Newspaper Page Text
.i ' . L a 0 Y T E LEG ITAPII, -TV A. PLANTS. CDITOR, ' VU "Telegraa . OAee Seeker Its puto. . C..- A-CaL---toajr f Jh ; 4aatttet-Melga Caant j; Aeav J&siata we see and heart that Meicm Count of of the most pFospeWtts inhey-ta y. w do nof believe she Isio ruieh la advance as the :fieures show. But. out Nil" &Si iVo.2. Orfani.tiai of th. legislature Ofllcars . Drayerlng- for Seate Goirermer'e Mef ige Ofllolal Reporte Congress Frcst amt Htiug. " Columbus, Jan. 2, '60. 9er-Tk7raJ; - The bustle and tir lf-"10"! "1 incidentto the organisation of the House nmns, to yoar old as well as new read- "d we are seated in our comtort- erfc: the eongrascaiations or the season; i - Bwwn,aij. santhome, relief to be Wieildifladly b4ve.reiaained in out sanci spre(t.tlifteiee, contusion j, ana oiner abominations oi noiei me iox wis aw. 'lftaifift'rtSA friend. Dr, (S?nTl-!Mtft- ?iir?yi--sr- ff;7rB'r;. irr.z'-a ..".7.1 Bion Vl ,0 izs::-3 fc&m&l &iJpmh ourse, ourUeners hM 1W;A&.mw klkMwwkll beeit Teri:gffceAble,i jThey. generally lowanees will be made unn W fetttrm Wfe4Mo bemen of taeital and mbral wS'-Fiai; Wfin wbrtt n indications re not .latthlrtIlMbrthh" lSuh a least the .expressed. wish: and Miid&T&WmhiWm ocY "g aeserminau . f'-f -P t-i AJ5 "bv theirfrnita ye shall kntivthBrn, wn bwt.y irenBine.i aaaXe, ,of 01a iW?irJ.f JJJ v i'.; v 3 1 r irlv "i"Vi,-""' ; -Anditottfxghttoolt,,the qhair at ten 1 U UUfkWCVIVWg -V-"l"F-l-r-.f-"iT - rSH thit 4i2fi!alaWoned fSjJLyj 3 a,oes at the roircalt, and Vers swortf in ncia raj gm: .two-,J0Br behind time, .rJlif:.-" r s, -. A 5;,,. V7, .rt -'''- , 7 1 " i 1 by Jadge Butfiff of v the Supreme Court, tlseqieBvlnV that .tv ' S yvis "niWDUSter oui iuir tmorij remaining d!.The grieat,,-soirfreig4 &;Jiave defctal theiuttererthroWjani.'can welllfibrd t: et thent rent a-Bjterhioh cakto longet1 do kuehl mmhiefyy' The rreS'cleiit's message af stirred to its very depths the wrath of the North ern leaders of the party. He has again expounded, officially, 'the Democratic creed,, and as the most fanatical of all Southern disunionists have always ex pounded it. This has killed the last hope ofanother successful swindle. ,It is' no I longer possible to again deceive the Northern people wi th toubw-distilled hypocrisy . and fraud, of the Cincinnati platform and hence the , rage vof the Northern-.; leaders.? If r; that v platform could have been -re-adopted .at Charless tohj the South could have 'been carried ou;t6e r Strength iof its .real, intent .and meaning, with. a slight hope of deceiving a few' Northern States by the transparent Bham of popular, sovereignty. r. Bx Bu-. ehanan-lhasj torn! that '.refuge ;of: Jies" away and the humbug has exploded - Th people 'qa'n'bcead again: nnd so the Administration .is cursed by those who elected it j.Blit here ; is ihe. end of my aneet-j; p:qoi'itii.-..i ;if ..n i,:!.ir i - duct calculated to inflame the public mind, which imputations ae utterly fake and groundless. TheseV imputations wfl have publicly deniod, afej offered everj facility for the fulleii inveStigatio1 which we have earnes ly but vai,olr SOUght. VUlv '.A: 4. On Friday, the 23dst., a company of sixty-two men. claiming to have been appointed by a meeting of the citizens of V --1 '"1 i;tn'TO&' :o4 'awrnsiV : cr-3 K Saturdaymgh which .were as follows: rsihioK ent, and .Renuthc prenCSdthe thbity itlteclo & caucus le i3-v i5,';3 i?5-lM:n- .,1 s;'Hbrsi'6P KKra.s-SfceaKel', Kieaard rrv . . ii 1 . 1 - j t - . - 'r : . ... 4 ue weavacfaeria: ciircmeijijcowij . C faiof CuyogaClerkf BjR. r Cowen, of; .Belniont; "1st .'ss',". 'Xi.:L, athe atrcet jiadl 8ide-wmlk re. eov Lamborn, bf Stark;" 2d - Asst., Fr. Bied; ;.5!ipir lihgef Erie;iSergeant-at-Arms, Jeseph vtJSpeF???aad..lheiLl Wiri:ckr6fWrren;,l9trAsst.,T:.1Da t. IiMblllly ; to Enfore tb ; ! Mad. '. jttVed Us feverelr.l :liut in spite of the o'ciry .ir fulf yrahgerp Thfe .'b.krl&rfyiete, in'd.-geVef; yisprrow-2d Asst j'S,. W. Edwards; pf flroiW ii-r f-jIS ni --fit4. u'ff SxNATiClerk, D.s W: JJhodesi of tcara'waiid' Asst:'lif AHigginf Wiin roTAnnt-kii- ArrnsljfA'wBen'e.'of ;4 .it ..... ... ...,.7 ... .. 1 ,v-r";rtorrrr: rirvrr7 s t iiii'ri-j "-Attfrerbmmence.ment'ortlie wtfmon MaBtomerv:!lt:Asst.. JiW.Sands. of ' tSS l?;TKlTOn??. Vinton? 2d AsstMhrWailactejibf M rj; itJQeviambec pJpphcaBtfor the:;tew j soi.-0v,litiS1 ? .iidsns t'fi? ifieea,mekas Clerksy6ergentBat-Arm no Thllf'wer.Weie'oirSf course!' I P. Mr. x'arsons,;, on,, taxing .ov I rtalnrnAfl , hi thanfca ,irt ' an 1 annro- nd pubhshed some very severe stnctr i,tiate;apeeoh which was well received by f r6(,ji)thevcMwdi?fi 'ihungry.iDemo-i ihi'HWw.' He will; no; doubt, make' a 6Mts:! 'who theni:elamoredijr pUcea; 1 Vdod presiding officerVbutwilthave f.tritare were made tn good faith, wk" to'Km'tbeT.WtisJCiiclion wluclC . his -J? ."innqceoce , asxea j Dredecessor sttcceeded.i a doine; j Fer, whether it wouldBe so ifhe BpabJM DeAoentt.i8'lieas', WniB. WoodJ'the jana-hlvcajJOpeatOFyia j W ell, Speaker Jof inlasi ' House, "was a 'riibs'1 ; tfeepbJsiigcen (alth Jox: a:dmirAieViEcer it r, and have' the offices to 11, nd if our I .r After exchanging .tho, usual messages 7. i'iixllaoi JiresA for anVanswBr-to i Ritwefen-tlwf -tw f Udnsaa, and thet Oo- wi "Iwffii'W 'tr v WffsSftth: FW 1 Vok' Tecess "unHi two -oeiocxat wmcn DemocrsUe office: httnting,-.Uaa .pledge 1 hjif Jots were, to" be drawn for-choice of Vtfr hbnop never to'tiirV.)! 6tiinrov ieAlugi V&sv 4pne;bj"nlifiW.,ft - nree-'WithifurthekWriince .vrif'nbl names of !the members in : a. hat. and as . .narliAr 'anil t)tf fllArA W. MnA WWirft differ I Kja4Vvi. iTiTa rQ tfrtrfa TAiotfti" wno "ftBSe-tn poi6le- than 'any Body tee' . j koojliow.iBgvsvWfrtU oldest ;' ' ""j. fr (cses'wert hldast'nigHt b .thfej memberi;mng whqmi Was Gen. House puWlcan mernVr? PUM?Q,Pousesi of- Gttllia,1 to-feeleetv their seats Without IailX,sl:tdPemB tnerisK'oi tnelot.Y Q1S conj- . Mrad IMSuKtoift and good U, limejil old 'g?W :Sr!gpfVrarlei?? Tneandida-Wr,; inJfM. itaowhic: t . jmt nnmefbtt than'memberB fronVmost it.waa donei-bnght 4o' atone &r half the 111 surrounded him, "became, like his master, the subject ot their, rancorous hate, r .xie stands', therefore,' t ih head f- the lkt. Among ; the exiles art Rev J'Ac BiRog- ers principal oi a nourisaing' atuoii av Berea ancL his', family: J.' JJf."' Reed. and famUy; phn g.;.Ian8baj an4 vwnily,- Mr. UanBoaFis a native 'Of Kentucky, ana nara werting,''tnntty man.y ue ha Veceniy 'erected: a 'steam' 'saV-mni,: anf . spfpsiv jiuiiuretj iwjres pj, s ianu m, MadUotf Co., Ky ... ..The) Revi ' JV,;F- Bough ten; -E. Ti? Hayes and S-tLifey car - l&':y':)f'ilMJ iyTK fWV i? geneja): sins that are yetio bedommitfed-by this 't s-rambley,w feel proud oX -Jtfeigs Coun, ldyi While cWe'n are loved andage i. Vl -i .; -' 3tv?thWue"of -he oitdaren wete fonad; respQcj wpr "5 ln'jajg l)v andbaJirit'jl,g f! their faitk to the'greaVexhibitisa of firfe- '1 the various applicants were not ge.n-rotkiC lWiiBntw5bau;pr: 1 1 nfandUtonalifiedUpositibnsI W whlcthey i aBpired;' buthat Hrhere ia 6 many Aspirc;tdhat TBU few; caa?-; read at the cierk desk. J It t fe fa wv ;Oierecessarjiy rd;;feelmgs Ie' UJpaMfiDed'etcIusive to1 ' xpTodVe,nianyVdiSa MoyilMM ;ful candidates , when tne nominawona acq position of our noble State; in the Union . vfimeirectithf tbfbU btfObhVtir fathersfofnied, and weV'theit med by lWV IJw-m WOTiVf w jikitiaoi descendants: cherish5 and mean'ta'maiii ftV Congress : Nsjti U iVemakis i; anorganixed. taip ,is,state!J Vitii aeyity ap'dSfied - ".V de'spefat ffdrt was made-" to' nnitfthe stateWAnship ,whih;;is in. strikingibut ; ' variWs'factibns'oppbs proud ipohteaat withthe bombasticidkun- , t IV, t;nieBy-AtH?.? " - i wuupa. or- lae- messages' oi formally -01 ':. rntoRbnJtr. rclaver j 6e.ntim.ents,; hut ft rthe16lh'er"StaM. ?,;Thi4ocumeat; can- &&lled c Some o thief Northern .Denied npijEaij to inorease the already irff ' na V ?rats 'refused to -joTri the coalition; -! ?The tional, reputation: of Governor Chase as A T- f '"w tna a tatemVnt "TSr'SI. Cor, of tnif B$as thi megewfll be -punished in 1 -ient.M-eclarat ll'y f j lhe'ditadin tfijatyjhhfii A.9Uotti-I9 mcn of thtate'Gdrnmeiyas well J ,-rBying-iUwgoaKli 35?d5t?ie also presented, But we 'have iio yet had i '"5 T F&TBBg1'- VC V I jvovHvMy AU.V WO AXCIVU AXUlt VtJt f y:j:.&4aQ stheywill -. :.,ULyV-;nll-"iht'o--taw caF. -5e ''ri? f Wi piiblislfc i fiiliiwes will T . - : , . I. . V. U ait TIT. 1ITRI HnfU. . UUUIUT . t. A.Artttnw -nnvK. .. L 1 J . . . I n -.;. -.wjbsl,,wv -jofw -.3ii..T-7ra ni57)7Tj iuisiu.m iu gurc aviear anaaisuncT iaea Stgdto-S ortnern BWiwern iBemiMn j, their contents, j; .Yyjthr the exception billSr no Other business' .was ransaeted :-ityfe of Wntatt'rselensmwnicb ' aB so(lnkb rsjytTSvCr jne:raaHBg-ofe;mesr aeserrea ana. wuv l sase t he House kdi ourneii': " - " J J ' Ithteat ofidnelri siftoilJ."waaithe 4 ' - s , - ieoiistienee. entwwow ww- we Sherman still lacks four votes of a AS ..e-;i3tttJSBl? ItlM factionsi f .". 3 i.v nougea - r , jjjuvu vu.c uuy agree in naung ine Fvlfc-J'.'Sw MBoJt Bt to figsttiiUttTairyiKrj. publicans, and hate each therJjut Congress Jemains in TwjetjBtatei elear These ;t7 Re little 'coa- . - fjm . : a i3 . .frit A t aVi. MM.AVit'fhW "tflMiA ar. ciu.i a wau yiGTGUb vuy. vtv livu ut Pimrma.n nv i13i?idcl m HJo. . w and eouifi 3lae?lt--tii ashbiiia; of '.Hjinbl called' Attehtioa t 6 a letter he had received A.. AVI. Tllil. :!n. ITU.1' irvm a cynrraciorj in xvocKViue,' Illinois, in wbicbj te writer statep that the state f thincaa:istlBgowingUihfriJur to pay the mail contractors, cannot he im agined. JVlr Washburn wished to say to the contractors that he did not consider sutuLion ana laws oi inis ciaie ana oi the United States, called at our respec-j five residences, and . places of .business. and1 notified us to leave-' this county and Statej j and be without . this, county itnd State within ten days, and handed us the accompanying document, in which , you wilL'see jthat unless the said order .be promptly complied with, that there is ex- pressed, a xea aeierminauon 10 -remove us by force'" ' " V.'., Jn.-view of: these facta, which . we ean substantiate by . the fullest evidence, we respectfully pray that you, in ; jthe exer cise pine pQwer, yesiea jn you py ne Constitution and made, your, duty to usei do protect .us "in our rights as loyal , citi- zens-ot tne uommpnweaitn or tne otate qi ,1, ( tuan pjanu. , Pit i a FT limppiw . 4:5 t7 T-i; .TL-' 4 t:,i -).'.( , .,.. The Senate Printer will- probably be Eowman. Some lnfluelfceiwbrourhfcto withdraw the Democratic LOpposiUoni The U. S. Agricultural $pietyja ple iaring for its next annual! exhQttjoi he n u(,hh T;:i:'i GptuBu, Jan. ,60. . . slDeari TdeympJur While .waiting-. for the hour of opening-the 'session for.: the day,, we havev,coricluded to: pen amis W4J.uuv.yr avi;a - ( . -? ' '.The,': Vchivairy";'7of 1 .Kentucky ""hate carried outthejr, threat ofrS9me. ,two "weeks ago, - by ;driving' from the. Sta,te many of her best citizens. Thitttf-xix and others in different parts tneStale. The : crime for which.' these, gentlemen have been driven from their native State, their ropertVj! their ' business and theifc homes, Is that of believing with Wasa inctoa. Madison, and the fathers of the Hepublie, that slavery . is !'a moratrnd nolituiai evil.' XtixhuX lh Uitd& ; It is admitted by their enemies lhat these men .',re industrious,. uprig: peaceful, Tan4 intelligent. JChat .they have violated no law of the State Or tionls' expressly feiten as' the Reason off their expulsion bf mohviolehce. ' , yteverena lonn. Vff, ee is weu xnswn to the Country as having been,. for .many years, an earnest, but quiet and able min ister of . the ?Presby teria'n 1 Church, ' hut wno wowu not sanction vue new uotrma . ..1. 5 r.I .. - -ft that slavery is a; ivme.insnxuwm,; the better art of the citizenk. ilf"Ais- nixampi' ",ein W;. pfe8; the slave-power is certainly mad to the lawlessness- and violence wluch h w , -kkwiw ia n'n. .lion.,., uauiiiey.nope.wj cauu iie Tre- 4" .. i, ;nymr:n ! . Bmi liom .Co., Ky.,jDec. S4, 1859. , f This petition was presented to the Gov ernor in- pe?spn by two ;otthe signers, and,' strange to Bay the Governor of the State, lust elected and sworn to support the laws, refuse to ; protect them, jand coolly assigned 38 a reason that it wfuld be Easier t i preserve the? peace of the rf. fc"ji uLi j!ll.!ii'l.--V J uli i i i. clave uy permiiung ijlic inu. arirc ouv whoeyer thejr pleased,' or to' mttrde aid rpjbb them, than it wpuld' be . to - enforce the laws and protect their and f T9Pr erty ! ;i He) however,! graciously pledged his rytectiori until the.tep'iJays expired,, .bja'j.tim if;'found at:, their homes or in the State, he should nptln-erfere'A1-'? ttti .liuui.jar ..'.?, it x t'JThusvrh6lljv failing to seeure'the'pro iectionof' the law! finding the' authori- ties oi ine oiaxeeimer in, league wiipuie motIor powerless before . it, and.xnow ingr that themselves and families weald be murdered if they.diA :bot -fly from their 'jvliomes, they teft their business, their, property, and, ;tbeir. ;-native( JSitte and are now exiles 3n . Ohio. Hit is said that those thus exiled have many friends still left, and that the out rage s doing much to open ,, the' eyes of peniers, . x w.f ;i arscr, a native-oi SQutlk CaT0!iina,6r--i- Tone- ahative' pf Tennessee, John Smith, a native of Ohio, ifarmer:.who h8 . lived ip rKentucky some-years. s ';Mr.: Smith is described bv Btr! Fee ai k 'frreV-hAirtd fetner a' rtian as a pf pra5er,.ind , 'fey-haired 1 father a -man ioTeed of ie.minehtYpiey anil- nsefalneaaw vThfi jOnlyi.ofiense charged against aby of them , is thatofjentertaia- inig 'Abdlitiotaisentiments.1'''- ' Severai'meetYnjrs'wyfe h'eidandreso- liliiops,' pLSsethat all peraon' jiplding eentunents opposed m slayery should .pie driven out of the State; hut these people coTild hbtfor'A'trimehelieye' that' the .lawless' threateould'fepVt into exeten won. f Aa..,onBf:9uuxeff-imeepjgB a uomuiiitt;B.oA tt,ij-ukv jtfexa.appoiniea; Ailthpried to, act 'ander ancj byjyixue of ae rouowing xesotuue-ns: ; su eo--iinr.i--, Rei6$eed?l htttfl tftimmittee ihich haBbeen-appeinted by this -meeting do, withiWten'da'v'sfrbra this time! ;walt unon Johii .Fee, -J. A-Xfe Rogers,' and all others that'Ttha said "committee1 1 may think' inimical and dangerous to our in stitutions onr interests; andj' our public safety andi tranquility, and inform them that they f must' quit; this -county and Statej and that they must be without the limits Of this" county within ten day 8 after the time of receiyingi said notice;, and that Said committee are directed' by this meeting to take such steps as. they niiy deem right and proper iI removing Lthe said Free Rogers, etcfrom the: county, if they are found, wrth'its limits 'after the time specified has ruh ont;.;t,. ni : 2.J That the ?, said:eommitte6?meet in this place on- Wednesday, .the,21si iriat., at ten o'clock eonsult asite.the manner of their, proceeding in carrying out these; resolutions yU-ir' t;- i iThis Cemmittee, mounted and armed rode through the Qounty, 'and gave' the warning"; required TJ , ther resolutions. It being; evident to, the proscribed thatj if ihot protected Jby . the authorities , they wduld all he murdered by-i this hand :if bandits') the follovrins? appeal was made ; T . j - : -i t t : . . T ....... i j ti( the G;6.ternor'rpf the State for'the pro- secuoBxrW uieij.jiiyes.rana . property,., io which-they were entitted nndr;jthe.Coto- strtutionind laws of their connttyi:''; .' j "ti Hi Uteetknefr,1 'the' 'ifmetttofVie State d T ekijiijQjai ;refitize'n3 rventucky pressible conflict'", by such means? p!7ill me. great heart of the ,twenty-hvo nm- uns or non-siavenoiaers in mw.couBiry converted ,to the doctrines of' despot ism' as ,iow lield' by .the" slavehbldinc class? a IVFiU jthese- millions, submi wil iigly to become, theinsehe6,vt3f slaves ofptslaTeYera? And if it becotaes clr"to 'the 'convictidnUoi the' people that,, siayexy itselfjjCafl . onJyjbCi main- itainednpon.: the prostrate. Jona.tttttion and 'f laws! ef the- country and the ttotal denial of alt the 'rights' hf icitizenship in tie, white race, may not , thee . lawless pioceed.ings,;be jthjneans .of! hastening the deathflof r slavery tteelf?,:; But -(what madness is -' it in the" few slaveholders tq bring this issue home' to the' cheart3' and AtK?.rfihJ!Ssfhf the- T80ftNe.'"In f-rn -t 1 .. te- novr very well" that they rreTy upoi.the.JDemocratic -party-in the free States' to uphold andsustain them. ,;f And mihn hnprinefpled Tndemagogues? and coptiiiie'tolo so' A'Bu it is alibelSipo'i on i h.qman ature,to,supp6se, that the masses of (that party, n the i North the honest free laborers of the? free States jan he fgrejver sj deceived and Winded hy these leaoter as tohe permapently used AS the Ii. .sill:' " " J :j-i.: inS3UBicaiDIi.UlfillOWlt'Hegi:suavw- No!, the ftttufe, iWe'EarBiestly believe, rwi;l be aB,th6T)ast',feW,yeab have heemVr Np greafex eprte ean'be made to deceive the free men bii,,ihe'',fiee' Statesfiuin have been rnadet for the 2 lasjt j fiye years) 'N viler falseioods are within the inventive genius of evil men. than those already used and faund. unavailable' f Ahi, year by year, thW ranks' , of these servitors r6f despotism PAverPeen,: qinunignipg unui neatly? 'ererj'r. free. State,;, ha? - declared itself on tHe side of freedom, 'juetiee law and progresaJUAnd . there are yet thousands in theDempcratic party whose impuises var4ht,ftnd.who- but! want thi'ngSiip'g hepi' jto the side of their fellowfcifcizens, , in ther t support oi ; the righti5"!And io ill such,. the exiles from the South' wiu-' prove most effectiTe mis sionariea. TVe firmly believe thai these seeming evi'S wm ue overruieu iur guuu, In this jtrust iet anci wan. Couldn't Hfrfd M'OaAa. iti 1 , - 'v,i',V: ; A few nights since a huge and verdant rtii. i r-: J J.J...1 mj u' V !' xennessean cuD(ttueu iue: jiroiua e iu hope of finally cheating eaehrpther.5'-j Kyour 6lpinTAotaa&1aiiA W t haye! come from! Varlohs' parts i.ihe urroHndine counties, unJcg ; i r-; ; cmpoia.or ., '0 y, -"r-r.s? 5aia.yi, v jry,t,iamUies by honest Industry: and endeav- trod-Sced into" the; mysteries of the : Sons of Malta," arid had a' friend to propose his nanfe tohe 'Lodste-at' Nashville.? He wa' h'alldtted for, and immediately went in to join the 'expedition. He had been jot hut a short tim when' he was handled f ather toughry; "and "concluded hei could hot hold hii oat;sO netorenimseu loose from the guards, arid meeting the senti net at the outer -door, knocked him sense nr-xr nrr v.i ii.ia.ii 'i r V 6Fu";r entered fitb? his-hat in' Ms hand Atfenbon efolJowIngActe. v. Whis'eoat.t and Swore furiously saidf he was seventeen miles from home but :culd' whipany Soh'Of Malta ',i in the United States, andeursed the slide hoaras 'fiiiWiii-'' hfffteaaarvi in the 1 ; . ' I .l '. v1L J' K-'Cl.L' a Sftaio ln'nnlit'jirmi.l t4 otd BtteWhi alifhik of. all shades' and fanaticisms of ! ,IU iT J. -"- . i w.'-.i,t pi , . . ,xora s saAe;un.o governors as unto them all decrees arewtrnnc in cniArrillasniinHa ii i tt- a h i- r- V1 ; i'xynmifiS-Vf'Of9 memagainst the great, 'compact gtolwing: andpf evil doers, amf ihe praise of them that ' 1 -- - - i: :rT-cn , ; - j - x . a y ' v-f. .l ? ;Jn . . , nrmciDie. we nave nppn anAnmnr. in an - f ; f. ?l j'".." y m ttd;r H e imeoa ia pre- euvy -uuu uairea or wnicir 13 an xnas 1 r 1' .7 r. r : -. " Hf54-A Les-k.?,3 1. . ' ?.;.''. W'-'u'lt: ' -.- -t respects Jo the laws ot this btate. . i : tr j A.r ,:t tement to present tojnat f JSwo-andif possible' i' f a-; t. .. i .-. -: -: . ,n. L WhilA -atiafiad from i.-- A.. r l-"3-'.ir ' V' ! ooav p kireui uw .yVQU.nne eacn .oiner.t - . fi, -t0 -uj procure Well, let the cauldron seeth, and bubble j reports have been put into circulation, II ,and fume! l : Let tbee discordant factions 1 imputing to nt motives, words -' t - ' f and con- hy. "Ndeeches had been 'made by his sde of the House. They desired an organization. 1: A debate ensued betwQlSfessr.sRe; ran and Curtis. The latter gentleman wSontended that the-habeas corpus- pre' rents -ine viuiuuoo oi m onsticuupn le informed - Mr.1 Regan distinctly that he people of the North donotmakewat nn slavery Where it exists. ' ':o ai ;'3If.' Regan said he' ic6rned--eclipnal- sin every where; He had made it a point to rebuke sectionalism; at home, and; he fought -the f e'nemiei - Of ' the Uoiori and Congtltutlori here I i-it c tnf;iit'. Debate followed as to the personal lib erty bill'-of Massaehasetts; 'Mr.' Dawes of that State taking the principal, part in .it,.v. He ewo, tne alien and suffrage, clause waap&'sed i&y '4y?15eyct8t5ii-wa8 adopted by. the !Legislatirreand submjtted to. the people, u-ii.; -f , :30lf s. x The entire Democratic : party staid, at home and refused, to help 'that portion pf the republican party opposed to it to vote it down- H they had got 5,000 fromithe 40,090; Democrats this, blot ph.; tha feir escutcheon of Masaaohusette. woald never Mr? Hardemanrose, to-a question of privilege ! lie. uacJerBtooKi , .Mr. , Cox-f ,to say that there areipoulhern Opposition ists on: , this i floor! in, alliapoe ,wjth. the Black Republicans, fi , ( uu sUMr. Cox explained., , He said th.0 other day that he believed there, was an affinity between them when Congress : met. .He saw in the ruChmond; iv frig . andJjouis- vitte Journal, &aa other journals sot. the American'! cartv. a .Btronor desire, for .a union of , the Opposition. Had, it not been for Old: Ossawatoinie;,Brpwn,, they would have been united in the organiaa- tion of the Uonse'.t l a a rH,:tv.---lo Mr. Hardeman wished to sav distinctlv that. : there isj paliianfieir awnity, , be tween the. Southern. Oppositionists ;and the Black Republicans,. ; po. , far as . he wis concerned, he pronounced np charge 4.-Mrw Cio;:euliedthathje,..did iflptimake that chareo, but he ; said that -the. ; Wh? journals; and other organs of Ihej Ameri can .party urged such a anion.n tie jivas willing , to say there were ertain gentle men of the puthera OppoeiUpn j 0Qthi3 noor, wno wouiam no (.emergency aqiie with the'RepublicansJ..: .ijitr. b-ija- Mr. Jjoteler said: there neyer waa an hour when any? portipp; ofthe ,Virginia Opposition : contemplated alliance : with the Republicans, blf such a proposition was made by : the; ; Richmond . Whgr 4' spoke for itself. -i-wft,,,,, ft; jjj !-., f :Mi. t liatton rJLhe.i gentleman, from Ohio bad said,! ft.; his. opinion, that, but for the recent foray. of John Brown;.,I wouau nave r-pee n , in i aiiiance .wiia. xne Black Republicans on this floor., uMr. .Cox-r-J distinctly said the organs of your party, so. suggested.. am ready to prove it. , I made no personal appli cation. . i-t:Ll:Uh . -i rMru HMtonAjav, manwho intimate that it is my purpose. now j or .will be in the-;.-fiiturej to, vote; with r Republicans, states iwhat. is false., .,-,tlt l..; i . Mrj..CvxTT-That. disclaimer is not ne?- essaryvi J-he gentjienian aia, nothow;;a gre"at-.deaJ; of bravery bjjt .j. i ;tlr. tiatton-r-X have made the remark It is sufficiently comprehensive.,., Idon't wishto,dditd;it,f-i irfi-u-ii i-.'j, t : Mri. ;Brasbn had; no , Affinity .with the Kepullicnus apd, would hereafter have no tespect far the' gentJsman from,Ohio.;! i Mr. Uoxfri; ; am, glad, you. .repudiate youXiOreanaT .-.ssua h 'hi-u -serf:! tJh-jr.vecott 'declined. the. longer use ot his name fox Speaker v-j ; , . , K V ,(,,; "A. Mr;.; Craig,; ot Mo.L .nominated Mr Davis,' of Indiana; i Mr Engli! npmi- nateoVtiJMri i McUiernandUi.- jlhe,, House votedforeakes, ,witb; tbe folfpwing. re- 8Ult; -:il' :( iltiw JS f :Urtr'"i 5 Th Whole nuinber. ofjyotes 2Q7; .-.necessary to a choice 104; Mrir-Sherman, 01; ;jMr. MoCIernand,': 33 Miri .iLmerj,,1.4j uMx. Davis, 6; Mr. Vallandingham, 12. .n The'diouse then adourned-rz. "U - - SlNATB.'i-rSevaral petitipiJS were, pre- sentcd,: and private hill' introduced ;and referred.iit .viuwi-.tii.-ivM i t ; Mrt Harlan 'discussed ; thouBresident b Message,' the . Slavery question'apd the powir of Jpngress over- the Territories, atgreat:dengthv.t:V! vio-iil si ii 'iu: i Hd isaid he was surprised at i the posi tKin'-taken i hy - the.l Senator : from Ohio, that the Ordinanoeoi: loo 7 iWasr, a bind tng contract between the. States and c6ul not be repealed.' riil " "l ' s i ar;. iruffn saia me senator misunaer- stobd hirai ;The States were equally rep- resented,: , and -the, plates' eded land to , Mr,,Harlanr-;Then it was certainly not binding on the subsequent; pvernment. ,; Mr. Pugh It was hot an act Pf 'Jegis latipn, but as: a compact it required more yotes.fpr an act of confederation';not;a i.7, Mr.; Trumbull denied that it required more votes ior an Ordinance, i - " ., ,JIr.- Hartan resumed and . argued 'that the Republican policy was,-' in fact:'- to give'the 'territories' to' the-white men 1 bf thetfUnited States;;,!! '''ibi . He read from' the . scientifio' worktf'Pi- SiUkra 8-Adlca- Btvd.ata Rctwrnlxig T The ' impetuous jp whosbeha eport will be seorf iven public. v-5Tarf The Republicans are canvassing the propriety of holding a caucus to bind the party to the policy of sticking toSher' man maintaining silence and refusing to adjourn, or to pair off. : Mr. Allen,' last - night, exercising- his temporary authority as presiding officer, by Virtue of his Clerkship, adjourned thfl HrttiQA rinrinop rh aam -tnr r.ha voaa : - --- ------- ----- j i rnarhsTheepuWidanrwe Indignant at this unwarrantable exercise r. power. . Many are in tvtorof cen surrng himlr " rt't:".itv";" ''.'- t Mr.. Gboeh of Massachusetts called teagan, of Texasj'tb 'sharp a-conntthls rtbrning, ' for 'changing' the, records rri tie Ulobe. .1 Hindus yvung genteme in f. NOTJCE-iThAtlJoard f Director f ik cienflpf Richniokd fKru l . IL- E. :. t . . J. il .w-. gavessacn s zasjous euppcr, -ars Degn-;j pai atsooa eaaeauon wiuj nin totmn serve better than - patriotism td bring them patients and fill their pockets. A Philadelphia correspondent -of the New York Tribune says: "It is a solemn fact that the indignant Virginia i doctors are back, again the very fellows who went off in such a rage only ten days ago! JN ot all of them yet; but they are sneaking back in squads of manuscript with ' 'have seen 1 the' 'cjrj gyial ith ; alterations made ; by Ifeagkn The reporters chad it hpbn Uiut,auu uruvuu uiauc uiiu apologize yry 'humbTyl' It Vas as critiginas the trickTvak d'oiltempttble! ' The'Americafas JM ....f.-.-. i ; - i !ti't.i,:i- ,ti:' auu jLpposiuon are . quite eiatea wim the cbmplete'hackirig jiown of Mr: ; Cox, of 0hio,' .hy 'those parties ''ye'sterday wlbm he attacked most errosslv and wfth - T 3 1 out provocation." ' The Senate adjpurned tillMnnir nnt. ..'iC ?u: ii;::it: Z "J . . t 1 The special Committee npon the Har- daV.'hut bnlv'drew uti Its nlah'of broee-n I1..W W AT , A t-.-oc,Al jii'i,;; tht the whole thing was nonsensical and wowd amouht to nothi4g'in the iend. Thire can be hodoubt that he, is ashamed of, Ind regrets it.",; 'The sbot.'bf M.Tof ter.'of Wiscohsin. at Valfafadinffhhm.' bf Ohivrfoir ' heihsr" concerned in .the1 John ai tha lfiLh d-v 6? JanuarT. 130. GE0&GE HlJTTEL, Merchaiit Tailor aii4 Clothier. THE old cuatomera of this h will -please bear in mind that I am still h manufaeturingsIothfBig to oiftki'ila'Biy .JAr new bttilding, on Court strwt, z'dbor. troiA Front,. Pomeroy, Ohio. My faoilitiea for get ting up Wtfri ia excellent, and I warraiil it to be made according to order, f i ' ' ' I i i ' f or. nv.-i m nv"rit n V U I N f '.V. ' Uenta . uruianiDg' i .1.1 j ii- j . .. a.eit conuniiT en nana. cuse: their ehiidish loUy by eaying they only wanted a holiday frolid."!. ii:f & Flow, '--i- -Miii$&6BiXXi fcri. Wheat i. ..1j061J0' U bush. Oaa j,..... ...... ...........,..,4.40l455t n ; lnjutbes.i..:.1:..........:..;:;.....:. ' Applea giB).L.,.t-...'..'.'.V.'.;.f 1.001aW 45 Dried; Applei. J..UK....;r;...fl0 $ Dried f&tiU..iVa,t..-iui,J$82& i l$uttern-,-'ri-.vw.,,,.1618c. 13 lb. GHeese.....j....,.M.-,,..,..,...j.!....8(a12ic. lb. tee9.'t'.l.;'..'-.v..:..:?..'..r...L MeUs-e&vC;;:.:::; Sirupi.r..".-i.j,;...v;..-..r..;76$lXK) gal. Sugar y Q.)V..';.;.810c. 9 lb. Ceffee....,.,.t-,.-..,....-.r2(Sil8o.: " ' 'Bice.-... 67c. ' Soap.;.!;:',...:. J.'...... J...V:....)ai0c. , ?a ' bCandl (taHoy).::.'..V:.;..!i:;....:l:.15I6ci FUh (Mackerel). 10e,- ; FiahVWte),..... k7o. k Pickled pork......... T.'....1....9l0c. 8houifcrsA:j;:.:..aA;V.:.9ioc. ;p 8idei!(aBtcay5.;;.iU;:..y. Hain8..1.vili...Ji..-..j..4....L.12o; 5 " Crackers-,Avrret, 7 wholesale 61o. tu . .Hopp Poies:i....,,..,...-...,;.$09, 1,000. Salt. ...retail 25c. . wnolesale . - r ! i ; .1 t. i o, bush. He is the man who attempted 'ttf ejttort ansyers' from':Brbwn while he'tiy'.VrounJ ::e .iJ!trs, ,1860. in good supply, and -jl -tabs pleasure in inform-" ing my friends that I Will snortiy nave an in creased stock. - - - - -Thankful for year formei liberal patronage I hope to , be able to offer inducements for its' continuance j"; , ; , GEO. HTJTTEL:; ;, Jan. 3, iseo.ii-tf', , J " ; " ' ;' '" ..- . ,..,4.,.; Hti '-';' JOHN KARR, ADMINISTRATOR O? tfl'H Estate of Simofi Dolan, dee'd, has deposited with ti Treasurer of Meigs ' County, fiftee-i dollars' and fifteen cents; that being the amount required bylaw-toredeeem eighty acres of land, in N W. part of 128 A- souta aad east ot 166 A, tot, in sec. 14, T. 8, R. II; sold Jean- ary i, iS8!ffor tne taxes anapenauy vorr-ua,- in tfie tiaft of Simon Dolan, and purcnasca py James Wella., AARON STIVERS A. M.C. Pomeroji Pe& 29 69. l-?t .". , irtf 'g-" y ''w'i SATURDAY EVEN iKCJ POST STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS f A CHAJTC-. TOOBTAJEGF Two Handsome Steel Engravings AlTiFyL':ERANG''ALi5( 4 d eMlia 'i'$wSliifittJ Fiction," ' ltfewsi' 'Httmo;'' Acxi-hur,' -ttw xaaraets, so e- so. Ihe Proprietore of the SATURDAY EVEHIHO POST -'the oldest and best of the Weeklies" - the pleasnre to anno, nee to the readHifr publlf that they Have nMe ag xeuuiTe , eBfcujcenie-i wn Author whose powerful stories hae of Uteattractsd great attention; and that they wiU open -the year Cincinnati Market. "- A. CiRciNRATt',TJannaryk, Flock. The market remains rithont chanW dedafter'the riot. T'The !stup!l r-ply of tW'demSn'ismyratS Infcafefy local; F&i?&Sg: son bf theiWl;l)emocrati vb'fe5fdr,.TA!- 45lb 4'for extjC1 Tat reeeinU are n&: - TA0,aTl PaUgntCTS. innri nrnnm a -nnnnn nramir nniinriBA nr nia biuu:." - ACtAtVslgAAAU tO MUUVUUIAfUJf U&VaUOb VX UM 1 disunion speech, borne, ot his colleagues Northurefusedto'Vote'fbr;hia:i'-!'J ; ' ' ' Tifri mail' 'tontra'ctbrir . ate ' nretfarinsr anb tier meiriorfal to present tcf Uo ngress r. I !!; '.: ;,: ;- T i 1",'. Sevel-al:c6ntractofiPenhsylvan haVe , t . , IS .T'-S ?. By the Anthqr of "THE RED COVftT PAM," "oos.--.iiie auppiy .was better to-dar, feeiAe ..: -thr ix gray pow dkk.,.':TH-; D1A- l: about 6,000, and they met with a good demand tat very fttltnjkti.'f ' Tht'aalei .wertr" 7"i,ri u70 fcoad,Atertigirig 190 fts- at.A.....?6 40 170 m :ii Air; TtforVir bf 'illU: Arbseverv'e: tedy to-dy.nd sayl smelhiria'gaiystt'J.i100ta T K ! feofbs, At-iJll r6 75 ValUndigham.'nut was restraihedny Tils I " -' , fL M--":-! asoafeir.ttti he-i says-hevrill1 UMVtb 0iir 93 tSn- '1 ST i ucrau Muwt a, uiiiuu, ovuu kvciu ,ui i w- . , IDS. at........ 6 bo i vx''iU':XuL':--i.-;,ni'Atu.' a iSJVA aIaWa.1 .. The. remarkV of Mr. Mileal'of South' Cat 1 6cblTat market a firm'kn- the 'ae olink forekhadwed 'th iridknaaD,' of Penhsylv: marki Seh'ta perfect IJemocratic rants G scene an be fully .' reported in "the '.regnlar dis- breseit ofthat the ' Cbhsti.ution ' adbted several1 eif s Lbok- edtVfor' a" row rwhet( 1 the que-stibri comes u -b : ; '' ""f15 1 ': Senator '.Tbwe'irs bill ahoUshfn' the frahkincoh tains some new arid Impor tant&atuTeit It allows to feach sesatoT. -Memhaano Deiewite'aihTF'commence - ment'bf evety" sessfon ?175' f6r StAmps. AH printed matter Je'ttrs or hooks' :shall he pay-hlehefdird ',hei 'delfverjr4 af atiy to-the4' trekide'ik "Vifee1 Resident apd' u a8ttnTimaet!isiiTljtd pees and 'bther furnUtire1 necessary I in the 1oae-'krotQ!.f ' Thehouse runs with shouts Wvirt l!iiifrliter;'frtm"ithe -bV-tandera. and rtheieuow was soon hiuisi uoi- w good humor. (X.mea.V u "V- Deatb of'IJow, jr. The California papers receivedhy the Akazzi ahd others to shbw that it was not true that hbne1 hat tb'e'blacl- race COuJd live in trbbitfal elimatesi1 Jii,i Ui'- f " J V : Hecontenfled that the white, r itee eonld live anywhere, find that the negro' did feW.' flmiTish 'iiTtha' United StafesJ 1 '.:rMr? Foster followed', and said the Re puhlieahs' were' 'not'bbhoxious 'toXthe chargb of slavery1 agitatibn';' fortheques tionwas introduced in the President's Message,' and upbff the floor by the 'gen tlemen on the other side. "I He read -nil- metous accounts ' bf outrages commitled on Jorthern people1 in bouthern estates and'bf the ! jEreneral' prbscriptibni 'of al Northerners, fromwhich evein "females' were' not exempted. -10': ." l" This; ill treatment 'was 'n6t erereiBed towards Ah61itionists;bnly, hnt: toward; all1 Northerners without-discrimination He referred' also to ' the' offers 'made - in Southern papers of money for the head; of members of this -body.- He thought even 'if the President's recommendations were acceded to', 'it was-" doubtful whether the government would last long enough to enable him to' get An '' army there, as threats "were made frbm the' othet side td- disiolve the Union "when a Republican PresidenV-waffelected;:l1, --; -''Th- Senate the tr' "went into' executive session and afterward adjourned.-.'- ' 4 ! : fi From the Corrependenee of the Cincinnati Gazette. is jfeen., -Tar. j taand mddwate; AaleSTof angar at 8joq cof inii. :hf histe- jW-aSJeiintfin .bombshell into the I WnsipThe iharketjCoiUiMes firmat 56 It Called; ou!.t; J" hnfi"2a for'pnme' wtirte,ahd ' $ ioGiizi for . DayiSj Of Indiahd,' nd'a-r'' 'W6itilg Jpriu' mcLs wi Kj'wniadV'.-' . ft1 ensued between him and rorter, t CoaaThert ! '.a awi'demand and rinsa U.jJunn,.oi inu. ruicn win aouuueab i fipm ko2iS3c in hnlk. , ' . in tmsniory, wniien expreui; ior i am rwra fiowerfni writers genius iissiwu rail scope hoiww l: and we are able to state baTlnT 'rea,cf It In nan- ' aseript,' for It Is elreeAyfn hand-that-it will Bisks- a sensation.- unless are are rreatlx oassf the most powerful ad interesting stories je-er pc- rlRStK. , '" .. . . ... m I OiiZ TTfl"Jf r, i I to euanie loose riu rvwr ZM IDS, at. 6 6U . ? Judfte of the rlcnnessana variety m its avnerai era- -'.ri fK. .' f 'i : HeJ i tents, we mar state durinp the past-sear we have Jiublishnd e1rts, stories, poors, essays Mt ruin the pens ot u follownr rifted writers'. ' G. P. R.J.-BS.. . . ,. '."Msbt Howrfr. Chblbs Uirksss. ' : -' " Xvnmt' or1 Ts 'S ALrsisl tssTsaa i T- iiooB fabb.' CHBLKSJtDa,.:r,.,,.,.i - A0TO Qr H PaM i H. W. UlKWrSLLOW. FOOB AcTtss." Crsblbs Mackat.. ;,.v?. .. C-r QassawoeB. Wuiit Cnuin. Xist PaBDob. ' Plobssce PsBeVi'' - Ktu': fl. -nus,' Da. O. W . HoUIEa. :,-j.r.:; t Ait a. Aucb Bbowb. T. K.,AbtboRj.., , t rs , Albzabdbb Dcbas. . , Acthob or "Tub Scoot ,t' Attbob or "Tsrs litn Ace. CASCBT, Jobb G. Wbittibb. Mas. M. Ai OaBBisaa. Own Mbmbditb. PWY MRiissas P. J. Rule. Aathr ( .f H-MS Psacsm "',.;,., ;,e. r. Ias.Catt' . , Libct. HtSissB.H. . 7 Hiss Mabtib-v. ' -SO OATsThemta-ket is irpwlth, a gwd de- . . ... . i mana at. ac. ;'Th6!'deleg-atlrftbn''TTteh-wH ; '&.iCtiwiiel.l-.SrS af 'i'i'obL with an an application fof the admission active demand and lieht-receiDts. TerxTtbryibtb the irilibnrunderr B.-Ti-Ti til mrkP't 5 iii '.id . Th Porr does not confine itself,, to wfks of the imaaiiistion; ss tnsny Weeklies sow ','lt reaersii ee votes a fairporuoj m ns am pis snass lo the News of the Week. Foreiea sad Domestic, ttietters froasPssinteaa Agricultural IMaartssaat. to Bank Note and Stock Lists, and to a jVeakly ss4 'Accurate Price Current ofthe Produce Market, at . H.mii.tob's Two Visws or Kiaosbs. Falis a n- to gooa.atuobac. ri;i.j5. j -,-1.,,, f , ; I are tnabiea to,Clal .witii tw roat on thv-Mlewiaf BcTTEa. -The market is dull and prices are we also rh with thosA--welt-known afeetbtr unckanred: We toAfiAut t euote Central Ohio ro."u.n'.lkm.-IE,,,' ' . " , " r I unjs nooE. . neaa.we tou.i at .Tpt, a itc, iV':i i 'j i 7. AwlaeM.good demand and prices firm atJaaai, bVroea stoiei ic: v PotaTob-v The market is jBrnv ith a good demand' atl 15 $ brl for prima Keahannockr. iWiStort.,tf!t oi V ii billow -A fc-ii.-ii.J hnira of ,!.winc anA. take year Tliipsof Ninprnra FsUs, . : - S,St One C6py r he Post and Jpnsiof Ar thur's Homb Mairazine, 1 One Copy of The PistaaA ons of C- members of. Congress to be prepaid'1at1,,M.' '.WtntW mhotaH-at,! i7.J$??9 m maitineoffidei;i,,An,dtepartmentf, and. eofsii ibr sacw Andtarrtis.1-'", '-' ., J a.., iandonH heads o?..departmehtseieepiftbg"Post-1 ' HAT.iTW aemand 1 actiT-wfth- light 're-Jjj.i "f Bdona diGeb'dpiaxti-rent.' 8haMi.prepaV'tll miit Iteipts; prime timothy, is seHling att24'pejf ton, nF5lif? ter sent throueh the 4nail.- ;TBe.bMrot1oyrftVa'. A , i .jw.Er (I .- .- . ; o. ! 1 UBS. ACoeaoTTBe;'Pos,..a .f3,tt asArJ r .- - . S.0A M . copy extra, or both : i seiter up or ijnta.) 10,09 " espy essra, or oothF to getter up of Club.) r lSt is'to'tSake the Post-office department SO Better Bo ot dlnbi M SB .-.: ihjiu nil- cr Xnaravwgs to copy .exlra,shd both Better nii of CliiM Ministers and School. Teaeber ara chsrjrsd eBljr Ifr.cuiii'.Hi rsl l: -.: a . n . j ;:.a HUki.-t.; . . ! Beii-Busuiiiiing, iiiiu preveui, itauua, wuwii i , , , , . s ;i ate fioVb freht.peTprated:, ! j "Thursday, the .15th all-- by -Ilev; JT. C, wmSenffiV-OT 1X2. li?vrtvl BSTBHH.ia.ATBirrft,-?tI -. ; jfat$tetfY$ufitiVtiti 'Etyie. 6 ,FreBoinl'.; 14t DiirinW the;'wfeek' ndin-; Dee Ji27th uAtiMvi.-it a :;ssa-.-wi--Tnw v -- Alarge and boautifur Enpraving on steei; r?Wn . ' W x & '. i' ' f; 0n the 9thT of Noveber,h,S-,D.i Jones, pas- l''.t,CaileUTHE 8PS.t8.iKGsukERESS.- win the' following ' Patents were ISSired to sl ' i . if - J? , " VTw .T be et u, every subscriber to -Th Post" for 1880. Wekerrilnventdrlifc,'!i ' J ?.tra rJU i jl? f t8hr,an.Wt.ailfA ln' 'iWm'lianMtri, -df Bait' Francisco Csl; W for improvement in machine I6f pal tet-; ;J.W,-T' w - : inqriirfz. 1 ( ,-o;f.' -ioi.i . f f v0n sWi-oflWcesnJ ' -'lsAae rL'jrane. -m WaTaaW . 'Mo.:' for I f"nirun i;D tWprbeaienl'n: jtelihig-thai-tK-' ' Bi' 'i'o'ofMiddlew !Ge6:-W?Dknav6f Durand; illl-'foxim-2 '7 j ,' nr-irvftd ifilc "'-d 1 W " 2 i.i. "7i f ianT.T,'-T- t-.; Ctsiboa J.. . .... .: . ! i-auaaiepoeit-ff ,Jitw ? ,fij proved ldck.d , J. rlanner, tof L'antpn, U .; for1 lo provemeiit in sleepihsf chaitsfoVxailroad who shall send, in adiliiinn lo hi- nb-rlnilnn., iSa sum oflwexty-lve cwntstopsv the expense of post aae, mxiline, 4c. Vo. The mtult nvi ia nt im. a. gravineis Four Dollars! It is s (resit,,.: - ' r.-. - ui c pra-paia u ail anrra- apgs.. Address,. I- Ji..' . DUACON APETCUSOM. SO-132 SAUth Third Cl .Phil"tlnI.. ',TT7,s'?Ple cP'e of the Post '.seal gratia wbes) requested j so .73,t; "fi ' -,i ( - l; ; j T- . Ttmes r HaldlBiV aLrts. ' a . We: the '-ndersrjrned, JAdres of the Corirf s of Common Pleas, in -and, fb r Ihe-: 7th Judicial Di triet; ot Chid, d order that the; district, (,'ourts J'JJj?.1)ole,bf Salem', Oijfor improved ; counUes.of aaVd Dastriche held tor 'the year Wash n machine. "H; J?' . htitCowt i860, ai'fbllow!. ' - r';;p. 3-, .?iii. VllfDve:?:6f!Clintonf 111 ' for im. S" r"t71'o ,ixawByon11of -r-d.,.T.,.il4lki .dnai-1 ro&ttei atioaioin; liS EadieMiite, piowtyi- Mdcneuiujp.M:'?' 'ST i ffi';- .;iuSk''iG: CaliJ'fof improved amalgamatera. f .''.JTTlwr"l,ee4-f W,''-r Eaaet40" .t ' ediciday; Xjs. Srhbhmknaeh.of.eincinnati.:(Lfor ho; oertiacateajtid: for; tare, Sci6t6J'i Saturday, '- 21. Pike Perry Thursday, t'-.2t;. ukU r4J -. 1 I " v,r rTWr'Wi ....f .t.Aa"? Weri- i LFairftaM, 1:. , , . Wednesday.,. ' .. . . Sj.rHf - - i . 3 J Bockin. . -Mendav. f '"' IP. J ,for HWATwro'Bs,c..-Df ;B Athens. ... " ' Wodnesday.1' 'i"I:'. )rac RttwstfViaaNi eieai&r'M'iifroiiAfAil M-ikVHHAM'a.. lTinttn "''- :' ;' 'Saturday r'-" K . I1W1U.V1,,VW.WWVI,WWI I mfl,. Am .v. j... .... ,...' . ... r. w , - , , ... t ,i, . . i. , .i .... n . . . - .uniitr.iu luh nnm . far.imirpyeftnent noultivators. JohA JJSA3T, Cf .NashviUe,, -enn. imTrfiYvMtifnr. vrvspif-rLdiustinpr cutter-t ' 1 iiee;; Tbev WjArectlv itnon Oia.:irii.itVftlJE)iA. I.Jackson. vj; nunD.mfujin:: --i"l "?(if i 'i-l - -"j. i i ,i. P.BHentinStall. of Mehdote.111.:,eah,.Uoo4v:,.,o i,.1-edi?V?e.f ;;d 'tJ:. t . " r I i J . 1 l-.l-KJ . - V ) i a ai wiihb 1 nni . Iwa J ..sva-..:. I .... . ...a.:... .J . . . ' 4UiUlU,1fUlUV A.KUi.,.KXft.-!r, i - f I SCTOf rhAnmati.m 1r,n1.,Tkn. A. l . . . 1 . . - . - V-V.i'v- " VlnUUT h-;U. .A tI-I'lC v '77. v V r.'.r.'Jr.TT. . F ,' f .-. 1 'Awntio-.i voantju-iiflaoiiaywr ntmri)i. tnr imnvAiromOTirj in ncm niYP4 , . i i uiaoracrp or inn mniri. inn itninaih.i irrav Ksinw at. a it. - ' ' - - r. ' -V v,' v "5 1 . J . I -1 - - -w..T ''vrs a--sini. n ,f Aaron ! ELT James, of Decatur J Hl.UfOr I b"erUe nerve or hi, hey Ar fcfiHitile. AABbrbvementin'8tr.w!c ia-verueau .jy rfanj.e3.iU. tayj, ana,. ionn .Jjanneox I ia ? 4.i;MeBav oa'-r-: COORTS F COMMOK PlEAaj t i-iij Bo PltLsJi- Furnished OUMOWIII I'lKTMENT Jl reanrprchOBsive rewedteSi t-4KhaAot i that be eaa comjiutod adimitrol r internal disease by which his fa Billy . at LFairfiehi County,--,,,! Monday, May" 7. !PerKi:rf--i Ji 1 r . ; .'! uirB.i r 21. aoatingr 'i ,t iff Ui .Junti--': I 4. ''."t S'vf '0L,t iJff terft., L (1 .tf j Fairfield,.,. County - Monday, Oclober ,1. t u-v t a-. lvV. . . imDrove rooffn? coinnbsitiofi: ' 1 ( ViTVZPJ! Hdcktog ,,' sftR. ilarkille,of TOchest S n. ipepsia or feMKteV perhabs;!. ractlnr IheTiBme wife or ohiia, and nothing avhanA kut peraloleis Ci - Ffir rm'r.rAvWin'f.'i'n 'sfl'rilanters:": If "":wrraa,.prepara,iOB vr , ; 7 , . : ; I Guard a. i iia. inch Ma.inanfAB hv -nP!"?? W.'Vft.T, Kew TorAnltiodo are visiuie id iransparent ;etters on everylearof the bsoks of direrticrrii'ki.nmna-irafihA urt.i-. torjmpjovement 'in 'excaVatirig; machine.; ;ty1 ' Jame'reer' of Seneca.T6wnhip,: ''" rt '. LXLliA'JiuJb'tJ a UiWf '. w Jf AvX UUiflVVCUlCUb 11 OCCU, UiautViB. i VCbbrad IStorpel. bf Niwarkl Q.Yfor fin-. prbvement'In raiirbad:tiar, bbiiplingf.";5; J 'A; B. Nbrfis, orsa'buis,- Md.f'fbx 15. Lawrence -CAunty. v Monday Febrnarr 13. JacksojfcJ ,OIV-lo! a,ft,;!- Z"' t-i . . t . r. ll..J...!.l improved' mode1 'of ! operating' saw mill bidets! niafrj 1 .'. T ! W.orde'n I. Penn; of Belleville, IlL. for hnprovemerit in r seeding toachihes; .. Worden PrPen'n,! of Belleville, III. for mprdvetaeht in seed drills. ( : ;i ; " Sanrael If. Purse;"df 'Ashley, Mo.f for improvement, in harvesterii. ' : - !RfleRbOt.!WGalesbuy.)Ill.rfar imi proved shrVbylng jnstmment.ii wsi ' -' Waiter Van Horn and Wtnt Alexi bwk. Of direo,;acompirnrirfthAwl.nfciBei.L II 'I MWiai : I v JL SQQ.B; .ill'WS: AI I';"!?'.'' :, ili )! Sli '1 14 J',. ; ; IHE Subsoriber havinir' 4ust' returnwl from i' the East wiOi an elegant Stoek of , '"" f 1 jUA jr wwua, 140ns, ; J-LatS, fl k CaiM3pptg, Snoe?f &c., ; ; : Will offer them to the public at ten per sent ' SUT.UUV, ffu .VVr.1 pcODacco; i.' " wM- t.a j...fn, 1 in f demonstrating to the atisfAbtiorilof 'inj.i ' Franklin B.' Hunt, of Cincinnati J O.': I paky fa-rornig'.UB wHh an e lamination of stock' assigubr toRIX Van Dusen' and J-;B:tndpriesii.;4 si.i kgot let. hnootS Gribbaj;, of same place; for improvement hi Btrayeutters!1 James Rowoof Giheinnatil O.t assagi nor' to' himself and Martin B.E whig,; of same place,- fop improvement in sewing machines- 'v-- -'-.' ? a-u-n,'!.' '.a-fa.Trf fc;;4 reisst. iV .izunh ' 1 Giles-P; PilleV; of Sti Louis Me.r ifor improveinent in-coekingatbvea.Li Patent ted June 14, 1853. . 'tReissued .December et:wiUi.W8mrAte A , few articles., rivin'ir Pancy pfat8-4&?. Good i blaacted miiilia f bleached auilia..!..,. Latest 8tvlea bait delaines Ca8hmeiw;.;.:;;:;:A.:;:r.:ii0j ' i Bonnet hbbonom'ji;...i:.i( ttf-Oc"' ; v Fine Freneh iro)Fdelaie.'..ii...i50 1 A 36c' ) : av,t;irauajMir"75'toS1.00f't! , Iamuos! heavy ,kp shoee.,-, $1, per - pai?it! J4dieai eal..l ..'.w.. I 2 ", ' t uauiuj ucpii vol -01a ot?s bifri i.'fifii-i. 3acksoa ,n",W - !i ..,?.f.-."..?'' , ,..'28. Pike ..ti " ' , " 7, June 4 Ji ll. Scioto .V'"T'W lti.a-.rti.fi18. J ui? m JJ fVrwV: c.M S.f-n.j Ijiwppnae Cbunly,' ,J Monday: eptemWi'724. Vinton Ji;f.i,a.!eiB ioJtyo!24. Jackson -k ";rtiio irlffYsb 0c4oberi;15. i5ciote':t , " ' V J"?' Aursday'l?OTetabr!l 8. ' v .TSirdT S'oa7toAi5PTW! sfw.-"1 Washington Conftty,' "-Monday; February r27. Athdil8-t: Jii5 "f5Srji ?: Thtisday, March, ? 8. iMetga .,tc ,i'J-f!::Monday, ;,, s,f19. ..''';' Washington County,'1 ' Monday, May - 28. -fthehs " ''e TKwday-:jan il' , 7. MeigS'.-3 I -b.v t-u- .Monday, ,i e a 18. Aiainai 'i-iiifc-vSj,f:vr .u? faa25 . : i . I 7 n T. r 1 . ' ' rr-T j i ' . . . . . ,.j.l.....v."U;..8a9a 1 Atheni . .. "r. 'Monday, -vS22. ..vii-.s.-lOwii-.H,' IMtig" Vw" " -V Friday, Woyember.- 2. -..l.i....8 'VrAHi-i i-.a J .vMonday-ri , 12. .-...i.ns ta 20 . i.:iaia Viii?;ji. wii n. uwhitmas. I r 7 r a- ," - - : t. ". . -."I'-' IT. W3riWanw THE ST ATE OF bHIO,i ii ar th ;:iu:A oi - Coottctot.Meidb, ssji n'it ,,-itsidjnPoirainjV'rk, of,.Uie Coiirt of -T-nJiy '-trhinhihrine -iM in'tellieenee'.to '' f 'WASHinaTojr, Jan 5, 1860, the 5th ibst.,"o6ntaia ft touching account Some gentlemen from Indiana -have of thb deathy in drrt and destitution, of arrived to press the claims of Hon. Jas. Elbridge :G.' Paige,; better i known as j Hughes, ex-CongressmanK as successor 4ITIaw 2r-:n- - a nd thef author of the hu-1 to Judse Blaekfosd. - deceased. ; . There morous sermons highly celebrated under j arc two Democratle political cripples afW -. tjfftiMr. fWnjL.-Hood was robbed .near,! Uonnv Ala-i the in; nst. ., ne 1;,. Cornith paper says. that wie name of .thq j; that name. iter the Jsce. highwaymen is unknowny but jtliere is, no, I CASH '1 25 to'f k(t -i Cprnmon. .Pleas . and District , Court for li e a . . ' 1 . - . " aa...a .A.A.iJ J . V V - --.-b ui .1 Ana an otner jooas sold At proportionable f.""oiu, u uereujr wraij msi ine g-i j prices, for one eouiideration-that we receivtj foregoing order' made by the Jndreg-Af j8a t. 1-- -a E ii; . . l . 1. . . . . courts or common rieas, m.iuj'v-- juaioiai lUBinci 01 umo, io oe p t Bu:t doubt that he was Robbin'' Hood f 1 for them. From his date ,W positively 'dis- Jrnala of 8ajd.Cou,y. ptircliaing . Aftnlinite iTia i.Mutl 1....: a ;. a i ...a . record in this nffict' : , rA o-i 4,n , : . pays Zmere vilbuny is -onjopt rif. We.sup-J .' continue the ered business, for good and auf- (-Wcowl in this;omce. . . gi nill atia ficient cause, i - r... ot -.,.1 1 i .,! In witness when of, I tar 8 f-i;k su kasa nana ana nmxea rner, t LfM Court 'oi CommfJXl'i"TTT: :!.' W -s.--.r,.ll-...1. ..a . in., j:. ' T i " r-.""v.a u caaiuiuauou 01 our !SUuo ouiwr wi AuttUa, jF. , nd ,r 4. gurices shall Suit. u : . . It. B. WIT.SON, ! this Slat rlav nf TWanhe I H-l-A ;.A:1. h T4KE5 JaT IT 2 w .; 1 ': 44 I ."w : 1 ii ill IftIW i'l'l ff -, .-: , w Bo- '-i.'--:' -3 ' L.U-FranVa C . . t .v : M 'j..'- ,'AjiU. I . M ! i. : ..... . .a-L --.-.A "-tr: rfr-i's J-- .a X '"-vj,-1waj.-."'- "-- .vN'' A' '' ' ' m'Ji&fr-'- --' ' , ' ... . ' JiV - ''If f" . A A