Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. TVKSDAY, I. :i! I it .-. - .ApU 8. I860. OplKlana mt DltltT11d Bvaiaess Men. ; 'I hare always considered advertising ; liberally and long to bo the grent medium of uecess in business, and the prelude to wealth, j And I have made it an invariable rule, too, to j advertise in the dullest times, a long expert- nee having taught me that money thus spent j is well laid out; as by keeping my business continually before the public, has secured me many sales that I otherwise would have lost." Stephen Girard. j "Whatever success I may have had in busi ness I owe mainly to continuous advertising, and I, deem. it, good policy to advertise long in j the same papers. -' From a close observation, J ' am fuily convinced that it is impossible to make much headway in any branch of commerce, j -without the facilities which the Press alone can jive." Jacob Ridyeway." , ' Hk!y motto through life has been work and advertise. In business, advertising is the true Philosopher's stone, that turns whatever it teaches to gold. I have advertised much, both ia the weekly as well as in the daily papers; Br have I found that those of the 'largest circulation of either class benefitted me the most. -John Jacob Astor. . IThe ,. Cadot,Grey Eagle, Swaihwi Ohio No. 2, and Courier con tinuv favors - r, .Montgomery and Hadley, our obliging wharf boatmen, will accept our thanks, for favors. , JOSEPH RI6G, AGAIlf. Some time ago we give short account of the treatment received by Mr. Joseph "R crrr t tHa hands ' of the chivaT of "ODI -x ; . : , , w Ringgold, in Georgia, to which place Mr. Bigg had emigrated from Pomeroy. With Mr, Rigg many of bur readers are acquainted, and all who know him, know that it is not in the nature of the man to create; distnrbanceSj or violate the lawj wlerever he may be. ; .' . , We have before ns the Ringgold Ex brass! of the 23d alt., in whieh is a long aft t article on the Bnbject, and'which, while abusing Mr; Rigg, in true Southern Btyle, substantially admits the facts as stated by us.". The Express admits that Mr.1 Rigg purchased the farm for some $2,000, as stated, and was quietly at work upoii'iti '' The Express proceeds: , , "About this time the outbreak at Har per's Ferry occurred, and as the news of the .terrible ; conspiracy sped over the country, an excitement sprang up at the South, the like of which never has been equaled since the days of the Revolution. Xy nidi's law was administered to; various "Abolitionist in the South. This came to the knowledge of bur hero, Rigg, and Jie, whether from excessive cow akdiuk FROM CONSCIOUS GTJILT -or .from an . inability to''yMkt'the'paymnts:'on' his land; we are unable to say,) though never northern home. V: ' ; " ,rThe Express then denies that "a dele gation of citizens waited upon Mr. Rigg to ascertain his viewt on Slavery, Ac?1 Well,' nobody ever, said he was waited upon, by "a delegation"- of citizens. " "When the man who sold him the land ascertained that he was about to re move from the State, 7te $wore out ah at tachment against his property, which he had' right tojpkrf t9 secure his debt.- Rigg applied to one of the most emi nent Jawyers in the place for advice; ad mitting that he was about to remove. He was-: told, and truly, that he had no grounds of defense to the attachment.'1 Well, here was Mr, Rigg, in the midst of this admitted "excitement." ; It is ad mitted, too, "that various Abolitionists" were being iliyncKed"v i theTSoutli'and IhaV Mr- Rigg knew it: " if is admitted 'further, that after the farm which . was partly pail for,' and Mr. Rigg's wagon, . and two horses, and all his other property had been attached to secure the balance of the'purchase money for the farm, and which was not due, a warrant was taken out to arrest and imprison him. All this is admitted by the Express, which con tinues: ' ' ,.::' "His fears growing upon him, -Mr. Rigg slid, leaving nearly all his property behind in the hands ofan officer, to settle his debts." - ,.V,..'. ' :; ; So it seems that Mr. Rigg slid, and .,waa not at all injured or driven away by the chivalry True, the chivalry . were , very, much "excited had "lynched various Abolitionists had dogged his . .steps, and thrown out their threats had, under the forms of JawKt attached three or four thousand dollars worth of property ' to secure the payment of a few hundred, w men was not due bad swora out a Warrant for his arrest and imprisonment, and his attorney advised him that he could do nothing to save him. Yet this r organ' of thechiavlry proceeds to say, "thati:1." lvf ; :. :. : 4 v 1 'he has lost 1ii property f hp;'did it by his own 'jolly and vad management. -It is not' true that the citizens of this , place ot surrounding county h&verobbed him or taken his money from him. The f- people.: of. this community have never : harmed the man, and never would if he ihad stayed here and behaved himself like a white man. , But we have no hesitancy in saying that if he had been found tam pering with our slaves, and inciting them - to insurrection, he would have been jomppeii nice Diazes, ana per naps given a free ride and a new coat. : The Express then goes on to say -that iC isincredible! to suppose that the' amount of money and property which Mr. Bigg Jbad. "should set the whole country, after . jiiui, lajrmg piuta auu ucviaiug euueuiea by which he could be robbed of it." And winds up - with this statement, which," whether incredible or not, we will not presume to say. - But the Express, ' in sblemtt earnestness declares that "Men have passed through here in per fect safety with twice that amount in their possession." Now, if it be true, as here declared, that men, with twice as much money in their possession as Mr. Rigg had, "have , 'passed through Ringgold with perfect safe ty," it certainly speaks volumes in favor of that highly civilized and enlightened community; ' Provided it be shown that the said community knew that the per -eon aforesaid had the - money in theti possession.'' But on this point, we are left painfully in "the dark. Will the Express please enlighten us. - Did you know," or suspect, until the persons afore said had "passed through,'' that they really had the cash with them? Answer ftis qncstlop,. and yem nly "slide? Republicans, Attend. . . A meeting of Bepublicans will be held at the Court-House, on Thursday evening next, for the purpose of organ- . izing a Republican Club. As the open- j ing campaign is one of the utmost im- r portance, it behooves all true friends of their country to contribute their influ-: ! ence in all legitimate ways to advance their cause. Let all, therefore, who can, j I attend the meeting on Thursday night, and by their presence and counsel help I to speed on the good work. . Cincinnati Eletion. i This dav CMondavY the Municinal - - ' ' . . -------x- election takes place in Cincinnati. Both I parties have their candidates in the field, j and are both working earnestly for sue- j cess, lhe democracy had quite a large majority last fall, and expect to increase it this election. But. the Bepublicans, while contending against great odds, are by no means void of hope in the result. We believe it is admitted on all sides that both parties hve selected 'good men to fill the 'various offices, so that, let which will succeed, the city is promised a fair local government. The greatest signif icancy of the election will therefore be in its party aspect. If the Bepublicans should carry the day in that Democratic strong-hold, its influence on the rest of the State will be very good in the fall election. We will be able to record the result in our next paper. O.VITE AMD8IIVO. ' A Democratic paper in Charleston, speaking of the effort of the Douglas wing of the party to' remove the coming Con vention'frbm Charleston to New. York, says;, .' ' . !; . .." , "Would it not be amusing if the Com mittee did make the call, say, to New York, and Northern delegations met there, and the Southern delegations, ad hering strictly, as is their wont, to au thority and usage, met at Charleston? Would it ' not be a propitious event. The South," consisting of nearly all the Democracy, would lay down a constitu tional platform, nominate a proper states man for the Presidency, and the unscru pulous unsoundness of the Northern De mocracy . being . sloughed off , into the Newt York body, (representing nothing but themselves,) would once more unfurl the constitutional banner, and under it beat back the hosts of Abolitionists, or give deliverance to the Southern States." Here is an honest announcement. " The South consists of nearly all the Dem ocratic States; and constitute the trite De mocracy." ", A plainer and more palpable truth was never uttered, and yet North ern demagogues, for the sake of the spoils, will deceive honest men into vo ting the ticket,' by the transparent sham of popular sovereignty. "STAKED TRUTH." ' Everybody, we suppose, has wondered at the expressions "naked truth" and "dresscd-up falsehood," which so fre quently, occur in. conversation as well as in print. ; ; ': ' ' J 'r; Talking with a- universal genius the other day, and hearing these terms used very freely, it occurred to us that the solution of the mystery of their originand meaning' could - be obtained -from ' our learned .friend, or , not learned at all. And bo, in the pursuit of knowledge, we propounded the inquiry. The answer we obtained was quite satisfactory, and substantially as follows. Said our in structor: "Truth and Falsehood were traveling one warm day together on the bank of a river, and both went in to bathe, near the same place: - Falsehood coming out first, donned the beautiful garments of Truth, and leaving his own vile rags in their place, went on his way. Presently Truth coming out, found his dress had been stolen, and disdaining to use the dirty niantle of Falsehood, started naked in pursuit of the thief; but not being as swift footed as Falsehood, has never been able to overtake him,',. Ever since the one has been known as Mressed-up Falsehood,' and " the other, as'.'naked Truth." ; :;",:.: .v..',.,. V; '.: . : Such was the account given by our learned friend. Whether original with him or not, we cannot tell. But we drew from it this important inference that the reason so many persons turn away in disgust from the approach of Truth, and are on such friendly terms with False hood, is on account of their extrememod esty. r1: ' " . ' ' - ; -:: Y - ' ' ' :' For the Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph. ; (EXAISATION OF THE SCHOOLS School Examinations this week as follows: On Tuesday, April 3d, Miss C. Stivers' School; ... On Wednesday,, April 4th, Miss U. Stivers' School; : . On Thursday and Friday, April 6th and 6th, Grammar and High School. - The Examination of the last named will be in the following order: On .Thursday, April 5 (A Opening exercises at 9 ' clock a. m. Fourth Reader class; " Advanced Written Arithmetic; -. Less advanced Grammar; " ' Less advanced Spelling. Afternoon. Geography; Mental Arithmetic; ' .,- Less advanced Written Arithmetic; " Less advanced Fifth Reader. si. . On Friday, April 6th Opening exercises at 9 o'clock a. u. : Arithmetic class; , Advanced Grammar; Less advanced Algebra. Afternoon.--Advaneed Algebra Advanced Spellinr; j.- '. Advanced Fifth Reader; Latin. The Committee on Examination are Messrs Bright, Twombly, Plants, Bing, and Horton. Parent are earnestly requested to attend as. frequently as possible the Examination of each grade of Schools. N. M. McLAUGHLIN, Superintendent. j gS-We have the pleasure of present ing our readers with another letter from our friend and former townsman, R. Bissell, Esq. Mr. Bissell will please ac cept our thanks for his favors past, and our ' assurance that we shall be happy to hear ! from him whenever he may find it con- venient to write. " ' From St. Joseph. I St. Joseph, Mo., March 26 The ' Tail first laid . in Kansas was put down ' tins morning on the St. Joseph & Ma , rysville Road, in the presence of many i citizens, among whom were our city of , ficers and other prominent men. I Emigration to Pike's Peak is fast ar-'rivincr. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of Meigs ' County for the yreek. ending March 31, 1860: ....... 5 ' Chester Tp. Joseph Marpole to Isaac Bheinschild, 17 acres in sec. 29, j and acres in sec. 23; $475. Jesse ! Walker to David Bailey 36 acres in sec. j sec. 36; $400. Abner Stout to David Bailey 64 acres in sec. 36; $900. J. J. i L. Johnson to Wm. Z. Johnson, 33f acres in sec. 2; $125. Letart Tp. Henry Willard to Ja red Nelson, 5 acres in sec 1; $50. Stlem Tp. Sam'l Byle to James Lyle, 50 acres in sec. 14; $200. Salisbury Tp. Thos. D. Sargent to Melzar Nye Jr., 9 acres $1,100. Bob't Hysell to James Kindal, 1 acre in sec: 25; $150. , Very Satisfactory. It is said that the reason why Charles ton piles up the fare on the Delegates to the Democratic Convention, is to reim burse her, in some degree, for the extra ordinary outlays she is compelled to make in consequence of the meeting of that august body in her midst. Chief among those expenses is the item for double locks, which the citizens deem it prudent to have placed upon all the doors. As they cannot trust their Northern allies they have concluded to guard themselves as securely as possible, and, as shrewd financiers, intend to make their allies pay the expenses in the shape of extra charge for boarding. The idea is a good one, and we hope will be per fectly satisfactory to our Douglas friends. If they will go to Charleston to dance they should not fiddler." object to , paying the Sentence Of an Aged 91 arderer. In the Court of Common Pleas of Port age County, Ohio, last week, Leonard Merchant Price, aged seventy years, was found guilty of murder in the second degree for killing 'Alanson Baldwin, at Aurora, on' the 8th of November last. Mr. Baldwin was an old and respected citizen of Aurora, and had been the benefactor of the man who, under the in fluence .of liquor, and' passion, fatally stabbed him. Price was sentencedi to the Penitentiary for life. ; ,1 ;' ,.- From Louisville. Louisville, March 26. Glass her metically sealed coffins, Cannon's patent, the first of that material in the world, were successfully made at the Louisville Glass Works to-day. . A Cincinnati paper says, "Rogues find no quarter here." To which Prentice replies. "Very likely: they might search half the pockets in the city and find none." . POMEROY RETAIL MARKETS. Monday, April 8, 1S80. Flour...:.........:.. $6J256.50 $ brl. Wlieat.......l.25 $ bush, for good White and 1.20 for extra to prime Red ; Oats . m ,45c. ft bu Potatoes Dried Peaches...:. Dried Apples Butter Cheese Eggs....,.:........-.. Molasses Sirup.... Sugar (N.O.j , Coffee...: Rice....... Soap Candles (tallow).. Fish (Cod) Fish (Mackerel). Fish (White),.;.:., Pickled Pork." Shoulders... Sides (smoked).... Hams Crackers .............60c. " 15cP lb. ..8c lb ......16c. m. 812Jc.5p lb. doz. ..565c.'& gal. ..........751.00 gal. 910c. P lb. 14,15c ?P " ; ....67c. p. .... 810c. " 14c. " ...Gic. " 810c. " 7c. V " ..10c.t " 10c. ioc. " 12Jc. " ret. 7c; -wholesale 6Jc. 6.00 a 1,000. Hoop Poles Salt. ...retail 25c; wholesale c. bush. Cincinnati Wholesale Market. . . CntciNKvn, March 36, I860. Fiocii The demand continues of the most limited nature, though holders are not pressing their stocks on the market, and generally con tend for full rates. We quote superfine at $5 405 50, and extra at $5 605 85, with small sales to the local dealers. " Whkat There is a fair demand and market steady at $1 301 33 for prime white, and $1 261 28 for prime red. Coax Ear is in fair demand at 4748c in bulk. Shelled is nominal at 5051c; sales of 7,000 bush ear in bulk at 47c; and 250 do prime white at 49c. Oats The market is dull, and we have to note a further decline of lc per bush. We quote them at 46c in bulk; sales of 600 bushels in bulk at 46c. ..." Rye The demand . is fair and the market steady at $1 03 On arrival and $1 05 from store. Barley There is an active demand, and the market' firm at 8588c for prime fall, and 7883c for fair to good. Hay There is a good demand and prices have advanced $1 per ton. . ' We quote prime Timothy in bales on arrival at $19 0020 00, and tight pressed for shipping $21 0022 00. Cheese The demand is fair and the market firm at last quotations; sales of 210 boxes sum mer cured Western Reserve at lOJo. ' Buttir- There is a fair demand, for choice, but inferior continues dull ' and heavy. We quote fair to prime at ll14c, "and choice at 15c. ;. Apples The demand is fair and prices steady at $3 254 25 per brl for fair to prime. Potatoes The : market is dull and un changed. We quote prime Northern at $1 75 1 85 per brl. and common at 90c$l 25. Seed Clover is in fair demand, and prices firm at $4 554 60 for fair to prime. Timothy is in good demand at $3 003 25 for fair to prime. BANK NOTE TABLE. BANKABLE FUNDS, OR CURRENCY AT PAR, IN CINCINNATI. State Bank of Ohio, Independent and Stock Banks f Ohio, (specie paying,) Louisiana, Wheeling, (VirehflaO Baltimore, New England, par - in Boston,) New York City and Stale, solvent, ' Philadelphia and Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, . Delaware, Banlc of the State at In diana, Hank of Kentucky, Northern Bank do Farmers' do do Southern do do Commercial, do do Bank of Louisville do Bank of Ashland, do People's Bank, do New Jersey, In credit. TJNCrURRENt. Ohio Union Ba-nk, Sandusky, ----- City Bank, Columbus - --- - - 1 dis Clinton Bank. Columbus, - - - - I dis City Bank. Cincinnati, - - - - - 30 dis Reneca Conrtty Bank - - - - - - Canal Bank, Cleveland, - - - - - Virginia All (except WheeHng) - - - - J dis pEHJiSTLVAMii All (except Philadelphia and Pitts burg) - - r - - -;a - dis TB rOLLOWIKO INDIANA FRRK BANKS ARC i ' Bank of Goshen, Farmers' Bank, Bank of Gosport, Bank of Mt. yernon, Bank of Paoli, Bank of Rockville, Bank of Salem, Bloomlngton Bank, Canal B.,nk, Exchange hank, Crescent City Bank. Indiana Bank, -Indiana Farmers' Bank. Kentucky Stock Bank. La Grange Bank, Parke County Bank, Prairie City Bank, Raiem Bank, Southern B'k of Indiana. Brookvilte Bank, , Bank ef Elkhart. i Cambridge City Bank, sa em Ban ai trosnen. Missouri Country Banks and branches - 3 Pennsylvania Except Crawford Oevnty - 25 Bnnk of Commerce - - - - 8 Erie City Bank ----- -i g Central Bank, Holidaysburg -i dis dis dis dis McKean County Baor - Warren Co. Bank - - - Tioga County Bank - - 'Shamokin Bank - - - Lancaster Bank - - - Bank of Pennsylvania - Maryland, interior. Solvent - - - - Michigan, Solvent - - - - - - - - North Carolina, Solvent - - - - - Except Farmers' Bank - - - - - SonXh Carolina, Solvent - - - - Georgia, Solvent - -- -- -- - Canada, Solvent - - - - - - - Tennssskr Planters' Bank - - - - - - 60 dis not bought - -1 8 di - - 90 dis - -.60 dis - 4 Jdis I dis -! 1 dis - - 80 dis f 1 - -i 1 - -! 1 dis dis dis Kdis Union Bank - - - - -Bank of Tennessee - - -Free Banks, solvent - - -f Jjais -il dis - :ixdt -10 dis -0 dU - 12adis 'JMidis Ir.l.iwoin - Except People's Bank, Carml State Stock Security Wisconsin - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL. -NOTICES. Home Testimony. . Hlci Cituc Adams Co., O., Aug. 19. Da. BosiCK Desr Sir: I hare not the time to write yon of the benefit conferred by your Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier. ' 1 took them for a disease of the throat, and they not only benefitted it bnt my general health, also, I am now actually bet ter than for elpht years. They cured Mlas Ellen Waite, of this place, of Liver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross was cured of terrible shootine pains in the stomach and aide, which bad baffled the efforts of several eood Physi cians. The valae of yonr medicines coald be estab lished by any arnennt of evidence, if need be, in this vicinity. Tours Respectfully. . . VS1. SHAW.-- 0THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Freparod from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. ; This well known medicine is no Imposition, bnt a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, It contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. ', To married Ladies it Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring 00 the monthly period with regularity. . In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agent. " N. B. One Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over 50 pills, by return mall. Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MORES. (Late I. O. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. ; : For sale by J. D. PARK, SVIBE, ECKSTEIN & Co. Cincinnati, O. ' ' - .'p . 11-y. Hollow-ay's Pills When the stomach is in an ir ritable condition the whole system sympathizes. Hence sick headache, nervousness, and incapacity for mental or physical exertion- There are few who have not experienced these unpleasant effects ol in digestion, more trying sometimes than serious ill- ness. Now we take It npoa ourselves to say, not from report, bnt from actual experience, that Hol loway's Pills are a positive and immediate remedy for all such depressing and annoying disorders. They set the stomach right at once, and the controll ing organ of the system .being regulated and. put In order, the return of bodily and mental health is a necessary consequence. - ICpAll, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. . 8-To Teachers. The Board of School Ex aminers for Meigs County will meet on the first Saturday of each month, 'at the Court House, in Pomeroy, for the examination of Teachers."' ".- ' Examination to commence at 10 o'clock A. M, and continue till 4 P. M. - J8f"No Teacher need apply at such exami nation who has a certificate, valid for three months from the date of said application. 1 By order of the Board. Jan. 1860. W. H. LASLEY, Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. Stewart A. Lasley vs. Might Welker. BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I -will offer for sale at the door of the Court-House in Pomeroy, at 11 o'clock a. if, ' On the 2Ut day of April, 1860, the following described property, to wit: one roan Horse, 5 years old, and one light sorrel Mare 5 years old; sold as the property of Might Welker, at the suit of Stewart A. Lasley. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. MV C. March 24, I860. 13-2w. 1.00 Sheriff's Sale. E. Delletouibe fc Co., vs. A. G. Coulter. BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale in Danville, at one oclock, p. M., On the 19A day of April, 1860, the following described property, to-witione large yoke of work cattle, 8 years old, one brown Mare, supposed to be 5 years old, and one two-horse Wagon; sold as the' property of ADranam u. coulter, at tne suit of IS. Delle tombe & Co. Terms of Sale, cash. J. J. AVHITE, S. M. C. March 23, I860. 13-2 w 1.00 FAMILY GROCERIES. A. G. CROWLEY. . E. MUEDOCK. crow: j-i & co. . HAVE just opened a superior stock of ; GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. In C. M. Kvans' old stand, two deors above H. Cohen's, under the "Gibson House," where we are prepared to accommodate everybody with all the com- ' forts of life. Grocer ies, consist ; '"6 of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, -And everything else in the Grocery line. PROVISIONS: Bacon, Country and Sugar Cured Harm, Her ring and Mackerel, Beans, Potatoes and Cheese. Lemons, Oranges, l'ried Peaches and Apples, and all kinds of Fruit kept constantly on hand. The choicest brands of Family Flour and Corn Meal kept on hand. The highest inaiket piice paid for country produce. As we have determined to do a strictly ready-pay business, we can and will sell at such prices as will make it to the interest of cash customers to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Marcn 6, 1859. 10-tf CROWLEY & CO. Robert Wilson's Estat. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as Ad ministrator on- the Estate of Robert Wilson, late of Meigs County, deceased. Dated at Pomeroy, this 20th day of March, I860. 13-3t W. H. NORTON, Adm'r. . ' . Administrator's Sale. . BY virtue of an order of sale, issuing from the Probate Court of Meigs County, the undersigned, Administrators of the. Estate of Hiram Kelly, deceased, will sell on the prem ises, on Saturday, the 28th day of April, I860, at 11 o'clock a. m ., the following described lands, to wit: Beginning at the north-west corner of section twelve, in town ' eight, and range fifteen, thence east forty chains to land deeded by said decedent to tieorge McCartv: thence south twenty-six chains and seventy five links or to the north-east corner of land deeded by said decedent to Wm. Luellen; thence west along said Luellen s north line forty chains on the west line of said section; thenee north to the place of beginning; containing one hundred and seven acres, mere or less: excepting torty acres off or the west end of said premises, which were set off to Catharine Kelly, widow of Hiram Kelly, deceased, as her dower in the first described real estate; appraised at seven hun dred and fifty six dollars. JOHN HUGG, Adm'rs. RICHARD GRAY. march, 27, I860. 18-4t TOR SALE MEXiOD330Kr, TOSEWOOD Case, portable, 4i octave. A IV -superior-toned instrument. Inquire at N. Bicknell's, Great Bend, Meigs Co., or of E. L. Bicknell, at the residence of A. Murdock, Pome roy, U. March 20, I860. 12-3t H. WH1TKORE, GEO. J. BVTT, c. h. w OLrr, T. B. LANK. Whitmore, Wolff, Duff & Co., Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, SIKH or the "Anvil," 3 Doom above St. Charles Hotel, .' PITTSRURGH, PA. JNV1TE ihe attention of buyers to their extensive and carefully selected Stock of Spring Hardware, imported or purchased direct from first hands, and offered at prices as low as can be met by any of the eastern markets, comprising, in part. Pocket and Table Cutlery, of Westenholm's and other superior brands, Lippincott & Co., Mann's and Collins' make of Axes, Rowland's, Disston's and Lippincott 4c Co. 's Mill ana A cut haws, " Mouseuoie," . Wright's, "Wilkinson's" and "Eagle" Anvils, Solid : Box Vises. Bellows, Stocks and Dies, English and American Horse Nails, Cast, Shear, Blister and Ger man Steel, Sneneor's Files and Rasps, Darling's, Beardsley's, Waldron's, aud other celebrated makes of Grain aud Grass Scythes; Shaw's Sickles; Hall, Elton & Co.'s German Silver and Plated Tea and Table Spons and Forks; Garden and Corn Hoes; Hay and Manure Forks; Janus Faced Locks; Gimlet Point Hatchet Thread Screws; Bench and. Moulding Planes; Butcher's Chisels and Plane Irons. . - All Dealers are Invited to call aud examine for themselves. Mi-61 : GREAT VARIETY. ANYTHING from a "Nutmeg to a Barrel of Flout" can be procured at H. Frank's establishment, on I Front Street, a few doors below Court, Pomeroy, O 1 -S-7-y - - S.S.i.VJiBMJ, AH. ton. POMEROY & CINCINNATI ,, SIDE-WHEEL SEMI VIEEKLr PACKET, it GREY EAGLE, ff A. POKNALLY, Matter; FRANK. J.OAKES.Clk.; Leaves Pomerov everv MONDAY at 10 a. v.. and FRIDAY, at 4 o'clock i. m. In order to make time we are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati everv WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY, at 4 o'clock r. M. Ihis arrangement is permanent, and the boat will make prompt and regular trips. Her accommoda tions and speed has no equal. Will do business at regular established rates, and trust that the citizens of Pomeroy asd vicinity will give us their patronage and influence. Nov. 29, 'J9. 48-tf : Parkersburg & Pomeroy Daylight Packet. ' .The splendid Passenger Steamer, "HURRICANE,"j SAM'L PRICE, Master, J. M. Pauls, Clerk, Will leave Parkersburg every Monday, at 8 A. M. weanesuay Friday " RETURNING: Leave Pomeroy every Tuesday, at - - 8 P. M. " " Thursday at - - " " " Saturday at - - " Arrives at Pomeroy at 6 P. M.; arrives at Parkers burg at 6 P. M. "- 11 4w MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," D. E. SAYRE, MASTER, o'clock, passing Pomerov on her wax np every Wed- Kslurniag, leaves marietta crery rnunj wi-mug, Potieroy every Saturday at 8 o'clock a. m. - Fsr freight er passage apply on board, or to PAtTON & MONTGOMERY, Oft. 6, '59. 41-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. legular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, : Olxio 3XTo. 3, J. J. BLAGG, Master; JOHN HEISNER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. s- passing Pomeroy on Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. m. Leaves romeroy every Tuesday at 8 o'clock a. u. For freight or passage apply on board or to 8 1 PATTON MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, '59. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, SWALLOW, iQ N- PARKER, MASTER, Leaves Cincinnati at 5 o'clock P. M. every Saturday evening, passing Pomeroy, on her upward trip, Mon day morning. , . Returning, will leave Marietta every Wednesday morning, and Pomeroy every Thursday morning. For freight or passage apply on board, or to PATTON MONTGOMERY, Nov. S3, '59. 47-6m Pomerov Wharf boat. WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet, S MASON, Master; W. J, C. Amobrsom, Cl'k; Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday at 6 o'clock p. ., passing Pomeroy Wedneseay at 3 p. k. Returning, leavss Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o'clock p. M. - . For freight or passage apply on board or to PATTON A MONTGOMERY. Nov. 29, '59. 48-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. PORTSMOUTH AND WHEELING. Regular Portsmouth and Wheeling Packet, FAIRY QUEEN, E W. MORRISON, Master; J. Stxvbms, Clerk; Will run between the above ports, touching af all tie landings intervening. Going up, she passes Pom eroy on Saturday; returning, passes Pomeroy on Tuesdny. . . . . For freight or rassage apply on board , or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Dee.6,'59. 49-3m Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Gallipolis & Parkersburg Packet. (built bxprbsslv roa the trass.) The fast-running light-draught Stoamer, "J. J. CADOT," 8. COX, Master, . J. Morrison, Clerk, Will leave Gallipolis every Monday and Thursday at 8 o'clock A. M.; leave Parkersburg every Wednes day and Saturday at 8 o'clock A, M. Feb. 28, I8G0. 9-tf. gftisrcllaneous. PEACH GROVE NURSERY! W. RUTHERFORD & CO. OFFER for sale several thousand Budded Peach Trees, consisting of about one hundred varieties, sacreeding from. the middle of July to tho last of October. Persons wishing to transplant in the bud. will do well to get as soon as spring opens, and those knowing that they wil want in the Fall, with oue summer's gnwth.mns have the'troes contracted before the middle of July next, to be moved as soon as they will do to trans plant in tho Fall. The trees are thrifty and line, by Tar the best assortment ever offered in the Western States. Terms, reasonable and easy, to suit the iraes, according to quality and quantity. Address M. W. RUTHERFORD & CO. Jan.2 4, I860. 4-6m . Rutlaud, Ohio. m BUM AND FRUIT FARM, Rutland, Meigs Co., O., W. HUBBELL, PROP'TOR, w. OFFERS for sale the following Nnr serv Stock, embracing all of the most approved varieties of Apples, Dwarf and Standard Pears, Cherris, Plums. Gooseberries, Grapes, Strawber ries, and the Law ton Blackberry. All of the anove varieties 1 will warrant true to name. Nov. 1, 5m Jason Thomas' Estate. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed and qualified as Ad ministrator on the estate of Jason Thomas, late of Rutland township, Meigs County, dee d. , JOHN C. HYSELL Adm'r. Dated Rutland, March, I860. 12-3t . dentistry; S. T, BOGGESS, DENTIST, Is located at RUTLAND.OHIO, WHERE he may at all times be found ready to wait upon those who may favor him with a call, unless he is professionally absent. All calls from a distance promptly attended to. . Feb. 14, I860. 7-6m. VALLEY HOUSE, CHILLICOTHE, OHIO. THIS is the largest and best arranged Hotel in Chillicothe, is located on Paint street, opposite the Court-Housa, and in the very center of the bu siness part of the city. The House has undergone a thorough repair and cleaning from cellar to garret, and now presents an appearance second to no Hotel in the western world. The sleeping rooms are targe and well ventilated, and suites of rooms are well arranged for families and large parties. The Proprietors will spare no pains to make the Valley House a favorite place of resort. June 21.- 4-Iy FOGGITT & MOOKE, Propr's. GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clotnier. THE old customers of this bouse will . i , i i t a n i piease Dear in uiinu iiiivi, x am sun manufacturing clothing to order, in my new building, on Court street, 2 doors from Front, Pomeroy, Ohio. My facilities for get ting up work is excellent, and I warrant it to be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on hand. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, &c, &c, in good supply, and I take pleasure in inform ing my friends that I will shortly have an in creased stock. Thankful for your former liberal patronage I hope to be able to offer inducements for its continuance. GEO. HUTTEL. Jan. 3, I860. 3-1-tf STATEMENT o F the amount of monev in the Treasury of Meigs County at the end of February, lb6f. . c. 51 77 3,200 87 3,357 9S 135 33 1,436 63 711 88 1,247 81 14,123 71 372 01 28 58 State Funds ------ Bridge Fund - ' Building Fund - - -Infirmary Fund - - - - - Township Funds - - - - - Road Funds - - Corporation Funds School Funds - Ministerial Funds -Delinquent Tax on Personal Property not distributed - 23,656 83 43 83 C-unty Kevenue Fund overdrawn 933,613 00 CYRUS RUSSELL, Treas'r M. C. AARON STIVERS, Aud'r M. C. March 14; 1P?!Q. 12-at . SSSskSDsHsSKSSV f2200 WORT& OPGOGDS TO BE SOLD 3W O XT XbX BUG- I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SBALLt I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merlnoes, Cobergs, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Check, Flannel, Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &e. H A RgD W A RE. Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, Mill saws, Crosscut baWs, .Battel - CARPENTERS TOOLS. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Angers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squares, Levels. Alio, ' COOPERS' TOOLS.. Tress Hep Adses, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives f all kinia. BLACKSMITHS TIOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, "Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. I would call the attention of Builaers to my large lot of Deors, Sash, Yenetian Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also, , O X Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps.' Also, a larg and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep a large stock, of Cordage ef all . sizes, Bream Wrapping Twine. - ". :' , : ;; . f. ,, : ""v T? AIIj.DRI3JGr. 1 If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a calL I have a large lot of Piece Goods for manufacturing purposes. Work done up in best style, and warranted, a good fit er no sale:' ' v-'v t .-, The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve,"at cost, for CASH. Give me a call. , H. COHEN. Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 1860. Front street, three doors above Ceurt. Xt.J. PRALL. PMLL.& DEALERS IH AT PR ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in ! - .. 00 The Burnintr of the ras and smoke arising from 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense oj In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurnjlng Stove, wo wish it distinctly understood that it is not our aesign In disposing of them, but will WABJtANT every rhis is not the only pattern we propose selling. WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon the merits of the different patterns, we will eon elude our notice by announcing that our "parlor And office stoves Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy competition. ' . ill ' " METALLIC HYDRANTS Sept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the public te examine ur stock. '' ; ' In addition te eur heavy and manufacture te erdtr, To th Citimxs or Meigs aud Abjoisixo Cobntibs: v -- The above remarks will demonstrate te you, in a certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in whieh it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply been wasting your time in reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for ; , . . And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags, Old Silver, &en at their highest maiket value. ; ' ' ,: ' . - Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, te both purchaser and seller and it ia for the TScnefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper as well as for our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. - We respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Stoves, whether you wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you value your hard-earned money, not te lavish it away till you have given us a call. Aug. 16,1859. Iy - v PRALL t HATCH. m ; m - lit i n n mm PRY GOOPSt ME$ m ton CtOTHIlVG, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUE ENSWARE, &c. H AVING RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, f and which will be kept com plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. M'GLOTHLLN, assisted by as competent workmen as any in th county. Everything in the way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. THE OMS Will at all times be found oa hand, together with a full Stock of Cloths. Cassi meres, Vestings, &c. N. B. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the moral obligation incurred to pay up according to agreement, I wish to say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that a . . 11- J J TanM.iT 1'Qf!0 Arrfii nn neat on was aiso incurred. o o J. O. WILSON.. S. B. M'ELROT. Are now prepared to offer to Cash, or Prompt Short Time Buyers, their or 1 (&OOBS AT A SLIGHT, ADVANCE ON COST, T o . O ' 4 "XnT" o o ci. PITTSBURG OFF AT COST! cX : Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettles, , GEORGE HATCH uLDSTAuD Pomeroy, O. sommunity to one ef the greatest improvements . .. -rsfyjNFtj. the coal, by which la- heat thrown to the to use Stove we sell to be what It is represented, We have the most improved patterns ef stock of Stoves we will keep constantly en hand, TINWARE. ArsD UAliMUliLi iSZLUVi:Kl FOR aELSOM- iumiu , uauuuir -, xuuv. - . - - ..JAMES FINLAT. mar. 27-ta-f . car sii vi vsi vs yv Gmcritz BUY YOUR Where yon ca get them Cheapest, CLAIMS THE ADTAJf TAGE ABO YB hinted at, together with the qasSty ef the articles, ever any ether eatablirkmea J tie oounty. . Remember the place May fcugit'a Building, four doors west of Court Mreett oa Front, Pomeroy. S. 8. SILVERMAN, Ag-t, NEW GROCERf THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUSTrOPEE an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pre- timobs, tjueenaware, Shoee, &., &.. at wea aings' end stand, near the Rolling MiU, witifefc will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, Constantly on hand-- Buckwheat Pleur- . Prunes, -- a : irnuea. :. .. .Cranberries, Oat-Mea. .. . , , . Bngar, Ined Appue, Dried Paehes . - ' " Petatees.' " ' . Heminy, - . Pearl Barley, Beans, Peas, Tea, -v Melassaa, iegart Baoeo, Dried Beef, . CWfith, ... Maekarel, te &o. - ' Kaiains, CmrraaU White Pish, C. E. DOVHALLY. Pomsrey, March 1. 2JWy . . New Establishment. GROCEBX & PROVISION STORB. - CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE! VAlJ. DUTTENHAPEH HAS taken the bniliHnt: on Front Street, two doors West of Court, ia which b dsslfaa prosecntios the Groeerv astf Prodoc Buslaess, ls somewhat different style tbaa-ts kaswo ia this mnnitv. CASH PAID FOB PKODtJCB, or excbsDced for Oroeerisa, at the estiea f these bavins; the marketing. My business will be different from ethers la ttr enee to variety, which will cawprlse at all stsassp a kinds ef DRIED FRUITS, and ether materials kept in lisiitsd sapply la thl" town.- - r i '- - ."-'.a I will keep ewwUntly, . BUTTER,GGSIfIQWI.Sf lapply ths eemmnnlty in Pomeroy 4sd vistaitv. 1 wltl nention pari of my stock, which will be ?rmptly supplied before exhaastadfaad wUI alwaow e ths best articles la market: COFFEE,! TEA; SUGAR. Rice, Syrup, Molasses, Kxtracts of Cffs. U a turd, Salaratas, Soda, Cream Tartar, Dried Cieef, Bsleaa, Saasage, Cheese, Bscoa, Hams, Sbosltisrsajid Midst. Cncnmber Ficfclos, Preserves of alt kimls. Spites, Catchap. Cermaa, Castile, Shaviag, 8prtsmaa,s and othnr Soaps. Oils, Candles, -; , WOODEN A WILLOW-WABB. Buckets, Baskets, Tabs, Chars, o. ' Bvootss, ton nope, ttrusae. - 4aeeuware, Classwara, and Sotlone. . -sr.-qy , Cigars andTobatss, of all grades, nnantHict arjt qaalities. Flssr per barrel. . - :( resrriTBiY so cresit. - vjsms r.lf - A CAB1. - To ths Citizeinof Pomeroy and Meigs Coast?? I have opened au establishment of the above Im- rerfect description. ' I think yon need It,' and know , can bay and sell as favorably as others,deiag'sxla sively a cash business.. ' Will yon giva mo sntisiont patronage loanable nib to continue. 1 pvemiaal ' satisfy yon as to my ability to sell cheap. iftfrrantil. ALFRED NESMITH, : (Lata of tho Firm of Stevenson, Bowsn Xoaaslib,) M. WILLIAMSON,8 & CO. , ; Wholesale Dealera tod J ohbera ia . ' D il Y GOODS, 42& Market & 414 Csmmsrss Sts. 5 M. WILLIAMSON, O. II. WILSON, 8. M. ANDERSON, II. C. POTTER, March 1, '59. Bet. 4tk 5tk Nsr A aUe ' PaiibaLraijL. 1859. v November Purchases.; J. F. TO WELL ; ; . JOBBER OF D RT O O 0 D S, Hats, Caps, Millinery Goods and jVelwn", PORTSMOUTH, I HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER 1MMKX31 stock of Seasonable Goods, to -which I lavil the inspection of MerchanU. My purchases have been very ksavy dariaj ths last few -weeks, and I am enablod la sffer many styles of goods . at lower prises , tkaa heretofore. . Msrchsnts doing busintit witaia convenient distanso of. Psrteaoutk, a4 yet purchasing in other markets, will savs fiaaa aad saeaey by siamining ray stock and friscs. , ,:r -. J. r.TOWSLiw Psitsmeuth, O. ivjnber 26, '59. 3WVf.- FOR AXIh ; ; THE subscriber having 'just 'returned, frosa the East with an elegant sioek of ,,r;" Dry Goods, Notions, H&ta, , Caps, Boots, Shoes, ttc;?, Wm offer them to tho publie at tsn psr eoU advance on cost, for ' -' i - e -- CASH OR READY rAT., ff . In this proposition there is no hmnbag, feat an actual fact, which, we would tk pleasaro in demonstrating to tho satisfaction of any party favoring us with aa Oxantinatioa of stseS andpriees.':. - - : ; . ., .; , Wo .will enumsrato a few artislos, giving prices, as an index to tho whole stock: , . . 1-, Best madder prints. ......:......-..10fl per yaid. Fancy printe...i..........'...I......i..a9o J Good bleached muglin...J....10o f iA'. I bleached musliri. 8s f, itest styles best delaineetrti... 16 to 20e " Cashmeres.... .....ISo ' Bonnet ribbons from 10 to 40o" Fine French wool delaine.... 50 to 75o" , . (Usual price, 75 te $1,00 ) Ladies' heavy kip shoes. .$1 per f sir) Ladies' calf.....:.....-.... 1 25 u Ladies' best calf.......... . 1 25 to 1 4t, And all other goods sold -at propertionablo prices, for ono consideration- that we roeoive O A S H ' for them.' From -this dat "we positively Ait. continue tie credit business, for good and suf ficient -cause. .. We respectfully ask n .ftxaminatien of our stock, and if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. 1 , . B. B. WILSON, Jan. S, '60. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner' Front and Sycamore POMEROY, 6 niO. SIMON SILVERMAN, . . Wholesale and retail Dealer "in ." ' BEAOy-MAOE CtOTHtlVC HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS,' CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, -A-IOtD GrZlOCXERIZS, Invites the publie to his splendid stoek, rhioh he has recently received. It is unneecesary particularize, but I will say, that my steol it, is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled. Jan. 24, ? PAPER 1IANGIIVGS DEPOT. No. 10 Cortland Street, ' Keto Ya k, : Plrectly opposite the Western Hotel. -THE CROTON MANUFACTURtNQ CO.. (Orgs nixed In 1846, under tho General ManafsUarliift Law of the State of New York). Offers at wholesale. In quantities to anit nrrbaatT, at Manufacturer's Low 6.1 fnces, for , . approved credit: Paper Hangings, of every variety of style ami price, Borders to niateh, Fire-Board, Prints, - . " : Trantparent Wiudow Shades, ... Oil Painted Window Shades, ; '' Wide window unrtaln fapers, and ! ? Windaw Shade Fixtures. ore e'hadet atado to order, and lettered, - ' ; Or "the latest styles and superior finish, art 'of 1hf'r r i own ntanofactiire and importation, .fstlieirvturk ia ; I rarjfe and entirely now. they invite Merrhantx, Hojk i'fllum.and: dealers in those articlts, to rait ami w , amloO their styles aad uiicc. whiMirver to- vii ! Uw.sttT;. .V'-: - :li-U ' .J. i jrilr, . . .-.-44- .... k- . . vf-. - :- v. v , , . .. .. Am