""yjr" 8 THE NEWS-HERALD, HILLSBORO, OHIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1914. NEW MARKET. July 13, 1014 Harry S. Illpp and family, of Lon don, were guests of Mrs. Illpp's moth er, Menervla Eyler, and other rela tives here Saturday and Sunday. They made the trip In their new touring car. Mrs. Walter Pulse and son, of Nor wood, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bosselott. W. E. Barrere spent the 4th In Cin cinnati. John Long has sold his farm and will move to Greenfield In the near future. Wash. Eaklns, of Pike Chapel, called on friends here Monday. C. V. Purdy and wife spent one day last week In Leesburg and were the guests of Sarah and Margaret Purdy John Custer, of Chicago, Is visiting his parents, L. B. Custer and wife, John Plummer and wife and two sons, of West Union, were their guests Sun day. Wyatt Roberts, of New Antloch, was here Saturday looking after his farm. Dick Rldgeway and wife, of near Round Head, spent Sunday the guests of G. H. McConnaughey and family. Eaklns & Chaney, of Berryvllle, were business callers here last week. An Ice cream festival will be held on the Baptist Church lawn on Sat urday night, July 18. Music by the Danville Band. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. Everybody cordially Invited. Elsie Muhlbach spent last week with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Austin, of New Antioch. Ed. Fenner and wife, of Taylors vllle, spent one day last week at the Rosselott home. Sarah Fenner, of Norwood, Is also their guests. C. H. Barrere Is working for Simp son and Fawley. Ira Miller was in Leesburg last week the guest of relatives. Lawrence Smith and wife, of Lynchburg, spent their vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Carrier. Mrs. J. R. Gruver,- of Hillsboro, is the guest of her sister, Anna Mc Cllntoch. Otto Fawley and wife and two chil dren, of Belfast, were the guests of Jas. Eaklns and family Sunday. C. A. Lemon, O. K. McConnaughey, A. E. Hunter, Clyde Donohoo, Jessie Harshbarger and C. V. Purdy and wife were at Sardinia Saturday. Orlie Shaffer and wife spent Sun day with relatives near Danville. David Carrier and Lawrence Smith and wife spent Sunday with Chas. Carrier and family at Danville. A. E. Hunter called on Robt. Nes bit Sunday morning. Clyde Donohoo was In Wilmington Sunday. Samantha Chaney Is visiting friends in Hillsboro this week. Misses Edith and Gertrude Long and brother, Ervln, were the guests of their grandparents near Sugartree Ridge Sunday. Newt. Miller and family entertain ed friends from Hillsboro Sunday. Mrs. McReynolds has as her guest this week her sister, Mrs. Jno. Gib ler, of Point Victory. L. Smith and wife and C. W. Garen a nd wife spent a couple of days fish ing at Peebles last week and were the guests of L. H. Fawley and wife and I L. Harris and family. George Hetherlngton ana wife re turned home Sunday after an extend ed visit with relatives near New Antloch. MrsTjohn Stewart had as her guest Sunday, Rev. Black and family, of Hoaglands. A. M. Roush and wife visited rela tives at Harrisburg Sunday. Ellsworth Eaklns, who has been working at Taylorsvllle the past two months, Is spending his vacation with Ills mother, Mrs. L. L. Eaklns. Cheap Hog Feed. We have coming two cars of rye, which we propose to exchange for wheat, giving you one bushel of rye and 12c in money for a Jjushel of wheat. This should appeal to all feeders, since it is known that rye has a higher feed ing value than "wheat. Come quick for it won't last long Marriage License. William F. Head, of Cambridge, and Alice L. Horaman, of Highland. Richards Mil A TIMID GIRL By OHN Y. LARNED Miranda Joues was the tlmldest creature I ever knew. Whenever there was a sign of danger she would col lapse. In a thunderstorm she would go upstairs, get on a bed and tremble like a leaf till It was all over. If any one talked of robbers she would listen with wide open eyes and soon get into a shiver. So much terror did she show at imaginary dangers that every body said If anything really happened she would go all to pieces. Something did happen one day, and this is what it was and how Miranda acted: Miranda was a very good looking girl, nnd I wonld have fancied her if she had had more grit. I'm a practical sort of fellow, and It never seemed to me that I wanted a wife who. if I left her alone for an hour and a peddler or a tramp came along, would be scared to death. 1 would always be worrying about her till 1 got back to her. Still I always had a liking for Miranda, and the principal part of It was that I felt very sure she had a decided liking for me. But. as I was saying, this is what happened: One day all the Jones fam ily was Invited to go over to spend the day with Deacon Wirts' folks. Mi randa bad a headache or something and thought she wouldn't go. The rest of them went off in the wagon after the morning chores were done and were to be back about 5 o'clock. How they dared leave her all alone in a farmhouse with no neighbor nearer than a mile 1 don't know. Miranda told me they were going, and I kind of thought she fancied 1 might happen along while they were gone, and 1 might do a little courting. The family hadn't been gone very long before a man came down the road and when be got to the house turned in at the well for a drink of water. As be was pulling up the bucket and drinking out of the gourd be kept a lookout on the house. It must have looked pretty quiet and as If there wasn't anybody there. When be got through drinking be went to the house, opened the door and walked in. The only way to get the rest of the story was from Miranda herself, so there's no use in telling whether she acted brave or cowardly. She said she wanted to run across the fields, but she didn't dare do so because she. was afraid the man would kill her while she was running. The truth is, when her grandmother died she had left Mi randa $500 the old lady had saved dur ing a period of many years. It was In quarters, dimes, nickels and cents, and In the same woolen stocking the grand mother had kept It Miranda, in seek ing a safe place for It, had bit on the big chimney. She bad climbed up In It, found a loose brick, taken it out, put in the stocking and covered it with a part of the brick, protecting it from fire and concealing the placo where she kept it I remembered what Miranda had sold about tbe folks going away, though I hadn't said I'd go over. After dinner, the weather being fine and the driv ing good, 1 allowed I'd harness up my mare, run over and ask her to go for a drive. If s four miles from our farm to theirs, and 1 jogged along, thinking of the drive I was going to have and wondering what Miranda was doing there all by herself. When 1 got pret ty near the bouse 1 saw her sitting on the stepping platform in front of tbe bouse. A moment after I first saw her she got up and raised a gun she held in her hands and pointed It as though she was going to shoot a bird off tbe top of tbe chimney. "Well, I'll be dod rotted," 1 said to myself, "if that isn't tbe queerest sight 1 ever saw Miranda daring to nse a gun!" 1 drove right up to her, and as 1 did bo 1 glanced at tbe chimney top to see the bird she was trying to get a shot at when 1 was flabbergasted at seeing a man's bead pop up above tbe bricks. Then Miranda, seeing me, dropped the gun and fell In a faint it didn't require more than a few seconds to take In the situation. Mi randa bad a man up tbe chimney. Who be was or bow she got him there didn't concern me Just then. Leaving her on the grass to come to herself when she gut ready, I picked up tbe gun. Then 1 called to tbe man to bow himself. He did so, and 1 ask ed for an explanation. "That gal," be said, "has got tbe devil In ber. 1 might as well confess that finding ber alone, 1 told her If she didn't tell me where tbe family kept their money I'd kill ber. She said they kept It up the chimney. 1 went up after It and she barricaded tbe fire place wltb heavy furniture -so 1 couldn't get out that way, and when I climbed up to get out this way she was watching me wltb a gun. I'm glad you've come along. I'm nearly dead In this cramped place. I've been here nearly three hours." Well, tbafs the end of tbe story. 1 told tbe man to come down the wasn't armed). Miranda came to herself, and. Instead of taking a pleasure drive, I J rove tbe man to tbe county seat and turned him over. 1 married Miranda. I tbongbt after what she'd done I Bight depend upon no one getting any casd 1 might leave with her when 1 was away. Since we've been married I have bad but one chance to see bow Miranda will act In presence of danger, A mouse came out of its bole; she shriek ed and got on a chair. BREAKING THE LIMIT An Engineer's Ride For Life and Lives By JARED -L. FULLER Copyright by Frank-A. Munsey Co. Pug Donaldson, who had been tbe roundhouse foreman so long that be thought be owned tbe entire system, gave out his opinion of Lnnnlgan at tbe end of tbe latter's first week on the M. and S. P. And this was It: "That Grandfather Longlegs never 'II get to hold down a passenger lever on this road, wbutever he's done back east It ain't In him." Then the old man chalked up the limit on tbe side of bis little smoke dis colored olfice, spat wltb emphasis and well, that closed the subject as far as Pug was concerned. 1 reckon If Lannlgan hadn't begun by blowing about his eastern record he'd made more of n hit wltb us. Ho was a tall, awkwardly built man. with a shock of sandy balr and a . smooth, humorous face. His legs and arms were remarkably long and tbln. . and old Donaldson's sobriquet stuck to him. "Daddy Longlegs" seemed to fit Lannigqn got a freight and tbe worst , bunch of scrap Iron on tbe road, which, In moments of enthusiasm, Pug called an engine. If there was any man band-. lcapped In the race to break the limit , it was tue new man rrom tne tana or tenderfeet Tbe system of advancement follow ed by the M. and S. P. did not Include length of service or "pull." Just one thing counted the ability of a driver to get speed out of bis machine over ( tne worst tracK tne law ever allowed man to lay. The country was new when the M, and S. P. was surveyed and laid down. It bad been a race between tbe M. nnd S. P. and another corporation to see which should reach the terminating town where connection could be made with the Pacific road first Wo won, but at a cost which crip pled tbe road financially for years, and the renewing of the first roadbed was a slow and laborious Job. We ran one fast passenger the Lim ited. The through mall cars were at tached to that train too. It was u continual fight all through the year to keep that oue train alone up to tbe schedule called for by tbe contract with tbe government. If any man on any other train show ed the ability to get speed out of his engine be was watched, nnd if he "broke the limit" he stood a good chnnce of displacing the driver then running the mall train The M. and S. P. In those days was a "farmers' railroad." Most of the ! way stations were merely huts and wa ter tanks In forest clearings, tapping a certain section of farming country stretching westward of the line. Lannlgan bad been with us since tbe winter before. He was a good driver, but not brilliant Anybody but a prej udiced old fool like Donaldson would have recognized bis good points, but you never could stir tbe roundhouse foreman when he'd once made up bis mind. Lannlgan bad learned tbe road and bis engine. If he followed another train bo was on Its heels all the time and. got himself well cursed for It Some of us began to see that there really wds more to the eastern man than we had believed. That fall was dry, the sun and wind all day and every day drying the sap out of the trees and brush and burning the leaves brown before tbe frost could make them pretty. By and by the Inevitable happened. Fires began to light up the heavens nightly, and by day streaks of blue smoke bid tbe tops of tbe higher hills. Reports reached us from all direc tions of families burned out and set tlements threatened, but for a week tbe conflagrations kept away from the line of tbe road. Then suddenly one Sunday morning a flood of Are swooped down the moun tain side and crossed the tracks some miles south of Yardsley. Tbe Limited came through somewhat scorched, and the next day traffic on Ithe road between Lattell and the Junc tion was cut off altogether. This shut off several settlements as well as yardsley, except by telegraph. The wires were still working, and our operators stuck to their posts like the brave fellows tbey were. Pretty near every living soul In a hundred miuare miles of territory lit out for less dangerous ground. But Yardsley was caught napping, and Its 300 people were practically hemmed In by tbe fiercest forest fire the state had ever experienced The entlie system of the M, nnd S. P. was pretty well tied up. We had pull ed freight as near the fire line as we dared, and the sidetracks were nbout full of waiting cars. The fire was still burning fiercely be side tbe roadbed in more than one place, and ne weren't asked to try to pull a train through to tbe Junction. Naturally there were plenty of loco motives and plenty of drivers Ht Lat tell that day when the news came from the Yardsley operator. It was his last dispatch, for be bad remained until it was too late to escue by uny traek tlrougb the foret. nnd there wasn't .rren a bandr-nr left at the station. "Wind changed I'lre will reach us in one hour. Three hundred people In danger. Can you reach us?" That was the message which tho yardmaster read to us from tho steps of the station at Lattell. He was pale, and his hands shook as bo spelled the words out slowly. He didn't have any need to tell us the danger. Nor did be call for volun teers. To try to get to Yardsley was llko buying a through ticket for death and be done with it We stood around nnd discussed tbe terrible news and did notblng except Lannlgan. He appeared fit Pug Donaldson's window and, leaning bis arms on the sill, looked In wltb the same humorous twist to bis lean features. "Them three boxes there empty?" he asked. Jerking bis bead backward to ward the sidetrack. Donaldson nodded. 'Tn going to hitch my engine on to 'cm. Jimmy nnd me'll see If we cau git down there and beut that barbecue. Gimme a clear switch!" Tho roundhouse foreman only stared; but, after Lannlgan bad disappeared from tho window, he rushed to the door and yelled after blm: "Hey, you, Grandfather Longlegs! You'll be fried like a pancake on a grlddlel" But Lannlgan only grinned and leap ed aboard the old engine. We didn't know what be was up to until he'd coupled on the three empty box cars and rattled away over the switches and out of the yard. "He's making a bluff," some of us said. Others who respected the pluck It took to approach tbe fire thought be'd never get through, but would waste his steam for 'nothing. "Well, Jimmy, It's going to be a hot run," the long legged Yankee told his stoker as they neared tbe first belt of fire. "You fill up tbe furnace, and I'll slow down so you can Jump. I don't want to take another man to perdition with me." "Ob, 1 guess I'll stop." says Slosson, kind of sbnmefaccd. Then tbey shook bands on It, and from that moment neither questioned the other's Intention of sticking to bis Job. But Jimmy bad loaded tbe old en gine for hear all tight before tbey reached tbe fire line. She was whirl ing miles under ber drivers at a rate to beat even our one taat train, and the empty boxes behind were dancing like mad over tbe rough roadway. "We're getting there, Jimmy!" sings out Lannlgan at last. "Shin over into tbe water tank and fling n pall or so over me when you get a chance." He stood out on the running board wltb a band on the lever, bis cap visor shielding bis eyes from tbe smoke and flying sparks, peering ahead as best be could at tbe rails. Jimmy, up to bis neck in tbe tank, flung pall after pall of water over his long figure. Suddenly the engine seemed to run into a veritable wall of flame. It ex tended far across the roadbed, and It wrapped tho train about In a living, seething mantle as sho rushed on. It seemed as though no man could go through that sea of fire alive, but when tbe old engine staggered out of the fire belt Lannlgan still stood up right at the lever. His sparse mustache, his eyebrows, his shock of sandy balr were gone. He was as bald as a parrot and his cloth ing was afire In a dozen spots. But he turned a borrlble grin upon Jimmy and waved his hand. "Give us another bucket!" bo croak ed. And the stoker climbed out of tbe tank, more dead than alive himself, and put out the burning garments. Then they reached Yardsley. I guess If any two men were ever welcomed as angels straight from heaven It was Lannlgan and bis stoker, though they must have looked a deal more like devils from tbe pit Two hundred and ninety people, who bad given up their last hope of con tinued existence, piled Into those three box cars like cattle. The doors were closed, and then it was up to Lannlgan and Jimmy to run tbem back to Lat tell. Tbe old engine was reversed, and back through the awful belt of flame and smoke she went with tbe three boxes. Lannlgan certainly showed that day what be could do when he had the right of way. Scorched almost to a cinder one in stant and saturated tbe next Lannlgan stood at his post and brought tbe res cue train through to Lattell. Tbe box cars were afire and tho passengers half suffocated when they arrived. Jimmy was pretty nearly drowned In tbe tank, and we picked Lannlgan off tbe engine Just as be caved completely. "Daddy Longlegs" was some time In the hospital and came plaguy near los ing his sight nnd all because of that run. But If a man was ever popular along the line of tbe old M. and 8. P. his name was Lannlgan. The first day be got down to tbe yard 'the super happened to be there him self. The line was open again nnd everything running smoothly by that time, only tbe miles upon miles of charred forest and tbe heap of ashes where Yardsley bad stood telling of the forest fire. "Humph!" said the super, trying to pick out tbe engineer's hand which was least bandaged to shake. "I bear you've been doing somo tall running down hero. Lannlgan." And the drlyer grinned sheepishly, as though be bad done something to bo ashamed of, "Donaldtton's got your record chalk ed up on his office wall over the Limit ed. Guess we'll have to find yon aoine lilng better thau a freight to pull oat ben yon're well enough." And Lannlgan got tbe mail train the uext fortnight The Twelfth Jurywoman By DWIGHT NORWOOD When equal rlghU for women trl dtnpbed In 102n they not onlj gained tbe franchise, but laws were passed imposing upon tbem the same duties us men. They were drawn as Jurywo men and were eligible to sit on tbe bench. Different experiments in Jury duty were tried, one of which was the making up of a Jury of mixed men and women. The case of Grace Fleming against Francis Iddleston for breach of prom, ise attracted universal attention. Tbe law as It stood at tbe time required that all cases of breach pf promise should be tried before a Jury of un married persons, six being males and six females. There being a great rush for admittance to hear tbe piquant evidence that It wus expected would bo brought out a number of young men and women strove to bo Impan eled on tbe Jury. The result was six young men and six young women were drawn and accepted, all of whom were of the better class, and tbe young women were all good looking. It was proved conclusively on tbe trial that Iddleston had proposed to Miss Fleming nnd that she bad accept ed him, but the defendant's counsel brought In evidence to show that she had been engaged to another man at the same time. The Judge charged that If tbe Jury were satisfied that the defendant bad proposed to tbe plain tiff tbey were to return a verdict In her favor. But if tbey were satisfied tbat tbe plaintiff bad engaged herself to another man while she was engag ed to Iddleston they were to find for the defendant One of the Jurymen gave an account of tbe proceedings in the Jury room while a verdict was being considered, of which tbe following is a synopsis: "On reaching the Jury room we ur ranged ourselves in a circle, men uud women being placed alternately, aijd proceeded to consider the case. At first there were remarks from men and wit men alike, but gradually the men drop ped out ofthe discussion, leaving It to the women. Two women considered Iddleston's offer binding on him; two women considered tbat be was absolv ed by Miss Fleming's being engaged to another man, while the other two Jury women took tbe ground that Mr. Iddle ston had been treated very badly bj tbe plaintiff. "The discussion on tbe part of the Jurywomen lasted so long that some of us began to ynwn. First one wmi an, then another dropped out of It nn til but one woman remained to comtvu for ber opinion. Then one of tbe wo men asked another If she bad seen the new skirt This switched the conver nation on to another track than tbe case In question, and In n few minute tbe women were debating tbe fashions Seeing nn opportunity, we men began to consider the breach of promise case We discovered that we all agreed thai tbe woman, having been engaged to another during tbe time she was en gaged to Iddleston, bad no claim "We announced to our fellow Jurj women that half of tbe Jury were agreed on n verdict requesting the other half to follow our example. Tbej at once turned their attention to the matter In point, but as there were three different opinions among tbem and each woman stoutly maintained, ber own 'view time passed without i verdict At (J o'clock In the evenlnu supper was brought In. and after that since tbe women could "not agree uiul were tired of tbe subject we paired off, each man with a woman, nnd sat flirting till 10 o'clock, when we were marched off to separate hotels for the night "The next day a messenger went from us wltb a note to tbe Judge, who supposing It to' contain a question ot law, called the court together. His honor was much astonished at a re quest for a clergyman. Since there was no reason for denying tbe request a dominie was sent to us. and two ot our number were married. "There is something contagious about matrimony, and as tbe parson was leaving be was called back to marry another couple. Tbat afternoon one of the men who had been making up to another of tbe Jurywomen pro posed tbat we make It unanimous and all be married This was rushing mat ters, and the only woman left un pledged declined to take tbe only re malning unpledged man. While we were trying to persuade her tbe Judge sent to know if we bad reached a ver diet The foreman sent back word that we bad a case of an obstinate twelfth Jurywoman, but we hoped soon to bring ber to an agreement "Half an hour later we all filed Into the courtroom and were asked the usual question; " 'Have you agreed to a verdict?' "'We have agreed to something else, replied our foreman. " 'What do you mean?' asked the Judge, surprised. " 'Four of our twelve have been mar rled In the Jury room, nnd we have agreed to make It unanimous, the rest to be married here by your honor tn court' "'But the verdict In the case that has been tried before your exclaimed tbe astonished Judge. 'Were you un able to bring the obstinafe Jurywo man to an agreement? "'We brought ber to an agreement, your honor, to marry the eleventh Juryman, , " 'Case dlsrnlsfled,' said the Judge.' Peoples9 Column - "" WWVWWWWWWYWW FOR 8AL.E. Farm and Town property always for sale. Money loaned on Real Es tate, Wade Turner, Merchants Bank Bldg. D. Leadbetter, real estate, nro in surance and pensions. Office 134 S. High street. Fob Bent 7 room;houseion Collins ave. Inquire of O. S. Lemon. (7-2) Foil Sale Two second hand buggies In good condition. Paul Harsita, tf adv Hillsboro, Ohio. For Sale 116 acre rfarm on pike near New IMarket. For particulars inquire at thlsCofflce. adv tf Fon Sale One Duroc Jersey Sow and 8 pigs ; 2 draft yearling colts. O. P. Haggeuty. For Sale Lumber for building purposes, sawed to order, on tbe old Spargurfarm atBalnsboro. Address Fred Miller, Rainsboro. 8-6 EYE SYMPTOMS Do you have headaches? Do your eyes water? Do they ache? Does print run together? T)o things become dim or swim? Are your Eyes inflamed? Do your eyes tire after read ing awhile. ADVICE FREE Dr. C. F, Faris, THE EYESIGHTSPEGIALIST Office 1 door East of Economy store. Main Street, Hillsboro, O. CENTERFIELD. July 13, 1914. Church and Sunday School fairly well attended considering so many other places to go (?) Of course we are not the only people who have good things to offer but we have them. Joseph Hoskins gave us an excellent discourse on "Fruitful Branches" Sunday morn ing and the Wednesday previous Maud Hoskins presented a bible reading be ginning with the first verse in Genesis. These readings will be systematic and on alternate Wednesday evenings, a prayer meeting occupying the other Wednesday. Next bible reading on Wednesday, July 22. The W. 0. T. U. had the honor and pleasure of entertaining Mrs, Flatter, State Field Secretary of Ohio W. 0. T. XL, who gave a most profitable ad dress Tuesday afternoon to women and girls and a rousing lecture in the evening which should encourage all who are determined to aid In every way possible in the extermination of the liquor traffic and which also should help to create public sentiment in favor of woman's suffrage. The heat of Sunday made some of us very willingly obey the scriptural injunction to do no work upon that day. The rain of today causes thankful ness even If it proves scant. A half loaf Is better than none. Emery Roades and wife, of Bridges, called on Oscar Hamilton and wife Sunday evening. Mr. Clay, of Petersburg, and Miss Taylor, of Washington D. 0., were guests of Mrs. Fulkerson, Sunday. Miss Eunice Mills came home from a visit of a week to her sister, Mrs. George Meyers, at Leesburg, and Miss Lola Mill, who had been staying the week with her father and sister, re turned to Leesburg, where she is making her home. Mrs. Flora Button and brother, Elmer Butler, of The Point, with their families visited thelrslster, Mrs. Rose- baur on Sunday. m i There is Healing in Foley Kidney Pills. You need a mighty good medicine if once your kidneys are exhausted by neglect and overwork, and you have got It In Foley Kidney Pills. Their action. Is prompt, healing' and tonio, Sound health and- sound kidneys fol low their use. Try them. '' adv GIkkett.& AYKBe. v ! tW S tT .Mt J! i y,.' yrr l m tilm r, Aiw'lAU&Jd ft. tCm&&&&&&i l'.? fr - WMIrf'. rVt