Newspaper Page Text
Til II It II III ri V J il i T. A. PLANTS, Editor, "Independent in All Things- Neutral in Nothing." T. A. PLANTS, Publishers. jl, u. Mclaughlin VOLUME IIL POMEROY, MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1860. NUMBER 9 I i t ; X THE DYING WIPE. BY ISABEL ASHTOlf. I only cling to life, beloved, That I may dwell with thee; . That I my kiss thy cheek and lip, . . And share thy destiny. - ! Love's chords are strong about my heart, -, And thy sweet words are dear; "'Tis not the thought of death, beloved, But leaving thee, I fear. 'Come, let me hear thy voice, beloved, -And leaa'upon thy breast, - Where I 3utve found when sick and faint, ---r-uuh iwwrrHiJ soSHnhg rest. .".; 'Come, let thy breath float o'er my cheek. And bless me as I die; ' Death's dews Rre on my heart, beloved, .And dim and darfk miae eye. ' -' ': 'O, clasp me closer to thy side, ' t , . -And clash a'wary those tears; j This gushing tide of tenderness Has swelled my soul for years It now is flowing wildly out -i In this one hour for thee; 0, treasure it amid thy dreams, Thy wife's death agony. . . .Yes, dearest, I am dying now, A chill is on my heart; 0, mighty death, that e'en can tear Such souls as ours apart I bless thee with my parting breath, And may thy heart be strong To bear the ills and woes of life, To meet reproach and wrong. IFUscellang From Ballou't Pictorial. A HUSBAND. RESTORING ' -:BT JOHN THORKBEERT. One pleasant morning in the fall, I was sitting alone in my omce, conning over a briet 1 had just prepared tor a case then pending, when I heard a knock on my door, and in walked a young woman, with a pleasantly sad expression of countenance, carefully dressed, who de sired to know if I could transact a little legal business for her. . . ' . She immediately seated herself, and alter some hesitation began and went through with her story. . . It seemed that her husband, who was given to turns of extreme dissipation, had deserted her , of his own choice, and sne naa neara uotning irom mm lor a number of years. At first, she was un willing to belive that his absence was anything more than temporary, as he had at several times forgotten his obli gations to her in this way; but, finding it became protracted indefinitely, she en tertained fears for his safety. Thoughtless, apparently of his wife's distress of mind, and caring nothing whether she ever received tidings of him or not, be followed after his own incli nations, and led the life of a wretched vagabond. Yet he carefully kept his whereabouts a secret from his wife's ears. Perhaps in this one-particular he did have some regard . for her feelings. She gave me herame as Mrs. Mallows. "Henry," said she, "was once my( all in all; and" the tears swimming in her blue eyes "I love him now as much as J ever did. . I pity him so.." Poor woman! How much was she to be pitied herself! 'I have earned a living for myself and my little girl,' '. she contin ued, "ever since I was left alone. Besides that, I have bought a little plain, but necessary fur niture, and put something into the savings bank."' : " , . "He has been gone several years; you 6ay?" I asked her. ' "YeBj Bir.'' He must have been, in or- der to give a poor" woman like myself any time to lay aside a little money." ,1I suppose you, wish . to secure your ; savings, then, against " "Yes, sir. He must no,t have them! It will never do! Think of my child!" I told her what thellaw was, and re gretted that such a law was tolerated on the statute book. She looked at me as if she wished to tear the leaf out of the statutes with her own hand. "I knew how it was," said she, "and for that purpose have prepared to take a step that otherwise I never would take in the world. ? litiust bhtain a divorce." I studied her countenance well, for it challenged my scrutiny then. It was that of a brave and noble woman, who from duty and principle makes a sacri fice whose greatness the world can never measure. .'" ' '' "I wish it could be avoided," said she; "but how is it possible? Even if he re turns and claims what I have saved, be fore a separation is legally effected, he can take it all without any power of mine to prevent it.r, Is it not so?" I was obliged to confess it was. ' "Then," said she, with a sad resolu tion, "this step must be taken. It tears my heart, but I will do my duty to my child." I therefore took such data from , her lips .as enabled me to bring a petition before the proper court. Wink. I sat making the memorandum, she threw in various exclamations of sorrow at the state of things with her, that excited me with nnusuoi sympathy. , ; I . know that lawyers are not apt to be the most senti mental of men, nor to cultivate on their part the liveliest of sensibilities. But here was a case to challenge, in many of its' connecting circumstances, the sym pathy of any living creature: I did not hesitate, accordingly, to render the poor lady a full measure of my better feelings in return for her sorrow, and I shall never hesitate, I hope, to do so in any person's case that may come in my way. "Poor Henry!" she would say. "Poor Henry! I loved him so much! I can't but love him yet! How can I forget those early days?" The safest way for me was, while she .talked thus and cried too, to hold my Lead down as closely to my paper as possible. At some points of her story, I do ,not believe I could have looked her in the face without helping the un happy creature along with tears of my own. "Vhen we were married," said she .again. "I didn't think of days like .these. I wouldn't have believed it if my best friend had told me they were sure to come. I loved Henry poor Henry! And I know how truly then he loved me. But he has been led astray. He would never do this of himself; some one else must have led him off into it." After a time I succeeded in collecting all the facts from her that were nec essary to the business, and pushed back from the table. She once more inquired oi me: "I cannot prevent his taking all, ex cept by bringing this petition for di vorcer "I see no other escape," I told her. . men, saia sne, witn a heavy coun tenance indeed, 'the matter is settled forever. I amr to be -without the' hus band of my youth! I am to live and die alone! Good day, sir. I loved Henry before he took to these courses. Ah, sir, I love him now! I would make any sacrifice, if I could thus avert this dread ful step." And she took her leave sadly of me, as if she were passing out into the dark shadow of a cloud. I sat undisturbed in my office for seve ral hours, ruminating on the hard case that had just been presented. I thought with myselr it was a fearful matter thus to divorce husband and wife forever, when perhaps happy circumstances migh yet intervene to reconcile their differences; and I felt it worse than all that a law should be allowed to stand on the pages. of the statute-book,, which drove an unprotected woman to petition for a divorce in order to save her little property. The more I thought about it. the har der it seemed to me to be. Yet I knew well enough there was no present remedy for a case like this, but this single one she had felt forced to choose. Her hus band had been away from her had voluntarily deserted her for a number of years long enough to warrant the granting of her petition, under the pro visions of the law. He deserved to be cut poff from a true and loving woman whom he had so basely betrayed, and I hoped to be an instrumeut in bringing about such a result. Even while I sat there thus occupied the door opened, and there walked in a man of perhaps thirty-five summers, who removed his hat at once and sat down in the chair which my unhappy client had vacated. He stated that he was a person long bsent from the city, and therefore he wanted legal advice. I expressed my self ready to deal it out to him, of course. "1 expect my wife is somewhere in the city," said he, "and I am anxious to find her. Can you help me? And after that I want more help." 'What is your name? was my 'first question. "Henry Mallows, said he. I was thunderstruck. Taking another careful look at him, I discovered that is face and dress evinced every mark of dissipation. I could see plainly nough that he had just returned from long absence of that character, having abandoned his course only till he could some way recruit his pockets, and come back determined to strip his poor lie of all she had. lo see the man of hom I had keen thinking, so soon the very cause of the trouble over which my unhappy client grieved rather startled me, albeit I am somewhat ac customed to surprises of this character. watched and studied him closely. 1 could not for a moment keep my eyes off of him. From his own telling, I became con vinced that he was determined to find his wife again, simply to live -off of her or to appropriate her savings if she had ny. I at one time even suggested that as he had been absent so long, according to his own confession, she might per haps have obtained a legal separation. He was struck with surprise at the possibility of such a thing; then declared could not be possible, tor he knew ary would never do such a thing; and nallv sprang to his leet with excite ment, and said he must hnd her at once. saw his urgency and took advantage of it. 'I can help you," said I. "Can you?" he asked, his face lighting quickly. "Come here to-morrow afternoon at half-past three o'clock, will you? Not a moment before, however. Be punc tual at that hour, and you shall find your interests all answered," He promised me with much eagerness, and took his leave. "Meantime," said I, as he was shut ting the door; "keep perfectly quiet; do not make a single inquiry of any one. I can help you if anybody can." He bowed his thanks and was gone. A few minutes afterwards I left my of fice in search of the residence of the wife. She had given me her street and number, and I had no difficulty in finding her. "I want you to be at my office tor morrow afternoon, at four o'clock," said I, "not five minutes sooner, however." "Yes, sir," she answered, satisfied that I was looking closely after her interests. I passed 'the ' night more awake than asleep, thinking how I could best secure the object I had in view; how that odi ous and inhuman law could be evaded, that otherwise was certain to make a wreck of this unhappy woman's house hold. The forenoon slipped away as it always did. After dinner I sat and waited for half-past three o'clock to come. I was apprised of the fact of its arrival by the opening of the door, and the en trance of my man again. "Punctual" said he. He looked much better than on the previous day, though I could see he had still been feeding the fires of dissipation over night. I led him into a back room, ieaving the door ajar, and sat down and began conversation witn him. i saw more plainly than before that he was de termined to get all that his wife had, whatever it might be. And-still, from various questions put to hitn to divert his thoughts to other subjects, I saw as plainly that at heart he loved his wife, and might possibly yet become a devo ted and noble husband. While we were occupied with nothing but these generalities, I keeping his cu riosity piqued to learn what I might have of importance to communicate, the town clo';k hard byhadstruck four. In voluntarily I started in my chair. At the same moment the door opened in the other room. I told my man to sit j still a few moments and I would be back again. But in going out, I was careful to leave the door aiar. that all we said in the outer office might be overheard The poor lady was there, prompt enoush. I asked her to be seated, she little thinking that the cause of all her trouble was iust in the other room. She waited patiently for me to introduce the subject for which I had requested her attendance. "I can obtain your bill for you, I think," said I. in a loud tone; "but if I should tell you that your little savings would be untouched without this pro ceeding, would you still insist on carry ing'it through? "No, never, sir; never in the world!" she answered, clasping her hands. "I never would cast Henry away! I love him yet! I always shall love him! He may wrong me more than he has, but it will make no difference with my heart. I do this only for the sake of my dear little girl. She must be cared for, let who may be the sufferer. O, dear Henry; why would'nt you be to me what you once was?" The last exclamation was uttered in such a touching tone, and came so fresh from her wounded heart, that a man must have been less than a man who could have heard it unmoved. In an instant almost, the repentant husband, moved by her words of anguish and sup plication, came rushing out from. the inner room and threw his arms around ! his wife. He called on his wife to for give him- to forgive him! His heart was smitten. To jfind her thus true to him through the whole of his treachery, and to hear from her own lips that she still loved him in.spite of his negligence, cut even him to the quick of his nature. He could bear it no longer. TI ey embraced, and wept, and em braced each other again. He confessed his guilt. He declared that she should thus suffer no longer. She forgave him all, and withdrew her petition for di vorce altogether. I saw them leave my office with joy in company. They went home. Since that time he has been an altered man, and a model husband. And I sometimes love to think I may have had a hand in it all. A Wife's Prayer. If there is anything that comes nearer to the imploration of Naomi than the subjoined, then we have not seen it: Lord, bless and preserve that dear per son whom thou hast chosen to be my husband; let his life be long and blessed, comfortable and holy; and let me also become a great blessing and comfort unto him, a sharer in all his sorrows; a meet helper in all the accidents and changes in the world; make me amiable lorever in his eyes, and forever dear to him. Unite his heart to me in the dearest love and holiness, and mine to him in all sweetness, charity and compliance. Keep me from ungentleness, all disc-on tented ness and unreasonableness of passion and humor; and make me .humble and obe dient, useful and observant, that we may delight in each other according to Thy blessed Word, and both of us may re joice in Thee, having our portion in the love and service of God forever. Amen. Relief of Neuralgia. As this dreadful disease,'says an ex change, is becoming more prcvelant than formerly, and as doctors have dis covered no method or medicine that will permanently cure it, we simply state, for some time past a member of our family has suffered intensely from it, and could find no relief from any remedy applied, until we saw an article recommending the application of horse-radish to the face for toothache. As neuralgia and toothache are both nervous diseases. we thought the remedy for the one would be likely to give relief to the other; so we made the application of horse-radish, bruised and applied to the side of the body, where the disease is seated. It gave almost instant relief to the severe attack of neuralgia. Since then we have applied it several times, and with the same gratifying result. The remedy is simple, cheap, and may be within the reach of all. Ex. How and When to eat Fruit. Fruit should not be indulged in be tween meals, as though it was a luxury, but used in moderation at meal time, in the place of animal and other food. It should not be eaten for desert, after a full meal has been made, as is usually done a custom which cannot be too se verely reprehended. Fruit may, with safety be eaten at any meal, but it would be well to confine it to breakfast. . The old saying will be found true by prac tice. "Fruit is gold in the morning, silver at noon, and lead at night." Let it constitute part of the breakfast, and be eaten at no other period of the day; let it be ripe and not eaten immoderately; and incalculable benefits will arise from its use, both iu preventing the access and staying the progress of disease du ring the summer and fall months. IlalTs Journal. A Wedding Card The bachelor editor of the Fredericks burg News has received from a "brother bach, an invitation to his wedding. It reads as follows: Dear Sir: Lord willing, and woman don't back out, I shall marry on the. I should be happy to have you present to profit by the example. My prospect of married blessedness may not be so bright, but my experience of single cursedness has insured me against the regret. In short, I long for the chain, and expect to huti it with en closures with everlasting satisfaction. Yours, etc. She'll Slake a Good Wife. The Beaver Dam (Wis.) Citizen says, a short time since a young lady who has been a resident of that city for about a year past, started to California to marry a man she has never seen. The gentle man is a partner of the lady's brother, through whose efforts the acquaintance commenced, which resulted in a mar riage contract. The gentleman's busi ness being such as required his constant presence, his lady-love heroically re solved to meet him on the Pacific coast, and has accordingly left here for that purpose. Such is the romance of real life. A FATHER NARROWLY ESCAPES MARRY 191 G HIS OWN DAUGHTER! Some seventeen years ago a young and intelligent man married an accomplished German girl in Rochester, N. Y. He had before his marriage unfortunately contracted an intimacy with some of the fast men of that city, and shortly after his marriage he was suspected of forgery. The suspicion was so strong against him that he fled. His wife never heard of him afterwards. She died when the child was some six years old, and on her death bed gave it to a German family, who had been her friends for a long time. This family moved to this city when the I child aa .uncommonly pretty little girl was about seven years old. The family, after they had resided here six months, had some property fall to them in the German state ot Hanover, and concluded to go there and spend the re mainder of their days. They went, leaving little Christine, the child, with a worthy German named Klingenheifer. He took her into his lannly and adopted? her as his child. He gave her all the opportunities of education that his lim ited means would permit, and the child became a beautiful and intelligent girl. About six weeks ago a gentleman ar rived in the city from the Mexican State f f feonora. Mr. Klingenheifer, seeing is name upon a hotel register, sought him out for the purpose of gaining some information of a brother of his, who lives in aonora. it so happened that the gentleman knew Mr. K.'s brother per fectly well they were tried and warm friends and an intimacy naturally sprang up between himself and Mr. K. He visited Mr. K.'s house and there met the young lady Christine. They became friends and subsequent visits ripened their friendship into love. He offered her his hand in marriage, which was ac cepted. He had lived in Sonora for several years and had been connected with many of the revolutions of that singularly revolutionary country, taking side with the Liberals. The present government of that unhappy State is not "Liberal," and the gentleman was re cently exiled by Gavalando, the Gover nor. The gentleman had no difficulty in proving all this. Besides, he had plenty of money. Monday last was settled upon as the wedding day. Sunday, while he was visiting the young !ady, his attention was directed to a locket ring which she wore upon one of her fingers. He laughingly asked her whose miniature the locket con tained, and she told him it was that of her dead mother. He looked at it and became deathly pale. He knew the miniature was that of his wife and felt sure that the girl by his side was his own daughter, though he had never be fore supposed he had a child upon earth. The mingled pain and pleasure he felt pain at the thought of the frightful act he had been about to commit, and pleas ure at his most happy escape cannot be described. His daughter, after the shock which the discovery caused her, had passed away, was overjoyed at meeting her father. News had reached him, while he was in South America, of his wife's death. V hen exiled from Sonora he determined to revisit Rochester, and endeavor to clear up the suspicion against him. He knew thathe was innocent. He traveled under an assumed name, but it had been his intention to impart the secret to Christine ere the marriage ceremony was performed. She, it will be borne in mind, had adopted the name of Klin genheifer and the gentleman had sup posed she was Mr. K.'s own daughter. He was happy to learn, as he did from his daughter who had received the in telligence from her mother, that all sus picion against him in regard to the for gery in Rochester had been entirely al layed, years ago, by the coniession ot the guilty party. , He will go West with his daughter and settle there. We get these particulars from a relia ble source, but we do not learn how the exile excuses himself for never advising his unhappy wife of his whereabouts. Cleveland Flam Dealer. Douglas Pleurisy. Was it pleurisy, or ingratitude? or a fear to offend the South? The Detroit Advertiser says sharply: "It was announced by telegraph, yes terday, that 'Senator Douglas had pre pared a eulogy on Mr. Broderick, to be delivered to-day, but last night he was severely attacked by pleurisy.' This 'pleurisy' is a very convenient refuge for Mr. Douglas. It is not the first time it has done him a good service. At the opening of Congress it saved him from the necessity of showing his hand until he had taken full time to survey the field and decide what position he could take with the most safety. Congress has now been in session ten weeks and he has been in his seat five or six weeks. But as no day had been fixed upon for announcing the death of his brave and generous-hearted friend, there was no sign of a return of his disease. He seemed to have quite recovered from it. But when the time for that melancholy duty had been definitely settled, and the eve of the day for the announcement had arrived, he was suddenly seized with the 'pleurisy' as violently as ever. One would have supposed that he could have found time in six weeks to pay a passing tribute to one who had stood by him so faithfully. But it seems he could not. And when the Senate was forced by pub lic opinion to pay the usual tribute to his memory, and he could no longer stave it off, his convenient friend, the pleurisy, came to his relief at the nick of time. Mr. Douglas is a lucky man to have such a friend since they have mur dered the best one he ever had before." A Long Line. By the completion of the Mississippi Central R. R. we have a continuous rail way from Bangor, Me., to New Orleans, exc ept four short ferries at Hudson river, the Susquehanna, the Potomac and James river. This vast chain of railways is composed of eighteen independentroads, costing in the aggregate for 2,395 miles of road $92,784,084, or nearly one-tenth of the whole railway system of the United States, of which 1,996 miles are used in this continuous line. TO KILL WORMS AT THE ROOTS OF TREES. Take a small hoe, or other suitable implement, and excavate the earth from the roots of the tree to the depth that the . worms usually penetrate. Then take a pound of unslacked lime, broken into, small fragments, mix it with the earth removed from the tree root, and pack , the mixture into the excavation around the tree, then pour water upon the mixture in sufficient quantity to slack the ,lime. The heat evolved by this meana,'together with the corrosive qual- ity of the jime, will, within a few min-utesvdei-py Wery worni, even when thej?yiaitath'rottgnthe-J bark; and this, too, without injuring the tree. If a half a dozen good Deaches would not compensate for your labor, you are ho lover of fruit. To prevent the frost from killing the fruit buds iu the spring, take half a bushel of unslacked lime; divide it into four parts; put these parcels into an equal number of boxes, capable of holding about three times the bulk of lime. If you fear a sharp frost, place these boxes in such positions under the tree as will enable the heated moisture elevated from the boxes, to diffuse itself through the branches ot the tree. Having thin thus prepared, between the hours of twelve and two o'clock in the morning, pour upon the lime in the boxes water enough to slack the lime. By this means, heat and moisture enough will be elevated among the branches to prevent the destruction of the fruit buds at that time, and so on by a repetition if neces sary, atterwaras. Ihese devices for the preservation of trees and iruit. may not be original, but so lar as 1 know, both ideas originated with myselt. And what are they JSoth ing but common sense, to every one who knows that the slacking 'of lime pro duces an intense heat. Ohio Farmer. Statistics of Headache. The Medical Times and Gazette con tains some interesting medical data, ob tained by inquiries made in the usual course ot proiessional experience, con cerning the causes of headache. Of ninety cases cited, seventy -six were fe males a number which establishes pretty strongly the fact testified to by most of the old writers, that females are more frequent sufferers. Of the seventy six females, forty were single. The predisposition in the case of females is believed to originate in the nervous sys tem susceptibility of nervous disorder being much oftener found in the female than in the male subject. It is likely to exist in organisms which evidences a capability of so much fineness and deli cacy of perception, united with so much proneness to emotional excitement, and m which the functions of organic life are observed to be so readily wrought by passing states of thought, sensation and emotion. Of the exciting causes, emo tional disturbance has the highest num ber. Out of ninety cases, fifty-three de clared this to be one of the causes of their attacks; forty-eight also consid ered that atmospheric states were to be blamed, and twenty-five specified thun der. Iu regard to inheritance of the li ability, in nineteen cases the mother is mentioned; in nine, the father; and in twelve, both parents. In all, forty gave explicit evidence of hereditary predispo sition. Two Girls Rescued from Australian Savage. The Sydney Herald gives an account of the rescue of two European girls from Frazer Island, believed to be the only survivors out of all the passengers wrecked in the Sea Belle. They were taken from the natives of the island on the 23d of October were found sixty miles inland. The Herald says, "the girls appear to be about the respective ages of fifteen and six years; their ap pearance is heart-rending; their bodies, emaciated from long suffering and ex posure to the weather, are covered with a coating of hair; the skin, stained by their tormentors to assimilate with their own, has become spotted and wrinkled as if from old age; the nose has been flattened by force, the limbs distorted, and the vacant stare of idiocy has left these poor creatures scarcely in appear-: ance human, and although enabled grad ually to recognize such things as they must have been in the habit of seeing hourly before they fell into the hands of the natives, their acquaintance with their mother tongue is, as yet, quite gone." Other Europeans are believed to be prisoners of the blacks on Frazer Island. The Pacific Railroad. . Governor Stevens' final report upon the Northern route for a Pacific Railroad is in the hands of the binder, and will be ready for delivery next week. It forms the twelfth and last volume of the series of reports upon the Pacific Rail road, and contains a full narrative in de tail of the explorations of 1853, 1854 and 1855, with a geographical memoir of the whole country tributary to - the route from the Lake to the Pacific, including a copious hydrographical memoir of the harbors of Puget Sound and of the coast thence to the mouth of the Columbia. These portions of the report treating of the meteorology and the natural history of the route are very full and have been prepared with much care. It is copi ously illustrated by characteristic views of scenery, and, among ether maps, contains an isothermal chart. The re port is accompanied with a minute and carefully prepared estimate of the cost of a railway on the route from Bracken ridge, on the western border of Minne sota, the terminus of the Pacific Rail road of that State, to Seattle, on Puget Sound, and Vancouver, on the Colum- bia. Female Watchmakers. A movement has been started in Eng land to encourage young women to learn the trade of watchmaking with a view to qualify them to clean and repair watches a branch of business in which there is constant employment in large towns and cities. The widow of a watchmaker in Boston, some time ago, maintained her self for years in working for the trade. She was very successful in repairing watches, having been instructed by her husband when his own powers began to fail. The American Watch Company at Walthan give constant employment to a large number of womfo. OF TAKING THE CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES. As this is the year for taking the cen sus, the following remarks in relation thereto, which we find in the Washing ton Constitution, will be of interest to many persons: The duties of this undertaking de volve upon the United States Marshals, who appoint their own assistants. The General Government has in each State or Territory one or more judicial districts, with each of which is connected a Mar shal, who acts as High Sheriff in the District Court of the United States These Marshals are reauired bv law to u"B'divfdr5heir-districts and for "each subdivision to appoint an . assistant, taking care not to include a greater pop ulation (by estimate) than 20,000 in any one subdivision. The assistants having been qualified, by oath, for the proper performance of their duties, are furnished, through the Marshals, with blanks and instructions In the prosecution of their work they are required to make two copies of their report. Ihe original returns are filed with the Clerk of the Court of each county, and the copies are forwarded to the Marshal, who transmits one copy to the Secretary of State for his District, and the other to the Census Office in Washington. The compensation to the Marshal is in proportion to the popula tion enumerated by his assistants; should that exceed one million, he is paid one dollar for each thousand persons enu merated; should the population re turned by his assistants be less than one million, he receives the sum of one dollar and twenty -five cents for each one thousand persons returned a sys tem of compensation sufficiently moder ate, but which may admit of the pay ment of a greater amount for a lesser service, as in the case of a Marshal whose returns include 950,000 persons at bne dollar and twenty-five cents per thousand persons, no more than he whose returns do not much exceed a million an inequality not unusual in rating ices tor mileage and other serv ices. The assistants who perform the work of enumeration are paid on a different principle, combining in a novel manner compensation for labor and travel, one which was found to operate very fairly and satisfactorily to the employees and His allowance is two cents for each person enumerated; for each establishment of productive indus try, fifteen cents; for social statistics, two per centum on the amount allowed for enumerating the population; and two cents for each mortality return, with ten cents for traveling expenses, to be ascertained by multiplying the square root of the number of dwelling houses in his district, by the square root of the number of square miles in his division; from the product whereof is to be de rived the number of miles traveled, and eight cents per page for the two copies The Marshals and Assistants in Cali fornia, Oregon and Utah, and New Mex ico, under the operation of an amend ment to the law, received compensation at the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, which was determined by the addition of 100 per cent. The Courting of a Sharp Man of Busi ness. Pitts is a fast man, a sharp man, and a man of business tact, and when Pitts goes into a store to trade, he always gets the lowest cash price, and he says: "Well, I'll look about, and if I don't find anything to suit me better, I'll call and take this." Pitts, like all fast men, is partial to women, and young ones in particular. Now, quite lately, Pitts said to himselt, I'm gettin' quite 'long in years, and guess 1 11 get married. His business qualities wouldn't let him wait, so off he travels, and calling upon a lady friend, opened the conver sation by remarking that he would like to know what she thought about his get ting married. "Oh, Mr. Pitts, that is an affair in which I am not so very greatly inter ested, and I prefer to leave it with your self."' ' "But," says Pitts, "you are interested, and, my dear girl, will you marry me?" The yonng lady blushed very red, hesitated, and finally, as Pitts was very well to do in the world, and morally, fi nancially, and politically of good stand ing in society, she accepted him. "Well, well, I'll look about, and if I don't find anybody that suits me better than you, I'll come back." Singular Mortality. It is a remarkable fact that nearly all of the candidates for the Vice Presi dency in the Democratic National Con vention at Cincinnati, in June, 1856, have since paid the debt of Nature. Linn Boyd, of Kentucky, J. C. Dobbin, of North (Jarolina, Wen. yuitman, ot iviis sissippi, Gen. Rusk, of Texas, Aaron V. Brown, of Tennessee, were presented as candidates by their respective States and obtained a large support. 1 hey are now all dead! Gen. Quitman got the highest number of votes of any candidate on the first ballot, more even than Breckin ridge who finally received the nomina tion. He was nominated by the elo quent and gifted Harris of Illinois, who is also deceased. What changes time makes in four years! Condensed Cider. The solidfying of sweet cider has been accomplished in Connecticut. By the vacuum process, the cider, taken sweet from the press, is reduced five gallons to one, without boiling, and a beautiful jelly is the result, which will keep for any length of time without mould, souring, or fermentation of any kind. By the addition ot water it is immedi ately restored to its former condition and becomes cider again. All that is lost by the process are the impurities that may exist in the primary apple juice, and the green sickish taste. The restored cider is much like a drink ot prepared tama rinds, but is more delicate and palatable. Not Exactly. "Have you been much at sea?"-" "Why, no, not exactly; but my brother married a commodore's daughter." "Were you ever abroad?" "No, not ex actly; but my mother's maiden name was Treat.'" 1HODE SONG. How sweet beneath the moon's pale beam, To wander through the grove How doubly sweet these moments seem, When blest with her I love Oft in the stilly hdtfr of eve, My fair one's step I trace; She greets me with a tender smile, Such smiles as beauty grace. O, sweetest, by those heavenly eyes, That rival Luna's light; My vows of love and constancy, To thee alone, I plight ' No power on aarth, my .faithful heart, From thy loved form can sever; '' ' All other fair I may forget, But as to thee O, never! . ' No time, nor absence, can remove ' ' The love that thrills my breast; Yet I would hear that one sweet word Tell me if I am blest jgi.The difference between a post-office stamp and a donkey is, that you stick one with a lick and the other you lick with a stick. 1 Physicians in India raise blisters with red hot iron, and dress them with cayenne pepper. If such treatment does not make people smart, we do not know anything. gA young widowhas established a pistol-gallery in New Orleans. Her qualifications as a teacher of the art of ourse undoubted: she has killed her man. gguSome publishers of periodicals publish on white paper, some on blue, and some on yellow. A large portion of the political papers should be of a color that won't show dirt. BgL.Hoffman, the newly elected Ser- geant-at-Arms, was the only, member of the o4th Congress, south of Mason & Dixon's line, who voted to expel Brooks for his assault upon Senator Sumner Cure for Neuralgia. The editor of the Halifax (Va.) Echo says a lew burdock leaves, heated or coddled, and applied to the part affected by neuralgia, will give speedy relief. B, Irish laborers are to be excluded from Virginia. The Virginia and Ten ncssee Railroad Company advertise for three hundred able-bodied negro men, to work upon the repairs of the road next year. SA witty fellow slipped down on an icy pavement; whereupon he ex pressed himself thus: "I have no de sire to see the town burnt down, but 1 sincerely wish the streets were laid in ashes." .:- . , . ,; t KgU A writer in the American Medical Gazette thus furnishes the reason why young ladies blush when spoken to about their lovers: "The mind communicates with the central ganglion; the latter by reflex action through the brain and fatal nerve to the organic nerves in the face, with which its branches inoculate." 4?"A specious appearance does much," said a begging preacher to his decorous flock, "but an appearance of specie does more." Last year, when I preached for the penitentiary, I saw nothing but shillings in the plate. You must have thought, my brethren, that I was preaching for a twelve-jaenny-tenr tiary." AST'I.t I3 stated that the authorities in London are about to adopt measures for preventing the fight between Tom Sayers and the Benecia Boy (Ileenan.) , It is also asserted that negotiations are pending for an appearance of Heenan at the Alhambra Palace, London, the admission to the show being quite as ex orbitant as that charged by Mr. Rarey. B&The United States ' Coinage for the year ending June 30, 1859, was $37,550,585,17, in 53,550,585 pieces. The amount of gold produced in mines of the United States and deposited in the mints, was 37,213,557; silver, 8273,167. The total coinage at all the mints and the assay office, from 1793, to June 30th, 1858, has been $689,189,- 679,95, in 793,035,936 pieces. 4SF-Lola . Montez ironically remarks to young gentlemen: " You ought to know that there are four things which always more or less interests a lady a parrot, a peacock, a monkey and a man; and the nearer you can come in uniting these about equally in your character, the more will you be loved. This is a cheap and excellent recipe for making a dandy, a creature which is always an ob ject of admiration to the ladies. . A Golden Bedstead. The golden bedstead lately presented to Victoria by an Indian potentate has been exhibited at the conversazione of the Great Western Literary Society. ' It excited very great interest and atten tion, and was as much admired tor the beauty of its workmanship as its intrin sic value. The bedstead and carpet on which it stands are valued at nearly seven hundred thousand dollars. - Sgs?"Last week while the youth and beauty of Centerville, 111., were gath ered at a social party at, the Centerville Exchange, an old gentlemen who was subject to spells of walking in his sleep after going to bed, fell into a slumber (la somnambttla.) He arose from his bed attired in nothing but a shirt, and walked directlv among those who were participating in the scenes of festivity. The surprise was snid to be more aston ishing than agreeable. Wheat and Corn. An interesting fact, says the Philadel phia Press, was developed at the late meeting of the Agricultuaal Society. Dr. Elwyn, called the attention of the members to the fact that the wheat crops of this country were fast diminishing, so far as the number of bushels raised to the acre was concerned. : He stated that in Ohio, a State but little over fifty years old, the crop had fallen off from forty bushels to the acre to about six teen, while in the best portions of New York, where thirty bushels used to be considered a fair crop, only twelve bush els are now raised. The falling off in other States had been equally marked, but while this was the fact with wheat crops, he was glad to know that the amount of corn produced to the acre had largely increased, and was still increasing enor mously. . : .. rFromthe Baltimore Patriot. Got. Hicks and the Legiitlatmr of Hry4 land. ' We cannot but congratulate "Old Csesar" on his reply to the discourteom action of the House of Delegates, in re gard to the rumor that Gov. Hicks had sent his congratulations to Mr. Speaker Pennington, through the Secretary of State. It will be remembered, that thq House, some days ago, passed a resolu tion appointing a committee to wait upon his Excellency, and to learn from him whether or not the' rumor was true and this notwithstanding several members declared from their own knowledge that no eh message ws sent. The following is the Governor's re ply: He shows nerve as well as wisdom in his response, and if all the Americas members would take pattern afteT Got. Hicks, Marcus Dennisoa and Robert Turner, they would retain and deserv the confidence their constituents placed in them on election day: State op Maryland, Executive Chamber, C Annapolis, Feb. 16, I860, ) To the House of Delegates: , ' , Gentlemen I have been informed by a committee of your House that yotl have adopted an .order, reciting "Thafc whereas it appears from the public press of the country that the Governor of Maryland has placed this State in a false " position, by presenting his' congratula tions to Mr. Pennington, of New Jer sey, a Black Republican, upon his elec tion to the distinguished . position of Speaker of" the House of Representa tives;" and directing a committee, ap pointed by the Speaker, to inquire of the Governor whether his congratulations were presented at all, and if so, whether privately or officially. , .. ; . I cannot admit the right of the House of Delegates to make any such inquiry of me; and the respect which, in my nninmn nurrhf tn Ka nVen Department of the Government toward every other, precludes nie from return ing any answer to such a message, other than the acknowledgment of its receipt. THOS. H. HICKS. " A Sensible Man in South Carolina. ' Mr. Perry, a distinguished member of the South Carolina Legislature, in a let ter of resignation of his post, says: - -; "It may be that the Legislature will take a recess, to meet again in May.-, There are two reasons which strongly' urge this course to the members. Th business of the country will be left liu-8 finished when we adjourn. There-; are five or six hundred matters important to the country undisposed of, and our.Fed-3 Aral rftlnf.Trma mo it ' v.rv. .-. t the reassembling of the Lapislntnri. in fti spring. " In all candor and frankness I must say, however that J do not lelievi anything serious mill grow out of our pres ent ctcitemcnt--neither disunion, civil war, nor danger to slavery. ' ' " " "My opinion ever has been that the' sole object of the North, in their crusade" against slavery, is to unite the non-slave- holding states, and take the Federal Gov ernment out of the hands of the South, anct. enjoy its poxcers, spoils, and offices: Be yond this, they have no other purpose.' .bver since the election ot m r. J efferson.' the Southern States have had the admin-, istration of the Government. If jhe non-slaveholding States can be united in their elections, a transfer of the Federal7 Government must follow, with all iW power and patronage. "And I do not be lieve that if a Black Republican were elected President of the United State, with a majority in both houses of Con gress, that the' Federal Government wbuld be administered, in any material manner. otherwise than it has 6cn for the last sixty years! J. he policy ot such an Adminis tration would be, in all human probabil ity, that of extreme caution toward the SOUth. ' The Wise Conspiracy of 1837 -At a recent Union meeting' in 'Knox-' ville, Tenn., Judge Bailey, formerly of Georgia, made a speech, in noticing which the Whig of that city lemark&j "The Judge made one startling dis closure, which was new to us all. 'He said, that during the last Presidential -contest Gov. WTise had addressed letters-' to all the Southern Governors and that the one to the Governor of Florida had , been shown him in which Wise said 1 that HE HAD AN ARMY IN READ- ' INESS TO PREVENT FREMONT ; FROM TAKING HIS SEAT, IF ELECTED, and asked the co-operation r of those to whom he wrote." , .: Does not this make out Wise'a worse ' conspirator than ' even John Brownf Comment is unnecessary. Henry Winter Davis, v. This gentleman is well sketched .by i! Washington letter writer, thus: , ' 9 "Winter Davis is one of tie "most' striking and graceful men on the floor' certainly not surpassed by. any mem ' ber. He is a young man of., middle, hight, broad-chested, roundly built,. with, a large and well-balanced head, regular ! features, pale complexion, a neat brown mustache, large and sparkling eyes,' brown hair, and the expression of habit.; ual study. He wears his frock coat but toned in the English fashion, broad shirt collar turned down over a loose black neck-tie, and, on the whole, he some- what recalls the familiar portrait of Lord Byron.' . Ji.;,-. tSF Horace Greeley has turned prophet , In a letter written from Jowaand pub-, lished in the Tribune, he says: I have been looking through arid tar king notes in each of the States -north- west of the Ohio, Minnesota excepted, during the past fortnight; and, though. I seldom place oredictions on record, " now make one which J would pot have credited when I left New York. I pre diet that Stephen .A, Douglas, will be nominated for President at Charleston; next April, and that most of the Slave ' States will give him their Electoral votes. Let these foreshadowings be noted and ' compared with the events. -- - ' fu' ' lSyA sick boy, dreadfully tick fronr chewing tobacco, lay on a store; box. Another boy sympathised with arid cheered him by siying: ' ;''' ' "Grin and bear it, Bill wVvmII ge' to come to it sometime. Yott'll gtftetet ittoy-and-by.". : ,,- v ?, ; ,,-yf;