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13 1'. n . POMiROY,- MEIGS ;-f COUNT Yi Ojafft ; !feSDYt5; JAKtTAKiYOi 1860 s TCTTKfRER 2" 1 i'.i 'ii' i- 3.7,7 9r in , 7.i ii riitb aiaer ftoruo, onrcytnt at Blghtrul to tk lut Wt fat tt C4jttaf,.n yni'wrm, laaa. wnrKorm, thooght W th theiand 'wish-rd that w knew w-nt tl.aai.V- Katcu- Wiev sm-ZTprsnfih .hji swr OI tteauow, thB.Mttfal now(-,,j ; SM:W 1 .HlMMn.wU .T'f :, i?w XwrifclH-op.'?V.t ?-, ;. Omtin rwarta f U pW4" J '; !..-';.:,' 5-' Dane! , A. . , i!kimi10Il". ....... atlrutaac-w; H do itntWin , ,?'.-, fr anting U Jthiittidf 3erts.' ,v " " v - Boautifol prtWro baeaa abV ' Pun a tha angeU, aa JcKl, low Ol Jb pew, the koantirut anow! Wbirihig about l IU madifeuiag faa, : ...ljtuahms.. -.-.v. . . , 4 It lig hU op tha fme, , I Aad eW th aW'wltH bat And Bowd ' ? . H t Ve, land tit tiPBrtVn 'i '.'J , . . - .r Jt , ,. i .;ssi a . Bow Jhe wW rowil rwytnt aloiMt, ' J ' - Haijnerii olJtSf hnraor and t i , Fimw o jwh,e It faU .from " . ;i I - h. tMmnlad in nod by lha rod iwhln J ; . tt Wend, with W'V?9.T Vein t1 tmmrlM at Hh of tflrt; "Veil,' to hi aVoffcrf, to1 bo kpU'oa, and beat at th dto suggested itself to mej bnt before I , bed time tot set open it, me match was found, and boldinc th eandle im ewe hamtrth'mtiteii 4irtfag,,tt!g7"a the knife between his long, wolfish teetn. he came oyer toward the bed. JbTen tnea 1 might have attempted to escape bf rush - mg at him, wrenching- the knue: irom between his teeth,' and " W getting' thf advantage; . but even 'that I "was, ; apt .-ca pable ofr so pyerc.Qtoe.wa&;U,ur- prise and horror -of mj aiWatio1""! throutrh all. such an insatiable curiositt bossessed me to know'What he was atout to do, for MVyitTMtt5ilJ.ei.4, thathia ttnrnoae was to mnrd&r me. r.nrt He struck the match against thtf Irall and lighted the amtle, and then took m Kane xruiu uwiweeu am iceiii, im firm hold of the candle in . his hand- felt faint ani sick, when, I f ully jUtej thaf my last chaace of escape was gone upon my ftwalrn, i Hai ha! Awake,, eh? H&l Jul Olad of it. sir; I meant to awake rbrt: ;if T09 hadn't done it. yourself, : I cbhsider tt AAni'flfV to ill a'sleen'in? man. r 4 - - --rit-o j And he .lauehed, at m aeain, ana peered ,.into i my nfacr with . his red-hot barninsr eves. . ... .... . ;r sAmii W? nnt to bearwii14 bay, J''''1" D-alini bjUmiwfi&n rbwW BtlMttt HylB BBaer"F aloivllW tl hare I fallon ao UWI 'llwlVat t'waaoneom the beautl With mnoy llk WVotB'-- K'V'0 j ' One 1 a1 r y lnnciV f fate"' .u t3atter4 anij Maitil for th. ?,aH'V(A ''Ftbr. - ' .' . .... Jtntbenf .jH .. , . t :,mfttTiV .5 :i .o.,.Mr.a4M r ..! Cod. and myoti I ba o by W fait -i n ;?Vjy tM a,fd fw, lew waer,too R''r ,' Fof litBoti Worboot 4Be,lno , MV, k.Vj ifv t Ykoro thlnttbat'a paro bat the beautiful aoow . Ho-BInroHaonld bo MtMtWoMaoMful-aao.' r ' bow straore It wouldbe wbeo the bisht eomesaaib Utaoai'ol n-tenck roprU breiril -e:( '.litj alone! "-io 1 -..v tini-.-T nji . YeVwrtksd ti p'rayef,: toowea'k ro'r' ifjfiaV .to boeal totho naa of tho far to wo,, X'tS Mm anad la thoir .io' at tho now' enatiiic dowlft 1 mi itJti. 4JA W1 liM'k t'i i. IVItt .ll.r. -.j t V . flj i tH'hb a bod and a ahfoud of ahe beautiful eoow!,. fil ' Vaf ippened pne timethaf Itf avl tud tflid puettj nea f -a ; comibrtable Mia before the 'doori v 1 fdisraounting. lookigfarm-dVeise and ; V:H.'hatidle,of nminnr eves. . ... b.... . rvf;,iYT I could see at once that he Vas.uiad, a nd I saw that the horror of my situation was increksedr At firstL I had ttotlffht him a robber,' orI hardly know, what I thought rbut now, JL knew that no was a madman, c From his wn worda. too,".I knew that it was his intention to murder me. and I felt that little sbQjtf.4 mira cle could save me;i : -.. ; "I After he had taken a &ood look at me he sat down upon (he bed, and to my in4 tense horror ' Dear an Biowiy running- n fingerj' with great eare along the edge of the knife evidently he had tip intention of sufferine- bV the extferimerli. And w" . . ..... ti i . -. j - CM don't intend1 to kill vou jusnpw perhaps not for half an hour-but I guess First 1 mean id Wye ;a fto)k1 with you. X)a you know where 1 came tro tar : jr 1 did not. indeed, and X told him so. wishing Within myself, with all my heart that he would take It in to his razy brai to fin'Fhisiy baci there $nd leave m Yif don- tno, WWSl" fdon't mind telling you.-. Don't'Yea. gee that cnurcn spire away to rina leiif . i t JNo, 1 didn t see the church, spire,, nor auythihg else in the World at that 'mo ment but th e burning eyes'of ihe bianiao. to 1 told him I didn f see the object he ffpoke bf.a w Jti wn?i i iiiLDon't see it, ehf HoW'btiridX'' Why see there? i And to aid jJtoaf iscernfng this tmjiim'1'. towaraxne wuiaow umupc uunu still farther- btki ? Jher 4ee it now?' Hf8& I safd.I.aon'f See'iH tyetj'Jicafai looped he would try to pull the curtain still further back,r pullifc.;.down or 8omethine:-r-avthins to divert his atten tion frbm;.imei;ai l,momentrJoDger,Aa;tj ti might leap fl;oia .the jbed and ollt rout of the iopnjj .Kjj. P; -ni "oW'W j! ' t Was already sitting up, and .to glide instant; but ftt ta mordent the madman, annoyed cpuldVfe see.jtherchurch be dead, or as mad as, jny companion some deliverance was not soon opene up. I never prayed much-MJod forgip mel but just then, I breatiieel ' delive ance.. 1 knew that I oarea not auemit to escape, ,,5Iy first u. movement woujd have been the Bignal for my aeatn-pioT, and if I.called aloud, I might not awakn anyone, in the house, but merely infuri ate the madman to sneh an 'extent tiat he mitrht immediate! v butcher me,; ;WEat under, heaven to do I knew not; and: if the maniac, in his desire to .;fexperuen . should open .A .yeinj X "must ineviuly bleed to death. ' Meantime he was wait- ins1 for an answer to his Question, which he repeated, rather angruy:. VWha did I think of the pro; bleed me to death?" .. ' . t i Ifwaaabout answeritlsf something, ps p'erate, and ; giving i myself , up. fbr Itet, when a bright, ,idea flashed, across troubled . brain.. Oh. how 5evoutl thanked heaven ' that I had read the "Arabian Niehta" in mv boyhood! Were was my idea, which, as yet, only heiven knew whether it would be successtui or not; I would t6U him stories, and befuile his fancy till mornins. and; then.Burely, 1 would have some means ot escap. . . i answered hie question by another. , "Kunrjose. 1 tell vou : a story idoui bleedinsr to death ror rather about I man who supposed he was being bled to death, 1J iL!l,9 ; ing locked, had been left opep. I .list( ened to all these explanations, and. rej eeiyedV my . host's apologies and expresj sions of regret. tor .my disturbance ;ani peril, by making mental:yow never if alpftTi -with to v dooi n blocked in a stranei house, and it ever placed so that ishoutai be - obliged to ; crave the hospitality t o strangers, to make particular, inquiry whether any mad person, brother-mriaw or other, dwelt w the nouse.v. to a modern novelist of high standing; but Sy,9n. v'Ve ad ( with everf resnect for hiYauthority Ibeg lterefore, In making ourselves to say it was quite the contrary m my case,f ; ; :j Twentir-one years aero I was sitting by my fireside, totting up innumeratle pages of my 'bachelor's house-keeping book, taking exercise in arithmetic on lon col umns of "petty cash" outoprising items for carrots and Bath-bricks, metal tacks ahd mutton chops until, tired and -wea ned, I "arrived a the sum total, ana jerked the book on the1 mantle-piece-- Nearly at the same time piacea my hand iri the pocket of my dressing-gown, drew out a leather teasei and lit princv- .... -.- J Li : . rt-n "rv- . -. and died iront. the trightf j ;, r, -, j rVDied from the fnehL eh? lt us ltear it.-";. V. ':.' 'Ti..;:: Very gladly I began, making . ltilong, and adding as much as I, possibly epuld to the original, whleh: was some tiins I recollected ,lpng ago. to, have heard jabout some one who wished ' to "experulent,'! and had a man blindfolded his arn ban daged, and gently pricked, but nb suffi cientiv to brine .tWblood, ahd. then heard the regular '.drop drop.of loo-f'i'rwbat hVsupposed .to be' his.'own blood, jhdttgh in reality only watrtillt he. .died from the mere suDnosition that he wai being bledlo death.. frget the. tpry now but itia familiar, to every pnlif hen I concluded, I; Buggested jto ,' "the jnaniae that ' ha should trV this model ixperi menting, and jsee how lottg' J would, take .....jlXes,. yes,"" ,he nswered,.;with sly, cunning laugh; ?fvery good, very ecwd'; and seeing through uie , deicewilh the cunning' of madness.' he laughed lagain as. he saidr ?'Yery good, siri.yery good And you would take yil rplna fcTxlii and meanwhile I want a .companion, in thieTchurchyardryonejr;, down aoiig the ffraV-wprns, C0inebar ypM'erhi, f nd et me do as! said.' Til bleed irpu.T'I intended - to r have . taken, your lead 6ff U. wouwn 1 4ite,4) have a headless qpm d ...rodlwhat (Was ,1 Jo, d'oli felt .my 'Ti brain seethe ,and whirls as"thouth J, too, were, going .maa,: jcn, a .aesjewe ei ibrt to bejealin Isai4vt fTA A MS 1 "Suppps&il. te .ypioppfj.Btory a .:. " i i iauBJ.Ji.j!. mB.-l pw.w-t'i wuii. , --7r--;-.i1..( f . inuint-iv. iniittnn?. " rsiiod; nnnft: .. ana ") ;Vod in fiiedorway folding a f rho v v. a -- ar iiwl kpnnlii. "hack' hef die in,OJi hait witll, t therf while i toety, 4eadi ... e5e,looked at n , t . ,..i.fiK-K .i.-i 'My dear," rnsWv;;;;jiy in tioni4irSf i house JtidejoweUZ m,,, a; tfa ihet Yes, there is'he answerer - i and mo.Ufjihi-ffitJoys? jquicklyj, muttejring ; Blind j blind; ' .and . stanuy comprehending my intention tp Voufided towafd me ith' spring escai vild-caVatid catching hold bf me Ukes a w ,u sy hand, wived the gleaming with his be. .Wajucb close Proximity o kife over me Anything m the world "Uh, you will, will you? - - tnr jpo thew ' rtilk new- etill) rT ;'V;B .moment. 1 Want lopeu-m ua u She -yeteftted. rand entered the room tenind ter;,aW'Kbb'ott!'Eill ,TBlli, "the farmemeWre.. husinessfexplained thatl hadheen bverj wthaaiio-htL that my destination :Was several miles; distant, and tbafrhoth my borse arid Myself were unfit fdrW . . ' itrl IL- illl nA lol nMnnreil food ther traveiiug 1. w -r.-r 1 1 With the hospitality ' common t;. 1 ieciallv American ones, my - : tlf nWht. bade me welcome, .,i,,f.(oim into a lare-e kitchen. Wltn ,7 floor so white Uhat you lnvolnntaniy tKA,KnHfl and armSi that had brought itxito suckavtatepf. cleanli rstr.: "Oh. npt ypu.caji tell w hileyoii .Meed,' ,, .VBnt I ehajl.waut to, watch tpe blood fl'qwj too," I said, with an segt: tpVrei frain frjna shudderin'r. 't. AvL ?.i;.it . . , -1 s v nd "with herculean strength he : lvt?:iinitri' his one: hand-ana -1 Li Til - a--.-- ..i; r. 'eeing the I -wa4 ii S: -Bess aridi wbilO'Wppe:' was being got -'rcadr, and then,' not forgetting my horse, vne told"one o.f,the bpys to feed him and ' .. "a ftian n'nV.r. s I felt Unusually Ured, I asked -b be shown to the plaseJWhere t nU niht. and1 was con- aa sd Jmfoiblyoorf witt; a . 'j ntmtrn&ne ana cur- - i OOWUY won, w" x -. -' V - "-r -i,-,'.fiTid floor.. bv my host : timseliV who; after bulding .me. good fi.jtlftft the candle with me aniiide .-artedclosing the door after lite' ' ; T Ti-i-P-T 'ind sleeDV as I was, I hurriedly " -nilrASRAd-want-to bed, and in five inm- t.,v.toa walf8leeoineiBOunuiY.j laid lie aowu, ?v t , ... k v .u1 Bule4.f Pbedienckirl Sn to thewindo aga'M m f.J)oyi fUtbeMcspiij iSntsei it any elearer thatf befoie; rinilKnmTinloV W eh flp'Jrp existed, wiui5n lpl. Ut th maniae was getting JnUte,d f wtnt or capawiwy: luuivj not exist; sol j,mfek;J well, to, keep ZVr.ff7? and as hkesUonthja im?!,I udr mitted I3did.;thewM WelLvande that spire kMhifrcKauhtet israveyaTd :.JCbere 1.; I eame firom'.It yery lonesome there i the dampi "ColoVground: and the grave-. worns ugm to ieei mem crccpiug iuug olver pneV ski?9at!timir and- oidr, banqueting .uppjsVthe . warm flesh of the dead! hey sayv the-., deaji iart ePldit's s li,;Kr1l:e4-iy ,'He Di4.:iittjtlwy: rt iz . i - sAMa nwnn ir - "1717 I WIA T f 1 J V If I V , UaVlltlB .UUUU J "- - ' a . ft 'grating; sound awoke me-t what ume i i xhere, is that cold Jl a U- l "Mt know but the. moon, wnicn -;uiu l ;i :jfrf:r ' -fi 1H vant late, wasi fully up, ml - t. stajrm?l? 'ti Sl ;ii'Ti through" J the it -wasaiM,1ie continued: , :ijw ft-ftttt . .which .I :had .purposely Thev Make cold the grave-worms1 ,'Truv, truei'hAa.WelVJet; heat youiv storyr-auiek, pegin. 5,.-1- s. glad to find him ldthe humor to listen; so I beganiSBd jTii eyty BMfy I.oould think of-t-as soon, aa. pne .was? donej De cinning with another-Hind in ihis? man her nearly two hours passed, Aa about to begin another story, ke stopped me peremptoniy-T?, piil "Ko more no morel I won't, listen I've listened .too. long lreadyj ahd I've no time, to bleed youieiutcr S,I may take jour head ojL I ?ftljitefae,,,iisa greeable as it is to have a hele yCpm panion!" o .i,oo5r 3& " .1 ?itn'i' ''-'.V'. ... Around .a.nd around-his head, again 'nt the Trlitterihff knife. COlaing down Wfc: - ,f jrect jine witnj throai; andtben as the eo'8h"P "8'5.V ml t Aflt the oprudent.coiisiderations f1'-1 kent,;me lent,:nd that naamtnVw.9 or gaveyenVmyorr-vtandearh vi J av ivu -"".61 , I . ' in t . ...... . - ? . t.A 1 t. W 1M ptereing,tnat in& Tnaniac oxariea. Wa j affright, ahd actually twnvbled the .w-f eatthlyl souid.' No1 wohdjerl f tremble this 1 momentttyselfwheni I thliiki ?what an, awfdl cry-it was;and X'aimfst fancy -I Rfl.n OeBT XJW OUIaIK -m- M " v From Ouco a W Vk Wife. Advertisinfor a 'Tobacco is the torah of loye, fellow, the interview, why there was no fiurm done, . Most people would have put tfcls down as a trap to give me a journey fori nothing. . I 'did not. A ' presenti- c oiit iihpelled me to accept and keep the ieiigagement. , . , 7' "" - . c- -lhia was in old coaching days, when a man, had time to make an acquaintance iaorty miles, hot as now when '.you are a your Journey's end before you. have looked round your company in a railway carriage. '. There were out two insiders myself and a pleasant, talkative", honest-faced elderly.-gentleman. ' "Shy and a timid in female society, I was yet es wntes teemed, animated and agreeable enough pie.; 'Well, haVihg lit thk principe, I placed my feet on the fender and signed, exhausted by my; long job of domestic accounts.- I was then in businessH-'twas l amall wbolfeRala business then- tis' a arire one' rioW --yet ohe morning' tot ting of carrots and Bath-bricks Of tacks and 'chops would ' tire mer a - thousand times : more"- thatf twenty -four - hours of honest ledger-Work.85 1 Bighed, not irom love but from labor? for, t ''tell you the truth, I'-had never been iri love-.- 'i Is this to go on'forever? thought I, as I took my third Whiff, and looked dreamily through the thin smoke as it aseended between me and i; large printr of the capture pi fUibralter-Which hung over tne cnimBey- piece;- u&m 1 to spend my prime in ting up parsnips, and eompunng carross; and eomntrollintr 1 Washing . bills? I sighed again, and in the act, off flew the button of my neck-band, as tneuga omq superior power had sent the accident to remind me ttt my helplessnessJ " '; The biittfrti set tied the business; though j as it slipped "down inside my shirt, nd nassed with its mother -o:-pean coianess oyer my hear It for a moment threatened tO lllj UlllUltUUUm. ,Vow.v.v... ... ... -i ' ' ;i .:' pitied my own- loneiy staic, uu p;, no knoW,! is akin to loVei: ' But how was the matter Co be accomplished? ' i Most men at my age would 'already liave adj tlsted their inclination to Pme object so that having made up their mind and counted and' layold upon the' license. HThis, Ptly,4howeyer,..the eldest f. J r .' ' ... r.. ., , m . t .,o.,n,A.i t. fTarsiuv which coat her In effort, asked where I was staying rXfe had M trou g ourselves agree- aljle enough to one another; so much so, that as the coach approached Gr , and thp old gentleman learned that 1 meant to1 stop there that night, he asked me to waire ceremony and have a cup of tea wit him after I had dined at my hotel. My;"fair engagemenr' was not till the neat nay, ana, as j. iiKea uue via geuu melt I accepted his offer. ? iii i' . -HAfter my pint of sherry I brushed my ha,ii, and went in search of my coach com panion, ahd my promised cup of tea. x I hadhp difficulty in finding him out, lor he y as a man of substance and some im portance in the placed Lwas shown into the f drawing-room; Jly old friend rer cetved me heartily, and introduced me to his !wife and hve daughters. ,aii spn sieti," said he, "young ladies whom an urldiscriminating world seems disposed to lea; upon my hands. : riJ -t J'K we don't sellpapa," said tbe eldest, whovwlth'her sisters seemed to reflect her faier'.s faa "it is not for waht pf puff ing, for, all your introauctiona wajwicr- kt tha mention of the last WOrd.I felt a Utfle jdiscomppecd, and almostregretted mw wiB-ftcamentfor, the next day, when thai yery night perhaps; ; toy providen-; tial Woriortunitv had arrived;-S '' ' ft need tiot trouble my readers; with all b sayings and doings during, tea; suffice say that I fQund them. f very p.leas-i fittd I forgot all . shyness and timidity A encouraged by their good tempered ease afid conversation.' " They did not inquire Whitheril imamed..twgte.fw where there were five ; ypungt;ttnmateci daughters, the question mighfrBeem inf vidWs-' ;I bpwever,' in the; freedom o( thw moujent!, voluntered thelhformation of At bachelorhood; I though I had sooher eommumcated the , fact than thf girta passed round a glaace of ( arch, in telagenee from one to the oiner. x Muuit tollyouhow old I felt at the moment.- My -sensations were Detween pleasure nu COV, WI8'S SPKKCI1. : i.--r 'J-"We make ?tiie following extracts from Gov. Wise's speech to the medical students who lately deserted the Universities of the North' to take up their abode in xtich mond.' Vii Where they are to b taught "Southern science." ': Let' ail read and draw their own -; conclusions. -; '. -x (I hkve no doubt that here, in Rich mond, science can be taught as well as it is taught in Philadelphia, i Applause.! Let us have, it., Let us have science pi ou own; let us have manufactures of our own; let us have trade oi our own; ie us have ships pf our own; let uai always be self-ydiaht ahd self-dependent, and then you will not have other people grow-o great uponjour wealth that then under take to nlay tl e oan oi pewy xruyi- de'nee'for Itod Almighty himself Ap clospT my feye,?,ndhudderii look UMV -t J- ! , . r . - -a The effect Tipon .the madman was hot ot ptfpnfotrihgT Je' firmer and his eldest soh , burstf lntq the rfcmrThe eJcOSat these:nfw nctprs pr)6n the scene produced uponjtne ma.ur mak ffas strange and, almost 'ijicredible, ii.;f 'remained' uplifted!' and tbe mvr- waa et' the case with me;--' J. . had been too much occupied, too idle; or tdd indolent to devote 'the time 4jr make the effort W "form an attachment.'. - It was through no" s disinclihatiob ' or' diffi-: cultyo be pleased; foi had 'any young lady of oderately ! agreeable? powert taken the trouble, she might have mar ried me long ere then? 1 shPuld even have1 been1 grateful to' her for taking the troublP ' off my hands,' but I was. top baBhful to- adopt the initiative. ' . " I was a bashful man. This weakness eame from the sam cause as my Uncle Toby's namely, a want of acquaintance With' female'; society, which ; want arose frotn another 'cause in my icasenamely, too1 close aii applicatieii ip business. r;,i AiSnAmlinWly.' I thought of auadvver-j tisement; yet with no practical design of ddihff hhsiness, btf t" r I persuaded any self, for a joke: " ao 1 scratched.:witn a pencil' on the back bf a letter the folldw4 in"-: f:i.::iiiiKfjiiJ-; .'il'. :vr;' . WANTE, 'A Wiri:. None but prin-i diSal need apply. !The advertiser doe3 hot Tequirei cash ' but only ' companion. He is six-and-twenty, and, tired of sin fg htf tSinks he-can settle down tdinar Iried life. .As 'men; lgo,T he believes he hasa Moderate share of temper, .and want of time is his only reason for having re coftrsoH td-; the r newspapersi , r ;,He i. has enough' means for'himself 'and; a second 'it' -i-m: and is willing to treat sat oncei . V&tyfru e-aware that a- great many at He is qu- eTt tis honest ( intentions tempt to conv. ?idke wiU be-made, into an extravagant !-Strudera. iJfhe but hp Warns all . rash . , , . t firidiri Ln'haVdy ehougkto 8P of his- affections, he will thrash him a woman he will forgite'her: -He has a , . , . ojncArft. a horsewhip tor neart, the impertinent, .Jn either; case, all ap- iii be promptly aiwsnucu w, P, Jr., to the omce, oi In "At the J hotel," 1 itnswered with. some embarrassment. js ; ' -";;. ,.,:! was. with .difficulty.:, they . .restrained a laugh; they bit their lips, and I ha no longer a suspicion I, was certain. ' ?. So) after) having some music,' when' I erose to- depart,' I musteredj courage as? I ibid them ffbod bye, to say aside tp the eUe: li ShallcPi PPnsidef hia.jmtcr- yiewr? x,v,. r-j, ;,' ' A blush'of conscious 'guilt, " I ' should rather 'say rnnPcencej t61d me" I bad sftit my random irrow to the right.' quarter;: sa l pressed the matter no further at ;titat momentj but I did ber.ha(nd.; .; ; I remained at my hotel. next day,,nn- til , .an, hour alter -the appojatea. june-uu. no." one made their appearance. "' '"Then, tnougm a, prusmnji uiy uau vav , ing- my cravflt, "since the- triotrntain will Botfiome to MnhonietT Mahomet mtstgo the rinpe lications wi if addr this paper. it at th, .first ,i4 xl,V'tlia' rilrtjiin 'th: -louticu uv , . - . T v .jetreakoi jmr a.6------" AfmV WYKA"4 ..ifK.ATIon9 carving ,imfe,in' bis liad, which he: was leisurely BMrpemag of ....'. :r ArJndHtortie. and whicn 1 Pihe-sound Aathad "-iA- m ' K:l ttihufrht surely, I, was Sake. wSatinthe "They 'Makt f f cold the grave,woi db' 3 Tbcy pialf e tt'coldjand slimy is fliey Ton fever ;ieei ine t ; MO NMTO-WimilN 111.. V ..III 11 1 11 . . I shuddefeff with disgust as Ioid him ,Yvtt. didn' .h? 'cty iog,' lucky dogf IBitky0tiWi not dead yet;: waiit awte'and; Vounl' feetHheii just'as 1 1 i ;.,"Tr"i:;:rmftant what i saw?;-Ana i;r.rAlv totind the blade Still MM! Xfr TV A , f ; . ehoc i.t..l.;A ortH 'in ft- TV . WPFnctlv' auietTLwith ; kua.lnnkin?at him. ;:,!( I ID iew..u" , K i . WaWni bi finger carefully along ?..X'JXZi 1.- lrnife. he nodded and F.a. BUOr jearving-knu and round ' his head, .and -.then brought'. down with sudden-swoop ftA tirettv 4Poh. . i , . . i -7 .'." MHO v .A.a... . V AUA,WV, W I . . . . . ' , 7 ' . round With groan fif. egoiy,., not - for the alltrhtsPratohi-ht: thef terror of mind WnA t.r which I wasrl Wjoiled froai the elitterlhg- blade," Bhuddefing as' r wouio k.M annic QOWH lurouxi me ucu . ..... .. "I-'ir '-l..J down through Jhe npor rjow wisuew inm iol thaI; eouldhave done so down anywner ou oi a nomwojnoar encetr. With a loud lafehtheianic;oh- :t f : me'whieh'X saw thaiitctton, y. Mmf aMahe said-, A r caloulitwg jimilic with 3 eh? ffehtened! xlwont I; between Oiim ana w 'tr' . . "Ajwif indi-et.- I'm eointr - . . - . a a - . . a n amnniiix i am. t -a m ' m. I i . . . W wltKtne. - ----- . 'ent upon tou. I think J. 1. .:. air Pf aeonnois- WfeteurelVap;seiJ: . . - . - . -11 a . a. u m a-1 a n nnv n-k wiiii It Will UKB JUU V J),j- V!.5ec .Itingrtirid for lfk..was tutneiTthe idea ''""nfthe bed arid bolting, out some- no ve' 'My Godt Ii1.r?iB'ea' and unable tdiupvei iweredbeneatn me gaf 'f r 1 ft .KiM miffht do under th eye "of a masteriaiid, wtaioh :tfliglt'.fiBr flowed the; knife to te Ukeh from .'and. himself Quietly 'led :frpm roonUye re?: and hlsJfiT j j Then, when I was left alone, the reac- ir i- i.TtTrtv terror, horror and ex- uT: , AVftrtiowered- me, and x sank t,WV nnnn th hed.aimQSf !UU01UiO. thanked God. for my escape,, and hardly Ann wn-feelinzs and actions. VUUDVV.u - J .... . . - w- . - - I lav oruite smu.waitgU;wwK i ; it felt that there wasnajurthei; cause for. alarm,, an( in dreamy sort oi way, I,triedtPaopounti,to?th,e,adyeniurei. I looked. arounpT upou. uo,,iuum, seemed eolikeftreani . that l ceuld, al- ar?P.d mvself that.1 was .iv,m aP n nnsleasant illusion: but then, to bring me back? to the vieaiuy. wj ... - . 3 Xl. -jaM .-Hl I I all-thati had; transpirea, tuero; ihts Iwht burning' upon the. tableland J knew I had put put the light before .'re- h'nnv hnd Another . prooi . tnat .. x, ws inkai and ld , been for ,a couple o; hours past, waa the - scratch, upon, .my throat, where the knife had grased it, and t shuddered te think?. hpwj nearly my thread of vlifebd been cut in t?fv:. ! i Presently 'the' farmer land his Bou re turned, and I was informed that myter rible and most xiiiwelcomevisitant was an iinfortnnate' brother-in-law -of thefarm- tr's, who had been'craited lot some- yearn pas; that during certaim eeasons, espe cially, at harpha9ei!in which'the moon then-'Was,1 he was quite maa ana aansci ous. thoiirrrhwr-trmes harmless. Uhforfunateljr for me; his door -nao Deen anrav mv .TirinClPie Wl uuaavvi, JiT. 3 - i V - s . J idea ;,pfrf efi,-ud. anticipaiioa v out of it. I have n great idea that anything but tunpuia result; and : I certainly ; had not , the slightest notion oi, involving myaeu n personal, coUisjon, with any, one. Still, the presentiment . that it was not destined to be all joke pressed upon me,.', ,OnSat- to to the mountain;" so walked acibss to myxoid friendsf ,,The young ladies were all ' in. ,.' The ' eldest was engage with some embroidery at th6 windowf-l had therefore an opportunity, as I fejant over the frame to whisper: ja .,0 a j. a 1 " . ,. "i-. o.1 is nai'inuu;i.iuii.,....;L V'i r 'r- ..." r. . . ... ' -j .c- - -' The crjmson in her face and neck was how'sb deep that a skeptic hiaself would nolongerdoubt 0 1 need say no i?moTe; that evening In her fathers gaTdeh.t'ehe "confessed that she andiher ;6isters had conspired to bring meup .to MTT. on a fool's errand, never meaninof course, to R-een tne ensaKeinenii. '- "Then," sard I, "since you designed to take me in, you: must consent to. make And what did she say. tiapa?", asks mv seiond daughter, who looking - t..-ider as x wnie. - - ' u.AAr .HA f HMmiSM to be our mamma, and she has kept her word." ivn-n W;;a ifJ 'it -v-. if foxeRKsaxoHAX. . -. the gentleman spoke of the white Ia waaiToir,Tuaiay,jaB.3,'s. Jborerfl 0f the South as If he nover saw air .the advertisement appeared, and heard , its fltyte , canvaaseu ; y . . by. more than ope,, mat. vfv mestically destitute,, individual, who put it forth,'! . i i - -r -i. , On Monday morning, x .sent. doj w la' T AlXTCTk Q TVA 1 f) ffice for P.. P's letters. VU3 IV w a-' . . - . . ' , Anrtous and inquisitive ueisuuo. pu I told him on his way , back to call on a! Kr.iieinr friend of mine for a bookii.. The trick" told. The lad was. followed by some persons who never lost sight of him thAtr ran mm into Jf u then they went back and announced that advertiser, I thus discharged in full one 91 two practical jokes which ahhnf had Piayea udou.jixo , lhe answers were of the usnal charac-tejj-severat seeking to elicit , my name; and Btail more suggesting piagea vi tuu : ,Wa T was to exhibit myself with a flower., in, my utton-holend a hite handkerchiei; in, my - hand. One only lit bnsiness-. It was from a lady, Who Proposed, an. interview in., a neigh boring city, about , forty, miles .porth. She said there yas . sometuing bo ua.u. od atraiffhtforward in my advertisement a waa convinced it was real, and shefcould rely uponmy keeping hef name tViftkrit' If xj,a v ,uaiAa jtwe Tt" J I v - .a . ' , tiougbi nothing, othat I wpuJ soMJnieotodpighTOd jwBtea ofbe- ot ,t atter we met. the meeting; -: She ; would me at the nothing,' came of therefore see aAUiltmap ths R.eattBallUlty. , I : - -r v - ... ... , r. Brother Noel was :tf .SroubWdj at h aandal Brother Crnmtfbroughtsuppn h;m?elf by drinking too mfelCand es pecially Jegretted the injaryifight fonPnPd1heVofd-tin in dare b the Uttle . f'Won 1 1 you . T Brother tti wa? aware of the1 presnce f Tiw neighbor. "Why, yes, I'm .nofcagUi- araw, wuVu abodyants ifc'l v-fe:-; i Brrfher AJrump gos w .uutwc, friends took a dram a piece.'Pon ypa think Brother NoeVl urump,;rtua ; . 'WABMvn'?''! "YesJ i replied ieel, "sperita- is a blessin that some.of us abuses.1' VV eu, nowcxrt , who do you think, abuses the bwssin "WelL; it is hard to say-ou pwpio -ont you think that you drink, a little RrAthei Crump?','- "It W hard l , - - .,, to sayt't returned Urump, ..v' P"i" I've thought I was a drinkin' too much, and then- agin I'd think maybe, WV.t muiV A . weaK tCOTTTtwa u .1111,. AW "-m ' . T , , dust' ; So I left jt to tne .iiora. wjr Uhether I was a goin too iar m speriw I put the whole 'sponsiDiiuj on uu, -prayed if I was drinkin'; too rnuch for .tJL tir awav annetite for sperits. UI1U m j j 4 - j I've prayed that prayer three ume, a he hash't done it. So I' elear .of the 'sponsibilityj any way, , - , .ini day and if mutual -.approbation did . cot !.ioa. KtT,A Richmond . Enauirer, pf the contains an appeal, to -the pemocr Virc-inia to rally at the primary nd o-ive Gov. Wise the united ofkhe State, in the Charleston Cpn on a certain vention, for the, Presidential, uomina; lause.T 1 fifhey will" Attend' Wtheir' own business nd let your affairs kldne. ' And if they cannot mind their own business, if they cttihot discontinue their vicious inteheddling;;with ns, we will make them da ifc. rCheers.1 If we cannot do thia Peaceful ahd self-reliant means. whv. aa vou are aware, gentlemen, a little :'-.; .... , v, .; .-"in ttoottfefftna utue pniepotomy,. win re duce the fever I laughter.j and x ten you how. though I do' not express it as an?.es- sage to the Legislature bf Virgimafor it is not my part to do so that n Diooa must flow; , if the tocsin of war must .be sounded; if we must buckle on pur .ar mor; if red battle will fetamp its foot, this nitionalone ' shall' not" feel the ;sbock. The real groundwork of discussion in this country: the real the .real - root of the disease is the foreign . influence of flreati Britain ' Tour external com raerced tour 1 exports and. imports;' the eohstant intercourse between; New Eng iand and Old England, all beget sympa- th hptWHen Old and JSleia lliUgland atmTr. A someumes iear, sympathy 1 Which ; New England - feels i'hv us: and - whenever New England lanatieiam'. ioins With ViA k. English. intoleranee ; in all effort to dissolve this Union any "effort like -that whifih John Brown was the: instrument New England and Old : England com bined shall not avail to : drive-, me from the Unipn.' - Npl . With tfod s help we W01 drive all the disunipnists together intn fianadi. Let them'ioin Can ada! 'Let the compact o fanaticism and mtniPMnfifl he ennnnea to xnuu " 4 fo me: I mean to stay here, ILaugh tie and applause. n I mean to stay here, I mv. witn one. exueuuuu. ''" shall ever aga'in cross the Northern hbr An hr Vireihia. and I can getone hun AtpA men1, ten men. to follow me. . ' - .i f ..,a ..1inM'.na' if r. aether ne itfgawww-; T: wftl m Norther ABOrt le PBW v.or.T.U ara tbe -men of. purpose; V AA 1UW1" . - i.t -I. A. tho Snnthprn tvennie are ine aieu if .Ka Rnnthem neonle are" the men moral -powto'f that I ; take hem to W, tbenrather than let this Union be dis- sblvedi they will drive into Canadajjyery f Black; , Republican j every .oQiiiiouia, every Northern, disunipnist, who, Jike v enaeu Jrnuiips wu?o u Phillips--that Senator 1 from Massachu setts, Trbo igives z sanction . to the: sentt- meht i uttered . by weaaeu, rnuupa Vw-VnrW that a slave has a . right to r' r t r . .i- , : throttle hia master, and, it he maxesnis way over dead bodies irom Virginia w Canada; he has a right; to do do so; and if; in passing from .Virginia to Canada, with hia hands drippins: with the -blood nf hia ma KtAr 'he knock at the door, of Wpnd.s11 PhillirJs., or' of nenry Wilson, iiiid ask for admission, they will open the door. to-4he ''bloody handl'J v.J.. say that ittiAn! these , are .uttered by Wendell Phillips, and hp is protected, l JmrA ftf Rp.ventv'-five policemen,' under the Mayor of New York; it is time fo the medical students to come nome, tq he allowed, I hope, to study their prq fessipns in, peace, and, if not permitted to pursue theif yocations in p?ae, ly .u... the vocations of peace for the panoply or war.-' ' -Tremendous appiauae. j In the ' first place, :I would "telf the Yantees they -cahnot- have those five miti'miu' wh of ovsters they takeout of the Chesapeake! Bay any longer, would tell them that they could nave no longer the half million a year , they; get by insurances out of Virginia.? Let all whi dosire to insure their lives dp so on Uie responsibility of tup State,' and pay th; mannv into that treasury. : I would not only save : the' oysters and the insu mnrft monev. but alBO; the coal, that -is embedded in the; earth. Applause. ::I have been feigning patents for.: the last three months for-lands in the eounty of Ritchie; which contain -unlimited quan tbA t best eras treherating coal jn the world, and l&you ask who owns them you will find thaft they are ehtefiy m the possession of Korthernt companies; or at least, 'will - be,- before twelve - months. They huy land at two eehta an acre, and one peck of the Ritchie' eoal will .nearly purchase a whole acre of ad. I would possess ourselves- -of - these sources f wealth. - I would then arm the people; j would appoint a committee to examine the statutes of the Northern States that M : i . at A . - -1 ? These statutes are to betound in me jji brary of this State. I would lay my hand upon these statutes, ready armed. I would say.J'.'repeal these statutes.,,, .;1 would repeat it,, repeat n, anu after making this demand three times 1 would sat,! "repeal them at your perU. f . . - amy al. . fa A wn - I Would Bay tO tne.Xl8Iuiera..vuuTOt t;vA men. Mvou must fight single handed in future. aadv maintain those conserva- tive principles wnicn you pfu.v textaui.,? X would say, to, the Ntjrtb, "you shall quit, warring upon us... j. would caU , upon the President of the United States to demand . of England that she shall not suffer her Canadian possessions to be used as a. piace. WJ. m . , i . . -1 1.M.B Sinn ilia Uge tor yioiatprs oi y s J-"?' "7. . A VOJCE IS, THB UBOWP. " make this demand in jew, ii yo f6 elected "President?' "' ' ' , ; :' ; Gov. Wis."AU A nave to say in re ply to that is, you just rjnP , LAP nl-meo'and lauchter.l ! ' . "i ".uu .... o j t ' . , . - T will tttll von. mv fnehds, if you shalt t)lace hie' there, 1 won't let a yir- ' tit- tii' Tesrimcnts mni fioverhor three times backward and "forward, past the White House; without poking my head out' of the' window and aeking "Brother, what is the matter? ... fem-w ATi" -This' body was "kgain in session ' to-day,' having -adjourned over from last Friday J i is-i-.j;. -i;j- A large number of petitions of no gen-. era! interest were presented. , . .. r Mr. Brown, of Miss., desired to dls elaim any intention as imputed - by the newspapers to assail the President; or his Message unless by his respectful expres sion of his dissent to some of his state ments, they considered him in that light. He entertained a strong personal regard for the President but if he had hot, aige and his long"7ubuo service would.: xi had. a' rights h6weyr, ia -eommoit. with every citizen, to courteously express his. vi'owa rA vnnlil An SO. ' - . He called attention to that portion ot his message' where the'' president refers to the Pred Scott decision as setuing the slavery agitation, but. could . Uo agree with him. f. ... -. ?;. . - ' v The Supreme Court has done what it could, but the Question has not been set tled, and hence ' the continuance or tne controversy. He agreed with the- Presi dent that the Supreme : Court had. , ad iuds-ed the rieht of a citizen, to carry . a -.V". -n "?Aii J r J slavery into tne xerrije, anyt uiu nut believe the 'Aerritoriai legislature nau power' to destroy that decision, The President had said further that property in slaves to his . knowledge had not been disturbed in any of the -.Territories, , To i that he disagreed. The whole cburse of anti-si ivery in Kansas wai to disturb the rights of slaveholders;- w as it- no unterference with slavery in -Jthe Territoriea to shoot down slaveholders in 6ld blood, hunt them down like wild beasts and destrov their property?' Their whole .contest in Kansas was ' agrinst therights pf slaveholders. . . . , j. ., . , . , . . . . ! 'Xho President had turtner saiatnat sn case of .such ihterference the. Judiciary could apply e reniedy," and it was time enough to act when the interference was ,A..iJ. TTa thnmah ihA "lawaJ Prist. avKHUPWUi A., . V" WWi". ing1 entirely insufficient, and the time had now arrived for further legislation, and that Congress was imperatively called, on to act at once. It was too ' late to act when' the mischief was" ddne.5! 1 -The President -has asked Vou in ad. yance to strebathen hia :arm, to protect a a the persons and property t oi . American citizens on the Isthmus, and , if that can be done. Whf cannot the arm of the Ex ecu tive and Judiciary br strengthened" to protect slavery in Kansas ? v '-- i jMr- Brown; then wentifate aa .argu; ment to show jthat the. Courta .could not furnish protection to Slavery without statutory Jaws. ; He avowed is desire for the enactment' of sueh laWs.- 'vThey ioay ealf ia "rav edef iheyplasf4mtf h no more asked for a slave code than , oth ers had asked for a,.horse code or axiow code. While he had a 'tongue to speak he wbulddemaiid his ' rights "under 'the Constitution ad ' laws. He disavowed ao-ain any intention to assail the President; but musthet be told that Wcause: hp Was a Dempcrajt; gnd the iPisident.f a,lemo .nt hemnst not express his 7 cause he might) injure tne uemocratio TjartV. ? He : wbuld 8eeithe i Democratie party destroyed, before he would consent to withhold the honest expression Pi, ma sentiments. , ; He saw . that. without , tuf: thflr WiHlatlon there would never .b another ' slave Territory,' and ' conSel ouentlv ho more Slave States. :li FreeTer ritoriee were pressing for admissioa into the Union; and it weuld not be lpng, un less Slave States were- admitted, before the Free States would have twp-thirds- snfficient to chansre the Constitution. i'v That dohS, the purpbseiavewedby'the SenatoEfrohvNewXork to crush.6utBla very under constitutionalforms, could be accomplished. What, would become of the Dred cotFdedsion1' when the' Su-1 premo Court is ia the hands, of the Anti- Slavery party? . J ir g'i-!ialO"5iJi ' tan.f He closed by avowing nunseu a union man; .still be, wished to, -inuitipiy, tne slave jStates, in. Prder to . preserve the Union, which - our father had made' a slaveholding onei .iiteftss io afjisu;-r ;.. Mr. 4)Qohttle referred.. tp -.the.! gret change, which nad come pver .the Presi-I dent's mind. Then he believed In' the power or vongrpss pver tne r lemwneo. uNow he says'- the Supreme-Court ! has established the right' lof slaveholders to .carj7a!ayery.:. intotheTeriiB that neither uongress nor tne xerriionai legislature' or any human' power,. could impair that decision1 "The - men of the Srm th hnA pinprifinoed as-eauallv 'ErrOat change,; i, The resolution which hadbeeri forced by-.yrhat they .deemed their- inter? ' The Senator, from Georgia'- had said in his speech at AugustiV in; 1846; that there were only four men inCdh- wha did not hold t the , power pf Conetess ovrihe Territories;. V,,.-.;s - -i3 m , '. i ' 3 it. Ja.a 1 A jlr. xpomps correcieu iuc smuiiiicin. He referred bnlv to ; tbe '"Northern Rep ;-Mirf Dpblittle said - the ' first- timethe doctrine' was advanced. that the ConetitUr tioa protected slavery since 18iV was xa sfPo. ' Mr; DobHttle restmedontendinig that Rntithftrn men hoW-idefonded slavery oa the general ; ground that Tcapital should own its labor, not,nire (.' e,rim v.;-. -M. Chestnut desired the , cprrectness J.A atatement" The SoUth held that th trnfi'Tiositidn of a negro Wa that of aslave s' ?ta.-t' . Mr. Doolittle said that tSouthern .; ;men did not justify slavery os the ground pf negro slavery only, but took ,tne proau ground - that the 'natural' posiuoir ("Wa8 that bf a slave.- l l-'"' r--"i t " Mr. Clay - said such . a .Btatement, sras V aIItt ti rfV.Tl nfta .- and should not-be mada without BUmoieat eviflence... Huen the Senator produced the evideiuce "he - , - m J . m j. '1. 'a. wanted, aot only a garbled extract, ou the whole , is Mr.i Browiw cS ;Mibs. eaidr that the Snatm fmm Wisconcin mistook the PP Bitipn of the South. ,, They believed that alaverv elevated the acgro. Hour mu- Cioni oj waves ocoupica a nyim j. moraUit tociaily, and phytioaUif than any nttu-r InharfTt. on ike alobe.L t'U--h ! . , Mr, Doolittle reiterated .that ssouiaera men held that capital mttst ownts laoor . - n ' if'.i'f TT.; --.--U.ll..' .rill and reterrea to xiaiuaiouu Mr.i Chestnut said that every white maU in South Carelina etoodon an equaV footing.: It waa a great misconcepttbnto suppose' that, respectablo,. white men ,at J the South art not laborer. '' , " ; ', . one? but i fiotr aw a free laborer of the South befor hiaV 'Tht people' of ' the South did apt despise a white laborer If anything, the people who did POt a hor suffered bv the contrast y-', Mr. Doolittle knew that Southern mem had differed oilhitf poiat, but Southera- men had advaneed the.opiaioia. it ill. ; belewfWredtpv i!i,-?rr hi iV.TziVyy , Mr. Pugh called for the evideace.' f ' ' r : j Mr. Doolittle read aa extract froiath Richmoad Examiner ahd quoted other ', Southera joaxnalii .- 3 ?&.is ts : " ' Mr. .Clay ajjp; extcael idii: net itsV4i taia thf Seiiatorfe construction. garb!edr : . ; as it was,. ; He vanted to ee . the -wjbOJ : ; -article." , He f as sensitive ba thia peint because a speech made by hlia five year i a?o. had been garbled by a thief and rea '; egade aamed Helper, lls&ktiipgfy Mr. ,AUoouuie.saia. & regaraeo u. .- constructioa as correct. He did aot ob ject . to Southera mea xhaaging the '- Opinions, out uiu cuuipiaui urej t. sisted on XSortaern menjaoing ao;Taisa' oa a threat of breaking .up &e.Uaioa ; . He had no objection to rargomenta, la did not viah themaccompanied by threats, denying its binding force, and went lato . : ; a history or tne legislation oi tc boub try, to show that eve"ry 'Ato&lastititi from Washington to the : present, had reeognized and exercised the'power of congress over mb- lemiones. : . -v r - lie also asserted that Jlr. Calhoun, a a member of Mr, Monroe's Cabinet, had given an opinion recognizing such power v Mr. Chestnut corrected the statement, . - Mf." Calhoun had, onv the "floor of the. ,i Senate, expressly denied such aaPpinioa ilr. DoohtUe aaid.ttseappeared: xn . ' Joha Quinoy-Adams' diary, made at f the time. Mr. - Calhoun s;, disclaimer., waa -.,. made 25 years plater- 'The "'bpinibhs' pf . the. Republican Senatora were not to'bi V jcjianged by threats W disunion, 1 Su'clf arguments, were. not. aaoresaed, to- tneir manhood, but to their want of it , They ' did not believe the'Constitutipa "gave ua- -y -y limited' charter'5 to I Siavery 'andr Wei pledged to i resist -such ii ; 4octrine .-.'II gentlemen oa,the other side designed t, ,: 8eize.onr the 0tnmentoey? T943 " sist, and put dbwa' 'the attempt peace - fljIJ .i$r fcw Lrf4 . lie'could ttdt close Without 'refemflg to the? epithet : applied:-, by ,theSeaatoE (iovx. yirginia;.tps, j;.Nprt jera i States ,f " servile. . ... .. -' -; - ... . ." ; .After, further debate, the oenate ad journed ' -U' i i Ji -.0?:.;J HocsE-eAtlAVHoiise adjoufae'd : oalast rriday it Wis'till-lp-day. t-Noth ing of iatefest iraaepired- shd Can - - lic x j : v; - i t saymg that he. hd. shown tharTn Ignr - IN ortherp States , where. the Kepupacans .. . were in k iaajbrity,bstrhct?o'hs had beei- f thrown ia the way of thexeeUtie& of thd ' '. t ugiUye Jrblave.irLaWr He5iopki.;i.t -.for granted that ia , spite , of disclaimers th3 , -Republican party are. ia theory and praei tice. at war' with tiatplirt of Jthe' Cbnsti: tution which-provides fo?-theehditiba i : ef fugitives slaves. sis dlieii bA&if,i?:i It thea follpwi; the are ,tawaT' ; ' with,, every clause refefringJhereia to ' slaveTyi ' for thcy aJPres oa the Blave : basis; beside they arekta with'-;the Constitution when they'make as '-peca ; niary .issue ,the question decided! by it he ' Supreme Court relative tpjslayery ia 4he ; Territories. That.samp philosophy. com-, pelled them to make war on 'the .District ' of Columbia and every where in the States ' ; Only' one "Hw'pi'Biptives wuld.3ndttcer; -theiat to.earry; this xerBsadej.hatred i;; to;the slaves, or to, their jajasters-,'1 It ; ' could nt be the former, becaus' between -1-th,em ahd'imaficipationl The pniy result is ' to:d hann4or. the ' venom ana incjr natrea are airectea. ju ; --.if condemned wnat he termed tnemiserav. ;.- ; ij ble'pahderers to the worst bas8ions"pf the - jy-XM - . - r. .'Tiy-- . . 1 - a-- : - - - a .-i i y f r?-- : , -.- - - - - '-. . - - people." was it Maternal-to appeaf to ia -; . i u natics to take the sword- m hand tor Uio . - v .. 4 1. j liberatioapf playevfTf bivTiirt Tit i:- '1 1 if Jc-Mr. Hnnwhp hadj. peen merred ; : toby Mrv Boy ce' explained that' in his . remarks "the other day he 'meant, the Southern ista tea an -any. period pjc. pme,:, , shall .deteiniae pa the $ilqtii&&fLtit''-th Vnon -ioi;;jany: causes wtiica asw eiist, the. North are "resolved, to? prevent It and:' ir war snouia De mer consequence 01 ma , , North " determining to- preservo;?- the Uaioa, .nad; the! Sojithoto dstroyit,j:the - responsibility will rests on the South.'; -It annears from tho Venort that. there ' was ho balloting had to-dayfor Speaker. Omlttlnaf tM lrlefc, i- iSpi" A greenrfodd-lii.iirtd,"l&ohe ing.tip-country fellow, .who .said. very. . thing diygbtthin'.Bxedaa4 Btrnck up a Dargam xpr aiatrmioiiy.- xaoAiignt . -particular tegar J 3 for pp6arahces the ,.'' parties agreed tojjhiploj a nataverHBe. J countryvjui? put? on; tie tackling. Hepiameneed by reinaj:king.tiat t jt-1 , i customary op such occasions to ;, com '; mence'witff p'rayW but he belieVed he iv wbuld'omitthaVT ttA(tei- fyingthe-knoV- he'eaid "it'5 wa eastomary -to i-girethe majrried,ceupie;aPe;'4dTleevhu lieyed he would bmtthaC't tt (Was cus- i : ternary toovto kiss the brjde, but behe-- ; lieved he Woud Pihit "tbat 'tisoJH. The S ceroitoOBy Beings ended;' !bridegrdbia took the justice by the hutton'-hQie and clapping. JaUk.. ager jaOJ' ,!,, asy4gMdy r;pquire,:jtr B customary, to .give, tne mag is'teate fivocdlare -bui I Vleve IU onit if t' - . . 1AI A love-lorn ewaia brck a wnsbene with his yiearte queea,' somewhere "a -"Neow what idyea wisV fially? :e--' manded J onathanwilh a. Hinder griatcf. - expectatj pa, Hhztkl i t s a -i: '. -,-. , jil-wished Jt. was, aandsome,- replied i';? the air - damfcelhA.d8bme as'Cjaeea v Victory. --'v --,...-.--;. ,.;. . Jviusalem! wliaf fwisfcfiepjled '? Jonathan "whea yoa'Tehaadsooi .'naff" "' neowiBat I'll tell je? what wished v Sallyii I tcuhedybm Ka$ldc&ed vp arm tutA tbepevwaa tottr . - 41 ! m an 5 - i.Twoi5en,' Joseplt' Sparks and Osi :; car Flint,r were assailed ia'the"- tabarH 'l:ir Baltimore a fewHighta ago, by ,a gang of f; shoulderitteraJ fFliat s was -tkaocked .T down, Jaut his-bmpaniout esewfV .fikbt. f Wea the tcoundiclaxEi; .'XT - n t - ... . " , . -fa .1 : ' : - V . - i I 'V- - t n","",::3