Newspaper Page Text
"g H ' iff lift 1$. V lff "HI 5 1 JV J!y jmj MB T. A. PLANTS, Editor; " t ; 'Independent in All Things Neutral in Nothing." T. A. PLANTS. . Publishers; A. E. MoLAtJQHLIIT VOLUME III: POMEROY, MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1860. NUMBER 1 . it BE A WOMAN. 'Oft have I heard iv jjeiiliis mother, As the ttfilight hours bcgnn, Pleading ttith a son, of duty, ' . Urging him to be a man. . "' But unto her blue-eyed daughter, Though with lore's words quite as ready, Point she out this other duty, . JlStrive, my dear, to be a lady." What's a lady? Is it something ,l Made of hoops, and silks and airs; Used to decorate the parlor, Like the fancy rugs and chairs? Is it one who wastes on novels Every feeling that is Jiuinaa? it JTirts- to w a way, 'Tis not this to be a woman." ., . Mother, then, unto your daughter - Speak of something higher fur, Than to be mere fashion's lady "Woman" is tlie brightest star. ,If ye, Jin your strong affection, ' i ' i y gi you jjBon Jo be a true man," ' Urge your less strongly ,.,- To. arise and be a woman. Yes,' vL Womanbrightest model Of that high and perfect beauty, ': Where the mind and soul and body Blend to work out life's great duty ,S!' Be a wbman--naught is higher :Oi the gilded list of fame' ' i On the -catalogue of virtue Ther'jio brighter, holier name. -ajiin:j5a a woman on to duty --ni lis i .Raise the. world from all that's low, Place high iti the social heaven ; .o3 Virtue.'8,"ffr and radiant bow . .I ... Lend tky-influenca tack.e8brL. -... That shall .raise our natures kuman Be not tuition's gilded lady. '" - - - - - Be a brave whole-souled true woman. 4 Jt.f !1 T f T '. ?.rom. deasons Weekly. Hark Eastern's Valentine. -; .'ntHl..-iii I ,fl,.T HQRATJO. ALGER, JRW . , . . It was tte.tbjrtepntliday of February. To pne .wii toot a liesurly walk down Wssbjflgton street, a glance at the pla . carl3 on the shop windows would be sufficient . evidence that, in, Boston, at , least, there is no'more popular saint in ,. the calendar than good St. Valentine. Nor id! his popularity confined to any ' 'otoe class." : No one so poor that he may not find spread on the shop counters val- entines within his means. From one cent Bp to 4eu'dillarsj'fr6m the coarsest daub to' the most fanciful device, there they lie..",' He must indeed be fastidious " who cannot be suited. - On the evening of this thirteenth of February, ,'iwo ' 'young' ' men sauntered ; downWashingtim Street, ghincirig at the . windows ,, as .they passed. , They were v prepossessing in tippvamncey and looked about the -same age twenty-five Let me introduce them, as FrankAndrews . and Mart Easton, intimate frieuds and - ia a flourishing business. If they re- - quired any - other tie to bind them to gether, it was found in the circumstance that they were betcothed to two sistei-3, Ellen and Kate Vancouver. ' ' "Mark," said Frank Andrews, as they passed a shop brillianly lighted, and as they could see thronged with customers. "Ellen and Kate will be expecting val entines. Let us go in and select some." : ! "I wiir accompany yon in," , replied V Mark, "but I am not sure whether I shall purchase." i-'"Not purchase!" . exclaimed Frank, surprised.,,- ... -r .Without explanation Mark followed : his companion in the store. . "Let us look at some of your high priced valentines," said Frank to - the shopman. ". .' The latter brought out with alacrity some of their choicest. varieties.: ."That," said he, indicating a particular one, "is five? dollars. It is a pretty af- fair." - . '.'Have yoa none better?" interrupted Frank. . -; "Certainly. Our stock of choice val . entines is" unsurpassed in the city. Here for example, is a box of our best." "They are indeed handsome. I think I must have5 one! 4 What is the, price?" . "Ten dollars.' ; However, if the other , , gentleman: will take one also, you shall i.:have them for nine each." : ; ; 'Come, Mark,? said Frank, "there's . a good olfer. You will need one as well as myself. Suppose we each select one." -ri : i doni't think I shall purchase," said ' Mark' in a low voice. ' . "Why not?" exclaimed Frank, open ing his eyes with astonishment. "I can spend the money more satis - factorily in another." - ' "'. ' ' "Come; you are getting parsimonious, ' Mark,' ' I didn't suspect that of you. Kate will be disappointed. Shan't you send her any?" '' : "' 'Perhaps bo, but if I do, it will be a written one, and not selected froni any ' store.- i,: . . ' "Well, I suppose you know your own . business best but you're the last per son, Maiky that Lshould.have suspected . of niggardness in such a matter. ' '"Perhaps," said Mark, smiling, "I -shall spend quite as much as you' in honor of St Valentine, though in a dif ferent way,'' , , ,"You had better take the two," said 1. the clerk, looking at Frank. "That will "-.'be .giving you the second for eight dol- 'lars."' , ' ' " ' " " "I believe I will," said Frank. "You sroay put them up. By the way . I came . ear" forgetting the envelopes. Have vfou'ahy handsome ones?"' -:; i'We have some that come expressly i .'for them." . ' " , "What is the price?,".. ','A dollar a piece." -. "That will make two dollars.'. Two nd eighteen are twenty. . ' Here is a bill to that amount." ''Thank, you, sir," said the clerk, con gratulating hhnself on the large pur chase, ('I hope you will favor our store with your patronage another year." """;4.'I dare say I shall," said Frank, care lessly, "that isj if the ladies like my pur chase of to-night." .- "Then we are sure of your custom," was the reply. "They can't help liking . The two young men left the store, and soon parted company, Frank went to jiis room, and directing the valentines to the proper address, pext morning they were on their way to their destina tion. We will take the liberty to pre eejle fluem.. and acquaint them with to? manner of their receutiou uromisin th-it Frank concluded to send one to each of the sisters, with aline indicating: from what quarter" they came. 3Iark, on his return home, wrote a lew lines, and transcribing them on handsome note p iper, directed to Miss Kate Vancouver. f 1 . The Vancourers were moderately rich Though their mode of living was not os tentatious, it .was marked by an air oi elegant comfort, and the young ladies had enjoyed the advantage ot the best schools, and were accomplished, not ac cording to the surperficial- standard so - t i; 1 ' " .V common in society, Dui.wnaiever iucy Ja--loaTnod they mu umjttit'U It. The morning of the fourteenth of Feb ruary arrived. -. "St. Valentine's day!" said Ellen. do wonder if the good saint will remem ber us? ' "Perhaps some of his followers will,1' returned Kate, with an arch smile. . "I hope so." said Ellen. "I should set myself down as an old maid at once, if I were entirely torgotten in hisdistri bution of favors." - By way ot an answer to the inquiry just started, the postman's knock was heard, and a moment atterwards the ser vant entered bearing three valentines, one for Ellen and two tor Ivate , , Those ot niost imposing appearance were first opened. "What.a beauty!" exclaimed Ellen , VAnd mine, though not the same is equally handsome," returned Kate. "Why, it is from Frank," she exclaimed after a moment s examination, , . . Your valentine from Frank," en quired Ellen, with a tongue of jealousy. '1 supposed as a matter ot course JMard seat it. Has he wholly neglected you?'!J "btay, here is another, in the torm ot a :note," ,said .Kate, who had hastily opened the unostentious billet that ac companied these two valentines. , , . ,,j ,f.t,, proved to be a copj' or.yersesrr simple and unaffected, just su;.-h as a sen sible girl oTight to value, most, from her lover. Kate was a sensible girl, but it must be confessed that she was nota little disappointed at Mark's appar ent meanness, and though not in worils, assented in heart to Ellen's indignantye- mark: "Well, 1 did think Mark Easton was decently liberal before, but certainly this looks mean enough.'.' . ! Perhaps he has a good reason fu it." suggested Kate faintly. - ; j,,. "A good reason, repeated Ellen'., I dare say he has. He was too stingy, to go to any expense." . jNav; Ellen, you must not speak go ot Mark.". , . , ,: "Compare his paltry valentine With FxajjkjB. iHemuat-have j?aicLa, .la ud some price for these two." "And yet," said Kate, perplexed, I 'Mark has never shown any lack of j generosity before. You know he: has carried us to concerts and shows and you recollect the hardsome gold chain he presented me." " "Then, said, Ellen unable to. gain say all this, "he must have been seized with a sudden lit oi prudence, ltwould look a little better if he would retrench in some other way." . So Kate thought in her secret heart, but the affection which she entertained for her lover would not permit her to say so. ; . J- It is still the morning of St.Valen tine's day. Will the reader ascend with us the ricketty stairs of a tenement house in a poor street little known to fashion. ; Higher yet, so, we have gained the fourth story. Now turn to the right if you please. Open the door. JTo cere mony. We are clad in the invisible gar ments, and the occupants will not ob serve our entrance. . i These occupants are two in nnmber, a woman, middle aged, pale trom recent sickness, and reclining on he bed propped up with pillows. The other is a young girl of perhaps nineteen, who, it is easy to see, needs only air and exer cise,' and freedomfrom anxietyfo develop her into a beauty. But alas she is thin and pale, and her face wears a look of. weary care, the cause of which is evident enough to one who will take the trouble to look at her scanty ; and faded attire, and the general appearance of penury which the room presents. j! "Louise," said Mrs. May, feebly, "I am afraid you are working too kard, my child. : . . if , - , : j The latter was working rapid upon a shirt, while several others unmade were piled up in a chair beside her. ijj : "I would not complain of thatmother," was the reply, "if I was only a .little bet ter paid." I '"Such miserably low prices," said the mother, sihinc i "Miserable, indeed, but they told me last time that they might pay still less as they could 'get their work done quite as well and more rapidly by a machine." ' "lr we only had one! i - "Yes, but I am afraid it is an i'"that will never be realized." ' 3 .' "Give me one of the shirtsLouise. I think I ean work a little." t The young girl shook berihead, and answered in a decided manner: "No. mother, you musn't think' of itL Indeed you are not able. Just get well as soon as you can and then I will nojt object." I he mother sighed. "It troubles me, Louise, to fliink sick ness makes me such a burden ipon you." . ix Duraen, mother; don t think of it., -"If you were alone now, you might get along more easily." ,j i(lt 1 were alone, Baid Louise, shud dering, "I shouldn't have any. spirit or energy to work at an. Why: mother, it b the thought oi you that keeps me up. It's such a relief: to have somebody to talk to. I often think how mich better I am off than Nancy Reed it the next m it i i . room, one is an alone, nas nipt a rela tion in the world, or none thai-she ever sees, and there she sits in her room from morning till night, sewing tlone. It must be terrible." j "Both are bad enough," sighed Mrs. May. binding her mother still despondent, Louise thought she must do Something to cheer her up., "Do you know, said she, In a cheer- ful tone, "what, made me sewing-machine, mother?" sppak of the - f'.Because "your, employersj spoke ; of them You must know I had a dreni last night, mother, a bright, nlonsiht dream such as I do not often F .. have- "What is it?" asked some little curiosity. Mrs.; May with 'I dare say you will think it fanciful. You know I sat up late working, and my last thought as I went to bed, was, what a beautiful present a sewing-machine would be, and how much it would help us along. Soon after going to sleep it seemed to me as if while I sat working as Im now, I heard a knock at the door, and some one entered bringing what I had so much desired. He set it down wltKnn r -irriid 1 lift. lue uverjoyea with my good luck." "It was indeed a pleasant dream," said Mi May, : faintly smiling, but suUi dreams are very slow in coming true. You know dreams are said to' go by con traries." ' .'. : ; . ' ; : : - ' : ; : I Before Louise had an opportunity to answer, a noise was heard in the entry and along the stairs as if some one were coming up with a burden.' A' A moment afterward: a knock . was heard at the door of the chamber, i . "Who can it be?" thought mother and daughter both, for their visits from .the world outside were few and far between. "Lie down, mother, so that the draught from the door may hot reach you,", said Louise, rising to answer the summons. She opened the door. A porter stood before hera stout man with something wrapped up carefully apparently a small table. : - :-- '' : Here is something I was to leave here,"1 said he, "that is, if Mrs; May lives here." i: -; ': ''' ' '-"Mrs! May does liye here,'!' saiu Lou ise, surprisedJ "but we have not ordered any thing! ' May' I - ask' what ' it is that you bring.'' ;: "A sewing machine, " said the porter. A sewing machine! " Louise started in uncontrollable astonishment,1 and leaned ngainst: i the ''door 1 - lor -: support. 11 er mother who had caught the sound of the wbrdrrose up iri- bed in her excitement. "Are you sure it is for us," asked Louise, bewildered. ' ' ' ' ' ", if your name s May. May be is a present. You'd better look." Adopting the suggestion, the wrap pings were taken on, and a neat though not expensive sewing-machine was dis- played.; - - 1 : ' "There s a card, said the porter, pointing to one which was attached by a string. ''' Louise eagerly examined it. It con tained these words: "Miss Louise May from St. Valentine." ' 5 .'. "It is for me," said Louise, "though I cannot conceive who it is lrom. Jtlow TOTicTi 7 shall" I pay "y ou for your trouble?" "1 was paid in advance at . the ware- it i.i ii rooms, answered the porter, and having accomplished his task, he left the apart ment. -'.'.. ; ! . "How wonderful!" murmured Louise. It makes me think of the -Arabian Nights, and fairy gifts." How wonderful! said Mrs. May, solemnly. It reminds me of Elijah and the ravens. Whoever may . have been the generous giver, it was (iod that put the tho't into his heart. Let us thank im." . ; ! The two knelt down and thanked God for his abounding mercy in supplying what they most needed, and what they felt would relieve them of much of the drudgery to which they had hitherto been compelled. On the afternoon of St.' Valentine's day. Frank Andrews and Mark Easton, taking a half-holiday, called in company upon the Vancouvers. , . Ellen and Kate descended to receive them; but there was a noticeable differ ence in the warmth of the welcomes which they respectively received. Frank was welcomed with customary cordiality by both, but there was a very decided coldness on the part of Ellen as she re turned the salutation of Mart, and even Kate appeared more than usually grave. "I believe," said Ellen, addressing her self to Frank, "my sister and myself are indebted to you for two very elegant val entines received this morning." "I am glad they came safely, '.'.said Frank, feeling a little awkwardly. ' "3Iy sister also received onejf'romyou, Mr., Easton," said Ellen, stiffly. .f'Whicb could scarcely be called very elegant," said the latter, composedly. "That depends upon one's taste," re turned Ellen, piqued at his coolness. .The young man smiled. , , ... "Confess now,", said he,Jin a frank, straight-forward way, "you think .me a little mean in not having purchased as costly offerings as my friend Fnnk." "We supposed you had some ' good reason," said Kate, brightening up with all her former confidence in. her lover, r . "You only did me justice," h said a little more gravely, "and as I wciild not willingly rest under the imputation of meanness, I will make full explanation of n y reasons. A. day or, two since it came to my knowledge accidentally that a poor girl was toiling wearily Sixteen hours a day to support herself aid her mother by the work of her needle. You know how poorly that Js pajd, and I am afraid that even with such incess ant exertion they must have fared very poorly. It struck me how mueh the possession of a sewing machine would lighten their labors. I accordingly re solved to appropriate what I was accus tomed to spend on valentines and as much more as was needful to buy a plain article for them. I did as I purposed. Am I forgiven?" ; "You have done nobly," said Ellen, while Kate silently extended her hand. "And I thinking you mean ''all the time! exclaimed Frank", indgdant at himself. j "You mnst let me go with yo to ; see the poor girl," said Kate. "I faay be able to supply her with work af a niore remunerative price than the shops." Henceforth brighter das dawned upon the Mays. , They removed to more eligible rooms, and the little njachine won them all their needed comfoijs. Header, you have the poor always with you, and it is more blessed io gjve than to receive. One luxury foreborne on your part may bring happiness to those less bountifully provided.'. Will you try the experiment. Not entirely EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. The following questions were pro pounded for written answers at the Ex amination of Teachers held on the 4th inst. GRAMMAR. ; 1. What is meant by the properties oi' a part of speech? v 2. Define each gender and give a reason for its name. 3. How is the gender, person, number and case of a pronoun determined? 4. For what purpose do adjectives ad mit of a change of form? 5. Compare Significant. Dear. Good. uorrect, All and Une. w - ' b. Give the present tense third person singular of the verb, to love, in the fol lowing modes, in the order named: In finitive, Participial, Potential, Subjunct ive, Imperative, and Indicative. 7. "A mother's influence makes men what they are." Parse in full the words in Italics. 8. "And let him go his way, alone, and innocent, and gay." Parse the words in Italics. 9. "The philosopher is intent upon watching the phenomena of nature. Parse each word before phenomena. 10. "The stranger's heart! Oh, wound it not!" Parse each word. ARITHMETIE. 1. What is a composite number? Give an example. 2. How do you divide when the di visor is a composite number? 3. When there are several remainders after dividing by a composite number, how do you find the true remainder? 4. In what respect are simple and com pound numbers alike, and in what respect do. they differ? 5. What is the difference between a ratio and a proportion? 6. lieduce of 1-4) fi ani 19 of 6 to their least common denominator. 7. What is the interest of 8216.00 for 5 yrs, 7: months and 27 days, at 10 per cent.?,.' .. , . . ' . 8. A, B, C, and D, have a job of work to do A can do it in 12 days B in 15 days C in 18 days D in 24 days; in how many days will they do it, all working? Wlite the analysis in full. 9. There is a building 45 feet high on a street 60 feet wide; required the length of ladder that will reach from the op posite side of the street to the top of the building? 10. The contents of a cubical block of marble are 1953.125 cubic feet, what is the length of one of the sides? GEOGRAPHT. 1. Into how many classes are the cir cles of the earth divided?. Define each kind, and give ah example of each? 2. What are the three forms of gov ernment? Define each? 3. How is New York bounded. Its capital and metropolis, and where sit uated? 4. What divisions in the south-western part of Europe form a peninsula? 5. Name the largest two rivers in France, their course and into what they flow? 6. What mountains seperate Tennessee from North Carolina? : . 7. Name the Barbary States and their capitals? 8. Name the countries crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn? 9. How many States and Territories does the United States comprise? , Name the Territories? 10. What Itepublie in the south-eastern part of Europe? Adulterated Liquors. Dr. Hiram Cox, the Cincinnati inspec tor, has published many deeply interest ing facts of his experience in testing liquors sold in that city. In 700 inspec tions of stores and lots of liquors of every variety, he found that 90 per cent, were impregnated with the most pernicious arid poisonous ' ingredients. Nineteen young men, all sons of respectable citi zens, were killed outright by only three months' drinking of these poisoned liquors. Many older men, who were only moderate drinkers, died in the same period of delirium tremens brought on in one quarter the time usual, even with confirmed drunkards, by drinking this same poison. Of 40T) insane patients, he found that two-thirds had lost reason from that cause. Many of them were boys under age. One boy of 17 was made insane by the poison from being drunk only once. Seeing two men drink ing in a grog shop, and that the whisky was so strong that it actually caused tears to flow from the eyes of one of them, the doctor obtained of it and applied his tests. He found it to contain only 17 per cent, of alcohol, when it should have contained 40, and that the.differ ence was supplied of sulphuric acid, red pepper, caustic, potassaand strychnine. A pint of this liquor contained enough poison to kill the strongest man. " The man who had manufactured it had grown wealthy by producing it. Leap Year. ' The year 1860 is "Leap Year," and contains 366 days one day added. to the shortest month, February, which will, therefore, contain 29 days this year. On this additional or 29th day, the ladies claim a privilege which at all-other times is generally allowed to gentlemen only that of "popping the question." Leap Year occurs every fourth year, and is so called because it leaps over a day more than does any other year. It is also called bissextile from the Latin bis, meaning twice, add sextus, sixth--mean- ing that the sixth of the calends of March (corresponding to our 24th of February) was reckoned twice every fourth yearly, the incalculation of a day. The neces sity of leap year arises from the fact that the solar year does not correspond ex actly with the civil year, in consequence of its not ending exactly with a given day, but with a fraction of a day each solar year containing 365 days and about 6 hours. It it were not lor this arrange ment, Christmas, in course of time, would come in midsummer, and the 4th of July in the depth of winter. Deaths In the Peerage. In 1859 there diedwenty-six British peers. The highest; in rank was the Duke of Leeds, whose ancestor is so often mentioned in MacaulayV History; and the greatest. was Lord Macaulay himself. LIBRARY TAXATION. At a meeting of the Cleveland Board of -Education, on January 17th, Mr. Bradburn presented the following memo rial: To the Honorable the House of Represen tatives of the State of Ohio: The Board of Education of the city of Cleveland, regarding public Libraries as an important education instrumental ity, would respectfully ask of your hon orable, body to amend the Senate bill "suspending for two years the library tax of l-10th of a mill," so as to leave it within the discretion of local authori ties tor levy a tax for public Libraries, not exceeding l-10th of a mill, in addi tion to the taxes they are now authorized to levy thus enabling towns and cities who desire to avail themselves of this important auxiliary, to do so without prejudice to other towns and cities who prefer to get along without it. And as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c. Mr. Bradburn spoke as follows in re lation to the memorial: A bill passed the Senate, and, without remonstrance," will probably pass the House, suspending for two years the library tax. As the law now stands, the library tax is mainly paid by the large towns and cities, who have made no com plaint. The opposition comes from the small towns, whojget nearly two dollars worth of books for every dollar tax paid by them, the difference being made up by Cincinnati, Cleveland, and other cities. Our experience in. educational matters has led us to regard the library as a very important feature of our edu cational system, and that provision of our school law has ever been regarded with fvor by the persons charged with the educational interests of 6ur city. I offer for the consideration of the Board a memorial to the House of Representa tives in relation of the Senate bill. Last year, said Mr. B., we paid about 2,300, and received in return about 1,400, the, balance going to the small towns, who take no care of their books, which are consequently useless to them. A movement is now being made to have the matter left within the province of the local authorities, and with this view the memorial is presented. The President and Secretary were in structed to sign the memorial and for ward it to the House. BQyMr. Moore a member of the Sen ate of Ohio, don't seem to be very much in love with the Constitution of the State of Ohio, as appears from the fol lowing bill which he offered for adop tion: ...... , . Whereas, In the course of human evnt3 it has become perfectly manifest, (and especially the way thing3 is now workin',) that the Constitution , of the State of Ohio is a humbug, and has en tirely failed to secure to the people of Ohio the great ends and objectsfor which it was adopted; and, whereas, there are so many sharp points and angularities in said constitution, that many of the best interests of the State are being im paled by them; and, whereas, there are so many of the sections and provisions of said constitution that are ot such ambig uous, doubtful and uncertain meaning, that sixteen Philadelphia lawyers with a modern Common Pleas Judge thrown in, cannot tell what they do mean; and, whereas, owing to the ambiguous, doubt ful and uncertain meaning of said con stitution, much of the legislation under it is of a doubtful and uncertain consti tutional character; Therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Sec. 1st. That said Constitution of the State of Ohio, be and the same is hereby repealed, annulled, eradicated, and held to be "good for nix." . Home Education. Judge Crawford, of Washington, in a recent charge to the Grand Jury, thus expresses his views of home education: "If the young men, who are to be the future men of our country, were brought up with a more decided home rule, and compelled (when compulsion was neces sary) to devote themselves to the acqui sition of skill in some useful and respect ful vocation, there would be less occupa tions for courts and juries. The engage ments and habits of the boy will cling to the man, and upon his education and training under the domestic roof depend his standing, and usefulness, or the re verse, in life. .j . ' Sore Shoulders In Horses. The Boston Journal says the plan we have tried and never found to fail, is to get a piece of leather and have it cut into such a shape so to lie, snugly,' be: tween the. shoulders of the horse and the collar.. . This fends off all the friction as the collar -slips and moves on the leather and not on. the shoulders of the horse. Chafing is caused by the friction; hence this remedy is quite a plausible one, and is much better than tying slips of leather or pads of sheepskin under the collar. Effect of Artificial Light on Vegetation. In answer to an inquiry on this sub ject, a correspondent of the London Builder states: ' "I planted vegetables in a place where daylight could not penetrate, over which I suspended a paraffine oil lamp, with a reflector to throw the light upon the plants. They have grown up a beauti ful dark green. I have also lighted a greenhouse with lamps every night, and find it not only increases vegetation, but gives a beautiful deep tinge to the plants. The Putrid Sore Throat. : - Mr. Boot, of Rochester, gives as a cure for this fatal malady the use of red pep per tea,made weak enough to avoid strang ling the young patients. To be used freely, and the throats of the children occasionally "swabbed," or washed, with the same tea, made quite strong. An outside application must also be made of slices of salt pork, bound on with a cloth. The temperature of the room to be kept equal, as near as possible. This remedy has been used from the commencement of the disease in many caaes. The Cost of Got. Wise's Foolery. . A bill has been passed by the Vir ginia Legislature," appropriating $150, 000 to pay the expense accruing from the Harper's Ferry Rffair. THE SYMPATHIZING WOMAN. If we were called upon to describe Mrs. Dobbs, we should, without hesita tion, call her a sympathizing woman. Nobody was troub.ed with any malady she-hadn't suffered. "She knew all about it by experience, and could sympathize with them from the bottom of her Tieart." Bob Turner was a wag, and when one day he saw Mrs. Dobbs coming along the road toward his house, he knew that, in the absence of his wife, he should be called upon to entertain her, so he re solved to play a little on the good wom an's abundant store of sympathy. Hastily procuring a large blanket, he wrapped himself up in it, and threw him self on a sofa near by. "Why, good gracious! Mr. Turner, are you sick?" asked Mrs. Dobbs, as she saw his position. . ;. . "Oh, dreadfully," groaned the imag inary invalid. "What's the matter?" " "Oh, a great many things. First and foremost I've"got a congestion of the brain." "That's dreadful," sighed Mrs. Dobbs. "I came pretty near dying of it ten years to come next spring. What else?" "Dropsy," again groaned Bob. "There I can sympathize with you. I was troubled with it, but finally got over it.',' . ' , "Neuralgia," continued Bob.' "Nobody can tell, Mr. Turner, what I've suffered from neuralgia. It's an awful complaint." "Then again I'm very much distressed by inflammation of the bowels." "If you've got that, I pity you," com mented Mrs. Dobbs, "for three-years steady 1 was afflicted with it, and I don't think I've fully recovered yet." "Rheumatism," ad'Jed Bob. . . "Yes, that's pretty, likely to go along with neuralgia. If did with me." "Toothache," suggested Bob. , "There have been times, Mr. Turner," said the sympathizing woman, "when I thought I should have gone distracted with the toothache." ... . ."Then," said Bob, who, having tempo rarily ran out of his stock of medical terms, resorted to a scientific name; "I'm very much afraid Jthat I've got the tethy asaurusf . , . . .. "I shouldn't be at all. surprised," said the ever ready Mrs. . Dobbs; "I had it when I was young." - Though it was with great difficulty that he could resist laughing, Bob con tinued: . . "I am suffering a good deal from a sprained ancle." ' ' ; ": '- 1 "Then you can sympathize with me, Mr. Turner. - I sprained . mine when I was coming along.".. "But that isn't the worst of it." ; "What is it?" asked Mrs. Dobbs, with curiosity. . . "I wouldn't tell any one but you, Mrs. Dobbs, but the fact is" here Bob groaned "I'm afraid, and the doctor agrees with me, that my reason is af fected that, in short, I'm a little crazy!" Bob took breath, and wondered what Mrs. Dobbs would say to that. . ; "Oh, Mr. Turner, is it possible?" ex claimed the lady. "It's horrible! I know it is. frequently have spells of being out of my head myself!"' Bob could stand it ho longer; he burst into a roar of laughter, which Mrs. Dobbs, taking for the percursor of olent paroxysm of insanity, she was led to take a hurried leave. The Last Dodge. A day or two ago a mans respectably dressed, called at a grocery store in the upper part of the city, and inquired af ter a late attendant in the store. He was informed that he had gone to Cali fornia; upon which he expressed his re gret that he had not been able to see him before he started, as he owed him twenty dollars, which he was anxious to pay.- The store-keeper said he would forward it to him, if desired; to which the other, with thanks, assented, and handed over a fifty dollar bill, receiving thirty dol lars in change. The fifty dollar bill was subsequently ascertained to be counter feit. -Philadelphia Ledger, Jan. 30. 8A distressing accident occurred at Zaleski last week. A son of Mr. Henry Jennings, formerly of this township, was setting on a fence, in sight of his father's house, holding a shot-gun by the muzsle, the breech resting on the ground, when from some unaccountable cause, the gun went off and discharged its contents in the heart of the unfortu nate boy, killing him instantly. Mari etta Intelligencer, i . B1 Massachusetts chooses her dele aeo the Chicago Convention on the 7th of March, at Worcester. There ap pears to he a strong sentiment in iew i . i T England tavorable to the nomination ot Gov. Chase. " This has been distinctly manifested by the action of Rhode Island and Connecticut, the only Eastern States in which the Republicans have yet ap pointed delegates. Don't Shoot. The Ohio Game Law will soon be worthy the attention of sportsmen. It forbids the killing of wild Turkey, Part ridge, Quail, Pheasant, Prarie Chicken, &c, between the 1st of February and the 15th of September. The penalty for violating this Law is a fine of from $2 to 15 for each offense. Lovers of such sport will do well to bear this in mind. Grape Culture In France. It is said that five million acres of French soil are devoted to grape culture, producing annually over eight hundred millions of gallons of wine, at an average cost of ten cents per gallon. From its cheapness, it is the almost universal drink of the people.,. . the House of Representatives of the Georgia Legislature, a resolution has been passed to appoint two Commis sioners to Europe, to examine into, the feasibility of establishing direct trade between the South and Continental Eu rope. Hon.- A. H. Stephens and Dr. McGhce, Senator from Houston) -have been appointed. . BSfSomebody defines character as "the only personal property which eve ryboTly lokfl.ftcr for yoxi.' Correspondence between mar shal JOHNSON AND JNO. BROWN, Jr. Jei-rER80s( January 841b, 1F60. ; John Brown, je., EscU - n Sir: I left at your house, to-day a summons from the select committee of the Senate to appear before said Committee on the 30th inst. I regTet exceedingly that I was unable to see you, fo.r I think I could have satisfied you that it would be to your interest to appear before the Committee. The only objection I suppose you can have to do so, is the fear that the authorities of Virginia might take advantage of your presence in that region and arrest you and take you to that State. Of this, I take it upon myself to say you need have no fear. In the letter from Senator Mason, enclosing me the papers, he makes use of this language, viz: "If you can get an interview or other means of communication with him, (John Brown) he may be induced to come under the assurance you can give, that by a late law of Congress, no per son who has been examined as a witness before a Committee of either House of Congress, can afterward be held to an swer upon a criminal charge for any fact done or committed by him to which his testimony may refer. Thus, should the witness have done .anything' in connec tion with the Harper's Ferry affair which might Bubject him to prosecution, by testifying before the Committee, he will be thenceforth exempt, from prosecu tion.!' ,t - -. These are the words of Senator Mason, and to that I add a pledge of my sacred honor, that if you will appear in Cleve land on Friday morning next, and ac company me to Washington, that. neither on the way, nor in that city, shall you be molested, but after giving your tes timonyjl will see you safely returned to your home. I propose that on Thursday nest ryou come to Cleveland' and see Judge Spaldisg, Judge Tilden and other friends and consult with them as to the propriety of going as I propose, and if you make up your mind to go, that VfS leave that city on the following day.' I will also state that I have no warrant for your arrest, nor has there ever been any issued from any source, lhe assertion to the contrary by the Cleveland Plain Dealer of last week being an unmitigated falsehood. .') v , '.. - ' .-. , .-'-. I leave this letter with your friend, Smith Edwards, Esq., with whom I have luuy conversed on mat matter. Yours, ' M. JOHNSON. . 1 1 ;. 'JOHN BROWN S REPLY. ;: Dorset, Ashtabula County, O., V Jan., 25th, 1860. ,; M. Johnson, Esq., U. S. Marshal, ") - " Cleveland, O. ' ) f Sir: I. have received your favor of the 24th inst.; informing. me , that you: had left at ' my house . a summons from the Select Committee of the U. S. Sen ate, commanding me to appear, before that Committee on the 30th inst. . After a full, and careful consideration of the reasons which you offer why I should obey that, summons, I have for two reasons resolved not to do so. The first is, that in going to, and returning from, Washington, I must of .necessity pass .wit run tne jurisdiction ot eituer Maryland or Virginia.' The latter State has especially exhibited of late such a remarkable facility of perpetrating the grossest injustice under the forms of law, that no sane man would, in the circum stances in which I am placed, trust her for a moment. Even if that State could not crush me by a judicial process, the wildest enthusiast would not dream her power would be thrown between me and the violence ot her,.mobs.; . r . ; The protection under the law of Con gress to Which Senator Mason refers, you will see if his language is correctly re ported, applies only to "a person who has been examined as a witness;." but supposing otherwise, what regard has the Nullifying State of Virginia - for a law of Congress which would interpose between a victim and the malice of her slaveholders? I have experienced too much of slaveholding perfidy to rely on the faith of a State whose honor and magnanimity arc represented by the lw thor of the Fugitive Slave Bill, and whose chief revenue is derived from tlie sale of her own sons and daughters. . . . . , The second reason why I refuse to ap pear before that Committee, is: that in swearing to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," so far as my knowledge extends in reference to the facts sought for in that investiga tion, I should obligate myself tos make known that which would implicate oth ers, which as the Lord liveth I will not do.'- You say' that by giving my testi mony I can exempt myself from further trouble. In answer, I would say, that I cannot purchase immunity from further prosecution by an act of treachery. .. To that system of piracy which reduces to chattels every sixth man, i woman and child of our land, I owe no obligations. It "has no rights which I am bound to respect;V but, to the noble men and wo men, who,' in .the same spirit which prompted effort in behalf of Greece, It aly and Hungary, labored by word and deed to aid "Native Americans"- de scendants of the '-first families of Vir- !. .1 .! 1 ill ginia, to throw on tneir yoKe to mem I owe unswerving fideuty. Some ot them reside in slave State's) and my testimony would place their lives in jeopardy. On their account, if for no other, I refuse to appear and answer, and shall patiently wait for the infliction of "the pains and penalties in . such cases made and pro vided." And now to save unnecessary delay in pouring out upon me the ."vials" of pro slavery "wrath," I will say that business does not now call me to Canada. Should I revisit that temporary home of our American Exiles, it will be from other considerations than thoso of personal safety. Possibly, at some time, I may "leave my country for my -country's ood," but: never for the good of the slave power. With due respect, j 1 remain, &c.i : " ; ' 1 JOHN BROWN, Jr.. bssl. Three States have abolished the death penalty, viz: Michigan; in 1846; Rhode Island, m 1852, and Wisconsin, in 1853. This is an abolition demanded by the test of experience. Hanging a human being by the neck until, he is lead, is a. horrid hnsmefis. The Last of Earth- ... The Paris correspondent f tlio Irac eler, has the following .. ; s; "Never ; eny . any taanf,, All liavtf their burdens, and he 'that tent pcreththtf wind to the shdra;iamB;''nath endowed habit with the power" of alleviating the? heaviest loads. The other day there was a splendid funeral in this street, few doors below the home in, which I live. All the hideous pageantry which increases the horrors of Death was be sembled. The crowd was ' numerous. The luxurious mansion - of th- grt banker ; was one j great funeral chamber. The banker is worth a million of dollar.. His average income Is one hundred an J twenty-five thousand dollars. lie is the head of a joint stock baniing', company,, which enables him to dispose often mil lion of dollars at his pleasure. He ia one of the lions of Change: Don't you envy him? Oh, no, for 'twas only six months ago the undertaker laid his "third son, then nineteen, in the grave the Other day his second son was carried away by the same sombre tradesman to the graveyard, ihough , the boy" was; but one and twenty his eldest daughter in a hunchback; and is in declining health his second daughter is bed-ridden with consumption, and will .surprise the doc tors if she outlives the winter theT banker himself is blind from over-iabor he has been known to pass - twenty days without once undressing and sleep ing in a bed; all his repose being a. few hours of feverish slumber snatched from corroding cares a respite passed on a sofa! Oh, don't envy, the "rich banker though his coffers overflow 1 with gold, for it avails little for him; and 'though, as I grant ye, the resonant .chimes - of coin, tossed about as so much trash in his , cash office,' sound "musically to' the ear,, yet the oft-heard' passing1 bell Ind doctor's tread common ia the' houseman the resonance of gold, destroy all. thecf fect, except the painful contrast Betjreem the emptiness of human vanity andVia bition! . So envy' no manf ' ' ; ' ; : : ," ' 1 U- i t Constant Employment. ; ' -..., 'n . s .The man who is. obliged to le eoa stantly employed to earn the necessaries of life and support his family',' knows not the unhappiness he' prays for when 1.9 desires wealth1' and ' idleness. !' To I e constantly ' busy is ;tO" be always, happy. Persons , who have , suddenly acquired wealth, broken up; their active pursuits and begin to live at their ease, waste away and die in a' very short time1 ' Tieun- ands would hate been blesbines to th world and added to the common stock of happinessji f . they had been content to remain in a humble sphere, and earnetl every mouthful of food that nourished their bodies." 1 But no; fashion and wealth; took possession of them, land theyj.Terw completely ruined.; :. . .f.,;.7 ,f. ?. , They ran away from peace and pleas ure and embraced a liiigering.dealli. : Ye who are fighting for the pomp "and splen dor of life, beware? Ye know not what you wish? No situation; however, exalt ed; no wealth, however magnificent, no- honors, however glorious can. yield yott solid enjoyment, while' discontent Iurka in your bosom. The; secret of-happi-nessTliesin1 this to be always content-. ed with youlot, nd never sigh tot t!.e splendor, of riches, ,or magnificence of fashion and power." , Pesrons who are always busy, and go cheerfully ' to their daily tasks," are the least disturbed: by the fluctuations of business, and at aigkfr sleep with jerfect composure... Medical TJe of Salt In many cases of disordered stomifcb, a teaspoonful Of salt is a certain1 cure. In the violent internal aching, termed cholic, add a teaspoonful of salt to a pint oTcold water drink it and go to1 bed; i is one of the speediest remedies known. The same will revive one who seems -almost dead from receiving a heavy fall. . -iln an apolectic fit, no time' bnould be lost in pouring down salt and water, if sufficient sensibility remain to allow the swallowing if not, the head-must le sponged with eold water, until the sense return, when , salt, will immediately re store the patient from the lethargy.' In a fit, the feet should be placed ill warm water, with mustard added, and the legs briskly rubbed, all bandages removed from the neck, and a cool apartment pro--cured if possible." In many eases of sc vere. bleedings at the lungs, and when other temedies fail,' Dr." Rush found iwo spoonsful 6f salt ' completely : stayed; .1 he bl00d.;..;:..-;;. I, i r:!, T;: J,.,, In case, of bite from a -mad dog, wash the part with strong lririd fe-j an hour, then bind 6n some salt whir a rag. t In toothache, warm salt and water held to the part 'and renewed iwoj, of threo times.. will relieve income cases.. "...If the. gums be affected, wash the. niouTb. witl " brine; if the teeth be tartared wash them twice a day with salt and water. ' ' In swelled ' neck. frnsh- the part" with, brine twice a day until cured., j v-r .f, , Salt will expel worms, if, used in the food in a moderate degree, and aids' di gestion; but salt meat is injurious' ifuscd too much. Scientific Amcrkan. '- Boiled Flank, to at Cold ' Take a piece of a flank of beef, fs of eight inches wide and as long as you can cut it; sprinkle salt over it; and' let it stand twenty-four hours; -then prepare stuffing, the ' same as for a turkey or chicken; and spread over it; then, roll it up very. tight,; and tie a piece of cloth all over it, and boil it six hours; 'when you take it and lay it between two boards to drain, and put a weight upen-jt, till it is cold. It will then cut up in beau tiful slices. ci . . , ;.. Corn Cam for Breakfast. ' "V Mix at night, one quart of corn mc,! with water enough to make a thin, batter, adding a table-spoonful - of yeast, t and salt to suit the taste. In the morning, stir in two eggs, and a small tea-spoonful of soda, and with' a spoon," beat it long and hard. Batter a tin pan,: pour the mixture into it- and bake' immedi ately, about half, an hour, in a moder. ately heated oven. Cake irithont Eg-g. ' : 'i H .SQ4 Twocupfuls sngar,-.two of BweeteteanV: two small. tca-Bpoonfuls of saleratusj our cupfuls of flour; flavor, with,. nutmeg 6!p lemon, and bake in small scolloped ticS, -Ohio F,irn.rr.- ic?": .; f