CONFIDENCE WELL FLACED. Tin wi 11 known n'n in Iivtnn, O., nr V.'.'.i'i t-n W. i : ' U 1 miii' tii-rn K. I;i i.'i l-v,v. iii i nrfl'TL'i' i n l liif puiiu sli" mi I ma. I. iiv simp ri' "'.' -lively, of 1 lie ol' .1. W. M.. il.l.u.l iV o. 'Tlirv are . ...tli skill. .1 nn-.'li:inj.' iiinl rMe llicni t. Iv . -i ii , n I'ic i xi'i lli m i' of thi'ir work. Wo :i :i' i.i, t inf. .run'. I in to wlictliiT tin y up i' in 'lnii -i mxl ii.. m tlrno m-ti"iis ll ill!rllt will. Il "In lilt! till- pill'lll! il ll,, v lire lirm IV ii mis, lunl ll"i :ii.n lli. y s'.nn.l In-tlnr uUulut, ly I xpi riim c li:is li'il l"tll of fluill tin' inn-t inii'lirit lailli in AtM - I. 1 , ii , a n i urn n nifily t,.r rlicuinai i-ai , it uralL'ia, :ui.l nut hint; i an shake tin ir i i !. in o in il. Thai this cniiliilciire is i .1 (;r., inn l. il the sturii s w hi h tin y I' ll , :'u- I'c iicliis (..iilVrvi'.l l.v it will fuMv i ! . . .. . A thi' -M-e wliirh'Mr. Ji.M'klii l.l n !::,-, thai, of tin' run- of li is (lailirhtiT ir, tn a t.-i-rihl.- all ark f iii'iiralu'ia, is tie; in. n; r.iiau kahli' vii will 1.1 liim j-pink lir-t. s;iy: " 'illil. ,.i.'.rns iliil it lint niitiiint; ripe was it- p ! . l',,r my ilanuhtcr. 1'iT f.nir r, , !i - ', w in :i ii:.-l ilislrosin r"ii il il i. n fn.'ii ti. iiralu'ia. Sm-Ii an cxtri'iiie i ,- . in 1. lH'cri xisti'i1. tiefore at U'ast I m i'iT li.'.inl off ni l' a one. She was con fin,.! to li. r i'l'.l for months, tnillcring cw-rytliini; Imt death. Surli as her cim ' i i. .ii that the l.'ii-t nnie Wonlil disturb i . r. The sulllltl of footsteps Iliaile by eo- , pasinc; en the pavement helow lier -,. ii.ilnw woiil.l annoy In-r. She w as so sick i!.;:t ve li-.puin-l of Iht life. Nothing i!i. 'I v e eoulil do ili.l her any pooil, anil it i . ii . e.l :m if the pain in her hea.l wraiM ih 'n e her out of her mill. 1. I h.a-1 read of s .-lie of the i aires nnelo hy Athlnpliorns, I nt really iliil n. it think that it r.iulil ever t . a h sui h a severcease as niy daughter's. !J, v.i vi r, I houirhta hnttleaiul began giv i, her the me.lii ine. " To my ami it certainly was v.onilerlnl after she had taken a halfhot : leslic was al.le to get up and go down t'.n'in. After that slie was never conlincd to h. rro.'m. 1 never saw or heard of a m-,, Heine working asthat did in mydauh-t- r's east " Did she continue lining it ?'' " Yes. She took some twelve liottlos." I iocs she have any return of the pain?' " She bad a little in the back a few weeks ;u i, but it was nothing. 1 consider her . a--e most wonderful and beyond all enn i ptii.n bv those who (lid not see her during h. v atllietion." Mr. lirierley was also alllieted with ncn raluia, but fortiinateiy for him, although lie' ease w as severe, it (lid not go such ter i ihle lengths as in Miss Kockiield's case. This is w hat Mr. Urierley says of it: " I was alllieted witli neuralgia for many ; . ars. 1 indured the au'ony w Inch no one an imagine except those w ho have been I.!':!. i. d as I was. My head felt as if it v.,!il, bnr-t and I walked the floor for :h'- a'.d dai s, not being able to sleep. iiiaily 1 d.'i.hd to ohange the treatment ! 1. :.!. and w liieh gave me no relief, and i . ii-e Atl:l"phoro. 1 lived one bottle, and -' .. (' that time I have been at my work . i h.we il l suliercd from the neuralgia. 'IIow ('.il you first, hear -of Atlilo- "1 knew h. .v.- it had cured Mr. II. .ck M's (hrit'li!. r, whose case waj, of course, .! .. h w , rn- than mine."' !' o'i i re t L-, t A tii 1 1 .en- O'.os r.f your riie we v. ill -,,n.l it i or.-s piiul. .,11 r.,e. i,t of :;r T i.'i , 'l,,;ar per !.i'!:i W'r'),',.fer . . .,- r :v ir l'r-.ia v.eir .tr'iL''l-t, tut if t e ii i il. .1, ,'r.o! 1... ,.T-u.el.-.l in try s. .1:1.0 !. i 1 1 tr l.-:t ..r,.-r 111 i.nee fr..:n u as I i r ' I - 1 . il.oeuor Co . 11- itl i str.-. l. New Y,.rk ( a n DOES IT PAY? 'HIQ s. ( i "! f ii ,v T r, .-v, ;v it,,knu w.;lK "hrtv ' ' iV u luywt.ctelli.-y ,;t,i i,t - v ' i I , ti ;; . r: . i, ,.', v. ' ,' tie kuri1, . ..-:"4 j -v r.r -t tnak-sfTftt. : to r- , , '.i '; ot r mlttuie. J'iint- lit re any TiFFiN, O. , 1 ' ' :i. ' . e i , 1,1 I ; -! : I . a II 1 1- I'. .'V. ;iini.'i;i:iii. .,r '., -v ' en,' : i.i.-.. i. ,i vs. iiiiiiwv, n.v., N?'V LftW.c. THOUSANDS EN1 IT LED." Sale of a Bond. SKAI.KL) PUUIM.SAf.S fur the nnle of one l.oii i. of the (ieii'.iiiiiiation of itH), (it the ( i.revt.iwii Extension l'rte Tunijiike, No. 57. v;.l l.u reeeiveil at the oftice of thu t.'ouuty Aa liior in tlilWi'iro, Ohio, until XtinrndaT, tie- 1'ith day of April, lssti. at 1 o'clock p. rii. said boinl is dated Hie lath day of April, InHS, and heam iiit.-ri rit Kt the rale of aix per cent., payable senii-aiiniuilv. and is mimed t.v author nvi.f lies of the Jtevined Statuten of lor lssu. page 117s, and acts amendatory thereto, and m a follon s : lo. 7 for t2oh, and liaving eoupona attached as folluwH : No. 1 for i t 5o, due 1st September, No. for ti fl'l, due 1st March. 11U7. No. 3 fur ti Oil, due 1st Sept., 1887 No. 4 for B no. duo 1st Murch, 18S8. No. .r) fur ll no, i!ue 1st Sept., 1HS, and nil months intereat duo with bond first day March lss"J. Said l.ond will Lo Hold to the liigheit bidder, and for not le-ns than tlie face thereof, with any interest that may have accrued thereon, and the privilege id hereby natrved of reject ing any it all bids. SaMI LI. J. I'ol.K, ( HAiii f.s T. KriwiKi.s, Jami s II. Hi s- ey. .innuirioiieiii of the Cari-ytown ExtenaioD 1-r- e 1 nrnpiUe. No. 07. rncLl -ot Hillsboro Prices Current Jorrected Weekly by 11. IioiDS A Co., Whole dale and Ih.taii Grocers and Trodnce Liealeru. tJcviNG ri;icr:s For. country produce Ilillsljuro, Monday, Mar. 2!), 1SSC. Dealers are paying the rnllowing prlcea for . .1 .1 Val ium irtejh-s named : V neat, bu-hel S5a 90 S-.vCorn a 30 Oals 25 i-'eiiir. cwi 2 una 2 87 L' irn Meal, bashel 4Ua 45 r "tdto.-H zr,a so S ,'.-t I'.itaiucs. biiKhul 70tt 1 Ob W hile P.ealll. bamel 1 Oba 1 25 Uru-d Apples. Ill a 2 " I'. a. h. s lireen Apples 4oa (10 butter 8a 1 l.",'S. lio.ell : ba li i.'on llama, lb 8a it " Si lex lit 6;i " Hnoil.del a a i I, iid 6'-..a 7 II. iy, ton a OualO 00 .IKTAII. I'K.'i KS nr IIKOCKI'.IKH AND KUOHUCI. li r.irerii s and o'.her artielea retail from gtorti at ' he f, eloii iiig priceii : uar. N. O. lb C'4' 7 ' ":'r ea t.i. (- .igai 7a 7- A HuKr 7 ,a '8 ( .l auioat. .1 s io;.ir na 8' Cut Loaf and i'.ovured Sugar H'.a y C 'He--, hi" Ma 14 lea, Imperial, i . II. and (i . V 40a 80 " l'laeli E,ia 80, fa. -lory l'l" a 16 t ioiir, ifood family brands, cut ... . 2 75a 3 00 " " bid 5 5ua 6 no .MoUshc4, N. O a r,o " -oigl.uui a 40 ( loideu S nip 40a 45 ".: U ,a uo Halt, h auaw ha and Ohio, bbl a 1 10 M lehlgan Salt a 1 25 11 ariiH, ( ity s.r-ar cured 12a I'i td LIVK STOCK. Pe-.ves, fwt. 1,'riiHg 2 5'ut 3 25 Peeves, hhipping 4 Oua 4 75 hlieeji and l.ainbii, per cwt 3 fill 3 .,C JlotfH, cut. ;rosH 3 3 76 rit.M k Moga i!n.i 3 8ij 4 (Hi llikh Com, iii ( alvea . , 30 nna 40 00 MORE ABOUT THE OYSTER. From the Shell to the Can —Oyster Shucking. Washing, Weighing, Canning, Labeling, etc. Gilmpses the Process of Preparation. It was not our intention to say innie about t 'no ovHter business of l'al ti more than what was said in our lust article but having accept?ii the invitation of a I t'rienil to nccompany him on a visit to "nee how they pack oysters," I have concluded to mid a few words to what has already been said in a brief descrip tion of what we sHw. Those w hu are fond of "cove oysters" the name of I.. McMiirrny &. Co., will not be unfamiliar as the name of their favorite brand. Through his larpe es talilishuieiit on Cross street, we had the cood fortune to be conducted by his obliging nephew, Mr. Woten, whose kindness and courtesy we here ac knowledge. 1'a. king houses are located, with a view t business, and not esthetics. They are usually at the water's edee, with a ionir shed projecting out over the water so that boats may come alongside to unload. This projection is the "hhuckers" shed and the interior is not particularly invitinj; as a work of art or even dining parlor. As I have had oc casion to remark before, oysters, as they come to the market in the hold of a dredge, are not very inviting to epicures, either as to looks or odor, and the shuck ing room presents both of these defects in a strong light. At the end of this room farthest from the shore, ara two large tanks, one on each side, filled with boiling water, from which, clouds of steam are continually rising, lieside these tanks are cianes which carry, through t lie large doors that open on each side, two iron boxes, each holding a bushel, from the oyster uoat, fastened alongside the house, the oysters to the water tank. I'.efore going any farther on a tour of inspection, it is necessary to sample the oysters and prepare yourself thor oughly to appreciate what is to follow. So our conductor kindly ordered some raw oysters and also some steamed ones and a "shucker" to shuck them for us. If one has never lnu-ktd 0'--ti t. I believe our Ohio friends say husked this latter I addition should not be omitted or the! proper frame of mind may not be attain- j ed. The captain of tiie "pungy" from j which ovstcrs were being unloaded, placed his cabin at our disposal and told us to enjoy ourselves. With a peck of raw and a bushel of stewed oysters at your disposal, this is not a hard thing to do, especially if about meal time. I once thought I did not like oysters but I think it would take a long time and much logic to convince the oyster shuck erthatldo not care for them now. We did not eat all at our disposal but we ate some. We had oysters on the half shell until we had enoug) . They were delicious. When you are in Baltimore try the ex periment. To return to my subject, the oysters are taken from the hold of the boat in the boxes and placed in the water tanks where they are held until they begin to open when they are taken out and taken to the shockers. The shuckers room is furnished with a kind of counter along each side of the room at which the shuckers stand and work, r.ack of them is thetramwayby which the oysters are conveyed from the boiling tanks. Between the counters is a wide cart-way for the carts in which the shell, that are thrown over the counters bv the shuckers, are hauled away. MeMurrav it Co., employ about two hundred shuckers, men, women, boys and girls. They presented rather a mot ley appearance, Poles, Germans, Bohe mians, Knglish, Americans, Negroes of various shades, string along side by side down each side of the room. They re ceive six and one-fourth cent a "pot," about a gallon, and make from seventy live cents to a dollar and a quarter per day. They carry their -'pot" to the packing room and pass it in through a "pigeon hole" and receive in return another "pot" and a check for six and a fourth cents. The oystis are now placed in a wire biioket and placed in a tank of pure water and washed and then allowed to drain a few minutes after which they are placed in cans and weighed eight ounces to the eta. The cans are then filled with the liquor, after which they are ready for sealing. Most packing houses open the oysters by means of steam alone, and fill the can with salt water, but McMnrray it Co., use boiling water to open the oysters and liquor to (ill the cans a much superior process. After the cans are filled a girl places the lid and a small piece of solder on the can, and the cans are tarried to the "sealer,' who, with a soldering-iron, peculiarly adopted to the purpose, quick ly seals them. The cans are now placed in iron baskets, about five feet across and deep enough for one can, and after about eight cans have been filled, these are placed in the "process kettle," a large steam tight arrangement, and boil ed for a time, after which they arc ready to be labeled and put on the market. The landing is done by girls. On girl can label live thousand cans per day, if required. McMnrray A Co., make their own cans. In the oyster sasou thty employ about four hundred hands and in the peach season about one thousand at Bal timore. They put up thirty-five hun dred bushels of ovsteis per Hay and in the peach season two. to three thousand boxes. They also can peaa, pineapples, pears, beans etc., etc. At Frederick, Md., they have a corn rnniiiinf ft;iUirihiiiptit wliere tliev put up from one hundred to ono hundipd and lifty thousand cans per day. They cultivate uliout threo llniusand Hi res o( wni for lanniiiti alone. ThiH hchkob they w ill put up from lour to live mil lion cans of corn. Maryland peaches lead the world, not excepting the California pea 'lies, which are insipid compared with them. In apricots, however, California excelH. Ielawaie peaches usually go on the market in their natural state. McMnrray A Co., place upon the mar ket only one class of goods bearing their Ktaiini. "I,. MeMurrav it Co.." and it is a1,,,i,..i f;ru(.i.a All 0,.n,i nnali. ty bears adill'erent brand. II. K. II. To temporize with vnnr health instead of promptly ming Dr. lU.H'ii Italtimore Tills in miprt'tiie folly. I'linitivelv the heat, Day'a Home Powder. See that you get no other. All ilruiriiBt keep it. The "hahy'i best friend" is the moat appro priate title for lr. l!iill' Ilaby Hvrup. It is Itunranteed to be free from opium and lauda num, fie DELAYED CORRESPONDENCE. BALL KNOB. March 22nd, 1886. The farmers os this vicinity are buty sowing oats. Iter. Motz is conducting a aeriei of meetings at I'leHHant Hill. Mr. Leslie Chapman is still lying very low with rheumatism. There will be preaching at .Sharpsville next Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Mr. Tom Harry, of near New Vienna, hat moved to the house vacated by 1. I Pinkor tou. Hewaro of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' Ited Clover Tonic. The genuine cures head ache, piles, dyspepsia, ague, malaria, and is a perfect tonic and blood puritier. Trice 60 conts. All drUKKists. SICILY, March 21st, 1886. l.'arniers busy putting in oats. Al. Duueanson has a writing class in this place. Wheat looks splendid in thin part of the country. Mr. T. IT. Kay closed his school in the Cnr lies district last Friday. Miss Mollis Cumberland will commence a spring school in Brown coiiDty, the lirst Mon day in April. Protracted meeting in progress at Toll school house, Revs. Lowell. Henderson and Vandeman are the ministers! Protracted meeting also in prneress at Huford. Itev. Ilriggs, pastor. No accessions ytt. Mr. C. O. Peddicord closed his school last Friday. He wan treated to a line surprise din ner, about ll.ri being present to partake of the de!icR"ies of the season. The evening program eensinted of declamations, dialogues, music, vocal and instrumental. MisB.Mollie Euverard presided at the organ. 'The best on earth" can truly he said of Griggs' (Hvcrrine Salve a speedy cure for cuts, bruisr s, scalds, burns, Bores, piles, tetter, and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. 115 cents. Guaranteed. MT. WASHINGTON. March 22d, 1886. Old Aunt Jennie Gilder is very sick at this writiug. Farmers are beginning to turn the Boil, pre paratory to sowing oats. Mr. Newton Gibler, of Louisville, Ky., is visiting at aunt Jennie Gibler's. Mr. Turner and ladv, of Ilr.inshoro, called on James Bryan, one day Irfi, week. Mr. Levi Faris, of Pi ice town, was visiting relatives in this pis.eo, Is ,t Thursday. Miss May Miller, of Berryville, was the of Mis. Vvm. Kelley, several days of last week. The tiiut-lt' correspondent failed to hand il his sheet last week. Wonder what was tb matter. Mr. F.dward ltisliir and Miss Carrie Bales are stopping at Wm. Kent's, attending the meeting. F.lder V. B. Custer, of Pricetown, was in t hi H place last week, assisting in the protracted meeting. Klder Louis Gibler went home last Saturday but returned the same evening to assist in the meeting. Miss Anna Bishir, of Berryville, was visiting at the residence of Klder J. B. Faris, last Sat urday and Sunday. The meeting at this place is still in progress with ten additions to the church and is likely to continue a short time. The mumphs have taken up their abode in this community and from appearances they expect to stay till summer. Misses Lucy Hobuck, Emma McConnaughey and llattie Stanfortb, were the guests of Miss Laura B. Faris, last Saturday. Miss Hattie Stanfortb will toach a three mouths summer school at Pleasant Hill, be ginning the lirst Monday in April. ' The unhappy mortal whose liver is inactive, is miserable upon the slightest occasion, or without any cause whatever. Dr. J. H. Mc Lean's Homiepathic Liver and Kidney Balm, stimulates the liver aud kiduevs and makes life worth living, i 1 .00 per bottle. For sale by Heybert fc Co. "Can February March?" asked the punster with a sickly smile. "Perhaps not," replied the quiet man, "but April May." IJotiloii Trauitcrijtt. It is worth remere tiering that nobody enjoys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There are miserable people about to-day with one foot in the grave, to whom a bottle of Parker's Tonic would do more good than all the doctors and medicines they have ever used, marsp A Boston woman lias been show ing cooking class all about "orange frosting." It has been something new in Florida this season. -Wtc Orcoim Pioiyintt. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Kures. Ulcers. Halt Itheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, a..d all Hlnu Kruptions. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give en tire satiaf actisn, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOK HALE BY Heybert A Co. sept9yl A writer remarks that "the world full of indlea and tears." Not so full of smiles, however, as some thirsty indi viduals wisn it was. Hurlinjlmi Frte J'rrm. Purify Your Blood. Among spring preparations, do not neglect that which is most important of all your own body, lluriug the winter the blood absorbs many impurities, which, if not expelled, are liable to break out in scrofula or other disease. '1 he bust spring medicine is Hood s Sarsapa rilla. It expels every impurity from the blood, aud giva strength, to every function the body. Sold by all druggists. sp Chicago lunhed tumultuously to the "Black Crook" lant week, while "Lohen grin" and "Faust" were sung to meagre houses. We infer frow this that Chicago is satisfied w ith its ears, and wishes prolong iU favorite studies in feet. ffi Fori' S'un. iJappiuuiiR dependa very much ou thecuinlj tiun df iliw livtr anil kutueyH. 'ihviiitof hf niftke but littlu iinprtmeiuu on tlioatt wIiom (iiKfiticii in fftH'd- iou caQ rculat your livar aud kldu"y with Lr. J. li. Mcfoau ili'iimeo i. riI. id l.ivi.r anil Klilnt-r l'.liu 1 ltd i.Mr IhjIiIo. For lo by Hevbcrt 4 t o. The Arkansas Travelers. ( 'oiifimo'if (nun (lir fie.'f J"';'-l a is of to ir provided with thcHe articles. In the meantime they were to provide them selves w ith those "traps aud accoutre ni 'iits," on the sly, so ns not to awakrn the slightest suspicion. When these were provided they were to set n day for their departure. Tuey then separated and at the earli est opportunity informed their parents that they were sorely in need of a pair of shoes and the above mentioned "trouser loons." The sore need was not so ap parent to the old folks as to the hoys, but after not a little coaxing and some very adroit argument, it was demon strated apparently to the satisfaction of the parents and certainly to the entire satisfaction of the boys and these ar ticles were accordingly purchased. They had, aB they thought, equipped themselves pretty well by this time nnd so the next step was to set the day. It was unanimously decided to start on the morning of March 11th, and in order that they might get a good early Btart, it was thought best to convey the greater part of the aforesaid "traps and ac coutrements," to a piece of tiuiber-l.nd a short distance out of town, and there conceal them in a brush-pile, In ad dition to this, Alec bridled his pony and took her out and tied her in 'tin satno piece of timber, that she might be at hand in the morning when they were ready to Btrap upon her back their Camping utensils, ammunition, etc; Jill of which are included in the terms, "traps and accoutrements." A list of these might not be uninteresting nnd perhaps not inappropriate here. I will lirst inuumerate those of a war-like na ture: two breech-loading shot-gtini, and two navy revolvers, one of which shot a No. 38 cartridge, long or short, the other a No. !12. There was, perhaps, a bowie knife or two but I am not positive as to that. As, to ammunition, they had 000 cartridges, besides powder and shot in abundance. Among their other necessary articles, was a blanket for their protection at night, a coll'ee pot and frying pan, to gether with tin cups, pans and various other articles, too nuraerons to mention. Alee even remembered to put in three loaves of bread, a cup of jelley and a box of pepper, but when on the way it was soon discovered that no salt had been provided. It would not be amiss to say that they were a fresh set of boys, until they stopped at a farm lioue and made a raise of some salt. The night of the 10th of March came at last, as all nights do, but it wag a wakeful night to, at least, two boys in Greenfield, as they felt it was their last I night there for many years. After lay- j ing awake, till far into the night, think- j ing of that glorious iuture just uetore them, Morpheus touched thrm with his magic wand and they fell asleep to dream about that "land flowing with milk and honey" which they would shortly enter. The next morning, they were up with the lark, and could hardly wuit till breakfast was ready. Bob's mother must have thought hu was tak ing a good start to make a distinguished editor, by his eagerness to get oil" to school that morning. Alec's step-father no doubt rejoiced to see that hisstop-son was learning the good habit of early rising, and especially this morning, as he wanted him in the store that fore noon. The boys did not geem to relish breakfast, notwithstanding the toast was the best, the biscuits the whitest and the steak the tenderest. Every boy who reads this can tell what wag the matter. There was nothing wrong with the breakfast, but it wis all wrong with the boys. They felt guilty. That little monitor way down in their hearts, call ed the conscience, was whispering to them and saying : "Dun't tip thai, don't do tlntl, iou know vrry urll ioit thouhht't." Ah ! boys, how much less trouble there would be in this world if every body hail obeyed that little monitor, called conscience. Our penitentiaries and jails would not be crowded, our lawyers and judges would not be kept so busy and saloon keepers would be compelled to engage in some other business if conscience was always obeyed. After the boys had gulped their breakfast down, the best they could, they arose from the table ; as Alec's Hep-father told him he wanted him to help in the store that morning, Alec muttered some thing about his pony had to be fed and watered. As badly as this was needed, it was only a few minutes, till he bad slyly taken his gun down from the rack, slipped out the back way and by dodg ing tli rough alleys, was soon on the out skirts of the town. Here he was joined by Hob, with his gun, who also had an ink-stand protruning from one pocket and a copy-book from the other. The boys were jubilant to think their scheme had worked so nicely, and they kept up a lively conversat on as they walked briskly on toward the wood, where they nad leit tlie pony and their tilings jusi ueiore reaching the place ot ren dezvous in the forest they came suddenly upon uus Caxton, w ho had come out there to shoot at a mark with his rifle. Seeing the boys coming cautiously up. as though they would be glad to pass by unperceived, he turne.l away from the mark, upon which he was about to take a bead, and said : "Hello, kids, which way?" Alec thought it might be best to give him an evasive answer, and so he replied, "Why, we are going out for a hunt, to be sine, K.ud..p, where are your lointinkers." "Cirandpap" did not use his "tomtinkers" for nothing and as lie saw the big heavy blanket thev had along, he knew that he had not heard the straight of the matter, aud so lie plainly teld them that they could not "pull the wool over his eyes" that way and that he knew there was something in the wind. The boys, seeing that they could not "pull the wool over his eyes that way and that he knew theie was something in tlie wind, owned that they were "Arkansaw travelers," or at least would be, us Boon as they could get inutile of that Mate. OtiH, finning iLhI tliey were running oil", wan Btrin k with tlie iilea that it wim jimt what he would like to do aud ac cordingly auked pcruiiHMon to accom pany liiein. Neither of the ho) 8 had thought of taking in another partner, hut they concluded to let Otis join them a he wan a good fellow and they thought hy a few Ichhoiih, he would Boon he dualli on "haia and Injuns." Ho all three trudged merrily on toward the wood. ( To hf Colli inurit.) Bcivara of Scrofula Scrofula Is prnlmWy nwro than any other disonso. It Is iiislilimm In cnar.irtcr. nnd mnniftts Itself In pinning tores, pustular rruptionn, boils, flwplllnjts, enlarged Joints, abbesses, aore ryos, etc. Hood's Sfirsnparilla rxprls all traoo of scrofula from the blood, leaving It pure, enriched, nnd healthy. ' I was nevemly afllieted with nerofula, and over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took five bottles Hood's S.irsaparlllft, and am cured." C. E. Love.tot, Lowell, M.vts. C. A. Arnold, Arnold, Me., fiad scrofulous sores for seven years, spring and fall. Hood's Harsapnrilla cured him. Salt Hhcum Is one of the most dls.-igreealile diseases enuserl by Impure blood. It Is readily cured by Hood's Bnrsaparllla, tlie great blood purifier. William Pples, Elyrla, O., sulTorcd greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum, caused by handling tobacco. At times his bands would crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep arations without aid; finally took Hood's snpnrllla, and now says: " I am . ilrely well." My son bad salt rheum on his hands and on the crilveq of his leqs. He find Hood's Pnriaparllla nnd is entirely cured." J. B. Stanton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Hood's Garsaparilla 8otd by nil driiRulsts. f ; six for Mndooidr by C. I. HOOP & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mail. IOO Doses One Dollar THE CHEAT V'SWDIFAILIIG specific FOR . comPLAirjT. SYMPTOMS CFTCOT LIVER arc a bitter or bsd tjwt1n the month ; rtn 1 the bfu-k. Bides, or Joints of ten mistaken br rhfunv atimii : Hour ntoimu-h : loss uf auperlte ; bowels al ternately conUvu and Ikx ; lipmliwhe ; lofwof mem ory. with a pulnfulHcnsntion of liavlnt; futleci tolo anim'thliiR which ought to have been done: de bility ; low spirits; a thick, yellow appewriince of the Hkln and eyra; a dry cough often inlntakeu fur consumption. REGULATE THE LIVER AND PREVENT Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bit ioua Attacks, Chills and Fever, Head ache, Colic, Depression of Spirits, 6 our Stomach, Heartburn, Piles, etc T0N1CJLTER&TIVE&XO CATHARTIC! Simmons Ltyer Rrottt.ator, purely vptjet&bl?. In the medicine ffeuerally used In the Huuth to arouse the Torpid Liver lo a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary power and ef ficacy on ths Liver and Kidneys. The action of the Ufffulafor Is free from nausea orpripinif. His mont piVrtive In martin theae creilons of the Liver, ciumlnfr the hlie to act as a cathartic. When there ii at) excesn of bile In the HUimach, the Kejtutator in an active purife ; after the removal of the bile ft will reenlate ihebowela and impart vlur and health to the whole eyaujia. THERE IS BUT ONE -S!;,"n3XS LIVER REGULATCS See that you get the genuine with red "Z"on front of Wrapper, prepared only byj. It. ZEILIN A CO., Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia. Pa. fczmzi Ego Food HENfl may be fed to produce etrtra aa wpII ajrpow pan be fed to produce milk. If yirar neighbor i fwttinjt two or three tirum u mun; etrtrn a you art, you will pro bAhly learn, on Inquiry, that hei ?rwlln hi fowls with, IMI'KKIAL VMG Find), which contain all the necewary lnrredlintn to make and utimu late them to liy. Tlie cost U trlflinjj about a half oent a wwk ppr fowl, wblh bHng thus fed and wall -n care of, will repay JOO better than any other a lock yoa oan kep. iisrsxjnE i isr The PH(ENIX, of Hartford, Conn. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, ,000,000 00. WII21.814 6S Fire, Tornado and Farm Insurance FKANK S. (JLESN, Agent. SOUTHWESTERN OHIO COUniU IIISTITUTE Georgetown, Brown County, 0. Modern! Practical! ProgreHsive! Ky ton Hive! Economical! The third term of thin already popular Edu cational IiiHtitution will commence TUKBDAY, MAY 4th, 1HH6, aud coutinue ten weekt. ClanHea In tli Common Itrnnrlifm, wlio Aitrft, TUieory unit practice or leaoh nif, Hlietorlr, Physiolog y, tafioloey, Bola ny, Natural I'hlloHiipliy, 1 bruitittry, Music. tieok-Keelag, Lutln, etc. Twitch!- of cHtnhltHhml reputation and especially adapted to tlie wwrk asMgDed in em. Tl'ITION Teu weekH.payable in advnpi 910 00. Uood tu ble board . In luu. per week, 81 50 to tl 00 Well furnished rooroi, two lo a room, for eaeli pupil, per wefkc, 40 to to cnti, Hoard iu private families at reauouable rateu. Total expense bh low uh at any other ilml lar Kctjool. Puplltt ciin enter at any time during the term by paying from the time of adiniiuilon till tiie clotie of the Henhlon, For particulars address the Principal, ISAAC MITCHELL, Sup't Pabllc St hooU, GEORGETOWN, O Tkii Baby na siek, we gave her Castorta, When ah was a Cliild, the oned fur Caaloria, Whma ahe k-soaiM 11m, she oltuig to Caatoria, Whoa aha had Childrau, she gave Uiau Caatoria, li.ui-i.'i i 1 liitt . !: 1 Ike b-tint 1 ouyli C' are y,ji And Uitt Unt jirt vt nlivo hn n (,t- ' . (Urt TI Lxxllly 114J.U1, laliii ill; t. i.-il lU , unfli, l.iiiis, ,i v r , K ii.:n I .i call eilLaVie 'll!)llltL I 111' 'l 1 '.1 ll If 1 lii7 uujnitt Ui L'-( uikI i (ifmc. wllllii n.n 1 1 m- !!..; i tlii) 1 1 hi.-; y u. f( 1' Mi r u 'm T. i' , 1 KrtiUa. 1uk It lit tli...'. i li K bult 1chuI1. Ml. 'i iwnvilVoi, mir'-L. u-ii: t' . i, a; l, M-ii-.. I'R.iur- i,u. im. Ilx lT"M Ui. ll. 11.11 UI.. uiti i. li - I f i ' L i i ill I i 'i i'. 1 l-.-l.-' I i ' 'i il-- f..11- h-.i I I . i iit-M Ml.i ti! 1 . . I 1 In m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, IMCHdAM) COUNTY. Ilillahorn. HnnA nf eleven rnnwn Inrftt t irn, iwo eJmerim, all In unn condition. HotiHfi of ten riioniM, never-falling aprlng, fine nrohnrd and gfi rde n , In ri;e nt u re, an li able for dairy. Kunaell. Hnuwe of fl ve room w. In good repair. fJMV Far in lu Wa-h I nit ton Tp , l7 neien.Wi aorei of i tuib'T, (foi'd tn prnvprnen tn, 8i 1 an nere. Farm In Waalilnnlnn Tp., M nrrev $12 an Here. Karm In Uruhcroefc Tp., 0 nrrM, flr Im prove men t a. Rood orchnril.lW acre of timber, 7 an acre. Farm In Brushcreek Tp., lfit aere (a part In Pike Co ) Rood Improvement, fine orchard, $12 at) hoto. Farm In New Market Tp 30 nrrea. Rood hullnlngH, flue orchard, all am nil fruits, $-4 an acre. rilutoB County. Farm In Clark Tp.. 210 (lores, fair tniprove menU, fvio an acre. Adams Coaiity Tract In Ureen Fp'2M acres, unimproved, $H an anre. For aale on easy terms. 13 inH H. T. HCOTT, HtlUooro, O. Legal Notice- "TARY ROADS and IJunjamin RoailH, her .1YJL hnnbnl( who reside at Wellsville. Frank lin county, Kantian; James Waddle and Victoria HuRheB.whu reitide in Kerton. Johnson county, Kaniftt ; Margaret Loudon and James London, her husband, who reside at Ht. Joseph, Uu chanan county, MisHonri ; Anna Van Iiilon and JameftVan lillnn, her husband, Ilohert Waddie and Ityron Waddle, who reside at Perth, Sum ner onnnty, Kangas, and Akup Waddle, who rpnides at Belle 1'laine, Sumner county, Kannas, will take notice that on l ho 2d dar of Kehrutrv, A. V. 186, F.flia MeCallisUr and" D. 0. McCal listcr filed their petition in the Common Plras Court of Highland county, Ohio, in caie No. 4,2.15. aKftiuHt the above named parties and othera, prayinR for a survey of three certain tract of Und situated in Paint townliip, Highland county. Ohio, and containing 75. 23 and 64.8 acres of land, beinf? the same land of which one Janien S. Waddle died Heized, and further praying for a partition of said tractB of laud anions the heirs of said James H. Waddle, deceased ; and in the vent that such partition can not le made without manifest injury, then that such proceedings may be had in said Court as ato juwt, proper and author ized by law. Haid partiea are requested to answer on or before the 31at day or March, A. D. 188G, or judgment will be taken againat them. tSl,) ANE & MOKKOW. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Cincinnati, Baltimore & Washington RAILRO AX). TLIE ONLY LINE KUNNING PIUCE SLEEPING CARS i!U TUB CHLEllBiTKU DAY COACHES ! TO WASHINGTON and BALTIMORE WITHOUT CHANGE. THE FAVORITE SHORE LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOVIS. CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, AND ALL POINTS IN THE West, Northwest, and Southwest. Through Trains l.euvc Hillhhoro for Cincinnati, for all points taut, and for Wilmington, Columhng, Wheeling, I'ittHbng, and all trmediute. points at 7:10 a.m., H:20 p.m. For furtlmr information and the boBt possible rates, apply to E. OARSON, Agent C. W.&. B. R. R. HU.IJWOHO. J. H. STEWART, TH08. P. BARRY, Gn'l Manager. 0nX Fan. A Tkt. Agt. ! WHAT IS OYSfffSIA? Among: tho many pymptoma cf Dyspops!'', or indigestion, tho most prominent arc: Va riable appetite; faint,R,aiving' feeling: at pit of tha stomach, with unsatisfied craving fc? food; heartburn. f:3linj of weight and wind In tha stom ach, bad brea'h, bad tasta in the mouth, low spirits, greneral prostration, headache, and constipation. There is no form of disease more prevalent than Dyspepsia, and nono so pecul iar to the high-living: and rapid-eating American people. Alcohol and tobacco produce Dyspepsia; also, bad air, etc. BURDOCK BLOOD EITTr""'. will cure the worst case, y regulating the bowels and tf rasg up the digestive ergaas. Said everywhere. Notice to Contractors. SEALED mOI'OHALS will l'e renpiv.a t tlie nrf'ir-e of the olprk of tlie iiimril of Ed ucation of Penn township, in Highland ponntT, Ohio, until twolve o'lock at noon, on the luth day of April, A. V). lMfi, for building a erhool houfe on the lot Bittiated in joint Huh-dixtrict No. 2. in said townnhip, according to the plans and ppeoiriVationa on file in paid i ffi 'e. Each niunt contain the name of evrry peron interuMed in the name, and be accom panied by a aiiflii ient guaranty of Borne diem tereHted pernon, that, if the bid in accepted, contract will be entered into, and the perform ance of it properly secured. The bid foi ach kind of material called for by the opacifications rount be etated eeparately, and the price of each Riven, and tho price of labor muHt also be erparately stated. None but tlie lowest renponeihe bid will be accepted, and the board may reject all hidH. AIbo, said Hoard of Education offer for Bale the old brick nchool-huURe now located on aaid lot, for whioh Healed hidB will be receiyed and opened at the time of opening bids for the building of the new houde. Tha purchaBer in required to pay for the Bame before removing any part of it. and must be removed, together with all rubbish there from by September let, 1HM6. By order of the Board of Education, W. W. Wkbt, Clork. March 8th, A. D.1880. SCHOOL EXAMINERS- THE Board of SchoolEx&minerBof ITighland county give notice, that examinations of Applicants for Certificates will take place in the Hillboro Union School building onthefirflt Paturdav of every month, and on the third Sat nrday of February, March, April. AuguHt. Sep tember and October. Tlie F.ianiinHtion fee prescribed by law is 50 cents. By order of the Board. au23yl E. Ci. SMITH, Clerk. Notice to Contractors. SEALED rilOl'OSAf.8 will be received at the office of the clerk of the Board of Ed ucation of Union towntdiip, Highland county, Ohio, until twelve o'clock at noon on the l'Jth day of April, lHHfi, for building a school house ou tlie lot situated in Sub-l)itrict No. 2 of said township, according to the plans and qualifications on tile in said office. Each bid muRt contain the iiftnie of every person inter ented in the same and be accompanied by a sufficient guaranty of aome disinterested per son, that, if the bid ie accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of it properly iecured. The bid for each kind of material called for by the specitications muit be separately stated, and the price of each giveu, and the price of labor must also be separately stated. None but the lowest re sponsible bid will be accepted, and the Board may reject all bids. By order of the Board of Education. M. N. Kankinb, Clerk. WlLLunwviixE. 0., 11 arch 10. 18H6. 17-5 rtl ) w ! ) ' I WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THC CEOCRAPHV OF THIS COUNTRY, WILL -FE BV EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Wol-wrthinefcn -' Lea ccTe M .' -W CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of its central poBitlon and close relation to flU prlnrlpal lines Fapt and WOHt, at lnltlttl and terminal points, conHtituuH the raoHt lmiortant mkl-contl-nnuilink in thut evHtem of through tmiiMportHUon whlnU inviUjs tuid fncili tatee travel and traihe between cities ot tlie Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, It 1h alao the favorite and bent route to and from pointa East. Nortiieutit and boutheant, and correnpondlutf pointa Weat. Northwent and Bouthwent. The Hock Idlund Byntmii includ9 in Its main line and brancha, Chicago, Joliot, Ottawa, La Balle, Peoria, Geneaeq, Moline and Rock iHland, tn illlnriH; Davenport, Murfoatlne, Wafthington, FairTitjld, Ottnmwa, Onkaloona, Wewt Lltxirty, Iowa City, Dea MoiiiHd, Indlanola, w interwt. Atlantic, Knoxvllle, Avidubon, Harlan, Qutlirie Centre and Council BiuiT'a, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trouton, Cameron and Kansatj City, in lVIibaourl, Lenvmi worth and AtohlMou, in I .naaa; Albert Lea, MinneapoH and Ht. Paul, in Minnesota; Vatei-Uiwn iu Dctkota, uud hundreds ot lnuarLUodiate ciliea, towns, viiiaen and etttuoiis. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guftrantoea lt8 patrons that Benso of porsonal socwrlty afforded by a solid, thoroughly hulhiwtd roud-bed; mooth trtw-ka of continuoiiH etwl mil; Hub Btantiullv built culveruj mid briilii; roiling stock uh near perfection as human skill ctin make It; the satety apillaiiut8 of iiauint bullora. platforms and alr-brakuM: and that exactiutf dlrfcinliiie whirh Kovorris the practical operation of all Hrt traiusi. Otuer BpiM-iafticH of this route are TranHtera at all connecting pointa In Union Depota, and the uimui pantsod comforta and lujcuriea ot iM PawHtiriKer Eouliimeiit. The Font Exprorta Trains between Clilcago and the Mlpsourl River are corn poBedof well ventilated, finely i-nholaUTfil Day Coaches Maitr.lHrent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latent denimi, and aumptuous I)iiiin Caj-s, In which elalKiraloiy cooked meaia are lulaurnly uatun, " Kood Iiiui't-lion waiting on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicago and Kanaaa City and AtcUiaon, are alao run tho (Celebrated Heclnilntf Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE In the dlroct and favorite line between (Thicago and Minneapolis and St Paul, where connections are made in Union Depots for all points in the Territories and Ilritlnh Provinces. Over this route, t'uHt ExpreHH Trains are run to the watering places, euuimer reaorts, ptoturotKiue localitlea, and hunting and lihh lng grounds of Iowa and Minneaota. It la a.HO the meet desirable route to the rlou wheut llelds and pastoral lands of Interior liukolA. Still another D1HKCT LINK, via Beneca and K.ankakee, hoa been opened botween Newport News, Xttcbmond, Cincinnati, Indianapohs, and Laiayette and Counial Dl'iita, rCunaaa City, Minneapolis and St. Paul anil Intermediate pomta. For detailed Iniormation eee Maps and toldera, obtnlnahle. aa well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Ollioea In the United fcSUUea and Canada: or by aadreaoliig R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Chicago. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good (or horses ? It is (or tfiflamma 'ion ui ail flesh. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Hverylady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia liulrn both freshens" and 1" autifies.