Newspaper Page Text
POMEROYTELEGRira: FRIDAY, i i i t t September lf I860. BSySee the communication " Gymry Dejfrotcch.Q headed, s-The "Wide es will meet in Court Strcet-on Saturday evening, for drill and .'parade. ' Let; there be a ri '"' full turnout.--, 1 - ,--'; JXhe'tfextseSsion of the Ohio An nual Conference-' of the M. Ei Chtfrch begins; atGallipolis on i the 19th inst, Bishop Simpson presiding. J OkttWanted. We will take oats on subscription, if delivered soon. Will some of our county suscribers avail themselves of the opportunity of thus paying their dues to this office? To Correspondent. , . We are in receipt 6f several commu nications, out as the editor is absent, they must be deferred till he returns S. S. I). The "correction which you desire us to make was in type before we received -your note. See another col umn. "... "' ttguWe learn from a correspondent in Bedford Tp,; that a Douglas rally was called in school District iNo. 1., on the 5th .inst.? which resulted in some thing of a grand ."nzzle. . It won t go There is no enthusiasm in that direction for little Dug. , . . ' II an. C. D. Martin, . ,. .' (The ' Democratic candidate for ; Con gress, will find some' pertinent Questions upon the political topics of the day, in another ; "column ,' to. which the honest Democratic voters of the county - wil demand an open and manly- response Come tip td the work, Mr. Martin. No : rThe three young men who were injured while firing a cannon on the day of the "Hassarek meeting," are slowly recovering. We understand that their pecuniary conditions are such that they may need assistance from our citizens for a short time. . The "Wide-Awakes have taken the matter in hand, and are raising contributions, ' which we hope will be liberal ''!."!.' . -. "1 .. JSF"The well-known, firm, John lito & Co., Cincinnati, insert their adver tisement in our paper to-day.' This firm; we believe, transacts the largest mer can' tile business of any in .the ,'city, the se quel of which-'may.,he: traced to their liberality in advertising, their energy in business, and" faultless.' system of trans acting the? same' lit. Will be to the ad vantage of those to whom Messrs. S. & Co. address themselves to give call, r ' v ,' '''.'. ;"" .' ' ,- them j, - ' ' sWilson, McElroy, & Co,, of Pitts burgh, air an, advertisement in our col- onis.j As regularly as September and April omes, the advertisement of these correct business men appear.- We would freely give this establishment a large "puff," did the circumstances require it; but as all busiuess men. are familiar with the house, and know the advantages de Tived irom dealing with it, we have nothing more to say, but remember' the "house, and payit a visit. 8g.Th'e Racine Union Schools com mence, on Monday next, and, those ..who an avail themselves .of the advantages of this 'model school, should send in at aa early a day as possible ','A The'priri- cipal,, Alban' PavieSj'.A.rB., has the, rep utation of being agobdscholar and thorough- teacher; in proof Of which, it is but necessary, to know" that he served. :ln the capacity of : Superintendent -.of ..these schools during the past year. This moral cnaracter tne eaueauonai interest, as well as the industry and enterprise of the fit place for the education of youth. Th MWUiAwkciw of Pemeroy. i ; '. - By special invitation-of the good peo ple of1; Chester;; visited -that place. . pn Saturday ' evening "last, , and notwith standing" the ' invitation ,-, had, ', beea "ac-i cepted, i.twas. quUo'asurprise to the citizens of Chester to : see them- 'inas- rnffciras IheTaih cfme dWnin1:oreri1 W were not present, but from what, wo UarB;tlwiyadafgbdUm,,,;IT pltalities . of ;the . place. , were tendered them and,, ample justice was dohe''tb the f;ood thjngs-rfor which the citizens of :that,"place aTfe' noted undeif frhieh the- tables ;;'grbaned.:M.; , Messrs:- P. B. Sja6bcryEs4;jirid. 3ibley Esr our popular ' Bepubliean candidate for Clerk, were the speakers on the occasion. ,MUkM FidAwakea wiHvlaltpRacine on ffie? evemnjg. of the l&hre--jottytimV' may be Ex pected. Speejhesjvittjgnvered. f -si m . i.Jettall bear ,iu mind that on,,Wednes ht feia ThusdayJ 19th and 2Qth insts., the tenth annual Fair'of the "Meigs Co.': Agricultural Association" will be held at Racine. We' "are Wormed that the managers i.have selected grounds'1, pecu-, liarly 'adapted for such an occasion,' art'd-' made tho most ample arrangements for the accommodation of stock, as well as ftff' texhibition . of agricu Iturat ') and mechanical products! ,, i XtiC'-,'n ;WWle'the: removal of the place of holding ihoi'fair.'wU) rncbmmode many of it's best patrons, who took i lively in terest in its prospeYkjryet italemporary locatlba' Vi. lineVniserve to acquaint niuny of the best agriculturists and niei clantcs in' he eas'ter'part .of the 'county with the efficacy and' benefits of -Fairs; and at no distant ime,, when the' nian agers shall be able to procure a tract of lad iuitabie,' an4" locate; permanently, the-whole people of eur oounty will joiu in "he ause, nd 'niake it what it should bei,- Let ally therefore, extend their aid and.eneu.ragemetit to this Fair,' toward the CODSUmUJatlOD Of the' Creat ohiects ' "i I' ' ' ' S. in ' a. ae-The Old favorite Steamer, OMo V 9 el. TW-.V. X. , ouu LiwiDuuiju, uu uaj 1 of the human family, bnt is also the only sure rem last Week. We Understand the machi- j cdy for horses with Colie, it has never been known nery will he taken from her. - J . r . B5.t!e mo iicaseu 10 learn OI me fine prospect of the ''Tupper's Plains Academy," of which we spoke last j week. It opened, on Manday last, with ! seventy scholars in attendance, and quite a number yet to enter during the term. Success to the enterprise. Won't Stlckl ' " ' Three of the Douglas electors in Ala bama, Messrs. B. Hall, A. E. Clitterhall, and Mr. Clemens have renounced Doug- lasism and declared for Breckinridge and Lane. Whether Douglas can get others in that State to fill their places, and who will stick to him until election, is doubt ful. J6?J. H. Tyler, Esq., an old and prominent Democrat of Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio, is out for Lincoln and Hamlin, and saysthat many of his Dem- tc.' j. n-Aif o wi. ii it . Why not all of them? -What s the use of hangingb the broken fragments of the wrecked and sinking, old hulk, when the firm and safe Republican ship will carry all hands into a safe harbor! . Come aboard) . " ' :;' KiKRlfiDi . ' On the 11th. Inst at the residence oi" Mr. J5af l- lett Paine, Sutlandjf by the Rv.Mr. -Wearer, L. O. Smitii, printer, Madison, Wis., and. Miss L. Helen Branch, of Rutland. . D I E D, In Harrisonville, Meigs County, 0, on Mon day evening, Sept.- 3d, 1860, Mrs. MAROA&Et Pcllin; aged 51 years. V She was born in Corinth township, Penobscot Co., SUte of Maine, m 1809. In the year 1817 her father,' Robert Simpson, moved to Meigs Co., 0, since which time the entire family, and relatives, have been well and favorably known. Mrs. Pallin has been for many years afflicted with Bronchitis; and functional disease of the heart. Bat for the past year, that fell de stroyer who stealthily takes' possession of the very avenues of life, spoils that, which is most precious, revels where : beauty, endowments, bright intellect, and noble ambition have made their home, that which affection most fondly clings to, it most ruthlessly snatched away. Pulmonary Consumption has been the most prominent disease. ' Although her sufferings at times were great, she alwas manifested im plicit confidence in iTim who alone can smooth the rugged paths of life. She united with the Free-will Baptist Church, in 1820, and since that time has ' lived an exemplary life. 'After enduring a paroxysm of 'suffocation she would says :f '; - - . ..'.h,,! womd t once have quit the field, 1 , . . Where foes with fury roam;".. , f ; But ah! mj passport was not sealeck .' I could not yet go home. She was never known to murmur or repine at her afflictions. r; , - , ,; s ' Long months of pain and sickness Had dim'd her loving eye, ' : And Death, the king of terrors, Was standing closely by. Upon her brow of taarble We saw the clammy blight, - And knew her spirit's pinions i , Were pluming for their flight. ... , With smothered sobs of anguish, We heard her gasp Ifor breath, As farther yet she wandered Adown the vale of death. . "So cold, so deep," she murmured, , To those who 'round her stand, "The waters swell around me- , Obi for the heavenly land.". The last words that were audible were: "I have foitght the good fight; I have kept the faith," &o. A funeral sermon was preached by EevvT, A. Welsh, from Rom. VIII, 18, to a very large, attentive, and sympathizing audi ence. .'.1 - .-. S. T. . - Haeetsonvilie, Sept. 7, 1860. -1 POMIEOT KETAIL- MARKETS.- v . y x, ... THDRKSD4T, Sept. 13, 1S60. Flour $5.506.50 Wheat ..:4..1...;...;.....v;.......;...90c.$1.10 Oat8.....'..,... . ... ..... .'JU. jp uu t5c .........30c. ibu. 15c. $i lb. .;...,....10c.$ dox. Potatoes..-.. Green Apples. Butter .V. ............ Cheese Molasses...... ,...55c: gaU Sirup......... ,..W)7S $i gal, ...v,10llo. lb. ...1718c;' " .7c. " :7".8iOo.' " .:i.;......ioc: w ..6Jc. p " ....i.810c. & . . .7b: t Sugar (N. O.) vouue. .......... Rice Soap..........L.:i.Aj.. Candles . (tallow) ., .... '. Fish (Cod) Fish" (MackerelY..'..i..;:.-..... Fish-(Whit).;.,;.:'.,.;:::.i Pickled Pork. 1 Shoaillers... .. Sidw Ylsmoked)..':i.'.'...' .....ulOc. IP " ' ........10c. " ........lOc. 'P ..-.lSc.1' Ham3.i. Crackers. v.. ret. 8c.;' wholesale 5 Jo. Hoop Poles....:...;...-.......:.....-- 0.00 1,000 bush Salt, retail 25c: wholesale c Cincinnati Wholesale Market. ... - : . ' . ; :-. : : . CiaciKNiTi Septi 10.' . FLOCE-Tlie market was very quiet to-day, and buyers disposed to hold back for lower rates. 1 Superfine is generally held at $5 306 40 for fair to cood brands. Extra very dull, and prices of all kinds little better nominal ' Groceries A fair demand for-Sugar, with sales of 30 hhdsat 8c for Cuba, and yyc tor Drleana. Uoffee scarce and selling at loc, to arrive. Molasseadull and prices in the large way nominal:; In the small way 4341o are the eurrent rates. . .. , , ..r, : :: ;; , Wheat The market is steady, with a fair demand at $1 121 14 for prime retl- and 61 201 22 for prime white: CORN Ihe demand for ear continues active at 47c in bulk. : Shelled is steady, and in fair demand at 5455c for mixed, and 57b for prime white -including sacks. . "u''r ' .' . " " Oats The market is dull and prices drooping, though not quotably lower sales of 1,000 bush at canal at 30c. Bye -The demand is fair . and the market steady at6568c for prime; sales oi 100 bu choice from store at 70c 'JSarley The .demand is good, and prices advanced to 80e for prime fall. nY I he market is firm, with aeood j aemana at $14 uu per ton ior prime l im- 1 jm. r s. in V otby m bales on arrival. . . Cheese The demand continues ac tive and in excess of the supply, though prices are unchanged. We quote prime Western Reserve at 9c. - - aBtTTTER The market, is steady at 9lle for common, 1214c for Central Ohio, and 15c for Western Reserve. ,, , ' To Farmers and Livery-stable Keepers. 1 Dr. 8. A. Weaver's Cerate hai been extensively sed by Livery -stable Keepers and Farmers, and w!th one accord they say that for many diseases in animals they have never found its equal. ; On Horses, two or three applications will cure the Scratches, Chafes, and Calls, whether bv ,the har ness, saddle, or otherwise. u'Wash the wound clean, an(i the Cerate freely applied will cure them in a few days. It will cure cracked beels and Cancer la the Tongue. Canker or Sore Mouth, affections of the e,,t'I,' r"'i off i.f the Hair. &c. Sore teats and caKea nqderiu Cow: Cows are soon cured by this " Cerato. Sold by Medicine dealers generally. pS-aw.J " ' ICpWhat a wonderful discovery is Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer; it not only cures all the ills I ffj1 in,a c"re of the cas?,8' J f0' sPrai"s- Galds, etc;, It never fails try it once, l'irections i nccompanying each bottle. Sold by druggists gen i erally, and by A SKEBOHM, and D. REED, Pome- rov - - rae-sw TOThe following, from Messrs. Gage and Mather, prominent Druggists of Sparta, gives further evi dence of the great popularity of our Medicine. , Sparta, Monroe County, Wis., July 7th, 1859. Messrs. J. S. Harris & Co.- Gentlemen: it is with pleasure that we speak a word in commendation of your very valuable medicines, ''Perry Davis1 Pain Killer." and "Dr. Richardson's Sherry Wine Bit- te rs." They are of great merit, and already too well known to the public at large to need any very spec ial notice from particu'ar individuals. The Pain Killer has become a household remedy all through the West, and the Sherry Wine Bitters are superior J 10 any bitters we have ever met with, and as they oeconie arown luo uomaiiu increases, aim mi uuu from their use satisfactory result. Most respectfully, Sold by D. REED. GAGE & MATHER. 362w KrcRiLaiA. This painful and common disease, which physicians do not appear fully to nnderstand, will be f neatly relieved, and in most instances a permanent cure may be effected, by the use of WIL SON'S PiLLS, which regulate th stomach and bow els, and produee a soothing effect upon the perves- which cause the acute pain. They are prepared and sold by B. L. FAHSESTOCK & Co., Wholesale Drug- gists, and proprietorsof h. Li Fahnestock's Verml- ruge, no. uu, corner vooq anu couriusvreeis, rins- Pa- ano bv D REE yofoetojl mer. I chanu generally. 3-im SPECIAL NOTICES. - Clerk or the Court. . Editors of the Telegraph: I will say t& the electors of Meigs County, that I am a candidate for the office of Clerk, at the ensuing election. R. DOWNING. ' Editors of the Telegraph: I . will say to the voters of each township that I have been solic ited by numerous friends to place my name before the people as an independent candidate for the office of Recorder. I will also say that I have had some five years' experience in the Recorder's office, as a deputy, and that I have been engaged in the art of teaching penman ship some eight years. If they . think me needy, and capable of discharging the duties of the office, and will bestow it to me, I will be very thankful. , , p. B STARCHER. Home Testimony. ' " " J Bmje Creek, Adams Co., O., Ang. 19. T)r. Roback Dear Sir: I hare not the time to write yon of the benefit conferred by your Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier. 1 took them for a disease of the throat, and they not only benefitted it bnt my general health, niso. I am now actually bet ter than for eight years. They cured Miss Ellen Waite, of this place, of Liver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross was cured of terrible shootinff pains in the stomach and side, which had baffled the efforts of several srood Physi cians. The value of your medicines could be estab lished by any amount of evldeuce, if need be, In this vicinity. - lours riesperiiuuy, spectl WM. SHAW. Trr THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared from a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurt.'ol to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly salted. It witl, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with recrularity. in an enses or nervous and Spinal AOee'ions, pains in the Back and l imbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on light exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, l owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure nhen all other inenns have failed. These Pills have aever been known to fail, where the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, Ret a pamphlet, free, of the A pent. A. a. one Jjouaranae postage stamps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over. ri0 pills, by return mail. . Full directions accompanying each package. Solo Agent forthe Unitoc, States and Canada, JOB MONKS. (Late l.C. Baldwin &C.,) Rochester, N. Y. Forsaleby J. D. PARK, SUIRE. KCKSTEIS Co., Cincinnati, O., D. REED, Poiueroy,0. 11-y. TPp"VVe reTerur readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPONT, Ho. 409 Brnadwav. New York. The -Blood Food1 is one of the ereateat medicines of the age.and is rapidly driving nl of the market all the quack neslruinsor modem Wines. Its efficacy is so great, and its anteriority so jns(y acknowledged, that it is found difficult to supply the immense ana increasing deinanu lor me article. Dr. Eaton's celebrated 'Infantile Cordial, 'Is a mud Icine prepared by a regular physician of eminence in his profession, and one who has devote d his lifeto the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itaflf to those only who can appreciate it." lApilacnieola, Flor. Times. 2Jj-See Advertisement. JTJJ'All, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. ' . Administrator' bsUe of Real Estate. PURSUANT to an order of sale granted by the Probate Court of Meigs County, Ohio, I will offer, for sale, at public auction, on the 3d day of October, A.D. 1860, between J.he hours of 10 o clock a. M. and 4 o clock' p. ic, upon the premises, the following real estate, situate in the county of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning at the south-east corner of Carleton Young's four acre tract ; thence with a line of the same, north 3 degrees west 50 poles to a post on Peter Wolf's line; thence with his line south ojJ degrees east 16 poles to a stake; tbence south 6 degrees east with X Wilcoxen's line 50 poles, and thence to the place of beginning lbi poles; containing five (5) acres and twenty-five (25) perches, subject to the dower estate of one-third, set off and as signed to Julia Lovett, widow of the said Ele- azer lovett, deceased. ine arjove described land being part of lot No. 5, section No. 16, township No. 2, and range No. 12, of the Ohio Company's Purchase. Appraised at eight hundred dollars ($800). Terms of sale, one third cash, in hand, one-third in nine months, and ,ih tesdae in oneyear, with interest5 on the deferred pay rasa ts fromtthe,-day..of sale, to be secured by mortgage oh the premises sold. ., GEORGE K. ACKLEr, -" Administrator of Eleazer Lovett, dee'd. Pomeroy,' August 81,1 1860. 85-4t : ETOTICE. . RICHARD A. Cramer, of the State of Vir ginia, will take notice that Samuel Price, of the County of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, did, oh the 9th day of July, A. D, I860, file his petition in the Court fit Common -Pleas, within and for the said County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, against the said Richard A. Cramer, and Ephraim. Weetoo, James Marshall and Joseph Rodgers, dafendaats, setting forth th4rn-tri- 9 th -iay of -April, -A.. D-licO, t Sunfish, in the County of Manree, in the said State of Ohio,' the said 'defendants made their three several promissory notes, in writing, of that date, and delivered the same to the said Samuel Price, and thereby, that' they or either of 'them promised to pay to the said Samnel Price the sum of 554.83, in six ' months from the date thereof and 554.83 in nine -mont hs from the date thereof; and that said six months will havo elapsed on the 12th day of October, A.;'D.,' 1860, arid that said nine months will have elapsed on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1861; and that' the said defendants have sold their property with intent to defraud their Creditors ; and praying for a judgment in favor of the said Samuel Price, against the said defendants, en the said 12th day of' October, 1860, for theeaid sum of 554.83, and interest, and on the said 12th day of January, 1861, for the said sum of $554.83, and inter est.' And the said Richard A. Cramer is hereby notified that an order of attachment has been issued in this case, and returned, and that he is required to appear and answer said petition on of before the third Saturday after the 12th day of October, A. D., 1860. ' 1 Samuel price, By Simpson & Lasley, his Att'ys. Sept 3, I860. 35-6t MARBLEWORKS. THE undersigned would respectfully ah nounce that he has become the,' proprietor of the "Premium" Marble 'Work's," of Racine, and will coutimie the business under the su pervision of Mr. J. L. Wallar, at Racine, with a branch at the house formerly occupied by- Judge Irvin as a law office, at the west end of Sugar Run Bridge, in Pomeroy. By a prompt attention to business and the produc tion of superior work, he intends to merit, and hopes to receive, a liberal patronage from the citizens of Meigs and adjoining counties. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. V. SMITH. Sept. 7, 1800. do-it .. SOTICE. ELIAS Story, of the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that Ruhamy Story, guar dian of Lucinda Story, of the county of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, did, as such guardian, on the 9th day of April, 1800, file her petition in the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the said county of Meigs, in said State of Ohio, against the said Elias Story, and one Byron Story, defendants, setting forth that she is the guardian of the said Lucinda Story, and that one Ira Story, dee d, was, oil or about the 19th day of March, 1857, seized in fee simple of the following real estate,- situate in the county of Meigs, in said SUte of Obiey al in the Ohio Company's Purchase, and bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: the east one hundred and sixty-two acres of land in fraction No 4 of town No 3, and range No. 13, seven acres excepted; and- that on the said 19th day of March, 1857, the said defendants fraudulently induced the said Ira Story to sign an. in strument of writing t purporting to ; be a deed for said premises; and that'the. said Ira Story, on the said day, and at the time the said writing was signed, was not of sound mind and memory; arid that the said defend ants fraudulently procured the said Ira Story to sign said writing; and that the-said Ira Story died, on the 21st day of March, 1857, in testate, leaving the said defendants and one Nelson Storyt and the said Lucinda Story his heirs at law; and that the said plaintiff, as guardian of the said Lucinda Story, is entitled to one undivided fourth part of said premises; and praying that said supposed deed of convey ance may be set asifle and held for .nought,' And the said Elias Story is notified that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 18th day of Sep tember, A. D., I860. Dated this 10th day of August, A. D., 18C0. RUHAMY- STORY", , . Guardian of Lucinda Story, 32-6t By Simpso.v a Laslkt. her Att'ys. ., . Sheriff Sale. . Sarah Newell vs. William Newell. BT virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. M, . - . On th 17th dag of September, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: Lot No. 18, situate in Mineraville, Sub ton township, Meigs County, Ohio; to be sold as the property of William Newell, at the suit of Sarah Newell; appraised at $600.00. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Aug. 13, 18G0- 33-5t - , 1.60 DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHEKRY Wine B i t ters. The Celehrated New England Remedy for . HABITUAL CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Geu . rnl Debility, and all other .Diseases nrisiutf- from a Disordered Stomach, Liver, or Bowels,' such a s Acidity of the Stomach, indigestion, Hartbnrn, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Disgust of Food,-Sour Emotions, Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, Dimness of Vision, Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes, Pain in the Ride, Back, Chest or Limbs, and in all cases where a TuNIC is necessary. The Sherrr Win Sitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note and position. They are the most Pleasant and Taluable, Tonic of the day. They are lust what riorsons re quire when recovering from protracted illness, or in ino spring ni tne year, wnen a Medicinal lome Is required. They are largely recommended, by Phy sicians throdeh the West, and the proprietors are daily In receipt of letturs noting cures by their nse. i nomas Maniora or niountsvuie, Henry uounty. Ind., writes us, nnder date of May 4th, 1860, that for three years be was afllicted with Nervous Debility, of the must positive character, and could get no re lief, un til he used the Sherry Wine Bitters, Which s66H completely restored him, and he is now in robust heVllth. One of the GREATEST CURES EVER KNOWS, was that of Go. W. Hoffman, Berwick, Seneca County, Ohio. He bad been afflicted with Rheuma tism in all its various foriiPS for about twenty years, he had used everything recommended by the skill or Physicians, but pot no pe'un'.ment relief, until the Bitters were Introduced, and i.'iree bottles cuied him. He writes us two year aftr his cure, and says, "I have no return of the cowplamt," and further says, "I think and believe Uiat n Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and K.'l"ey Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain remedy." Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. Price, 75 Cents per Bottle. J. 'K HARRIS & CO.', Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Roulhern and Western States. Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, 18C0 30-ly PERHY DAVIS VEGETABLE iaiiT Killer. WE BEG TO CALL THK ATTENTION OF THE fU BI.IO TO THIS LOXB ASD UHR1 VALLEU . ramlly Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable comtiound. and while it is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is periecviy sa:e ineaicine even in ine most unskilful bands. . For Summer Complaint, or anv other form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adults, it Is almost a certain cure, and has without doubt oeon more successful in curu.g the various kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy or even the most skilful . physician. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease isevermore or less prev?. PAIN KILLER, " 1 is considered by the uatives as well as by European residents, in those climates, A' Surt: Itemed y. As a Tonic for the Stomach, it is nnrivalled. few doses will relieve severe cases of - c Indigestion, and it Is often a porfeclcarg fof Jt"-'"J, Dyspepsia t in its most aggravated forms." Its torfjenni stlmufa ting propertiits, arousing the syateio to j vigorous ao tion, render it a most effectual cure for Colds and Coughs, when used according to directions. For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation known. ' . ; j Kheumatisin,, , and Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and often cured by it. Any soreness in the Muscles or juui can us reuevea oy us application. It cures instanJjf the violeut ; jf v i -1 ' ' ' ' ! TooUiacMerJ "' It should always be kept near at hand, to be used' In cases of severe - 'J' -. , j Burns or Scalds,' , ' r, If applied iioinediately, according to directions, It will give ins ant relief, and prevent blistering.'- it is peculiarly uuapieu 10 tne wants of , , - f -- i t t ! v i sivninuvuiiuen, j j and others traveling on our Western Rivera. li 7-inrections accompany eacn ootiie. It has been tested in every variety of climate, anil by almost every nation' known to A mericajis. It Is the almost constant coinnahion and ineatimahle friend of Xbe miaaiouarv and the trefe!r on i 1 uu lauu auq no.ouu sbouta travel on ourists or rivers wunout ll. ... ... bold by dealers everywhere.. . .' " Tbe publiwnUb'eaetisNtir.rVttiR win. nine Pain Killer, as some unprincipled men use that name for their own worthless COinnOllnfla 111 an doing they deceive the community, and infringe upou me '-Iradi ALirk" of Perry Davis. I,. - PBIC825 Cents, 50 Gents and tl Per i . Bottle. J. S. HARRIS A. CO.. PrnnriRthra forth CnlV West.--' .'-'..': .- : - K - CUneinnatL Ohio. Sold wholesale and retail by A. SEE BO HM and U. REED, Pomeroy, O. , juiy ji, ibou 3u-iy ' DR. WEAVER'S " 1 T CANKER SALT: RHEUM - ' FOR THE CliRK OP Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Dis eases, Cutaneous eruptions, and evury kind -f Disease arising from an liupure state of the Blood. - ' Tlie most Effective Blood Purifier orthc nineteenth Century. It is the prescription of an educated Dhrsician. I anu an nuut mo luiuieu vim any -oi inu auove named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from the system, and when once out on the skin, a fuw applications of . SBi WEAVER'S - i ! i . CERATES OINTMENT, and you havo a permanent cure. The Cerate has proved itself to be the best Oint ment ever invented, and where once used, it has never been known to fail of perfecting a permanent cure of Old Sores, Tetter and Ringworm- Scald Head, Cbiilblalns and Front Bites. Barber's Itch. Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or nmples on tne r ace, and Tor Sore Nipples, the Cerate is the thing required to care. It should ! be kapltn the bouse or every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per JBbttle. Sold by most dealers in Medicines. J. N. 11 A KRIS K CO., Proprietors for Western States, ''.'' . Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for abovo Medicine may be addressed. Sold by D. ftEKP. Pome to?, O. : Julj 31, ie60. 30-ly 1 'NEW- OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, GOODS, AT THE On Court Street, a few Doors below. ibc' Court nu9er IOMEHOY, Of. THE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers, and the- public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a . splendid stock of goods in the above named line, all of which lie will ae.l at a living profit. He would call especial attention to bis stock of fine wbioh be will tell at city prices; also to his largo stock of Fancy and Varioty Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of POCKET-BOOKS, for Ladies andGentletnen, Monet Bags and Purses, Cigar audi Card Case, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Sne Cutlery, Pistols, &c". ; In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all gea.; : . He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of Jthe public, with the assurance t&al customer! shall receive the worth ot their money. An examination is solicited. June 18, 1800. 24-t ,232UJiS5 JOSEPH pa'tton. DAN. E. SMITH. PATT0N & SMITH, Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on the GHOCEHY BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our preseut stock ol FRESH GROCERIES, ' To which will constantly be added new supplios, as the demands f trade may require. The Junior partner having- had a long experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market,-at Prices, to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. .- Our stock comprises Sugar, Siolasses, Coffee, Toa, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Codflsh, Mackerel, Halibut, Confectienaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matehes, &e, and all the nick-nacki usually kept in such establishments. 1 : Cotintry Produce -wanted, for which the highest marcel price win oe paiu. . We also purpose doing a ' -V ;! COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east side of Court Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 80, I860. 3-16-tf .;- . , y, .,. C. A. MATTHEW? DEALER IN A. BRA D L E Y'S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron "Ware, ' OF EVER r DESCRTPTIOX, 3Lt XVuxX'e Old Sta.3a.c3. K1IDDLEPORT, O. 1HAVE last received a large assortment of Stoves which X will sell lover than ever, consisting in part, of 3 Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PARLOR STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GHATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &J. e. flail's Patent L.erer and IKON CENTER PliOW POINTS, WATER SCOUTING, Roafing and Johling of AM. KIXDS, doni on short notice. ', Person in wan o anything in. tho flay of Stoves Tin, Copper or '-Khet Iron ..Ware, T?Uld aate money by calling on nip. ': . ; "... irFOld Coppcrf1 Brats and 1 Pewter taken In ex'i change. . - . . . '..' may ., I860 19-U " f '. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medirine Established "in 1837, and first article if the kind ever introduced under the name of "i'ulmonic Wafers." in this or anv other coun. try; all othei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name of BRYAN oeing stamped on eacu w Ar E.K. j , ... . . Bm' Powmic WiriM i .". ! Relieve Coughs, CoLds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. - Brtak's Pclmohic Wiraas Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Spitting ol Blood, Pains ia the Chest. Bryan's Pclhonic Wavers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. ' 1 Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. . . Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers .Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minntei. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are a Blessing te all Classes and Constitutions. Bryan's Polmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple' form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Polmonic' Wfr Not only. relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. . ... Bryan's Polmonic V'afers .;" Are warranted to give satisfaction to every obe. ' .' So family should be without a pox of ' , . ,,.. -, Bryan's Polmonic Warta ,. . - in the house. ; .,. : ; Jfe traVbter should be without supply of i . Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers l -i -'- " In bis pocket. j . .f i- f,'Vo person will evev object to give for " Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ; ". '- Twenty-flve cents. JOB MOSES, Kola Proprietor, Rochester, ". V. Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, . ; f . . 3-31-ly Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, " J,.,Br,ACHJ.M"astoS -iT .igH,-,'tT,,. JOljN HEISNEK, Clerk; .''ii JSSSSi, LeaVes Cincinnati 'every Thnrsday 'nt 5 o'elocki nut passing Pomeroy an Saturday at lOo'clock a..i i.eaves iianexiv .OA ery mouuurut b u cidch a. . Leaves omeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a, hY For freight or passa go apply on board or to -" PAT rOSfc MONTGOMERY, Nov. 89, 'a9. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat, SAW & PLANING MILL; D AVI S . & B B O ., Mason City, va. DEALERS in Lumber in the rough, and Manufactu rers of Flooring, Ceiling and Weatberboardins. Planing of all kinds done, -and lumber sawed to order; also keep constantly on nana asin umini Blinda Lath and ShUgles. Our .cash prices for dressed Lnmbsraro as follows: ' '- ! Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - $26 00 Whites . - , - .- '.-g?2 Ceiling . -..-. - "!S Weatherooaruing per nunareo ieo - All orders aiiarcsseato romeroy r. u. m prompt;attcntron.- j - r r ' ln,ay 15K'bO, J-Jy . IRON FENCING BE PROCURED -IN IRONTON: AT V ob low- Dvicee. iras eret variety, and ,of as good rnaterial as any place in the West. - . m o trrnvrT) rw.. t,fA Nov. 15, 59-48-1 y FRUIT CANS. Prall & Hatch Are tnanufacttiritip Fruit Cans by the thousands, and would say to the public that all experienced arsons will testify to the superiority; t e TIN CAN over all others, and as being the ONLY re liable and safe vessel in which to put up Fruit. We are selling them very low this season. Also, a large lot of wax, for cemeniing Cans. 24-3m ;, LOTS FOR SALE. - ON SUGAR RUN7 NAYLOR'S RUN, AND Carr'a Run. Application to b made to M. Heckatrl, Esq., Pomeroy; Aug. 18,33.1 S. W. P0MEKQY. FANCY AND VARIETY OLD STAND OF I ' BUY YOUR Grooerie's Where you can get them Cheapest. CLAIMS THR ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over .any other establishment in the county. Remember the place May hugh's Building,, four 'doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. - - S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 1800. 16-tf AMONG the articles to be found constantly on liana at S. SIi.VKRMAU'S Grocery, ro ... SO brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, by f ' - 16 tf S. SILYERXAI. C) (Z Rack of Coffee, for sale ch'an, by 40 16-tlj ,. - . . S. S1LV ERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forlsale cheap, bv IV 16-tf.l S.S SILKERMAN. Ci keirsgood English Soda, for sale cheap, by 16-tfJ , S. SILVERMAN. fZf boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv JJ 16-tf, S. SILVERMAN. A A boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, by 'iU 16-tf . ..',. S. SILVERMAN. 1 fiO nfifl c,!tari Seneial assortment, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVKRMAN. 25 boxes Tobacco, different cheap, by 16-tf , qualities, for sale S. SILVERMAN. Cf boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by 0J 16-tn . S. SI S. SILVERMAN. O boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sate clean, by 116-tfl 8.SILVERMAN. 8. SILVERMAN. 1 ( brls. No.'s 8 and 3 Mackerel, for snln cheap, by xyJ lfi-tf - . s. SILVERMAN. 1 ft !rls. White Fish, for sale cheap, by JU llO-tf s. SILVERMAN. Ff keP' of for sale cheap,? tJKJ 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. K boxes Starch, for aalo cheap, by " 16-tf .. . r'S.S SILVERMAN. OHO gross Matches, for sale cheap, by rig-tf ' SlL iVEKFAN. 4rTlA worth of Queensware, for sale cheap", by OW t,e.tfl . : . k. SILVERMAN, !l : lIWi FOR ALL. THE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR. READY PAY. ', In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction, of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will enumerate' a few articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: Pest madder prints. . JOc per yard. PanCJ prints...... 8a9o " Good'-J bleached"muslin.....i......lOc " bleached, muslin. .............. ......8c " V .atest styles b?at delaines.. ....... 15 to 20c " Cashmeres........ ...15c ' " Bonnet ribbons from .10 to 40c" Fine French wool delain? ..50 to 75c" ! (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ') Ladies heavy kip shoes. 91 per pair; Ladies' calf.. ., :.; I 25 Ladies' best calf. 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive C A S H for them. ' From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask . an examination of our stock, tnd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. - : R. B.WILSON, , Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Jliddlcport, Ohio. A. Wlr.o I ..V vrtia & Ann I XY PIL A suver fiullnz Antidote for Skit Head. . r aeha. DvBpeDeia, Fever and ARue, --i T . t . - fZ liver Complaint, Uoattvmwss, q BUtouanesa, Neuralgia, Colle, 1$ . . Depraved Appetite, Disor- . ' V dered Stomach, Fesoaie p ,' r . z ----- . i - -: W1I.SOK S FILLS nalTersally v knowledjjei ctbe the best now In nse. As a Tamllj medic ino they are partlcnlarlj recommrotfei-elinpJS and harmlesB, but highly medicinal In their otn bination. On Pill a doso, irlth mild 'but eer taio effects. The robtut man and th delicate ehtld nsa theut alike, -with every aasnraac of entire safety. With Wilson's Fills, every Mother It the lan4" beeonleg ber own physician, f Thy hars proved themselves a srECinc, and stand without rival for the following affections I HEADACHE! FETEB Sc AGUE, IlEADACH FETEU cfe ACCE, STSFZF8IA, XTTSa COaTPLAINT, "' DTSPBPSIA, XIVEH COKPLAUfT, . Coativeneaa, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold by Druggists ft Sealers everywhere. .-. : ' JKEPAEED BT - j B. Ii. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importepf Wholesale Druggists - So. 60, corner Wood and 4th fits. PITTSBURGH, PA. oil ranraraoas e o B. L. Fahnestock's Verrhiflige. Jnly 31,1806. 30-ly JACOn RUMSEY. ; - - OKO. A. BBMSET. J AMES M. RUMSEY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN . ; ' Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, nuts, Caps, Bonnets, Hosiery; Glovos eftJ Notion mi ALSO, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH ; AND UMBRELLAS. ' , SECOND STBEET, Near Market, 3-32-ly Portsmouth, Ohio. SOAP AND CANDLE; MANUFACTORY. j THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE TLEASURE j to announce to the citizens of Pomeroy and i vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Sugar i Run. near the Tannery, where he will mann- j facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar j ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured . that we can give satisfaction to all who- may i favor us with m call. j N. B. All orders attended id as soon as pos- I sible. DAVID GEVEU: . ronicroy, 1-1. if $22,000 -VVORTH -OEi GOODS TO BE SOLD OFF IT "COSTl xt I WANT YOUR CASH", AND IF T have everTtKinsr in the Drv Gooda Alpaca3, white goods; Brown and Bleached MaelmB. Check, Flannel, TickLage; Glwthe, Cassimeres, Satinets; Jeans, Tweeds, &c. : " : . - H A R D W A FV E: v I; . Glass, Nails, tocks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams; Brass Kettles, Log and Trace Ckainsj Horsesho Nails, Saws Crosscut Sawa-Butts! - CARPENTERS TOOiS; - i. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Sqtkare,XeTeU. AISO, " ' " ' . ,' i ' " . .r .'- '. . , j - r rxrk-atf rs d ' rti a rt T. f A. J S J-l . ..... .Tress Hoop Ad'ses, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives of. all kinds.- Bellows Vices, Anrils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Hyes;' also, Shear, Cast and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kindsv ' r I would call the attention of Builders fo my large lot of Door8,Sash Veaetiaa, Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. : Also, - -:. . O I O T and complete of usto in-made Men's and iuisscs arra lAaiea-cnoesoi-au kukts. i Keep s large siock or uoruage or au sixes, cxeeot Wrapping Twine ;f - . . i '"i ' ! y ; ; : . ::' -;; 1 ." . ".'-. ' i ;., - i- . ";.,-..;ir" ; VAXIlOXtlSfCr. J.'-.: If you want a gsod fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a eaTT, I have a large lot of PIcM Goods for manufreturing purposes. TVork done up in best style, and warranted, a good fit or no sale. -. :.:..-?..'- r- - 1 . ' '. :- : 1 . The above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold "without reserve'at cost, for CASH. Give me a call. , Pomeroy, O., Jan, 3, 1860. W. J PR ALL. -pMMjJu & HATCH. AT PRALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever-invented in . ...;(. ...... - . The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from 00 per cent of fuel is saved, ana a more intense bottom of the Oven. 1 - :i - . -. - ' li ilaW in lniroaucing mis greaiy-iraprovea -uraauurniDg oiove, we wiso ' it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use -7 ' : ' - In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be what1 it " is represented This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We have the most improved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOVES:' Without dwelling upon the merits of the different patterns, We will1 eon elude our notice by announcing that bar -. PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES ' : Can't be beat, either in quality, or in eheapnessy and we defy competition. METALLIC HYDRANTS L Kept constantly on.hand and we respectfully; invite the public to examine our stock. .' . ' - - r - ' " V .' " In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order, -. li To thj:,Ciiiz55b of, Meigs AJtn Anjoisisoj CorsTizs! ; , . -, : , .......... . . . ... :. . .1 The above remarks .will demonstrate, to you," fa certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute.' The manner In which" it is to be done, naturally suggests itself. 1)6 yon wish to buy on credit?- 4'hen you have simply been wasting your time . in-, reading our card. '; .Wa cannot .sell, at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit.- We have therefore, concluded t.$ell exclusively tot' - !.- f.J And exchange for ' Old Metal, Brass, jewter,. Copper, Rags, Old Sliver, &c at their nighest market value....'. ': '." :. ' ,l ' ' ' '-"u'f ti'.f Past experience has proven the.benefioent'results of tlie Cash system, 'te both, purchaser and seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers-r-who can buy piuch' tbeaper as;weH as fof our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system,.. ;.,, z W resnectfnH: invite voii to call and Bee the improvements in our Stoves, "whether fen wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it t till mil Iiuva oiitn us a call.. . it away till you have given us a call.. , Aug.lG, lSoOly;.. - , . , ' V ; ""''' '' '--''.wvir tV ' rrxr iXr .'--!!.' , ., DEAIn Tar 1 ; . "V '!- ' ?r";"' '" ' . ' .. , .." - ' - -- .iju 7 - .niz:-'it j :ua vd '1 GRO C EKl E 3, 'HARD W A RE j QUE ENS WARE t : -.;:.! --j '' 1- " .1-. . . . i .i ,.-!- -i. HAVING ! HECEI VED A :: L AllGrE '. ; A ND, CAREF.UtiT'. LECTiU? Stock of Obbds, adapted to the- Wittter Trade, (and which iU be. kept feomj. pleteb- frtqtient 'additions during jthe" feaso'n,) I, -am prepared i to -offer to taj patrons, and - the publie at large, everything, ns far as possilie,' necessary tQ.coa-. stitiite a full Stock iri the' above lines, and .which will; be sold for CASH . or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms i THE -TAILaHlNGr StllHSai "Will be.cpnductedas heretoforej under; the supervision ttf'jf; 31.- fO LOTHi, 1 jf assisted by aB competent workmen as any in. the coy ntjf".rEv6ry thing in the way of Making. Catting or Repairing, promptly attended to J j 1 1 ' "' .. 1 ' "Will at all' times be found pn hand,, together with a, full Stock pf Clothe Cassi meres, Vestiiigs, AC. .. -. i . '.'"j. .. ' ; ' "J," '.''(j.S'-i-' ,N. B. To those whom ! have extended a short credit; arid who afeWw disre--gatding the nwral ohlwaiion incurred to ray up according to agree meiiL j wish to. say I .will not, hesitate td if legal ooiigatioa was aisy incur reii., ; . 'smT ism' AiaB mwl i : i Dealers in Gold sdix'Wiiokeit.i g" li JEW E LPiY" Ofr A L L K I N D Sr " H A V E,11E M O V E'n ,TO-sh-4d oruer Court anil Front Mretts, toi'roy,' O.S i, ' ' ' '" .. ' jilKl ..,..".;!.: i r. jti il . AS' WHERE we eiiall W pleased to sea out? old Customers, and all ; others -who. desire anything in bur line. We keep constantly ou; band good ssRortr ment of Gold and Silver Watches, German, French and American, Jewelry, Fancy. Articles; Clocks from $2.0(1 to 1.60,'of every size and description; , Eye tfksseaj Gold Pens, &. ' c ' r-,:..-v..-.:; : ' '., i. . ..-f Repairing Watches, Clocks ana JewelFyy dtina in 'the best manner, promptly August 7.1S60. 3-31-tf- Or j.: THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHAXfJ line: Prists. Delanes. Merinoes. Coberee Z G Boys' Calf, and ivip -Boots, and Shoes; Children, H.COHEN, Front street, throe doors, at bore Court. GEORGE HATCH. rOLDSTMD Pomeroy 0 community to one of the greatest improtement ,. 7 yW ? -'-; '! K t the coal, by which neat tbrown to tne ivi. - s 1" u , vii: li'. 1. stock of Stoves We Will keep constantly on hand, TINWARE. - ' - i ; af ; ,. Uu you value your hard-earned meneyy notto lavtsh - .i.': ,.;-.?'.f' ";iir;oi'--: -u.' ' '- ' -.IRALL k nATClt. -: -'.'ii- V- . n i v-cj . .' . , r. ,.ftr y v f r. : t .t heceHar y, in a forcible inahner, 'thai' a PomerbJ', January 3 tWO-j AlVtlKElr ISUUKEK'T' Li