Newspaper Page Text
C o c t r g. From the Chicago Press. TJOUEST ABE OP THE WEST. AiR "Star Spangled Smntt-P O hark! from iW jiine-cresfted Mis of ok! Maine, Where the splendor Irst falls from tlie wings of the morning, And away, in the West, over river and plain, Rings ent "ike grand anthem of- Liberty's ;warningi' --! - , ; From green rolling prairie it swells to tne sen, ; - For the people have risen, -victorious and A free; - -"- "v- ' They have chosen their leader, and bravest :ind bes'', 1 t':S- Of them alf Is OttPAnV, Hoskst Abe of tub West? ... v f, ' - The spirit that fouglit For the patriots of old . Has 8 weft through the land and aroused us forever; In the pure air of heaven a standard unfold fit to marshal us on to the sacred endeavor! Troudly the banner of freemen we bear; -t, Noble the hopes that encircle it there! And where battle is thickest we follow the crest Of gallant Old Abe, Hoxkst Abe of the West! There's a triumph in urging a , glorious cause, Though the hosts ef the fee for a while may Tushing ou for just rulers wid heifer laws, ' Till their lessening cehtHras oppose us no longer. ... - - But ours the load ptcan of men who have past ' . ' ' 5 ' . ' -: JjThrough the Struggles of years, and are victors at last; Bo forward the flag! leave to Heaven the rest, And trust in Olb Abb, Hoxkst Abe of tits ij?;-i IYbstIvT. . J i . ' .-. . r :. - . .. X Lo! see the"bright scroll of the Future unfold! lima1 ftms nd. fair cities shall crown our f cvetlon .. t Tree Istbtt turn even the sands into gold, Anil tlia links of -ber railways chain ocean lVv jlO; ocean; r-.v . . 'Barges shall float on the dark river waves JB'ith a wealth never wrung from the sin iSews of slaves; ' ;'; Arhe Chief, in whose rue ay. the land shall be blest, Is our noble Old Abe, Hoxest Abe of the WEstii if s! is. Tf r ' n Then on to the holy Republican strife! And again, for a Future as fair as the raora- f ing,;' -t r ;s For the sake of tkat freedom more precious than life, " ' King out the grand anthem of Liberty's warning! ' ',.;! 7- Lifl the banner on high, while from moun tain to plain ''.' The cheers of the people are sounded again; Hurrah for our cause of all causes the best! tlvrrak for Old Abs, HO.n Bst Abe of the West! Wilt and Misdont. firToin 'What aila your eye, Joe?" Joe "I told a 'man he lied." V ; ''JSyWhy is the letter s' like a sewing maohine.'v Because -it makes needles necdless.jJ-J" ": -:' fig-Therfe is no 'roan -who would not be mortified if he knew what his friends thought of him. SOIt is sweet sometimes 'to abuse one's relations, but bitter to hear them abused by others. tgk,T3etter ;bc despised for too anx ious apprehension than ruined by tod confident security. 8 What is that which every man can divide, but no man can see where it hadcen.alvided?' Water.- ' ; 0 ' " ,,J6. Probably the reason why so little was written in the Dark Ages, was that people couldn't see to write. Vg,Men of. the noblest disposition think. themselves happiest when others share their happiness with them. B"You look as though you were beside yourself," as the wag said to a fellow who stood beside a donkey. . t"Is that sage cheese of a reflective turn?" asked Dr. Spooner of the provision dealer. "No, sir; not a mite," was the reply. B,Good temper is like a sunny day, it sheds a brightness over every things it is the sweetener of toil, and the soother of disquietude. " JSrln Sussia, when a Cossack . is cx . travagant, they say, "He is eating Mb candle at both ends." Very '"fitting for a barbarian proverb. Xt5,An old lady being at a loss for a pin-cushion made one out of an onion. The next morning she found that the needles had tears in their ey es. BguNever meet trouble halfway, but let him have the whole walk for his pains. Very likely he may give up his business in sight of the house. BZt is a great blunder in the pur suit of happiness not to - know when we have got it; that is not to be content with a roasonable and possible measure of it. B-Little Thomas Tittlebat is five years old. He was in the musing mood the other day, and his mother asked him what he was, thinking about? "Oh," said he'! was thinking of old times." -"Mister, I say," I don't suppose you don't know of nobody what don,t want to hire nobody to do nothing, don't you?" ! -.The answer was: "Yes, I don't." BQI, A gentleman coming into the room of the late Dr. Barton, told him that Mr. Vowel was dead. VVWhat," said he, "Vowel dead? Let us be thankful it was neither u or ." B. Constant success shows us but one side of the. world,, for, as it surrounds us with friends who will tell us only our merits, fo it silences those enemies frcm whom alone we can learn our defects. BSTAn advertisement of cheap shoes and fancy articles, in an Eastern paper, has the following nota bene: N. B. La dies wishing those cheap shoes, will do well to call soon, as Oiey icill not last BA lady went to a circus not long since and was very much embarrassed lest her class-leader should hear of her being there. Her class-leader was very much embarrassed in finding her there himself. . : ; 7 ; ;. B,"Taking them one with another," said Sidney Smith, "I believe my con gregation to be the most exemplary ob servers of the religious ordinances; for the poor keep all the fasts and the rich keep all the feasts." 8iA man with a moderate appetite dined at a hotel, and after eating the whole of a young pig, was asked if he would have some pudding. He said he didn't care much about pudding, but if they had annother little hog he would fa. thankful for iL ASOTHER LITTLE FARM WELL TILLED. Michael Dome, an enterprising, in dustrious, vegetable-dealing German of Wt!st Springfield, Mass., has been the vwner of about 16 seven of worn-out tilg laae laftd there, for the last ten vears. i He has owe lot of four acres, now devo tea to a vegetable gardett, that when he bought it was thickly covered with old decaying useless apple trees, besides be ing overrun with blackberry vines' dai sies, weeds and stone. The four acres once afforded a scanty pasture for a sin gle cow. By dint of preserving indus try, about 200 loads of stone have been removed from this field to more useful places, the unsightly apple trees, (fur nishing 3 years fuel for his family) have bcen'cleared away, and stable manures, night soil, ashes, and plaster have been liberally applied to the furrowed land, (Mr. Dome buries all of his manure with a harrow or plow,) and the result in kind of crop and cash receipts for 1859 we present as tollows:. ' Mercer potatoes, $112.24; strawberries, $94.30: peas,, 55.42; tobacco, S55.25; beans, $50.56; turnips, 82S.50; squashes, $45.00; sweet corn, $25.00; tomatoes, $16.00; cucumbers, $6.50; rutta bagas, i.UU. -: Total receipts. $474.77. The land from which this amount was taken ten years ago was worth less than $25 per acre. We present these facts, with, a desire to raise this query in the mind of the reader whether he prefers a little farm well tilled, or a large farm poorly tilled? Let your action agree with your decision and we. are content. Mr. Dome sold $400 worth of produce from other parts of his farm last year, and kept nearly enough to winter three cows, one calf, one horse, six pis, and support his family of four persons. He considers ine raising or pigs profitable if the breed is good. He raises often after peas or eai-ly potatoes, a second crop ot rutta .bagas, turnips,' or cucum bers the same year. Republican. Faeta for Farmers. "If you invest your money in tools; and then leave them exposed to the weather, it is the same as loaningfeoney to a spendthrift without security a dead loss in botn cases. - - v . If you invest money in books and never read them, it is the same as put ting out money, in a bank, but never drawing either principal or interest. If you invest money in fine stock and do not feed and protect them, and prop erly care for them, it is the same as dressing your wife in silk to do kitchen work. If you invest your money in choice fruits and do not guard and give them a chance to grow and prove their value, it is the same as putting a good hand into a field with poor tools to work with. If you invest your money in a good iarm and do, not cultivate it well, it is the same as marrying a good wife and so abusing and enslaving her as to crush her energies and break her heart. If you invest your money in a fine house and do not cultivate your mind and tastes as to adorn it with intelligence and refinement, it is as if you were to wear broad-cloth and a silk hat to mill. "If you invest your money in fine clothes and do not wear them with, dig nity and ease, it is as if the plowman were to sit at a jeweler's table to make and adjust hair springs. " If you invest your money in strong drink, it is the same as turning hungry hosrs into a growing cornfield ruin will follow in both cases. Rural Register. An Irishman's Acquaintance. A western physician riding in an om-. nibus, when an Irishman stepped in, and recognizing the doctor, said: i"Och, an sure; an' it's Docther J , I persave." "That is my name, sir, but; I haven't the honor of knowing you," responded the polite doctor. J "Indade! but I'm the felly what made your last boots, and which yejr honor forgot to get a resate for the payment uv." The ladies tittered, the doctor's mem ory was refreshed, and Paddy got his money and gave the "resate" when the doctor got to his destination. -; Cure for Corns. The following is from Mobile, Ala bama: . Mr. Editor. When looking over your paper some days ago, I discovered a remedy for the cure of corns, which was simply to apply a piece of lemon to the affected part. I was then suffering great pain from the corns on my feet and re solved at once to test its remedial pow ers. Before retiring at night, I applied the lemon as directed, and am happy to say that it has effected an entire cure. I would advise all who have corns to give it a trial. Wm. Calveut. BThe ladies of Aci, in Sicily have addressed a letter to General Garibaldi, announcing that from a wish to follow the noble example of patriotism given by the women of Upper and Central It aly, they intend to collect together and forward him a sum of 6,000f., which they intended for the purchase of their Sum mer dresses. The donors express a wish that the sum in questien may be em ployed in the purchase of muskets. BkRameau, the famous composer, while making a call on a lady, suddenly sparng up, and seized a little dog that was yelping at her feet, and threw him out of the window. "What is that for?" cried the lady. "Because he barks out of tune!" shouted Rameau, with the indignation of an enthusiastic musician, whose ear had been cruelly wounded. 8"Ma,'I'm going to make soft soap for the fair thi3 fall," said a beautiful Miss of seventeen, to her mother, the other day. "What put that queer no tion into your head, Sally?" "Why, ma, the premium is just what I've been wanting." "Pray, what it is that?" "An 'Ohio Farmer,' and I hope he will be a good looking one." The mother was silent. B,A clergyman observing a poor man in the road breaking stones with a pickax, and kneeling to get at his work better, made this remark: "Ah! John, I wish I could break the stony hearts of my hearers as easily as you are breaking those stones." The man replied: "Perhaps, master, you don't work on your knees!" a m B,A poor Irishman who applied for a license to sell ardent spirits in one of the provincial towns in England, being questioned by the Board of Excise as to his moral fitness tor the trust, made the following correct reply: "Och, an' its there ye are sure an' its not much of a character a man needs for to sell whiskey!" . BPive eattle recently died in Iowa, of pleuro pneumonia. It is feared that this fatal disorder is introduced into that State so effectually as to involve serious lss. Jnsunuirf. GUAHD AGAINST FALL AND WINTER FIRES! BY. Olidico Insuranoo WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CA PI't'AIi, $1,500,000, . ABSOLUTE AXD UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OP $500,000.00, And the prestipe of 40 vearn success and experience. Upward or $ 12,000, CXX) of losses have beeu paid by the vElna Insurance Cerapany in the p:ist 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE iETNA DFRINO THI PAST TIVl TSARS In Ohio, - - 8431,520 S3 In Wisconsin, 106,I55 07 In Kentucky, - 2M.939 40 Missouri, - - - 3d4,5I8 04 Iowafc Minn., 101.390 46 Penn. & Va., - 31 ,595 82 In Michigan, $1S8,04 SI In Indiana, - 146,839 81 In Illinois, - - 448,327 41 Tenuessee, - - 97,549 21 Kansas & Neb., 19,945 77 Ark. & Ga.. - 23.945 09 Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $52,412 18 Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit. Especial attention Riven to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid service long and successfully tried, and the many advantages the AUn Insurance Company possesses in its line, should not be overlooked toy those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened- Ageitries in all the principal cities and towns throughout the State. Poli :ies issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Ag nts of the Company JtJ'Biisiness attended to with despatch and fidel ity. ORES BRANCH, Ageit, . Sept. 20.-38-3m. Pomerov, O. Exclusively Fixe Insurance. POME ROY AGENCY, MANHATTAN mt INSURANCE COMPANY, 68 "Wall Street, Hew York, r.,T - i:q c INCORPORATED, 1821. - ' WM. PITT PALMER, President. ANDREW J. SMITH, Secretary. DIRECTORS: W. P. Palmer, Samcei. F. Mott, Rrrcs L. Lord, . W. F. Mott, Wm.W. Fox, Edwin I). Morgan, Richard Tiuhr. Thomas Rarron, Robert B. Mintcrn, Pkter Cooper. Hknrv Ellsworth, Augustus W. Ward,. Jamks Colles Sidney Mason, . M0.SK8 Taylor, L; S. SriAREZ, John Caswell, John Steward, John C. Green, Thomas W. Pearsai.l, bben a. UROl'KER. This staunch old Company having fully complied with the laws of this State, continue to insure the saier classes ot property Against L.o$s or Damuge by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies. Their policies are free from tklhnicaiities, thus avoiding litigation, navuig nau oniy one lawsuit uurnijr a ousiness or - TKIBTY-UTNE TEAH8. Particular attention given to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Agencv. JAMES RALSTON, Agent WESTERN BRANCH OFFICE, No. 1 Superior Street, Cleveland, O. S. S. COE, General Agent. JOHN SEWELL, Assistant. Apr. 24, '60. 163in (Educational' FRANKLIN INSTITUTE) HARTFORD CITY, MASON CO., VA. This Institute has been successfully commenced under tli patronage of the Hartford City Coal. Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers1 and Mechanics' sons and daughters, where they may receive the advantages of a superior HDVUA ntii lownai nas nmieno Deen onereu them in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It is now entering on its second session, and. is do Iigk'.fully situated on a gently sloping sandy emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, and only a short distano from the Steamboat Landing. The School Room and Teacher's Residence is held in that spa cious building formerly known as the Brethren Church. The room contains 2,000 sqare feat, and is replete with every suitable convenience. The heating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stoves, and 2f0 feet of window light, and being elevated 16 feet above the road way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. There is also a Library and Reading Department attached, for the use of students, containing many excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to suittho desire of all parties, and it is intended hereafter, to add a Piano Forte, for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. The School Is conducted by the Principal, aided by Asssstants, male and female.. The male pupils are taught every branch of learn ing necessary for their future advantage, making them carable of entering on all such duties us may hereafter oflwr for their weal. The female department are also taught every nec essary accomplishment,with plain and fancy needle work in addition to a sound scholastic course. Hours of attendance, 9 to 12; and 2 to 5, for youth, and 6J to 9, for adults. 1 hus may the children of the above receive as lib eral an education as in aristocratic institutions, whose charges exclude many, a naturally talented child from obtaining the assistance necessary to develop Us intellect. Pupils charged only from fine of entrance. Terms persession of .3 months, each. A limited number of boarders are taken at a small charge. References may be had to parents, of pupils, either in Ohio, West Columbia, Masou City or this place, on application to the Principal, at the Institute. SAMUEL B. SAUNDERS, Preceptor. Oct. 4.-40-tf. , MOUNT AUBURN YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. THIS Select Seminory, situated in the beautiful and healthy suburb of Cincinnati, called Mount Auburn, claims equal standing with the most ap proved Schools In the Eastern States. The pnpils form a part of the family of the Princi pal, and the charges arc placed at the lowest rates consistent with the snperujri'y of the' domestic ar rangements and style of the Institution The course of education reaches the highest brandies usual in the best Female Seminaries. There are two sessions or about twenty-one weeks each. The charge for Board, lodging, light, washing, English, scientific and classical branches, s 9150 per session.' - Music, singing, painting and Modern Languages at customary rates. Being within a few minutes1 ndo from Fourth Street, bv omnibus leaving every half hour, this school affords peculiar facilities to families residing on the river. For the success of the Institute, in accomplishing its aims, reference is made with great confidence to its patrons. The next session will open on Tuesday, the 13th of September, 1859. ...... Applications may be made to Rev. E. A. CRAW LEY, D. D., Mount Auburn; or to J. H. WHITE, Esq., at Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co.'s, Cincinnati. Reference is also made (with permission) to Hon. V. B. Horton, and Charies Pomerov, Ksq., Pomeroy, Ohio. August 31, IH59. 36-3t MR. P. BRUNKER WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Pome rov that be will give instructions on the Piano and tench vocal music at $10.00 for thirty-six lessons. Three lessons per week two on Piano and one in singing. 1 have a Piano for the use of those who have none. No extra charge for the use of my Piano. I can also sell New York, Baltimore and Boston Pianos at Retail City Prices. Pianos sold by me, tuned and put up in good order and kept so for two years after buying: also Prince & Co.'s Melodeonssold on guarantee, and exchanged if any imperfections appear within the flrsryear. Lessons given on Melodeon same as Piano. April 3, '60 14-6m. A. SEEBOHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, DEALER IN OILS, TAINTS, BRUSHES, Varnishes, Dyestufl'u, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. Prescriptions carefully put up. J an. 9. 2-2. Notice to Salt Manufacturers. THE subscriber, from a long experience in the business, would inform salt manufac turers that he is prepared to make Auger Joints, Boring Tools, &c. lO-Cm F. E. HUMPHREY No - - , - f?p 2 REMOVAL. HAS REMOVED HIS JEWELRY Building, immediately at the Head Landing Road, next door dciow jscmington s store, ana miorms herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the sameTtime, open his new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of . . JEWELRY AND Of every description, which he will sell at very reasonable prices, and he war rants every article to be of the value represented. ! His Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his woTk, such as WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING, Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. To all from whom h has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same. W. A. AICHER,Jewcler. 2-3-tf. At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. Iftisrellancous. A G 1 F T . MOORE'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for ITushandt to their JFkm and Daughters. The introduction of this most beautiful and emi neutlv l Tactical machine will brine Jot and clad ness to the hearts of thousands of our country women tliroagrnoni me tanu. it is pronouncea by the best judges to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirahle for family use, being reliable and ac curate en all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew with eual facility the thtcKest aim uiuinesi gooas nseu in a lamiiy. vve enumerate a iewei us superior aa vantages. - 1st. It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and docs not break needles.. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re wiiKlinir. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus preventing, the uamugtng oi goous. 5th. It runs with erent ease, and ouietly. lilh. It can be understood and operated upan with very little instruction. 7th. His sold f r the low price of thirtj dollarj. Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine and work can be seen at the agents' residence, next door to Dr. Train's Oflice, nenr the Bank BuiUhhg. JUctttASTJEU Ac SON, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and WudUuisLou counties, uuio. Jati. 3, 'oa. l-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S IMG MACHINES AT New York Prices. mHE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS- L ness and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridgo on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular i amuy Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to - enable purchasers to sew ordi nary seams .stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. Each Machine is warranted for three years, For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. C. E. D0NNALLY. Pomeroy November, '59. tf Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. It. R ON and after Thursday, April 26, 18G0, trains will leave Athens s follows: Going Kast Express Mail at - - 12:96 p.m. Going West Mail at - - - 10:36 a.m. Express mail east makes close connections at Parkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Knilroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all poini8 vvesl. JTJ'Passengers leaving Parkersburg at 8:10 a. m arrive at Columbus9:l3 p. a. JTJTk-kess at reduced rates are sold at Chilli' cothe and Athens, for Columbus. JTT'Through tickets to all points East and West can be obtained at all the principal Ticket Offices on the line of the Koad. A discount of ten cents on each ticket from regu ar tariff rates will be made on all tickets purchased at the ticket olflces. OKLAS11 SMITH, Sup't. J. Fogg itt, Gen'l Ticket Aa't. Chil. may. 1,59. L. J3. MO ORE, Saddle, Hrrness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments, lie calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world" on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs. Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, kkins, &c., at the highest market price. June zi, o. zo-iy The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner. Front and Sycamore Streets, POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON SILVERMAN, Wholesale and retail Dealer in BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, ua.3Sri GIIOCEH.IE8, Invites the public to his splendid stock, which he has recently received. It is unnecessary to particularize, but I will say, that my stock it is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled. Jan. 24, 1860 4-4-tf. Sheriff's Sale. 11. H.Moore vs. John Dennis and Martha Dennis. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. m., On the Gth day of September, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Seventy-five feet off the north end of the following tract of land: a part of a lot sold by Lewis S. Nye to Norman S. Davis, bounded as follows: beginning at a stake fifty feet north of the east and west line of sectien eight, town two, range thirteen of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north 225 feet; thence east 100 feet; thence south 225 feet; thence west to the place of beginning; to be sold as the prop erty of John Dennis and Martha Dennis, at the suit of D.H.Moore. Appraised At 112.00. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. m. C. July 20, i860. 20-Gt 3.00 STORE TO A. BURNAFS NEW of the Wharf-Boat &jtjwiS. FANCY ARTICLES, gftiscdlaneous. W. B. SKIRV1M. .1. H. KELLKY. C OL. THOS. SMITH. EXCEUtOft MABBLE WOBKS, RACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the U. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. THE UNDEBSICNED WOULD EESPECT fully inform the citizeus of Meigs and ad joining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish to order, Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, Table-Tops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality of Foreign or American Marble. Those withing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. SK.IRVIN, KELLEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf NEW GROCERY AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queensware, Shoes, &c., &c, at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling MilL which will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, FOR OASS. Constantly on hand - - Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Sugar, Dried Apples, Coffee, Dried Peaches, Tea, Potatoes. Molasses, Hominy, ' Sirup, Pearl Barley, Vinegar, Beans, Bacon, Peas, - Dried Beef, Raisins, . Codfish, Currants Mackerel, White Fish, &c, &c. - C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy, March 1. 2-'J-ly CHINA, GLASS WE invite the attention of liuyers, to our large and well assorted stock of Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesitancy in saying that we will, and do sell, good stylos and qualities of ware lower than thev are sold in any other Western market. All orders carefully selected and welluacked. We solicit an examination of our stock. PUKSELL & GORDON, 13-Iy. Front street, Portsmouth, O . PtOW$!PtOWS! I HAVE on hand one hundred PATENT LEVER PLOWS, Pittsburgh Pattern, wliich I will sell as fol lows: Right Hand No. 2 '. 55.00 " " No. 3 6.00 " No.'s 4 and 5. T.O0 Left Hand No. 4 7.00 Hill Side No, 4 , 7.50 I also make to order three sizes Right and Left Hand, Rich's Patent Cast Iron Beam Plows. Scrap taken in exchange. mar. 6, '59. tf J. W. G. STACKPOLE. MAY PURCHASES. SECOND SPBMC STOCK J. F. TO WELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Notions, Front St , Portsmouth, O. HAVING now in store nn immense stock of Sea sonable Spring and Summer Goods, I would in vite the attention of merchants to the same. Parties who make their main purchases East, will find it convenient to replenish as they may need, at short notice. Orders filled to best advantage, and on as good terms as if the purchaser were present. Portsmoatn, 0.,may 19,60 21-ly J. F. TO WELL. ALFRED NESMITH, (Lata of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowen & Nesmith,) NOW WITH M. WILLIAMSON, & CO. Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in DRY GOOD S, 425 Market & 414 Commerce Sts. M. WILLIAMSON, Bet. 4th & 5th North side Philadelphia. O. H. WILSON, S. M. ANDERSON, H. C. POTTER, March J, 59. LANDS FOR SALE. mHE undersigned offers FOR SALE, on rea- JL sonable terms, and in lots to suit pur chasers, all the lands in Meigs county, and ad joining counties, belonging to the estate of Ha- hum Ward, late of Marietta, Ohio, deceased. Title indisputable. . WM. S. WARD, Executor on the estate of Marietta, O., May 30, '60. 23 Nahum Ward. SPRING GOODS. A GENERAL assortment of Seasonable Goods, just received, and for sale right, consisting of Dry Goods, Books, Stationery, Wall Papers, Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, firncAripa Farmpra1 unii Af AchftTlips Tonlfl. HiLfja PflnQ Ttonnnta Afiieirtnl Instrument s. and, in tact, the greatest assortment of Goods to tie lounu under any root in tins section. Call in and examine would like it, if you buy a few I ! WM. II. REMINGTON. Po. 940, corner ot Linn and iiront st s. May, 1800. 22-tf ohzo jst-tie: AND UHI0IT LAW COLLEGE LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, O. SESSIONS commence on the 25th day of Au gust, 15th day of December and 7th day of April. Students may enter at any term with equal profit. The College is authorized to confer all degrees. Upon graduating, students receive the degree ot uacneior oi jaws, ana may be admitted to practice without further examination. For Circular, address Dec. 6, 1859. 49-1 y M. A. KISU. WOOL CARDING, AT THE RACINE WOOLEN FACTORY. HAVING put in new machinery, we are prepared to do Wool Carding at 4 cents per pound. . . - . . T . 1 All worK warranted, wncre me wooi is ciean. Wool or Lard taken in pay for work. July 3, I860. 26-rf THOS. EG AN. Medical. MOTHERS. Thousan'As are ialy speaking in the Jirsise of D H. 6 A O il'S INFANTILE COHDIAL and why? becatlse it ksvgh pAitSTd avokd iHstab TANeocs KKUtr when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and ode trial alone wiil convince yon that What we say Is true. It contains j No Paregoric or Opiate . of ant kind, and therefore relieves by rkmoviko the siffekihos of jour child, instead of by deaden inu ra sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself as the only reliarle preparation now known for Children-Teethinsr, DiurrWa, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cola in the Head, and Croup; also for softening the gums, reducing inflammation, regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal being an anti-spasmodic H is used with unfailing success in all cascsof Convulsion or other Fits. As yon vclae the life and health of your children, and wish to saTe them from those sad and blighting consequences which are cer tain to result from the use of narcotics of wliich ell other remedies for Infantile Complaints are com posed, take none but 11a. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only lv CI1U1CCII DUFONT, Ko. 409 Broadway, New York. BLOOD" FOOD. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives, of course, the True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c., and we find in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you ape made well. The Blood Food is founded npon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases, For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, nse No. 1, which is also the No. for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, Ko. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared for absorption it is Taken by Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses, &c. 6ee spe cial directions for this. For Salt Kheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food. $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH ot DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. By - - - - And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. 3-4-y. S A NT O ED'S UVEH INVlGOnATOn, . NEVER DEBILITATES. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Modicine. known aim ap have used it. and is now fldencoin all the diseases mended. It has cured thousands years who bad given up the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adapt ment of the Individual such quantities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use rf the Liver will cure JLiver Com Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks, Dyspepsia. Sum en tery, Habitual Costive Clioltra Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two or three Teaspoon coinmenceinent of an at- All who use it are giv- proved by all tha resorted to with eon for which it is recom- within the last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed to the tempera taking it, and used in gently on the Bowels. v i Invisorator, and it P plaints, Dropsy, Sour tt j rhoea, ifiuious Ai H mer Complainls,Dys H ness, Cholic, Cholera, iniantum, jaundice, Flatulence, and may Ordi ary Family Sick Headache, las twenty minutes, if fuls are taken at the tack. iug their testimony lii lis iavor. Mix water in the month with thA Tnvtfl.omtor. unj swallow both together. Price Ons Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFOR D'S FAMILY CATHARTIC W'U$, CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and icill- keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro practice more than The constantly incrcas who have long used the tion which all express in prietor has used in his twenty years, ingdeuand from those Pills and the satisfac regard to theii- use, has them within the reach ef know that different Ca portioos of the bowels. inuucea me to place all. The profession well 8 H H H tharics act on different The Family Cathartic Pill has, with due refer lished fact, been com of the purest Vegetable on every part of the al 2d and safe in all tic is needed, such as Stemach, Pains in the ness, Costivencss, Pain whole body, from sud queutly, if neglected, Fever,Loss of A ppetite, of Cold over the Body, or weight in tbe head, all Worms in Children or great Purifier of the to which flesh is heir, tion in this advertise- ence to nits wen estab. pounded from a variety 0 .xiracis,wnicn act miKe imentary canal, and are case i where a Cathur- Af I.a Back and Lions, Sleepi-' j and Soreness over the fj den cold, which, frc-j gj end in a long course of. f a Creeping Sensation ($ Restlessness, Headache, T Infiammutory Diseases, V Adults, Rheumatism, a Blood and many diseases too numerous to meu-j nient. Dose, 1 to 3. I PKICE, THREE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Catbartie Pills are .retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by tho trade in all the large towns. S. T. Vt . SANFOKD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 3-4-y. 335 Broadway, New York. MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radi cal cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental ind Physical Debility. By ROB. J. CULVE RWELL, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines or the dangerous applications of cau stics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at tbe least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of tbe day. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thouands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stawps, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 4S0 Eirst Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. may 1. '60 17-ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En downient, fortbe Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. TEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting J-YX Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med icines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, seDt to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street rniittiieipnia,-a. uka u. huaki vvjul,, GEO. FAIKCH1LD, Secretary. President SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to annoiinee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Sugar Run, near the Tannery, where he will manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us witn a call. N. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. DAVID UEIEK. Pomeroy, 1-1. tf FRUIT CANS. Prall & Hatch Are manufacturing Fruit Cans by the thousands, and would say to the public that all experienced crsons will testify to the superiority; F . e TIN CAN over all others, and as being the ONLY re liable and safe vessel in which to put up Fruit. We are selling them very low this season. Also, a large lot of wax, for cementing Cans. 24-3m PLANING MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill, has a large assortment of Lumber, either rough or Dlaned. on hand, which will be sold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As he is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of the material. All orders addressed to JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O., Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Whurf-boat, Pomeroy, will be promptly attended to. may 22, I860. 3-20-yJ CANCERS CUBED. drV g "goler TENDERS his pfofeSs'iohal services to all in Southern Ohio and Northern Virginia, who are afflicted with-caneer, in any of its forms. Cancerous nd othter malignant tumors re hrrj'ved Without the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others that might be adduced, are testimonials from physicians of extensive nd long-continued practice: Albany, Athens Co., O., Jan. 12, 1860. Tik. G. Colir Dear Sir: Having seen sereral ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent eureef Cancer in any of its forms may be had, if application be made to von before the tumor afTects the vital organs. JOHN'EAKHAKT, M. D. Haehisoxvilie, Meios Cxh, Jan. 5, 1860. X take pleasure in certifying that Dr. O. Coler's mode of treating Cancers is completely successful, as many difficult cases resulting in quick and perma nent cures, through his treatment, have come under my notice, as a Practising physician during the last 1-2 years. JOSEPH MOORK, M. 1). Office and residence, opposite Hugg & Coe' Drug Store, Middleport, Meija Co. O. January 24, I860. 3-4-y national Dispensary for Private Diseases, Established January 1st, 1859. $500, 500 FORFEIT! Throe Eminent Physicians In constant attendance. The faculty of the institution, consisting of PKOF. EGBEKT JACKSON, Member of the Koval College of burgeons, London. DK. ROBEKT HERBERT, Late of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and M.EUGENE VELPEAO. Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of S50O, a complete cure of every Sexual Disease, however aggravated bv neglect, and without mercury. 'We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because we will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. The Physician of the National Dispensary mvs discovered the ONLY REMEDY in the WORLD from all the effects or eaelt imprudence. Relief in twenty-four hours. A cure warianted in from one to three weeks. Married persons, or young people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or organio debility, should make application at once. ' They who place themselves under our care, may rely religiously in our honor as gentlemen that their secret will be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CURE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General nmhilitv. Nervousness. Dvnnensiu. Lamruor. Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timiditv, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Diseaseof tbe Head, Throat, Rose or Skin, Affections of the Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body and JMina. The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, A Book of near 300 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for those who are married or thinking of muiriage, will be sent on receipt of 53 cents. This book contains the most valuable information in the language. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in the hands of very young persons, as u contains in fnrm.ition that mieht he perverted to naworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Lovo and Beauty, never belore Satisfactorily rovonioii in nrhrtk in the Enirlish laneunre. Price 50 cents one of the cheapest books in the world. Send for a Circular folly describing tt. Verv liberal terms to those who buy in large o small quantities to sell again, made Known on appli cation. The low price at which th book is retailed t-u cunisj renuers it one oi m j. ; . ti... i .. ri-..t firtAifti tnrlup.Aments to clubs. Every letter must contain six cents in stamps, for which will bo sent a full, written Reply; also, The Dispensary Circular, a truly valuable auvisory uoc nmnt for old or vonnjr. married or unmarried, and especially for all" who have made themselves old young xih dv a certain secret practice. more valuable information than many boom. - M. Vki.peaf'b Beautifying Powder. H imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, and effectually prevents the formation of wrinkled, blotches, frevkles, pimples, wens, etc., etc. Price $1 per box, sent by muil. Dr. Jackson's Female Monthi.t Invalnablo in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used ill the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price SI, forwarded by mail. Dr. Jackson's Perpetual Preventive, is the only article in the world that witheut inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept at the hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no other preventive in use and is superior to all. Forwarded to any address. Address Drs. JACKSON, HE BERT dt Co., or simply P. O. Box 430, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office 167 Sycamore street. Medicines and instructions sent prmnptly lo any part of the country. 2-3U 6m. The only Safe Preparation That does not Dye, but icill restore GRAY HAIR To its original color, by Nature's own process, is Prof. O. J. Wood's Celebrated HAIR RESTORATIVE- In proof of the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all parts of the country. i Hon. Solomon Mann, Ann Arbor, Mich., says his wife, whose hair had become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its orieinal brown color, and thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over, the head. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative with the hap piest enecis. . Hon. Jcdge Breese, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Kestorative, it nas resumed us original coior, ana 1 have no doubt permanently so. Hon. H. L. Stewart, says my hair was very gray, but alter using two bottles, it restoreu it to lis ongi nul color. Rev. J. K Braoo, Brookfleld, Mass., says it has re moved from my head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to its original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, 111., says my hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white, but, by the appli cation oi tne Restorative as uirecieu, it nas resumea its original color. Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, all effect, 1 used 01.0 bottle of your Hair Restorative, which has cured a humor in my head of two years' standing. Benjamin Longhidoe, 254 Seventh Avenue, New York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Erjsipelas, when it began t grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I was induced to try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has had the desired effect. H. L. Williams, M. D., Peckensville, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and Bnd it all it is rec ommended to be. I have tried it for Tetter and find it a certain cure. W. M. Woodward, M. D., Frankfort, Ky., says, he recommends it in bis practice as the best prepara tion for the hair now in use. Edward Walcott says, three months ago my hair was very gray) i', is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by tbe use of Wood's nesioraure. Wilson Kino savs. one month's nroner implication will restore any person's hair to its original color uuu lexiure. J. D. Hoes says, a few applications fnslcDed my hair firmly, it began togrow out and tarn black, Its orig inal coior. Betsey Smith, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to its youthful color, soft and glossy. Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Paul, says that bis hair is strong, thick, and black, although a short time since he was both bald and gray. The people here saw Its effects and have confidence in it. Morris Gosling, M. D., St., Louis, says that after trying manv other preparations, all to no effect, he used two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair, and invites all to come and see it. Sarah J. Brown says her hair was not only gray, but so thin she feured its entire loss but after using two bottles it has restored both the color and growth. Prepared by O. J.WOOD & CO., 114 Market street. Saint Louis, and 312 Broadway, New York, and sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United States and Canada. Aug. 7, I860. 31-3m Sheriff's Sale. Sarah Newell vs. William Newell. BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. M, On the lith day of September, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Lot No. 18, situate in Miners ville, Sut ton township, Meigs County, Ohio; to be sold as the property of William Newell, at the-suit of Sarah Newell; appraised at $600.00. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Aug. 13, 1800. 33-5t 1.50 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed and duly qual. ified as Administrator on the estate of Quartus Bridgman,. late of Meigs County, Ohio, dee'd. xJJiNJ AMIN KJN1UHT, Adm'r. Aug. 7, 1860 32-3t KEMlINGTON house. F. B. RIHELDARFER,, Proprietor, At the head of Steamboat Landng, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. Peditat. Bloori Purifier and Blood Pills. DR. ROBACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES. WHEN DR. KOBACK, the celebrated Swedish Physician, introduced his Blood--Purifier ami Blood Pills in the United Slates, he set forth in plain language their enrative properties. Tils was years ago. The task of recommending them tsas since been taken out of his hands. Enlightened men wnose cnaracier tor sou no juagmem ana-nnMOBopoy,. gives their opinions weight in tne commodity,, men, whp observe, reflect, and make "assarapc uoablyy. sure" before they decide are everywhe ap- .. proving and urging the use of these wonderful iPrepr. arattohs. All who confide in the wisdom and bon- - esty Of this class; or who choose to investigate. for j themselves are how of one mind on this important subject. , . i Dr. Koback invites the attention of the sick to in Original Letters, 1 4 from members of the MedicaJ PVyfossion, Editors o public journals, well known Merchants and Farmers' -and Ladies of the. highest respectability, giving ae counts of extraordinary cures wrought by tbe rente die, of which eures they themselves we're' Eye Witnessed . .,.,,.,. These parties may be consulted peVsotiaily 6'r b' letter, bv tho."e who have any doubt Htwn the tuiL Ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Kobactf lishes the following FACTS: That the "Blood Purifier" and "Blood Pills1 uav been proved by analysis to Contain no Mineral; That they euro the al most universal complr ot, Vyspepsva, with unerring certainty, and in a very short time That after all other medicines have proved, useless,, they relieve . T . Liver Complaint and restore the health and strength of the s Tha . ( Sick Females, who have languished for years In helpless weakness' and despondency, recuperate with great rapidity u nder their invigorating operation. That all sexual disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating properties. That they recruit Shattered Constitutions, however they may have been trifled with and abused-, that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, and render it enjoyable. That, operating directly upon U 3 poisonous disease in the blood, they Cause Soon to Ileal, - and discharge from the system, every taint of Scro ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they Recruit the Debilitated, and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous system, the skin.glandsoi muscles, arising from impurities or the blood and secretions, in which they do not give prompt relief, and, (if administered before tbe very citadel of life has been invaded,) effect a painless and perfect cure. Bear in mind that the "Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience of thou sands of living witnesses, who, In letters, affidavits, medical works, and by word of mouth, proclaim them to be the very best preparation at the kind ever offered to the broken-down victims of ill-health. They hunt disease through every avenue and organ of the system, and to expel it thoroughly and perma nently. No one can doubt their superiority after one single trial they are not only better, but, in fact, cheaper than any other Pills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better effect. . rrlee of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pnrl fler, t per bottle, or 95 per half dozen. Of tbe Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, 55 cents per box, or 5 boxes for 91. In difficult or complicated Cases, Dr. Rebaek may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing on stamp for the reply. - . ; .. ., ( . From Rev. Mr. McMnllen, Pastor of KoVerts Chapel. Indianapolis, October S leS. Dr. C. W. Koback Dear Sir: I have used yoor Blood Purifier for a nervous aflVction, from -which I have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste, it certainly has a happy effect npon tha nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re gards, and believe me Yours. J. W. T.' McMVIXEff. Principal Office and Sales Rooms, No. 6 East Fourth street, 3d Building from Main street, Cincin nati, O. Laboratory in Hammond street. For sale in Meigs Co., by D. Reed,. Pomeroy; Hugo & Coe, Middleport; E S. Branch, Rutland; J. M. Cooper,. Pageville; J. R. Ellis, Racine; Rob erts & Tidd, Long Bottom; I. 11 Ha tm an, Apple Grove; Welden &: Bestow, Chester; A. E. Reed, Orange--P. O.; TV. M. Swallow, Letart Falls;;, TVm. Dicket, Harrisonville; M. E. Smith, Syracuse; and by Druggists and , Merchants generally, throughout the Union... ,3-7-y. D K . II AKTINl's , CATAVIENIAI CORRECTOR ! ! HAS HAD . , A TEN YEABS' TBIAL. WHICH SHOW-D BE SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE EVERY Suffering "Woman ,. ; of the Great Value of the CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR! f . And that it is without exception ' &&-THE BEST MEDICI NE&t. BF.FORE THE PUBLIC - : -", FOR ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IRREGU LARITIES, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, PA LP1TATION OF THK HKABT, . VERTIGO OK DIZZINESS, PAINS IN THE KIDNEYS, PAINS IN THE SMALL OF THK BACK. PAINS UNDER THE SHOULDERS, LOWNKSS OP SPIRITS, LANGUOR AND NERVOUSNESS GENERALLY, DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION SUSPENDED MENSTRUATION. , OR CESSATION OF THE MENSES, And an almost endless variety of other diseasesat tendanton irregularities superinduced by colds, by over exertion, by a weak constitution, severe men tal or physical labor. Tho simple remedy for all t to get at ine primary cause 01 tue disease; reaetf it, and you assist nature lo regulate. Tbi caa tm done by the great . .- CATAMEMAL COHRECTOft, Which bas never failed to effect a cure when prop erly used, according to the directions, and a fair" trial given it. It is prepared from tbe recipe, and under the per sonal supervision of a most Skilful Physician, who for a number of years confined its use to his private practice. For the few years that it bas been before tbe public it has gained for itself a position that will' soon, by its rapid increase of popularity, place it at the bead of all remedies heretofore offered for" Women's diseases. The more especially lliose' above enumerated, which too often end in consumption. For sale by most respectable Druggists through out the Union and Canadas. Price, $l-SO per Bottle N. B. When it happens that your Druggist baa not the article, the money can be remitted direct to us, and if two or more bottles are ordered at one time, the medicine will be sent free of charge for transportation. :' Particular directions as to use, to., accompanying each bottle. Druggists can be supplied direct from our Labora tory , or by sending their orders to BAKNES & PARK, New York. P. C. "WELLS k: Co., New York. S. B. HANCE, Baltimore, Md. DYOTl'S, Philadelphia, Pa. J. WRIGHT dc Co.,, New Orleans, La. JOHN D. PA KK, Cincinnati, O.. H. H. HAYS. Portland, Me. Or to any respectable Wholesale Druggists in Newv York or Philadelphia. Circular, with Trade Prices,. &c, for the Corrector, and our other medicines sent free to Wholesale Buyers. No Medicine placed on Commission. J D. I. DE NYSE, General Agent for the United States and Canadas- 40 Ann St., New York. July 10, '60. 27-ly - APPRENTICES. THOSE wishing to take boys or girls at any -age from infancy t 14 years, to lire with, them till of lctral aee, would be doing a public - benefit by making known their wishes to Mr. . Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary, neaj Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors-. Feb. 7, 'b0. tf. M. BOSWORTH. WM. H. & J. GKANT HAVING formed a partnership nnder the above' name, and having purchased the "Crystal Mill." in Middleport, design running it regularly front this time. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat. and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to uusiuttss vo merit nuu receive a gooa patronage. im m, jrrai. M WM. ft. c J. GRANT:. A. G. CROWLEY & CO.,. WILL HEREAFTER CARRY ON THE: Carpenter and Joiner business: Doors. Sash, Blinds, &c., executed to order. Frorm long experience m business, we feel confident . of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders en- -trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the public, and we respectfully ask a continuance of their favors. The Mill is . a few doors above Williamson's Flouring -MilL 1-16-tf LOTS FOR SALXL ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLOR'8 RUN", AND Carr's Run. Application to be made to. M, Heckard, Esq., Pemeroy. Aug. 16,33-t S. W. POMEROY. Eleaar Loret's Estate. NOTICE is hereby given that the subscriber- has been appointed and qualified a adi . ministrator on the estate of Elezar Lovet, late- . of Racine, Meigs County, Ohio. G, R. ACKLEY... Aug. 1, 18C0 SI-3t 1 PHAff&ACVA