Newspaper Page Text
ffllit and Wisdom, eAhy did Job always sleep cold? Because he Lad poor comforters. tSBrShrewd inquiries are being made W iether theeup of sorrow has a saucer. $8ST"I shall be indebted to you for lite," au absquatulator said to his cred itors, when he bolted to Australia. 2iTIere is another still better: "Why is a muff like a fool? . Because it holds a lady's hand without squeezing it. fcSfc.Uere is a conundrum got off by a Nebraska editor: Why is a Nebraska sliinplastcr like an impenitent sinner? Because it docs. not, know., that its re deemer liveth. John asked Julia1" if fthe"! would have him. ,;N"o," said she, " I will not hSve you;-hut before John could recover from the shock, she archly put in, "but vou can have mo." '' " ' ; V 3rA United States Deputy Marshal was lately sent to Springfield, III.," to summon a Mrs. Thayer, alias Burnett, to court. He returned, saying ho had summoned .Mrs. Thayer, "but Alias Burnett could not Jbo found." 8" A young, gentleman having made flbme'progress in acquiring a knowledge of Italian, addressed a few words to an organ grinder in his purest accent. He was astonished at receiving the following response-'I no. speakInglis.", ' sbu' Why i Ihe letrer D like a ring?" said a young lady to her accepted. The gentleman, like the generality of his sex when placed in such situations, was as a hammer.,,;'; Because" added the. lady, with.; a. very . modest look at the, picture t the other end of the room "because ?c canT; he wed without it." - - tjuAn old soaker in Boston being found -in. the. gutter on a rainy night, the water freaking a clear breach over hhn from'-liead to heels, was asked by a passer-by what he was doing there? "Oh,'.' Baid,he','I agreed . to meet a manrhere." - ; . ' " SWft-An alderman by the name of Kirk owned a valuable mare which was put under the care of an Irish; servant. The mare happened to-die one day Jby some violent disease, and the servant immediately informed his mistress. vMarm, the mare's dead."; ... ' -"4Th mayor dead!" replied the lady: "Then I suppose Mr. Kirk will be mayor now." '' :'.fy'r "Indade, marm," exclaimedTat, 'it's not the man mare, but the horse mare that I mane." ; XguThe Vermont Patriot tells a story of an pld usurer; who went, "one aJ t0 visit a former borrower, who had since, fortunately grown to be independent. They , went into the, garden, l'assing along a walk flanked on either side" with flowers of great beauty and variety, the visitor made pa remark until he came to a potato patch when he exclaimed, ' ; 5'My friend, jou'U lave a fine crop of pota toes' there!" That's just like you,' naid Jthe proprietor, "when gentlemen and ladies pass through my garden they look at the flowers, but when a hog comes in, all he can sea is potatoes!" bocal Domestic Drama. '"Henry, dost thou love me, dearest?" "Why askest tho'u,lIelenora?" "Not that I fear theJanswer, dearest Henry, but because I love 'to hear thee speak; . say, 4earest. Henry f dost thou love me?" v "Ask the stars if they love to twinkle, tr theflowers if they .love"to smellpr th rose to bloom. Love you! Aye, as the birds love to warble, or the breeze to waft its balmy influence why askest thou me, flannel of my heart?" K Because my .soul is. grieved; ;care has overcast. tie Joy whiehjohce spread sunshine o'er thy face; anguish sits upon thy brow, and yet your Helenora know eth not the cause. Tell me, my aching heart, why droopest thou, my soul has beefriz?" i i'Noymy Helenora thank the Gods! "No ; but my credit's fell. .Wictor, from this day forth, sells meat for cash." Helenora faints, screeches and falls into her husband's arms, who, in the anguish of the moment, seizes a knife, irid stabs himself over the left; . ." THE TOUGHEST OF TIBKETS-THE . EFFECT OF BLOOD PILLS. " Cuff was a gentleman's gentleman down in old Virginia, and a darkie of most undoubted honesty and truth; but he Would sometimes tell tough' stories. He met "Kurnel Johnsing's nigg," as he called him,'the othe day, and after cussing and discussing various matters appertaining to their matters,, fell into the following conversation: Sam Well, Cuff how you was? Cuff O, I isn't no wuss. Sahwltow is alI"3e"foIkdbwjat de house? "', . ):. J Cuff P, dey is able to be round, 'cept de ole man's darter; she had the doctor the other day. He came in, looked at her, kept lookin, at her, said she was bilyous, and guv her a box of Dr. Eoback's Scandinavian' blood pills. When de doctor go, she up and threw de pills out de window. fowouldn't tafcknq jjitls, .no .iiJit yf?1 de :ole Avlt- keycock cum, an' jgreedy kuss he gobbled down die pills, box- an' all, wid de whole directions. 7 ';: ' ' I Next day we had Company, an' had to kill dat iurkeyebek,! yer see.1 ' Brought him on- de table, biled wid ister sass, masea flourish his knife, and try ' to cut liim up; couldn't get de knife into, him, "tuft, says he,-'"how long did yer' L'We dis turkey." - ... . . . LBHe him an. hour, sah.'j,. ,.; v "Take him away and bile him anollier hour." So I look him away anXile" himari- other hour. . , . ,. '"am Did de company wait? " , Cuff-Q, yas, de company, waited. Wal," I brought 'de turkey in, an' massa flourish his big knife agin an' try to cut; him;' but he couldn't do it,: no sah! '' ' ' ;" " " . .-iTakti-liim away and bile him another hour." , f . ,; . . So I take him down into the kitchen agin, Cl ' ' ' y. SamDid de company- wait?' luff Of course dey waited I Brought in de turkey agin, an'- massa If jUt cut. But it was no go; massa git iaadt t. r ; : . "Tale him away an' lile 7dm a week." Sam Did the compang waiff. ' t ? , ,:Cuffr--Oj yas,t de-company waited hound to seede tun .outh .yer . know .-r-Wali in'a week I brought in dat turkey. Massa thought he got him dis time sure; but he couldn't cut a hole in him; de Ole cock wouldn't be. cut. i Masaa send for-de doctor, to hab de turkey exam ined. De doctor came, look at de tur-keyt-look all over him. Says he, 'It's no use; you can't bile, dis turkey, for he has. taken a box of dese Scandinavian Wood Jills. -' (hre-ittCJ any lih in him." I THK CONFESSION OF A. DEMOCRAT. A clever correspondent of the Mil- j waukee Sentinel writes of an incident on the Hudson River Railroad, in which he was partly a participant. An old man sat by his side, and, finally addressing him, the Milwaukeean said: "Sir, you seem to have traveled a great distance?" "Yes, some two thousand miles." "Ah, indeed; what part of the West?" "Iowa, .Illinois and Wisconsin." "Then, you can express an opinion as to the result of the Presidential canvas in those States?" . "No, I can't. I might have done so before I left home, but now that I have got back, I confess I don't know any thing about it." "Don't you find the sentiment very strong for Lincoln?" - "Yes sentiment, indeed, rather than sense. The Republicans enlist all the sentiment, they are a sentimental set. Seeing I was rather amused than sur prised,' he continued : "See here, I'll tell you. I am sixty years old." IJiave raised a family of four boys, and raised them all in the Demo cratic faith. ' Fifteen years ago my boy John went to Illinois, and voted the Democratic ticket regularly. I did well with John and helped him to stock his farm aud pay off his mortgage. He was a smart boy was John. Well, sir, when that debate between Douglas and Lincoln was raging in Illinois, John got a crochet in his head and became a Re publican. It was a hard blow for me, I tell you. Well, Phil grew up and I set him, up in.Des Moilfcs y bought him a quarter section, and told him to get married. Phil did well, but the first thing-that I heard was that he had turned Republican, and the young scamp tried to eonvert me by writing long let ters about the Kansas muss, &c. I talked pretty sharp to both of them, but they both voted for Fremont in spite of me. Uut there was Roger and Dan at home yet, and I felt sure that they would never desert the faith of their father. I set Roger up in Iowa, alongside of his brother, with a faint hope that he might reclaim him. ? And Dan went off to Rock county, Wisconsin? and a year ago I found, sir, that Roger was publishing a Republican paper, and Dan was making speeches for a Republican Governor in Wisconsin; It nearly broke my heart, but what could I do. The boys said they , now saw the error of voting for Buchanan. Well, sir, a few months ago I made up my mind to go West my self, for the first time in my life, and see about things. I did go West, and I happened to hear Douglas make a speech while I was away from hme. You may not believe it, sir, but I am going home now, and I don't know whether I'm a Democrat or Republican myself.1' Parity of Character. Over the beauty of the plum and th e apricot there grows a bloom and beauty more exquisite than the first fruit itself a soft, delicate flush that overspreads its blushing cheek.: Now, if you strike your hand over that, and it is gone, it is gone forever, for it never grows but once. .. The flower that hangs in the morning, impearled with dew arrayed as no queenly woman ever was arrayed in jewels once shake it so that the beads roll ff, and you may sprinkle it with water as you please, yet it can never bo made again what it was, when the dew fell silently upon it from heaven! On a frosty morning you may see the panes of glass , covered with landscapes -mountains,' lakes and trees, blending in beautiful and fantastic pic tures. Now lay your hand upon the glass, and by the scratch of your finger, or by the warmth of your palm all the delicate tracery will be obliterated. - So there is in youth a beauty and pu rity of character, which, , when once touched and defiled, can never be re storeda t fringe, more ; delicate than frost work, and which, when torn- and broken, will never be re-embroidered. A man who has spotted and soiled his garments in youth, though he may seek to make them white again, can never wholly do it, eveu were he to wash them with his tears. -. When a young man leaves his father's house, with the bless ing of his mothers tears still wet upon his forehead, if he once loses that purity of character, it is a loss that he can never make whole again. Such is the conse quence of .crime. . Its effects cannot be eradicated, it can only he forgiten. A Mother's Lot e. Children Jook in those eyes; listen to that dear . voice; notice the feeling of even a single ; touch, that is bestowed upon you by that gentle band! ; Make much of it while yet you have the most precious of all . good gifts a loving mother. r Read the unfathomable love of those eyes; the : kind anxiety of that tone and look, however slight your pain. In after life, you may have many friends fond, dear, kind friends but never will you have again the -inexpressible love anl gentleness lavished upon you which none but a mother bestows. Often do I sigh, in my struggles wjth the hard,, uncaring world, for the sweet, deep se curity I felt, when of an evening, nes tling to her bosom, .1 listened to some quiet tale, suitable to my age, read in ber tender and untiring voice. Never can I forget her sweet glances, cast upon me when I, appeared to sleep ; never her kiss of" peace at ' night! Years have passed away since we laid her beside my father in the old . church yard; yet, still. her voice whispers from the grave,, and her eye watches over me as I visit spots long since hallowed to the memory of my mother. Maeauley. ; ' Mr. Beeeher and tUe Doctorate. Pckkskill, August 21, i860. To the President and Board of Trustees of Amherst College:' -' . ' ; - Gentlemen: I have been duly noti fied that M the last meeting of the Board of Trustees the title of Doctor of Divinity wasconferrcd upon me. ; ' It would certainly give me pleasure should any respectable institution bear such a testimony of good will. But that Amherst College', my own mother, should so kindly remember a son, is a peculiar gratification.. But all the use of such a title ends with the public expression of a ' wish to confer it. - For the rest, it would be but an encumbrance, and furnish an address by no means agreeable to my taste. I greatly prefer the simplicity of that name which my mother uttered over me in the holy . hour of infant consecration and baptism. May I be permittedj without seeming to undervalue your kindness, or disesteeming the honor meant, to return it to your hands that I may to the end of my life' be,'as thus far I have been, simply , Henry Wak Beeche. . Receipt for Vinegar. , .. ' -. Take forty gallons rain water, 1 gal-; Ion molasses, and 4 pounds acetic acid. ; It will be fit for use ' in a few days.' I This is the receipt by which most of the ' eidr vinegar is made, which is sold in the- stores. i Sfnsuranrc. GUARD AGAINST FALL AND WINTER FIRES! BY lOIioloe Iusurauoe . : WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL, $1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF "3500,000.00, And the prestipe of 4(1 yearn success and experience. Upward of 1 12,000,000 of losses have beau paid by the .Etna Insurance Cempany in the past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following , , , . , LOSSES PAID BY THE JETNA DURING TOT PAST riVI TEARS! In (fliio, - -.8431,520 P3 1 In Michigan, -15R.04S PI In Wisconsin, 10tj.!5 07 In Indiana, - 146,839 81 In Kentucky,- 204,039 40 In Illinois, - - 448.3-.'7 41 Missouri, ... 3S4.5IR 04 Tennessee. - - 97,549 SI Iowa Winn., 101.399 46 Kansas & Neb., 19.945 77 Peun. ic Va., - 31,593 82 Ark.&Ga., - 23.945 09 Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $52,413 18 . Firo and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit. Especial attention eiven to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. Tbe solid service Ions and successfully tried, and the many advantages the Etna Insurance Company possesses in Us line, should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an Imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. , Agencies in all the- principal cities and towns throughout the State. Policies issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Ag nts of the Company. TTPBusiness attended to with despatch and fidel ity. OREN BRANCH, Ageft, Sept. 20.-38 -3m'. Pomorov, O. Exclusively Fire Insurance. POMER OYA GENCY, MANHATTAN FmElNSUftANCE COMPANY, 68 Wall Street, New York, 9 " - OB INCORPORATED, 1821. VTM. PITT PALMER, President. ANDREW J. SMITH, Secretary. - DIRECTORS: W. P. Palmer, Pkter Cooper, . Samuel F. Mott, Ri rcs L. Lord, Wj: F. Mott, Wm.W. Fox, Edwin D- Morgan, Richard Tionc, : Thomas Barron, ROBKRT B. MlNTTRN, Thomas W, Pcirsaii, Hknrt Ellsworth, -AcsiSTCs W. Ward, James Colles, Sidney Mason, Moses Tatlor, . L. S. Soarez. John Caswell, John Steward, John C. Green, Crocker. This staunch old Company having fully complied with the laws of this State, continue to insure the safer classes of property Against Loss or Damage by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies. Their policies are free from telhiicai ities, thus avoiding litigation, having had only one lawsuit during a business of THIET y-NTNE YEARS. Particular attention given to tbe Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Swellings, ' and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or, FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Azenc. JAMES RALSTON, AgeBt. WESTERN Bit AX QH OFFICE, No. 1 Superior Street, Cleveland, 0. 3 S. S. COE, General Agent. JOHN SEWELL, Assistant. Apr. 24. '60. 163ra (Situational FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, HARTFORD CITY, MASON CO., VA. This Institute has been successfully commenced under the patronage of the Hartford City Coal, Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers' and Mechanics' sons and daughters, where they may receive the advantages of a superior EDUCATION to what has hitherto been offered them in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It is now entering on its second session, andjs de lightfully situated on a gently sloping sandy' emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, and only a short distance from tho Steamboat Landing. The School Room and Teacher's Residence is held in that spa cious building formerly known , as the Brethren Church. The room contains 2,000 sqare (est, and is replete with every suitable convenience. - The heating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stoves, and 3rX) feet of window light, and being elevated !6 feet above the road way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. There is also a Library and Readiug Department attached, for the use of students, containing many excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to suit the desire of all parties, and it is intended hereafter, to add a Piano Forte, for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. The School Is conducted hy the Principal, aided by Asssstants, male and female. The maio pupils are taught every branch of learn ing neeessarv" for their future advantage, making them carablo of entering on all such duties as may hereafter offer for their weal. The remale department are also tsnght every nec essary accomplishment, wfth plain ami fancy neetllo work in addition to a sound scholastic course. Honrs of attendance, 9 to 13, and 3 to S, for youth, and 6 to 9, for adults. - '1 luis may the children of the above receive as lib eral an education as in aristocratic institutions, whose charge exclude many a naturally talented' child from obtaining tbe assistance necessary to develop its intellect. " r i.- S Pupils charged only from time of entrance. Terms per session of 3 months, 82.50 each. : A limited number of boarders are taken at a small charge. i References may be had to parents, of pupils, either in Ohio, West Columbia, Mason City or this place, on application to the Principal, at the Institute, i SAMUEL B. SAUNDERS, Preceptor Oct. 4.-40-tf. , 1 - ! WM. H. & J. GRANT : HAVING formed a partnership under the above .. l ................ .i t).. . l . ' ... ., 1 win ft - - UaillV, UIIU ll.I. 111 11.1.3' W .11., Mlll, in Middlenort. design runninsr it recularlv from thU time. We will pay the ; .,..? Highest Market Price for Wheat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a good patronage. April 10,1800 tf ll..H,ft J. GRANT. A. 6 EEBOHM, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, DEALER IN OILS, FAINTS, BRUSHES, Varnishes', Tyesuffs, Perfumery, ' '. ' " ' and Fancy Articles, ; ' . s ! Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. ' Prescriptions carefully put up. j Jan. 9. 2-2. APPRENTICES;- j THOSE wishing to take boys or girls at arty age from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known itheir wishes to Mr. Scott,'' Superintendent, of" the Infirmary heaj Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors. Feb. 7, '60. tf. M. BOSWORTH. MR. P.; BRUNKER WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Pome roy that he will give instructions on the Piano and tench vocal music at 810.00 forthirtyix lessons. Three lessons per week two on Piano and. one in singing. I have a Piano for the use of those who have none. No extra charge for the nse of my Piano. I -can also sell New York, Baltimore and Boston Pianos at Retail City, Prices. Pianos sold by me, tuned and put up in good order and kept so for two years after buying: also Prince & Co. 's Melodeons sold on guarantee, and exchanged if any imperfections appear within the first year. Lessons given on Melodeon same as Prauo. Aprils, '60 14-6IB. . O. U .A 8UerT' Sale. ; , , State of Ohio vs-William Burchfleld. BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Probate Court of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, t the residence of George Russell, is Salisbury township, Meigs County, at 10 o'clock a. M-, -..On the 25i fay of September, i860, ' ,' the following described property, to wifc one 3 year old Heifer, one two-horse Wagon, and one sucking Colt ; taken as the-, property of William Burchfield, to satisfy an execution in favor of the State of Ohio. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Segt. X isoo.35-2w L0 No. 9 . REMOVAL. IT AS REMOVED HIS JEWELRY Building, immediately at the Head of the Wrharf-Boat Landing Road, next door bolow Remington' Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the sanietiine, open his ne;? Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of . . ' JEWELRY AND Of every description, which he will soil at very reasonable pikes, and he war rants every article to be of tho value represented. His Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will and a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH,, CLOCK AND JEWEL 31 Y REPAIRING, Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same. W. A. AICHER,Jeweler. 2-3-tf. At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. MOOXIB'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHETE. A Beautiful CUft for Jlusbahcfo to their Wives and Daughters. rnhe introduction of this most beautiful and emi- J- neutly. practical machine will bring joy and glad- ness to Me .Hearts or inoasanas 01 our country women throughout the land. It is pronounced by the best judges to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate en all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to SOU. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few ef its superior ad vantages. - - - v 1st. it makes the strongest, most. elastic and du rabletstitch of any yet made. - - 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re winding. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging of goods. 5th. It runs with great ease, and quietly. 6th. It can be understood aud operated upon with very liltl instruction. 7lh. It is sold fir the low price of thirty doll an. Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or tbe Machine and work can be seen at the agents' residence, next door to Dr. Train's Office, near the B;ink building. ITlcMASTEU SOU, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Wushingtoii counties, Ohio. Jan. 3, '5U. !-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S WINES A T New York Prices. The' elegance, ; speed, noiseless ness and simplicity of tho Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thirrtiest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. . Trinted instructions accompanying each Machine, to enable purchasers . to sew ordi nary scams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. , Each Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. . . C. E. DOXN ALLY. , Psmeroy November, '59. tf ' Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. R. R OX and after Thursday, April 36, 160, train will leave A livens as follows: Going East Kxpress Mail t " -' - 12:36p.m. Goinu We3t Mail at - - 10:36 . . JlT'Express mail east makes close connections at Farkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all points West. - - JO'Passwngers leaving Parkersbnrg at 8:10 .. . arrive at Columlus:13 r. . JOTh'kes at reduced rates, are sold at Chilli collie and Athens, for Columbus. JOThrough tickets to all points East and West ran be obtained at all the principal Ticket Offices on the line of the Koad. ' A discount of ten cents ttri each ticket from reprn ar tariff rates will be made on all tickets purchased at the ticket office. ORLAKD SMITH, Hup't. i. FoootTT, GeuH Ticket Ag't. Chil. nay. 1,59. ORE, Bsuldle, Htrnem And Trunk Manafaotorer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND,,. AND ' will manufacture to order, of tiie vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments. : lie calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defiea the world" on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a-call, in my shop cn Rut land street, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs.' Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, kit., at the highest market price. June 21, '59. 25-ly ' The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets, ... POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON .SILVERMAN, Wholesale and retail Dealer in" 5 HEAt)V-MAt)EUTHtI3Gt ' HATS'CAPS & NOTIONS, ; , CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, A-NS GrZlLOO'ErElX'ES-S, Invites the public to hi3 splendid stock, which he has recently jeecived. .It is unnecessary to particulariie, but I will say, thatmy stock it is well selected and will be sold at prices un equalled., k Jan. 24, 1800 4-4-tf. , A. G, CROWLEY & CO., WILL HEREAFTER . CARRY ON THE Carpenter and Joiner business; Doors, Sash, Blinds, &c, executed to order. From long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect .'satisfaction in all orders en trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks'are due the public, and we respectfully nsk a continuance of their favors. The Mill is a few ' doors above Williamson's Flouring Mill.- - 1-lti-tf REMINGTON HOUSE. F. BBI HliLDARFER; Proprietor , At the head of Steamhoat Landng, Front ytreot. Pomero-f, Ohio. STORE TO A. BURNAP'S NEW FANCY ARTICLES, gfliscetfoneous. XV. B. SKIBVI1 I. H. EELLIV. C OL. THOS. SMITH. EXCEUIOn MARBLE W08K$, RACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the U. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT flillv infrv.m the citizens) nf AIpit nml joining counties, that they are now prepared t Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, Table-Tops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality of J ' Foreign or American Marble. Those wishing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot rail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. - . SKIRVIN, KELLEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf ' ' - NEW GROCERY "" ; AND' ': ' 1 HIE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED . an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions,, Queens ware, Shoes, &c, &c. at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, which will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, . Frunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Sugar, Dried Apples, . Coffee, :- Dried Peaches, - ' Tea, ; : . Totatoes. Molasses, - Hominy, Sirup, . Pearl Barley, Vinegar, Beans, Bacon, Teas, Dried Beef; Raisins, Codfish, Currants . Mackerel, White Fish, &c, &c. C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy, March 1. 2-0-1 y CHI N A GLASS WE invite the attention of buyers, to ourlnrge ami well assorted stock of Wa re now on liund, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have-no hesitancy in saving that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than thev are sold in any other Western market. AM orders carefatly selected and well packed. We solicit an examination of our clock. ' - PUKSKl.l. & GOKD0X, 13-Iy. Front struct, Portsmouth, O . P;L0 W$!P10 W$! JL HAVE on hand one hundred PATENT LEVER PLOWS, Pittsburgh Pattern, which I will sell as fol lows: ..;:. Right Hand No. 2.... $5.00 " " No. 3...'.. - 6.00 " " No.s4aud5 7.00 Left Hand N6.;4..:...'... .....u....;... 5 7.00 Hill Side No. 4,... , 7.50 I also make' to order three sizes Right and Left Hand, Rich s Patent Cast Iron Beam PIOWS. ; ' Scrap taken in exchange. mar. G, '59. tf J. W. G. STACKPOLE. MAY PURCHASES. SECOND SPRING STOCK J. F. TO WELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Hats, Caps, Bonnets & Notions, Front St., Portsmonth, O. HAVING now In store an immense stock of Sea sonable Spring and Summer Goods, t would in vite the attention of merchants to the same. Parties who make their main purchases East, will find it convenient tp replenish as they may need, at short notice. Orders filled to tiest arfvantajre, and en as good terms as if the purchaser were present. Portsmeutn,0.,may Jfl,'oO. 81-ly J. F. TO WELL. ALFRED NESMITH, (Late of the Firm of Stevenson, Bowon & Kesrailh,) KOW WITH M. WILLIAMSON,- CO. "Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in D R Y GO O D S, 425 Market & 414 Cotnmerce StB. . ' w avtBU ' Bet. 4th & 5th North Bide KJ. 11. Tv HjDU. , I ( S. M. ANDERSON, f ; r,BAT)KLniC - - H. C. POTTER; - J i HIlADEtPBIA. March 1, '59. LANDS FQR SALE, r THE undersigned offers FOR SALE, on rea sonable ternrs, and in lots to suit pur chasers, all the lands in Meiers county, and ad joining counties, belonging to the estate of Na- hum Ward, late of Marietta, Ohio, deceased.-.-Title indisputable. WM. 8. WARD, Executor on the estate of ' Marietta, O, May 30, '60. 23 . Nahum Ward. SPRING GOODS. AGENERAlP assortment of - Seasonable ! Goods, just received, and for sale right, consisting of Dry-Goods, Books, 'Stationery, Wall Papers,- Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, GrocericBf-FarBuers' nd Mcchanics'-T-Tools, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Musical Instruments, and, in fact, the greatest assortment of Goods to be found under any roof in this section. Call in and examine would like it, if you buyafewlJ WM. II. REMINGTON.. No. 940, corner of Linn and Front st's. Mfiv.' 18fiO:22-tf ."' ' ' omo STATE mi n UNION LAW COLLEGE 'i LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, O. j -r SESSIONS commence on the 25th day of ;Au trust, 15th day of December and 7th day of Anril. Students may enter at any term with equal profit. The College is authorized to confer all degrees, upon graummug, receive the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and may' be admitted to practice without further examination, r or circular, auuresu Dec. 6, 1859. 40-ly M. A. WOOL CARDING, AT THE RACINE'WOOLEN FACTORY. HAYING put in new machinery; we are prepared to do Wool Carding at 4 cents per pound. ' ' ' All work warrantea, wnere me wuui wticuu. tVool or Lard taken in pay for work. Julv 3. 1W--20-tf THOS. EGAN. gftdkal. MOTHERS. Thousands are daily speaking in the praise of SR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because it Kitva faiijto afford instantaneous- relicf when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and on trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains No Paregoric or Opiate1 of any kind, and therefore rolieves by RKtfovixb Tim scfferinrs of your child, instead of by ukaoen- inu its sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself us the only reliable preparation now known rr Children Teethins, Diarrliopa, Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cola in the Hend. and Croup; also for softening the gam?, reducing inflammation, regulating the Bowels, mid relieving pain, it has no equal being nil anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all casesof convulsion or oilier fits, ad you value the lire and health of your children, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are cer tain to rssult from the use of narcotics of which all othdr remedies for Infantile Complaints-arc com posed, take none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant.- Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared onlv by ' CIIUKCII DUPOKT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. ELOOD" food. Healthy human Blood npon being ANALYZED always presents ns with the same essential elements, and gives, of course, th True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Scrofula, &c, and we find in' every Instance certain deficiencies in tho red globules of. Blood.- Supply these deficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Food is founded npon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of tho Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, use lio. 1, which is also tbe No. for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility.' a nil Nervous Prostration. No. a, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared for absorption it is Taken by Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 Is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses, &c. Bee spe cial directions for this. For Salt Kheura. Eruptions,' Kcrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food, 31 per bottle. ,. Sold by CHURCH & DU PONT, No. 409 Broadway, New Yi-rk. By And by all respectable country. Druggists throughout the 3-4-y. SAW FORD'S IIVER vtfVJGOBATOB, NEVER DEBILITATES. JTIS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become au established fact, a Standard Medicine. known ami ap have used it. and is now fldenca in nil tbe diseases mended. It has cured thousands years who had given np the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adapt ment of the individual such quantities as to act Let the dictates of your Id the use of the Liver will cure - Liver Com Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks. Dyspepsia, Suro entery, Habitual Costive CholJrn Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully asau Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify.) in two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- , proved by all that resorted to with oon' j" I for which it is recom H i Q ! within tbe last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos- H ed - to the temnern- 0 u a H U 0 taking it, and used in gently on thv Bowels, judgment guide you Invigorator, and it plaints. Dropsy, Sour rhoea,. - Billious At iner Complaiuls,Dys ness. Cholic, Cholera, Infantum, Jaundice, Flatulence, and may Ordi ary Family Sick- Headache,- (as twenty minutes, if fuls are taken at tbe tack. All who use it are civ ing their testimony in its favor. Mix Water in the mouth-with the Invigorator, and swniiow ooin logeiner. .. Price One Dollar per Bottle. -r-ALSO SANFORD'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Yeqetable Extracts, and put vp .in Glass Ctisi-s, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro- ' practice mure . than. The constantly increns who have long used the lion which all expressin induced me to place 1 all. H The profession well H thnrics act on dine run "rt The Family Cathartic fli ence to this welt estab- H pounded from a variety q Extracts, which act alike prietor has used in his t wenty years. ingdcHiaud from those Pills nnd the satisfac- regard to their nse, has them within the reach ef know that different Ca .'portions of the bowels, i Pill has, with due refer- lished fact, been min or the purest Vegetable on every pari ot meal imeutnry canal, nnd are case i where n Cathar l)erarg"ments of the 41 jCUDU UIIU SUItS 111 Sll " Stemach, Pnins in the Q uess, Costivenuss. Pain Hack and Lions, Sleep! and Soreness over tho A whole body, from sud den cold, which, fro quently, If neglected, ! ever, Loss of A ppetite, of Cold over the Bodv, end in a long course of a Creeping Sensation Restlessness, Headache, lufhimmutory Diseases, Adults, Rheu i atism, a 0 or weight in the Ufa ft, .-ill Worms in Children or great Purifier of the Blood and many diseases to numerous to nieu- to which flesh is hoir, tion in this advertise- munt. Dose, 1 to 3. PHICE, TEHEE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Calhartie Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale uy tno iraue in an me large towns. -vS. T. V . SASFOKD, M-,D, Manufacturer nnd Proprietor, . 3-4-y. '" 335 Broadway, New York'. i MANHOOD, f BOW IOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radi- XX cul cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotcncy, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. . :,By ROB. J. CULVERWELL.M. D., '. The important fact that the awful consequences of sen-abuse may ne enecuiaiiy removed wmiout inier nal medicines or the dangerous apptic.itiojis of cau stics, instruments, meaicatea Dougies, ana other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and hignly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, aud at tbe least possible cost, thereby nvoiding all the advertised nostrums nf the day. This Lecture will prove a .boon to thousands and thouaods. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. . tmay 1, '60 17-lyj HOWARD ASSOCIATION ' F1IDLADELPII1A. A Benevolent Institution established by special En ' downieiit,fortbc Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tbe Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation-habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med lciues lurnisiiea iree w cnnrge. ----- . - Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, aud on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, eeuUto the af flicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, GEO. FAlKCHlCD, Secretary. . President. Administrator's Sale or Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order granted .by .the Probate Court of Meigs. County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, free from; dower, at public auc-. tion, on the. 19th .day of , September, 1860, at eleven o'clock forenoon, upon the premises, the following real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit beginning at., the south-eaet corner of the north-east quarter of section No. 12, in town No..6,;of range No. 14, of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north 10 chains and 75 links; thence South 82 de grees west 41 chains and. 40 links; thence south 4 chains aud 61 links; thence east to the place of begining; containing 31 acres, more or less: also, the the following .described premises, situate in said section, lown and. range, and bounded as follows, to wit; beginning at the north-east corner of the south half of said sec tion No. 12; thence west 80 rods; thence south 50 rods; thence east .to the east line of said section; thence north along said section line to the place of begining; containing 25 acres, more or less. Appraised at one thousand dol lars ($1,000). Terms of sale: one-third in hand; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years from day of sale, with interest: the payments to be secured by mortgage upon the premises'soH - ' f WM. M; NQRTON, f r Administrator of Robert Wilson,'- deceased. ' I'omoroy, August 7thrl8G0. 32-5t. PLANING MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill, has a large assortment of Lumber, either rough or planed, on hand, which will be sold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As ho is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of tie material. All orders addressed to JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O., Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, will be promptly attended to. tmn? '-"2- I860. 3-20-y I CANCERS CUBED. DR. G.COLER mENDERS his professional services to all in j JL Southern Ohio and Northern Virginia, who are afflicted with cancer, in any of its forms. Cancerous and other malignant tumors re more'S Withotit the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others that might be addhced, arc testimonials from physicians of extensive ahd long-continued practice: , Albany, Atitbn? Co., O., Jan. 12,1860. D. G. Coler Uear.Si'r: Haying seen several ob stinate rases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in ftivinz that a Sfreedy and ner- manent cure ef Cancer in any of its forma may be bad, if application be made to vou before the tumor affects the vital organs-. JOHN EAKHAKT, M. D. Haisox ville, Meigs CtHj Jan. 5, 1800. I take pleasure fn certifying thai Vr: G. Coler's mode of treating Cancers is complley giicecmful, as many ilifllc.ult cases resulting in quick and perin'a' nent cures, through his treatment, have come under my notice, as a practising physician during the lost 13 years. JOSEPH MOORE, M. D. Office and residence, opposite Hugg & Coe's Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24; I860.--3-4-y r National Dispensary for Private Diseases, Established January 1st, 1859. ' ' '- $5$soo -foufeit: - Three Eminent Physicians in ebnstant attendance. The facnltv of the institution, consisting of . PKOF. EGBERT JACKSON, Member of the Roval College of, "Surgeons, London. DR. ROBEKT HERBERT. Late of Phil., a meniberofthe Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VEI.PEAU. Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee nnder a Penalty of $500, a complete cure of every Sexual Disease,, however aggravated by neglect, and without mercury. - '' . We are perfectly safe in making this offer, beet use we will not undertake any case that we are not sure Of curing. The Physicians of the National Dispensary hits biscovered the ONLY REMEDY iu the WORLD from all the crrecTS or cakly ixrsvncncK. Relief in twenty-four hours. A cure warianted in from one to three weeksi -i Marrid persons, or young people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, 01 fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or organio debility, should make application at once. They who place themselves under our care, may rely religiously in our honor as gentlemen that their secretwill be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CURE will follow of the following diseases: : .. r Syphilis, Gonorrtiea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strieio res. Affections of tbe Kidneys aud Blad der, Involuntary Discbarges, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity. Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Lungs, Stomach, or Bonels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body and Mind. .1; ,y ... , The1 Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, , . A Book of near 300 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for those who are married or thinking of mairiage, will be sent on receipt of 53 cents.- This book contains the most Valuable information in the language. Useful alike to mule and- female, but should not be in the hands of very youug persons, as it contains in formation thut might he perverted to unworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Love aud Beauty, never before Satisfactorily - revealed in any book in the English language. Price 50 cents one of the cheapest books in the world. Send fora Circular fully describing it. Very liberul terms to those who buy In large or small quantities to sell again, made known ou appli cation. Tbe low price at which the book is retailed (50 cents) renders it one of tlie quickest selling books in the market. Special inducements to clubs. ' Every letter must contain six cents in stamps, for which will be sent a rt'LL, written Reply; h1so,Tuk Dispensary Circtlar, a truly valuable advisory doc ument for old or young, married or unmarried, and especially for all who have made themselves old yoi no Mm by a certnin secret practice. It contains more valuable information thnu many books. M. Vki.peai 's Bkai'tifvino Powder. It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, and effectually preveuts the formation of wrinkles, blotches, freckles, pimples, won, etc., etc.' Price 51 per box, sent by muil. ' - - liR. Jackson's Femalk Monthly Pll.l.8, invaluable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest tlioy should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price forwarded by mail. Dr. Jackson's Perfktoal Preventive, is the only article in the world that 'without inconvenience or danger will infullibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married Indies too feeble to bear children ex cept at the hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no other preventive In use aud issuporior to alt. Forwarded to any address. . . Address ' Drs. JACKSON, HF.BERT & Co:, or simply P. O. Box 436. Cincinnati, Ohio. . Office 107 Scainoro street. Medicines and instructions sent promptly to any part of the country. .. 2-30 6in. i ; : - .,, ... ., . The i only .- Safe Preparation TJiat does not Dye, tut tcill restore To its original color, by NatnreTsown process is Prof' O. J. Wood's Celebrated H AIR RESTOIl ATI VE " In proof of the above assertion,' read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all parts of the country. Hon. Solomon Mann, Ann Arbor, Mich., says his wife, whose hair had become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, ana entirely over, me neau. timers oi my lainny and friends are using your Restorative with the hap piest effects ' ' Hon. Judge Brkesi, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed its original color, and I have no doubt permanently so.- .- Hon. H.L. Stewart, says my hair was very-yray, but after using two bo'.tles, it restored it to its origi nal color. Rev. J. K Braoo, Brookdeld, Mass., says it has re moved from my bead inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair which was gray, to its original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, ill., srys my hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white, but, by the appli cation of the Restorative as has resumed its original color. Joci'vV " .n.uv. ..J Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottle of your . Hair . Restorative, which has cured a humor in mv head of two years' standing. Benjamin LoNSRiDocr 254 Seventh A vnuue, New York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when it began t grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore tlie color without effect, I was induced to try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has bad the desired effect.: -' .. , ' H. L. Williams, M. D., Peckensville,' Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and find it ail it is rec ommended to be. I have tried it lor Tetter and And it a certain cure. 1 ,i ... t - .W. M. Woodward, M.. D., Frankfort, Ky., says, be recommends it in bis practice as the best prepara tion for the hair now in nae. r i Edward Walcott- says, three months ago ray hair was very gray; i'. is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and lossy, all by tbe nse of Wood's Restorative. Wilson Kino says, one month's proper application will resi ore any person's hair to lis original -color and texture. . , J. D. Hoes says, a few applications fastened my-balr firmly, it began to grow out and tarn black, its ortg-. inal color. Betsey Smith, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her buir had, for a number of years, been perfectly whitd, but now it is restored to He youthful color, soft and glossy. i - - i-'i ;, Dr. J. W. Bond, St.' Paul,' says that hit hair. Is strong, thick, and black, although a short time since he was both bald and gray. The people here saw , its effects and have confidence in it. -Morris Goslino. M. D.. St.; Louis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no effect, he used two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair, and invites all to coin and see it. Sarah JV Krown snvs her hair was cot only gray. bat so thin she feared its entire loss but after using two bottles It has restorrd both the color and growth. ' Prenared bv O. J. WOOD & CO.. 114 Market street. Saint Louis, and 312 Broadway, New York, and sold by all Druggists and Pntent Meoicme Healers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United States and Canada. Aug. 7, I860. 31-3m ! " NOTICE. ' ' ROYAL Baldwin, of Brown County, m the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that A. G. Laird, of the county of Beaver, in the State of Pennsylvania, did, on the 12th day of July, A. I. I860-,-file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas - within and for the county of Meigs, in the State of Qhio, against the said Royal Baldwin, defendent, setting forth, that the said Royal Baldwin is indebted to the said A. G. Laird in the em of $125.73 and interest thereon from the 2d day of July, A D. 1857, for money had and received by the said Royal Baldwin to and for the use of the said A. G. Laird before that time, and praying . for a iudirrncnt against the said Royal Bald- win for said sum of $125.73 and interest thereon t N0t 241; thence north along Ihe alley forty-five -from the said 2d day of J uly, A. D. 1857, and feet- thence east on1 tt line- parallel with Front me BU.1U xiojai iiun in m fvuj uunucu uut an order of attachment has been issued in this ' case, and returned, and that he is required to line; thence along and? down Front street fifty -appear and answer 'said petition on or before ft to the place of beginning; tobe.sold. as tho the third Saturday after the 11th day of Sep-1 property of William Starkey, at the suit' of : tembcr,, A. D. 1800, . A. G. LAIRD. '1 Mark E.Tveeves & Co. Appraised at f650.O- By Simpson & Laslet, hia Atty's. I Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, SM. C. July 30th, 18G0. 31 -Gt-- : " ; Aug-10, I860. 32-5t . 3.00 .'" I Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. f& 2 ! iQj PI PHARMACVA DR. KO BACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES. WHEN DR. ROCACK, the celebrated Swedish' Physician, introduced his Blood Purifier n.t Blood Pills in the United fftates. he set forth in plain language their curative properties. This was years agr. The task of recommending them has since beef! taken ont of bis hands. Enlightened men . whose character for sound judgment tad philosophy ' gives their opinions weight in tlie community, men who observe, refteet, and make "assurance doubly sore" before they decide are everywhere ap proving and urging the nse of these wonderful Prep arations. All who confide in the wisdom and hon esty of this class, or who choose to investigate for themselves are now of one mind on this important subject. . Jr. Roback Invites the attention of tbe sick to tb ' Original Letters, frrrrtt rfwrnibers of the Medical Profession, Editors o public journals, well known Merchantsand Farmers and Ladies of the highest respectability, giving ac counts of extraordinary cures wrought by the feme dies, of which cures they themselves were Eye Witnesses. These parties may be consulted personally or b ' letter, by those who have any donbl upon the suK ject. Ther evidence to the possession of Dr. Roback , which is At afl times accessible to the public, i-stab' Hshes the following FACTS: - That the "Blood Purifier" and "Blood Pills" have-' been proved by analyst t - - : Contain no Mineral; . , - . j , - That they euro the almost universal compnr 01 1 ' Dyspepsia, with unerring certainty, and in a very irtjcrt (fare Tbat after all other medicines have proved usefesty they relieve.-; . :. Liver Complaint, . and restore the health and strength of the : " 1 Tha -. ... .. ; , ; - .. .( Sick Females, who have languished for years in helpless weakness and despondency, recuperate with great rapidity 5 nnder their invigorating operation. , That all sexual disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating propertios. That thoy recruit .. , Shattered Constitutions, . however they may have been trifled with and abused-, that their direct tendency is to lengthen lifeand . , render it enjoyable. That.-opernting directly upon U. s poisonous disease in the blood, they -.,..,...) , Cause Soon to Heal,' and discharge from the system, every taint of Sero -' ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they Recruit the Debilitated, and that there Is no disease of tbe Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous, svstem, the skin, glands oi muscles, arisino from impurities or the blood m scrrrtions, in which they do not give prompt relief, and, (if administered before the very citadel of life has been invaded,! effect a painless and perfect cure. I Bear in mind, that the "Scandinavian Vegetable; Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience: ft toon sands of living witnesses, who, ht letters, affidavits, medical works, slid by word of mouth, procHias . them to be tbe very best preparation of the kisd ever offered: to the broken-down victims of ill-haltt They bunt disease through every avenue and organ of the system, and to expel it thoroughly and perm-1 nenlly. No one can doubt their superiority after one slngl ' trial they are not only better, bnt, in fact, cheaper r than any other Pills, tor it takes a less number of ' them to produce a -better effect. Price of the Scandinavian Vegetable-Blood Puri fier, fi per bottle, or 95 per half dozen. Of tbe Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, SS cents per'' box, or 5 boxes for 91- - In difficult or complicated Cases, Dr. Roback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stump for the reply. . - . , , From Rev. Mr. McMulIen, Pastor of Roberts Cbspel. ii luDiANAroLis, October , Dr. C. W, Roback Dear Sir: 1 have used your Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from-which I -' have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant, to the taste. It certainly has a happy effect upon the nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind, re gards, and believe me YoursvJ - ; - . J.W.T. McMULLE!?. N Principal Office and Shies Rooms, No. 6 East-' Fourth street, 3d Building from Main street, Cincln- . nati, O. Laboratory in Hammond street. For ;i3ale; in MeigB' Co.,-by D. Reed' Pomeroy; Hugo & Coe, Middleport; E.. S. Branch, Rutland; , J. M. Cooper,, Pageville; J". R. Ellis, Racine; Rob erts & Tidd, Lon Bottom; I. IP. Hayman, Apple Grove; Welden & Bestow, Chester; A. E. Reed, Oranges P. O.; W. M. Swallow, Letart Falls Wm. Dicket, Ilarrisonville; -M. E. Smjth, Syracuse; and. by Druprgists and Merchants generally, throughout, the Union. 3-7-y. DR. MAHTINl'9 CATA IENIAL CORRECTOR ! !: ... . HAS iiah A T Elf' Y E A K S TBI A L , 1 J '' WHICH RHOTLD BE : - SUFFICIENT TO COK VISCE EVERY Siiflfering Woman ,: ; of the Great Value of the . CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR J ! , And that it is without exception " tS&THE BEST MEDICI NE-Xi ' hkfore i the public - - ; for all diseases arising from irregu ' lar1ties, chronic or nervous debility, palpitation of 3 he heart, . i vektigo or dizziness,. ' '' pains in the kidneys, . Pains in the small of the back, '. .-f .'; pains under the shoulders, - lowness op "spirits, ' " '" languor and nervousness gbnerally.--difficult menstruation , :, suspended menstruation, , or cessation of the menses, And an almost endless variety of other diseases at- tendsnt on irregularities superinduced by colds, by ' over exertion, by a wenk constitution, severe men- ' tal or physical labor. The simple remedy for all is ' to gel at the primary caase of tho disease; renior ' it, and you assist nature to regulate. - This can be done by tbe great . i.' . a u . -- . if CATAMEK!Atf COHREGTOR. Which has never failed to effect a cure when prop erly used, according to tbe directions, and a fair' trial given it. It is prepared from the recipe, and RRdertbe per sonal supervision of a most Skilful Physician, who for a number of years confined its ase to bis private practice. For the few years tbat it basbeen before the public it has gained for itself a position that will , soon, by its rapid increase of popularity, place it at the head of all remedies heretofore offered for Women's diseases. The more, especially those above enomerated, which too often end in - - . , . COHSCiniOR. For sale by most respectable Druggists through- : out toe union ana uanaaas., ...... . DEx-lpe, $1,80 per Bottle, N. B. When it happens that yonr Druggist has. not the article, the money ran be remitted d irect to us, and if. two or more bottles are ordered at one , time, tbe medicine will be sent free of .charge for' transportation. Particular directions as to nse, &c, accompanying each bottle. - - r ? Druggists can be supplied direct from -our Labors- -tory, or by sending their orders to -BAKNES & PARK, New York. -P. C. 'WELLS or ' Co., New York. S. B. HANCE, Baltimore, Md.- DYOTl'S, Philadelphia, Pa. J.' WRIGHT & Co., ' New Orleans, La. JOHN D. PA KK. Cincinnati, Oi - H.H.HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to any respectable Wholesale Druggists In New York or Philadelphia. Circular, with Trade Prices,. &., for the Corrector, and oar . other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buyers. . ' No Medicine placed on Commission. , ., -J . ' J D, I. DE NYEr . General Agent for the-United States and Canadas,. 40 AnipSi., New.lfQrlt. , July 10, '60. 27-ly ... '" . ' ' " ON Thursday eTeni.iglast, near Minersville, or between there and' Coalporti d FINE RED SHAWI Spring style, With green? nd brown border. ;,The finder will be liberally re-r warded by leaving' it at. this office, or with Mr,' Joseph Bigg." '''- "" '" '" ' Pomeroy, Aug. 28, ,1860. 34-3 1 ,,.; . State of Ohio vs. Ward Tlmony. Y virtue of two execution to me direoted from the Court of Common Pleas of Athens I County, 1 will otter tor sale, at tne residence of Ward Timony, in Bedford township at 11 o'clock A. - -:- i.: t. : .,- .;: On the 24 day of September, I860, the following described property'td'wit:' one' gray Mare and one two-horse Wagon: To be sold as-the property of wrd Timony,' at the suit of the State of Ohio. Terms of sale, ., cash. " J. Ji WHITE, S.' M. C. - S6pt 4,. I860. 85-2w. .. . 1,00 ., y Slteriflfa Sale. .- . ... ; : ;: Mark E. Reeves c Co. vs. William Starkey. , BY virtne of an order of sale to me directed ;. front the Court of Common Pleas of .Meigs . County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the? Court-house in Pomeroy, at 11 o'clock A..HV, : On the 20A aVy of September I860;. . . , the fnllowinn- described lands and tenements: . to wifc' situate in' the town of Pomeroy, Mcigs County, and being part of Lot No, 241, and be- pinninir nt the south-west corner of said Lot. street ulty leet; mence iorty-nve ieev to rrunt Rtrppt: An ft nnrallel with the first mentionecK.-