OCR Interpretation

Meigs County telegraph. [volume] (Pomeroy [Ohio]) 1848-1859, December 20, 1859, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038183/1859-12-20/ed-1/seq-4/

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Thin Institute hna been successfully commenced
under the patronage of the Hartrnrd fllty Coal,
Mining: V Manufacturing Company, for the benefit
of FiSKaae' uil HK-cHimc-n1 anna and rtaughlor.
where thiiv may receive the. advantage-aof-a superior
EDUCATION to what hna htlhorto )en.nBreil them
tn Common School, at charge sufrleicntly low fnr
II to embrace a complete Academical Education.
H t now entering Ml ita second session, and la dc
llghtfuUy situated on a foully alnpUia ,npdy uil
itnnra, overlooking tha rlvor Ohio, anil only a aliort
dltnc;fmru the Ktojtmrioat Lnndlng. The School
Knatn and Teacher' Hesldeuce la' held In that spa
clou hulli'lug formerly kJiowu :a tha Brethren
church. ...
Thcroom cant, Ins g,(W qaro fast, and 1 reptet
with eVery suitable conveniens..
The heating and lighting pparatoa ti perfects
having four largo stoves, and 8CII feet nf window
light, and being ole'tteil 18 foolJibnve the road
way, making It the moat desirable, healthy situation
Imaginable. v
There la also a Library and Reading Department
, attached, for the nsa or ntudnt, containing many
' excellent atnndiird works, wltli monthly and weekly
tierimtlcttl. to aiilttbe desire ofall partiee,and It Is
Intended hereafter, tn add a Piano Forte, for the
Ladies. a an accompaniment toth City Brass Baud,
iioWln full iiperatloirrvery evening.
. The School la conducted by the Principal, aided by
Asaastant. mala and female. ,
The mule piipllaaretauglrtavery branch of learn
ing jiecesanrv for their futnri) advantage, making
them ehfnble of entering on all such duties as may
hereattnr otror for their weal.
Tho female department are also tnnghl every nec
essary accomplishment, wllh plain and fancy needle
work In addition to a sound scholastic course.
tlrutm'nf auefidam-o, 9 to IS, and 8 to 4, for youth,
and X to t. for.adiilta. .... , , ,.- ,
I hnsmay tlwsjvhlldren of the nbnve renelre as lib
eral: an elucntmn as In nrl'tocratlo institutions, whose
charge exclude many a . naturally talented child
from obtuhilng the assistance. necessary to develop
Ua intellect.
Pupils clinrgedonlyrrom time of entrance. ' '
Terina perseasion of 3 month, i-2.50 each. '
A limited nnniber of, boarders in taken at a small
charge. " .
Rsfcrenceemay be had to parents, of pupils, either
In Ohio, West Columbia, Mason City or lhl plnee,'
on application to the Principal, at tho liistliuto.
SAMUEL H..VN1KI(8, Preceptor.
Oct..-)-tf. : - - ' -
a i ' A - - ... . 1. ml
' '"".Bt'Pu" -::,
1- :' ' WITH THR . V
CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000,
K ET, SU RP LU S OF 942,181.72.
A nd the prestige of 411 years surceas and experience.
(Upward of 12,IHK),000 of losses have been paid by
the -Etna Inaurance Company hi the past 4V years.
Tha value of .'tellable insurance will be apparent
from the following: .
' ' nraino tnt vast ny vatas:
In Ohio, -' t;Kn W
In Wlnronnln,. IHD.IISS 0?
In Kentucky, - eu4.!i3D l
Misaourl, 3H4.5IR 114
Iowa Minn., I0I.3WA 46
feiin.ee Va.,. -. 3M0j 3
111 Mlolilpun, - C158.043 1
In liwllana, I4C.KM HI
In Illinois, . 44H,:l7 41
Teuneasoo,- 97411 SI i
dt fleb., 19,945 77
Ark. Ga.,
3.945 US
Missisaippl and Alubaina, 52,412 18
Plre and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at
tawtns cnnnlstunt witii solvency and profit. '
Ksicial attontlon ffivcu to lumirunco of DWKLL
lUGSand roiiteiita, for tonus of I to 3 years. .
The solid service lonir and succt'ssl'ully tried, and
the many ndvantngea the-tua lusurance Conipany
iiesaeuoa lu its llno.slioulu not be overlooked by
thuse ready to Insure and jinderstutidlng their beat
Durlnir "stringent times" the neeeaslljr for reliable
Insurance becomes ail Imperative duty the abilitv
of property owuera' to sustain lose being then much
laseeiued. i' f'
Aiceneics In all the principal cities and towns
throughput the Klaln. Poll i, leaned without ileluy,
ny an' or Itiouuiy utitnorizcd AUt ntsor Ihefjoiiipnny
inrttusliiess atltudril lo with desiiatcb and HJcl
Ity. . ,,M OKKS BRANCH, Aawvt,-
Kept, $0.-3$ -3u..t . .; ,i Pomerov, .
i-a. , .. , n, . . . ;v i. '
r (.jOP THK SETKEXTH CtTRYf-',"l-'-
Trot. Woods Ilair Restorative.
Pays the Ft. Louis, (Mo.) "Democrat:" Retow;we
publish a letter lo Dr. nucl, of this city, from a
fentlmiiu In Miiine, which paka fftowjiiIy of tlie
eiirrior merits of liis h.-iir tonic. Mich evidence must
hive Us effect, when coming from a reliable source.
If eertfllcHtvs arc arii:iriinlcte bf trntli, the Dr. needs
to encomiums, itor usutiw puffery from the presn:
' - ' BTH,Mm. Jan. SO, 18J0'.
Profeasor O. .1. Wood & Co.:
GiaTi.iMiHt limine my attention called a few
monlhs since to the lutcblj ibchcOcial effects of your
nair restoraiive, t was iuinrei 10 maxu apfllcnltoii
of it upon my own hair, which bad bucomequilegrtiy,
probabls one-third while;, uir whlakera were of the
aarne character. Hoim; threo iniHithssince Iprociirvd
a boitte oi your nair rcsiornuve. ana ueu u. i aimu
found II was nrovimi what I half wished. 1 used It
about twice a week. I have since procured another
oo'iie, 01 wnicn f nave useu suiuc i can now cer
l'f tcrthe world tlial the trruy or whlto hair has' to
tally dlsiippearod, holh oi. ant Mad and face, and my
hair has runiiined its uitltirul color,nnd I believe more
soft and glua' than it has beun before for tWiuiiy-Ave
years. L am now sixty years old; my good wife at
!h age or Hlly-two, bus usml It with same elfuet.
The above notice 1 deem due -to yon for your val
uable discovery. I am assured that whoever will
rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion
to cvtiiiradict ni) statements. 'I am a citizen of tills
eity and n rusiilcut huru for the last flrteen yeau.anil
am known to nearly ei'ery one here and udjoinins;
tnwus;i Any use you may' make Of the above, with
my iiKina attached, la at our eervlce. as I w ish to
preserve Ihe beauties of nature lu others as well as
myaelf.' I aui, truly, yours,
' ' ' A. t RAYMOND. '
- ii . , i '. Btf.Tianaa, Jan. S3, IH58. '
rrofsaaor Wood Dear Hir! Having had the misfor
tune to loan Hie beat portion of my hulr, from llio
rlfecla of yellow fever, in New Orleans, in 1834,1 was
Induced to make a trini if your preparation, and
found It toanswerns the very thine; needed . My linlr
is aww thick and .ftiosay, and i.o words can express
my obligations to you in giving- to the utflictcd such a
treasure-! - -'i -- r. . .'. . . .
.- , ' F1N1.EY JOHKRON.
The onilerslpned, Hev.J, K. Urugg, is a minister
In ruviilar siaiidinr. and uastor of. the Orthodox
hurch at Hroolillul j, atansr He Is gontleman of
sreaUnnuiiiic tana universally beloved... ; i
,wt -' ' ' WM. DYER'.- !
Brnokllold, January IS, IH3S.
Vrofessor Wood Duar Sir:. Having made trlul of
your Hair Kvslnratlvu, It girua me pleuture to any,
that its effect ImS bix'D excellent In removing Inffiinu
nialjon, dandruff ondi constant tendency to Itehing
i n which I have been troubled from my childhood:,
indiiaa also roalored my hair, which was becoming
gray, ita original color, luuvensed uo other ar
ticle with any thing Hke the same pleasure or prolll.
" - - Yoiira,lrul, J. K. BKAGG.
The Restorative Is put up in Bottles of 3 sizes, vlk:
large, medium and small; Ihe amull hol.ls ), a lihit.
m retii'ia for one doiinr uur pome; tne meui
holds t least twenty per cent.' more ill
utile; tbe
than the small, retail for two dollars a
large holds a quart, 4H pereent. more tn prKrllon
and retaila for throe doflara a4KUlov. o...- f.
"O. J. WOOD dt CO., Proprietor, 444 Broadway
New York". IM-Markej fit.,Louis, Mo." .' -'
And sold by all good 'lyrugglsta and Fancy Goods
Dealeraj'i.-'-T.-r ar: f J1
Jul).SSr-?u v,4lV ':.!vii'-,i." ;,''
Whofuw Dealers anu Jobber in
D R- Y1 G O G-I) S
49S lllaiket Ac 414 CoittuicrreStA.
M. Wfi.r,1.fM0ll J
o. M- W'M.se.N, i.f
H. c. PorrEH, j
March I, WSJ.-
;fc4ih audita, SoM aide
seasoned .1 .
lor sae on Maaonable tfrms. ' Thime witbinii;
to purchase are invited' Ui all and examine
rut theniaelve. iriquire in eumttoy T, -r
mm n n a wbwsmm
m m., ntuiiuuaursi at
" V ;PCf if EE OX, O H XO
1819 Charter
UANIt; BLOCfC, Pomercr, O. .
Collection rrrad arid Aptfy'rewUtactt Bu
iinR puppr ditcouniirdi buy and "ell '
Exchance, Gold 'nd-Stive
Coin, Unonrrent Money,
V- t"nfl WrrarrtJl.at;-1---,"
For Mleirj mma to suit. We are prepared
to draw lirtct nn London, LiveTuooir-Sw-aea,
Glasgijw, Dublin, Belfast, I'aria, Amstt
dam. Badei-Baden, and other cine in Eu
rope. Alan, Australia.
; Money inheritanoea collected in tyeiv port
Of Europe.( i-v '-tn :! m i-
' .Money received on deposit, and inte real al
lowed on time deposits, al.rnlte,,(jreed npqn..
; janll-M-lY . '
1859.: 1850
;f 'v.. PonTSMOinrii
. Wholesale Drj Goods Flonse,
TF TOAVELL invite- the altenthn o
. Merchants an 1 Fumade men to bia" new
StocH of Dry Gnoda,
PiTchaeed during this month of the Eastein
maiiutaclurers and Importers. Attention is
also directed to
toweU) Standard Patent Thread,
:": "" : ' ! NU
ToKett't Waxnl Six Cord Spool Cotton,
Which have been manufactured to his order
in Europe, and will be found very superior in
q unlit,'. Merchants at a distance may always
rely on finding a good stock on hand of all
kinds of goods.at the lowest wholeaale prices.
' 13-lv. i J. F. TO WELL.
New York
elegance, speed, noiselessness'and
X sinip'icity of Ihe Machine; the heauty
and strength of stitch, being alike on both
ilen, .impossible to ravel, and leaving no
rirljre on the underside, economy of thread,
and nitunlahilitv to to thick, at nr thinest of
r.hrica. hna reii.lHrwl thia tl most nnnular
, . ,,-.. '
Punted instructions accompanying each
Machine, lo enable purchasers to sew ordi
nary seams stitch, fell, quilt, (rather, tuck
and bind; also, to keep the machine in per
fect order.
.: Each machine is warranted for three years.
For lurther particulars apply lo the under
signed agent.
i Porheroy, November, '29. 44 tf
The free admissions of ull Sail. n. n Well as the
verdict of the. lending Hopllalofthe Old as well as
the New World, stamp this powerful remedial Agent
aaiw gniiitest healing prepuratlon ever made known
to suffering man. Its preventive quulltics are more
than marvellous, through the external orifices of tbe
skin. Invisible to tho nuked eye, it reaches the sent of
the iutftrnnl disease; aiidln all external affections its
unlMiinuiimialory and healing virtues aurpnsa any
thing else ou record, and is Suture's great ally. " .
Aretwoof the inostcominnii mid virulent disorders
prevalent on Ibis continent, to these the OilHmeni is
especially antagonistic, H "inodua operandi" Islirst
lo eradicate the veuoin'uud then complete the cure.
' Citsusof mtiiiy years standing that have pertina
ciously refused toyicld to any other remedy or treat,
nieut, have Inviiriable succumbed to a few applica
tiousof thia powerful urgueiil.
' Arising from a bad state of the blood or chroiilc
disease are eradicated, and a clear and trnnspurent
surface regained by Ihe restorative action of this
Ointment, It surpasses many of the. cosmetics and
other toilet appliances in its power lo dispel rashes
and other disllguremciitsef the face.
- Ksery form and jeature of these prevnlent nnd
stubborn disorder ie eradicated locally and entirely
by the use of this emolieiit; warm fomentatiuna
should precede Ita application. Ita healing qualities
will be found lu be thorough and tnvariiliiuble.
Both the Ointment and the Pills should be
used in the following eases:
Murcarial Erup
Swelled Glands, Sprains
nore Lega, - Ntirr
Hore Breasts, Joints
Rora Hoaos. Tetter,
Sore Thronis, - Ulcers,
" Sore's of all Venereal
kinds,'- i Sores,
Chunped Piles.
Hands, Kheumatlam,
Chilblains Ringworm,
Fistula, Rail Rheumy
(lout. Rcalda,
Lumbago, Nkin Diseases.
Wounds of all kinda.
TTT'Oautloti! Kono are ircmilne unless the words
"Holloway, Kew York ami London," are discernable
as a Wa ter-mark In every leaf of the book of direc
tions aroond each pot or box; the same may be even
by holding the leaf lo the light, A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such Information
as may lead to the detection of any party or parties
counterfeiting tho medicines or vending tho same,
knowing them to he spurious.
rvtiu a me-iqpnuiaciones or rroi. nouownv,
AO Maiden' Lane, New York, and by all rospeetable
Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the
United Mates aud the olvlllxed world. In pots at US
eeitta, A3 oenUand ona dollareach.
JO J hero Ie considerable saving 07 taking the
tanrersixos. - -
S. H. Directions for Ihe guidance of patient In
every disordoi re affiled to each pot. e-eow-ly.
joiisinLLiTo & co.
. j ' So's 101. M3 and KiJ West Fourth Slroot,
qiGlOTATI, Os,
i Importers of . ' -
RefU'clfnlly Inform their enatomen and pirrohaHra
generally that they are now opening an ex
!,. tensive and complete assortment of . ...
FajiiniM, Hotel Keepers, Steamboat owner and
Utbut,Mi) dnpeud tipon Hndiug the best class of
tjouda.'at prices a low a they can be purchased tn
the Eastern allies. Wept. S7 39-Um.a
FfiUlT TREES, v .
IV P. Fpgg & Son
Offer far sale seVeral thousand GraAed Ap
ple 'Trees, of a suitable s ce for selling
out this Fall, rric, Ten Dollars per Hun
dred. :.." J
Salem 43eiter, Meigs County, 0., Sept.
13th, M9. ; , 31-t
Caurt street
!, y vvi -; ;.'!
rcl , f V
1 :V .V...1: i-i... f ,cv ',i
Hv if
Vou)t1 respeetfullv call the altentson of this community to one of the reateet improve
meuts ever int;oduced in .,,.' : , . u. , .
bf which means fifty per (sent, of fuel is saved, and also a more Intense heat thrown to the
bottom of the Oven.-1 -' ' ,,
In introducing this greatly-improved "Qaa Burning Cooking Stove. we wish it distinct
ly understood that it is not our design to use. . , T" -.,
G-A 1
Tn tlisposinc' of them! but will WARRANT
This is not the only . kind of Stove, however, that we proaose to sell. We have the
most improved patterns p, , .,. ;.v ; -.;;i ,. :. . ; ;.(',,,..,,:..., , t,,.. .,r; i,y.'
To be brief, without dwelling upon the
will announce that our ' -',
' '-,1
Parlor and
Can't be beat, either in; quality, or In
.. In addition to our heavy stock of Stoves, we will keep constantly on baud, and manu
facture to order, . y. . V.- ..-vUi-fi i,:.r3;.,..ts....vM...,t .'itw'
.v,.-:-:.';''.;,;:.;'; w;-a p pea l
To the Citizens or Mkiqs and Adjoinihq Counties:
, ... '.; - ".. i-t i , h 1 ' The above remarks will demonstrate lo you,
in a ceitain degre?, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner iu
which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do yon wish to buy on credit? - Then
you have simply been wasting your time in rending our card. We cannot sell at our prices
without losing money, if we have to credit. We have, therefore,, concluded to sell exclu
sively lor . f
Apd exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags, Old Silver, 4o., at their high
ts.s market value. . 1
Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to both purchaser
and seller, and it is for the benefit of our cuslomerswbo can buy much cheaper as well
as fnjr our pwn who can stir, .and. si.l cheaper that we adopt this system. . . i "v,
We "respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Sioves, whether you
wish to purchase or not; but we- warn you, as you value your hard-earned moiiev, not to
lavish it away till you have given us a call. - i : '' . PKALt, dt UATCti
Ang 16,'69-ly. 1 I ' - '
X.4 )") 1 ,Na-XsSXi-XV -v.'' '" '"1'r' !',.
Has removed liis JEWELRY STORE to
med mtely at the Head of the Wharf-Bot Landing Road, next
door below Remington's Store; and informs herewith, all his cus--'
torftera and the public in general, that he did, at the same time,
open his newStouk, comprising all the latest patterns of ,.
Of every description which he will sell at, very, reasonable prices, and he warrants
everj-'article to be of the quality arid value represented. ; t , 1 , :. :i
His Siore-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep
tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their
wants appertaining to his business,' ' - .' ; ; 'h' ;' -;;' '.J .r;'
' All his work, such as' ' ;. " :il ' '
Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable.- All his work is
warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be returned.
To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thank, arid
wishes for a continuance of the sams. v . . - ,
W. A. ; AICHER, Jeweler, ;,
n3-tf. ..! ., At the head of Wharf-Boat' Lauding Road, Pomeroy, 0.' '
mi -.
THE subscriber" Would resneotfull inform his friends, and tho public "generally,
that he has just received,- and , is now opening, one of the largest and most de
sirable stocks of j u ' i : K ii li ' "
ever before brought to this market,' alt of
terms, will oesoia at a smaii advance upon
Positively, we have reduced our prices
rny system, ana una wis 11 is xcie. piincipia a pun wnicn to sen
n ti r a n n fi n n t
' b' c m r
It is deemed unnecessary to enumerate the many different kinds of Good on hand,
and will only say that we have ' 'V f '''. 4 '"!
pertaining to" the Trade.N We would tespectfully ask f an examination t( our stock
and prices, feeling confident that we can, render perfect satisfaction to every one--that
may favor us wuY a caILj , 1 - v e ' t - - - ,f
41 tM'l
Pbmeroy, O.
every Stova wa sell to be what it ia venretented
respective "merits of the different patterna, we
' ' . -v..-.--,. ;-:; '
i , - , '.A " '. : I.' 1 J
Office Stovs J
cheapness, and we defy competition.
..V If . 1'
i I.
which,' having been bought n tha jbestof
xutstero- cosi io . - ' v.-j
10 to 25 percent since adopting the Ready
U U 11 tJ u I
u 1
' ISidtliCgMrl, Utile.
GROCERY provision eroRs.
TAB takaa tha bnlldlnn on tha Wast corner a
Court and Front Ktroola, la wbloav design
proasenlliig tha Grocery and froduo Bnalneaa, Id
aoroewnaiainerenisiyi; fnaausnoirn id idi ota
aiunity. CASH PAID rOlt PnODUCE,
of axebangeS for Crocorlea, at the option of tho
having the marketing, ' ' -'
My binlneM will be dlBs rent from other la re far
enee to varietv, which will eomprlae at all timet, a
kind of . , . 1 . .
and other BMlariaU kept In Hatted anpply la tfcl
I will keep oonsUntt j, "
to sapnl the eonntBDltt Ta Pomeroy and vltlnltv.
' Iwlll laeutlon part of ny atoek, wkte will be
promptly aupplied before xhaaated, aud wilt always
be the beat article lo markets ...
Rice, Syr rip, Molaaaea, Kxtract of CoBbe, Muatard,
Ralaralua, Soda, Cream 1 arlar, Dried Beef, Buloua
Sanaage, Cheese, Bacon, Ilaina,Sboulderand Hide.
Cacu ruber Pickles, Preaerve of all kind, Rplcea,
Catchup, fiermaiu Castile, Shaving,, bpflrtaman'a
and othiir 8p. Olla,Candlea, ...i .,, ... . ., , , .
Bnckel, Baskets, Tabs, Cham, &.. Broonu,
Coll Hope, Brnshea. .. .
ftuecnaware, dataware, end Kottona, '
Clpara and Tobacco, of all grado, anantltlcs and
qualities. ?,..:.... , ,-. . t . vj.'.ij V
Flour oer barrel. u V
To the Cltlsenof Pomerov and MelirsConntvi
I have opened an establishment o( tba above lm-
rtrfect description. I think yon need It, and know
can bay and sell as favorably as others, dolor exclu
sively a cash business. Will yon give me sufficient
palronaae to enable me to eontlnue. 1 piomtse to
satisfy von as to my ability toaell cheap.
s--iy. - . v. w i ldrniAf&n."
piiii,adU'1iia. ;S.:,
A Benevolent Institution established spe
cial Endowment Tor tlie Relief of the
Sick and Distressed, afflioted , ' "
, . with Virulent and Efi. W
rpHB HOWArSD A8BOCMT10.N, In view of tli
j- awnu aesiruction or numan me, caused by Nex
us I diseases, and the deceptions practiced tipon the
anfortunnto victim of such disease by Uuacks.
several years ago directed their Conaultlng Surgeon,
a a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to
open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of
diseases, in all their forms, and to give MEDICAL
ADVICE GKAT18 to all who apply by letter, with a
description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits
of life, Ac, ) and In ease of extremu poverty,' to
needless to add that the Association commands the
highest Medical skill of the age, and Will furnish tho
most approved modern treatment, j ... .... .-
The Directors of the Association. In their Annual
DA... ,k. ite.iM,i ro.,-..Ii in... ... ..
r"ii upv. vi.c tiM.iii.iii ,.i iiu.u.i fiwam., iu, mo
year ending January 1st, 1848, express the highest
satisfaction with the success which ha attended the
labors or the Consulting Surgeon In tbe cure ortiper
niatorrhosa. Seminal Weakness. IniDotence. Gonor
rhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vie or Onanism or Rolf
abuse, dre., and order a continuance of the same pluo
ror the ensuing year.
The Directors, on a review of tbe past, feel assured
that their labors in thia anhere of benevolent effort
have been of groat benefit to tbe afflicted, especially
to the young, and they have resolved to devote them
selves, with renewed zeal, to this very Important and
raucn aespiseu cause. ,; . . h.
An admirable Resort on Rnermatorrhma. or 8em
Inal Weakness, the vice of Onanism,. Masturbatlnn,
or 8 -lf-abose, and other diseases of the sexual organs,
by the Consulting Burgeon, will be sonl by mall (in
a sealed envelope), FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt
of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and
Tracts of the nature and treatment of sexual diseases,
diet, die., are constantly being published for gratuit
ous distribution, and will be sent to. the afflicted.
Nome of the new remidies and methods of treatment
discovered during the last year, are of great value.
aaaress, ror Keport or treatment, nr. J. MULLin
HOUGHTON. Arthur Hureenn. Howard Aasocia
tion, So. a South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. : ,
jy ortier or tne jnrectors.
i -.vm 2RA D. HEAKTWELL, Preaident
Geo. FatncnltD, Secretary. S8--t-novlS
Purifier and Blood Pills.
1 'l i w f
AFTER year of study and experiment. Dr. Roback,
the eminent Sweedlsh -Pbvsiclan, Succeeded in
prodnclng a medioino from twenty-three different
aperies of mountain herbs of hia native land, which
acts directly upon the causes of disease In the blood,
and by testoring the corrupted fonutulu of tifo to a
condition of health aad purity, expols disease from
the system, wherever it may be located, or whatever
say oe its cnaraetev. inaigosiion, nervous coin-
ilalnts,eliptlo and other Mis, coughs, consumption in
t early stages, sore throat, bronehitis, fever and
ague, asthma, low spirits, sexual Incapacity, femi
nine weaKiiess, pncainy oi lue aain, aympioinatic or
aruiyais, rneumatism, neuralgia, tumor, cancer, uia
oles. laallnde and debility, diarrhea, and all other
disorders of the organ of respiration, the liver, the
kidney, the sloinacn, tne netrea, or the muscular
fiber, are unerringly cured by this preparation, i It I
to the MATxain bant or seeds of disease what an al
kali Is to an acid: It neutralises them with absolute
certainty, while at the same time It regulates the
secretions,' remove obstruction from the bowels,
creates appetite, renews bodily vigor, and regener
ates every animal function. Such is tbe nature such
are the effect of Dr. KobaclCs famous Scandinavian
Blood Purlner, which, if taken In conjunction with
hia Scandinavian Blood Pills, will aot oulv obliter
ate the most painful disease, but prevent their re
currence,and lengthen life beyond the ordinary span.
Roback presents tbe result of twenty year exneri-
ence, haid study and experiment as to what a perfect
pill should be. No ouo can doubt their superiority
after one single trial. Price of the Scandinavian
wood ruis.su cents per box, or nve ror S1-.
' Peru, Miami county, inu.i Aug. 4,1857.
Da. C. W. Robice: I have received so much bene-'
St from your Scandinavian Blood Purifier and Blood
Pills, that I have thought it my duty, and tt Is no less
my Inclination, to give you a plain statement of my
ease. I wa for years afflicted with that bane of all
comfort, and efficiency in business, dyspepsia To re
capitulate all the so-oalled remedies which I have
usea to ria inyaeu oi mi aisease, wouia indeed
make a melancholy catalogue, I also coosul ted with
the beat physicians 1 could hoar of. . I waslnduced to
try your remedies, thrringh the. persuasions of a
friend, and aftor using them a few days, was greatly
benefitted, and in a short time, (leas than a mouth,) 1
waa entirely and permanently cured. - I was also
aihtctud with the. most violent nervous headache.'
which 1 suppose wa produced by my disordered
stomach.-for whop my dyspepsia left me, my head
acho left with It. bow fool better lo every respect
than 1 have for ten years.
Very truly yourn, ' - JOHN S. DEMUTH.
From tha Rev, Mr. McMullen, Pastor of Hoberts
Chapel t -laoiAKirotisi Oct, S, 1857. -Da.
C. W. RoiACg Dear Sir:, t have need your
Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from which I
have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to
the taste, it -certainly baa a happy effect upon tint
nerve. Please accept my - thank for yoor kind ra-
Cmciaaan, Friday, Sep, 4, 1857.
Da. Roback Dear Sla: Having been alilicted with
neuraliria or rheumatism for the oast year and a half.
end having teen your medicine, dlled the Scandina
vian Blood Purlner, highly r commended by gentle
men with waom t am acquainted, i was Imtused to
try It, but aot before I bad used various-other medi
cines. ' Arter using two bottles, I felt Its afreet very
sensibly, and opon using two more, I found myself
perfectly eared. Yoa will allow me, therefore, to
eongratulat you Upon making a discovery in medi
cine arnica is proving liseir io a woracr at such
woaden in tbe diseases of the human famrly. . ,,
' . Loeal Editor CluciannU Dally Enquirer. -
The above cerliOcataa, and many otaertt. a he.
seen at my office by anyone at any time jGet on of
my Family Medical Almanacs, ;grtls. from aiy
areata. .-. .. i. .l -'
Manufactory, -Salea-room and Office, No. 8 Bafi
Fourth street third buJldinf froini M.ai'tne),rGls. J:
Foi sale yi Dv Rk&d. Fomorbt:1' Mno'o
St Cos, Middieport; Paine fe Bbahch,
Rutlsnd; Picket V . Wilson, Harrisop
Tills; jjjUis dc Jones, Kacine.snd br Drasi-
gists nd Mmhu.tr gwneraUyt- ft y -
JILL nereaftef earry on the Carpentet
t V-:-nd-; Joiner Business; Doors. Sash.
Blinds, 4c, exeeuted tof order. ; Frcrfi long
experience in business. lw feel confident of
giving perfect aatisraetion in all orders entrqt
led to ffirrtarei for pnt patronage otir thank
are dire the pribtie, and We renpectfuliy sk
continuance of their favors. The mill is a few
dooti.barfMMolt A WilrnBwFiosnng
mtn. . JS-tf.
THE UNDEHSldNED ha Just "'opened an
extensive asseitmeat of Groceries, pro
visions. Queensware, ; Shoes, Ac, &e., at
Jennings' old stand, near the Rolline-mill,
Which will be sold UJM USUALLY LUVV,
PritlUnMv hm VtanrT- -
Buckwheat : Flour; ' ''WnneS,' " H' )
Corn-meal,' .i',-v--Oranbfcrrieiv '
Oat-tneat, ! a .
. pried Apples,. .
Coffee, , ,
,Te, .'-..,,
Molasses, .
juried f eaches,
Potatoes, .
i " , Hommany, ' 1 ''
, r..i,i Pearl Barley,
-...,. Beans,' 4 .v.,;..-,
.. Peas,
; t uacon, .w-,.
Dried Beef,,
Codfish, j""
'"Currants. 1 ' ' 1 " Mar.kerel.
.(-White Fish,' 't'&c.j 4o:,"".'t' .tK
jVtmeroy, March J.
hmav W.Mk f :I TI rt f a 1 ' ' ' ' '
w. a.sKiavia, ,u!,i, ..keu.ey. i 1 10ob. TH0s.tif.1vS
Opposite the U.' B. Hotel, and two boors
Nprth of Col. Smithye Store, )
THE nnderoigned would respect'fullyinform
the fcitiiens of Meigs end adjoining ooun.
ties, that they are now prepr-red to furnish to
order, v " , V '..'.;-.-.''",".
Monuments, Head-Stonet,: Counter-Tops,
- .Table-Tops, 1 Mantles, ,; 4
and everything In their fine, of the'mdst ap
proved style and Very best Quality of"4 " '
Forelsn or American JTInrble '
I Those wifching to. obtain GOOD ;VV0RK of
mis Kind, at prices wticb cannot fail to
suit, will do well to give us a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give
full. satisfaction to all who may favor us with
their patronage, personally, or by order.' ;
. Aug. 17-33-tf. ,'' r' -, ' .,
Homopopathist and Hydropathist,
rjENDERS his profesiional services to the
citizens of Pomeroy, and vicinity.i. ,
OJr'Ji'XOXI, , i
In olin Qeyer'f Building, (formerly Ja
; cob Neitzling's ) ,on i Sycamore Street,
1 nearly .opposite Lowry's Tin Shop
Uo. i i- - I JlPOMEHOY, o. '
I Offibs; Houasr-TiU i ocloek,i A.; m. from
1 to 3 o'clock ; and from 7 to 8 o'clook. P. m
Office Prescriptions, from 26c-. upward, fo
!ah , ' '." ' " "
s June 2,67-,-tf.
. M A N U F,A O T O R Yki , ,
THE subscriber has the. pleasure to an
nnouncetothe citizens of Pomeroy an1'
vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Suear
Run, nearthe Tannery, whore he will manufacture,-
and: keen constantly on linnd any
ar'icle in his line ol business; and we feel as
sured that we can g'V salisiactioo to all who
may favor us with acall.'- ' 11 ; '
i B. All orders attended t-o ' soon as
possible- ,i i . , ... nDA.VID- GEYER,
Pomeroy, Aug. 24, I852.-tf. ,- I , r
v a l Ley h 6 use,
ciiillicothp:, qhio,
fPHIS la the Inrfrest ni.d boat arranrcd Hotul In
X Chilltc'tliH, is looaleil on Paliit strnet. oppnita
tli Court-Houso, and lu tha very cenior of tb bu
sir ess part of tho city. .
The Hon He lias undergone a thoronch ' repair and
rlenniiiK from cellar to (Turret, ant now preaonts an
aptieantnce snooml to no Hotel in the western worlil.
ihe aloepins; rooinaara liirge and ll ventilated,
and suites of rooms are well arraiifei-d for families
und lanre parties. -1 . .
1 he Proprietors will 'spare no pains tn make the
Valley House a favorite jilare of rort.
June lil SM-Iy KOGGl'IT MOOHK. Propr's. '
Saddle, llnriies nnd Trunk Wass
i ,'nra;iurer, niitldlrport, O.,!. .-
KEEPS constantly on hand nnd will . make
to order, all. of the various article usu
ally mauufRClnred in sucri. establishmenis
He culls particular attention to his Harness
rooking, and -"defies the world'i ' oti fancy
mounted double or single Harness. i Vd -not
laii lo give me a call in my shop on Rullarid
Si reel, at the hesd of Firs; Street, in' Hmlt's
luiilding, tip stairs: 'Lash paid for alii kin'ds
of Hides, bkins'&ci1, at "thd highest market
pricei'.F'-3' trfi "'"'' June-21-25-iy.'-'''
FKONT S I HEET, Pontercjr, Of
Bia E A I O R A C KE RS ,
Fanny and OrnainuuUt OalitBj.Oandies,
&c, at wholesale and retail: , K. .. .. .,(' ;"
constantly oh hand, as low as in ahv othe:
market.' " ...
CANDIES, by the quantity, at 13 cents. ,;
By purchasing Butter or Soda Crackers st
my establishment, at retail, you ean save every
fifth pound, as I sell 4 pounds for 26 cents. .
2-6 ! .-.. GEO. ATKINSON.' '
THE Board of School Examiners for Megis
pounty will meet on the first Saturday of
each month, a.t'tbe; Court-House, in Pom
roy, for the Examination of Teachers. : ;
Examination to commence at lO o'cloo"'
. at. and continue till 41 o'clock r at. '
- (pr.No; Teacher need apply at suoh exami
nation who has a certificate valid, for three
months from the date of said application....
uy 'order oi tne Board
W. H. I.A8T.EV, Clerlr
. ..CHINA, G JASS ,...
WE Invite the attention of bnyers, to onr large and
.' well assorted stock of Ware now on hand, to
which we will receive additions during tha spring.
We have no hesitancy in saying that we will, and
do sell, good styles and qualities of waro lower than
they, ae sold In any otltsr Western market, ' ' '
ill orders oarefully selected and well packed, Wa
solicit an examination of onr stock. - - : .'
U-Iy. . . . Front street, Portsmouth, O.
'Small Profit and Quick Sales'
t Ileod' Old rStxacl,, ,
,v -,, Frqn StrreeS Pemeroy,;0
ItrElteeri constantlr on hand a sook
f ment of Qold and Silver Watches; GerJ
man. rrencit and American jewerry; rancy
Artiolest Clocks from 2.00 t6 912.00, of
every siSettd description. ? - , j.-; .
' Repairing of Watches. Clocks, and Jew.
elry, done in. the best manner, promptly , JL-X
for1 salet::" r
ABOCT QWt actes of Land, (75 seres
of which is under imDT0Tenrefit,'1h te
'mainder wild.) in Mason- County, Vsi.-on
Thirteen-Mile Creek, about ten miles noitn
east of Kanawha Piver It is admirably Ion
eated tp diyitle into three or tour separate
pircelsi ia particularly adapted 18 stofck rais
ing, is well, watered, ancL.fies.-awo good log
houses and a barn upon it. Title indispntao
b)e inquire of ELBAZGH BM lTH.-Or WJt
ATKINSON, at Middleport, MeigS Oa.,OWo.
nN. Sugar Bun, Naylor"! Bur.and Can's
vnan, Application: m, ut, , uiu
rieckard, Esq.,-Pomeroy.
vtJ l,-834ft -?'v W'.POMEHrOY;
i ..h ' y"'1' r "i; "'! .' 1 - 'iw -.,s"
rWBIfi fromartNdtriegtS a Barrel A Flinr'
i- V rn be proenrsd at K.-s-raos-s esiTiniiiMiii
front Strwti, few door below Conrt, Fomeroy, O.
TB! tKOERSlGMEO ha on kajid a Urge lot -Shaved
Plae Klilngles, which liu-will tsll at
Theafi shingles are of good quality, and purchasers
will Slid them tegivssiitlifaetlOB wherever nsedU . -J
lloors and Sash, of all sixes, constantly on hand, at
reduced plc,i Tor further psrUcnlnranulwoX
-tf .f At Dvls nanlng Muf.YoBieroyi ?!
Session oommenoe on; th 26th."' daj.ef Atir
gust, neth day ,f. pecamber and. 7th day;of
April.- Students may entef at an tana with
equal profit. The College is authorized to eon-')'
rer all degrees. ;Upon graduating, students re
ceive the degree of, Bachelor of Laws, and may.,
be admitted to practice withdut further Szaml
hation.:trw tirralat,iddpea 6Ut ifi .rf-w4J
; a -MQIXN-TtA'.1tJB URNi l,
THIS Select Smlry; sltnated In the boaotlfu
and heallliy sirturh of :Cllr4naatl, bulled Mount
Aulium, claline equal .standing with the niost an
proved SehoolS rathe Eastern Mutes.' "'I v.T .
The pupil form jiart of the fniully of th prlnel-r-pal,
ahd tbe chhrges arepladed 'at ttio lowest rates' '
consistent with, tlie-superiorlty ,tf the domostla ara.i
rangetuents and atjle of tire Inslilntlon. . v w
-Tlie course of-; education, reachea. the highest,
branches usual 111 the best Tetania Keintnartea. "
eThere arja,lwosessina;a abojit MseaAy-psta; weU,
The Warr-. for.eoard,tfodgrtg,'ngIit)!wah4ng, '
English, scientific and classical branches, ,s $150 per
"e!S,?.!?,:';",! n'" -jmi'- uajb.. -''; v 'r s
Milslc, singing, painting and Modern Languagsaat
customary rates. Y'iitrr tni 'i "i ll i - - r'
-.Being within a .few Inlnnlea' rltle from Fourth'
Street, by omnibus leaving every half hour, thia
school airnrds pecUllsr facilltiui to families residing
on the rler.tKn .,.),(. ..,vr-rl .
For tbe success of the Institute, In accomplishlog
jsaimsv refereuc la niade wi.ll greul,oouao,oue to i
Trie next session wlfl open on Tals'day, the -13tn
of sieploniber, 1B5B.
Applications may be made- to hey. E. Ai CRAW-f.
LEY, U. 1)., Mount Auburn; or to J. H.WHITE, Esq..
St Moore, Wllstaoh, Raja di Co.'a, einclnna.tl.. i
Koferenre Is also made (with permission) to Hon.'.
V, B. Norton, and Charles Pomeroy, Km., Pomeroy, 1
Ohio.. . . August 31, IMS. M-31, i
- v'-'. 'ii' iU "'i wa n,w i i Myii
t;eu-ii w,:ww -'. t: run..
KTiomt Bisrswitnv rrw Psivatb Ttisitsis, estab-,
llslied January 1st, 1859. 1 FIVE THUUKAKD UOL- "
LAKH FOKKKIT. Three Emjaent rhyslclans In con- ,
sunt attendance.'' ''' '-i'J
The facility or the Institution, consisting of ,
MemliKr of the KutsI College of Sargoons, London.
DR. ROHKKT HERBKrJT.) Vl .,; - , , y
Late of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and
M. Kl'GKNK VELPKAU.' v-A-J. . v j-.-J t,i rs, ,,'.
Late of the London and Paris Hospitals;
Guarantee under a Penalty -of SSOUO, complete
cure of aver) Kuxuut Ulseasu, however aggravated
by neglect, and :-1 '- ..-. ,
. , ; . Without Mercurr. , , -
G"norrha,Sypliifls,Slf-abuse, Impotence; White
or Fluor AIMS, Gl'-et, Stricture, Skin Uiseasen,' Vei C
unreal Warts, Diseases if the . bladder and Kidneys,
Poniala Irrogularllii's, Barrenness! Liver Complaint, - !
Kmacialina, Preimiture lleciiy, lto Pains of Agv
General Debility, cliuuge of l.ile, ete, roceiveespeclal ' '
attonlioii. , i - , . ' .
. TsKvrstcsT Kiti'raitV Bitvr and tilways sBceessfnl; i
cure rapid and llinruiigh; ami reluence of eininout ,,
PhysU-iaii and Rurgeous both tn this countfv and
Europe.' . 4 . ' , "' . .
Tho UISPKXSATtY VIRt'CLAl forwarded gratl
by mail to any mMi't-.-n, contain Invaiuabla advice .
to young men,' young luilius :onlouiplallhgL matrU ''
mony and miirrjiid, . 1 s. . -j j;,-,.
jlhe ffJdJcii I. Protector. .
A book of $4) nu, "fnntalns tlie substance f sll
that Is riiowii In. relation to secret diseases, utc, to
gelhorwlth the exparli'iicb of tho facilltydf the Dis
pensary, arquind In the ,-treatiu.ent pf wore .than,
S.Mie eaan. Prlea SS reuu.
Dai jAroa, KtM.M.K .Mnrrni.v Pii.is, InvaolaMe m
In ft mate trregulaiitie. but not adviaable to be toted
during pregnane), i"t the) ahiuia mar :tne nopeoro
olfMprip. Useil In the DiK-tnr's private practice for
SU years. Price tt! fnrwaninrl Uy mall. ' ' f ''
. iV. J-irxsoa'a I Kff-rnTi:kL PaKvoTiva, la the only
article In the World that" without inconvenience or
danger will infaHibl) prevent conception. Thoim .
andaof marrletl xliea too feeble to bear children e
eept at'-Hid hntard of life hnve had reason to be
thankful Tor this invention. It resembles uo other
Crevonlive in use und itiAUperior lo all. Forwarded
y mail lnrnyadclres..'-' ' .'
:M. V'ai.paAi-'s BaAtiTirviao Powdw. promotes tho t
health of the skill, while it imparts lo the complexion'
an exquisite bloom and truupiiroucy, which may .bo
prolonged by its use to the latest period of llfo. As
It keeps the skin soft and; elastic and Invigorates the
circulation, It efi'iK-Uiutly prftvt.nts tlie formation of
wrinkles, blotches, f rankles.. pimples, wens, etc., etc.
Price ai per box, sent by mall.
Every letter must contain astamp to be used for ro
il v. Address, Drs. Jackson. Herbert c Co., or slui
ly P. O. Box 1018, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office, SortU
Wont Comer Sycamore aud Fourth Streets.
' S-3-flm. -
" ''.'''Administrators' Bale.
at one o'clock P. il., of sitid day, on the
premises, trill' be sold sixty-seven acres off of"
the east end of the following described prera- .
ises, belonging to the estate of. if ivaui -K alley ,
deceased; being part of section, tvr elve in Salem
township, Meigs County, Ohio:' Beginning at j
the north-west corner, of said section twelve, in
town eight and range fifteen; thence east forty
cliuins to - land deeded' by said--decedent to '
George',-MoCarty ;, thence , south, .twenty-sis
chains and seventy-five links, or to the north
east corner of land deeded by said decedent td "
William Lnelliu; thence west along said, XueUsa,
len's north line -forty chains, or to the west
line of said section;" thence north to the place
of beginning, containing "one hundred and '.'
seven acres. Appraised at $766. Terips, pne-,
third in hand, one-third jri Six months and one-"' "
third in one year,-yyth, interest on deferred
payments,, secured W .mortgage on the. prernr
ises. J 'JJdHN HITGG,' " rUlL
Nov. 28, 1859. 49-t4. '
NOTICE.. . .. ...
1A worth,, Robert Ashworth, James' Radford !
and Mary Ann Radford.tiswife, Jplin P.,.i?
Wolf and Finny Wolf, his wife, and James B. '
Ashworth, minor So4 of James Ashworth, dce'd.'Vi
the widow and heirs at law of Thomas Aab- ,
worth, dec' d, are hereby notified thaj Wrn. Foa. ,
ter and John Ashworth, Administrators of the --r
estate of said Thomas Ashworth did, on the 3d V
day of December, 1859, file, in the -Probata;
Court-of MCigs Cotmtyj their 'petition, asking
said Court :toauthorise.thcm,;as such Adminis-k h
trators, to perfect a real contract of said dec, ..
dent,' made, the '26th'" day of January 1857,
with Richard Fiioe; by conveying toaaid Prieayv
the real estate named in said petition and jepn-(ii
tract, according to the terms" thereof,,, and '
that said "petition will be for hearing' in anidi
Probate .Court .on the 27th day of , December, t,,
1859. " v " T. A. PLANTS, ' -.
Dec. 6, 1859.9-3w.; Att'y for Peiitionelf
; " J'rotiateOourt.iK'."
Uce i hereby' given that the aceoants f tM
following poraous haVej been. filed in.jthe Pvon,
Bate Court .for settlement; Joel W.' Jones, f
GnaTttiatl of A.-W. Karr, MaryAnh Karpand"'-'
Samantlia; Bnnlford; Chariea, Bell iCMrd. of iH
fm. Bell, which accounts are'set forhearinjf ,
and settlement on the 30th day Of Tleo.y 1859,
. i; rs t-Mrt ARTH1TK MERRTLI
' ,De. &yvTsw,PilfM'W
-o H.'JWtoinistre.tora' Notloi4''ryi sr
i nnrleraio-ned have been anrjoirited and
duly qualified a Adroitiisttatorai on, thjr Estata '
of Hiram Kelley, late of Meigs ;Cotuity dee'dp,
V v-u. vKrcifARjGRE'SV'f Ad,OM
JDec6,1859.rtr9T3tA r-ias, w
IS HEREBY, GIVEN that my wife, Kachel
HalflriH." hag left rn bed and beard without"-
just tuAand I twtrfjf all Basoiui aot to hut- .
hot or trust. hM-.on.my acourit aav l,wfl ffJrp
no debts or ner oontraeuug arter mis
Dec. , 1869 W8 JOSHUA HALr U11J f ,
- V JV

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