Newspaper Page Text
1 T ...:. , s - 11 1 :'.: " J- f J , '. . t r" ) I J '. hi V7 Oil T. A.LAlfTS&CO. f Otlc4 It Srtt tory of "KownV BaiLm," ar Ik Sif ! R BloBn Brid Potaery Ohl. , ' ,'.'4-' 'JliiI.XTrttin.1 Jl BfMm Mtr, liinf d Jab Wetk tool b marts, at tb-olc. -. If M wUWfc tha year," : J r ? 't - 9.M ' -TT5 aaper will ba Hatwua4 antil aHTar afiaaiaxaaptaUhaoptloaar Uta puWWnara. ; . K ht aATK"o? ADVERttSlQ 5 ' ' V ' j !TT!lkJr. s On aquara S7 eon 1 Twoaqaarea, r -l' 0-fourth columa Oaa-hulf rolamn : Thraa-fonTtht in.f On column. - - 800 14 00 00 5 7 ' oo i9 m il wi teo oo ii oo is wio wn on 14 GI is ooi mm oa3i ool V --..i . J.. iiiL'.,,..t. Charred at fate Allowed by -. wTfrsat which IS per oeot., Mt elacUl for , Innalani a4r)W ; ld . ! Aa-rrttaiiMiit aol harlnir b,I. tf.n"?!I , iM marked on copy, t bo eoBMnaed nU f.r .. H4,aad ebarged accordlbly. ' ; . i ' ', , r-nbaenara wli aoHe prei nole to - eowtrary, ara eonatdrl a wUhing to centina ' tkatr avbaeriptiona.' . s '-.V... . , : i ...kii. mini tha dlicontt nuance of their Mrra,th pnfcltrtara can eonluia to oid theqt uo il alt arrearatwear para. -- , . t-- . - -' S.- irubeeriberiifleMorefaatotakatheirpa- ; awn rrera the oe to whieh they ara diraetad, they ara held reapcmribta tiU they aettletlieir kiM, and or der the paper dtaeontlanwd. ! - ; it nj nmnmr wiw ..." , ..TEtECnAPH; JOB, OFFICE In eonnection with ur Newspaper Estab ishmeut, we haTe" ft complete Job Office. We - are therefore jn-epaxed to execute ; , PLAIN AHHAMEAl JOB WO': Such m Poster Programmes Bills of Lading, Bill eads,, Busine8 end Visiting 1 Crdy Blanks, t , , n . We call Uieepecial aUentioioiof this commu nity to tie abore proposition, and desire anin ' Veetigatlon of OBrwork'andpriees.ri. r- i A. PLANTS Attorney and Counaelor at . Law, yw; Poweroy, O. ' Omee in Edward's Building. A- aoikif:" ' ' '" '' " '" '"": a. mimi. vhWi MMniiNf the- vaMtaher, thwtr paper ia- ,jfy A-ar ks ireinren, ana tnat we win ever cner-. Hpw&rl- claw, wlUhj 'jWunfed : liS '.' I5 1.. : Tuesday -ivel can iFo uAtXii . .'..I - .ii 1 .. l lTrr-7jlkw ji-ftUn.frtfaiientW. fcqdge wearrg; badge of rmousniig for '( Attorneys and Counselors at Law;: Partioula-! r; .AttenUon paid .to the collection; of 'claiMs:1'1 pf- ' jp' em ront street, at the head o Ateampoat f-i Landln. a tew doors east f the Gibson House, " '"AttorlieyB- & Counselors at Law, and general ''.eolleeUng 'n'tfentsJ ' PomeroV O; "Office- itf the . .wConrt Him4i,!6;.!i'(.,rja.j!y,5u "t I .b. 1, , Oil I . 1 1 "1 11 1 ' 1. . . .1 . r , , -i.t-v iTf .i. ., ..- .i, , f THOMAS CABLETOS.j . libjjfey 'ind;, Counselor at Law; ' .Office, Linn ttwtreelt east side, t w doors above ' T. J. Smith' s - . Shoe Store, opposite the ;otningion House." ,"tjUir,l!iislnB8S entrosted to -his care will receive bo ,( prompt attention -; . 1 ?? , J34 HI" . 1 -w o!w. S:(awwiawr,'- .- ,, i, Ji . QavB. ii.i-. KOWiBsvGROSVEHOB, v ,! Utw Alliens, aujcus vojniy, ' in Attend the several Cburtaof Meigs County, en the first day of each term. ! .',ibson;pouse,'; ...1 ;.. , Chester, 0 tenders his professional ser- -vices to the citiieua of the surroondia conntry. aa his Planing liaclune, on Sueas Ran, Pome. O oy, in good order, and constant ' operation. 'Flooring, weather-boardine.' -' &cJ kebt.'con- ' i stantly ou'liand to fill prdera.a .. ; iLS-r IE.1' - 1 ii.ii 1 I 1 ijafiswajiwii ii im Mar wcHiy " HT.r Watchmaker & Dealer In Watches; Clocks, Jew- "'elry'and Fancy "Articles, Court street, below .the' new Bankings House, Pomeroy. Watches, ; Clacks and Jewelry careftilly repairedon short nottce. 1,1 ! Vateii fatehmakerr and Jeweler,' nd! wholesale and '.'retail .dealer' ta ' Watches, Clocks,; Jewelry ,! and ' ;.J?4ncj. fiood, Front street, below the "Reming ' ton House,"' , Pomeroy: Particular , f attention ?jpiid to epairin'g all articles in my line..? .'-1-1, : ; anafactnver of Boots and Shoes, three wioore'ebove ; stone ,.brldge, '. The : best of . f- werkfor Ladies and Gentlemen; mad M order. ..;:Me4VIGO:'fc. SMITH.' . a i fatherrjeal ers and Finders, Court. BtreeL throe doors, below the .Bank; And lOppesite. Branch's " w s f . ... ,i r o'l I' -l ItRRCN ALT COMPAMTV Baft tw'enty-hVe 'ceiiiji per' bushet" Offipe'.jiear the Furnace-- 1-1 ,tiABAN'lv Agent. ; feU'lwenfie6 -! Coalportr XBalatwenty-nve ceats per bushel forieountry trade. .y. w:- Beyy. .; .V,; ! flSAAC . FAZO.BK. . i 1 ! lothteri,4rocer andIPry 1 Goods jDealen nrst toWabovw CE Donnally's, near'the- Rolling dilL'Pomerov.'O.. Country Merchant are re spectfully frequested . to call pad 'exajhih m j stock o? Groceries, as I am c6afident''tliitt I eawotJbefTmdevsoli-vi'jXfc 'i Painter wnd.Glasier.back reoin"of- P. Lam. j" brccbt'i 3ewefryj Stored west side - Courts street, fomeroy, O. ,,tttu - t . !., ,ii u h 1. . . JfOIIX"KISEL,STIN. ) i - ' 'SdeVHrncss'' ahl 'Xruk' Idanjofaer, r t lure r. Jrront -street, three doors below , . .. r. - . ? . . - ... -f .CourV Pomoloyp will; execute tf1work1en-' ,.: trusted to, hiBcare. whb neatness ana aispatcn. " Sactdles' meted tin in- the neatest style.- 1-22 , Carnage. & . agon .Manufacturer, Frewl street.'' first corner below - the Ttnll!r"MIT1. Pftraerov. O:1 AH articles in his 1 ' line S bueinesa manufactured, at, reaeoiiable rates, and they are especially recommended for ' r", "J PETER CROSB1E, WagoA"Maker,''!Mulbrry' street :Fwest sidd.; three 'doors from. Back, street, . , Pomeroy. Ohio. Manufacturer of WaconSy Bug gies, Oaf iagtSj &. 'All rdfers lled on short rfl - -C;'F1B. HUMPRREf , ; ' Blacksmith', back of the Bank Building, Pomeroy, 0;i Farming ' Tools,:" Shovel . Tlows-'Matfocks. Hbes, &c- on hand ahd tnadAlot order Horse Shoeing aad.tll kmda of Job Wor done totrder 1 ' Jan. a.-a-t lit ' -i ' ' - ' ' ' ' 1 r,i i , w. a, eoLo. " '' ' "'.''.;" .t, a.-owasts, Attornev at Law.' W; R. Golden's . 'Office in AOieh. Ol'.afid Ii S: Townsend's in Pafeeville, WRies Co, 0. Prompt attention- given. to the collection f,elaisns, and ether bnsinese en- , Ua)ITE0S.9rATE8 HOTE14 - a . M. A: Hudson, 'rVoprietor, (formerly oecu- k Died btKI.v A. Webstefc one square below "Ai the BolliaC MilL.Pomei-oy. O. By endeavors to accoTDmodati! both'- nan and beast in the best inanneriVMrHudson hopes to receive, eon- Stanuy mcrvoaiiia; 5". ffe: holds': hirnmelf !h-readiness f, &15n i ri. j ,iw 'A. 'wmnlp nlil- IDII 711 B 1U Viuni vi. . - . ffcrf-mnat. shbstantiar manner - He w Vorn'if. UmbreRas at nberhl prices. Linn; sfreet nortn or t?mirn s urn. -a TJl? '-l,.li'' ltrs will lrLlwntBi vn llfi.1 dS03. 1 ivi & divol t. AJt. un itVyseaTTSprasnr ''Vn -.. Riieumatisio;.;; White SweiJieps, ; tne Court ' adiournt ft till Tnesdav. Jar . ..v lother fUaeases of the kind.- Vttce." - - - 'f.. ' , : lf i POMEROrtELEGlMPfly .....,,. 1 ,, j 1 , 1 ,,,1,. , . , t.r ' 1 i JaVwaryiw,' tB. acaaragiag. . -r . . ... cinfe; which t'einftfriijtii yes aa' taken from the mines recently opened near that place. This specimen was from thfjip IpU kind 'till lookeu wemioVle informs ua thai the- veinia abeut five ana half fceidee.;'U7;;,;P-r-t Jhe particulars we did not learq.Jnt V?l lfafeitd theWrefoir readers, if thoaa interested, Irl Jtaki pairis to-furnish themV ;- & ' ,ke the r. (IVI it,'" .,,al H ii 1 0, niu TeB4-r. , 4 f-.-.-? ' Navigation has been entirely suspen ded fof near three" weeks, .'owing to tie its now are, that it wifl be resumed in a lew da; $.as the ice has bet one rvttO nd is sinking, )-. It fas. teTjortdiqBtfrd.a3r wjorningiat oXlj noble littje packetj ,flgrH' had JMeneut down, at Cincinnati, by.tte ... I I .1 i .tinl tii-:1.I:U..L lfe runiiiritr oui vi ne ojH;a.iug "tv. we aictnoi ascertain now Tnw-iuiwi; tion was receiTed, butlope't tnay PTS.Mneo, .P. a calamity to our town tolosf Vior aBlity.of Xhe?PjoftsI$rnf lj dafghtor, Miss- Julia,- that we need .but' say that they'fuily sustained,-thenrselsrhe class "made rapid progress; dufing; the last term'!they werf under his'nstruc-, tionVV'Wei obse'rve!" aurbei:, per?9 from 'the' Racine class-asBistirig7 which added, much .. to tho (jerfornwncerj,. lhe citizeHS :ef !; Middleport have raised ; a. large" school "tor"-i9!-fessirlt'. that place. is d OO D JJA'i - j; v ; ' :-i , ' ,:i 1 i.a i ;;'T-Tf ; '' Lireof'Joha Brawatv's - ' rf;5 o!ti i I ,w ' A; biography of this jrmaf kkhle1 man is to be published at.ipnce, for ififi benefit K - i . 11-; -.2 -irLi'J ' w mui,, bo proiuiueu jxauiao ofiuiiio, u intimate nersonal friend of Capt: Brpwri,' an, ppintejf "graph Vr He is'probabiyHaetteTdapett-fehetaBk tnan any otner-person in m eounirv. The work'will contain an atito-hiographr cd8vK'Q'Bapt.' 7P$'ea41i; Iwie published b ttiyefc Eld: ridge, of Boston, Mass., and an elegant 12m; volume of 4(Q pages with engravings, and wifl also contain' a fine steel portrait of Brown.. 1 20,0 jK).,; copies are alredv subscribed foif Iis iale will surpass that of Uicje- fie unuersujuu.tuav iuc,puuiojJcio in want of-Agents to circulate it in this Tnaallatniaa. , -i I. - ' ; J, J;Vhite,q wa installed ( last seph:,.Sinit4ijP49ji; exftired "on .thelstiinst"; It. i bitjust that"' And while " spying "this ' touch the ritt- ij?f. thisVqMiity af ;ve fprTunate'iA selectingiBiichli' successor. ..Ihat a better selection could not. nave been made- a universally - eon- ceaeu. i-i, , riu-r-.5.!--' .!" ; A. Burnan, Esa . ProsecBtinff : Attor ney elect, i'slcja Hejwas retf il andbutfha'd'omi- tabieurjp)9e:o'- diSChatg he duts of his office -wtrecjy ind sklisfactor ily , wpuld .npfr J4Te ,pee. 04 to lattendthle sessipfi, btthji Pfdbate fjoijfb: :con- -vened the daV aftetf' B WBtobe" he' may speedily .Xeoe'ftr'iHiii ; pfedecessor, ge'impsoh, 'retires, ioinj the .office frith ...ths, Wghest .eoniphiaeat'jf-our worthy-Comm'Heas'Jiig'edU k.ti.j ii f kit'S-t-r- l-i'TS iil-lJ i'- sj.iVt ' 3 piemuuD-wuieu was justly aeserveu, ana appreciated by our eitiEens. : l ne newly' eiectea omeers oi iVlineral Rubleoble,' Grand GeoTedd, Vice Treafeuierr;:, VThe nlIatVoa .Wat public, Ad there ffre qufte a li(rijfbroA8put to; friiess the;rttopuleS. ...ill The; January J"6eisi6n'ot ihisottrt f pniied WTueaiDi3 Wn' ued,thrugnofttoheweekiiT io r 2 iTheVas more tir'&airsi!i!aM the atteMance'durng' jJart eff th ' sf etk was -equal to that s&Ofgi the Cpmmoii Pleas I Court There were : : great vUpy cases on the dpeketi and " the Court 'ad journed over till to-day tpattend to1 tie ununisnea ousiness''' -jw We have not had "4,im6 to report tht proceedings in fully but extract from the Judge a notes the most important cases before,:the Courts -r a f i . .-.! , i.SUtrO. vs Joha.Thomas; Proceedings to keepAhe.Peace.rContihuedl A C fr ' -Stated vsl ' Carhart.'rTT-lnformation for, selling intoxicating liquors, to 'be drank wheie dNolKeLjr "J1': I :tat$yg;,Jpnn:'0iletit,,L :r-Pi$missed,' for ; defect Jn'.transcript.,; ; ; State- vs? Hen'jBpAsahltrbn a8pj0eeeaVerdiet,'"not guilty.'' State, vs'. !Jatnesf AbTeThbiPlantain, Francis Plantain, Geo::; Abies, Ganderson Ables.wFor disturbitig' wHgrpus ineet- ing.Jas; Abies "-and -Thos ' Plantain found, guilty. ..Motion to; arrest judg ment -overruled J -tPaftis i entered into recognizanoe to appear at-next term of Viouxa n uruer wiai a wru oi error migm issue front District Conrti-.- v j 'itatc ivL.ttmt Richards for assault 'ahdVbattery . on Mra.TJeweUi-yerdict, t:, 'guilty;'.: Fined $3 aM oosts';,; T.,- 'i: State vsAJotn Oilerl-rr-Petit Larceny. :- Jury returne J erditof rtguilty.!' ;'r.Mo- . . a ; i ''''': Awjhwa I " r r - . r pnblic.l forhhrt tern Lodge 242 O. 0 wereias'talled onNhufsday' evening, last? jVIr, John r F-.h.n. rt..'Wl?-u'M-ww9,.u.. PV For the Poineroy Weekly Telegraph. PraaaaM - ajaA Riaiewi Uiatakal l4X.IM(I(k'0.r. i. ;bw Mlottg ;ea).l6.)n fwioliir .. - . : ' ';'4 WH2RIA3, It has pleased an allwise Providence to remoVe by death imi Broth fir, 'ThWas J JiobertsV' 1. Retolvt&f hat in this dispensa tion of ; .Providence, by which , we, haie been bereft-. of, our Brother hia mother and lister' of 'k'son; and brother's leve and care we recognize the hand of God, who doth' not wHlibgly - afflict Hhe' child ren of men,' but who!, through his; dispen sations, causes 8orrow---wUl.(jetVhaye compassion according to the multitude of tTi i.'jr nut Kuuaer mercies. 1 ,; , 1 . ... 2; 'Revived, That in ! the excellence Of our , deceased Brother 's life, 'and in the triamph of his death, our bereft friends' may find strong .consolation in the inidst of their grief, and great ncouragemeht topursue with increased dilligence and zeal the faith and : nraetice of .Christian yj:;-. -fr--y- ,- J 3 'ived TtVt we feel We deepest fJlPPaI tbuJbereft friends. apdihat ejm ou? colenpe Vtsjaretiiren, and that we will ever cher- thir a0-ss'(,e' for our deceased Brother! 'J':y '-: '; "XIZeg6lved, .3That a.copy 6f Jtheabove resolutions be transmitted to the mother and sister of our deceased Brother. .! , 111 &ty Revived Tit&t the 'publishers of 4&iflMirbf WulhrtTehgttfh. hQ re quested, to, publish, the; jaboyo; preamble Md e&olutions. . ;j , ( CotMijTES. iTBaxsferi of reai. sstats:. i The. foyo.wing transfers' of Lands wer made on the Books of the Auditor of Meigs Countv for the week eHdirrg'Jan. BEpo61), . Tp.-Thomas . Carleton to Wm. Carleton, 36jt acres In "sec' 20, 13 aires in gecc liandOiacres ln''26 and xjLyQUU. , warren jjiUi8seu o vy m. CarletQA,:4 acres, in see.M; .fl,500j Columbia. TP-HenryfUwliBgs ftb Saml; R. vv7hite,; 20; ars" ii fide' $167. Iiindlej R. White to SamlvR. White, 47 acres in sec? '8; $500, AVh '- j Otrv? TP. James Decker to Heuben Webster -40 acres in see- 32;." $200.--r Wni.;Rettben Webster, patri ReubenVWelbster,6lJacres'ih sec. 2, and 74 acres in sec, 3; 53,000.': to-Bor ace Holt, 8 acres 4in sec. ,9 and 1 Of $555. . Salem Tp.' Jbhh 'Longstreth to; lajy and Hester Longstreth,-40 acres ir sebAlli 'and acres in 'see.' 17; Samsbtjr,t' Tp:--V. 'B. "Hortour to David, William) 5Cby - lOOTfeei in,see.' 1U;.5150.: I XvJ? Hortpir: and 5.. W , $384.: '' uAt!L. and ace Holt,' acre in sec. 28:f $525 U Middleport. Jessa' .Thornshury to Sella" A,.; Harris, Xbt No.' ,6 in Behan's Additionj'-$200;i Mary J Watkins tp John Grant, front half of Lot.No:.6; in Sheffield; ,$250. , Erastus tow to; John Grant,, back half .of ot Not 6, iaShef- 6eidr$25o. pcipjo Tp. Betsy Davenport to John isey;,j262 i.'acres- W.jec'aw'$ .".and ',10; $1,T00; Thos. J,-' Chase tor James E. Grtmesy i acre in see. 19;- $10. i. , .. -i , mclNE.Michael. R. Wolf, to ! Ste- phten .D Piekensl Lots Nosj. 39, 40, 41 andi, 42,, in Wolf 's Additionfto Racine, 5EW,AHD .VAI.VABI.E jPAKaU IM- t; . Riakgy: topy o.wer, I patented, March. :29th, 1859,' inay freirbte, risked' ambngVthe.'inbst novel as' well.wnsefut inrprovements ,'of the age. Ail farmers ate aware 'fj the uni versal defect-in sowing seed' by hand, and'fe'greaiimportenceof "perfec tion ia this- branch of agrieulsurei : This machine being an universal seed - and grainsowr Ofj all tktadsjof,eed and Ervaip-sovfn. by the;farjnerj broadcast in any.'desirpd.quantityVand perfect ; jregu-' lafitj,nd;jat th'sane tirhe saying more than faur,ififths ol ; ,the;.tiiHe;;it4d Jabbi of thetiiiial inetho p tjBo wing by I nand, ought Jtp be sufficient: ,But uhlike most I other improvemettfa "in; agricultural im- plemente,,the ,cos pfthis.maehine puts it within the reach of all farmers; The machine is made of tin, light and dura ble weighing about 5pounds,vand fur- nished iat'iu.cvii-i -wiiii rj u-..i-v . tir, Messrs, Alex; Todd, and -Thomas Spil- ler' having procured" the right of, Meigs and' Athens Counties, are .how ..engaged 'in ''exhibiting V.tetvjiua7iMiie'.46''i'take or der add furnishing the nie;to farmers P.lega w Ba lwn jr Thej Mlowmgrgeirtlemeie were elected TaefeeatesTfrom Dhiof to 'the Charleston Convention, on tne nrst or uecemDer. Theonvetftio ;2met"fnCharleston, South; CarpliriaV pn;.Monday,r April, I860,.., The; Douglas men are largely, in the 'majority, and UhiO; without doubt, will present an almost unbroken ' front lor .the Little .tiianf: UT.llLO AJlkUC ,UlUf,.; (jfjvj... ( i M Disl, ChktlesjRul! W W f.Bowan 2d fSWmj T.-FerrestiWf Cameroh. i 3ri A. P. Miller.l George."W. Houk. 4tlvrttBMetealtV JTownsdndA ;5tb? " Jtl":B.-- Steedrian, : Wvdv Mangen. - 6th' JJ R; Cockerfll, Perry Fee. ' t ' 7thh, J.;DubiA Ward. SterkV" ; '8th G."Fr. Spence 'R. E. Runkie7 - . 9ikA E. F. -Dickipsjn, A, M. Jackson, iutn-" x. juciauy, .wA.jiutcnins. ; 11th fL.vLjl3inithVjtiFi Bingham, i 12th' ,W. GTiswbld, feb. B. Smythe. , 13thA T. W. Bartteyj-. X Titfc. ; - - ' ; HtVtf: PJeffries, J3;;Tpung'.-:; I 15th J. G. Stewart, ftH.'. Nugen.' ; 16th "1 Rl Hbsmer. DVB: Liniw 5i VHtt! WayWniiEatbn'vJ,, 1 18th " Si Labmy S.' DiSarris,-J"r; ' - I9tb - BVB. Payitie, W,.Bray;v 'L, l20th; i" B. W. Gilsoir, Jatob Flagler. I aIov jl. r. r a, p. oous. i . j- - ?-,-ln ieV20t& distrct there are two sets of delegates.'' ' Onej party " claiming the election pf Messrs Gison and Flagler, wP ' - I ' - .' r. mmTI.. Ti U--.- Tt-f;ft T.11 w A.Av iHMiusi, iA. v. jiimbbu, .-.old th. ddin, land! and town lots. T. . -" T?. "7 . ' 7 I 22 acres in sec. 33, and 20 acres in sec. i Orage Tp.-i-r WmKirkTairiclrL to DEMOCRATIC .STATE COKTEHTIOS. " This Convention, which assembled at Columbus on the 5th' inst., was called to elect four delegates at large, to represent the Democracy of Ohio in the National Convention at Charleston, to ; be held April 13th, I860. The election' resulted as follows: Hon. Geo. E. Pugh, D. P. Rhodes, of Cuyahoga, H. J, Jewett, and Geo. W.'McCook, of Jefferson. We. find the following among the reso lutions adopted on that occasion : ' -Resolved,. That the Democracy of Ohio, through their delegates, in convention assembled, do reaffirm their cordial ap proval of, and their unfaltering determi nation to abide by and maintain the en tire platform of principles declared by the National Convention at Cincinnati, in 'June', 1856,'" -;: -"- Resolved, That Stephen A. Douglas is the choice of the. Ohio Democracy for President of the United States. 'His eminent public services rendered the" gov ernment and the country, his signal tri umphs m the senate and before the peo ple, his admitted ability, his sound and just vjews of public policy, his devotion to the Constitution and the Union render his name a tower of strength, and give assurance to the conviction that-if nomi nated at Charleston, he will ost cer tainly' receive the electoral vote' of Ohio; therefore as in union' there is . Btreneth. . Resolved,, As the sense of this Conven- tion, that the-entire vote of Ohip be cast for' him at Charleston. - '. ' Resolved That," upon:, air the ques Upnsrisuig in the Conventioh'at Charles ton the .vote of Ohio . be.cast as " a1 unit and as a majority of the1 delegates may direct'.--' : ' '-'.-' - ' -' On the resolution for Mr;Douglas, the vote stood, 242 J for, and 94! against.- The minority refused to make it unani'Ti moua. The resolution endorsing the Democracy of Buchanan and the Admin istration' .after ' a1 contest of two hours, was referred to the committee. ! i Tle Soatbern Iaanea. ' "'" ' ' " . A Florida journal," (the Apalachicola Advertiser) which correctly represents the" sentiments of a larsre portion of the Southern .'Democracy, and in the Gulf omnia tJsieciaiiy, says: y - -' ' v - i .i1 until the slave trade is oneried and made legal, the South will tush Slaverv forward as; -seasoning for every dish, andT wheteirtthe North likes it or not, like jh;fe Spanish with the garlic, it will hae to be -tasted' in every course Pf Ihe &Vij fi;:?i iina.My policy of a- party' at ' the South". We. do not pretend to: belong "to the ultra Souths era party,- but we believe it is a duty which the General Government' owes to the South, that' the Slave", trade . Bhould belegitimate,that her vast domain should receive cultivators.".'-;,ri ?a f.s i i. j '.f The Slave-Trade . andHar.Slave-Codwi will be the great rallying crie-of South ern, Democracy in 160. 1 ,Of this there, is no longer a reasonable doubt. , Wil) the Ohio Democracy accept these issues as a part of their platform, or will they. give up their pet phrase of National Democ racy," and contend for really ' national principles',-like the Republicans?; V , . Cwlnclateac. ;.- " Tn a work 'called the "Lives" of tire Presidents,1'' , is a ! table of the periods in which they were bora and went out of M John Adams, born 1735, retired lSOl. Thohras 1 Jeflersotf," born 1743,"'' retired 1809. James Madison-' born 1751," re-' tired, 1817... James Monroe,' born .1759, Tetired 1825. J. Quiney , Adams, -born 1767,' retired 1829.'' ' - - -1 will be seenby this, that Jeffer son, was born j ust eight years after his predecessor Adams; Madison eight years after his predecessor Jefferson; Monroe eight ' years; after Madison; and John Quincy Adams eight years after Monrod. ,AjapthereitfiouA.facttabe.obse'rved. .ja,. that Adams waa just 66 years old when he retired; Jefferson- was 66; Madison was 66; Monroe was 66; and John Quincy Adams, had he been elected to a second termy would have -been 66. ' Adams, Jefferson And Monroe. all died on the 4th of 3if.U.S. JouruaV ' ' v GlbMB'i Trial. ' '., '"' ' '."".:"' . The Columbus ttrjwtZsays: ., ;,Mr. Gib- sou has not been convicted of any Treas ury defalcation. ; tie is found guilty of applying to the use of the State the bonds deposited in the treasury to. secure ' the notes of, the Seneca County JBaik. ?'.It was not alleged tbat the otate lost a dol lar by the operation;- It was one of his financiarresorts to carryalong an empty treasury and conceal the' defalcation ,of hi. .ibrother-in-lawj ...Breglin. ; ,Mr. Gib son has only been .-convicted of the trans fer of a trust fund to the use or the State. ' It was a rbb Pete'-to-pay-Paul Opera tion"' We have always supposed that the trial would show,, not taut Uibson bad made any fresh robbery from the Treas ury,' but that he had attempted to conceal JJreslin s crime. J5Ut so long; as the man who hides stolen property is pnly crimi nal in a less degree than the original, thief, it does not become any Republican or any;; honest man: to " apologize for Mr. Gibson. Weveland Leader; - ; " ' , !The editor of the St. Louis News, writing from Washington, says: t . : 1 " ' Mr.' Singleton,' of Mississippi,' made : a rather .violent Southernf and Disunion speech, VHe declared L that in no event would he support Hon. S. A. Douglas for President! ' Thk was a bombshell in the Democratic . jcamp;.- rLogan, of Illinois, sprung to his feet, and said he was sorry to differ with-the gentleman .from Mis sissippi. The gentleman of .Mississippi said he was "glad to differ from the gen tleman from j Illinois!" ;A .wonderful scene of commotion followed - Fire and fury flashed from the - eyes of Douglas Democrats, :and. the party broke ' all to flinders on, the next . two . ballots for Speaker., r -The Democratie'party of the Union is gone hook , and . line, - bod and sinker." ' It is "played but," and we have np'Speaker yet. ;. ' . '. fl ", ' , . r ! ." - IPHh,1 .. V . 1AA woman in Florida, named Cross, lately gave birth to an infant, sob which weighed - only one pound. That Cross wasn't heard to bear. -t .y. K irThe' common opinion is, that we -should take good care of children at all seasons oi tne year, jui it is wen enougn . .t a j .i .7-J , in me winwx w fff. ; 'mm . . ,-, i county, 1 will offer for sale at the door of the v '11 Buffalo paper announces that Court Houai in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. M -i7-l, vD ;jmj t;il ! On fie 10th day of February. 1860. or. .A,., - the Legislature. Is the editor sure that I. m -wv !nln Vi ia ma it Ilia k Ti rtn i a m aari f V AM? ilAIUUD MXlo o J-4A- a aa3 nuuvuuueuivuut 1 " t"A writer , in a Virginia paper de .rT T rL:il A. ' VOTs inree cuinmus tu ubbchuiiw tue . t j . m ..i TtT i j i ft?. - fi , Ar?' t Knew wnicn is me grcateai uurpy W .uu- O A T. CINCINNATI, P0MER0T AND SYRACUSE. SIDE - y HEEL t?' Si. o SEiniWEEKtY PACKET, "GREY EAGLE," A IHJSSALLY, Matter; F R A NR.. J. O AKEB, Clk. ; Leavea Pomeroy every MONDAY at 10 a. if , and FRIDAY, at 4 o'clock a. m. Id order to make n4 we are compelled to leave thl early. , Leave Ciucinnatl every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY, at 4 e'clock r. . - - . f Thia arrangement ia permanent, aad the boat will make prompt and regular trip. Her aecommoda. Uooaand apeed haa no equal. Will do buaineas at regular eatabliahed ratoa, and truat tbat the clUiena of Poineroy aad vicinity will give ui their patronage and influeuce. .. - Nov. 24, i0. IS-U" MARIETTA AND CINCINNATL Regular Marietta and Cincinnati. Packet, ''Ohio No. 2,?M 'JTy. ErSAYRET. MASTER. laavaa Cloeinnatt wverv Mondav avanlav. at flva e'etock, paasing Pomeroy on her way sparer Wed Demj morning. J... - - - r jfi t Returning-, leave Marietta-every Friday mernlng, Pomeroy every Saturday at 8 o'clock a. m. , Yorlreightorpaiwereappty-oivbeardof t-i . t PATTOS oc MONTGOMERY, 4et. 0, W. 41-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. .i Regular Marietta 4VndjCiacina.8Ji.PackeV. OtLio -KTo. Q, J.i BLAGG, Maater; ij Leares Cincinaati every Thuraday at S o'clock, r. . parsing romerny on naiaraay al 1U o'clock a. a. ijeave mariena every Monday wirei romeroy every i ueaaay r or ireignt or paaaa ge apply -' : - PATtON IIW.9,'5.i-48-tl ttw s Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, 4r.J Barker; master, Leaver Cincinnati at 5 o'clock p. , M . every Satardaj eveofng, paniug Pomeroy, rn br upward trip, Mon day oiomiag. . T Keturniug, will Ieav Marietta every Wednesday mermng, and Pomeroy oyvn Thursday morning. pot freight ot passage apply on board, or to , rAlTIWi 6c AIOSTGOMKKI,. Pomeroy Wharf boat. v ,, WHEELING AND CINCINNATL Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet, b - Jw&as m hps f 8 MASON. Master: W. J.C. AaDEaron, ClTc; - t -. . Leave Wheeling every Taeaday at 6 o'clock t. n.. paMtug romeroy WrneJ at XK fX Keturnlng, leave tlnciunaU every Friday evening at Sv'cloek a. aV - - .. 3 For freight or paaaage a ppiy ea board "or to - ' " ' rslTUa MUflltiUMtKY. Kov.S9,'59. 48-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. PORTSMOUTH ANDWHEELINO, Regular Portsmouth and Wheeling Packet, i P ATB Y QITP!ENV eGZi W. MORRISON, Master; J. Sravaaa, Clert; ' Wilt run between the above porta, touching at (II the landing intervening. Going up.abaparaB Poca eroy on Satardsy .returning, : paatea, (omerwy On. Tbeaay. r-; V.,- JJ : ,i,V S FarfreighVor paraaire appl? 6n boaW.M t iv , v . .... PATTON & MONTGOMERY, i Pee. 6.'l.-r-Sm oinrwrWfcrf;oAV wawAWAwawaawaai m irii i w (Srctfrifs. BBB5 " JCbbIwJ Where you can get thenr Cheapct; ii ;2 '""'"'tf-! GLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at,' together with the quality of the articles, over anv other establishment in" the county. - Remember . the place Mayhugh's IBuilUini;, four aoors west or court street, on T&dC'llL.k.-'Mlsfi-KlI.VESUlVi.'l .A .... - i-f : . -.- 'i -- -' :'r,:--x ';--.;' and '';''--'.v.i?-Ml! THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUSI OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceriea, Pro visions, Queens ware, Shoes, &c,&c, at Jen nings' on4 stand, near the Rolling Mill, which wiU be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, Constantly on hand ,; Suck wheat Flour, Truncs, . Corn Meal, 'Cranberries, Oat-Meal, . Sugar, - r. . - - Dried Apple, vlCoffee, V; ",1 . -5 '-" Dried Peaches,-' '-i Tea, f Potatoes. : Molasses,. ' iiU -isj! 'iij Hominy,'" i i' iJ Jjr.jt Sirup,-'., n Pearl Barley, Vinegar, Beans,, ; ?" Bacon, - 1 r I T fFeas, r.j ;r vuea seer, 3 S. .1 . I Jtaisins, 'A . i Codfishl Currants Mackerel, White Fish, i. &A, &c. ,',.-'' , , C. E. PONNALLY. Pomeroy,- March ljir-2-9-ly ; t-j r t New Establishment. GROCERY 1 & PROVISION .STORE: '''' CfASHOR' -:-'; COUNTRY PRODUCE! VAL. JDUTTfifrHAFER HAS taken the building on the West corner 6 Conrtand Front Ktreelsiiin. which lie-design -proseeutinr the Grocery and .Produce Business, in somewhat different style thin hi known in this com munity. - - : -j-' " ' :, -. CASn PAIU FOIJ i'fcODUaB, or exchanged for Groceriea, at the option of those having the marketing, !,.' .1, j.-' My business will be different from others In refer ence to variety, which will comprise at all times, a kinds of 1 If DRIED FBUITS,? niid other material kept in limited supply in tht town. i - , I will keep constantly, j i ',-.... ' ' ,4 BUTTER, EGGS AND FOWLS, Idiapply the 'cmihirinirityfiji Pomeroy and viotnitj 1 will mention part of my stock, which will be promptly supplied befort exhausted, and will always COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, Kice, Syrup, Molasses, Extracts of C3e, Muatard, Salaratus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Dried Beef, Belona Sausage, Cheese, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders aud Side. Cucumber Pickles, Pfeeerves of all-kinds, -Spices, Catchup. German, .Castile. Shaving, Sportsman's and other Seapsv'- OilaCandtea, a, WOODEN & WILLOW-WARE. Buckets, Baskets, Tuba, Churns, dto. Broom, toil nope, urupiie. , .- 'S Queeniware, Glassware, and Notions. Cigars and Tobacc, of all grades, quantities and qniuiHnr. w -. " - - " Flour per barrel. ; ' POSITIVELY HO CRF.DIT. ? 4 X CAlaD. " To the Citizens of Poineroy and MelgsCdTfntrr-'" I have opened an establishment of the above 1m nerfect deacrintion. ' I think vou need it. aud know 1 can buy and sell as favorably as others, doing exclu- vvuiy a casn Dusinen. ni you give me sumcieut patronage loanable mo to eounnue. l piotnise to 1. .. . . .1 . S-7-ly. V. UVTIENHAFER . SherilT'f Sale. . ' ' Retiban tWlilan v. Freedom W. Steven: BY virtue of a order of. sale to mo directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, 1 will offer for sale at the door of the Court House ia" romeroy, at 12 o clock, noon, v i : ' the 0iK day of February, I860, ' Ute following described lands and tenements. to-wit The spntherly half of lot No. one hun dred eijrbty-one (181), in the Town of Pomerov. Meigs county, and sold as the property of Free dom w . btevtns, at tne suit of Keuben Gtuilan. Appraised at 56 00.00. Terms of sale, cash. ' n t -ry. r J.JWHITE.aM.C; Jan: C, I860 2-5t.i-1.50V- 1 "" 3 Sheriff's gala. Christopher loplerve. the heirs of Jesse Stafford. -T Y virtue of an order of sale to me directed X from th Court of Common Pleas of Mete the foUowi,g de8cribcd lands and tenements, t aj. 8ihte. iB the town of Pomeroy, iir gald" ! l A La-.. a-..l - " T la a - i -I 220, and all that part of lot No. 221 not con- veyea by; tne deed or Daniel Shaw to Elihu Thompsoaand sold as the property of the heirs i j.'j t. f. r rt,.:. v " - m .4i vi vuiioiu- fK? :Ariaeiat $mm.vTerwef saie, caat. v J.J. HUi 0. W, V- - STraitsj$rtaU0ttj H Jan. t I860r v cr J$22,000 r j WORTH - OF GOODS - TO r.BE SIiD"OFF?ATi'COST'. Si & trlwi zt XT i u i ; i IWANl' TOUR CASH, ANI7 IF ' I have everything ia- the Dry, Goods Ii3b: Alpacaa, white goeds Brpwn and Bleached MualinXCheck; Flannel, Tickings, Cloths. f!ajH(iirrrsa. St:i'nta Jana Twoorla Jbrt 'X ' i'- ' - ' ; k" i HARDWARE; Glass, Nails. Locks. Axes. Cutlery. Log and Trie Chains, Hoxseshoe Nails, CARPENTEBS TOOlVSa! Planes. Saws, Chisels, Aueers. Hatchets. COOPERS' TOOLS. , .., 1 Treai Hoopr AdieV, Broad-Aies,? Compaam and Knivia of all iiadr ". i ' I ,i-'. .: -Bellowa Tices.'AnvH Files, Horse Rasps, Stock and Dyes; alspj Shear; Cast and Germafa Steely Brresrr SprinffS' ahd! Axels. Waeon Axela. Woodwork for Bue- eies, aad Buesrv Trimmin&rs of all kinrla.- I would cinheatfentiohruilpTer Blinds, alidade of dear White va 'cioek-Aj .vpaiiy ram ana vesrsoi au amas, ana urnnnnig uooas, nits ana vapa. Aisa a Iareet steo-eioeit f.-i snd eeapiete stock of Custom-made Men's and Bova' Calf and En . Boots anJShoAa: ChiWr aMOSTOMEKYft Mia8'd Ladie' Shoesof all kinds. I keep a large .stock. of Cordage of all aisec Broom Pwmewy-WhaKlraiJbuiwiatiLUJ . iU -. . . i " . - lUS - jrou.want a good fitting. CoAt, PanU.or Vest, give me a call I have a large lot of Piece Oobdsfei manufroturing purposes. Work done up in best style, and warranted, good fit or no 8ft1?- ' ' t: ' -,"'. ' ' ..' " '-:;' .. - .;.,. - the above' and various other arifuas of mentioned will be sold without reserve,"at cost, for CASH.-.,Give meacalL . : . i--;- I m , rjr--dU .. s. H. COHEN :i 4 .Pomeroy, 0,Jaa.3, I860, , J . Front atreet, three door above xjourt. -t- ;i iiii t 1. J. PRAL.L. IF? 1; 1-? i Tt,,i a-'.- l ijf ! if tr AT! PR ALUS i. : -i .:-irifei C6urt street k -" i-' Ll .' J - r7 Vf - r--AAC - "- Would respectfully call the attention of this community to! one of the greatest Improvements VTerkAUV6BIU IB The Burnwiof the gas and smoke arising from uu per oeuv oi juei is saved, ana a more intense bottom of tie Oven. T .1.2. . , ur n : v s m mm a; gj as jwMwiwiug uus grsaiy-improvea "uasounung biovet W- W1SA . reu'fcT. it , distincuy understood that it is not our design ff i , ,,. J-A-j.-STi-lvjUi..- . . .. - . t- am uiBvstng vi in, Bjot wm iviiiKAiii every i . " " r". 7 pauern we propose selling. , we nave tuff mosuiraprovea patterns or 3S;WOQD PGOOK1NG !. STOYES i Without dwelling upon! the oitt our nonce oy announcing toat our t - ' " " - " PARLOR ANDOFFICE ST0VS Can't "be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness; aad we defy eomptitl6n. 'jsS-" ' " ' - ,METAL L1C - liYDRANTS ' : " ' t--s -t-0.Ot-,f '.ii-i i-i?? "1 i Kept eortsUnaren hand,' our awua. , . . j v-5 Ik; Imafldfti- r r a r-. M J ?'f3r ana manuiactare to orim t it- ' ( CiTiisbl&lcicI: to TUX 1 f ,: ,,:r ...n .,- ff t ne Dove remarks will aemetsserate .-to yon, j a certain degree; the nature of the business we ;intnd to prosecute. -"- The manner In whicji. i is to be donej naturally Btiggests Itiielf.1-' Do you wfeh to 1 bay 'pa ereditt Then yoit bave -imply been wasting -your time in reading ur cardi 'cannot self at eur prices-withoat losing money, u we uave to orciubii. e nave-tnereiorv, eonoiuaea to tell exclusively ror- ' t tu .!!'? .;: ri v.WSih-ii ---V?-i j J--';- 1 ':V:n-y fewJ 'Js ''a . 0L-i'wa3. 1 v "-- l'crS sad And exchange for- Old; Metal Brass, Pewter, 'Pftst.exprierice has proven the' beneficent result's' 6f the'eish' ststeWtO -both eurchascf aid seller,' and it ! is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper -as well as for our own who can BUY and SELI cheaper-r-that wf adopt tWs syaterai,';. ' VJ 'iiife i i si I i e reojnsvuunj inviw5 jou. w p".; ni oew AXOOZUB'B Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWHTG IIAUliLWE. 4, Jeautful GiftK for Jfutbqndt. to fheir iTwev i i T he introductlpo of this most beautiful and emii- nentty practical .machine wtll bftne Joy and glad ness to tne nearia or inoasana oi our country women throughout the land. It is pronounced by the best juilresto be the meat simple, practical and durable-MacHine now before the .public, and the curate an all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from So. 8 to 300. -It will sew with iual facility the thickest and thinnest goods used- In a family..;, W enumeral a few of, its superior-i? vantage. ist.Jt makes tile strongest, mstelasHcanddut rable stitch of any yet mvsr' ' 84, It baa the beat and mpat reliable feed and doe Bot break needle. S ... i t - 3d. It sew, front tw common spool without re wlmling. " " i 4ih. U oil on top, thus preventing the damaging of goods. . : 5th. It runs with great ease, and quietly? j 0th. It can be understood and operated open With very little instruction.-' ; ! - ; ?th. ItissoM f ir the low price of ttiirtj (Sdllari. ' -Specimens wf iu work will be senMoany-on de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine a'u work can be aeeu at the agenttesidenee,nextdoof to iK. iraiu'aumre, near tne nana ouiiumg. BIcItlASTEIC Ac SOW, Sol and exclusive agents for Meigs", Athene Slid Washington Counties, Ohio. S.3.! -a.f I T. P. S S s a n OFFEEFORJSALE tVERAV thousand Grafted Apple Trees, Of a suitable sise for setting out this j? Fa;Prioa,Ten Dplrsjieryual,,! Salem Center, Meigs County. Ohio, bepu 16, 18?9,v, a . -Lirr .rr.,i-fft-Viw7 :'.t 75-:: i 'itl'tHA'8l.i.iiZ-UJi: -f. Ti FRUIT' F A R M, Rutland,-Meis" Co., 0., W; . A W.HIJBBEIL,. PItOF'TOR, j J lowing. Nursery Stock, embra- ' Cing all 6f the most approved varie- W ties of Annies. Dwarf nd Standard; v.. ' rears, merries, riunis, uooseDemej tin 8 Strawberries, and the JUwtpa .BUcabegri, Cherries, Plums, Gooseberries, 1 All of th above varietiea I will warrant true wisn to purchase or, not; out vre warn yop, as ypu.TAiue ypw ar-eamef xaeaey, not to layisa it away till you have given us" a call: i "T ' i .":;" .'." ., " v ''''---"T. " ' J Augf 16, 1859-ly '-' ' i ''-" i " -ptA!tIr& 'hATCH: raf ;ls ;g lit-.iinltt-e-j $:;! ten 4si ij5v?t jtisrsu fcnti t! i 'Pes. es. -1 1 THE WOODS SUIT. PRICES SHALL! Prints.' Delanea. Merinoea, Cohere.' CoSee Hills. Scale Beams Brass Kettles. Mill Saws, Crosscut Sawai Bsttaf .. ' Braces and Bits. Sauarea. Levels.- r, ,'. . u - - " 'r t-a-i ..-. lot f Doors, Saaau-TenetiajB I Also,V ri HUd.tll xmsJGt-a i . . . . ; . r-UEOBOE IIATCB et-rjifrr titva .r. j-i .. .. : STORES, " v ; W OLD STAND Ml 'J t Pomeroy, O. the coat':hv: whieh Is-. neat thrown to the ' . -. . . . to use v, .,.-,rwt. v v . f..f.. if 3 iu BO ..... J ,t .. ' A ! lit i 111 Move we sell to be. wiiat It ia rcttresented. merits of the different patterns, we ,wiil coa Ai - ' ,ic!S wb1o:e4. la vonlicta-is U aid. we resTectfully iavite the nnhlid to examine -. ..- i . -s ." i fek of Sfovei ire wilt keep constantly on hand, nwark." 'MM'? ! W i 1-j lo fiJira &;5'f . tSVi a m w . . CppperjKagaf;pldi.vr,Jtaj at .thtir. highest uo; Ainproyifiuents in OUT; ptoyeaj Wn.eler..jron J B. HAMPTON, i i 54---axliif ';!A te ,e-n ft MANUFACTURER QOUTH-EAtST CpRNER OF ,C0UKT AND xsacK streets,, opposite the new 15ank Imild ing,' Ppmeroy, Or" ' ' June 2i;5923-ly j SOAP, AND aVH D L13 THE SUBSCEIBEIrflAB THE- PIJEASUEB to annouaee.tathacrilxenAof Pciay-a4 vlcluitv. that he has opened a shoo oa Snnr Run,; neajr the , Tannery, where lie .will soa vb- facturc! snd' iero' constantly' on" hsnS: aa 4r4 tide" in hit line of business: and we feel snurwd thfttwetan givesntisfa:4iohitoraUbay fttve ui with, a ealtirfO J I , If . B-Ag orders attended to ar sooa es po; sibie:' w ;t ;ir pAyig:GEsmti Pomerov,-i;Tr 7 " "? Bardie, Hrrness and-Trun" Ma&afaotureW . Middleport, 0., - . 'i frr -CEPS 'COXSTANTLT O HAOT.IACT f XV;'wiH;rnftnufaclure to ede, all of the iaa eussUclcai insTwaly mrrid'-tot4aB hi JlarteAmakin& AnA,'atnc AtoriC'aa f Jancy' mounted,.' d6uble"of 'iaglj.'parneg7TD not fail' to ftivetBe-a-calLIn mv ahon oa Ttot- land etreett t the head of Fire sirrct. talloit's Buildiflg.-njt atairs.r Cach pai for aU ainoi ef Hidetv fekina, t, aV tij. highest market pic. TTTTIXL, HEREATTElt CAJtXY -CN T2i . W, Carpenter, a4 Joiner bDinss;;l5ftor, Sash. Blinds. execnted to-order. Froa long expenence ia Munesa,' BaMaA er giving penect satisiuetioa n it eroersenv tmstea to oar care. r or pace, patrosag joot thanks are due the public, and; wa.respectruUy ask a continuance of their favor. " The Mill is a few . doers .' above " WiUiamso'ns ' Flouring MilL' (;';' "'-' r- u ; !-. '; - "Y ' ATE' OF THE,FlT(iI OF CK&WI-Blt IJ AJ ns; deign. proseeuting yn .i,ii. ness, at the oKJ stand ew Har-Kia,f -aTiiaBwH nil tor, th libevaa.bwstawal f patronage here-i -I 'S " ". f f toipre, R jiij.njaeaTr $e: tn cenan. leery t shmont, I'oroeroy, O.- . - V '1 j WHEELER & V72L ZlllJ i, .'. .-r i,. TH "liEriiScCPEB&e TTOISELESS. seta and simplicitt ef tJis "Machine: tit. beauty and strength of, stitch beisf alike both sides, impojiible' te ravel, and leaving 8. ridge on tieunder side, eee-ncmy of thread ao4 adapUbility to the thickest or thinnest ef fab rictyhaw rendered this thaaMat popular ftailf ': Sewing Machine ia taw.: v, . r.A - Printed iiutrucns;.,aecontpaBylnx waeV : Machine, to enable jurfihjer. tf yeW rdi : nary earns switch, ofelv -quilt, igath?, tnek - and bind; also, to keep ijbe lachine la order. Sacji MachiPt. ) waraatoVfci .three years -; For Further-pMulaxa applv to the under-- RU?eiAgentClE5JfAIiT, ' romeroy iovemi)er,'B.r-ir7: feiXOTa POR SAiIL3. ONr SUGAR. SUJI, NATXOR'S- BUS, UXD Carrs Run. Application to be mad, to M. Heckard. Esq.. 'Pomerov. Ag. 16, 83tf " - 8. w, roMaor. RE M XtfGT ON "TH O tffl B. ... F .f B : R 1 M EL D A'Rl R . Front ' Sfreet Pdintto.Oluo. A, S E E B 0 II II, rr DRUGGIST. AND APOTHECARY DEA1ER -B 'OllPAnJT,'fillTJSinaA . Yatnishes, I)yestuffs; Perfumery, ;' . --vand Faney.Articles. i ..- v " . Front. Jtreeta Pomerov; Oio." y ... Prescriptions caioUy put npJaBv:-2.21 Pomeroy Eolling' Mill Companyr ; EEEPt CONSTANTLY OH' HAKD' AND " manufacture to order, all kinds aad suae r of flat, round and square iron of superior quaW ity, which they -.offer, wholesale and -retail at current rates. 1 Also, American mad Swede nail rods, steel and iron plow-wings, cast and shear 11 steel, ' wagon boxes-- erap iron and kidney ore taken la exebangei l -r.rf " r- ;;X A,.0gTB0M,:Sup D8E THE 8UBSCRIBEITI)ESTKES TO INFORM the Wheat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, that he will give; ia axcluunge for ana bushel of good, clean W heat, ; pounds -ef Flour,,.. t,;.rv-: U!" Ji." f v . .v" ' ' Persons wishing large lots xf Flour mad. can have it manufactured at 40 cents-per brl -offal to go to the ptrner of the Wheat. " w, u. j ii.i.u qos, JulyiUG'sgv-SO-tf; j., , . r 'Ia ' a ,J v"' " i tS.'iV- r - J ' STATZ1 i',. UKION LAW COLLEGE LOCATED AT CLETEiAp. O, ,e Sessions commenosjia tha 2oth day of"A gust, 15th-day of-: December! andiTth-sy-W' Aprils Students may; auter, at any terv wisSs Sqnal profit 'The College is autheriseitff'eoa- v - v fer all degrees." 'Upon gradnatinjri student tw- - v ceive the degree of Bathelor or XaVfwaad be admitted t practice witiirat farther ajtaJst- . nation. ; For edrOar.iaddreasi ' . Dec. V59aulyf. Tkix(s. . - y.AULEY,HQ:U5E , ((, ft C HI LLtCOTHJE PHI ( v rpiBlS I th largeatafcd b( arnuHred ttetef : Chilllcothf . U located ou Paiut lrtirt.'nitMW the Court.Ba,an4i tu ery:acaw ef 'taw a- siness aartpt ui ejiy. It! M Tho House haa miUrrgona a Uiermigh 'repair ab4 (uanlng from vellar to garnst, aad tiowpvit aa anpearance second to no Hotel ti tha , wester worW. - The sleeping room are large and -lt vjillfert, and aulte ef . rotoae ar WcU-arranged fug (aaaiUM and large parties. '." 1 . , Tha Proprietor wlpar a Aain' to mk the Valley House a favorite place' of resor.- June ei-S4-ly OptTT A JtOOKE,Prtpr. W"E invite the attention riflnyra,tovurlargaaa4 r-wetlassoMedatorkef-Vare-aewita asdtw which w will rerei additlan daring Hi apriuav We hstnesltncTin sayrng-'that we Will. ai.l. dokeil,goelstlea-aBd qaalUlnrof aafe loarer iaas . tbev are seld in any othat Westarn-markea. All order aarefaUy awll4aaHrtl parked. K solicit an. exauiuti t atiratuuk. v, - f .. . ; " '' Vrttaicti.' co'itnox' . .t.t-Jy.v.ii i !-,fr&8 SDStwteBj fertaBumth, O - tinales '- t r-v . THE CKDSKSl&NED hnon baud a larsrlvtft -ShaTed-MaefhinElea.whirk he will aelt aV "T . t TnewtaMnglesrnrb rjf.ltowd 4uali,nd pan-baser ili,nd pqrraaser -, - - f Ii, .' n whrrrvvr usrd. , . . . J Lr'.M 111 tttiMtfiy n aaaoVkC - ' j T '4 J i t! rUeolar iniirlr rf . i - f i 1 if J. Hl'STI.hT. . - - i, j-1 t lit. oniW! . '( J I 3 j , i v v.',: , vt - - ll I 1 " J will find them t give sauaciiin wnrrnv ' Doorr and Barb. T alt iea,oatmW rwdaeed priwoa.. For further psrticnlars 48-tf : --',-. at DarUHnaalnt BAKERY CpifETOKlll(,r n I : v-' 1 1 F r! iff ' 0 fti etf etxjf BREA5;CKACKS; A3?C A3CD OTtSA 'mental sCakee, Osadias, JTt kholcaal at, Caadiis, Jjt kholcaal 1 ' aadretaik f w-r ,GRACKEBS eonBUntly on, a nt-Bf pAjiBgtSteteitx aNrafikr at my estaljliahbtattetailTiweaa ;v every fifth-pormdj las' I seil dpountBi fos i! eents.,,- , . . . i -i -'"-'.' M B-sTHara. titAjr-nl bikil; ?-was ' a? a1- -- v " -'.fBASTX BLbcX Pomeroy. 0 fCc4io?a4edprarrnp!T Basi-. f-'a ncg papdisc.ounteu;f buy ksd ..aell; v- v" - Exchange, VW-a, , sirver V , Coin,UcurrentMoiieTrJ y- 4v.Jfitajt"B X4J iTA fiE; .'J :1inMatTtlkBe prepared o fdraw- liir'lindtttTtroi.lbnstia, ' Glasgow, Ds&Liffi tlfajit.-'Pans -An", Baden-Baden, and othar citleaia 1 -ore. Also, - Anstra"liatC Tt::': - " oney , i aieritonc exmecte ' in everr part. , Of Europe. , . : ' .' JJtruj -VAUVMej iwTC AiAi-UP t, juaiu 4,wkfc W- o -r Tr-frr . . rau Ttfor. i.-ri HVWWVt sl;AG&C!Z . 6A!a'S.r.- . ? ; 6rJxD:Tti:7:cT, -) 1 7 ! I f VTid axl- f i H ? 1 rpilE tJNfiEESlCNEI) :0U1D JL-fairy inform the eitiseca ef-tl joinlBg eaanties, that they are now ptepatea furniab to order, 133 ,9a a-i-- MMfit2S81Its 4lead-f tot( JCout ATPf, - ( aadverytlii'a4 la' Jthcii- !afaf-thw""Jrt T yre.4 ttjIM aad teit rjayilt- t,f i'. - -.rj, xa i V - tr V"Ibw'itidaiai'eia5. .'C0,a C?Xt thia kind, "at prkes wtach cba failvAaiit- yui'do' give iflra'eitllhe.V s purclianinff vewherw. ..-', CEr. r ,,i,eoVo p fitU eaiis factwfflo a3 wfci.iax fsvdr s. .wij tlir -nt- ronsg, perrons it, fir r.j orner. , . ii:'.r:''6itlTiK,'lt ; - irMJTVTRlf 3 PKOptTrvsTAKFs 'Al J t 1 -t lharkf t vji hjr, I rani's C .1 'i I .i Vi. i V 3 .'I IP i. ! ' lli V T.l i ,t t ii if 1 l-.'iU 2 1. ' t Vj 1 nel or th description of it, f.a.VV Pat '''" Vot. ii''i(?Dr--ai 1 i- 5 ';-y."-v;'.:.-v.--..X" .-'?''i.:4?-; ; k. " I.- ; -.. ,1