OCR Interpretation

The News-Herald. [volume] (Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio) 1886-1973, December 24, 1914, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038161/1914-12-24/ed-1/seq-5/

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g" " 55
Ilarley riolt Iwas a business visitor
In Cincinnati Friday. .
Miss Myra Johnson spent Thursday
and Friday tn Cincinnati.
Slick, sllckef, slickest.
It Is a long way any a hero these d.i s.
Hugh Fence relumed Monday from
a short vls.lt with reUtlves In luyton.
Mrs. A. H. Beam and Mrs.
Klbler were In Cincinnati Thursday.
i ...i. i ..n
Hiring a rib
recentl trse-
Drawn For January Term of Com
mon Pleas Court Wednes
dayWho Tliey Are.
N. R. Barrett and son, Richard, were i
In Dayton, Sunday.
Prof, and Mrs. Hopewell and baby
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. William Hilderbrand, Sunday.
JCr. and. Mrs. Ralph Scott 9pent Sat
urday and Sunday In Cincinnati.
Frank Crotty.'of Toledo, Is visiting
Major and Mrs. A. W. Underwood.
Large Select Oysters, Tangier Bay
special for Christmas at Conard's
Grorery. adv
Mrs. V. B. McConnaughey and Mrs.
.Roy S. Rogers spent Saturday In
Remember that good Mince Meat.
llustthethltig toflnishthitChrlstmis j
dinner, at Conard's Grocery. adv
Mrs. G. B. Beecherand Mrs. Balkam
Schoyer spent Thursday and Friday
in Cincinnati.
lure vMtlng relatives in Se.unour, Lnd.
Lynn Walker, wno is aitendltiK'
school at Suunton, Va , is the guest
of liis latlfer, 0. C Walker.
Major and Mrs Roy A. Hanes left
Wednesday for a visit with relatives
at Lancaster, JCy.
Robert M Mullen spent from Mon
day U'ltll Wednesday with friends In
Large Select Oysters,
special for Christmas
Tangier Bay
at Conard's
Harry Maglll, who is attending
Wooster College, is at home for the
Christmas vacation.
) Mr
and Mrs. Herbert Strain and
'Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Turner spent
Thursday in Cincinnati.
Tangier Bay
at Conard's
Miss Zella Miller, who Is teaching in
Indianapolis, is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Van B. Miller.
Remember that good MinceJ Meat.
J ust the thing to fin Ish t lut Christmas
dinner, at Conard's Grocery. adv
Mrs J. W. Evans and daughter,
Miss Katherlne, spent Frilay in
L&rge Select Oysters,
'Special for Christmas
William Richards, of Indianapolis,
lnd., is the guest of his parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. J, H. Richards.
Perin McDermott Is at home for the
-Christmas vacation. He Is attending
a technical school in Indianapolis.
Miss Ellen Steele, who is teaching
in University School, Cincinnati, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. S. F. Steele.
-' Henry Wilkin, who is attending
Marietta college, arrived at home
Wednesday, evening. ,
Scott Worle'yTfcfnclnnatl, is visit
ing his parents, Judge and Mrs. J. B.
m '
Miss Elizabeth 'Harnett, of West
Carrollton, is visiting her parents at
Mrs. Fenner, of Norfolk, Va., who
has been visiting relatives here for
several months, returned home, Tues
day. Mrs. S. F. Steele and daughter, Miss
Anna, are visiting the former's
daughter, Mrs. Walter C. Merrick, In
Mrs. Margaret Fenton and brother
Samuel Kelly, are spending Xraas at
the latter's son, George, at Latonla,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMullen
have gone to Columbiana to spend
Christmas with Prof, and Mrs. Fay
The grand and petit jurors for the
January term of the Common Pleas
Com i were drawn Wednesday. The
grand jurors are summoned to report
on Monday, Jan. 11, 1915 and are as
David Cllckner, Madison.
0. F. Fads, Liberty.
George Ambrose, Liberty.
P. S. Bell, New Market.
George Umphlet, Jackson.
L. A. Purdy, New Market.
Chester Krum, Brushcreek.
Charles Swartz, Liberty.
Walter Stevenson, Liberty.
Elmer Swisshelm, Liberty.
Orla Simmons, Madison.
0. fl. Williams, Jackson.
diaries Morgan, Liberty.
C. W. Thompson, Falrtleld.
Albert Felke, Dodson.
The pbtlt Jurors are summoned to
report on Munday, Jan. 18, 1015 and
are as follows:
Ed. C. McWllllams, Madison.
Elmer Cameron, Marshall.
William Redman, Madison.
Joseph Kerns, Penn.
John W. Brewer, Dodson.
Frank Parshall, Liberty.
A. G. Cameron, Paint.
John C. Bennington, Whlleoak,
Harry F. Boatman, Liberty.
H. F. Tedrlck, Dodson.
C A. Lemon, New Market.
R T. Leaverton, Falrileld.
W. N. Kler, Whlteoak.
L. J. Cole, Madison.
D. M. Meneley, Liberty.
Henry Henderson, Concord.
Clyde Eubanks, Brushcreek.
Rother Boiden, Liberty.
Twelfth Annual Bargain Offer oi
Ohio State Journal, Making
Sweeping' Reduction in
Subscription Price.
Mrs. John F. Nelson went to New
Vienna Saturday to spend several
weeks with Mrs. Rodney Trimble and
Miss Alice Trimble.
Mrs. Sarah McConnaughey, of Har
xisburg, 1b visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Elmer Hunter, at Norfolk, Va.
Harley and Earl Pence, who are at
tending college at Ada, are here for
the Christmas vacation.
Remember that good Mince 'Meat.
Just the thing to finish that Christmas
dinner, at Conard's Grocery. adv
Prof. E. E. Richards, of Columbus
was the guest of his brother, Harry,
over Sundae.
Miss Katie O'Connell has accepted a
position as matron of a social settle
ment home In Columbus. She began
her duties last Thursday.
Prof. John Roads, who is teaching
at Lake Forest Academy at Lake
Forest. 111.. Is spending his vacation
, wjyi-1'13 father, Noah Roads.
Mr. and Mrs. nenry Hopkins and
daughter, Grace, and Mr. and Mrs.
William Cline. of Barberton, are the
guests of Ova and John Hopkins.
Misses Lucille Ridgeway and Madge
Faris visited the former's sister, Mrs
Caldwell, at Greenfield, from Saturday
until Monday.
Miss Ruth Rlzer, who Is attending
olleee at Delaware, is spending the
Christmas vacation with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rlzer.
Miss Prlscllla Cline, who has been
attending a business college In Cincin
nati, has been the guest of Mrs. Clif
ford Elllfritz, since Saturday.
Dr. Erenry Sch welnsberger and bride,
of Alliance, arrived here Tuesday for
& visit with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Schwelnsberger.
George McConnaughey and Charles
Prlne, who are attending" Dennlson
college at Granville, are spending the
Christmas vacation with their parents,
The Young Ladles Sodality of St.
Mary's Oathollo Church will give a
social and dance Dec. 31, In Bell's
Hall, beginning at 8 o'clock. Admis
sion, including refreshments, 15 cents.
All are cordially lnvitod.
Miss Mary Butier, who Is attending
Ohio Wesleyan University, at Dela
ware, Is at home for the Christmas
Miss Naomi Roads, who is attend
ing college at Delaware, Is spending
the Christmas vacation with her fath
er, Noah Roads.
Mrs. Lulu Barrere, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. S. W. Hies
tand. In Columbus, returned home on
Kenneth Conard broke hls.left collar
bone while coasting on a hill on N.
West street the first of the week. In
rounding a bend in the road the sled
turned over.
Miss Pearl Carlisle, Miss Elizabeth
Roads, Ervin Evans, Donald Durnell
and Harry Roads, who are attending
Ohio state University, are jatj home
for the Christmas vacation.
Mrs. C. D
Bean spent Tuesday in
Mrs Frank Lacy, of Sablna, Is visit
ing her son, C. M Lacy.
Samuel Storer, of wet of town, suf
fered a stroke of paralysis recently.
Mr. and Mrs L F Poulware are
visiting relatives In Williamsburg.
Judge Nfwbv lipid court at Wash
ington C. H., the fi'St ot the week.
Mrs Rov Gustln, of Columbua, Is
the truest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George M Rallentlnp.
Mrs C. E BpII entertained
br of her friends at dinner
a nura-Monday
Mrs. Daniel Morgan and daughter,
Miss Mildred, were In Cincinnati on
Frank Jeans attended the wpddlng
of his son. Dr. Philip Teans. and Miss
Grace Whittler Gushing, at Boston,
Mass , on Tuesdav.
Miss Marjory Wilson, who Is attend
ing Maryland College at Luthervllle,
Md . arrived here Thursday to spend
the Christmas vacation with; her par
ents, Judge and Mrs. J. FranktWilson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haggerty and
son, of Elarlowtown, Okla., who have
been visiting the former's parents, M .
and Mrs J. W. Haggerty, and other
relatives here for several weeks, re
turned homo Monday.
Miss Mildred Morgan, who Is attend
ing Dana Hall at Wellesley, Mass,, and
Daniel Morgan Jr., who Is attending
Lawrencevllle, N. J., Academy, are
spending their vacation with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morgan.
Misses June Doorley, AnneHanlon,
Sarah Rockhold and Louise nether
lngton and Ralph Sams and Vernon
Fairley who are attending Miami Un
iversity at Oxford, are at home for the
Christmas vacation.
Miss Lena McCoppin, who Is teach
lng music in a collpge at Mansfield,
La., Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary
Since Saturday night the streets of
Hillsboro and the roads of Highland
county have been a glare of Ice Travel
has been almost Impossible and busi
ness seriously Injured, but the coast
ing Is tine and the young people are
enjoying It thoroughly.
Miss Nina Glenn, underwent an
operation for appendicitis at Christ's
Hospital, Clnolnnatl, Thursday. The
operation, while serious, was entirely
successful and she has gained steadily
and on Monday was considered
out of danger. Her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. W. W. Glenn went with her to
the hospital and remained until Mon
day. Miss Glenn will probably have
to remain at the hospital for a couple
of weeks longer.
Mr. and Mrs BbvpMv eVault, of
Johnson City, Te-'n , will a'r've here j
today for a vMt wfh t)a latter's
parents, Judge a nH Mr '" m. Newby.
m I
County Clerk Hog-ett received word
Tuesday that It was not necessary to
place revenue stamps on applications
for automobile licenses.
Miss Arnetta Gall, who is a pupil of
the Conservatory of Music in Cincin
nati, came home Monday to spend
Christmas vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. A. Gall.
Throughout the month of January.
11)15, the Twelfth Annual Bargain
Oiler of the Ohio Slate Journal will be
In effect.
Ohio newspaper readers who are
supplied with mill b. rural carriers
and those w ho reside In small towns
where the Ohio State Journal does not
mail. tain an agency will have an op
portunity to secure one year's sub
scription by mall for only Two Dollars
It seems remarkable that as big and
complete a newspaper as the Ohio
State Journal can bo ollcred at such a
low price. Inasmuch as there has been
an advance In every other line, It was1
hardly to be expected that the man
agemeut of the Ohio State Journal '
would consider a reduction at this '
Hewever, the price Is not only re-,
duced during Januiry, butthe further '
announcement is in ide that in future'
the Monday Issues will contain the
same comic pages that appear In the
Sunday Ohio State Jour' a'.
This means the Introduction of a
feature that will be highly appreciated
by both old and young. You will have
a chance to get acquainted with the
Katzenjimmer family, Happy IIooll
gan, Jimmy and his papa, Cousin
Willie and other celebrated comic
characters It will be a big treat and
you will enjoy It.
From a news standpoint the Ohio
State Journal has a big advantage over
other publications It Is the only
morning newspaper published In Co
lumbus or central Ohio and Is there
fore In position to furnish Its readers
with a newspaper on the day It is
The Ohio State Journal owrs the
Associated Press morning franchise in
the Columbus district and is also
represented by a arge staff of state
correspondents, whose duty it is to
supply the news from their respective
sections. The Associated Press is
con eded to be the greatest news- j
gathering association in the world i
and Its service covers the entire
globe. '
The condition of the weather ma
terially affects the business of the
farmer and it is therefore necessary
that he be supplied with a dail)
weather report. The Weather Map
and Weather Observations appearing
in the Ohio State Journal are Issued
12 hours later than those furnished
afternoon newspipers, dated for the
next day, making the Ohio State
Journal reports of real value to all
who are engaged In agricultural pur
Those interested in securing the
actual close of the Grain, Live Stock
and Produce Markets will appreciate
the excellent market page provided bj
thi Oulo State Journal.
Subscriptions may be sent to this
lll'e are mailed direct to the Ohio
.Uit Journal, Columbus, O. Renum
ber that commencing Feb. 1 the regu
lar rate will be restored.
( j F all human achievements, surely the motion pic
ture most unerringly expresses that idea of ser
vice to our fellow men which is the spirit ofj Christmas.
Without regard to creed or sect, to all mankind it car
ries a message of life, love and laughter. Therefore at
this season of rejoicing we give thanks as exhibitors
that we are enabled to play such a part in promoting the
happiness of those we serve. We daily give, by the very
nature of our exhibitions, new cheer to our fellow men.
In so doing, we fulfill, to the highest degree, the spirit
of Christmas. To our many patrons who have remained
so loyal to us, we extend our heartfelt thanks for your
liberal patronage. Our aim for the New Year shall be
to still retain that high standard of quality for which
our theatre enjoys an enviable reputation.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year, we remain
Your faithful servant,
Mrs. H. n. McKeehan and daugh
ter, Miss Eliza, of Cleveland, and Dr.
n. V. A. Spargur, of Cincinnati, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.
Spargur, Saturday and Sunday.
Notice to Odd Fellows.
All Odd Fellows are requested to be
present at Lafayette tiodgo No. 25 on
Mdnday night Dpc 28, 1014, as there
will be work In the 1st Degree.
The famous petroleum springs of
Greece, described by a historian four
centuries before Christ, are to bo ex
ploited hv local capitalists after being
regarded merely as curiosities for more
than 2300 years.
'I have seven wives," explained the
unspeakable Turk to the Interviewer.
"Groat 0 tusar 1 How do you manage
to pay your dressmaker's bills ?"
"I married dressmakers, on of an
lnlldel." Philadelplila Ledger.
Christmas Presents.
It is always difficult to select a
suitable Christmas present for a young
man. What would be nicer for him
than a fine "Neverout Lamp" for his
buggj? Any buggy owner would be
tickled to death with such a present
See the ad. elsewhere in this paper
The M. F. Ca it roll & SoNb Co.
adv Hillsboro, O
Gore, Ga., P. A. Morgan had occa
sion recently to use a liver medicine
and says of Foley Cathartic Tablets :
"They thoroughly cleansed my system
and I felt like a new man light and
free. They,are the, best medicine 1
have ever takenltorconstlpation. They
keep the stomach sweet, liver active,
bowels regular."
adv Garrett & Ayres.
Mrs. Naomi Pulnols died at the
Infirmary Saturday. She was proba
bly the oldest person In Highland
county, b6lng97 years of age. The
body was taken to narwood Sunday,
where burial was made.
Mis) Laura Shaw, of Providence, R
I., visited at the Misses Murphy
Monday and Tuesday. MIs3
Shaw Is one of the singers with
the famous Flying Squadron, which Is
making the campaign for national
Mrs. Philip Lelnlnger, who has been
vlsUIug relatives In Detroit, Mich.,
returned hoiie Monday.
k3 Fft
' 'Not the only lime we with you well, i ,"" V ' "
(But one of the many, many times "7i(
0 mas-time prompts
us to express our Appre
ciation to the commu
nky collectively and to
each of our friends in
dividuajjy for any part
they have placed in mak
ing this a most prosper
ous year for us2! )
MayJDecember25th be
numbered amongur
YULETIDE memories
as theHappiest Christmas
of them all, is the wish of
Farmers & Traders National Bank
She Eloped Against Her Will
Tbls Is just what happened to Dorothy florrelgh (Ruth Stone
house) when she went to the steamer with Frank Melbourne
(Francis Bushman) an old sweetheart who was fleeing from a sup
posed crime that he thought he ha I committed Djrolhy lingered
too long on the boat, and was carried to .ea. Il would spoil a good
story to tell you any more. This be ititlful drama in the hands of
such capable actors as Francis Bushman and Ruth Storehouse,
however Is going to make good entertainment at the ORPHEUM
Another good number on the program wi!' 'ie
Episode No. 10
Christmas Day and Night
Drama In two acts. Francis .Maurice Costello and Estelle
Bushman and Ruth Stoneliouse Mardo. A story true to life.
"The Fable of th6 Deanery and the Peachy Newcomer." One
of George Ades Famous Fables In Pictures
Big Special Matinee at 1:30 p m. Adults a Dime. Kiddies ad
rnitted FREE.
"Hearst Sellg Weekly" No. 70 Afternoon and Night.
Two Special Reels for Children in afternoon
The Vitagraph and Essanay (Ade Comedy) at Night Only.
"ZUDORA" is Going to be the Season's Hit, Watch For Date
Prof. John W. Richards and step, n
Randolph Ousley, of Lake Forest, III.,
wore the guests of the former's broth
er. H. H. Richards, a few days the
latter part of last week. They wont
from hero to New Orleans, La., whore
hey Joined Mrs. Richards, who Is
visiting rslatlvs thore
Mrs. Roy Barrett, of Leesburg, was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W A. Teter, the pa3t week.
Mius Violet Morgan, who is teach
ing school in Paint township, Is the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.
E Morgan.

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