Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, t i t I t July 31,1860. Religions Notice. - , Rev. J. P. Stuart, of the Kei Jerusalem Church, will preach at the Aoademy Rooms, in Pomeroy, on Sunday next, ibe 5th prox, at 11 oclock A. M, and .at the Brick Church, in Mid dleport, at 3 o'clock .P. M.; of the same day; also, at Kygcrsille, in Gallia County, on the Sunday following) at 11 A.-M. -: jggrTbe calL for a meeting of the citi zens, 911 Thursday evening last, to take 'into 'consideration the propriety of or ganizing fire companies, &o. , was not largely responded to, and no action was taken. Try , again. 5ool Time. ; On ..Saturday morning last, "Tipton Slasher," owned hy H. S. Welton, trot ted against time, on Machir's course, with the following result: First heat, 1 mile, 3:53;. 2d, 3:45; 3rd, 3:27; ith, 3:48; 5th, 4:01. Total time 18:57. - 'v;;: .', -: l"-y The purse was . $100 a side, which "Slasher" won, with 1:03 to spare. . ', In the afternoon Machir's sorrel horse and J. McCullough's bay mare", ''Lizzie,' run a single dash of a mile, which was won by "Lizzie." Time, 1:55. We are informed that "Tipton Slasher" will, in a couple of weeks, again trot affalnst. time: ten miles in 40 minutes. Mlracolon Kgcapc . .' On Friday evening last a number, of young ladies and gentlemen, thirteen in 'allj'attending a party at Mr. N. R. Nye's, at the' upper end of town, and after it "was over, they concluded to take a ride around by "Rock Spring." The party were all in one conveyance, and when within about three-quarters of a mile of town, pn their return, the wagon struck a stump and threw the driver from his seat, and the horses commenced running. "One of. the wheels was soon demolished, -and" the human freight, was . scattered Mther and thither all along the road for a hal,mile. Strangely, no one: was se rbiisly ; hurt, but all V received some bruises, and were no doubt badly fright ened. 'Bell Sleeting. A' Mass Meeting of the friends of Bell and Everett will be held at the Courts house, in Pomeroy; on the 10th day of August next, to nominate Delegates to the State Convention, to be held at Chil licothe; on the 16th! of the same month. Let all the friends - of these patriot Statesmen all the lovers of our glorious Union, and all true friends of the coun try,: rally in their strength to this im portant meeting. Let there be such a demonstration,"as will show to all unbe lievers, that the Bell and Everett ticket is the only one that can carry Ohio in -this great Presidential contest. - P. S. -The Bell party having no or gan in this , county, we give the an nouncement in the style which we sup posed such an -organ-would. 'The Convention, , . On Saturday last, the proceedings . of which will be found iu another column, jwas large and Tiarmonious. f Every town ship in the county was represented by good and true men. As is the case in all parties where a nomination is equiv alent to an election, there was a strons desire on the part of the candidates and their, friends to secure the votes of such a body, of Delegates. For most of the offices there were a number of candidates; and, all of, them being honest; competent and worthy, and well as; good Republi ans, it is no wonder that it' required a number of ballotings to make a choice. But, while each candidate had his own personal friends, not a single instance of bad feeling,' so far as we could discover, was engendered by' the contest; and as ,each. nomination was effected, it was in stantly made unanimous by ; the hearty good will of the whole Convention. a ' BOOENOTICES . . . - '" Harper's Monthly for August was duly received, but having mysteriously dis appeared, from our table failed, of the Jiotice'its . prompt arrival, and varied contents merited., Of all the Magazines ever published in' this, or any other countryy in point of circulation and pop ular appreciation, Harper's has been the most decided Buccess., The number be fore us shows no abatement in the energy andjiberality of its publishers. ": "' Published by'Harper & Brothers, N. Y. Terms, $3.00. ' ' V Atlantic Monthly. The August num " ber of this popular and substantial work is also received. The great merit of its literary contributions are winning for it a place in the. popular mind which is making it one of; the "institutions" of "our. country. Without the Atlantic,' no ,one, has .a. right. .to be considered as "posted" in .the literature of the day. Terms, $3.00. - The Ladies' Repository for August is likewise upon our' table. It is graced r with , two . most admirable engravings, one "; representing "freedom" and the other , "slavery." They are perfect '"gems'." ' The contents are, as usual, of a high literary character, and of a moral tendency which must have an elevating and refining influence wherever read. Published by Poe & Hitchcock, Cin. Ternia, $2.00. - BQ.We invitf all wishing to obtain good and-pure Drugs and Medicines to the Dru Store of D. REED, where Pure Drugs, and such valuable medicines and standard remedies as Perry Davis' Vegetable Paia Killer, Dr. Rich ardson' sfsherry Wine Bitters, and Dr. Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Sirup and Cerate, can always . be found. To deal in such pure and valuable remedies warrants prosperity, and to use them secures health. 30-2w Valuable information from the , Rev. Jabez S. SicOn, a clergyman of distinguished attainments ' and exalted reputation DR. S. A. WEAVER: New London Feb, 1851. . Dbar Sir: I feel compelled by a sense of . duty tQ-lhe Buffering, to say in regard to your CankerAnd Bait. Rheum Sirup, that I have used" it in my family for more than one year with most decidedly happy results. I consider it adapted completely to sustain the reputation which is claimed for it. In a number of cases within my knowledge, wlierc it has been tnken for Erysipelas a.nd Salt Itlieum, it has been ut tentcd with complete success, where other rem edies had completely failed. 30-2w REPUBLICAN COVMTT CONVENTION. Pomeroy, July 28, IM50. The Republicans of Meigs County met in Convention at the Court-ITouse, in pursuance of a call of the Republican Central Committee, and organized by ap pointing C. Downing, Esq., Chairman, and J. R. Philson, Secretary. On . motion, Messrs. A. S. Tidd, of Olive, C. E. Donnally, of Salisbury, and Martin Hays, ofScipio, were appointed a committee on credentials. aL On motion, Mr. J. Carpenter, of Columbia, was authorized to cast the vote of his Township. On motion, Messrs. B. F. Stivers, Major Reed and Jas. H. Martin, were.ap pointed a committee on the order of business of this Convention. On motion of J. W. Cooper, Esq., the Convention appointed a County Central Committee, consisting of five members, and two for each township and precinct, as follows: f Gv.W. Cooper, M. Heckard, E. -Williamson, H. H. Swallow, H. L. Osborn, County Central Committee. J: B. Dart, June Castle, Bedford Township. .Wm. i Foster, Esq., L. Robinson,: Chester Township. John H. Rutherford, Thomas Sharp, Jr., Columbia Township. " James Middleswart, V. A. Walker, Lebanon Township. . . , ' John T.. Caldwell, E. Sayre, Letart Township. ' ' . George Landin, Moses Flanden, Olive Township. Dr. E. Tiffany, James H. Persons, Orange Township. -E. Branch, L. Baily, Rutland Town ship. J. L. Wallar, J. R. Philson, Sutton Township. John C. ,H. Cobb, R. H. Brewster, Salem Township, .. C. DeCamp, T. A. Welch, Scipio Township. C. E. Donnally, T. Radford, Pomeroy Precinct. P. Hugg, Judge Bradbury, Middle port Precinct. The Committee on order of business made the following report, which was on motion adopted: Your committee on order of business. beg leave to make the following report: They recommend that we ballot, lgt for Auditor, 22d tor rrobate Judge, ira. for County Clerk, 4th for Treasurer, 5th for Recorder, 6th for -Commissioner, 7th for Coroner, 8th for Infirmary Director. Respectfully submited, J. H. Martin, .' , Major Reed, B. F. Stivers. Mr. C. E. Donnally,-from the Commit tee on Credentials, made the following re port: ' - . ' ' " - -- ' Your Committee appointed to report on credentials of Delegates to the Con vention, find that the following named persons have been legally accredited: jjedford Tp. J une uastie,o. 11. iuar- tinVJrB.Darfc-- Chester Tp. Wm. D'oster, lieo. JJell, L, Robinson, D. Knight, C. Russel, J. Scott. , Columbia Tp. J. Carpenter. - Lebanon Tp. J. F. Middleswart, Martin Adams, A. R. Jenkins. Letart Tp. E. Sayre. Orange Tp. Jerry Hoit, W. S. Kerr, J." II. Parker. Olive Tp. Major Reed, Henry War ren, B. R. Lane, S. Tidd. Rutland Tp. N. Stansbury, J. P. Higley, J. S: Bailey, J. C. Hysell, Wm. Parker, B. M. Brown, Jas. Black, S. Titus, Jos. Simpson. ! Salem Tp. T. G. Thompson, C. B. Harkins, Waldo Strong, J. C. H, Cobb, D. H. Lasley, John Hugg. Scipio Tp. S. Day, J. H. Martin, Wm. Moore, Milton Moore, Morris French, Martin Hays. Sutton Tp. J. R. Philson, J. L. Wallar, J. H. Lawhead, M. Circle, Geo. Duskey, Geo. Parker, Geo. Holter, A. J. Xeas, W. Cross. ; Salisbury Tp. Middleport Precinct Thos. Fessler, A. P. T. Watkins, P. Hugg, R. B. Wilson, Warren Jones, G. W. Cooper, Fred Hoppas, Geo Womel dorff, James Thompson, C. Downing, Theadore Montague. Salisbury Tp. Pomeroy Precinct Geo. Huttle, P. Lambrecht, H. L. Obborn, C. E. Donnally, Geo. Stivers, B. F. Stivers, B. M. Skinner, Capt.. E. Williamson, Geo. J. Walker, John Gor such, G. Bradshaw, Oren Jones," Thos. Radford. A. S. Tidd, . ' M. Hays, -v. C. E.- Donnally. Which was on motion adopted." Adjourned to meet at one o'clock P.M. 1 o'clock p. m. , Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment. On motion, Resolved, That the person nominated shall receive a majority of all the votes cast, .r- Convention proceeded to ballot for Auditor. Messers. Tidd and Josiah Simpson tellers. a II . 1 A TTT TTT'IH Aaron Btivers ana a. vv . imams were announced as candidates. Aaron Stivers having received a ma jority of all the votes cast on the first ballot, was declared duly nominated. Which was, on motion, made unanimous Convention proceeded to ballot for Probate Judge. J. C. Hysell, Wm. H Lasley and A. Merrill were announced as candidates. Wm. H. Lasley having, on the fourth ballot, received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly nominated, which was, on motion, made unanimous. Convention proceeded to ballot for Clerk. A. B. Donnally, H. L. Sibley and Rodney Downing were named as candidates. H. L. Sibley having, on the 8th ballot, received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly nominated, which was, on motion, made unanimous. Convention then proceeded to ballot for County Treasurer. James Ralston 0- Branch, Geo. B. Grow and L. Carle- ton, were named as candidates. George B. Grow having, on the 3rd ballot, received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly nominated, which was made unanimous. Convention then balloted for Recorder. S. S. Paine, Geo. Dusky, J. B. Dart and Dudley Curtis were named as candidates. S. S." Paine- having, on the 4th ballot, i received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared nominated, which, on mo tion, was made unanimous. Convention then balloted for Commis- ( sioner. Uarmi Aiaerman, J. it. imus, C. Downing, C. DeCamp and Wm. Fos ter were announced as candidates. J. R. Ellis having, on the first ballot, received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared nominated, which was, on motion, made unanimous. Convention proceeded to ballot for Coroner. Drs. '. Bing, Train, and Waterman, and Thomas .Radford, were announced as candidates. On motion. Resolved, That the candidate receiving the highest number of votes be declared the nominee. . rj ' ; H. C. Waterman having received the highest number of votes, was declared nominated, which. was made unanimous. Convention balloted for Infirmary Director, N. Stansbury Josiah Simp son and L. Robinson were named as candi dates. N. Stansbury having, on the firstballot, received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly nominated, which, on .motion, was made unanimous , On motion. Resolved, That the proceedings of this Convention be published in the Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph. On motion, adjourned. COLUMBIA DOWNING, Ch'n. J. R. Philson, Sec'y. Arrival of the Prince of Wales. St. Joitns, Jnly 23. The ITero and Adriadne anchored at seven o'clock this evening. The Prince lands in the morning. The royal salute was fired from the batteries. There were great crowds on the wharves, and the display of bunting was very fine. St. Johns, July 24. Torrents of rain fell last night and this morning. The Prince was to land at 10 o'clock, but the landing was postponed till noon, to-day, on account of the weather. ... At noon to-day the Prince and suite landed from the Hero, under a royal salute from the citadel, the Ariadne and Elying Fish, the yards of which were manned, as also those of the French war steamer Sesoslris. The Governor, Alexander Bannerman, met His Royal Highnesss on the Queen's wharf and cenducted him to a carriage, thence through triumphal arches to the Government House. The procession consisted of the Masonic body, the St. Andrew's, St. George's British mechanics, Coopers, Temperance, native and Irish societies, the -Phoenix Volunteer Fire Company, and a guard of honor pf the Royal New foundland corps, and the first, second, third and fourth Volunteer Rifle corps. At one o'clock the Prince held a levee at the . Government House, and dined with the Governor this evening. There was an immense concourse of spectators, and great enthusiasm prevailed. On- Wednesday a regatta will come off. -The Prince drives out, receives ad dresses, &c.j and will embark in the evening. To-day is a holiday in Newfoundland. All the shops are closed in St. Johns and the surrounding villages, the in habitants of which are nearly all here. Flags are flying from every house and the shipping is all decorated. The ITero, on coming in, passed di rectly over Merlin rock, but did not touch it, although it was low water. The rock had been blasted by the Telegraph Com pany five years ago. . The rain ceaed at 11 o'clock, but the weather is cloudy and threatening. The Prince rode out on horseback this afternoon in plain clothes. The squadron sails at 6 o'clock on Thursday morning. What the New York Herald Thinks of the Campaign. The Herald of Friday says: "Lincoln is virtually elected. Breck inridge and Douglas have elected him between them, and all that Old Abe has to do now is to select his Cabinet and get his things ready for a journey to Wash ton. German Papers. In Illinois there are seven German papers which support Lincoln and Ham lin; nine in New York; two in New Jer sey; twelve in Pennsylvania; two in Maryland; eight in Ohio; three in Mich igan; six in Missouri; four in .Iowa; seven in Wisconsin; two in Minnesota; and one in Kansas. DIED, On Monday morning, the 80th July, 1860, of Consumption, Mrs. Makt Jase, wife of J. B. Hampton, and daughter of Capt. E. Williamson, Aged 23 years. The funeral of the deceased will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon, under the control of the I. O. O. F., who will take the remains to the M. E. Church, where a sermon will be preached by Rev. S. M. Bright, at 2 o'clock P. M. They will then convey the body to Carle ton's Graveyard, for interment. The citizens generally are invited to attend. In Salem Township, Meigs County, Ohio, on Tuesday morning, July 24th, Jons Elza, son of John, and Sophiah Longs tret h, after a dis tressing illness of about 13 hours; aged eleven months and twenty-nine days. For the Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph. Nipp'd in the bud, at early morn, Ere noonday flowrets shed Their wonted wreath of childhood joys Around thy youthful head. Like Autumn leaves that fall and die: So thy young spirit fled From this green earth how desolate Seem all things, now thou'rt dead. Oh, no! not dead, but sleeping " Calmly 'ncath yon green mould, Where loved ones wait thee, greeting, To bliss, to joys untold. Yes, a heavenly form awaits thee, An angel bright is there, To claim thee in thy beauty, Fresh, sinless, pure and fair. Still we miss thy blushing smile at morn, So like the new-born rose, No longer now we'll nestle near Thy form at evening closo. We miss thee, Elza, miss thy toys That scattered everywhere The little Bhoe of black and blue How vacant, too, thy chair! Yet we'd not wish thee back to earth, Where flowerets withering lie, Where youth and beauty, hand in hand, Together fade and die. Sleep sweetly, then, our cherished one, Thine be Eternal rest; Life's Autumn winds have passed thee by, And thou art early blest. 1). POMEROY RETAIL MARKETS. Monday, July 30, 160. $5.50 5. 75 35 lbs for S 1.00 05$1.00 3oc. 13 bu ..40c. P " 12cf IK 7c lb ....40c. bu. 12ic. 13 lb. 8c. doz. 55c. gal. , 751.00 gal. 10llc,1 lb- 10 17c. " ....7c.:ip " .810c. V " Inc. " .:. ...oic.f , 810c. $ " 7c. ?3 " 10c. P " 10c. " " 14c. B " Fiour.... Wheat Oats , Potatoes......1;.. Dried Peaches., Dried Apples., Green Apples.. Butter Cheese.. Eggs ...... Molasses......... Sirup Sugar (N. O.).. Cofl'ee..- Rice Soap...., Candles (tallow) Fish (Cod). Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White) Pickled Pork ..... Shomlders Sidea (smoked) Hams Crackers ret. 8c wholesale Hc. i ', Hoop Poles , Salt retail 25c; 6.00 fi l,uuu wholesale c. p bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, July 26, 1860. ; Flour The market has not changed in any essential particular. The de mand continues limited and local. The sales comprise 100 brls extra old at $4 75; 200 do new at $5 25; 50 do do white wheat at 5 50; 150 do extra family at 5 25, and 175 do old super fine at 84 50. Extra white wheat "Cream of the West," made from new wheat, is selling at 5 50 in small lots. Groceries Sugar firm at 89c Molasses steady at 4445c. Coffee firm at 14J15c. Wheat The market continues dull and so unsettled that accurate quotations cannot be given; sales 600 bush Kentucky white, not prime, at $1 00; 400 do prime new white, in Covington, at $1 09; 250 do do do red at 01 03, delivered 500 do do do Kentucky white at 1 11, de livered; 1,000 do do do old do at $1 10; 250 do do new red at 1 00. . Corn The market remains dull, but without any change in prices; sales of 3,450 bush in bulk at 45c. Oats The receipts continue liberal and the market dull at 3536c; sales 1,800 bush at 36c. Rye The market is dull. We quote prime at 75c; sales 250 bush prime at 75c; 400 do fair at 72c. Barley Nothing doing, and prices are nominal at 8085c for prime fall (old.) Malt is in fair demand at 90c 1 00. -,-v Hay The demand is good, and new advanced to $1516 for prime in bales. Old is firm at $18 per ton. Cheese The market is dull. Y e quote Western Reserve at 77ic, the latter lor selecte i. Butter The market is dull at 10- llc for prime yellow Central Ohio, and 14c for Western Reserve. . 1 " SPECIAL NOTICES. Camp Meeting. There will be a Camp Meeting on the Camp Ground, in the bounds of Letart Circuit, near the residence of B. B. Gibbs, comtaencing Aug. 17th, at 2 P. M. The Camp Meeting committee will meet on the ground Thursday, Aug. 9th, at 10 P. M. All persons wishing to repair old tents, or build new ones, would do well to be there at that, time, if convenient. No huxter ine will be allowed, except by such persons as shall obtain permission of brother Gibbs to oc cupy a lot for that puvpose; and such persons will not be allowed -to. sell 'any intoxicating drinks, and will be expected to discontinue sales during service and on the Sabbath. Several Circuits and Stations will unite to gether in this meeting. Ministers from abroad are cordially invited to attend. It is not expected that there will be any boarding tent on the ground. By order of the Committee. J. W. LEWIS, Sec'y. "Jcst the Thing!" A prominent physician said of Dr. Wilson's Pillar "If my patient required an aperient, Wilson's Pills were just the tiling I wanted ; if he suffered from Dyspepsia, Acidity of Stomach, Costiveness, or Inactivity of Liver, Wil- son's Pills were just the thing. Disturbance of the Circulatory Organs; Wilson's Pills were just the thing." See "Guide to Health," to be had gratis from B. h. Fuhnestock & Co., No. 80 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold by D. Koed, and mer chants generally. 30-lm Jn THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, bat a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with resrnlarity. in all enses of Nervous and Spinal Afle'ions, pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure w hen all other inenns have failed. ' These Pills have never been known to fail, whore the directions on the second page of pamphlet aro well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agent. N. B. One Dollar and 6 postage stumps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over AO pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB. MOSES. (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK, SU1RE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O. Il-y. TIT1 We refer our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, So. 409 Broadway, New York. The 'Blood Food' is one of the greatest medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the marKet all me quacK nosirumsoi modern times. Its efficacy is so great, and its superiority so justy acknowledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Ur. Eaton's celebrated 'Infantile Cordial,' is a med icine prepared by a regular physician of eminenc e in bis profession, and one who has devote d his lifeto the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends Itself to those only who can appreciate it." .apilacuicola, Flor. Times. ItySee Advertisement. UTAH, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new ''National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. CROWLEY & CO. HAVE just received a new lot of Dry Goods, Hats, .Men, Women and Children's Shoes, and a peneral assortment uf other Goods usually kept in a Variety Store, which we will sell LOWER, FOR CASH, or Country Produce, than any other House in town! We also keep a general assortment of GROCEHIES, Consisting in part of Sugar. N. O. arid White, Mo lasses, Sirup. Tea, Cotfee, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Dried Currants, Crack, ers, Buckets. Tubs, Churns, Baskets, Soap, Soda, Prunes, Spices, Oat Meal, Fish, of all kinds. Madder. Coperas, Logwood, and an endless variety of other Goods. You can get higher prices for yonr Butter, Kirgs, Chese,and country produce of all kinds,and more and better Goods for your money here, than aHy where else iu Pomeroy. If jou have anv doubts about this, call and satisfy yourselves. Call and see us, and if the Goods suit, prices shall. Wo have, also, a large stock of Wheeling Nails, all sizes, which wo will sell at manufacturer's prices. Do not ask for credit, as we cannot give it. Remember the place: C. M. EVAN'S Old Stand, uiider the "Gibson House," Pomerov, Ohio. July 17, I860. SS-tf CKOVV'LEY & CO. PINE GROVE ACADEMY, MATTHEW CAMPBELL, A. U., Principal. Mrs. S. CAMPBELL, Assistant. . J NO. H. BALRD, Teacher in Vocal Music. THE Summer Term opens MONDAY, THE 80TH OF JULY, 1800, and continues eleven weeks. Tuition, ....S3.00 to 5.00. Boarding, $1.'25 to $1.37i per week. For other information, tuMress the Principal. lUv. II. It. HOWE, Pres't. Forter, O., July 12, I860. 28-3t mmw. noons. A. G. CROWLEY. A. E. MCRDOCK. NEW itRBIYIj OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND OF On Court Street, a few Doors below the Court Ilousev 3POMERO Y, O. fTVHE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers, J- and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a splendid stock of goods in the above named line, all of which he will sell at a living profit. He Would call especial attention to his stock of fine ... ,r V ,;f - . . - a ; ,:- ... .. , -.... "a which he will sell at city prices; also to his largo stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of : ... -, .-, pocket-books; . , -.' v ' '' for Ladies andGentlemen, Money Bags and Pursos, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &c. ' ; sspsoi'v.oxjXis eft xa"5ri: g-tjassxis, In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all age.- Gold He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Shepparcfs and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of thei public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the worth of .their money. : An examination is solicited. . : , June IS, I860. 24-t JOSEPH PATTON. DAN. E. SMITH. PATTGtJ & SiVIITH, Having recently formed a partnership for the " purpose of carrying on the . '' 0 R 6 C E H V BUSINESS In all i.s departments, respectfully invite the atten tion af this community to our present stock ot . . FRESH GROCERIES, To wliiel will constantly be added how supplies, as the demands f trade may require. The junior partner having had a long experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just suchstocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectioneries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matches, &C-, and all the nick-nacks usually kept in ftuch establishments. Country Produce wanted, for Which the highest market price will be paid. We aho purpose doing a 7 COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east sido of Conrt Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 20, I860. 3-16-tf C. A, MATTHEWS, - E A L E R I N ' , A.. BR A DLEY'S . S TO "7" 33 S , And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION At Hupp's Old Stand. MIDDLErORT, O. : 1HAVE just received a large assortment of Stoves which 1 will sell lover than ever, consisting in part, of i& R . Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PAH LOB STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GKATE.S, FirfF. FRONTS, ODD PLATES. JfcC. 1 S. Hall's l'atciit Lever ami IRON CENTER PLOW POINTS, WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in the way of Moves Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware, would saye money by calling on me. T001d Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change. ' my .', leoa. id-it Notice in Partition. William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, against Alfred Nicholas Brown, Anna Mary Brown, John Carter Brown. Caro1'"0 Matilda H. Brown, Kob rt Gronville Brown, ai'd Marshall Wood and Ann Brown France Woods, .vlfo of Marshall Woods. PETITION PARTITION. , 11HE said Alfred Nicholas Brown, Anna Mary . Brown, John Carter Brawn, Caroline Matilda IT. Brown. Bol.ert Greuville Brown, and Marshall Woods and Ann Brown Frances Woods, his ire, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the lHth day of -une, A-. D. 1-00, in the Court of Common Pleas of and within and for the county of Washington. ir the State of Ohio, by William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, and is now pending wherein said William Goddard and M03PS Brown Ives Goddard, demand partition of the following real estate to wit: Certain landsand tenements situnt in the county , of Washington, and State ot Ohio, and kn wn, designated and described as follows, to wit: One-half, undivided, of three (3) acre lot numbered seven hundred and fifty-one. (751) in section No. 20, township No. 3, of raiige No. 8. Ono hundred and twenty-four 84-100 acres off the south end of 160 acre lot numbered one thousand snil seven, (NW7) in section No. 33, in township No. 2, of range No. R. Also seventv-seven and 92-100 acres out of the middle part of 25?,' acres lot numbered thirty-five, (35) in said section No. 35, in township No. 2. of range No. .bounded as follows: to witr On the north by that part of the same lot known as the "Babcoclc" lot, on the east lv the brow of the Muskingum hil'.on the south by that part of the lot owned bv H. Fearing and others, and on the west bv tha east "line or said 160 acre lot No. 1007. Also" certain lands and tenements situate In the comity of Meijrs, in the Slate of Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: 160 aero lot numbered eleven hundred and seventy one. (1171) in section No. 23, in township No. 2, of range No. 11, 160 acre lot numbered eleven hundred and ninety one, (Hill) in section No. 32, in township No. 2, of range No. 11: ItiO acre lots numbered twelve hundred and seven, (12U7) twelve hundred and eight, (1208) twelve hundred and nine (12O0) and twelve hundred and ten, (1210) iu section No. 3, in township No. 2. of range No. 12; and 160 acre lots numbered twelve hundred and eleven, (1211) twelve hund red and twelve,(E12) and twelve hundred and thirteen, (1213) in section No. 2. of township No. 2. f range No 12. Also. 262acre lot numbered thirty-one (31) in section No. 20, in township No. 4, of range No. 11.- Also, 452J acres out of 640 acre lot. being section No. thirtv-nnn. rail in towmdiin No. 3. of range No. II. being allof said section No. 31, except 1B7J acres of me same conveTtJ't ivjium j . m.- u, uoc.i, uoun.i date on the 17th day of July, 1837, for a more partic ular description of which rrference is hereby made to said deed, which is recorded in the Recorder's of fice of Meirs county. Also, certain lands and tenements situate in the county of Athens, in said State r.f Ohio, known, designated and described as follows, to wit: 160. acres the north-west quarter of section numbered niueteeen (lfl) in township numbered eleven, (11) of ranse numbered fourteen. (14): 262 acre lot No. nine teen, (19) In section No. 211, of township No. 11. of range ao. 14; mo west nan 01 yij-j acre 101 numoereo seventeen, (17) in section No. 23, in township No. II, of range No. 14; 160 acres the south-east quarter of section numbered twenty-three, (23) in said town ship No. 11, of said range No. 14; 040 aero lot num bered twenty-five, (25) being section No. 25, in town ship No. 11. of lange No. 14; 262 acres lot numbered twenty-five, (25) iu section No. 20, iu township No 11, of range No. 14. Also, certain lands and tenements situate in the county uf Vintn, in said State of Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: the north half and south-west Quarter of section num bered four, (4) in township numbered ten, (10) of range numoerua sixteen, (.in; communis im acres two hundred and sixty-two (262) acre lot numbered four, (41 in se tion No. ten (10) in said township No. 10, of said range No. 16. the south half s ml nortL-west ouarter of sec-lion numbered five, (.) i i said town No. 10, of said range No. 16; and 262aere lot No. five, (5) in section mimbercd ten, (10) 111 said township No. 10, of range No. 16. And that at the next term of said Court, thi said petitioners, William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, will apply for an order that partition niav be made of said premises. Dated this lath day of June, A. I). I860. CLARKK & LOOMIS, June 19, 18G0 25-71-820 Att'ys for petitioners. To Persons out of Employ ment. A GENTS WANTED TO SliLL THE F.KIE SEW A 1NG MACHINE. We will give a Commission, or wages at S4U per month, and expenses paid. This I that a child of 10 years can learn to operate it by is a new jiacinne. and so simnie 111 its construction nan itn inur-s instruction, ll is equal 10 any ruiniij fewmg luacniiiu in use, ana the price is out rmeeu Dollars. Persons wishing an Agenev will address J. N. BOYLAN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company, July 24, I860 CU-6w Milan, Ohio. Dr. Hoback's Scandinavian Remedies. Aro you sick, no matter what organ is affected, de pend upon it the blood, which is tlto food and sus tenance of every organ, is full of corrupti in! My Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Huritler, break up the source of disease in the fluids of the body. Hence their quick and complete cures iu dyspepsia, scrofula, eruptions, fits, tumors, nervousness, kidin-y complaints, piles, low fevers, debility, rheumatism, headache, want of sexual vigor, etc., etc. These remedies aro ast inisbing the w medical world. Bee advertisement. PETER LAMBRECHT. BUY YOUR Where you can get them Cheapest.1- S. Mil CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at. together with the nimlitv f tliR articles, over any other establishment in the county. Kemember tlie place Mayhughs Building, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 3.860. 16-tf AMONG the articles to be found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, ara 20 brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, b lfi tf 8. SILVERN AN. 25 Sacks of chian. bv "- 16-ttJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forlsale cheap, by IU 16-tf. - 1 B.l SILNEKMAN. Q T kegs good English Soda, for sale cheap, by AO 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. AC boxes Bairn Soap, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf , . S. SILVERMAN: 100,000 cce Cigars, geneial assortment, for sale jo-ii 8. SILVKRMAN. 25 boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. fV boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by - 0J 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. . O K boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, AO by llfi-tfl S. SII.VKRMAV." 10 brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sain cheap, by 16-tf . S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. White Fish, Tor sale cheap, by XyJ HG-tf ; . S. SILVERMAN. Fid kess of Nails, for sale cheap, bv JJ riR.tfl a "ciTTrE-ovr , t t) boxes Starch, for sale cheap, by 1 riK-in c ciiri-uiv OHO gross Matches, for sale cheap, bv IC-tf S. SILVEKFAN. 2;?";rA worth of Queensware, for sale cheap, bv pouv le-tq . s. silvekma"n. FOR ALL. rrUIE subscriber having just returned from JL the .hast with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, uaps, -uools, enoes, cc, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent. advance on cost, for VAtSH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbuor, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to tlie satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. Y e will enumerate a few . articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: ISest madder prints ..10c per j-ard. Pancy prints , , 8a9c " Good bleached muslin .10c - " ' 4 bleached muslin .8c " Latest styles best delaines 15 to 20c " ' Cashmeres...... 15c " Bonnet ribbons from .....'..10 to 40c" ' Fine French wool delaine 50 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies', heavy kip shoes... $1 per pair; Ladies' calf. 1 25 " Ladies' best calf. 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of eur stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. . - - R. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, "Ohio No. 2," D. E. SAYRE, MASTER, Leaves Cincinnati every Monday evenirg, at five o'clock, passing Pomeroy on her way up every Wed nesday morning. Returning, leaves Marietta every Friday morning, Pomeroy every Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to PA1TON & MONTGOMERY, Oct. 6, '59. 41-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS & BSC, Mason City, Va.. DEALERS in Lumber in the rough, and Manufactu rer:! of Flooring, Ceiling and Weutherboarding. Planing of all kinds done, and lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on hand Sash, Doors, tilinds. Lath and Shhigles. Our cash prices for dressed Lumber are as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - - $-26 00 White ' " . . h-2 50 Ceiling - - - - - - .SO 00 Weatuerboarding per hundred feet - 125 All orders addressed to Pomeroy P. Q. will receive prompt attention. may 15, '60. 19-ly Eegular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, OtLio 3Jo. .3, J.J. BLAGG, Master; JOHN HEISNER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. m. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at lOo'clock . m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock . K. Leaves Pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PAT I ON & MONTGOMERY , Nov. 20, '59. 4S-lf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. J. S. COPES. Harlow j. piiklps. COPES k PHELPS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 74 CAMP STBEET) IVcw Orleans, JLa. Particular attention given to the purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, &c, and 10 the sale of Western Produce. REFER TO Hon. V. B. HORTON, Pomerov, O. Messrs. DANIEL & RATHJSURN, Hankers, Pome rov, Ohio. A. W. BUSK1RK, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Messrs. GAYLOR1). SON At Co., Cinci nnati, O. " MILLER, WINGATE & Co., Louisville, Ky. July 17, IStiO. tfg-lyl Sheriff's Sale. '. Il.Mooro vs. John Dennis and Martha Dennis. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. M., On the Qlh day of September, I860, the following described lauds and tenements, to wit: Seventy-five feet off the north end of the following tract of land: a part of a lot sold by Lewis S. Nye to Norman S. Davis, bounded as follows: beginning at a stake fifty feet north of the east and west line of section eight, town two, range thirteen of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north 225 feet; thence east 100 feet; thence south 225 feet; thence west to the place of beginning; to be sold as the prop erty of John Dennis and Martha Dennis, at tho suit of I). H. Moore. Appraised ot $112.00. Terms of sale, cash. .T. J. WHITE, S. M. C. July 20, i860. 29-St 3.00 2,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOM 1ST O 3E3C XJ OUT 33 XT Or I WANT YOUIt CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHALL! I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoesj Cobergs, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Check. Flannel Ticking,. Clotha, Cassiuieres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &e. . H A R D W A R. . . : Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettle?, Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, MH Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! " . CARPENTERS TOOLS, Pianos.' Saws, Chisels, Aiigers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits,; trw.iieliT--Also, " 1 -- - . coopers' tools, - r- s' , . , Tress Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axos, Compasses and Knives of all kinaY. " " 7 --. -:! - ' , ': - ; BLACKSMITHS TOOL S. !; 1 , , Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Easps, Stocks and Dyes; alsbf Shear, Cant arid German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug: giesj and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. - 1 ""': - '', I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Door, Sash, Venetian Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also, - . ' ' O Xj O T Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps! " Alsoj 'a - Ik f and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; 'Children, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of ail kinds. I keep a large stocky of Cordage of all sixes, Broom Wrapping Twine, WAlXiOnilffGr. If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call. I have a largo lot of Piecs Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best style, and warranted, a good fit or no sale. ' - . ' : The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserveat coat, for CASH. Give me a call. Pomeroy, U., Jan. 3, lobU. . W.J. PR ALL. AT PBALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in m m m 7 rivraw,- s it distinctly understood thut it is not our design C3r The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from th coal, by: which f'-'s'-"'.. I'ttty 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense heat thrown to the wff -c'-'I bottom of the Oven. ' ' 'CVj?3fcAJ - lit introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurning Stove, we wish In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be what it is represented. . This ia not the only pattern we propose sailing. We have the most improved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOYES I Without dwelling upon the merits of the diflferent patterns, we. Will con clude our notice by announcing that our PARLOR. AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy competition. MET A L Kept constantly on hand, our stock. ' In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order, ' To the Citizens of Meigs ax d .Adjoining Counties: .. ; ' . - ? , The above remarks will demonstrate to you, in a certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simply been wasting your time in " reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for . CASH, And exchange for Old Metal, -Brass, Pewter, Copper, Eags, Old Silver, &c, at their highest market value. , Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system) t both purohascr and seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaperas well, as for our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. , ' We respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Stoves, whether yon wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you value your hard-earned inoney, not to laviqh it away till you have given us a call. Aug. 16, 1859. ly - V 1RALL & HATCH. ' r 5 iflf &&Y GOODS, MEN'S -AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 7 HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, IIAHDWARE, QUEENSWARE; &c AVING RECEIVED A LABGE Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (ari.d which will he kept com plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. . THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M: M'GLOTHLIN. assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county.' Everything in the way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. THE PASSIONS ron TEC3E3 SSASOX Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vestings, &c. N. B. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the moral alligation incurred to pay up according to agreement, I wish to say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that a legal obligation was also incurred. . . Pomeroy, January 3, 18G0. MR. P. BRUNKER WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of Pome roy that ho will give instructions on the I'iatto and tcjich vocal mnsic at 810.00 for thirty -six ltfSsons. Three lessons per week tvo on Hiano and one iu sliiRing. I have a Piano for tho use of those who have none. So extra chargo for the use of my Piano. I I can also sell Jew York, Baltimore ami Uoston i Pianos at Retail City Prices. Pianos sold by me, tuued end put up in good onlcr , ami kept so for two years after buying: also Prince i A Co.'s .Melodeonssold on guarantee, and exchanged ! if any imperfections appear within the first year. I Lessons given on Melodeon siime as Piano. I April 3. 'ISO. 14-6iii. ! WJL H. & J. GRANT HAVIXG formed a partnrship under the ahivo mime, anil having purchased the "Crystal Mill.' : tn Middleport. design running it regularly from tbU time. We will pay tha Highest Market Price for "Wheat, an.l other Grains, and liopo by strict attention to busihfAs to ui"rit and receive a iron. I patronngi?. 1 April 10, IKOfl.-tf W.M. H. & J. GHANT. OFF AT COST! ABOtT IW JC 3ST Or . H. COHEN. Jit. uun tii in , , Front street, three doova above Court. GEORGE HATCH OLD STA&D rmW-Voineroy,). community to one of the , greatest improvements to m .c$i to use LAl " L1C U YD RA NTS . and we respectfully invite the public to .examine '', stock of Stoves we will keep constantly on hand, TINWARE. . AND CAREFULLY SELECTED WOOL CARDING, . SPINNING AND" AVEAVING. THE uutlersigCL'd having made preparation to' do custom work the coining season, lia fitted np his machinery in the best.manner, m ICACIKE. MEIGS COUNT!, O., Where he is now prepared to do Curding, spin ning and Weavinjr, at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner. - - Having the best machinery, and many years' experience in tho business, he fiatters himself that he can do as good woik as any other es tablishment in-the Western country. He ia determined, by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a share of public patron age. . - Stocking Yarn, Jeuns and Flannel constantly on hand. Wool taken in exchange for Yarn r ood. " THOMAS EG ANY Mav IS. lf?flf). 19-flm IS Ej - - 5