OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, March 19, 1914, Image 6

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038161/1914-03-19/ed-1/seq-6/

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jj The Mystery
of the ,
Boule Cabinet
Copyright, 1913, by Burton E.
The Secret of the Cabinet.
HERE wnB a drug store nt the
corner with a public telephone
station, ami two ml tin tea Inter
1 was asking to ho connected
the city room at the Itucord of-
No, snld a supercilious voice, Mr.
Godfrey was not there: tie hnd left
onio tim before. No, the speaker
did not know where he was noiug, nor
when he would be back.
"Look here." I said. "thN is impor
tant. I want to talk to the city edi
torand be quick about It."
There was an Instant's astonished
"What nauieV" asked the voice.
, "Lester of Koyce & Lester and you
mlsht tell your city editor that God
frey Is a close friend of .mine."
The city editor seemed to under
stand, for I was switched on to hltn a
moment later. Hut he was scarcely
more satisfactory.
"We sent Godfrey up Into West
chester to see a man," he said, "on a
tip that looked pretty good, ne start
ed Just as soon as ho Kot his I'ljiot
story written, and he ought to be back
Almost any time. Is there a message
1 can give him?"
"Yes. Tell him Plgot Is at the Twenty-third
street station and that he'd
better come up as soon as he can."
"Very good. I'll give him the mes
sage the moment he comes In."
In the street again. I paused hesltnt
Ingly ut the curb, my eyes on the red
light of the police station. What was
(tbout to happen there? What was the
sensation M. Plgot had up his sleeve?
I turned toward the light, pushed
open the door and entered. There was
no one In sight except the sergeant at
the desk.
"My name Is Lester." I said. "You
have a cabinet here belonging to the
estate of the late Philip Vantlne."
"We've got a cabinet, all right, but
J don't know who It belongs to."
"It belongs to Mr. Vantlne's estate.
I'd like to see it a minute."
"You can't see It tonight. Come
around tomorrow. Resides, I don't
know you."
"Here's my card. Either Mr. Sim
nionds or Mr. Grady would know me.
Bud tomorrow won't do."
The sergeant took the card, looked at
It and looked at me.
"Walt a minute." be said ut last and
disappeared through a door at the far
ther side of the room. lie was gone
three or four minutes, and the station
clock struck 11! as I stood there. At
Jast the sergeant came bark.
"Come along." he said, opening the
gate in the railing and motioning me
through. "Straight on through that
door," bo odded, and sat down again
Bt bis desk.
With a desperate effort at careless
tinconcern. I opened the door and pass
ed through. Then Involuntarily I stoi
ped. for there in tho middle of the floor
was the Boule cabinet, with M. Plgot
standing beside It and Grady and Sim
Blonds sitting opposite, flung carelessly
back. In their chairs and puffing at
black cigars.
"Well. Mr. Lester." Grady said, "so
you want to see this cabinet?"
"Yes." I answered. "It really be
longs to the Vantlne estate, you know.
I'm going to put In a claim for It that
is, If you are not willing to surrender
It without contest."
"Did you Just happen to think of this
In the middle of the night?" he Inquir
ed quizzically.
"No," I said boldly, "but I saw you
and Mr. SImmonds and this gentle
man." with a bow to M. Plgot. "turn
In hero a moment ngo. and It occurred
"And now, Moosseor Plggott, we're
ready for the ihow."
a - -
to me that the cabinet might have
something to do with your visit. Of
course we don't want the cabinet In
jured. It Is very valuable."
"Don't worry," said Grady cnstly.
"Wo're not going to Injure It. And I
think we'll be ready to surrender It to
you at any time after tonight. Moos
seer Plggott here wuuts to do a few
tricks with It first. I suppose you
have a certain right to be present, so
If you like sleight of hand'Hlt down."
I hastily sought n chair, my heart
singing within tm. Then I attempted
to assume a mask of Indifference, for
M. Plgot was obviously annoyed nt
my presence, and I feared for a mo
ment that bis Gallic suavity would be
strained to breaking. Hut Grady, If
he noticed bis guest's annoyance, paid
no heed to It, and I began to suspect
that the Frenchman's courtesy and
good breeding had ended by rubbing
Grady the wrong way. they were In
such painful contrast to his own hob
nailed milliners. Whatever the cause,
there was a certain malice In the smile
he turned upon the Frenchman.
"And now. Moosscer Plggott."' he
said, settling back In his chair a little
farther, "we'te ready for the show."
"What I have to tell you. sir." began
M. Plgot In a voice us bard as steel
and cold as Ice. "has. understand well,
to be told In coiilldeiice. It must re
main between ourselves until the crim
inal Is secured."
"Understand. Mr. Lester?" Grndy'
asked, looking at me. And I nodded
I saw Plgot's eyes (lame and his face
flush with anger, for Grady's tone was
almost Insulting. I looked at him with
Interest. lie was typically French -smooth
shaved, with a face seamed
with little wrinkles and very white,
eyes shadow ed bj; enormously bushy
lashes and close cropped hair as white
as his face. He was about sixty years
of age, I guessed, and there wan about
him the air of a man who h ! passed
through a hundred reiuarl i-xpc
rlences without once losing In- aplomb
Certalnlj he was not tolng to lost. It
"The story which I have to rf-late."
he began In his caieful English, ('lip
ping his words a little now nnrt then
"has to do with the theft of the til
nious Mlchaelovltch diamonds. nu
may pel Imps remember the case."
I renienili'M-cd it. certainly, for the
robbery had been conceived and car
ried out with -itch luiltancy and dar
ing that its details had at once arrest
ed my attention- to say nothing of tho
fact that the diamonds, which formed
the celebrated collection belonging to
the Grand Duke .Michael of Russia,
sojourning In Paris because unappre
ciated In his native laud and also be
cause of the Mipieme attraction of the
French capital to one ot his tempera
mentwere valued at .something like
8,000.000 francs.
"That theft," continued M. Plgot.
"was accomplished in a manner at
once mo hold and so unique that wo
nre certain it could he the work of
but a single man- a rascal uamed Cro
chard, who calls himself also 'The In
vincible' a rascal who has given us
very gieat trouble, but whom we have
never been able to convict. In this
case we had against him no direct evi
dence; we subjected him to an inter
rogation and found that he had taken
care to prmlrtu h perfect ulibl: so we
were compelled to rlcne blm. We
kept Croclnml under constant surveil
lance. We searched his rooms not
once, but many times.
"He knew thoroughly what we were
dolnK, for what we were searching,
lie knew also that nowhere In 10 u rope
would he dare to attempt to sell a sin
gle one of those Jewels We suspected
that he woJil attempt to bring them to
thls country, and we warned your de
partment of customs. For we knew
that here lie could sell all but the very
largest not only almost without dan
ger, but'iit a price far greater than he
could obtain for them In Kit rope. We
closed every avenue to him, "as we
tiiought-nnd then, all nt once, he dis-
"For two weeits we heard nothing, j
... V V V . . Lm,u -
ti. iwnini , II 111 IJ III! IUU 1JUIJU. Al
once we recognized the work of CrO'
chard, for he'alone of Jiving men pos-
posses tho secret of the poison of the
Medici. It is a fearful secret, which.
In his whole life be had used but once,
and that upon a man who had betray
ed him."
M. Plgot paused and paired his band
across his forehead
"We were at a loss to understand
Crochnrd's connection with Drouet,"
M. Plgot continued. "Drouet, while
a mere hanger-on of tbe cafes of the
boulevaids, was not n criminal. Then
came the death of that creature. Mo
rel. In an effort to gain possession of
this cabinet, and we began to under
stand. We made Inquiries concerning
the cabinet. We learned its history,
and the secret of Its construction, nnd
we arrived at n certain conclusion. It
was to ascertain If that conclusion Is
correct that I came to America.'
"What Is the conclusion?" queried
Grady, who had listened to nil this
with n manifest Impatience In Btrong
contrast to my owu absorbed Interest
Our theory," replied M. Plgot, with
out tho slightest acceleration of speech,
"is that tbe Mlchaelovltch diamonds
are concealed In this cabinet. Every
thing points to it. and we shall soon
Ad Hi tttnnlrtl llii lrattf fnm hla nnnlr.
et fl Hfpol irniintli't- mnrvalnnalv I11a 1
the one Godfrey had used, nnd s Up-' . J'' Johnson and f am ly are mov
ped It over his right bund. Ing into the cottage vacated by Wm.
When one attempts to fathom tbe Noble and tWW'
secrets or the Invincible one," be said '
with a smile, "one must go armored
Alrpady three men have paid with
their lives the penalty of their rash
n ess."
jThrce menr repented Grady, won-
O-K" uud Plgot checked thftm
off upon bis Angers. "First tbe man
who gave his name as D'Aurclle, but
who was really a blackmailer named
Drouct: second. M. Vantino. tbe con
noisseur, mid third, tho crcaturo Morel.
Of these the only one that really mat
ters Is M. Vantlne. Ills death was
most unfortunate, and 1 am sure that
Croehnrd regrets It exceedingly "
"One moment, monsieur," I said,
bursting In. unable to remain longer
silent. "Thin Is all so wonderful so
tin Illlug-will you not tell us more?
For what were these three men search
ing for the Jewel3?"
(To be Continued)
March 10, 1914.
George Smith and family and Mrs.
Carr were guests oftWm. Julian and
wife, of Webertown, Sunday.
Agnes Barr and Delia Thornburg
visited friends atJDodsonville Wednes
day. Clarence Deanjand wife are visiting
relatives in Lanrencburg, Ind.
Dr. McAdow and wife entertained
Mr. and Mis. FerdjBatclill and Miss
Eulah Blanche Pil7er Sunday.
Mrs. Clnna; Miller entertained Mrs.
Chas. Bustel, olNew York, and Sara
Perry, of New Orleans, at dinner on
Mrs. Lillian Mjerswas in Cincinna
ti Mondayand Tuesday. y
John Hambletree, of Hamilton, is
visiting ills sister, Mrs. Lon Shaffer.
Mrs. T. E. "Moorehead spent last
week with her slsterat Williamsburg.
Mr. and ;Mrs.; Arthur Ladd, of
Bridges, were guestsfcof W. J3. Ruble
and wife on Tuesday.
Rev. Trout, Tof Springfield, spent
two days of last week with W. A.
West and family.
The teachers of our school attended
the H. C. T. A. in nillsboro Saturday.
Mrs. Gibson was a business in caller
Hillsboro Saturday.
W. L. Stautner transacted business
in Hillsboro Monday.
George Smithjand wife 'spent Sun
day with relatives at Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. James; Hunter and
daughter, Nelle, were iwilh his par
ents at Cuba Sunday.
John Williams spent Saturday and
Sunday nlthihls family.
Joe Townsend and wife and son,
Johnson, visited her parents at Nor
wood over Sunday.
Mary Wallace shopped in Cincinnati
Miss Lizzie Pflster has purchased
the Cleveland property on Broadway.
Mrs. Harry Murphy entertained S.
S. Class No. 3 atjber home Thursday
C. E. Chaney andjwlfe, of Sharps
ville, were entertained at the home of
W; A. Saylor and wife Tuesday.
Leonard Carpenter and wife enter-
tained Miss Vernice Skeen and Dur-
nard Curtis, ofNew Vienna, and Miss
Rella Carpenter, of Shackelton, Sun
Or. Archer and wife entertained the
following with a six o'clock dinner on
Monday, MesdamesjFarls, Wiggins,
Richards andlRev. Est el, of Texas.
Miss EulahBlanche Fitzer returned
to her home in Evansville,;ind., Mon-
Dave Archer and wife had as dinner
guests Sunday Isaac' Tedrlck and wife, .
of Blanchester, ;nenry iDunselth and!
wife and son, of Fayettsville, and
Harlie Tedrlck and family.
Mrs. S. S. LPuckett Ihas returned
home after spending the winter with
her dhughter in Buffalo, New York,
Mrs. Lacy, oflSabina, is with Mrs
Miss Emma;Graves, who has been
with Mrs. Wm,; Cleveland for a fort
night, returned to her home in Louis
ville, Ky., Monday.
Miss Blanchl Smith,; of Leesburg,
was a business visitor here Thursday.
Dana McAdow and Wendel Perry
were in Cincinnati '.Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. David Simpklns and Mrs. Fred
Simp'kinsandson are visiting relatives
in Madisonville thls.weelc.
Roy Miller andwlfelspent the first
of last week.wlth relatives near Cin.
Miss Mame Blngman visited rela
tives in Cincinnati partiof last week.
Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of Blanches,
ter, was a vlsltor.heie the first of the
Mis Bessie ".Hunter is spending a
week with Miss Loren Barrett, of
' Mrs. O. W. Roush and sister, Mrs.
Raymond, were shopping in Cincinna
ti Friday and Saturday.
Lon Chaney and two daughters, of
Russell, spent Saturday with his sis
ter, Mrs. Amelia Brewer.
. ....
Wm. Dumenil and wife and daueh
ter, Ruth, were guests of Clark Ogdon
and wife, of Hillsboro Sunday.
Tt. In frAnnrnnn nf Hsc.lrnr tn nrnmlin
not t0 make a fuS8 about the Kraft
crgea if fhe murder case isjlropped.
Springfield Republican.
Spring Millinery Opening
Friday Evening and Saturday, March 20 and 21
All the latest creations and designs in spring millinery.
You are most cordially invited to attend this opening.
i Silver Mine Seed Oats
These oats took first premium at our last
49 Street Fair. Have been recleaned.
I Union Grocery
Introductory Sale of Trimmed
Hats, $3.50 and $5.00
Josephine Rough's Millinery
women ot Hillsboro and surrounding country. They are acquaint
ed with it from past seasons. You'll find those bats at $3.50 and
$5.00 measuring up to our standard. They
are trimmed in many fetching ways
bona, flowers, maline and pompins; choice
March 10, 1914.
O. L. Roler and family entertained
at dinner Sunday, Edith and Glenn
Workman, of Winkle, Rev. David
Barr, of Cincinnati, Mamie and Ethel
Carr, Gladys and Opal Fender and
James Donohoo and family.
A. L. Carr and wife and two daugh
ter, Virginia and Elcnora, spent Sun
day with A. Marconett and wife, of
Wm. Sanders and wife and son,
Wilbur", of Pike College, and Mrs. Mary
Carr, of Olive, spent Sunday with E
L. Carr and wife.
Mrs. America Robinson is visiting
her son, Alva and wife, at Winkle.
Wm. Haller, of. Springfield, is visit
ing his parents, Joseph Haller and
Protracted meeting closed at the U.
B. church Sunday.
N. Gaymon spent Monday In Hills
boro F. S. Ruble and family entertained
a number of young people at dinner
O A. Roberts and family and Chas.
Bohl and wife were entertained Sun
day by G. N. Roberts and family.
Mrs. Clara Windom spent Sunday
with L. E. Euverard and family.
March 10, 1010.
Elva Cartwrlght and wire, of Sink
ing Spring, called von the latter's par
ents J. P. Havens and wife, Sunday
Mrs. Rebecca Stults spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Mrs. Jane
Lawrence Kessler, wife and baby
spent Sunday with relatives at Sink
ing Spring.
J. B. Turner and Edward White
spent Sunday with the latter's father
at Cliff Range.
C. A Rhoads and wife were business
visitors in Hillsboro Saturday.
Fred Spargur and family, of Ralns
boro, spent Sunday with H. M. Eu
banks and family.
Wayne Harris, of Greenfield, has
been the guest of his father-in law,
bmlly Bryan, since Wedesday.
Miss Margerite Chapman, of Sink
ing Spring, and Wilfred nunter, of
Marshall, called on H. V. MatfcLews
and wife, Sunday evening.
J. B. Turner spent Saturday at the
nome or Mrs. John Plumraer.
Frank Stanley arfa" family left for
Springfield Wednesday, where they
expect to make their home.
John White and two sisters spent
Sunday with their uncle, Val White,
near Cynthlana.
Mls3 Grace Havens is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Elva Cartwrlght, at
Sinking Spring,
are tumble, AUktndi
mean lutfcrinsr- and
daneer. Vh CAUSE
U always Internal
Dr. LioBhivdl1,
fe&S Jfrf'S? ."S,4LSi" fe eektaw the
, . uuuu. uiun. iH pace an orua up and
Xae W. B. taitt C. m4 aU fttVMUU.
needs no introduction to tbe
$3.50 & $5
with rib .
March 10, 1014.
Miss Lucille Carr has returned home
after a two weeks visit with her grand
parents here.
Mrs. Cinda Haynes and daughter,
Josie, spent Thursday with the for
mer's daughter, Mrs. Vernice Carr, of
near Sonner's Chapel.
Miss Lizzie McLaughlin, of Price
town, spent onemight last week with
Miss Addle Euverard.
Leroy Tedrlck purchased a fine driv
ing horse recently.
Mrs. Dorotha King and daughter,
Lillian, and Mrs. R. B. Davidson were
calling on Isaac Davidson and wife,
Miss Ursula Hall spent part of last
week with her parents near Sardinia.
Mrs. Nannie Davidson and daughter,
Onie, were calling on Catherine Mor
gan recently.
Thaniel Roler, of Fayette county,
spent Sunday night at Estel Fawley's.
He called on his sister, Rachel Fawley,
near Buford, Saturday and Sunday.
Catherine Morgan and Druzel I a
Davidson called at Joe Gomla's Sunday
Catherine Gomla Is very sick.
Alva Carr and family and Mrs. Ola
Fawley and son, Raymond, visited
Amlel Marconet's Sunday.
Rosa Hess and daughter, Sopha,
called on Mellnda King Sunday night.
March 10, 1014,
John Burns and son, Carl, attended
the funeral of his uncle, Harvey '.Burns,
at Monterey, Monday. They returned
home Wednesday.
George Mlnke and Wife, of Buford,
wero calling on KateMinke and family
Mrs. Mollie Louderback entertained
a number of women with a quilting
Born, to Will Pointer and wife, re
cently, a son.
Mrs. Jaue Moler, of Sugartree Ridge,
was called to the bedside of her moth
er, Mrs,. Kit Gomla, Thursday.
Mrs. Ed Pointer visited her son,
Will, and family, Saturday and Sun
day. John Wise and family, of Mowrys
town, were guests of William Wise
and family recently.
The many filends,and relatives were
grieved to hear of the death of Mrs
Alex Archer, which occurred at her
home In Canada. Mrs. Archer was a
daughter of Frederick Euverard and
wife, of this place.
A Sftt& A Bin of
" mmm m Commission
or; a Sin of Omission? Or JiothT
Wo transgress Nature's laws, the Liver
strikes, tnen we omit or neglect until
we acne or sicken. e-
Loosen the dammed-np bile. Keep tt
iuuio wuu me uiu iime-triea &ay Apu
jwut, u'oappiyitin.j f oaopnyuin
the gripe taken out Is called
Notice of Appoinlment.
Estate of It. H. Hopkins, deceased,
Robert Hopkins has been appointed and
qualified as administrator of the estate of
R. U. ilopklnsy late of Highland County,
Ohio, deceased. '
Dated this nth day of March A. D. 1014
adv J u. YVonLHT,
Probate Judge ot said County.
' ' " "" I !,
Notice of Appointment.
Estate of Mary Mary Roush deceased
Myrta Chaney has been appointed and
qualified as executrix o, the estate of Mary
Uoush, late of Highland county. Ohio, de
ceased. Dated this 2lst day of February A. D. 19H.
J. II. Woiilbt,
adv Probate Judge of Said County.
Teachers' Examination.
The Highland countr Moard of School Ex
aminers hereby gives sUIce that examlna-
lace in the wastlngtod school Dulldlng.
Illnhnrn en tht Hc lit... -.4.... . IZZ
month '"'""'"" Ul KY"J
. Patterson examinations will be held on the
Saturday ot May.
As prescribed by law, the fee for teachers,
examinations will be 60 cents, while, for
Patterson examinations no fee is charged.
O. A. Tenkh, Sinking Spring, Pres.
adv V, n. Vance. H11.3boro, Vice Pres.
H. n. Qaluett, Lynchburg, Sec.
Private Sale of Valuable Persona
Having decided to quit the road
building business on account of my
other business taking all my time, I
will offer at private sale at rny homp
In Reesvllle, Ohio, the following per
sonal property :
1 Aurora Stone Crusher, 10x15, with
25 foot elevator, and all necessary, ap
purtenances, 1 Revolving Screen,
3 Stone Hoppers and Loaders for
grading stone preparatory to building'
water bound macadam road,
1 24 inch Hoist, ,
150 feet of 5 8 cable,
3 Steel Cars,
1000 feet of T-Rails,
2 Steam Drills. ''
All pipes and hammers necessary to
complete the above outfit.
1 8 h. p. International Famous Gaso
line Engine, good as new,
n. 1 4-inch tubular Pump and 25 feetof
4 inch gas pipe connected,
Also 1 2 passenger Automobile, Stod
dard Dayton 1909 Roadster, all in good
1 Boarding Car. 8x8. eoulDDed with
oook stove, cooking utensils and dishes.
The foregoing will be sold for cash
or negotiable paper or exchange for
property of equal value.
Said property must be closed out
within the next 60 dys;
Will be pleased to show nrosDective
purchasers tbe above property.
Phone, write or call on
T. N. Brooksaank,
(4-2) adv Reesvllle, Ohio.
Many Children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children Break up Colds in 24 hours,
relieves Feverishness, Headache,
Stomach Trouble, Teething Disorders,
and Destroy Worms. At all druggists,
25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address,
Aliens. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y. adv
Winter Tourists'.Tlckets to Florida
and points in south. Tickets on sale
dally, 1'beral stopover, long limit.
All Year Tourists; Tickets on sale
dally to California, Oregon, and,Wash
ing ton. See your agent for particu
lars. Important change of time.
Trains departlfrom Hillsboro as fol
8 a. m., 3:45 p. m., 6:30 p. m. '
8:20 a. m. 6;30 p. m. -
Trains arrive isBillsboro as follows:
10:30 a. m., 6:05 p". m., 0:20 p. m.
10:30 a. m., 9:20 p. m.
Two hour schedules to and from
Call on or address S, G. Griffin,
Agent, Hillsboro, O. L. G, Paul, D.
P. A., Chllllcothe.
For Every Living Thin? On The
Free ; a 600 1 page book on'the treat
ment and care of "Eyery 14 vlpg Thing
on the Farm;" horses, cattle, dogs,
aheep, hogs and poultry, by Hum
phreys Yetlnary Specifics ; also a sta
ble chart for ready reference, to hang
up. Free by mall on application. Ad
dress Humphreys Homeo Med, Co.,
Comer Williams &AnriSts 1?. Y. ady
A recent directory census gives Cal
gary, British America, a DODUlatlonof
'90,000. The number of AmerJcans in
uaigary is estimated to be betwuaa
10,000 and 30,000. In 1004 the popula
tion of the city was 10,543.
Constipation causes headache, Iwli
gestlon, dizziness, drowsiness. For a
mild, opening medicine, use Doan'a
'Regulets. 25o a box at all stores. aHv

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