Newspaper Page Text
..POMER.OY TELEGRAPH. TUHSlJiY, i t t I I Jtiiurr ti, I860. baadU, Clolkinajt V . Simon Silverman, who has heretofore eifttliiod to Lave "the cheapest store in tdwn," now reiterates his assertion, and Respectfully invites an examination of hf a -Stock and prices. The location of this establishment is on the corner of Vront and Sycamore Streets. iuiTtrurjr f Washington's Birth-Da. j-. The ' Ohio State Guard" contemplate giving a social entertainment in Athens, on the 23d of February. It will un- 'doubtedly be a grand affair, as many of 'the prominent citizens of the place are connected with its management. Dr.G.Colcr. " ; .This gentlemen has permanently loca ted himself at Middleport, where he will e found in readiness to treat the "horror . o? mankind," the cancer, without the use tf the knife. The Doctor, we believe holds himself strictly to the cure of this -disease, and malignant tumors generally. His certificates are highly commendatory, coming from the source where he gener- ally finds his opposition. All afflicted with such diseases as he treats should give bim'a call. r. a 1j l.i 1 . -r ,m. : The citizens of Rutland Township have appointed Saturday, the 28th inst., aa the occasion ot a "Grand Fox Hunt.'' -The inciosure will be within the follow -ine houndariesr "iThe north line of the ring beginning at li. Plummer's, near the village of Rutland; thence east along the road to where it forks, neat Thomas' week"; thence south to II. II. MeElhin-jny'-Sj. thence west, along . the road, up Leading Creek, to Binghams Mill; thence north to the plare of beginning. . . - JBtuIawsnse CBSMr '' There is scarcely any limit to the busi ness.;? this Company. Its operations extend into every section of the United States, and is regarded by ail as the tip top Insurance Company of the day. It has recently enlarged its capital half a MiJHon:d:oilara,a stands head -arid-shoulders " above any ; -Other 'feompanyj "y. Its agents everywhere '1 aj.L l xi -' . n v. s. UU31UC39 uicu, ami i.uT7jr dcciu w he appreciated by . the Institution'. As -aft -illustration of this, Mr; O. Branch, i the agent at this place, received a hand-.- some surprise in the shape of a cabinet, t which is neatly manufactured ' out of black walnut. , The -.Company has fur- nished, similar conveniences to all , its agents, at a great cost, but in the end it will certainly inure to its benefit.. Call on Mr. Branch for policies, and if the ;riBjis such as the Company permit him to take, you can get it, and if you should have the misfortune to be burnt out, you -will, have the good fortune of being in- ured in the Etna. . .. . ' TRAHSFERS OF REAL KSTATK. 0 ., The following transfers of Lands were rmade on ,' the1 Books Of ; the Aiiditor oi Meigs Count j' for the week ending Jan. .21, lSbOr' ' -.' J Bedford TP--John H. Jones to Thes.. Eiggins, Jr.v 10 aeres in sec. 25; Chester Tp. W. B. Rammells to '..Nancy Die kerson, 25 acres in sec. 5; ?ifco.- , . ', : Rutland Tp.1 Joshua Gardner to B. 'V; Petk, 12 acres in sec. 1; S45. Pomeroy. W. A. Bar ringer to II. -Cohen,. Lots Nos. 89 and 90; 81,0001 V: 15200.x OSame -to Jacob Hortenbarker,-J acre in sees, lanf 8200. rfjtf.. J. Nease to A. Vf. If ease, lacre3 in sec. 30; 300. : Rlckya Improved Broadcast Seed sower. We gave notice a coupleof weeks since that the right of Meigs and Athens Coun ties, for this valuable improvement, had - been purchased by Messrs. A. Todd and ' Thomas Spiller, of our place. Sin- e that time we have teen the Sower in opertii,'.an( to Sjlyfhef leait oT) it j it. - worked! admirably. It scatters the seed with amazing accuracy, and we presume that at least two-thirds of i the time ) usually "given : to"-, sowing by the --old 'method can be saved.. On the whole, ljwt think i farmer who has an ordinary quantity of grain or seed to sow, cannot --afford to be' without ' one.jMr.r Geo. H R n ."fatarfcr, who js now making a large num berTor tie .'abovef-'snamed :.gentlemen. ; "CaH'anil see1 them.', .".'"-.'-' 1 aUnimg atad MaBaAMtarlng Co -o: The stockholders in' the above Com "pany met at Pomeroy on Thursday last for the purjpose of organization, having -received ' their ; charter. The organiza fion was affected by the election of : ""Thayre HoRTON,' President; ..;Rich'd It. Hcdson, Secretary; . Carletcs yoto-NG, Treasurer. , ' Mri Hortonis well known to this com . munity, and his election as1 presiding of 'e.wUI, have an influence which will Teidiljf . place ;the , Company on a sound tfootipg. . A.better selection for Uiis of--..fice; could not nave been made by the 'stockriders. , r ,' 'pi; Zi'J&gprd,JtQ -JlLh.6 Secretary, as to all he (other, officers, itj may be said that the 'igHman was selected' ' for the " right fe- Mr. Hudson'sextensive acquaint ope biroad--his identification with the tfj)ortation business of our place-r-hk-htjte tntegrity-his capability all e"4 to point him ut as the one spec-'iinj-MSt tmtkit position. ' ,u v.-'lauag, Jgsq;, is a citizen of Racine, who enjoys tha coifideace of the eommu ,flty and, wiii firov himself worthy trust' imposed in hiin, ." ' te i)0Te Ad, efficient offi cers to .anage tha affairs , of. the Com pznj, there an be no doubt of the rapid improvement of the works. As there is yasi expense and muchrk attending fitting ; irp and development of such worka, it will yet be some time, we pre ,jmniei' .before the facilities for discharg ing coil wilt be complete. Shtton Tp,- y ; B, Ilorton to Philip Bear, J acre in sees. 1 and 7: 8200. Same to John Klein. A acre in sees. 1 and 7: fefew Grade and New Pavements. Some opposition was made to , the ac tion of the present effective Town Coun ., , - , , , - , " cu last summer, wnentnegraae was nxea, and an ordinance passed to erct p:tve inents on the sidewalks on Front Street, from Court to Williamson's Flouring Mill. There is none of that opposition existing since the work has been com pietea, ana we believe air are now heartily glad that it was done. The same Council has now fixed a grade for the sidewalks .on Front Street from Court to the west end of the L corporation, re quiring the same tobe paved. We hope it will meet the hearty concurrence of all.. . See ordinance. Coal! Coal!! Coal!!! , , , , . . f We are authorized to state that Mr Joseph Blackburn will furnish the best Black Coal at the reduced price of 5c. per bushel, at present, and if competition seems to demand it, at as much lower terms as can be afforded by any other person. Truly, ''Competition is the life of trade." " . . . ' .. . BOOK NOTICES. bodcy'i Lady'tBook. ,: , - This "prince of Magazines" has been received for February. It fully comes up to formed numbers.- We will furnish the Telegraph and this work one yeat for $3.75. As the regular subscription price of the Magazine is S3.00, this wiif be an exceilent way for subscribers to procure the Ttlejrajth at haif price. The ladla' Home nsgsahu V For February is at hand. Published by T. S. Arthur & Co., Philadelphia, t $2.00 per ' year, single subscribers; fouf copios for $5,00. The contents of this number are exquisite. The steel plate entitled, "Olive Plants," cannot fail to bring home scenes to the memory, of efj eryone. , The Telegraph and Home Mag azine can be procured for $3.00 per yeaTj payable in advance. -iv t - Peterson's Magaxlne. ' This excellent work is not on our ta ble, nor have we received it for a yeir. If the publishers will Bend it to us, to gether with their terms of clubbing with our paper,' we will guarantee then!. at leastpnej subscriberX Wej awaiteir answer: no ,Mi;Tw"!!.' . By the wayj we have been permitted by a friend to look at the February; No. of this work (didn't borrow it,--though,) and we will not: hesitate to say that the subscription money cannot be bettor in vested than in this wayl- ; . 4? Doenments. ' ' The Annual Reports of the Boards of Trustees and officers of the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum, and the Deaf amllumb Asyldrn, and Of the Directors and War enof the Ohio Penitentiary, haVe been receive A'.' Hon T. R.! Stanley i as -our thanl for these favors. f ,Ifoo. BenjF; Wade; the: Senator who correctly represents Ojuo-'jiL )i JJ- S Senate has favored us with a copyofhis speech,' delivered before that jbdy on the 14th ult., the concluding portion of which will be found, in to-dayf paper. Itis an'abje address,; and we are confi- dent will be read with interest.! - . ft U--t ; 1 - - -?;. Ohio tJnl-rersltyr , T . We received some time ago, mit failed to notice its receipt, the Annul Cata logue of the Ohio Uuiversity, at Athens Ohio, j This old established iaatitution, we believe, is filling the hojs of its many friends. ; ' ' ; Marrietta College. - 1 '" Catalogue received1 for 185JM-60,' and while; it is not so ' elaborate as that of last year, it is equally explicit. The faculty of this institution ip equal in ability to any other Institution of the kind in Ohio, and the advantages of stu dents much greater. I. W. Atdiews, D. D., is; President. I . C C i L AgrUmXiMrml. '' i : - . - - .. ;..3 v c1 i-'i The Ohio Cultivator, for wieh every farmer should send, has a moh) extended notice'in another column of otir paper. This) branch' of literature shoid Be', lib erally ' supported. - j-'i I; ' j Political. .. :Sj, . .1 The "Address of the People's Club of Philadelphia," is also on our table! The ostensible object of this address, which embraces 31 closely printed pages, is to lay before the American people the private character and public, career of the able and honored U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania,1 Gen. Simon Cameron, with . i i . f .1 . a view-io uis nominauon iorine y resi 'dency, . The following are extracts from the pamphlet: i - V 1 - - .. . -i. -. - - . ; ."He comes from the ranks the peo- 1 .1- ' . . piet sympawixea wiiu ilium, DQaerslandS their views and feelings, and knows how to promote their interests. Born and bred, as he has ever lived,' Tennsvlva- nia Workinar Man. who so tif:mtnrv to the working men of the country for the. Presidency as he? Whol of all that have vet been named., mors wnrthv: of the people'? confidence, and lie likelyto command Iheir enthusiast mnnnrt than the distinguished man who has sur - mounted all the difficulties of earl v or- phanage, poverty and destitution, and prepared himself for the high position of Senator of the United States which he now nils with so much honor to himself and credit to his native State?" ' -"We appeal, then to thepeople of other atates not the politicians, bat the peo- :ple themselvea those who hive at heart ine weuare , oi tne country-j-to ponder well tne suggestions tnus made to them, townships in this county by a party of Let their omnipotent voice be heard re- Republicans, and one cop of the Rich sponsive to the nomination of Pennsyl- mond (Va.) Enquirer sub&Wibed for. van ia's choice, and they will secure a The paper did some service, in that cam- canaidjte, wno will not only fead them to .rW.rV wnn .h.'. .iai.ij :n : ivwt( r-r-'-r . ' AUguraten administration of : the gov- ,r..f w will D!0va.4 ,v,.; iauF.wvo the eountry, restore narmonv and peace, uuu t4VMv ...... wmv. v. i viiyu, : Jnion. xThe 31emphia Appeal gives the Democrats in the House a dressing for abandoning Mr. Bocock to vote for May nard of Tennessee. "Thejg committed an enormous blunder in so! voting." "South-American diplomacy was at the bottom of it, and South-American di plomacy has succeeded in Wetting the uemoeracy into suc-n contusion that there is but litt.e hope that it will ever regain iue pobuon w men itattained on the first day of the session," OMINOUS. wWhilo ii flian-inn iraa .miner on in I r. ., . , i t - vsvMMDva ' , J- " UF' ,U8-e' on ona uPon i thi "tn resolution offered by the com-; , m a eonstabie arresttid the Rev. Mr.! Greene, of the Northern lUetBOdist carch, for having uttered seditious sen timents. He was tried before Justice Estill, required to give bail, and sent on for further trial." -The above extract was taken from the fanawha Valley Star, and printed in the Kanawha Republican, from which paper we copy it, together with the fol lowing defense of the Rev. gentleman: ."He has been a devoted Itinerant ajethodist, for forty-odd years laboring i greater portion of that time in West ern Virginia a member of the W. Va. Conference since its formation in 1848. few men, throughout a long life,-have exhibited to their fellow-men" a purer character. He has always been regarded spd esteemed by the thousands that know Jiim well as an humble, devoted Chris tian, and a patriotic, law-abiding Amer ican citizen. The same paper states that the follow ing was the evidence adduced on the trial: A man by the name of Hughes tes tified that as he was about 20 yards from he road where Father Greene was riding by alone, he heard him muttering to himself these words: . That the slaves oiust arid ought to be free, and that he would walk up to his knees in blood to free them.' This Hughes, we learn from respectable gentlemen, is a sorry crea ture. , . ; What should be the comment upon the above proceedings? -It is alleged that Rev. Mr. Greene, u" Northern Methodist minister who, it is admitted by the Republican, "has always been regarded and esteemed by the thousands that know : him well, as an humble, devoted Christian, and a patriotic, law-abiding citizen" has been heard to utter "sedi tious sentiments." And to whom did he utter these sentiments? The testi mony goes to show that he was heard to "mutter them to himself," while riding along the road, by an individual twenty yard from the road! , , Indications seem to be that the "chiv alry" are determined to drive from their midst all who do not side with them in their nefarious , designs against those who entertain any sentiment repugnant to the "divine institution." From the Kannwha Vl -ly "tar. THE POSITION OF THE SOUTHERN METHODIST CHURCH. On Sunday night of the 8th inst., the Rev. Mr. Kelly, of this place, preached in . the Southern Methodist Church, a very able and practical sermon on the re spective and reciprocal duties of husband and. wife, parent and. child, master, and! . -1- -J- .1. -I- -J- 4 servant. ; The last part of his discourse was de voted to that al important relation and subject, master and servant.- Mr. Kelly showed by the scriptures that slavery was not a sin, was not per se a moral evil. Had it been a sin it would have been de nounced by our Savior when on earth. For then nwrethan half the Roman pop ulation were slaves. And neither Christ nor the -Apostles do' anywhere in their teachings denounce slavery a sin, but on the contrary, they recognized the relation of master and servant (i. e., slave) as s political relation, and assigned tt both (master and servant) their several duties masters be kind to your servants servants obey your masters. He defined the position of his own church on this great question. : They did not interfere with the polit ical relation of master and servant, they did not directly or indirectly by word or action, declare slavery a sin or a moral evil.' But on the contrary they recog nized slavery as an -existing institution of the southern States, and rollowing the example of Christ and the Apo stles, they Uffht the duties or the master to the slave, and of the. slave to the master; and did not regard African slavery a sin per se. vv oula t nat ail otner iuetnociist min isters in Virginia and the entire South entertained and preached . such whole some conservative and truly Christian doctrines." As will be seen, the above justifica tion white slacery is from that very Dem ocratic paper, the Kanawha Valley Star. Can the, Democracy of ,Meigs County co incide in these sentiments, advanced by a Southern minister," and indorsed by a paper that is pledged to support the nom inee of the Charleston Convention? A CARD. , .,' Post Office, KisiWH C. H., Va.,f " ... January 12, '60. j ' I have just heard from a friend, that some of my Methodist friends are under the impression that I have discontinued some of their publications. . 1 take this public manner of stating, that such is not the fact. I have discon tinued no publication for the reasons al leged, nor do I intend to do so. There is no such authority vested in a Post master. " ' ' I will here state that many publications have been examined, by me, under direc tions of the Department, and as yet I have' found none that contained incendiary-sentiments, and but seldom an al lusion to the subject.of Slavery .y I shall continue to examine all tuspected papers- an if I find avy pMuatiovs that come 1 wita the laws of Virginia; J will hand them over to the. Justice of the Peace, and 1 inform the subscriber of he disposition of : his paper, i ! Those who know me, ought to know : tnat I will not pursue an underhand ; coarse in this, matter: Everything that is done in mv 0c'l!l ctpacity, will be done Pen,y and "above board," without regara 10 persons. ; I . . D. H. SNYDER, P. M. Dae.m,t Waimt Wortu:rtt . . The .Madison (Ind.) Gurier says: During the Presidential canvass , in 1856 a club was formed in one of the Daien. The Democracy of Virs-inia p s I . T 1 v ,r?.inia pressea nara upon tne democracy ot In - aiana The Virginia pa pes ex nosed the nt ... i ?r .,nL,a PdPeexpohea tne iaiiacies ana inisenooas we Uoosier Demoerats were forced to tell to 8ustin inei themselves. ,The subscription to the En quirer nas beentorwaraed regularly since. ' A day or so ago the subscription price was lorwaruea to ivicnmona lor the En- Constitution, is "a man of very little bot quirer for 1860. Themoney was returned, torn." We should say then, in view of The Richmond Enquirer doea not want-his two extremities, thathe is a rcmarhi subscribers in Indiana. . ; i lly well balanced man. Louisville Jour- 8Mr. W. H. Radeliffe, ibrmcrlv of : - uieveiana, nas ueen notinca bytheFost- ...can journals of the former city are in- m.'ISLer in iPW lirie:in rniir Tho Knnn K v-r s .i . , . cendiary publications,-and that he must j stop receiving them. timely advice. Tt, -J. Mj;7 K.mme- J. 1IU CU1LUI Ul ewv w . . w . - . ... . " i i marks . " h? .sP"nSL an summer, the sensibilities ot the digestive oreans are increased, the full diet of win- ter will, if ncrsisted in, induce fever. , This is by no means a new discovery. The ancients named the month of Febru ary, when their spring began, from feb- rum a fever, and wisely recommended. as i a DrcDarative for the heats of summer, I judicious exercise, light diet, and the full t X and free use ot water. Professor Holloway, the distinguished , English practitioner, has done something more than this. He has discovered and introduced two remedies for all the de rangements incident to a change of tem perature, which have saved the lives of thousands of unacclimated travelers and sojourners, in every region between the equator and the poles. When a sudden transition from cold to heat produces dyspepsia, liver complaint,fever, diarrhea or dysentery, Holloway's Pills seem to subdue the disturbance in the system at once, and to bring all its functions into harmony with the new atmospheric in fluences by which it is surrounded Where the shock occasioned, by. the change affects the skin or glands, the Ointment, in combination with the Pills, soon puts the external organization into a healthy condition. Under these circumstances, common prudence suggests the propriety of hav ing both remedies always at hand at the commencement of the summer, and. of providing a supply of them before start ing on a journey or voyage. In this cli mate, summer and autumn are, unques tionably, the seasons most prejudicial to health, and therefore nothing should then be lelt undone that will have the effect of fortifying and bracing up the system, purifying blood, and putting the diges tive apparatus in good working order. So far as our observation goes, Holloway's Pills will infallibly secure these results. Families who have habitually used them for years as a Spring, Summer and Fall medicine, declare that acomplete exemp tion from the complaints usual at those seasons has been the' invariable conse quence of their exhibition. -This we can readily believe, knowing as we do, that they exercise a triple influence upon the internal organs. They purify the fluids, remove obstructions, and invigorate the digestive powers. There are few sys tems so healthy as not to require such helps to Nature at this critical period of the year, and it is therefore obvious tnat a course of Holloway's Pills is proper, as a protective measnre. Boston Jour? nal. "' Mr. Ntmmlngtr'i Speech to the Virginia Legislature. Richmond, Jan. !. Mr. Memminger was escorted to the capital by the military. The national and Virginia flags waved over the build ing. He spoke four hours to an immense crowd. He described the steady inroads of the North upon the rights of the South, and the rise and progress of Abolitionism. He drew a dreary picture of their pres ent relations with the North, and showed that the guarantees. of the Constitution were powerless to protect the South. ' The South must make a , demand for new guarantees, if the Union is to be preserved, or else make concession after concession until they loose all influence and right of confederacy. " He urged a Convention of the Southern States to consider their relations with the North-; Mr. Memminger was listened to with intense interest throughout his long dis course. ' BJTr. Davis, of Indiana, used ''fightinjr words" the other day in the House of Keprcsentttives. He gave an exhibition of what he intended should pass as chivalry, keeping his eyes all the time upon his friends, the lire-eaters, as much as to say "won't, I do gentle man?" "Don't you thiak I W one of your . ' , Poor Davis's chivalry was a sorry im itation of the genuine article of South ern manufacture. Louisville Journal. tFrom a card published over the signature of a- Virginia Post Master, in the Religious Telescope, published at Day ton, O., it appears that that paper will no longer be permitted to be delivered to subscribers in the "Old Dominion," "on account of its alleged "incendiarism." The Telescope is a religious paper, pub lished by the United Brethren denomi nation. Ex. Leavenworth, Jan. 16. In the Kansas Legislature the question of the temporary Capital is yet unsettled. Among the Republican candidates for the Senatorship Messrs. Jos. 31. Winch ell and Gen. Pomeroyarethe more prom inent. Gen. Lane is stirring up for the position, but it is said his chances are becoming less. : - Douglas in Tennessee. The De mocracy of Humphreys County, Tenn., met the other day in county convention and passed resolutions, repudiating and spitting upon Douglas and his doctrines. They resolved that they would abide by the choice of the Charleston Conven tion, "except it be Stephen A. Douglas." ""Albany,"' Jan. 19. Hon.' Clark B. Cochrane's severe illness has terminated in insanity. - He was taken, yesterday, to the Utica Asylum, where it is hoped skillful treatment may restore his rea son. The exciting agitation in Congress is believed to have greatly contributed to this much deplored result. Runaways. Within the past week over thirty ner grOes have escaped from their owners -in Mason County. It has been impossible! for them to cross the Ohio with any se curity, and it is. supposed that they are harbored by the free negroes residing in Maysville along the line. Frankfort (Ay.) Yeoma.n Destruction of the western Female Semi nar', j Oir ird O., Jan. U. The Western Female Seminary at this place, burned to the ground this morn- i ing. The. teachers and pupils, all es-, caped. j jaiThe Cincinnati Enquirer says that ! if Dourlas is to be killed off for enter-; taining such views as he does, the entire f .t!fe r e 7 1" Northern Democracy must, for entertain ':no. frip fiame V;CW9 be tilled off tan c n vicwsie killed ott too. 0h well, we are not going to distress our- ,iM tA AM,h r,n,it tht. r " 7 A Washington correspondent says that lien. Bowman, of the Washino:ton fteft'The Hon: S:S. Cox. of Ohio is . . irAv nrv of hrtrinrv hoanna A.I n face. The little man's face is doughy, but hi feelina-s are crustu. Louisville i Journal. Bt 1BRIID, """ iJul msS W Br On the 19th inst., by Rey. S. M. Bright, Mr. uu UI V w-v J-: O . f; . i of Hartford tity, Va. On the 19th inst., by the same, Mr. Jons N. m x.u.uuai,! .uudiioB; aouqirs, doiq Peall ad Miss Maetha McNameb, bothf 1 omeroy DIED. In Cincinnati, on the 13th of January, of croup, tadi Giles, son of Rev. ChauncV Giles. age l 4 years and 16 days, ln ur! I1.1!"05.8! on the 3d of January, of ttrnXiAlil Til VA7 BVIlAn 7V1 1 ' . 1,. keyNiaWv Giles ' 8 . sister of POMEROY MABKHTS. MoKDiT, Jas.23, I860. $5.60tS.0O $ brl. .....$1.101.15 $ bush. Flour Wheat Oats : Potatoes,,.... Appl (green) Dried Apples.. Dried Peaches. ...... 4UQ4&C. V " ! , 5560c. $ .$1.00l0 : .3160 " $3.25 " 15i8c. lb. 812ic.ig lb. ..15c. dos. 5f)60c. 1? gal. ..75$ljOO gat, Butter...... Cheese...... Eggs..... Molasses Sirup Sugar (N.O.) Coffee 12lbc. V " Rice Soap ; Candles (tallow) Fish (Cod)......'. Fish (Mackerel) , Fish (White). Pickled Pork Shoulders Sides (smoked) Hams.. 0($ic. 1 " .....o10c. t " " 56Jc.f fffllOo. & " 7c. ' 910c. .910c. " 9raXl0c. " .tl2c. " ...ret. 7c; wholesale ojc. ', Crackers... Hoop Poles . $6.00 1,000 Salt.. .retail 25c; wholesale bush Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati, Jumiary 19, 1P60. Flour The demand is quite moderate, and the sales confined to 1,200 brls at $5 40 for Superfine, and $5 G55 60 for extra. Receipts light. ... Hog No sales. The season may be con-, sidered about closed. About 500 were received the last 24 hours. Tallow A sale of 15,000 lbs at lOJc. Grocekies No change in the market; the demand continues moderate at 88 jo for Sugar, 4647c for Molasses, and 1212Jc for Coffee. Whkat The market is firm, with a good de mand at$l 28 1 30 for prime White, and $1 23 1 25 for prime Red." . CoRJi The demand is good, and prices firm at 545oq sales D00 bush, iu bulk, at 54c. Oats The market is firm, -with a good de mand at 4849c; sales of 600 bush, in bulk, at 49)e. : : ' '.: . Barley There is a fair demand. We quote strictly prime at 73 75c, and fair to good at 6368. Hat The demand continues active and prices firm at $24 00 per ton, for prime Timothy, on arrival. Cheese The market is firm, with an active demand at last quotations; sales of 200 boxes Western Reserve at 9Jc, and 50 do English Dairy at 11c "' ' ' Butter -There is a fair demand, but prices are unchanged; sales of 12 barrels' choice West ern Reserve at 1 8c. ...... Apples The market is firm, with a good de mand at $2 253 25 per brl. from store. Potatoes The demand continues good and prices firm at last quotations. - - Cloverseed There is a good demand, and prices have again advanced oc per bush, closing firm at $4 85 for sacks and bvJs. t SPECIAL NOTICES. fiTo Teachers. The Board of School Ex aminei-B for Meigs County will meet on the first Saturday of each month, at the Court House, in. I'oineroy, for th--examination of Teachers. - . ; " . - Examination to-'commence at 10 o'clock A. M, and continue till 41 P. M. t&Ho Teacher need apply at such exami nation who has a certificate valid for three months from the date of said application.. .By order of the Board. Jan. lSGO. W. H. LASLEY, Clerk. Holi.owat's Ointkkht awb Pills. The skin dis eases to which the boil Tivant anil man of- IniJol-int habitsure peculiarly subject, as wrll as tlioso icor- biiticiifrectioiu cns"tl by a superabundance of salt diet and the hardships ami privations of a seaman's life am readily removed by Holloway's Ointment. The disdpiriiigbtoti'hes, pustules, pimple, eto., nri sing from suppressed perspiration or obstructions in (lie soerolivrt organs,ure also immediately oblitera ted by this purifying and beautifylni; ageu',. li has tin eqna! ns a means of clearing the complexion and relieving the skin of discolorations and excres enres. Che Pills. s they early oft all inward impu rities, are an important auxiliary to the Ointment in such cases. .... IIS fensporlatioitJ SIDE- WHEEL'. & 0 f AT o. SE9II WEEK LY PACK ET, "GREY EAGLE," A. 1H)KNAI.LY, Master; FRAKK. J.OAKES.CU.; Leaves Piimurov every MONDAY at 10 a. .. and FRIDAY, at 4 o'elook M. In order to make time we are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati every WEDNESDAY and SAT UH DAY. at 4 o'clock r. at. This arrangement is permanent, and the boat will make prompt and regular trip-. Her accommoda tions and speed lias po equal. Will do business at regular established rates, and trust that the citiiens of Pomeroy aad vicinity will give us their patronage ml influence. - Kov. S9, '59. 48-tf MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2,'' ItwSfcissM D. K. SAYRK, MASTKH, Leuves Cincinnati every Monday eveuirg, at Ave o'clock, passing Pomeroy on her way upeverjr Wed nesday morning. - - - Ki-turniHg, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy every Haturday at C o'clock . . . For freight or passage applv on board, or to PATION A MOSTGOMKKY. Oft.8.'59. 41-lf . ' Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. ' Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, John hkisner, clerk; leaves Cincinnati' every J.J. BI.AGG. Master; every Thursday at 5 o'clock. p. m. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at llro'clo. k . k. Leaves Marietta ver Monday nt 8 o'clock . M. Leaves pomeroy every Tuesday at So'elock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to Niv. 89, '59. 48-tf fA i lua at mua iiujieni, Pomeroy Wharf-Bo it. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet; SWA L L O .W. N. PAUKER.MASTER. Leave. Cincinnati at i o'clock P M. every Saturday evenii g, passing Poinvroj , on b-r upward trip, Mon day morning. Ket undue, will leave Marietta every Wednesday morning, and Pomeroy ovi-ry Thursday morning. For freight or passage applv on board, or to PATTUI & MOA TGOMEKY, ' Kov. 82, '59. 47 Bin Pomeroy Wharf boat. WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. lveguiar nneeting ana Cincinnati racxei, f t TT -Bfc :T lE '$ V 'U & JCS JESll S M ASON. Master; W. J.C. Ardchsom, Cl'k; Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday at S oVIock r. passiug Pomwroy W.-tlneseay at 2p. m. Keterning. loaves Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o'clock p. m. r?or freight or parsnge applv on board or to KA ITOiN dc MONTG i.MEKY. If ov . 29, 48.g Pomeroy Wliart-bnat. RMOUTH AND WHEELING. ,,a . o, .siiiouih and Wheeling Packet, FAIRY QUEEN, W. MORrf if OS, Master; J. Stves, Clerk; in run oeiwffji i ue Will run between the above ports, touching at all h.. t.nllnr nn,in .... . u KLfZ.4'' re,u,"in' Po'l-ro for freight rrassag apply on hohrd. or m fATTOK dr MoMGO.MKKY, ftwJraB.-.-i J'oroeroy Wharf-Boat. $22,000 WORTH OF GOODS . TO BE SOLD OFP .AT CQST! 3N :XT3V: XT Or I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF THE' GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHALL! I have everything in. the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, MeriBe,.Cobcrgs, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and. Bleached Muslins, Check, Fliuri, Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &. ; '.-1M b.v:-i-.; H A R D W A R Ei; ; ' ' Glas, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale 3eitt, Brui Itfltl, Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, ButUl CARPENTEES' TOOLS. 1 - - ' Planes, Saws, Chisals, Augers, Hatchets, duo, COOPERS' TOOLS. x Tress Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compaises and Knivs of all kinds. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. ; Bellows Tiees, Anvils, Files,' Horse itasps, Stocks and; also, Shear', Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug. gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. J " '( . " I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of DoorsSasV Venetian Blinds, all made of clear Whit Pine. O Xj O T Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Also, a large and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys'. Calf and Kip - Boots and Shoes; Children, . ..... . . . . . . -! . 1 f - Tl - Misses and Ladies Shoes of all Kinds, l Keep a Wrapping Twine. TAIIiOJa'INO. If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Goods for manufrcturing purposes, work done The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve, at cost, ror CASH. Give me a call. Pomeroy, 0.,Jan. 3, 1860. M.J PR ALL. PRALIL. & BE ALEHSS-il 4T PR ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in i The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense neat tflrown m in bottom of the Oven. : oj In introducing this greaty-improved "OaiBurning Stove, we wUk it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use In disposing 6f them, but will WAKRANT every This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We have tbe most improvea patterns oi- WOOD COOKING ' STOS; f Without dwelling upon elude our notice by announcing that our . - . ; i3it PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES - Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and ws defy competition Cept constantly on hand, Ur Stock. In addition to our heavy l . - ana manumciurc iu orucrj To THE ClTtZKSS Ot MSIO AND AnJOISIKO certain degree, the nature of the business we m hA rlnne. naturallv suezests itself. Do you been wasting your time in reading our .card. money, if we have to credit. We have tlierciore, jEbk. And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter; market value. , pnt Tnerience has Tjroven the beneficent aIW and it is for the benefit of our customers ownwho can BUY and SELL cheaper We respectfully invite you to call and see Wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it away tilh you have given us a eaii. Aug 16, lti59.-ly ,; ... t, . A G 1 F T . : MOORE'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Ifiabandi to their Wive and Daughter. -' - The introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently iractlcnl machine will bring joy and glad ... .i i .... .I r ihonnnJ4 nt our countrv lieSS lf WO m u. vo ... - - . women throughout the laud. It is pronounced by J the best Ju-'ees to be the inot simple, practical and , durable Machine now before the public, and the . most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac- curate en all kiikis oi n.iniuiin ...... of thread, from No. to WW. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few ef its Superior ad vantages. lt. II makes th strongest, most elastic and du rable at itch of any yet made. : 3d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. 11 sews from two common spools itlmut re winding. , 4th. It uses no oil. on top, thus preveating tha damaging of goods. - Slh. It runs wiih-great ease, and quietly; tilh. It can he understood and operated open with very Jillle instruction. 7th. It is sold I r the low Price of thirty dollar. . Specimen of its work will, be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine and work can be seen at the agents' residence, a -xtUoor to Vt. Train's office, near the Bank Huildilig. - ItlcMA TEj.. At SON,' Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington oiiuties. Ohio. (Jan. 3. !-if IJorttnilturf. rp -p tQgg tt uOll ! OFFER FOR SALE SEVERAL yJ thousand Grafted Apple .Trees, ; H : of a suitable sue for setting out tnis ValL Price, Ten Dollars per Hundreu. Salem Center, Meigs Countj. Ohio, bepu ii 1859. 2-3i-tf AND FRUIT FARM, - - - Rutland, Meigs Co. O., W. V. UIJJ3BKII., PROP' TOR, OFFERS FOR SALE THE FOL lowing Nursery Stock, embra cing all of the most approved varie ties of Apples, Dwarf and Standard Pears, Cherries, Plums, Gooseberries, tirrpes, Strawberries, and the Lawton Blackberries. All of .he above varieties I will ararrant.true t nam. Kov-. 1, 'SB, fiiy Braces and Bits, Squarwy LivIi. Also, ; :'r?'.' Z If o large , siock or voraage oi an uiq, xiwm . ' . ' Vest, give me a call.. I have a large lot of Piece up in best style, and warranted, good nt or H . COhi KJN , . . . front street, tnree doors aDOvetourt. GEORGE HATC If i "SiS, uLD STAkC - A. - Pomeroy, 0. rrf: community t eno of tbe greatest improvements .j-.gjfcyra 7 the coal, by which Stove we sell to te what it is represented. the merits of the different patterns, w will eon MATCH 3fi . . V1.. . METALLIC HYDRANTS and we respectfully invite the public to examine . ... , stock of Stoves w will keep constantly on hand, (PTVW 1 ? . i 4. u nut., - t ... -,n . . m .-y COBNTItS: ' ' 0 . : ine aoove remarks will aeTnenitrate to you, in intend to proseeute. - The manner in which it it wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply We cannot sell at our prices without losing conciuaea to sell exclusively ror r--.y.i': jES y Copper, Rags, Old Silver, to, at their highest ' - , ' . : ! . results of the cash system, to both purchaser aad who can buy much cheaper m well ai for that we adopt this system. ' - the improvements in our Stoves, whether "you you value your hard-earned money, not tolavi'sh .s .- .- -2. PRALL & HATCH. J. B. HAMPTON, a-MANUFACTURER O OUTH-E AST CORNER OF COURT AND O Back streets, opposite the new Bank Build ing, Pomeroy, O. June ZI, '9. 23-ly SOAP AND CANDLE M A N U F A C T O II Y THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to announee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he has opened ashop on Sugar Run, neae the lanncry, where. he will, manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can give satisfaction to ' all wo jnay favor us witn a call, . . . N. B. -All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. , - - DAVID GEYER.; Pomeroy, 1-1. tf - . :- Saddle,, Hrrness and Trunk Manufacturer. Middleport, O., - - - KEEPS CONSTANTLY, ON HANI,- AND will.manufactnre to order, all of the vari ous articles usually'manufactured ia such es tablishments. - He calls particular attention to his Harness making, -and "denes the world" oa fancy mounted double or single Harness:-4 Do not fail to give rhe a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt'i Building, up stairs. . Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, 4c at the highest market price. 1 June 21, '59. 25-1 y '' j. A. G. GK0WLEY & CO TTTILL HEREAFTER CARRY' OS THI V V Carpenter and Joiner business; Doors, Sash, Blinus, &e executed to rer. - From long experience in business, w feel confident of giving perfect tisfaeton in all orders cn trusted to our care. For past patronage tmr inanss are auo the puMic, and wo respectfully ask a continuance of their favors. Tli Mill is a few doors above Williamson's Flotrrinr , JOHNS. DAVIS, LATE OF THBTIBM OF CROWLEY & DA via, designs proseontirig the Planing busi ness, at the old stand on Sugar Ron; Thank ful for tVe liberal bestowal of pironfte here tofore, he will eprleovor to ment jts continu a by pronrptnesBand tMtsee. 3-JMf 1 Where yok tit gef thstr CtetpW m ints run adtaktaqe.aBO? KJ hinUM, tigttfcarwiti. tka qnality if A articlM, svar. 1 ttliif. ettaUishnMBi im & outy. fc. lemaberv Ui plaea MayugB m BaUding, lour, floors wm at vaar ibwi, mr Front, Pemaroy- ft. 8. SlLYUMJV, ; Ag't. NEW GROG THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JXTST OPEJfB aa S?ts astortiient of Groceries, Pre visions,-tjuefi Sho t JeOr ningc ond stand, treat Toe Komng auu, wum will be sthrtrNUStrSsL Wr . Constsntlj on hantt " Buckwheat Flottr.; -i- rrttntav Corii MeaV;u,,:.j: craaowrrvefv , u , ' PrfodlppteS,'- tSl' ,i - - - Dried rtotMf ' - TssyfV- . PaUtoes; ?r;2 - MoUatte, Hoainr, 8ljft . Ptafl BarWrv- Tifs " " ' Btans, - -!-. -Muaias,- -' &iaip Cttrrattts- ir'. fc-lfelt : . ' : -c.H.DO?rirAt.T. New EstiflblisKSient. GROCERY & PROVISION; STORE. I. - f)ASHFOH:.'-; COUNTRY PRODUC0 VAt. DUTTENHAFER HAS taken the buildinr we ceriAir a presccutinr ta 6mcry n Prodoee ), in snincwhatUlfsrtfUt style taaais knatrS ! thi. wn unity. . ' " J-L.- wii CAII PAID FOII I'KOOI, U, er eTrtanned for CntceriM, St k piloa M. aavinKdie aiacKcuiig. , . -f.i-t. MV ousiueaslrlll a umareii irnm nmrn ii rwivr -nee t.4 rarietf , wfeieh will eoaiprisalan , kiatfsof : . . u - DRIED FRUITS, ad etnvr maUrlals kt 1b flarttea sapy tkt I will kep constantly, ' - ! "'" BUTT EX ' EGGS" AMD' fO WIS, to supply the eesaauwity ! femeroy -vlOwtty. 1 will mantiou par i my wea, win promptly supplied fur exttautted, aad wilt aiware be the best article la markl - ' ' ' COFFEE', TEA;" SUGAR, Kiee, Syrup. Molasses. Kxtraeta r voree ausiare, Ralaratus. SeJa, Cream Tartar, Dried Beet, Seleaa SausaKC, Cbeeee, Bareu; JlanM, Saonlaersaaa Sile. cueuinber ric-alri, rraserree f an ainus, apices. Catchup. Cermaaj, Castile Ckavinf Spertssaaa's and othxr Reaps. ' Oll,CanueeV -' ""' . mODEN;4-W.ILli!lffi. Buckets. Rasketi. Tuba.. Cburos. c. Brooais, oil Knpe. Bresbee. if- t -; . ..' tiueeasware,- uiaaaware, asm noiieas. Cicars and Tobacco, of all iraties, quantities ! qnaiities. - ' - rieiirper onrrci. - it, FOS Hi V ItLV-It RE DWi To the Cltiisnsof fomerey and MsigsCouotj : . I hv opened aa.eslablishmeal of lbs Shure 1- ferfe.t description. 1 think jrou asea H, aaut-anw ean-buv and sell as favorably ssnlheni.a'elBit oaala- iTelT a cash busirfess. Will yea give me -suakifiA patrunage lijenaDie r y tnmn. ; fintm. 1 satrefv )ou at to wv ability ty sell ebean. . 3 JflisrcllpfOpiMi ; BAKERY & COKFECTiOiNEHV, J - Frd 'n't -t 8 1 f e e t;- P o m e r o y O V . BREAD, CRACK ERSr FANCY ASP QRNA. niental Cakea? Candies, tc-i at wholesale and retail -i- - .J--A .z-Kr CRACKERS BY. THE 'BA-RREL- j constantly on hand,'sa low 'as in, an' ether market. v .;.-,, t; J.;jii t . ?;,T CANDIES, by the quantity, at 1 cents. .Jiv imi-ciiasinc Butter r o4si Cracker t my cjtaliahrnen, at.TetaiL you ea lav avary filth rouml, as 1 sell 4 pounds ror li emis. ,2-if . . GKOrATKIXSCff.' . airL. . .. .. t. aATstsuait. DANIEL & R A T BTBTJRN, ?;' 3a3 .A. 3x n'VL-m J BAKE BXrOClC VaaktMT. 0. Collections made and promptly Vmitaed; Bnii- nets pper discounted; buy-'amt sail Exchange, Gold: and SiiTC :. is. Co'8. L'nourrent Manejj. Ls nd Warrtfntf, . . r . r , v. F O R Ell C V. E X C IHASf " ylaln'snmif tosuit.r W aW'W'ari4 o draw, direct: on londv, twertflofe . iwantaa, GUsgfcw, DubUa. Belfast,: Paria,. Jkaiatesdaa', ' Haden-ttaden, aa otner ciuef i jiir.-. sPr . Australia. ; ' . ; . . . . .i s ,-, Money reeetved on arpanrj ssa nwrwui lowedon t)mjIepoBt at rata agreed jtjftm. Jan.,I. z-3ly ,. -. ;. ,--,., i '.1:1 I TnE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INF0X.M tha vrhMct-erawoTrff Mtit arnLaajoiking- counties, tbft ke tSl t ui axeta! t'or.fn' bushel .orr ooo, cieaj J sav, f . P9 ;fl cieur. . . , . w 1 Persons wishing lavgt lots of Flour saarir, ean have it ahufatttred at-0 eat rl oSalSo gi to tha owaec f thbiWheat.? h.i r-. (f;iw t- !-? iiw? njwisuii,t . July ;jl6t '6P. SO-tf UNION LAW . LOCATED. AT CLEVELAND, O.,; QVaBIVlia KVIUUICUW UU ,w . . gnat," 15th day sf December . and 'i?ta dy:;it'' April. Students may enter at ait f tarifc'vrkli equal profit. The Coitoga ia:iuthorid.ticoit fer all decrees. Upon' graduating, students -re- cciva the degree of llachelor. of Ijs,frdinay b 'admitted to practice without rurtaer aaaBK- natiorr. ; Foe circular, addroca. ; , . iyc. .;m-wt9.1y f ; . M. A. xixa 200,000, Shingles, THE UK l)KRSH!f K.D has on hand a lanr'"l'M) Mava Vwc -'h1ng4s,Jiltrh V willH!.H These liingltfs are of goW qulit.T,a(l pnrehHs?r will fln.l thrm tgirt sal.a-tnMtlwruVrruaiI. i Honrs and Sash. t 1 1 t Mt, timXr f an hf at reduced tirtce. For further artirlTftrittlq!le of . -.-vl. n .. V -MiiKTafiV-. :-tf- . - - AtlHiVl-r'Vlasliigill. Iniaky. ' LU,M.liElt ;F0! :l5ALB. A CHOICE AND' liKGEvLOT OF WEU sonsoned ,v : . .. .-. . r, .,-r ; . . nXE AXIf HEMLOCK lUMJJZR for sale on reasonable 'terms.-,1 rose . w5hT to purchase an invited to ealr and examine for themselvea. Inquire in Pome rpv, March 15, !59.-i-y 1 ? AE. Mf R150Plt? w. a. I. Tti iiutv. . c at.-.i(asv.4anxH. EXCEtSlOa MAnBlEWOHKS, fuHy inf6iin the eiti seas of Metfra and ad- 1 joining coujatkataaiijiej.are now prepared ta Monumcnia, Hed-Bt6ne$, GounterVToa " Ta"bleTep8,'MatleB. -: "h- ' ad avrything in tbejr,line,af the aioat 'ap proved style ana tery beat qualitj of - , , v; foreign cr AxrittcEnllbif. inoaa wiwag w ttam U'juy woti this kind, at prices which, cannot fsil.ti will do well tA a-ite na sull urKi4 Mint' faction to all who May-favor us with tfce M ipoagrporaoqauyv or erf aracr.- ; - AUg. 17. 1-33-tr nOTJNTRY- PRODUCE- - TAKEK . .' AT V7 highest market value, at H Traa'f " - verj estaUiehuenK Pomerov O I -f. S. Blivh . RACINE, MEIGS OO J Ov ijyoawe inci. o. uviei; erta two jj ;; (tof iMi. -smithrr SirrK.! S. S. eilVXJLMAV. i