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A - .. m - .j .-.- ...... t-m-. .. .r ...... .. . i----- v .... a. a. . , ft.rT ' j:tr rvlstslyl ia'. vtfuff -3. tl ' II I L-JI 1 Ill III tin Kit 11 111 . Ill V . Ill III 111 Ill III i , 111 l lll 1 III 111 T 111 XT' III J 11 iv 111 III " ."-1M..HI I . ill W- III . III XT 11 "Mir III' III 'Mil Mil . If It J!liJ'. . a 1 1 1 ia ips 111 1 lii hi 11 11 . 1 naiiiai 11 m m -m f w iii i 111 iii-iii - - - 1 - - . , t- 11m fiii 1 j. svi vav -in : - ri in' r 1 111 111. iii .111 .r! - 111 . iti i 1 e- '.';" ' A, A': . .''..'v: :'r'-;:.;:v;-- -'"" : &Si5S&iZi& 2T "l,,"',",- "V! -" -'' g .v"ii-P- .' , PLANTS, Editor.-' - . . v,7 . ' ' - "Independent in AU Thing' Jothin " v r : ; ' .si 1 -f -jiA' ' " - ' ' " " ' ' ' ' - ' -7----n;f- t.h ..;i,,,,i,V.,, .. .. , . r. , , ,-, ,,, .: - " v ' VOLUME III. I: 19 "! oetrg. 4 II AT B X MO N 7. The man must lead a happjr 1 e, fc "" Who is directed by his wife; . r ' ' Who's free from matrimonial claims . ' Is sure to suffer .for hia pains. , ' , r.l t -5 Adam eonld find no solid peaet ""' Until he sa a woman's facer ' v ' When Ere was gWen for a mate. - aa w Adam was in a happy state.. ... . 1t ' Tiiw'j:'..M"iJ ).i t ;'.: In all the female heart appears i ; . UsTnjtli, darling 'of a iearCs'incerej 7 I, Rlliojsydeeeil-iindyride, ; f ; Ne'er kaotrn in woman to reside.' ,r,rT'j - , :-: The worth in woman we behold? ,- 1' Is almost imperceptible. ' , ,3 v Cursed, be-lhs fooliali man, I say, 4 Who will not yield in woman's sway; Jei'.i yffo changes 'from Ms singleness "; .. Is sure of perfect happiness.'' ., To ascertain woman's character, read the 1st and 3d, 2d and 4th lines toerether.-Er. i.- ; T M P A S S IT BY. BY; JESSIE MAr. . nJohBl-saii Mrs. Jonera8-he. took off her working apron after. washing up the tea dishes, '.'fet's go 'over' to Smith's, and sit awhile, this, pleasant evening. 2,t'U rest you tOjtake a.'sHqrt walk after Bitting all day' upon the . bench and ltd like to have an old-fashioned chat with Mary. . ;rjy -j ,. ), 'rl fi)ff ,,j !.To.,Smitsj5'J. exclaimed . the little .tailor, with a stare of surprise,, as he re tmoved his cigar from his lips, andturned Around his' chair ; to scan'' -his ; wife's fektes, as if to assure himself of hf sanity. )'Ahd what on earth should we !go over there for?," ' -' r ..:-! . l ". V "Why-; to make a visit, of course; and why "shouldn't we?" " 'Reason enough I should think, why we should not, 'and I'm 'astonished' to tear you propose such St thing:1 ' Wy, what, has' come over the woman ill of a audden?" and Mr." Jones peered .into the face of his wife, and paused for a reply. "WeirrilteU you wha.t John, I've been, hinting . about our troubles with .our neighbors a great .deal lately, and T'va madfl 11 n mx-mind t.hut if isn't, nlsiia- ant to live in this way, indulging in hard reeling, and, allowing; ourselves to say unkind-thinsrs and ham UDonthe old --. o a string that ought to have been worn out 'long-ago, and I believe that the best thing .' we can 'do . is' to ' let unpleasant matterg drop entirely! and try vto avoid quarreling in th futurei' - "Well; I'm willing to do so, if SmithTs folks want to; but I think it belongs to . them to make the first advances they are the most to blame and I feel as though 'it' would' bV a 'little 'too much like crawling to" .be. the first ,to try to make pp. If Smith will Only , say ., that he was wrong, and ask me to overlook his 'fault, I'll forgive him from the bot tom of myheart,r and we'H shake hands, and be friends; but you know he did use me real mean about those groceries." - -- 1 "Yes; I think' Smith was to blame; I 'have never changed my mind in the least, as to that, and I think, too,' thai it' be longs to him ras" the-" i'first s offender, to inake "some ' acknowledgments : to you; and though, as you say, it does' seem as if they ought to come to us first, yet 1 know thdy' 'never wilI Mary never wouldj ' anyhow;-1 know her of old. 'She's immovable as a 'rocki' J. have heard her say that she believed that the hardest "thing in the world that could be required, of her, would be to acknowledge a fault, and that if she once got angry at a'rersonj' she .did'ribt'thihkshe1 could ver forget it, ahd' love that ' person as well in futoreo iNow- in .this; tate of things, we are only getting- more and m6re estranged, and ' I am tired ' of it. I don't fee:happy; it seems to me that iwe ought to do right,; whether others do : right or not;- and I, for one,1 feel : sorry "that anything of tb kind exists!"1 aSo do I, but whose fault" isv it, : pray tell? 'tisn't"ours','certainly,'r . ; , " "Not ours to, begin with, perhaps; but we have helped to widen' the breach, and no-doubt we have done wrong. I know that I have; it is wrong to" cherish such bitter resentment, and to speak harshly of any prie, as we' Tiave of them. And Johnjtl. don't; believe you. realize the amoUnt of evil, that we have taken into our,hearts since this difficulty arose. Why, don't you know that we are get ting so we pick flaws. 3 with everything that jSmiths folks do. . Ve envy them fhehvprosperity; we secretly rejoice at their misfortunes;' we feel jealous of ev ery movement they make; chargingthem with bad motives, atid crediting every evil rumor that is circulated about them. Why, I feel,1 sometimes as ''though I had sinned more ; than - thev have: I have masnified their faults: I have forsotten . my own sins, in looking at. theirs: and this niorn'ng when I prayed: "Forgive us our tresspaMes aMwevrffive those who JrespaMagainstm! . Ywas really shocked when: I-thought what I had asked for. Qh)if God forgives me as I forgive them, T f...LTLL.M I - 1 11 1 r x Tear J. snail nave uuu a sman vuauw ui palvation. 'iv '"' ' "" !' Mrs. . Jones was getting warmed up with her subject and' shSrsaBk; back in h,er rocking-chair which she - had taken Jbeside ' her husband, and covering her face with her; : hands,' she . sat for some jtime in silence, but as Mr. Jones made no reply, she rocked forward, and tap ninsr the floor 'wSfW Iipt ftof 'Tiif fido-it. i t.- ;. , ,oy ted about a moment,' and began again: '- . " "I know -what von nr t.hinkinnf' of. -,. . - . j , " l John. I know that I have always held vAn (uiiilrnliAn lrrtu fait .a.AnM.l AM any advances, and that I have said ten words to your one about Mr. Smith, and his wife; but that is my way, you know. - Whit I do, I do. with my might; and ne-2at I feel the necessity of exer cising forbearance, I want to be as thor ough in the good work as I was active in the evil "practice of denouncing every thing our neighbors did, suspecting, all their intentions toward us, and harping forever upon the injury we had received at tftpir handa.' I know that I said that- I pevgr would cross their threshold Again; but .'a bad promise is better broken than j kept, is a wise old eaying, and I m wil- ling to take that back, and a giood many other things1 that I have "said, whether they retract anything or not i t . e . uut wnat a .triumph. it will be to them. '-1 We shall virtually acknowledge to tne world tftat the tault lay with, us; and I' can imagine the patronizing airs that Smith' will .assume toward us. Bah! I won't ',' do it; it's a little too humilia ting!": And Mr. Jones arose, and stood with his 'back to the fire, and looked around hinx with a dignified air. . . i don t look, upon now;'' said Mrs. Jones. it in that lieht. ''.'I confess I did, until of late; but it seems to me now, a? though L must do my dutyy and then I shall ifeel happy again. . It's of noliuse', th(.tryiBg ta lay lt. blame upon them. We are all- to blame, t In the first place it ' was :a foolish quarrel : about a few pounds of . tea and suga:r. a You thought he ought to have saved some .'of his best articles for you, because .you had spoken for them .before their arrival; ' andj be cause he did not;,. we; felt ihurt,: and charged him with showing partiality toward-: his ' wealthier customers; and when he; denied the charge, you gave him to understand .that .you did not. be lieve him; : that you did not forget what you had said some time beiore; and you know that must have been provoking." "Well, but- Jidn't I know?. Didn't Shawitell me that he heard Smith say that he wished he had more of that su gar, for that I ought to have some of it; but that he always filled out . Maj or Knight's orders, and that was what took the last!" -V. -ir. . . "Yes I know.we have had one" thing here and another thing there, and pe6pe have not been at all backward in encour aging us in Our course toward Mr. Smith. Sometimes I wish we had never listened to a single thing told us about him.'' If is hard to believe tnat ne jias slandered us, as we have heard; and it is hard to feel that we cannot place confidence1 in those ' who . told us. No doubt it has been the' same with one side that it was with the other.' 'They have said hard things about us.' " We have done the same by ' them until the foolish little quarrel , nas grown into a serious diffi culty, and the first cause is almost for gotten in the throng of bitter Swords, cold looks and galling acts ot un kindness which have followed. ' I'll tell you what I think. " In the first place, Mr: Smith ;. It was very natural for us to resent it; but IT .wish, ,now wes neve had. But what's done can't be undone. You told him what vou though t not, however, till you had told several others. and heard things to aggravate the case. Then, you; know, you did not keep your temper very well, , Mr. Smith got, angry, tooaad made some, very unkind remarks. We felt injured,, and cherished a .foojish pride in letting people see that we could show proper resentment when abused Then other people , stepped in not to make peace, but tpiden the breach and we set down everything that came to us as true, often magnifying some slight remark; into, a hideous lnuendo. . And so, you see, we are to blame very much so. We are all erripg creatures; not one of Us but has faults, and it seems to. me that we ought to consider our own frail ties when we feel inclined to censure contention that comes iu our, way, but just pass it by; and think nb more about it." . 8' rightj a'nswered the husband, "but the plague of it is, if Smith and I go to, talking matters over, we shall just ake a circle, and jeomeVight round to' the starting poihi, ana1 neither of us will own that we were' wrong iri the first; place:" '!i I kn 6w-j ust iiow 5i? will- b. It is of no use ;to talk' it over;' it will just be a raking up ot all. the .troubles from first to last, and such affaits are just like a coal fire the more you stir it the hotter it grows." r . : . . :t . - . "Let the fire, alone, though, and it will smoulder away, and die out of itself. So, with-" this' trouble"; let it'gd. Say to them, let by-gones be by-gones, and just drop the matter entirely, and begin where we left off, : forgetting that any thing of an unpleasant nature has hap pened. Come,, now,, what do you think of it?" - - -, - Mrs. Jones adjusted her collar, and smoothed her hair with her hands, as if preparing .for a start. Mr. Jones sat dbwn,rIaid nis left fdosoter hiC- righ't knee and leisurely picked the Jint from his trowsers, gathering it in ' little pinches, and, carefully dropping it be tween the andirons, for they sat before a cheerful s wood ( fire. He was in some thUig' oi j aJquaridary Con science were, struggling, for the mastery in his heart;' at last he said: "Blame me if Jt want to haS'e it . go all oyer the vil lage that I acted the penitent, and Smith the magnanimous judge, who listened to my humble suitand. granted a merciful pardon." ' , i'Nbw, John," said the wife, "which is really . the most magnanimous, to '. ac knowledge a fault or forgive one?" , It seems to me to be .the most easy, natural thing in the world, to forgive an erring friend when be .takes, 'the place, of a pen itent. ' But I know that the proud heart struggles long andafJly(witlr;.itself when ft'feelsathe justice and the neces sity of acknowledging a fault; and when it has achieved this victory, it seems to me that it has won higher honors than when it has obeyed its natural impulses, and runs over with forgiveness and ten der compassion towards a penitent., We ought not to allow a drea of the scoffs o village gossips to deter us from our duty ..Let us do what fwjllf please God and eyerytruly -good person. Let us set our own hearts at restr"and feel thit whatever others say or do, we will do right, p Better be sneered at for a gppd act than condemned for a bad one." ' L-ttWell," said the tailor, "I wish it was all over.. I do feel dreadtuUy awkward about going over there under the circum stances. -But come! : We can walk along down that way, and if we do not want to go in, can take a stroll around and come home' again'.'' : , Thev were soon equipped for their walk, and locking the door behind them. passed through the narrow, yard and stepped into the'stret; It was a. clear Autumnal evening. The moon shone brightly, and lit up the streets of the village with a , soft, mild radiance, and an aipBg upon tbe 6ide,walks lay little jpatchas of quivering light and 'shade, I where the moonlight and theBhadows of ' the over-hanging tree-boughs danced to- ireioer. w iue uiusig vi.vub ..c'8u" "( I can; imagine, j ust how everything looks around the old homestead, now! said Mrs. Jones, in a low, subdued tone. '?Thia is just such an evening as always reminds me of one of the scenes described by Pollock;' V, v.-'lb vl io " Ji "It was an ere of Antumn'n holiest mood; . , The cornfields bathed in Cynthia's silver light, Stood ready for the reaper's gathering hand;. And all the winds slept soundly - ,'""'. ,., You remember that beautiful descrip tion of an Autumn evening,! do you not? Oh, how many times Mary and I have repeated that as we walked together, up and down thvnwf at Qm itr yhfen we were happy school girls.'. Oh, what visits we used to have; what secrets we confided to each other, andhbir we vowed eternal constancy! We .migWiiave been very foolish and sentimental,, but we were certainly very happy. Xt does not seem . possible that we have been es tranged so loner. How little we dreamed, that when we were" married and settled down in the same village,, that months would pass over our heads without an in terchange of kind words and loving smiles. Oh, it seems to . me to-night, that'vI can never entertain an , unkind feeling toward an old friend again. Evervthins seems so holy" and calm around us; why must there be such tur moil and strife within? But isn't that Mr. and Mrs. Smith we are going to meet?" "Yes, it is! Let us speak to them as if nothing had ever happened. Good evening! . said JUr. Jones, extending nis hand toward Mr. Smith Good evening!' echoed .his Vrife, grasping the hand ot her oidscnooimaie, and putting up her lips for a kiss. . Mr. and Mrs. .smith gave a little start of! surprise, and betrayed a little em barrassment of manner; but there was nothing of coldness in their answering salutations,' and that there might npt be an awkward pause after the greeting, Mr. Jones added immediately. ,"A fine evening', for a walk!" We have been SDeakintr of vou. and thought some of calling f at your house before we went home!" ' -T "Indeed! Well, we will turn back, then. ". We were only out for a walk. lHary, dear,' Mr. 'and Mrs.' Jones were thinking of calling on us. Let us walk with them!" ' '" K-! ' : c j : i r; 'Certainly! Susy has just been tell ing me." '' And so they walked through the streets together;' As they proceeded they met a few villagers, who stared af ter them, as if to assure-themselves that their eyes saw clearly; -v Long before our little party reached their destination the report was 'going throiighi the : village that 'Smiths and Joneses had uiade up, and were good friends again Jl' I domot know how they would have managed to have filled up the awful pause necessa rily occurring between their: meeting in the street and their arrival at Mrs. Sm ith's house, had it' not been for "the weather," that dear old friend who has - helped so hiany bashful people; awkward pairs and dull companions to a topic of conversa tion;' but,i some .-how; they contrived to make the time pass easily,, if not pleas antly; and were at last seated in the par lor before a "cheerful coal : fire..; Hats, gloves" and shawls, -were laid aside, arid then there 'was a moment of hesitancy on the part of. each, and each; dreaded anembarrassingstate of things; but Jones had "screwed up his courage, " as he was wont to express himself,' and he was not the man to back out now; sp -without waiting for any one-else te open, he be gan:' ; .J;w.' t-. ;:.! ,. ;-.! v.-! ; ' "MrV and Mrs.' Sihit'hi my "-wife and I nave been talking over matters tO-night, and thinking pf the estrangement that ex ists between1 bur families, and we have come to the conclusion that it Ts as wrong as' it is unpleasant for us. to live as we have' been, and that thbre 'is rid need of this state of things continuing l'We ; feel that there has been wrong on both sides, we know that we; have been1 very much to blame, and what was at ' first but a trifling affair,' has been' magnified and ad ded to until we have become widely es tranged. . This quarrel does not , end with ourselves; almost the wholeyillage is involved in it; we have each our par ties and champions,. and have created a fjroat Aoit nf linhnnninfiss for ourselves . rr , , . and others. 4 I. am willing to acknowl edge' my .faults; and nowcan we not just let this aflair drop, and. bury the past, at least all unpleasant portions of it, and be friends once more?". .... ; ' ' . - There was a quick, warm response to this, on the part of Smith. , ;; "I do not see why we cannot, he said. I am willing to do so. I know that I have said aggravating things and. cher ished unkind feelingsTWe, too, were talking of- this difficulty to-night. It seems to me a good omen that our minds met upon the same topic. Here is my hand, Jones'. You're a good fellow, a little hasty, like myself sometimes, but such people like each other all the bet ter, it they do tall out occasionally: '' There was a warm shaking of hands in token of friendship; the two women were already sobbing in each other's arms, There was mutual, forgiveness, and re union of hearts, and the good old times were lived over &rain; and it was long af ter the village was hushed in repose be fore the friends separated. Peaceful Wore their' slumbers that night; . their dreams were undisturbed by the taunts of self-reproach, or the demands of neg lected duties;.' '' :, Years have since glided away: but the two families have never allowed anything to occasion a quarrel between them. They have been tempted and tried with each other's failings. Meddlers have of fered their . assistance in misconstruing and exaggerating; but they remember a bitter lesson, and their motto is, "Pass it by!" ' -V. ; '.. Generosity of the Iriab Servant Girl. ; !' Dr! Cahill, in a letter to the Dublin Telegraph, speaks of the generosity . of Irish servant girls here in pending money to their relatives in the old country.. He has 'visited the' different offices in this city for the transmission of money to Ireland, and from the statistics thus ob taine.d estimates that during the year, J859, the Irish servant maids now workr inp in New; York, and ' Brooklyn, have sent tb their parents, brothers and sisters. the enormons sum of one million three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. POMEROY, MEIGS COUNTY, - - - - " -' MORE INTERESTING , UENCE. coRRESPoar- MR. HOWISOS TO Mrt. BAVAROTATLOK. ,! !' . RirBMOKD, V., Feb. 10, IPSO. ; 'Bayard Taylor, Esq. Sir: Your letter of the 3d inst., has been received. I am truly sorry that you should con sider anything in my last letter person ally discourteous or insulting to you,. Certainly such was not my intention, nor do I believe that the letter, in whole or in part, can with fairness be so' con strued. ' ( - r .' It was due .as well to yourself as to those I represented, that, in withdraw ing the invitation previously given to you, I should inform you plainly of our j jmtmti&tr, nfb J tLtjujfJtetter in no' degree removes or i diminishes the force of those reasons., . ,, -; It was not generally known in this community that you were connected with the N.iY. Trilune, and the fact of such connection assumed a significance in the light of recent events, which caused open expressions of dissatisfaction.' . ,, ;. ,. -And when, in addition to this, you in form me that you "hold the opinions of Washington and Jefferson on the sub ject of slavery," your partial editorship of the Tribune indicates a positive sym pathy with its doctrines. Washington and Jefl'erson were great, but human; they lived and died before the subject of slavery had been thoroughly discussed in view of Scripture and reason, and above all, they died before modern Ab olitionism had commenced its pestilen tial career. . ; Washington's opinions in favor of emancipation were moderate, and, in his time, not objectionable; but Jefferson went much farther. If it be true that you, a scholar and a writer, do now m I860 hold with Jeffer son, that "the whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise ofthe most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submission on the other," and, in view of slavery, that you "trem ble for your country when -yjou reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever; that considering numbers, nature, and natural means only, a revo lution of the wheel of fortune, an ex change of situation probable by supernat ural interference," and is among possible events, that it may become that "the Al mighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest" if such be your present sentiments, then you cannot be surprised to find that you will not be a welcome visitor' to a Virginia community. As to your lecture on Humboldt, I have never heard it, and as it has not been published in full, J have of course not read .it., ; But certain extracts from it, and statements of parts of it.havo-ap-peared in the papers, the Tribune among others, the accuracy of which you have not, within my knowledge, denied. One of these represents you as saying that Humboldt rarely attended Divine service, and , that he possessed an unbounded scorn for much that is called religion: that his religious nature was perhaps too deap, to find expression by' such meth ods; that in a conversation with yourself he uttered a satire upon clergymen, and to this, certain remarks of your own are added, from all of which, others beside myself had inferred that you vindicate and approved Humboldt's religious be lief, although it was Deism, and not a simple faith in the Scriptures as divinely inspired Whether such be your real sentiments your own conscience only can decide. , I pretend not to judge you, but I am bound to draw my own inferences from the indications apparent, and I re gret that nothing in' your letter removes these unfavorable impressions. : ( f You conclude with the strong words, "Yours for free thought and enlightened Christianity." In a proper '.sense,' I unite with you in desiring tl ings; out tne very iorms ot your ex pression remind me that with many at the' North "free thought" has degenera ted into "free thinking," or infidelity, and culminated in 'free love," and that they have sought to "enlighten" . Chris tianity by holding up in the face of the Sun of Righteousness the smoking taper of their so-called "higher law." For such "free thought and enlightened Christianity" I am not, but I am Yours for Constitutional Liberty, and the Christianity of the Bible. ! ' - - R. R. HOWISON. -: ,1 , MR. TAYLOR S REPLY. , '- Vtica, N. Y., Feb. 30, 1R60. Sir: I acquit you of intentional dis courtesy, though my own standard ; of good breeding would lead me to omit such insinuations of infidelity, spiritual ism, and free-love as you have seen fit to apply to me; From the tenor of your letter, I am not so much surprised that you should see nothing insulting in the attempt to subject a free man to censor ship, not only of speech but of thought. It astonishes me, nevertheless, to hear from you that Washington's opinions on Slavery were contrary to "Scripture and Reason" that Jefferson, if now living, "would not be a welcome visitor to a Virginia community" when I find, in a history of Virginia,' written by yourself, thisdeclaration: "The last and most important Cause, unfavorably affecting Virginia, which we shall mention, is the existence of Slavery within: her bounds" -and also this: "We apprehend that, in general, the people of Virginia hold Slavery to be an enormous evil, bearing with fatal power upon their prosperity." Allow me to ask whether your history was written by the light of "Scripture and Reason." : 1 t The notices of my lecture on Hum boldt, to which you refer, do not cor rectly represent my expressions. I said "he possessed an unbounded scorn for the meanness and inconsistency of many loud-mouthed professors of Christianity," and also repeated a remark of his, satir izing unwort hy "clergymen. - I neither stated, nor do I believe, that he was merely a Deist. It is useless to recapitu late my remarks, because they referred to him alone. I trust I have too much good taste and good ' sense, to intrude my own religious views into lectures which are listened to by members of all Christian sects. ' ; Let me once more urge upon your at tention the fact, that I am neither a politician nor a theologian, but an au thor. What my political opinions are, OHIOCTESIY,. MARCH-6, ' : - ;?. - . v concerbsjb one bo long 'as1 1 'do -nqt proclaim ..ffiem publicly.' I For fyf re ligiou faitH 'Tim?' answerable fi i(r God aIonrtt 'P Jnr'int$J ritf1 rjiscusion with YoVuofi $h8se 'oThls? To I den your,rght, orthe. rightVlb? 'any1 other my lectures; 'onl'he ittiWi' ;; Artie 'Life,bdMftbdW,asyi o'obsea doing t Richmond,) your bu'siness wkh me extends no.ifch-than to demand that imyttmenta b orret-aird nay ... Yowir;pfttiltusfe;a ito.sfree Jove' mightplw'.i an, spared.'!.I.1sh6ll re joic3t'M9o&ton7 small -iSidf licentious fre lovers ,di&- of mulattoes is no longer propagated at tne south. . ... .. ! I cannot join in your closing declara tion, when, I; find that , "constitutional liberty" means a tyranny over though unknown in despotic Austria, and that "the Christianity of the Bible',' includes an inquisitorial bigotry from which even Catholic bpain is tree. ' - Yours, BAYARD TAYLOR R. R. Howison, Esq.., . A Satisfactory Answer. An attorney- in the country recently received an account from abroad forcol- lection, and in reply . made the follow mg statement of the financial condition of the section of Minnesota in which he resides, which was doubtless satis factory to the Ci-t! "tor: A A . ; Now I am pi . tly astonished at you lor sending a !. m out here forcollec tion in these times. You might as wel cast your net into the "Lake , of Eire and Brimstone," expecting to catch sunfish, or into the celebrated Styges pool to catch speckled trout, as to try to collect money here. Money! I have a faint recollection of seeing it when was a small boy. I believe it was given to me by my uncle to buy.candy with. (the; candy 1, do remember.) But it has been so long since I have seen any a1. . a T . 1 n . . .. . . y mat j. almost iorgot whether gold is made oi corn or mustard, or silver of white onions or fish scales. Why, sir, we live without money. . You're behind the times.; -It is a relic of barbarism of ages past- We live by eating, sir we do., the millennium is coming, the year of jubilee has" come. and all debts arc paid here, (as much as they will be,) unless you take "projucer The word money is not jn our voc-ab-u- lary. In the latest Webster (revised for mis meridian), it lsmarted "obsolete formerly a coin representing value and used as a medium of commerce." A few small pieces can be seen in our Hor ticultural Society's collection, where they are exhibited as curiosities, along with, the skeleton. ot the j "Mastpdon,', JNoah s oJd boots, .and Adam a apple. A Woman in Male Attire Chases a False Lover. . ,;,.- Officer McCarty, whois stationed at the Central depot, Chicago arrested a woman dressed , in male attire; at the Mossasoit House -on : Thursday. -. She goes by the name of Charley Smith, and is a good logkipg, American woman, about twenty-nine ; years of age.!,. .She was dressed in a greyish cpat, dark pants, velvet vest, .and. , wore, a black, Kossuth hat. ' Her black hair was cut short, and but for her voice- her disguise would have been perfect. - ' '-. - She belongs in Macon county, near Monticello, where she has friends living, but no parents. Her nameshe refused to give. She says she' has been married beforehand has a" boy eight years of age at school- in- Decatur. , Her husband is dead., . Last! summer ; she beeame , ac quainted with a man who lived in Macon county, arid he promised ,t marry her. Some time since, however, he went to McHenry county to get work, and from that time until the present she had heard nothing from him,.;, Believing him to be false, to his word, she donned male attire and set out to find him.. She accord ingly took the train on the I. C. R. II.; arriving at Chicago, she put inp at the Massasoit House, intending to go on to McHenry county.; Unfortunately ., for her project, a man. on board the train who had known her before, recognized her, and pointed -her out to the officers who arrested her. Chicago, Journal. : Feeding Cattle. .'.'It's better to feed cattle two or three times a day in winter." , ' j Three times. For when cattle are turned into good pasture, they soon eat their fill, and then lie down to chew their cuds. This they will do from three to five times a day, if the weather be cool and the flies do not troubletheml When left to take their own, course in the mat ter, they act according to nature's teach- g. Jiy this we may learn that they require feed at least three times a day. It led but twice a day, they must either be fed so that a portion of food will be left lying before them after they are sat isfied; or, if fed only as much as they will eat up clean, they must suffer in convenience from hunger before the next feeding time. ; Cattle, when fed more than they ' can eat at once, leave" the coarser portions, and will not eat until pressed by want. Better feed five times a day than but twice.. Cleanliness and regularity are indispensable, let the teedT ings be few or many. M. Garntey. t.-r A Climllenge. Not long since, the local editor of the Cleveland Leader, ' received ; a chal lenge from one E. H, Tenney, of Nash ville, Tennessee, for an . alleged insult embodied in a review 'which the editor made of a Fourth of .July oration, de livered by Tenney, at Rome, Tennessee. The local accepts and says; . ...... Being the challenged party, we have the right to the choice ' of weapons and place. We will meet , him at either of the following places: '. . At the school house in Chatham, Canada west, and "spell down;" at Trinity Bay, where, ac cording to De Sauty, it will be "all right;" in the center ot the Great bahara Desert, where he shall read his oration and I the Leader, until one or the other gives in: or on the island of Blannerhasset, where the weapons shall be bottles of corn ex tracted in Kentucky style. ' 8Pumpernickle says a woman's heart is the most sweetest thing in the world, in fact, a perfect 'honeycomb, full of edit. warf - - - ; . 1860 to&iZZ, i r vrit 0 iioi-99i7f,!,) sir , .Under; this head r we-r are impressed: to say-atfew;. words jto jthsi'lardieBthe mar-, riageable.'girls especially. ?; this -'.'privately-And; confidentially,"-., end re quest all young gentlemen to have.the po- litesess not to read the arcleVo Jt it for ihe wrZfc txchtiveh. j ,-, ? lw,"! j i s : -.W1V k: girJv;jou B.xpeqto to; ge married do y.u UptJi ;Jf da JBot you sboiilds-t You, also wish to ..marry,; don't youfljilf yotf .-dftnojlyou ftrftfrae either nler or..lsa :thai woman. , Presuming that you -art . all right, in i thi$ matter, we call youroaUentieri ?itojthefoUowing ex tract, thft words 4t a ? popular author: , ;'A wife looks .prettierr if she did, npt iko)it;n ;ber-Beah jMjjajrqcktjof calico, than m the incongruous pye. of finery which she dignifies -with the title of full, dress. Many an- unmarried "fe male first wins the heart of her future husband in some simple, unpretending attire, which, if consulted about, she would pronounce too cheap except for ordinary wear, but which,.by its acciden tal suitability to her figure, face and carriage, idealize her youth wonderfully. If the sex . would study . taste in dress more, ana care less lor costliness,, they would have no reason to regret it." , , Now we assure one and all the un married of the fair sex that we have known many females, who really. wished to marry, to live in single blessedness, for no other reason, in all human proba bility, than that of dressing gaudily. We have heard the sentiments of the sex expressed a thousand times on this point, and in ; every instance, whether the observer, was young or old, . young man, bachelor, or widower, rich or poor, ugly or handsome, wise man, top, or dandy, in every instance an over dressed or expensively "rigged out" female has lost caste in his estimation. . ,This is perfectly natural and proper. A foolish and silly man. is not worth marrying; and sensible men will . surely judge -you advantageously in exact, ra tio to the plainness and simplicity , of your dress. , ,. . .... ,, ... ....... A popr man,, or a man. in modersite circumstances, however worthy and de serving, dare pot marry a female who is superfluously ., done up in ribbons and flounces, however learned and talented she may, be, because he has sense enough to suspect she will be an expensive treas ure. He may love her, and still feel that he cannot afford to marry her. .. And the rich man, though , hp likes her personally, and admires her other accomplishments, dare not take her for better or worse, . because , the dashing style of her ,; habiliments,, indicate : too great a passion for the admiration of the world. . He fears, justly, -too, that her passion for general admiration will be a serious obstacle, in the way, the manifes tation of affection for him individually. And as all men are selfish, whether wo men are or not,, both rich, and poor, and in selecting wife, act on the principle, that .' . .. . . ... 'Beauty, when nnadorned, l adorned the niot.'" Advice te the Sewly Married. . , i , Zchokke in one of his tales, gives the following advice to a bride: ' ' "In the first solitary hour after the cer emony, take the bridegroom and demand a solemn vow of him and give him one in return. - Promise one another sacredly never not even in jest, to wrangle-with each other, never to bandy, words or in dulge in the least ill-humor.-. Never, j say never! ' Wrangling in jest and put ting on an air oi lll-hunior merely to tease becomes earnest in practice, Mark that! Next promise each other sinc-erly arid solemnly never to have a secret from each other under whatever: prtext, with whatever excuse, it might be. -.1 You must continually, and every , moment see into each other's bosom. Even when, one of you has committed a fault wait not an instant but conless it ireely; let it cost tears; but confess it - l,i ..- y. :': ? ..:- 'And as you keep nothing secret from each other, so, on the contrary, preserve the privacies of house marriage : state arid heart, from . father, mother,; sister brother, aunt and all the world. lou two with God's help build your own quiet world; every third or .fourth one whom you draw into it with you will torm a party and stand between you two.. That should never be. ; Promise this each to the other. Renew the vow at each temptation. You will find your ac count in it.: Your bou1&; will grow as it were, together,-and at last, will become as one.. Ah! it many a young pair had on their wedding day. known this secret, how many marriages were happier than, alas, .they are! : . ; ; -f : Gait an Indication of Character. Observing persons move slow their heads move alternately from side to side, while they occasionally, stop and turn round. Careful persons lift their feet high, and place them down flat and firm. Sometimes they stoop down, pick up some little obstruction .and place it quietly by the side of the way. ' Calcu-J lating persons generally walk with their hands in their pockets, and their heads slightly 1 inclined. Modest persons generally step 6oftIy for' fear of being observed. 1 Timid persons often step off from a sidewalk, on meeting another, and always go round a stone instead of stepping over it; - 'Wide awake persons "toe out," arid havea longswingto their arms, while their' hands shake about ihiscellaneouslyl ! Careless persons are forever stubbing their toes. Lazy ' per sons scrape about loosely, with - their heels, and are first on one side of the walk and then on the other." Very strong-minded persons have their' toes directly in front of them, and have a kind of stamp movement. Unstable persons walk last and slow by turns. Venturous persons try all ' roads, frequently climb the fences instead of going through the gate, and never let down a bar. One idea persons and Very selfish persons "toe in." 1 Cross persons are apt to -hit 'their knees together. Good-natured persons snap their thumb and finger every few steps, - Fun-loving persons have a kind of jig. movement. t.A young apprentice to the shoe making business lately asked bis master what answer he should make to the of, ten-repoated question, "Does your mas ter warrant his shoes?" "Answer, Tom," said his master. ."Tell them I-warrant them to prove good, and. if they do not Itkatl make tbero good for BOthinf." ; . 'til srfi'ssi A lr4te ef the Bern. The,,Corwl. r " ' "Nobodv " .vthe Waahiri fffon cori its. corres- pomfent of thi 7ftyRmet',tiirihpfabm the member rromeMbhsTO$fetHo ' -rMiCamiri ia a k-4tEJSKiwllr conditioned, .-fnaa jibtltva? eet tn inchMhi'ghj.'wijjj ort gVayaln argo hazel eye?", fujl oTr iubuefy and humor; sha va: 'nd- plutt )eleekT-f :i flofid7, brunette couiulexiiJij, heavy giay "eye -brbwrf, MclFlaveHhTOcuRrafe ing and .falling'extrordiaary dis tance' a hearrytigli !u4 full in he upperTegipar.bu j.tafiwr;i'fiPlfi bread thacross its Mse", 4 rge and -jtrong animal features, with rell'shape mourn "tOr matcTi; double 'Mnthic t' tfirW grestlvariety' "of eipressibiiuaoy deep', -BiHeryoerwhkkitjjCBlfcaddietel to tragic whispers and tage-asidesr ren dering it, difficult for bim to be heard with distinctness in so large a ropm. 'A's a' -retailer1 brr anecdotes; Mr. CorwiiiiB without an equal ini" CongreBsH-perhaps in the country. .' His powers as an actof are of the , highest order,- and he .is- too often tempted, by his irresistible success as a humorist, to branch off into little il lustrative stories, which rather mar the general effect of his serious' elocution. An accomplished scholar : and student, the Ohio wagon-boy used . to read Vir gil's Bucolics while driving his team, ihirty years ago, over' the prairies; and since that time, every step in his upward course has been made -use of. as afford ing him larger opportunities, for im provement, Now and then , his. voice swells with noble eloquence more espe cially when describing the Puritan at Marston Moor, "rushing on to the cry 'The sword ofthe Lord and of Gideon.'," But then he again descends . into some humorous recital, so that none, but those who crowd round him' on te floor can hear what he is saying; " It is probable that should - Sherman;. withdraw, either Gov.. Pennington ,or Gov. Corwin may be used to fill his place the latter, hav ing an immense ' preponderance1 of brains but suffering injury from the pas sage which Hindman; . -of Arkansas, quoted a few days since, relative" to. the Mexicans "welcoming the American in vaders to hospitable graves." . .Wedlock in the Weat. . ,." If any of our young friends have any misgivings upon the beneficence and de lights of married life" we recommend to them a perusal of the following, which will quickly" dispel-all f doubts, like summer cloud, arid make the thing as clear as day -break on a frosty morning, The subjoined is an exhortation to marry to the Youths of the Wtjst, by a Western journal: ' .vs i " Tvt t "A- good wife is the besV. roost faith ful companion you can possibly have by your side while performing the journey of life. 'A' dog isn't a touch' to her. She can smooth your linen and your cares for you: mend your , trousers : and change your. manners; sweeten spur mo ments, as well as, your, tea 'and coffee. ruffle, perhaps, your shirt bosom, but not your temper; arid instead ot sowing the seeds of sorrow hryovrr- path,' she will sew buttons on your shirt, and. plant happiness instead, of harrow-teeth. , in your bosom, xes: ano n you are top confoundedly lazy, . or too proud, to do such work yourself, sh& will carry swill to the hogB, chop wood, and dig potatoes for dinner; Her love for her husband is- such that, she will do anything to please bim except 'to recei ve pompany in her every day clothes. , . , Get married, I repeat,1' you"must. Concentrate your affections upon" brie ob: ject, -and don t distribute themy crumb by . crumb,- amongst. host ot , Susans, Marias, Elizas, Betseys Peggies, . Doro thies, allowing each scarcely enough to nibble -at.' Get married, I repeat," you must. Get married, and have some one to cheer you up as you journey through this vale of tears, somebody to scour up your dull, melancholy moments, and keep your whole life, and whatever linen you possess in some sort of Sunday -go-to-meeting order."'! '? ''. A - Kancaa te be Kep'.eutofthc .Union. r Hon Schuyler Colfax,-MO., from the Ninth District of Indiana, writes to his paper,- the South Bend Register, foI lows, in regard to the admission of . Kari' "I regret to say that it looks probable that the Democratic majority in, the Sen ate will resist the admission of, Kansas into' the . Union, although "all parties in that Territory participated "in the 'elec tion of Delegates to the Constitutional Convention, in framing the- Constitution itself, in voting on its adoption, and in electing the State Government under it. Of course, all sorts of pretexts will be alleged for this rejection.;. But the real reason is that it is to enter the Union a decided Republican State, in spite of all their efforts to the contrary, to strengthen the Republican phalanx in the Senate two votes in the great, contest of 1860." The sl O. ftl.'e Surprised hy Ladle. Last evening the "Americus" Lodge of Sons of ; Malta, in this city, were in full transaction of business, when a thundering alarm came to the door. v It was soon discovered that a posse of about fifty ladies had stormed the outworks and summoned the brethren' to surren der. .' The working tools were concealed, and the' sacred mysteries of the order shrouded from profane eyes, after which the ladies were admitted. Alter short complimentary speeches on either side, the ladies prevailed on the brethren to adjourn to the Athenium;here a colla-' tion, followed by a dance, wound up the business of the night. Llevetana Jjer-- aid, 18th. . '; ' ; 'J A The Next State Fair. r,', r The next annual State Fair of Ohio, will be held at Dayton, on the Zoth, 26th, 27th and 28th days of September. This choice of our BoaTd satisfied ua. Davton is a fine city; with very generous and hospitable peoples ; It is surrounded by a splendid farming country ana ap proached by plenty of excellent railroads. We believe that Southern Ohio, Ken tucky and Indiana will all contribute to make the next State Fair at least equal to the best of its predecessors. 0Ai Farmer v - 'I .'r - -..;: .-; A, lftA man who goes to law to recover damages, hardly ever, recovers from the J fo'msfcet be revive, is.,'? 9 Klw W'.-f.; arw Mll.ln.. . - ... " , . ,;,The art of ilkinc js not teuebt ia hurry, it requireaTppg practice-to milL people m aiarirJugbS tta-slrowa Low tie labor y should,, be? oneyij ! JqulQJ. pporlauliathjsbraoc of thdJairy should Wpicularlx'attshieil' firs-. eo milker obtoipl at'ft:' irvio -luts EiimB new inn rnf mincer m.i. . . i i i . . COWB- AhOTE. H?fd tLAVtr- hn.' trr- t&A harsfy IbV ieaW&Mpwii''rpcf:' bottctaoefIVvil tfea'i&v'-ieeik.el msoxt awt- rnifdrjmlyv Vllai&e&te4, are fend of shayjg hClwl-.diTOJrom the si on of they milk ductg," "6t young peo ple be put: td milking' tlfefarrow ebwi first, ; or such as are to be soon dried, and there the loss from miltiag will-b Jess iBjuripus; .the ia4 sJlould,erteQ, to tho extrengity of i.e ; teats,, for. the milk is then- drawn easier. '' They" should hi taught to milk; as rapidly asnpbgsibtel More milk ia alway cbiaiaed by a rtpi4 milker than s slow pna : They should, thereforer be taugb fc tuikftf netUns else". while milling, aad no- cenversatiea must-be'fermitted ;iri the milk yard. They should sit close up to the cow, and rest the.. left arm. gently. against ;her shank. - Then if she raises her foot a account of pain occasioned by soreness of the teats, the nearer the miikef'sits fo her, arid the- harder he; presses Tiis, arm against her leg, the less risk will, be Bt of; being injurpd., , Cpws mayx.bp. taught to give down their mijfcer a once, aad they may be taught to , hold ' ft' a long time. "The best way lp" mil milk, quick and riot use- the txm te l&tij. stripping'or after stripping. e.ii 44l u . , Fattening Sheep nndei Shelter? ' A farmer reports having m&de&xi perimerit a few, years ago, as .fellowai Circumstancea led him -to jadpptf thi plan with 100 twoTyear .pld,sleep.. He had but little pasture land to spard ibut the hairof a very large-cahlehbuseas unoccupied, and . he had almost g super; fluity. of, straw, Strewing ihajft; the house with straw he placed, linei along th'e'poito to prevent the sheep getting into"the feeding troughs and then turned the 100 sheep in. for about three months The result he was unable to report ao curately, but was much surpiisd; at, tt smaii quannues oi tw&ips the sp consumed,'arid by fchgreai''hioiifc of valuable manure which, wa jad? 'ho sheep soldy moreotei, fop abt; 92 per head mprethan; theyjaoie class fe outof doojrai r ' i i CompMHIon to Step X,eakgrf.(p..-, '? : A, correspondent of , the , Lywt. JVf gives recipe fof.a veheap composition with which leaks "in, tbaf waWBa-'efrect. rially stopped. ' Hatiag Jeaty -X'iS, says: AI amttcl a 'ompesrti,o&.' ef'risln, one., pint) of -linseed : bit, ; bBe i of red Jead, and applied itho wjith brush to the pa rt where "t he M L" was joined to the 'niairi house.'; ItJji'aS Wyes' leak'exj since.'-'I then reeommei$d i eomo sifion toroy neighbor,r who hkda dof mer window whicb-leaked ibadly.? 5He applied it, and, the, leak stopped J made my 'water-cask; tight by! 'pus "jSQnoU tion,' and have" recomriienofej ft'fi w,ln dows;' chimneys,1 fetclantf ifha aliti proved a oure for the leaks J; pi pvtvoy ttri.inbet.fb!Ho-J.lj -Vrf, l ' The fact that oats WWeueitly'uB digested ifand patea throHghfEtherxliofse without r changeshou W,'bjssffieicnV in. show Experiments made by he-jdotf Om nibus Company 'arid othcr'show!; that smaller : quantity js j require tof .vrodncf the same ability tp work, when, the fts are bruised, than when fed whole..' .J Days tebeBernOi.u.r.. BJ .. Born on Sunday a gentlemanj g? y.j Born on 3ionday, fair i face: V xorn on jl uesuay, iu.ll etracc; Born on Wednesday,1 sour-arid gi Sih , . Born on. Thursdayv., welcome : ho.ra Born on Friday, free wriving;.:. . j fi(f ' Born on' Saturday, work hard'fox.'a living.'' ,; t."ins('j vii a'i ivr We do not remember the day" we ere born on, but, according to th.e above, it must liavebeen on Saturday. -Exchange 2 . 'Soine wag advances tie-following milky problem. If twenty inthts of snow give three inches of watey. Kowjm.ucjh milk will a brindle cow yield, .whefed upon turnips? Key:,' Multiply the num ber: oftsnow-flakes.bythe &nuab'er2f hairs on ,the cow's tail; divide the JoroS by fc-' i i.i bus L To Stop HiorrIuif;e 0f,l;kt Stir quickly a large table, spoonful ef fine salt into half a glass 'of cold water and once in' every five minutes" drink a swallow. - i At the5 same' - time '"' cool ! the chest, .with application oi cloths wrung out of cold water, and keef quiet,breath ing regularly, and as -gently as. possibyle An erect posture is generally preferable . a.On ; Saturday, eek,fo.ui; egto, supposed to be fugitives , from JlissqurL were arrested near Pacfic ICxtjZ Iowa!- A party of men, however," pttrsuea' their captors and set the HAfrlcaris free. The5 latter . state that they are i not wMigsoeti slaves, but, free negroes, bjniB.hed Jrpa the Choctaw country .t '" . v .t "In the Midst of tire We arcln Petk- This line of the "Engliab'.BnrialSSer- vice,'? so far from. Scriptural, js derived from a Latin Antiphone said. .to,, have, been composed by Notken "mohk"'of St. Gall, in A D. 911 while watchiiig' some workmen -building a 1 Bridge at Martinsbrnckj in peril of their lives, us .t: tifee on Cattle. . ' ' . - Take white oak barkboil it iri wateri' making a strong decoctionwaph' the an imal on the back, and On. the sides, -Mrt twenty-four , hours the, licp will be o.?8- pletely tanned. Taqiers gil i also jprst rate. . . , CntUaf Batter in CeldWeatha,,, :i '! To cut a" slice of butter from ; ., larje roll ih cold weather first dip the knife in, hot water. : and all trouble of orekkurk.. rjje Dvttfr will Jfe-io$t '" " the imnortancft jof bruisins'-foi certainly nor penent can, be derieqrom that: which is undiffestek"JnWft!5n1mBii duct by the juice of a turnip; add, to the quotient a pound of chalk, and. multiply the same by a well Of water! "ai "