Newspaper Page Text
POMEttOY TELEGRAPH. Tuesday, i i i r My i860. I e nave neara 01 several x ic nics and Mav Darties, durinp- the last week, in which the participants enjoyed themselves to their satisfaction. But, not being ofthe number, we cannot speak more particularly. . . -. Stop That Ponyl A very small, "black, Indian Pony, (mare) with the letter P. branded upon - the left hip, strayed away a few days ince, and isjp robably still in the neigh borhood. Any person will be suitably rewarded who will take up and return said pony to its owner, H. B. Smith, Esq., in Pomeroy, or notify him where it may be found. M"A& sure as I'm alive!" ' Who "wouldhave thought it! They have gone iand went and done it! Done what! you ask? Why, bless your simple soul, they liave orgarmed a Military Company right liere in Pomeroy! Don't believe it, don't you! Well you'd better! and all who Want to go a "sogering" had better be on liand at "Remington Hall" on next Wed nesday evening. See the announcement Attention Company! "In time o "War prepare for peace! " District Court. It will be seen by an order of the Judges published in another column, that a special term of the District Court for Meigs County, will be held in Pom eroy, on the 22d day of J une. In conse quence ofthe flood, and perhaps other causes, the Court failed to meet at the appointed time in April, and this special term is intended to supply the failure. Let all interested parties take notice, ac cordingly. Sunday School Hxhttoitlon. Let everybody attend the Sunday School exhibition, at the M. E. Cburch, in Middleport, on Friday evening, the first of June. It will do you good in Various ways. The opening of the pursa strings to pay the admission fee, will un lock the heart, and with the rusty bolts thrown back, the purer influences, flow ing from the sphere of joyous and happy childhood, will find an entrance, and nestling like angels in your better affec tions will lift you at least a step higher, and make you better men and women.; Try it; beside, the funds raised: will do good for all time to come, by sowing good seed in the hearts of hundreds, by means of the books to be purchased there with. Don't forget the Exhibition! That Strawberry. We had a jolly time eating that big Strawberry presented to us by It. Down ing, Esq., of Middleport We have heard some staggering stories in our day, of large Strawberries, and supposing our readers to have heard the same stories and doubted their truth, we will not haz ard our reputation by a description of this one. We neither weighed nor meas ured the monster, and could not there fore speak with perfect precision of its dimensions. There was a paper accom panying it however, which did give its measurement, but unfortunately it is lost. According to our recollection, it was either four feet, or four inches, in diam eter , or circumference, we cannot be pos itive which. Our readers may fix it as they please. The friend to whom we ent a slice, declared positively, after eat ing of it several times himself, and taking the opinions of other Pbmologists, that it was not a Musk-mellon, nor a Pine apple, but, as he and they believed, a veritable Strawberry. Who can beat that? A SKETCH OP TRAVEL, AND THE SIGHTS SEES, WITH RE FLECTIONS THEREON. BY THE EDITOR. JVo.4. Having been driven out of last week's issue, by the Sheriff, and earing a re turn ofthe same high functionary, we have been "'ying around . loose" with our "travels" until the hour of going to press, and are informed by the printer, that he can afford but a very small space this week, for either "sights" or reflections. We are happy to notice the evidences of improvement along the route of our travel, which is confined strictly, as an nounced in the start, to the advertising columns of the Telegraph. Taking these as the true index of the business of our County, it will be seen that a great revi val has taken place in trade and . enter prise within lie last few months. But it is equally evideat that there is still room for great advancement. Very much of the trade of the community must still be transacted in other places, for these columns do not show a suffi cient number of businessmen in the vari ous departments ofthe mechanic arts, and other branches of business, to supply the wants of the community. We hope to see, from week to week, as we proceed, that enterprising citizens of our town, or others settling in our midst, are prepared to sup ply this apparent want. We have so far confined our observa tions to the mechanical department, and shall continue to do so until all the shops in the county have been noticed, so far as we have any reliable evidence of their existence repeating what has been be fore stated, that the only competent proof of the existence of any such trade or business must be found in the Telegraph's directory. For the purpose in view, we take it for granted, and the public at large have a right to assume the same fact, that if any particular business or trade, is not there announced, none such exists in the county, and every one is justified in going or sending to Cincin nati or anywhere else to supply the wants which cannot be met at home. We have laid it down as a correct maxim of political economy, that every commu nity should support and encourage its home mechanics. This is the undoubted duty, as well as the interest of all the citizens. No good citizen, who reflects for a moment on the subject, will pass by a good mechanic at home, to patronize and build up with his patronage, the trade of a distant town. But if, in look ing over the advertisements in the Tele graph, it is ascertained that the article desired is not manufactured at home, then it is perfectly right and proper to seek it in other markets. In a former article we referred to the enormous quantity of clothing ready made clothing slop-shop madeclothing, if you chose, brought to, and sold in this place. We supposed one reason of this was the fact that there were not a suffi cient number of tailors in town to sup ply the wants of the community. In looking over the "record" we found there were at that time but three establish ments of the kind in the county, and they were attached to mercantile estab lishments, as a kind of secondary busi ness. We are glad to see that the necessities of the public are being seen, and the vacancy is begining to be sup plied. By his card in this week's paper, it will be seen that Mr. William Rcst has opened an establishment on Front street a few doors west of Court, where per sons wishing clothes made to order, and to "fit", can now be accommodated. With Mr. Rust's No. 1 Sewing Machine, which makes more profitable music than a dozen pianog, and which is al ways at work, he can accommodate his customers on short notice. And from specimens of Mr. Rust's work which we have seen, we have no hesitancy in say- that he will give entire satisfaction to all Who may patronize him. This shop is an acquisition to Pomeroy, and so far as it, with those named in a for mer article, can supply the wants of the citizens, there is no sufficient excuse for running to Cincinnati for a coat that can be as well made at home. . But these shops cannot supply the wants of the public, and we expect soon to have the pleasure of announcing that other tailors have established themselves here. As an accessory to the tailor, the jeweller is an important member of any community. "The tailor makes the man, the milliner the woman', and the Jeweller, the gentlemen and lady." So somebody said. And "somebody" was not very far from the true philosophy. For men and women would hardly be recognized as such but for the handy wark of the tailor, and milli ner. They would look more like split sticks or forked radishes than veritable men and woman, without the aid of these neces sary trades. But having passed through the hands of these "operators" they are still but men and women. And as every body wants to be something more, the ai t of the J eweller is called in to supply the deficiency. But, aside from this, there are a thousand articles in the jeweller's line that bona fide men and women want, as well as gentlemen and ladies. And , if these wants are not supplied by home mechanics, a vastamount of money is sent off to distant cities, or lavished upon trav eling peddlers or auctioneers. Now it is a notorious fact that all articles of jewelry are susceptible of such close im itation in base metal, that ordinary purchasers can not detect the cheat. We do not say that . traveling peddlers and auctioneers are cheats, or ever sell anything but the very best. But we do say, that it requires a pretty large credulity to believe that "all is gold that glitters." We are happy to know, and to an nouce to tne puDiic, tnat we nave in Pomeroy, persons of skill as workmen. nd integrity as men, and who have identified themselves with the interett- of our town, engaged in this business. We refer to the advertisements of ieter Lambreeht, on Court street, and W. A. Aicher, and Messrs. Bichmann & Burkert on Front, whose establishments are a credit to the place, and whose characters as men of integrity are a perfect guar antee to all purchasers, that the goods sold are genuine. They are responsible. and have their reputations as business men .to sustain, and purchasers may be assured of fair dealing. Now, we ask every citizen, what is his duty, and in terest as well, in case he wants anything in their line of trade? You know these gentlemen that they are good workmen attentive to business good citizens, and are adding the full force of their la bor and skill in building up Pomeroy, as well as their own fortunes. If they had the full home trade they could extend their business to any desired extent. Is it exactly the wisest policy to pass by these established houses, whose wares you know are what they are represented to be, and run the risk of being "sold' by the purchase of gilded shams, from unknown and irresponsible persons, who have no other interest in you or your town than to get your money? Just think of it a moment, and then go and "rig" yourselves to your heart's content. at these "institutions. ' If all our people would take the right view of matters, and help each other by patronizing home mechanics and trade of all kinds, the prosperity of town and county, which mutually depend upon each other, would be vastly improved. And the evidences of this wise policy. and increased prosperity will be looked for weekly in the business directory of the Telearavh. In the meantime there is room for a few "sights by the way. JIARRIEDi Oil the 21st of April, by Rev. D. E. Bowen, Mr. John Stark to Miss Ruth Jones, all of this place. On the 16th of May, by Josiah Hayman, Esq., Mr. John J.Poislky to Miss Ellen S. Don- NALLt, On the 20th of May, by same, Mr - Ammom Davis to Miss Mabt Ann Cakleton. Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, May 25, 1800. Flour The market continues local and un settled, and prices are irregular. The sales are confined to t00 brls in lots, at $5 5()5 75 for extra, and $5 856 00 for choice extra family. Groceries Sugar firm and in moderate de mand at full prices; low fair to prime at 7:5 8Jc. Molasses continues in moderate demand; sales of 200 brls at 44c. Coffee held firmly at full prices, but dealers continue to buy sparingly. We quote 13 J14 the rates in the regular way. Wheat We quote it at $1 30 for prime white and $1 28 for prime red. Corn The market is firm, with a fair demand; we quote it at 47c for ear in bulk. Shelled is held firmly at 6053 for mixed and prime white in bulk. Oats The market is dull and a shade lower; we quote them at 42c in bulk. Rte The market is dull and a good deal offering. We quote prime at 9092c. Barley Prime fall is in good demand, and the market firm at 8385c. We quote fair to good dull at 7080c. Hat The market for Prime Timothy is dull and unchanged. We quote it at $1C17 per ton in bales on arrival. Inferior is dull at J $1114. Loose in wagons 1719. Cheese The demand is fair, and the market is steady at 7c for shipping lots of new, and at 1010 for old W.R. and lllljc for old E. D. Butter The market ia dull and prices are a shade lower. We quote prime yellow W. R. at 1415 and Central Ohio at 1012c. Potatoes The market is dull, though with out any change in prices. We quote prime Northern at $1 401 75 per brl, and common at 75$1. POMEfiOY KETAIL MARKETS. Monday, May 21, 18C0. Flour..... $6.506.75 $brl. Wheat 1.30 bush, for good White and 1.25 for extra to prime Red. Oats 45c. f bu Potatoes 7075c. P " Dried Peaches loc"& lb. Dried Apples 8i Is Butter 12A15c.fUn. Cheese Eggs 10c. 1 doz. Molasses 5oc. gal. Sirup 751.00 $J gal. Sugar (N.O.) 9(S10c. lb. Coffee 15c. " Rice 67c. P " Soap 810c. P " Candles (tallow) 14c. " Fish (Cod) 6Jc. P " Fish (Mackerel) S10c. P " Fish (White) 7c. P u Pickled Pork 10c. Shoulders ..10c. P " Sides (smoked) 10c. P " Hams 12ic. $ " Crackers ret. 8c; wholesale oc. p Hoop Poles 0.00 1,000. Salt retail 25c; wholesale c. bush. SPECIAL NOTICES. flgTo Teachers. The Board of School Ex aminers for Meigs County will meet on the first Saturday of each month, at the Court. House, in Pomeroy, for the examination of Teachers. Examination to commence at 10 o'clock A. and cont inue till 4 J P. M. fj&Ho Teacher need apply at such exami nation who has a certificate valid for three months from the date of said application. By order of the Board. -Jan. 1860. AV. H. LASLEY, Clerk. TTr'TIIE GREaT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIK JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLc Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and sale remedy ror female uimcumes anu Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring ou Ihe monthly period with regularity. In all cases or nervous and spinal Anec ions, ains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, J owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other menus have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second pae of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, ofthe Agent. K. B. Unn Dollar anas postage stamps encioscu to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over .r0 pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the Uuitei States and Canada, JOB MOSES. (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK, SUIRE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O: 11-y. Hapolkon, Henry Co., O;, July 7. ly58. Dr. C. W. RoBAi-k Dear Sir: For the benefit of suffering humanity, permit us to announce, through the columns of ybur Circulari the .surprising proper ties of our Scandinavian Blood Purifier and Blood Pills, which is a sure cure tor Indigestion and Liver Complaint. We haVe several persons in town, who have been Suffering with Liver Complaint anil Indi gestion, and notwithstanding that we have as good physicians as can oe kjhiiu in tormcrn unio, yei me disease baffled their skill. Consequently we were in a state of despondency, until ire cumin need using our fillsj turougn ami oy mo aavice oi our ineno. Mr. Breuan. We used tiie medicine according lo di rections, and are now full of lift- and hilarity, and our gratitude is equal to our improvement in health and spirits. When e take into consideration what we have been, and what we are at present, we feel like charging ourselves of the sin of Ingratitude, if we did not try to announce to the public the great bene fits of your medicine, inereiore, we reconimena to the "public at large, the expediency of having rwcoursB to vour medicine, and consequently, us in duty bound, discharge what we feel to be our duty. in advising persons wno are sunering as we nave suffered, to make use of the only true and sure cure for the diseases already mentioned. Mrs. uwik. " Brennan. See Advertisement. Miss Spklhan. TAll, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" ai Cincinnati, in another column. Legal Kotiee. t ITT' 1M "IT 1 11 1 . . - "T .... A I (O Meigs county, Ohio, will take notice that Walter Edwards, of the said county of Meigs, ind State ot Ohio, did, on the 23d day ot May, A. D. 1800, file his petition in the Court oi Common Pleas, in and tor said count y ot Meigs, in the State of Ohio, against Stephen Smith and Samuel Marshall, defendants, setting forth that the said Stephen Smith, on the oth day ol May, 18o7, gave a mortgage to the said bamuel Marshall, on the following premises, to wit: situate in section JNo. zo, ot town JVO; d, and range No. 13, of the Ohio Company's Purchase, ind bounded and described as follows: begin ning in the middle of the north line Of said sec tion; thence south eighty rods : thence east eighty rods; thence north eighty rods; thence west eighty rods, to tne place oi Deginning; containing eighty acres, to secure the payment of -$330;00, according to certain notes referred to in said mortgage, and that since tne giving of said mortgage, the said Samuel Marshall assigned and delivered the same, and the notes therein relerred to, to the said n alter ta wards, and praving that said btephen bmith may pay said sum now claimed, and interest on the same, or that said premises may be sold to pay the same; and that the said Samuel Marshall is notified to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 3d day of July next. WALTER EDWARDS, By Simpson & Lasley, his Attorneys. Dated May "23, i860. 21-Ot, Sheriff' Sale. H. H. Grow vs. John German & Eliza German O i" virtue of an order of sale to me directed, I from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court HouBe ltt Pomeroy, at VI o clock A M., Oil the 18A day of June, 18G0, the following described lands and tenements. to-wit: commencing at the north-east corner of the north-west quarter ot section No. 66, town ship No. 3, range -11 of the Ohio Company's Purchase, and running west 60 rods to a stake; thence south 122 rod3 to a corner; thence east 30 rods to a corner; thence north 122 rods to a corner at the place of begining, containing 23 acres more or less, to be sold as the property of John German and Eliza German at the suit of Hiram H. Grow. Appraised at $550.00.- Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. May 2, 1800.-18-51 3.00 Sheriffs Sale. Perry Root vs. Jacob S. Karhart. BY virtue of an Order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court House" In Pomeroy, at 1 o'clock p. m., Ori the Tld day of june I860, the folldwuie described (amis and tenements, to wit situate in tlu-town of Pcinerov: all that part of lo No. 11)3 as designated in plat of said town, which is described as follows: beinir twentv-live leet front on Mulberry street and fumiinsr the same width back : to Mechanics' street, and lying on the west 4 le of. , aim nujoiuiiig 10, mai part oi saiu lot no. iro, con ! veyed by V B. Horton to Henry Koehler; to be sold as tne properly ot Jacob s. Eurhurt. ut tho suit of - ""i KooU AppraisuUatS8nu.ini. TYnns of sale, cash . J. J. WHITE S. M.C. j may 19, lt)60. 20-5t 390 STninsgortnttGit. POMEROY & CINCINNATI SIDE-WHEEL SEMI WEEKLY PACKET, "GREY EAGLE," A.PONNALLY, Master; FRANK. J.OAKES.Clk.; Leaves Pomerov every MONDAY at 10 a. m., and FRIDAY, at 4 o'clock a. m. In order to make time we are compelled to leave this early. Leaves Cincinnati every WEDNESDAY and SAT URDAY, at 4 o'clock p. r. .,...,. This arrangement is permanent, and the boat w ill make prompt and regular trips. Her accommoda tions and speed has no equal. Will do business at regular established rates, and trust that the citizens of Pomerov ad vicinity will give us their patronage and influence. Nov. 29, '59.-48-tf MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," D. E. SAYRE, MASTER, Leaves Cincinnati every Monday evenirg, at Ave o'clock, passing Pomerov on her way up ever Wed nesday morning. . , Returning, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomerov every Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Oct. 6, '59. l-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, 9 J. J. BLAGG. Master; JrLN JOHN HEISNER, Clerk; Jj.SjiZLk Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, p. M. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at 1(1 o'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. m. Leaves Pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PAT I ON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, '!S9. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, SWALLOW, :-E N. PARKER, MASTER, Leaves Cincinnati at 5 o'clock P. M. every Saturday evening, passing Pomttroy, on her upward trip, Mon day morning. . . Returning, will leave Marietta every Wednesday morning, and Pomeroy every Thursday morning. For freicht or passasre apply on board, or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 22. '59. 7-6m Pomeroy Wharf boat. WHEELING AND CINCINNATI. Regular Wheeling and Cincinnati Packet, S MASON, Master; W. J. C. Anderson, Cl'k; ferosA Leaves Wheelins every Tuesday at 6 o'clock p. m., passing Pomerov Wedneseay at 2 p. m. Returning, leaves Cincinnati every Friday evening at 5 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY. Nov. 29, '59. 18-g Pomeroy Wharf-boat. MsccUaneous. GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clothier THE old customers of this house will please bear in mind that I am still maniifacturinz clothing to order, in my new building, on Court street, 2 doors from Front, Pomeroy, Ohio. My facilities for get ting up Work is excellent, and I warrant it to be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOf HlNU Kept constantly on hand. Gent's Furnishing GoodSj Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, &c, &c, in good supply, and I take pleasure in inform ing my friends that I will shortly have an in creased stock. Thankful for your former liberal patronage, I hope to be'able to offer inducements for- its continuance. GEO. HUTTEL. Jan. 8, 1860 3-1-tf TO THE PEOPLE OF MtMJtEPOBT AND VICINITY. THE undersigned has jnst received, and is con stantly receiving. Family Groceries of every d scriptionl and intends to sell at a living profit. He is not " Running" aeainst ether Grocery Keepers, but places a fair profit on everything. He is keeping a in connection with the Grocery, and will n!l all or ders for Cakes & Confectioneries of every descrip tion. Give him a call and judge lor yourselves. He also pays Cash for Country Produce. JOHN G. ENOS, Front street. 4 doors below Kennedy's Drug Store, Middleport, O. may 2, lHfiO. I8-3m. GO ALU IDC E MILL. THE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO INFORM the Wheat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, that he will give, in exchange for one bushel of good, clean V. heat, VI pounds of Flours Persons wishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per brl.; offal to go to the owner of the Wheat. Persons residing between 1'arkersburg and Gallipolis, by sending five bushels of good clean Wheat, I will give one barrel of Flour, pay the freight on the same bbtn ways, they finding the barrel. AY. C. WILLIAMSON July 20, '59. 30-tf A. SEEBOHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY D1 EALER IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. Prescriptions carefully put up. Jan; Jh 2-2. MONTGOMERY & H0A0UVt STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, WII4UF-BOAT, POMEKOY, O. Keep constantly on hand LIME, FL&.STEH PARIS, CEMENT, &c. ITE respectfully request builders, and others in i V need of the above articles, toeive us a call be fore purchasing elsewhere, as we are confident we can supply you as cheaply as any other dealer. April lu, 'oil. l5-3m. SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS & BBO., Masoa City, Va.. "HEALERS in Lumber in the rough, and Manufactn If rers of Flooring, Ceiling and Weatherboarding. Pinning of all kinds done, anl lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on hand Sash, Boors Blinds, Lath and Shi.igles. Our cash prices for dressed Lmnbur are as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - - $2G 00 While " " " - - aSO Ceiling - - - - - - 20 00 Weatherboarding per hundred feet - - I 25 All orders addressed to Pomeroy P. O. will receive prompt attention. may 15, '60. 19-ly The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner front and Sicamore Streets POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON SILVERMAN, Wholesale and retail Dealer in HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, hats, caps & Notions, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS Invites the public to his splendid stock, which he has recently received. It is unnecessary to particularize, but I will sav, that my stock it is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled. Jan. 24, 1WU 4-4-tf. ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowen & Nesmith,) WOW W I T II M WILLIAMSON, & CO Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in DRY GOODS, 425 Market & 414 Commerce Sts. M. WILLIAMSON, "1 t ... E , , ., 0. H. WILSON, J Bet- 4th 5tl1 orth side S. M. AJNDEHSON, II. C. POTTER, J March 1, '5'J. FllILADELriHAj APPREN I ICZs: THOSE wishing to take boys or girls at any age from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known their wishes to Mr. Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary neai Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors Feb. 7, '60, tf, jj. BOSWORTII. ,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD 3sr o XT Gr I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF TIIE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHALL! have everythins in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoes, Cobergs, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Check, Flannel, Tickings, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &e. HARDWARE- Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettles, iOg and Trace Ckains, Horseshoe Nails, Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! CARPENTERS TOOLS. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Auaers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squares, Levels. Also, COOPERS' TOOLS. Tress Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives f all kinds. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and gies, and Jsucrgy lnmniinirs ot all kinds. I would call the attention of Builders Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. O Xj O T H X 3X Gr . Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Also, a larg nd complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep a Wrapping Twine. TAHjORIWG. If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call. I have a large lot of Piece Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done no sale. The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve, at cost, tor CASH. Give me a call. Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 18G0. VI . J. PR ALL.. PRALL & 1? rPH.LL'S Court street Would resnectfully call the attention of this community to one of the greatest improvements ever invented in Mi I yrj m W The Bur urning of the gas and smoke arising from r cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense 0 per bottom of the Oven. In introducins' this greaty-improvcd it distinctly understood that it is not our design 6 111 dispdsiu'V of liiem, but Will WAfcltAXT every Anis is not tne only pattern we propose seiimg. u e iiiiyb iue most iuijruveu puttuiuo u& WOOD COOKING STOYES. Yithout dwelling upon clude our notice by announcing that our PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy competition. 13 METALLIC HYDRANTS Cept constantly on liand, iur stock; In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order, Tn the Citizens op MeigS AND ADJOINING COCNTIES: certain dcree, the nature of the business we u lr.e. nnt.iirn v sno-fests ltselt. JJO vou been wasti'n"- vour time in reading our card. money, if we have to credit. . AVe have therefore, CASH, And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, iot ovTwrioriep. has croven the beneficent results of the Cash system, to both purchaser and seller and it is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper as well as for our own-who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. We respectfully invite you to call and see wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it away till you Have glven us a can. Aug. loj iso. iy -frTa a t .ran xax tmY GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c. wwjvren nv.HF.TVET) A LARGE JHL Stork ftf Groods. adapted to the "Winter Trade, (and which will he kept com nlete bv fieauent additions during the patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or c-oun try produce, on the most favorable tonus. THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will b r.rmrWtrd. as heretofore, under assisted bv as competent workmen as any of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings, &c. m Ti Tn thrive whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now clisre a; tV,o 7 nhVanJinn. incurred to -ir T will not, hesitate to remind vou, leiral obligation was also incurred. MR. P. BRUNKER 1 WOULD respectful!? inform the citizens of Poroe rnv that he will give instruction on the Piano and teach vocal music at 810.1)0 forthirty-six lessons. Throe lessons per tfeek t-vo on Piano and one in siiiginjr. 1 have a Piano for the use of those who have none. Mo extra ensile lor ine uso oi mj 1 can also sell New York, Baltimore and Boston Pianos at Retail City Prices. Pianos sold by me, tuned end put up in pood order nnd kept so for two years after buying: also Prince & Co. 's Melodeonssold on guarantee, and exchanged if any imperfections appear within the first year. Lessons given on Melodeon same as .Piano. April 3. '(ill. 14-flin. WM. H. & X GRANT HAVING formed a partnership under the above name. and having purchased the "Crystal Mill," in Middleport, design running it regularly from this time. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to business to merit and reeeive a good patronage. April 10, ie60.f VtM. H. & J. G If A XT. OFF AT COST! ABOUT IT: Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Lug- to my large lot of Doors, bash, Venetian Also, Hoys' Calf and Kip Roots and Shoes; Children, large stock of Cordage of all sizes, Uroom up in best style, and warranted, a good ht or 3-T. COHEN, Front street, three doors above Court. GEOKGE HATCH HATCH, 1C s JU:0 j STA. r. Pomeroy, O. w w m m mmm tho coal, by which jSJ.: heat thrown to the m. "GasL-urmng Stove, we wish to use 9 9 St6ve we sell to be what it is represented. the merits df the different patterns, we will con and we respectfully invite the public to examine stock of Stoves we will keep constantly on hand, llr WAKti The above remarks will demonstrate to yon, in a intend to prosecute. The manner in which it is wisn lo but on creun: Alien, yuu imvc sun n. We cannot sell at our prices without losing concluded to sell exclusively for Copper, Rags, Old feilver, Sc., at their liignest tne improvements in our oioves, wiiemer juu you value your hard-earned money, not to lavish "-"v-"- AND CAREFULLY SELECTED season,) I am prepared to offer to my the supervision of N. M. M'GLOTIILIN in the county. Everything in the way van up aceordins to agreement, I wish to if necessary, in a forcible manner, that r i'omeroy, January 6, ifcou. WOOL CARDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING THE undersigned having made preparations to do custom work the coming season, has fitted up his machinery in the best manner, KAt INC, MEIGS COUNTY, 0.: Where he is now prepared to do Carding, Spin nins and Weavinsr. at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner. Having the best machinery, and many years' experience in the business, he flatters himself that he can do as good work as any other es tablishment in the Western country. lie is determined, by strict attention to business aud fair dealing, to merit u share of public patron age; Stocking Yarn; Jeans and Flannel constantly on hand. Wool taken in exchange for Yarn or Goods. THOMAS EG AN. May 13. I860. 19-3m 5romics. BUY YOUR ceries Where you can get thein Cheapest. I 1LY1MA1 CLAIMS TIIE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugh s Buildinpr, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomerov. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, I860. 16-tf AMOXG the articles to be found constantly hand at R. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are mi oris. Molasses, tor sale cheap. ty lull s. siLvaitjA.t. 25 Racks of Coffee, for sale chap, by 16-ttJ S. .SILVERMAN. 1 f hlids. Sugar, for sale cheup, bv 1U IG-tf. S. SILNERMAN. f) kegs good English Soda, for sale clieap, by 4,0 IC-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. tZf boxes German Soap, frr sale cheap, bv tU 16-tn S. SILVERMAN. A f boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, by T-U 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. OH nfin Cigars, geneial assortment, for said cheap, by 16-tf S.STLVKRMAN. Q C boxes Tobacco, different & O cheap, by llS-tf qualities, for sale S. SILVERMAN. CZf boxes Candy, for sale cheap, oy OXJ lG-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. Q C boxes Star and i)oliar Candles, for sa'e cheap, J ly LlutfJ S.SILVERMAN. Obrls. No.'s 2 and 8 Mackerel, for wile cheap, by IG-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 A Vrls. White Fish, for said cheap, bv XKJ llO U S. SILVERMAN. - . ; . rA.kep;s of Nails, fdr sale cheap, bv 16-tfJ ' S.S1LVERMAN. O rifi-tn 's.'sit.vkrm AN. fit.trlt fnr aal itliuun 9AA gross Matches, for salo cbenp by rie-tfi s. SiL S1LVEKFAN. $rrAA worth of Queensware, for sale cheap, by 'JX-nJ 16-tfl S. SILVERMAN JOSEr-H PATTOX. DAN. E. SMITH. PATTON & SMITH, Having recently lormed a partnership lor the purpose ot carrying on the GHOCEBY BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of Uiis community to our present stock ol FRESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly be added new supplies, as iue uemanus i iraue may require. l ne junior partner navinsr nan a lonp experience nthe business in this market, is enabled to procure ust such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well bv c'mnorusa call before purchasins elsewhere. uur stock comprises sugar, Molasss, Cotree., Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, flams, Codflsh, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectinaries, W illow Baskets, a larsre lot of Matehes, 6Vc, and all the nick-nacks usually kept in such establishments. Country Produce wanted, for which tlia highest market price will be paid. vve aiso purpose doing a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the oast side of Court Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. npruxu, icuu. j-iu-u FAMILY GROCERIES. A. G. CROWLEY. A. E. MURDOCK. CROWLEY & CO. HAVE just opened a superior stock of GKOCEKIESAD PUOVISIOIS'S. In C. M. Kvans1 old stand, two doors above 11 Cohen's, under tho "Gibson House." where we are prepared to accommodate everybody with all the com forts or lire. Grocer ies, consist ing of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, And everything else in thd Grocery line. PRO VISIONS! Uacon, Country and Suyor Cured Ham, Her- mg ana Mackerel, leans, I'otaiaes and Cheese. Lemons, Oranges. I'ried Peaehesand Annies, and all kinds of Fruit kept constamlv on hand. The choicest brands of Familv Flour and Corn Me il kept on hand. ine nignest maiset pi ice paid ror country produce. As we havd determined to do a strictlv "u adv nav business, we ran and will sell at such prices as will mak" it to the interest of cash customers toffive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. juurcn o, i.-oy. in-ti ntuvvusv fit CO. NEW GROCERY AND milE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED I i ; t . p r t, an extensive assortment ot urocenes, re visions, yueensware, fclioes, sc., ice, at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Eolling Mill, which will be Bold UNUSUALLY LOW, POH CASH. Constantly on hand Buckwheat i lour, Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Sugar, Dried Apples, Coffee, Dried Teaches, Tea, Potatoes. Jlolnsses, Hominy, Sirup, Pearl Barley, Vinegar, Beans, Bacon, Peas, Dried Beef, Raisins, Codfish, Currants, . Mackerel, White Fish, &.C., &c. C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy, March 1. 2-9-ly . SWA. For tho lNSIAJiT KK LIKF and PKKMANKNT CUKE of this distressing complaint use FEN D T'S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. SEYMOUK, 107 NASSAU St., K. Y. Price, $1 per box; scut free by post. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. March 3, '53. 14-6m. TH-rnrce Notice. A T A T!fi ATtET Edwards, of the county of JlVJL Armstrong, in the State of Pennsylvania, is hnrahv notified that Even Edwards did, on the 24th day of April, A. D. 18G0, file his pe- tition in the omcc ot tne cici k oi me i-uun nf I'mnmnn Pleas, within and for the county of Meis-s. and State of Ohio, charging the said 7 , ....I. :.i. Margaret iAlwaras witu auun-eij mm William Morgan, and wilful absence from the said Even Edwards for more than three years last pasi, and asking that he" may be divorced iim the said Marearet Edwards, which peti lion will stand for hearing at the next term of said Court. Dated this 26th day of April, 1SG0. EVEN EDWARDS, By Simpsos 4 Lasley, his Att'ys. May 1, 1800. 17-6t , FOR ALL. TITHE subscriber having just returned from J the liast witn an eiegaiu siock oi Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer thein to the public at ten per cent. advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAT In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction ot any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will enumerate a few articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: Best madder prints 10c per yard Pancy prints oa!)c " Good i bleached muslin 10c " I bleached muslin 8c " Latest styles best delaines 15 to 20e " Cashmeres 15o " Bonnet, ribbons from 10 to 40c" Fine French wool delaine 00 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes per pair; Ladies' ealf 1 25 " Ladies' best calf 1 2i to 1 40, Aud all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them; From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of mir stock,- nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. jVotice.' milE State of Ohio, Meigs county, ss In tM JL Court of Common Pleas. Samuel a. m. Moore, plaintiff, against AVilliam Mayhugh, Ce phus Decamp, Thomas O. Crawford; Nial R. A ve, Joel W. Joties, John E. Boyd, Samuel Ott, Thomas Sweenv, Andrew J. Sweeny, Aaron Kelly, Smith Ilalloway, William Taylor, Ga briel Jacobs, Alexander G. Robjnson, Thomas C. Robinson, and Aarcri Kelry and Mary Bush field, executor and executrix of Joseph M. BushSeld, deceased; Robert C; Bonkanii Christ topher S. Lambelin, Charles M. Gilbertson; William Bayley, C. 15. Duncan, D. Spalding, U. S. Irwin, Andrew Glass, S. II. Woodward, adminstrator of R. L. Caswell, deceased; J. Freese, S. II. Woodward, William Hays, Joseph Hersav, William E. Bailey, William Linch, W. R. E. Eliott, H. Harden, H. Wallace, J. McClin ton, J. Wright, William Dean, N. P. Remisk, Robert Crangle, Henry Craugle, James Craugle, - m -b r James Dal well, defendants. The above named defendants will taKC nouce that Samuel A. M. Moore, of the County or Meigs, and State of Ohio, dSl, on the 24th day of September, A. D. 1859,- file his petition in. the Court of Common Pleas" within and for said County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, setting forth that the above named William Mayhugh, on the 27th day of April, A. D. 1857, made an delivered to one Thomas O. Crawford his certain promissory note for the sum of 3,200, payable" in ninety days from date thereafter, with in terest at the rate of six per cent, and that the said Thomas O. Crawford did, subsequent to the making and delivering of said promissory note to him by the said Mayhugh, indorse and deliver the same to the said plaintiff for a valuable considpration, and that there i$ n6vr due to him, the said plaintiff, from the said William Mayhugh, on tliTTaforesaid promissory note, the sum of one thousand four hundred and twelve dollars and eleven cents (1,412 11-100), together with the interest thereon at the rate of six percent, from the fifth day of July, 1850, and that in order to secure the payment of the aforesaid note the said William Mayhugh,-on the 27th day of April, 1857, at Pomeroy, in said county of Meigs, executed and delivered to the said Thomas O. Crawford, a mortgage deed on the following lands and tenements, situated in said county of Meigs, and in the township of" Salisbury, to wit : the lower or westerly half of lot number One hundred and four (104), being the same premises wheredn said William May hugh erected a brick building. It is further alleged that Cepbus Decamp holds the legal tjtle to said premises, and has a lien on the same tor the unpaid purchase money due liml from the said Mayhugh, and that Boyd, Ott & Co., Kelly, Halloway &. Co., T. Sweeney & C6':, Bonham, Gilbertson & Co., and Bailey, W5bd worth & Co. holds a mortgage on fiaitf premises, and that Robert Craugle, Henry Craugle, James Craugle and James Dalzell hold a judg ment lien on said premises, and that Nial R. Nye and Joel W. Jones have a lien on said premises, but all the aforesaid liens are subject to plaintiff mortgage except the lien of the .said Cephus Decamp for the purchase money of the same. The object and prayer of said petition ia for a judgment against the said William Mai-hugh for the sum of $1,412 11-100, together with ths interest thereon from the fifth of July, 1859, asf the amount due to said plaintiff on said prom issory note1; and that the said mortgaged prem ises may be sold, and the proceeds arising from such sale be applied to the satisfaction of the judgment so to be rendered on such elaim, and that said Cephus Decamp, on being paid what money may be due him for the purchase money as aforesaid, may be required to convey to the' purchaser the legal title to said premises, and . that plaintiff may have such other relief as equity may require. The above named Jdhn E. Boyd and Samuel Ott, composing the firm of Boyd, Ott & Co, aud Aaron Kelley, Smith llallowayr William Taylor and Gabriel Jacobs, Alexander G.. Rob inson, Thomas C. Robinson, Aaron Kelly and Mary Bushfield, the executor and executrix of Joseph M. Bushfield, deceased, composing the firm of Kelly, Ilalloway & Co, and Thomas Sweeny and Andrew J. Sweeny, composing tho . firm of T. Sweeny & Co., and William Bailev. C. B. Duncan, I. Spaldintr, . R. . S. Irwin. Andrew Gliss; S. II. Woodward, administrator of R. L. Caswell, deceased. J. Freese. ' Si-IT.-' Woodward William Hay Joseph Hersav.-Wil'-' Vara E, Bailey, William Linch, W,R. E. Eliott; 11. mraen, J. .UcCUntonV J.- Wright, William Dean and N. P. Remicki composing the firm of Bailey, Woodward & Co., and Robert C., Bon ham, Christopher S. Lambelin and Charles M. Gilbertson, composing the firm of Bonham Gil bertson & Co, and llooert Cruagle, Henry Craugle James dangle and James Dalzell. composing the firm of Craugle & Co., all of the city of Wheeling, and ..State of Virginia, are also notified that they are required to appeaiT and answer said petition on or before the third baturday after the 20thday orJune next. MARTIN 11 A VS. oo. TA CO-O.t Atfy for plaintiff. Aoiicc. SAAC Wpod, of the State of Iowa will take' notice that Willia in1 Lyons, adm'r ef the es tate of John Lyons, dee'd, of the county of Van Buren, in the 'State of Iowa, did, on the 18th day of April, A. D. 1860, tile his petition in the . Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Meigs, inhe State of Ohio, against the said Isaac Wood and Abel Chase, defend ants, setting forth, thet the said Abel Chase gave a mortgage to the said Isaac Wood, on the lom uay oi August, lsob, on tne north-west-quarter of the north-west quarter of section No. 8, in town no. 9 and range No. 15 of the Ohio Company's Purchase, in the said county of Meigs, to secure the payment of 325.00, ac cording to certain notes referred to in said mortgage, and that the sum of 200.00, the amount of the two first notes in said mortn-aeo' X 1 . . 1 1 - - . 1 I. ... . ' rtnerreu i") uae uv-eii paiu on ana settled; ttca that since the giving of said mortgage the said Isaac Wood transferred, for a valuable consid eration, and assigned the third and only re maining note to the said John Lyons, prior to his decease, and that the said John Lyons har since died, and that the said William Lyons' has been duly appointed and qualified .as hi administrator, and praying that the said Abel Chase may pay the sum of $ 125.00, now claimed to be due with the interest thereon' from the 25th day of August 1856, or hat the said premises may be sold to pay the same; and tho said Isaac Wood is notified that he is required -to appear and answer said petition en or befoie the third Saturday after the 5th day of June'-., A. U. 180U. ftlJll'BUJX X liASLJiV.- Attorneys for William Lyoss. Dated April 28, 1800. 17-6t. Sheriff's Sale. Martin Kodenheber vs. Peter Crosby, et al. BY tirtue of an order of sale to me directed' from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county,- I shall offer for sale at the' dobr of the Court House in Pomeroy, at 1 o'clock, noon, On the 18 'A day of June, 1S60.' the following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate on Mulberry street, in the town of Pomeroy, being the lands, houses and shops owned and occupied by Peter and Homer Crosby, and conveyed to them by John S. Davis and Samuel "Morton by deed, dated May 6, lSij4, and by George Stivers, by daed dated February 9, 1859. Sold as the property of Peter Crosby . and Homer Crosby, at the suit of Martin Eodeti-' heber. Appraised at $1,300.00. Terms of sale, cash. J.J. WHITE, S.M-.C- May7, 18fi0. l8-5t " 8 '" ' : Sheriff's Bale.'-',-,.. : Slotbower, Mathews & Co. vs. EMstnstJ. David aii't Quincv A. Davis, et a!. BY virtue of un order of sale to ine directed rrnin the Court of Common Pleas pf Meijrs . f will offer for sale, tit the door of the Court Housi iir Pomeroy, at IS o'clock, (noon.) . - On the 2Sti day of June, 1SG0, " the fo'lowing described lands and tenements, to nit:' a certain lot it parcel of land lying and being l:i tion So. thirty-two, in town .. titht, range So. fit teen of the Ohio Company's Purchase, beginning at section line, eighteen rods bvluw the mill, ritnnii! east tlnrteen rods; thence north sixteen rodn; tu.-mo west thirteen rods; thence to the placff of begiMi::.y supposed to contain ine n ml one-half acres, upon which isa steam Saw-mill and Grist-ruill; to be sold as the property of Erastns K. Davis and Quin. I A. Davis, el the suit or Sluthower, Mathews iV t '.-' Appraised at $S(tn.ltll. Terms of sale, cash, may 19, im 2U-5t 3.(IC J.J. WHJ'fK. S. M . f.- Sheriff's Sale. The Merchants' & Mechanics1 Bniib of Wheeling Vs. Richard Mather, and Win. M. fiulles, auni'r ol' W'm. W. Mather, det'd, and Others. - - BY virtue of an order of sale lo me' dinevled front the Court of Conunnn Hleai of Meiirs couni . .ir the above case, I will offer for salo at the ofi hot Court House in Pomeroy, at ton o'clock . m.,' . . : On (he 22cf day of June, lBf'-O,,- - ; fho following described fanus and tenements to ill i tiio cast ball ot' t rai l inn So. twelve, in Si lislmrv township, in the comdy of Meigs, Iving about r.e' half mile from the town ot KomeYoy, conti.ini. A 144 ' acres. A"d at 3 111,1 lo.(H); Also, the west half of said fraction. No. tw-lv.i,-Containing 141,'.; acres, aud appraised at SI 1..V (. .. The above named propciiy is ;o be sol. I us L.i nionerty or fhe heirs ol William W. Klalin r .I....M at the sun ol the Merchants' Sc Mechanics' Kand of wheeling. Terms ol' sal-:, cash. may 1", Irtill. 2(j-."t 3 IMiJ J.J. WHITE. S. M. fv Attachment. BEFOKE Joseph J. Strong. J. P. of Salem town ship. -Meigs county. Ohio Waldo Vs.- j Thomas Morton. On the tenth day of M;i,"a. U. i l.-GO, cuid Justio issued an order 'of nttacli'mei.t In ; tht, ab'.ve action, fur the sum of twenlj dollar and j twentv-Bve cents. - WALUo K5- I Salem, May 19, 1?G0.' C0-3t