Newspaper Page Text
The little path .bjs the meadow brook, ; 7? Where we dearly loved to roam? Where the" tangled grass and the rushes grew, , , And the sweet forget-me-not? ;i ,. i O, say, 'mid the glare of your crowded , streets ;U .Hast found a lovelier spot? 'i? ;- ' ' - t ' ! .i;','';!v1-"-. . vr - . And do you remember the dear old mill, iW!ti its brown and mossy eaves, ' And the lilies that lifted their snowy cups, - tV"th ttiofr broad lirsd glossy leaves? : A RiAhd sanded shore where we used to wade, With ankles brown and bare, Al !heVioletS arid the wild rose-buds v We twined iu each ether's hair? . ; jjo joit mind of tho winding path that ran -. Down , tf the rocky glen, . , Where the "irliest'sftwberries used to grow, By theedge of the marshy fen,' , . Where the tatl blue &n, and the meadow pink, Aiidhe Taiiret; and the foxglove grew And the merriest ones of all our band, " . Nannle-r-were I and you .if" 1 , fbrow. But, darling, tho' diamonds may grace your ,x And gleam 'mid your shining curls, You'll fiever wear a more (hornless wreath r' Thaiiire twined when tr were girls. strong) And Ogwlienyour thoughts arc pure and May they sometimes backward flow, ' To dear,' lo- the blessed summer time, f .In the days of leng ago."- - Wxl awl Wiidom U-So lon as meu are imprudent in ibeir diet and business, doctors and law tcrsrillride; in their carriages, j j waXot less than seventeen hundred persons are feaid -to be engaged in coun "terfeitins money in the State of Ohio .alone. .Gentlemen who smoke aUejre that i luciu uuiiu aim uuui uiiiceiii. Tney tell us that the more they fume i J tms ressthey fret. BSA-JjoyjwhowaSj asked one day what-'made'niiri so dirtypand his reply 'wa, "they tell me I am made .of dust, and I s'pose it's just working out." ' bu nifty wish to get a wife with out a failing; but what if the lady "after oyow find her,-happens to be in want of a husband of the same character. -1 , ; .BThe greatest pleasure of life is oyei the greatest treasure, contentment; the greatest possession, health: the great est case, sleep; .and the best medicine, a trne 'friend S01d: Mrs. Abo foreign Dews Pilkins was reading -by a -late arrival. "Cotton is declining" exclaimed the old lady. "Well, I thought as much the last thread I used waa remarkably feeble. . SMrs ienklris complained in, the evening that the turkey she had eaten .at (he thanksgiving did not set welL -u Probably' said J enkins, "It was not a tea turkey." He got a glass of water nnsTOcer fe 8"I like' to hear a child cry," said an old Jachclorrt. ' . . Vhyt'safd amarricd Tady, with four teen children and two at hprjareast. "Because madam, ttieWis some hope m be thing beihg senfc away!'? V . j h tS'When l-I !go shopping;" said'the oldjadyj "I ajlers ask for whallwanj, arfil if theyliaveit, and it's5- cheap, and it can't be- got at' any place tor" less, I almost allers take3 it, withoufchaffering aWmi it all day, as some people do."1, , fcOXJ A' passenger on a steamer had a roll of canvas with him; in a lurch of the bgf rolled overboard. He pitched in afc terjt gn J5ceiugwhich,'a by-stander re marked, "Ag hatfejlpw is in Jfor a duck he is bound to have the cdtiv'as baclc. T , 0? lt' L l i Ct ii -f t B,Lora North, who detested music, was asked to " subscribe f to ,the!f ancient conc&ts. v Ile reriised.fButy6uVlord- Kit V firhtTlPi- 1 till Ttl'.ll Ar nf Wtnni,aJ ter,'8ubscribes,"" urged the applicant. 'jlf ' I. were as deaf as hp 1 would , too," as the, reply. ft, . : - g.In JtBr;worl(f a.hicky rogue is 9ir rpcctedJtbin an honest man sus-peped-'of poyerty.r . Whether it is so in the aext, remains to be seen. It is doubted, howevCifj and it is this doubt which en ables patient merit to . "grin and bear" things iy V Jit TV jf 's CL Aigratton'f a fellow who was din ing at a hotel, is the course of the battle of knives anTfoiks!j accidentally cut his-. moutn wnicn was ooservca Dy a lanKee opposite, who Jbawled out:.. "I say, mis-t ter1, don't 6ut that hole, in your couhfe MDCtf'iiif longer, or well slarve.", , fA gentleman inquired of a carpen ter's boy: " A 1 -My boy, when will this j ob your mas ter has now; oh ha tfd be completed?" : cn teU jBirV&aid the honest boy, artlessly; "it's a day job, and will depend upon how soon the eld man has another order." '-'! - ' - The Rev.; Doctor Mason stopped , to read a theatrical placard which attracted his attention. . .. Cooper, . the tragedian, coming along, said to 13 him "Good a .0 xt. . ' n 1 UlUIUtUg Cll y UU.U11U19LC1B Ul JTUspcl read, suclr; things?' "Why not, sir!" Baid the .doctorj .'ministers of the Gos pel have a right to know what the devil i abat as well as other folks." , '- ' : miiiZr .r ; ''T : ': ' ' ' . f -. , j S,One or'eurexchanges says: "Be content as long as your mouth is full and'your 'body covered remember the poor-?--kiss the pretty girls don't rob your neighbor's hen-roost never pick' an editor's pocket nor think that he is . going to stand treat; kick dull care to the" deuee black your own ; boots sew on your "own buttons; and be sure to take paper and pay for it. B.Can any one tell how men live and wppot heir families, who have ho ia cdme ahd do hot work, and, while others trhp, is- co por to pay fonr cents, a week fdra oooVweekly paper is able to ,pay fifteen cents a day for tobacco and cigars, and say nothing of an occassional drink? Can any one tell what interest we have in asking "these questions which we know no one ean Answer? . L,cap Tr Six CeBtnrles Ago. " ' A Scotch statute of 1223 reads as fol lows: It is statut and ordaint that du ring the reine of her maist blessit Ma )stie, ilk forth year, known as leap year, ilk maiden ayde of feaith high and low Aefoit filial lli v a I Short v in IipstipaV to VUW. j 1 J man she likes; albyit, if he refuses to tek hir to be his wif, he shall be multced in ye sum of ane poundis, (1,) or less, as bis estait moi be, except and awis if he can make, it appear that ho is betrothed to anithef woman, that he shall then be free,' ..-. ; y , who are industrious and constantly em ployedhairstarve? Y Q. i ban any one fcMhow it is that a man Didkny of our'ieaders 'ever hear" of I the Gairsoppa Falls, near Horiore? If 41 iM. lx.- 1 iVi -' l.J-l.l -.1 uui iiiev wnt proDaoiy reaa iwiuisome pleasure a description which has just ap pearea in ine uaicutta papers, it is curious that a fall six times the depth of .Niagara should remain almost unknown. From the village ef Gairsoppa,- reached by a river of the same name, the writer was carried for twelve miles up the Mali munch Pass and reached the Bungalo about three hours and a halt alter leav ing the top of the pass. Ah amphitheater oi woods, and a river about five hundred yirds wide, rushing and boiling to a cer tain point, where it is lost in a perpetual mist and in an unceasing deafening roar, must hrst be imagined. Leaving the Bungalo on the Madras side of the river, and descending to position below the river level, you work your way up carefully and tediously over slippery rocks until you reach point where a rock about twice the size of a man's body juts out over a preci pice. Resting flat upon this rock, and looking over it, you see directly before you two out of the four principal falls; these two are called the "Great Falls' and "The Rocket. The one contains a large bodv of water, the main body of the river, perhaps fifty yards across, which falls massively and apparently sluggishly into 'the chasm below, and the other contains a smaller body ot water, which shoots out in successive sprays over successive points of rocks, till it falls into the same chasm. This chasm is at least nine hundred feet fu depth six times the depth of the Niagara falls, which are about one hundred and fifty feet, arid perhaps a quarter to half a mile in width. These are the first two fulls to be visited. , v Then move a little below your first position, and you will observe first a tur bid boiling body of water of greater vol ume than the Rocket Fall, rushing and streaming down into the same chasm; this is the third fall, the "Roarer." mi . . . i-,,, r ,i ft Parryinyour eye.. w w I n nii'n vnn will r heprvo nnnrnpi T-ill the down, you will observe another fall, the loveliest, softest,- and most graceful of all, being a broad expanse of shallow water falling like transparent silver lace over a smooth' surface of polished rock into this same chasm; this is "La Dame Blanche," and the White Lady of Avenel could not. have been more graceful and ethereal .j But do not confine yourself to any one place in order-to view these falls; scramble everywhere you can, and get as many views as yon" can- of them, and you will be unable to decide upon which is the most beautiful. And do you want to have a faint idea of the depth the chasm into which these glorious waters fall? Take out your watch and drop as large a peice of rock as you can hold, from yourjicwing place; it will be several seconds before you even lose sight of the piece oflrock, and then even it wilt not have 'reached the water at the foot of the chasm it will only have been lost to human sight; or wateh the blue pigeons, wheeling and circling in and out the Great Fall within the chasmy and looking like sparrows in size in the depths . beneath you. But you have yet only seen ; one, and that not perhaps the , loveliest, and at least not the most comprehensive, view of the falls, j1 You must proceed two miles up the river above the falls, and cross over at a ferry, where the waters are still and smooth as glass and sluggish as a Hollan der and proceed to the Mysore-side of the falls, walking first to a point where you will see them all at a glance, and then descending as near as you can to the foot of these, to be drenched by the sprays deafened by the noise and awe-struck by the grandeur of the scene, and by the presence of the Creator of it, in the per petual rainbow jof many and brilliant hues; tnlioh spansJ:he foot of the chasm. .... 1 1 THE DRAGOOWS WIFE. The grief of the dragoon's wife for her husband was of rather an intense kind. The Boston Timet contains an affecting? story 'of a Massachusetts wife to her husbaud, a civic soldier, ordered on perilous duty. It was during the time of the Charleston nunnery riots, and the soldiery were summoned for the protection of life and property from an infuriated mob. TJic soldier, appointed for duty found his wife in tears; but we let the Times tell the rest of the story: He clasped the partner of his bosom in a cordial embrace, and with a voice al most too choked for utterance, he said: "Weep not, weep not, dearest Ange lina. These Charleston muffs can't stand before us , rackers. Cheer up, cheer up, my dear it will be a long time before you see my dead body on such a "Oh, I do not weep on that account, dear Ephraini!" 1 "Ah! then tell me the cause of your sorrow. Hasn't that blasted mutton butcher sent that leg of South down?" "He has, and a beauty it is; but oh!" here another torrent of tears flowed like a brook glistening with gems, through those flames of a woman's soul, her eyes. -"What Is -it,-Angelina?" said the cor poral, moved by turns from the pathetic to the severely natural. 'Trust me, my dear; you need hot be alarmed on my ac count. I shall not loseanarmora leg." "'Tisn't that (boo-00-00.") - "Speak out; tell me,, for God's s sake, what makes you take on so!" -"Well, you know" "Yes." " ' " Boo-oo-op!" ,' i ; ) ? i j "Go ahead. Becalm. I 'shall soon return Aside Poor thing! I had no idea she thought so much of me." "You know I went into the parlor just after you left?" ; ' "Yes."- . i v. ' .;.: "I saw your pocket-book on the table." "Yes." "Boo-00-00!" - y. i ---" ; ' : "G on; go on. (Aside Kind, af fectionate. The sight of anything be longing to meat such a time would make her weep." "I took up the pocket -book" - . c "Yes." - "And" "Yes." "Boo-00-00!" "And did what?" "Opened it." "Yes; and what did you find to cause all this agitation? Was it our wedding ring? a lock of my hair when we were first married?" "No, I didn't think of them things. I I looked all through it for some (bod-oo) money, and I didn't find a red fcentT . , What The Echo Answers. What must be done to conduct a news paper right? Write. What is f necessary for a farmer to as sist him? System. " -'' What would give the blind man the greatest delight? Light. What ia the best piece of counsel given by a J ustice of the Peace? Peace. Who commits tha greatest abomina tions? Nations. . . ' What is the greatest terrifier? Fire. no; osvye ' "h H AS REMOVED niS JEWELRY Building immediately at the Head Landing Road, next door below Remington's Store, and informs herewith, a41 his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the same'time, open his new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AMD FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reasonable prices, and he war rants every article to be of the value represented. - His Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as ' '- ' l i WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING, Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same. W. A. AICHER, Jeweler. 2-3-tf. ; At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. Miscellaneous. J. B. HAMPTON, in 9 a MANUFACTURER SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF COURT AND Back streets, opposite the new Bank Build ing, Pomeroy, O. June 21, 'o9. 23-ly SOAP AND CANDLE M AN UF AO T OR Y . THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to announee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Sugar Run, near the Tannery, where he will manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. N. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. DAVID GEYER. Pomeroy, 1-1.- tf " ' ' L. B- MOOUE, Saddle, Hrrness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY . ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments. He calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world" on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs. Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, &oT atthe, lughest market price. June 21,,'59.-5-ly ' - - A GIFT. MOORITS Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Husbands to their Wives and Daughters. A : The Introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently practical machine will bring Joy and glad ness to the hearts of thousands of our country wmneu throughout the land. It is pronounced by tlio best jiidees to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate n all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. it will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. Wo enumerate a few of its superior ad vantages. 1st. it makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any jet made. ' Sd. It has the best and most reliable feed and docs not break needes. - . , v- 3d. It sews from two common spools without re winding. uses no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging of goods. 5th. It runs with great ease, and quietly. 6th. It can be understood aiid operated upen with very little instruction. Tth. It is sold f ir the low price of thirtj dollars. Specimens of ils work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine and work can be seen at the agents1 residence, next door to Sr. Train's office, near the Bank Buildihg. McMASTEK Ac SO IV, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. Jnn. 3, v9. I-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES AT New"1 York Prices. TIH3 ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS ness and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to enable purchasers to sew ordi nary seams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. ' Each Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. - - . C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy November, '59. tf OHIO STATE UNION LAW COLLEGE LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, 0. Sessions commence on the 25th day of Au gust," 15th day of December and 7th day of April. Students may enter at any term with equal profit. The College is authorized to con fer all degrees. ' Upon graduating, students re ceive the degree of Bachelor cf Laws, and may be admitted to practice without further exami nation. For circular, address Dec. C, '59. 49-ly M.A.KING. FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale hie Farm lo cated on the Ohio River, in Letart Town ship, Meigs Co., Ohio, above Tanner's Run. Tliere is 210 acres in the whole tract, about 50 of which is river bottom, whieh is well im proved, together with 30 acres hill land. There is a good frame house on the farm, and an ex cellent orchard. Terms of sale, one-half cash, and the remainder in one year. For further particulars inquire at the premises, or address : a. l. sitaw, Great Bend P. 0, Meigs Co. O. -Jan. 31, I860. 3-S-2ar. r . STORE TO A. BURNAP'S NEW " of the Wharf-Boat W. B. SKIKVIH. I. H. KKLI.IT. O Oh. THOS. SMITH. EXCEUKm MABBLE WORKS, RACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the U. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. THE UNDERSICNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Meigs and ad joining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish to order, Monuments, HeacPstones, Counter-Tops, " J" Table-Tops, Mantles', sO and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality of Foreign or American Marble. Those withing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. SKIRVIN, KELLEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf A. G. CROWLEY & CO., WILL HEREAFTER CARRY ON THE Carpenter and Joiner business; Doors, Sash,' Blinds, &c; executed to order. From long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders en trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the public, and we respectfully ask a continuance of their favors. The Mill is a few doors above Williamson's Flouring Mill. i-ie-tf BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY, Front Street, Pomeroy, O. BREAD, CRACKERS, FANCY AND ORNA mental Cakes, Candies, &c, at wholesale and retail. ... - CRACKERS BY THE BARREL ' constantly on hand," as low as in any other market. CANDIES, by the qunntity, at 13 cents. By purchasing Butter or Soda Crackers at my establishment, at retail, you can eave-every fifth pound, as I sell 4 pounds for 25 cents. 24i.. ... -r f -7 GEO. ATKINSON. ' . JOHNS. DAVIS, LATE OF THE FIRM OF CROWLEY & DA vis, designs prosecuting the Planing busi ness, at the old stand on Sugar Run. Thank ful for the liberal bestowal of pajronage here tofore, he will endeavor to merit its continu ance by promptness and neatness. 1-16-tf COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN AT ITS highest market value, at IL Frank's Gro cery establishment, Pomerov, O. ' 2-7. -,- S. S.: SILVERMAN, Ag't REMINGTON HOUSE. F. B. RIHELDARFER, Proprietor, At the head of Steamboat Landng, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. JOHN ELBE N, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIST, AND HYDROPATHIST, "tenders his professional services to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity. OFFICE, in John Geyer's Building, (for merly Jacob Neitzling's, ) on Sycamore street, nearly opposite Lowry's Tin Shop, Pomeroy, Q, Uffice JIoubs Till a o clock A. Blj trom 1 to 3 o" clock, and from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M. . ' Gflfico Prescriptions, from 25 cents upward, for cash. June 2, '57. tf CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEIS WAHE . WE invite tlie attention of buyers, to our large and well assorted stock of Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesitancy In savinir that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of waro lower than tiiev are soia many oilier western market. All orders onrefully selected and well Dacked. We solicit an examination of our stock. PURSELL & GOKDON, , il-fil ; ' Front street, Portsmouth, O. BOOKS! BOOKS!! BIBLES from 10c. to one dollar, Mocheim's Church History, Clark's Com. on the Bible, do. on New Testament, Dick's Works, Chain of Sacred Wonders, Plutarch, Spectator, Rollin, Federalist, Say's Political Economy, Revelations by A. J. Davis, Dow's Works, Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan's complete works, Hay ward's Gazetteer, Benton's Abridged Debates, Benton's 30 years, Book of the World, Fleetwood's Life of Christ, Josephus' Works, Expedition to Japan, Digest of O. Reports, Swan's Statutes, and a general variety of Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, &c., at publisher's prices. Jan, 1860. , W. H. REMINGTON. CQALRIOGE MILL. THE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INFORM the Wheat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, that he will give, in exchange for one bushel of good, clean Wheat, 42 pounds of Flour. Persons wishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per brl.; offal to go to the owner of the Wheat. W. C. WILLIAMSON". July 26, '59. 30-tf HIRAM O. DANIEL. WK. P. RATHBURN. DANIEL &JIATHBURN, BANE BLOCK, Pomeroy, O. Collections made and promptly remitted; Busi ness paper discounted; buy and sell Exchange, Gold and Siiver Coin, Uncurrent Money, Land Warrants, &c. FORE.IGN EXCHANGE For sale in. sums to suit. We are prepared to draw direct on London, Liverpool, Swansea, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Baden-Baden, and other cities in Europe. Also, Australia. oney inheritances collect ed in every part of Europe. Money received on deposit, and interest al lowedon time deposits, at rate agreed upon. Jan. 17. 2-3-1 y LUMBER FOR SALE. A CHOICE AND LARGE LOT OF WELL sensoned PIKE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER for sale on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves. Inquire in Pomeroy, of March 15, '59. y A. E. MURDOCH. LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLOR'S RUN, AND Canls Run. Application to be made to M. Heckard, Esq., Pomeroy. An. is,83-t i . . , m. v. rujvuiitUi. Jnsunmrc. MANHATTAN ? FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated 1821. No. 68 Wall Street, N. Y. Cash capital and surplus, $400,000. WM. PITT PALMER, Pres't. Asdeew J. Smith, Sec'y. IRVING FIRE INSURANCE CO., No. 9 Wall St, N. Y. Cash capital and surplus, $255,000. MASON THOMPSON, Pres't. Martin L. Crowell, Sec y. HUMBOLDT FIRE INSURANCE CO, No. 10 Wall St, Y. N. Cash capital and sur plus, $242,000. JOHN RANKIN, Pres t. Wh. Mulligan, Sec'y. LORlLLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO, No. 31 Wall St, N. Y. Cash capital and sur plus, $204,0(X. CARLISLE NORWOOD Pres. Geo. D. Grart, Sec'y. The above Companies, with unimpaired Cap itals, and additional cash surplus, comprise near $1,200,000. The undersigned being sole agent for this County, is prepared to Insure on dwellings and their furniture, merchandize buildings, and other property, at as low rates as other Companies, equally responsible. ALL LOSSES will be promptly adjusted and paid. Persons desiring insurance are solicited to call on me before procuring a policy else where. JAMES RALSTON, Agent. Pomeroy, Dec. 6, 1859. 49-6m GPAKD AGAINST FALL AND WINTER FIRES! B T Ola.oj.00 Xusurauoe WITH THE . Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL., $1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF $500,000.00, And the prestipe of 40 years success and experience. Upward of 12,000,000 of losses bave beeu paid by the jEtna Insurance Cempany in the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE JETNA DrRIBO THE PA8T FIVE YEAR8! ' In Ohio, - - - 431 ,590 83 In Wisconsin, 106,955 07 In Kentucky, - 204,939 40 Missouri, - - - 384,51fl 04 Iowa V. Minn., 101.399 46 In Michigan, - $159,043 81 In Indiana, -.146,839 81 In Illinois, - 448.327 41 Tennessee. - - 97,54!) 21 Kansas & Neb.,' 19,945 77 Penn. & Va., - 31,595 83 Ark.& Ga., - 23.945 09 Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $52,412 18 Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit.' ' Especial attention given to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 yoars. The solid service long and successfully tried, and the many advantages the Mtna Insurance Company possesses in its line, should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an Imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. Agencies in all the principal cities and towns throughout the State. Policies issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Ag ills of the Company lUBusiness attended to wilh despatch and fidel ity. OREN BRANCH, Agert, Sept. 20.-38-3m. Pomerov, O. (durational. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, HARTFORD CITY, MASON CO., VA. This Institute has been successfully commenced under tha patronage of tho Hartford City Coal, Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers' and Mechanics' sons and daughters, where they may receive the advantages of a superior EDUCATION to what has hitherto been offered them in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It is now entering on its second session, and. is de lightfully situated on a gently sloping sandy emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, and only a short distance from the Steamboat Landing. The School Room and Teacher's Residence is held in that spa cious building formerly known as the Brethren Church. The room contains 2,000 sqnro feat, and is replete with every suitable convenience. The heating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stores, and Sc'O feet of window light, and being elevated 16 feet above the road way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. There is also a Library and Reading Department attached, for the use of students, containing many excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to suit the desire of all parties, and it is intended hereafter, to add a Piano Forte, for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. The School is conducted by the Principaf, aided by Asssstants. male and female. The male pupils are taught every branch of learn ing necessarv for their future advantage, making them capable nf entering on all such duties as may hereafter offer for their weal. The female department are also taught every nec essary accomplishment, with plain and fancy needle work in addition to a sound scholastic course. Hours of attendance, 9 to 12, and 2 to 5, for youth, and 63i to 9, for adults. 1 husmay the children of the above receive ag lib eral an education as in aristocratic institutions, whose charges exclude many a naturally talented child from obtaining the assistance necessary to develop its intellect. . Pupils charged only fromtime of entrance. , Terms persession of 3 months, $2.50 each. A limited number of boarders are taken at a small charge. Raferehcesmay be had to parents, of pupils, either in Ohio, West Columbia, Mason City or this place, on application to the Principal, at the Institute. SAMUEL B. SAUNDERS, Preceptor. Oct. 4.-40-tf. vMOUNT AUBURN . YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. THIS Select Semiiinry, situated in the beautiful and healthy suburb of Cincinnati, called Mount Auburn, claims equal standing with the most ap proved Schools in the Eastern States. The pupils form a part of the family of the Princi pal, and the charges are placed at the lowest rates consistent with the superiority of the domestic ar rangements and style of the Institution. The course of education reaches the highest branches usual in the best Female Seminaries. There are two sessions of about twenty-one weeks each. The charge for Doard, lodging, light, washing, English, scientific and classical branches, is $150 per session, i . Music, singing, painting and Modern Languages at customary rates. ' Being within a few minutes' ride from Fourth Street, by omnibus leaving every half hour, this school affords peculiar facilities to families residing on the river. For the success of the Institute, in accomplishing tsaims, reference is made with great confidence to s patrons. The next session will open on Tuesday, the 13th of September, 1859. Applications may be made to Bev. E. A. CRAW LEY, D. D., Mount Auburn; or to J. H. WHITE, Esq., at Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co.'s, Cincinnati. Reference is also made (with permission) to Hon. V. B. Horton, and Charles Pomeroy, Esq., Pomeroy, Ohio. August 31, 1859 36-3t I R O N FENCING AND FOHTIOOSS C1AN BE PROCURED IN IRON TON AT j na low nriccs. in'as ereat variety, and of as good material as any place in the West. x. . jv 111111,11, ironton, umo. Nov. 15, '59. 46-ly Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. R. R. ON and after Monday, Nov. 4, trains will leave Athens as follows: Going East Express Mail at - - 5:20 p.m. Going West Mail at - - - 11:30 p.m. Express mail east and make close connections at Parkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all poi nts West. ' Trains leave Chillicothe at 6:15 a. M., and arrive at Columbus at 2:40 r. m.; and trains leaving Athens at 11:30 arrive at Columbus at 9:10 p. x. Tickess at reduced rates are sold at Chillicothe and Athens, for Columbus. . . , Through tickets can be obtained at the principal ticket offices on the line of the Road for all points east and west. .... A disceunt of ten cents on each ticket from regu. lar tariff rates will be made on all tickets purchased at the ticket offices. B. GATES, Sup't. J. Foooitt, Gen'l Tieket A'gt. . Chil. Nov. 4,59. CHAS. BICHMANN. ANDREW BURKEKT. BICHMANNgfc BURKERT. NO HUMBUG! " Small Profits and Quick Sales" IS THE MOTTO AT Hood's Old Stand, Front Street, Pomeroy, O. TTTT! KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A W good assortment of Gold and Silver , Watches; German, French and American Jew- elrvr Farter Articles; Clocks irom aa.uu to iz.w, ; of every size and description. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done ia the best maaner, promptly. 2-1. Sftcdiral. BLOOD FOOD. Dr. B ron son, having been so far reduced by con sfitnptioojL4p be considered beyond all hope of. re covery b ipost eminent of the medical profes sion,onu Jby himself a regular physician of twenty yearffiractlce as a last resort, conceived the idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and apply ing the subject of physiology to the more Immedi ate connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. The result has been the production of this "BLOOD FOOD." from the tiseof which Dr. Bronson was rcstorod to perfect health. Within six months after Its introduction, over two thousand consumptives were effectually cured by it. if jou have any complaints of a con sumptive tendency, Congh, Cold, Head-ache, Pal pitation of the Heart, Less of Appetite or Pain in the side, lose no time in procuring a bottle of the BLOOD FOOD." If you are suffering from Ner vons Debility, or your sleep is broken and dis turbed, if your spirits are depressed or your organs relaxed, yon will find in this an unfailing remedy, by commencing with ten drops. If your Liver Is tor pid or diseased in any manner whatever, one or two bottles will be sure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthful action. In the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. A benefft is al ways experienced after taking one bottle. In Male or Female Complaints and Weaknesses, the suf ferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three bottles. The "BLOOD FOOD" is effectual in all cases of Eruptions, Salt Rheum. Scrofulas and other like complaints. Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefited byitsuse. It gives strength to the bodv, and color and beauty to the skin. Physicians of all schools are using it with wonderful success. For full directions, are circulars. Price SI per bottle. ojiioq aad ejuaa Sg 'arjuj -paMoijoj .()auis aq 6nra 'apjoq tpua punojn padduj.H suoiuajip oqi '606BJ ll m -iai)oui un 01 oqn!9i jsoiu eaj SB jaeii spuouinioo u 'uoseaj suing aqi joj iduieiviaApB Jiaqi si asuadxa aioqu asoq osoqi ubd su sjuamasiuaApu 3noqan pjojus lonntta o. mqt 'pniq aqj joitioijisj -Kilojd jaqjo uqi sjoiu nanuj ossjsoa i( ingef Snijnoojd u a. "it ou oso oj no.C puomouoaaj Apcaii rjsa sai 'sju jo mioiCn.uo3 jo sasva n ui aipem -sndB-no injjswod Suiaq pue toouappuoa' iooj -Jad qjiAt uo pa!IJaq usa j( 'sassasip jo aujUj pun imuj isom eqi 'dmuo joj -jaiJ a'jns ei n pnaji aqi mppja joj 'pansnbaun s 11 SaAtoq aqj Smim -naaj joj -uiud 3ui.oiJ puB suini eqj 3muai)os ioj oib S-av 'OlIOO 'A.H3XMHS 1(1 eons ix)Kl -Hxasrx oMiajjaxxv sxMividreoa m hoh :zia 'uort -sjBdajd jaqio a'joas jbao luam jaiqa sji sj qaiqM lsoea Suimouoj aqi u janaj pus ojna nmj -aaa b sj pim 'iubjui ainaijap jgoiu oqj ainfui jouuna pu ssaiutjnq Xnaajiad si i jCjqjjnoj sprisq uo sjq 0 maqi jo iusra 'uoiBjfjrx jo uonaajip am jap -un S)93joj aqt mojj Snp jtujaq pann'mp t qoiq mojj sjooj a!8A aqi !Aoqs ui sjupiiduioo oihubj -nj joj aiaiiJB jaqio iib qii 14 jo uo6JuduiOD SB "ajBa ?naj3 qi!i dn ind 8) tl Xjpjpx saimiqisnes si ZujuepBap jo pBefsai 'puqajnos jo Sraubgns aqt SuiAomoj Xq saAeiiaJ (nuaubasuoa puB'pmiuB josisplo jo ojJoSaJBd mojj oajj XioJima sj jj rpuo -aag tuaqj joj aouasajd o eiuupIuioa ajnuBjui u( eauausdxa qanin uiojj peynsnb 9A si oq 'uBia s.qd jBn3aj jo uounjudaid eqt si 'i iBJm' ' -noi pajajjo ajoj -oiajaq esq aBilb Jo aejnn jsq mnjieou Xjbab jbao A-MJOijodns eii aiH8 o ejpsap 8ja 'iViaHOD HNIX -KVdXl S.MOXVa "Hd SUA noi Suijuasajd ui Sold by CHURCH & DCPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane, New York, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. 3-4-y. S ANPOED'S ttVER INVIOOnATOn, NEVER DEBILITATES. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Modicine, known ana ap have used It. and is now fidence in all the diseases mended. It has cured thousands years who bad given up the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adnpt ment of the individual such quantities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use cf the Liver will cure Liver Com Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks, Dyspepsia, Gum entery, Habitual Costlve Clioltra Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- All who use it are giv lu Its favor. proved by all tha1 resorted to with con fer which it is rccom- within the last' two all hopes of relief, as cerlincatesln my pos ed to the tempera taking it, and used in gently on the Bowels, judgment guide yon Invigorator, and it plaints. Dropsy, Sour rhoen. Billions At mer Cnmplainls,Dys ness, Cholic, Cholera, Infantum, Jaundice, Flatulence, and mav Ordl ary Family Sick Headache, (as : twenty minutes, it. . fuls are taken at the ftack. ing their testimony Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both tog-ether. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO S A N FOR D'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PIUS, CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put tip in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. . . The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle bnt active Cathartic which the pro practice more than The constantly increas who have long used the p rie tor has used in his twenty years, ing demand from those Pills and the satisfac regard to their nse, has them within the reach ef tion which all express in induced mo to place all. The profession well tharics act on different The Family Cathartic ence to this well estab pounded from a variety Extracts,wbich act alike imeotary canal, and are ease, where a Cathar Derangamonts of tho know that different Qa. portions of the bowels. Pill has, with due refcr lished fact, been com of the purest Vegetable on every part of the al goed ana safe in all tic is needed, such as Stsmach, Pains in the nesB, Costiveness, Pain whole body, from sud- Back and Lions, Sleepi- Q and Soreness over the H den cold, whieh, frc- H end in a long course of 7 a Creeping Sensation Q Restlessness, Headache, T Inflammatory Diseases, V Adults, Rheu atism, a Blood and many diseases too numerous to men-: ment. Dose, 1 to 3. ' quently, if neglected, Fever, Loss of Appetite, of Cold over the Body, or weight in the head, nil worms in ennaren or great Purifier of the to which flesh is heir, tion in this advertise- PRICE, THHEE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathurtie Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by the trade in all the large towns. S. T. V . SANFORD, M. D. Manufacturer and Proprietor, r 3-4-y. 335 Broadway, New York. The Great Ambassador of Health to all Mankind. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The free admissions of all Nations, as well as the verdict of the leading Hospitals of the Old as well as the New World, stamp this pewerful remodial Agent as the greatest healing preparation ever made known to suffering man. Its preventive qualities are more than marvellous, through the external orifices of the skin, invisible to the naked reaches the seat of the internal disease; and in all external affections its anti-inflammatory and healing virtues surpass any thing else on record, and is Nature's great ally. . ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM Are two of the mosteommon and virulent disorders prevalent on this continent, to these the Ointment is especially antagonistic, Its "modus operandi" is first to eradicate the venom and then complete the cure. BAD LEGS, OLD SORES Al?5 ULCERS. Cases of many years standing that have pertina ciously refused to yield to any other remedy nrtreat ment,"have invariable succumbed to a few applica tions of this powerful urguent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN. Arising from a bad state of the blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear and transparent surface regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasses many of the cosmetics and other toilst appliances in its power to dispel rashes and other disfigurements ef the face. PILES AND FISTULA. Every form and jeature of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and entirely by the use of this emolient; warm fomentations should precede its application. Its healing qualities will be found to be thorough and invaraliiable. Jlolloioay's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases: Bunions, , Murcjirinl Erup- Swelled Glands, Sprains Burns, tions. Sore Legs, Stiff Chapped Piles, Hands, Rheumatism, Chilblains Ringworm, Fistula, Salt Rheum, Gout, Scalds, Sore Breasts, Sore Heads, Sore Throats, Sores of all Joints Tetter, Ulcers, Venereal kinds, Sores, Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Wounds of all kinds. TTTCantion! None are srenuine unless the words "Holloway, New York and Lonoon," are discernable as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of direc tions around each pot or box; the game may be seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward w'ill be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the modicius or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold at theFMsnufaetories of Prof. Holloway, BO Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggies and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots at 25 cents, 63 centsnnd one dollar each. JTj'Thero is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disordeiare affixed to each pot. b-eow-lj. , Pomeroy Rolling Mill Company, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND manufacture to order, all kinds and sizes of flat, round and square iron of superior qual ity, which they offer, wholesale and retail, at current rates. Also, American and Swede nail rods, steel and iron plow-wings, cast and shear steel, wagon boxes. Scrap iron and kidney ore taken In exchange. . 13-ly L. A. OSTROM, Supt, v IfTediral. CANCERS CURED. DR. G."C0LER TEJfDERS his professional Services to all in . Southern Ohio and Northefrn Virginia,' who are afflicted with cancer, in airy of its forms. Cancerous and Other malignant tumors re moved , , Without the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others that might be adduced, are testimonials from pfiysicians tff extensive and long-continued practice: Alb ant, Athens Co., 0, Jan. 12,1800. Dk. G. Coleb. Deor Sir: , Having seen several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent enre ef Cancer in any of ils forms may be had, if application be made to vou before the tumor affects the vital organs. JOHN'EARHART, M. D. Habkisoxville, Meigs Co., Jan. 5, I860. I take pleasure in certifying that Dr. G. Coler's modeof treating Cancers is completely successful, as many difficult ease resulting in quick and perma nent en res, through his treatment, have come under my notice, as a practising physician durng the last 12 years. JOSEPH MOORE, M. B. Office and residence, opposite Hugg & Coe'Sf Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24, 18G0. 3-4-y THE GREAT WONDER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative Says the St. Louis, (Mo.) "Democrat:" Below, we publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of this city, from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. If certificates are guarantees or truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useles puffery from the press: '- Bvrn, Maim, Jan. 20, 1850. Professor O. J. Wood & Co.: Gentlemen: Having mv attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative, I was induced to make application of it upon my own hair,which bad become quite gray, probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the same character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative, and used it. I soon round it was proving what I had wished. . 1 .used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bo'.tle, of which I have used some. I can now cer tify to the world that the gray or white hair has to tally disappeared, both on my head and face, and my hair has resumed its natural color,and I belisve more soft and glossy than it has been before fortwenty-flre years. 1 nm now sixty years old; my good wife at the age of fifty-two, has used it with same effect. The above notice 1 deem due to yon for your val uable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my statements. ,1 am a citizen, of .this city and a resident hero for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. Any nse you may make of the above, with my name attached, is at your service, as I wish to preserve the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly, yours, , A. C. RAYMOND. Bai.tieore. Jan. S3, 1858. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Professor Wood Dear Sir: Having had the misfor tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of yellow fever, in New Orleans, in 1854,1 was induced to make a trial or your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and 1.0 words can express my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure.' FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned, Rev. J.K. Bragg, is a minister In regular standing, and pastor of the Orthodox Church at .Brookfield, Mass. He is a gentleman of great influenc and universally beloved. WM. DYER. Brookfield, January 1?, 1858. Professor Wood D ear Sir: Having made trial o your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that its effect has been excellent in removing inflam mation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching wiLh which I have been troubled from my childhood: and has also restored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its original color. I have used no other ar ticle with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours, truly, J. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of 3 sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds j a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retail for two dollars a Dottle; the largo holds a quart, 40 per cent, more In proportion and retails for three dollars a bottle. "O. J. WOOD. & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo." And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ' iJuly 12j28-3m. , x , ' National Dispknsarv for Private Diseasis, estab lished January 1st, 1859. FIVE HUNDRE'J DOL LARS FORFEIT. Three Eminent Pbvsicians in con stant attendance. ' . The faculty of the institution, consisting of PROF. EGBERT JACKSON, Member of the Rovnl College of 'Surgeons, London. DR. ROBERT HERBERT. " Late of Phil ., a member of the Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VELPEAU. - Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of $500, a complete cure of every Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, and .... , . Without Mercury. . We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because we will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. . Gonorrhea, Syphilis,Self-abuse, Impotence, Whites or Fluor Albus, Gleet, Stricture, Skin Diseases, Ve nereal Warts, Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Female Irregularities, Barrenness, Liver Complaint, Emaciation, Premature Decay, tho Pains of Age, General Debility, change of Life, etc, receive especial attention. : . p , , Treatment Entirely New and always successful; cure rapid and thorough; and references or eminent Physicians and Surgeons both in this country and Europe. , The DISPENSARY CIRCULAR, forwarded gratis by mail to any address, contains invaluable advice to young men, young ladies sontemplating matri mony and married. We have Just published The medical Protector- A book of over 300 pages, full of flue anatomical' and other sngravings. ,'. i' It contains not only the pith of all the late develop ments in Medicine and Surgery above referred to, but it Is also a guide to all who aspire to felicity with the opposite sex; shows how to guard against danger, and how to escape danger when incurred. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in tho hands of very young persons, as it contains in formation that might be perverted to unworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Love and Beauty, never before , r . . Satisfactorily revealed in any book in the English language. Price 50 cents one of the cheapest books in the world. If health could be estimated in money, the new facts contained In this book, for the prevention of ill health, would be cheap at the above forfeiture. Send for a Circular fully describing it. . .. , Dr. JaCoSom's Female Monthly Pills, Invaulable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice far 30 years. Price SI forwarded by mail. Dr. Jackson's Perpetual Preventive, is the only article in the world that without "inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept at the hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention; It resembles no ether preventive in use and is superior to all. . Forwarded to any address, -, .. M. Velpeao's Beautifying Powder ' It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, and effectually prevents the formation of wrinkles, blotches, freckles, pimples, wens, etc, etc. Price $1 per box, sent by mail. Every letter must contain six cents, in stamp, to be used for reply. Address, Drs. Jackson, Herbert dt Co., or simply P. O. Box 436, Cincinnati, Ohio. Of fice No. 167 Sycamore Street. Medicines and instruc tions sent promptly to any part of the country. .. ' 2-39 6m. HOWAKD ASSOCIA'N. PIiIL,ADELlIIIA. A Benevolent Institution, established by spe ' cial Endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted ' '" - with Virulent and Ep- " idemic Diseases. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view or the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sex ual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the nnfprtunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of theinmame, to open a Dispensary for the treatment f this class or diseases, in ail their forms, and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who apply Ty letter, with a description of their condition , (age, occupation, habits of life, &c) and in cases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add thntio Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, for the year ending January 1st, 1858, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of the Consulting Surgeon in the cure of Sper matorrhea. Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonor rhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice or Onanism or Self abuse, cVc, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, - .n a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especlaliv to the young, and they have resolved to dovote them selves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Sem inal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Masturbation, or S lf-abuse. and other diseasesorthe sexual organs by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail fin as ealed envelope), FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. Other Reports and Tracts of the nature and treatment of sexual diseases, diet, dzc.are constantly being published for gratuit ous distribution, and will ba sent to lha nfni Some of the new remidies and methods of treatment uiavuYcreu uunng me last year, are or great value. nnirrSTKvr K? 1ort or treatment. Dr. J. SKILLIN .. "' niig nurgeon, nnwara Associa tion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. - EZRA D. HEART WELL. President Geo. Fairoiud, Secretary. ?- Sd--t-nevl3 ' i .r. - -tKi" 1I VOUCH. . 1 1 H ;r THOMAS Stiff, of Island of Australia, is hereby notiffed that liellen Stiff .did, ou.the 3d day of February, I860, file her petition in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, withiii,ahd for the county of Meigs, and State of Ohio, charging the said Thomas Stiff with three years' wilful absence, and also ex treme cruelty, and asking that she may be. di vorced from the said Thomas Stiff, and that the custody of John Thomas Stiff, her infant son, may be given to her, which petition will. Stand for hearing at the next term of said Court. - :'Bf Simfsox & Laslet, her Att'ys. Dated February 3,- 18G0. 6-6t : - - s- Sheriff's Sale. J. and J. P. Steiner & Co. vs. E. S. Edwards. BY virtue of ah order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door.of the Court-house, in Pomeroy, at 12 o'clock On Thursday, the 22d day of March, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Part of fractional part of one hundred acre lot No. 299 in Salisbury township, in said county; beginning at the south-west corner of Mrs. Thomas' Lot; thence south 24 degrees west 50 feet to a efafce; thence south 89 degreetreast 80 feet to a stake; theW h9rth.24 degree east to" a stake in the line of Mrsthomas' Lot thence west to the place of beginning?- art 16 No. 9, in a sub-division of said fractional part of 100 acre Lot No. 299, being the same two lots sold to E. S. Edwards by T. A. Plants. Sold as the propersy of E. S. Edwards, at the suit of J. & J. P. Steiner & Co. Appraised at $900. Terms of sale, cash. - J.J.WHITE, S.M.C. Feb. 21, I860. S-6t 3.00 Valuable Steam Flouriuff. Mill . for Sale. LXTUDER an order of ;the Court of Common KJ Pleas at the March term thereof, A. 1). 1859, on Thursday, the 22d day of March, A. D. 1860, at one o'clock at the door of the Court House in Pomeroy, in the county of Meigs, Ohio, in pursuance of said order, I will, as re ceiver, duly appointed by said Court, sell at public outcry, the real estate hereinafter men tioned, to wit 'The property known as ,th "Crystal Mill" property, situated iu Middleport, in said county, together with all of the parcel of land and privileges thereto belonging or ap pertaining and for a more accurate description of the several- parcels of land comprising said "Crystal Mill" property, reference is hereby made to a deed of assignment, made- by A. Murdock and L. S. Nye to J. Cartwright and N. R. Nye, dated December 2, 1858, and of records in said county in Vol. 21, page 863-4 5-6-T. Terms of sale, 'one-third of 1 purchase; money in hand, one-third in one, and one-third in two years from sale. Feb.21,'60. 8-6t. 1 J. CARTWRIGHT, Rec'r. Sheriff's 8.le. Wm. B. Shepherd vs. Moses Rutherford.- - T)Y virtue of 4 (fonr) executions to me directed JJ from the Court of Common Fleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in Pomerov. at 11 o'clock A. M .: Onthe Zlst day of March, 1860, Vf--J(5 the following described lands and tenements to- . , - i", , , - 1 T - H .' .. wiu Deing in oiumuia lownsaip, rueiga roumj, Ohio, beginning at the. Bouth-west corner ef section 36; running thence east 98 rods; thence south to the center line of said section 36; thence north to the place of beginning, in town 9 and range 15, Ohio Company's Purchase; supposed to contain 100 acres, more or less," and sold as the property of Aaron Rutherford, at the suit of Wm. B. Shepherd, et al. Appraised " at 1 W) flft . Term nf snip, rush - i : i t-i-.i . J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Feb.25, 18C0. 9-5t 3.25 ; probate Court. " THE StJlTE or Oaid, Mjios Couxtt bs-L Final Settlement of Accounts. Notice fa hereby given that the accounts of the following persons have been Hied in the Probate Court for Settlement: Paul Slahl, Adm'r of Joht Wolf, dee'd, Oren" Branch, Guardian-of Cyrus Russell 2d, W. G. Russell ,and Lpremo ,Aj Russell; which accounts are set for hearing nt settlement on the 21st day f March next ' ' I ARTHUR MERRIL. . , " . Feb'y 28, 18G0. 9-3t Probate Judge. , Attachment Notice BEFORE P. Hugg, J. P. ef Salisbury Town ship, Meigs Connty, Ohio. D. R. Starkey, -vs. George Stivers. On the 13th day of FeS ruary, 1860, said Justice issued an order of. attachment in the above action for the aim of forty-three dollars and eighty cents. D. R. STARKBr. . Middleport, February 20, I860. 9-3t ': ' ,; i 1 Charles Milton Giles' Estate.' NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has ; been appointed 'and qualified aa Administrator on" the estate of Charles Milton Giles, late of Meigs County, deceased. ' JOSEPH GILES. ) Dated at Rutland, this 28th of February, 1860. 9-3t " " 1 ! '" - John Mason McKlnilt's Estate." NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified: as Administrator on the estate of John Mason McKinxie, late of Meigs county, dee'd-jiii . Dated at Bashan, this 25th day of February, . 1860.-9-3t ' JOHN GAR EN, Adm'r. David Daily's Estate. NOTICE is hereby given,1 that the subscriber ' has been: appointed.: and ' qualified as Administrator on the estate of David Daily, late . of Meigs county, deceased. ' Dated at Orange, this 25th day of February, 18G0. 9-8t JAMES WORTHEN, Adm'r. ;a Probate Coart, : ;i -', THE State ot, Ohio, Meigs' County, ss. " Final Settlement of Accounts'. Notice is hereby given that Alvin Bingham, guardian of j Jas. W. Silvester, has filed his account in this Court for settlement, and the same ' is set" for hearing .and settlement on the 28th'' day of ? March next, - ARTHUR MERRILL,: . inarch 6, I860. 10-3t Probate Judge. ' Our Mu'sical Friend. "OUR MUSICAL FRIEND," a Hare Companion1 - Everv Pianist. Should nmenrAfhUwaatiw Every Singer, Bvery Teacher, Everv Pilnil. . Publication efrVocal aa4,4 - Piano Forte Music, pant. ing but 10 CENTS- a' number, and nronnnneed Every Amateur, . By the entire Press of the Country, to be - m "The best and Cheapest .Work of, the kind in fc - - the World."' Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal aiid Piano Forte Music for 10 Cents.. ., . : .. . ..,'.' ;. w ; Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, $2.50; Quarterly, $1.85.. ;; . Subscribe to " Oof' Musical Friend," or order it '' from the nearest Newsdealer, and yon will have - Music enough for your entire, family, and at inste-3 ' niflcant cest; and if yen want Music for the Flute, j Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., etc., sub scribe to the ,, , . Solo melodist Containing 1? pages, costing only " ; 10 Cents a Namberi Yearly, $3 JO; Half-yearly, $1.85. ' - All the back numbers at 10 cts., and Bound Vol- , ' nmes, containing 17 Numbers, at $2.56 each. cOn- iJ stantly on hand. . C. B. SEYMOUR & CO I Feb-91, 60.-a-3m. 107 Nassau St., New York. "'' A. SEE B OHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, DEALER IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, ' (Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumery; "; , .and Fancy Articles,. , ' ; : Front Street, , Pomeroy, Qluo. : . Prescriptions carefully put up. . Jan. 9. 2-2. ,,, 200,000 Shingles: o n s .a. ii rpHE UNDERSIGNED has on hand a large loto- ouaveu rme nnwgies, wnicb ne will sell at- 7" ' REDUCED PRICES. ; These shingles are of good quality, and purchasers r' will find them to give satisfaction wherever usea." . Doors and Sash, of all sizes, constantly on kand, aVt ' reduced prices. For further particulars inauireot -- '- J. HUNTL$Y, ' : 48-tf . At Davis Planing Mill, Pomeroy it 7 HOUSE AND LOT F0n $At; THE property occupied as the M-ethodist Par sonage, situated near Williamson's Flour Mill, will be sold on very good terms. The house contains eight rooms. There is also a good cellar, cistern, coal shed; stable &c. For ; further particulars inquire of any of the nn dersigned. WASHINGTON STIVERS, ' H, H. SWALLOW, 8-3t . A. G." CROWLEY. - APPRENTICES. THOSE -wishing to take boys or girls at any age from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a publio benefit by making known, their wishes to Mr. Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary, new Chester, or to either of tfje Infirmary Directors Feb, V6kr-tf,. M. BOSWORTH f I (4 i j n t,' -if txH- tTJ ; "i