Newspaper Page Text
PREMIUM LIST Of tho Tenth Annual Fair of tho Meigs County Agricultural Association, to 'be licld at Racine, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19 and 20, 1860. 1st Class Horses. Best Stallion, over 5 years old, v $3 00 2d " " " " 3 00 Best Brood Mare, 2 or 3 speci mens of stock, 4 00 2d " . " " 2 00 - Best Stallion, 4 years old, 3 00 2d " " " 2 00 Best Mare Colt, 4 years old, 3 00 2d " " " " 2 00 Best Horse Colt, 3 years old, 2 00 2d " " " " 1 00 . Best Mare Colt, 3 years old, 2 00 2d " " " . " 1 00 Best Horse Colt, 2 years old, 2 00 2d " " " " 1 00 Best Maro Colt, 2 years old, 2 00 2d " " " 1 00 Best Vearlins Horse, 2 00 2d " " " " 1 00 Best Yearling Maro, 2 00 2d " " . . " 1 00 Best sucking Horse Colt, 2 00 2d " . " " " 1 00 Best sucking Mare Colt, 2 00 2d " ;' "1 00 COMMITTEE-P. Fisher, B. 2d Class IHnlcs & Draft Horses. Best span draft Horses or Mares, 1 $3 00 2d " " " ' " 2 00 - Best span matched Horses or Mares, ' 3 00 2d " " " " 2 00 Best span matched carriage Horses or Mares, 3 00 2d " " " " 2 00 Best family buggy Horse or Mare, 3 00 2d " " " " 2 00 "Best family buggy norse or Mare, - 3 00 2d " ,f 2 00 'Best" Jack, " 4 00 2d " - " - - : M 3 00 Best span Miles, 5 years old, 2 00 7m v 2 to 4" 2 00 .-- $i u ' 1 to 2 ,2 00 " sucking Mule, " 2 00 Best saddle Horse or Mare, 2 00 2d " " " . 1 00 COMMITTEE S. Tullar, J. V. Worley, B. M. Skinner. 3d Class Cattle. '; Best blooded Bull, over 4 years old, ?5 00 2d " . " over 4 " 4 00 Best " 3 " 3 00 2d " " 3 " 2 00 Best " 2 . " 3 00 2d " " 2 " .... 2 00 Best Yearling Bull Calf, ' , 2 00 2d " . 1 00 Best Bull Calf, 2 00 Best blooded Cow, over 4 years -old, 4 00 2d " " " " 3 00 Best Heifer, 3 years old, 4 00 2d " " - " " 3 00 Best " 2 " . 3 00 2d " " " . " 2 00 Best Yearling Blooded Heifer, 2 00 2d " " " " 1 00 Best blooded Bull Calf, 2 00 2d . " " " 1 00 Best " Heifer " 2 00 2d " " " " - 1 00 Best Milch Cow, specimen of Butter, and statement of . amount made dnring six days, at any time before the . next Fair affidavit of the same, 4 00 2d . " " " 3 00 COMMITTEE Abner Stout, Leroy ! Jones, M. Adams. 4th Class rat Cuttle. slanghter, . $3 00 2d " " M u 2 00 &esi yotte -urait uibu, u Best " Trained " 3 00 - Best pair Steers, 4 years old, 3 00 Best " 3 " 3 00 ,i Best " 2 " 3 00 Best " 1 year old, 2 00 Best Team of Oxen from any : one Township, 10 00 Morse, G. B. Forrest, W. Car penter. 5tli Class Sheep. Best Fine-wooled Buck, $4 00 2d " " " 3 00 Best 2 Fine-wooled Ewes, 4 00 2d " " " " . 3 00 Best 3 " - Lambs, : 2 00 t i. n T I, nn Best 3 " Ewes, 2 00 Best 3 " -Lambs, 2 00 Best lot Fat Sheep, not less than 5, 2 00 COMMITTEE Thos. Egan, S. Titus, C. DeCamp. 6tb Class Hogs and Poultry. " Best Boar, v , $4 00 2d " " r ' 2 00 Best Brood Sow, ; ; 4 00 2d ' " " 2 00 Best Fat Hog, 4 00 2d " " 3 00 Best Hog under 1 year old, , 2 00 Best pair Turkeys, 100 Best pair Chickens, .' 1 00 COMMITTEE L. Robin son, Thosl Alexander, Milo Guth rie. ': ' : " " ?tn Class -Crops. Best acre Wheat, bottom land, not less than 30 bu. state- : ment ' of how crop was raised, $10 00 2d " " " " 5 00 Best acre Wheat, hill land, not . ' -less than 25 bu., - 10 00 24 " ,M " " 5 00 Best crop Corn, bottom land, not less than 75 bu., 6 00 2i ? - - ' 3 oo Best crop Corn, hill land, not less than 60 bu., 6 00 2d " " , . " " 3 00 Best j acre Chinese Sugar Cane, 3 00 Best specimen of Sugar made from same, , 2 00 Best " Molasses " 1 00 . Best acre 'Oats, not less than . 40 bu., , , . 5 00 2d " " " " 2 00 Best acre nay, bottom land, 4 00 2d " " " " 2 00 Best acre Hay, hill land, 4 00 2d " " " 2 00 Best bu. Wheat, 1 00 2d - " " 50 Best " Oats, " 1 00 2d ; " " " 50 Most and best varieties Corn, J dot. ears each, 1 00 2d " r ; " 50 Best a re Irish Potatoes, not less than 5& b., 5 00 23 " " . " " 2 00 Best " hill land, " 5 00 2il " ci 2 00 . Bert acre 8weot Potatoes, 5 00 2d " " - " 2 00 COMMITTEE Board of Di rectors. . 8th Class-Fruit, Ac. varieties, .4 (1 $5 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 Gil- '2d Best bu. Peaches, u " u u Best bu. Pears, 2d 2d 2d Best J bn. Quinces, Best J bu. Dried Apples, Best i bu. Dried Peaches, Best bu. Grapes, COMMITTEE I. M more, J. P. Higley, E. Paden. th Cluss Vegetables. Best bu. Potatoes, SI 00 2d " " 50 Best bu. sweet Potatoes, 1 00 2d " " u 50 Best bu. Yams, 1 00 2d " ' 50 Best doz. Watermelons, 1 00 2d " " " 50 . Best doz. Muskmelons, 1 00 2d " " . " 50 Best doz. heads Cabbage, 50 Best & bu. Onions, 1 00 2d " " " " 50 Best bu. Beets, 1 00 Best bu. Turnips, 50 Best bu. Carrots, 50 Best doz. Pumpkins, 1 00 2d " " " 50 Best doz Squashes, 50 Best bu. Tomatoes, 50 COMMITTEES. P. Stout, John Woods, Jr., Gates Thomp son, 4 ' lOili Clas Butter, Cheese, Honey, dec. Best 3 fts. Butter, $2 00 2d " -.. i oo Best Cheese, 1 00 2d " u 50 Best 5 Mbs. Honey in comb, 1 00 2d " " " 50 Best loaf Yeast Bread, 1 00 2d" " " 50 Best loaf Salt Rising Bread, 1 00 2d " " " 50 Best Smoked Ham, 1 00 2d " " " 50 Best Peach Preserves, 50 2d- " " " 25 Best Quince Preserves, 50 2d " -" " 25 Best Tomato Preserves, ' 50 2d " . " " 25 . Best Currant Jelly, 50 2d " " " 525 Best Grape Jelly, 50 2d " " " 25 Best Peach Jelly, 50 2d " " 25 Best Sweet Pickles, . 50 2d " " " 25 Best Sour Pickles, 50 2d " " " 25 Best air-tight can Peaches, 50 2d " " " 25 Best air-tight can Blackberries, - 50 2d " " 25 Best air-tight can Raspberries, 50 2d " " u 95 Best air-tight can Gooseberries, . 50 2d " " " 25 Best air-tight can Currants, 50 2d " " " 25 - Best air-tight can Plums, 50 2d " " " 25 Best air-tight can Tomatoes, 50 2d " " " " . 25 COMMITTEE Dr. Philson, Mrs. Heckard, Mrs. J. Woods, Mrs. M. Paden. llth Class Domestic Articles. Best 10 yds. Flannel, $ 50 2d " " " 25 Best 10 yds. Jean, 50 2d " " " 25 Best pr. Blankets, 50 2d ." .- 25 Best 10 yds. Bag Carpet, 1 00 2d " " " ? 50 Best Yarn Carpet, 1 00 2d " " " . 50 Best pr. Woolen Stockings,' ' 50 2d " " " 25 Best pr. Woolen Socks, - 50 2d " " " 25 Best pr. Cotton Stockings, 50 2d " " " 25 Best pr. Woolen Mittens, 50 2d " " 25 Best quilt, 50 2d " " . 25 Best Designed Quilt, 50 2d " " . 25 Best Pieced Quilt, 50 2d - " " 25 Best Bed Spread, 50 2d " " " . 25 Best Coverlet, 50 2d " 25 Best Hearth Bucr, 50 2d " : " 25 COMMITTEE J. M. Coop er, Mrs. J. M. Cooper, Mrs. L. Carleton, Miss Caroline Stout. 12th Class Fancy "W ork. Best Grecian Oil Painting, $1 00 Best Pearl Painting, 1 00 . Best Water-color Painting, 1 00 Best Mono-chromatic Painting, 1 00 Best Tintigraph Painting, 1 00 Best Velvet and Satin Paint ings by theorems. EMBROIDERY. - Best Silk Embroidery, Best French Embroidery, Best Scotch Embroidery, Best Worsted Embroidery, : Best Chinele Embroidery, TAPESTRY. Best Silk Tapestry, Best Worsted Tapestry, FLOWERS. Best Natural Flowers, Best Worsted Flowers, Best Paper Flowers, FANCY ARTICLES. . Best Pattern drawing for Dres ses, Best Crochet Work, Best Wax Work, Best Floral Work, Best Coral Work, Best Moss Work, Best Bead Baskets, Best Fancy and Domestic Cook ery, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 COMMITTEE H. L. Sibley, Miss E. Day, Mrs. Capt. Ste phenson, Mrs. Webb Cooper. 13th Class manufactured Arti cles. Best Farm Wagon, 2d " " " . Best Z House Carriage, 2d " . u " Best 1 Horse Buggy, Top, 2d " ' " " Best l'Horse Buggy, Open, 2d " " " - Best Ox Cart, Best 2 Horse Plough, 2d " " " Best Harrow, $5 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 2d " . . 2 00 Best Ox Yoke and Bows Staple and Eing, 2 00 2d " " " 1 00 Best Horse Rake, 2 00 2d " " " 1 00 Best Grain Cradle, 2 00 2d " " 1 00 Best Hand Rake, 50 2d " " " 25 COMMITTEE Chas. Pugh, Milton Day, II. II. McElhinny. 14th Class fllanufactu red Arti cles. Best Man's Saddle, S3 00 2d " " " 2 00 Best Ladie's Saddle, 3 00 2d " " 2 00 Best Sett Carriage Harness, 4 00 2d " " " 2 00 Best Sett Wagon Harness, 3 00 2d " " " 2 00 Best Buggy Harness, 2 00 2d " " " 1 00 Best Riding Bridle, . 50 Best Horse Collar, 50 Best Side Harness, 1 00 2d " " " 50 Best Sole, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best Upper, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best Calfskin, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best pr. Boots, ' 2 00 2d " . " 1 00 Best pr. Ladies' Heel Gaiters, 1 00 2d " " " " 50 Best pr. Congress Boots, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best pr. Stoga Boots, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best pr. Stoga Shoes, 50 Committee S. Curtis, R. B. Wilson, Wm. P. Morse. 15lh Class Manufactured Arti cles. Best bbl. Flour, S2 00 2d " 1 00 Best bbl. Dairy Salt, 1 00 Best bbl. Packing Salt, 1 00 Best doz. Boxes Table Salt, 1 00 Best Tight Barrel, 50 Best Flour Barrel, 50 Best 5 pieces Tinware, 1 00 Best Churn, 1 00 2d " " 50 Best i doz. Brooms, 1 00 Best Marble, Specimen, 6 00 2d " " " 4 00 3d " " " . 2 00 Committee M. Heckard, J. W. Allen, Wm. Curtis. 16th Class Plowing Match. Best and quickest 1-16 acre plowing, $5 00 2d " " " " 3 00 Committee Tunis Middle swart, H. Plummer, Wm. Led lie. 17th Class Equestrlanslilp. Best, and most graceful Rider, $5 00 2d " " " " 4 00 3d " " " " 3 00 4th " " " " 2 00 Those wishing to compete for the above premiums will give their names, together with the name3 of their part ners, to the Secretary, on the first day. The names will be reported to the Board, and on the morning of the sec ond day they can receive tickets of ad mission at the Office, if approved. Jnsuranrf. GUARD AGAINST FALL AND WINTER FIRES! BY Ohoioe lusurauoe WITH THK Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL,, $1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF $500,000.00, And the prestige of 40 years success and experience. Upward of $12,000,000 of losses have been paid by the jKtna Insurance Company in the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE 2ETNA DtJRIHO TBC PAST TIVK TliRSt In Ohio, - - - $431,520 83 In Wisconsin, 106,053 07 In Michigan, 158,043 81 In Indiana, 146,839 81 In Illinois, - - 448,3-27 41 Tennessee, - - 97,549 21 Kansas & Neb., 19,945 77 Ark. dt Ga., - 33.945 09 in neniucty, - i)4,iu 4U Missouri, - - - 384,518 04 Iowa A- Minn., 101.3(t9 46 Penn. fc Va., - 31,595 82 Mississippi and Alabama, - - $53,413 18 Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit. Especial attention given to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid service long and successfully tried, and the many advantages the vtna Insurance Company possesses in its line, should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. Dnring "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an imperative duty the ability, of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. Agencies In all the principal cities and towns throughout the State. Policies issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Agents of Ihe Company. UTpBusiness attended to with despatch and fidel ity. OREN BRANCH, Agevt, , Sept. 20.-38-3m. Pomerov, O. Exclusively Fire Insurance. POMEROYAGENCY, MANHATTAN mi INSURANCE COMPANY, Bo. 68 Wall Street, New York, .- w c INCORPORATED, 1821. WM. PITT PALMER, President. ANDREW J. SMITH, Secretary. . . ; . DIRECTORS: W. P. Palhek. Peter Cooper, Henry Ellsworth, Auqdstob W. Ward, James Co lies, Sidney Masom, Moses Taylor, L. S. Suarez, Johk Caswell, John Steward, John C. Greer, Samuel F. Mott, Rcfcs L. Lord, Wm. F. Mott, Wm. W. Fox, Edwin D. Moeoah, Richard Tioni, Thomas Barrou, Robert B. MiimiRN, Thomas w. a earball Eben a. Crocker. This staunch old Company having fully complied with the laws of this State, continue to insure the safer classes of property Against Loss or Damage by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stack Companies. Their policies are free from technicalities, thus avoiding litigation, having had only ore lawsuit during s business of THIKTY-NINE YEAES. Particnlar attention given to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Agencv. JAMES RALSTON, AgeBt. western Branch office, No. 1 Superior Street, Cleveland, O. S. S. COE, General Agent. J0H5 SEWELL, Assistant. Apr. 84, '60.-l63m li15 m i REMOVAL. II AS REMOVED HIS JEWELRY Buildinr, immediately at the Head Landing Road, next door below Remington's Stre, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the same'time, open his new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reasonable prices, and he war rants every article to be of the value represented. His Store-Room is Bpacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will fini a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING, Will be executed in the very best nnnner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. , To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same. W. A. AICHER,Jeweler. 2-3-tf. At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. . gRtsattaneous. A GIFT. MOORE'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Husbands to their Wives and Daughters. The Introduction of this most beautiful ind emi nently practical machine will bring joyand glad ness to tho hearts of thousands of our country women throughout the land. It is pronounced by the best Jui'ees to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the pubic, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate en ail kinds of work, using any si a) and kind oT thread, from No. 8 to 3(10. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few ef its sujerior ad vantages. 1st. "It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re winding. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus preventing the damnging of goods. 5th. It runs with great ease, and quietly. Cth. It can be understood and operated upen with very little instruction. Tth. It is sold fir the low price of thirty dollars. Specimens of its work will be seut to an; one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine and work can be seen at the agents' residence, next door to Dr. Train's Office, near the Bank building. McITlASTEU V SOX, Sole and exclnsive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. Jan. 3, '59. I-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWIN6 MACHINES AT New York Prices. THE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS ness and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to enable purchasers to sew ordi nary seams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. Each Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the nnder signed agent. C, E. DOiJNALLY. Pomeroy November, '59.--tf Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. R. R ON and after Thursday, April 26, 1860, trains will leave Athens as follows: Goino East Express Mail at 1336 p. if . Goiwa Wist Mail at 10:36 a. m. jrpExpress mail east makes close connections at Farkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all points West. XCpPassengers leaving Parkersburg at 8:10 a. h. arrive at Coluinbns9:13 p. m. JOTickese at reduced rates are sold at Chilll Cothe and Athens, for Columbus. JTrTh rough tickets to all points East and West can be obtained at all the principal Ticket Offices on the line of the Road. A discount of ten cents on each ticket from re gu ar tariff rates will be made on all tickets purchased at the ticket offices. ORLAKD SMITH, Sup't. J. Fooqitt, Gen'l Ticket Ag't. Chil. may. 1,59. L. B. MOORE, Saddle, Hrrness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments. He calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world" on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs. Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, Sc., at the highest market price. June 21, '59. 25-ly The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets, POMEROY, OHIO. SIM0I SILVERMAN Wholesale and retail Dealer in .HEADY-MADE CtOTHtNG7 HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, ANX) GHOCEHIE8, Invites the public to his splendid stock, which he has recently received. It is unnecessary to particularize, but I -will say, that my stock it is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled. Jan. 24, I860 4-4-tf. FOR WOOL. rjIHE highest market price paid for Wool at I. FALLER'S "GREAT BARGAIN STORE," June 5, '60. 2m, POMEROY, O. REMINGTON HOUSE. F. B. RIHELDARFER, Proprietor , At the head of Steamhoat Landngj Front Street Pomeroy, Ohio. STOKE TO A. BURNAP'S NEW of tie Wharf-Boat gftisrenanjotts. W. B. 8KIRVIN. C OL. THOS. SMITH. EXCEtStOft MAHBtE WORKS, K.ACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the V. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. THE UNDERSICNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizeus of Meics and ad joining counties, that they are ngw prepared to turmsn to order, Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, lable-lops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality of Foreign or American Marble. Those withing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. SK.I11V1N, K.EIXEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf NEW GROCERY AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queensware, Shoes, &c, &c. at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, which will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, - Oat-Meal, Sugar, Dried Apples, - Coffee, Dried Peaches, Tea, Potatoes. Molasses, Hominy, Sirup, Pearl Barley, Vinegar, Beans, Bacon, Peas, Dried Beef, Raisins, Codfish,. Currants ' Mackerel, White Fish, - &c, &c. C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy, March 1. 2-0-ly CHINA, GLASS QUEEIsVlPiE. WE i nvi te the attention of buyers, to onr large and well assorted stork of Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesltnucyin savins that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than tnev are som many oiner western market. Ml orders carefully selected and well packed. We solicit an examination of nur stock. . PUKSELL &GOHDON, .Ci-El Front street, Portsmouth, O. PL0 W$!?L0 WS! . HAVE on hand one hundred PATENT LEVER PLOWS, Pittsburgh Pattern, which I will sell as fol lows: Right Hand No. 2 $5.00 " " No. 3 6.00 " No.'s 4 and 5 7.00 Left Hand No. 4 7.00 Hill Side No. 4 7.50 I also make to order three sizes Right and Left Hand, Rich's Patent Cast Iron Beam Plows. Scrap taken in exchange. mar. Q, '50. tf J. W. G. STACKPOLE. MAY PURCHASES SECOND $mUG STOCK. J. F. T0WELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Notions, front St. (.Portsmouth, O. nAVING now In store an immense stock of Sea sonable Spring and Summer Goods, I would in vite the attention of merchants to the same. Parties who make their main purchases East, will find it convenient to replenish as they may need, at short notice. Orders filled to best advantage, and en as good terms as if the purchaser were present. Portsmoutn, 0.,may 19,'BO 21-ly J. F. TO WELL. ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowen & Nesmith J NOW WITH M. WILLIAMSON, & CO. Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in DRY G OODS, 425 Market & 414 Commerce Sts. M. WILLIAMSON, Bet. 4th & 5th North side Philadelphia. O. H. WILSON, S. M. ANDERSON, H. C. POTTER, March 1, '59. LANDS FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers FOR SALE, on rea sonable terms, and in lots to suit pur chasersjall the lands in Meigs county, and ad joining counties, belonging to the estate of Na- hum Ward, late of Marietta, Ohio, deceased. Title indisputable. WM. S. WARD, Executor on the estate of Marietta, O., May 30, 'CO. 23 Nahum Ward. SPRING GOODS. A GENERAL assortment of Reasonable Goods, just received, and for sale right, consisting of Dry Goods, Books, Stationery, Wall Papers, Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Farmers' and Mechanics' Tools, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Musical Instruments, and, in fact, the greatest assortment of Goods to be found under any roof in this section. Call in and examine would like it, if you buy a few ! ! WM. H. REMINGTON. No. 940, corner of Liun and Front st's. May, I860. 22-tf MAGNIFICENT ENGRAVING OF CHRIS TOPHER COLUMBUS AND HIS CREW. THIS Beautiful Engraving was designed by Ro bens, one of the most celebrated artists that ever lived ; the cost of the original design and nlnte being over 88,000, size 22 by 39 inches. The Philadelphia Daily News says, "the mere nominal sum asked for the engraving, is a sufficient inducement for persons to purchase, without the ad- ditionalGlft.SCHEuuLE op GFTS To be given to the purchasers. For full particulars, send for a small Bill. . 1 Cash, 5,000 5 Cash, ?300 Call" 3,000 10 Cash, W0 ICash 2,000 10 Cash, 250 cash 1 500 JO Cash, 200 Cash, 1,000 19 Cash, 100 I Cash, 500 10 Cash, 50 Cash! r.00 1000 Cash, 5,000 4 cash, 300 2000 Cash, 5,000. Together with a great variety of other valuable Gifts, varj ing in value from 50 c'ts to $25. Any person enclosing in a letter $1 and five 3 cent postage stamps (to pay for postage and roller) shall receive, by return of mail, the magnificent ' En graving of Christopher Columbus, (and one of these valuable Gifts as per Bill.) Address all orders Tor Bills or Engravings to P. S. HERLISK & Co., may 38 '90 80-3ni Box 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. MOTHERS. Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because itmtvaa ruts to afford instan taneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains Ifo Paregoric or Opiate of art kind, and therefore relieves by removing tit, slfferinos of your child,- instead of by deaokn-' inu its sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself ns the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery .-Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, "Wind, COM in the Head, and Croup; also for softening the gums, reducing inflammation, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal being an anti-spasmodic it Is used with unfailing success in all cases of Convulsion or other Fits. As you value the life and health of yonr children, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting conseqneuees which are cer tain to rsult from the use of narcotics of which nil other remedies for Infantile Complaints are com' posed, take none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only bv CUUKC1I & DBPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. BLOOD" FOOD. Healthy human Blood npon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives, of course, tbu True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering rroiu Consumption, I.ivcr Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c, and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you ape made well. The Blood Food Is founded upon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases, For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fliction whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, use No. i, which is also the No. for Depression of Spirits, Loss o.f Appetite, aud for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility, aud Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared for absorption it is Taken by Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what yon gain yon retain. The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses, &c. Bee spe cial directions for this. For Salt Kheuni, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, nnd Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food, f 1 per bottle. Sold by CHUKCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New Yirk. By - - - And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. 3-4-y. S ANFORD'S UVEH INVJGORATOn, NEVER DEBILITATES. XT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known ami ap have used it. and is now fldence in all the diseases mended. It has eured thousands years who had given up the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adapt ment of Ihe individual sui h quantities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use f the Liver will cure Liver Coin Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks, Dyspepsia, Sum entery, Habitual Costive Cholera Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two or threo Teaspoon commenceinent of an at- All who use it are giv lii its favor- proved by all tha resorted to with con" for which it is recom- within the last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed to the tnmnftrn- Q : taking it, and used in I. gently on the Bowels. "t' iuilcillMnt. OMlitl.k vmi J - --r. f ----- Invigorator, and it ' plaints, Dropsy, Sour rhoen, Billious At mer Complaints, Dys ( ness, Cholic, Cholera, Infantum, Jaundice, Flatulence, and may 1 Ordi ary Family Sick Headache, (as twenty minutes, if fuls are takeu at the tack. tug their testimony Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Price Ono Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SAN FORD'S FAMttV CATHARTIC HU$y CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put vp in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro- prietor has used in his practice more than The constantly increas who have long used the tion which all express in induced me to place iweniy years, ing demand from tiiose Pills nnd the satisfac regard to their use, has them within the reach ef an. The profession well H -know that different Ca- tharics act on differ nt The Family Cathartic ence to this well estnb pounded from a variety Extracts, which act alike iincutary canal, aud are ease i where a Cathar Derangeinents of the Back and Lions, Sleeni- Innrllnn, nf lh ft, j Pill has, with due refer H lished fact, beeu com- of the purest Vegetable on every part of the al- goed and safe in all u tic is needed, such as Stemach, Pains in the ness, Costivenoss, Pain whole body, from sml- and Soreness over the (Inn nftlH- whiih frc.i quently, if neglected, l ever, Loss of A npctite. end in a long course of 8 Creeping Sensation Restlessness, Headache, T) Inflammatory Diseases, V Adults, Kheun utisru, aj Blood aud many diseases too numerous to nien-1 of Cold over the Body, or weignt in 1 lie neaa,all Worms in Children or great Purifier of the to which flesh is heir, tion in tnis advertise menu Dose, 1 to 3. PEICE, THREE DIMES. The Liver Inrigorator and Family Cathnrtie Pills are retailed iy lirnggists generally, ana soiu wuole sale by the trade in all the large towns. S. T. V . SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 3-4-y. 335 Broadway, New York. HAH HO OD, IIOW I.OST, HOW RESTORED. Just Puhlished, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radi- J.X. cal cure of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weak ness. Sexual Debility. Nervousness aud Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental in a ruysicai ueoiiuy. By ROB.' J. CULVERWELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences of seil-aouse may oe enecmauy removed wiinout inter nal medicines or the dangerous applications of cau stics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely now and hignly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, oy means oi wnicn every one is enaoieq to cure Him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all tho advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture win prove a boon to tnousauas ana thouands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two nostasre statins, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post box 4,586. may l, 'ou 17-iyj HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En dewment.forthe Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, kuu especially lor me ture ui Aiscascs ui me oex aal Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med icines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases oi me hexuai organs, ana on tae new Kein edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the af dieted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, so. 3 south Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEART WELL, GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. President. PLANING MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill, has a large assortment of Lumber, either rough or planed, on hand, -which will be sold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As he is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of the material. All orders addressed to JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O., Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, will be promptly attended to. may '1, 186U. 3-ZU-yj SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to announee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Sugar Run. near the Tannery, wnere ne win manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call. N. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. . DAVID GEYER. Pomeroy, 1-1. tf A. G. CROWLEY & CO., WILL HEREAFTER CARRY ON THE Carpenter and Joiner business; Door3, Sash, Blinds, &c, executed to order. From long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders en trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the public, and we respectfully ask a continuance of their favors. The Mill is a few doors above Williamson's Flouring Mill. 1-16-tf LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLOR S RUN, AND Carr's Run. Application to be made to M. Heckard, Esq., Pomeroy. Aug. 16,33-t S. W. POMEROY. CANCERS CURED. DR. G.COLER TENDERS liis professionnj services to all in Southern Ohio and Northern' Tirgin'i'a, lio are afflicted vrith cancer, in any 6f its firms. Cancerous and other malignant tumors' re moved Without the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others that might be adduced, are testimonials from physicians of extensive and long-continued practice: Albany, Athens Co., O., Jan. 12, 1860. Iik. G. Coler Dear Sir: Having seen several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent eureef Cancer in anv of its forms mnv be had, if application be made to you before the tumor affects the Vital organs. JOHN EARHAKT, M. D. HABftisdXYiELE, Meigs Co., Jan. 5, 1800. I take Dleasure in cer&fvrnsr that Dr. fr. Coler's mode of treating Cancers is completely successful, as many difficult cases resulting in quiek and perma nent cures, through his treatment. have come under my notice, as a practising D&yslcian during the last 12 years. JOSEPH MOORE, M. D. OSSce and residence, opposite Uti'gg St Coe's Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24, I860. 3-4-y National Dispensary for Private Diseases, Established Jqnuary 1st, 1859. $500, $50 FORFEIT! Three Eminent Physicians in constant attendance. The facility of the institution, consisting of PROF. EGBERT JACKSON, Member of the Roval College of ourgeons, London. DR. ROBERT HERBERT, Late of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VELPEAU. Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of 8500, a complete cure of ever Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, and without mercury. We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because we will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. Tub Physicians of the National Dispensary have discoverko the ONLY REMEDY in the WORLO from all the KrFacTS or eaklt impri dknci. Relief in twenty-four hours. A cure warranted in from one to three weeks. Married persons, or yenng people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or organic debility, should make application at once. They who place themselves under our care, may rely religiously in our honor as gentlemen that their secret will be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CURE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body and Mind. The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, A Book of near 300 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for those who are married or thinking of mairiage, will be sent on receipt of 53 cents. This book contains the most valuable information in the language. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in the hands of very young persons, as it contains in formation that might be perverted to unworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Love and Beauty, never before Satisfactorily revealed in any book In the English language. Price 5(1 cents one of the cheapest books in the world. Send for a Circular fully describing it. Very liberal terms to those who buy In large or small quantities to sell again, made known on appli cation. The low price at which the book is retailed (50 cents) renders it one of the quickest selling books in the market. Special inducements to clubs. Every letter must contain six cents in stamps, for which will be sent a fpli written Reply; also, Thi Dispensary Circi-lar, a truly valuable advisory doc ument for old or young, married or unmarried, and especially for all who have made themselves old vokno mkn by a certain secret practice. It contains more valuable information thnii many books. M. Vklpkac's Beactifyino Powder. It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, and effectually prevents the formation of wrinkles, blotches, frcvklus, pimples, wens, etc., etc. Price SI per box, sent by mail. Dr. Jackson's Female Monthly Pills, invaluable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price $1, forwarded by mail. Dr. Jackson's Pkrpetdal Preventive, is the only article In the world that without Inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept at the hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no ether preventive in use aud is superior to all. Forwarded to any address. Address Drs. JACKSON, HEBERT & Co., or simply P. O. Box 436, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office 167 Sycamore street. Medicines and instructions sent promptly to any part of the country. 8-3!) om. . (durational. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, HARTFORD CITY, MASON CO., VA. This Institute has been snccessfully commenced under the patronage of the Hartford City Coal, Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers' and Mechanics' sons and daughters, where they may receive the advantages of a superior EDUCATION to what has hitherto been offered them in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It is now entering on its second session, and is de lightfully situated on a gently sloping sandy emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, and only a short distance from the Steamboat Landing. The School Room and Teacher's Residence is held In that spa cious building formerly known as the Brethren Church. The room contains 2,000 sqare feet, and is replete with every suitable convenience. . The beating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stoves, and 280 feet of window light, and being elevated 16 feet above the road way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. There is also a Library and Reading Department attached, for the use of students, containing many excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to suit the desire of all parties, and it is intended hereafter, to add a Piano Forte, for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. The School Is conducted by the Principal, aided by Asssstants, male and female. The male pupils are taught every branch of learn ing necessary for their future advantage, making them cnrable of entering on all such duties as may hereafter offer for their weal. The female department are also taught every nec essary accomplishment, with plain and fancy needle work in addition to a sound scholastic course. Hours of attendance, 9 to 12, and 3 to 5, for youth, and Bi to 9, for adults. 1 hus may the children of the above receive as lib eral an education astn aristocratic institutions, whose charges exclude many a naturally talented child from obtaining the assistance necessary to develop its intellect. Pupils charged only from time of entrance. . Terms peraession of 3 months, $2.50 each. A limited number ef boarders are taken at a small charge.' References may be bad to parents, of pupils, either in utiio, west Columbia, Mason city or mis place, on application to the Principal, at the Institute. SAMUEL B. SAUNDERS, Preceptor. Oct. 4.-40-tf. ' MOUNT AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. THIS Select Seminary, situated in the beautiful and healthy suburb of Cincinnati, called Mount Auburn, claims equal standing with the most ap proved Schools in the Eastern States. The pupils form a part of the family of the Princi pal, and the charges are placed at the lowest rates consistent with the superiority of the domestic ar rangements and style of the Institution. The course of education reaches the highest branches usual in the best Female Seminaries. There are two sessions of about twenty-one weeks each. The charge for ooard, lodging, light, washing, English, scientific and classical branches, is $150 per session. ' Music, singing, painting and Modern Languages at customary rates. "Being within a few minutes' ride from Fourth Street, by omnibus leaving every hnif hour, this school affords peculiar facilities to families residing on the river. For the success of the Institute, in accomplishing its aims, reference is made with great confidence to its patrons. The next session will open on Tuesday, the 13th of September, 1859. Applications may be made to Rev. E. A. CRAW LEY, D. D., Mount Auburn; orto J. H. WHITE, Esq., at Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co.'s, Cincinnati. Reference is also made (with permission) to Hon. V. B. Horton, and Charles Pomeroy, Esq., Pomeroy, Ohio. August 31, 1859. 36-3t FRUIT CANS- Prall & Hatch Are manufacturing Fruit Cans by the thousands, and would say to the public that all experienced persons will testify to the superiority of the TIN CAN over all others, and as being the ONLY re liable and safe vessel in which to put up Fruit. We are selling them very low this season. Also, a large lot of wax, for cementing Cans. 24-3m Pcdtrai. Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. DR. rtOBACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIED WHEN DR. ROBACK, the celebrated Swedish' Physician, introduced his Blood Purifier and Blood Pills in the United States, he set forth in plain language their, curative properties. This was years' ago. The task of recommending them has since been taken out of his hands. Enlightened men, whose character for sound judgment and philosophy' gives their opinions weight in tne community, men' who observe, reflect, and make "assurance doubly sure" before they decide are everywhere ap-' proving and urging the use of these wonderful Prep-' arations. All who confide in the wisdom and lion-, esty of this class, or who choose to investigate for. themselves are now of one mind on this important subject. Dr. Koback invites the attention of the sick to th' Original Letters, frolft members of the Medical Profession, Editor! ' public jbiirnals, well known Mercbantsand Farmers' and Ladies 6T the highest respectability, giving ac counts of extraordinary cures wrought by the reme dies, of which cures they themselves were Eye Witnesses. These parties may be' eMtaufted personally or b' letter, by those w&O" have any donbt npon the sab' ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Robaek? winch is at all times accessible" to Ibe public, csUb Ushes the following , , . FACTS: That the"BIoo.l Pnrifler"and "Bi'obtf PTfrV'afV Keen nrnved hv muilvfli' tn Contain no Minerats That they euro the almost universal coinplr n(f Dyspepsia, ; with unerring certainty, and in a very short Jlme That after all other medicines have proved useless they relieve Iriver Complaint, and restore the health and strength of the s Tha Sick Females, who have languished for yean, in helpless weakness!' and despondency, recuperate with great' rapidity nnder their invigorating operation. That all sexnar disabilities are removed by th ;lr cordial and gently stimulating properties. That thoy recruit Sliattered Constitutions, however they may have been trifled with and abnseav that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, i n render it enjoyable. That, operating directly UMn' tt 3 poisonous disease in the blood, they Cause Soon to Heal, ' and discharge from the system, every taint of Sero ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they Recruit the Debilitated, and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous system, the skin, glands or muscles, arisiico from impurities or the bload akd' SBCurriOHS, in which they do not give prompt reliefer and, (if administered before the very citadel of life' has been invaded,) effect a painlessand perfect cure. Bear in mind that the "Scandinavian Vegetable" Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience of thou sands of living witnesses, who, in letters, affidavits, medical works, and by word of mouth, proclaim them to be the very best preparation ef the kind ever offered to the broken-down victims of ill-health. They hunt disease through every avenue and organ of the system, and to expel it thoroughly and perma--nently. No one can doubt theirsuperiority after one single' trial they are not only better, but, In fact, cheaper' than any other Pills, for it takes a leas number of them to produce a better effect. Price of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Puri fier, SI per bottle, or $5 per half dozen. Of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, SS cents per In difficult or complicated Cases, Dr. Roback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for the reply. . . rroiu hqt. iur. jucjuuuvii, asiiirui mjvcriB mapvi. Indianapolis, October 6, 1H57. Dr. C. W. Roback Dear Sin I have used your Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from which I have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste. It sertninly has a happy effect npon the nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re-. cards, and believe me Yours. Principal Office and Sales Rooms, No. 6 East ruuriii Bireei, nuiiuiiig iruui juaiu vvnsvt, isiuciu- nati,0. Laboratory in Hammond street. For sale in Meigs Co., by D. Reed, Pomeroy; Hugo & Coe, Middleport;' E.' S. Branch, Rutland; J. M. Cooper, Pageville; J. R. Ellis, Racine; Rob erts & Tidd, Long Bottom; I. H. Hayman, Apple Grove; "Welden & Bestow, Chester; A. E. Reed, Orange P. O.; W. M. Swallow, Letart Falls; Wm. Dickey, Harrisonville; M. E.. Smith, Syracuse; and by Druggists and Merchants generally, throughout the Union. 3-7-y. DR. 91 A It T.I N1'8 CATA MENIAL CORRECTOR!!, HAS HAD A TEN TEAB81 TSIAL, SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE EVERY ' aunenn? woman of the Great Value of the CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR!! . And that it is with on t erftentl An WrTHE BEST MEDICINE BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOR ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IRREGU tiAKIlllSS.UHKOWIt; OK NERVOUS DEBILITY. PALPITATION ClV THK HKAUT ; VERTIGO OH DIZZINESS, PAINS IN THE KIDNEYS, rAlSS IH THE SMALL Or THK BACK, . PAINS UNDER THE SHOULDERS, T.nWNH'Mfi r P SPIRITS ' DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION mi a-rjj s. lUD.minun null, ; OR CESSATION OF THE MENSES, And an almost endless variety nf other diseases at' tendaut on Irregularities superinduced by colds, by ctrcDL'Viitrn mcvctdit t ) ; over exertion, oy a wean constitution, severe men tal or physical labor. The simple remedy for all Is to get at the primary eanse of the disease; remove it, and you assist nature to regulate. This can be done by the great " 1 : JAkkMAWA4 . wnicn nas never laueu to onect a cure waen prop erly used, according to the directions, and fair' trial given It. - It is prepared from the recipe, and nnder the per sonal supervision of a most Skilful Physician, who for a number of years confined its use to bis private practice. For the few years that It has been before the publ ic it has gained for itself a position that Willi soon, by Its rapid increase of popularity, place it at the head of all remedies heretofore offered for Women's diseases. The more especially those above enumerated, which too often end in ; , . CONSUMPTION. For sale by most respectable Druggists through out tbe Union and Cauadas. . Frioe, $LSO per Bottle,. N. B. When it happens that your Druggist has not the article, the money ran be remitted direct to ns, and if two er more bottles are ordered at one time, the medicine will be sent free of cbara-e for transportation. - Particular directions as to use, &c., accompanying each bottle. . Druggists can be supplied direct from our Labora tory, or Dy sending tneir orders to BARNES dt PARK, New York. F. C. WELLS 6c Co., New York. S. B. HANCE, Baltimore, Md. HVATVtO Dl.ilalnkia P. T Ji. - New Orleans, La. JOHN D. PARK, Cincinnati, O. H. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to any respectable Wholesale Druggists In New York or Philadelphia. Circular, with Trade Prices, &c., for the Corrector, and our other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buyers. No Medicine placed on Commission. J D. I. DE NYSE, ' General Agent for the United States and Canadas, ZO Ann St., New York.. July 10, (H. 27-ly . . , WOOL CARDING, AT THE RACINE WOOLEN FACTORY. HAVLNG put in new machinery, we are prepared to do Wool Carding at 4 cents per pound. All work warranted, where the wool is clean! rYool or Lard taken in pay for work. July 3, I860. -26-tf THOS. EGAN. T O -T H E - PEOPLE OF MIDDLEPORT AND VI CI NIT Fj ': rpHE undersigned has lust received, and is con- J. stantly receiving. Family Groceries of every de scri ption, aud intends to sell at a living profit. He is not " Running" against ether Grocery Keepers,, but places a fair profit on everything. Heiskeepiuga 33 H. TT ; : ti, nn,ifti'n with flin Rntnami utA will All all Mr. dersfor Cakes & Confectioneries of every descrip--tion. Give him a call and iudze lor vmrselves. tie also pays Cash for Country Produce. - , JOHN G. ENOR, - Front street. 4 doors below Kennedy's Drug Store,. Middleport, O. may 8, 1800. 18-3m. UNION LAW COLLEGE . a m si- TITTrT 4 VTV f LU(JATrJI Ai Xjua-nut v. SESSIONS commence on the 25th day of Au gust, loth day of December and 7th day of April. Students may enter at any term witl equal profit. The College is authoriied io confer all degrees. Upon graduating, students--receive the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and may bff admitted to practice without further examination. For Circular, address ,x - n ion m i. MA. KING. v - I , XA fa r1 pharmacyA