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ip ) gptKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lllCll IIILUll IIUJILcU nielli l)r. At. II, CherrliiRton Dr. J, S. Clicrrlngton Lucy Armstrong, Supt 'I III: CIIURRINdrON HOSPITAL la now entering upon Its second year. During tlie past thirteen mouths many persons have been operated upon and without a single fatality. ANY ONIs In need of an operation and wishing other than the Hospital surgeons, may have their choice of surgeons. OUR (lRAt)UAfli IIUAD NURE, AND TWO COMPETENT UN-(MADUATI- NURSHS are constantly In chaigc. The physicians' of fice being in the hospital, one or the other Is usually present. THIi OPPICIi Is equipped with an X-ray and electrical apparatus for the treatment of diseases, Calls answered by cither physician day or night. TELUIMIONESOfflce and Hospital-Citizens nnd Hell, 2 on 78. PRIVATE AMBULANCE SERVICE. CHERRINGTON HOSPITAL, Logan, 0. Xocal anfr w "vprv" Mr. John Monday. Shunk was in Logan, Miss Evelyn Bowen has returned to Oxford. Mr. (Jhria Aclimier was in Co lumbus, Saturday. D. S. Smith, the hatter, is in Lancaster this week. Mr. Johnny Smoot was in Co lumbus over Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Juke Hansel were in Lancaster, Sunday. Mr. Juke Denby, of Oreville, was in Logan, Saturday. Mr. Dan Engle and son Karl, of Orland, were in Logan Saturday. Mrs. Will White und daughter were visitors in Lancaster, Sun day. Mr. Eber Turner, of Laurelville, was in Logan Saturday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Eberst were guests of friends, Sunday, in Haydonville. Miss Grace Thurness, daughter of Mayor Thurness, returned Mon day from Wooster. Messrs. Fred Ambrose and Ferd Hack, of Union Furnace were in Logan over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Edwards, of Rockbridge, were business visitors in Logan, Saturday. Mr. Harry Brown returned Sun day to Akron, after a week's visit with his parents here. Master Dallas Kinser was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Camp bell in Columbus, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Price were in Lancaster, Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peuil Price. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ucker were Capital City visitors Sunday, guests of Mrs. Ucker's people. Miss Edyth Chute, of Carbon hill, was in Logan Monday and went to Lancaster on Tuesduy. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Smith, of Haydenville, were in Logan among frionds, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Fred Campbell was in Co lumbus, Sunday to visit his father who is at the hospital vory sick. Mr. Albert Martin, of Salt Lake City, wus in Logan Monday, guest of his biother, Judge F. P. Mar tin. Mr. Charles Lappen and Miss Freda Armstrong were guests of friends in Haydenville over Sunday. gmmmmmmmmmmimfwmnimmmmmmmmmmg I Hot Weather I sr is upon us Are you mat not cook stove wnon lor little cost wo can provide you with a lahor saving, gas saving and sweat saving I HOT PLATE, I 1 GAS RANGE I OR t5 rr Lot us show you those goods, You will live longer by their use; at least more com fortable whilo you do livo, WORK BROS. Hardware, Tinware and Stoves, Main Street, Logan, Ohio muuauuauuuuiUiuuuauaiaauautauauuauuutaiE m iMr. Anthony Ucker, of Nelson ville, was in Logan over Sunday visiting his futhor, Mr. John Ucker. Mr. John F. Ilartman, who is working in Nelsonvillo, was in Logan oyer Sunday visiting his family. Judge John C. Stoughton wus called to Lancaster Sunday, by the death of his brother, Lon Stough ton's wife. Mr. Tom Leyshon returned home Sunday, from Texas, where he has been for a few years operating a dairy farm. Mr. and Airs. Dill Sanderson and son John Thomas, returned lust Saturday from a visit in Wash ington, C. H. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tiuiberlake, of Los Angeles, are in Logan visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Timberlake. Mr. John Slisher, of Lancaster, was circulating among acquain tance here, Friday and made our olfice a pleaBiint call. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sparks, of Lancaster, were in Logan, Sunday und Monday, coming through in their new touring car. Mrs. Jumos Poling was called to Haydenville, Sunday, because of the death of the infant child of Mr. und Mrs, John Smart. Miss Clara been visiting Downey, who has her grandmother, Airs. Doebele, for some days, has returned to her home in Colum bus. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Smart, of Haydenville, died Sunday and the funeral was held at Ebonezer Church on Tues day. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. L, BloBserand Mrs. Julia Wagner and daughter Maude, of Baltimore, spent Sun day with Mrs. Whorf, of near Or land. Miss Bertie Martin, who has been visiting relatives in Logun for some weeke, returned to her home in Columbus, Thursday of last week. Masters Marion and Raymond McGhee.of Vinton, Gallia Co., sons of Mr.Vul McGhoe, formorly a rail road employee hero, are visiting their uncle und aunt, Auditor and Mrs. Jas. L. Martin. They came up to take in Howe's cirouB, Tues day. going to stand cvor OIL STOVE. I 3 flbetsonal SAFE AND SlME Almmit I !lu lilcilleliii'.i tllnt iirn rcuom nHMiitett utiil ontlursori by pliyslulmiH liml nurses is Kemp's IlnlMitn, thu lieit coUuli fcilre. Kur mnny years t luis licen rpgnhlcil fy doctor us the iHPcllfclno most likely lu cuiecoiiglH, rtml ltlmsn Rtronk liolit on tlio esteom ot nil nolMnforineil people. Wlioii Kemp's lliilsnm rnnnol cure it toimli wo slinll lie nt a loss to know wlint Mill. At dniKMlsts' nnil dealers', 'I'm, Mrs. II. G. Campbell, who litiB boon nt the bed side of her bus- i band In Columbus, was in Logun over Sunday. Dr. Campbell is im proving very slowly. Regular sorvices at the Trinity Lutherun church next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, standard time. Sunday School 0 a, m. F. T. Saiinoiimtu, l'ustor. FOR SALE One of the most ptousnnt and throughly appointed homes on Mound Street of Glen view Heights, in Logan, Cull at residence or phone. H. T. SlLVKKTIIOItNF. June 10 3w. Mr. and Mrs. George Dauben mier were called to Lancaster, Saturday, because of the doath of Mrs. Daubenmier sister, Mrs, Lon Stoughton. The funeral and in terment took pluae, Monday at Rockbridge. Mrs. W. P. Heft and daughters Helen and Ruth, were the over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gilliam at their pretty home in Indiunola Terrace, Columbus, Ohio. The Misses Helen and Ruth will remain a portion of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Garber, of Columbu, are in Logan this week, along with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brenueman and Miss Ruth Bishop. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop, and are enjoying an outing at the Rock House, Cedar Falls, Ash Cave and Old Man's Cave, and other scenic resorts in this county. The following persons were visi tors in Lancaster Sunday, presum ably to 6eo the bull game: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ambrose, Messrs. John Welluian, Scott Braddock, Harley Kuhn, Gus Heine, Chas. Pleuk hurp, Seth Sloan, Chas. Beck, Wallace Glenn, Carl Littlejohn, Jake Fox, Thos Mohler, Clem Krieg, Cy Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foster. Those from out of town who at tended the funeral Thursday, of Miss Mary Josephine Dickens, were Mrs. Perey Mayo, Miss Sue Gallagher and Miss Nellie McBride of Columbus; Mr. King Wright, Mrs. Martin Orman, Mrs. Frank Caves and Miss Nell Wright, of Lancaster; Maihew McBride, Juhn McBride and Miss Alice Mc Bride of New Straitsville. OF Pleasant Valley Church at Fairview Sumday night was well attended. Mrs. Ethel Blackston was an Enterprise shoppers, Monday. Mr, Chas. Lenz who has been working in Columbus, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Lenz, ut this writing. Mr, Jacob Cotterman and wife, were the Sunday guests of the former's mother Mrs. I. Cotterman of Corn Cob, Sunday. MUs. Myrtle Evans oalled on Ada and Nuda Risen one diy last week, Messrs Edward and BoydCoukol viBited their cousin Mr. Ivor Engle of near Ilesboro, Sunday, Mr. C. W. Ziogler und Agnes Vancuren, were Logan visitors, Saturduy. MrB. Sumuel Nihieer and Miss Muy Niluser, wore tho guests of their grundmothor, Mrs, II. Klin ger, of Pleasant Crook, Wednesday. Mr, Otto Doris and lady friend, of GibisonvUIe, were seen on our mads Sunday, Rev, II. E, Lyons and friend Jimmy Hamilton, were the oyer night guests of J. R. Evans and family, Sunday, Mr, Augustine Blackston visited his parents, Mr, und Mrs S. Black eton of near Bremen, Saturday und Sunday. Mr, Bert Lenz is sporting a new buggy. Mrs, Win, Beougher nnd ohlld. ren, of Lancaster, were the gueste of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Cotterman, Sunday evening. Earl and Bessie Kline, of Trum bull Co. formerly residents of this place, are visiting with friends and relatives here, at this writing, Mrs, Ethel Blaokston was the gneat of her brother, Mr. Pearl Rolston, of Strlngtown, Friday, NEWS OWN Logan, Route 'i Practically spending, news' Is In livitably scarce tills week, the people being peradventure too busy to visit. Fred Wcyinuellcr passed through this place, Sunday. E. Howdyshell was a pleasant call er on Lucy Gcil, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Blum Is visiting his daughter Mrs. Joseph Kcsslor, at this writing. Frank Poling attended children's service at the IT. B, church at Logan, Sunday evening. Edward Stivlson and Nora Scholl attended children's service at Beth' any, Sunday. Horace Smith was In this vicinity, Sliimlnv. '" J' Holland Bright and wife, of Logan, visited Peter Bright and family, Sun- dn , Vime a line enuorens uay was nuui at Bethany, Sunday. Br.ifK Bull. Sand Run Grace Sparnon visited the past week with friends and relatives of this place. Mis. Donald Hannah and two chil dren left Thursday for McCluncy, where she will spend a few days. Quite a crowd from here attended church at Coe's Chapel. Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Dora Smith and Carrie Griffon spent Sunday at Gore with the lat- ter's sister. Claience Edgell Is again counted on the sick list: he Is very ill at present. We hope for speedy recover. Gladys Edgell spent Sunday with her parents of this place. Carrie Hannah entertained Satur day evening, the following: Fanny and Minnie Edgell, Mae Terrell, Roy Blanchard, Jennie GrllTen, Edward Cooper and Grace Sparnon, of Logan. Sunday school Is progressing nicely under Donald Hannah as supeiln tendent. Blue Bell. Crocketts Run Everybody is busy plowing corn picking cherries and strawberries. Miss Blanche Carpenter, who has been at home the three weeks past, returned to Canal Winchester, Satur day. Peter Ringhier was in our valley Thursday, buying young cattle, Peter says it pays to Invest in young stall;. Carl G'runer and sister Helen visi ted Samuel StivKon and family, Sun day. Child reus Day services at Centenary will be held at 9:.i0 A. M. June 27. Cordial welcome to all. Prof. F. II. Dully of the O. S. U. has completed his collegate course, and is now at home spending a vaca tion. Our road Supt. J no. Wagner is busy remodeling the roads filling the mud holes and scraping off the bumps. Mr. Chas. Carpenter wife and fam ily and Miss May Carpenter, spent Sunday with .Ino. Elick and family. Misses Jessie Disbennet and Tena Ellinger were plesant callers of Miss Cora Carpenter, Sunday afternoon. .Tno. Ililler, of Haydenville, broke bread with his parents, Sunday. Thrashing seems to be a paying business at least Vern Dupler and Leo Sholl think so, they have pur chased an outfit. D. M. Heft was seen wending his way down the valley, Sunday evening, Davy Ckookktts. Starr Corner Bill Young and Bess Hayburn from Nelsonville, were seen on our streets, Wednesday. Mrs. H. II. Cruise and children called on .lames Morse and wife, Wed nesday. The Starr Hocking Coal Co. has re sumed their work on the switch from Starr to their mine at Coonville. Ellhu Wells, who has been working at Nelsonville, was home over Sun day, also Edith Wells, who has been working at Logan, was home over Sunday. Mary E. Cruise made a business trip to New Plymouth, Thursday. Born to Homer Hull and wife, of Carbondale, twins, boy and girl, and unfortunately they both died. The little ones were laid away to rest in the Asbury cemetery, Friday. Dr. Moore, of Union Furnace, call ed at II. H . Cruise and wife and left a line big 8 pound boy to make his future homo with them, Saturday the lth. Mrs. Joe O'Neill called on Mrs. II. II, Cruise, Saturday afternoon. II. II. Cruise and Harley Morso commenced painting the Asbury church, Wednesday. Ettlo Carter, of Rabbit Ridge, has the measles, Charley Carter and Miss Pldcock were united In marriago, Tuesday evening. Jefferson Edgar made a business trip to Nelsonville, Saturday, Mary McConehay, who has been DRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels, JUB aubatltut Prloa Beo, Bort & Company 'mieUmmiimStimmmtimtm mMmmma Kline's Shoe ,4. M AMAA i i m , k f ALL OXFORDS sun DOUGLAS Make Us Prove I Kline's Shoe working at Straitsville, Is at home on a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Hewitt and little grandson called on Mrs. Jefferson Edgar, Sat urday. Brushy Fork Prof. Walter, of Crawfis Institute, was In this vicinity, last Friday. Jacob Reber was seen enroute to Sugar Grove, Saturday evening. Daniel Martin made his usual trip to Lancaster, Sunday evening. Doc Love and John Cavlnee have been working for Y. Sheets, the past week. Chas Fjsher and wife were Logan visitors, Saturday. Emma Reber called on Mrs. Philip Martin, Saturday evening. G. W. Bryan made a business trip to Lancaster, Saturday. Daniel and Win. Martin were Sugar Grove visitors, Saturday evening. Geo. Matheny, of Lancaster, has been visiting relatives of this place, the past week. Carl Wesbauer purchased a new set of boxing gloves recently, and as a result is carrying a black eye. Carl you had better secure another trainer. Daniel Martin made a business trip to Horn's mill recently. Mrs. Wm. Morgan, of Lancaster, spent Wednesday on her farm in this valley. Frank Shue and wife were the guests of the latter's parents, Law rence Hoke and wife, Sunday. Joseph Matheny was a Sugar Grove visitor, Saturday evening. James Moigan called on Jacob Matheny, Saturday evening. Clarence Biyan called on James Morgan, Sunday afternoon, Jacob Matheny has been on the sick list the past week. Carroll Ralph ColTman and wife visited Hugh McCall'erty and wife, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Maggie Collman called on her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bauer, Saturday afternoon. John McCalTerly and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alta McCalTorty, of near Carroll, were visiting their relatives and frionds of near Ilaynes and Lau relville, 0 last week, Nora McCatTerty and mother, Mrs. Maggie ColTman and daughter, and Ed Benson and wife called on Robort McFarland and wife, one evening last week. Mrs, Maggie ColTman called on Mrs. Mary McCalTerly, one evening last week, Mary Kistler called on Nora Mc Call'erty, one day last week, Elijah Kistler sold a flue hunch of hogs, one day last week, Frank McCafferty has purchased a new binder and riding corn plow, Mrs. Esther Harmon, of Hayues,0., wove a very line piece of carpet for Mrs. Mary McCafferty, of near Car roll, Ohio, Nora McC'allerty visited Ella Hal iarn, last Sunday. Mrs. Doille Swisher called on Mrs, J SMS LOGAN, OHIO OXFORDS BELOW COST LOGAN, OHIO Alta McCaiTerty .-Thursday af tnrnoon. Nelson McCalTerly made a Hying trip to Columbus, last Sunday. Simeon Herron and Jenny Calbcrt, of Columbus, were united in mar riage, June the oth. Frank McCafferty and wife visited Pearl Ilaynes and wife, Sunday. Hugh McCafferty will plow corn for Ed Benson, this coming week. Lee Swishe.r made a business . trip to Columbus, Saturday afternoon. John McCall'erty and wife took din ner with their son, Frank MeCallcrty, Sunday. Harley McCafferty has been work ing for John Coll man, the last few days. Eliza and Grace Reid visited their sister, Mrs. Muiiey McCafferty, over Saturday and Sunday last week. Hugh McCall'erty purchased a very nice folding bed, last week. Flo McCall'erty, of Circlcvillc, is visiting her father and mother, John McCall'erty and wife. Fahmkk Gntr. Ilesboro Quite a large crowd of young peo ple, of this place attended Children's day service at Ml, Pleasant, Sunday evening. Charles lies and family were tho guests of his parents, Sunday. Mrs. Amos C. Kline, of Rockbridge, was the over Saturday night guest'of Wm. Vancuren and family. Frank Winkler and wife, of Logan, were the guests of the latter's par ents Sunday, Al Mllsleadand wife. Vernon Walker, of Ml. Pleasant, passed through this place, Sunday evening. Mrs. James Lindsoy, of llaidscrab ble, was seen In our midst, Thuisday. Michael Engle and wlfo passed through this place, Wednesday, Thomas Yancuien mado atilpto tho old farm near Latirolvlllo, Thurs day. D. W. West made a tilp to Logan, Wednesday.. John Ferguson and wlfo woro Lo gan shoppers, Saturday, George Anthony and wlfo wore scon on our pikes, Sunday, Darloy West was seen wending his way toward Orland, Sunday evening, Wm, Vancuren and son took dinner with Vern Kitchen and family, of Ml. Vornon, Sunday. Merle Vancuren, who lias been do ing culinary work for her aunt, ro turned homo, Saturday, FAUMIilt Gun,, Hungry Hollow Charles Bright and wlfo, of Logan, spent Sunday with George Green and family, Mary and Floronco Saunders, of Lo gan, spent Sunday with tholr parents of this place. Nellie Achauer visited friends in Logan, last week, Will Bond, who has been working at Junction City, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Linda Patton called on Mrs. Frank l'atton, on Thursday, Several from tills place attended Store! VA TO CLEAN UP Store! It's a Question s- of Safety Alone We pay you tho highest rate of interest warranted by current money rates and extend accommo dations eiual to any you'will find. The only thing left to consider Is SAFETY. Eighteen years of consistent growth and patronage ought to convince you that our plan Is worthy of Investigation. Write for Booklet. The Columbian Building & loan Co., Buggery Bldg., 22 East Gay st, Columbus, Ohio. Jl I till lilllllllllllllllllilllMlllllllllllllllillllllllllllllt. . n 1 JOB Printing mwi. Kind that Pleases JfTT When in iu : J call us up Jl und we wll When in iioetl of Job I'rinllngi iiver etuier rnonur 'III (Kioto von nrlci-H 5 s umi. ro reosouaoie, wltli n Kimrnutee to please you. s Let us show you .samples of : Job I'rliitliiK that's "Un-to- : UiL'-Mimite" before you place your next order. I Holli Phones No. 6, "That's Us." I I The Democrat" Sentinel ! nllllMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIMlltlilllMr Children's sorvico at Haydenville, Sunday evening, Georgo Bond and Xolllo Achauer spent Sunday at Rockbridge Charles Del&hloyund wife wore thu guests of Wm, Wallace, on Sunday, Ed Joy and vita, of Nolsomillo, spent Sunday with Ott Smart and family, Mrs. Mary Tuckor and daughter called on her mother, Mis. Mary Voll- nier, on Monday, t M - - - - $2.98 1 It fn I mi v3 inJuilP W&ZZZL C2C-" rmm wf " The t -. 41 x" j i .atau 3r- - ,i . -w