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f T.;A.:PLAlTrSrEditor.?;;';i 'i,;. , . ..W r. . ... '.. ''.;;,'. V'.'V "Independent in All Things Neutral in Nothing." T'ttl I . " ' ' ' . . ' ' - ' ' ' ' if " ' ' " - - - ' ' '" J . . VOLUME III , J ' 1 .-. V , :. . : V POMEROY, MEIGS COUNTY, OHIO TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1860. OTMBElt 11 I. - . BS KIND TO THE LOVED ONES ;:;;, AT HOME. , '' kind to thy father, for when thou vert young, - Who loved thee so fondly as lie? tongue, ' lie caught the first accent that fell from- thy And joined in. thy innocent glee. -Be kind, to thy father, for now he is old, . :' His locks intermingled with gray; , '. : His footsteps are feeble, onoe fearless and bold '"' Thy father is passing away'. , V- . t. , e kind to thy mother, for low on her brow ' May traces of sorrow be seen; ' . , - '. -KM well may thou cherish her now,'. '.' . :' M . -.' For loving and kind hath she been. '' :'--(lJe kind to thy mother, for you she will pray As-long as God giveth her breath;' way, With accents of .kindness then cheer her lone r' '"Eren to the darkWttCy of deaths J t?S3 P-t lft??V3 f death B kittd toihy brother, for his1 heart will Wave If the srAile from thy lips be withdrawn ' j.The flower of feeling will die at their birth, If the dew of affection be gone. Be kind to thy brother wherever you are, The love of a brother will be An ornament purer 'and richer by far, , . Than pearls from the depth of the sea. Be kind to thy Mister, hoi many doth know -s" The depth of true sisterly love, ' Thewealth of the ocean lies fathoms below The surface that sparkles above. ' " Belund'tothyjrather once fearless, and .bold, Be kind to thy mother, so near, , , cold, Be kind to thy brother, don't think thy heart " Be kind to thy sister, so dear. Frm Owen's "Footfalls." TKVS TpKT OF THE SVPEMaTUBaL " 3fc 'ioiber t ruce iginally descend 3ed ironi some branch of the Scottish family f that name, was born, in hum ble yscunistances, about the close pt the last jentary, at Torbay, in the South of England,. and there bred up to a seafar ing life. ..1.r,i)i,.,i,',r.i,r ' ; When atooufc. thirty years of age,, to wit- in the year. ,,1828, fie. was first mate of a bark. trading between Liverpool and St. Johns, Mev Brunswick . - "-:'M On one of her voyages bound 'west wardy being tten some five or six weeks out, and hairaaigeared 'the eastern por tion of Newfoandland,-' the Captain and inate; h'ad been n deck at noon, taking an, pbservatioh "f the sun; after which they both descended to calculate that day's wort; ' "r . , The babin, a small bne,as! immedi ately "at the stern -of. the vessel, and the short! stairway t descending to it ran athwart ships. ' Immediately opposite to this stairway just beyond a small square landing, there .Were two dobrs close .to each other, the one opening &t into the cabin, the other fronting the way into the : state-room.1 he desk in the state-; room was in. the forwatd part of it, elose to the door; so that oneeitting at it and loekin over his shottlder could look into the cabin. The mate, absorbed in his calculations, which did not result as he had expected, varyingconsiderably from the dead-reckoning had, hot noticed the. Captain's mo tions. , When he had-completed his cal-, eulations, he called out. without looking .around.v; J make our latitude and lon- i gitude so and ;Sori Caii ,; that be right? How, is yours?" iilu -5 Receiving nd replyj-he repeated his question,;.' glancing over his shoulder, . and perceiying, as he thought, the Cap tain busy writing on his slate.. ? SU no answer. 4 Thereupon he rose, and,, as he fronted the cabin door, the figure he had mistakes for the Captain raised his head and disclosedoto the astonished mate the features' of an entire stranger. ' Bruce was no toward; but aa iei met that fixed gase looking directly, at him in grave silence, and became assured that it .was no pnewhbin he" had ever seen be fore, it waa-too much) for him; and in stead of stopping to question the seem ing .intruder,; he "rushed ubn deck .in sucUeyideht'alarW-that it lnsjhabtly ' at . traipted1 the Captain's attention. .fWhy, "Mr Bruce,y said the latter, "what is the matterwith you?"' : 1 : - " ' '"' '"The matter, sir? Whbisthatat youir desk?" . . k ;j . r -"No ene that I know of." . 1 ' ' "But there ii sir,' there'fr ' a ' stranger there:" . " "A stranger! J Why,' man,' you must be dreaming;' f You 'must have seen the Bteward. there, or the second mate! ' Who else' wottld venture Jown without orders?" ' 'iBuij 'sirhe was sitting in your arm- chir, fronting the doorv writing on your iSiate, J. hen he looked up tull. in my fac;3knd: if I Baw a inan plainly and dis tinctly; iff this world, J saw jiiw. Hiil whom?:'.. : .. , 't v God knows; sir; I , don't. . I saw naTiana a man I had never saw in my y life A life before, ji.-.n ''! h: r.s VXou must be going crazy, Mr.,Bruce etraneer and we nearly six weexs UI know, sirj but then I saw him."' " 'Go down and see who it is." Bruce hesitated;' f "I never was a be iieven in gho8ts,V he said, "but, if the ttruth 'must be . told, sir I'd rather not face if alone." . . . "Corner come, man. Go dtwn at once, ind don't make a fool of yourself before ahe crew.;, ,,. ,a ,M, 'I hoMyoo'ye always found me wil Jing to do: what's reasonable," Bruce re plied, changing color, "but if its all the fame to you, sir, I'd rather we should jjoth go down together." ' ' The Captain descended the stairs, and the state followed him. Nobody in the abin! - They examined the state-rooms. .Not a .soul to be found! ' ' ' ' 'Well, Mr. Bruce," sai the Captain, ifdid not I tell you you had been dream ing?" "It's all very well to say so, sir: but if I didn't see that man writing on your elate, ' may I never see my home and family again." ; ; V "AM writing on the alatel Then it sho'd be there still.''. ;il And the Captain took it up. . "By God!" he exclaimed, "here'a something sure' enough! , Is that your writingj-'SIrBruce?. t, ' The tnate took the Blate, and there in plain legible characters, stood the words, "steer to tne IN or West!" '' "Have you been trifling with me sir?" auued the Captain in a stern manner. ' "On my. word as a man and as a sailor -ur, replied Bruce, "I know no more of this matter than you do. I haye told you the exact truth." 5The Captain sat down at his desk, the slate before him, in deep thought At last, turning the slate over and pushing it toward Bruce, he said, "Write down, "Steer .to the nor 'west." . ; : The mate complied, and the Captain, after.narrowly comparing the two hand writings, said"; ;"Mr. Bruce, go and - tell the second mate to come down here." He came, and, at the Captain's request, he also wrote the same words. So. did the steward. So in succession, did every man of the crew who could write at .all. , But not one of the various hands' resembled, in any: degree, the mysterious writing. - -;, v When the crew retired the Captain sat in deep thought. "Could any one have bcen'stowed away?" at last, he said. "The ship must be searched; . and if I don't find that fellow he must bexa good hand. at hide and seek. Order up all hands." .. .Every nook and corner of the vessel, from stem to stern, was thoroughly searcned, ana mat witn all tne eager ness excited curiosity -tor the report had gone put that a stranger had shown himself on board; but not a living soul beyond the crew was to be found. . ,; Returning to the cabin . after their fruitless search. "Mr. Bruce," said the Captain, "what the devil do you make of all this? ": "Can't tell, sir. i"saw the man write; you see the writing. . There must be something in it.',' ' . "Well, it would seem so. We have the wind free, and I have a great mind to keep her away, and see what will come of it." ; , : 1 "I surely would sir, if I were in your place.. It's only a few hours lost, at the worst." ' - , " Well,! we'll see. Go on deck and give i the- course nor'west. ' And, . ' Mr. Bruce," he added, as the nfate rose" to go, "have a lookout aloft, and let it be a hand you can depend on." ; ' , ' " His orders ' were obeyed; About three o'clock the look-out reported an iceberg nearly ahead, and, shortly after, what he thought a vessel close to it. ,1 ' :: As they approached, the Captain's glass disclosed the fact that it was a dis mantled ship, apparently frozen to the ice, and with a good many human beings on it. Shortly after they hove to, and sent out the boats to the relief of the sufferers. r " " .,' , It proved to be a vessel from Quebec, bound to Liverpool, with passengers on board. " She: had got entangled in the ice, and finally frozen fast, and had passed several weeks in a most critical situation, bhe' was stove, her decks swept in'fact'i a mere wreck'; all , her provisions, and almost all, her' water gone; Her crew and passengers had lost all hopes of being saved, and their grat itude tor the unexpected rescue was pro portionally great." ' ; . As one 01 the men who- had been brought away in the third boat thai had reached i the wreck was ascending the ship's side," the mate, catching a glimpse of his face, 6tar ted back in consternation. It was the very face he had seen three or four hours, before, looking up at him from the Captain's desk. ''"' At hrst he tried, to persuade . himscli it might be fancy; but the "more he. ex amined the man the more sure he be- came-that he-was right. "'Not -only the face, but the person and; dress exactly corresponded.' r As soon as the exhausted cr,ew,and fanijshedpassenger&were cared- for and the bark on her course again, the mate called the. Captain aside. , "It seems to me thatwas not a gnostthat 1 saw to-day, sir: the man's alive." ...... -: What, do you mean? Who's aliye?V ' ''.'Why, 6if, one of the passengers we have just sayed is the same man i T, saw writing on your slate at noon. ' I would swear to it in a court of justice." "Upon my word, Mr, Bruce, replied the Captain, "this is getting more singu lar. Let us go and see thia man." They found him in conversation with the Captain of 'the Rescued' ship'. -: They both came forward, and expressed in the warmest terms, their gratitude for deliv erance from a horrible fate-lpwrComihg deatb Dy. exposure and starvation. - The captain replied that' be had. but done what he 'was certain" they .would have done for ' under the same cir cumstances, and asked them, both to step down in the cabin, then turning to the passenger,; ne-aia, -j. nope, sir, you will not thine 1 am trilling with you; but I would be much obliged,;,to you, if you would write a lew words . pn Ihis, slate. . ; And he handed him the. slate, with that side up, on which the mysten ous WTWingf was not. "x. wui do any- tning you ass, replied tne passenger; "but what shall 1 writer " "A few words are all I want.: Suppose you write, Steer to the nor -west." , The passenger, evidently puzzled to make out the motive for such request, complied,, however, with , a smile. The captain took up the slate and examined it closely; then, stepping aside so as to conceal the slate from the passenger, he turned it over, and gave it to him again with the other side up. "You say that is your handwriting?" said he. " "I need .'not say so," s rejoined, the btherj looking it it, "for you' saw"1 nte write it.". "And this?" said the captain, turning the slate over. The man looked first at one writinc. then at the other, quite, confounded. At last,' "What is the meaning of this?" said he. , ; "I only wrote one of these. Who wrote the other?" "That's more than I can' tell you, sir; My mate here says you wnote it, sitting at this desk at noon to-day. , The Captain of the wreck and the pas senger looked at each other and exchang ing glances of intelligence and surprise; and the former asked the latter. "Did you dream that you wrote on this slate?" "No, sir, not that I remember." . "You speak of dreaming, said the Cap tain of the bark. What was this gentle man about at noon to-day?" "Captain," rejoined the other, "the whole thing is most mysterious and extra ordinary; and I intended to speak to you about it as soon as we got a little quiet. This gentleman," (pointing to the pas senger,) "Jseing much exhausted, iell into a heavyleep, or what seemed such, sometime before noon. After an hour or more he awoke and said to me. "Captain, we shall be relieved this very day. When I asked him what reason he had for saying so, he replied that he had dreamed that he was on board a bark, and that she was coming to their rescue. . He described her appearance and rig; and, to our utter astonishment, when your vessel hove in sight she cor responded exactly to his description of her. .We had not put much faith in what he said; yet still we hoped there might be something in it, for drowning men, you know, will catch at straws. As it turned out, I cannot doubt that it was arranged, in soirfe Ihccpreltetfie way, by an overruling rroviaence, so that we might be saved. To him be all thanks for his goodness to us." ''There is no doubt," rejoined the other Captain, "lhat the writing on the slate, let it have come there as it may, saved all your lives. I was .steering at the time considerably south 01 west, and I altered my course to north-west, and I had a look-out aloft, to see what would come of it.' But you say,"; he added, turning to the passenger, "that you did not dream of writing on a slate?" . "No, sir. I have no recollection whatever of doing so. I got the impres sion that the bark I saw in my dream was coming to rescue us; but how that impression came I cannot tell. There is another very strange thing about it," he added. "Everything here On board seems to me quite familiar, yet Iain very sure I was never in your vessel be fore. It is all a puzzle to me. . What did your mate see?" Thereupon Mr. Bruce related to them all the circumstances above detailed. The conclusion they finally arrived at was, that it was a special interposition of Providence' to save them from' what seemed a hopeless fate. The above narrative was communica ted to me by Captain J. S. Clarke, of the schooner Julia Hallock, who had it directly from Mr. Bruce himself.- They sailed together ' for seventeen months in the years 1836 and '37; so that Captain Clarke had the story frou. the mate about eight years after the oc currence. . lie has since lost signt 01 him, and does not know whether he is yet alive. All he has heard of him since they were shipmates is, that he contin ued to trade to New Brunswick, that he became the master of the brig Comet, and that she was lost. 1 I asked Captain Clarke if he new Bruce well, and what sort of a "man he WaS? : - i: f ....:. . "As truthful and straighforward a man. replied he, "as l ever met in all my lire, we were as, intimate as brothers; and two men can't be together, shut up for seventeen months in the same 1 ship, without getting to know whether they can trust one another's word or not. He always spoke of the circumstances in terms of reverence, as of an incident that seemed to bring him nearer to God, and another world. I'd stake my life upon it that he told me no lie; ! ' "' '' In July, 1859. The Julia Hallock was then lying at the foot of Rutgers Square, New York. bhe trades between Ixew lork and St. J ago, in the island of Cuba. The Captain allowed me to use his name, and to refer to him as evidence for the truth of what is here set down. Inter-Stat Courtesies. ' - i : - ;The St.- Louisetcs well remarks that one of the most illogical and inconsis tent, but, at the same time, most delight ful spectacles that has been witnessed for many a year in this country, is the friendly visit '. of , the" Legislatures of Tennessee aud Kentucky to the Capitol of Ohio. ' It is illogical and inconsistent, because ' the visiting"' Legislatures of Tennessee and Kentucky are Democratic, while the visited Legislature of Ohio is Republican. '.It is delightfuLasia proof tnai tne ancient spirit 01 iraiernity De tweeii the States of the center still exists, and will continue to' 'exist, in " spite ' of temporary obstructions by; sectional dis- coras. ...-.;,' ... v The Ohio folks '( treated their' "com pany" with gerierbus hospitality, and the . ''company'' appear' to have , been charmed with their hosts; And yet the ultraists and secessionists tell us that we are on the eve of a disruption of the Union that there is to. be perceived the warning shudder of a political earth quake,' that will break the Republic in twain along the line of the Ohio river! Can this be triid when two Southern States go six hundred miles "to see" Northern State? " Could men sit down to the same table together, and click their champagne glasses in toasts to each other's health, if they were thirsting for each other's blood? Could the Romans and Carthagenians have feasted together the night before Canse? Could Leoni- das and his three hundred Spartans have drank wine in the Persian camp the day before Thermopylae? Could Crockett and Travis have sat "cheek by jowl" with Santa Anna on the eve 01 the car nage of Alamo? No.:! : The .Legislative visit to Columbus is an outward mani festation of a spirit of friendship and brotherhood that .has its birth -in the common interests ana reminiscences, - 1 and that cannot be quenched by transient trifles. : The : border ' blave and Free States are determined to cling together and while the Republic remains sound 1 integral at the heart, we have no fear i that the extremities will become lifeless. Kanawha Republican. What a Dear Little Heroine! We find the following in the Memphis Bulletin of the 17th. How sad and touching, yet how beautiful is the lov ing, heroic exculpation of the little angel: te "On Friday afternoon a fatal accident happened to a little girl, daughter of Mrs. Colo, residing seven miles south of this city, on the Hornelake road. The little girl, whose age was seven years was playing in the house with her twin brother, when he in wantonness of sport. seized a gun and fired at her; seventeen. buck shot taking effect in her throat. She immediately ran toward the door where, meeting her mother, she ex claimed, 'Brother didn't go to do it,' and died almost instantaneously. From the Clerelund Plaindealer. Htwi from tine Col Oil Region Great Ei- elttment in Pennsylvania. -v.. 'v ' TiTusviLtK, Pa., Feb. II, 1860, Editor of Hit. Plaindealer Sir: I am now in this Oil City, situated in the oil basin of Western Pennsylvania. I think there are but few, if any, spots upon the face of this globe that -will surpass this region in productive wealth. Even the great wells in the Burmahn Em pire, near llagoon,' producing 400,000 hogsheads of this oil, will find a . rival here. It would be folly at this time to attempt an estimate of the value, pres ent and prospective, of the oily treasure that underlies this rough and apparently barren country; barren in agricultural products made up of rugged hills and mountains, deep ravines and gulches, covered up the sides and on the top with hemlock' forests!" "Yet In spots the hardy sons of toil, by dint of pa tient industry, have made them to "blos som as the rose." The wholecountry for miles in extent has every nook and crevice beneath, the surface permeated by oil, oozing out at every accessible point. In many places even the rocks are injected with it. Almost everything here is oleaginous. There is oil on the hills, and oil in the valleys! The whole country is oill oil! Every rivulet and creek has its oil springs; and all the people talk oil. Their tongues are becoming mighty oily, too, and it will soon be as proverbial that the people here have licked the oil ttone as licking the Blarney stone is pro verbial of the Irish. , But return to our subject: this is certainly a great spot of country; where without a magician's wand a man's for tune may suddenly be changed from des titution and poverty to affluence and un bounded wealth. Such facts are upon record and will be of frequent occur rence. The geology of the country is not un derstood. There has been no survey, hence the great source of this great fountain of wealth is only conjectural. It may remain so. It is enough for those interested to know that it exists and that the supply comes in great abund ance. . ' . . ! , Practically it is f not necessary to adopt the vague opinions of any one much less that the globe . is a "roll of oil" with the sliell cracked just here at this particular place, Titusville, through which the oil is leaking out. The great center of the oil basin, at this time, is regarded as verging to the Alleghany river, embracing an area of fifty miles in extent; having in the range the mouths of French Creek, Oil Creek; and Pithale Creek, and embracing the river within this range as thefocal point. The strong presumption is that the great J welfc will be upon the river, within the range of say, twenty miles aboye and below the mouth ' of Oil Creek. Facts and indications upon the surface and rill, and do confirm this TT opinion. a.. X Tonng Lady with a Revolver Sneceis- . : fill Pursuit of a Husband. The Albion American relates thefol- owing singular and rather startling ad- venture: . An engagement was enforced in the town of xatcs, the . present week, in rather a peculiar if not in an entirely agreeable manner. One Daniel J . Houseman removed to Michigan from Yates some four or five ears since; While residing in Michi gan his wife died. , Subsequently he be came acquainted with a young lady in that State, and it is said made an ar rangement of marriage with her. Be that as it may he returned to Yates last fall and has since resided there. : On Tuesday evening last the Medina stage carried a lady passenger to Yates, who took quarters at Chamberlain's Ho tel. She soon sent for Owen . D. Phelps, and subsequently for Houseman. . The latter obeyed the summons, and almost immediately after his entrance into the room was accosted by the lady, asked if he was willing to perform his engage ment. .At the same, time she drew a six barrelled revolver, and pointing it at him, stated she would give him the contents if he refused. , U nder the in spiration of the six-rshooter, added to the charms of the lady, Houseman admitted that he was willing, lhe instrument 01 death was immediately lowered, and the couple were soon on their way to lhe rear laence 01 tue iauier lEj-uuseuiaii. . it utm then transpired was not known to our informer.! Houseman is about 35 years of age. The lady, whose name we did not ob tain, is considerably younger. The matter has excited unusual inter est in that quiet town. ( Silver and Lead Mines in Mississippi. The Macon (Miss.) Bacon says: It has long been known , to the older settlers of this county, that a mine of silver existed somewhere in this region of the country, but the exact locality has, until of late, been artfully con cealed. It was known to the Indians before their removal, and they were often seen with the precious metal in their possession, but they stoutly resisted all pale faces' attempts at persuading them to reveal the secret. . In the hills about Somerville, large cavities can at this day be seen, the only and trustless result of the white man s labor, but a son oi tne Emerald Isle happened lately to put his foot into it. lhe ore was sent to-jNew x ork to be tested, and the result was a yield of 63 per cent, of pure silver. The discoverer took a bee-line tor Columbus and entered the land. All the adjoin ing lands, which were public, haye also been entered. 83?The followine paragraphs faith fully represent quite too large a percent age of mankind. How much pleasure such persons lose in this lite, to say nothing of the amount of unhappiness they directly or indirectly cause others: A young man once picked up a sover eign lying in the road. Ever afterward, as he walked along, he kept his eyes steadfastly fixed on the ground, in hopes of finding another. And in the course of a long life he did pick up at different times a good amount of gold and silver, and when he died a rich old man, he only knew this fair earth of ours as a dirty road to piok up money as you walk along Under Its Provisions in the Champaign Court of Common Fleas. The?. Urbana Citizen publishes a lengthy report of a very interesting case lately tried in that place, under the sev enth section of "An act to provide against the evils resulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors," passed May 1, 185-k jJBy this section, the wife, child, parent, guardian, employer or other per son, who shall be injured in person, property or means of support, by an in toxicated person, has a right of action against the party who sold the liquor, if sold contrary , to law. In the present cause, the plaintiff, Jane Brush, alleged that she iwas the wife of one Reed Brush, an intemperate man, and that the de fendantlPeter Lawson, though cognizant of life hablta.of her husband sold him a pint of whisky on the 28th of April last, in Violation of the law, with which he became intoxicated, and in his drunken fury chopped off the left foot of the plaintiff. . In compensation for this, she asked damages in the sum of $20, 000. The defendant denied the allega tions, and introduced testimony to sub stantiate his denials, and further offered Co prove the immoral character of the plaintiff, but the Court Parsons, J. decided that evidence on the latter point was inadmissible. The Court informed the jury in regard to the issue between the parties, and charged as follows: In order to effect a recovery at all on the part of the plaintiff, you are to be satisfied in your minds, that the defend ant sold the whisky to Reed Brush, con trary to the statute. Now, a person may lawfully sell intoxicating liquor in any quantity, if the liquor is not to be drank on the premises, or in any adjoining building, provided it be not to a minor without a permit, or to a person intoxi cated, or in the habit of getting intoxi cated. And even though you find that the defendant did sell thl whisky to Reed Brush, and that Reed Brush was in the habit of getting intoxicated, still the plaintiff will not be entitled to a recov ery, unless it be shown to you that the defendant knew that Reed Brush was in the habit of getting drunk. It matters not though he did sell, the whisky to Reed Brush, and Reed Brush was in the habit of getting intoxicated if the plain tiff fail to prove satisfactorily to you, that Lawson had" notice and knew of Reed's habitual drunkenness, she is not entitled to a recovery. . 1 j . It also becomes necessary for the plaintiff to prove that Reed Brush was intoxicated at the time the wound was inflicted. It is not necessary that it should be proven that he was wholly un der the influence of vhisky, for if a man be dead drunk, he is incapable 01 com mitting a wrong; if the brain and the mind be so influenced and excited with liquor, as that the party will take offense at, and resent, and geek to inflict injury, for matters that would otherwise pass unnoticed, that is intoxication. You are then to be satisfied in your minds, before you render a verdict tor the plaintilt, that the iollowing propositions are true, viz: ,. .. 1st. That the defendant sold the whisky to the plaintiff's husband. "2d. That the husband of plaintiff was in the habit of getting intoxicated. 3d. That the defendant was informed, or knew of his habitual drunkenness. 4th That Reed Brush became intoxi cated from such liquor. 1 And if in your judgment the plaintiff has failed to prove any of these proposi tions, you will return a verdict for the defendant. -But if you find that the plaintiff has thus far proven her case, your investigations go farther. You are then to inquire whether the injury com plained of was occasioned by the intoxi cation produced by the whisky sold by defendant. If it be your opinion that the throwing of the axe was the result of the intoxication or- frenzied state of mind, under which Reed Brush was then laboring, you will return a verdict for the plaintiff. But if you discover that the injury: resulted from a quarrel pro voked by the plaintiff at the time, then you will return a- verdict for the defend ant. . The amount of damages is left en tirely with you. If you find for the plaintiff, you will assess such damages as you in your sound discretio may deem right an proper. . , , The jury retired, and after a short con sultation returned a verdicfc for the plaintiff, assessing her damages at $5,000. Leaving His Card. One day, when Mrs. Partington was out not in the usual acceptation of the term, but when she was on a visit to some neighbor's the minister called upon, her, and upon her return, Mrs. Partington found a delicate bit of paste board upon her table. "What is that?" said the dame, holding it up and looking at it from various angles and holding her head back as though she were sight ing it by her nose and chin. "It is a card, I guess," replied Ike, taking hold of it and reading it; "yes it is one of the minister s cards. "Oh you wicked boy," said she, holding up her finger, "how can you assassinate such a thing against so good as man a that he plays cards, though when I came to Boston every body said I should find placards at the very street corners." 'Tis his, said Ike, "for here's his name on it." Well, well, Heaven be good to us, re plied she, for we are none of us any better than we ought to be, aud some do worse tnan playing cards. "It isa visit ing card," urged Ike, clearing up the mystery as the sun clears up a shower, "and he s left it tor you. "How very kind," said she, smiling; "I wonder what St. Paul did for cards when he went siting. How be must have suffered for them." She placed the card in the leaves of her old Bible, and Ike threw his bran new cap at the cat asleep in the shavings-basket. Boston Eve. Gaz. Fruit Prospects In Ohio. The Ohio Farmer, of Feb. 24, says ..TIT 1 " vv e nave examined tne peacn buds m the vicinity of Cleveland, and do not find a single one hurt by the frost. If the weather should prove favorable, a good crop of all kinds of fruit may be expected. Cherries promise well; and plums, apricots, apples and pears, are covered with blossom buds, that are of course uninjured, and have not yet swol len much. TUB PRESIDENTIAL Q,rjESTIOS. The latitude of opinion, which is at once the glory and inconvenience of the Republican party, is having its natural effect at this time, in the matter of se lecting 4 leader for the approaching cam paign. While one portion see nothing but disaster and defeat, in selecting a man from within the party, a steady and consistent opponent of slavery, and whose influence has been devoted , to the formation of the present wholesome and formidable condition of sentiments on that siibject, another class, equally earnest, look with distrust an alarm at the exercise of that policy, which, to se cure present success, seeks 4o avail itself of a sentiment,, though nominally anti slavery, has never been identified in ac tionr4f indeed in purpose, vith the. con servative opponents of the institution. The discouragement likely to result from a cause of such apparent neglect of those to whom we are indebted for our present commanding position, they apprehend will work a greater evil to the Republi can party than an honored defeat a re tirement from the contest in good order, and in fidelity to our friends and princi ples. On this subject, the New York Evening Post, no mean authority, by the way, holds the following sentiments : After discussing the ends and aims of the Republican party, it proceeds to say that it "ought to select its Presidential candidates from among its own men, and not go outside of its own ranks under any consideration whatever. -x. If those opponents of the Administration who have no stable organization of their own are in earnest in what they profess, they will have no difficulty in voting for such men as we present. But if they insist uponnir taking their men as the sole condition of their votes, it will show that they are not sincere in their cooperation, but in fact had rather see the Demo cratic party succeed than allow a truly Republican Administration. To select our ; candidates from among those who labored so earnestly to defeat us in 185G, would be degrading as well as suicidal. If we are willing to have a man ; who stands upon the same ground; as Fill more, how can we justify ourselves for not having voted for Fillmore the last time? "But no real Republican is willing to take the back track now, when the tide of public feeling against the slave power is so much higher than it was before. -If the outsiders will vote with .us for our men, give them all due credit, and let them have for their reward the blessings of a renovated government and a country rescued from dishonor. If they will not do this, they might better defeat us in the election than destroy us after it, which they would be sure to do if we give the power into the hands of their men. "With such men as Seward and Chase, Banks and Lincoln, and others in plenty, let us have two Republicans, representa tive men, to vote tor. Let us have can didates, first of all, who will unite and consolidate our ranks, and prepare us for further service. Better come out of the campaign as we did last time, united and consolidated, and iull oi confidence and resolution, though defeated, than to win a nominal victory, which shall leave the power in the hands of those who have no sympathy with us, and ourselves dis heartened and demoralized." From the Cleveland, Herald, 3d in St. DIR. CLAY AT CLEVEliANU. The ' Republican ' forces marshaled themselves in immense numbers last evening; at the Academy of Music, to hear Cassius M. Clay. He carried the entire audience with him, and repeated bursts of applause testified to their en thusiastic admiration. It would be im possible to give anything like a report of the speech, and we can therefore mention but a few points in it. He said that if slavery was, as is as serted, the natural relation of capital and labor, then barbarism was better than civilization. He said the people who took Mr. Buchanan with the belief that he would be a conservative 'President, had been duped. He characterized the Kansas-Nebraska bill as the "source of all our woes." ' He knew not how they had so long borne with the author of that bill, whom he compared to Esau of old, (a great tool by the way,) only Douglas had sold his country for a mess of pottage, and then eat all the pottage himself. The' political course of Mr. Buchanan came in for some attention, and his despotism was. shown up in all its enormity in the Kansas wars. He thanked God, however, that both Ken tuckians and Yankees were there to up hold the rights of the settlers. However much the Southerners might decry the anti-slavery opinions of the Northerners, tney would come ana traae witn mem 11 they could do it to advantage. In ref erence to Wise's threats of marching to Washington and seizing the. Treasury and the archives of the Government, he said he could well believe they wanted the money, but could not conceive for what they wanted the archives, for when , 1 t . 1 ?Al- Al they were obtained, tne majority 01 Wise's democrats could not read them. It had been threatened that if a Repub lican Speaker was elected, the Southern members would leave. When that event occurred, they accordingly put on their coats, picked Up their canes and rushed off to the Treasury to get their per diem. The last that was heard of the slaveholders of Kentucky and Tennes see, they were drinking Catawba, and hallooing "hurrah for Chase." Im mense applause and laughter.! Doug las, he said, would yet make Buchanan re spectable by contrast, which no other man in America can do. it you want to save the Union in 1860, elect a Repub lican President, take possession of the Government, and you will have saved it, and made it worth saving worth living, voting and dying for: Mr. Clay closed with an earnest appeal to the Republicans to be true to their principles. . A young woman, named Mary Graham, shot George Fitzhugh, the overseer of a plantation in Hinds county, Mississippi, on the 24th ult. Fitzhugh had seduced the girl under promise of marriage, and when asked by his yictini to redeem his promise, he scoffed at her petition, whereupon she drew a revolver and shot him three times. He is not expected to recover. MATRIMONIAI. ADVERTISEMENT adventure:. The New York correspondent of the Charleston Mereury, tells the following story: , The matrimonial advertisements con tinue to fill an ample space in the Herald notwithstanding the damaging effect of Mr. Hill's late revelation. ("Matrimo nial Brokerage in the Metropolis.") A factious fellow of my acquaintance, insa tiate of female adventures, answered one of these; advertisements the other day, from two young girls, twins, Blanche and Rose by name. His overture was ac cepted, and he was requested by a return note to call at a house in Sullivan Street. The welcome billet was deliciously per fumed and the writing in.' fancy-like hand. , . .. . . ; . ;My - friend's" romantic chord , was touched in the, face of his' long aud wicked city experience, and straightway he began to ; have visions of a ' pair of blooming girls like two cherries on one stem nothing less enchanting than the original Rose and Blanche in Sue's "Wandering Jew." With a selfishness co-extensive with the male human spe cies, he determined to have the monop oly of both. He wentto the house, found it a respectable-looking mansion, rapped at the door, was admitted by the servant on giving his name, (an assumed one,) was shown up stairs into a prettily-furnished room, and was told that the sis ters would soon be in. . In a few moments a fierce and spectral female, over forty years old, and rather drunk, entered, and," without a word, fluns herself with, the recklessness of two dozen Camilles, into the arms of the amazed adventurer. Before he could re cover his balance, or say a word, a- tall ruffian burst into the room, with a pistol in each hand, and cried, frantically, "You are the betrayer of my wife! I will kill you both together!" .. The fero cious female (a perfect gorilla in strength and appearance,) threw herself still closer about the arms of my misguided friend. . . ; ' . ' Fortunately, he is a powerful fellow, a splendid gymnast, and a fine amateur sparrer. ' With' one sudden, mighty punch of his right fist ho floored the wo man; with a single bound he planted his dangerous left upon the black muzzle of the "injured husband, knocking him completely off his pins; with a second stride he had gained the door of the chamber, and three more jumps took him down stairs and Out of the house. He imprudently confided this ludicrous af fair to a few of his friends I say "im prudently," because he has to stand in numerable drinks on the strength of it. They have only to say "Rose," or "Blanche," and with-, a deprecatory phrase or gesture from the victim, the cocktail or hot rum is always forthcom ing. ' ; " ' '. ' Baptism in Hoops.. , , . ; At Chicago, last week, a rather amu sing scene took place during the baptism of a young lady, by the pastor of the Tabernacle, lhe Union says: "lhe minister requested her to assume the dress peculiar to such an occasion, but she declined to take off her hooped skirt. The minister told her of the inconve nience that must result from her obsti nacy, but she persisted. When she came to descend into the bath the inflated skirt touched the water and rose up around heflike a balloon. Her head was lost to the congregation; she was swallowed up in the swelling skirt; the minister tried to force her down into the bath, but she was kept . above the surface by the floating properties of the crinoline, and was buoyed up so successfully that it was not until after much difficulty and many forcible attempts to submerge the lady that the minister succeeded in bap tising the fair . one. . Filially it was ef fected, to the relief of the minister and the seriously inclined audience, who could not keep from laughing in their pocket kerchiefs." a ' Beginning Well. Too many are impatient of. results. They are not satisfied to begin where their fathers did, but where they left blF. They think to enjoy the fruits of in dustry without working for them. ' They cannot wait for the results of labor and application, but'forestall them by to early indulgence. A worthy Scotch couple, when asked how their son had Woken down so early in life, gave the following explanation:" "When' we began life to gether we worked hard, and lived upon porridge ahduch like, gradually adding to our comforts as our means improved, until we were able at length to dine off a bit of roast meat, and sometimes a boilt chuckiej (or fowl;) but as for jock, our uon, he began where we had left off he began wi' the chuckie first." The same illustration will apply to higher condi- tions of life pair. than that of this humble BThe New York ; Tribune 'of the 23d ult, has the following; " . " :" "Last 'evening, a lady; ' residing Tri Spring street, presented her 'husband with two daughters, and was left by the attendant physician in a comfortable condition. In the course of three hours thereafter, a ring was heard at the door bell, and under the impression that the Doctor had returned to see" his patient, the servant hastened to answer the sum mons. No one wus to be seen in -the neighborhood, but upon the stoop was found a basket, wb'ch contained two newly born male children, ' apparently twins. m The lady; when informed of the circumstance, seemed well pleased, and at once adopted the little waifs placing them in bed beside her own. ' The young travelers were fast asleep, and were com fortably wrapped in costly embroidered flannels. Dangerous Pleasure. The Taunton (Mass.) Telegram, in announcing that the ex-editor had gone South on a pleasure excursion, says: "We sincerely hope his expectations in that direction may be realized, but recent journeying in that latitude has been quite as prolific of pain as pleas ure. He, however, took all v. the neces sary precautions before starting, such as filling his valise with administration doc uments. and-p"113 as . passports. : The hope that he may 'pass muster' is confi dently indulged by Jiis numerous friends." I3VTEHESTING TO FARMERS'. WIVES. As a general rule, it is most econom ical to buy the best articles. . The, price is, of course, always a little higherj but' ood articles spend best. It is s sacri fice of money to buy poor flour, meat, sugar, molasses, butter,-cheese; lard, etc., to say nothing . ot the' injurious effeefc upon health, , , , Of W est India sugar and molasses, the Santa Cruz and Porto Rico are consid ered the best. The Havana is seldom clean. White sugar from Brazil i sometimes - very . good. Refined sugars usually contain most oi the saccharine' substance; there is probably more econ omy in using loaf, crushed, and granu lated sugars, than we should first sup pose. ; . j ... - t ' Butter that is made in September and October is .beat "for wintet use, -- Lard should be hard and"' yhitej' and' that which is taken from a hog 'not over year old is best. - if t ; . ,-jvi.i Rich cheese feels softer under; the pressure of the finger. That which t is very strong is neither very good nor very healthy. To keep one" that is cut, tie it up in a bag that will not admit flies, and hang it in a cool dry place. , Jf mold ap pears on it, wipe it off with a dry. cloth. Flour and meal of all kinds should b kept in acool, dry place. a.'-- The best rice is large, and has a clear, fresh look; Old rice sometimes has lit tle black insects inside the kernels. . .,t To select nutmegs, prick them with a pin. If they are good, the oil willing stantly spread around the puncture. ;S Keep coffee by itself, as its odor affecti other articles. Keep tea in a .close, cheft or canister. ; ... ,r -! Oranges and lemons kee.p best wrapped close in soft paper, and laid in a drawer oflinen. :. ;;-, . : Soft soap kept, in a dry place in the cellar, and should, not 5 be used until three months old. To thaw frozen potatoesy put' tnem' in hot water. ""To' thaw frozen apples; put them in cold water. -. Neither will ketp--long after being frozen. Housekeeper' Friend. . ., . - . Coal Allies aa a Fertilizer. " 1 Wm. Leonard, of South Groton, Mass. giyes the following statement in the New England Farmer,' of his experience, with, coal ashes as a manure' '." ' . '.', "On an old "mowing field too much run down, we top-dressed a square piece of ground fairly with clear coal' ashea early in the spring. While rlie crop was growing, at all stages the difference was perceptiilc. When ready for the scythe . it was more in quantity; and as to qual- ' ity, it procured about equal parts of herd grass and red clover.' J If the clo- i ver was not introduped bylhe agency of -the ashes, we know not how it was intro-, duced, for ' four years none "was seen there before, or in any part .of the field, and this was the only clover seen in said ; field the past , season. . Both . grass, and ; clover, was more vigorous,, green and . nveiy witnm tne top-dressed square, and just as visible all around 'was the ex hausted crop, which said as audibly - bb -grass could say, in its . declining state, d that it had received no such assistance .; from the individual fertilizer. : " - "On" a hill : side hot at all renowned for its wealthy ' properties in. soil, wr planted the Davis seedlings, and Jennys Lind potatoes, in clear coal ashes,, half . 7 shovelful in a hill. . Below, on equally.., as ' good ' ground, we planted the same kind of potatoes in compost manure;-the' coal ashes, single-handed, turned out the ? largest, best, fairest and most numerous u quantity of potatoes. , In .reality i they were the best we raised on the farm. . Almost side by side, in compost maaure, ' our potatoes' were somewhat infected with ,: rot; in the ashes; they were, all healthy; and sound, almost tot a potato.",; .1 fe c;:) Imperial Costume. At the late opening of Parliament," Her Majesty wore a; dress of pearl-ce!- ored satin. with gold bars; over it a msiin ft tie of rich crimson velvet, t with r deepjx and massive' gold border. Her bead- . SresS was '- a tiara of ; brilliarits!i The ' elder Princess wore a "slip" 'wnatete' ' that is-of . white tulle over a. pale bl' under-dress; round her head was-. a 't wreath of white roses. The .yonnger irrincess was aressea wnoiiy in wnue, with a wreath of pink flowers as a head dress. :. '; ... New Tort all Right . " The town meetings in New York usu ally show pretty conclusively how the political tide runs in that State.; The Albany Journal keeps a . close tally of results for supervisors' in the. various counties, and in a late number remark that ' the preponderance of Republican Supervisors ! was so- overwhelming .last year, that we dared hardly hope for. equally favorable results, now. r But, , tnuslar, tnere are last year! :t,lj " Death.,. 'fw... , ,lorrf ' In the Atlantic Morilhly for December, T, Dr. Holmes paints death thus: " i;'7 ' 1 1 "By .the stillness of the sharpened ? features, by the blankness.of. the i tear? itij less eyes, by the fixedness of the smile--Z less mouth, by the dcadeningi tints, byt ., J the contracted brow, by the dilating nbs-. A tril, we know that 4he soul is soon'1 to f leave. its mortal tenemeptand i8alreadys1? 1 i i i.; H Closing up its winuowa. anu putuug yut its fires. ... r. ... 1 . . . 5 ZJCZt'tUZH? fife '-i anges, boil the rind ten-n j A Orange Tartl der. add half a teacupful .of sugar, ,and;-:f."i ! f J' tne juice ana puip 01 iue iruii., hu uuuiiii ; ,- ji of butter beat to paste.' Line a! shallow5' 4 1 i disn Witn Ugui puu uiuor; aim iaj mo ; ; s paste of orange in it.; rf;j Soda Cracker Pudding. . To one quart of warm milk add three pulverized crackers', three eggs,- - salt spoonful of salt, (or four crackers and two eggs, ) , spice to your, taste; Dane thirty minutes; served, with sugar and butter., - , . - . Riee Griddle Cakes. ; T.. t Ann AfviAa' inM fvA tp ea- ! cupfuls of water, and boil it till the wa,. .... j. tenia Ilwarij . auaui ucu, nuu -.v... (j mfi 1 - pint Slid a half of milk: ' Boil it slowly ;;; VfR kCanl of Tartar and boiling water will remove ink spots. vi 9Z ' ,' H !J$' j 1 n - 1 1 f mi -a