Newspaper Page Text
.-affray; -.jxy POMEROY TELEGRAPH. Tuesday, i t i Fefcrnary i, i860. J-The S. B. Ohio JSo. I, bas placed had been shipped to D. Gibson's uistil ns under renewed obligations for Cincin-; lery during the week. nati papers. jjg-The Cincinnati and Marietta Rail road is to be sold on the 25th inst., at assignees' sale, inChillicothe. Thaliabll ities of the road are about $13,000,000: Doenmtutii Hon. T. R. Stanley, of the Ohio Sen ate, will accept our thanks for reports of the Auditor of State, and of the School Commissioner. : .v Valentines. We would recommend personB who are puzzling their' brains as to what they shall jsend, and to whoiii, on this, St. Varcti'tine's Diy, to read the story on the 'outside of to-day's paper, entitled "Mark Easton's Valentine," and "go thou and 1q likewise." ; Mr.C.'E. Donnallyor J. McMaster & Son wilk procure you such -Valentines.' , The Orcy Eagle." .'! '! This favorite Pomeroyand Cincinnati , seini-weekly side-wheel packet left Cin cinnati on Saturday last at 5 o'clock P. , M., and arrived at bur landing the next evening at about nine, o'clock. . We are ' quite certain1 that better time has not been, made :since" the days of the "Old Line Boats." Thanks for late papers. ' Shocking Murder. - . ' , , YTte ' 'JtisoilStakSard '"of last week ; contains the verdict of the Coroner's .' Jury' summoned to inquire into the - cause of the death of James Carl,, whose body was found in a coal pit, near Cross Road. Station,, in Jackson Co., O. - The Jury returned a verdict that deceased had . come; to his death by . means of injuries inflicted by Isaac 1 Hoctor, supposed to have been , made ; with an ax. -Hector made good his escape. . The Concert at Rulae. . : ,; The Concert of r. D; Munson's class, it Racine, came off. on Tuesday last, un der the direction of his father, assisted '., by , Miss' Julia. . It is reported to us as -' being a first-class performance, and we . nnderstand that Miss Julia made quite a hit in the performance Of Handel's 'f An gels Bright and Fair." ; In this piece, ' which she rendered at their last Concert " here, we, were struck with the magnifi cent strains, and her supreme mastery of voice. May . the fVMunsons" ever pros-' rerVV".!.:.:; ' 'r v V - The School library Qneitlon. After the adjournment of the Repub lican, meeting at the' Court-house, on Saturday last,1 a meeting was organized for the purpose of ascertaining the fecl- ing of . the Community on the proposed suspension of, the School Library Law. . Strong opposition was made . to the sus pension, and some, also, in favor of it, the preponderance being opposed to the " suspension." . ; ' '.? - . It was thought best, however, not to take any action in the matter, as the meet ing had not previously been called for that purpose, and the meeting adjourned. " GoodNcwi. " " " The Portsmouth Tribune learns that a .company of five men, non-residents of that place,' have rented Rolling Mill at Portsmouth, and contemplate putting it inr motion soon.. -The advan j tages of the active operation ; of such works are truly great, and are only fufiy appreciated: when they; suspend opera tions. The Rolling-Mill at this place was started over a year ago, and its ope-r rations revived business generally, . and gave a'new impetus to trade, which has ever since been rapidly increasing. The business of a town or city can be very -; accurately estimated in proportion to the operations of manufactories. " ; . 1 ' ( Peach Grove Nursery. T- The proprietors of this Nursery, M. . W. Rutherford & Co., present our read ers to-day with a lengthy catalogue of different varieties of Peach .trees. The object of the proprietors in collecting 'this selection was to procure . varieties : ripening at different times, in order to ; lengthen the season. This is very com mendable, as the Peach season is now but a week or two in length, and by this plan they propose to make it two months or more. 'Every farmer will at once ; see the advantage such a selection would ' be to his orchard, and. we hope they will supply themselves at an early day with the varieties they may desire. Preserve the catalogue for future reference. Republican Meeting. The call of the Central Committee for f a meeting of the "Republicans,- and all others opposed to Federal corruption," . &c, was responded to by a moderate at tendance at the Court-House, on last Saturday afternoon. It : being stated '.' that "the object of the meeting was to select five delegates to attend the State Convention to be held on the 1st day of March for the purpose of selecting four " delegates at large to attend the Chicago Convention, called to nominate Candi dates for President and vice President," ,m motion, Joseph F. Buffington, T. A Plants, Thos. Fessler. E. Williamson and Gyrus Russell wre . appointed said : . delegation,1 with authority to cast the vote of the county, and to fill vacances that might occur in the delegation. ' It was also deeided not to hold a dis- trict ConWntioafor the nomination of: . . , . : - , two delegates from the Congressional District, but tlie delegation to. Columbus was authorized sd to meet the delegations j are the engineers; Messrs. And.. Marsil jr eounties and select the! liot and Amos Davis -tho pilots, Mr. from the othe Congressional delegation t nr- V . btevens,, otterea some .ap- proppiate resolutions, embodying -the l.' 1 i. l. Li .i ,r J n 11 wholesome doctrines of the Kepuhlican party, hut as the time was too limited thl8 eveniDS trom tlie toot oi liroadway, at last quotations; sales 1,200 bush mixed ing my friends that I will snortly have an in ,.., .. ' ., , . and we take pleasure-in recommending , at 58c. i ereased stock. ior the meeting to consider and act on th(J Mnan cmw tQ th(J travelingand Cloverseed. The market is irregular and Thankful for your former liberal patronage, them, he asked permission to withdraw shinnino- nuhlif m nnp of the finpst and i unfe"led; prices ranga from S4 60 to 4 75; sales I hope to be able to offer inducements for its , ''t,- i i smPP1DS 'PJPo as one 011 ne ,? ne-.ana of 100 sacks at ?4 0O, 12 brls at $4 65, and 70 .continuance. ; GEO. HUTTEL. 4he jsmc, which was granted, most complete gteamerB afloat." ;: Uoat.4 75, , 8-1-tf More ETldcuce of the Millenium. The Portsmouth Tribune, of the 8th ! inst., in quoting "corn sales," notes the ; fact that about 30,000 bushels of corn The beautiful and productive bottoms of the Scioto are doing their share to hasten the "day of reckoning." Harper's Weekly. . This inestimable weekly pictorial news paper, wnicn not only contains ac counts of the current events of the times, but illustrates them with true and life like representations, has been received. We have no hesitancy in saying that it is tlie best pictorial weekly we know of, and cannot well conceive how a better one could bo gotten up. If any person wants this paper, the back numbers of the volume can be procured, or subscrip tions may commence at any time. Single number one year, 2.50; two copies $4.00 Harper s Weekly and Magazine one year, $4.00. The Weather. . i Believing that we have about as much weather here as any other place in the same latitude, and of as good a quality, we do not pay the attention to giving it weekly notices that many of our cotem poraries do. And while speaking of this, we must make an apology to our readers for wholly neglecting to post them on the movements of the groun hog in this regin on the 2d inst., and will attribute our want of observation to the fact that we leave the matter of reg ulating the weather wholly to other pa pers, and forget the day set aside to His Prophetic Majesty the "Ground-Hog." We learn, however, that he did come out, but didn't remain; therefore, according to his interpreters, we should prepare for six weeks more of winter weather. Rare. ; About five o'clock last Wednesday even ing the attention of some of our. citizens was attracted to the hill immediately back of town, by the baying of a pack of dogs, who seemed to be in hot pursuit of game. Directly a doe came in sight and neared the precipice, back of Rev. Tronibly's residence. It was thought to be a lure of the animal to gain advan-l tage of her pursuers. ; Near and nearer she approached, and the sidling being quite steep, the earth gave way under its feet, and it slid part way over, hanging on by its fore legs It was not able to draw itself up again, and in a short time was precipitated about sixty feet, among the rocks beneath. A couple of gentle men hastened to the spot, expecting' to see a mass of mangled venison, but, to their surprise, nothing was to be seen of it. On searching, they discovered it a few paces off, standing very composedly among some shrubbery. , On going to ward it, it moved off as nimbly as though no. mishap had occurred, .skippiiigjence after fence. Ithadpjbably been injured internally, as it was pursued and caught by a gardener at the upper end of town. The gardener, not knowing the propensity of the animal to "strike out," was alarmed at the sundry violent blows administered to him, and gave it free dom, without further molestation. . It. was caught again, however, and this time did not fare so well. It wassoon di vided among its captors, and many guests were doubtless invited to partake of the rare meat in an hour afterward. ' The "H. D. Mear." This new side-wheel boat passed down on her maiden trip, last Thursday, and up yesterday morning. She is a hand some craft, with good speed, and the best of oflicers. On her trip down she run from Portsmouth to Cincinnati in eight hours and twenty minutes. Coin ing up, she was heavily loadened-r-about 350 tuns on board but made excellent speed. . ...' .,: ..'.a -,.. The Cincinnati Commercial, of Satur day last, (for a copy of which we are un der obligations to the gentlemanly clerk,) says of her: ' "An attractive feature at the levee was the arrival of Capt. J. C. Jelly's new and splendid side wheel passenger packet II. D. Mears, named after the General Agent of the Boston and Balti more Steamship Line; and just comple ted at Wheeling, for the Cincinnati and Wheeling trade. She is without doubt one of the.niost graceful, serviceable, comfortable, and best finished steamers we have examined in a g while. Her model is easy, while she has fine speed. The hull, by Wilson, Dunlevy & Co., is 214 feet on deck, 34 feet beam, and 5J depth of hold. She has three 5 flue boil ers, 44 inches in diameter, and 24 feet long, and two 22 inch cylinders, 7 feet stroke, driving a pair of 27 feet water wheels, With 11 feet length of buckets the latter being two feet in width. The cabin is finished in the most modern and advantageous style, combining every comfort and luxury to make the guests perfectly at home, containing forty-two large and finely furnished state-rooms, capable of berthing 100 passengers. One desirable feature throughout the rooms is spring bottom mattrasses, washstands. wardrobes, &c. She has capacity for 500 i tons, and cost $do,000. lhe cabins, of fice, &c, are lighted by Johnson's Self Generating Gas a new and desirable feature. ; The cabin contains a piano and four elegant bridal chambers. She, brought down 200 tons, including 150 tonsfor re- shipmentfor Louisville. Nashville, Mem ! Phis Vicksburg and New Orleans. She ! line atip Ipnt ertpon nnvino- mnriA f ha vim i . t , -p from Portsmouth to Cincinnati in 8 hours and 20 minutes, including two landings. . Capt. J. C. Jelly and Wni. G-. Battelle, formerly clerks of the Courier, are in charge of the arS) the former in . commauu, anu uie iuner- in xue vmcv, asBisted by Mr. Jno. McKinstry. JUcssrs. Thos. C. Wilson and Ed. Wheat Joshua Harrison the mate, and Mr. I Lewis Oberlin the steward.' Sig. Louis i Cavalli known extensively in this vicin- ity, has fitted up a very tasty saloon on CtA na r, .T1, the Clears, fche returns to heeling TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of j Meigs County for the week ending Feb. 11, I860:. 7 " . , CoiuMBiA Tp. EHas P. - Davis to John Kincaid, 2l4 acres in sec. 33; $3,876. ' Letart Tp- S. H. Hayman to J. II. Parr, 49 acres in sec. 5; $1,000. Orange Tp. Wm. Sims to Robert Davis, 33J acres in sec. 3; $225. So phia Guthrie to Chas. M. Guthrie, 18 acres in sec. 36; $600. Salisbury Tp.- Ira Russell to Eras tus Stow, 6 acres in sec. 31; $210. POiiEROY. J. W. G. Stackpole to Horace S- Horton, lot No. 84; $4,500. ScrPid Tp. Joseph Magoon to Saml. Pullins, lot No. 13, in Harrisonville; $700. ' Racine. E. Aumiller to Amanda Dunham, lots Nos. 23 and 26; $216. ' non-intercocjrsk:-This question is involving the editor of the Point Pleasant Republican in a contest with the Gallipolis papers, in which ho" is likely to como out worsted. The controversy was brought about by some remarks the editor of the Repub lican made on resolutions passed by a disunion meeting, held in that town on the;. 4th- of - Jwfruaryj -on which occa sion the editor of the Republican, fearing they had not said enough to convince the fire-eaters of the interior that they might possibly be tinctured with Abolitionism, on account of close' proximity to free territory, offered a separate set of res olutions, which were unanimously adopted. ' The following is, a portion of the preamble, and thl first and last of the resolutions of James Hutchinson, Esq:- ' . . ',:.;; y' ,. But as we do not deem it proper to rec ommend an immediate' dissolution of the government we are cbntent to . await a reasonable time to see jthe result of the late conservative movement in the North, and whether it will not prompt the peo ple of that section to retrace their steps and conform to the requirements of the constitution, and restore peace and happiness to the country, before we re sort to that last of remidies, a dissolution of the Union. But being forewarned let us be forearmed, andiniew of the choice we may be compelled to make: Be it therefore, - . . . . " , Resolved, That, althougW living upon the extreme border of the State, in that portion which mnst, in tht event of a disso lution of the Government, bear the great burden of the troubles that may thereby accrue, we are nevertheless Virginians in feeling, interest and senliment, and as ardently attached to the! institutions of the State as the citizens bf any portion of the Commonwealth, aad are willing to co-operate in all proper'nieasures that may be devised, for the protection of the rights of the State and ofithe South. Resolved, That for the pbrpose of more effectually securing the commercial and social independence of he South, we earnestly . recommend thst the several Southern, States by their legislative as semblies, contribute the sum of five hun dred thousand dollars for die purpose of organizing and putting ini, operation a weekly line of steam mail jackets, alter nately from the cities of ffofolk, Va., and iCharteston, S. C.yptoonnecr with Liverpool or some other Suitable Eu- ropeanport. i. i In the editor's comments on the above resolutions, he made a; local application oil i ? ' 1 ' r -i i ii oi mem, ana in uoing so, jnciuenrany referred to Gallipolis, PoLieroy, and other places; but as we eonidered the movement wholly for "buncombe," we did not notice it. f But it was different with tic Gallipo lis papers. It appears that jhis apostle of "non-intercourse" has 'beei soliciting advertising in the Northern town of Gal lipolis, has publisher the lame, and actually taken pay for it! Tae consis tency of Mr. Hutchinson wal brought into question, as was also his character, and neither stand a very fair showing at the hands of the Dispatch andj Journal. As to the character . of the; man we know nothing, but it would icertainly surprise his readers to know tiat but a few weeks since he was at our jdace and engaged an avowed Republican Prin ter to work for him; but on their failure to settle some old score, the said Printer declined working, and left the editor un able to issue his paper. "Non-intercourse!" humbugt It is impossible for the South to adopt it, much less that portion of Virgiuia and Kentucky that border on Ohio. . Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati, February l(j, 18G0. Flocr. There is no demand of consequence,. and the market continues quite unsettled; small sales of superfine and extra at $5 50(g5 15; buyers offer $5 305 85 for superfine, and $5 505 60 for extra. The receipts continue liberal, and there is no export demand. Groceries. A good demand for sugar in the regular way, at full prices; sales if 200 hhda at 88ic, for fair to prime. MJasscs steady; sales of 400 brls in lots, at 44c for that in cypress, and 45c for that in oak cooperage. Coffee unchanged and firm at full prices. There has been a good demand for some days'past, and the sales, cart of which were kent trnvatp. 1 reach 1.000 hao- at. V2fi,Vlp. anrl T193 i , J, ; gX;jr.4 for common to prime, choice selling at 13( Wheat. The market is dull and heavy, and prices have declined Cc 9 bush; we quote prime white, $1 301 33, the latter for Kentucky I A- his old customers and others who may de and 1 251 28 for prime red; sales of 625 ; sire t0 procu bush prime white at $1 33, and 250 bush dp do GOOD COAL, CHEAP, at 1 30. l that he has made the following reduction in Corn. The market for ear is dull, 1 and ' prices: prices have declined lc $i bush. We quote it 1 Best Black Coal at.. oc bushel. at 4849c, in bulk. The demand for shelled is Red Coal . 4i " good at 55c, sacked, buyers furnishing sacks- i An "d'l'tion of from $ to J cent per bushel 1,250 bush ear, in bulk, at 48c. ' j will be added where the coal "is to be delivered Oats. The market is dull, but we have no below the Sugar Kun Salt Works, or above V. change to notice in prices; sales pf 1,000 bush Horton's office. at 46c. , "I 's determined to meet all competition, Rye. Continues dull and unchanged; we B,,( xr'1 6e as low 1,8 any other person, what quote it at 96c. ever may be the price. . Barley. The demand is fair and prices ! Apply tlie bank, on Mulberry street, a steady at 6568c for prime fall, and 58(303c short distance from the Court House, to the for fair to good, ...subscriber. JOSEPH BLACKBURN. Hay. The market is dull and prices have de- ! Jan. 24, I860. 1-tf. clined $2 ton; we pow quote prime Timothy . GEORGE HUTT E"L7" Cheese. The demand is fair and prices firm ' Merchant Tailor and Clothier. i n iir a t . -i r . a . . ar. vc ior lresierij iveserve; iuc Tor extra large do, and 11c for gnglish Dairy; sales JpQ boxes j Western Reserve at 9c. j Butter. lhe market is dull and unchanged; ' new building, ou Court street, 2 doors from we quote Central Ohio at 13al5c, and Western Front, Pomeroy, Ohio, My facilities for gct Rcserve at 16p, c i ting up work is excellent, and I warrant it to Apples. The demand continues good, and be made according to order, prices firm at S2 25a3 50 $ brl for fair to . a e a d y-m a n f ei n -r uima j choice, from store. J , demaud is fully equal to them. Prices are firm POMEKOT MARKETS. ' Monday, Fob. 13, IfiCO. Flour SG.250.50 brl. Wheat 1.201.2r i bush. Oats... ...4oe. 0 " ...7oc. " Potatoes Dried Peaches Dried Apples Butter Cheese Eggs Molasses Sirup Sugar (N.O.)....." Coffee w. Rice............ Soap Candles (tallow) Fish (Cod) Fish (Mackerel) Fish (Whit) Pickled Pork Shoulders Sides (smoked) .... Hams. .... Crackers ..ret. 7c ...3.50 " ..8c 1! 15c. 3 lb. 812 Jc. lb. 15c. " doz. 55G0c.t gal. 7o1.00 4 gal. 1415c. " ti.7c. i " 810c. 15c. 6JC. " 10c. f! " 7c. " 10c. 10c. " , 10c. & 12ic. 5p " wholesale die. ', 0.00 1,000. Hoop Poles.. Salt,. .retail 25c; wholesale , sp bush. BANK NOTE TABLE. BAXKABLE FUNDS, OR CURRENCY AT PAR, IN CINCINNATI. State Bank of Ohio, Independent and Stock Banks of Ohio, (specie Paying,) Lonisinra, Wheeling. (Virginia,) Baltimore, New Englund, (par in Boston.) New York City and State, solvent, Philadelphia and Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Bank of UiO State 01 In- tliann. Bank of Kentucky, Northern Bank tl Farmers' do do Southern do do Cotmuereial, do do Bank of Louisville do Bank of Ashland, do '. People's Bank, do New Jersey, in credit.' ' UNCURKENT. Ohio Union Bank, Sandusky, - - - - . - City Bank, Columbus - , - - - dis Clinton Bank. Columbus, - - - - I dis City Bank. Cincinnati, - - - 30 dis Seneca County Bank Canal Bank, Cleveland, - - - - - ' Vinoisii All (except Wheeling) - - - . dis Pennsylvania All (except Philadelphia and Pitts burg) ------ a - i dis THE FOLLOWING INDIANA FREB BANKS ARE (i DM. Bank of Goshen, Farmers' Bank, Bank of Gosport, Bank of Ml. Vernon, BankofPaoli, Bank of Rockville, Bank of Salem, Bloomington Bank, Canal Bank. Exchange Bank, Crescent City Bank, Cambridge City Bank, Salem Bank at Goshen, Indiana Bank, 8 Indiana Farmers' Bank Kentucky Stock Bank. La Grunge Bank, Parke County Bank, Prairie City Bank, Salem Bank, - Southern B'k of Indiana, Brookville Bank, Bauk of Elkhart. Missol-ri t.ountry Banks and branches 3 dis Pennsylvania Except Crawford County - S5 dis . Bank of Commerce -' - - - 2 dis . Erie City Bank ------ 2 dia Central Bank, Holidaysburg -McKcan County Bank Warren Co. Bank - - '- - 60 dis , . . Tioga County Bank -.. - not bought Khainokin Banki - - '- - - 2 di -. Lancaster Bank -- - - - -00 dis ... Bank of Pennsylvania - - - 60 dis Maryland, interior, .Solvent - - - - - Jidis Michigan, Solvent - - - - - - - - - . - I dis North Carolina, Solvent - - - - - -1 dis Except Farmers' Bank - - - - - -'80 dis South Carolina, Solvent - .-, - - -. S - ldis Georgia; Solvent - - -. - - - - - - - I dis Canada, Solvent - -.-------1 dis Tennessee Planters' Bank' - - --'-; ? lis i Union Rank - - - - - - Jadis Bauk of Tennessee - - - ,- ?idis Free Banks, solvent -"-''- I dis Illinois - - Sijdis Except People's Bank, Carmi - 20 dis State Stock Security - - 20 dis Wisconsin - - - -- -- -- -- - oidis Iowa - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2jdis SPECIAL NOTICES. ggTo Tkacuers. The Board of School Ex aminers for Meigs County will meet on the first Saturday of each month, at the 'Court House, in Pomeroy, for the examination of Teachers. Examination to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., and continue till 4. P. M. (No Teacher need apply at such exami nation , who has a certificate valid for three months from the date of said application. 15y order of the Board. Jan. 18G0. W. H. LASLEY, Clerk. Holi.oway's Pills - Whe.i the 9loinach U in an ir ritable condition the whole system sympathizes. Hence sick headache, nervousness, and incapacity for mental or physical exertion. There are few who have not expLeiiced these' unpleasant effects of in digestion, "more trying sometimes' than serious ill ness. Now we take it udob ourselves to say, not from report, but from actual experience, that Hril loway's Pills are a positive and immediate remedy for ull such depressing and annoying disorders. They set the stomach right at once, and the c ntroll ing organ of the system, being regulated and yut in order, the return of bodily and mental health is a necessary consequence. JLj-'All, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. , Pisceltanfctts. DENTISTRY. S.T. BOGGESS, DENTIST, . Is located at SSpS RUTLAND, OHIO, (U-CQy WHERE he may at all times be found ready to wait upon those who may favor him with a call, unless he is professionally absent. All calls from a distance promptly attended to. Feb. 14, 18130. 7-Gin. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! All that need Money Attend! THE undersigned wishes to contract for the clearing of 40 acres of land, for which I will pay cash, in three payments, as the work progresses. The ground will be surveyed in lots of from 5 to 7 acres. If not contracted sooner it will be let on the first Monday of March next, to the lowest bidder. I also want seven or eight thousand rails made, for which the highest price will be paid. For particulars, inquire in Chester, of Feb. 7, 1880-6-4t H. H. GROW. PINE CBOVE ACADEMY, MATTHEW CAMPBELL, A. B., Principal, THIS Institution opens its Spring session Monday, the 5th of JIarch, and closes the 4th of July. RATES OF TUITION. Per session of 11 weeks, Primary students, 3; . " Advanced " 5. Boarding can be had at low rates. For par ticulars address the Principal. Pine Grove, Gallia Co., O., Jan. 28, 'G0.-6-4t P E NT t ST ft V DR. T. C. BOGGESS WOULD respectfully inform this commu nity that he has returned to Pomeroy, and is now permanency located at the "llem ineton House," where he will be pleased to re ceive professional calls trom all who desire his services. February 6, I860. 6-tf COAL! milE subscriber would rescectfullv inform rllHE old customers of this house will X please bear in mind that I am still manufacturing cldthinsr ta order, in mv Kept, constantly on hand. Gent's Furnishing in good supply, and I take pleasure in inform! tonsportntion. SIDE-WHEEL o v. SEMIhEEKLY PACKET, "GREY EAGLE," A. PONNALLY, Mnstcr; FRAKK. J. OAKES.Clk.; I.onvcs Pomeroy every MOXDAYnt 10 a.m., nnd FRIDAY, at 4 oYloilc a. m. In order to mnke timo wo are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati every WEDNESDAY and SAT UK DAY. nt 4 o'cloi k p. m. This arrangement U permanent, nnd the boat will make prompt anil regular trips. -Her accommoda tions and speed lias no equal . Will do business at regular established rates, and trust that tho citizens of Pomeroy aad vicinity will give us their atron.-iiro and influence. Nov. 89, '5U. 4d-tt" MARIETTA AND CLSC1SNATI. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," r. E. SAYRE. MASTER. Leaves Cincinnati every Monday evenirfc, at Ore o'clock, passing Pomeroy on ber way up ever Wed nesday morning. KuturniHir, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy every Saturday at G o'clock x. For freight or passage apply on board, or to rillU.X 5c MUJIUO.MEKT, Oct. G, '59. 41-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, 9 J.J. BLAGG, Master; - rTra fc. JOHJT HE1SNER, Clerk; iSS . Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. M. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at lOo'cloek a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. h. Leaves pomeroy everyTuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to Nov. as, sn. 48-tr Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, S W Kit L O W , N. PARKER, MASTER. Loaves Cincinnati at 5 'lock P. M. every Saturday evening, passing Pomuroj, ou her upwurd trip, Mon day morning. . - . - Ket iirning, will leave, Marietta every Wednesday morning, and Pomeroy every Thursday morning. For freight or passage a'pplv on board, or to PATlOi & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 99. '59: 17-6in " Pomeroy Wharf boat. WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. I860; REGULAR WEBKlVACRET. JThc new and splendid Side-wheel gteamer, ft 6 m i-a r, II J J. C. JELLY, Capt., W. G. BATTELUErCIc, Will run as a regular Packet bet-ween Wheel ing and Cincinnati, touching at all intermediate points. She will leave Wheeling Every Wednesday, at........ G p. ji. RETURNING: Leave Cincinnati Every Saturday, at 5 P. m. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. . Feb. 7, I860. 6-tf Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet, S MASON, Master; VV. J. C. Akdkkson, Cl'k; Leaves Wheelinc every Tuesday at 6 o'clock r. sc., passing Ponieruy Wndneseay at Sp. . Returning, leaves Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o'clock p. m. For freight or pajsaee apply on board or to . . .. PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, '5!!. 48-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. PORTSMOUTH AND WHEELING. Regular Portsmouth and Wheeling Packet, FAIRY QUEEN, W. MORK1SOS, Master; J. Stkvkns, Clerk; Will rim between the above ports, touching at all the landings intervening. Going np.ahu paSHes Pom eroy on Saturday; returning, passes Pomeroy ou Tuesday. Forfroight or passage a pplv on board, or to PATIOS & .MONTGOMERY, De.G,"j3. W-3111 ' l omeroy Wharf-Boat. Jllerranftlf. ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowcn & Nosniith J now v i r ii M. WILLIAMSON, & CO. Wholesale Dealers aud Jobbers in DRY GOO D S, 423 Market & 411 Commerce Sts. M. WILLIAMSON," Bet, 4th & 5th North side O. H. WILSON, S. M. ANDERSON, Philadelphia. II, C. POTTER, March lj '5!. 1859. , 1859. November Purchases. J. F. TOWELL, JOBBER OF DRY GOODS! Hats, Caps, Millinery Goods and Notions, PORTSMOUTH, 0. I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER IMMENSE stock of Seasonable Goods, to which I invite the inspection of Merchants. . My purchases have been very heavy during the last few weeks, and 1 am enabled to otter many styles of goods at lower prices than heretofore. Merchants doing business within convenient distance ' of " Portsmouth, aud yet purchasing in other markets, wtll save time and money by examining iny stock and prices. J. F. TOWELL. Portsmouth, O. November 26, '59. 3-ltf FOB ALL TnE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to tho public at ten. per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of an3' party f; ivoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will enumerate a few article;", giving pnceSj as an index to the whole stock: Best madder prints 10c per yard, Pancy prints ,.....8a0c " Good J- bleached muslin 10c " 5 bleached muslin '........So " . Latest styles best delaines 15 to 20c " Cashmeres 15c " lionnet ribbons from 10 to 40c" Fine French wool delaine 50 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes $1 per pair; i Ladies call 1 zo " i Ladies' best calf. 1 2-5 to 1 40, I And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH x for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of our stock, and if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, T.0. 1-tf Middlepoi t. Ohio. The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets, POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON SILVERMAN, Wholesale and retail Dealer in BEADVMAtE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, ; Invites the public to his splendid stock, which ho has recently received. It is .unnecessary to particularize, but I will say, that my stock it is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled. Jan. 24, 1 8t)W-4-tf. LOTS FOR SALE. O' N SUGAR RUX, NAYLOR'S RUN, AND Pnrr'B Tiim - ATTlifttirm in mutn tt 1 M. Heckaid, K?o., Pomeroy. ,000 WORTH OF GOODS -H TO BE SOLD 30" Q IX XJ" ISt 13 XT O I WANT YOllH CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHALL! I have everything in the Dry Goods lino: Prints, Delancs, Merinoes, Cbbergs, Alpacas, white gooda, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Check, Fhnnelr Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jean's, Tweeds, &e. H A R, D W A R E . Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettles,- Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squaws. Levels.- Also, COOPERS' TOOLS. Tresg Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives of all kindjl. . BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes: also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Irimmmgs oi all kinds. , - ; ' y. I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Doors, Sash Venetian Blinds, all made of clear'White Pine. Also, ' O Xj O 1 Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Also, a large and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep Wrapping Twine. ; T AXIj OHIN-Q. If vou want a arood fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call. I have a large lot of Piece Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done no sale. . . "' . . The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve, at cost, for CASH. Give me a call. Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 1860. , 11. J. PR ALL Pit ALL, & BEALIHS yll y S.T0ES, J FB ALL'S Court-street Would respectfully call the attention of tliis oommunity to one of the greatest improvements ever invenieu m - COOKING S The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense bottom of the Oven. o" In introducing this, greaty-improved "GasBurning Stove, we wish . it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use . In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be what it is represented This is not the only pattern we progose selling. We have the most improved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon the ' elude our notice by announcing that our ; ' - " PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy competition. AIETAL ivept constantly on hand, jur stock. ' " In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order, To the Citizens of Meigs and Adjoi.niso Cocsties: The above remarks will demonstrate to you, in a certain degree, the nature of tlie business we intend to prosecute. - The manner in which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply been wasting your time in reading our card. AVe cannot sell at our prices without losing money if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Kags, Old Silver, &e, at their lughest m Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to both purchaseE and seller and it is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper as well as for our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. , - We respectfully invito you to call and see the improvements m our Stoves, whether j-ou wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you value your hard-earned money, not to lavish itAS.-giVTa Ctt" MALL & HATCH. G IF T . MOOHJS'iS Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Husbands to their Wives and Daughters. The introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently practical machine will bring joy and glad ness to the hearts of thoununds of our country .,.,...., tlirmiirlKint the land. It is pronounced by 1 the best juices to be tlie mwl simple, prut-tii-al and durable aiacniue now umiiro io iuum, most desirable lor family use, being reliable and ac curate a" all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew with equal fncilitv the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. W enumerate a few of its superior ad vantages. Ut. It makes tho strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without ro wimling. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging of goods. 5th. It runs with great ease, alid quietly. 6th. It can be understood and operated upen with very liltl instruction. "Hi. It is sold fir the low price of thirty dollars Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, bv lemur, or the Machine and work can be seeu at the agents1 residence, next door i to Dr. Train's Oftioe, near the Batik Buildihg. ItlcMASTEK Ac SON, Sole and exclusive agents for fileigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. (Jan. 3, "9. i-tf , APPRENTICES. THOSE wishing to take boys or girls at any age from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known their wishes to Mr. Scott, Superintendent of the-Infirmary, ncaj Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors. '- Feb. 7, --Q.w-f, M. BOSWORTH. A OFF AT COST! A XT T X T! Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! IITG Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children, a large stock of Cordage of all sizes, Broom ! . " . up in best style, and warranted, a good fit or "'- , r H.COHEN, . f - Front street, three doors above Court. GEORGE IIATCI1 H jLD sta:;d Pomeroy, O, . the coal, by which di " heat thrown to the gdili " f3 "1 rSre- 9 9 merits of the different patterns, we will C0U- L1C HYDRANTS and we respectfully invite the public to examine ;-, - stock of Stoves we will keep constantly on hand, TINWARE. UNION LAW COLLEGE LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, O. Sessions commence on the 2-3th day .of Au gust, 15th day of December and 7th day of April. Students may enter at any term with equal profit. The College is authorized to con fer all degrees. Upon graduating, students re ceive the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and may be admitted to practice without further, exami nation. For circular, address Dec. 6, a!). 4J-ly : M. A; KING. 200,000 Shingles 2T- O n m A. XjJE3. fJIHE USPERSIGXED has on hand a large lot O J- Shareit Pino Shingles, which he w ill sell at REDUCED PRICES. - These shingles are of good quality, and purchasers' will find them to give satisfaction wherever used. Doors aud Sash, of oil sizes, constantly on hsnd, at reduced prices. For further particulars inquire of J. HUNTLEY, 48-tf At Davis' Planing Mill, Pomeroy. , COALBlOg MILL milE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INFORM J the Wheat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, that he will give, in exchange for one bushel of good, clean Wheat, 42 pounds of Flour. Persons wishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per brl, offal to go to the owner of the Wheat. W. C. WILLIAMSON. July 26, '59 30-tf HIRAM O. DANIEL. wx. p. RATBaran. DANIEL & RATHBURN, b A.jru:33 iis, BANK BLOCK, Pomeroy, O. Collections made and promptly remitted; Busi ness paper discounted; buy and sell - Exchange, Gold ahd Silver Coin, Uncurrcnt Money, " ' ! Land Warrants, 4c. s : FOREIGN EXCHANGE For sale in sums to suit. We are prepared to draw direct on London, Liverpool, Swansea, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, . Paris, Amsterdam, Baden-Baden, and other cities in Eurojie. - Also, Australia. onay inheritances collect cd . in every part of Europe. .. ' Money received on deposit, and interest al-' lot"edon time deposits, at rate agreed ttpon. Jan. 17. 2-:My . . femtrits? BUX-YOUll Where you can-get thera Chcirpretc- CLAIMS THE AI VANTAGE ,ABOVE hinted at, together with the qualify of the -nrticlos, over any other catabliehinent in th .. county. Remember the place May huguY" Building, four doors west of Court street, btx. -Front, Pomeroy.. 3..S. SIL-VEBMAK, Ag't, . iiiw GKOCER Y THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Orooeries, Pr- .$ visions, Qiicensware, 8hoes, fcc, ic, at Jen-;,y. nings' ond stand, near the Rolling MiD, which,. will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW,; ' - pon - xflk-saT r: Constantly on hand -, : Buckwheat Flour,- : Prunes,- Corn Meal,. ' . , ,; Granbet-ric,. Oat-Meal, Sugar, Coffee, - Tea, " "' - "Molassea,- i Sirup, Dried Apples, Dried Pcachea, Potatoes. 1 Hominy, ' -' Pearl Barley, Beans, '' Peas, ' Raisins, ' Vinegar,- Bacon, Dried Beef, Codfish, Mackerel, ic &c. ' C. E. DONNALLT. 2.9-ly Currants White Fish, Pomeroy, March 1,- New Establishment.. GROCERY & PROVISION STORK'. COUNTEY PRODtJGE! VAL.DUTENHAtetl. HAS taken tho building on the Went corner o' -Court and Front Street, In which be deiicn prosecuting the Grocery and Produce Biniua, in somewhat different style tuauis kuearn in this com- inunity. - ... - CAn PAID FOK PRODUCE or ezchsnged for Groceries," at the ejillon of thenar having the marketing. . My business will be different from ether 7 ro(rr ence to variety, which will compels at alftiiaos, a kinds of ' " DRIED FRU1TS 1 and otbor material kept ia UtoKed tnpl'ljrta tM town. . . I will keep constantly', ' SUTTER, EGGS AXD FOWLS, to supply tbe commoalty in Pomeroy jnd t11Bt. I will meniiou part of my stock, which will be' promptly supHied before exhausted, and will slwsja' be the best articles iu market: - . . COFFEE,! TEA, IStJGAlY,- Rice, Syrup, Molasses, Kxtracts of Coffeo. -Moeiard, Salaratus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Dried Beef, tUlomir Sausuge, Cheese, Bueon, Hams, KbouIdefssUd Sides, Cucumber Pickles, Preserve of all- kinds) SfpUen,' Catchup. German, Csstile, Shaving, Sportsmnn' and other Seaps. (His, Candles, .' ; -. AVOODEN & WILLOY-WAiilf. Ruckets, Baskets, Tubs, Churns, &iV Broom's, Coil Rope, Brushes. ; ' ' --;;:;; QNeenswnre, Glnsswarc, and Notions. , Cigars and Tobacco, of all grades, qnantitio end qualities. ,,, Floor per barrnL '- ' i ; : . i ,' , - . POSITIVELY NO CREP1T. ...f. .. . ;''-; A CAItD. ;' '; ' To the Citizonsof Fomi-roy snd MelgsCuuntjr:; ; . I have openetl an establishment of the almre im-' rerfect description. I think yoo need II,' il knutr can buy and sell as favorably asothers.doingetsln sively a cash, business. -- W'ill'you give she eulBuisbt patronage to enable mj to eoutinue.- 1 'pioiuise sutisfy you as to my ability to sell cheap. - - - a-7-ly. , v.. - .y, -V. DUTI HStlXf Vfri QREAT VAK1ETY. ASTTHING from a"Sutmeg to a Barrel orFlottr" can ba procured at H; Frank's estttbliabinent.'fn Front .Street, a few doors below Court; fomernv. O S-7-y . .. .- T ft. n. 81I.VKKMAI. Art: Itttscfllnnfoiis...." W. . SKIKVIH." ' : H. KKLLKV. " C OL. SMITH. EXCELSIOH MAHBtE WOKKS. 1UCINE,MFJGS CO. O.j. Opposite, the LL. .S. JloteU und Tiro vDo$f North of Col. Smith's Stive.- TrfE r t-NDERSICNED , WOULD ' RTSPEfeT -fully inform fiie citizcus of Meiga ami ad--joining counties, that tLey are now ptvpureU t furnish o-order, ; ? !! ' ' '-' .' ' - Montinicnts, Head-stones, Coiinier-Tops,-Table-Tops, Mantles, V and everything in their line," of the -mdaft ap--proved style and very best quality of: a " t," Foreign or American Marble.- Those withing to obtain. GOOD WORK, irf" this kind, at prices which canoot fail to suitr will do well to give us a call before purchasing; elsewhere. Wc are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. - . SKiR VIN, K.ELLEY & SMlTtl Aug. 17. 1-33-tf . , A. G. CROWLEY & CO., WILL HEREAFTER CARRY . ON , Til K Carpenter and Joiner business; toor., Sash, Blinds, &c, executed to order." F-otu long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders in trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the public, and we respectfully ask a continuance of their favors.-. The Milt is a few doors ' above Williamson's Flouring Mill. 1-ltt-tf BAKERY & CONFECTIONER V, Front Street,- Pomoidj, 0; BREAD, CRACKERS, FANCY AND OI1NA mcntal Cakes', Candies, &en at wholesale, and retail. - - " ! ' ' ' ' CRACKERS BY THE BAERKL. constantly on hand, as low as in any other market. v- CANDIES, by flie quantity, at 13 cents. i By ptn-chasing Butter or S-'oda Crackei-s at my establisiimcnf, at retail, you can save every fifth pound, as I sell 4 pounds for 25 ecl'it!'. 2-0 '-' - GEO. ATKINSON.- JOHN S. DAVlS,' , LATE OF-THE FIRM OF CROWLfcY k P. vis, designs prosecuting the Pliinin; busi ness, at the old stand 6n Sugar Run. -Tliank-ful for the liberal bestowal of pajronage here tofore, he will endeavor, to, merit its continu ance by promptness and neatness. .. t ll.ti-tf OUNTlty PRODUCE TAKEN ' AT ; ITS highest market rvalue, at . 1L Frank's Gi o cery establishateut, Pomcrov, O. a r , 2-7. . S. S. SILVERMAN, Ag't. REMINGTON HOUSE. F 11 1 H 1$ 1. D A RF E I! , .. ; Proprietor, the head of Suaniloat Landun, Front Street, lmcroj,01iib; w At JOHN ELBEN, M. D4 HOMOJOPATinST, AND YDROPXT!Iir5 tenders his professional servicestoirfto citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity. v . . OFFICE, in John Geyer's Buildiim. for merly Jacob Neitxling's,) on SycaiM-c ut;rei, ncall-ly opposite Lowry's Tiu' Shopr rfnieir;y f. OrricE Hours Till 9 o'clock A. M f.o'ui J to'3 o'clock, and from 7 tt8 o'clock P. M. .' . Gffice Prescriptions, from' 25 cents ui w',,,,1 " V for cash. .1. - - T.,n ) 'ST ' vi .a O HI N A- i-' Jr LA- S S AXl - . : QUE EST S YAB i: . WE invite tlie attention ofVuj-erm taourlsrjfB'anil well Hsortil st(K-k of Vsri" now on t. which we will receivo nflditloim fluringtli riiir. We bavono bt-jitanoj io tayiuc lhat wa will, do sell, gooo styles ami qiiaTTtivJ of waro lower Oh.ui. titer are sold iuaBTOtlwrWcitoro tnurbcb-..-u T-. All ordr carefully K-toctuti and well av K-ed.U o solicit an oxaiuination on r stoclr.- -v ... : . PI KSKI.I. AOHHO?ff Si-zl . Fniit-5troet, Porunioutii. O. i : BOOKS! , BOQKSlf t " 2 BIBLES from 10cJto16ii49rnifjeMnft Church History, (dirt's Cora: on- ihi Bithy do. on New Testament, Dick's Worksy Gfeoi t - Sacred Woudors, Plwtiuieb, Spectator EflUin,. 1 Federalist, Say's Political Economy, Re vcjatiora " by A.J.Davis, Dow' Works, Pilgrim's rrogs7- uunjan s compieu; wonts; navwara Bvrarcneeifr Benton's Abridged Debates, Benton's 80tii Book of the World, Fleetwrrad'sf Life o 1L hiistv Josephus' Works, Expedition to Jspanr .J?ijrcs of O.-tteports, bwana btAtntea, ana geiscra variety ol Miscellaneous ISooks, bttionTry, &.e at. pnpitener s pneps. , . - . m ... r.r V" 0 VI .3, - yi 5r i,8 -I m . 1 1 i j i 4 "I: '1 i -.1 '; -- f 4.1 1 H v. xi "T ,- MY4 ,7