Newspaper Page Text
For the Little Folks to Read. ".. '. From the Child's Taper. "Bubby." Mary's little brother Thomas died. Ee iru next younger than she, and she loved him dearly. She need to call him her "dear bubby." He was three years old, and very cunning. He died while , Mary wai down at her, grandmother's. When she came home. Tommy was not in bis crib, one lilted up his blauKet and no Tommy. She turned to her moth er, and her large blue eyes asked, ' Where where is rhy dear hubby?" Mother ': 4. 1. L I 1 ....1 . ll... l. loon IICI uanu aim icu m; v nn utni chamber. On the white bed lay Tommy. He was washed and dressed, and quieter thanalaiub. Oh, ho lookeJ so beauti ful. "Tommy' asleep" whispered Mary, holdinjf to her mother's bund very tight. 'Asleop in Jesus," said the mother softly and sweetly, yet there wero two large tears running down her , chocks. Mary did notjipiite know what that sleep was, but she felt it meant something; nor did she ask lieMiiamuui. When she laid her head on her snow-white' pillow that night, would she sleep with Jesus? she thought. And the thought filled her little'bosoin with awe, because she never aaw Josua as hs saw her mamma; but sl.e was not uraiJ, Oh no, because she new Jesus'luved little children. There huh a picture of it in the g':catBiblu, and her papa showed to her every .Sabbath. The next day Tommy was buried. Mary saw him in bis little colli n . Ho bad a rosebud in his hand nml Hewers over his head. Mary thought he was erownod; but Tommy didn't mind it. She rode to thq grave ill 'the carriage with hot parents and the other children. When it reached the yard they jumped out and walked in; and all the little cous ins and uncles ami aunts lelt their car riages, and walked in, J two and two. They came to the'grave and looked down ami there lay the small colli n . Then the children sang a hymn; 1 do not know what it was. 'crimps itwas, 'I want to b an angel." And the singing lluatod on tho sunny air all around, and the birds on tho a.spen-tree echoed it. Mary listened; if she could only catch Tom my's voicelToniiny wus singing with Jetus. Tho next day Mary went to her play things, and was playing her mother lupposed, when tho little girl suddenly burst into a loud cry, ami begun to sob bitterly. "Mary, darling," cried her mother, running into tho little, chamber, "what ails ynu? Von are hurt, my child." "They put my bubby in a giuvo. Nii;lrtfj-fnt,n put my bubby in a grave. JtUffm my dear bubby," cried Mary, her voice choking with grief. Mother took the little girl in her anus ami prcssud her to her boom. Oil, who can tell how aha wanted "bubby" tool Mother could not speak at iirst, she only clasped her little girl closer to her bosom. , When the did, "Tommy is not in the grave my dailing," sho said. 'Tommy is very, very happy with Jesus in heaven. We put tho dear little body which he left behind in the ground to keep, bocmisu it it of no no to ti now Tommy is gone. Tho little grasses will watch over it, and the birdies will sing to it, and the warm sun will shine on it, and we will often go down and say, "Tom my's little body is kept here, but Tom my himself is with Josus." ' So mother tried to comfort Mary; yet Mary yearn ed after it; she could not help it. And did not mother too? . One day, a little while after, Mary feeling in her mother's pocket, pulled out a daguerreotype "It ii: Tommy's," cried Mary, sparkling with delight. "Tommy's daguerreotype!" "Yon may have it," said her mother. 'Mint to kerpV she asked joyfully. Mother's head nod ded 'yea.' She eagerly opened tho case. The picture wut tnne 'Tommy is not here,' said the little girl, a great shad ow of disappointment crossing her face. "Von can take the case," said mother; 'it U pretty." 'No,' said Mary, turnihg sorrowfully away. 'Tommy's gone, I don't caro about it." Mother put the case in her basket. Georgo took it up and looked in. 'Von may have that, said his mother. 'I don't want the empty case." replied George. "lfTomuiy was only in it.' Presently Sophy came along, and she opened' if. "Don't you wan't the esse?" asked mother. "Oh no; the case is of no use without dear Tommy," said Sophy, And so all the children left the esse to bo put in the rnbbish-drawer a? ay. Where was Tom my? they askud. Mother left them in the dark. It was not long dark, however, for the children came home one afternoon, and behold, a beautiful picture on tho parlor wall, "Tommy!" each ono said in a reverend tone. Oh, it was to like Tommyhis golden hair, and the one little curl on the forebad: his blue eyes laughing en them; his rosy lips just ready to speak: bis ripe round checks with tears on them never more. It was Tommy; so much bettr aad more bfan-1 tiful than Tommy's daguerreotype; more beautiful even than Tommy s ielf, for the face in the picture looked glorified. 'Mary,' said the mother, as they two ero looking' at it ono ily t'5"tlicr, j 'Tommy's real self is his soul; his little body was tho case it camo to us in. Whin Ood took it. out, wo put tho case away. It was an empty case then. In tho heavenly hereafter we shall see Tom my again, more lovely than ever, because he will bo clothed in the beautiful robes of his Saviour's righteousness a Christ- child, no longe.4 cross-laden with tho suf ferings of a fallen world." Mary bad a precious little seed-thought then. She pondered no moro on the lit tie body left in the grave, but on the 'Christ-child' in heaven. That was her 'bubby' now. And the thought grew, II. C. K. 'JJurscll Jjustoa's flit's. JaMLS VlUtiLLL D. Ji lluaroK. PURSELL L HUSTON, At their liirgo and commodious Warehouse, I'oot of i'mctlf st. Mast of It. It. Depot, ; WASHINGTON, C. II. 0. Are now, as heretofore, Prepared to fJuy and receive nil kinds of Grain, For which they will pay the itrhvst .lliiiket Price i:i Cask!' .lliyiket l.M.OOKlCJ The b.'st quality fur sale -1. clM'ri', at 1 I'l'KSEU. A HUSTOH'S. QIIIXOI.KS Always mi hand, and fur sale O at tlie Iiw't4 cash price, at, Jan. ID, Iflil. no.O' i'unsm, & Hilton's. I )lllNtcr-l'aris, of the very best quality, for -1- sufeiit rcusuLi, 4 lli.'sToy s. G. Inss All sizes and the la !, (jimlity. afc I i'rnsjcu, ,ti ilrsrox's. 1 1 lolmer.i Lovers of 'the w 1' will find an 1- excelleiitiissul'tmelit.ot' the very heflt i nul ity, at I'utsi.u. til ijlHTO.N S, O toneVui'e All kimis, sizes a nd simpes O at, 1'liwkix A's. 10 OOFFKIi,- A prime article, very low J'l'hsici.l ik llrsro.v'a. at TA VA forria.: An excellent a ml hii!- J ly iiitviHvd article, at. PiitKi:u, fc Hi'sroNrt. "plsOWS OflliH bent make mid latest itii I. jii'iiveiMi ii I. i. ut ummifactwren' prices, at (i I'ikkiu, it JUhion's. IATll i'UrtttTiirg T,nth kept iM'iiitlinitly on I hand, (it f'nixn.r, L hi'STONrf. (Implied Sugar A very wupi'rioi nrfif-Ic, J ut I'l'it.shi.r. it JIihton's. s pirrAU kinds at figures astonishingly JltW, at, I'UKHI' (fe JIlHTONH. ("lOAli. A full supply of the best (jiinlilifs J always on hand, and lorsalo at the lowi-st i'.hhIi prions, at I'l.HsnLi, it IIi sthn's. NAII.S, The best quality! and all su s for sale, in tmntities to suit purchasers, at Priirfiai. h Hi'hto.n's. Oils A. ruiiits.yVI1 persons iu want of pure Oils and hunt, will find a full sup ply at J'l'iiski.l i!i IIi.'M'on'h. SUOAU. A superior article (.f Hrown Su gar, at City priet-s, at I'viisklu (i lli'sroN'fl. Ail A No. 1 ai'tiele, fur sab at 1 I kki:i.i, iv. JlcsTON s. 'MKArf. Young llysun, Imperial & Oolong, o Uie very best iiualir.y. at, (lie very best itmlity, at I'liHMKI.I, ttt Koiito.n 8. OKS t SASH Always on hand, ami :'nr salu cheap, at I'ljusicij, it Huston's. AT THE Old On-clcllo Sliop ok Ari Ilium I lol Miison , Nortlt aide Oortrt Street, one duir westof Alain, WASHINGTON, OHIO. rHAVKon hand at nil li runs ageneral assort m eat of Saddlea, Uai'iifss, Ibidbs. Whips, Collni'rt, Ibunen, Trnee Chains, and iu short ev oryt.liiiiu (iiTtaininK to the business, all of which I ivsp'fi fully invite llie Cuiiin-rs tit' Kiy'tle and adjuining eoiinl ies to call and examine, be fore purchasing elsewhere, lit member I he place It) gi t bargains for cash. Leal later! Lesslliei! A large stock of Mcde of nil (jualiiies.aii)! all oth. r kinds of h-alher used by Shue Jbdo rs. The traile is limit d to eull and examine my stork, which will lie sold as low as the same ij uu lit)' oau Im bought in the oountv. foruaHh or hide. II I )i:N. -Tho highest market price paid for Hides delivered at my shop, feb'iS-lMlt'l VM. liOltlN'SOX. (Jl!(X5i ;i A N I ) PROVISION STORE! iT AVINt'J ri'KCHASKl) THM STOCK I l of 0 riKH'nes and IVoviwions here(uf,n'i owned by lleiijauiin Allen, 1 shall coutinue tin GROCERY AND PROVISION BUSINESS ut thi' old stiind. My itock is of a iood ipinlity nml i emu assure thn hublio, that I deiu'it keep big aiaiut evervthiug that in usually called fur in a Urortcry anti crovisum nion. If you ?utit a first rato article of Ton, OolToc,Susar of any kind, I have it. If you want Kui-dim, Nutmegs, .-rune, i'lt Mvis or spioe of any kind, give me call. Iu tho provision liuo I can fur nUl, v,.ii with ,.11 viin wimt funwisli J J" ' or jiruinjit pay. W2V3NrTIi:i! All kind, of oountry protluee, In exehnnge, for gr,ie,Tiei at the market price. (live me a enll. and I think 1 can ntttUfy you, 1.kUi in tho quality of the oudi, and the prion. JOHN' MlLLIlvA.N. Am?iut, l lih, ISfil. :iTtf. MO R K V I 0 LIN .S! 4 do4 a ne invoice gome very fin from tl,.W U l-'ilf IL.itiVAi.i Su. Burliiiu About! fl'KEX prepare for them by buying a revol -t ver, a nisUil or sua at . j.linf) TIF. REM AN 3. TJo'lixs. ) D"fii aortil Vinlina, fri'm fl to also O Striiiiira, lkw. Hridir., ail-pit., A.-. J. a. HKliEM AN A SDK. 10ALOM. LAMl'S. Lamp. Chimney a. Wleka, Uleanera, caiiR.fu., a. wumsu ,1... .., L'.u. L. l.v lu' j, 3, iHinxii 4 Son BRYAN'S COMMERCIAL COLlECE.IfWfT ( QIYWIN Permanently Loonled ,it Cliillioothe, 0. VJvyJLVi.l lj U J-J V JjUl p. v. niiYAiv . ' i.,!,!i Terms Commence Sept. ad and Feb. 3d IS pn'8i'ntiig uur friomla, nntrons find road-L-i-s witli our LJiird Aniuml CiroiiJur. permit ua to coiiratulrtte the friuiids of this school on it iiiemiHtiig nopulurity and fiultcrin proa ptwt8. i)u will also pfvniik us turetura our rutiiul tliHiiks to uu npprccintintf community t'nr tlid Hwelling tidy of pronptrity titut is flow ing in upon us. Wtt ar now able to announofi with cortaintv the pi rmiwu'iit eHtaUiahint'iit of tho Cliillicothy Ci'iniiKTc'ial Uolh'e. The CommtTciul Course will embraco the moat approved forms of keeping Books by Sin- fjle. and Double Entry, in the various depart ni''Tit(tf trade, including; Whidi'saleand lictail, Kori'itfn and Inland M'jruhandUiriif, Mininif. JVlanul'aeturin, Furwitrdiiii?, Commission, Shipping, ln-dividunlj'-iftnershipand Compound Com pany liusineas. PurUiersIiip Settlementa, Administrator's Books, Steam boating, Jiuilpimding, iJiinkirigaud Exchange, Com nifr'jiitl Calculations, Commercial Law and Correspondence.- t"All uiaiiuseript from which tho student coiih-s a I'm wntton in a bold, rapid business 'mint, wIih'Il serves m a great auxtlary in se curing to him ftiioxeulkmt style of Chiitigraphy. Sppiiroriiiii Pen mini ship. Tfie best system of writing known to tho eWilj,'d wrld, universally admired for its li-gibility, beauty, rapidity and east! of execu tion, U seientiii'?nHy taught by E. K. Bryan, a pupil iit" 1. K.peiicer, author. f'lU'lish and ?.iatirniatical. As many persons arc not aware that there is anything but Commercial Science taught in the ChillitMithc Commercial Collt-irc, we wiyh toin fnrm them that all the branches of an English, Mathematical ami Seienlilic Educiition are t.hurtiulily und practieaily tauglit. ft is con ceded by all students that have attiided cither (ranimar, High, Classical or Normal Schools, lhat in no other intil.iition can la1 obtained so mi! -h us. f'ul kuowledgo in, so short a time, at so littla e.-iieiise. BOARD OE TRUSTEES : J). A., J. II., H. II. Lansing, Chas. Mi near, 1'rof. I. U. Spencer, JVof.d. W. Dusk, Win, H. Douglas, Martin Maule, 'A. C. Hryan, Major A. Pearson, Henry 0. Sjenccr, Vm. T. McClintick, LKOTUH RS : On Commercial Law Membcrsof the Chil i lieothe Mar. On Moral Seicne", T'usiiiess Habits, Customs i etc. Professional gentlemen of ability. REFERENCES: Pev. N. S. Smith, J). M. Eshelman, K. II. Allen, I). T. Reeves, 1''. A. Sinnuoiiils, Milt. Lewis, Win. Cai'sun. Llf. A. 1'. Jliller, TKIiM.S-. A. '1'. McLean, J. I'!. Slevelisiin, S. I,. U allace, Aniiiiuh Hanson, .liio. K.iggitt, W. Jt. franklin. .CASH: Ku!l ctitirse, Siri'b) and Pnublo J'jitry Itook kt''piiii,', l'enmanship ami I-ietures, ill. itll-dliess enlii'V.-, J,JI). Lad'nV full course Ilook l;eeping, Penman nhip and Lecture;", Full course Business Penmanship, $'10. Thirty lessons, $ti. liu.'meHS PiMimaiisbip for term of o tnos., $10 H ending and Kloeution, per b-nn, $Hb Arithiui.tii!, (ieograpby and limgtisli Gram mnr per l rui, $Hb l'hibi.4i..hy, Algebra, (leonictry and survey ing, per term, $1(1. ;"AU are eHpeoinlly invited to mill fnd ex amine our cniiise. Oood biifirling ftjr $2,rll to :i,ltit per woek. Students Ciiinpli'to the full lVim tJireo tn live month, . BnaincArt cmirfe from llvetntt'ii weeli. .Kntiiv c.poiii'H for BinincaH coui"uc, j: l.r). l'r full courni', N f W"0pen from H uVlndc A. M.,toD P. M. I ,TStudontH ciui outer tho Comnieicial Do pari ineiit ut any time. Cnwh Hyrttem atlopted jNoV. 1 I, 'III f! EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE, Patented IVhrunry Uth, IS.M). Salosroom, 510 Broadway, W. Y. f M1IIS Muehinc in conntnieted on an untircly L new principle of meehantam, Hwnesainff many raro and valuable iniii'ovemeiiU. having been examiticd by the wnt profound eiporlrt, and pronounced to bo simplicity anil perfec tion combined. 1 Tho fdtlowinij art thn principat objecUons urjjed aniiiHt Sowing HachineM :- 1. lCxccHHivefutiguoto 1 Incapacity to ew the oiu nilur. every tlenenption of 2, biiibility to fel out material. of ordi r. 5 lunareoable nio It. Kxpense, trouble, while in operation, and Iohh of time iu repairing. f Tho Ilmpirn Srwins Jlftirhlno exempt liom nil iht'htt obiectionsj It ia a utraiht needle perpendicular action, makes the luck or nhuttle Htieli, vdiich will nntli- r rip iuv ravel, nml in alike on both HideH; p'i'l'ormn perfect new inou evi-ry deU'iptiuu of material, troin lA'tiliirr to the linent INanBook Muslin, wilh cottnn, lini'ti or hi I ! thread, from the eoiirsest o the (ini rtt number, Having lu ither t'aiA nort'og Wheel, nml the leant puwciblc friction, it run as smooth ha yinnn, and i empluiticallv It requires fifty per cent, lent power to drive it than any other Machine in market. A pirl of twelve year of ago can wnrk it ateiulilv. w ithout fatiirua or injury to lo alth. i Ilrt stretufth and wonderful aimplieity of oototruction render it almost imposible to pet. out of order, and in tfuarnnteeil by th coiuptmy to irivo entire nati-tfaetion. Wo renpectfully invite all thono who may de sire to supply thetmu'lve witli a superior arti cle, to cull and exmniny thin unrivnled Machine. But iu a more cpciul manner do wu aolicit tho patronago ot Merehniit Tailors, . I Irei MuVerj, I'eiieh Mii'ier-., ( iiret Milkers, iluop-nkirt. .Miinufiieturcr!., Hniter Kiit.ri, Shirt mid Heioni Miihern, Shoo Hinders, r.uituloou Miikein, ' Vest MukeM. C'JT" Religious mid rhiiritaldo Iimlitutionii will bo liheriillv deiilt with. i Vii'f of' Mirtines, (hmnhte.- f No. Kninilv lliwhins, $15 i No. !i, Siimll Aliiiuilioturinif, ioU; jo. J, i.argo auo JliinufBci ct iirinir. $.o. fAHlNUTd IN EVKUY VARIETY. Wo want agent fur all towm in tho United Stjiten, where aseneiea are not already Btllb liihed, to whom n liberal diseount will U given, but wo make no eoinii;nipentii. T. J. VeAUTIIl'R A CO., epl2 511) llroadway, Now York. TTl havo opened a Peiwt for tho aalo of our M.U'hinu at No. 100 W et 5th St., Cincin nati. WM. HETTY, Ajront. fiil IIJlI'tOYMRVr t S7 5I Wo will pay from $'-5 to $75 per month , and all evpix,f, 'to Aetive Aifenta, or irire a eoni miaaiun. I'artieulara ant frw. Addrosa Krik Skwino Mai'Iiixk Oompaxy, R. JAMKS, ten eral Atrent, Milan, O. Oct. 11) 45 ii DENTISTUT. nil, ,11 ITCH r.l.l., Reapcctfully inf..riT,t th pnblio that hoi prepared to periurm OiMiUl operation f all kiiuU. All kinds uf ! Plst--wurk done in th mot nppmvM manner. I tHw oTor J. R. Vnn lMtV tinHit-ry Stow I AVbingtoQ, April',' Uh, l&i. TFJ"iKbestpook w;T-i?ri.!K':ivH!. Go to HEHEMAN8' nnd(jnv one of thoir "CHABTER CCPK STOVES." As a BAKER, thww (Slovea have no eipinl, and are warraiited the fcf-st Stove in cxistanea Washington, Jan. Ulthl l-'W. . B lOO Fairs WAUvEH'8 CVlobmtodTrace (Jhaius from no Pairs Wood llami-s. Single and double Jiiiiast Chains. liut't and Halter ChaUs in great variety, loot) lbs. Log Chains. Just reeeiveil.itnd at lowe prices. J, S. liEHEilAN tb SON".. "1 A DOZ. various marks, and of best brand, J 'at lower rates tlian atanv former period. 4Gtf. J. S HE REMAN ,fe SON. ) 1RD CAGKR. - i2 doz. bird cagi's some very fine, ldoz. flint -gilts s f'-ed cups. Just received b' . 17J , ,iJ. y. iiLiixitAa k Soy. 'nV" tin. Irl J1 -So pnt-!Jp lut fiVl!';liM ii'ir M"ff. I r tl "i t ham heen intnuliird tn the puhlin fur mure Unm U vi-'ui'", an.! li.ivc in-piiruJ mi fur n-T'-fcl i n i; nnv' I'nmily Mcdieinea of ll similar nnltm) in t!ie market. ' An nppniei.'inn:: pniilie win not, lung in discovering tliey pusesni'd ri'marlialilo lllld heuec tlieil' and eoivej'Hi'iut pruij:, tu tho IVunriutor, thus eiiahliivj; l.iia to e.peud of dollars e.ieh ,V";ir in itdvertising til o it merits, uud iuhlilii,ig tho uhieii liuvo heiMi'ed upon him IVum Tin: p M'uihrity uf tl,J "V.oo A'wVi.v iv VvW h lint tliey strike el Hi" I t of Hi-'ense, 1 1 v eradicating every p.'irtie'o uf impurity "V. VAoolV, :'..r the lif'i nud lie;illi uf llie hody dependp iinuii the iiiirifv ut the lilmM. If the hluti I U pnivuie'd. the liody drngs HIE 11 llllsi'l'.tiHO exi-L.'llee. I .ie:,o luouicilio.i flu etiriiij; ;!. ;,., , ''' ,:-i-,-, c: i nrc?,' , f.l 017 if . ; i'-1," t-1: :h i"'o,i,iif:r, l.ii'rr Com; ,' tiht, Fv-r an.'l jhruz, l fi.'Ui i'Vc, 1 If ONL' iji '. in v '!. -' ' liee ila'iLi' tee mil eurei", uf tits nl nine veiil'n' fliliuliil,.;, o.lill i-:t Vitus' Inn i Iw.i m-,:i i AJfOl'U'Jil rit.i. III fen WW cured lifter his Ih'-li lind iiiinii'-t'wiivred uwiiv. ' 'riio dueiwi'.-i piiueenii'i'il llie euHt! iiicurn l,!o. ' ANOTHEH v.-:i eiired of I'ever and Aae lifter trvne' .iv.-rv 1 lieiije iii his reiieh. ANOTilTiiv wiw i-iived of I'mer Hore whiell lt:i I i-vis'e.l tuiirteeii yrlll'S. ANOTIIiiE uf l.'heumiltism of ei;;ht vein's, fuses iiiiiutiieruliliMil' I'vspepsiu nml l,ier ('onipl.iiiit oiiiiid lie iiieiitioued ill iijiieh llie rui-i:iei' :i ml I'iils rv' VAoovV WW are the nunt netivo itiol thorough pills tluit liavo ever Imom imrtxjni'eJ. Th -v :iet so illreefly upnn ilio I.iver, excit ing Hi lt .ir ;;iO to su- illl e(i'tt(i that till! iVrrtt-f!tMl-fw idifl;!i' Ititn lis furuier enn ilitio't, nliieh is tno npt to bo the e;uo with simply 11 pur;:i:ive pill. t They tuv re, illy u .vhiehj in eoiijuneiiui. wiJi 1 1 1 o 'vlil euro all t!i uoreiumitionei diseases, .in.l, ot' t!u uwiUrt.-i. wiii ti'lievj uml euro ', o,t. Try luiwo meJiniuv, atul voa will never' roLiiv; it. Aft your nr-ijilmrt, who havo u.sej thorn, niul they will say ihey tiro ,int you should try ti.o.a Moro p)in; fur a phvieiaii. ' . (let a Iamph)et r Alumnae of my local ii-ront, nml re;i. tho Pe'tilieuU'i., aml'if vou have ever douhlt-.l yt.i will 1 1 (:.!!, I li , -nili.-.if.'i of li...i filiitK nt '. lifiil"- Ul-'. t'tit't's-i't'r. uf ., V.,ninl Unkf uf Cinriuiiutj. H Dr. K-m.-1s SuH-W V.t "!.. I r.-rfle.,.- unV Hli - I iii ivtiutiinw p,,rt wi tltla l';iir fnm tons U lO'i'. -r juttlt, or pi-r Ii ...-u. tn tln'S.-tir.niiJH Inn Wjj. fftt Ill.wt'l IVI. i'i c iO- .'cr H... or t.... v I r ;. rr(n. i'l nitn-aji nTit ShI ttnxrtt, X... li Kut K.'iiMh St., HniMtntr fftm M On ?t., t'liinutttfi, 0. .iborIorjt lSa.lttHaiuinonilSn.t-l. TOR SALE J" O. A. A'len and 'orley & Erkin, Waahing- ton j A. W. Kofs.Oood How; Chns. Van lVIt, Staunton : H. O, 4 n . H. htwnrt, nioonuntf- bur?; Alrnsthy A Thonws, Waterloo; W. H. Hukill, Oonrcnittnr; R. S. Wiilmme, Xov Mrtinbnrj. and kr iiruecit ni merchant generally throughout the Union. mh2n leom 7: ;!'SOXjXXZQXI.'0 Bpinily Money, Back Pay, &c. TOSKI'lI A. M'KIRnT, Whoso Uv Of rj floe ia nliovo Ototge Melvin A Oo' store, in this ilu, having consiikraWe cxpwii'nco in the business of ciillccting liouuty Honey, Back I'ay .(., for the heirs of tlioo sohliers who hiivelie. in tho service of tho United States, (during tlw present war,) i""l haviiiR nil the instruments iwid forms necessary to secure tho speedy mill safe transaction of such business, timelier with a constant correspondence with tlie Treasury Department, is enabled to make all suoh applications lit a reasonable per cent,., and will tfiira all information that may be desir ed eorieei'iiing such claims, gratis. Washington, May Mil, lfG'2. 23tf. J). . DWYHR, d 12a K31 -3 12 sa'o Office Opposite the l'uhlie S'lUiltr. mh27-nel (IREENFIELD, 0. - Woolen factory. J") KTSO still onirnjreil in tho Woolen factory, i 1 have a supply of J OdXXISj SATINErS, BLANKETS AND Stocking Yarn. I have also made arrangements for Power Looins, and with competent hands, hope to be able U) supply the demands of customers on reasonable terms, fur Carding, Spinning, Weav ing and K tilling. . t . 1 he highest market price will oe pam lor ool, in work, goods or cash. - I. O VANDEMAX. .-Washington, May 30th, HsJ, ia53nij T (i UK AT EXCITEMENT. ANOTHER VICTORY! EVERY BOiDY RUNNING TO THE EXTENSIVE' FUENITUEE OF srct'KSfjOR TO Tllli F!H:.l OF J. BL'R.VF.TT dt CO. pon CnK)isiet Fwriaiturc. HK II AS JUST IlKCKIVED THE LAIlfi est, mid mont, eonildete stoek of Ftirnituri ever bi't'ere broiiyht to Wiisliinton.ninl is futv prepnred to luniisli (iittitslor newly liuirrieil neni'le, or imv bii'lv else who mnv wniit any tiling in the Furniture line. Ilia atock emhrnees Furniture: for tho Parlor, Furniture lor the lled-Kooni, I'lmiitnvi' fur Hi" Hull, I'lirnituic tor tlm, Furniture lor the Piiiiiiii-ltflom Furniture for the Kil. lien, And in I'aet, fiu'i.iturii for the whole limine, from CELLAR TO GARRET!! Kiiniitiirn in I'nll si't.s, or siiiflo avM- clcs, of tho very Litest stylo, uml of tho best workmanship. IF YOU WANT OAK, WALNUT, I10SEW00D, o 1 1 iaiioctAjsty, Tho right pltxoe to go tor it, is Hurnott's extensive Fiii'saiiurc Dejjot; Tlioro you tun bo accommodated with just suuh an iirtiolo, and as many of tjiom as you want, at pric that your oonscionoo will not allow you to complain of) unloss you should havo some scruples that tho price is too low to allord mm a lair prune, riirt'linsors aro Alloctioimtely invited to rail and oxamino tho stork, and if ymi want (nnntiito, yon will ba sure to make a pelootion. Wanhinston, May 8th, 1802. 23tf METALLIC. BURIAL CASES. METALLIC HUIMAL 0A8KS all sizos t'l'mio i(j Hris tor's Into improvement wiimuitotl airtight niul imlt'struetililo. With u i:'ot I lit'iirae, I tun piv rtivd tontteihl funernlfl, wlo ii di-rtii'i i, in all parts of tliia seetion of tlie cuutrtv..Th'so MvtUit; t1acs will. In sold ut a rMvUiUir a-ivaiico on umiiufHotuicrV prieis. Wiioih'ii Collins of nil mz'S and ileseriptiona, kept ready made, and furuislu'd to order on the tduu'ti-st i3.4iliK nul ice, AlIoriKrs for s.-rviecs in the Umleit'iktnif line promptli atl' iul'd to, atul - at rensonabln rat.-. THOMAS HUUXKTT. May th, '1?C'2. , SWtf. " LATI :ST .Li-y ir a ,w'ivf,! a new untdv of TJ .f Ti... ,.1 Uli.nn. a whi'.'h li.'.Wlll K'ii en nipt-r ucui u-i t.-t-u. llest i'onl Oil, :H cts pi-r gnllmi. I.urd Oil, Winter Strained, No. 1, 85c. Threo Puvktiveft St-nteh Sunn, 10c. Ono ( an I'aint in Oil, 05r. Koiilitiir Writ. I ruit Jnrt nnd a Host of tirtielev L'oinsf very foat, at prices to, unit the aifo. Cull lirtoru all ifono. .Washington, July Lth, iX f3-itf.J j Shaving and Hair-Dressing. UKSI'KCTFULLY inform the gentlemen of Waliinirton and vieinitv. that ho is ftill f arryinjf on the almve business opposite the Kirk House, whvre ho is prepan-d to irait upon pon tUnion in trnod style. His prie'9 for work in hi line will he. low, and he feels confident he can ifivc comjdeto satisfaction tojU who-uay. favor him with their custom, . . January 17, lGl. Save Your Ejrjrs! A NEW and useful invention whAdy Eggs -V. can Ha preserved perfectly fresh almost indefinitely, without the incumbrance of Lime, Salt, or other ordinary preservatives. There is no more necessity of farmers sellingtheir Eggs at from tire to seven cents per down, when they can. at trifling cost, save them until they com mand a good price. For farther particulars, no lose rd stAmp to L. J. SILVER, Salem, 0. tmm & Co'sbkrtiscnttnfs. B. X. YEOMAV, F. I. NITTKIIIIOOSE, V. M. 001.". DRY GOODS, DIRECT From New York, for tho Spring trade of lUIM. . No. 2, Fayctto Block, Court Street are now receiving the largest and best stock of Sjprlxis Goods, Ever betnre offered in this market. .8. N. YEOMAN, Sc Co. A RE Now offering KXTKA indueemcnts XX to cash and snort creiut buyers. ' 8. N. YKOMAN, & Co rTAKE All kinds of Country Produce in ex X change for Goods. Call at Fayette Block, No. 2, and examine for yourselves. S. N. VKOMAN CO. Washington, April 17th, lhC2. S. N. Yeoman, &o. INVITE Especial attention to their tremen dous large stock of Gent's Cassimeres, Cloths and Vestings., ' ' S. X. YEOMAN, & Co. KEEPonlmml, every viirkty of Goods nunly i'oiind in a Dry (roods Store, nnd ure dt'tcriiiiued to sell at n lce3 jprotit than they have over been sold ut in this murket. S. N. YEOMAN, & Co. I) U A L E It S I If Dry Goods, Boo(3 & Shoes, Carpets, Hats and Caps, Straw Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING! Queens Ware, &c.' UNION MARBLE WORKS ! Washington, Fayette County, Ohio. . M. Gilmor, Proprietor. I Am now prepared to execute all Uinda of work in my line, intrusted to my cure; Monuments , 'J.UUU8T0NES, ' TABLETS, TABLE anil STAND TOrS, HAXTLUS.Ac Of Every Description of Style, and Variety and Quality of Marble, Got up vith ilispatcli, & in tlio lutobt nml MOST IMPROVED MODE OF TKE ART, Tlie pittromijn of the citizens of I'-nvefte eouiity iinit siliTiiunilin eonntled, is renieet tul ly solicited, nnd antiafaetioll glltll'illlteeil, ua to .Utility of ittAititLi:, WOItK.VANSIUP, AM) PRiri'S. Cull nnd exfimine f,tr yonraelves. tA good soliciting tlifent Wllllted. JI. (ULMOR. Wnsliington, April 17th, lffS. Slltf SOKETHifJG FDR THE Tiff'ES!!, ,V NEOKSSlTV IX EV BUY HOUSEHOLD! JOHNS & CSOSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE THE fiTKONUl'.HT ULl't. IX THE WOULD For Ccmcutiiii; Hood, Leutlier, (Jluss, Ivorv, C'liinn, Mi.rblo, Porrrttuii, Aliilmttir, llono, t'nritl, &.e., im., SiC. The only article of tho kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRACTS I " Kvery housekeopfr sJnmld have a Pimply of Jnhnsife Oosiey'a American Cement Cllue." New York Titnfs. ' It is so convenient to' have in tho house." AVio York Erprftts. '. ' It is alwav.s readv ; this comineiids it to evel'vhodv." N. Y. Imlrneiulvnt. V have tried it, nnd tind it as useful in our housti us water." Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Vry liberal reductions to wholesale dealers. ts'Trnns Oash.Kl3 For suit! bv all DrugirisU and Storeketnxrs generally throughout the country. JOHNS k ( KKSli;V, , (Sole Manufrtcturers,) 70 "WiXlioxix St., (Cur. of Lil.ortv SI..) NEW YORK. . ., jiivll,l8til-ly MEW INSTITUTION. 000 Harness For The Millions!!! VTOW then Stranger, if you want a Mire -i. iM't oi iiarnt'.tH, or a gooil serviceable Saddle, give mo a call. Having purchased the entire stock lately owned by T. It. Grubbs. I am prepared to inamimcture all Kind and styles ot Ilarncs & Saddles, ml will 9,'ll as CTIB4F, if not t X, ittlo Clioapcr, than "oiiy ulher rium" in tlie cjHinly. Tliire ia no "atm-uitum" ntws atuiit this. Repairing dono with neatness and SatisEtction given. C3My Shop is on Court Stiwt, W'afhington C ALL and aw nio. . Wm. l. mille. April 17th, 1P(S. . 20'tf., ; Ca$!i Ior WheAt. THK HIGHEST MARKET NICK FOR Whoat. will bo pai.i at Uh Luronda Grist Mill, ona and a half milca north-east from 3prinpriill, Ohio. Hie beat family flour exchanged on tivua) terms. WARDKR A CHILD. Springfield, 0., Sept. 11th, 1862. 404w SPURS. 20 don spurs, cheap. Our'sprinj spurs never tear the pants. lid J. S. Bckemax Son. S""- vl' . I' saws (of which we sold so many last falll I justreecivedby 15 J. S Bisimah i Sox. ARLINS'S IIVER REGULATOR, , AND ! XjHr-EJ tSITTEIlSj Are pure vegetable extracts. , Thoy cure ull biUUuw JUunlLTH of tlio liumiin ByaUriri. Thoy r.'ifiilnto nnd inviijoriito the liver and kidneys ; they give tone to tlie digestive orgum ; they regulate, the secretions, excretions and exhala tions ; equuliietlie circulation, and purify the blood. Thus nil billious complaints some of which nre Torpid Liver, Sick Hcadaohe; Dys pepsia, 1'iles, (JhUIs and Fevor, (Jostivcnesa or; Looseness are entirely controlled and cured! by those remedies. Darling's Liver Regulator ' Removes the morbid and billions deposits from' the stomach ami bowels, regulates the liver and kidneys, removing every obstruction, restores natural and healthy action in the vital organs:. It is iioaperior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much better than pills and much easier to take Darling's Life Bitters are a superior tonio and diuretic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in the side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding pitB(and general debility. Read the following testimony : Jamew L. Brumloy, merchant, 1P4 Fulton street, New York-writes, August 1H, 1860: I have been alllicted with 1'ile.s, acconipauied. ' with bleeding, the last three yecrs ; I used Darling's liver lteulutor mid Life Hitters, And now coruiduruiyaelf entirely cured.' Hon. John A. Cross writes " "Brooklyn, M:.reh 15, l(iO. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I look two doses of - . ., ... Darling's Liver Regulator. It broke up my cold and fever nt once. Previ ous to this attack, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several months ; I have felt nothing of it since." Otis Studley, Esq., 199 East 28th Streel, New York, writes August 13, 18G0. I had a dif ficulty with Kidney Complaint three yearB, with constant pain in tho small of my back. Iliad used most all kinds of medicines, but found no permanent relief until I used ' Darling's Livor Regulator and Life Bitters. I passed clotted blood by the r.rethro. T am now entirely cured, nnd take pleasure in rec ommending those remedies," Mm. C. Tfhnw. 11 ChrisWipr st.rofit. New lork. writes " lu-h. au, li?uM. 1 have been subject to attacks of Asthma tho last twenty years. I have never found anything equal to Darling's Liver Regulator, A in affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and liilious remedy." Mr. Young, of Brooklyn, writes "Febru ary 2H, lK(i') Jn May last I had a SGvcre at tack of i'iles, which confined nie to the house. I took ono bott le of Darling's Life Rittors, ' and was entirely enred. I have had no attack piuee. ' . ( D. AVesttTvelt. Eiq., of South 5th, near 8th sfreet, "Williamsburg, L. I., writee "August 5, 1'HH). Having been troubled with a difHcul ty in the Liver, and subject to billion attacks, fwasadviscd by a friend to try Darling's Liver Jiegulalor. 1 did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing th liver to activity. 1 have also used it as a FAMILY MEDICINE. When our children ore out of sorts, we give' I hem a few drops and it sets them all right. I find it meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when disordered." Reader, if you need either or both of thc3 most excellent, remedies, inquire for them at the stores if von do not find them, tako no other, but inclose, one dollar in a hitter, and on (vreii-t of tho money, tlio (rei!VLdy;ot; Raftedi will uo sent according to onr directions, by mail or express, post paid. Address PAX'L S. DARLING, 10:2 Nassau St., N. Y. I;ut up in 50 cent and M Bottles each. janDnh'mG g 0 ME THING NEW! ; HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES DOWNER'S PATENT HEMMER AND SHIELD FOR HAND SEWING, Is pronounced by all who have used it 'Must tlie thing" for those using the needle, as it com pletely piwets the linger, ana ma ken a neat ami uniform hem while the operator is sewing.- One half the labor of sewing is saved by using this remarkably i Simple and Novel Invention.- No lady should be without it. It is also' " just the thing'' for girls to use learning to-' sew. Its remarkable cheapness brings it with in reach of the million. Sample sent by mail on receipt of the price, ( 23 Conts. Descriptive Circulars furnished on application. A LIllKIlAfj DISCOUNT TO THE TRADH. Enterprising Agents (wanted in every town and county throughout the United States and Canada) will find most, profitable employment in selling this useful article, as it meets with ready sales wherever- offered has no competi tion nnd profits are very large. $150 per MoeiHi fan be Realized. Address 'A. IT. DOWNKR, 4-12 Hroadway, New York. I'atenteeand Sole I'rop'r. N, It. (ienrral and exolusive agencies will begrauted on tho most liberal terms. dec26Hm, 'asihnhtos, C. II., Payette Co., 0.,? ' . Mn'y 15, 1B60. j Wo Imve used Dr. J. A. llun-ison's Improved Callmrtic Tills us a fnmily medieino, for some time pint, and cheerfully recommend them as licinu siite, reliable nnd nereei.Me. We consid er them the rerv hest, fnmilv pill now in use. L. 1). V ll.LAKLI, it: R. MAYNARD. WILLIAM ROIUNSON. JOIW II. DAUdHERTY. J. W. Cloavchind is ngent for the snle of the nlove idlln " JOHNSCROSLEY, Side Manufacturers of tho Improved GUTTA PERUIA COIILVr lfOOFIiG, The cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. Itis Fire nnd Water Proof. -ft can be aprdied to now and old roofs of nil kind;, ami to shingle roofs, without removing the shingles. The cost is only about one-third that of tin, and it is twice as d uml do. Gutta l'ereh Cement, for jueserving and repairing" tirt and other metal roofs of every description, from it ffreat elaeticity, ia not injured by the contraction and expansion of metals, and will not crack in cold or run in warm weather. These materials have been thoroughly tested in New York nnd all parts of the Southern and Western States, and we can give abundant proof of all vechumin irjvor. 'if'y areHHJ7 Vpphe by ordinary labor ers, at a trilling expense. "NO HEAT IS REQUIRED.1 These materials are put up ready for use, .bd for shipping to all parts of the country, ith full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be funr. died en appl ication by mail or in person at onr prin cipal office and warehouse, t William Street,' (Cor. of Liberty st.) New York. : JOHNS A CROSLEY. AnsNTa Wanted 1 Tx&xa Gash June 6, ltMl 27yl ilitLDREN 3 TOYS. B- i a i,.- ...... n,;nMin mV L,i Ue folks happy. 151 J. 8. BesiiiAX 4 Si DA1