court. Terms of Sale Cash. Given under my hand at Logan, Hocking county, Ohio, this 'iitli. day of May A. 1). 1H09. GEOUGE It. WILLIAMSON. HIierllTof Hocking County. U.A.WIlbor, Wright and I'ottlt.Altys. for plalntlir. May 27, fi-w LEGAL NOTICE. Halpb J. Carlisle residing In MIssouil Vnl ley. Hnirlsou County, State or Iowa, will take notice that on tho RO day or .lauuarv KKW, James V, Postou filed his petition lu tho court of common pleas or Hockiuu County, Ohio, In Case No. MJ0 ngaiust the saldltalpli J, Carlisle and others, the object nnd prayer or which Is to secure tho parti tion amongst .Tamos I), l'oston, Wob-ter W. Poston, Minerva J. Locke, Itulph J. Carlisle and Hutb Carlisle as owners lu fee simple und tenants In common as tho only lielrs at law or Ida M Collins, deceased. In the pro portion of the undivided one-fourth each to tho suld James 1). l'oston, Webster W. l'oston and allnorva J. Locke and tho un divided one-clghtheach to Kahili J.Carlisle nnd Knth Carlisle of the following premises situate In the Township of Kails, lu the County of Hocking and State of Ohio and described asfol ous, to-wlt: llelng all that pint of Fractional Lot No, Two In Section No, Two, Township No Fourteen of Kniigo No, Kovontoou, lying and being west of tliu county road running through snld Lot from Louau. Ohio. In a northerly direction, containing forty- inree acres more or less, reiereuco lining hail to new Plat Hook A, Pago I. oftho Phils of Kiactlonal i.otsor nocking county, Ohio for a moro particular description. Said Halph .1. Carlisle Is reiiulred loan- im or on or befuro tho loth, day or.lulv, linn. J AM MS I). POHTllN. Hy John A. Smith and V.O. I.owry, his attorneys, May i:i,ll-w Legal Notice Luclndn Sllsher. residing lu .M uncle, in. dlauu.Maiy Llod, residing In St. I. mils, Missouri, the unknown heirs of Lucv A, Hoitmaii.iinil the uiiLnnwn heirs of Mary Cohen, will tuke notice thatoii the '.'nil ilav of June, iikw, .1, N.Shorr, Adniliilstratnr of Murv Kost.iloeeiibcd. Illecl his petition In the Probate Couit. ilocMni' Coiintv. Ohio. lu caso No. 2211, agiilusl the above niimiil parties mid others, praying that the pull tinner may lie authorUed ami ordeied to sell the Heal Kstato hcreliiarierdesci'llied to nay the debts or Niild Murv Kosl. lo.uli: Situate 111 the County of Iloclclng nml KiiiIii of Ohio: llelng the V.uU part of Lot Number Uiiibii go Wv Mix (U,'j'owiisuip I'ourioou III), Hangii oiiteeu(i7i, Hectlou Tuelve 1 1 'J j . nam part hefoie the! JllUOH.U'W Said nartlesiiru reoiiiieil touiiHuer on nr iioioiu iiiiiiiisi liny oi j uiy, I'ji'j . : i ........ :. ..:...: ."'" ' II. II. SPAItNON. Atty. foi'J.N.Hhorr, Ailmlii Utrator of Mary Kost, De. ceased, Notice of Dissolution. Notlco Is hereby glvou lhat tho pirtiier ship lately existing between loromn A, Klluu und Oeo, W. Kline, ot Kiilerpilho, Ohio, under the firm or Klluu llros, was ills, solved on tho.'Hh. day of . I line by in ill mil con sent all ditblsowlug tosalil iiurliiui'.hlp aro iudo icceiveu uy saiu iieo. w.iviiue, who Is uiithoil.ed to settle allucootiuts and uules of the l'lriu, und all demands on said partnership are tobu presented Io Juroiiio A. Kllnofor piiynient, who Is uiilliorUed to kettle all debts Uy the llrm. JKUOSIK A. Kl.INK, (leo W.Ki.ikk. Notloo of Appointment Kitatoof llaiiuuh Thompson, deceased. The uiidersluuod im been ii.inolnteii nmi (luulllled us I'Uocutor ol the ebiutu of Hail nub Thompson, lute of llocklmi I'nnniv tl.ln .(.....Ta...! I.......1 ...... ...... ""-rf. wuiui ..filial, till. 1V111 liuy IJI ,I1U im. ' THOM AM J. 1IUOWN, June 17, 3-vr Exeoulor. 'Allen R. McBrooiii Of Logan, Ohio, Will Qo On Your Bond. 'J'lio Empire SLato Surety Company lias executed to A lion It. McUroom a power of attorney to do a general bonding business and Issue acci dent policies, Olllco'ln COURT MOUSE, KOOAN, OHIO Win, I Eiseio llRAt.RH IN Granite and Marble Monuments. Unci; Plnstor, Plnstorlntj, nnd l'inntor of Paris MAtWHTOppilBllO IllKIHICflTKn'H Htoiie IiIAAlo.NIi IlitAMt 1MI.I.H. lor twenty Gva yc.its regnrded its licit. Baler t. Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tr.Mit TUIUli EVERYWHERE WORTH TKSn THE NATIONAL BANK OF LOGAN ofkioi: itmiKs 0 to 3 Paid In Cash Capital $UO,000 G. JO. HO WEN', President, H. It. HARRINGTON, Vice Pres. P. MEADE HOWEN, Cashier. Does n General Unnking Busi nees, Iteoeives Deposits, Discounts Paper and Buys and Sells Ex change, apr 0-ly Bank in James Block Goinpf's Acme Green Houses Chris II. Gompf, Manager Florists and Gardeners Floral Designs nnd Cut Flowers for Funeral Occasions All Kinds of Vegetables in Season Sets and Plants for Gardening Both Phones 107 The Reinpel National Bank of Logan Successor to the Rempel Banking Co. Capital $ 50,000.00 Stock Holders Liability .. f.0,000.00 Responsibility or Directors. 250,000.00 Total Responsibility..... "150,000.00 .Ioiin F: Rumpel, President. 13. TO. STivKitsoN, Cashier. Meggied & Yenkin Pay the highest price for Old Iron, Metal, Rubbers, Hides, Fur, Etc. Located at John (leljjer's Machine Shop In West Logan. Nov. 10, '03 tf Citizens-Phone 180 Notice to Teachers. The Hoard or School Kxamlnersof Hock ing County will meet at the School Hulldliig In Logan, Ohio, atS::!0a. m., on tho First Saturday oreaoh month, for the examina tion orappllcauls for Teacher's Hlemoiitury Cerllllcatvs and on the lirst Haturduy of Sepleinbor, December, Maioh anil . I line for tlieexamluatloii of iinpllcants forTeachoi's High School and Special Certificates Kx atiiluatloiisror pupils doilrliig toeulor bUli schools will be held on tho Third Saturday or April and the Second Saturday lit May. ltoi.i.ANit Huiiiii'r.Prosldout I). K. llAiLstt, Clerk Uosk Winn: Logan Ohio, .Mnreh 1, Ilnr7 tf Dr. II. G. Campbell Ollluo and Rpsidonce, Mnin Street, Ln-'nn, Ohio. All oa'ls anewur cd day or night. Rpeoinl ttten tlnn givon to Surgery. Itoll and Olti'.oiiR Phono No. . Dr. E. E. Campbell Physician and Surgeon Ollloo on West Main Street, Op. pnsito Opera IJniiBe, Botli PhonoH in OHloo and ItoHitlouoo. The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and the DeniocratSenlinel one year for only $1.25. Send in Your order At once GHIGHESTEirS PILLS DIAMOND $. BRAND r.Aniiw i - -r A.V ;,.Mir UnirRlut for CIII-CIIKfl.THIVfl A UIA.MUNU liKANI) PH.I.3 In Kru ntidOw uiptalllc limps, ccalcd will! lllue() Kllihoti, Takb no ortiEti. liny P 7onr v llr.irlt iiii.I Olll.UIII.M.Tl.U'H V vj ."I V- 1 111 ' V i f t S . r .,M .IV , An.'i '. y