Newspaper Page Text
o . ', X 4 5 AN ODE TO LAMB. ! v n ucurer wiui uvns nu mini i must aisiwnait r-... aJ-.:' " u.. . . . vr g ilc in iu mgnruiPBu oi expense - I . 1 . - . auu wu wgujr wen m jtio luiieai acnBe j fliiqiijtiojlj r O J V I -hv- .. v v.v ww um HUB OCt na But 'imcer WitbJall the trimmings understood .... . in a w n iwirinnf ,s-. -r Then boil the Cea. the fragrant taint nfatvju-n - 5 - 1 - - . . sjw xuua-pnnre joinu pa eveiMone nor rare I alwujajauil XMsioCIMp J mealriiAlf la thee J dfeV, .Bat he Vut pWt aud"iy oI4 Qwi winorr, fri 1 Threelicc midway oT.ttie leg b riiiocf ' " j TJwa" out t.lva rest away for very "fine - V :Vlia "roast lamb! - "r',,-8.T ! ,""'."" 11 ' i. ii Liana no'-i Tote Hood doaeribti an iatendedlduel which waa prevented 'lyan amicable aj-rangement made. upoalttte1 ground. Thjj "arUes--Mr. Brady an'jjCpT QayiT ? affections of Maa'Eocy Bell, find ifnocessiuy to appeal to rm ,x :-: ; rlwttfirst they found VM$ epiece, ! o5LliiS"-pleasunt thought grve j That they both werciu, they'd hare "w Jj"JL .t. .Wilt .: ' i Tliur C- grounu, uot long Tfo"aeiionJU net forbore; ; y They took doien'mojre , Against tjie-deadlv' strife so, they : AtKiiJbUi'aul.B juauieajsiitt lis doomed to have a ML jiri-j "I do oonfes I did :ttaoko ,tU4 .wuiaivfiW caargo, .wiu ;uta.r yourramroii do the same?" 4 E4k tnink or Honor s courtr If we be oft without a shot 1A 'JJ JR 3l! m -ii . . . . ''itl'iWDkt the-iftoraing now is bright, j Why can t we aim above, as if,; ,J . 4 J . , 11 j 1 ii 1 : . .: ... lnCflti.ij.j Tnat vpinoi jn. the' cn$: ; ; .Mi i j Tt i "V 'TJ i S&Tke aetipnaof ; men are' like the index of a book; they-point out what is most rcmarkab'fe'Irftneia. ' . Vnj i rQw;fettyxsoVnlhere;i-4,.a 1 etoniT Brewing ftintne-eaTen2-i"i,:' .-! VlJjfiwiPg?: what is it'Bfewing?"V'' I' HcgAffectation atf any part of our carriage,-is lighting up a candle to our de ticetif eithera jantuig.seseiox!Biflcer ity. Zocie." j "Wings. No, child. Boat you know beffifitltfhatfT .VCT WW MM ) j . .;L-.y VYiyr: pa,, thik paper says- a. tig dog lew at him and bit him?" .ii:.,! t-Kv j'.p i.i- " 'JMJrj ' ' "tZBH"! keep ari excellent, taWcv 'aid TMa'Jy,uifetutiBg:Mthw:ond,of hcV bbard - . Thatmajbe true, ma'm," says hej Mmmzin f& is ; f-'oUerj sa little ui;chin the otheday,..tjiy are prpEans tfib' hap .phn' pXeairth; j. ..., : JtPyi are .no t; i; jay.. (EiuJd.s' u t wbat makes -you ask -that squeeiien2': i "Because-they haTe'! ao'-'mother to ppank thenf." "r :'s';,i! i j ' ttefelViai-dp' you-knW of the defen-1 Msap.ilt. -TJipmpstjo'-asked-the ooomse j tf "a'wilnesi.Do yon eonsider' hinr a food BitfiKiian?'"'i4 - '"'".V , af, replied Thompson. ,;I don't: wish -oMBwnuateha.t $5r. Slopes isnot a good msicIaif.'Not "alf all. - But cqfuld ot ielp observiBg that after he commence4 plajFina the blarionej, 8iw filers whb since been heard of?" ! ; Yejara ago, when aa -yet the ponips and' vanities of the 'World' had iiotinvadec( Hb' fchTwche8, Fathe OBtrander "was Jre-i aiding, elder .among th .Mthodist' in tJj?s figipn, "f?iT hisjorroVne Sabbath, as he was readings the iymn;' he c liead the twkngf a musical .instrum.ent ix the .dtioir:andausuig,.hO "yllafPy,t,rp1athere id the cnoirr: " I tie elder; 'fH irt,ijuhgb:41y fiddle. . ..yike $ wayl',;i,s" '.i'.'. iA i jThiyt took it awayJ af . :.',T.-tir MuEeeently, an examination was held . Ii 1 - In tf village-'Behoil"" The- pupils " had "reacLaqd peltT' tdldh "sound of 'alj the Tetters ;that had.any Aoiniod, and.',thca ranged on the flopr, ia ftont of the "yisi tcTrs' tdbelddked at'andUnswef uch , questi tjceji thijr tgacher saw fi to ask. f r fc-iarf it . J H." - 'J. ?7 SH'f v!, "Where was'' John" Kogers : burnt lt deathjasted 'fceajjliei' of f one ia ; a isommanding voice- -.s. .-'riV'... ; V'Ue.couldn't tell, v;V . i 'Tia next-f aaid the teacher. - r attbeifotoftthe;cIas8.' iJ .f ' s , .tUVdl,' Baid the- teacbeV "if Joshua knows be may tell .-OlOiU x ' ,7i. ireV ,said, Joauailldoking Tery solemn ana wise. . --y . , , J y Biswas the, lasVouestipn. Jj5,t,;. - ci sMdrjr Vccfol Beeelp i-I' - Jk hot shoTel held oter-ranished fur ,nitiire,''wiH take out white spots". i 0Wa;iMINdaS83tM) auji and.water will restore old crape. ; . B,ibbona'of an j kind 'should be washed in cold soap suds and jPot. rinsed. " ' i Jf your.nat-irpns.are rough, rob. them well withlfiqe aalt, and it will make them jSmootArf-i , i.xi.S'M',is s"ti'ii ' ;.. Oat stfaw is the best fee fiUuJg i.beds- Jtshoulde changed once a.yar.rcl ' ' 1 If youVare .buying a carpet for dura- biUry. eAoose small figures. ; . ,. vf doAi- will oreventiheir creaking. 4 Schnnffptit -m- the holes where crH'et8.con,mt,:'tjilf dtjstrof .them, ? Wood ashe and common Bale : wet BUU VJt 'v"1 r o . .1 . 1 ."'.; . i . l 4 .gallon 01 SMong.iye pun arrex of wateVrwiH ake it as , soft as yain wa ter, Half , JPF JkM was ready fo t!i foes. Fear made them tremble so. thev found 4 &&fm leader, ,fV!r; r..r , In T . ,T-,.j-, - ;r "J say if isn t, said the indicrnant IU.UT A FLAHT. House Keep(s mil be Jnlerested 5n knowing tha t yeast is a plant. Wheri"ex- J aiained under the inicroscopel. sajs the uwauwtuaaneriv aveTiew. ii ib consist of clobular "vesicles, atout l-2500th of an inch in diameter when full grown. They are multiplied by little vesicles budding qu$ foinhe sjlde of the l size, and repeat the reproduction either while attached to the parent globule or alter separating from it. The multipli cation oea-on to an indefinite 'extent, with a fitting : supply of food,-and af a moderately warm temperature (70 to 00 degrees Fahr). The vesicles aikniouri ished by sucking in a portion of the or ganic liquid in which thJ exlet,,lecQin posing this chomically, and either act u4Uy7ii'WDg'off o :ausing"the separaSon at thoir outop;urjac- of ,carbBK: acid in the form of gas, which appears as bub bles in tho liquid. ThiiJj however, js not aii. oome pnenomena accompany me PWJ'?!5aft.?bija'Tolyee of the most abstruse and, at present, obscure questions of modern ehemistrj.m The yeast plant is a wasteful "Feeder. " Not only doe jt depnippsa, so jprch; 0f the liquid as it requires for its own nutrition", but it produces a similar decomvoskion in the liquid around it, wtifcKis referred bTichcmist tothe same unexplained force byj t Vvhioh, many , inorganic, 0 substances, cause the combinatidn or ser)ftrati6ri"'of snte8awiltlwuMbmselve3,," under- guiug aiiernauou. eiauipie lui - n ished by the action of spongy platinum upon a mixture of hydrogen aud oxygeja; gases, causing them to unite and produce wale,; fweseht atunibIitigbl6cko natfiral pKlbgriphets, manyFwhomar'eaYri'estly e"hd4avoring to Btirmount it, and when this is accom plished, they will- probjihiyeerexM 'point pt vantage whence they will gain .an insigh&(y)t;q 4itud$ .p unex plained phenomena of Vegetable and ani maJ!ehemi8tr'vi' j3ot5j?w Uh J I'iw hiaehr. It is essential that potatoes once buried ynportapt as thisan something 1 tliarf straw from a tnteshiug machi bettev ine is necessarv to carrv off the rain. Rve or aiEtrawJtHres.had with aaST is as! ..if iR i Iso 1 i-l ITir'! I . sare suecessiui in Keeping poiaioes uurieu in this way, and think them much better in qualifcrlhjm r kepteig'ti ?tiry c?lhjrt: Whetherjit jnak agj fference rttbj the peeping or eating qualities or the potato, to keep it exposed. tQ the -Jight ten Uhie9?r& Inilf dajfeTimTe convenience as to this, though theoreti cally they should be exposed as little ?aa possible. - As to ventillation o the pits,' if the ground is dry underneath air they need is a wisp of straw atthe top, reach ing from the potatoes out of the covering; the matter of that, indeed,-iL-j!i6t1;s6en-ti$. lAjreerpatjonishiad through the heap, anj tbe earth covering of course very light and porous, so that fhleres sfcrylittle obstruction. ' Cor. Mt.. Gikfxd rnany. farmers who 5 have Jiearly wasted (he better part of their days by niisman agement"nd waste of .time, and for' the wjantf .ftoie head'york to make ;their handwqrkffectivje. We want more men who will Tiiake fwo spearsvof grass grow where one grows now. Such men "are a help to the. world. 3IcttKf wxEfgy-aBf thougnt, oi sound economy ana-ocep-rai culation?, jue!P the. world along,, by their intuence..and-, example,,-! -feViQtu.iarmers are an honor to our cpuntry. Where the farmer caU'iateshiB nSd as well as hjts soil anfl brings each under a high state of cnltifatipniyqif hjive.a fail-model of a useful and happy, .respectable: and inr fluential man. , ,. p J j "T . m"t Q : T" ("J i t . J'Tlie AqricuTtural Gazette says, thoroughly skimmed tvmilk smixed with soot, about as thick as paint, and applied to the tree with a white-washrbrtndi, will prevent rabbits dojng miscliief to tlje tree. TSe Scicntic)AjherJcn sajs that lamp black will answer the same purpose. Jj'.TSiW? ! 1.'.. ;..'VTTj'St .''J,".' S&Mechi, who is a highly enlight ened and practical English agriculturist, says he is convinced that beef-niu6t sell at 20 per cent, higher than mutton to makeathes-'p&y )ikeiw w iwu Times of Holding Courts. We, the undersigned, Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, in and for the 7th Judicial -Di-s trict of Ohio, do order that the District Courts and : Court of . Common; rPless. ia ihe - several counties. f -said.- District, be held; for the year l$Q0f M follows: f,f:iT TSf aa ; ; d-' . n-m: sAa n 3TSTBICI COtlRTS, v . Washineton - .iCounty. 'alondayt , -.J-pril. : 9. Meigs Friday, " 13. Gallia Lawrence Scioto Mondarrr'T-' neaHesuayf Saturday. 21. 26. 3. "S; 10. :T 12. ' 15. 17. j , " Monday, Sept. cr0 01 Wednesday."'".' Pei-rv Fairfield"'1' Hocking UJ : Monday, ' : Athens . " . Wednesday, " - Vinton'" mr-'"' " Saturday, r::r Ja'ckson 3 t :"- " Monday; 1- .QOURTS.OF C0MMOX PLEAS. "llJ First Svbdivisidn Spring Term. Fairfield County, Monday, February 27. hSockTSg" Perry 28. Summer Term. ' FairW4,Can-ay, ndly.ay 7. n!M 5 . un4. Faiill ounty,T Monday, October 1. Pery'i5&:-'VK sw i 44 i 15. Hoeyngai-A. I 29. : 'J T Second SubdwiriontSprintf Term. Lawrence County, , Monday, '.February , 13, Vinton , 13. 1 TfV Jackson Pike -.27. 12. n i9- March Jt. A. Lawrence Cbuntyj Monday,"' May ; 14. 14. 28. 11. 18. Vinton "J Jackson Pike ,, r. '-U-rT .'.' ;rtt f.: ?; ii m; i.'.,'--: -tti .! "June" Scioto ' -Fall Term:' -: ; Lawrence VTnfon " "County, Monday, September 24. Jackson , - . ." ." October .15. Pike .. ; 0 a Thursday, Novembei-;1 '8. Tiiid SvidiM(mrSipTing-Term.., J. Scioto Washington -County; Monday, February 27. Athena , , wT Thursday, March , t8. Meigs J Monday, " - '19. Gallia ,r. f.TT ' '''( . p 44 - 26. r. Summer Term. ,. WaahinctOBL .County. (: Monday, May . , 28. Athena.-,,. !a;4, . Thursday, .June Meigs , -.:. f-44 . Monday, ... f;.;; GallLa- ,T".u -..f4-, -. '4 : .44. .- 7. 18. 25. Washington County, v Thursday, . October 11. Athens ; jionaayr . 22, Meiga.ita.Y, Cafiia -Friday, NoTember. ; 2 ' Monday, '- '.V'rt. 12 Ljjj jQ, -Whitman, " ( SiiifedJf Nash. I .' H W;W. Jounso?; ' ! A 7 JJ0,- P.;PtTI.ltT. De-ember 22, 1859. THE -STATE OF OHIO, V. r r ? - ConTT of MBtoa, ss. r i . :, . ' - L Rodney Downing Clekof the Court of Common :J.eas anu . Jiirio. voun in mc county afqresaidy do hereby , certify that the foregoing order made by? the Judges .of, ,the Courts or uommon jrieas, in aim ior Judicial DistrietQf Ohio, to be correctly copied from the Journals of said Courts as appears or 0 - rJv.nrrl in this omoe. . witnVh4reof,,f havehereunto set my - r,,l -affiT-orl h BPf1 orrinr rtairl Court of - Common Pleas,, at Eomerej: December, A. 0.-1869. ... E U R NJt T U EE, :Z tTE N I lkUL FKONT STREET, HEAD OF STEAMBOAT LANDING CS OVt Xomeroy, ' Ohio." . V;' I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM largest and best assortments of Furniture ever brought to this M'irkct em- bracing many new styles, all of winch experienced Mafiufiicturers in 'Cificinnati, .1 ! - 1 . - 1 ' . . . 1.11 Btyie -ana ' woritmansnip, as any soiu Jiere partjof vr-iH ,-bc::; - ,..iU. , 40 dtfsr. Chairs, embracing many new and beautiful styles; Btdstada.ofei'ery description; Dress and Plain Bureaus; Mahogany Walnut ancL:Cherry .stuffed ; : Seated, Chairs;. :Sj 1' m : . ; Sofas and Lounges; : EHzabetkiChaijrsi j ' Hocking Lhairs; .Andrmany otherartielos not here eaumeratedallof which will be sold at very low piTcea, " " ' ,". ' ''... . im t -sr r ii XKINn Metallic n(1 CofBns, of Jill sizes, kept constantly, on inanitiui ior me very iiDerai snare 01 rename heretofore-bestowed, I hope, bV Attotobusifiefe, and LOW PRICES; January 25, 1859. -iy l I'.TS .ft iEr ats ' a OROSBRIES, HARD AVING RECEIVED :!,A t LARGE AND CAREFTgLLY'1 SELECTED Stock of Goods, adapted tosthe Winter Tide; Yand whi"chJ will te kept'eomr flete try frequent addHio,nsdntiag;:-ibe seasonj) 'I am prcpar6aptd"pScr; to my patrons, and -the publi b. large, everythine; as far 'as posSble", necessary to 'cdn- ii.:i..i x it Oil- i' t11'L-u ' -t. -"ri i:. j m v.'Ln V Q tlT 'Z L I i stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and rrry-pTOdvcejtn-t4Teno-fawrleims.' THE AIIIO RING BUSINESS : - i AVill be coaducted, as Jieretdfere, jander assisted byrs competent wrakiciirany ui- iUaKuiV-auj. x.xi.eiJii.iiiji;, uMipl-J aucuueu iu., . .. TI3C.ES I'-A.SiaCIODNrjS TnE SEASO w WiP atIltimes,be-fiuad.anliand) together with afuH Stock pfClothSj Cassi- N. B. -To those whom I have extended a short credit, and, w.ho.are now disre- fSIF!l,? - f riwraifiijamntictopa up. according xo apeement, wisn to - REMOVED TO . JII 13 ID l E '3 OH T (Of whicb the, above is a Smoke, thereby,.-. f ' SAVING 50 They-arff fqm-the A. BRADLEYPITTSBURGH, , PENN'A- These Patent Gas-Burning Stoves do not choke up with soot -and dirt as others will, and have a'stronger draft, and bake great advantage these. Jratent. otoves nave overall others is, tnat the lop I'lates being double and hollow, they will not warp nor become twisted, as all other Coal stoves do, thereby Baving expense and; trouble. We claim for these new Patent StOVCS-' ' ' -- i Jr Firstl.a-.great saving of Fuel. t-SecoffdyJlL much quicker and hotter oven from the same fdeh -I ff tlf.:z Thirds the preservation of Center Pieces.? H : i -Fourth, Cleanliness; as there is hot' one-half the ir and soot 'that is' found in other. Stoves. - - . . .. ' ' ' .- Fifth, These Stoves all have a draught will protect it from burning' out so fast . In addition to these celebrated Patent a large assortment of the very best; ' ' LIVE p;ilXfVlCT0?AK, AND t SUCH AS, r .?!), "" .'.'i Tii'd. f OFAEVERJ VVjARIETY,. PARLOR AND FRANKLIN STOVES, For Tinware and Stock we are UJEL Old Stoves taken in exchange for new.. Also, Old Metal, Brass, Pewtfer, Cop per, Rags, Beeswax, Old Silver, &c, always taken. Middleport, May 24, 1S59. a q tj MfiVRT) " TTTS JEWELRY A'A V -v . Tiuildinff.2 itamediatelv at the lieaa Landing Road; next door below Remington's Store, and informs herwitb, lMu that he did, at the same. time, 4)pen his new Stock, comprising all the latestjattefn of -' . .. .. . . ; JEWELRY AND ruUr.iin'iiii' xrhifih 'he, will rants every article to be of the value represented. : ' ' .. ' . ' His: Storfi-Room.js spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will fipd a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining tb his bnsmess. i - J ; -,' . , All his work, sucb as ' ', ' . . '' .- 'I'Z-i. - WATCH;' C LOCK- AN D JEWELRY HE P ATRIMSz, iif b,e executed1 in thV very best manner., prompt and durable. , ( All hjs work is ii;i'4j A'-:'o.'.t:,f.i'itinni r.iiov-; tK mnnpv laid' out-for iff will' be re- 1?T 9Vif ttlli-CVl W .lVO DttWOlrtVUWMj -' ...Ta nil' ftnm whnm hfi'hfts rer-eivifid wishes for contianance of the same.- W. A. AICH ER, Jeweler. -- ."2-3 tf ' ' ' ' At tho head bt Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, U. , .fw. I ?,jnv fer;j! . , - T tT S E7T Wft II rflfffT at ' :" . CINCINNATI WITH ONE OP THE is manufoeturcd by the oldest and most be.aa eood,. both J n tuidUg-Ttartaated 4o..& Ag, goodJothJ n 1 . -. . ' . " or eisewnere, .; v. .... My stock consists, in What-nbts; :;... ' : Plain and Fancy Stands; ' Dining and Extension Tables;" ' ' Card and Center Tables; '! Wright's Patent Spring 'Bed',' Bottoms; Ivooking-G lasses, in great variety; .."' Looking-Glass Plates; " Gilt and Rosewood Mouldiftsrs for Pic ture Frames, &c, fcc; - s a tt Wnnrl hand. MJ&ki!&x 3 pal-. uiBAtm'SiJi,':iS strict .WfM to merit a continuance of the same. -'' nd ps ; - '" jv;; - -: VEESWJiE. c.f which will be 'sold for CJiSH drfceuti -c1 4; i :-' ": '!:!-"aa At'-.. tie siiperviaion of X. .M, H'GLOTlilAx, in: the county . Kvery thing, in the way PomerpyI; January 3, .1860. toves..'i." ? o. representation,) is warranted to burn the Gas cuJ PER CENT. OF FUEL. celebrated Works of more quickly and evenly. . Another ' '' ' ' ' '."";'"' '. '." ' ' '' ' "'.'.',' of cold air back of the Fire-Plates, which as in other Stoves. . Gits and Smoke Burning Stoves, we have ; '',.' '' '";;.;. ; . 7.. .' 1:,":".;. ., MINNESOTA' HEATING STOVES unequaliecland will' gellloW .for .. STORE TO A. BURNAP'S . NEW . j oi tne tvnan-Buai FlANCYS articles, at-verv reasonable prices, and he war- J , . -..,.11 l Datronace. he returns cordial tnanKS, anu ! M;tn,lf 11" 7 t OMMMIIBHIMIMIIMauiaHBD Stoerlff's Sale. ' Jacob Cains a. Marin H:is!;ins, tl!a Haskins, anil ' Jtel HiiskiiiH. Br Virtue of an ohuer of sale to me directed, from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, tit the door of the Court House in l'omeroy, at 10 o'clock A. M., ; , Oh tlu 4th day . of February, 1800; the following described hinds iuid tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs' County, Ohio, in sec tion 34, town 4, rAiigc-12, in the Ohio Compa ny s Purchiise, beginning at the south-east cor ner of said section 31; thence west 16 chains and 47 links to an ash ten inches in diameter; thence' north one degree east 10 chains and SI links 'to a stake; thence, north 5; degrees east 4 eliains; thence north 61 degrees east 14 chains and 11 links to the east side of said section; thence south. IS chains and 43 links to the place of beginning, containing 22 acres, 3 roods and 8 rods; also a certain other tract, in section 33, in town 4, range 12, in the Ohio Company's Purchaser. Beginning 16 rods west of the north east, corner of said section 33; thence south 7 rods; jthenoe west S rods; thence north 7 rods; thence east to the place of beginning, and sold as the property of Maria Jlaskiiis, Ella; Ilis kihsj'and' Joel Ilaskins, at the suit of Jacob Duins." Appraised at SI, 400. Terms of sale, cash-.,- ; December 2. 1859. J. Vi : SMITH. Si M. Ci -l-5t 4.50 . , Sheriff's Sale. . - 1 Win. B. Shplicr1 vs. Aaron Rutherford.' BV VIRTUE OF TWO (2) EXECUTIONS ;to me directed,. from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I Will ofl'er for sale, lit the tfoor of the Court House in Pomeroyj at 10 o'clock A. M., ':' ! -i . . " , 3 ,--. On the 4th day of February, i860, . the. following described lands and , tenements, ip-wit; beginning at the south-west corner of Rection 30 in ColutnbIa;township, Meigs County, Ohib,; thence east V8 rods; thence south to the renter liiie of- said 'section 36; thenco west to ithe-. west. line ef sid sectiou 3b; thence north to Jh place of .beginning, supposed to contain luO:ac.res, more, or less, in town 9, and range 1 i, of, the Ohio Company's Purchase, and sold aaf he-property of ' Aton Rutherfoi-d, at the 8uJt' of. William ; B.' Shepherd. Appraised, at $1100. ..Terms of sale, cash. ;. '.' , J, V. SMITH, S. M. C. ' Deb. 3'0, '1 ?50. 1-fDt $3.00 ' : ' . : . ! k':i..H Sheriff's Sale... , , - .jJiac.SauV vp F. vV. Stevens inrt Robert HyselU X; VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE TO me directed, I will OiFer for sale, at the door of the Court House in Pomeroyjat 11 o'clock Ai'St,' .l-'.'J'ivvi. :,' : ;i -lit On lht4th day of February, I860, ,? the following described' lauds and tenements, ts-wit: Lot iSo. 1S2, witu the buildings thereon, situate in the town ot Pomeroy, Meigs County, Ohio, and sold as the property of F. W Stevens arid Robert Hvsell,:at the; suit of Isaac SauL Apprised at 4,000. . Terms of BJlc,'cash. . .,, , . ,: 1., J. y.SillTxI, S. M. C, Pec.; 3D, '50,i-5t .zo , ; ,. , .7 '; t gkeflira Sale; :. . -;:;,!; .;.. Ruubep Glllilan vs.'Frets,lom Wtevens- . ! B virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Plea of -Meigs Ceinty, I wHl offer for sale at-' tho 5 door of the Cour-t Uouse in Pomeroy, at' 12 J o'clock, noon, On the 10th day of February, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, towtt; The, southerly half, of lot No. one hun dred eighty-orie'(l8i),in thd.Towii of Pomeroy, Meigs county, and sold as the property of Free dom W. Stevens,' at the suit of Reuben Gillilan. Appraised at 600.00." Terms Of sale, cash. ;.r;;: - 'i J.J. WHITE. S.M. C. . Ja.t..6,,18G0. 2-5t. 1.50. :-: . ..--.: ' n.i SheriiT'8 Sale. - . Christopher Kenlor vs. the hoir$ of Josae Stafford. T Y virtue of an order of . sale to me directed ft from the .Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, 1 will oiler for sale at the door of the. Court House in romeroy, at 10 o clock A. Mn ' t.-;,;tU On the l)thdtry of February, ItiOO,: . , tne following described lauds and tenements, to-wit; situate in the town of Pomeroy, in said county ot Meigs, the undiviaed hall ot lot io. 220 and all that part of lot No. 221 not con veyed by the deed of Daniel Shaw ' to fclihu Thsmpson, and sold as the property of the heirs of Jesse Stafford, dee d, at the, suit of Christo pher Kepler, i Appraised at 900.00. , Terros..of tie, cash. . J.J. Vi H1TE, S. U. C, - Jan. 7, I860; -2-ot. 2.00 : - - ' ' ' i. . ,. ; -',; ; Slierifl"' 'Sale. . ,'T- . i J. and J. P. Pteiner & Co. vs. E. S. Edwards.. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the C6urt-house, in Pomenor, at 10 o'clock A. y, On ihe ISth day of February, , , the following described lands and, tenements, to-wit: Part of fractional part 'of one hundred acre lot No. 2:i9 in Salisbury township, in said county: beginuing at the south-west, comer of Mrs: Thomus'i Lot; thence south 2 t.- west 00 feet to a stake; thence south 89 east 80 feet to a stake; thence north 24 east to a stake in the line of Mis. Thomas' Lot; thence west to, the place of 'beginning: ' &lso lot No. '9, in a sub division of said fractional part of 10) acre' Lot No. 299, being the same two lots sold to E. S. Edwards by T. A. Plants. Sold as the prop erty of E. S. Edwards,' at the suit of J. & J. P. Steiner & Co. : Appraised at 900.00.. .Terms of sale, cash. ; . J, J. WHITE, g. u. C. Jan. 14, I860; 3-"t . . . . ' '?,00.. aa-.u , ShevliT's Sale., .-V' William Tilton. Adm'r of Richard J. TjUon,,J, vs. Kasjilas MrXeil. ; BY. Virtue, of an orsder of sale to me directed from the Court cf Common Pleas, of Aleigs county, I wiR offer for ssle at the door- of the Court-house, in Pomeroy, at 11 o'clock A.M.,-. On the 20th day of February, 1860,-,:: the following described lands and tenements, to wit: HSftacre lot No. 1165, in town No,. 4, in section No, 9, of range 11, of the Ohio Compa ny's purchase, in Meigs. county, and sold as the property of Rasselas. .McNeil, at the suit f William Tilton; Administrator of "Richard J. Tilton: dee'd.. - Appraised at S30O.00. , . Terms of sale, cash. .,- , . r- J., J,. WHITE,, S. M. C, . , Jan, 13, 1800. 3-5t; ..;, 5.00 r.j, ''Siicri1fg Sale."' - - ' H. H. Swallow vs. George Slivers, surviving part ner of Jesse- Stafford, dee'd. BY virtue of; an execuf ion to to me directed from Abe Court of-Common Pleas of ,Meigs county, T will offer for.''the old, pill on lot 'No. 220, .in-Po;meroy; at' 10 o'clock 'a.' ':1"': ' On the'fyiA rfay oyai?wy,'l860;? ; one Carding Machine,' 'ahd sold as the property of George Stivers, surviving partner of Jesse 8tafford; dee'd, at the euirof H. H. Swallowii Terms of sale, cash.,, - 'J. J.'-WHITE, S. M.-Gii Jan. 13, I860. 3-3t .. 1.00 , ,. , -.- . , . '. , NOTICE. ' ;'-: HOMER CROSBY, OF MASON COUNTY, in the Stat? of; Virginia, will take notice, that Martin Kodcnheber did, on the 8th day pt" June, 1859, file' his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, witliin ahd for the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, against the said Ho mer Crosby, and Peter Crosby and '-George Stivers, defendants, setting forth that the said Homer and Peter Crosby, on the 10th day of October, 1856, made and delivered their prom issory note of that date to the said George Sti vers for $300, payable on the first day of March, 1858, with interest at ten per cent., on which: note there was due and unpaid on the 28th day of June, 1858, the sum of $221 25; and that the said Homer and Peter Crosby, on the 15th day of November, 1856, made and deliv ered to the said George Stivers, .their other promissory note of. f aid, last named date, for the sum of $25.0, payable on the first day of March, 1859; and that the. said Homer and Pe ter Crosby, to secure the payment of said notes, did, dn the 9th day of February, 1857, execute and deliver to, tho said George Stivers a mort gave on certain real estate, situate in the town of Pomeroy, as described in said mortgage as the kinds, houses and shops pwued and occu pied by said nomer and Peter Crosby,, aiid conveyed to them by John S. Davis and Samuel Morton, by deed, dated February "9th, 1857; and that the said George Stivers, for a full con sideration, did, on the 5th day of May, 1857, assign and deliver said notes and mortgage to the said plaintiff, and praying that the said Homer and Peter Crosby may pay . said sum now claimed to be due, amounting to ?471 25, with interest on $250 thereof from the D'th day of November, 1 856, at 8 per cent., and on $221 25 from the 28th day of June, 1858, at 10 per cent.; or, that said premises may be sold Jo pay the same, and the said Homer Crosby . i,tiv notified that, he is reouired to appear I mid answer said petition on or before the third 'Saturday after -the 14th day of Febrtiary, 1S00. T. A. PLANTS, , ' Eec. 27, '59. 52-0 1, Att'y for rininHF ! GREAT-VARIETY. ! ' NYTHING from a 'Nntmeg to a Barrel of Flour" i i can be procured at H. Frank's establishment, on Front Street, a few doors below Court, romeroy, O 1mV "---V - S. S. SILVERMAN, AS'- I puts. nsuraurr. ; MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated 1821. No. GS Wall Street, ''K- Y Cash capital and surplus, 400,000. ', ,,. n w. fin I'AJLSiiiit, Pros Andrew J. Smith, Sec y. , , (: IRVING FIRE INSURANCE, Co!,''" No. 9 Wall St., N. Y. Cash capital and sui-p-s 255,000. : M ASON THOMPSON, Pres t. : ilABTUt 1m CaowtLL, Sec'y. . . .. . -i HUMBOLDT FIRE INSURANCE COV1 No. 10 Wall St., Y. N. Cash capital and tr plus, $242,000. , - JOHN RANKIN, Pres't.; Wsi. Mulligan, Sec'y. LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE COv No. 31 Wall St., N. Y. Cash capital and sur plus,-264.000, . UAKL1SLE NORWOOD Pres. , Ueo. V. ukaey, ftecy. The above Companies, with unimpaired Csp- itals. and additional cash -surplus. caniririe i near $1,200,000. The undersigned being sole I flinEi ELEGANCE, ,- SPEED, NOISELESS agent. for this County, is prepared to Insure on J X ness and simplicity of the -Machine; . the dwellings and their furniture, merehandfze beauty and strength Of stitch being alike on buildings, and other property, at as low rates us other Companies, equally responsible. ALL LOSSES will be promptly adiusted and paid; -. Persons! desiring insurance are solicited to call on me bfrlbre" procuring a policy' else where; i i JAM KS It ALSTON, Agent romeroy, Dec. 6, 1S59. 49-Gm GUAKU AGAINST FALL-AKU .W1XTEK F1KKM '''""' '- ' B Y ' ' ' :-' Choibo Zusuranoo ' - - 1 WITH THE ' ' '' 1 : Incorporated 1819-: Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL.. 1000.000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED." 1 NET SURPLUS OF 942,181.72, And ihn JiM-stifre of 4il years snrccHS arid exp'rifiu. l!Wiirl (if S 12.tKiO,(,(iO of Ios.i' luive been id by the .Elr.u Insur.-inoe L'Hiiipirny in lh (isl 4(1 yean. . The value of. reliable. Inaur.iace will be apparent rrnm me niiiowuif; LOSSES : PAID BY THE -TNA ' i outaup tii PiST riv' tears:' i 'ii.-; la Ohio, - - $431,520 P3 In Wisconsin, l(W.tl55 i7 In Kentiu-kv,- 2i4.f09 4 Missouri, "-' - 4.51f Ir4 Iowa A" Minn.. TOI.rt'.l" .46 In Mioliipin, - 158.043 f In Indiana. ''- I46.P3H 81 In Illinois, - . 44.-J.3-27 41 Tennessee.' -' 97.549 21 KMiisas & Neb., t9,4. 77 Hcnrt. k V:i., 3,5ai "2 Ark-.-dt G:i " 23.943 i9 Aliaaisaippi and. Alabama-, - -.- $524.12. 18 ; Fire and 1 1, land N.-cvijrution Risks acceptdjiit terms ronsi.'tent with solvency nnd rirollt. - '. . Kspecial stteuiinii' Riven lo Insurance of OWBLL rSGSiind contents, for terms of I 'to 5 tears. " The solid service lona; and suocetgfuHy . tried, and th? many advantages the JElim lusuiniH-e (,'ompany Iinssesses iu its line, simuUI not be overlooked b'v thoae ready to insure nnd understanding their best iuterosts. ,, , -;. . .t ; s -x liurind "stringent tliuei"'. the Becesgity for reliable Insurance 'becomes tin imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being -then much lessened- . . , ,t? Ageiu'ios in tbe principal cfttes nnd towns throughout theSlale.: Poli ies issued witliont delay, uy uny oi ine uui auiiiorizen n nis oi lite tttinpany ' rF'Kii,iue3s attended to with despntoh anit fidel itv. .. . ..f iOKES. BKANCH, Asei t, , . Sept. 20.-38-3m. .' ' , '.' Poinerov, O. (Edufaitonal. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, . ' ' ' HAKTFORH CITY. M.'.POS CO., VA. ' rphis Institut" has been nrcej'fullv commenced M. under tb pntrnnKe ''of the) Hertford City Coal, Minintr & Maniifuctnrinr; Company, for th,- benrflt of Fakmkrs' and Hrni!i(r sons and daiurhters where tby may reserve ihondTaiiluees ttf amperinr KDUCATIUA rowuul nas liiinorlrt neen oiiereo tuein in Common Schools. -at charges softiciently 'low for trlt-to .inlru44 4-oaiplete:Acud.iuiual biiu4tfili.ii. lt is now eiitertnp M its se-nnil session, and is de lishtfcitly sittisted on a ?entJ-! aloiuliir Sauilv etnl nn'nco. overlookinir tin river Ohio, and only a short ilUtanc from thn '-Steamboat Lnntlnig. The School Room ami Teai h-r's Kesiilence is held' in that snn- i-ious niiilt'iujr formerly known, as the Brethren hnre . - " ;'. . Th,' room cout:'iiis5,000 sqarn fvat,and is replete with everv suiia:,i- nnncc. - 1 ho hftalinff and liehtine: apparatus Is perfect; ti- vinsr four. larire stoves, uinl SJSti feet of window- i"rht. and heme cile-ntert -In roetnhnve the road ,;, making jt the must desirable, healthy situation unaiTinnme. There is also a Linrary and Readinsr Department attached, for the nse. oi . gugo 'lib. (-ontalutHff in-my exceii nt sianuari woirs. wun moiiiiuy uu.l ie,.Klv ltrriftdicals. to iaut the desire, of all parties, and it intended hereafter, lo add a Piuno Forle, for the Ladies, as an accoin t'animiit to tin- City lirass lialni, now in lull oneraliou every eveninc. ... ,; . Tin School Is conducted by the Principal, aided by Asssaianis. inaie.ano leinnie. ', ' The male pnpilsiire taught every branch of learn iiiir eecess:trv for tli-'ir future ailvantare. niakim them curable of ;-iiterLir on all such duties as iiuiv hereatter offer for their weal, , .' Tile female department are also tanjrlit every noe-cs-4ar ac'iiniilishineut. with plain and fancy needle work iu addition to a sound scholastic course, i Hours of altendanee, 9 to K, and 2 t:a. for youth and 6) lo 9. for udiilts. , , ; i niis-inny tne cnuuren oi the annve receive as tin- eral an e Itu-ationiisiH sristorratic instituUons. wliosu charges xclude m.-uiy- a naturally talented child from rbtaiiHng the -assistanctf necessary lo develop us imeueei-.. ... - - . , -.. Pupils charged only rom t'me oT entrance. " : Term persesiion of 3 months. S3 .Wench. ::', . A limited ntiiiib : r of boarders are taken, at a small charire. References may be hail to parent, of pnpils, either in Ohio; Tf est Coliimhi (, Mason City or this plce. on application to the Principal, at tile Institute. , SAMUEL B. SAUNDEliS, Preceptor. . Opt. 4.-40,-tf. ...,,,,.;, ,,, .-"j.-; - .,(.... ; MOUN'T AUBURN ti YOUNG-LADIES' W STITUTE. THIS Select Peminry. nitiiated In the beahtiful and healthy suburb .i-f Cincinnati, called Mpuut An hurts claims equal standing with the most hp proved Schools in the Eastern States., . The pnpils form a part of th' 'family of the Prirtel pil, and the charges ar-s)dnee4 nt the lowest rales consistent with ilumpt'jririiy of the domestic ar rangements and style f the Institution. The course 'of education ' reach,s the highest branches usual' in the besi'Feinale euiinaries. .There ure twoeossiops ot alioiit tweiily.-one' njeeks each. . .. . , . ; 'The charge' for ooard, lodgifg, light, washing. Kuglisli, scientific uiid-cllissicnJ branches, . f ISO per session. " '. . . . , V Music, singing, painting flbd Jlodern Languages at cuxtouuirv rateg. ,, . ' ,' i . , . '. - - Being within ft few minutes1: ride front FOurth Street by -oinnlbus leaving! every half hour, this school affords peculiar facilities to families residing on the river.' -: ' ' . "t -;!- , For the success of the Institute, in accomplishing itsaims, reference is made with great confidence to it'piitrons.'i t' ,-r. tf ltit),i :.; l'.-ii!-, Mtl -.1 The next session will open on Tuesday, tbe 13th of September, 1859. .'.'.' '' Applications may bei made to Rev. E. A. CRAW LEY, D. D.,Monnt Auburn; orlo J. H. WHITE, Esq., at Moore. WilstH Keys & Co:'s, Cincinnati. ' Refer,'nce is also made with. -permission) to:Hon. V. B. llorlon, and Charles Pouieroy, EsqPomeroy, Ohio.: i-i , v . August 31, 1859. 36-3t' I RON FEN C IN G ' . - ,' : AND .,','. . . ;. ,( . 3E O H- T I O O 23 S , GAN BE PROCURED . IN 1RONTON AT as low prices, in as greiit variety, and of as good material as any place in the West. T. 8. KIRKER, Ironton, Ohio. ' N6V-15, '59. 46-ly , ...t . ........j'i' OV and after Menday. Nov. 4, trains will leave Alliens as follows: Going Kjst Express Mail at ' - ' L - 5K!0 r. w. G" aol WrsT-Mfil at (-.:- - 11:3(1 p.m. Express mail east uud make Hose connections at Parkersburg with Ihe trains or the Baltimore and Ohio-rlailruad; un4 at Clnciirhnti with trains for all point4 West. ; ' i : ; . ; - Trains leave Clrilliruthe at 6:15 a. m., and arrive at Colninbiis'at iillir.ii.; and train leaving Athens at II:3U arrive ( Cnluiuhiis at 9:10 r. m. . Tickessat reduced rates are sold at Chillicothe ami Athens, for. Colo mbiw. - " ' - : lliroueh tickets can be obtained at , the princi pal ticket offices pii tha line of tho Road for all points Gtltlt A Hi ) W f!jt-; , ' i '. ' i -" ( A discount of ten cents on each' ticket from regu lar tariff rales will be made on -It tickets purchased at the ticket offices.. ,. .,. i B. GATES. Sup'U J. Foooitt. Gen'l Titket A'gt. . Cliil. Nor. 4.59. CHAS. BICHJtANN. . ANDREW BUBKEET. BICIiMANN & BURKERT. : ND IIUMBUG!: , " Small : i Profits and Qxtick Sales" ' IS THE MOTTO AT ' n.-.- Old Stand, . ( '" Front Street, romeroy, O.' 7E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A cooul assortment or liolu ana . onvcr v atones;, yerman, X rencn ami anicr.raii .icw- elry; Fahci . J, Articles; t iocks i ram -.w 10 i.u-.i, of every siitc and desci iption. Repairing of Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry, done in (he best manner, promptly. . . 2-1. I '. . ! (I . : , . : ' Marietta & . Cin- and Hillsboro &,Cin. R. R. WHEELER & WIIJSON'Si m A T New York Prices both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge ou the under side, economy ot thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. ... y . ... Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to enable purchasers to- sew ordi nary scams stitch,- felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep,tli91icbii;e in order. .bach Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulir BWWJtoithe"tiri'der- eigned agent. :. .' C. E DONNALLY. Pomeroy November, 59. tf LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLOR S RUN, AND Carr's Run. 'Application 4o be made to M- Heckardf Esq: Pomeroy. i. i...-. ;; Aug. l6, 33-tf ... 8. W., POMEROY., REMINGTON HOUSE. F. 13. Ill FT f;-j ; h A Tt F F. it ,! At , the i head ,of . Steamboat anding, Fxe-nt : Street, Pomeroy,, Ohio. A. SEEB OHM,i,ii! DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, D1 EALER IN OILS. PAINTS,--BRUSHES. Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumer,;, . ,. and Fancy Articles, ''" " ". Front StrefiV Pomeroy, Ohio.1 1 ' " ' Prescriptions carefully put up.' Jan. 9. 2-2.J Poineroy Rolling Mill Company, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND manufacture to order, 'air kinds i-aiftt sizes oftlat, round and;sqtiariron of superior qual ity, which. they. "ofl'er, wholesale and retail, at current rates'5 Also,' America tt aad Swede'nail rods, steel and iron jdow-wings cast nd shear Steel, wagon , boxes. Scrap iron, arid kidney ore"taken iii exchange.5 ' -'r?J - ;- '' '---'V .: 13-ly. f..jU-..t'v Li ;A- OSTRQM, Sup't. V A L U E Y-H O U S E , CHI LLICOTHE, OHIO; n. rpHJS is the largest ai.d best arranged Hotel in . X Chillirothe, is located on Paint street, opposite the Cotirt-House, and in the very center 'of the' bu-si-ess part of the city. The Honse has. undergone: a thorough repair and cleaning from cellar to garret, and now presents an appearance second to no Hotel in the westers world. The sleeping rooms are targe and well ventilated, and siiitesof rooms are, well arranged for families and Isrcre parties. The Proprietors will spare bo pains to make tbe Valleii Houses favorite place of resort. June 21.- S4-Iv FOGGI Tl fc MOOKJPropr' .".'.'; IJtcrcanlile. KY GOODS tV' ClUPEr HiO-iE. JOllNSHILLITO&CO. No's 101, It 3 and 105 West Fourth Street, l r; i Mi, .( ; .,- Importers of , . ., . '.... B rjr p bfe; ; arji r ti n j , Respertrnlly inform their customer and purchasers . guerarl: that thoy ire n.w' opening in exJ tensive and complete assortment of ; - brOGdS FIXOKOIL-ClVpTHS, &C Families. Hotel lieeptira, Steambo-tl wwnors and ull otiic-r uia di:iuiid .Uuii- iiltUmg tile bttil iriatss Ol iiooils, nt jini-i's us low us tliey cum he purcliaseil in tun K:lrru cilicH. - j Set- 6m; t ALFRED NESMITHr CLatd of tb Firm -of Stevenson, Bowon & Nesniith,) K o W IV 1 'M- ii ,; . M. WILLIAMSON, ,&.;CO. Wholesale Dealers. and Jobbers in D R Y G O O I) S , 425 Market & 414 Commei-ceSts.'' '. M. WILLIAMSON.I Bet, 4th & 5th North side O. H..WiLSOK,f,:i S. M. ANDERSON, H. C. POTTER, ' i March lj '59. .i Philadelphia; i .-' 1859. ( ; l1859. November Purchases. . : J. R TOWELL, - J O B B E R i, OF 1 . D. B Y. ; G O 0 D S! Hats, Capt, Millmery Goods and-Notions, P O RTS M O TJTK j ' 0 . ' I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER IMMENSE stock of Seasonable Goods, to which I invite the inspection of Merchants. . 1 My ptucbuses have been very ihiavy during the last few weeks, and I: am enabled to ofl'er many styles of ' goods at lower prices " than heretofore. '. Merchants' doing' -business' within convenient. distance of ; Portsmouth,, apd" .yet purchasing in other markets, will save time and money by examining my stock ?and prices. . ..." .' , . -... ...J.F.TOWELL.: Portsmouth', 0. dyember 26, '59. 3-1 tf . a n t m a a i . .a si s WK Invite the ottentioft rif buyers, to'our large and well assorted slia k of Ware now ou handto which we will receive additions during tbe spring. ' We have no hesitancy in saying that we will, and do, sell, 'good styles nnd qualities of ware lower than the ' ure sold in any other Western market. . , 'AM orders eurefnlly selected and well patked. "We solicit au exauuiation of our stock. -r -. ,, PirKSEI.1. & GORDON, 3-ly;' it . .: V--i". Front street, Portsmouth, O. inftliral. HOWARD ASSOUAN. 'k-'.' PIlILADCLflllA. A Benevolent Institution, established by spe- ' cial Endowment, for the Relief of the ,. -., Sick and Distressed, afflicted ; i ,u ;wkh-VirulentandEp .: ;,:,: ; idemic Diseases. , j rpHE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view' of tlie X awful djstrnctiou of hiininti life,cnsed by Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims df such diseases by' Quacks, several earsagro directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE -ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in U their forms, ami to give MEDICAL AliVlCE GKAl'IFloall wlm apply by letter, with a descridinn otlbeir condition, (age: ocrapntion, habits of life. &c.J and in cases of extreme (overty, to FURNISH MED1CINKR FRKK OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that Ihr Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. ' -l ; The Directors of the Asoiatioui,-in their! Annaal Report upon tlie treatment of Sexual Diseases, forthe year ending January 1st, IH58, expreas the highoet satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Sper watorrlirea.Seaiiiiiil Weakness,: linpoteuce. Gonor rhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the .vice or Onajiism or Self abuse, Ac ant order a continuance of tbe same plan for the ensuing year. ' , The Directors, n a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this' sphere of benevoier,t effort have been of treat benefit to the afilicted, especially to the young, andthey have resolved to devote them selves," with renewed zunk, to this very important and much despised cause. ; .-' .- , A ii admirable Report on Fperrniorr!iok. or Sem iual Weakness, the vice of (.'nanism. Masturbatioa, or S K-atuse. and otberdiseasesol'the sexual organs, bv the Consulting Stinrcoii, will he sent hy mail (iu as -a 1,-d enveloiie). FREE OF CHARGE, an receiyt orTW.i STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracts of the nature, and treatment of sexual disenoes, diet. cSic. are constantly being published for gratuit ous distribution, and will be sent to ' the ahli-ted. Some of the new remidies and. methods of treatment disiover'-d d'irtug the last year, are of great valno- . . A(1ll,eag. fr ,.,, or treatment. Itr. J, Ktl.l.lN n Ol'GllT, Acting' Surgeon Howard Associa tiou, f o. i South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. mmmmi . H onieroi tne Director, -i -- . . KZKA D. HEART WEJ.L. Preaident Oso. FtBCHii.n, Secretary. ' ,"' 3S--t-uovl3' f!w.-.'3-. - i t '- u -; THE GREAT, VVCNDR OF -THE NlKETEtSTil CESTl'KY, Prof. Wooct'sHatr RcstoratiYe Saysthe St. IjmTis. (Mo.) '-neniocraf:'' BkIow. we publish a letter lo ijr. Vud, of tins city, fruur x i;entlamun in .Maine, whii h speaks plow iiijrty of tli ,ip--riot nwriu of his hair tonic. uch evitleine mut have itseilect, when co'inirg from a reliable source. If l erlifl.-.ute.-, arc tuara t o of truth. the lr. uveti no ciicuiiiitiins, l.ur use! p .Iferj from the nre.vt: " . !' Khtu, "lust, Jan. OJ, IcjO. Professor O. J. Wool & Co. : Gkntlcxo: Iiit ii't; iny aitertion cnllcd a ,rvw months viuce to the highly beneficial etlects of yuur hair restorative,' t was induced to lllaku application of it upon my own hair.u liicli bad become quite pray, probably one-third whhiTir.y w hiskers were of the srme cli.OTiiderit'ojiietlirite-uionthttshiccl pmcnrvd n bottle of your hair restorative, and used it. 1 soon round it was proving what I bad wished. I used it about twice. a week. 1 have since procured another bonternf which I have used some.- I can liow cer tify to the world that the gray or while hair lias to- -tally disupeared, both ou my head and .fare, and my hair has resumed iu natural col or. n rut 1 believe more soft and glossy IIkih it has been before for twenty-Hi ti years. 1 am now sixty years old: mv good wife at the ago or tillv-lwo. .'ins used it with same effect. The above notice I deem duo to you for your val uable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly use. as per directions, will not have occasion., to contradict n, statement's. I am a fjjiacu -of-tfcis , city and a resident here for the lasraTieen jears, ai.d -am knewu to nearly, every ,one here, and adjoining towns.- ' Any use you max "make or the above, with lay iiitrae attached, ia m jour sa-rvtce, as I w,LsU.-ln -preserve the beauties of nature iu others as we I I'm, uiysuu. 1 am. truly, yours,.' . A C. RA YMOMl. ' "' '.'..-ir.. ... '' Bai.ti; Jan. S3,. KSH. wood's Hair rkmokativk. Professor Vood-Oaur Sir: havina hud! the atisfor-" tune to lose the best portion of uiy hair, from the effects or yellow fever, in Sew Orlexs,in 1PS4. 1 ws induced to make a trial or your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing ttjeded. My hair is now thick and glossy, and i.o words ran express In; obligations to jeu in giving lo tlie uaiu-tud such a Crensure. , . '.:.-. FIJri.ETjOHKSOtf. Ibe.nnriersisrned. Ber. J. K. Unite, is a minister In regular standing, and pastor or tin- Orthodox Church nt Brooktield, Mass. He is a eentleiuan of great ilifiuelie ai d universally beloved. i--- ;-." wa.DTEH, Brookfleld, January IS, If 58 Professor Wood UuusSir: Havinir made trial of your Hair gives me jlcisune Ausasy, that its effect has been excellent in removing In flam-. mimon, iiaticiruB ami a constant tendency lo itching wi h which 1 have been troubled from nij childhood: .- nd has also -restored my hair, wbieb was, becoming gray, to its original color. ' 1 have usea no other ar ticle with anything like -the same, pleasiirv orpmflt. Yours. truly, J. K. BRAGG-. Tha Restorative 1s put up in Routes of 3 sizes.; vix: large, medium and small; the small holds ii a pint, ahd retails, for -tmeilollut per-boltle; the aiediuiu hedds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the jniall. retail for. two dollars a boUicttfce large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more In proportion umI retails for three dellanasi.'bflUlel: '-: :.(: "O. J.. WOOU ft CO., Proprietors, 444" Broadway, fiew-Vork, and 114 Market St.. fit. Uuis. Mo.' .. . i And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers; i. .ii uJ li: -..! :i.5j'i ,- July 12,2f-Sm. National DtsfsNSiiv roa Privats Piscasck, estab lished January 1st, 1859. FIVE THOUSAND DOL LARS FORFEIT.; Three Eminent Physlciauslaieoa stant attendance. r The facultv of the institntion, coaaisUng- tf r . ? PROF. EGBERT JACKSON, i! " -" Member of tho Royal College of Surgeona-Lqndon. DR. ROREKT HERBERT, l.-iteof Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, add M. El'GhNK VEI.PKAU. ' . ;;,' i .. Late of the Loudon and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of $5000, a complete cure of every Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, and , r . . - ifitliaiit Mercury. ' , Gonorrhea, Svphili,Self-ahuse, Impotence, Wliltea or FInor Alone. Gleet, Stricture, Skin Diseases, Ve nereal Warts, Diseases of the . bladder and Kidneys, Female Irregularities, Barrenness, LlverCoinplalnt, Emaciation, .Premature .Decay, the Palus 'of Age, General Debility, change of Lite; etc, receive especial attention. ., . . . ..f .. .' ... Trkatmknt Ehtirblt Kiw and always successful: cure rapid and thorough; and references .of eaiinent Physicians and Surgeons both in this country and finrope. . : : . , , - r. , j - j 1 ( Tbe IHSPKNSARY CIRCULAR, forwarded gratis by mail to any,, address., contains luvaluable advice to young men. young ladies contuiupluting lnalri mony.aud mnrried-r .-. .;- ,.v s-: i.irf the ITlrdicai Proierior. A book or 35ti pages, contains Ihe substance rT ll that is known in relatigiyp secret diseases, etc., to gelher.with tlie experience of the,feil1tyf;Ua Dis pensartatqiiirert iii'Hhb reutoieni or more than S0.AQ0 eases. Price 25ceiit., . .- ... , j-r "fht. J-rgsoii-s FrM vI.E MoNTHtt PiLui,- Inviulable in female irreguUritics. but notadvhMible to be used during pregnancy, i 'st they should mar the hope of offspring.: ; Used in th ' Doctor's private pmctiv'afor 30 year. - Prire (I fdrwarded by mail: ' ' Dr. Jaitksok's krpetcal Ppkvkktivb, Is the Only article iu the world that without inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent Conception. - Thous ands of married' fadius'too feeble to henrcaiidren ex cept at the- hazurd of life have -had. reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no-ether preventive in use and issuporior lo all. Forwarded by mail to any fHltlres. ..'-' - i . :i "i .-5 it-? .. M. VKi.PKAr's BeACTiFTijio Powdesi. promotes the health of tlie skin, while it imparts lo'the complexion an exquisite bloom and tnuisparenry, which uiay, be prolonged by its use to the latest period of life, As it kees the skis soft aud elastic and invigorate the circulation, it effectually prevents the formation of wrinkles, -blotches, fretd'es. pimples; Wens, etc., etc. Price CI per box, sent by'mail. tt .;.iL. t)'? Every letter must contain a stamp to be used for re ply. Address, Drs.tJackson. -Herbert & Co.; Or sim idy P.O. Box 1618. tinciniiati, Ohiei OtHo- Aerth West Corner Sycamore and Fourth Streets, iifc-39 Cm.' ., i .' i!' : h . 1' y"" .i;-W tr.f-lTTT? The .Great Ambassadorii.i.of Health to AllMankina." ; il. .'-. - .' 1-. t:! i'l 'i. 1 -i.';i-'. . f .J. C-l HOLLO W A If 'S Pltt B.0 .., . ,., .-, -. ii l0 Jii(f ,i'.t'-ia & -ick.. : u-ft rfilfr The w. ht of a sterling medicinal to meet the illsand liscessiOesiof the sufferine' portion of humsnit v. arid one entirely free from mineral and other deleterious 1 particles! was severely- r-lt'tilf th-.i,ll powerful medicine was ushered into the world; Hollswat's tnrLDiBrHiLi Imve become the BirsEnoi.nRiMiOT of all nations. Their attribute is to -raavcar as well as to near: they attack tbe radix or oor of the com plaint, and thus by removing the hidden cause of dis ease, relnvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system, issisfng nature in her task Of vital and roNcVtoNARr kefoksTation.'' . - . ;: ',;) -.5 Dyspepsia A i The great scourge of this continent, yields quickly to a noarse of these antiseptic Pills.Tind thettrgestive organs are restored to their proper tone;. p jnatter in. what hidesus shspothis'hydra of1 disease exhibits itself, this searching and unerring remedy disperses it from the patient's system:;- ;" J "' " ' General De.b'tliTj and Weakness. Ffom rvhatevor casaes LoaSirwisfir.ssi wll other signs of a diseased liver, and other diserganW iatio of tbe systems, vanish andeCthe eredicatiar in fluence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent krollledl'.fl,f, t in viri iii", t it; y i T . -.isuvous. Ihsorders. ,. , ,..t, , - ' Tlie proper quantum and right condition of tbe bile is xf momentous Importance to the' healtlt f the bat man frame, this ASTi-aiLiors medicine expels the hidden seeds of tlie complaint, and renders, alt tbe fluids and secretions pnre and fluent, cleansing and resusitating thpvital functions of tbe body ii L Shonjd lose no time in trying 'A few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may bo their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all pe riodical and other disorganizations, its effect is all but miraculous. ' ' - ; ,,'. 1 1 , j Vhrefated. Proof. i vjn.yni The testimony of Nations Is unanimously borne to tbe health-giving virtues of his noble remedy,' and certificates in every living laneosge bear witness to the oitDKKiAeLKRctis of their iitTStNST: worth.' Holloif ag't Pills are the best remedy known in, the. world for., the following diseases: sUima Diarrhcea, Indigestion, i " Stone and Bowvl Com Dropsy, Influenza.' Gravel,' plaints, Debility, .. Inflammation,, Secondary Coughs,-,' Feverdt Ague Intvanl Weak- dvmtoms. Colds, r Female Com- ness, Veneres I Chest DIs-''-' plaints, -' Liver Comppts. Affections -eases, Heailaches . Lown'ssof spirit Worats'ef Dyspei'sla.' Piles. all kinds. ,71 , Cantion! None are genuine anless the, words "HoHoway, Sew Tork and London;" are describable as a Water-mark iu every leaf of the book of direc tions around each pot or box: the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to tbe lightv A band some reward will be given to any one rendering such iiiformtiou; as, may lead to the, detection of any party or pnrtiecountcrfeiting the medicines or vend ing the same, knowing them to be. spurious; .,,! Sold at tlie Manufactories of Professor Hol lowav.R0 Maiden Lane. New York, and. b alt 1 re spectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicine tbronvh oiit the United Slate and .the eivilised- World In boxesjit 25 cents. 63 cents, and one dollar each. ! - ':' r There Is: considerable saved by ' tek'mc the lareer sizes, ... . . N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients In every disorderare affixed to oacb box. 2-7-eow' ly JOHN E LB E N, Mi 1 5 H.f Homosopathist; and hydropa'thist, .tenders iis professional services to 4he citizens of Pomerov and vicinity. , ' -1 OFFICE, in' John Geyer's Buiiding,' (for merly Jacob Neitiling's,) on Sycamore street, nearly opposite Lowrv s Tin Shop, Poreeroy,. TJriicp Hocrs Till 9 o'clock A. M fi oni' 1 to 3 o clock, and from 7 to 8 clock P. M.-; Oface Prescriptmns, .fioao :2a cents1 upward, for cash. June 2, !57. tf . I. -': 'I 3- , ' -m.-i'-. ..!f v.-jtr r S'tf t,-t;l iiial !