Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. "TtESDAV, l ": l " July 10, tS60. CAM PA I a N SUBSCRIBERS. AVe want at least (me thousand campaign subscribers in the next two weeks. We " have ho room this week for argumeht with our friends. - Look at the - "Telo graph"antl show it to your neigh bors. Can you get so cheap a campaign document? We ask no pecuniary aid from ourj friends, and expect no profits from our campaign subscribers. We are willing to put the paper at its cost for the sake of a .wide circulation. If it is good for any thing, the friends of the cause in each neighborhood ought to put it into universal circulation. If it is not, then they ought to kill It at once. If each of our pres ,cnt subscribers would use their influence, its circulation could be 'doubled, and its power quadru pled in a week. Will you do it? This is addressed personally, to you, who now read this arti cle. TEEMS- INVARIABLY IH ADVAitCE. From the 17th of July to the 13th of No vember. ' ' ' ' Single subscribers .' '..'.. $ -50 Five ...,... .. .'... 2.25 Tn " 4.00 Fifteen " - 5.25 BQThe-river is now in a good navi gable stage at this point. Announcements. . We refer our readers to the announce ments of candidates found in another column. We nave room in the Tele : graph fax forty more names, and could possibly mate, room in our wallet for as :many dollars. Send in the names. ; v. ' T BIt is with regret that we refer 'bur readers to the card of Cyrus Russell, Esq., in to-day's paper.' Mr. Russell "would undoubtedly have been re-elected to the office of Treasurer, which ho has :so satisfactorily filled,' but for his posi tive declination. We sincerely trust that, i elieved, from the cares of the office, Mr, Russell may recover his health,- and long" continue, what" he has been in the past an honest, upright man, and good citizen. J Had Dog. We see from the papers that the hot weather has brought again the annual 'scourge of mad dogs. Cities are ordering their slaughter, and great excitement prevails in many places, in consequence of persons and animals being bitten. With the streets of our own town filled as they usually are with children, the thought of one of these mad animals "running at large is fearful.' Ought not something to be done immediately? 86&We learn that a man named Jones 'was seriously, and probably fatally in jured by the premature discharge of a 'cannon in Mason City, opposite here, on the 4th inst. As we are informed, he was standing in front of the gun while loading it, when a discharge took place, the ramrod tearing off one leg, and ter ribly mutillating the other. Our infor mant supposed it impossible for him to Recover, but we have not heard from -him since. The Point Pleasant Excursion. We learn that the excursion to Pt. Pleasant, on the evening of the Fourth, was an occasion of much real enjoyment :and pleasure. The company,, composed of many of the elite of our town, received the most cordial welcome on their ar rival, and were soon comfortably quar tered at the celebrated "Kline House." This establishment is pleasantly situated, a perfect model of architecture, and is 'happily provided with a clever and obliging host and hostess, who on this 'occasion completely surpassed them selves. The guests will ever entertain deep regard, and bear high testimonials in behalf of the House, and its attach . ' Victor No. X. ' Last week we copied an article from the Portsmouth Tribune in regard to this .new packet between that place and Pom eroy, and we are now able to indorse every word of the. Tribune, having taken a-' trip on-her since." Without exception, we never saw so , small a boat as neatly built and handsomely finished; and her speed is not inferior to any boat now mnning on the river, making tri-weekly trips regularly, and with ease. Her Cap tain, A. W. Garner, and Clerk, Thomas Winters, are perfect gentlemen, and will add much to the popularity of the boat. That a packet is needed in this trade is evident to all; and the citizens of Ports mouth, who are dependent upon the up river trade for their wholesale custom, should offer all inducements and give every encouragement to the owners, in order to keep her in the trade. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of Meigs County . for the week ending July 7, 1800; Bedford Tp. David Putnam to James Pratt, 41i acres in sec. 12; 243. Samuel Walker to Ira, Eli and James Sloan, 1 acre in sec. 23; 8200. Rutland Tp. Royal Chase to Dan iel W. Simpson, 60 acres in sec. 4, and 9J acres in sec. 10; 700. - Salem Tp. Thos. McKnight to John McKnight, 50 acres in sec. 3; $800. Thos. W. Piggins to John McVay, 112 acres in sec. 2; $1,500. Scttox Tp. E. Barringer to Geo. L. Parker,-Lot No. 100 in Syracuse, 8105. Salisbury Tp. V. B. Horton to James Ashworth, 1 acre in see's. 0 and 10; $135. S. W. Ponurjy to Wm McKnight, 1-10 acre in sec. 14; 135. Same to Rnb't Richardson, 1-10 acre in r-ec. 14; 135. Poineroy & Horton to Royal Ilyel, aero in sec. 20; $150. A Screw Loose. We refer our readers to the card of Mr. William Dilcher, in another column. Mr. Dilcher has always been a Democrat, in the real meaning of that term, and has heretofore acted with the party which used that naino as a cloak with which it has covered up the principles of an Aris- tocratical Despotism which shaped its actions. Mr. Dilcher, like tens of thou sands of other honest men, now sees the incongruity between the profession and practice of the party; and as an honest man and true Democrat, he leaves them. lie will give his reasons on Thursday night for so doing. We hope our citi zens, and especially those with whom he has heretofore acted, will attend. There is no use to denounce Mr. Dilcher as a "turncoat:, mere is no ar gument in that. Mr. Dilcher asks his former., associates to " come and reason" the matter. We hope they will do so. ' We know of many others in town who have come, like him, to the conclusion that the path of duty leads right into the Republican party. AND STILL ANOTHER. We have just received a letter from one of the ablest and most prominent Democrats of Sutton township, giving in his adhesion to the Republican cause. We are not sure whether the letter was intended, for publication, or not. We will not, therefore, give the author's name at present, but hope he will let his fellow-citizens hear from him through the Telegraph. lie says: " I shall engage in the fight for 'Old Abe,' from the fact that, although there are four candidates, yet there is but one question before the people, and that is, 'Shall Slavery be established, or prohib ited, in the Territories?' Breckinridge in favor of establishing, Lincoln against. Although I have always been an admirer of.S. A. Douglas, I cannot support him at this time, because the doctrine of pop ular sovereignty is not the question at issue. It appears to be a settled fact, thai Congress must control the subject of slavery in the Territories. The only question in the matter is, .whether it shall be established, or prohibited. While I would rather have the matter left to the people of the Territories, yet, if it must be settled by Congress, I have some choice in the manner in which it is settled. So you can set me down for Lincoln and Hamlin." THE FOURTH Seems to have been more generally observed this year than usual. The rain on the morning, as well as on the day and night previous, spoiled the arrange ments of many parties who contempla ted a good time in the groves. In our own beautiful town, celebrated for its "salt and cinders," a "picnic," had been arranged for all the ohildren of our Union Sehools, and the citizens gener ally, to come off in a pleasant grove on Nailor's Run. The boys had prepared the woods with swings, and the girls had filled the baskets with "good things," while the "old folks at home" were grow ing young again in the inidst of the happy excitement of the busy children. But alas! for human hopes! alas! -for the uncertainty of human plans! The rain came down as provokingly calm as if no aspirations were being crushed -no happy hearts made sad no smiles trans forming into frowns and no swings to hang from the dripping trees unused, in consequence of its coming. In the name of all the "little folks;", and with an in distinct remembrance, that, away back in the years that have been, we were "one of them," we protest against this "intervention" on the part of the rain on the 4th of July. And we hereby re quest and instruct all makers of Alma nacs, and others engaged in the "weather business," to let the "people of each and every community regulate the rain in their own way," on Independence Day, hereafter. But, the clouds breaking away toward noon, it was determined "not to give it up so." And on a few minutes' notice, some four hundred representatives of "Young America," with banners flying mottos gleaming in the sunshine -dressed in holiday attire, and decked in appro priate regalia, marched through the' streets to the shady side of Court, where they sung some appropriate songs, and "picked" their "nic" in spite of rain and mud. The occasion passed off much better than could have been expected under the circumstances. But we bespeak for the children a holiday in the woods, on some fair day not distant, as a compen sation for .the disappointment experienced on the 4th, and as a safety-valve to work off Jthe superabundance of juvenile spirits accumulated in the "Halls of science" during the "heated term." MARRIED, On the 8th inst, by Rev. G. Coler, Mr. C. II. Ramh and Miss Alma J. Hakper, all of Meigs County, O. The above notice was received just in time for insertion this week, and we have only time to acknowledge their grateful remembrance and tender our warm congratulations-. On the 8th inst., by Rev. S. M. Bright, Mr. George W. AYixliamson and Miss Emmerrilla Teters, both of this place. . POMEBOY RETAIL MARKETS. JIondat, July 9, 1G0. Flonr...Com. Extra, &G.00; Family, 6.25; White Wheat Fam., 6.50; do. do. Ex. do., C.50 brl: 33 lbs for $1.00 Wheat... White 1.10 to 1.15; Red, 1 to 1.10. Oats ...35c.Pbu Potatoes 50c. " Dried Peaches. 12c'P lb. Dried Apples.... nutter Cheese Eggs Molasses Sirup Sugar (N.O.) Coffee Rice Soap 7c lb 12 lb. lb. ...... ...lOe. SB doz. 55c. "0 gal. loWlMO 33 cal 910c. lb. 10c. 'ii 7c. fi " 810c. p 13c. " OJc. f3 810c. f) " 7c. p " ioc. yt " 10c. " 10c. " Ue. "f! " .it-t. Sc.; wholesale l.'.e. pi ', .0.00 "H l.OUO j Candles (tallow). j ssh (toil) Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White)..-..., : Pickled Pork....... Shoulders Sides (smoked)... Hams Crackrrs Hoop Poles Salt retail 20c; wholesale c. f bush (fomnunuratciL Public Installation. There will be a public installation of officers of Welfare Division No. 9G, Sons of Temperance, at the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Pomcroy, on Saturday evening next. All are invited to attend. By order. II. C. Wilson, Sec'y. For tho Pomoroy Weekly Telegraph. Come, Let Us Reason Together The Democracy of Pomeroy and vi cinity, and all others who are favorable to Free Speech, are earnestly invited to attend a meeting at the Court House, on Thursday evening, July 12th, 18G0, on which occasion the undersigned will deliver a "FAREWELL ADDRESS" to the Democratic party.- He will en deavor to explain the reasons for his course in a manner becoming an Ameri can citizen. He will abuse no one for en tertaining their own political sentiments; but point to tho issues involved in the present canvass, and the duty of citizens in tho contest. The speech will be delivered in the English language. WM. DILCHER. Pomeroy, July 10, 1SG0. For tho Poineroy Weekly Telegraph. Marietta, June 39, '60. Ma. Editor: At a meeting of the Alumni of Marietta College, held on yesterday (Thursday) morning, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted; a copy of which we send you for publication: "Inasmuch as it has pleased God, in his providence, to remove our brother, James Garfield Daniel, by death; therefore, we, the Alumni of Marietta College, hereby express to the parents and friends of the deceased, regret at our loss, and the deep sympathy which we feel for them in their bereavement. Resolved, That a copy of,the aboye be sent to the parents of the deceased, and also to the Pomeroy and Marietta papers, for publication. C.A.STANLEY lNLEY, ") SD1T, 1 1 W. C. COND1T, S- Com H. B. DYE For the Pomoroy Weekly Telegraph. meeting of tlie Meigs County Educational Association. The next meeting will be held in Pomeroy during the week commencing Aug. 27. Prest. I. W. Andrews, of Marrietta, has been engaged; and Prest. Lorin Andrews, of Kenyon College, Mr. Kings bury, Superindent at Ironton, together with others, will probably attend. Efforts will be made to secure board ing for teachers, free of charge. . Teachers of Meigs County and friends of education are earnestly invited to at tend. By order of Ex. Coin. T. S. STIVERS, Sec. For the Pomoroy Weekly Telegraph. SABBATH SCHOOL AND CITIZEXS' CELEBRATION. Mr. Editor: By request, I wish to say a few words in regard to the Cele bration of the " Fourth," by the Free will Baptist Sunday School, in conjunc tion with the citizens of Syracuse. At one o clock 1'. M., the children and friends of the School assembled at the School-house, where a short address was delivered on ;'The Origin, Progress and Results of Sabbath Schools." Then a procession was formed, and marched to a grove some half a mile from town, where a large audience was found waiting. Thomas Martin being chosen moderator by the meeting. After stating the ob ject of the meeting and making some ap propriate remarks in reference to the day, called ti-pon R. B. Carr, who briefly addressed a Throne Of Grace. An ad dress was then delivered by the Rev. Thos. E. Peden, of Middleport, on "The Duty of American citizens," after which ample justice was done to the cakes, candies, etc., prepared in greatabundance for the occasion. The procession being again formed, marched back to the village, and through the principal streets, accompanied by the best martial music it has been our lot to hear, to the Jplace of beginning, saluting the Sons of Tem perance by the way, who, in full regalia, had marched with drum and fife to meet them. After a benediction was invoked, they dispersed, spontaneously expressing themselves that "we have had a good time." I will add for the honor of the place, that not a -drunken man, so far as I can learn, was in the village that day. Brigade Appointments. Athens, Ohio, July 3, 1S60. C. Grant Dear Sir: Below I send you a list of the Staff appointments for this brigade, as certified by me to the Adjt. Gen.: Brigade Major, D. Maule, of Athens. " Engineer, F. A. Loveli, of Marietta. " Judge Advocate, Amos Layman, of Jlarmar. Brigade Quartermaster, G. W. Baker, of Athens. Brigade Surgeon, Wit. P. Johnson, M. D., of Athens. Brigade Aiddecamps, C. Grant, of Pomeroy, J. L. Vance, of Gallipolis. Brigade Chaplain, Rev. J. II. Pratt, of Athens. Stir up the boys in your place. We are starting a new company here, and the Marietta boys will be ready for action in a few days. Truly, your friend, R. A. Constable, Brigadier General. Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, July 5, 1SG0. Flour The demand continues limited and chiefly local. Sales extra at 5 25; white wheat at 5 70; superfine remains nominal. Groceries The market is quiet and unchanged; sales of 85 hhds Sugar at 8i9c, and 40 bags good Coffee at 14Jc. Molasses remains at 4445e, with a limited demand. Wheat The market is dull, with but a limited demand at 1 081 10 for prime red, and .1 1S1 20 for prime white. There was a sale of 250 bush prime red at SI 12. but it was generally considered above the market. Corn Thoracis a brisk demand for ear at 4Sc . in bulk. Shelled is in fair demand at 4851c for mixed and white, Oats The demand is good and the market firm at 4041c. Hye The market continues dull and unchanged. We quote it at 757Sc. Barley The demand is limited, and prices arc to a great extent nominal at 85c for prime fall. Hay There is a brisk demand for new, and prices are 1 00 per ton higher. We quote prime in bales at S15lti. Old is steady with a fair demand at 816 for prime in bales. Cheese The market continues dull, but without any change in price. We quote prime Western Keserve at 7ic. Butter Western lleserve is ia fair demand at 1415c, and but little coining in. Central Uliio is dull at 1012c for i pi'iuio to choice yellow, and be for inl'e ; rior. A CARD. roarcnoY, July 3, 1SC0. To the Citizens of Meiys County: In answer to the numerous inquiries as to whether I aia a candidate for nomination for the office of Treasurer, I will say that it is not within my power to serve in that capacity Bhould I be nominated and elected. My pres ent state of health and declining physical con stitution, rendei-s it due to myself and fam ily to refuse the support of my friends. Thanking the voters of Meigs County for the highly complimentary vote they gave me two years ago, and my many friends for the inter est they still manifest in desiring me to bo a candidate, I withdraw from the contest; and request that they give their honorable support to some worthy citizen, who will be willing to serve in that capacity. I am yours, very truly, CYRUS RUSSELL: Announcements. PROBATE JUDGE. Editor Telegraph: Please announce the name of W. H. LASLEY, as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention, to be held on the 28th day of July, 1800, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. EtaWe are authorized to announce the name of ARTHUR, MERRILL, as a candidate for Probate Judge, subject to the decision of the Republiean County Contention. TREASURER. Mr. Editor: Flease announce the name of OREN BRANCH as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Meigs County, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention, and oblige MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: riease announce, through the Telegraph, that the name of L. CARLETON, Esq., will bo presented to the Republican County Convention, as a candidate for County Treasurer. As the nomination then made will be equivalent to an election, it is of importance to the citizens that the nominee should be "honest, faithful and competent." That Mr. Carlcton meets these requirements will not be denied by any one acquainted with his charac ter and business habits. A CITIZEN. Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of GEORGE B. GROW, as. a candidate before the Republican Convention, for the office. of Treas urer of Meigs County. Mr. Grow is eminently qualified for this office, being a good accountant and an active business man. Editor Telegraph: Pleas announce the name of JAMES RALSTON, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention, to be held on tho 28th clay of July, 1800, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. CLERK. Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of H. L. SIBLEY as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. VOTER. SPECIAL NOTICES. TT-pTllE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any canse whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affec'ions, pains in tho Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, l.owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all tho painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of tho Agent. N. B. Ono Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over SO pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package. Solo Agent forthe United States and Canada, JOB MORES. . (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK, SUIRE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Ciicilina'ti, O. H-y- Home Testimony. Blce Creek, Adams Co., O., Aug. 19. Dr. Roback Dear Sir: I hare not the time to write you of the benefit conferred by your Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier. 1 took them for a disease of the throat, and they not only benefitted it bnt my general health, also, I am now actually bet ter than for eight years. They cured Miss Ellen Waite, of this place, of Liver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross was cured of terrible shooting pains in the stomach and side, which had baffled the efforts of several good Physi cians. The value of your medicines could be estab lished by any amount of evidence', if need be, in this vicinity. Yours Respectfully. WM. SHAW. ytP"We refer onr readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. The -Blood Food' is one of the greatest medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrnmsof modern times. Its efficacy is so great, and its superiority so justiy acknowledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the arilcle; Dr. Eaton's celebrated 'Infantile Cordial,' is a med icine prepared by a regular physician of eminenc e in his profession, and ono who has devote d his lifuto the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no hnmbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it." Apilachicola, Flor. Times. IfJ'Seo Advertisement. TCyAH, especially yoiing meir, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. Administrator's Sale. PEESOXAL property belonging to the estate of John Mauk, deceased, consisting of a large lot of Saw-logs, Lumber, Circular Saw mills, Turning-lathe, one Ilorse, Cattle. Hogs, Tools of various kinds, Household Goods, and other tilings too tedious to mention, will be sold at vendue, at the late residenoe of said John Mauk, on Friday, the 20th day of July, 1800, commencing at 0 o'clock a. si., and will con tinue from day to day thereafter, if necessary, till the property is all sold. July 3, 18(50. 2G-3t JOS. MATJCK, Adm'r. Attachment. BEFORE E. Stivers, J. P. of Salisbury town ship, Meigs County, Ohio. George Huttel, plaintifl", against Wm. II. Tat ton, defendant. On the 20th day of June, A. D. 1860, said Jus tice issued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of twelve dollars. GEORGE HUTTEL. Pomeroy, June 30, 1800. 20-3t Attachment. BEFORE George Lee, J. P. of Salisbury township, Meigs Oounty, Ohio. P. Lam brecht, plaintiff, against AV. II. Patton, defend ant. On the 20th day of June, 1800, said Jus tice issued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of thirty-nine dollars and ninety cents (?:1'J.!)0.) PET Ell LAMBRECHT. Pomeroy, June 30, 1800. 20-3t STRAYED, FROM the premises of the subscriber, near Sheffield, a large, RED COW, small, crumply horn s, small, white stripe on the back, and some white on the belly; had on a large bell. Whoever will take up said cow, or notify me where she may be found, will be suitably rewarded. PATSEY SCOTT. July 3, 'GO. 20-3t NOTICE. WHEREAS, my wile, Elizabeth, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby warn all persons against harboring or trusting her on my ac count, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting, after this date. Olive township, Meigs County, Ohio, Juno 29, 1800. 20-3t ANDREW LAKE. WOOL CARDING, AT THE RACIXE WOOLEN FACTORY. HAV1.NU put in new machinery, we are prepared to do Wool Carding at 4 cents p-r pound. Ail woik warranted, where the wool is clean. iVool or Laid taken in p.-ty tor work. Jalv o. U'00.--2S-t.f THUS. EGAN, NEW ARRIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FAXCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND OF 4r On Court Street, a few Doors rriHE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers, -L and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a splendid stock of goods in the above named line, all of which he will sell at a living profit. He would call especial attention to his stock u which he will sell at city prices; also to his large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of POCKE T-B OOKS, for Ladies andGehtlemen, Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &c. SFSCTACXjSS cj 3ES-ST3E3 G-XjlsStZSSf, In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. G-old Fensi He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Tens, of SheppartPs and Dawson's, AVarren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the worth ot their money. An examination is solicited. June 18, I860. 24-t PETER LAMBRECHT. JOSEPH PATTON. DAN. E. SMITH. PATTON $& SMITH, -Having recently formed a partnership for the nnrnnsfi of ftarrvinjr on the GRpCEfrV BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our present slock ol PKESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly be added sew supplies, as tho demands of trade may require. The junior partner having had a long experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for tho market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stork comnriscs Susrar. Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Oisrars, Hams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectienaries, Willow Baskets, a larce lot of Matehes, &c., and all the nick-nacks usually kept in such establishments. uouuiry frounce wanteu, lor wmcu uiu m;ucai. market prlco will be paid. We also purpose doing a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east side of Conrt Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 30, 1860.-3-I6-tf C A. MATTHEWS, f) A L E H IN , A. BEADLE T' S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, a-t X"t.-vxxi.o'3 Old JStAXXci. iriiDDLEPORnr, o. 1HAVE just received a larzo assortment of Stoves which 1 will sell lover than ever, consisting in part, of u xito 'n,i Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PARtOn STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. aiiATEs, firtc Fronts, odd PLATES. &C-. S. ilall's l'atetit Lever aasl IKON CEISTJGR PLOW POINTS, WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and 'Jobbing of A XXt KINDS, done on short notice. ... Persons in want of anything in the. way of Stoves Tin, Copper or Sheet iroii Ware, would save inonoy by calling on me. Trj701d Copper, Brass and Tewter taken in ex change. may 5, I860. 19-U Notice In Partition. William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, against Alfred Nicholas Bro'N Anna Mary Brown John Carter Brown, Caro'f "atll,'";,nr0,Wn' h,obTt Grenville Brown. n;l M?;sha" Wood anl Ann Brown Frances Woods, w.fe of Marshall Woods. PETITION fR PARTITION. -11HE said Alfred Nicholas Brown, Anna Mary 1 Brown, John Carter Brown, Caroline Matilda H. Brown, Robert Grci.ville Brown, and Marshall Woods and Ann Brown Frances Woods, his wife, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the IHth day of A. D. 100, in the Court of Common Ploas of and within and for the conntv of Washincton. in the State of Ohio, by William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, and is now pending wherein said William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Gaddard, demand partition of the following real estate to wit: Certain landsand tenements situate in the county of Washington, and State o! Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: One-half, undivided, of three (3) acre lot numbered seven hundred and fifty-one, (751) in section No. 20, township No. 3, of range No. 8. One hundred and twenty-four 84-10(1 acres off the south end of J60 acre lot numbered one thousand and seven, (1007) in section No. 35, in township No. 2, of rango No. R. Also soventv-seven and 92-100 acres out of the middle part of 532 J acres lot numbered thirty-five, (33) in said section No. 35, in township No. 2, of range No. 8, bounded as follows: to wit: On the north by that part of iho same lot known as tho "Babcock" lot, on tho east bv tho brow of the Muskingum hit, on the south by that part of the lot owned bv H. Fearing and others, and on the west by the east line of said 1G0 acre lot No. J0(!7. Also certain lands and tenements situate in the county of Meigs', in the State of Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: 160 acre lot numbered eleven hundred and seventy one, (1171) in section No. S3, in township No. 2, of range No. 11, ICO acre lot numbered eleven hundred and nipoty one, (1191) in section No. 32, in township No. 2, of range No. 11: Hit) acre lots numbered twelve hundred and" seven, (1207) twelvo hundred and eight, (1208) twelve hundred and nine (120(1) and twelve hundred and ten, (1210) in section No. 3, in township No. 2. of range No. 12; and IB0 acre lots numbered twelve hunTlred and eleven, (1211) twelve huudred and twelve,(1212) and twelve hundred and thirteen, (1213) in section No. 2, of township No. 2, ef range No 12. Also. 262 acre lot numbered thirty-one (31) in section No. 20, in township No. 4, of range No. 11. Also, 452 acres out of 640 aero lot, being section No. thirtv-nne. ran in townshli) No. 3, of rnnge No. II. being all of said section No. 31, except 167J acres of me same conveyed to joriu nsa uv ucuu, uiiim"? date on the 17th day of July, 1837, for a more partic ular description of which reference is hereby made to said deed, which is recorded in the Recorder's of flee of Meis county .r Also, certain lands and tenements situate In the county of Athens, in said State of Ohio, known, designated and described as follows, to wit: KiU acres the north-west quarter of section numbered iiineteeen (10) in township numbered eleven, (II) of raiwa numbered fourteen. (14): 262 acre lot No. nine teen, (10) In section No. 20, of township No. 11. of rango No. 14; tne west nan 01 sua acre 101 uuinuereu seventeen. (17) in section No. 22, in township No. 11, of range No. 14; 160 acres the south-east quarter of section numbered twenty-three, (23) in said town ship No. 11, of said range No. 14; 64" acre lot num bered twentv-flve, (25) being section No. 23, in town ship No. 11, "of range No. 14; 262 acres lot numbered twenty-five, (23) in section No. 20, in township No 11, of range No. 14. Also, certain lands and tenements sitnnto in the county of Vinton, in said State of Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: tho north half and south-west nuarter of section num bered four, (4) in township numbered ten, (10) of range nuniiiereu sixteen, (,uj cont.mmis w two hundred and sixty-two (262) acre lot numbered four, (4) in suction No. leu Oil) in said township No. 1(1, of said range N'o. 16, the south half and norti.-west quarter of section numbered live, ) i i said town No. Ill, of said range No. 1(; and 262 aero lot No. live, (ft) in section numbered ten, (10) in said township No. m. of range No. 1G. And that at the next term of said Court, ths said petitioners, William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, will apply for an order that partitiou may be made of said premises. Dated this 18th day of June, A. T). I860. CLAKK.K & LOOM IS, June 19, 1SG0. 25-7t-?2() Alt 'ys for petitioners. CARRIAGE SHOP. I RESPECTFULLY notify the public that I am now opening a fancy . Biifiry and Wagon Shop, on Mulberry St., opposite the Court House, in Pomeroy. I have on hand, and intend to keep ready made work, or make to order, any and everything in my line; to do Painting and Repairing of all kind.o, trimming, building tops, &c, on short notice. I have also some Fiuo X3 u g g i o a , on hand, that you would do well to call and see for yourselves; both top and open ones." I hope, by strict attention, and long experi- j etice, to me-i-it at least a part of public patron ; ne. Out- terms are cheap for cash, or good approved notes, on shoit time. Work ffar ; ranted, or not, to suit customers. ! June 29, '5. -25-3W OfiOBGE RAINIER. below the Court lluosfc, If a 3ll feKS of fine BUY YOUR roc Where you can get them Cheapest. I MLYER C1 L A I M S THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE J hinted at. together with the onalitv of the articles, over any other establishment , in the count v. R.emember the placed Mavhiitrh's Building, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomcroy. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 1SG0. 10-tf AMONG the articles n be found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Crucciy,sre 20 brls. Molasses, for salo cheap, b;-. 16-tf S.SILVfeRHAS. Q T Sacks of Coffee, for sale ch-jap, by 60 16-tlJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 rv lihtls. Sugar, forlsale cheap, by 1U 10-tf. S. SILNERMAS. O SWkI English Soda, for sale cheap, by 4,0 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. rf boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv OK) lG-tf S. SILVERMAN. A f boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, by 1U 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 100 000 jj"8' Kcne,al assortment, for sale 16-tf' c cap, by s.SILVKRMAN. 25 boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale chcap,by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. Q K boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, iVJly 16-tf J S. SILVERMAN. "I A brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sale cheap, by KJ 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. "I A brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, by XJ ll6-tf S. SILVERMAN. PTA kegs of Nails, for "S'Alo cheap, kv UXJ 16-tfJ S.'SILVERMAN. boxes Starch, for sale cheap, by wtJ 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 200 gross Matches, for salo cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVEKFAN. litltAA worth of Quecnswarc, for sale cheap, by llli-lt' . SlLVK.MAi. IS, ISsS mi FOR ALL. THE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, -which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will eniimerate a few articles, giving prices", as an index to the whole stock: Best madder prints 10c per yard: l'ancy prints:..'.."....... :".:8a9o " Good J bleached muslin ::.".'.10e u ..bleached muslin. .....:8c . " Latest styles best delaines:. .'..::. :15 to 20'c " Cashmeres :....:....::...15c u Ikmnet. ribbons from 10 to 40c" Fine French wool delaine 50 to' 75c" (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes... 51 per pair; Ladies' calf. 1 25 " Ladies' best calf. . 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. AVe respectfully ask an examination of our stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit, R. U. WILSOX. Jan. i, 'CO. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. Begular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," jigS D. E. SAYRE, MASTER,. . Leaves Cincinnati every Monday evenirp, at five o'clock, passing Poineroy on her way up even Wed nesday morning. Returning, Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy every Saturday at C o'clock a. m. For freight or passazo apply on board, or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Oct. 6, '59. 41-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati racket, 3ii3 No. S, J. J..BLAGO, Master; JOHN HEISNER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, p. m. passing Pomeroy pn Saturday at lOo'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. m. Leaves Pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage applv on board or to PATTON & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, '59.-18-tf Poineroy Wbarf-Boat. Attachment Notice. BEFORE Randal Stivers, a Justice of the Peace of Salisbury township, Meigs county, Ohio. Joseph Patton plaintiif, against William II. Patton, defendant;. On the day of June, A. 1). 18G0, said Justioc issued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of one hundred dollars (?100). JOSEPH FATTOX. Pomeroy, June 2C-, 1 SCO. 2(5 St Attachment Notice. 1 EFORE Randal Stivers, J. P. of Salisbury J township, Meigs County, Ohio. Beer Pat ton, plaint iff, against William II. Patton, de fendant. On the l'.lth day of June, A. D. 1860, said Justice issued an order of attachment ill the above action, for the sum of two hundred and thirty-one dollars nnd forty-four cents (9231-14). P.EElt PATTON. Poineroy, June 2G, 1 800. 2li-3t. Attachment. BEFORE George Lee, J. P. Of Salisbury township, Meigs County, Ohio. J. C. Hy sell 2d, plaintiff, vs. William II. Patton, defend ant. On the 20th day of June, A. D. 1800, said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above action, for the sum of i?8'J.78. J. C. 1IYSELL 2D. " Pomeroy, June 25, 1300 20-St 3? O IT ST X) , NEAtt the mouth of Leading Creek, a small package of money, which the owner can have by calling upon the subscriber, and prop erly identifying the same and paying for this advertisement. June 15, 1 800 24-3t. JAMES MAUCK. Probate Court. TIIE State o- Ohio, Meuis Couxty, ss Final Settlement of Accounts. Notice is hereby given that, the accounts of the following persons have been filed in this Court for set tlement: M. R. Wolf, Receiver of the "Star Mill prop erty," at Racine; Franklin Edmu ndson, adm'r of Wm. Edmund son; which accounts are set for hearing and settle ment on the 25th day of July, 18(30. ARTHCR MERRILL, Probate Judgo. Julr 3. 1 ?. 20-3t AH 22,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD 3ST O TT3V0C XT Gr t w a vt vottt? P ASTT T1) TF I have everything in the Dry Goods Hue: Prints, Delancs, Merinoe3, Cobergi, Alpacas, white goods, Brown ;arTd Bleached Muslins, Chock, Flannel, .Ticking!, Cloths, Cassirnercs, Satinets, leans', Tweeds, &e. H A ft D niaca Xnila Lurries A xea. Gutlerv. Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails', CARPENTERS TOOLS: Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces atid Bits, Scraarea, LVU. Also, cooper.s; TOOLS. Tress IIoo'p Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knivaa of all kind. ....... BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, nors'o E'aspi, Stocks and Dyes; also, Bhear, Ct and German Steel, Buggy Springs arid Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Bugsjy Trimmings of all kinds. ...... I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Doors; Sash, Yoaetiaa Blinds, all rnade of clear White Pine. Also, O Xi T CoatB, Tanls and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Alo, a lar and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep a large stock; of Cordaga of all siaeti; Breo Wrapping Twine.' . I Ill O li X 3NT Gr. If you want a good fitting Coat, Panis or Vest, give me a "call. I haTe a large lot of Pieo Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done no sale. . The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without jeserye at cost, ro CASH. Give me a call. -Poineroy, O., Jan. 3, I860: X. 3. PBALL. PK'AliL & 4T PR ALL'S Court street II UUIU l VSpuUHUIljr Willi ttfciuuwv". vi v- ever invented in ilOUli SMWS MM TV,o T!r,;T,n. r flQ 'a nriil sTrtrttfi nrisino- from 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense doi torn on tne uven. In introducing this greaty-improved "OasBurning Stove, we wish it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use 6 In disposing of thein, but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be what, it is represented: This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We have tho most irnpreved patterns or ' WOOD COOKING STOVES; Without dwelling upon the merits of tne different patterns, we will con clude our notioc by announcing that 'dur . " ( PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be heat either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy oompetitioft. METALLIC HYDRANTS Kept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the public to xamlfee our stock: " In addition to our heavy end manufacture to order, To the Citizens of Meigis A sd Adjoining Cor sties: . .i r -t:.. ; 4 The above remarks will demonstrate to you; i 4 certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it. i to be done, naturally suggests itself. Vo you wish to buy on credit? Then, yon have simply been wasting your time in 'reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. Wc have therefore; concluded to soli exclusively for . GJL. And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags, Old Silver, ke' at their high. market value. .. ' , '' .-. '. , ' . f Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to both pnrchaser HmJ, seller and it is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper as well "'r our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. .v We respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Stoves,' whether you wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you value your hard-earned money, not to UriU it away till Vo'u have given us a call. . ; ' " . t Aug! 16, 1859. ly PUALL; & IIATCIL . Sill DRY GOODS, MEN'S AMD BOYS' CLOTHING, J HATS AND CAPS; GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QU fiNSWARE. &ci; HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and which will be kept com plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the piiblio at large, everything, as far n possible, necessary to com stitute a lull Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the inOt favorable terms. , THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. M'GLOTIILiN assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county. Everythinjfin tTie wy of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. . " Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloth?. CasSr- meres. Vestings, &c; , , . - , 1$. To those whom I have extended a snort credit, and' who are now di.src-" warding the moral obligation incurred tapay vp according to agreement, 1 wif-h.i say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that' a lefal obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January 3, I'SOO.' MR. P. BRUNKER WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Pmiie rny that lie will it'ive instructions on the Hi.-nio ami teach vocal niiislc at 81(1.00 forthirty-six lessons. Three lessons per week Moan and oub in singing. I have a Piano for the use of those who have none. No extra chnrjre for the use of my Piano. I can also sell Sew York, Baltimore and Boston Pianos at Retail City Prices. Pianos soM by me, tuned and put up in good order and kept so for two yearsafter buying: also Prince & Co.'s Melodoons sold on guarantee, nnd exchanged if any imperfections appear within the first year. Lessons given on Melodeon same as Piano. April 3, (50. 14-6m. WM- H. & J. GRANT BAVIXG formed a partnership nniler tin above name, and having purchased Ihe "Crystal Mill." in Middleport. design running it regularly from this timo.. Wo will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat, and othwr Grains, and lmpe hy rTft attention to busings to ni'?rit nnd rrceiv a ffOQtl pntronuce .April in, !?.. tf W V fi. A- J. ft!?AVT. OFF AT COST! ABOUT inn THE GOODS STIIT. PRICES SIIALL1 W A R E. Coffee Mills. Scale Beams. Brass KttleB. Mill Saws; Crosscut Saws, Butts! r n o up in best style, and warranted, a good nt or ,' ; ' - Front street, three doors above Court. GEOttGE HATCH HATCH OLD STMB Pomeroy, O; wv i v vw ' iuiteC; tho coal, bv which flrt&i&&$iia 5" Wii! heat thrown to tfio lfj stock of Stoves we will keep constantly on han!? TINWARE.' ; 331 WOOL CARDING- SPINNING ANfi WEAVING,' rpiIE undersigned Iiaving made pvpnrjitirm JL to do custom work the coming reason, has fitted up liis machinery in the bes; tjijuL-r, at KAC1XE, MEIGS COI?M V; h:; Where he is now preparoJ ?6do Caf.;i:, ."r-v-ning and Weaving, at ihe shortes: ftoticc and in the best ppsiible manner. Having the best machinery, anti in.inr yoarV that- he can do as good work a .any other os tnbliEhnient in the Western country.. He s determined, by strict attention to lx;siness;nrif fair dealing, to merit a share of public, pat'rc'?: ago. Stocking Yarn. Jeans nnd Elar.iiel corrnni iy. on hand. Wool taken in exchange, for Vavn r . TUOnvS KG.'.-v Mar- r., 150. 19-8ro ... ' . ,r V