Newspaper Page Text
POME ROY . T ELE GRAPH. TCKSDjtT, t t I 3 t August 9, 1800. OaU Wanted. We will take oats on subscription, if delivered soon. '.Will some of our county suscribers" avail; themselves of the opportunityof'jthus paying their dues to thisce? o sT'The-" 'tLiueola Wide-awakes," mounted dnhorWback, will repair to Rutland this morning, (Tuesday,) to nieetlH'onV John Sherman, and escort him to Pomeroy. They, will make an lmposing'appearance. Look out for the Wide A wakes." BDon't forget the great meeting on the . sixth of September, at which the eloquent and true ; Republican,. F. Has saurek,' will be the speaker. Mr. Has saurek is ' one of the ablest German speakers iri the State, and is one of the. State Electors on the, Republican ticlcet. He will speak in. German, and We sincerely hope, that every German citizen will give ' him a hearing. It only " requires an investigation and an understanding of - the true posi tion of the parties to bring to the Republican ranks 'every intelligent German voter in the connty. Let every good Repub lican Use his influence to induce his neighbors. to turn out and hear Mr. Has- The "Lincoln Wide-Awakes." On Tuesday evening last a large num ber of Republicans met at tha Court IIouso "to consider the propriety of or ganizing a Wide-Awake Club." It was Boon ascertained that it was "quite proper,"iand highly desirable, as "the house was crowded with anxious volun teers, who were desirous of 'buckling on the armor," and enlisting in the army to battle for the right.'0, " '' .'-After ft! temporary organization was efifected,' the following; Constitution was adpte'd:' .:';.; ';v. ;'-' X v' " PREAMBLE. ' -We,' the i "undersigned, desirous of se-i curing the ascendancy and perpetuity of the principles of the Republican party, and the. election' of its candidates for of fice to all places of honor and trusthin the Government, do hereby ' explicitly declare Our entire devotion to the Con stitution and the . Union; to the protec tion and encouragement of American in dustry; qur opposition to " interference with slavery ja thev States where it now legally exists, and our unqualified and unalterable determination to. resist, by all constitutional .means its further ex tension,' and pledg? ourselves to use all honorable means for the success and tri umph of the principles of the Republi rza party, and for the election of its can dldates to office . ..'" ,' " ."'J''',.',".'! .' CONSTITUTION. ; Art. 1. The name of this Association shall be ''The Lincoln Wide-Awakes.'.' Art. 2. The Association shall, by meetings held under its direction, by its .general influence, and the personal in fluenoe of its members, seek to attain the object set forth in tho preamble. :" Art; 3. The officers of this Associa tion shall consist of a President, one Vice President, a Corresponding Secre tary, a'Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, an Executive. Committee of six, and a Commandant General. , .Art;. 4." On' occasion of public paraic, this Association shall be under the com mand of the Commandant General, who hall have power- to appoint such ' Aids as he may deem proper. Art. 5.' It shall be the duty of the President to preside at sll meetings of the Association, and to call meetings at any ' time under the direction of the Executive Committee. -Art. 6: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and hold the funds of the Association, and disburse the same only upon an order from the Exec utive Committee. V -' ' Art. 7.. It shall be the duty of ' the Executive Committee to superintend and control the financial affairs of the Asso ciation; to arrange for and collect funds for the use of, the same, and pay the moneys so collected over to the Treas urer, atd they alone shall have power to order public parades, and to make con tracts, and they shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the Asso ciation."'"" -. . -.. : Art. 8. It shall 6e the duty of the Commandant General to call meetings for drill, to conduct the same, and to take command of the ...Association ; en occasions of public paraae. ' - Art. 9.' Each member shall provide for himself,- at. his own expense, a glazed cap and cape, and lamp. Art. 10.- It shall be the duty of each member to appear in each torch -light procession, and in all public "parades of the Association. , .- . Art. 11; Sec. 1. No boisterous or disorderly conduct, or unnecessary demonstration of any kind, shall be allowed.- ... '" ."; Secr 2. Any member who refuses or neglects to obey the commands of the officers, or whose conduct is not in ac cordance with this requirement, shall be liable to be expelled from the Associa tion. ' , ; Art. 12. Any person 18 years of age, who will maintain and will be governed by this. Constitution, - may enroll his name upon the list and be considered a member. Art, 13TJiis . Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular no tified meeting. Near a hundred names were enrolle 3t when the Club proceeded to the election of officers; which resulted in the selec . Hon of the following gentlemen: President C. E. Donnally. . '' -' Vice President P. Lambrecht. Jttcj Sec'yC, X. Murdock. ' Cor. Sec'y-B. F. Stivers. Treasurer Geo. R. Walker. Commandant GeneralB. M. Skinner. Executive Committee D. M. Davis, C. Grant, John Roedlc, Phillip Bear, Geo. Huttle, and D. W. Curtis. A Rallying Committee of eighteen six in each ward was then appointed. A "Glee Club" was formed under the auspices of the "Wide-Awakes," which adds materially to the life, and produces a "charming" effect on all occasions. We are much pleased to see the inter est manifested by the young men and especially by the Germans in this move ment. The influence of such an organ ization will be of inestimable benefit, as the result of the October and November election will show. BOOK NOTICES. The Ladies' Home Magazine, for Sept , is received, and is as varied in its several departments,, as any of its predecessors. Of all our Magazines, none exert a healthier influence than this. The ed itors, T. S4 Arthur, and Virginia F Tuwnsend, are admired as story wri ters wherever the English language h spoken. Published .by T.. S.Arthur & Co., I'mla., z.UU per annum. , , . 7he Ladies' Repository, Cincinnati; roe & Hitchcock, Publshers: Rev. D W. Clark, D. D., editor. The Sept number of this Magazine is also received. It contains a very fine portrait of Rev, P. B. Wilber. and a beautiful picture "The Rest at Eve" which sustain the character of the work for artistic excel lence. The literary contents, of this, as of all past numbers, is of a high order of merit, and of the purest moral tendency. It is one of the issues of the Methodist E. Church, but is of a liberal spirit, and ought to be a 'welcome visitor in every family where pure morality and re fined literary taste is cultivated. Terms, $2.00 per annum. Godey a Lady's Book, edited by Sa rah J. Hall and L. A. Godey, Phil.," is also on our table promptly as usual.- This, we believe, is the oldest literary Magazine in our Country,-, being inits sixiyrnrsc.r oi. it nas wen an enviable position in the Republic "of letters, and is firmly established as one of the "in stitutions", of our land. Published by L. A. Godey, Phil. $3,00 per year. " : : - TRNSFERS OF RE AL ESTATE. The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of Meigs County, for the week ending Aug. 25, 1860: . ' Bedford Tp. David Putnam to Geo'. Cowen, 80 acres in sec. 12; $400. Chester Tp. -Lydia . Webster to Clinton Norton, 44 acres in sec. 14; $700. Orange Tp. Samuel Gettys to Geo. Bowers, 10 acres, in sec. 11: $100. Rutland Tp. S. D. Sheppard to S iJ. iluinpnrey, 6ZU acres sec. lb; $4,b00. Salisbury Tp. Wm. Joab to Thos. Sapp, 50 acres in sec. 35; $1,600. Wm. Joab to Nathaniel Pettit, 21 acres in sec. 35; $700. PoatEROY.-r Clarissa Pomeroy's Est., to T. T. Hoyt, lot No. 141, $540. T. T. Hoyt to E. Remple, lot No. 141, $240. Sutton Tp. Carleton Young to Benjamin and Michael Wolf, 17 acres in sec. 16;: $100." Wm. Guyer to George Reinschild, 69 acres in sec. 19;, 2,000 Crop Kciri. . RiDnwiY, Winona C., Minn., Jcly 31, 'CO. Eds. Com. I respond to the call con cerning crops. Spring wheat was never better in this region. I have traveled some through Houston, Fillmore, and this county, and have ' heard from Olmstead and Dage, and from what I can learn these coun ties will yield, on an average, twenty bushels to the acre somefields thirty and more. There was a large quantity sown in consequence of winter wheat being all killed, or nearly so. . Cora, oats, and potatoes never looked better. We have to depend on other re gions for our fruit, as we have no bear ing trees yet. Minnesota can't be beat in small grain, fat babies and Lincoln voters, as you will see next November by looking over the census. .Yours, E. T. Grant. dtontittitmrafect. For the Ponieroy Weekly Telegr;iih. Mr.- Editor: If any .of your readers can produce or find a longer sentence in the English language than the fol lowing, which is taken from the preface to a "Treatise on the English Language," by S. Kerl, I would be pleased to sec it published in the . Telegraph. Here is the sentence: : "To condense into one volume of con venient size and moderate price a com prehensive, minute, accurate, practical, interesting, well-methodised, and well illustrated system of the principles which determine the proper use of the-English language; to furnish authors, editors, printers, teachers, lawyers, physicians, and clergymen, or any other persons that take some pride in keeping out of law and slovenly habits in the use of speeches, with a convenient manual sufficient with a good dictionary to supply them with whatever may be ordinarily needed to test the propriety of any phrase, sen tence or paragraph that can be formed in our language; to compress into one treatise what may have all the advan tages of a scries of books without their disadvantages, and be essentially equiv alent to a multitude of books now used in our schools, under the various names of Primary Grammar, Analytical Gram mar, Grammar of Grammars, English Language, Analysis, Teacher, Murray's Exercises, Scholar's Companion, Ety molog', Pronunciation, Punctuation, Rhetoric, Elements of Logic, Aids to Composition &c, &c; to make it, in practical value, for the present age what Murray's large Grammar was for its age, and adopt it to all kinds of learners by making it simple, progressive, practical, and philosophical; to embody in it what ever seems worthy of preservation in all the best similar treatise one century back, and all the sound improvements of modern times together with the various criticisms scattered over our literature, and made by authors upon authors, by comedions in their ridicule in current faults in speech, and by critics and re viewers upon the prevailing literature; to encircle the entire subject by a per sonal survey of the best portions of our literature, by new illustrations and ex amples, by constant comparison of the idioms and analogies of our language with those of the languages which have furnished or influenced it, by what teach ers, and logicians, and mental philoso phers have said and written on the art of communicating knowledge, and by ob servations and meditations of my own; to avoid whatever seems objectionable in kindred treaties, ignore what seems capable of improvement, bring down to their proper spnere those parts which have been heretofore overrated, and bring out fairly and fully, those parts, which, from the great difficulty of mas tering them such as Figures, Verifica tion, Punctuation, Capital Letters have been deficient; to interweave with the materials throughout the easiest and best modes of learning and teaching, and to impart to the whole a sort of Shaks pearean comprehensiveness, and fitness for the world, and make it what intelli gent teachers have often described as a desideratum, are the principal aims which have swayed me in "the writing of this volume." j. h. L. Racise, 1860L. For Lincoln. The Rochester American says: The : venerable Judge, Isaac .Sisson, of Cay uga county, who has voted with the Democratic party since the days of Jef ferson, is out for Lincoln. He says he has stuck to the Democratic party as long as he could see anything of the party left, and now, it having utterly dissolved, he feels it his duty to work for it no longer, but intends to support the Republican candidates, Lincoln and Hamlin. Gov. Wood. In a postscript to a business letter from Chillioothe, the writer says: "I see Gov. Wood has finally taken Gov. Greiner's advice. Several years ago Wood made a brave speech, in which he promised to shoulder his musket to op pose Southern aggression; whereupon Greiner gave him the following savory stanza:. ' ',. "Oh Eeubon Wood, 'tis understood, Before he gets much older, Will take his knapsack on his back, His musket on his shoulder He's going down to fight the South, His dander, it is riz, He's going to shoot somebody, sure, Oh, Reuben Wood, he is. i Don't you go, Reuben, - You hadn't ought to go, You shouldn't go a shooting folks: Oh, Reuben, don't you go." JZJ'A flne engrarlns and correct likeness of Perry Davis can be procured by buying one 25 cont bottle of Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer. In such a purchase yoa will have the likeness of one of the beat men living, and a bottle of medicine universally appreciated for its great power in relieving pain either internally or externally; it can be proenred of all respectable medicine dealers. - Sold b A SEEBOHM, and D. REED. : T31-9w Sao What is said of it Chronic Salt Eheum. . Norwich, May 31, 1831. S.A.'WiiviROi Co. Gents: Having seen the ben eficial effect of your Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup iDa caje of Chronic Salt Rheum which had resisted all efforts to cure it for several years, 1 cheerfully recommend it as a remedy for that disease. ; DAVID WEX. All who have used or seen it used will say the same thing about the article. . , 34 2w NruRALon. This painful and common disease, which physicians do not appear fully to understand, will be greatly relieved, and in most instances a permanent care maybe effected, by the use of WIL SON'S PILLS, which regulate the stomach and bow els, and produce a soothing effect upon the 'nerves which cause the acute pain. They are prepared and sold by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & Co.j Wholesale Drug gists, and proprietors of B. L. Fahnestock's Vermi fuge, No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth Streets, Pitts burgh, Fa., and bv D. REED, Pomeroy, O., and mer chants generally.- . 34-1 m Sherry Wise Bitters. It is the best Medicine overused for. Spring and Summer complaints. It bag been more- liberally patronized than any other ever established in this country. It is tho same Richardson's Bitters which has restored so many in valids to health. throughout the North-eastern Slates during the past thirty years. Read the following: "Van Wkt, O., July 26th, 1858. DiiR Sia: Having sold "Dr. Richardson's Sherry Wine Bitters," for the last two years, I most re spectfully recommend it to the notice of Dyspeptic persons, and all persons who require a stimulating medicine D. K. GALLEHERS, M. D. Sold by D. REED. 34-2w Fell asleep in Christ, on the 20th of July, Mrs. Mary Cutp, of Middleport, Meigs County, Ohio; aged 29 years, 7 months and l'J days. The deceased was born in the State of New York, Gennesec- County, hot far from the place where Batavia now stands. We Will not in. vada the privacy of home to speak of her many social and domestic virtues. It is enough to remark that both nature and grace had done much for her; and those who knew her inti mately lored her best and missed her most. During her long and painful illness, she bore it with great patieiice. She spoke distrustfully of self, but confidently of the Savior, on whom alone she relied for wisdom) righteousness and redemption through His bloods All fear of death was taken away, and, surrounded by her numerous friends, who ministered unto her with loving tenderness, she calmly waited un til her change came. The services at hef fu neral were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Colcrj of he F. B. C, and ishe was followed to her last resting place by a long concourse of sympa thising friends. Peaceful be thy Silent slumber, Peaceful in the grave so low; Thou no more wilt join out number, Thou no more our sOugS shall know. Green be the sod that's o'er thee) Friend of my better days; None knew thee but to loVe thee, None named thee but to praise. . W. ' POSCEEOY RETAIL MARKETS. , Monday, August 27, 1SG0. Flour !.3.25o.f)0 . 35 lbs for SI. 00 Wheat... Prime White, $1.00; Prime Red, 90c; Lower grades from 75 to 80c. Onts c. nu Potatoes 30c. " Dried reaches..... ...12c lb. Dried Apples 7c V " Green Apples.... oUc. $i bu. Butter ioc, pin. Cheese... fi8c. $i lb. Eggs... 10c. 3? doi. Molasses bbc. at. Sirup 60,75 gal. Sugar (N. O.). lOllo. P lb. tJottee UM.ISC. gs " Rice - 7c. " Soap.. ..:... 810c- " Candles (tallow) 15c. " Fish (Cod) 6Jc. " Fish (Mackerel) 810c. 33 " Fish (White) ..7c. " Pickled Pork 10c. " Shoulders -..10c. " Sidei (smoked) 10c. " Hams 15c. P " Crackers.... ........ret. 8c; wholesale 5 Jc. , Hoop Poles 6.00 13 1,000 Salt retail 25c; wholesale c. bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, August S3, 1860. Flotjb. The market has not changed in any essential particular. The de mand is quite moderate. Fair to good brands sell at S-4 504 CO, and extra to extra fancy 4 0o 7o. Common brands would not bring over 4 40. Groceries Sugar steady, with sales at 4344c. Coffee dull and prices nominal except in the small way. Wheat There is a fair demand for the prime grades, and very little of this kind offering. The lower grades are dull and the offerings largo. We quote fair to prime red at 95$1 00, and fair to prime white at $1 051 15. Corn The market is steady, with a fair demand for ear at 3S39c in bulk, and 5255c for mixed and white shelled including sacks. Oats The market was dull but un changed. We quote them a 30c for prime new in bulk. JR. YE The demand is fair at 6568c for prime, and 70c for ehoice, suitable for seed. Barley There is some inquiry for choice for seed, but the demand for other kinds is limited. We quote fair to prime fall at 6575c. Hay The market continues dull, and prices are a shade lower. We quote prime Timothy at $14 5015 00 per ton, in bales on arrival. Cheese The demand is good and in excess of the supply. Prices are un changed. We quote Western Reserve at 8c. Butter Prime fresh is in fair de mand at ll15c for Western Reserve, and 11(3)12 for Central Ohio. Common ia heavy at 8(510o. HARRIED, At the residence of Mr. Plummer, near Rut land, on Tuesday, the 2lBtinst., by Rev. J. W. Alderman, Mr. Valentine Switzer, of Gallia County, and Miss Melissa Maock, of Meigs County, Ohio. On the 28th day of July, 1860, by Josiah Hayman, Esq, Mr.N. Sayre and Miss Eliza J. McCormick, all of Meigs County, Ohio. At Danville, Meigs County, on the 25th day of August, by Thomas P. Fogg, Esq., Mr. Syl vester Coburs and Miss Elizabeth Craoqs, all of Meigs County, Ohio. SPECIAL NOTICES. Clerk of tbe Coort. Editors of the Telegraph.' , I will say to the electors of Meigs County, that I am a candidate lor the office of Clerk, at the ensuing election., . . R. DOWNING. . Home Testimony, fii.nt CrteitK, A darns Co., O., Aug. 19. T)r. Koback Doar Sir: Ibnro not the time to write you of thn beneflt conferred by J-onr Scandinavian Ulond Pit la and Rlnod Purifier. I look tlm for disease of the thront, and they not only benefitted H Dnt my general hcaita, also. I am now actually oev ter than for eieht Tears. Thev onred Mls Ellen Vv'aite, of this place, of Liver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross "was cured of terrible shooting pxin in the stomach and side, which had baffled the efforts of several sromf Physi cians. The value of your medicines could be estab lished by any nmount of evidenee, if need be, in this vicinity. . Yours Kespeotruiiv. wa, SB AW. JO3 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIK JAMBS CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE P1LL8 Pre par d from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to tho Queen. This well known medicine Is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a liort time, bring on Ihe monthly period with reirularitv. - In all enses of Nervous and Spinal ASec'ions, pains in the Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation- of the Heart, 1 owness of Rptiits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, those Pills will effect a cure when all other menns have failed. ' - ' These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Aeent. . - N. B. Uno Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over 50 pills, by return mail. -Full directions accompanying each package. . Sole Agent forthe United States and Canada-, ' - - JOB MOSES. , (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. For sale by J. D. PARK, SUIfiE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O,, D. REED, Pomeroy, O. 11-y. TTP" We refer our renders to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 4U9 Broadway, New York. The 'Blood Food' is on of the greatest medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of the market all the quack nostrums oi monern limes. Its eflicacv is so great, and its sujiericrrity so justy acknowledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton's celebrated 'Infantile Cordial.' is a med icine prepared by a regular physician of eminenc e in his profession, nnd one who has devote d his lifeta the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine w hich commends itself to those only who can appreciate it.'tApilachicola, Flor. Tinies. JTJjSee Advertisement. JITpAll, especially young menj should read the advertisement uf tbe new "Kutioual Dispensary at Cincinnati, in another column. , . Sheriff's Sale. J. & J. P. Steiner vs. Elias S. Edwards. BY virtue of an order of sale to rue directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I -will otter for sale, at the door of the Court-houue in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. m., On tlie ilh day of September, 1860, the following desoribed lands and tenements, to wit: a part of fractional part of 100 acre lot No. 299, in Salisbury township( in said county of Meigs, beginning at the south-west corner of Mrs. Thomas lot; thence south 24 deg s west ou feet to a stake; thence north 24 deg's east to a stake in tho line of Mrs. Thomas' lot thence west on Mrs. Thomas' lot to the place of beginning; and also lot No. 9, in ti subdivision of said fractional part of 100 acre lot No. 299, being the same two lots sold to E. S. Edwards by T. A. Plants, by deed dated 30th day of March, 18i4, which is to be soltl as the prop erty of Elias S. Edwards, at the suit of J. & J. P. Steiner. The first described lot appraised at $500.00, and lot No. '. at S400.0O. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Aug. 1, I860. 31-5t . 3.00 NOTICE. ROYAL .Baldwin, of Prown County, in the Territory 'of Kansas, will take, notice that A. G. Laird, of the county of Hearer, in the State of Pennsylvania, did, on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1800; file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas within ' and for the county of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, against the said lloyal Baldwin, defendent, setting forth) that the paid Royal Baldwin is indebted to the said A. G. Laird in the sum of S125.T3 and interest thereon from the 2d day of J uly, A-. D. 1857, for money had and received by the said Royal Baldwin to and for the use of the said A. O. Laird before that time, and praying for a judgment against the said Royal Bald win for said sura of 125.73 and interest thereon from the said 2d day of July, A. D. 1857, and the said Royal Baldwin is hereby notified that an order of attachment has been issued ia this case, and returned, and that he is : required to appear and answer said petition on- or before the third Saturday after the 11th day of Sep tember, At D 1860i A. G. LAIRD. By Simpson & Lasley, his Atty's. July SOtli, 1 SG0. 31-51. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order granted by the Probate Court of Meigs County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, free from dower, at public auc tion, on 'the 19th' day of September) 1860, at eleven o'clock forenoon upon the premises) the following real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: beginning at the south-east corner of the north-east quarter of secfaon No. 12, in town SSo-. o, of range No. 14, of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north 10 chains and 75 links; thence South 82 de grees west 41 chains and '40 links; thence south 4 ckains and 61 links; thence east to the plttce of begising; containing 31 acres, more or less: also, the the following described premises, situate in said section, town and range, and bounded as follows, to wit" beginning at the north-east corner of the south half of said sec tion No. 12; thence west 80 rods; thence south 50 rds ; thence east to the east lino of said section ; thence north along said aectiffQ line to the place of begining; containing 25 acres, more or less. Appraised at one thousand dol lars ($1,000). Terms of sale: one-third in hand; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years from day of sale, with interest: the payments to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold. WM. H. NORTON, Administrator of Robert Wilson, deceased. Pomeroy, August 7th, I860. 32-5t. . NOTICE. ELIAS Story, of the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that Ruhamy Story, guar dian of Luciuda Story, of the county of Meigs, in tho State of Ohio, did, as Such guardian, on the 9th day of April, i860, file her petition in the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the said county of Meigs, in said State of Ohio, against the said Elias Story, and one Byron Story, defendants, setting forth that she is the guardian of the said Lucinda Story, and that one Ira Story, dee'd, was, on or about tho 19th day of March, 1857, seized in fee simple of the following real estate, situate in the county of Meigs, in said State of Ohio, and in the Ohio Company's Purchase, and bounded and de scribed as follows to wit- the east one hundred and sixty-two acres of land in fraction No. 4 of town No 3, and range No. 13, seven acres excepted; and that on the said 19th day of March, 1857, the said defendants fraudulently induced the said Ira Story to sign an in strument of writing purporting to be a deed for said premises; and that the said Ira Story, on the said day, and at the time the said writing was signed, was not of sound mind and memory; and that the said defend ants fraudulently procured the said Ira Story to sign said writing; and that the said Ira Story died, on the 21st day of March, 1857, in testate, leaving the said defendants and one Nelson Story, and the said Lucinda Story his heirs at law; and that the said plaintiff, as guardian of the said Lucinda Story, is entitled to one undivided fourth part of said premises; and praying that said supposed deed of convey ance may be set aside and held for nought. And the said Elias Story is notified that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 18th day of Sep tember, A." D., 1860. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D., 1860. RUHAMY STORY, Guardian of Lucinda Story, 32-St Bf Sutrekw IalsIiE r. Iter Att'ys: W ARRIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND OF On Court Street, a few Doors below the Court House, ' r o 23 art o -sr . o .-. . THE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers; and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a iplendid stock of goods in the above named line, all of which hie will sell at a living profit. He would oall especial attention to his stock of lino whioh he will sell at oity prices; also' to larg stock of Fanoj aad Varfetj Gaoda. com prising in part a ohoioa let of . P O C K E T-B O OK S, for Ladies andGentlemen, Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and, Card Cases, Cembs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, flne Cutlery, Pistols, &c. 8PEOTAOLES . OXjAJSJSUESS, , In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Gold Pens. He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected 'stock of superior Qold Pens, of ShepparcFa and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the worth of their money. An examination ia solicited. 1- June 18, I860. 24-t josxpu Patto. SAX. E. SMITH. PATTOf J & SMITH, Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying On the . CHOCEHV BUSINESS ID all its departments, respectfully tnTitu the atten tion of this community to our present stock ol FEESH GEOCEHIES, To which will constantly be added aew supplies, as the demands of trade may require. The Junior partner having had a lonp experience in the business in this market, Is enabled to procure Just such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by citing us a call before purchasinc elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Bams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectienaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matehes, &c, and all the nick-Dacki usually kept in such establishments. . Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. -' We also purpose doing a ' v . COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east side of Court Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 20, 1800 3-i6-tf 1-- , . C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER. IS A. BRA D L E Y' S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX, 2R.ixrr3 Old JStetxxcl. IttlDDLEPORT, O. 1HAVE just received a large assortmei.t of Stores which i will sell lower than ever, consisting in part, of i Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood ?AiU0n CTOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION". . QKATES, FIRE FRONTS. ODD ri.ATES.VfcC. S. Hull's 1'atcnt Lever and tllOX CEA'TEtt FJLOW POINTS, WATER SPOUTING, Hoofing and Jobbing of ALL KtJiDS, done on short notice. Persons 111 want of anj tiling in tho way of Stoves Tin, Copper or Sheet Iton Ware, would save money by calling on me. JTJT'Old Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change. may ISfiO. 19-1y ; RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of "Pulmr"!-; Wafers," in this or any other coun try; nil othei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by tho name of BKYAN being stamped on each WAFEK. Bxvis's PoMsosic Wafers -Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Bryan's Pcxmonic Wafers Relieve Spitting- of Blood, Pains in the Chest. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung diseases. Bryan's Pdlmonic 'Wafer Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Kelieve th above Complaints in Ten Minutes. Bryan's Pdlmonic Wafers Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitu tions. Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pclmonic Wafer's Are in a eimple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pclmomc Vafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. . Ko family should be without a box of Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers.' in the house. No traV-cldr should be without a supply of Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers in his pocket. So person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-live cents. ' JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, Y. Sold by 1). KEKDV Pomeroy. 3-31-ly Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, J.J. BLAGG, Master; SOUS HEISNKR, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 r. m. pnseing Pomeroy en Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at S o'clock a. h. Loaves Pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. . For freight or passage apply on board or to PAT rON& MONTGOMERY, Nov. 9, 'ii9. 4fi-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS 4 BBO., Mason City, Va., TiEALERS in Lumbefin the rough, and Manufactu J ' rers of Flooring, Ceiling and Weatherboarding. Pinning of all kinds done, and lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on hand Sash, Doors. Blinds, Lath and Shijgles. Our. cash prices for dressed Lumber are as follows: Yellow Pine-Flooring per thousand - - $26 00 White ' " - - 22 50 Ceiling - - . ' - - - - 20 00 Weatherboarding por hundred fuct - - 1 25 All orders addressed to pomeroy r. u. win receive prompt attention. . may 15, 'b0. I9-iy IRON FENCING AND 3 O H. V I O 33 & CAN BE PROCURED IN IRtJKTON AT as low prices, in as great varietv, and of as good material as any place in the West. T. S. KLKKJEK Ironton, Ubio. Nov. 15, 59. 46-ly Bridge Notice. I WILL offer for sale the building of the Bridge across Kerr's Run, to the lowest re sponsible bidder, on Wednesday, the 5th day of September next, at 2 o'clock P. sr., at tbe site of the old bridge. Plan and specifications may be seen at the Auditor's office, Pomerov, or at the residence of the undersigned. J. K. ELLIS. Racine, Ohio, Aug. 10, I860. 32-tt To Persons out of Employ ment. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE ERIE SEW ING MACHINE. We will give a Commission, or wages at $-10 per month, and expenses paid. This is a new Machine, and so simple in its construction that a child of 10 years can learn to operate it by half D hour's instruction. It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine in uso, nnd the price is but Fifteen Dollars. Persons wishing an Agency will address . J. N. ROYLAN, Secretary Erie Sewing Machine Company, July 24, 18Bh CJ Sw Milan. Ohio. Ottio jXTo. 3, o'clock. PETER LAMBRECHT. BUY YOUR Where you can get them Cheapest.; CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles orer any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugh's Building, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. , April 20, I860, IG-tf - AMONG the articles to be found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are 20 brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERNAN. f) C Sacks of Coffee, for sale cb tap, by 40 16-tlJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 ft hfidt. Sugar, forhale cheep; by I U 16-tf. J S.SILNEKMAJI. 25 kegs good English Soda, for sal cheap, by 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes German Sean, fof sale cheap, bv IC-trp,--. S.SILVERMAN. A A boxes' Balm Soap, for sale cheap, tuv T-U 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 00 finn Cigars, geneial assortment, for sale cheap, by 16 tf S.SILVKRMAN. O IX boxes Tobacco, different ' qualities, for sale 4tO cheap, by llG-tq . 8. SILVERMAN. Crn boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by 0J 16-lfJ S. SILVERMAN. 25 boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, by ItS-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 10 brls. No.'s 2 and 3 .Mackerel, for sain cheap, by 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, bv yj lI6-tf . S. SILVERMAN. rCi keKs r Nails, for sale cheap, bv SILVERMAN. OCT boxes Starch, Tor sale cheap, by AtJ 16-tr . S. SILVERMAN. 900 ErM Matches, for sale cheap, bv 16'tfJ S. SILVEKFAN. 4SAA worth of Quecnsware, for sale cheap, by pOUU ,6.tfl H. SILVERMAN. FOR ALL. THE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CA SIl OR RE A D Y PA Y. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examina tion of stock and priecs. - We will enumerate a few artioiev, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: Best madder prints '.10c per yard. Pancy prints .....8a9c ' "" Good -J bleached muslin.. 10c : " 1 bleached muslin. ............. .......8c " Lateststyles best delaines... 13io20c " Cashmeres 15c " Bonnet ribbons from 10 to 40c" - Fine French wool delaine. ...... ..50 to 7oo" (Usual price, 75, to $1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes. $1 . per pair; Ladies' calf... 1 25 ." Ladies' best calf. 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive C A S H for them. From this date we , positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of aur stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. www mmB. A. CU CftOWLEY. . A. E. Mt'KDOCE. CROWLEY & CO. HAVE jnst received a new lotof Dry Goods, Hats, Men, Women and Children's Shoes, nnd a general assortment of other Goods usually kept in a Variety Store, which we will sell LOWER, FOE, CASH, or Country Produce, than any othef House in town! We also keep a general assortment of Or XI OOE n X XI IB , Consisting In part of Sugar, N. O. and White, Mo lasses, Sirup, Tea, Cuffee, Ric, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Cried Currants, Crack ers, Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Baskets, Soap, Soda, Prunes Spices, Oat Meal, Fish, of all kinds, Madder. Coperas, Logwood, and an endless variety of other Goods. You can get higher prices for your Butter, Kggs, Cheese, and country produce of all kinds, add more and better Goods for your money here, than any where else in Pomerov. If jou have any doubts about tliia, call and satisfy yourselves. Call and see us. and if the Goo'is suit, prices shall. Wu have, also, a large stock of Wheeling Nails, all sizes, which we will sell at manufacturer's prices. Do not ask for credit, as we cannot give it. Remember the place: C. M. EVAN'S Old Stand, tiiidur tho "Gibson ilouso," Pomeroy, Ohio. July 17, 1660. ae-tf CROWLEY & CO. WOOL CARDING, SPINNING AND WEAVING. THE undersigned having made preparations to do custom work the coming season, has fitted up his machinery in the best manner, at it A CINE, MEIGS COUNTY, O., Where he is now prepared to do Carding, Spin ning and Weaving, at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner. Having the best machinery, and many years' experience in tho business, he natters himself that he can do as good work as any other es tablishment in the Western country. He is determined, by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a share of public patron age. Stocking Yarn, Jeans and Flannel constantly on hand. Wool taken in exchange for Tarn or Goods. TH051AS EGAJJ. - May 15, 1860 19-3m Sheriff's Sale. Mark E. Reeves A Co. va. William Starkey. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the CourUrwuse in Pomeroy, at 11 o'clock A. m., On the 20th day of September, 1800, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in the town of Poineroy, Meigs County, and being part of Lot No. 241, and be ginning at the south-west corner of said Lot No. 241; thence north along the alley forty-five feet; thence east on a line parallel with Front street fifty feet; thence forty-five feet to Front street, on a parallel with the first mentioned line; thence along and down Front street fifty feet, to the place of beginning; to be sold as the property of William Starkey, at the suit of Mark E. Reeves & Co. Appraised at 650.00 Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, Si M. C. Aug. 10, mO.-V2M 8.00 822,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF I have everything in the Dry. Goods line: Prints, Delanea, Merinoea, CobergV Alpacas, white gooda, Brown and Ble'acbed MuBlinsf Check Jlannel, Tickings, , Cloths, Casaimeres, Satinats, Jeans, Tweeds, &o. Glass, Nails, Locks Xxes; Cutie'Hy Coffee Mills, Seal BatunV'B Kettle Log and Trace Chains, HoreeshoB Nails, jjill. Saws; Crosscut Saws, BifllsJ . , dARPB'ipEis-t TOOLS. Planes, Saws, Chtls,TAugers, Hatched, Braces and Bits 'Squareif .Lev!.- Also, - - : - . . , - :- -( COOPERS' TCTOIrS.' V Tress Hoop Adaes, Broad -Axes j - Compasses and Knives of all kinds: ' ' BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, ArrviIs,;FiIesHorse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear, Cs and German Steel, Buggy ' Springs and AielsV Wagon Axels Woodwort fW Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings' of all inds. ' I would call the attention of Btrildersf to my large lot F Doors, Sash, VenUaa Blinds, all mader of clear Wfiite Pine. Also1 " ..; ; CS Z O' 1 3ESC I T Or .' ' Coats, Pants and .Vests of. kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Bata and Caps. Also, a Urg and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' .Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children, Misses and Ladies' Shoos of all kinds. I keep a large stock of Cordage of aH iises, BcvouT Wrapping Twine. ' ' ':;.- -;;! ,, ; - ' :- - . -.i1 - - i-. - . If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give tee a $att 1 nave a larga lot of Piece Goods for manufacturing purposes.' Work done up in best style, and warranted, a g'o&tf fit or no sale. : ; ' ' ' .- . The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without recfrve7ct oost, foe' CASH. Give me a call. , H.COHEN. Pomeroy, O., Jan.. 3, 1860. s Front street, three, doors abova CMrt V. J. PR ALL. AT PR ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in COOKING STQV The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from 50 per cent of fuel ia saved, and a more intense bottom of the Oven. ' in introducing this grcaty-improyca "uasourning ciove, wo wisn it distinctly understood that it is not our design to usa '; .. . J ; r In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Store we sell to be ;what. it is reprcaenterl. This is not the only pattern we proposo selling. We have the most improved patterns of ' - WOOD COOKING STOVES.- Without dwelling upon the merits of the different patterns, we will m elude our notice by announcing that oar ' ;- ) PARLOR AND OFFICE ST6ES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness,' ad" wo defy 'competltii ; METALLIC liti.) RAM'S': . Kept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the public to examine' our stock. ' ;;'"" " "- ' ' j -; - In addition to pur heavy and manufacture to order To the Citizess or Mkics asd Adjoining Cocxties: . . The above remarks will' demonstrate to you; ia certain degree, the nature of the business we intend t6 prosecute. The manner in. which' it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. ; Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have spar.Jy been wasting your time. in reading our card. We cannot sell at pur prices without losing" money, if we have to credit. ; We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for ' And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Rags," Old Silver, &c, at, their highest market value. ... - , ' j.i ',. "-I--' Past experience has proven the benefiaent results of the cash system,' to both . pVrcnaier.artJ seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who ca,n; fyi much cheaper as well as for our ownwho can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt ,ijis system. ...a..:r,, H- We respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our , Stoves, whether yeu wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as you valufc your hard-earned money, not fb &visn it away till you have given us a call. ". - - ' .:- . v 'itri !'. Aug. 16,'1859. j . ' . f PR ALL; &. IIATCH.; ; . . ;m . goods, nmf $ and mf.imyn - "', HATS AND ; UAPS; ..":;"'''." ". ' v-., ' GROCERIES, HARDWARE, MEiilfe; HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLJ SEtCTElV Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and which, will bekept com,- plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am -prepared, to oSer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, neceEPary to con-, stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms, '; THE TAILORING BUSINESS" :'J ;; Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. 1. M'G LOTIILINj assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county. Everything in the way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. . TSK X1A.SCXON'S POR TKil SEASON Will at all times be found on hand, together with' a' fulf Stock of Cloths, 6as6i mcres,;Vestings, &c. ,. j . - ., .- : J N. B. To those whom I have extended a fhort cfedit, and. who are now,aifre. garding the motel obligation incurred to pay ? agreement, I wish ttf say I will not hesitate to remind youj if necessary, in' a fpfcible manner, that s? legal obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January '3, I860.'. " CHARLES BICIUnANN. Ililllll Dealers in Gold and Silver Waters,' A lib . : . - . -: ,: . JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, HAVE REMOVED TO,'. J . CAllTWRIGT'S Corner Court WHERE we shall be pleased to see our old customers, and ait otners wno desire anything in our line. We keep constantly on hand a gbtid tssort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, German, French and American Jewelry; Pancy Articles; Clocks from $2.00 to 12.00, of every size and description; Eye Glasses, Gold Pens, &c. . , - : ' ,:- Repaiting Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done in tne oest manner, prompwy August 7, I8601. 3-3ttf OFF AT "OiSTr' OUT X-Ti THE GOODS SUIT, PR-IGEd SHALL! , GEORGE HATCH. TOT 0LDSTA?vD Pomeroy, community to one of the greatest improvement a r-. jw the coal, by which fe .., heat thrown to the "C. 9 9 L C - ri. stock of StQvcs we will keep constantly 6n Kauriy TINWAHE." V & I AfcUEW BVBKERT NEW, BUIXiDING and Front Streets Pomeroy,' Oj TLJi WW 'mm m h 2j