Newspaper Page Text
'If 4 Vfvvf L v. P it V U . 1 V T If I F ii R API! JUMhiiUY lbLMfUAril. TVBsi Y, twyyMMttw, ''" - m",M fr????!? H?' i have 'always considered ' advertising- J"'!ttKiii!' lone to be the mot medium : hualness. And the nrelude to wealth;' ' eneo" having laugm me iuhi money uius In Vll lid out; B by keeping my busineBS V'L.nivKtiakHv. be Pore the ublic; has secured me toiar.y sales that I otherwise would have lost.". "Whatever success I may' have had in bust I owb minlv to continuous advertisine. nd I deem it good policy to advertise long in .. B -T: . i the same papers. rom a Close ooservanon, i .m ,,ni;,l that. iH imnnAAihle to make ttiTch beadwa'jr in any branch of commerce . Without the facilities which the Press alone can 1 - jive."' o5 Ridgtway" ' . ."My motto through life has been work and advertise. In business, advertising is the true V PLl'tbeopher's stone, .that turns whatever it J. touches to gold. I have advertised much, both 4 in the well as in the daily papers: ,:" nor have if. -found that those of the -largest i'cireuiatibn-i-if either elass -benefitted me the ' most. JAi Jacob Attor.. - ..V f V - I 'fgrPsttpn' & Montgomery eontinue 1 ) to ifa-Tor ua with papers, &c. . ,' ti S lQiThe Board of County Commis e!bner8 adjourned on Wednesday last, af ter session of three days. it..s, " ' : ' f gjThere are fifty -three cases on the 1 criminal dockef, & conie before the" en- auing'Term of the Common Pleas Court, '5 to be held on'the 19th inst. (i :1 ; - 'St ahouid be" pleased to i offer ' 'our thanks to all the regular packets fcr papers, but only being favored by the If. l).tfeart kn& Ohio UVb:.'2,"cBhj46t-do so. -.-;iJ--' - m '. " . " IfclTbe latest nes from Columbus is, iithat ' resolution j ihaB-' passed both 'iraikbhes bf that body ttf 'adjourn on the . 26th i-uat.,- to meet again: on the first of ' Jariniary;'1861: f.-'yV:. "' ' rj v'aReV , Twombly, J. W. Prall ad -Tr-Ai" Plants were appointed dele gates from: Meigs County to attend the StateJTemperance Convention to be held on the 11th inst at Columbus, Ohio. Ietroja' Msl , ; .-; rjiyor. Apnl ? comes up to : its, .former . standard 'elegance and excellence. - We have noi more .welcome' exchange $n 'ekronj published . at 306 Chest-' mstret,' rniladelptita, Dy Unarles J . 'etersoinat J2,0Q peri jear3 in advance. ..ti. t, &-.-!': " ,' . , us slr,--is Lavtrlasmtal Frelgbt. ; . . t :.. -.- '-. Tbe;Oiii-iVro 3 is certainly a very pop- xitarraft,'with the young "folks, aa on her last trip down she was honored with no leSs'thari nine' newly, married couple who were on their way to the "Queen of the reat" to pend a portion of their nanejmoon. " . ., ,r ... .;vi,. . ,.. ' J"J: P. Tow.ell, pf Portsmouth, : who oniut-t8 a Wholesale Dry Goods House; p're9i.ted ' us with a lot xf his choice1 threid.,- It is. decidedly. not inferior: to iiny thread in this market, and those who Lave used it pronounce it much "supe- rior.j This house should receive ,the patrlnage of our. merchants, ns it is tie mos cohrenleot "wholesale market and it stids to reason that goods can be sold cHeaoer . in Portsmouth than in larger citleij where rents, &c., are much higher. MKIM COCSTT AGRICtJLTrRAI, AS- '." 'w.i sci-TI -J-. , J; i The .officers bia Directors met at . the . CourtHbuse :- on - Saturday last, for the purpose, we believe, of selecting grounds npon. which to, hold the next Fair. ". " Efforts were made by the eitizensof Miduenort, Bacine, and1 of the section of country known as the "Flat Woods," t Chesterto wnshipt for its ; location "' at each of these respective places We did not learn the inducements; offered by Middteport,- but understand that Racine proposed to raise $500 in' cash, and pro- cure two hundred new tnembers' to the .Association, and to "lease "ten acres'.-of ground at fifty dollars1' per' y earl as .in-. duOements'ito procure its location; ai thai ;.point:;:-.:-'.-.V..i.':;H - V"- The' fFlat" WoodsTf proposUion iad not been much thought of 'till- the day on which .the Board met, and the friends of -this- locality had 'not eaavaesed the niattejE aaffit-iently to ; "ascejrtain j Cwhat other inducements than their central po . i Haitian and beautiful grounds to offer. . The -Board, after fully -considering the above, with other localities we did not -a . success id uhbiu . , . ....... t . . . , i JAnd 1 have wde U. aa invariable rulei foo, to; Many were unable to gain admission Advertise in the fullest times, a long experin(j went aiyay disappointed.' hear of, decided in favor of Racine, and 117; $6,000. i; C. Russell to; Isaac-Twin j oncladed, to hold the next Fair at thai lots.No.'s 1C4 and 165; $305. ...Same "to place; i ' :;jGeo. B.Grow, lot No.l65;?150.: Sam'l wifi. -ti.fl liVlii .v- ! Vale. ,to .Gleb.V Eiselstein, Mot. No. ' 189: With the.Lberal premiums whichth.8 S5no j. j. 5Iiles ,to W.' Stevens, lot Association usually offer, and theener; y ig9: ggQO. W; Stivers to ;H. - T. .and enterprise of the citissens of Racine combined, tne next County Fair promises, superior to any ever ietore new in this County,, ptber advantages ' being i. ,es : ueing T. V eqnai. Narrowed Dtm. . , Complaints have been made tons everi Bi.takia&thirebt:the;-7ilnh:!Hirck Schromier, house and lot in see's J its ycaskiil.-faUiirer to'tWch'- Bubicrii: - , "" , ,. r . . -.. i - s.! berS, Vbeq We Were confident of havinp: --.- - J , 0 mailed the paper. 'A A complaipt was ei;- rprArl trirflA ar fiiiir'a acwi liv nni Tour weeks ago, bv one of -fiit'' VL'-' 'V ' -i 0,'i i,t;'-.'t; '' ' ' , v ' :'.' Jad.countei.;?,i.pMkage:latti-r:.wii5 the names, were very certain We could not be mistaken. Bute did not thrnk proper to expose the political trick, (if ohMUealled.Kaad hoped thSm . t ? " a V v- r - - - -' woujd not becur again,. Bjut lastveek ... BM hurt ..week entered by adif- r '! .'- another commaThl was - i-.A j. .i .a a. t ' Vv U ' ' .')'; , 4 Postmaster . at that place says it did not - fr ' . . " eomethere,,; We Will just say that We kuow it was, mailed, as the "papers were ourself'and twiceby the one'who mailed ,.- Ii a. J f '' 'V .., ' mem, ana rouna to correspond with the, names on our doojc. vv Here does the iaun inen iay: it is - narrowed down ""l??". vtu,vJ. uii,..AUiauiepori Postma6ters. andit is not at all Drobable tliat Mr.' Lee. ' of . the Pomerov office. . ' 'I .,:"" Palns lo extract a paper . - - -V ft,r - ! va1 1 j V ji xwr i y ironia tigntiy-pacfced bundle. : ,V e do .- a "f , i .' " y.'Uow,spionargotiw fpeactwaspur-; poseiy perpetrated, tnt from carelessness, or some other cause, the- paper has not been delivered, and we leave it with the 1a .-Al. 'a Portttasters to correct. Wf. 1 Williams, who is bo well knowqinth;8locality'asthet.oldM;s.j sionadclWered an effective discourse ; ob the subject of Temj erance, on SunI ' hJLL. S ' i' ,li L J: jdjgf afternoon last, to the largest aud of, rt a tt T - - ' . .ao. Bpi-ntr . Repfcllc Economy. . , v congressional ADnronnation Bilfs hav already been reduced by the f ommitlfie; of WaVH nnA M!na tialfn tniltinri a. AaUr r.enw 'ko , I - . i tha 1 reasurv. and in sum a wnv it. is -. . - . v.- ; -j ! anf Innr.A-1 trio ntWa r .. ---J "J -.aC.:-. in i ,i . euecuuis in uii a eaviujr iu iuu country . .. "' 'r'" W9fcJn'-:' nted "California Street Preacher," Rev. W. Taylor, will visit our place within the next week, and give our citizens an opportunity to hear him on nextSabbath morning, at 10 o'clock, at the M.E. Church; He is said to be somewhat eccentric, yefc a very, effective '.i. u " . :L n..i: revival, auu uus uuu uiucu u - fnrnifl ntirl t.ti nldfir Statpa to raise the stindard of morality and Christianity Go and hear him: HSrTh9 March Term of the Probate uourt was neia lasi wee, comiueuciuu Y v . ' 1 ' ' ' : : on Teusday and lasting but two days. - There were but few cases up, and none ..... - of special interest. The most important case was . "The State of ' Ohio ' vs. ; Wm. Burchfield, cnargea wnnpeny larceny, m , utug i , ..t i..... i i.i.: flour irom the miU ot Messrs. Kudiord & Stevens. ; The Jury was out twenty four, hours, and could not agree on a verdict. 'T' We do: not know what dispo sition was made of the case. : .,.... .....v.- , m , - . . - J i . . . Cassell's Illitre tsmmiXy Bible The . publishers design issuing, . this work by numbers, on the 1st, and 15th of every, month. -The number before us is beautifully and appropriately illus- trated, containing thirty-two engravings, and . reaching to the XV11I Chapter of Genesis. The price is fifteen cents a part.. ' .It will take about two years , to complete the whole Work. This is a good opportunity to procure this excel-, lent work, and its expense will not be felt..- '-Published by, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 37 Park Row, N. Y. i SMtgrmettul. -: ' ' - . We were aware of the occurrence of a disgraceful assault committed i upon' the person of James Terrell, last week; but were not cognizant of the tacts in the case, and did not make any allusion to it. We are informed - that Terrell, Edw'd, Mclntire and others, met at a house on the "Old Telegraph Road," about a mile from town, on the evening of the 27th ult. Mclntire offered some indignities to a woman who was present, and 7Ter rell probably to win "smiles of approba tion" from the fair dame, resented the implied insults and took' exceptions to Mclntire's gallantry. . This, of cpurse, could not be brooked by Mclntir.vwhose reputation for. gallantry was probably never . before r-broughf into" question .a Bdufile.ensued -Mclntire on top; a tussel Terrell abovej. the outside pressure of. a boot on Terrill's head, again gave Mc. the advant.ige, who ! retired from ; the house, leaving Terrell minus a nose and under lip. ; TRASSf ERS OF REAL ESTATE. . ' . The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of Meigs County for, the week ending March 10, 1 SG0: '";.''"''. ,; j Chester Tp. Nahum Ward to II. H. Grow,-100 acres in sec. 30; 800. ;? j - Columbia Tp. H. Packard to Sam: uel White, 6f acres in sec. 36; 300. 1 ; ; Lebanon ,Tp.--Jas. Anderson to W. D. Williamson, 2 & 1-llth acres in see's 1 and 7; $100. ; -. - OrAnge Tp: Adam and Samuel Culph to Johh Winters, 53 acres iri seel. 5,' and 30 acres in sec. 11, 1.000. Asher Smith to John Kleiu,: 131 acres in see's 15 and,tV$650: "' '.T'- ' Rutland . . Tp W. W. Hubbell to Horace Hoi tv' acre in see's 9 and 10; ?25.; C;W. R .Strong to ' Arthur Merrill, 31 acres in see's 14 and 15; $400. ; -, ' j Salem Tp.i -John Barrett to Elisha F Will iams, 38J acres in sec. 26;, $425, ; Isaac Uarrett to J. L. tl.i uobb, 40 acres! in sec. 26; $4S0. ... -.,r- ' Salisbury ' TP-ran'I. yale to Geo. Eifielstein, acre in sec. 19; $700. -' ; . i i '.PciMEROTA',W.;P. WilstacK to B.M. i.Jones&Co., lots No's 100, 101116 and h Hbgrefe; lot Nq.189; $650, MiDPLEVORT. E.. S.: Edwards rr -I. tt i i . XT. -i tr i'i-r tt i; jn Sheffield- g600. Coalport Salt I i- Jas- U- Keed, lotNo.10, la CoaWi j Sutton TP.-UV.- B. Ilorton- t Fired - nd m' - - ' 1 - - --! '. -' r--4 ; '.71 t"i i Indvstrtoaa Mechanic. -'. i , f: 4! . , , ; - - , . -- . - -.- ' x- - f'e need .a good foundry m the plhte; uuu' .By'Vc u"e "1 'uuucea to en- gajje La the business? Our place is one y. 1 F115 Ope V -' VI Uie :8tete for the - snccBful . broseeiiUon f such an enterprise. If our capitalists do not wish to engage in the business themselves let them aid Some inrl R s!' mechahif trt rTrW TJ"'" TJk TJlS f-v j i v vu fvtu pecuniary interest, beside coritribuiinp- pecuniary interest,' beside' - .eoritrib'iUinp - ' to the prosperity of" the place arid the well lifiino- of that class'of Mr are so absolutely i,ecessaryfor the srowth J t "'ft1" of ever- xjommnmtv industrial a rLn;,r . , . ' The above is. from the Pt. . Pleasant Cwi, r?,, nf Z?-- -"r". VM- "UBC"lc'e, ;t would most certainly be considered ''treasonable'' by a jury of ''F F. V.'s. "Industrious mechanics neo. essary to the growth of every commu-' UX'K .n,-; C,.k A,.t-:- k..a : : a. i . uu..muc, uui ire ucucic 11 10 lue 11UI1CSD oninion of the editor of th Rm.hl;. r 7 - ' whn ;9 Wnrnt .;), U ,.:i .r ...vfvu., ui Northern1 towns and communities, as weU as the difficulties attendant nnon i.r i . lines attendant unoi the irrnnrtli aP Utlt wKar.'. Vk'u 7 . " ww...-A.wy w.. jro- culiar institution comes id competition with these same mechanics. THE "good otii times" rkvivixo. There are but few who resided on or ne fyfOhi. Iliv?r Pittsburgh andfSncinnati, at the tide when the "OULine" was in operafilDwbut recall withride and pleasure prosperity and enterprise that at thafetime existed within the whole scope "o country em braced in this trade, and hYe ever since hoped for the re-esiablisnent of this line., Circumstances opeMted against the movement, and the lini went down. .f;vuiuiiiuuivuu t:. irgh has ever since been considered in ' tmplete. It t. - t- . . flW lias, in itci, ueeu reiuiMo practically, . mucn iarmer irom us ma Baltimore, - . ., . Boston, New York or Phila slphia: Our . merchants, and business vain generally, would prefer a trip to any .of these cities ' than to take an inferior transient boat' for Pittsburgh. ; As a consequence manyjof our mer chants who formerly deal! largely in Pittsburgh have sought otler markets easier ot access, till now it a a rare cir- Aiimstnr-p in hfl:r of a. bill'ef croods be- - ; " . v - ing bought in that market. While Pittsburgh may haVe extended her trade in other localities by the. pon i struction of Railroads, we caonot concede ' , . y f th t D4ce to uv. . ' r i-"'' i j rc :ftx.omnr,ia rt uraw ur tcttsc iu unci iuuwiuuio l - fhe atural communjpation with t, . ' othaP. localities. whL thev - . ' taiv iuo civ'vuvii ui vuc vutiic licpuuil ready had a vast commercial! interest. ; can ticket by .from four to seven, hun There is not, to-day, along the line of dred majority. " ''. nv nf the R:ulrn.-if1s leadSnsr " out of I J " . : . . 1 Pittsburg, the natural weal and ,n " I :i j v .the Ohio d " beside River towns and cities: this, the Railroads had to bebuilt at ai cost of uncomputed thousand of dollars! t? the citizens of Pittsburgh while the resources afforded by; nature ire wholly neglected and : left to take care of them selves. : ' i ' - . J . '" It is very certain that' raflfoads can not compete with boats in the? transmis- fsioo of freight, and passengerall prefer t ie latter. Ihen, by an uniteettort on the part "of - Pittsburgh, a goofel line of boats established ansustained in the trade, with a i proper degree of economy, and we confidently f hope for this result, although it may baj year or two before it is, accomplishedJ , , These remarks suggested ,. themselves to us, not for the firt time, however, by a note from the oflicers of tie H. D. Meats, requesting us to change fheir card so as to include "Pittsburgh aljfd inter mediate points" in this trade. This boat was built for the Wheeling and; .Cincin nati trade, but it . was found that her speed far excelled the expectations of her owners, and it: was deemedj expedi ent to embrace the whole upper end of the Ohio within her trade. Hel officers are "good among the best," ancftheboat "fast among the swift." J. C.elly is her Captain, and W. G, .BatteJIe. her Clerk. Her time of passing Pomeroy is on Sunday afternoon, going up; and on Thursday afternoon, going down Don't fail ; to- remember the Afears, and, our word for it. vou'll be "satisfied."' ' " , rf - . . tMt- MiUcnUlV .' During the past week, the corn , sales here have reached the amount of five thousand, eight hundred and thirty frusjwh, all delivered at the river. Of this amount, 2,525 bushels sold at 45i cents, 1,500 at 40 cents, and a lot of 1,805 bushels, in canal boat, at 39 cents Prices are low and business in ths quar ter is not very active. The corn repor ted above was purchased for the Distil lery at New Richmond, 0 and has been shipped ; for that point. Portsmouth Tribune.: . . , . - 1; ; Leavenworth, March 9. As- some emigrants for Pike's Peak, are already arriving, it is urged upon others 3bot to start before May, as the , subsistence on the plains prior to that will be. "'scarce, both for man and beast. - : ' ' 8.The Legislature of Kentucky, during its recent session, established five new counties under the names of Ma goffin, Oletca-lfe,. Boyd, . Webster and Wolfe." ' Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati. March 9. 1860. Flouh. There was a brisk demand for this article, and prices for superfine advanced, fully 10c per bbl;. the liigher grades are unchapged and firm; the sales comprise 1900 bbls af 60 - ... , . Cr -..t: m'i . o 65 for superfine, and $5 C5 90 tor extra) r ' w and 1300 bbls superfine, to be delivered in April, at Ho. V. '6 'f. ' V' i" Groceries. The market is unchanged. .Pffp. U-W- Wi.Lnnt aonrl .lemand 1 .1 ' , , t 13Jc, and for choice 13c is obtained in. the regular way.' : Molasses very dull, and SOttie parcels of prime offered a( 40c. without finding buyers. In' the regular way- 4142c are' the .. J . - ' -' , ' . ' rates charged. . Sugar dull, and pneer tending downward. Sales Of 100 hhds at 7(37Jc Good ! is selling' at 8c. " liht receipts. ' prices are firm at $1 30.l 83 fr pime white, and 1 2l priees art firm at 4'J5I)c in bulk. -'Shelled is , , , - ' : . ..iVV, dull and unchanged: we quote it at owvale in uut. uuu u.ivuuu6,u, no .j , bulk, and oc in sucks, buyers furnishing sucks, Sales i)00 bush Ear in bulk, and 5Uc; OUUibnsli . , do do at 49e. -.1 .'1 . Oats.- The market is steady, with afair dc- mand . 4 -r c i i'jui t ii at 47(rtl4c. DUles OUU OUSli, in bulk, ttt 48c; 500 do. in sacks, 8-t 4 ?c: 500 do do, from UnAini, at 4,ic ,, -,. , , LuLdM,g?-i4.Jc: . .; uemanu. . coniinues active,., witu iHfl J1? "Ji iTi? sales 3o0 bush, in bulk, at $1 03. ; Barley. There is an active dem:tnd,?and P-esure ni-mai 7VS8(. for prime ad . . 7o75 for fair t0 Sale la0 busl1 'good - 7075 f(?r tait . goodT sP"nS at 7"'c- HAi.Tlie market is dull, and without -"!. we qote. prune Timothy at $18 per a ... r ton, on arrival. . . rBEEETl. Hmand continues nA prices 'are firm at last quotations; sales 500 at 10c m,do summer cured d0 ttt 10J5 2a boxes do do extra large do at 11c. Butter. We have no change to notice in the market, and quote it dull and heavy at ,11 . (3),lZe for Central Ohio, and 14(5U6c for W. R. AmM-BB n""1"'1 15 , ' 8ooa local and shipping demand. The receipts eon. tinue light. We quote fair to choice at $2 50 s o r, vvi ." j 1. . '""" " piauesraui- .i n, ..i:.: 6'""- r h " dull, and a good many offering. We quote nrimp Northern at '2 Tier bbl. and tlm iwiroi. prime Northern at $2 per bbl, and the poorer ..r.i:;rto t ci A tiTs, 1 T" 1,1,1 SEED.--Clover rer is dull and nnchaneed- sales 6 ' les a 25 bbIs at $i c0 Timothy is in fair demand AO. 1 imnlhir i in rati, latnunj j at $3t53 15 per bush, for fair t choice. j The following words were given to applicants' at the Examination of Teachers on. the 3d inst. .The other brandies we published last week. The result of the whole Examination follows: . . Obtuography. Hesitancy; Mys tical; Malevolence; Comparatively; Shep herd; Process; Successorship; Depend encies; Multitudinous; Depositaries. There were present one hundred and two applicants thirty males, and sevr enty-two females of whom thirty-one received certificates; one withdrew, and seventy were rejected. Of the certifi cates issued, there were two for eighteen months, eighteen for twelve months and eleven for six months. Sixty-four of these applicants were under the age of twenty years, and four were natives of other states than Ohio.- ' ; - ! :By order of the Board. W. H. LASLEY, Clerk. The Right Kind or Talk. The Portage County Republican Con- . vention resolved, h.that we deem the name . otoni jen but while we present him as our c x - . v 11 li j i ""P. we nom ourselves, reuuy to hPJirrilv snTTrMf tho ramil'ir nnminfi firm i whoever he may be." j f v v, , . , . . i Chicago Election. Chicago, March 6.- i election to-day, passed without any dis-, f, pass i . 1 mi . , ' ruruance or consequence. The vote KJIS ' trlnf T rf? " - MARRIED. . i On the 1 st of March,"! 860, by W. L. Winters, I Esq., Johx Woollet, of Jackson Co Va and j PK,8CII,LA Holmes, of Meigs Co., .0. POMEBOT MABKETS. .- M.irch 12, i860. ww , hlish. foP eood WhiVi nd 1.23i, ! 1.25 for extra to prime Red. i n . I-. M 1 Oats. 4.-.C 19 bu Potatoes........ Dried Peaches.... Dried ' Apples...'. Butter Chcose...j.. Eges.--. Moliisses. .......... Sirup Sugar (S.O.)..,. . Coffee.; .....v.; Rice......:.: Soap....... Candles ( tallow . Fish (CodV. Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White) , Pickled Pork..;.. Shoulders. Sides (smoked)... .....UOc. P ' ...8c lb , ...loc. lb. ........ :.:..mV2ic. W. ;...:..:.10c.13 doz. .........:..5560c. gai. 75l.O0 i gal. ..............9(-,10c. P lb. ........ ..1415c. " .....'........:.fi7c. " ......;.......8i0c. W " 14c. " 6c. P " ....... ......810c. P " .. .;..........v....7c. 13 "' ....10c. " - 10c. $5 " '..1 ioc. i2jc. ia " ..ret.' 7c; wholesale 5Jc. Hams Crackers Hoop Poles .0.00 1,IHXJ. Salt retail 2-"c; wholesale -c. TP bush. 1 BANK NOTE TABLE. BiNKABM? FUN DP; OR-rURRKKCY AT PAR, IN riNCIXNATI. State B.-nk of Ohio, Independent nnd Stock Banks of Ohio, (specie payinfr,) Lonisiai n, Wheelinit. (Virginia.) Baltimore. New Enelmd, (par in - Bwlnn.) New York City and Stale, solvent. Philadelphia and Pitts burg. Pennsylvania, Pclawiire. Bank of the State of In.- ilinnn. Bniik of Kfiitnoky, Northern Bmk do FarmoW do do KouirKrn do do f'tmrneretnt. lo. do Bank of T.ntiWville da Bnnk of Ashland, do People's Rnnk. do Nw J- rsey, in credit. rXC'TIRKKNT. . Onto TJnion Rank. Sanrt'isky. - . - - - -. City Rank. Coiiimbiis - - ! dis Clinton Bank Colnnihns, ' - -..- - I lis City Bank. Cincinnati. -. - - -. 30 dis Serieea Comity B.ilik - - - -Canal Bank. Cleveland. Viboini All (except Wheeling) - - . - V dis pENsTi.vifi AH (e-ept Philadelphia and Pitts- hurp) - - - a - i dis THF mtOVITO IlKl TKT.r BANKS ii DIS, Rank of frohen Fanners' Bank. Rank of (rosoort. Rk of Mt Vernon, Rnnk of Paoli. Bink of Roekville, Rnnk of Salem. Bin mlnsrton Rank. Cnnril B n'-, Fxchnnpe h:.nk. Crrent Cilv Rrnk. Cambridge Citv lank, lem RmiiV jil Onh.n. I Indiana Bank, 1 Indiana Farmers' Bnnk. Kentucky Stock Bank. ! f.a (iranire B-uik. (Parke Countv Bank, Prnirie rily Bank. I alem Bank. Southern B'k of Indiana. Rrookville Bank, R:ink of F.lkhart. MwormConntT Banks and branches - - 5 dis Pfnnsvi.vni Ercepi rrawfanl-Connty- 95 dis Riink of Commerce -. - - - 8 dis Erie Citv Rtrk - - - - - - 2 dis Central Rnnk. Holidayshnrtr - . ' VcKean Co-intv Bank -W-rron c.i Hj - -Tiotra Countv Bmk .- -Shmokin Rank - - - - : l.ancast"' Rak - -. Bnik of Pennsylvania -farrland. interior. Solvent - - - - Vlcbiynn. Rrdvent - - ---- - North Carolina. Solvent F.rcept Farmers' Rnnk - - - - - Sonlh Carolinn, Solvent, - - - -- Oeorffia. Solvent - - - - - - - - Canada. Solvent Tennessbb Plnnters' Rnnk - - - - t'nlon- Rank . -. - - - ' Rnnk of Tnneee - ; - -.. . - Free Banks, solvent - - Im.tnoI" .- - - - -- -- -- - KxceM Peonle's Rank. Cnrmi - - 60 dis not hongrht - - 2 di - - 90 dis - - 60 dis - - Jis - - I dis - - 1 dis - - 20 dis - 1 dis . - 1 : dis - - 1 dis .- , Wis - - - Hts - ' . " ,'dis . - I d's - . 8'idis . . ofl dis Slate Stock Secnrity r . - 20 di Wiswsin " - r r - " -"- 9idin low - - - . - - - - - - ,- Sljd' SPECIAL N0TTCES. TIIE GRE.T KNGt.ISB RF.MROY SIH J AMR"' CI.4 RKF.'S CEI.ERR ATKR- FEMALE PILLS Prepar d from a prescription of 5ir James Clarke, M. T).. Phv'sjeian Extraonlinary to tlio Qneen Tni" medicine is no imposition: bnt if snre and safe remedv for Female Piffleultirs itnd ; . . , . x .!,., Obstructions, from anv canse whatever: and sttho' a powerful contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. . -, To nBrHed Lndiesit ispecnliarly snited. -It will, with in a 9hnrt time, brine on ihe monthly period recularity. - - ; r " j. , nT Kftrv, Bn j,0,8l e fnna, pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness. Fntlsno on -. slight exertion. Palpitation of the Hon-t. owness "r f,,,ttl--- " Headache. Whiles, and all the painful diseases occasioned bv a" disordered tho,n p,,,, wU, effeetl cnre .,. all oth me: ns have failed. ..;-! These Pills have never been known to fail, where Fo1. fll Nrlh,nllin ffet . Fmph1l.t. rreB, of1ne to ""orix-d agent, will insure a, bottle, con- taininf over SO pills, by retnrp mail. , .,.. , . Fnll directions accomnanvln? each nnckape. Sole Afl"ent for the irnite Rtate and nansda. JOR MOVKS. 'Late 1. C. RaMwin tr r"o..) oehestor. N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK,UIHE, KCKSTHIN dr Co., Cincinnati. O. - 3-1 1-y. - Hotr.iwT' Pit.f.s-Wh.i 'hp Mrttnn-h if. in tin ir- 1 rltnblo rondition the wholft vftttm Rvmnnthizs. Hence sick hendn.he. nervonsnnss, and incapacitv ro, m..ntai o-nhvsici exertw.. Thereat t who na.llot BXriPriew,d these nnple-.sant effects ot in-1 more, i"' Mm 7'"" ..;! ness. Now -e take it iihoh ourselves to say. not rom report, hit. from actual experience, that Hoi-j ""-r- ior u 1 1 sin u n ii i i ii s u lit I Hiiinivi iiiwrniuis. They set the stomach rieht at once." ahd tfie c ntroll- Ing organ nf the system being regulated and put in order. t.e return of bodily and mental health is. neceM"rr WWM"e" tt-aii ,aiiv - . ttiaii, espociaiij Tr-A1I, espocially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. ' AND . j FRUIT FARM, Rutltnd TMoiV Pn O nr nT - prr fo;.i,ie tho following ..r- Lsery Stk. -embracing all of'the ''anTmndrd" ctilZZ Ul...... i.w.. . i. . 1 .. . r ... . """.' "n" the Lawto,, Blackberry. All ofthinrnove varieties I will warrant true to name. Nov. 1. 5m Solamaa Snitki. R...I.. -VTOTICE is herebv t.h.t ,whw 1 bno lumn or..;nA.l nnj .. i:: j 1 has been appointed and qualified as Ad- miniarrnfnr with tho ivt.i nnnuwH An. . . , ..... coiomon anutjiiate or Meigs County, deceased. . . . .. .. I8e0. 10-St LEONARD CA&LEX0I?, Ad'nur. 1 vatea at romcroy, this 10th day of March, , i ei-haps it is not as generally known as should be, that a sewing machine to the sewing part'of community, is what the threshing ma chine is to the farmer. The day-has gone by for the farmer to again thresh his grain by man powejfjjaVd so, also, for our women folks to do te It: sewing by hand power; at least when )iey have had an opportunity to pur-chaefr-one of these labor-saving machines. No doubt many, very many, of our farmers' wives will a vftfl "themselves of the first opportunity that offers 5lo possess one of these wonders of the agej'whioh can do, easily and perfectly, the Work,h .skillful women. But their impor tance irfnotrteiiized till felt and seen. 'Ooirgood housewives of Meigs County have not tad as good an opportunity as some others; but IflieVlth and lift permit, that reproach will ! be wiped away": i We intend to call on our frienas al teir own' houses, and prove all we have glial.-; One word of caution pnly for them not to fool "away their money until they see one pf mr labor-saving machines. .-V.'; 4...,, 'i . : JUCiUAOiJirfc Or OU.l . - o: Teachehs! The Board of School F.x- W0"- i"Pomeroy, for the examination of kTencliers.' - - EiimK:ation f0 commence at 10 o'clock A. Zi :Vi n if ' sfiri cOTtTinne ( m t ? r. 11. ffJJo "Teacher need apply at. such exami- nutioH'.WKd hns a certificate vnlid for three months from i the date of said application. Ja. 1.0. 1 W. H. LASLEY, Clerk. -"- fettsportattuit. SIDK-WHKRL ... - : SEMI WEEKPI PACKET, "GREV EAGLE," A. PONNALtY, Marter; FRANK.. J. OAK.ES.Clk.; Leaves Pomerov every MONDAY at 10 a. and FRIDAY, at. 4 o'clock a.m.. In. order to make time w.e are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY. al.4 o'clock r. . This arrangement is permanent, and the boat will make prompt and-regular trips.- Her accommoda tions iihJ speed has no equal. Will do business at regular established rates, aiid trust that the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity will give us their patronage and influence. . Nov. 29, '59. 48-tf. ' Parkersbm g & Pomeroy Daylight Packet. The splendid Passenger Steamer, . ; UiHUltRiCAE,"r SAM'L PRICE. Master, . M. Padlk, Clerk Will leave Parkersburg everv Monday, at 8 A.M. . , Wednesday " " " Friday " RETURNING: Leave Pomeroy everv' Tuesday, at - - 8 P. M. " Th a r lay at - - " s " Saturday at - - " Arrives nt Pomoroy at 0 P. M.; arrives at Parkers burg atC P. M. , 11 lw MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI. ' "Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," D, E. SAYUE. MASTER, Leaves Ciiicinnati every -Monday evenirg, at Ute o'clock, passing Pomeroy ou her way up even Wed nesday morning. . Returniag, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy evry Saturday at 8 o'clock a. m. tor rreiirnior nassaee apniy on uiim.r i PA lTO & MONTGOMERY, Oct.6.'59. 41-tf . Pomerov WharfBoat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, 9 J.J. BLAGG. Master; - w xSLs JOHN HK1SNEK, Clerk; . STTi Leaves Cincrnnnti every Thursday at 5 o'clock. T. m. pnssing Pomeroy on Saturday at Mlo'cloi k a. m. Leaves Marietta ever Monday ut S o'clock a. m. . Leaves fomoroy every Tuesday ut 6 o'clock a. m.. " Fur freight or passag'- apply on board or to PAT I ON fc MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, '59. 4H-tf -- ' Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, SW1LLO-W, N. PAllKKU.MASrElt, Leaves Cincinnati at 5 o'clock P -M. every Saturday eveni'i g, passing Pomero.x, on her upward trip. Mon dav morning. Returning, will leave Marietta every ednesda morning, and Pomeroy every Thursday morning. For freight or passage apply on board, or to , . ,. . PATTON & MDM'GOMKKY, Nov. 22. '59. 4T tim Fonmroy Wharf boat.- WHUELING AND CINCINNATI. I860. ggt UEGILAK WEEKLY PACKET. , The new and splendid Side-wheel Steamer, H. D. HI EAR 3, J. C. JELLY, Capt., W. G. Battelle, Cl'k, Will run as a regular Paoket between Pitts burgh and Cincinnati, touching at all intermedi ate points, . . : , -' DOWN TRIP: Passes Pomeroy every Thursday afternoon., ' ' RETURNING: . ' i , Passes Pomeroy every Snnday afternoon. . The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited... , ..Feb. 7,1860. 6-tf Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet, S MASON. Master;---W.J. C. Andkkson, Cl'k; . Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday at 6 o'clock p. ., passiug Pomeroy W.Mlneseay at 2 p. m. Ketiiriiinr. leaves Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PATTO.N & MONTGOMERY, NoV. 09, H9. 48-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. PORTSMOUTH AND WHEELING. . Kugular Portsmouth and Wheeling Packet, FAIRY QUEEN, jEfc W. .MOH . ISON, Master; ; J. Stevkks, Clerk; Will run between the above ports, touching at all the landings intervening. Going up. sh passes Pom eroy on Saturday; returning, passes Pomeroy ou Tuesday. ' ! For freight or passage applv on board . or to PATkJn & MONTGOMKRY, Dec. 6 .'59. I9-3IU Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Gallipolis & Parkersburg Packet. ' ' (aniLT KXPRassi.v for the track.) The fast-running light-draught Steamer, "J. 'J; CADO ""jsSs S. COX, Master, J. Morrison, Clerk, ... j-i 1 - 1 - at 1 pni 1 Will leave u-J-ippoiis everv muntiay anu 1 inimnny itfi o'cloik A. M.; Ichv Purke-sbure every Wednes- rtay nml Saturday t H o'clock A. M. ' ' r : tlisfplbnCOriS ". MT A V f ' TT . . . ,c r li-'-ii . i.i i j AA IkJ VtVl VUI3tillVAO lAliVA W VAIVJ II W AAHAJ UV sire to procure . . GOOD CO A L, CHEAP, that he has made the following reduction in prices: Best Black Coal at 5c bushel. Red Coal at 4Jc " An addition of from J to i cent per bushel will be added where the coal is to be delivered below the Sugar Run Salt Works, or above V. B. Ilorton's office. He is determined to meet all competition, and will sell as low as any other person, what ever may be the pi-ice. Apply at the bank, on Mulberry street, a short distance from the Court House, to the subscriber. JOSEPH BLACKBURN. Jan. 24, I860. 4-tf. FRUIT TREES. T. P. Fogg.& Son FFER FOR SALE SEVERAL 4? thousand Grafted Ancle Trees. ..' i'X.T ot a siutiible size tor setting out tins Full. Prico Tn Ttnllnni nor HnnilrMl. It Biilem Ceiter. Meigs County. Ohio, Sept. . -r tm lftSO. 22,000 WORTH OF G(J()DS , TO BE SOLD (jf F AT COST! XT T7SC: ITJO- r -' . . I WANT TOUR CAk, AND IF -THE GOODS SUITy. PRICES SHALL! I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoes,-Cobergs, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Cheeky Flannel) Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeresr Satinets, Jeans,. Tweeds," &c. " " . . ' .. - ' 5'-.-" :..--'' . -' " ' H A R D W A ft E. ; 'Glass, ' Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettles, Lojo; and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! , .' . '' ":" ' . ''.'t' .''. '. ';'' .' ',-.-" ; ; ; ' CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squares, Levels. Also, " . ' - y : COOPERS' TOOLS. Tress Hoop Adzea, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knivea of all kinds. B LA CKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files," tlorse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; alio, Shear,-Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. , : T would call the attention of 'Builders lo my large lot of Deors, Sash, Venetian Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. o x o T Coats, Pants ahd Vests of all kinds, and Furnisliing Goods; Hats andf Caps. Also, a large and -complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' .-Calf and Kip .Boot and Shoes; Children, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. y I keep a large stock of . Cordage of .all siieg, Broom Wrapping Twine. . . ..... - TAIIjOIIING. f " It you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call, t have a. large lot of Piece Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in beat style, and warranted, a good fit or no sale. ' ' . ' . The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve, at cost, for CASH. Givemeacall. 1 1 ' H.COHEN, Pomeroy, 0., Jan. 3, 1860. : Front street, three doors above Court. W J PRALL. PttA-Lli'.'-'&: Court street Would respectfully call the attention of -this community to one of the greatest improvements ever invented in - - The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from so to- nf -fnol ia Bfivnl nml a mora intense bottom of the Oven. ' ' ' fJj. v ' . J i . w -J oj In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurning Stove, we wish ii uisunciiy unaersiooa ijiai n.ia uui our ucmgu In disposing of them, but will "WAKRANT every Stove we sell to be what it is represented. This is not the only patterh we propose selling We have the most improved patterns of ' '' , WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon the merits of the different patterns, we will coe elude our notice by announcing that our ... -' V PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy competition. METALLIC HYDRANTS- Cept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the public to examine ur stock. . . ' In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order To the Citizens of Meigs asd Adjoisiso Counties: -. ; - The above remarks will demonstrate to you, in a certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply been wasting your time in reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for i.: . ' And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags, Old Silver, &c, at their highest market Value. ' . ' '-" '' ' - ' Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to both purchaser and seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who' can buy much cheaper as well as for our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. . .. .- .;.-. :: We respectfully invite you to' call and see the improvements in our Stoves, whether jrou wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you value your hard-earned money, not to lavish it away till you have given us a call. - '.. '1.'' Augf 16, 1859-ly . PRALL fc HATCH. PHY GOODS, MEN'S AND :B0YS' CtOTHINO, HATS AND (APS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c , IB AVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED Stock of Goods, adanted to the Winter Trade, (and which will be kept com plete by frequent additions during the season,) , I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. . i :- THE TAILORING BUSINESS . , t- ' Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. M'GLOTHLIN, assisted by as competent workmen as any in 'the county. Everything in the way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. TUB SEVA.STBCXOXa'iS FOR THE SEASON ; Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloths, Eassi meres, Vestings, &c. r- - - .. v ' " ;- B.-r To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the, moral obligation incurred to pay up according to agreement, I wish to say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that a lerl obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January 3, 1860. GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. 11I1E old customers of this house will . please bear in mind that I am still manufacturing clothing to order, in my new .building, on Court street, 2 doors from Front, Pomeroy, Ohio. My facilities tor get : ting up work is excellent, and I warrant it to ' be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on hand. Gent's Furnisliing Goods, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, &c, &c, in good supply, and I take pleasure in inform ing my friends that. I will shortly have an in creased stock. Thankful for your former liberal patronage, I hope to be able to offer inducements for its continuance. GEO. HUTTEL. " Jan. 3, 1860. 8-1 -tf GHBAT VARIETY. ANYTHING from a"Nutnifift to a Barrl of Flour'' can bo procured at H. Frank's establishment. on 1 Fro Street, a few doors fcelow Court, romeroy, O i ,"' r if- ' ' -A. . . - - Tjr x m - Also, ! . ., : .., GEORGE HATCH ?5 LDSTfe Pomerpy, O. the coal, by which v "S heat thrown to the if t - . tfAA to us . 9 9 stock of Stoves we will keep censtantly en hand, TINWARE. ' '- ' ' . ' DENTISTRY. S. T. BOGGESS, DENTIST, Is located at tff-isg&S RUTLAND, OHIO, iffft WIIERE he may at all times be found ready to wait upon those who may favor him with a call, unless he is professionally absent. All calls from a distance promptly attended to. Feb. 14, 1SG0. 7-6m. VALLEY HOUSE, CHILLICOTHE, OHIO. rpHIS fa the larfrest ai.d best arranfteJ Hotel In -L C'hillieothe, is located On Paint iret. opposite the Court-House, and in the very center of the bo airesa part of the city. -- ' The House has undergone a thorough' repair and cK-aning from cellar to garret, and now preaenta an appearance second to no Hotel In the western world. The sleeping rooms are large and well ventilated, and suite or roe ins are well arranged for families and largw parties: The Proprietors will spare no pnins to make the Valley House a fttvorlte placo of resort. JiJU.-i.-U U JLJ sr vrxi CSrbcfrics. BUYYOUK v Where you can getthem Cheapegt. CLAIMS THE ADVAKTAGE ABOVJ hinted at, together with the qoalitr of Ike articles, over any other establish-mea in tke county. Remember the place Ma yhugha Building, four doors west f Court ttrMt, e Front, Pomeroy. S. S. SILVERMAN, Ajfl, 2-7-ly " : -, , NEW GROCERY '' C AND . ' , .. ; THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JTJST OPEMED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pre visions, Queensware, Shoes, &c,' Aat Jen nings' ondstand.' near the Rolling Mill, wkick will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, ' ,35OXl. CaAJSXX. Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Orn Meal, -r Cnaberriatj . Oat-Meal, . ufar Dried Apptel, , Ceffee. Dried Peaehee,. Tea, Potatoes. . . MelMa Hominy, Sirujt, reart SrUy, v - Beans. , Bacon, Pcif,' Raisins, Currants White Fish, Pomeroy, March 1.- - Cried Bmt, Codfish, " Mackerel, 1 -ice, Ae. - " C. . D0NNAU.T. -2--ly New Establishment. GROCERY k PROVISION STORK. - CASH FOR - COUNTRY PRODUCE! VAL. DUTTENHAFER HAS taken the building on Front Street, two doers- West of Court, -im which he desigas prosecuting the Grocery and Produce Buaiaess, la aoinewhatdifferent style than is known in tkis sob- muiiitv. - , ' , CASH PAID FOlt PRODUCE, or exchanged for. Groceries, at th eptioa f IksH having the marketing. -r My business wiil be diflereat from othrr la tafs ence to variety, which will comprise at all Unas, a kinds of " - . 1 .. . .. DRIED FRUITS, and other materials kept la limiied safly la akt town. . ' ' I will keep constantly, ; : - - " I BUTTER, EGGS 4tfD TOWLS, to supply the community in Pomeroy ab4 viclfllt(. 1 will mention part -of my stock, which writ promptly supplied before exhausted, and wilt alwasa be tha beatarticles iu market:' COFFEE,. TEA, SUGAR, Rice, Syrup. Molasses. Extracts of Coffee, Mnstara, Sataratua. Srnla, Cream Tartar, Dried Beef, Beleaa Sausage, Choese, Bacon, Hams, Shoulderana . Cucumber Hicklca, Preserves of all lUada, Spices, Catchup.1 Germ a a, Castile. Shaving, Sportamaa'a and othnrSeaps. Oils, Candles, f - ' - WOODEN & WILLOW-WARE. Buckets, Bn'akeU, Tubs, Cburas, dr. Braaara, ( oil Kope, Brushes.' - -:.- '"','( . ... Queensware, Glassware, and Motions. Cigars ud Tobacco, of all graaes, uaatsrtas a4 qualities. . . . . , . Flour per barrel.- '' :. ' POSIT1VKLY SO CKKDIT. :" 'A CAKD 1 ' To the Citizens of Pomeroy and Meigs Ceauty: r I have opened au establishment of tha above las- rerfect description. 1 1 think you need it; and know can buy and sell as favorably aaothers. doing exelu ively a- cash business.- Will ; ou give me auBcieat patronage toeuable -m-j to continue, a- piensise ta satisfy you as to my ability to sell cha. 9-7-lv. . V. 1)3Ti'K5KAI-K.'5 I U 1 - a 1 m ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowen di IfosjmUkJ m. NOW fflTU.,,, . aM.' WILLIAMSON,; 45t CO. .Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers im. D II Y GOOD S, I 425 Market & 414 Commerc 8ts.; . ' ; M. WILLIAMSON, O. H. WILSON, S. M. ANDERSON, H. C. POTTEK, r: ,March,-l, '59. ' Bet. 4th .tfitli Nerti a!4a PHILASaxraLiL.. 1 lA-wJ NoTember Purchases. ' - jrF.;TowLL :; J O B B E R . OF. D II T , G OO D ST Hats, Caps, Millinery Goods and Notion; POE T S MO V TH , O I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER IMMENSE stock of Seasonable Goods; to-vhieh I iavil the inspection of Merchants. ;. -'5;. My: purchases have been very Henvj during; the last few weeks, and I am enabled ta offer many styles of goods at lower ; priors than heretofore. Merchants doing business within convenient distance of Portsmouth, antf.'jret purchasing in other markets, will save time) and money by examining my stock and. price. , , . J. F-a-OWELIaoH Portsmouth, 6. November 28, ' ,,fH FOR ALL. i .tfi 2.'"t THE subscriber Laving just returned fress the East with an elegant stock of' '':,F Dry Goods, Notions; XHats ; Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c.r.. ;r, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for ?':!: .-'!i:if-:- .'"?';'"$ CASH OR READY PAY.1 vA ' In this proposition there is no humbug,, tmt an actual fact, which, we would .take plcasruraj in demonstrating to the satisfaction of ny party favoring us with an examination of Btock and prices! i; ',- . ' a - ; ij , We will enumerate a jfew articles, glTing prices, as an index to the whole stock: ' .-.A-'iO' 15est madder prints. .10c per yard. ' Pancy prints 8a9oj,t4 Good bleached muslin..... . ....10e . . "f p f bleached muslin..,;......., ...8c '.' Latest styles best delaines.....-.. 15 toJffj u ru'i Cashmeres...... ...Li...... ...15e Bonnet ribbons from- ..10 to 40eM ii'' '' Fine French wool delaine. ....... .50 to 75 -i.-.m (Usual price1, 75 to $1.00 . )T Ladies' heavy kip shoes.,... .......$1 ' per . pair; Ladies' calf..... 1 25 ' Ladies' best calf.. I 25 te T 40,1 And all other good s-ld at proportionable i prices, for one consideration that we receive CAS H for them. .From this date we positively did- continue the credit business, for good and -enf--. ficient cause. ''-'-. . . - We respectfully ask an examination of aur stock, and if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. -: t : R. B. WILSON, 1 E'i Jan. 3, '60. 4-tf ' Middleporti Ohie. r? The Cheapest Store in" Town! Corner Front and Syramore S(reif,A pomeroy; OHIO. , mm SILVERMAN,; Wholesale and retail Dealer in r : , HEAD V-M APE CLOTHIWC;; HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS. . CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, . Invites the public to his splendid' stock, which? r, he has recently received. It is unnecessary. particularize, but I Jrill say, that my stock ; it '' is well selected and will be sold at prices un-" ! equalled. Jan. 24, 1860 4-4-tf.-"' ' PAPER II AGIKGS DEPOT,-.. Ne. .10 Cortland Street, New York, Pirectly opposite the Western Hotel. THE CROTON MANUFACTURING CO..". (Organized In 1P46. under the General MannfacturiBC Law of tho Slate of ew York), - ... Offers at wholesale, in quantities to suit pnrrhatr, at Manufacturer's Lowert Prices, for ' approved credit: Paper Hangings, or every variety of style and prife. . Borders to match, Fire-Board, Print a, ; Transparent Window Shades, Oil Fainted Window Shades, . ' Wide Window Curtain Papers, and ' . ' Window Shade Fixtures, Ptoro Shades made to wder, and lotterei,' .' ' '- - Of the latest stvles and simeriA rtM; j own manufacture and Importation. .As their stork is luree ana entirely uew.inoy invite Merchants, ttootc sMlers. and dealers in thee actirles, to rili tnd -amine thvir atvla and tniikM. whAnlip .tti.AtfAtr !fbe titf. Bt i X I 1 i. 3 li 1 1 . 1 n I .-JS 1 1 1 i i. 1 ' n - I ti 4 - -Vt I- 1 ' 'a I MB f is -t if -! .11 A.. V iT,