Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, I I I I t August 7, 1800 JGThe "Syracuse Flouring Mill" is for sale, on time, to a responsiDle pur chaser. A good chance to get good . property. Bgk.Wm. H. Patton and W. N. Snyder have formed a' partnership in the Livery business. -' Glad to hear they design im proving the stock. .'.'BguStewart & Gillilan insert their business card to-day. They are doubt less master workmen, in iron, and we hope they may have success in obtain ing a good patronage. j m i vB&.The semi-weekly Gallipolis and Parkersburgh packet, Henry Logan, con- tinues to make her trips regularly, and is punctual in her time. Capt. Roberts will please accept our thanks for favors Bg&Messrs. Bichmann & Bur kert come out in to-day's paper with an enlarged advertisement, in which they inform the publia that they will remove their Jewelry establishment to "Cartwright's new building," corner of Court and Front Streets. The gentlemen com prising this firm are men of strict busi ness habits, and can be relied upon in the representation of their wares. Call and see them. ' ., B.The M. E. Church at Letart was struck by lightning a couple of weeks ago, a few minutes after a congregation had been dismissed. The damage to the building was not very great. We are under obligations to a correspondent- who promptly communicated the intelligence; but from some cause we did not receive1 it till-too late for last weekVissu..,..,,', 'Cricket, No. , - This beautiful and well-officered steamer has taken the place of the Ohio No. 2 in. the-'Marietta and Cincinnati trade, during: low water. She draws but I 14 inches, light,,' which, will enable her to run at the lowest stage of water in the river.': She is officered by Capt. S. B Hempstead, and W. H. Brayan, Clerk, than whom there are no better, or more accommodating; steamboatmen. on' the rive., ' Patronize theGricket. County Fair. " ""We publish, on the fourth page of to clay's paper, the premium list of the Meigs County Fair, to be held at Racine on the 19th and 20th of September next. Very liberal : premiums are offered in all branches of agriculture, horticulture, manufacture and aft. If a proper de gree ef interest is felt by the producing classesj with the good yield of nearly all kinds of crops, the exhibition of produce will surpass any Fair that has ever been lield in the county. Preserve the paper for future reference. , Sidewalks. . By an ordinance passed on the 9th of January last, the owners of lots abutting on Front Street petween Court and the western end of the corporation, were Tequired to construct sidewalks opposite tbqir respective lots. Iri case of failure te do so,;the 3d section provides: ' - "If, on theJst day, of August, 1860, said sidewalks are not completed, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to furnish- materials and construct all sidewalks so remaining unfinished," &c. The time limited by Council for own ers of property to construct walks is now past, and the Street Commissioner is em powered and required to do the work. Last year there was near half a mile of pavement laid down east of Court Street, and It 'i but right that other property holders should be required to make sim ilar improvements. IgT'Last week, in a hurried article noticing ihe ,' Republican nominations for.the various county offices, by inad- vertance, the "nominee for" Auditor was omitted.f , The present incumbent, Aaron Stivers, Esq.,- was nominated on the first ballot. -Mr. Stivers, as an able, accurate, and, efficient officer needs no encomium from us. The office he fills' is the most laborious and important in the county, requiring' a. first rate' accountant and ac curate business man.. It is no dispar-. agement to the other candidate to say that the nominee has every qualification to fit him peculiarly for the post. The people of the county have had his ser vice for one term, arid his nomination by the Convention is but an expression of approbation which will be indorsed by the' people jon the second Tuesday in Ootober. ' ; lmportiuBt invention. -: ; We witnessed, with a great degree of satisfaction, one day last;, week, the working of.'.'Crary's Riving and Shingle Machine, attached to J, W. Jone's Saw mill, in Middleport. The inventor, J" amesJCrary is in" old residentlof Pom eroy, and -well-' known ' to many-' of our citizens. jv.Such an improvement has been - in, -contemplation by him fpr several years; and, although a few ma chines had previously been manufactured by him on this same principle he was not content until he brought it to "that degree of perfection at which it now is. Ana 'i it .is yet susceptible of further improvement; but as it now stands; joint shingles can be made of any rivable timber, without steaming,; more perfect than any of the soft wood shingles which are now -in "common use. We bie'; ppecimens.of . oak and chestnut shingles; cut by this machine, which may he -seen by ealling at this office. : impossible to describe the con struction of the machine without a' draft of it; but it can be seen in operation by calling atTMrf' Johe's mill." '" It is cer- tainly; destined to become ope of the im- 4 v n , mi. ortantnvefit'ons f 'thed ' to be the spirit of the campaign. The '. ? .M30-.100 .? ,e a J lnasmuch lagt Campaign Plain ''Dealer claims tweithi as it is adapted to, all localities where of the States for Douglas with a there is rivable timber. . fair probability of carrying the rest. "We understand that J. W. Jones & And Democrats, who can actually read Co, have procured the risht for the Tt "i j Oi a j mi Linited fetates, and Will commence the manufacture of the machine, attend them. '. ' r 8..a Success THE CAMPAIGN OPENED. Hon.'s- John Sherman, P. Has saurek and V. B. Horton, TO STUMP THE ELEVENTH DIST. We learn by a communication From the State Central Committee that Hon.'s John Sherman and V B. Horton will address the citisens of Meigs County, at jromeroy, On TUESDA Y, August 28L 1860 They will also address the people of the District at the following times and places: McArthur, August 27; Athens, August 29; Logan, August 30; New Lex ington, August 31; Lancaster," Septem ber 1. - Mr. Hassaurek will be in this District on the 4th, 5th and 6th of September, and address the German citizens at such places as may hereafter be designated. Let all bear in mind the grand rally on the 28th. - DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. We were not able to attend the Dem ocratic Convention on Saturday last, and do not know whether it was a large or small one. We have not been fa vored with an account of their proceed ings. Why our Democratic friends de cline to have their meetings noticed, and proceedings published in the Telegraph we do not know. We have offered them the use of our colums for that purpose, and as we have some Democratic sub scribers we think it no more than fair that we should give these notices. We learn that the Convention nomi nated for Auditor C. S. Smart; Clerk, Thos. Dye; Treasurer, W. H. Remington; Commissioner, H. B. Smith; Coroner, S. Rhem; Infirmary Director, W. Starky. Some of these gentlemen would make good officers and would fill the position, with fidelity. With some of them we have but little acquaintance. So far as we know, thev are all srood citizens. It is quite unnecessary, even it it were not wholly repugnant to our tastes, W say aught against the character of any of them. Some of them are our personal friends, and so long as we control the Telegraph, it shall never be prostituted to the personal abuse of citizens because they differ from us in politics. We arc proud to say, that since we have con trolled the Telegraph, not one word has been admitted into its "colums reflecting upon the character of a citizen of our county. We have, and 6hall continue to discuss principles, with the utmost freedom. . But will never resort to personal-abuse. - The Republicans have, for the same offices, gentlemen well qualified for their several positions, and whose characters are above reproach. However much, then, they may respect any of the Demo cratic nominees as friends and citizens, there is no reason why the Republican can didates should not receive, as they will re ceive, thevote of every Republican ihthe County. And with this, and those who will come out Republicans before the election, they will be elected by a majority several hundred larger than usual. BWe took a hurried trip, last week, through parts of Meigs, Gallia, Jackson, and Vinton Counties, and were much gratified at the profusion of fruit which everywhere met the eye. Through all the route the orchards were bending, and in many instances breaking, under their loads of fruit. Of apples, there must be quite enough to supply the de mands of the markets, and probably at reasonable prices. Peaches, too, will be plenty, but generally they appeared to be small, perhaps in consequence of the overloading of the trees. We passed many plum trees that were perfectly blue with their luscious treasure. The Curculio, that has made such sad havoc 1 with the plums in years past, seems to have spared them this year, in many ! places. : ' 'V ,'r x he prospect tor corn and potatoes is the most promising we. have seen' for years, and the meadows were never bet ter. Wheat, so far as we could learn, was a fair crop, and the farmers every where seemed to be in the way of real izing a fair reward for their labor. With the abundant crops we hope to see a revival of trade and business generally. Of politics, we heard but little. . The most important information we gathered in that line was at Jackson, where we learned' that "the, Republicans of Meigs County were so split up arid divided that the Douglas Democrats would carry every County officeP' We learned there, also, that the Republican County Convention which made these nominations broke up in a row- -that two-thirds of the party would bolt the nominations, and either run independent candidates or vote the Democratic ticket outright! As a con sequence of this -split, and wide-spread disaffectionr we were informed that Hor ton would lose at least eight ' hundred votes in Meigs County, and that he did not stand the shadow, of a , chance of being elected. As we had not heard anything of all this at home we ventured to suggest that per haps there might be some mistaken about it, but were assured that there were letters in that town from more than one hundred and fifty of the leading Republicans of Pomeroy, all giving the same account of things, and declaring their purpose to vote for Douglas. We then told our in formant that we happened to be some-' what acquainted in Pomeroy, and desired the name of some one of, these hundred and fifty leading Republicans, but regret to say we could not get a single name. We could not but admire the cool au dacity with which such stuff was asserted as truth, and the stupid gullahility with TirliisTi if iroc a tiro 1 1 r tit a Tiiif. on n cnain a Prmt.' P'oicss to believe it! Well, this i .i i. . 1 1 1 1 . o nets country, ana everyooay nas a r;,rht tn k of..l r..nA o l,o.f- . aj . . . . .. taste. And if this is to the taste of anv. : u is wen 10 let tnem nave it. B&The Steubenville Herald says a man was run over by the down Express train of the Wheeling extension or the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, about 11 miles below Steubenville, on Thursday morning. He was walking on the track, and paid no further attention to the alarms given, than to look around a moment, and then continue his course upon the track. The train could not be stopped, and he was run down. He had $53 in money, and notes to the value of 91,200 on his person, lhese papers in dicated his name to be Wm. Smith, and his residence Nelsonville, Athens county, Ohio. BTew York Items. New York, July 31. General Hous ton writes to his friends here that his nomination being an independent move ment, he will in no event decline. The Times' Washington correspon dent refers to rumors of well organized movements in several Southern States for dissolution of the Union on Keitt's nlan, and agents have gone to Europe to ascertain what would be the course of England and France on the establish ment of a Southern Confederacy. The Vacant Seat On the Supreme fiencMi. The Columbus (Ga.) Times has the following, which we presume is rather premature: "Honor to Georgia. We under stand that Thomas R. R. Cobb, Esq., of Athens, has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court of the United States, created by the death of Judge Peter V. Daniel. This, is a good appointment." 8Qk,The Steamer S. P. Hibberd was sunk about two o'clock, on the morning of July 20, by collision with the Chan cellor, just below New Albany, Ind., and one deck passenger and three of the crew said to be lost; boat and cargo nearly a total loss. ' BsSWe invite all. wishing to obtain good and pure Drugs and Medicines to the Drug Store of D. REED, where Pure Drugs, and such valuable medicines and standard remedies as Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, Dr. Rich ardson's Sherry Wine Bitters, and Dr. Weaver's Canker and Salt Rheum Sirup and Cerate, can always be found. To deal in such pure and valuable remedies warrants prosperity, and to use them secures health. . 30-2w Valuable information from the Rev. Jabez S. Swan, a clergyman of distinguished attainments - and exalted reputation. DR. S. A. WEAVER: New Losdon Feb., 1851. Dear Sir: I feel compelled by a sense tf duty to the suffering, to say in regard to your Canker and Salt Rheum Sirup, that I have used it in my family for more than one year with most decidedly happy results. I consider it adapted completely to sustain the reputation which is claimed for it. In a number of cases within my knowledge, where it has been taken for Erysipelas and Salt Rheum, it has been at tented with complete success, where other rem edies had completely failed. 30-2w DIED, In Pomeroy, on the 31st day of July, 1860, Elijah, son of E, and A. Uutton; aged 4 months 6 days. MARRIED, In Mason City, Va., at the residence of the bride's father, John Burwell and Mrs." Camp, both of Ironton, 0. POMEEOT EETAIL MARKETS. Monday, August 6, 13G0. Flour $o.2o(,5.50 35 lbs for $1.00 Wheat...Prinie White, $1.00: Prime Red, 90c; Lower grades from 75 to 80c. Oats : 2oc. bu Potatoes 25c. 3 " Dried Peaches.... 12c lb Dried Apples.... 7c n lb Green Apples 25c. B bu. Butter 14c. lb. ..8Gc.$lb. Cheese... Eggs Set doz 55c. gal, Molasses Sirup Sugar (N. O.) 60075 gal. :.......; 10llc. i lb. ". 1617c. " .7c. " ....810c. ?J " 15c. " :. 6Jc. 3 " 810c. P " 7c. 5$ " 10c. " 10c. 3 " 10c. 3 " 14c. " ret.'8c; wholesale 5 J c. P ', 6.00 P 1,000 Lortee Rice Soap Candles (tallow).. Fish (Cod).... Fish (Mackerel). Fish (White).:.... Pickled. Pork Shoulders... - Sides (smoked)..., Hams Crackers Hoop Poles Salt. . ...retail 25c; wholesale 3 bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. . ' J. . Cincinnati, August 2, 18G0. Elotjr The market is unchanged as regards prices, but there is a better de mand; fair to good brands ruled at 84 40 4 60; extra at 4 75 o 2o, and fancy at $5 505 75. - Provisions More inquiry for Ba con, and tnere are several orders nere at the prices quoted; 99Jc for Shoulders, and lllljc for Sides, but they cannot be filled. : 9c was offered and refused for Shoulders, and llc for Sides. GROCERiES--Sugar steady at 8J9ic. Molasses firm at 4345c. Wheat lhe market continues firm, with a good local and export demand at H 031 05 lor prime white, and 90 93c for prime red. - Corn- lhe market is firm and the demand good at 4041c iu bulk. Oats 1 he market tor new is dull and heavy, and the quality offering inferior; We quote them at 6oc in bulk. Old are in. fair demand at 3435c. Kye VY e quote prime new and old at 6365c. . , Uarley There is a fair export de mand for new at 7580c the latter for choice. - ' - HAY-r-The market is dull and $.1 per ton lower. , We quote good to prime new at $1213 per ton, and prime old at $15, in bales, on arrival. Cheese The demand is good and the market firm at 77ic for Western Eeserve. Butter There is a fair demand for prime fresh at 1415c for Western Re serve, and ll12c for Central Ohio. Qommon is heavy at 810c. WM. H. & J. GKANT HAVING formed a partnership nnder the above name, and having purchased lhe "Crystal Mill." in Middleport, design running it regularly from this time. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a good patronage. April iu, jnuo. ii wm. ti. ai j. ukaji. MR. P. BRUNKER WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Pome roy that he will give instructions on the Piano and teach vocal music at S 10.00 for thirty-six lessons. Three lessons per week two on Piano and one in singing. I have a Piano for the use of those who have none. No extra charge for the use of my Piano. I can also soil New York, Baltimore and Boston Pianos at Retail City Prices. Pianos sold by me, tuned and put up in good order and kept so for two years after buying: also Prince & Co.'s Melodeonssold on guarantee, and exchanged if any imperfections appear within the first year. Lessons given on Melodeon same as Piano. April 3, '60 14-6m. Road Notice. A PETITION will be presented to the Com- missioners of Meigs County at their next session, praying for a new road, oommencinc at' the south side of Dunham's Run, where the new mi (1 fii,I fltt!l.Aa -: ,1 ....... l.rtA . 1. lv '" iUC nearest and best way through the lands of John ooi8, sen., i nomas ricnens ana John neidon, 1n iha t,n f a vwrimevv ' Jnlv 31. I860. 30-1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. i Camp Meeting. " There will be a Camp Meetingon the Camp Ground, in the bounds of Letart Circuit, near the residence of B. B. Gibbs, commencing Aug. 17th, at 2 P. Mi The Camp Meeting committee will meet on the ground Thursday, Aug. 9th, at 10 P. M. All persons wishing to Vepair old tents, or build new ones, would do vtell to be there at that time, if convenient. Na huxter ing will be allowed, except by such pa-sons as shall obtain permission of brother GiWs to oc cupy a lot for that purpose; and such persons will not be allowed to sell any intoscating drinks, and will be expected to discontinue sales during service and on the Sabbath. Several Circuits and Stations will unit to gether in this meeting. Ministers from abioad are cordially invited to attend. .- It is not expected that there will be miy boarding tent on the ground. By order of the Committee. J. W. LEWIS, Scc'y ' Dr. Koback'a Scandinavian Remedies. Are you sick, no matter what organ Is affected, de pend upon it the blood, which is the food and in. tenance of every organ, is full of cofruptl n! My Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier, break up the source of disease in the fluids of lhe body. Hence their quick and complete cures in dyspepsia, scrofula, eruptions, fits, tumors, nervousness, kidnry complaints, piles, low fevers, debility, rheumatism, headache. Want of sexual vizor, etc., etc. These remedies are astonishing the w medical world See advertisement. "Jost titlt Thing!' A prominent physician said of J)r. -Wilson's Pills: "If my patient required an aperient, Wilson's Puis were just the thing Wanted ; If he suffered from Dyspepsia, Acidity of Stomach, Costiveness, or Inactivity of Liver, Wil son's Pills were just the thing. Disturbance-of the Circulatory Organs Wilson's Pills Wefo just the thing." See "Guide to Health," to be had gratis from B. t. Fahnestock & Co., No. 60 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Sold by D. Reed, and mer chants generally. 30-lm ID THE. GREaT tKGLISH REMEDY. Sift JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PI1LS Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to tho Queen. This well known medicine Is no imposition, but a sura and safe romody for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause wtintever; and altho a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on Ihe monthly period with rcirularitv. in all esses of Nervous and Spbial Affoc'ions, pains in the Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue oh slight exertion, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other menns have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agem. If . B. Ono Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over. r0 pills, by return mail. ,' Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB .MOSES. (Late I. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. . For sale by J. D. PARK. SUIRE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O., D. REED, Pomeroy, O. 11-y t j- We refer our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 400 Broadway, New York. The 'Blood Food' is ono of the greatest medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out ef the market all the quucR nostrumsor modern times. Its efficacy is so great, and its superiority so Just y acknowledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Ur. Eaton's celebrated 'Infantile Cordial, 'isa med icine prepared by a regular physician oremmenc e in his profession, and one who has devote d his lifcto the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. H is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it." Apilaciucola, Flor. Times. -Q-See Advertisement. TOAll, especially ynung men, should read the advertisement of the new "National JJispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. The only Safe Preparation That does not Dye, but icill restore GRAY HAIR To its original color, by Nature's own process, is Prof. O. J. Wood's Celebrated HAIR RESTORATIVE- In proof of the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all arts of the country. non. bolomon 11 Ann, Ann aroor, mien., says Ills wife, whose hair had become very thin, uud entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over, the head. Others of iny family and friends are using jour Restorative with thejiap piest effects. Hon. Jcdoe Breesk, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed its original color, and I have no doubt permanently so. . - Hon. H. I.. Stkwart, says my hair was very gray, but after using two bottles, it restored it to iu origi nal color. Kev. J. K Braoo. Brookfleld, Mass., says it has re moved from my head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my liuir, which was gray, to its original color. . J. W. Davioson, Monmouth, 111., says my hair was two-thirdg grny, or rather white, but, by the appli cation of tiie Restorative as directed, it has rttsuuied its original color. Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottle of your Hair Keslorative, which has cured s humor in uiv head of two years' standing. Benjamin Lonoridoe, 2.)4 Seventh Avenue, New York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when it began t grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I wus induced to try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has had the desired effect. - H. L. Williams, M. 1)., Peckensville, Ala., says', I have used your Restorative, and And it all it is rec ommended to be. I have tried it forTelter and find it a certain cure. - W. M. Woodward, M. T., Frankfort, Ky., says, he recommends it in his practice as the best prepara tion for the hair now in use. . . .., Edward Waltott says, three months ago my hair was very gray; ii is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Restorative. ' - Wilson Kino says, one month's proper application will restore auf person's hair rd its original color and texture. J. D. Hoes says, a few applications fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out and turn black, its orig inal color. Betsev Smith, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to its youthful color, soft and glossy. , .' . Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Pant, says that his' hair is strong, thick, arid black, although a short time since he wus both bald and gray. The people here saw its effects and have confidence in it. Morris Gosling, M. D., St., Louis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to "no effect, he used two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair, and invites all to come and see it. - Sarah J. Brown says her hair was not only gray, but so thin she feared its entire loss bnt after using two bottles i t has restored both the color and growth. Prepared by O. J.WOOD & CO., 114 Market street, Saint Louis, and 312 Broadway, New York, and sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United btates and Canada. Aug. 7, 18G0. 31-3in A. O. CROWLEY. CROWLEI & CO. HAVE just received a new lot of Dry Goods, Hats, Men, Women and Children's Shoes, and a general assortment of other Goods usually kept in a Variety Store, which we will soil LOWE R, FOE CASH, or Country Produce, than any ether House in town! We also keep a general assortment of . ... - ;; CrROCEHIES, Consisting In part of Sugar, N. O. and White, Mo lasses, Sirup, Tea, Coffee, Kice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Dried Currants, Crack ers, Rtickets, Tubs, Cbarns, . -Baskets, Soap, Soda,-. Prunes, Spices, Oat Meal, Fish, of all kinds. Madder. Coperas, Logwood, and an endless variety of other Goods. You can get higher prices for your Butter, Eggs, Cheese, and country produce of all kinds, and more and better Goods for yoor money here, than any where else in Pomeroy. If jou have any doubts about this, call and satisfy yourselves. Call and see us, and if the Goods suit, prices shall. We have, also, a large stock of Wheeling Nails, all sizes, which we will sell at manufacturer's prices. Do not ask for credit, as we cannot give it. Remember the place: C. M. EVAN'S Old Stand, under the "Gibson House," Pomeroy, Ohio. July IT, l60. 28-tf CKOWLEY & CO. PINE GROVE ACADEMY, MATTHEW CAMPBELL, A. B., I'rincipal, Mrs. S. CAMPBELL, Assistant. JNO. II. BAIB.D, Teacher in Vocal Music. THE Summer Term opens MONDAY, TIIE 80TH OF JULY, 1860, and continues eleven weeks. Tuition, $3.00 to 5.00. Boarding, $1.25 to $1.37J per week. For other information, address the Principal. Rev. H. R. HOWE, Pies' t. Porter, O., July 12, 18G0. 28-3t IRON FENCING AND POI1TICOE3 GAJf BE PROCURED IN IROXTON AT as low prices, in as great variety, and of ae good material as any place in the West. T. S. KIRKElt Ironton, Ohio. Nor. 15, 5t. 15-ly A. E. MUBDOCK. NEW ARRIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FAXCY AND VARIETY GOODS; AT THE OLD STAND OF m B- mm m& m mm m't if & On Court Street, a lew Doors below lhe Court House, FOMBnOT, O . THE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers and the public in jreneral, that he lias just returned from the city wun a ffpienuid stocn ot goous in ine aDore naineu line, an oi wnicu lie will sell at a living pront. He would call especial attention to his stock which he will sell at city prices; also to his piioiug m part a cnoice 101 oi - POCKET-BOOKS, fcr Ladies andGentleinen, Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tootli and Hiir Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &e. SFSCTACZjES fe XTSTX: G-Xj.SS33JS, In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Gold II also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. " Hfe invites the patronage of the public, with the assurance that, customers shall receive the worth of their money. An examination is solicited. SJuneJ8J1860 JOSEPH PATTON. dax. e. smith. PATTON & SMITH, Havikg recently formed a partnership for the ' purpose of carrying on the CftOCEHY BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our present stock ol TRESH GBOCEHIES, To which will constantly be added new supplies, as the demands of trade may require. The junint partner having had a long experience ih the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Toiacco, Cigars, Hams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectienaries, Willow- Baskets, a large lot of Matehes, &c7 and all the nick-nacks usually kept in such establishments. - Country Produce wanted, lor which the highest market price will be paid We alio purpose doitog a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east side of Court Street, threfl doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 20i 1660. 3-lG-tf - ... C. A. MATTHEWS, A. BRADLEY'S . And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, oi every description; .t XVu.Xxs Old JStdxa-ci . . ItllDDLEPOKT, O. 1HAVE just received a large assortment of Stoves which I will sell lover lhau ever, consisting in part, ot . 'ji' '"i 3 Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood pAnton stoves, OF ETERY DESCRIPTION. GRATES, FIR"E FRONTS, ODD PLATES.AO. S. Hull's la tent Lever ana IKON CENTER PLOW POINTS, WATER SPOUTING, . Roofing and. Jobbing - of A LL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in the way of Stoves Tin, Coppor or Sheet Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. - Tr-pOld Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change. ' ." may .'. ism). lu-iy : Notice iU Partition. William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, - - - against -Alfred Nicholas Brown, Anna Mary Brown, John Carter Brown, Caroline Mainaa ti. Brown, koo rt Gronvillo Brown, and Marshall Woods and Ann Brown Frances Woods, w'.fe of Marshall Woods. PETITION VOtt PARTITION. THE sa'd Alfred Nicholas Brown Anna Mary Brown, John Carter Brown, Caroline Matilda H. Brown. Kobert Grenville crown, and Marshall Woods and Ann Brown Frances Woods, his wire, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on the 18th day of nue, A. 1). p60, in the Court of Common Pleas of and within and for the eouiitv of Washington, in trie Mate oi uino, by and is now pending wherein said William Goddard and Moses Brown Ives Goddard, demand partition of the following real estate to wit: Certain lands and tenements situate in the connty of Washington, and State of - Ohio, and knwn, designated and described as follows, to wit: One-half, undivided, of three (3) acre lot numbered seven hundred and fiftv-one, (751) in section No. 20, township No. 3, of range No. 8. One hundred and twenty-four 81-100 acres ofT the soith end of 1G0 acre lot numbered one thousand and seven, ll0"7) iu section No. 35, in township No. 2, of range No. 8. Also seventy-seven and 92-100 acres out of the middle part of 252 acres lot numbered thirty-five, (35) in said section No. 35, in township No. 2, of range No. 8, bounded as follows: to wit: On the north, by that part of ihe same lot known as tho "Babcock" lot, on the east bv the brow of the Muskingum hil, on the south by that part of the lot owned by H. Fearing and others, and on the west by th east line or said 1GU acre lot Jo. iuui. Alan certain lands and tenements situate in the county of Meigs, in the Slate of Ohio, and known, designated and described as follows, to wit: 160 acre lot numbered eleven hundred and seventy one, (1171) in section No. 23, in township No. 2, of range. No. 11, ICO acre lot numbered eleven hundred and ninety one, (1191) in section No. 32, iu township No. 2, of range No. 11; 160 acre lots numbered twelve hundred and seven, (1207) twelve hundred alid eight, (1208) iwKlvn hundred and nine fl20 and twelve hundred and ten, (1210) in section Ko. 3, in township No. 2. of range No. 12; and 160 acre lots numbered twelve hundred and eleven, (1211) twelve -hundred and twelve.( 1212) and twelve hundred ana tnirteen, (txi.i) In section No. 2, of township No. 2, f range No 12, Also, 262 acre lot numbered thirty-one (31) meection No. 20, in township No. 4, of range No. 11. Also, 452) acres out of 640 acre lot, being section lo. thirty-one, (31) in township No. 3, of range No. 11. being all of said section No. 31, except 187S acres of the same conveyed to John E. Ross by deed, bearing date on the 17th day of July, 1857, for a more partic ular description of wnicn reierence is nereoy maae to said deed, which ie recorded iu the Recorder's of fice of Meis county. . Also, certain lands and tenements situate In the county of Athens, in said State of Ohio, known, designated and described as follows, to wit: 16U acres the north-west quarter of section numbered niueteeen (19) in township numbered eleven, (11) of range numbered fourteen, (14); 202 acre lot No. nine teen, (19) In section No. 20, of township No. 11. of rmiE-o No. 14: the west half of 262 acre lot numbered seventeen, (17) in section No. 22, in township No. II, of range fto. 14; 160 acres the sooth-east quarter of section numbered twenty-three, (23) in said town ship No. 11, of said range No. 14; 640 aero lot num bered twenty-five. (25) being section No. 25, in town ship No. 11, of range No. 14; 202 acres lot numbered ....... a .. me, : .- x- nti I .. 1 . t r. V , , of range No. 14. Also, certain lands and tenements situate in the county of Viuten, in said State of Ohio, and known, designated and describbd as follows, to wit: the north half and south-west quarter of section num bered four. (4) in townsbin numbered ten, (10) of range numbered sixteen, (16) containing 480 acres; two nunarea ana sixty-two (ua) acre lot numoeroa four, (4) in section No. ten (10) in said township No. 10, of said range No. 16. the south half and north-west quarter of section numbered five, (5) ii said town no. iu,oi snia range ao. lb; ana voxacre 101 no. nvu,. (5) in section numbered ten. (10) iu said township No. 10, of range No. 16. ' - ' ' : I And that at the next term of said Court, tk said Fetitioners, William . Goddard and Moses Brown ves Goddard, will apply for an order that partition may oe niaue oi saio premises. - uuiuu iius iciii o.ay oi j une, .i . u. inou. : CLARKE & LOOMIS, June 19, I860. 25-7t-820 Att'ysfor petitioners. WOOL CARDING, SPIMIM AND WEAVING. THE undersigned having made preparations to do custom work the coming season, has fitted up his machinery in the best manner, nt ISA CINE, MEIGS COUNTY, O., . Where he is now prepared to do Carding, Spin ning and V'eaviiig, at the shortest notice and in the best, possible manner. - ; Haying the best machinery, and many years experience in the business, he flatters himself that he cSin do as good work as any other es tablishment in the Western country. He is determined, by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a share of public p'ation- Stockiug Yarn, Jeans and Flannel constantly on hand. Wool taken in exchange for Yarn or Qgode. THOMAS' EGAS. May 15, 1E60 10-3m . . - m ip -ii i& of fine large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com- ens. I UTTY YOTTT?. Srrooeri cs's Where you can get tLe'm Cheapest. , CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugh's Building, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 18G0. 16-tf AMONG the articles found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are 20 brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, b" W-tf , . . . - SILVEKNAN. 25 Sacks or Coffee, for sale cb -"up, bv 16-ttJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forlsale cheap,, by -IU 16-tf.l r r's. S. SILNEKMAJi. Q K kegs good English Soda, for sale cheap, bv U 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. t?( boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv JU -16-tf - S. SILVERMAN. A f boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, bv "U ri6-tn " s. khvi B. SILVERMAN. 100,000 cc geneial assortment, for sale JU-II S.SILVKRMAS. ' ey Z boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale 6Jcheap,by IB-tf . S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes Candy, for sale choa(, by 16-tq S. SILVERMAN. 25 boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, by 16-tfJ --.- : S. SILVERMAX. 1 A brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for snln cheap, by xyJ 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, by L'6-tfJ . ........ S. SILVERMAN. 50 kegs of Nails, for sale cheap, bv ' ' 16-tfi. S. SILVERMAN. i).-; bnxes Starch, for sale cheap, by " 16-tf S.S S1LVKKMAN. OHO, Cross Matches, for sale cheap, bv -uu ri6-tfl - S.SIL S. SILVEKFAJt. $ ',AA worth of Quecnsware, for sale cheap, by W 16-tf . ' ti. SILVERMAN FOE ALL. THE subscriber having just returned ' from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CA SH OR RE A D Y PA Y. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. - , We will enumerate a few articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: ; - Best madder prints 10c per yard. Fancy prints. 8a9c Good f bleached muslin. ....UV... .10c - bleached muslin 8c " f Latest styles best delaines ...15 to 20c " Cashmeres... .. 15c . 11 Bonnet ribbons from . ............ ..10 to 40o" - Fine French wool delaine.... ."...".50 to 7oc" (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kif Shoes ,...:..$1 per pair; Ladies' calf., 1 25 " . Ladies' best calf..:......... 1 25 to 1 40, And all " Other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive C AS H for tlieTtii From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. - ' We respectfully nsk an examination of Bur stock) ind if the Goods Suit, prices shall suit. . Ii. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, '60. Utt - Middleport, Ohio. SAW.& PLANING MILL. DAVIS & B BO.,. Mason City, Va., DEALERS in Lumber in theroneh. and Manufactu rers of Flooring, Ceiling and Weatherboardihjr. Planing of all kimls done, and lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on hand Sash, Doors. Blinds, Lath- and Sbi.igles. Our cash prices for lre.sej Lnmbar are as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - 3 - '$26 00 White ''-- - ' - ' S250 Ceiling - - ; - ' -. 20 00 Weatherboarding per hundred' feet .- 125 All orders addressed to Pomeroy P. O. will reecive prompt attention."- '' ' may 15, 'eo.-iiKly ' Eegular Marietta and Cincinnati' Packet, ' 9 J. J. BI.AGGr, Master; JOHN HE1SNER, Clerk; . . Leaves Cincinnati every. Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. M. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at lOoclock a. m. : Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8. -O'clock a.-M. Leaves pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage npply on board or to , . . i PAT 10N& MONTGOMERY; Nov. 29, 'i9. 18-tf , r , Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. j. s. cores. ' HARLOW. J . PHEI.M. COPES PHELPS, COMMISSION MER CHA NTS, KO. 74 CAMP STISEETS New Orleans, La. Particular attention given to the purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Bice, dec., and to the sale of,-Western Froduco. j. : R E F E K ; T O "Z Hon. V-. B. HORTON; Pomeroy, t. ; Messrs'. DANIEL & .KATHBUKN, Hankers, Pome rov, Ohio. - . -- A. W. BUSKIRK, Ksq.; Portsmouth, O. Messrs. GAYLORO. SON A Co., Cincinnati; O. " ii MILLKR, WINGA TB & Co., Louiavillo, Kv. v fJuly 17, I860. 28-ly Sheriff's SIe. 1'. H. 'Moore vs.' John Dennis and Martha Dennis. By virtue of an' order of sale to me -directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer-for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy; at 10 o'clock A. JL, Oh lliejilh. day of, September, 1800," the following described lands and tenements, to wit Seventy-five feet off the north end of the following tract of land: a part of a lot sold bv Lewis S. Nve to Novmnn S David, hnnnrlu.1 as follows: beginning at a stake fifty, feet north of the cast and west line of sectien cight,"tbwn't two, range thirteen of tho Ohio Company's ! Purchase: thenceforth 225 feet; thence east ! 100 feet; thence south 225 Teef.;1 thcnce'wesl to'j the place obeginninc: to be sold as the prop-' erty ofJoLri Dennis and 'Martha Denuis,at lhe suit , of B. II. Moore. Appraised at $112-00. Terme of sale,' oash. J. J. WlUfE, S. M. C. July 20, i860. 2'J-6t -3.00' To Persons out of Employ- ., '..'.,:'.". ment, ;i. ,, AGENTS AVANTKl) TO SELL. THE EHIE SEW ING MACHINE. We will give a Commission; or wnses at 340 per mouth, and expenses puicr. TbtS Im a nciw .Miicliine, and so simple in its construction that a child .of lO. year can learn tf tiporatn It by half nh hour's instruction. It incquul to ai.y Family Sewing Mncbinojn use, and the price U but hifleou Dollars. Peraont wishing ao Agency will address . J. N. ROVLAN, Secretary Eri ScTirig MicUine Corunanv, .Tulj-'.M, lW5(i.-C'J .6w .Milan, Ohio. - iy y $22,000 WORTH OF GOODS " TO BE SOL 3 OFF AT COSTI i i 2T O ' II XJ 2VE BUG- I WANT YOUR CAS, ANU IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES Sit ALL! I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoes, CobeVgSj Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Cheek, Flannel; Ticking, Cloths, Cassiineres, Satinets, Jeans, ' Tweedsj .' ' '.. I . ' HARD W A R E. 1 Glass, Nafls,: Lock3, Axes, .Cutlery, Coffee Mills. Scale' Berates, Brass KettJej Log and Trace. Ckain?, Ilorseshoe JfaUs, Mill Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! , CARPENTERS TOOLS.- , . . . Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squares, .tyel. -Also-, - - ... ' ," " COOPERS'; TOOLS. -.-vi Tre?B Hoop Adxes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives of. all kindV. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. . . Bellows Vices, Atrrils-j File's, Horse Hasps, Stocks and Dyesj also, Shear, Cas-t and German Steel. Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagori Axels, Woodwork for Bug- gies, anu jjugfry l I liniiiiuga m an itrriu.i. I would call the attention of . Builders to my large lot of l)oorJ,Sash,.VieUaw;. Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also,- , .- .fiu- - ,: . o x o t oei: x oi- C'jats, PanW and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Ceps- Alse,- a - lor and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and She; Ciildrcn, Misses and Ladies' Shoeaof all kinds. I keep a large stocky of Cordage of all wzes, Broout Wrapping' Twine.-' - - ' ' -'- 1 -; ' -' " ... ;. s. . ,r s - . - . . , ' : ' . ' " - ' If you want a good fitting CQat, Pants or Vest, give ine a call. I have a largo- lot of rietM Goods for manufacturing purposes. ' Wm done up in; best style, and warranted, a good, fit or no sale. :;s - , , ' . The above and varirtus other articles libt menti&nel will be sold without reservc'at cost, lot CAS A- Give me a call. . - t HiCOHEN Pomeroy, Jan. 3, I860. 1 Front street, three doors above Court. M . J. PBAt.Ii. AT PR ALL'S Court street Would restiectfullv call the attention of this ever invented in - - vont.rl ill 'i'. . - f rm. . -n.-' mi : .i i. .., DEALEBS. II ,Sf-011Sr 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense heat thrown to the i-'r'Tf bottom of the Oven. " ' . ' ' . - . ri&S c1&3r' ' In introducing this greatj'-improved "GasBurnibg Stove, we wish " iia-i it distinctly understood that it is not our design In disposing of them, but will. WABItANT. every Stove we sell to be what it is repreSentfrd'. This iu not the only pattern we propose soiling. We have tiie inost iiiijiroved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon the merits of the different patterns, wo will con clude our notice by announcing that 0ui .',. . -. : , . . -; , . r , , t. ,, 'parlor' and offioe tq VES -! Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness) and W6 fitTy competition. METALLIC HYDRANTS ! Kept constantly, on hand, 8ud we resjiectfulTy invite the publife to; exnniihe our stock. -: ' ' ' : , 4 ' ' In addit.ioh to our heavy stock of Stoves we will kcejl c'Uuslailriy on hand, and manufacture to order.TINWABE! , r r, , ' . . , .-.) j-- ut t. ilLLilo " '- "l ' r-:--i'i'? .".7 Js?r: a li .1) .o'I To fB ClflZtfNS OFiuiGS ASD ADJdliilJiO Coi'KTIES: .t The above remarks will, demonstrate. o yoii,- in A certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute." The manner Tn" which it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Dcr yoit wish io' buy on credit?- Tlien yoti hac3 simply been wasting your time. in dreading our card. ' We cannot sell at our. prices Without loeii' money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively fyrl I 2 iv.x 0:A.:S3E3Cy And exchange for Old Mcta Brass, Pewter, Copper RagSj Old $lrer, aif'l1tir liig&t market value. ' -'- ,, . .. , t, , ,r Tnt. ptirtrinnce lias nrtiven the beneficent results 'of -the Cash vstcm: fb both Durcltaser and seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who ran biry nnich ;heapeivs'wer iiH'i'oi our own who can BUt and SELL cheaper? thnt'we adopt this system. pt.&f We respectfully invite you to call and seetile improvementfMn otr. btvee, wJMMUor vorf wish to nurchaSe or not: but we warn you, air you-value jour hard-eaTned mny Brot'fre'lavish it away till you have. given us ajcaiL; . s i Aug. 10, Wbh ly y. .1: r . ..." f ' v 3P5a A'TjTiTL X3ST GROCERIES, HARDWARE aUEMtWARK&c., A VTNG - TiECEl Y!KT) . A: LARGE iStnrV nf (lindR : ndflntfld to th Winter Trade, fand. which .wilL be. Lent com- 1 . . ., -. 11.,- . 1 , t plete-Dy trequens aaaitions curing ine potvoii, ana 'toe public ac larger evervining, us iar us pussioiu-iioccsBarv, to con stitute a full Stock in tluv-above lines, and which will be sold ,'ibr CASIJ pr'poun- 1 '.1 P 1.1- A ,. ,; - " ' " try proauce, on ine niosi. iavoraute teriua. Tiife !,rAirjoRiNG "business " Will ,a rnr1iirtoi1 ns -Wrptdfnra. under the Surtfervision of N 3l. AI'GIJOTHLlN". . . . J lvuuuv.vw, . . r ' 7 assisted by as cotappteVt workmen as any in the cottuty. Everything in the way; of Making, Cutting 'or Repairing, promptly attended ta.;rJ ..!-) j 07 -!:' I TH33 PASSIONS IfOR THE SISASOXV, ;. -. Will at all tim4s? b4 found on hand, together with'a - ffilt- Sf oe'k f Cltrths, Cassi meres, Vcstings, &c. -rr , - , : ' " ' r"f"i!? '' - '-'N 'B. To those whom 1 haVe extended it short credit, arid who are notr disre-- garding the moral obliyajjoji? ihcurred. to pay up according- to agreement, :I wish to say I will not hesitate" to remind you, if necessary ih a forcible manner, that a legal UUllgatlOn was UlSO- JUUUIU. ., ' Dealers iii Gold and : - t'i.r. ' - i ..AND,,, J; " ,.- '' " .. JEW E L R Y O.P A L L K IND S , Will. remove, within tlje, present week, 'to ,,,; -a i?-,5f ' Corner Court and Front MrcctsV PbiiicriijI-;p.liJi' "HERE" wc shall be pleased to rfe? desire anything In our Jihc. , 6 nient of Gold and Silver Watches, German,. French and American sTeelrjVJ'ancy Articles; Clocks from 2.00 to J2.0Q,; of every size and description; 'Eye GlasEe,n Gold Pens, &c. k 'I -! - i -l rt-i !Ni! ' .Repairing Watekes, Clocks and Jewelry, done in tho best manner, promptly.: Auput 7, 10 -3-:il-tf - i ; :, v. :,.y. , .. : A. Gr.t 37' I 'if EORGE HATCH i .l jrf rf , ti OLOStMD -!;,'T Pomerpy,0, community Iff one of the greatest . improvement " A -psa . sJ f 1 j - to ustf T . "'Wi'itLViiAiiic- .!'n'2 hats ....11 - .-.t AND CAREFULLY SELECTED , . . . ., ' . . - - . . r - t - 1 j. rr 1 - season;; J-.ani , jirepareu .i- oner jto;Bijr .,;r v .... "l uiuciaj-,- uaizuaij vf. iotv: - ANbKEW liUKItEltT. Siiv6r' Watches . ' .., cur old custoriicrsi and all1 otoers-whft keep constantly on" hau'l ajtood assto''-