Newspaper Page Text
.I11WI IJHUMW i N. llvtnrrifi Jim wM&k lis I 111 II V Mm Less Than Cost wr We have made it a point each season to start out with an entirely new line of oxfords. Td do this we have aT OXFORD CLEARANCE SALE and put a price on them that will close them out. Now is the time to wear oxfords and you now have an opportunity to buy any oxford in our store at less than cost. They are all this season's styles. Mens 4,00 Oxfords fcQ 1 ET NVomons 1.50 Oxfords' dl c( at (pu.lO at pl.U Mens ;i,50 Oxfords s hp rsr Hoys .'i.00 Oxfords dQ QCJ Mens 2.50 Oxfords h- njr Boys 2.50 Oxfords dj-i ypj Woniens 3.50 Oxfords rtjn orv Misses 2.00 Oxfords d- er Woniens :i.00 Oxfords DQ OK Misses 1.50 Oxfords dj-i ff at pC.iO at ipliCU Wotnens 2.50 Oxfords (pi np? Misses 1.25 Oxfords dj-1 (f Womcns 2.00 Oxfords . (hi Ejrv Chiids 1.00 Oxfords VIr . This includes every pair REMEMBER STEDEM & CO. Xocal anb Mibs Anna Fox ville, this week. was in Hayden- Mrs. Cora Brown Columbus, today. is a visitor in Supt H. T. Silverthorn went to Mt. Sterling," Wednesday. Mr. Charles Yontz is an Arch City visitor today. Mr. Charles Yontz ie in Colum bus today on business. Mr. Will McBroom went to the Capital City today., Mr. Dick Kerliu, "of Toledo, is in Logan a few days this week. Mrs, Hoiuer Rediek and children visited relatives at Creola last week, Mr. and Mrn. G. B. Creola, were visitors in Lee of Logan, Sunday. Mra. G. C. Weiteell is in Colum bus today attending the musical festivul. Miss Julia Lehman, of Sand Run, was in Logan a few days via itiivg friends. Miss -liessie Shaffer and Mary Carpenter of Sugar Grove, were in Logan, Saturday. Miss Kuthoiine Shaw is the guest of Miss Delia Frantz at New Plymouth this week. Miss Ethel Witherspoon spent a few days last week with her grandparents ut'Creola. Mrs, Mitry Gould Wing is at home visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Gould. H JFj JL Jv rj Fj Jv J JL Jj vv tJt tlv IlltJV n j &j Pj IL Js sJs Jj J A I Logan Opera House $ GOOD MUSIC, BEST PICTURES, LATEST SONGS TONIGHT Napoleon The Man of Destiny Instantaneous Nerve Powders Haunted by the Cops Chinese Wedding To-iHorrovv Night, Friday, June 25th Mephlsto and the Haid ,A Marriage of Convenience " Tax on Bachlors SATURDAY NIGHT THE YOUNGER BROTHERS Another Exciting Wild West Picture Selected PUNNV PICI'UUUS and the very popular Wild West Song-MSANIIAOO t'l.YNN." - i r- i i -r -n, ,r Electric Fans-. -"Coolest Place in Town." Program Changed Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur days, Uxtra (loud Show Saturday Night. Open at 7; Grown Folks Kvvvvvwvvfcvvvi NOTE THESE PRICES of Mens, Boys, Womens and Childrens Oxfords in our store. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY. fltersonal County Commissioner-elect John Connors, of Ward Township, wah in Logan, Tuesday. Mi6B Josephine Huls spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs. Dan Roberts at Murray City. Mies Josephine Henderson, of Newark, is the house guest this week of Mra. Dr. Eastman Mr, Tom Trimmer, of Orland, was in Logan this morning en rnute to Shawneo on business. Master Rutland and Miss Mar garet Harrington are visiting their grandparents in Columbus, this week. Mrs, Ben Jadwiu and Mrs. Marsh Jadwin went to the camp ground this morning to spend a season. Mrs, Etna Lawrence, of Colum bus, is visiting her father, Mr. Wes Mauk on Glenview Heights, who is very sick. Mrs. Charles Breene and little daughter Mary, left Wednesday morning to spend a mouth with Mr, Breene's parents at Titusville, Pa. Mr. Eph Woods, of Basil, J Fair field county, was in Logan for a few days the first of the week aud made our ollice a friendly call on Tuesday. Elizabeth Ray, of Toledo, u dainty little lady with a lyric soprano voice of exceeding sweet ness and quite remarkable range, will sing nt the Opera House pic ture show for a few nights, com mencing Monday, July 5th. Continuous Performance ..10c Children 5c was in Lancaster, Mrs Arthur Hall Newark, Ohio. is visiting in Recorder Charley Wright was in Columbus, Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Murphy was a Co lumbus visitor Wednesday. Mr. Charley Mauk, of Lancas ter, was in Logan, Sunday. Miss Laurel Heft spent week with friends at Orland. last Mr. W. J. Poling, of Laurelville, was a visitor in Logan, Sunday. Mr. C. J. Wright went to Co lnmbus this morning on business. The infant son, one of the twins, of Mr. Ed Ohlinger, died Tuesday noon. Mr. Fen ton Smelts, of South Bloomingville, was in Logan, Wed nesday. Mrs. Hose 'and daughter Miss Mabel, wore Lancaster visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F. F, Carpenter visited with relatives in Lancaster over Sunday. Mr. Levi Kister, of near Laurel ville, was among the visitors to Logan, Tuesday. Rev. C. It. Wilson left this morning for Hamilton, Ohio, for a short stay. Miss Ruth Brooke and MIbs Minnie Moore were Lancaster visi tors Wednesday. Mr. Nathan Fettit, of So. Bloom ingville, is visiting his sons, John C. and E. 0. Pettit. Miss Mary McCray is the guest of her sister, Mrs, M, S. Pond at Somerset this week. Mrs. Roma Saile and children, of Colunibiis, uro guestB of Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Soliday. Mr. Joe Mounts left Wednesday for Harrisburg, Ohio, whore ho will bo employed for awhile, Mr, and Mrs, Mason Bray spout from Friday until Tuosday with relatives ut Orland and Uuo. Mr. and Mrs, Mason Bray aro visiting the hitter's brother, S, II. Heinlein at Sivorly this week, $1.25 for this paper and the Cincinnati Enquirer for one year. Mr. Daniel Woods, of Marion, who has been visiting relatives in Logan the pant week, returned home Wednesday, Mr. Jacob Schwartz., of Buohtol, was in Logan, Wednesday circu lating union g his old friends. Uncle Juke looks well, Tho Dumoouat Skntixki. ami the Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer, both one year for -$l 20. You can't uf. ford to miss this opportunity. , Mr, aud Mrs, L, S, Sharp, of Decatur, Ala,, are guests for h week of Mrs, Sharp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox, of (Men view Heights, Dr, K, S. West, of Cleveland, Is in Logan and vicinity visiting his sister, aire, Rug Hansel, and his parents, County Commissioner II, H. West aud wife on the farm In Washington township, Rev. Correll Wednesday. Tilo Snlurduy mntlcut at Llio Court Park by the Fotirth Ward ladies of the M. K church will have good hot beef noodle soup for sale. A fine little daughter was born Wednesday to Dr. and Mrs. Powell, of Columbus. Miss Powell will be remembered iib Miss Mar guerito Wardwell. The new U. B, Church at Pair V.uw will be dedicated Sunday, June 27th,, by Itev. Little. All day meeting and a baBkot dinner. Everybody invited. Mr. Henry Hansel returned Wednesday front an extended trip to Decatur, Indiana, Coliun, St. Marys and Lima, Ohio, visiting friends and relutivoH, Tho Probate Judge's olllco of this county located in tho jail buildlng,Logan,has boon remodeled and re-decorated, and now presents a very handsome appearance, You will never have an other chance, $1.25 for Cincinnati Enquirer and Democrat - Sentinel one year. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Outcalt, of Lancaster, have been visiting Mrs. Outcults parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Delshley, for a few days, returning to their home Thursday morning. WANTED A man and wife without family to take cure of two old persons, in good home and get the home at their death. Pension will support all. Address A. D. Twitohki,. Mr. Henry Gompf handsomely remembered each of his children with a neat little sum of money as a token of rememberance of the old home place which was recently purchased by Mr. John Rempel. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Logan. Divine service and holy communion at 8:15 a. m. Please remember next Sunday is Pledge Sunduy. A. W. Bucki.ano, Rector. Mr. Elwood Stiverson, carpen ter, who so seriously cut his knee with a hatchet while working on the Pete Sloan house on Glenview Heights, last week, is reported siowiy improving at his home in Kuckbridge Blond poisoning set in and almost took his life, LOST WATCH. I will pay a liberal reward for the return of my gold watch lost on Wednesday, June 16th, some place betwoon the Ambrose hotel and Scott'n Cr.eek road. It is a "thin model" Wal tham, hunting case, and had a black leather fob with a "K. of C." charm. Ciias. B. Doebele. Seventeen eleetiic fans have been installed in the Opera House pic ture show including the power ex haust fans up in the ceiling, and have been in operntion since Sat urday night, and on the warmest nights it lias been necossury to turn on only half and then to keep the big theatre rocm cool and pleasant. A CHOICE HOME FOR SALE. 7 InrfTA rnnma witli nrunmniotiioa bath, a'ttic, gus, cellar; construc tion and material tho best; 1 1.100 sq. feet of ground, 12 fruit trees, grape arbor, shade trees anil two out-buildings. The location is ideal, For this bargain, see the undersigned at once. Jamiis F. Walkiuc. Common Pleas Court. Judge George E. Martin, of Lan caster, was on the common pleas bench in the Hocking County courts Wednesday aud heard a few motion and deuiurers. The court olllcers complained that there were several oriminal defendants on tho dooket that were fined by the court on pleas of guilty and given timo to pay, that had noyer come up with the fine and costs as agreed. The court order ed the clerk to notify all such persons that he will sutler them at large SO days more, ut which timo all these old flues aud costs must be hi or tho shoriH' shall bring in the defeiuUut. In the case of Manda Woodruff vs John Woodrull' for divorce, the court grautod $50 00 temporal y alimony to the plaintiff lo bo paid In ten days, Tho case of Greenflold Btob, vs Strum for $21.00, whoro a judg ment hud been rendered, prayer wus had for a re-opening of tho case, but motion was overruled by the court. Notice of appeal taken, In the forcibly entry proceeding of Hartman vs Eastorllug, argu ment was made for filing of petition in orror and the motion was sustained. In the case of Thorne vs Holm that come up out of Ward Town ship, is tho matter of a land trans action whore laud is Bold and a third party claim option on the land, Attorney Frank A. Roberts, of New Riohmoud, and E. D, Uioketts, of Logan, were attorneys In the case and submitted their argument, Notion of Appointment, Ksltite.of Joint Weldner, deceased. Tho undersigned nave beou uppolnted hih! (lualltled us Lieoulors of (lie Dilute of JoUu Weluuer, latttof HoukliiBOouuty. Oulo, Uu cented. UtttxU tUU 1CIU day of June 1W9. OArilAKINE Wkibnbu. , , William Vooie, June 21, 8-wki. Exeouton. C V Outing Mr. and Mrs. John F, White gave a picnic party Sunday to the Bock House, in honor of their hoiiso guests Mrs, Josoph Luker, of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs, Do Cam), of Athens, Sewing Circle. The Sowing Circle ludlos had a lawn party and picnic supper Friday afternoon aud ovonlng at the homo of Mrs. CharlcB E, Lytic on Glouviow Heights. The Misses I'iiiiinii Becker and Ella Rochester wore visitors. Plcnlo Mr, and Mrs. honor of their house guest Miss Hodsden, of Chillicotho, gave a picma lust Sunday at Scotts Creek Falls south of Logan. Those thnt onjoyod the day in the party wore: Mr. and Mrs. Gummere, Mr. and Mrs Erhmuti, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Doe- belo, Mr. Ed McComtnou nod Miss Hodsden. Young Ladies Euchre Miss Llllio Wright ontortained the You n 14 Ladies Euchro Club, Wednesday evening with a plc-nic supper. Each member was allow ed to invite a guest and there were some twenty present. After supper, which wus served on the porches, cards were enjoyed, Mrs. John Wollman securing club prize, a pair of silk hose. Miss Nell Mc Manigal secured visitors prize, al so silk hose. Embroidery Club Tho members of the Embroidery Club of Nelsonville, were the guests of Mrs. Helen Bowen and Mrs. Anna JeilVies in Logan, Thursduy. The visiting members weie Mesdumus Johnson, Poston, Eberly, Vorhees, Fisher, Preston, Welch, Jones, Rnuch, Edington, Hyde and Miss Mubel Poston. An informal reception wus held in the afternoon and the callers remained for lunch. Coffrln-James At 7 o'clock on Wednesday night onoured the wedding of Mr. Milo Coll rin to Miss Nellie Junius ut the home of tho bride, in Colum bus. 1 1 0 bride is the pretty daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed James; her father now deceased, was raised in Logan. Those who are in attend ance at the wedding from Logan are Mr. and Mis. ('. W. James and Jesse James, grandparents and uncle to the bride, Mrs. T. G Sunderland, and Mr. Carl James, brother of the bride. To Meet Miss Hodsden On Friday evening of last week Mrs. Will Gummere gave an in formal reception to a score of guests at her pleasant home on Glenview Heights, to meet her charming house guest, Miss Hods den, of Chillicothe. The evening was enjoyed in music, Miss Hods den delighting tlioso present with her piano numbers. She is an accompiislieu musician una many Logan ladies liuve been joyed to know her. During the evening Mrs. Gummere served a pleasing collation of ice cream iintl cake to her guests. King-Kuhn. On Tuesday night occurod the marriage of Mr. Will King to Mish Ella Kulin, at the Presbytoriun Parsonage, Rev. C. It. Wilson olll ciating. The groom has pur chased the Charley Young pro perty on east Second street and they went to housekeeping at once with the home furnished complete. During the night the friends of the young people got onto tho pro cedure and they filed down to the house uiid served them to a very delightful serenade of bands and horns. Mr. anil Mrs. King have the best wishes of their many friends in Logan, for a long and happy life together. Wetliei Ill-Cook This morning ntOtJlO o'clook occured tho marriage of Mr. Will Wotherill to Miss Esther Cook, at tho Methodist Parsonage, Rev. Correll ollloiating, Miss Margaret Cook, sister of tho hrido being the only attendant, Tho bride and groom loft on tho 7 o'clock II. Y. train north for Lima, Mr.WetherlU's former home, where thoy will spend a short time, returning to Logan to live in a pretty home already furnished in Hi voi dale Mr, Wbtherill is n car ropairer and has been in Logan for soma months at the 11, V. Shops, and he comoB well rocomineuded aud has proved himself a perfect goutleman during his stay lioro, and wo will say to him, perhaps whut he al ready knows, thnt he is getting one of Logan's most excellent girls; a noble, delightful, good girl, She hits been salosludy with tho RoohostorLytlo store horo,und trimmer in the Miss Parsons mil linery department, and bus a whole town full of friends, as was demonstrated by tho buokots full of rice that showered them at tho depot this morning, Wo wish them all tho happiness that kind nature is wont to bestow on her most favored, Lstitu: Qold Medal bread, Flour makes the whitest sum. Doincntlo The Domestic Club will have a picnic ut the G. A, R. Hall, ThUrBdny afternoon. . W. R. C. Tho Kensington party given by tho Corps Inst Friday, was a per fect lUiccoHs, both socially and ( nuuclally, Tho ladies thank tho public for their very liberal pat ronuge, Plcnlo Party Sunday a delightful outing to Old Man's Cave, was given in honor of MIrs Mabel Chldlbter, of Nelaouville, the house guest of Miss Margaret Montgomery. The following couples composed the party : The Mlssos Mabel Blosser, Margaret Montgomery, Mabel Chidister, Lena Phelps and Messrs, Clarence Mathias, Alex White, Karl Brandt and Homer Gabrlol, W. II. M. S. The Woman's Home Missionary Society mot at the home of Mrs. Rug Hansel, Wednesday after noon, and the afternoon was spent in more of a business meeting than social, though a very social time was hud Mrs. Hansel served a verv pleasing collation of lemon ice, cake and coffee. The visitors to the club were Mrs. W. H. West and Miss Precious Correll. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. Dr 1, C. Wright on July 27. Miscellaneous Shower On Monday evening the King's Daughters and Queen Esther Circle gave a miscellaneous bridal show er for one of their members, Miss Esther Cook, who was married Thursday morning to Mr. Will Wotherill, of Lima, Ohio, an omployee of the H. V. R. R. Shops here. Miss Cook received quite a number of useful and beautiful presents. During the evening instrumental music wus furnished by tho Misses Bertha Gano, Nellie Allen aud June McKay and vocal numbers given by the Misses Brooke, Allen and Wright. Light refreshments were served. Jolly Dozen Mrs. M. H. Cherrington was hostess for the Jolly Dozen Pedro Club, Monday night, tiiere being four tables of players. Mrs, Hir ley Wliitcralt took club honors, a handpaiuted vase; the visitors tavor being a nanupaintea pin. The score cards and puzes all done by a sister, Mrs. Hayman, of Columbus, and very beautiful. A fine were Jack were two course lunch was served to the club and guests, who were Mrs. Dr. Eastman, Mrs. Charles Ucker, Mrs. Cyrus Rochester, Miss Racine Brown, Miss Agnes White, Miss Josephine Henderson, of Newark, and Miss Lola Wilcox, of Colum bus, a sister of Mrs. Cherrington. Recital On Monday afternoon Mrs. Law rence Yerges gave a recital by her music pupils, the parents and members of families of pupils be ing present. After the pleasiug program, ice cream and cake were served. The following is the pro gram : 'Hcutf Dance" .C'liaiulnadu Ml 1111 1 1) Stracko, Mis. Vori'tH "Hliepliurd Uy" . WlUou KiulolpU Ilea 'Little Itoiuance" ..Solium an KUim D0IIU011 "Ileal t HeauliliiH Sounds" . Ksien Bert tin. Welch "When Lights are Low" . Eiigleuinn Minnie .StiacUe "MurryfliiineV Krate Hiiymiiu Hengdt ".Morning 1'toyer" ... Htieatiliog Ha.el C'oinly "l'ondor Avow el" . Knglimiau llrucu He, violin; Kuilolpli lie-,, nluno "In the Uose Albor" .. JuuLel UlancliH Allen "Kalrwoll to tin 1'" Ueethoven Mrs W, A, lteiuleraon "KalllnK Waters" Tin ax I uira l.ytle "Inal'Htli of llo-sea" Wllhelni Mildred 11 re U 111 In the lleautlful Month or May" Merkel .loiephliio Sliuw 'The Sailor Hoy'.i Dream" .,I,e Ifache Lulu Lytle, Uertha Welch, Pleasant Outing One of the most delightful out ings that it is the pleasure of some of our more fortunate citizens to enjoy, is that of the Moneypenuy it Hammond annual trip. This year they go to Detroit and enjoy a boat ride to Buffalo and the Niagria Fulls. Mr. aud Mrs. Phil Rochester loft Tuesday morning to join tho party at Columbus and take in the trip. Mr. Rochester is tho traveling salesman for the company in the Hocking Valley, and It is the prilvilege of any of his customeis to take in the ex cursiou as guests of the Money penny it Hammond company, of Columbus Those of this valley that were on hands Tuesday to en joy tho trip with Mr. aud Mrs, Phil Rochester, were Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hildebrandt, Mr. Gib Ken nurd, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Couily, of Logun, Mr, and Mrs, Hoht, Steward, of Longstreth, Mr. and Mrs, Vanco Wobb, of Murray City, Mrs, Eberly, of Neleonville, who is a sistor of Mr, Smiley Johnson, of tho Johnsoti-Bovorage Co,, Lo gan, Mrs, Dr. Welsh, of Nelson ville, Mrs, Sheppard and Mrs, Duvis, of Nelsonville, Mr, Frank Nelson, of Clrclcvillo, AthetiB Co., and Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Neh sonvillo, Tho trip this year will be a most dollghtful one aud tho party form oil will bo a jolly bunch, that will have a grand time during the two weeks eight seeing on the great lakes, M&&&&&&&&M $ RAILROAD NEWS rv giig&S Guy Hansel broakman Ib luylng off aud Wuit Bloseer Is In his place. Operators John Passmore and Frod Dolshlie were in Columbus, Saturday, Trainmaster "Billy" tho II, V, Ky , was Deeds, of in Logan, Wednesday, Mr. Jim Barthlow went to Co lumbus Saturday, to see his wife, who is in tho hospital. Charles Krieg and Ed Ohlinger, yard-men, are laying off, and "Spec" Gabriel and Walter Blos ser are in thoir places, Roundhoiiso Foreman Charley Itall'erty has purchased tho W. L. Gage property on North Spring street nt the Hill Approach, aud will move thoir first of tho month. Conductor Harloy ThotuaB ii laying off tho 458 runs, Jackson to Loguti and return Un the morn ing, and Jess Vorls Is in his place. Petty is taking out the local freight in Vorls' place. Bids on Street Puvlug, The bids on contract for paving Hill and Mound streets in Logan weie received by the village and opened Tuesduy. The bids ns pre sented were figured on both jobs together, and were in the aggre gate as follows : Henderson ifc Houston, Lo gan 3301 07 Nolan & White, Toronto 3350 00 Ed Radebaugh, Logun 3030.10 Ohio Paving Co, Toledo 3111.73 J. F. Sater, Logan 3520.75 The engineer's estimate for tho paving of both streets figures up .$3507.51. There were some ir regularities in bidding, and the probabilities are that all bids will lie rejected and the proposed im provement be re-advertised for bids. Some interested contractors say that they misunderstood the plans and specifications aud that the bidding form did not conform to the plans, so that these propos als wore unintentionally erroneous, others did not bid because they were handicapped in obtaining ma terial that they have belatedally secured. It is probably a fair thing to call for bids again. Subscriptions. The following have our thanks for subscriptions to the Demockat Sentinel, paid during the week of June 1419, 1909: R. R. Lindsay, Stoutsville; John Caves, Noah Friend, J. W. Browu, T. J. Woltz, Alferd Stump, Miss Emma Dunlei, Jennie Ed wards, Rockbridge; Noah F. Da vis, Apple; Catherine Davis, Smith Bloomingville; George Sheets, Biemen; I, Y. H&rtzell, Lancaster; W. J. Weaver, South Perry ; Simeon Primmer, Orland; Wm. Sliuw, II. L. Kurshner, Andy Lumbert, David Wolf, James Har den, Ed Kern, Mrs. Philip Hansel, Ida Steinmun, Jacob Wolf, T. H. Goodlive, Wilford Rolsten, Mrs. Christina Gruner, Henry Derr, W. II. Jones, Wm. Flowers, Mis. J. T. Sanderson, Logan. Bootlegging It seems that the fellows will nut quit soiling or giving away liquor in Logan until they get stung a time or two. Mayor Thumess had another case Wed nesday wherein one of our foolish follows, and he has respect enough for himself and family to not want his name published, gave or sold to a negro show baggage smasher a drink or a bottle of whiskey. Anyhow the colored fellow got drunk and was arrested, aud im mediately proceeded to tell who sold him the boozo. Tho foolish "easy mark" came up and plead guilty and paid .$53 00. Gaily, how expensive, just to accomodate a negro circus hosier. It don't py- Judge Wright Handsomely Re membered. Judge O. W. II. Wright was the recipient of a very handsome pres ent Tuesday, coming from the Joint committee of secret orders of Nelsonville. On Sunday, Juno 13, tho Odd Fellows, Kuights of Pythias, Red Men, Muccabees and Rome other orders of Nelsonville, Jointly held Memorial Day in that city and Judge Wright wub honor ed in his being seleoted to de liver the Memorial address on that ooouslon. Their action 111 present ing the Judge with a handsome silk umhrollu, peurl handle mount ed with gold and beautifully en graved, was, as they put it, a slight token of their appreciation of his kindness to them, All Eyes Towurd Ft. Myer. Much interest naturally attaches to tho trialB of the Wright aero plane at Fort Myer this week, In volved in the tests Is a good bit of National pride. The Wright BroB., through the advancement they have made in aerial navigation, justify this, Since the experi ments at the sumo station nearly a year ago, considerable progrebs has been made, chielly on the other aide of tho ooean. The Government cannot well afford to overlook the advantage of having a string tied to the Wright inuohlue,