Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. FRIDAY, I i I September 7, 1860. figi-Thc next session of the Ohio An nual Conference of the M. E. Church begins at Gallipolis on the 19th inst., Bishop Simpson presiding, f ats Wanted.. : We will take oats on subscription, if delivered soon.- Will Bome of our county snscribcrs avail themselves of the opportunity of thus paying their dues to this office? THE ORB AT MEETING, On Tuesday of last week, was truly a magnificent affair. But for the rain, it would doubtless have been the grandest gathering ever witnessed in the county. In the morning, soon after daylight, it began to rain, and continued raining un til hoon. But., notwithstanding the gloomy prospect, the Republicans were astir? and the "Wide-Awake Club," formed a few days before, to the number X)f about one hundred aud twenty-five, started on horseback to meet the speak rs at Rutland. They were there joined by others, and the procession returned through the mud and rain to Pomeroy, where they arrived at 10J o'clock. In j "the meantime, the steamboat Gmdor had gona down the river to Cheshire, and the Baltimore up to Letar and re turning, had gathered up the hundreds at the various landings, until, on their arrival here, they were literally crowded with human freight. "Numbers, also, came in from the country, but most were detained . by the rain; The place for the meeting had been prepared in a beautiful grove, up :Naylor's Run, but the rain and mud prevented its use. On seeing the unexpected multitude, it was determined to hold the meeting under the broad roofs of the Pomeroy Rolling 31 ill, 'and thither the crowds moved, and were addressed by lion. V. B. Horton, in the .forenoon, and Hon.' John Sher man, in the afternoon. . 1; Being very unwell, we were deprived Sfjthe pleasureof bearing the speeches, except the opening sentences of the lat ter.; But from all classes of Republicans we hear of but one opinion, and that is, that they were among the ablest speeches ver delivered in Pomeroyv There were not less than three thousand people in attendance, and the impression made was a . very favorableone. With such men as Horton and Sherman before the peopIe,'it would seem unaccountable to "hear of their defeat, by the popular vote. We think it ? If the honest, law"and ordfir;;ioying citizens desire to have a5 Representative in Congress who an rise above the 'petty intrigues ; of "partisan plunder,, let them vote for Mr. Horton. . And. .we, feel, confident they will so vote,' and elect: him by a hand some majority. We do not conceal the fact that there is a heavy majority against us In the District. But with the changes that are taking place, and i the known characters of the candidates, it would -be an impeachment of the good sense and patriotism of the people to suppose they will fail to elect Mr. Hor ton to Congress. And they will not fail to do it;" " V A VERT DIRTY BUSINESS. Those , who liave passed ; "Lincoln Hill," n the Rutland road, will rcmein Wr the beautiful pole erected there 6ome weeks ago by the Republicans. It was one of the finest poles ever, erected in the county, and with its ; beautiful flag and streamer, could be seen for miles up and down the Ohio ltiver,- As it is the practice of all parties to raise these poles, it is never understood that an of fense'is thereby intended to the opposite party, and it , is never looked upon as such. But. there are,! if not in all, at least in some parties, littlej. dirtyj mean, sneakfiig' villains such as prewl about Begro cabins to steal unprotected chil dren, to sell to tbeir richer accomplices, and whose perverted natures revolt at an honorable' act. : Some of these night prowling, petty rascals, whether by the impulse of their own low propensities, or instigated by meaner, becaiise more cowardly scoundrels, who kept at a' safe distance, we are not "advised, on the night before the great Sherman meeting, performed the feat of boring down this beautiful pole. The dastards, no doubt, Had the partisan's zeal against the Re publicansthe incendiary's impulse to destroy the property they could not steal,' and the thief s propensity to pilfer the flag; but .they had also the coward's instincts, stronger than all the rest. For, having accomplished the' destruc tion of the pole, by boring it down, the poltroons, flodia -such, i haste that they In Virginia, recently,ca military com pany of some 400 Democrats, armed to the teeth, achieved the. chivalrio feat of cutting down a Republican pole in day light. iThe difference between their act and, that, iof the destroyers of this pole illustrates the difference between well, we won't say just what we came .very near saying but it certainiy.does illus trate the difference between some people. Honest fqlks don't like the operation of being plundered by any class of erimi nals, but the; bold, daring robber, who stops you in open daylight, does hot ex-. . cite the utter contempt which you feel for the snoaking, cowardly thief, who crawls to jour desk under cover of dark ness, and pilfers its contents. Both arei wings of the same, party - both stand on the same platform both aim at the same end and if their purposes can-be more effectually accomplished they can fuse,"' as examples might demonstrate. We do not suppose that any decent Democrat had anything to do with the dirty business; but, to pretend to believe that Republicans did the act,1 is not the surest way for some gentlemen to con vince tho publld that they did not par- ticinate in the tbina themselves. Better ; , . make a note Oi tbl8. y " S$&The Mass Meeting at Athens last week was the grandest affair of the kind ever held in the County. Sherman and Horton were the speakers. The Wide Awakcs made a grand display. A long procession of girls carried a transparency inscribed "Abe's Girls," which was one of the features. Athens promises 1,000 majority for Horton, and she will redeem her promise. 8iC. H. Blackburn, Esq., an able lawyer, and heretofore a leading Demo crat of Highland County, Ohio, has just published a powerful letter in the Green field Republican, giving his reasons for abandoning the' Democratic party and joining the Republicans. Mr. Black burn is one of the best stump speakers in Southern Ohio, and will make a deci ded impression in the present campaign. BOOK NOTICES Harpers' Monthly for Sept. is on our table, filled, as usual, with very readable matter, and profusely illustrated. Published by Harper & Brothers, N. Y. Terms, 3.00. - Atlantic Monthly for Sept. is also re ceived, and sustains the high reputation the work has heretofore attained. Published by Ticknor & Fields, Bos ton. Terms, 83.00. Change. The Independent -Republican, pub lished . at Point Pleasant, Va., has changed hands, as well as name. Mr. Hutchinson, former editor and proprie tor, retires, and T. Stribling & Co. have j taken charge of the "institution," and changed the name to The Western Re view. It comes out in a new dress and makes a very respectable appearance. The paper supports Bell and Everett. Some Snakes. The Athens Messenger says that elev en rattle-snakes were recently killed on Bailey's Run, in Dover Township, the least having seven, and the largest twenty-two rattles. The latter nieas ured five feet in length and required a peck of - bran to stuff its skin. Pretty well done for Dover. . But we know a man here who has had more than a hun dred snakes in his boots at one time, and far longer ones than these. Try it again,, Vaul - JKG over nor Letcher, of Virginia, has come out for Douglas. This will un doubtedly give that State to Bell and Everett. Last year, on a long and ear nest contest for Governor, the unitod Democracy only carried the State by some six thousand over the Americans. We have thought ever since the split in the party that if Douglas could take off ten thousand Democratic votes it would secure the State to Bell; but we did not suppose he could get 10,000. Douglas is now stumping Virginia in person, and with the acquisition of Governor Letcher to his side, we would not be surprised if he should receive, even more than ten thousand votes in the State. If he does, it effectually defeats Breckiuridge, and gives the State to Bell. .BSWe would respectfully call the attention of our . readers to the adver tisement of our friend J. V. Smith, Esq., in our columus this week. We hail every new mcchauical enterprise in our town, as an acquisition, and addition to its prosperity. And this, being a new branch of business here, ought to suc ceed, and with the established character of Mr. rWallar as. a superior workman, and of 'our friend Smith' as an ener getic and correct business man, we pre dict for the enterprise a success. Having served for several years as sheriff of the County. Mr. Smith is well known to most of our citizens, aud needs no word of recommendation from us.: With this establishment in our County, there will be no excuse for any of our citizens ordering works in marble from the cities. We know that Mr. Wallar is an accomplished workman, and are assured that prices will be mod erate. . Give the establishment a call. , B8?It is with extreme pleasure we refer to an advertisement in to-day's pa per,' announcing the opening of the "Tupper's Plains Seminary." Upon the proper education and training of the rising generation depends the future of bur country, and every facility for such training ought to be hailed by every friend of humanity. The Principal, Mr. Edwin Keys, is, as we are informed, an accomplished scholar and very success ful and popular educator. He is, more over, a gentleman of great energy and perseverance; and we congratulate the citizens of that beautiful village upon the acquisition of such an Institution, with such a head, to the other attractions of their place. We know of no other point in our county which has' seemed to us more attractive, as combining the advantages of both country and village life, than Tupper Plain's; and its se lection as the . seat of a Seminary, by such a gentleman as Mr. Keys, speaks stronger than anything we could say id favor of Che cultivation and lib eral spirit of the citizens. We intend td Visit the" place ; before long, when we hope to become -better informed as to the enterprise and its prospectSj and will then be able to give a more extended notice than we have time or means of, doing nowi In the meantime, we trust the Institution1 will meet with such a liberal patronage as will secure its pcrmanancy and extended usefulness. MARRIED, On the 23d August, 18G1X by Wm. Crooks, ij.. nr. Tnnv Pnwni and TUib AIahy Ipv 1.8q., Mr,. JOHX roWELt ana .Miss iMAKY JEN- AIS. both of Hartford, Mason Coimtv; Ya. j . -. ' In Rntlahil. Ohin. Sunday moraine. Sent. 2. j , ,ci 1 J I860, by Rev. Df, Hooper, BeV. Selah II. BAR- I , ... - o v .i , I RETT and MtSS REBECCA A. SIMMS, both of Riitlnnd ;" ' : ; ;'V , k. n'.n.'o'i re i v Vorn v 'T 1 ti "i I Un the 3d. of September. I860, by J. II. rlnl- i soil. Eii.' Mr. mint. T. TIei.i. and Miss Mar ! i ' ' , ! Hiu L. JIAtoat. all of Racine, Meigs Co., O. ' lOA fine engraving and correct likeness of Perry Davis can be procured by buying one S3 cent bottle of Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer. In such a purchase you will have the likeuess of one of the beat men living:, and a bottle of medicine universally appreciated for its great pewer in relieving pain either internally or externally; it can be procured of all respectable medicine dealers. Sold by A SEEBOHM, and D. REED. r-2w See What is said of it Chronio Salt Bheum. Norwich, May 31, 1851. S. A.'Wkavkr & Co. Gents: Having'seen the ben eficial effect of your Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup in a case of Chronic Salt Rbeum which had resisted all efforts to cure it for several years, 1 cheerfully recommend it as a remedy for that disease. DAVID EWEN. All who have used or seen It used will say the same thing about the article. 34 2w NKriuLDiA. This painful and common disease, which physicians do not appear fully to understand, will be greatly relieved, and in most instances a permanent'eure may be effected, Vy the use of WIL SON'S PILLS, which regulate the stomach and bow els, and produce a soothing effect upon the nerves which cause the acute pain. They are prepared and sold by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & Co., Wholesale Drug gists, and proprietors of 15. L. FahnestocVs Vermi fuge, No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth Streets, Pitts burgh, Pa., and by D. REED, Pomeroy, O., and mer chants generally. 34-lm Shkrry Wise Bitters. H is the best Medicine overused for Spring and Summer complaints. It has been more liberally patronized than any other ever established in this country. It is the same Richardson's Bitters which has restored so many in valids to health throughout the North-eastern States during the past thirty years. Read the following: Van Wkrt, O., July 26th, 1858. Dkar Sir: Having sold "Dr. Richardson's Sherry Wine Bitters," for the lust two years, I most re spectfully recommend it to the notice of Dyspeptic persons, and all persons who require a stimulating medicine. D. K. GALLEHERS, M. D. Sold by D. REED. 34-2w POMEEOY RETAIL MARKETS. Wednesday, Sept. 5, 160. Flour 5.50C.OO 85 lbs for $1.00 Wheat...Piime White, SI .00; Prime Red, POc; Lower grades from 75 to 80c. Being unable to procure the quotations, we give as in our last, but understand that it is from o to 10 cts. higher per bush. Oats... 25c. "(3 lu Potatoes , 25c. "0 " Green Apples 30c. bu. Butter 15c. 131b. Cheese fi8c. lb, Eggs -10c. 9 doz. Molasses. 55c. gal. Sirup....; G()(q,7 gal Sugar (N. O.) 10(3 11c. P lb Uottoe lifauoc. t Rice, ..7c. 3 " Soap .'. ... Candles (tallow)... Fish (Cod) Fish (Mackerel).. Fish (White) ..810c. i " 15c. " 6c. " ...810c. " 7c. " ricklcd Pork.. ...... :.......10c. "P " .....10c. p " 10c. f " ...15c. p " .ret. 8c; wholesale 51c. ', Shoulders Sides (smoked) Hams Crackers. Hoop Poles.... b.00 $4 1,000 Salt. .retail 25c; wholesale -c. bush . Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, Sept. 1.-. Flour The market was quiet to-day, and the business comparatively small. Buyers and sellers were 1015c per barrel apart, the latter asking $5 10 5 25 for fair to good brands superfine, and the former offering 5 005 10. Extra is held at 5 255 50, and fancy brands at $5 750 25. ' Groceries Sugar steady and in fair demand; sales of tiO hhds at 89c. Coffee firm and in good demand at 14J 15Jc. Molasses steady at 4344c. Wheat The market to-day was quiet but firm. The millers are buying sparingly. We quote prime red at 1 051 08, and prime white at 1 18 1 20. Cokn The demand for ear continues active, with light receipts. We quote it at 4445c in bulk. Shelled is in fair demand at 52( 55c in sacks. Oats The demand is fair and the market steady at 29c in bulk ;. sales of 400 bush iu bulk at 29c. Eye Continues dull but without any change in prices. We quote prime at G568c. Baki.ey The demand is only mod crate. The malstcrs and brewers are buying sparingly. Wc quote prime fall at 75c, and fair to good at 6570c. Hay The market is dull and un changed. We quote prime Timothy at 14 0014 50 per ton, in bales, on arri val. Ciieese The demand is active and the supply light. W e quote prime Western Reserve at SJc. Butter The market is steady, with a fair demand for prime fresh at 1415c for Western Eeserve, and ll(,12c for Central Ohio. Common is heavy at 810c. SPECIAL NOTICES. Clerk of tle Court. Editors of the Telegraph: " I. will say to the electors ot Meigs l.ounty, that I am a candidate for the office of Clerk, at the ensuing election. R. B.OWN1XG. Editors of the Telegraph: I will say to ths voters of each township that I have been solic ited by numerous friends to place my name before the pe&plc as an independent candidate for the office of Recorder. I will also say that I have had' some five years' experience in the Recorder's office, as a deputy, and that I have been engaged in the art of teaching penman ship some eight years. . If they think me needy, and capable of discharging the duties of the office, and will bestow it to me, I will be very thankful. E. B. STARCHER. Home Testimony. Blck Crekk, Adams Co., O., Aug. 19. Tin. Porai-k Hear Sir: I liare not the time to write you or the benefit conferred by your Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier, i took them for a disease of the throat, and they not only benefitted it but mv general health, also. I am now actually oei ter Hum for eipht years. They cured Miss Kllen Waite, of this place, of Jjlver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine... .Mrs. .Elizabeth Cross was cured of terrible shooting pnin in the stomach and side, which had baffled the enorls oi several eooa rnysi- oiansr The value of your medicines could be estab lished by any amount" of evidence, if need be, iu this vicinity. : yours ltespeciiuny. Try THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties aud Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altlto' a powerful remedy, It contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, brio; on the monthly period with regularity " ' In all cases of.Ncrvous and Spinal Affections, pains in the Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache," Vhites-, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure hen all other inenns have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, where the directions on the second page Of pamphlet are well observed. - For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agent. N. B.--"-Ono Dollar and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, wiil insure a bottle, con taining over 50 pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package". Sdle Agent for the tlnttcd States and Canada, JOB MOSES. fl.nte' K C. & Co.. Rochester, It. V . Br ..iIa hi I. 11. PARK. SHIRK. C :o.. Cil.cinuati, O., 1). REED, Pomeroy, O. ll- jr?''Vc refer our readers to the advertisement rJiA CHURCH & DUHOSTj No. -I09 Broadway, New York. The 'Blood Food' Is.ono of the greatest medicines of the age, and is rapidly driving out of ". 11,0 n""ru'"s"' 1"' V. lt cfflesiev i so irreat. and its superiority so justly acknowledged, thai it is found difficult to supply the immense and increasing demand for the article. 11, kton-s celebrated 'infantile Cordial,' is a med- icine prepared by a regular physician of eminenc e in his proressioli.and one who iiusaevoie a nis ineio the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no i .Y,,., i,i n,,ii..ino which commeuds tself to thoo only who can appreciate it.'-Apilachieola, Flor. limes.; . i irjSoe A'lvexttowmettt. - j NOTICE. ROYAL Baldwin, of Brown County, in the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that A. G. Laird, of the county of Beaver, in the State of Pennsylvania, did, on the 12th day of July, A. B. 1800; file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas within and for the county of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, against the said Royal Baldwin, defendent, setting forth, that the said Royal Baldwin is indebted to the said A. O. Laird in the sum of 125.73 and interest thereon from the 2d day of J uly, A. D. 1857, for money had and receired by the said Royal Baldwin to and for the use of the said A. G. Laird before that time, and praying for a judgment against the said Royal Bald' win for said sum of 125.73 and interest thereon from the said 2d day of July( A, D: 1857( and the said Royal Baldwin is hereby notified that an order of attachment has been issued irt this case, and returned, and that he is required to appear and answer said petition ou or bctore' the third Saturday after the 11th day of Sep tember, A. D. I860, A. G. LAIRD By Simpsov & Lasley, his Atty's. July 30th, 1860. 31-5t. AamliilMtrator' Sale of Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order granted by the Probate Court of Meigs County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, free from dower, at public auc tion, on the l'Jth day of September, 18U0, at eleven o'clock forenoon, upon the premises, the following real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit; beginning at the south-east corner of the north-east quarter of section No. 12, in town No. C, of range No. 14, of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north 10 chains and To liuks; thence South 82 de grees west 41 chains and 40 links; thence south 4 chains and CI links; thence east to the place of begining; containing 31 acres, more or less: also, the the following described premises, situate in said section, town and range, and bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at the north-east corner of the south half of said sec tion No. 12; thenco west 80 rods; thence south 50 rods ; thence east to the east line of said section; thence north aloug said section line to the place of begining; containing 25 acres, more or less. Appraised at one thousand dol lars ($1,000). Terms of sale: one-third in hand; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years Jfrom day of sale, with interest: the payments to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold. WM. II. NORTON, Administrator ot Robert Wilson, deceased. Pomeroy, August 7th, 1800. 32-5t. DR. S. O. KICHARDSOITS" SHERRY Wine B i t ters. The Celebrated New England Remedy FOR HABITTJAT, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, ticu ral Debility, and all other Diseases arising; from a Disordered Stomach, Liver, oi- Bowels, such as Acidity of the Stomach, Indigestion, Hnrtburn, Loss of Appetite, Costiveuess, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Disgust of Food, Sour Eructions, Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, Dimness 'of Vision. Yellowness of the Skill and Kyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest or Limbs, and in all cases where a TlSlC is necessary. - The Sherry Win-i Bitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note aud position. They are the ipst Pleasant and Valuable Tonic of the day. They are Just what persons re quire when recovering from protracted iUnes, or Jni tho Spring of the year, when a Medicinal Tonic is required . They are laiyely recommended, by Phy sicians through the West, "and the proprietors are daily in receipt of lett-jrs noting cures by their use. Thomas Stanford or Bloiintsville, Henry County, 1ml., writes us, under date of May 4tli, I860, that for threo years he was afflicted Willi Nervous Debility, of tho most positive character, and could get no re lief, until lie used the Slicr.ry Wine Bitters, Which soon completely restored him, and he is now iu robust health. One of tho G KK AT F.ST CUKES EVER KNOWN, was that of Geo. W. Hofl'man, Berwick, Seneca County, Ohio. He had been afflicted with Rheuma tism in all its various forms for about twenty years, he had used everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, but got no permanent reliet, until the Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cuied him. Ho writes us two years after his cure, and says, "I have no return .of the complaint," aHd further says, "I think and believe that in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain remedy. Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. Irice, 75 Cents per liottlc. J. X. HARMS & CO., Cincinnati,. Ohio. General Agents for the Southern and Wesltrn States. Sold bv f). KEKil, Pomeroy, O. July 31j 1?U0. 30-ly . PERRY DAVt$' VEGETABLE . - . ; JPaAri Eliller. WK BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF Til K PUBLIC TO THIS LONG TESTED AND UNtll VALLEl) Family ITIcdicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is perfectly safe medicine even iu the most unskilful hands. For Summer Complaint, or anv other form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adults, it is almost a certain cure, and has without doubt been more successful iu curing the various kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful phvsicinn. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease isever more or less prev alent, the t . . . PAIN KILLER, is considered by tho natives, as well as by European residents, in thoso clinintes, A Sure lCemcdy. - As a Tonic for the Stomach, it is unrivalled, few doses will relievo severe cases of r Indigestion, " and it is often a perfect cure for - Dyspepsia in its most aggravated forms. Its tonic and stiniula linir properties, arousinir the svstem to visrorousan tion, render it a most effectual cure for Colds and Coughs,. when nsed according to directions. For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation known. j,- Khcumatism, and Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and often cured by It. Any soreness in the Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application. It cures instantly the most violent ' - Toothache. It shntllil ntw!IV4 hi brtrtt Hour nt hotiH In l.a ,,.A.I - ..w.v v ......... j ,v . v- uau m cases of severe - Burns o? Scalds. If applied immediately, according to directions, it will give instant relief, and prevent Mistering. Steain boatmen. and others travelinff on our Western Hirers. Tt n:,...: " t. ioo uccii i.c3icii in v tci jf iinci.j ui uiuiixrc, una by almost every nation known to Americana. It is thft nl must. AAiiul'nit jiiiiiinin onI i .in.,: . ,i - . . v v., x u.i.,inv.i huh (Valium is i u wu uic iiiisqiuhui aiiu urn travel or on sea and laml and no one should travel ou our lakes or III Vt ILUUllh lb. bold by dealers every where. ' V,.,.-;,;..,,.GAUTIQNt,U .. ..v- i-uum 111 ut luutioua tHut mev irei me iren- ntn P.. in Vill- na :..:! - . mvi , ouuic luiiTiiiripieu men use that i o ni n fjm tliAi Amu .,.ui i . ...,....,. u iui uiii uh ii n w riuiu CUIlipuulHIS; III SO doing they deceive the community, and infringe upon the Tradk -Mark" of Perry Davis.. PKICES 25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1 Per Bottle. ix.-in.n-Tt uw., rronneiors iorine south and West. st turn HHt tj titv. Sold wholesale and retail by A. SEEBOHM and 1). Jiuy ai, leou. ;iu-iy DR. WEAVER'S CANKER & SALT RHEUM FOK THE CIjKE OP Canker, Salt Kiieuiu. Erysipelas, Scrofulous Dis eases, Cutaneous Eruptions, and every kind ei uiseuse arising iroin an impure state of the Blood. TIic most Effective Blood Purifier of the Nineteenth Century; It is the prescription of an educated physician," and all who are afflicted with any of the" above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from tho system, and When once out on the sktn, a low applications of DE. "WEAVER'S CERATE, S OINTMENT, and you have a permanent cure. The Cerate has proved itself to be the best Oiut riicat eVer invented, and where once used, it has never been known to fail of perfecting a permanent cure of QUI Sore, Tetter and Kingwonn, .scald Head, Chilllilaiiis and Frost Bites; Uarher's Ilch, Chapped Or cracked Hands Or Lips, Blotches or Pimples on the Face, and for Sore Nipples, the Cerate is the thing required to cure. It should bo kept iii the bouse of every family. Pilce of Cerate. 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by most dealers ill Medicines. J. N. llAIEItlS iV CO., l'ropi ictors for Western States, Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for above .Medicine may be addressed. Sold l.y f. Pomeroy, O. Jiuy .11, Je63. J')-jy NEW" AERIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FAXCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE On Court Street, u few Doors below tbe Court House, 3P" O 3VE 33 It O 5T , O . TIlE subscriber takes pleasure in inofraiing bis numerous customers, and tbe public in general, that be has just returned from the city "frith a splendid stock of goods in tbe above named line, all of which he' will sell at a living profit. He would call especial attention to his stock of fino SaiJ L SlWJLV whiah ho -will sell at city prices; also to bis larga stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com prising in part a Choice lot of POCKE T-B O O K S, for Ladies andGctitlenifrhj Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Cmbs, Tooth tktii Hair Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &. SFSCTAaZjZIS eft EY23 GrjJ.J3SHS, In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Or old Pens. He also keeps constantly on hand a trell selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard'a and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which bo Warrants to give satisfaction; He invites the patronage of tbe public, with the assurance that custonie'rs shall receive the worth of their money. An examination is solicited. June 18, 1860. 4-t JOSEPH PATTON'. DAS. E. SMITH, PATTON & SMITH Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose ot carrying on tne GROCERY BUSINESS In all Its depart menu, respectfully Invite the atten tion of I his community to our present atouk ol FRESH GEO CBRIE S, ' To vhich will constantly be added new supplies, as the demands m traue may require. - The junior partner having had a Ions experience in :he l.usiness in this market, is enabled to procure jut such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasins elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, flams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Confoc-tienaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot or Matehes, &c, and all the nick-nacks usually kept in such establishments. Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. We also purpose doing a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Kstablishment is on the east side of Court Street, three doors from Back Street, Fomeroy, O, April SO, I860. 3-I6-tf C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN .1. BRAD-LEY'S-. And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron "Ware, OF E VER Y BESCRIPTIOX, At rLTXiPl'es Old Staucl ITIIDDLEPOKT, O. 1 HAVE Just received a large assortment of Stoves J- which 1 will sun lover man ever, consisting in pan. of It Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood pAiaoa stoves, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GRATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. tfeC. S. Hall's Jfatcut'XiCver aud IRON CEiMEIJ PLOW TOINTS, WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and Jobbing of A Mi KINDS, done on short notice. ' Persons in wnt of anything in the way of Stoves Tin, Copper or She.-t Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. . - jrjr'Old Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change, may :, IPiiO. 19-ly BELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. 33n.-sr-A.3a-'s PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established in 1837, and flrst article of the kind ever introduced undor the name of "Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any other coun try; all othei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name of UKYAN being stamped ou each WAFER. Bnvis's Pdlmonic Wafers Relieve Coughs, Colds, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers KclicTe Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Bryan's Pdlmonic Wafers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. ' Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, i,ung TMscasei. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. ' Bryan's Pclmonio Wafers Relieve tliu above Complaints in Ten Minutes. Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitutions. Bryan's Pi lmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ' ' Not only relieve, but effect rapid aud lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Arc warranted to give satisfaction to every -one. NO family should be without a box of . Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers iu the house. No traveler shouid be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafebs in tits pocket. No person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-live cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Sold by D. KEED, Pomeroy. 3-31-ly Regular Marietta and Cincinnati racket, J. J. BI.AGG, Master; JOHN HE1SNER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. m. passing Pomeroy on Saturday at lOo'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. Leaves Pomeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freiirlit or uussase apply on board or to PATION & MONTGOMERY, Nov. 29, 'j9. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS & BEO., Mason City, Va., TvEAT.ERS in Lumber in the rough, and Manufactu ) rers of Flooring, Ceiling and Weatherboarding. Pinning of all kinds done, and lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on hand Sash, Doors. Blinds, Lath and Shingles. Our cash prices for dressed Lumber are as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand White " . " " Ceiling ' - - Willirhonrdln tier hundred feet if so no 22 50 soon I 25 All ordors addressed to Pomeroy P. O. will receive prompt attention. may 15, '6U. 19-ly IRON FENCING . AND op6blTicoes c"ax ee procured in iuonton at a8 low prices, in as. great variety, and of as good material as any place in the West. T. S. K1RKER Ironton, Ohio. Nov. 15) 59.4(5-ly Bridge Notice. I WILL offer for sale the building of the Briilge.ucross Kerr's Run; to the lowest re sponsible bidder, tin Wednesday, the 5th day of September next a at 2 o'clock V. m.; at the site of the old bridge. Tlan and specifications may be seen at the Auditor's office, To'inci-ov, or ut the residence of the undersigned. 3. Mi ELLIS. Racine, Ohio, Aug. 10; lSCO; 32-tt To Persons out of Employ ment. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE ERIE SEW ING MACHINE. We will jtive a Commission, or wages at $40 per month.- and expenses paid. This is a new Machine, and So simple in its construction that a child of 10 years can learn to operate it by half an hour's instruction. It is equal to any Family Sowing Machine in use, and the price is but Fifteen Dollars. Persons wishinir an Asri-ucy will address J. N. BOYLAN, Secret rv Eric Sewing Mai-bine Company, July lit, 1?00". J:i-6w Mihin, Ohio. OLD STAXD OF I'JiTKll l.A.M BllrjtJliT. BUY YOUI1 Where you can get them Cheapest. i. CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with We quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugh's Ruilding, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 18(50. 10-tf AMONG the articles to be found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are 20 brls. Molasses, fur sale cheap, b 16-tf S.'SILVERNAN. Q C Sacks of Coffee, for sale chap. by S. SILVERMAN. "J f hhds. Sugar, forlsule cheap, bv 1 U 16-tf. S.f SILNERMAN. QAT kejrsgood English Soda, for sale cheap, bv 0 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. Kf boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv JJ 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 40 boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 00 000 t",i)r"r9'bKene,al assortment, for sale 16-tf - S. KlbV KKMAS. Q t? boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale -Ucheiip,by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes Candy, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. O C boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, by I8-J S. SILVERMAN. 1 ( brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sal.) cheap, by yJ lO-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 ( brls. Wliito Fish, for sale cheap, by x ' 1 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. rfj kegs of Nails, for sale cheap, lv L J S. SILVERMAN. ; boxes Starch, for sale cheap, by -- 16-tO S.S SILVERMAN. i)rw"l gross Matches, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVEMFAN. fejf worth of Quecnswarc, for sale cheap, bv P'JtTU j.tq iS SILVERMAN. FOR ALL. THE subscrilter having just returned from the Eust wit It an elegant stock .of . Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. : In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which wc would take pleasure iu demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and priees. We will enumerate a few articles, giting prices, as an index to the whole stock liest madder prints Pancy prints Good bleached muslin 10c per yard. ....8a!)c" " ....10c " 8c " ..15 to 20c" 15c " ..10 to 40c" -.50 to 75c" Latest styles best delaines. Cashmeres... . Bonnet ribbons from Fine French wool delaine. (Usual price, 75 to 51.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes 1 per pair; Ladies' calf 1 25 " Ladies' best calf. 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CAS H for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask ali cxaminatioii Of tir stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R, B. WILSON, Jan. 3, 'GO. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. a' WTr WILSON S PILIiS ar universally ac knowledged to be the best now in ns. Asa Family medicine thev are narticularlv reconunandcd-slmple and harmless, but highly medicinal In thair com bination. One PlUa dose, witnmua out em tain effects. The robustman and the delicate child use them alike, -with cTry usurane of entire safety. With "Wilson's Fills, every Mother h. the land beoomea her own physician. They have proved themselves a sractnc, and stand without a rival for the following affections: HEADACHE, FEVER St AGCE, HEADACHE , FEVER Se AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LITER COJIPIAIKT, DYSPEPSIA, lIVEa OOMPtAIHT, CoBtiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveuess, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold fcy Druggists & Sealers everywhere. PREPARED BT B. L. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists Ho. 60, corner 'Wood and 4th Sts. PITTSBUROH; PA. SOLS PKOPBUTOB8 Or a B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. July 31, IPfifi. 30-ly JACOB RUMSEY. OKO. A. KCMSEY. JAMES M. RUMSEYj WIIOLKSAI.K DEALER IX Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, iionnets, Hosiery, O X o -vt-o s ? Notions; ALSO, CARPKTS, OIL CLOTH AND C.MBRKLLAS. SECOND STUEET, Near Market, 3-32-ly Portsmouth, Ohio. Probate Court, milE State of Ohio, Meios Cdvxtt, ss I Final Settlement of Accounts. Notice is hereby given that the accounts of tlic following persons have been filed in this Court for set tlement: Amaza trickles, Administratrix of Daniel Brickies, flefc d; Jl. R. Wolf, Receiver of the "Star Mill Trnperty," at Racine. Which accounts are sci for hearing and fcet tlcmcht oh the 12th dav of September next; ARTIItU MERRILL, Aiii. 1S00. 33-31 Trobatc Judge. A nier failing Antidot for Slek Head- o ache, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, VjA liver Complaint, Costiveaeti, $ ". Biliousness, KeunrJgla, Colic, Depraved Appetite, Disor- dered Stomach, Pcmie A Obstructions, 4c. f $ Y? Jf VC. f 25 ct. IO j mMo WORTH OF GOODS j BE SOLD OFF AT COST! trc i i I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PTICE SIIALLf I have everything iu the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delaaes, Merinoes, Coberga Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Bleached Mtulias, Qheok, Flannel, Ticiing Cloths, CttseiiHMea, Satinets, Jeana, Tweeda, &e. HA R D W A R E . Glass, 2?ail, Locta, Axes,-Catlery, cahpenters tools. "Planes, SavTS, Chisela, Augers, KatciaU, Braces and Bits, Squarea, ieyeta. - Also, COOPERS' TOOLS. Tress Htfap Adiea, Broad-Axes, Cotflpassei snd K'uivea of all kinds. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, Be'licrvTs "Vices, Aftvilsj Piles, Horse Basps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of nil kinds. I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Doors, Sash, Venetian Blinds, all made of clear 'White Pine. Also, Ci HLm tf 1 2EX . I 3t- - '.'''. Coals; Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnlgliing Goods, Hats and Cap Also, a lsrg aud complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Roys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children, Misses aud Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep a large stock, of Cordage of all sUea, Broom Wrapping TwiittJ. -. " ' If you want a good fitting Coat, Pants Or Vest, give mo a call. I have a large M. ut IHeet Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best Style; and warranted , good fit ot no sale. ' : . The a1xve and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without rescrve.'at cost, foe CASH. Give me a call. , FT COHEN, l'omeroy, O., Jan. 8, 1860. front street, three doors above Court. W J. l'RALL. PR ALE & AT PR ALL'S Court street Would rcspoctfully call the attention of this ever invented in ' - . . The Riirninw of the sras and smoke arisinir from AO npr pout of fuel is saved, nntl a more intense bottom of the Oven. - . In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBttrning Stove; we wish : -Su it Jiutiuctly understood that it is not our design to uEa' In disposing of tlienij but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be. what it is reprtsenfetk This is not die Only pattern we propose selling. We hate the most improved patterns vt WOOD COOKING STOVES; - Without dwelling upon the merits' f liiH different patterns, we will con clude our notice by announcing that our PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat) either ih quality, or in cheapness) atld we defy consjiethio. METAL Kept constantly on hand, our stock. lit addltiott to our heavy and manufacture to order) To the Citizens of jhitcs A5sb Abioixisa CorstiEs! ' ' '"' ' . The alxti-e remarks will detntinstrale tb J-Oti, in A certain degree, the nature of the business wc intend tb prosecute. The manner in Which It is to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? . ' Then you have simply been wasting your time iu reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices Without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore; concluded to sell exclusively for . And exchange for Old Metal; BraSs, Tfewter; Copper, Sags, G4d SilVer, &c., at their liighest market value. : : ! , : ' 7 ' ' ' - 1 " 1'ast experience has proven the benefiocnt results Of the Cash system; to both purchaser and seller, and it is for the benefit Of btir eusttirriers who can biiy iauch cheaper as well as for our own who can BUT and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. We respectfully invile yo'ii to' call and see the improvements in obr Stove.; whfellief'yon wish to purchase or ntft; but we Warn ybu; aS yOu value yoter hard-earhed money; not to latieh it away till vou have given Us a call: ' ; ' - .': :, '. ':r. i .. . Aug. 10) 1859iljr : : . MALL fe ftATCH.': , onv. coops MEW'S HATS AND CAPS, GR6 CfcRIES, HARDWARE QUBENSWARE, &c, Waving received a ' large and CAKEtftjLLY felected Mum. Stnrt rif Grinds- ndniitefl tn the Winter Trade. T?nd wllihh will ha kont cmt plete by frequent ikldUioiis diiring the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons; and thfe puUic at ldrgi, everything-, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full ritbek in the above lilies, arid which ill bB sold for CASH or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms; , ; . , . THE TAILOlllXtr iitflNESS Wiil be cbiuiucted; aS lierbtbfrire, iihdtr thfe supervision of N. M. M'GlOtHLIN, assisted by as competent ivorkmen as any in the county. EverytMg in the way of Making, Ciittihg or Re'pairihg, prbmptiy attended to. : PE3E3E3 IASI3CCajrS IbH. THE SfiASON' Will at .-ill tittles be found bit hattd; tttgfether with a full Sttci of Cloths, Vei meres, Vestirigs, &c. . , . . : , . ; . .v :;; ,: N. B. To those tvliorii.I have citerided a short credit,- and who are ftow fUste garding the moral obligation incttrred to pay up according to agreement, I wish tf say I will not hesitate tft remind you, if necessary in a forcible manner,- that M legal bbligation was alsb incurred. romeroy January 3f l8rJ(L . ciiaii1e iJiciiMANiv. AwifiuEw iiuKiitiir. Dealers in Gold - JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS,, ! II A V E B EM 0 V ED TO ' 3 iA. m. t -w xIl i 3rT& jsrisxw strili toiij &i Corner Court und T'ront .Streets, I'ouicroy Oi ' WHERE we shall be pleased to see ottf old customers, and all others wlio desire arijthiiig ifl Our line. AVe keep constantly air hand a good assort ment of Gbld and Silver Watehbis, flermari, Frciich and American Jewelry, Fancy Articles; Clocks frdni ?2.00 to 12.00, of every'size and description; Eye Glasses, Gold Tens, &c. . ltcpairittg Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done in the best maniier, promptly Augxitit 7, 1S60. 3-31-tf AOUT ITS Coffee Mill, Scale Beam, &u Kettle . C EOlC CI E IIATCII HA TCH, OLDSTAND Pohieroy, 0 community to one of tie greatest ImprOve-meat- : . - the dtfal. bv which 6 heat thrown to the sr., - - f 9 L1C HYDRANTS and we respectfully invite the public' to exiimiim ' . . - stock of Stoves we will keep constantly Oh hanvlj TLN WAKE: -t -v r ! 'ANo Bove ctotttiftic. and Silver WathSr AND ': .11 - -If':-