Newspaper Page Text
. fes POMEROY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, I April 1880. Opinions of DJtHnlnd Buslneee Men. "I have always considered advertising liberally and long to be the grent medium of success in business, and the prelude to wealth. And I have made it an invariable rule, too, to advertise in the dullest times, a long experi ence having taught me that money thus spent is well laid out$ as by keeping my business ontinually before the public, has secured me many sales that I otherwise would have lost." Stephen WrwoV-"-'-'- -'- "Whatever success I may have had In busi ness I owe mainly to continuous advertising, nd I deem it good policy to advertise long in the same papers. From a close observation, I am fuily convinced that it is impossible to make sauch headway in any . branch of commerce, without the facilities which the Press alone can give." Jacob Ridgeway." "My motto through life has been work and advertise. In business, advertising is the true Philosopher's stone, that turns whatever it teuchea to gold. I have advertised much, both ia the weekly as well as in the daily papers; Her have I found that those of the largest 'circulation of either class benefitted me the oat. John Jacob Aslor. 0&"See advertisement of James Rals ton,' Agent of Manhattan Fire Insurance Company. There is no better Company ;in the Union than thisand we can cheer fully recommend all who w ish, to effect insurance on their property, to the Agent to whom we have referred. iguS. Silverman, Ag't of H. Frank, howB by his liberal advertising that he is making it pay. And, the necessary inference is, that to do so, he must make it the interest of the public to patronize him,, o All of which is proved by the crowds that daily throng his establish ment. . , .-. - . atton & Smith hang out their ign, for the first time, in our columns to-day see their advertisement. That they intend to meet the expectations ef the public is evidenced by their use 01 the Telegraph.'- It - may be taken tor granted,-- in this, as well as all other towns, that they who advertise most freely will accommodate the public the best.- :-: " '' We have heard of several narrow escapes from drowning during the late freshet. The wonder is that many, and especially children, are not lost in these Hoods,: as fear seems to be a stranger to those living on t the river, and caution a word, the meaning of which is not well understood. A Pomeroy boy, on a raft of sticks: feels a thousand times more safe , than a Commodore on board his flag-ship; and somehow they manage to make port all right. . . Caasell's. Popular Natural History, ,' Profusely illustrated with splendid en gravings, and tinted plates, published in -parts on the first and fifteenth of each month. Price, 15 cents each. Twelve ;part8, of 32 pages each, will foriri a vol. Each vol. complete in itself.. nThe work ;is intended to form four volumes. , : Sncb. is the outline of a work being published by Cassell, Peter & Galpin, N. y.f of which, we have received part 1st. 'The work promises to be one of sterling worth, and is published at a price that is within the reach of every family. Speci mens may be seen at our office, and we will forward subscriptions of any of; pur friends who. may desire the work. cJ SO.Vro & Sad Affair. - - A' sad accident occurred on Thurs day afternoon, the 12th inst.. resulting in the death of William Smart, son of Caleb Smart, of . this placed and 'Miss .Martha Cable, daughter of Mrs. Smart by a former, husband.. . In company with TVIiss Khoda Church, they were in a skifF, : pleasure riding, when by some mAona t.fiA riAnt. nncAf. lVTiaa fbiirnli -f held on to the craft, and was finally res cued, but her companions above named, perished before relief could be afforded. Their bodies have not yet been recov: ered. The sudden death of these inter esting young people has thrown a gloom over a large circle of friends and ac quaintances, and has left a void in the .home of their parents which will be filled no moreon earth. J Tfce Flood. ' : ' i- The Ohio has been higher at this place during the last week, than it has been since the great flooS of 1852, lack ing some three or four feet only of reach ing the point of that celebrated over flows -Some property: was destroyed in our town and vicinity, and much incon venience and hard labor, was imposed upon .the . citizens. But these are the compensations offset against 'the ad van -- tapes enioved bv the "dwellers nn tns O t J ' ' J streams of water" in other respects. It would hardly be fair to allow those living upon the water courses to enjoy all the advantages which they, confer, "f" fTt f.""" It Tv" 7 TriirV o Air ei "."nriil nnn ' t. a" vvavAwuv . .J Ulun UclilIiwQ-i diJUi U UUU LX1C wnoie, : inese periodical Hoods keep up .about fair equilibrium i; ' Apologetic. v . ;:,'! ! ;.v We are; not, as our readers well know, 111 the Habit ftf mstillcr O Tn1 nrriaa . - . v -troubling them with pgmplainte, i-rBut with three feet of tbater in our office for .several dayswe "guessT'rtney 'will ex cuse us for not getting out the. Telegraph promptly. Under the circumstances, the thing was simply impossible, and we do not profess to do impossible things. The day. of publication having gone to J, we issue this No. on Friday, but date 5t on Tuesday, the "24th, our regular pub lication day. We trust such occurrences may be few and far between. We might bne our readers with a history of ur trials by floods &c., but simply won't do it. Th water was not to the eaves of our : office, as it was to many of the dwellings of our goodly town and its su burbs, and w are thankful to" get off so. We hope to jaeet our readers regularly hereafter. I Sfor Dilapidated Affection. 1 , There are two breach-of-promise cases on the tapis in Natici Mass; one, the eldest 'daughter of the Methodist clergy man, has sued a flour and grain dealer in Boston for $10,000; and . the other, a trentlernan from New TTnmTmTiiro ctons o - - ' in and claims the affections of one of the citizen's wife, to the tnne of $5,000. REPORT OF THE EXAMINING COM MITTEE OF THE POMEROY , SCHOOLS. To the Board of Education: Gentlemen: In accordance with the requirements of our office, we have given some attention to the Public Schools, during their past session, and attended the examinations closing the term. Wc therefore submit the following Report We embrace this opportunity of ex pressing our appreciation of the untiling efforts of our worthy Superintendent, and efficient corps of Teachers, to elevate the character of the schools. We are happy to state our conviction that these ef forts are being crowned with marked success; and we can reasonably hope that the time is not far distant, under the present management, when the Pomeroy Public Schools shall be inferior to those of no other town of like size. One prominent detriment in the way of the prosperity of our Schools, has always been, the want of appropriate School buildings. This detriment has been partially re moved by a judicious action of the Board of Education, at the close of the Summer term, inleasingthe "Pomeroy Academy," for the use of the Public Schools. We have thus an addition of three or four commodious and wholesome school roomSj instead of an equal number, which were so' illy ventillated, and so forbidding in their aspect, as to render them absolutely unfit for their purpose. We deem it of the first importance that the school room, with its furnish ing, and its surroundings, should not only be such as to conduce to the health and comfort of the pupil, but "it should present that neat and home-like appear ance .which will pleasantly and favorably effect his mind, and heart. In short, no pains should be spared to render the school house,' and its appurtenances, the most pleasant and attractive place to the learner. ?, ' These externals are : silent, though potent formers of character, and have been too much neglected. r None but the experienced teacher can fully appreciate the comparative facility with which he interests, and instructs his pupils under these different circumstances. We find, in all departments of the school, a deficiency in the requisite ap paratus for illustrating , the various branches taught. We suggest that a committee, in conjunction with the Super intendent, should give attention to this matter, and arrange for the procuring of whatever additional apparatus may seem most essential. STATISTICS OP THE SCHOOLS. The whole number of youth enumera ted within the corporate limits of Pom eroy 01 legal school age, is 900. ' Number enrolled in the graded schools during the term just closed, 530. This disparity is, in part, accounted for in the fact that there are two or three German schools, not in connection with the Union Schools. By reference to the Superintendent's report, we learn that the average daily attendance for the last term' was 320 that is about three fifths of the number enrolled in the schools. Unpunctuality in attendance is a pre dominant eyjl in any school, but espec ially in 'the graded Schools, where the teacher of each department is . required to advance his pupils to & given. point, in a given time.. The . irregular scholar either forfeits his place with the class, or the whole class must make a sacrifice of time for his accommodation. v . ' We believe that this sad want of punc tual attendance at the schools, originates mainly in the fact that parents do not fully appreciate the importance of punc tual and regular attendance, and there fore for trifling causes keep their chil dren out of school.' For the cure of this evil your Committee have no specific. It is, however, believed that should the pa rents .more frequently visit the schools, and thereby acquire a more lively inter est in their success, and a more, active sympathy with their teachers, it would afford at least a palliative. In behalf of the Committee.. . J. P. BING. , S. M. BRIGHT. , , . . For the Pomeroy Weekly Tolegrapb. '.' TERRIBLE ACCIDENT, Near his residence, on Monday, 9th April, .fcranklin JMiddleswart, while driving' his team, the horses became alarmed, and while in the act of running away, Mr. -M. was thrown from the wagon, and almost instantly killed. Mr. Middleswart was born in'. Allegheny County, Pa., in 1810, and while but a boy, moved to Washington County, O., and in 1837 came to Meigs County, where he remained until his death. Mr. Middleswart's employment was that of farming, and as such was a perfect pattern. He was one of those men that had a place for everything, and kept everything in ' its place. - 'As a neighbor, he was kind and obliging. He leaves a companion, and five children, together with a large circle of friends, to mourn his loss. His companion, though deeply afflicted, can say, "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord." May he rest in peace. S. M. II. The Pony Express. The arrival of the first Pony Express in St. Louis, in eleven days' time from San Francisco, marks the connection of a new era m our communication with the Pacific States. . Up to 1853, ninety days was the shortest trip known across th Plains. In December. 1858. the irresiaent s luessage was tasen across the continent in the unprecedented short time of: nineteen days. The time oceu-; pied 'on the Isthmus route was nearly the same. The details left San Fran cisco at 4 P. M. on the the 3d inst, by steamboat, arrived in , Sacramento, the capital of the State, on the morning of of the 4th, came 27 miles by railroad to Folson, thence 29 mile by stage coach to Placerville, and thence by relays' of norses i,ouu miies across me continent. Thus it came flying from station to sta tion (employing thirty -six couriers, and nearly one hundred horses on the trip) to the Missouri river and by railroad to St. Louis. By the free use of the tele graph every city in the Union was at an early hour on Saturday morning placed in possession of news from the Pacific Ocean only ten days old. Had not the wires unfortunately given out on Friday evening, the news would have been re ceived in New York the same evening, or only nine days old. " Love Roles tbut Court." A jury in Texas lately acquitted a man on the charge of horse-stealing, although the crime was clearly proven against him, simply because he stole the horse to elope with his- sweetheart, who was present in court during the trial, and willing to marry him if acquitted. The jurors had probably all been in love themselves, at one period or another of their lives, and there was not perhaps one of them but what would have done the same thing in their younger days, if hey couldn't have got their wives without. POMEROY KETAIIi MABKETS. Thursday, April 19, lKfiO. Flour $0.256.5O bil. Wheat 1.25 bush, for good White and 1.20 for extra to prima lted. Oats.... 45c. $ bu Potatoes...... 60c. " Dried Peach'es lac'p lb. Dried Apples 8c ft) Butter 16c. lb. Cheese ,. V2ic. lb. Eggs doz. Molasses 5560c. gal. Sirup 751.00 $i gal. Sugar (N.O.) - 9(SU0c. lb. Coffee 15c. " Rice 67c. 1 " Soap 810c. $ " Candles (tallow) 14c. " Fish (Cod). 6Jc. " Fish (Mackerel) 810c. " Fish (AVhite) 7c. $i " Pickled Pork 10c. " Shoulders 10c. 3 " Sides (smoked) 10c. " Hams 12jc. Crackers ret. 7c; wholesale 5ic. (9 Hoop Poles 0.00 1,000. Salt retail 25c; wholesale c bush. Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, April 16, 1860. Flour. No change in the market; the de mand is limited, but holders remain firm at full prices; superfine $5 50, and extra $5 605 75; white wheat brings $5 805 90. Groceries. We have no special change to notice in the market; the demand is moderate, and is confined to the current wants of the trade. Sugar 7J8Jc; Molasses 4546c, and Coffee 1314ic. Wheat. The prime qualities continue in good demand at $1 351 38 for white, and $1 301 33 for red. Spring is dull at $1 20 1 22, and a good deal offering; sales ot 350 bush prune white at $1 85 J; 200 prime do do at $1 38; 225 do do red at $1 33. Corn. The market is dull and prices un changed. We quote Ear in bulk at 44,4oc, and Shelled at 46c. Oats. The demand is fair and the market steady at 42c in bulk. Rye. We have no change to notice in the market, and quote it dull at 95c; sales 200 bush prime at t)5c. . . Barley. The market is dull and prime fall has declined to 8588c. There is a good deal of inferior offering ; sales 750 bush good fall at 80c. " - ; - ' Hay. The market continues quiet and un. changed. We quote prime Timothy in bales on arrival, at $ 18 0019.00 per ton, and loose in wagons at $22 0024 00. Butter.. Prime fresh roll is scarce and in demand at 1820c; winter made do is dull at 1315c; and inferior is heavy at 8Hc; sales 20 pkgs fair W. R. at 1616Jc. Cheese. The demand for old is fair and the market steady at l0Jllc for summer cured and fall made Western Reserve, and llll$o for fall made and summer cured English Dairy, There is some new arriving, and this kind is dull at 7o ; sales 100 boxes summer cured W. R. at lOJc; 60 do new at 7Jc. Potatoes. The market continues dull, and prices to a great extent are nominal at $1 50 1 75 for prime Northern, and 75cSl 00 for common; sales 400 bush Neshannocks at 28c. BANK NOTE TABLE. BANKABLE FUNDS, OR CURRENCY AT PAR, IN CINCINNATI. State Bunk of Ohio, Independent and Stock Banks of Ohio, (specie paying,) I.nulsiara, Wheeling. (Virginia,) Baltimore, New England, (par in Bofttnn.) New York City and Stale solvent. - - . Philadelphia and Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, Delaware. Bank of the State of In diana, ' Bank of Kentucky, Northern Bank do Farmer' do do Southern do do Commercial, do do Bank of Louisville do Bank of Ashland, do People's Bank, - -do New Jersey, iu credit. . TJNCTTffffKTrV Ohio Union Bank, Sandusky, -City Bank, Columbus ' Clinton Bank. Columbus, ' City Bank. Cincinnati, - Seneca County B;ink - - Canal Baki t;ieve'!ir"'- " VinniviA All except Wlieclins) 1 I 30 dis dis dis - - K "s Pennsylvania All (except Philadelphia and Pitts burg) - - - - - - a - a dis Tire fom.owiko Indiana trek danks are i ;. Bank of Goshen, Farmers' liank. Bank of Gosnori, Bank of Mt. Vernon, RankofPaoli, Bank of Rockville, Bank of Salem, Blo.unington Bank, Canal Bank, Exchange hank, Crescent City Bank. Cambridge City Bank, Indiana Bank, Indiana Farmers'' Bank. Kenliu-kv Stock Bank. i I.n Grunge Batik, j Parke County Bank, I Prairie City Bank, Salem Bank, 1 Southern B'k of Indiana. IBrookville Bank, Bunk of Elkhart. Salem Hank at lioshcn. Missodbi Country Banks and branches - - 2 dis Pennsylvania Except Crawfurd County - 2a;5 dis Bank of Commerce - - - - 3 dis Erie Citv Bank ------ 3 dis , Central Bank, Holidaysburg -' MoKeaii County Bank - - - Warren Co. Bank - - - - -60 dis Tioga Countv Bank - - not bought Shamokin Bank - - -Lancaster Bank - - -Bank of Pennsylvania -Maryland, interio r. Solvent - - - - Michigan. Solvent North Carolina, Solvent ---Except Farmers' Bank - - - - - South Carolina, Solvent - - - - - Georgia, Solvent - -- -- -- - Canada, Solvent - - - - - - - - Tnnessks Planters' Bank - - - - Union Bank . - - - - Bank of Tennessee - - -Free Banks, solvent - -Illinois - - -- - - - - - - - - - Except People's Bank, Carmi . State Stock 6acnrity Wisconsin - - - - - - - - Iowa - - -- -- -- -- -- - 2 di - 90 dis . 60 dis - i dis - I dis dis - 20 - 1 - 1 - 1 dis dis dis - JJdis - Hli - Jidis - I dis - 2Ka - 20 dis -: 80 dis '- 2dis - 2di SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. Rofcaclt's Remedies. We publish, in another column of to-day's paper, an article copied from the Cincinnati "Times," de scriptive of Dr. Roback's extensive medical estab lishment in that city. By the way, Dr. Roback's Remedies have obtained a great and deserved popu larity with all classes. It has been but a hort time since these Remedies were introduced into our sec tion of country; yet Dr. Breunan, Dr. Roback's agent in this place, informs us thut his sales of the Blood Pills and Blood Purifier now far exceed those of all other medicines for which he is agent, combined. The reason for this, is. that they have stood the test of practical experience. We know this not onlv from the mouths of others, but we have used them in our own family with the very best results. For all diseases of the blood, general debility, whether pro ceeding front sickness or from natural weakness, in digestion, and all kindred ailments, we recommend the Scandinavian Remedies as the very best medi cines extant. They are destined to achieve, not un ephemeral success, but a permanent and deserved reputation, which will render them a necessity in every family. Napoleon, O., North. West, March 2. See advertisement. ITFTIIE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Freparrd from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause- whateveri and altuo' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, In a short fJjHe, bring on the monthly period with regularity. c--. In all cases of Nervous and .Spinal A flee' ions, pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, i owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agent. N. B. One Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, wilt insure a bottle, con taining over AO pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK, SUIHE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O. ll-y. Holloway's Pills When the stomach Is in an ir ritable condition the whole system sympathizes. Hence sick headache, nervousness, and incapacity for mental or physical exertion. There are few who have not experienced these unpleasant effects ol in digestion, more trying sometimes than serious ill ness. Now we take it noon ourselvos to say, not from report, but from actual experience, that Hol loway's Pills are a positive and immediate remedy , for all such depressing and annoying disorders. I They set the stomach right at once, and the cntroll- ing organ of the system being regnlated and put in order, the return of bodily and mental health is a ; necessary consequence. I ICfAll, especially young men, should read the . advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at ' Cincinnati, in another column. Sheriff's Sale. Joel Bralcy vs. John T. B. Ledlie, and Wm. Lcdlie. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court House in Poineroj, at 11 oclock, a. m., On the 21tt day of May, 1800, the following described lands and tenements, to-wit: situate in said County of Meigs, begin ning at a post 17 chains and 25 links west of the south-east corner of section number 2, town-, ship number 8, and range numbor 15,' in the Ohio Company's Purchase, at the south-west corner of George Ncighborgall's lands; thence west on said section line IS chains and 72 links, or to the south-west corner of James Henry's land; thence north 42 degrees 45 min. west 25 chains and 58 links to a post; thence north 20 chains and 38 links, or to the ast corner of said Henry's land; thence east 9 chains and 88 links, to the south-east corner of John Mc Vey's lands to a post; thence north 8 degrees west 2 chains and 97 links to a post; thence east 41 chains 94 links, or to the east line of said section to a post; thence south on said section line 12 chains 63 links to a post, or to the north-east corner of said George Neighborgall's land; thence west 17 chains and 25 links, to the north-west corner of Neighbor gall's land; thence south 29 chains, or to the place of beginning, containing 147 acres; ex cepting 33 acres out of the south-east corner of said land, deeded by Cyrus Braley to James Thomas, excepting therefrom the two following lots, sold by said John T. B. Ledlie, to-wit: The first one beginning at the south-west corner of said land; thence north about 6 rods and 17 links; thence east about 37 rods; thence south about 6 rods and 1 7 links; thence west about 37-rods to the place of beginning, containing three several lots of about one-half acre each: also the other' lot, beginning at the south-west corner of said lands so sold by said John to Wesley Braley; thence north about 7 rods and 17 links; thence east about 12 rods to the line of lands owned - by James Thomas; thence - south about 7 rods and 17 links; thence- west to the place of beginning, con taining about one-half acre; to be sold as the property of John T. B. Ledlie, at the suit of Joel Bralev. Appraised at $2,240.00 Terms of sale, cash. J. J, WHITE, S. M. C. April 10, I860. 16-5t ' 6.00 - ' Notice. - MEIGS County Common Pleas. David II. Moor vs. John Dennis and Martha Den nis. John Dennis, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that David H. Moor, of the county of Meigs, iff the State of Ohio, did, 'on the 16th day of February, 1859, file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Meigs, in said State of Ohio, against the said John Dennis and Martha Dennis, defendants. The said David H. Moor, also, on the 23d day of November, filed in said Court an amended petition against the said defendants, setting forth, that the said John Dennis and Martha Dennis gave a mortgage to the said David II. Moor, on twenty-five feet, which should be seventy-five feet, as set out in the amended petition, off of the north end of the following tract of land, a part of a lot of land sold by Lewis S. Nye to Norman S. Davis, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake fifty feet north of the east and west line ol section eight, township . number twenty-one, range number thirteen, of tjie Ohio Company's Pur chase; thence north 225 feet; thence east 100 feet; thence south 225 feet; thence west to the place of beginning; situate in said county of Meigs, to secure the payment of 5o.50, accord ing to the note referred to in said mort gage. The object and prayer of said petition is, that the defendants pay the plaintiff the sum of 57.50, and interest from the 25th of Decem ber, 1857, and that, in default thereof, that said premises may be sold to pay the same, and the said John Dennis is notified that he is required to appear and answer said petitions on or be- lore the third fcatnrday after the i 5th day of May next. DAVID II. MOOK, . By Haksa aEabhart,'ys. April 2, I860. 14-6t. . Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. TK pursuance of on order granted by the X Piobate Court of Meigs county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction, on the 12th day of June, A. D., 1 800, at two o'clock afternoon, upon the premises, the following described real estate, situate in the county of Meigs and State of Ohio, to wit: being part of Lots No. 1 and 2, in section No. 10. in Town No. C, and Eange No. 14, of UiC. Ohio Company's Purchase, and bounded and described as follows: beginning at the north-east corner of said Lot No. 2, in said section, town and range; thence west 56 rods ; tl.cnce north 34 rods; thence cast 54 rods ; thence south 20 degrees cast 10 rods ; thence south 40 degrees cast 24 rods; thence west 22 rods to the place of beginning, containing thirteen acres and one hundred and twenty rods, and held by permanent leasehold. Appraised at $255.62. Terms of sale, one-third in hand, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months from the day of sale, with interest; the pay ments to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold. REBECCA GILES, Administratrix of Andrew J. Giles, dee d. . Pomeroy, April 17, 1860. 10-4w Administrator's Sale. T) Y virtue of an order of sale, issuing from' XJ the 1'robate Louit ot Meigs County, the undersigned, Administrators of the Estate of Hiram Kelly, deceased, will sell on the prem ises, on Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1860, at 11 o'clock a, m., the following described lands, to wit: Beginning at the north-west corner of section twelve, in town eight, and range fifteen, thence east forty chains to land deeded by said decedent to George McCarty; thence south twenty-six chains and seventy five links or to the north-east corner of land deeded by said decedent to Wm. Luellen; thence west along said Luellen's north line forty chains on the west line of said section; thence north to the place of beginning; containing one hundred and seven acres, mere or less: excepting forty acres-off of the west end of said premises. which were set off to Catharine Kelly, wid6w of iliram Kelly, deceased, as her dower in the first described real estate; appraised at seven hun- urea and htty six dollars. ' JOHN HUGG, t i . RICHARD GRAY. Admrs march, 27, I860. 13-4t Road Notlee. A PETITION willl be presented to the Com missioners of Meigs County, at their June session, asking for the location of a (,'ountv road as follows, to wit: beginning at the top of the Sanders Hill, in Bedford township, at the Pomeroy and Athens road; thence to a point at or near the centre of Sec. No. 32, on the line between Philip Knopp and Nathan Hudnel; thence to a point at or near the centre ot Sec. No. 31, on the farms of Joel Sewell and of Andrew Sewell ; thence through Frederick Thomas' farm ; thence in Salisbury township, through sections No. 36 and No. 35, running down Wolf Pen Run, as near the run as prac ticable for a good road, passing S.teyens' Steam Saw Mill, to intersect the Pomeroy and Harri sonville road near George W. Stevens' dwelling nouse. . . A 1'JSTHlUN.EJi. .April 16, I860. 16-4t j ., S lie riff's Sale. Nial R. Nye vs. F. W; Stevens. - BY virtue of an order of sale to me direoted from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house, in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock a. m., On the 1th day of May, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: the northerly half of Lot number 181, in the town of Pomeroy; to be sold as the prop erty of F. W. Stevens, at the suit of N. R. Nye. Appraised at 350. Terms of sale, cash. J- J. WHITE, S. M. C. March 30, 18G0, 14-5w. 1 50 Dissolution of Co-partnership. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the firm y known as Williams & Jones, of Coalport, Meigs county, Ohio, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN T. WILLIAMS J.H.JONES. The business will hereafter be carried on by John T. Williams, who will be pleased to receive a call from the friends of the old firm. . ' J OHN T. WILLIAMS. March 31, I860. l4-3t Attachment Notice. BEFORE John H. Parker, J. P. of Orange TnwTlRlllTl ATi! n-a nn.i.- HI,:. T- 1 ' Shields vs. Arnold Whaley. On the 4th day of April, 1860, eaid Justice issued an order of Attachment in the above action, for the sum of fifty-six dolhirs, and probable amount of costs, twenty dollars. EPHRAIM SHIELDS. Orange Tp., April 9, A. P., i860. 16-3t. OltlJilnflM, THE partnership existing between M. Nye, jr., and J. Grant, under the name of M. Nye & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent. I un mo ivin any 01 .reoruary last. The unset ! tied business of the firm will be closed up by I M- Nye jr. . I M. Nye and M. Nye, jr., will continue the business under the ojd name of M. Nye & Co. I . April 2, 186814-31 M, NYE & Co. POMEROY & CINCINNATI SIPE-WHEEL SEMI-WEEKLY PACKET, "GREY EAGLE," A, PONNALLY, Master; FRANK. J.OAKES.Clk.; Leaves Pomeroy every MONDAY at 10 a. m., and FRIDAY, at 4 o'clock a. m. In order to make time we are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY, at 4 o'clock p. M. This arrangement is permanent, and the boat will make prompt and regular tripe. Her accommoda tions and speed has do equal. Will do business at regular established rates, and trust that the citizens of Pomerov and vicinity will aire us their ralronnsre and influence. Nov, 29, '59.-r8-tr MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," D. E. SAYRE, MASTER, Leaves Cincinnati every Monday evenirg, at five o'clock, passing Pomeroy pn her way up every Wed nesday Diorning. Returning, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy every Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passaeeTipplv on board, or to PATTON Jt MONTGOMERY, Oct. G, '39. Hoineroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, 9 J.J. BtA GO.' Master; JOHN HEISNER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. M. pnssing Pomeroy on Saturday at lOo'rlock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. m. Leaves Pomeroy everj Tuesday at 6 o'clock a Jt. For freight or passage apply on board or to PAT I ON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 59, '!iQ. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Paeket, SWALLOW, 1ST T A T? T T? . -Vf ASTER. Leaves Cincinnati at 5 o'clock P. M. every Saturday evening, passing Pomeroy, on hefiipward trip, Mon tlav morning. , , Returning, will leave Marietta every Wednesday morning, and Pomeroy very Thursday morning. For freight or passage apply on board, or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 22, '59. 47-6111 Pomerov Wuarf boat. WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet S MASON, Master; . W. J.C. AsDKRSOs,Cl"k: c Leaves Wheeling every Tuesday at 6 o'clock r. M., passing Pomeroy Wedneseay at ? r. M. . .". Returning, leaves Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o clock p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY. Nov. 29, '59. 48-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. PORTSMOUTH AND WHEELING. Regular Portsmouth and Wheeling Packet, V A ITtY OTT REN. r-& V. MORKTSON, Master; J. Steveks, Clerk; Will run bctwoen the above ports, touching at all the landings intervening. Going up, she passes Pom eroy on Saturday; returning, passes Pomeroy on Tuesday. For freight or passage applv on board, or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Dec.6,'59. 49-3m Pomeroy Wharf-Boat Regular Gallipolis it Parkersburg Packet. (built expressly for the trade.) . The fast-running light-draught Steamer, "J. J. CADOT," . 6. COX, Master, J. Morrison, Clerk, "Will lenve 6lllpolis every Monday nnd Thursday at 8 o'clock A.M.; leave Purkersburg every Wednes day and Saturduv at 8 o'clock A, M. Feb. 28, I8B0. 9-tf. ' . gtliscellaiicG-us. PEACH CftOVE KUftSEftV! M. W. RUTHERFORD & CO. OFFER for sale several thousand Budded Peach Trees, consfctine of about one hundred varieties, succeeding from the middle of July to the last of October. Persons wlshinp to transplant In the bud. will do well to get as soon as spring opens, and those knowing that they wil want in the Fall, with one summer's gr wth. mus have the trees contracted before the middle of July next, to be moved ns soon as they will do to trans plant in the Full.-The trees are thiifty and fine, by far the best assortment ever ofTored in the Western Suites. Terms, reasonable and easy, to suit the hues, according to quality nnd quantity. Address M. V. KUTHEKFOKD & CO. Jan.2 4, 186(1. 1-Cni Rutland, Ohio. GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. rTlHE oUl customers of this Louse wiH'Oa L please bear iu mind that I am still jA manufacturing clothing to order, in my JUL new building, on Court street, 2 doors from Front, Pomeroy, Ohio. My facilities for get ting up vork is excellent, and I warrant it to be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on hand. . Genfs Furnishing Goods, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, &c, &c, in good supply, aud I take pleasure in inform ing my friends that I will shortly have an in creased stock, . -, Thankful for your former liberal patronage, I hope to be able to offer inducements for its continuance. GEO. IIUTTEL. Jan. 3, I860. 3-1-tf X. WniTXORE, C. H. WOLFF, OEO. 3. DOFF, T. II. LANE. Whitmore, Wolff, Duff & Co., " Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, SIii of the "Anvil," 3 Doon above St. Charles Hotel, PITTSRURGH, PA. XXV1TE ihe attention of buyers to their extensive and carefully selected Stock of Spring Hardware, imported or purchased direct from first bands, and offered at prices as low as can be met by any of the eastern markets, comprising, in part. Pocket and Table Cutlery, of Westeubolui's and other superior brands, Lippincott & Co., Mann's and Collins' make of Axes, Kowland'sjlisston's and Lippincott & Co.'s Mill and X Cut ffrWs, "ArmUag.t's Mousehole," Wright's, "Wilkinson's" and "Eagle" Anvils, Solid Box "Vises, Bellows, Stocks aud Hies, English and American Horse Kails, Cast, Shear. Blister and Ger man Steel, Spencor's Files and Rasps, Darling's, Beardsley's, Waldron's, aud other celebrated makes of Grain and Grass Scythes; Shaw's Sickles; Hall, Klton & Co.'s German "Silver and Plat.-d Tea and Table Spaons and Forks; Garden and Com Hoes; Hay and Manure Forks; Janus Faced Locks; Gimlet Point Katchet Thread Screws; Bench and Moulding Planes; Butcher's Chisels and Plane Irons. All Dealers are invited to call and examine for themselves.' 12-61 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A. Benevolent Institution established by special En; j dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, ' 3i ml especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. TyTEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting J-1 Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med icines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the af flicted in. sealed letter envclppes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secret iry. President. MONTGOMERY & H0ADLEYy STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, WHARF-BOAT, FOMEItOY, O. Keep constantly on hand., LIME, PLASTER PARIS, CEMEHT, &c. : STE'respectfully reqnest builders, and others in V need of the above articles, to give us a call be fore purchasing elsewhere, as we are confident we can supply you as cheaply as any other dealer. April 10, '6U 15-3m. BIBLE AGENTS WANTED. WE are still needing a few agents In the RIble cause especially in Meigs, Athens and Wash ington connties. Any who may desire employment in this work are requested to address the subscriber, at Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio. Clergymen are preferred, though it is not absolutely essential. The nature of the w ork is such that agents are expected to present (he cause in addresses or discourses to congregations on the subject, as well as to make per sonal applications in behalf of the cause during the week. T. C. HARTSHORN, JJApril 10, 1FG0. 15 3t Ravenna, O. STRAYED, T7IROM the subscriber, living near the Brew- j J ery, in Pomeroy, a large red Milch (Jovf, j with some white on her belly, and erumply ! horns. She had on when she left, a large bell. A suitable reward will be paid to any person' i giving such information as will lead to her re covery. TATSEY SCOTT. ' April 10, 1860.l.5-4t $22,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD XJ 3VI BUG I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoes, Cohergs, Alpacas, wnite goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Check, Flannol, Tickings, Cloths, Lassimeros, oatinets, Jeans, 1 weeds, &c. - H A R D Glass, Nails, Locks. Axes, Cutlery, Log and Trace Ckains, Horseshoe Nails, CARPENTERS TOOLS. Planes, Saws,' Chisels, Augers, Hatchets. Also, , COOPERS.' TOOLS. Tress Heop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives ef all kinds. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; . also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. I would call the attention of Builders to my largt lot of Deors, Sash, Yenetian Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also, . v , Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hat ind Caps- Also, a larg and complete stock of Custom-made Men s and Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep Wrapping Xwine, If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a calL I have a large lot f Piect Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best style, and warranted, a geod fit or no sale. ' ' The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve,"at cost, for nioit -i: n T.T rrXJTT,"Vr Pomeroy, 0 Jan. 3, 18G0. H.-J. PKALL. ' ' i - - r , y . SEALER AT PRALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever mveiiieu in The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from r.A . e J. . ..1 I. an'l 111 KTa inlflncA ' )J per VCUV Ul 1UC1 AO OUrWU, w bottom ot tne uven. o' In introducing this greaty-improved "GasCuniing Stove, we wisa "5Sw it mstinctiy understood mat it i noi our aesign 6 In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon elude our notice by announcing tiiat our .. " t PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't bo beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and wj defy competition METAL Kept constantly on hand, our StQCK, . . In addition to eur heavy and manufacture to order, To the Citizens of Meigs asd Adjoining Counties: - ' . ;., . The above remarks will demonstrate to yon, ia a certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply been wasting your time in reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for 1 " And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags, Old Silver, &c, at their highest market value. . ' Past, etnerience has broven the beneficent results of the cash system, to both purchaser and seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers our owa who can liv X ana biSUj cneaper We respectfully invite you to call and see wish to purchase or notj but we warn you, as it away till you have given us a call. Aug. 10, 1859.-ly PHV 0000$ MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE. &c, HAYING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and which -will be kept com plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and yrlich will be sold for CASH or, coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. MGLOTHLIN, assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county. Everything in the way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. THE FASHIOIffSFOn TIIJJ SI3ASOK ! Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of ClSths, Cassi mercs, Vestings, &c. X. B, To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the moral obligation incurred to pay up according to agreement, I wish to say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that "a legal obligation was also incurred. .' Pomeroy, January 3, I860. J. O. WILSON ,.., -T--S. B. il'ELROY . .JAMES PI.VLAY. W I L S 0 H' E Are now prepared to offer Time Buyers, their O F DRY : GOOflS, AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE ON COST, 2NT o 5 4 T" . o P I T T ft OFF AT COST! ABOUT ITJ .V THU GOODS SUIT, PRICKS SHALL! W A R E. Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettles, Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! Braces and Bits, Squares, lvl.- i aw g- 15oys Calf and Kip Hoots and snoes; unnaren, a large stocky of . Cot-dag of all is, Broom Front street, three doors above Court. GEORGE HATCH OLD STAND Pomeroy, 6. omnvunity to one ef tie greatest improvements the coal, by which llfiot t K 1T W Tt t.O t )l f ......... . . ' L -- Tra-i-:s 10 use 9 9 Stove we sell to be what It Is represented the merits of the different patterns, we will son- L1C HYDRANTS and we respectfully invite the public to examine I'.." . '., stock of Stoves we will keep constantly on hand, TIN WARE, who can buy much cheaper as well as for mat, we aaopi hub system. the improvements in our Stoves, whether you you value your hard-earned money, not to lavish PRALL & IIATCH. L R O T k G to Cash, or Prompt Short o d J3 t r t 3 V It Cf ir. ATOH 1. t -iv - --fit Sri"- - : piar. 27. 13-Gt, mtr'mr FAMILY GROCERIES. A. O. CROWtET. A. K. MCEOOCK-. CROWLEY & CO. HAVE just opened a superior stock of , GBOCEUIES AND PUOTISIOX& la C. M.. r.vans' old stand, two doors above. fl: Cohen's, nnder the "Gibson House," wkj -wd are prepared to accommodate everybody with all the cow forts of life. Grocer ies, consist ing of . - - Coffee, Tea, Strger, : Molassei, Tobacc : . Soap, LtndU8, And everything else In the Grocery fore. PROVISIONS: Baton, Country ttnd . Suaar .Cttrtd. flaoa,. Her ring and Mackerel, Bean. Potatoet and Cheme. ' Lemons. Oranret, J'rteH Peaeksa4 fta.a4 all kinds of Fruit kept constantly on hand. - ine choicest brands or raumy Flour ana vara Menl kept on hand. , .- , ..,-,...; . 1110 mgnest maikeint tee paid ror conntry pmdaeo. As we have determined fa flo-a strielrv r-dv-tT business, we can and wilt sell at such prleesaawm di it to toe lmeresi ox caaq.cMomers vorva as a call before purchasing olaewhere. inarcn o, ieau. tu-ir - tsun ui av. NEW GROCERY ' - AND . ; . THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENS?, an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queens ware, Shoos, &c,' at Jvam, mugs' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, wbiot will bo sold UNUSUALLY LOW, , . ,:: -r ' Constantly on hand 1 ' ' Buckwheat Flaux, " Pruae, Corn Meal, Uranborrlse- ; . .. Oat-Meal, Sugar, .v- .1 v- . Dried Apples, ' dofieey - Dried Poaehes, . . Tea,- . .. - . Potatoes. . . ftlolAjuesj r 'Hominy, ' -'Sifnj;' 1 t" Pearl Barley, : - Yriiegu; Beans, ' Bacaa,'-- . Teas, : Pried . : ... Raisins,' Codfish; ,'; , Currants Mackerel, " . White Fish, &ev'-' G. B. DONNALlt: i Peaery, MarcM 1. &-fJ-ly . : New Establishment GROCERY & PROVISION STORES." " CASH FOR " ' COUNTRY PRQDUGgt "L"f AB taken the building on- If font Street,' tw XX doors West of Court, ia which dslg proseeutlns the- Grocer .anil f roduoa Bualneaa. Ij somewhat different itjle than is known la this fan -inunltv. .- " . . CASH PAID FOB 1'ItODUCE; ., or exchanged for Groceries, at the piles of MtoM. havint; the marketing. - . . .. .... 11; business will be different from ethers la refet ? enco to varietT, which will comprise at all times, a kinds of - ". . '' DRIED FRUITS; v and other materials kept la II suited supply ia) Mil town. .;. : ...... ; . . . ; I will keep eonstantW, , ": , j-' " BUTTER, EGGX AND F0W&;. to supply the community in Pemerar jh4 vlclptt,,.- I will inentin-part stack,, wbieh wtti W promptly supplied before exhausted, and will alwaj it be the bestarticles in market: - .' coffee, i EA;:2Str6rAit,; Kice, Syrup, Molasses. Extracts of-Ceffe, Mustard, Salaralus, Aoda, Cream Tartar,- l)ied-Hoef, Be4i Sausage, Cheese, liacon. Hams, Suonlders and Sidoa.. Cucumber Pickles, Preserres of all kinds,- lipi Catchup. German, Castile. Sharing, Spertsiaaa'e and other Anaps. Oils. Candle, .---"' -t - WOODEN & VVIL.L.OW-AyA.UKi Buckets, Baskets, .Tubs,. Cuurus, dee. Biwosm, Coil Kape, Brushes. . ' 1 Qaeensware. Glassware, end Sotlenskj-H" v ' 1 Cigars and Tobsona, ef all grades, jUauUUas s qualitio. - - Fleet per barrel. - - r-. . POblTlTKfcT SO 6KKU1T. . A CARD. Ta the Citizens of Pomeroy and Mel(r?ounty: - ; . I have opened an establisbmeut of I he above tat ferfect description. I think r oil need It, and know can bny and sell as favorably as otars,diu j ew-lu-ively a cash business. W'Ul yen gi?e me suftiaien. patronage toeaable m to:eoitVniie. 1 pioniiM ( aatisfv yea atmy ability to sell cheap. S-7-Iy. r'r V. DTJT1 ESHAFkB; ". I QKBAT VAKlBTT.iT,, ANYTHING from a'Nutme(r to a Barrel of FIoarM can be procurod at H. Frank's establishment;. u Front Street, a few doors below Court, 'ouieroy. O -S-7-y , , 8. S. SU.VEK.MAX. At'. . ALFRED NESMITHr i (Late ef the Firm of Stevenson, Bowan 4c SeemAe $ NOW WITH M. WILLIAMSON; & CO: .Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers ia 1 DR Y GO OB S 425 Market & 41 1 Commeree StaC ; . : ' M. WILLIAMSON,! Bct. 4th ifithKecthirl.lq -. .-.u .. .- r S. M. ANDERSON, II. C. POTTER, March 1, .'59. - 1859. cl85 November Purchases' j, f. towelu, ; ; JOBBER;. OF. D R Y GO 0 9 SI ; iTats, Caps, ililUhery Goods and Ifotittnij PORTSMOUTH, 0. I HAVE' RECEIVED ANOTIIER, IMMENSR ' stock of Seasonable Goods, ta which I irmtrf the inspection of Merchants. s. . : . .My purchased have been very .heavy during" the last few weeks, and I aw .enabled, it offor; many styles of goods at lower priees thsB heretofore. Merchants doing business within convenient distance of Portsmouth, and yet purchasing in other markets, will sate time and money by examining ray stock and priee . J. F. TOWKLL. Portsmouth, O. NeTember 26, '59, 3-1 tf .. - mnrrr TOR ALL. L .the East with an elegant stock of ,f" Dry Goods,. Notions, -' Hati; - Caps, Boots, Shoes, &cV Will offer them to the public at ten per eeai.' advance on cost, for ?--vr ; -"J CASH OR READY PAY . : ; In this proposition there is no- humbug, Ani an actual fact, which we would, take; pica pre in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of sleek and prices. - ' r ' - . We will enumei-atc a few artiflesj giviag prices, as an index to the whole stock; v ia Best madder prints jOe per yard.' Pa'ncy prints................. "..8a9 , . 'f "J, , Good bleached muslin .;.i0o '4i-fI5 L bleached "muslin.....".'.; .i.."...8c ; ". itest styles best delaines 15 te 20e Cashmeres........ .....lo . jj. Bonnet ribbons from 10 te 40e4jr3 Fine French wool delaine......... .50 to Toe".. " (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 Ladies' heavy kip shoes $1 per "palrf Ladies' calf. 1 25 '.a. ; Ladies' best calf. ...,:.... 1.25, U J 4 And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration- that we reeeivi CASH r for there. ; Frem this date we liriiiitivel Mi, continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. - -1 - - , .4 We respectfully ask .an examination ef enr stock, and if the Goods suit, prices shall suit; R.B.WILSON, ' Jan.'8,60. 1-tf " Middleport, OhU. ' The Cheapest Store in . Town! Corner Front and &jcamdre Slreefi; POMEROY, Otiib. SIMOX SILVERMAN .. Wholesale and' retail Dealer in ; HATS, OAFS fc N6TIOJ5;S. r CLOTHING, DRY GOQfcS, Invites the public to his splendid stock, which hVhas recently received. It is unnecessary particularize, but I will say, that my 'stock -It-is well selected and will be .sold at pricen vtiii-