OCR Interpretation

The Democrat-sentinel. [volume] (Logan, Ohio) 1906-1935, July 29, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038120/1909-07-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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ft Xocal anb
Mr. Joe Rtetenwaldt vvns In Co
lumbiiH, Sunday.
Mr. John Lotuon epont Monday
in Iluydenvllle.
Auditor Joines Martin was in
Vinton, Sunday.
Mr. Henry Kioppel wue n visitor
in Gloustor, Monday.
Miss little McGuire wub h vIhUot
ia LunciiHtor, Sunday.
MlH9 Magduletin Till wus n visi
tor in Lancaster, Sunday.
Mrp. Will Eiuole upent Sunday
and Monduv in Ooluiubus.
Mr. Frank Roue wus in Lancas
ter on Thursday of lust week
Born to Mr. and Mrs Wiley
Thurness, Friday, July 2!5, a boy.
Mr. Duvu Lilt', of Erie, 1b vieit
ing Mr. .lake Lift", for u Bhortstay.
Messrs. Charles Yontz and John
Wellmuu were in Columbus, Sun'
Mr. Charley Doebele was a visi
tor in Lancaster Thursday of last
Mrs. Ed Nuy, of Kingston, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr, George Roberts, of Lancas
ter, was visiting friends in Logan,
Mr, W. W. Keynes was in Lan
caster Friday of last week, on
Mrs. John Bowors is making an
extended visit in Harrison county
with friends.
WANTED A gentleman teach
er for Gibisonville, Special Dist.
July 22, 2w.
Judge J. C. Stoughton was in
Carroll over Sunday where his wife
is making a visit.
Miss Rose White left Friday of
last week for a short stay with
friends in Columbus.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Edmiston,
of Columbus, were in Logan Mon
day, visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomp
son were recent visitors in Vinton,
guests of their relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Whiting, of
Columbus, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Poling.
Miss Minerva White is spending
two weeks with friends and rela
tives in Fairfield county.
Mr. Fred Collins, wno has been
working in Columbus, returned
home in Logan, Saturday.
Mr. Lafe McMorrow and Mrs.
Will McMorrow were in Lancaster
Sunday, visiting relatives.
Former Marshal George Bayn
hain, of Murray City, was in Lo
gan Saturday, on business.
County CommisBioner-elect Win
Armstrong, of Laurelville, was in
L)gan, Thursday of last week.
Miss JesBie Reasoner spent Sun
day in Columbus, the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crate Rea
soner. Mrs. Jess Wilcox and children,
of Columbus, are the guebts for a
few days of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Mrs. Charles Brenne returned
Saturday from Titusyille, where
she has been making an extend
ed visit.
Foley's Honey and Tar not only
stops chronic coughs that weaken
the .constitution und develrp into
oonsumntinn. but heals iinrl
strengthens tho Jungs. Itall'urdsl
comfort and relief in the worst'
cases of chronic bronchitis asthma, '
hay feyer and lung tronble. Bort
kUklALiiih.lt AAUi.44frtoitohiMttMiM
Canning Time
Mason Jars One-half gallon, quarts and pints.
Homo-made Tin Cans Pints, quarts and one-half
Factory cans in quarts only,
Lighting Jars in pints and quarts,
Can Lids for stone and glass jars,
ICeleh's sealing wax, paraffin, fruit funnels and seal
ing wax labels.
Preserving kottlos in Aluminum, granite and iron,
Wo would like to soil you what you need.
"LiJ- !' "" """ fVi'y'
's no mom rtustructivo
tlmn a Tornado. You
ciiii avoid dynamite, a
Torntulo you cannot con
trol. Do you know that no
portion of the U. S. is
exempt from the destruc
tion of a Tornado? Ex
perience has proven live
truth of this statement.
Do you know that the
AGENCY issues in any
of its Fire Insurance
Compnnies, a Tornado
Policy that insures against
all kinds of Wind Btorms,
Tornadoes and Cyclones?
Do you know such a
policy costs but a trifle?
Protect your property hy
acting at once and apply
for a policy to
McCray Insurance Agency
7!) E. Ainln St.
Logaa, Ohio
Miss Donna Vorhees, of Pleas
antville, spent a few days in Lo
gan the past week, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Campbell, of
Columbus, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hamilton for a few
days this week.
Miss Ruth Reicheldefcr, of Cir
cleville, who hae been visiting
Mrs. Will Strcntz for some days,
left Monday for her home.
Mrs. Henry Schwenke and Mrs.
Harry Weakley, of Sugar Grove,
were guests of Mrs. C. W.
Schwenke, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shotwell,
of Columbus, were in Logan visit
ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Shotwell, over Sunday.
Mrs, Lafe McMorrow and the
infant child of Mr. Will McMorrow
left Friday of last week for n visit
with her daughter Mrs. Carnes in
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Poling, of
Buffalo, N. Y,, are the guests of
Mr. Poling's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Poling, in Logan for a
short stay.
The weather bureau of Colum
bus reports that Friday of last
week, July 23, was the coldest
July 23 in the history of the bu
reau, the past 31 years.
Mr. W. L. Gage and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holl left Sun
day for n touring car ride to Cleve
land and other points on the Lakes.
They will be gone a week or more.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tipton and
son Harold, left Tuesday for a two
weeks' outing in Michigan and
Canada. On their return home
they will stop oh" at Mr. Tipton's
farm in Niugara county, nenr
Niagara Falls.
FOR SALE An eight room
house, nearly new, large front
porch, good cellur, cabinet man
tels, pantry, hard and soft water
plumbed inside, coal and wash
house, large barn with cement
floor. Larae poultry house, Hie
garden. Cement Walks. Fruit
und shade trees, Call on or ad
dress the owner, J. W. Linton,
100 North St., Logan, Ohio,
J illy 10, . w Citizens Phone 381 a.
Bros. I
Tho handsome and well ujiiiotut'l
od hotilo of Mr. Higgle at 1150
Mound Street on Gllnview Heights
was bought by Mr. Charles Yontz,
Saturday. The purchaser will get
posibiBion the flrfet of Septeml b ,
Mr, hue! Elael, formerly baker
with French Bros , has puruhused
tho Dolp Bakery and will operate
the plant. Tho sfrlos rooms nro
tho former Josten ifc Donaldson
rooms opposite Worthiugton Park,
Delay in taking Foley's Kidney
Remody if jou Iihvu buekacho,
kidney or bladder trouble, fustons
the disease upon yott and makes a
euro more dllllcult. Commence
taking Foley's Kidney Remedy
today and you will soon be well.
Why risk a serious malady? Bort
fe Co.
Squire Barnhlll, of Ward town
ship, was In Logun Saturday, ac
companying several barrels of beer
und jugs of whiskey that wore con
fiscated from a fellow In Murray
City, that is said to have been do
lug some business in wot goodB
lino. The Squire thinks the caso
it a strong ono.
Mr. A F. MUlur, of Columbus,
an inventor of some prominence,
was in Logan over Sunduy visiting
his father nuur heio und Ills broth
er. Mr. Miller invented a wash
ing machine water motor that is
making good. Tho machine is on
exhibition at the Farmer's Co
operative Hardware Co.
The following gentlemen were
among the Base Ball fans that
went to Columbus, Sunday, to see
Columbus beat Minneapolis, but
they saw Columbus lose two
straights: Ed Tritsch, Oscar New
man, John Smoots, Col. S. Welty,
Lucius Wright, Scott Braddock,
John Wellman, Chas. Yontz and
Jess James.
Everyone would be benefited by
taking Foley's Orino Laxative for
stomach and liver trouble and
habitual constipation. It sweet
etiB the stomach and breath, gently
stimulates the liver and regulates
the bowels and is much superior
to pills and ordinary laxatives.
Why not try Foley's Orino Laxa
tive today. Bort & Co.
Mr. George Alcott, promoter of
the Logan Business College, has
gone to Washington, C. H. to es
tablish a college in that city.
While here Mr. Alcott made many
friends. The Logan Business Col
lege has a good enrollment and
will move right along under the
management of the very excellent
corps of tenchers.
If people with symptoms of kid
ney or bladder trouble could real
ize their danger they would with
out loss of time commence taking
Foley's Kidney Remedy. This
great remedy stops the pain and
tho irregularities, strengthens
and builds up these organs and
there ib no danger of Bright' dis
ease or other serious disorder.
Do not disregard the early symp
toms. Bort & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brooke and
children and Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Vorhees, all of Pleasantville,
came over to Logan in u touring
car, Sunday, to visit the family of
Mr. and Mrs. Wash Dollison. Also
Mios Madge Dollison came down
from Columbus for the day. Dur
ing the day Mr. Vorhees drove the
car out to the home of his parents
at Gibisonville, where his brother
Bert lives, that had the misfor
tune to have his sight ruined by
the discharge of u gun. Mr. Vor
hees reports that his brother is
slowly recovering his sight and
can now distinguish objects. The
Pleasantville party returned to
their homes in the evening.
Judge George E. Martin occu
pied the Common Pleas bench here
Saturday und heard arguments In
the case of Tilton Thome vs J. M.
Helms et al. This case was brought
to enforce specific performance of
contruct to convey one-eighth
interest in C04 acres of land in
Ward township. The land is known
as tho Swackerhammer land and
is valuable because of the under
lying coal. Attorney E. D. Rick
etts, of Logan, and Attorney Janus
S. McClure, of Parkersburg repre
sented the Pluintill' and Attorney
Wra. Smith, of Parkersburg, At
tomeys G. W. MoMurdy and Frank
A. Roberts, of New Richmond,
and Attorney Jones, of AthenB,
represented the Defondant. Judge
Martin ut the oloso of the argu
ment handed down his decision In
favor of the defendant,
Many people with chronic throat
and lung trouble have found com
fort and relief in Foley's Honey
and Tur as It cures Btubborn
coughs after other treatment has
failed. L. M. Ruggles Heasnor,
Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I
had consumption, und I got no
better until I took Foley's Honey
and Tar. It stopped the hemor
rhages and pain in my lungs and
they are now as sound as a. bullet.
Bort Ac Co.
D. A. ttlzer, Stricken,
We reirrot to ahrnninla tlut At
D. A, Ilizer, the new grocer who
bought out the Hartman store on
East Main fitrent. wru nfrlnban
Thursday with appendicitis, and
numcu uji iu me uuspuui ac uo
lumbus by Dr. O. 8. Wood, 'rim
operation was a success and the
patient ia rapidly recovering,
"!"i" 1 1
Almost anyone may rid themselves of
dandtult and scalp irritation and prevent
baldness if they will use Kexall " oj " Hair
Tonic. We are so certain of this we guar
antee to return every cent paid us for It If
It doein't prove satisfactory. Try It at our
entire risk. Two sls, 50c. and ft.oo.
t H. Ohio ami Opera lluusu Drug Htoru
Tho lto.inll More-
P 11 1 I T 1 fl
1 X X X X 3f
Soutli Perry
11. T, Davis and wife returned last
week from a month's" visit at Mag
netic Springs. Mr. Davis did nob en
joy the trip so well this time us his
health has nob been good during tho
greater parbof U10 time.
Horn to P. W. Notestone and wife,
Wednesday the 14tli, a daughter.
Isaac Cave, of Lancaster, spent a
parbof last week hero with relatives.
Postmaster Can-was oil duty a part
of last week on account of a bad case
of .stomach tioublc.
Mrs. C. E. Brashares and daughter,
of Lancaster, arc spending a vacation
up on the farm.
Jacob Wahl and wife, of near Ctr
clevllle, visited in the community,
over Sunday.
Several from this place went on the
excursion to Cincinnati, Sunday.
The ladies of the U. li. church will
give an ice cream social at the church
next Saturday evening, .luly .11. This
society has also purchased a new or
gan for the church.
Fannie Gla.e Is visiting her sister
Leah and other relatives near Clrcle
ville. Dr. Irwin and wife are preparing to
entertain soon, their daughter, Mrs.
A. U. Camason, husband and famllv,
of Keetic, N. II.
Georire Itoll and wife, of Lancaster,
spent .Saturday and Sunday here with
une tatters mother, iurs. ueutern.
Salt Creek
Thos. Hockman and family visited
.losepn Jirasnares and ramiiyiastsun'
Mrs. Win. Peterson, of near Halls
ville. was the guest of Illle Vandy-
grius iasD jrriaay.
Delno Wiggins and wife visited
Cahin Swaclchanimer's last Sunday.
Pearl Scott made a business trip to
ifioomingvuie last irrlday.
John DIehl and wife, of Jimtown.
attended church at Mb. Carniel last
C. N. Turner, wife and children
were the Sunday guests of John Stots
and family of Pretty Run.
Dick AVJgglns, of Laurelville, was
seen In our valley last Monday.
Rev, Fred Fetherolf was calling on
friends on Salt Creek, Monday.
Joseph Turner and wife andRancle
i'ollng and wife visited Elmer Ken
nedy and family last Sunday.
Mrs. Rose VandvirrilV. who has been
on the sick list for sometime, Is re
ported better at bills writing.
Thos. Hockman and wife were
Laurelville shoppers last Saturday.
Bert Swackhaininer and family were
uiue ureeic visitors lasb Sunday.
Mrs. Cella Beery visited Mrs. Chas.
Turner one day lasb week.
Jacob LIndsey and wife wore bhe
guests ot wilber Yanrossan and ram
Ily lasb Sunday. Uncle John.
Alt. Zion
This is a lovely daj1, after a fine rain
yesterday, which was welcomed, lb
not being accompanied with any elec
tricity which we usually have this
time of year, made lb all the more
Some of our farmers are cutting
hay this week, some stacking wheat,
some plowing corn, so we have a
variety of work In this neighborhood.
Nellie Stout, of New Plymouth, is
the guest of her Grandma Atkinson,
this week.
George McDanlel, of this place,
made a business trip bo Nelsonville,
S. L. Atkinson and wife passed by
this rlde, Saturday, enroute bo town.
Blackberry picking and canning Is
bhe order of the day with our women
Mrs. David Casey, two little daugh
ters and son, of Nelsonville, are visit
ing their friends of this neighborhood
at present writing.
We undeistand that we are to have
a colored camp meeting in this neigh
borhood in the near future, goody.
J usb any good bhlng that may arouse
the monotany and perhaps be all bhe
bebter for the people.
We are much Interested each week
in the prize winners in the Sentinel
We understand that Coonvlllc is
still moving on; they are putting up
trestles and distributing ties, the
grading is being completed ab the up
per end of the switch.
Our phono lines are In a wretched
condition; where are the olllclals?
Pray straighten up things a little so
we can call a physician when neces
sary. Lou Warbhman says he will be In
bhls neighborhood soon to thrash; all
light Mr. Warthman, we are ac
quainted with your machine and you
will be welcome. Max.
ft may bo a good plan for
somo people to go without
broakfast that's a matter for
each to docido for himsolf.
But tho average individual
will "ho on time to break
fast" with a keen appotito,
too when ho looks forward
with cream or fruit.
The Taste Lingers"
Popular pkg., lOo,
Largo Family size, 15c,
Ask the grocer,
f. '. '.
Ty,?ri.M'f jiiitiiK iWE'
Maple Street
'1'he following guests called oil G.E,
Walkef and wire, Suhday evening!
Geo. Sclidll and wife, Ariiey DaUben-,
iui)l r, wife add three children, Anna.!
Rcholl, and Mrs, Ettlo Kllngor and
three sons, I
Geo. D. Englo and wife had for
their Sunday guests; Daniel Engle
and wire, ueo. k waiKur, wue aim
daughter, Charles Lent atul Ida E.
Mai bias Walter and wife took din
nor with their son 'Manuel Walter,
Fred Koriunlllor and family wore
the guests of his sister Mrs. Minnie
Walters, Sunday.
Maggie and Nolllo Walters called
on thulr cousin Irene Engle, to cele
brate her birthday, ono day last week.
Mrs Dora Daubcnmlerls very poor
ly at this writing; little hopes for re
covery. I'red Elllnger and wife were Logan
shoppeis, Saturday evening.
Daniel Elllnger Is busily engaged
working for Saul llaucrs.
Pleasant Hill
Mr. Jacobs, of Columbus, took
dinner with Mrs. Emma Tidd,
P. L. Duplcr and family, of
Rockbridge, Barney Kline, if
Enterprise, aud WeBloy Mathins
vlsitod .lic.ol Kline and family
Mrs. Ella MMhias and children
took dinner with Mrs. William
Miss lslu Kltno called on Mrs.
Ella Mathiau one day last week.
Mrs. Carrie Duplcr went to Lo
gan, Friday and purchased some
fine furniture.
Wesley Mathius made a business
trip to Lancaster, Saturday.
Sim Primmer attended quarter
ly meeting at Morgan's Chapel,
Sunday Geiiai.oine.
Little Raccoon Creek
The Ice-cream social at Mt.
Pleasant, Saturday evening was
well attended.
Several of our young folks at
tended preaching at Fairview,
Sunday afternoon.
tioldie Stone, of Urland, was
the Sunday guest of Lucy Hein
Mrs. Pearley Johnston and
daughter Nellie, were Logan shop
pers one day las week.
Miss Jessie Cox and Mrs. Ella
Sirums, of Pleasant Valley, at
tended church at Mt. Pleasant,
Sunday morning.
Michael Engle and wife, of lies
boro, spent Friday with relatives
at Mt. Pleasant.
Irvin Ball, of Logan, and Miss
Florence Huggins, of llesboro, at
tended the social at Mt. Pleasant,
Saturday evening.
Wesley Redick, of Logan, spent
part of last week on his farm here.
Ephraim Lane and wife were in
Logan, Saturday.
There will be an Ice-cream social
at Fairview, Saturday evening,
July 81.
Miss Lauretta Stone is doing
house work for Mrs. John Mauk
The Mowery-Chorry threshing
machine was in our valley last
week threshing. Ioi-sy.
' 1 ...
Cedar Grove
John Hamilton and Mrs. Martha
Bainter were on the sick list.
Miss Ntllie Vorhees was the
guest of Miss Icel Davis last Tues
day. Will Barnhart and wife visited
Mr. and Mrs. John Uutton laBt
Rev. 6. W. Barnhart, of Mt.
Pleasant, was on our streets last
week shaking hands with his many
Al Bainter and wife were visit
ing friends here last Sunday.
Tussing Rose and John Woole
ver passed through our village last
Misses Alta and Ura Woodnrd
were the guests of Miss Nellie
Vorhees last Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Walker, nf Wosley
Chapel, visited Mrs. Gordon last
Dr. Melohel and daughter Es
ther, of So. Bloomingvillo, were in
our village last Wednesday.
Frank Lindsoy and wife attend
ed preaching services at Pine
Grove last Sunday.
Bill Barnhart and Joe Bainter
made u business trip to Pino Grove
laBt Tuesday.
Mrs. Mary and Maggie Linn
visited Mrs. John Kern last week.
Charley Sawyer, of Zanesville,
was here lust week.
There will be Children's day ut
Pine Grove, Aug. 14th. Viola.
Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gorden, of
llesboro, entertained at dinner
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Alva Nixon
and little ton Harrold, Mr. and
Mrs. E, B, Allen and daughter
Blanche, Miss Delta Gordon, of Lo
gan, Mr. und Mrs, Georgo Gorden,
union Furnace, Mr. Porter Nolson,
of Columbus, and Mr. L, B. Mills,
of llesboro, The day was spent
first in partaking of the elegant
dinner which Mrs, Gorden well
knows how to prepare, The after
noon was spent iu ploasunt conver
sation and uiubIc, Miss Blanche
Allen rendering some beautiful
selections, The guests departed
lute in the afternoon, voting Mr.
und Mrs, Gorden charming enter
tainers, Onk Who Was Tukhb.v
Jutuor Gliuumun, wtios uluce of rtnldonce
1 unknown, Is liureby notified tliutMumle
Cliftiimim ban tiled her petition again!-Iilui
for divorce, alimony und tuba returned to
liur inuldun nuiue of Mamie Wood. Bald
fauna being No. 1145, of tbe Common Piean
four L of lloaklnit I'oiintv. Ohio. Hnld oiu.a
will be for beaiiotf on or after Beplember
KIU.I9W (1. W.II..WU10I1T.
July Wi (M0I t-w Attorney fr tuiniirr,
wWmwwwwpp'Wwi'wi nil
Dr. At. H. ChcrrihKton Dr. J, S. CllerrliiRton Lucy Armstrong, Supt
1HU CimURINOTON HOSPITAL Is now entering Unon Iti second
year. During tho past thirteen months many persons havo bren
operated upoli and without a single
ANY ONl2 In need of an operation and wishing other than the
Hospital surgeons, may have their choice of singcons.
(1RADUATC NURSliS arc constantly in charge. Tho physicians' of
fice being In the hospital, ono or tho other Is usually present.
THU OPFICU Is equipped with
for the treatment of diseases, flails answered by cither physician
day or night.
Tl:LUPHONUS-Offlcc nnd Hospital-Citizens 11 ml Hell, -2 on 78.
Tho following have our thanks
for subscriptions to tho Dkmookat
Skntinki., paid during tho wcik of
July 20 to 27, 1900:
Paul Fox, Joseph Judy, P. J.
Connor, Augustus K ssler, A J.
Judy, Mary Kessler, Hurry Riloy.
John A Smith, Mrs. Sophia Mi -ler,
W. F. Bowon, Samuel Blum,
N. J. Weiland, W. P, Heft, Ida
E Englo, Baker Canan, Solomon
Miller, Jerry Poling, B. F. Car
penter, Cora Lambert, Emma Sny
der, Theo. C. Johnson, Frank
Judy, Frank Miller, J. E. Galla
gher, Minnie Kleinschmidt, Ilenr'
McRride, Jacob Fox, Vincent Mil
ler, Joe Krannitz, David Schrader,
C, V. Stiers, Raymond Hansel,
D. E. Landis, Warren Lanning,
T. E. Warren, Lizzie Beougher,
Ether Steele, A. C. Johnson,
Eber Mowery, John J. Engle, Mrs.
Bent Fields, Harry Mock, Lafe
Jackson, Wylie O'Hare, Frank
Brooks, Robert Bluckston, Ed
Clark, Samuel Watson, Frank
Fickell, P. W. Bright, Horace
Mohler, Ferd France, Dr. G. W.
Pullen, Irving Kreig, The Nation
al Bank of Logan, A. C. Tipton,
Dr. J. B. Lyon, Rolland Bright,
Joe Primmer, Jas. L. Martin, S. R.
Walker, W. B. Huggins, J. W.
Green, Jacob Nihiser, M. N. Par
sons, Odies Statser, Abraham
Brown, Wra. Canan, W. I. North,
ot Lfgan; Chtrles Brawley, Aus
tin Hart, David Clark, J. S. Robs
man, Chas. Blazer, James Reber,
Ad Beam, Harry H. Snyder, Ross
Wagstaif, Chas. Fisher, Emanuel
Wilson, Roy Starner, It. J. Stough
ton, Robert Einde, F'red Schlaget
ter, Sugar Grove; A. F. Miller,
Charles Nutter, Columbus, Ohio,
Charles Davis, E. W. Davis, Or
land; Robert McClannahan, F. J
Clark, Union Furnace; Geo. W.
Dupler, C. P. Mitchell, Grover
Azbell, D. D. Goss, Howard Mc
Broom, Rockbridge; Mrs. J. D
Clark, Judge Geo. E. Martin, Lan
caster; Mrs. W. H. Roush, Fair
mont, W. Va, ; Arthur Judwin,
Lns Angeles, California; Dr. A. I.
Sherman, Webb Summit; John
Notestone, South Perry ; Samuel
Wells, Starr.
Hocking County Reunion.
Columbus Dispatch.
Hocking County is to replace its
annual home-coming event this year
with a reunion which is to take
place in Columbus on Thursday,
Aug. 12 The big joint committee
representing the farmers' grange of
Hccking county, the merchants of
Logan and the retail clerks of the
same city have chosen Indianola
park as the place for this reunion,
which us projected, is to possess
many unique and attractive feat
ures. Three special trains nave
been chartered from the Hocking
Valley railwuy to bring tho party
to Columbus. It is eetimuted by
the committee that the outing and
reunion will be attended by at
least 4000 people.
All the stores of Logan, togeth
er with the factories and shops,
will be closed on that day and tho
farmers' grange is co-operating to
make the occusion represent in
every detail the entire county. A
speoial program is being prepared
by the joint committee which It is
expeoted will be a departure from
the conventional one at outings.
The committee hus rented the
dancing pavilion from the pnrk
management for the entire day
and will provide the party with
free dancing. This is expeoted to
be a very popular feature of the
oooasion. A baseball game be
tween the oldor and younger in
habitants of the county has ulfo
been arranged and the committee
promises tomipply the rooters with
paper meghnpliones for tho day in
order that none of the enthusiasm
generally inheront on such air oo
oasion shall be ubsent.
The committeo hus also arrunged
m a pi n A rj .
. MI7J -
tu.it xa?i.m -
cr t.iy.H x7
Hospital Staff
an X-ray and olt'ctrlcal apparatus
We Are Grateful
'To our depositors whoso grow
ing patronage has enabled us to
make the most substantial and
satisfactory growth in our
history during the half-year
j.isb closed. Wo arc especially
grateful lo readers of The
DKMOditAT-SuN'TiNK'. whose
confidence has aided us so ma
terially. Business intrusted to us will
be handled In a manner to please
and satisfy you In every partic
ular, fi per cent, paid on de
posits. Write for booklet.
The Columbian Building & Loan Co.
Ruggery Bldg.
22 East Gay St. Columbus, O.
Z. L. White, Pies.: Foster
Copeland, Treas.: Henry C.
Taylor, Gcn'l Counsel: W. L.
Van Sickle, Sec.
with the paik management to sup
ply all formor residents of Hock
ing cotfnty who wish to attend
with the special budges for tho
day which will entitle the wearer
to free admission and free dancing.
All persons not now- living in
Hocking county may obtain these
badges ut the park by leaving their
names and Bigning tho f-peoiul
Hocking county register for the
day. The committeo is still at
work on other fuattuee, nmong
which will be an addiess by a
prominent speuker.
Olentangy Park.
Olontungy Park, Columbup, ap
pears to bo tho favoiitooiiling place
this season, and nu melons excur
sions uro run to this big nuiuse
ments resort from all purls of the
state. August 5th. is tobu"D.mo
cratic Day" ut the Park, and Sen
ator Tillman, Governor Ilaimon
and other spoukors of national
prominence will be present. Ex
cursions will bo run on nearly all
railroads, and over thirty thous
and people are expected to attend
this big gathering.
On Aug. 21st. tho Spanish War
yeterans will hold a leunion ut tho
Park, to which all soldiers of ull
wars are invited. It is intended
to make this tho biggest reunion of
soldiers ever held in Ohio Tor a
long tirao.
Sunday Schools, Fraternal Lod
ges and associations of various
kinds uro holding outings at Ole.ii
tung this year, and not u day goes
by without a picnic of somo kind
being hold at tho Park.
The niagnitudo of tho Park and
the numerous umueements and at
tractions ullord plenty of enteilain
ment for all visitors to Olentangy
is ono long to be remembered,
Cooked Radishes.
Who has ever eaten cooked rnd-ifihet-?
Their devotees declare
them more digestible than raw
olios and fully as appetizing. Here
is tho wuy ono woman prepared
them to convince doubting friends:
She cut large white radishes in
to rounds about u hull' inch thick.
These were Luiled in slightly salt
ed water, not too muoh, for about
ten iniiiutoB, nnd were then fried
in hot butter until tender. They
wore highly soasoncd with pepper,
suit, u little sugar aud a drop of
For Infants nnd Children.
riio Kind You Havo Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
More New Long Distance
Rates July 1 to many
For information regarding
rates or ' service call
"Long Distance" or ak
our Local Manager,

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