Newspaper Page Text
if - V -1L Ohl the j3jf we oww Crinoline, , When, we along ;tfa, greets could walk. t r In oomforl with, each beau; . ..?-!..' ' Xre boops and springs, and such like thing ' ; jpttttf!.&nu' weWjpeen; f"' ,l. fee fathers raved and husbands stormed i : 1 - - X ifickeSyiJritb) 1 V Could cause us care and woe, In. the" days we wore no crinoline, .f m ; , r ,. n :; Dtir heartswere light, we felt no ftight; -iXhrough crowds to wentf.our way, i Bui oow we're jammed and knocked about, Wherever we chance to stray. :'' ' ' With fnendiswe'iiieniou1d sail in boats, w-; On streamlet .bright and fair; - ! - - Cut now our dresses are so largo tlrere i to room to spare: , - '1 1 And. then we neax,uie. rascals say fx ..-JIt was not always ao, 41 Tn'the days they wore no crinoline, We thefli. could pass each country lass Withouf a single sneer, But now .by jfashion we're compelled V -Theso 4otrid toops to wear. - Then lorcrs came with joyous hearts J7 , Purcav aiers Jo be,, r " lrfhjad uatttTand dowrf the town, The things and sights to sec; ,-. ! 5FO gut now 'they laugh and runwway i It was not always so, J a the days we wore, na crinoline, UJl4.Li ti.n4 ago. f j 1 1 rl J O 'J I eerjcomjTens4 would ign j vr .w .O'er fashion's changing' scene, j .'rr fTe.'.thck maydxess as once we did,-;" " And imitate fequeeni I ta-jit. ti.nii v.raorbeconHng wien-c -of ti.;rf-? i gLifUh.ej wjll notieadie ? Fa re welt to errnolirioy ni :.a In the days we wore no crinoline, s , days we wore no crinoline, A long time ago? t- ( SB,t,HiBlieTeplied.'''I don'tnind lead iner youe-butX'iaust'iVft it returned .1i,inow did you like" your visit to ;yjQVW(5yeetheartr: ''Oh, I' (didnTflikfe the footang with which I. was rieceiyedby Motto for iha eatranco to stages ;and cars, intended by Dinte for fashion able women:.," Abandon hoops all :ye who enter here."'" ' " 1 jThe Hepublieaus of New Hayen, 'CoBnare td,,build a hall for the jPfesi- dtiiitl ' feaTOpaignJ capable or accommo- QMlBg arsons .or .more. , in,tic pjiJs,'L. : It is announced that-the Atlantic Tel egraph Company hasetermined to at lempt4he restoration Jheold cable by tain Agi ii -up and repairing It. "iJA wFo 4 aladyto wtyeep". her carpet .with embroidered ndersleeves, would be "considered indecentFy diry; bul to drag the pavement wun ner SKina seeuia 10 uu XL fl AWhen is a plant like a .hog? When jt begins to root,-i And when is 'It like" a soldier? When it begins to shootAnd when is it' like an editor? When it begins to blow. ;'':i(a;'':;Vi! .Qi,A recent writer thus concludes "This i my -1st i attempt at writin a Tail & i re-fat Jrb'ra bein perfeck,but ef f haVendoosed folks to see that in 9 cases 'out of '10"ihey, "can''- either make Liijas barrel artlre JtesertjofSaharah, sas jypw as a,oe,r gafding my ob jeeklwjiLnaic;binaccopiplished. ,,Adoo. ; .' r " .4 . . " ' . 3l:-It is ,not worth-while lo hearwhat -yur servants say when they are ' angry; whafryour children say after they i have slimmed " the door;' "what beggars -' say lynjouafe ; rejected frpm. your door; . wb,at your neighbors , say - about your children, . what your rivals say about your business or you dress. a i tSietney Smith once saidm'" an Sriatoeratkf-party, "thaLa tnanf id know how bad heri,Tuusl become poor; to know bad hep-Sjrrtuisl betom poor; to knou bad other people, are, ' mutt . becomt 'lknj. a man .ihinki it's a ' virtue horn 9 J J;-, . a man thinks it's a ' virtue ncfi ca. tiikeeps.bimv.from. turning ra 'rhiU'ia My; la.alf.Wmach,- rascal, -One , ehdutct laecarefiil Sndnbt mistake pota tbltbr'principles"; 'l.T- '.C,. ; Wrtclu ok tWAtlaatleV : t r ' ' ,,3SfyiWt Aptdnfy Js.'tte'Ja'jrfur'ayerage! -;:-lattf9Bitiaber, ihafc m hundred, articles hre offered to them each month, of which ' r6f ewi seonlr 1 t5np''re"accepted." A Are wihl'''&iM$j&Medh "everigain heardifi6r, do they return no more to their Holmes,, the Atlantic Rex?-- Journal.; ''- : --' i :' tmbbl ;;..... ;.-i:Ti4.' ( The 11 Point Coupe Echo of Saturday says;7 .i -v-v"-'.' ; r.;,i W0,hear'a -very general complaint of tbe stubble pane. by. tne;. sugar planters. i A maj ority of . it is worthless -only the ''stubble of last year making'anything like ' ' iBealthy'1 appeafancer." As a general thing, thejetuantybf plant cane saved by the planters last year, was small, and - th stubble, turning out badly, will make the coming crop short. , " i s ''Aarmrtip m they G - We hate just heard, a good. 'un. .Not . .-long ago a distinguished divine of this !dry jraa'kalkiD..with.;,;jfriend past' a new church, in which another distin- " guished divine is shepherd.- Said the friend to the J). P.. looking up at the spire Iiich was tall and not yet .com plted,)j howmuch.- higher is that going ' to be?" . r , ;.,... v-,. "iN ot much , saiq tne V. v., witn a s!i .lauliheydon'i iowUi fan in " Ithat tdreetion,'ViS& ; ? ? . ITiThaV NTC wlYork- Journal of. 'Commerce : i&ys: "It was frankly stated: by John, Quincy Adams, in one ofJiis Congres sional speeches, that, the four years du ring whiqh he occupied the Presidential Chair were his most unhappy years." -lnHhit Qlr'l Adami spoke -truly ,'be'yond any question, .flow often is similar testi mony borne to the vanity of mere worldly aspirations! ija Everywhere,-;, and , at all . limesr unhappiness is the tax which Hu . .nanitypays to Ambition. ',. ' r ISC A miserly bid lady in Northamp- ton, who has lived in great apparent des - iiintionformanvv-eara-'TnainlvBUrinortfid . tUation for many years, mainlj supported jbj charity,- died recently; and in her 7 trunk was found a long stocking full -rf fire and ten dollar gold pieces, and a :a toll frills; he:;fist; ;sue ;:of 'Ithe UorthamptW Bank. It was also found "ithXehe had' turns' of iiaif--iitei;8t sAw PATENTS. " , Patents, weyeissued, to the following inventors during the wfeelt ending March 2Qf - vy E. Ball and M. L. Ballard, of Canton Ohio, assignors to E. Ball, of Canton, aforesaid; forimproyement in harvesters. A. J. BeU.'of Grreensbufgh,? Ky';, for improvement in the arms of cairiage axles. Vosco M. Chaffee, of Xenia, Ohio., for improvement in mowing and reaping ma chines. ' ' f ' John Q. Cowell, of Vernon, Ind., for improvement in aparatus for tanning. :, Ilichard T. Crane, of Chicago, 111., for improvement in air-heating furnaces. r Alexander Dean, of Richmond," Ind., for improved washing . machine. Bjnj..D. Evans,- of Mpunt Vernon, 0., for improvement in furnaces. George McKnown, of r Alton,. 111., for improvement in setting tire. "" ..John Miller,. of .Saltpetre, O.j for im provement in water wheels. - Artenas Rogers, of Paine&yille,p., for improved machine for bending' wood. 0. Sherwopdjr., of Independence, la., for improvement' in railroad" gates. r ' D. B. Tiffany, of, Xenia, O., and S. W. Soule, of Milwaukee,CWis.5 for ma chine for printing addresses on newspa- pers'j'&C. lieuben" Warren, of Jefferson, O., for improvement in boot-crimping machines. "E. A.' Lelahd, ' of Jacksonville,- 111., assignor to himself and Stephenson and Tompkins, of the same place; for im provement in gas stoves.1" v "' Hiram H. Scoville and Dr. It. Fraser, of Chicago, 111., assignors to themselves and P.'W.1 Gates, of same place; for im provement in quartz crushers. A. L. O. Wall, George Roberts and Milp S. Carter, of Decatur; 111."; for im provement in truck for mole plow. J George W.'K Tost, of Yellow Springs, 0, assignor ,to J.. W. N.. Yost & C-, of samp; placejfbr improvement in inanu-! facture of soapv -- '- - ' ; JPJTIQNAL.IMPEOYEMENT. . , j Alban Anderson, of Lancaster, O.; for improved governor for steam engines. Patented AuSust 3 lbo. Additional iurproTement dted March 20,186(1. M i i ARt -SUBJECT."- V.; An old soaker who lived in Weston, Mo.,rtook it into his head, one day, and. very sensiblyooVlhsit it was about time forhimto be considering his probable future condition, and forthwith repaired to the Rev. B., ;the reiJectcd ' pastor of the Baptist denomnation" of the town aforesaid, to obtain light." He was re ceived with urbanity, and forthwith the following ensued: - w - ;: ; Old S. "It's your doctrine, boss, that a feller to be saved, must suffer immer- shun, isn t it? r - - : Mr. B. "Yes, Mr. S.. it is a funda- uiejital doctrine f tour,' that a man "to be regenerated, must repent of his sins and be immersed." Old S. "Well, boss, after repentin' ov his sins and be slid under, it ne flashes in the pan, then what?" f. Mr. "--"AlthouKhr-backslidingiis m uch to be deplored, 6till, if he sincerely repents of his sins and is again immersed the church will receive him again." . ::Old . " Well, suppose he again kicks but of the traces, -after the second time, (for you know what critters there are in this world, boss,) then what's to pay?" Mr. B. "iN otwithstanding'all this, it. he will seriously repent, and ' solemnly promise to amend his future life, the church will, again receive him into its bosom, after, being immersed." v Old Srfafter, a fewF moments of deep thought proposes the following interrog atory.) '"Well, boss, wouldn t it be a blasted good idea to keep such fellows in.floakvalltheimeEA , , .. J Oaf iniornrantr didnot say whether J old S. joined-the church or not,, but we incline to the opinion that, if he did, the chances were pretty good for hia being kept in soak all the time. "t 3- , We tare .informed by -D, Conkling, Esq., of Cerro Gordo, Piatt county, Illinois, that on Friday morning, March 10th, Jerry P. Kimball and wife ar rived at his house, having walked all the wayi'iirom Lawrence, Massachusetts, starting a few days after the falling of the Pemberton Mills at that city, in which mills Mr. Kimball's father-in-law and eight of his children six sons and two .daughters were employed at the time of the falling, and all of whom were instantly killed by the destruction thereof. ;" ; '- Mr. Kimball J and wife were also en gaged in the mill, but their lives were miraculously saved, though' Mr. K.' had his right arm broken , in two places. They started from Lawrence with their young babe, but were obliged to leave it 'with ' some friends at Stone Tavern, Pennsylvania. Mr.' Kimball's father resides four miles north of Jacksonville, Morgan county, Illinois, to whom Mr. Jvimbail, and wife were journeying. I When they arrived at Mr. Conkling's thejThad but ane solitary dollar left out of sixteen they had when they left Law rence. H They were, however comforta bly provided tor, and- alter - remaining over night at his house, started, torward again on their never-to-be-forgotten j ourney, ' and i reac hed MR JVim ball s father s in due time. Lafayette' Journal. t A person-walking into the count ing house of the late Mr. C , of a neighboring city, and by the way a very wealthy and shrewd merchant, inquired of the clerk the rent of the store which his employer wished to let. The in quirer being satisfied with the terms, said he would hire the sstore; but the clerk declined closing the bargain until he saw Mr. C, who was absent from the city, and desired the gentleman to call again'' ! ; I" .: - : f Upon Mr. C.'s return the clerk in formed him of what has just been re lated. "H69 much did " he fail for?" asked Mr. C. , . .. "About one hundred thousand dol lars." was , the reply. ; "And how much did he pay?" "Only ten per cent., sir." . - "Let him have the store, Sam; he's got monev enough!" "Fast." Words and grammar seem to be very variable affairs. The. word "fast" is as great a contradiction as we have in the language. The Scioto river is at when the ice is immovable; and when the ice disappears Very fast; it is loose; a clock is called fast when it is quicker than time; but a man, is e told . to stand fast when he is desired to Temain stationary; people fast when they have nothing to eat, and eat fast consequently, when the ! opportunity offers i 'L-s i 1JA book canvasser states, on call-, ing on a man in Arkansas to purchase a book, he was told that he would be glad to have the book, bat that he had a book already, and the We of having two books seemed preposterous; that if Jie would buy tn old oook; he would trade. ' EEMOVAL. II AS REMOVED HIS JEWELRY Building, immediately at the Head Landing Road, next door below Remington's Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the samejtime, open hia new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reason ible prices, and he way rants every article to be of the value represented. His Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commo dious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING, Will be' executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. . " " To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same." " ' W. A. AICHER,Jeweler. 2-3-tf. ; . . 'At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. . miscellaneous. J. B. HAMPTON, a MANUFACTURER SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF COURT AND Back streets, opposite the new Bank Build ing, Pomeroy, .0. . . ... June 21, '59. 23-ly SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to announee to the citiiens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he. hag opened a shop on' Sugar Run, near the Tannery, where hewill manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that We can ' give satisfaction to. all who may favor' us with a call.;; '' N. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. DAVID GEYER. Pomeroy, 1-1. tf L. MOO HE, Saddle, Hrrness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments. He calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world" on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs.5 Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, &4 at tne highest market price. June 21, '59. 25-ly A GIFT . Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift far Husbands to their Wives and Daughters. Tiie introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently practical machine will brine Joy and glad ness to the hearts of thousands or our country women throughout the land. It is pronounced by the best jueesto be tbe most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate an all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few ef its superior ad vantages. . C - . 1st. It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 3d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re winding. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus preveating the damaging of goods. 5th. It runs with great ease, and quietly. 6th. It can be understood and operated upan with very little instruction. . 7th. It is sold f ir the low price of thirtj dollar). .Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing t hem, by letter, or tbe Machine and work can be seen at the age ntsv residence, next door to ir. Train's Office, near the Bank Building. ".,.. JUcUAsTEU Ac SOi, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Qluo. Jan. 3, '59. I-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWIMG 11ACHSM1 New York Prices. THE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS ness and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions " accompanying each' Machine, to enable purchasers to-sew ordi nary seams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. Each Machine , is. warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. - C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy November, '59. tf STATE UNION LAW COLLEGE LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, O. Sessions commence on' the 25th day of Au gust, 15th. day, of December and 7th day of April, students may enter at any term with equal profit. The College is authorized to con fer all degrees. Upon graduating, students re ceive the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and may be admitted to practice without further exami nation For circular, address v Deo. 6, '59. 49-ly M. A. KING. FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his Farm lo cated on the Ohio River, in Letart Town ship, Meigs Co., Ohio, above Tanner's Run. There is 210 acres in the whole tract, about 50 of which is river bottom; which is well im proved, together with acres hill land. There is a good frame house" on the farm, and an ex cellent orchardi Terms of sale, one-half cash, and the remainder irr one year. For further particulars inquire at the premises, or address ' - A. L. SHAW, 1' ;r 5 - Great Bend P. 0, Meigs C. 0.' ja.8i, i6tt a--a. STORE TO A. BTJRNAP'S NEW of the Wharf-Boat gjtiscellan ions. W. B. SKIRV1H. I. H. KELLKT. C. L. THOS. SMITH. EXCEtStOH MARBLE WORKS, RACINE, MEIGS CO.j O. Opposite the U. S.xHotel, and two Doirs North of Col. Smith's Store. THE TJNDERSICNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of Meigs and ad joining counties, that they are now prepared te furnish to order, . Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, Table-Tops, Mantles, and everything, in .their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality of . Foreign or American Marble. Those withing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. SKIRVIN, KELLEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf A.G-CROWLEY&iCO- XT7TLL HEREAFTER CARRY ON THE ;VV Carpenter and Joiner business; Doors, Sash,' Blinds, &c, executed to order. From long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders en trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the public, and we respectfully ask a continuance of their favors. The Mill is a few doors above Williamson's Flouring Mill. 1-16-tf BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY, - Front Street, ; Pomeroy, O. BREAD, CRACKERS, FANCY AND ORNA mental Cakes, Candies, &c, at wholesale and retail. CRACKERS BY THE BARREL constantly on hand, as low as in any other market CANDIES, by the quantity, at 13 cents. By purchasing Butter or Soda Crackers at my establishment, at retail, you can save every fifth pound, as I sell 4 pounds for 25 cents. ,2-6 , ' , : . . GEO. ATKINSON., JOHN S. DAVIS, LATE OF THE FIRM OF CROWLEY & DA vis, designs prosecuting the Planing busi ness, at the old stand on Sugar Run.;; Thank ful for the liberal bestowal of patronage here tofore, ho will endeavor to merit its continu ance by promptness and neatness. 1-16-tf OUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN AT ITS highest market "value, at H. Frank's Gro cery establishment, Pomeroy, .0. ; 2-7. ' S. S. SILVERMAN, Ag't REMINGTON HOUSE. ' F . B. RIHELDARFER,' , Proprietor, ; At the head of Steamboat Landng, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. JOHN ELBE N, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIST, AND HYDROPATHIST, tenders his professional services to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity. OiFlCE, in John Ucyers liuilding, (for merly Jacob Neitzling'Sj) on Sycamore street, nearly opposite lowry s tin ishop, Pomeroy, V. Office Hours Till 9 o'clock A. M.; from 1 to 3 o'clock, and" from 7 t 8 o'clock P. M. Gffice Prescriptions, from 25 cents upward, for cash. - June 2, '57. tf C II IN A , GL ASS Q XJ E E IS A HE. WE invite the attention of buyers, to onr large and well assorted stock of Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesitancy in saying that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than thev are sold in any other Western market. All orders carefully selected and well packed. We solicit an examination of our stock. PORSELi. & GORDON, l-E' . Front street, Portsmouth, 0. BOOKS! BOOKS!! BIBLES from 10c. to one dollar,' Mocheim's Church History, Clark's Com. on the Bible, do. -on New Testament,; Dick's. Works, Chain of Sacred Wonders, - Plutarch, Spectator, Rollin, Federalist, Say's Political Economy, Revelations by A. J. Davis, Dow's Works, Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan's complete works, Hayward's Gazetteer, Benton's Abridged Debates, Benton's 30 years, Book of the World, Fleetwood's Life of Christ, Josephus' Work's, Expedition to Japan, Digest of 0. Reports, Swan's Statutes, and a general variety of Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, &c, at publisher's prices. . Jan, 1860. W. H. REMINGTON. COALniJGE MILL. THE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INFORM the Wheat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, that he will give, in exchange for one bushel of good, clean Wheat, 42 pounds of Flour. Persons wishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per .brl.; offal to go to the owner of the Wheat. W. C. WILLIAMSON. July 26, '59. 30-tf hiram o. Daniel. WM. P. RATHBURN. DANIEL & RATHBURN, 33 -J. 3NT K U XX JS , BANK BLOCK, Pomeroy, O. Collections made and promptly remitted; Busi ness paper discounted; buy and sell Exchange, Gold and Siiver Coin, Uncurrent Money -Land Warrants, &c. ; FOREIGN EXC II ANGE- For sale in sums to suit. We are' prepared, to draw direct on .London, .Liverpool, Swansea, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Baden-Baden, and other cities in Europe.' Also, Australia. oney inheritances collect ed in every part of Europe. Money received -on deposit, and interest al- lowedon time deposits, at rate agreed upon. Jan. 17. 2-3-ly : s LUMBER FOR SALE. A CHOICE AND XARGE LOT OF WELL- XI. seasoned PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER for sale on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves. Inquire in Pomeroy, of March 15, '59. y A. E. MURDOCH". LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR. RUN, NAYLOR'S RUN, AND Carr's Run... Application to be made to M. Heckard, Esq., Pemeroy. Aug. i . W. POMEROY. Insurant MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated 1821. No. 68 Wall Street, N. Y. Cash capital and surplus, $400,000. WM. PITT PALMER, Pres't. Anpbew J. Smith, Sec'y. IRVING FIRE INSURANCE CO., No. 9 Wall St., N. Y. ' Cash capital and surplus, $255,000. MASON THOMPSON, Prest. Maetin L. Ckowell, Sec'y. HUMBOLDT FIRE INSURANCE CO., No. 10 Wall St, Y. N. Cnsh capital and sur plus, $242,000. JOHN RANKIN, Pres't. Wm. Mulligan, Sec'y. ; LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO, No. 31 Wall St, N. Y. Cash capital and sur plus, $264,000. CARLISLE NORWOOD Pres. Geo. D. Geary, Sec'y. The above Companies, with unimpaired Cap itals, and additional cash surplus, -comprise near $1,200,000. The undersigned being sole agent for this County, is prepared to Insure on dwellings and their furniture, merchandize buildings, and other property, at as low rates as other Companies, equally responsible. ALL LOSSES will be promptly adjusted and paid. Persons desiring insurance are solicited to call on me before procuring a policy else where. JAMES RALSTON, Agont. Pomeroy, Dec.C, 1859. 49-6m GUAHD AGAIKST FALL AND WINTER FIRES I b r Ohoioe Insuranoo WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL., $1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF $500,000.00, And the prestige of 40 years success und experience. Upward of $12,000,000 of losses hare been paid by the iElna Insurance Oinpany in the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparen t from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE JSTNA , .. BHRINO TBE PAST FIVE TEARS! In Obio, - - 431,520 83 In Michigan, - $158,043 81 In Wisconsin, 106.953 07 In Indiana, - 146,839 81 In Kentucky, - 04,939 40 In Illinois, - - 448,327 41 Missouri. - - - 384,518 04 Tennessee, - - 97.549 31 Iowa A- Minn.. 101,399 46 Kansas & Neb.. 19,945 77 Penn. & Va., - 31,595 82 I Ark. & Ga., - 23.945 09 - Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $52,412 18 Fire and Inland Navigation Risfcs aecepted at terms consisieut wun solvency ann prom. Especial attention gWen to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid serrice long and successfully tried, and the manv advantages tbe Mtna Insurance Comoanv possesses in its line, Should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. - . . ; During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain lose being then much lessened- Agencies in all the principal cities and towns throughout the State. Poli lea issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Ag nts of the Company TQBusiness attended to with despatch and fldel- liy. unci II n .1 ri , Agei'l, Sept. 20.-38-3m. Pomerov, O (Mutational. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, HARTFORD CITY,M,SON CO., VA. rphis Institute has been successfully commenced 1 under the patronage of the Hartford City Coal, Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers' and Mechanics' sons and daughters. where they may receive tho advantages of a vnperlor EJJUUA nun 10 wnai nas nuneno oeen onereu mem in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It is now entering en its second session, and is de lightfully situated on a gently sloping sandy ' emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, anu only a short distance from the Steamboat Lunding. The School Room and Teacher's Residence is held in that spa cious building formerly known as the Brethren Church. The room contains 2,000 sqare feet, and is replete with every suitable convenience, j The beating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stoves, and Sf'O feet of window light, and being elevated 16 feet above the road way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. r . " Tfiere is also a Library and Reading Department attached, for the use of students, containing many excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to suit tho desire of all parties, and it is intended hereafter, to add t Piano Forte, for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. . The School Is conducted by the Principal, aided by Asssstants. male and female. The male pupils' are taught every branch of learn ing necessary for their future advantage, making them capable of entering on all such duties us may hereafter offer for their weal. Tbe female department are also taught every nec essary accomplishment, with plain and fancy needle work in addition to a sound scholastic course. Hours of attendance, 9 to 13, and 2 to 5, for youth, and 6 to 9, for adults. Thus may the children of the above' receive as lib eral an education asin aristocratic institutions, whose charges exclude many a naturally talented child from obtaining the assistance necessary to develop its intellect. Pupils charged only from time of entrance. Terms persession of 3 months, $2.50 each. A limited numbe r ef boarders are taken at a small charge. References may be had to parents, of pupils, either in Ohio, West Columbia, Mason City or this place, on application to the Principal, at. the Institute. SAMUEL B. SAUNDEKS, Preceptor. Oct. 4.-40-tf. . MOUNT AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. THIS Select Seminary, situated in the beautiful and healthy suburb of Cincinnati, called Mount Auburn, claims equal standing with the, most ap proved Schools in the Eastern States. The pupils form a part of thf family of the Princi pal, and tbe charges are placed at tbe lowest rates consistent with the superiority of the domestic ar rangements and style of the Institution. The course of education reaches the highest branches usual in the best Female Seminaries. There are two sessions of about twenty -oue weeks each. The charge for ooard, lodging, light, washing, English, scientific and classical branches, is $150 per session. Music, singing, painting and Modern Languages at customary rates. ..... Being within a few minutes' ride from Fourth Street, by omnibus leaving every half hour, this school affords peculiar facilities to families residing on the river. For the success of the Institute, in accomplishing itsaims, reference is made with great confidence to its patrons. . . . The next session will open on Tuesday, the 13th of September, 1859. : Applications may be made to Rev. E. A. CRAW LEY, D. D., Mount Anburu; or to J. H. WHITE, Esq., at Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co.'s, Cincinnati. Reference is also made (with permission) to Hon. V. B. Horton, and Charles Pomeroy, Ksq., Pomeroy, Ohio. August 31, 1859. 36-3t I RON FENCING AND Xs O XX T I O O 33 JS CAN BE PROCURED IN IR0NTON AT as low prices, in as great variety, and of as good material as any place in the West. T. S. KIRKER, Ironton, Ohio. Nov. 15, '59. 46-ly Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. R. R. ON and after Monday, Nov. 4, trains will leave Alliens as follows: Going East Express Mail at - - 5:20 p.m. Going West Mail at 11:30 p.m. Express mail east and make rlose connections at Farkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all points West. - . Trains leave Clnllicothe at 6:15 a. M., and arrive at Columbus at 2:40 p. M.; and trains leaving Athens at 11:30 arrive at Columbus at 9:10 p. M. -Tickessat reduced rates are sold at Chillicothe and Athens, for Columbus. Through tickets can be obtained at the principal ticket offices on the line of the Road for all points east and west.' A discount of ten cents on each ticket from regu lar tariff rates will be made on all tickets purchased at the ticket offices. B. GATES, Sup't. J. FoooiTT, Gen'l Ticket A'gt. Chil. Nov. 4,59. CHAS. BICHMANN. ANDREW BURKERT. BICHMANNgfc BURKERT. NO HUMBUG! " Small Profits and Quick Sales," IS THE MOTTO AT Reed's Old Stand, Front Street, Pomeroy, O. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON .HAND A Anr1 a conrtmAn r. AT Gold and Silver Watches; German, French and American Jew-i elrr: Fancv Articles: Clocks from S2.00 to 12.00, 1 ..... ; oi every size anu ucsuiiiinu". Repairing oi v atones, wockb anu oewciry, dime in rl bwt iminBer, promptly. . 2-1. - Rf(lical BLOOD FOOD. Dr. Bronson, having been so far reduced bT con sumption, as to be considered beyond all hope of re covery by the most eminent of the medical profes ion. and also by himself a regular- physician of iwcniy yearn practice as a last resorl, conceives the Idea of ANALYZING THE BLOOD, and apply ing the subject of physiology to the more immedi ate connection, and effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. The result has been the production of this "BLOOD FOOll," from tho use of which Dr. Bronson was restored to perfect health. Within six months after its introduction, over two thousand eonsumptives were effectually cured by it. If jou have any complaints of a con sumptive tendency. Cough, Cold. Head-aehe, Pal pitation of the Heart, Less of Appetite or Pain in the side, lose no time in procuring a bottle of the "BLOOD FOOD." If you are suffering from Ner vous Debility, 0r your sleep is broken and dis-' tnrbed,if your spirits are depressed or your organs relaxed, you will find in this an unfailing remedv, by commencing with ten drops. If your Liver Is" tor pid or diseased In any manner whatever, one or two bottles will be sure to invigorate, and bring it into lively and healthful action. In the most inveterate cases of Dyspepsia the patient can here find the most efficient and grateful relief. A benefit is al ways experienced after taking one bottle. In Male or Female Complaints and .Weaknesses, the suf ferer, after trying other remedies in vain, may rest assured, that a certain cure will result from the use of two or three, bottles. The "BLOOD FOOD" is effectual in all; cases of Eruptions, Salt Rheum. Scrofulas and other like complaints. Pale and emaciated children and adults are immediately benefited by its use. It gives strength to the body, and colorand beauty to the skin. Physicians of all schools are using it with wonderful success. For full directions, sre circulars. Price fl per bottle. . ' . . etHoq aod iuod ss 'aoij -psMOnoj Xiiauis eq isnm O'lioq qotia punoiu p(Msj suii.aijp Bqi'satBO 18 ui -sjoifiooi )tn o) an!ij jsom eqt so Jiasi; spuemmoo -uosboj auiRs m joj i juraiiJoApe Jiaqi si esuedxe ejoq. asoq. esoqi una ss siuauiesuJeAp Sno qans pJoB iouub.i ra itiqi 'pa)! eqj jo siiojihj -cdsjd laqm uaqt ajornqonui osejsoD j wi 3uunoojd ui a. -it on oeo o no.C puammoaaj Arisau -JBO 9JA 'ejU JO 8UO8nAU03 JO 9OSB0 u UI 3peUI -aads-iiUB injjaMod u Supq pu iesuepguba oaj Jed mi uo peuej aq 083 'sesaasip jo Zui pun imnj isoui aqi 'duojg joj -jaifai ejus tr si i psarj eqt U p0 joj 'peneaun si j 8aAioq aqi 2hinl -tiSoi jo.h UBd SiijAaijaj puii euinS aqi zmuaijos joj -oeB 'onO. AHaX!J5IS .(T qani igsi Hxaax asiasaxxv sisividwoo o& :(A 'uoi -BJBdpjd jgqio AJ9A9 Ja.lo iiJant joiqi sii fj qajq 8D Juimouoj aqi ii8 ! jaiiaJ P"B ejus ur. -jaa s si pus 'liiRjiii eR3iap jsoiu aqi ejnfu; louusa pun saimj(q Snoajiad si y (iqvnoj spueq u.o siq .q iuqi jo aiibiu 'uoiu -jq jo uoiiaajip aqj jap -uo euajoj eqt mojj 3np Suieq pannsip si 11 q.iiq uioji siooj ijaA aqi iMoqs siuinidmoa omunj -ui joi einiuB janio Xub mm n 10 iiosundnioa a se 'an isaja qi dn ind s lpJjqx "(ailUiqiBuae sii aumapsap jo pcaisni 'pnqajnoA jo Dnijajjns aqt SuiAomaj Xq 69.ai3j (iiuanbasuoa pus 'puijj jtua jo aiaido jo aijoSrfJud uiojj aojj Xiajitua si i Xpuo -D9S Muatu JUJ aouaeojd oi stiiBpJmoa oinuBjui uj aauaijadxa qanm uiojj panusnb naJ si oq 'UBp -Isiqd jBinSaJ jo uouJu(JaJd aqi S i isjij' , . -no.t najano ajoi oiaJaq emj asnb jo osjna iqi mnjitoo ajsas jsao .tuc(jodni i 8!Bi9 oi ajjsap a '7yiaa03 HK1X -IVTilflU SiNUXVa au HI! "" aupueoju ui saaHJiOic , Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, Druggists, No. 36 Maiden Lane. New York, And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. . ' r , 3-4-y. S A X F ORD'S IIVEB INVIOOnATOBe NEVER DEBILITATES. ..... IT IS COMPOUNDED fcNTIREL FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known ana ap have used it. and is now fldence la all the diseases mended. ... It has aured thousands years who bad given up the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adapt ment of the individual sm h qusntities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use f the I.iver will cure Liver torn Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks. Dyspepsia. Sum, entery, Habitual Costfve ChoUra Morbus. Cholera Female Weak nesses, be nsedsaceessfnlly as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- AI1 who nse it are giv iii its favor. . , proved by rall ' that resoriea to wun con , for which it is recom- within the last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed to the tempera takimr it, and used. in gently on tlm Bowels. jHdgini nt guide you Invigorator, and it plaints. Dropsy, Sour rooea, Billions At iner Coniilninls,Dj'3' ness. Cholic"; Cholera Infantum, jaundice Flatulence, and may Ordi ary Family Sick Headache, as twenty minutes, if fuls are taken at tbe tack. ing their testimony Mix water in tbe mouth with the Invigorator, and swkiiow own ingeiacr. . ? Price One Dollar per Bottle. ' '; ' ALSO SANF O R D9 S FAMttY CATHAHTIC PILUy CONPOUNDED FROM. Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air- Tiglrf,- and will Iteep xn any climate. The Family Cathartic Fill is a gentle but active Cathartic which tbe pro practice more than The constantly inereas wbo have long used the . tion which all express in induced me to place B all. H .The . profession well H tharics act on differ nit H The Family Cathartic P, ence to this welt estab- rl pounded from a variety . q Extracts, which act alike H imentary canal, and are 2 easa: where a Cathar- T Derangements of the J Back aud Lions, Sleepi- Q and Soreness over the H den cold, which, ; frc- JJ end in a long course of a Creeping Sensation Q Restlessness, tleaduche, T Inflammatory Diseases, V Adults, Rheu atism, a Blood and many diseases too numerous to men ment. Dose, 1 to 3. prietor has Used in his twenty years, ingdemand from those Pills and the satisfac regard to their nee. has them within the reach ef know that different Ca- Dortinns rrf thfhowels. Pill has. With daerefer- hshed fac t, been com of the purest Vegetable on every part ot the ai god and safe in all tic ts needed, such as Stemach, Pains in the ness, Costiveness,. Pain whole bodv. from sud quently, if neglected, Fever, Lossof Appetite, or voia over tne Body or weight in theh-ad jill Worms in Clnlden or great Purifier of the to which flesh is heir. tion in this .advertise PBICE, THHEE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Catbartie Pills are retailed oy uruggists generally, ana sola wtioie sale by the trade in all .he large towns. S.T. . SANFOKD,M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 3-4-y. 335 Broadway, New York.. The Great Ambassador of : Health to All Mankind. HOLLOWA 'SPILLS. , A Boon to the Sick. the w. nt of a sterling medicinal to meet the Ills and necessities of the sufferine portion of humanity, and one entirely free from mineral and other deleterious particles, was severely rott till mis an powenui medicine was ushered into the world; Hollow ay's invalcablc Pilu have become the bouseholo rbmedt of all nations. Their attribute is to vrbvbht as well at to cure: they attack the radix or root of the com. nlaint. and thus bv removing the hidden cause of dis ease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system, assisting nature in her task of vital BBO rOHCTIONART REFORMATIO. - Dyspepsia. The great scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and tbe digestive organs are restored to their proper tone; no matter la what hideous shape this hydra of disease exhibits itself, this searching and nnerring remedy disperses it irom the patient's system. ' General Debility and Weakness. .- From whatever cause, lowness or spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other disorgam xation of the system, vanish under the eradicating in Jnence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent remeuy. Bilious Disorders. The proper quantum and right condition of the bile is of momentous importance to the health of the hu man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, aud renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, cleansing and rcsusiuimig tne vital i unctions oi tne ooay. Sickly Females. Should lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may be iiieircompiaiui,u can oe taken wun satety in all pe riodical and other disorganizations, its effect is all dui miraculous. , Unrefuted Proof. The testimony of Nations is unanimously borne to the health-giving virtues of his noble remedy, and certificates in every living language bear witness to tne undenia bleness ol their intrinsic worth. JJolloway's Pills are the best remedy known in. the world for the following diseases. A stoma Diarrhoea, Bowl Gom-Dropsy, plaints. Debilitv. Indigestion, Stone and Influenza. Gravel, Inflammation. Secondary mourns, Colds, Cheit Dis revere Ague inward Weak- brintoms. Female Com- ness, Venereal plaints, LiverCompl'ts, Affections eases, Headaches. Lown'as of SDirit Worms of iyspeisia, files, an Kimis. TTr Canlion! None are genuine unless the words "Holloway, New York and London," are descpibable as a Water-mark in every leaf ef the book of direc tion, around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holdingthe leaf to the light. A hand some reward -will be given to anyone rendering such information -as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vend ing the samu, knowing tbem to be spnrious. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hol lowty, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all re spectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicine through out the United States and the civilized world, In boxes at 25 cents, 63 cents, and one dollar each. TTr'Thcre is considerable saved by taking the larfer sizes. , N, B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. 2-7-cow-ly iMiiat; CANCERS CUBED. DR. G AOLER TENDERS his professional services to all in Southern Ohio and Northern Virginia, who are afflicted with cancer, in any of its forms. Cancerous and other malignant tumors- re moved i . Without the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others tfcatt might be adduced, are testimonials from physicians of extensive and long-continued practice: . Albany, Athens Co.', 0., Jan. 12,1860. Dk. G. Coler Dear Sir: Having seen several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent eureef Cancer in any of its forms may be had, if application be made to you before the tumor affects tho vital organs. JOHN EAR H ART, M. D. : HAaRisoNviLLE, Meigs Co., Jan. 6, 1860. tuotleof treatinjr Cancers ia completely successful, u,""-," rsuiiiii. in quicK bdu perma nent cures, through his treatment, have come under i uouuw, as a practising physician during the last 12 , - WWLi.ljJ.J4 1.11 W SJ m Office and resiflenrp. ArmneitA Kucrcp Jfe Pw.a Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. ; ; ; January z-i, icou. ii-4-y . THE GREAT WONDER ; OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY,' Pro! Wood's Hair Hestorative Says the St. Louis, (Mo.) "Democrat:" Relow. publish a letter to Dr. Wood, of this citv. from gentleman in Maine, vrhich speaks glowingly of the: superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable source. ii .ceruncates are guarantees or truth, the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useles puffery from the press; Bath, Maihe, Jan. 20, 1850. Professor O. J. Wood & Co.: Gentlemen:-Having my attention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative, 1 was induced to make application of it upon my own hair,which bad become quite gray probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the same character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative, and used it. I soon found it was proving what I had wished. 1 used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bo'.tle, of which I have used some. I ean now cer tify to the world that the gray or white hair has to tally disappeared, both on my head and face, and my hair has resumed its natural color.and 1 believe more soft and glossy than it has been before for twenty-five years. . 1 am now . sixty years old; my good wife at the age or fifty-two, has used it with same effect. ' The above notice 1 deem due to you for your val uable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict : my statements. I am a citizen Of this city and a resident here, for the last fifteen years, and am known to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. - Any use you may make of the above; with my name attached, is at your service, as J wish t preserve the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly, yours, ,-.-'- ..... A. C. RAYMOND. . BAVfiEOftf i Jan. 23, 1858. ' WOOD'S HAIR REhTOKATlVfi. Professor Wood Dear Sir:' Having had the miafor-t tune to lose the best portion of my hair, from the effects of yellow fever, in New Orleans, in 1854, 1 was induced lo make a trial of your preparation, and found it toansweras the very thing needed. : My hair is now thick and glossy, and i.o words can express my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. ' , ' FINLEY JOHNSON'. The' undersigned, KeT.J.K. Bragg, is a Minister in regular, standing, and pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfleld, Mass. He is a gentleman of great influeno acd universally beloved ., ... I.. .. ;, . - WM. DYER. . ' ; ' - "- Brookfleld, January 13, 1858 ' Professor Wood D ear Sir: Having made trial your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say that it effect has been excellent in removing inflam mation, dandruff and a constant, tendency to itching wi h which I have been troubled from my childhood: ; nd has also restored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its original color. I hafe used no other ar ticle with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours, truly, J.K.BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of 3 sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds a a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent, more in proportion than the small, retail for two dollars a bottle; tbe large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion aud retails for three dollars a bottle. "O. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway', New York, and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo." And sold by ull good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ... . July 12,28-3m. ' ' ' "' : ' National Dispensary for Private Diseases, estab lished January 1st, 1859. FIVE HUNDREO DOL I .'.RS FORFEIT. Three Eminent Physicians in con cunt attendance. . -i , The faculty of the institution, consisting of -' !i PROF. EGBERT JACKSON, - ., Member of the Rntval College of Surgeons, London. DR. ROBERT HERBERT, Lste of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VELPKAU. , Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of 500, a complete cure of ever Sexual Disease, howevet aggravated by negleet, a4 , :, - ,v . .. WithotU Mercury. . We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because we will not undertcke any case that we are not sure of curing. ' Geiiorrtrea, PyphiBs,SeIf-abnse,Imptonce, Whites or Fluor Alhus, Gleet, Stricture, Skin Diseases, Ve nerea) Warts, Diseases of tbe Bladder and Kidneys, Female Irregularities, Barrenness, Liver Complaint, Emaciation, Premature Decay, tho Paius of Age, General Debility, change-of Life, etc, receive especial attention.. . t - . . , . , i. : TaEATMERT Entirely New and always successful ; cure rapid and thorough and references of eminent Physicians and Surgeons both la this- country and Europe. : '.. i The DISPENSARY CIRCULAR, forwarded gratis by mail to any address, contains invaluable advice to young men. young ladies contemplating matri mony add married.- We Save Just pablisbee) :-' 1 lie Medical Prelector. - ; A book of over 300 pages, full of Ine anatomical and other engravings . - v : It contains not only the pith of alt the lale de-vetop ments in Medicine and Surgery above referred to, but it is also a gaide to all who aspire to felicity with the opposite sex; shows how to guard against danger, and how to escape danger when incurred. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in the hands of very young persons, as it contains in formation that might be perverted to unworthy ends. Also a Tull and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Lore and Beauty, never before . Satisfactorily: revealed in any book in the English language. Price 50 cents one of the cheapest books in tbe world. If health could be estimated in money, the new facts contained in this book, for the prevention of ill health, would be cheap at the above forfeiture. Send for a Circular fully describing it. Da. Jackson's Female Monthly Pills4 invaulable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price 91 forwarded by mail. Dr. Ja'cxsox'b Perpetual Preventive, is the only article in the world that witheut inconvenience or danger will Infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept at the hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no ether preventive in use and is superior to all. Forwarded to any address. ' - ' . , . ' M. Vei.peac'b Beautifying Powder It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, and effectually prevents tbe formation of wrinkles, blotches, freckles, pimples, wens, etc., etc. Price 91 per box, sent by mail. Every letter must contain six cents, in stamp, to be used for reply. Address, Drs. Jackson, Herbert Co., or simply P. O. Box 436, Cincinnati, Ohio. Of fice No. 167 Sycamore Street. Medicines and instruc tions sent promptly to any part of the country. 2-39 6m. ' FRUIT TREES. T. P. Fogg & Son OFFER FOR SALE SEVERAL f0a thousand Grafted Apple. Trees, "ir of a suitable size forgetting out this Fall. Price, Ten Dollars per Hundred. Salem Center. Meies County. Ohio, Sept. 1859. . 2-37-tf APPRENTICES. THOSE wishing to take boys or girls at any age from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known their wishes to Mr. Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary, neaj Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors. Feb. 7. '60. tf. M. BOSWORTH. Pomeroy Rolling Mill Company, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND 'AND manufacture to order, all kinds and sizes of flat, round and square iron, of superior qual ity, which they offer, wholesale and retail, at current rates. Also, American and Swede nail rods, steel and iron plow-wings, cast atod shear steel, wagon boxes. Scrap iron and kidney ore taken in exchange. ' 13-ly WM. LONG, Sup't. Probate Court. THE State or Ohio, Meigs County, ss Final Settlement of Accounts. Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the following persons have been filed in this Court for set tlement: James M. Miller, Adm'r of Mark Hal ey, dee'd; Wm. Green, Adm'r de bonis non of James Conner, dee'd; which accounts are set for hearing and settlement on the 18th day of April next. ARTHUR MERRILL, Probate Judge, march 27, I860. 13-3t Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. DR. ROBACK'S , SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES. WHEN DR. RD&ACK, the celebrated Swedish Physician, inlrortueed his B!omI Purifier n.t Blood Pills in the United Slates, he set forth in plain language their curi tive properties. This was yrar: ago. The task of recommending: them has since been taken our of bis ..hands. Enlightened men whose character foTslmnd iudement and philosophy gives their opinions Weight in tne cominnnity. meu wno observe, reflect, and make t'assuram e oouniy sure" before they decide are everywhere ap proving and tt'rging the use of these wonderful Prep arations. All who confide in the wisdom and hon esty of this class-, Or who choose to investigate for, themselves are now of one mind on this important . subject. Dr. Kobacfc fnvife fbVatteMoof the sick t Iba, - . Original Letters, . rr from members of tbe Medical Profnsioir Editors of public journals. -well known Mert-hantsatid Kiirm.nV and Ladies of the highest respectability, giving ae counts of extraordinary cures wrought by", th" reme-' die, of which cures tbiy themselves were " Eye ' Witnesses I . ; Tbese parties may be consulted personally or l? letter, by those who have any doubt upon" fii i mrb-: ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Knhark. which is at all times accessible to the public. -tb- lishes the following - . -r i a pa CTS - ' That the"Bloo.l Purifier" and "Blood Pills" liave been proved by analysl - to ' ' - '5- : ' Mineral; ; '-, That they cure the almost universal comelatnt, '- '' Dyspepsia, ' , i with unerring certainty, and in a very abort tirn. ? That after all other medicines have proved, useless, they relieve i : . v .t. . - ;f i - Liver , Complaint,! ,;r ,u.-;r and restore the health and strength of the sufferer. That a Wi-fi,: t.;r (.-.-j '- . , .-:.. i . ; . Sick Ffmahs, . ; . ' who have langnished for years in helpless weakness and despondency, recuperate with great rapiditv under their invigorating operation. That all sexnal disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating properti es. That the- recruit ' ''" Shattered Constitutions'." ' " however tbey may bav beei' trifled with and abused:' that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, an render it enjoyable. That, operating directly upon the poisonous disease in the blood, they "" ' Cause Soon to 'Heal, . y -and discharge from the system, every taint of ScrofV ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they ' ' Recruit ' the Debilitated,'- 1 ' and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous svstem.the skin, glandsor mnscles. arising Irom, impurities of the blood, and in which they do not give prompt relief, and, (if ad ministered before the very citadel of life has bee. invaded,) effect a painless and perfect cure.. Rear in mi, id that tbe "Scandinavian' Vegetable Blood Pils" are endorsed by experience of thou sands of living witnesses, who, in letters, affidavits, medical works and by word. of mouthy proclaim them to be the very best preparation of tbe kind ever offered to the broken-down victims of ill -health. They bunt' disease- through every avenue and organ of the system, and . to expel it thoroughly and perma nently.' '-".- ! .. - r-.;. ,: . -i - i-V.i .-f.t No one can doubt the'r superiority after one single trial they are not only Detter, bnt, in fact, cheaper than any other Pills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better effect. , . - L C L. - 1: ..; VAmaI.M. OImJ' OhL ii.. i lii! I'lniiiiinn. inn . .c... ... i . ...... . u Her, l per bottle, or 93 per half dozen.' Of tho Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, 35 cents per box. or 5 boxes for fjl. ' -'.'. ; ' Head Dr. Roback's Medical Almanac and Family Adviser, containing a great varietyy of interesting and valuable Medical information, can b had gratia ot any of his Agents throughout the country. '-' In difficult or complicated Caaes, Dr. Roback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for the reply. ' From Rev. Mr. McMuIIen, Pastor of Roberts Chapel. t '" InBiiWArotia, 6tober6, lt4.- i Dr. C. W. Roback Dear Sir: J have used your" Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from which I have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste, it eertainly has happy effect upon the nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re gard; and believe me Yours. '-' . - " . J.W.T. McMULLEN.. Principal Office ani Rales Rooms,' No.' 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, O. . Laboratory Id Ham mond street. , ' " " t Vnr aolor' in AIaio-o Pn" Kv T'T?1pTt Pomeroy; Htjgq & Coe, Middleport; E. S. Beanch,' Rutland;', J. Mr. Cooper, Pajreville: J.'K. EllTS, Raelner K6- erts '& TidD, Long' Bottom; I.-H. HAYMASrj Apple Grove; WEti)EN'& AJIUOLUn, V11COLC1, XX. -J. 11 T. T. 1 VlilUC- P. O.; W:; M. Swallow,' LetaTt Falls; W,' Dickey,'; Harrisonville; M.v E. Smith, Syracuse; and by Drnggist9 and Merchants i generallyj throughout i the UniQn:;:;.. v r. . 3-7-y. , Notice to Salt , Maiiufactiirera . THE subscriber, from a long; experience' in the business, would inform salt manufac turers that he is prepared to make Anger Joints, TtA;nn Ti nn!mi p i? nrifpnnrv ; t ; .. .., . .,- . t . . i Our. Musical Friend: ; uun nunitAL riticnu," a nare companion for tbe Winter Months. . : . Every Pianist, . Should procure this weekly ' Every Singer, Publication of Vocal and ' i Every Teacher, . a Piano Fone Music, cost- Every Pupil,. , -ing , hut 10- CKNTS.a Every Amateur, ' ;: ' number, and pronounced By the entire Press of the Country, to be -l?The but smd Cheapest Work of the kind in . , the, World." , Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Fort Music lor 10 Onts . . ,- . r ...... Yearly,'5;' Half-yearly,' f2J50; Quarterly, 1 1.25. ' 9nherihA' tA -0 i Unii..! Vrletul M Antp ll from the nearest Newsdealer, and you will have Music enough for your entire family, and al' insig nificant coat;- and if voq want Music for the Flutes Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion; etc., etc.,) sub scribe to the Soto melodist,1 i: ' Containing f3 pages, costiug ouly : . ' : '., . '". o 10 Cents a Number; Yearly , S3 J" : Half-yearly, 1 25. A the back numbers at 10 cts., and Bound Vol ernes, containiag 17 Numbers, at $2.50 each, con stantly on hand. C. B. SEYMl'UK & ' O., Feb. 21, m 8-Jin 107. Nassau Su,,New York; TlIlEl subscriber would " respectfully inform ma uiu uustuuiers uuu vLiivra nuu iiitijr qt sire to procure GOOD CO AX, C H E A P, that h( has made the following reduction In prices: ' ' : ,! ' :i "? 11 Poof nianV rnnl at .......... , ' f .n ?H KnaYiol Red Coal at............. 40 ' ' ' An addition of from J to J cent per bushel will be added where the coal is to be .delivered below the Sugar Run Salt . Works, or above . V. B. Horton's office. ' He is determined to meet all competition, and will sell as low as any other person, what ever may be the price. ' ; . : f Apply at the bank, on Mulberry street, a short distance from the Court House, to the subscriber. JOSEPH BLACKBURN. Jan. 24, I860. 4-tf. - . TPtOWS!: PtOWS! T ' ' ' -.. .. : . .... . . X HAVE on hand-one hundred PATENT LEVER PLOWS. Pittsburgh Pattern which I will sell as fol lows: : - i ' J.:l V'i Right Hand No. 2....... $5.00 ." u No. 3 , 6.0O " " No.'s 4 and 5.1.......'.......;..' '1.00 Left Hand No..4 .......i.wj.i 7.0ft Hill Side No. 4 J. 7XO I also make to order three sizes Right and Left Hand, Rich's Patent. Cast Iron Beam Plows. ' --.;. i- - . A-. ...... Scrap taken in exchange. , mar. 6, '59. tf J. W. 8. STACKP0LE: A. SEE B OHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,. DEALER IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES,. VarniBbes, Dyestuffs, Perfumery, :':.; and. Fancy Articles, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. PrflSCTintiotiQ QtHkfullv rnt rtn lan Q. OO 200,000 Shingles ' 3P O 3Et S A. Xj U - THE TTNIIERKIGNKD has on hand a larpe lot o Shaved Piae Shingles, which he will sell at . REDUCED PRICKS. These shingles are of good quality, and purchasers, will find them te give satisfaction whererer used. Doors and Sasb. of all sizes, constantly on hand, at reduced prices. For further particulars Inquire of J. HUNTLEY, 48-tf AtDaiis' Plaaiiur Mill, Pomeroy. i ; J