Newspaper Page Text
POMEROY TELEGRAPH. 3? B.IDAY, t I September 31 1800. 8 A Wicle-Awake Club of some sev entv members has been organized ii Chester and are doing a, good work ' that place. Chester will give a account of herself on the day of elec-j tion. " .' WllliamV SarpriU, "and- Iodide of . Potagsa! We call attention to the notice of William's Sarsaparilla and Iodide of Po tassa, in the special notice column. The article has obtained a high reputa tion as remedial, and is wrothy the ex tensive sale it has obtained. . igL.The "Wells Family" gave the citizens of Pomeroy a foretaste of their excellent performances during the past week, and will return to-night, and com plete their engagements. . They come bearing a good reputation as vocalists, and will doubtless procure a good house. JgyThose who contemplate attending the religious services of the Conference at Gallipolis, on Sunday next, can avail themselves ot a steamboat ride on tne Swallow. Tickets for the trip 50cts. She will leave Pomeroy at 6 o'clock A M. and Middleport at 6J o'clock, return- .... ' ing in the evening. n our absence last week, several errors occurred in reading the proof of our editorials, which made us say some .things in a very absurd manner. We do not suppose it worth while to specify. The wonder is that the printers guess so nearly as they do at what we intend, for we confess to very unreadable hand writing. Tne liaat Gnu of the Campaign. .There will be a mass meeting and torch-light procession of Wide-Awakes in Pomeroy, on Monday night preceding the State election.. Speeches will be delivered at the Court-house, or from the steps thereof, by Hon. V. B. Hor tonand others. Let there be a good Republican rally! . THE DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING, On Monday, last, so far, as numbers and apparent enthusiasm are concerned, was a decided success. We had been absent for more than a week, and re turned as the procession passed through the town. The display was certainly equal to, if it did not exceed,' the expec tations of our Democratic friends. We could not attend the speaking, and can not, therefore, give any report of what was said, or its probable effect upon the crowd! We have heard the number at the stand estimated, by fair men of both parties, as being from one-half to two thirds as large as the monster mass meet ing which turned out on the occasion of the visit of Mr. Hassaurek to this place, a short time before. It is said that at least bne:third of the audience were re publicans. We are glad that such was the fact. Let the people hear both sides and then judge for themselves. From what we have heard, our friend Charley Martin came up, perhaps, to the full expectation of his friends, while Judge Warden disappointed and dis gusted all parties. The Judge must have felt his position to be a very awk ward one, and this, perhaps, caused his failure, for he is unquestionably a man of talent. When here three years ago, stumping for", the Republicans, he cer tainly made one of the ablest and most effective speeches it has been our fortune to hear. He had then just left the Dem ocratic party, and his expose of the un soundness of their principles, and the -duplicity and demagogueism of their leaders, was terrible in the extreme. His denunciations of the Dred Scott de cision, and of the party for sustaining it, surpassed anything we ever heard. Our Democrats then denounced the Judge as a .mere office-seeking demagogue. They aid he left the Democratic party because 'ifibey would not make him Judge, and that he would leave the Republicans in two years if they did not nominate him. "We thought then that these charges were the-result of prejudice, and that the J udge was an honest man, and was following the convictions of his judg ment . : We cannot see his heart, and '"have no disposition to sit in judgment upon his motives. Suffice it to say that the "Republicans did not nominate him for Judge, "and he has left them as our .Democratic friends predicted, and they axe .'quite welcome to his services. We Jtnow of at least three Republican votes he made for us by his speech on Monday, kitd"hve-4teaifi-trtheT5:'JWe hope, therefore,; that he. will be kept in the eidv; ;, .; ,. .. If .we had, time we would review the positions assumed by Mr. Martin as they have been reported to us, but we have ifbt, and scarcely deem it necessary. We lieari him ou Saturday night at Athens, and if he made the same speech here we eould very safely trust a Meigs County audience to detect his fallacies, and cor Tect his mistakes if they were mere mis takes without our pointing them out. . We made a speech in Somerset a week go, in which we discussed the princi ples of the parties without a personal reference to the candidates at all. Mr. Martin's special organ published at that place, ii&t choosing to discuss the issues, devoted, in his next paper, get-en separate and distinel articles to the personal abuDe of our humble self. We pitied the man .and the condition of the people who! make up his readers, but could not con descend to the same arena, even to retal iate for the indecent attack. Those who read the Tthgrapli understand the issues between the parties, and the character ot M-. tt . . .. . , . , , i r.,Horton is quite Leyond the reach; of damage iu this community. We; therefore leave the voters to select be-' ... ; , ; twean the two, after studying the issues j f,f t,a norlloa nnrl iiirlrrinrr tl,o nxnK. ! t o"-, Stations and fitness of the candidates. . USt as WC go to press, a friendj 0WIlul wonderful discovery is Perry llavis' ill . ', ,. . Vegetable Pain Killer; it not only cures all tlio ills handed us an account of the meeting at ; of lh9 Ilumilll fttmilVi bllt al90 llie OIlly sure r0111. Middlcport, on Tuesday night, for : edy for horses with Colic, it lias never boon known which we thank him, but find we have , tofllil in curo of 11,0 wor8t ud ' ! Galcts, etc., it never fails try it once. 1'irectioiis 110t room for it. It was a grand . affair, 'accompanying each bottle. SoliI by drugzists iron- and the procession of Wide-Awakes from or:," 8,1,1 b A 8KEBO,HM' and D- RKE?po0,"c' T il. . f,l . it j i umuruy wiiu me "tamps tnmmcu anil Durnin&r was a beautiful sisht indeed. Mr. Ilorton made one of his best speeches, and one that will tell upon the result on election day. For tho Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph. I Proceedings of the ''Chester Wide-Awakes." On Wednesday evening, Sept. 12th, the Republicans of Chester met at the Seminary for the purpose of organizing j a "Lincoln Wide-Awake Club." After a temporary organization was effected about thirty-five persons be came members. The Constitution of the "Pomeroy Wide-Awakes" was then read and unan imously adopted. The Society then proceeded to the election of officers. A committee of three was appointed on permanent or ganization, who reported as follows: President J. Scott. Vice President Wm. Johnson. Rec. Secretaay H. H. Wells. - Cor. Secretary J. V. Weldon. Treasurer C. Russell. Commandant General W. S. Brad shaw. - ' ; .. Executive Committee J. C. Bestow, D. C. Smith, D. Knight, R. Cornell, B. T. Trussell, S. Jleacox. The above-named gentlemen were then unanimously elected. A rallying committee of six was then appointed. On motion it was resolved that the proceedings of this Association should be published in the Pomeroy Telegraph. The Society then adjourned until Sat urday evening, Sept. 15. II . H. WELLS, Rec. Sec'y. 8The Bell orators and speakers of the South, have found the lever which is to enable them to hoist Breckinridge out of the Presidential ring. It is no less than the charge that Breckinridge don't own any niggers, while Bell, and Doug las each own Bell in his own right and Douglas in the name of his children four hundred each. If this is true, it explains the sympathy and coalition between the Bell and Douglas parties, and their intense hatred of Breckinridge. We'supposed Breckinridge pro-slavery enough to suit the rankes't fanatacism. But it seems nothing less than keeping a herd of human cattle can give any man a passport to the favor of a certain class of politicians. It is doubtful if one of these editors ever owned a slave or ever will be able to do so. But such men make the very best kind of flunkies.. Highly Important from Honduras Gen. Walker to be Shot. Our telegraph news includes impor tant intelligence from Honduras. Gen. Walker, taken by the British, has been delivered over to the Honduras authori ties, and is to be shot. The survivors of his expedition have been allowed to return to the United States. Cincinnati Gazette 18th. Oats Wanted. We will take oats on subscription, if delivered soon. Will some of our county suscribers avail themselves of the opportunity of thus paying their dues to this office? MARRIED. On the 13th hist., by J. R. Philson, Esq., Mr. Dudley BnaxsiDE and Miss Emily Fhost, both of Antiquity, Meigs County, 0. . On the 8th inst., by Rev. W. W. Cherington, Mr. George E.Robesett and Miss Maet Ann Shepherd, both of Meigs County, Ohio. POMEROY RETAIL MARKETS. Thursday,' Sept. 20, 18G0. Flour $a.506.50 Wheat 90c$1.10 Oats 25c. Pbu Potatoes 25c. " Green Apples 25c. bu. Butter 15c. lb. Cheese..: 612c. $ lb. Eggs 78c.P dor. Molasses 55c. gaL Sirup 6075 gal. Sugar (N. O.).; 10,llc. lb. Coffee 1718c. " Rice. 7c. P " Soap..... ....810c. " Candles (tallow).i 15c. " Fish (Cod) 6Jc. P Fish (Mackerel) 810c. p " Fish (White) 7c. 39 " Pickled Pork 12c. 33 " Sfcottllers 12c. " Sidet (smoked) 12c. P " Hams 15c. P " Crackers ret. 8c; wholesale oc. Hoop Poles 6.00 $ 1,000 Salt , retail 25c; wholesale c. 39 bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, Sept. 17. Flour The market opened dull, but after the news from England and New York was made public, it became quite unsettled, and prices closed entirely nominal, at QDofi5. Groceries A good demand for Sugar, with sales of 80 hhds at 89Jc. Coffee firm at 14rf15e, with a fair de mand. Molasses is selling at 4143c, and in but limited demand. " 0x1,-37 brls Linseed sold at 56c lc decline. Wheat The market continues dull, and owing to the unfavorable advices from the East prices declined 23c per bush, closing at 1 05 for prime red, and $1 12 for prime white. Corn Ihe receipts ot ear are light, with an active demand, and prices ad vanced 2c per bush, closing firm at 50c in bulk. Shelled is in good demand at 5557c for mixed and white including sacks. Oats The demand is good and the market firm at 31c. Rye The demand is fair and the market steady at 68c for prim Barley lhere is a good demand ior prime fall with light receipts, and prices advanced to 8890c. The lower grades are dull and not wanted. Hay The receipts are light, with a good demand, and prices advanced $1 00 per ton, closing at 551b v) per ton tor prime Timothy in-bales, on arrival. Cheese -The demand continues ac tive and in excess of the supply, though prices are unchanged; Western Reserve at 9c. Butter The demand for prime fresh is good, and the 6upply of this kiud be ing light, prices advanced to 1516c for prime and choice Central Ohio. Com mon is dull and unchanged We (luote . f.,-,i , it at 9llc. &EED limothy is in lair demand at; 2- 252 ,5 fcr,fr tJ,JhV 200 ?ttjh prime sold at $2 50. The demand for Clover is limited- small sales have been mnrln of Q. AA T?l.. fi , ..,! ; J . v x Wi i mux kuuu, demand at SI 10. . j ' ' lOTlie following, from Alugnrs. Gago ami Mather, prominent Druggists of Spurta, gives further evi dence of the great popularity of our Medicine. Sparta, Monroe County, Wis., July 7th, 1S3H. Messrs. J. N. Harris & Co. Gentlemen: It is with pleasure Hint we speak a word in commendation of your very valuable medicines, '-Perry Davis' Pain Killer," and "Dr. Richardson's Sherry Wine Bit ters." They are of great merit, and already too well known to tho public at large to need any very spec ial notice from particu'ar individuals. The Pain Killer has become a household remedy all through the West, and the Sherry Wine Bitters are superior to any bitters we have ever met with, and as they become k iown the demand increases, and all find from their use satisfactory result. Most respectfully, GAGE & MATHER. Sold by D. REED. 30-2w Nei-raloia. This painful and common disease, which pbysicians do not, appear fully to understand, will be gratly relieved, and in most instances u permanent cure may be effected, fcy the use of v II. SOX'S PILLS, which regulate the stomach and bow els, and produce a soothing effect upon the nerves which cause the acute pain. They are prepared and sold by B. L. FAHSESTOCK & Co., Wholesale Drug gists, and proprietorsof B. L. Fahnestock's Vermi fuge, No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth Streets, Pitts burgh, Pa., and bv D. REED, Pomeroy, O., and mer chants generally. 34-lm To Farmers and Livery-stable Keepers. Dr. S. A. Weaver's Cerate has been extensively used by Livery-stable Keepers and Farmers, and with one accord they say that for many diseases in animals they have never found its equal. On Horsos, two or three applications will cure the Scratches, Chafes, and Galls, whether by the har ness, saddle, or otherwise. Wash the wound clean, and the Cerate freely applied will cure them in a few days. It will cure cracked heels and Cancer in the Tongue. Canker or Sore Mouth, affections of the Skin, falling off of the Hair, &c. Sore teats and caked udder iu Cows are soon cured by this Cerate. Sold by Medicine dealers generally. 36-2w. SPECIAL NOTICES. Clerk of the Court. Editor I of the Telegraph: I will say to the electors of Meigs County, that I am a candidate for the office of Clerk, at the ensuing election. . R. DOWNING. Editors of the. Telegraph: I will say to the voters of each township that I have been solic ited by numerous friends to place my name before the people as an independent candidate for the office of Recorder. I will also say that I have had some five years' experience in the Recorder's office, as a deputy, and that I have been engaged in the art of teaching penman ship some eight years. If they think me needy, and capable of discharging the duties of the office, and will bestow it to me, I will be very thankful. E. B. STARCHER. Home Testimony. Blub Creek, Adams Co., O., Aug. 19. Dr. Roback Dear Sir: I hare not the time to write you of the benefit conferred by your Scandinavian Blood Pills and Blood Purifier. 1 took them for a disease of the throat, and thev not only benefitted it bnt my general health, also, f am now' actually bet ter than for eight years. They cured Miss Ellen Waite. of this place, of Liver Complaint and weak ness of the Spine. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross was cured of terrible shooting pains in the stomach and side, hich had battled the ettorts ot several good f hysi- cians. The value or your medicines could be estab lished by any amount of evidence, if nee l be, in this vicinity. Kours nespeciiuuy. WM. SHAW. JOTllE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared f rom a prescription of Sir James Clarke, M. D., Piivsician Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known mrtlicine is no imposition, but a sure and safe remedy for female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and altho' a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on Ihe monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 owness of Spirits, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will effect a curo when all other menns have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail, whore the directions on the second page of pamphlet are well observed. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the Agent. N. B. One Dollar and 6 postage otuinps enclosed to any authorized agent, will insure a bottle, con taining over.'iO pills, by return mail. Full directions accompanying each package. Sole Agent for the United States and Canada, JOB MOSES. (Late 1. C. Baldwin & Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. Forsaleby J. It. PARK, SUIRE, ECKSTEIN & Co., Cincinnati, O.j D. REED, Pomeroy, O. 11-y. 1! r'We refer our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. CHURCH & DUPOXT, No. 409 Broadwav, new York. The 'Blood Food' is one or tne greatest medicines of theage.and is rapidly driving out ef the market all the quack nostrums of modern times. its efficacy is so great, ana its superiority so justly acknowledged, that it is found difficult tosupiily the immense and increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton's celebrated 'Infautile Cordial, 'is a med icine prepared by a regular physician of eminenc e iu bis profession, and one who has devote d his lifeto the peculiar phases of Infantile diseases. It is no humbug, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it." Apilachicola, nor. I inies. UjSee Advertisement. Uj'All, especially young men, should read the advertisement of the new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. PURSUANT to an order of sale granted .- by the Probate Court of Meigs County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on the 6th day of October, A.I). 1860, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. p.nd 4 o'clock p. m., upon the premises, the following real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : beginning 54 rods west of the south-east corner of the north-easl quarter of section 12, town 6, rangb 14, in Ohio Company s Purchase; thence south 50 rods; thence west 20 rods; thence north 50 rods; thence east 20 rods to the place of beginning; containing 8 acres and 20 rods. Appraised at one hundred and sixty six dollars ($166). Terms, one-halt casn m nana, ana the resi due in nine months, with interest on the de ferred payment from the day of sale, to be se cured by mortgage on the premises sold. V. 11. iNOKTUJN, Administrator of Robert Wilson, dee'd. Pomerey, Sept. 8, i860. 36-4t Sheriff's Sale. . Wilson, M'Elroy & Co. vs. John Sloan. . , BY virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock a. m., On the Uth day of October, 1860, the following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs County, Ohio, in sec tion No. 18, town JSo. 3, range No. 13, in the Ohio Company's Purchase; it being all the land owned by the minor heirs of Amos Parsons, dee'd, lying on the west side of the road lend ing from Athens to Pomeroy, in Bedford town ship, and 'being sixty acres; to be sold as the property of John Sloan, at the suit of Wilson, M JSIrov & Co. Appraiser! nt 5SMM. lerms ot ! sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Sept. 11, I860 30-ot 3.00 LEGAL IffOTICE. ELIAS S(oi-y, -wiio resides at Pike's Teak, in the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that JJuhamy Story, on tte 4th day of Septem ber, A. D. 18C0, filed her petition in the Pro- and State of Ohio, alleging that, as the widow of Ira Story, deceased, and guardian of Lu cinda Story, one of the heirs at law ef the said Ira Story, deceased, she is entitled to the sum of $200.03, with interest thereon from the 11th day of January, A. D. 1SG0, under the order of distribution made by said Court upon set- ! tlemcnt of the account of the said Eliaa Story, I administrator of the estate of said Ira Story, deeeased; and that, although more than thirty ! days have elapsed since said order of distri- ! bution was made, and although payment ; has been demanded of 6aid Elias Story, he has nen'ec'efl nnd refused to pay said Ruhamy ; iiory me uuioiini claimed oy ner, ns aioresniu. ' The praver of the petition-is for judgment and execution against the said Elias Story for the Tnve Miy,StoV as ; Said petition will be for hearing on the 27th ' ('uy of Cctober, A. 1). 1800, at 11 o'clock a. mj RUHAM STORY, ' SlMpsos & r,Asi.r:T. her Atfys. Pomeroy. Sept.. 4th, 180. 36-ot DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHElvRY T i t t C r S . 1 II L The Celebrated Xeic England Remedy FOR HABITUAIj constipation. Jauudlrc, Fovei' :tnl Ague, Ocu ral Debility, :i iid nil otlner ' flisases ariiii from a Disordered S t o in it c Ii , L,iver or Bowels, sneii as Acidity of the Stomach,- Indigestion. Hartburn, Loss of Appetite, Coitiveness, Blind and Bleedirtg Piles, Disgust of Food, Sour Eructions, Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach. Dimness of Vision, Yellowness of five Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest or Limbs, and in all cases where a TuNlC is neccssarv. - The Sherrv Win-J Bitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note and position. They are the most Pleasant and Valuable Tonic of the da v. They are Just what persons re quire when recovering from protracted illness or in tlio Sorinu-of th i-Mr. ihfln a Medicinal Tonic is required. They are largely recommended, by Phy- iciiifis uirougn me west, nnu llie-pnpn."ia daily in receipt of letters noting cures by their use. Thomas Stanford or Blotintsvilln. Henry County, Ind.. writes us, under date of Mav 4lh, lfiQO, that for three years he was afflicted with 'Nervous Debility, of the most positive character, and could gel no ra lief, until he used the Sherry Wi tie Bitters, Which soon completely restored him, and he. Is now in robust health. One of the GREATEST CURES EVER KNOWN, was that of Geo. W. Hoffman, Berwick, Seneca County, Ohio. He had been afflicted with Rheuma tisin in ail its various forms for about twenty years, he had used everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, but got no permanent relief, until the Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cured iiiin. He writes us two years after his cure, and says, "I have no return" of the complaint," and further says, "I think and believe thut in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain remedy." Sold by deuleis in medicines generally. Price, 75 Cents per liottle. J. K HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati Ohio, General Agents for the Southern ana Western States. Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, I860. 30-ly PEHRV DAVIS' VEGETABLE JPaixi Klillei'. WE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THIS LONG TESTED AND UNRI VALLED Family Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is Iierfectly safe medicine even in the most unskilful lands. For Summer Complaint, or ahv oilier form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adults, it is almost a certain cure, and has without doubt beon more successful in curing the various kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful phvsiciun. in India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prev alent, the PAIN KILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European residents, iu those climates, A Sure Kemedy. As a Tonic for tho Stomach, it is unrivalled, few doses will relieve severe cases of Indigestion, and it is often a perfect cure for Dyspepsia in its most aggravated forms. Its tonic and stimula ting properties, arousing the system to vigorous ac tion, render it a most effectual cure for Colds and Coughs, when used according to directions. For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation known. Kheumatism, and Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and often cured by it. Any soreness in the Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application. It cures instantly the most violeut Toothache. It should always be kept near at hand, to be used in cases of severe Burns or Scalds, If npplied immediately, according to directions, it will give ins'aut relief, and prevent blistering. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of Steam boatmen, and others traveling on our Western Rivers. JfpDirections accompany each bottle. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler on sea and land and no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAUTION. The public will be cautious that they get the gen uine Pain Killer, as some unprincipled men use that name for their own worthless compounds: in so doing they deceive the community, and infringe upon the "Trade .Mark" of Perry Davis. PEICES 25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1 Per Bottle. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors forthe South and West. Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold wholesale and retail by A; SEEB0HM and D. KEED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, I860. 30-ly DR. WEAVER'S CANKEft SALT RHEUM FOR THE CURE OF Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Dis eases, Cutaneous Eruptions, and every kiud ef Disease arising from an impure state of the Blood. The most Effective Blood Purifier of the Nineteenth Century. It is the prescription of an educated physician, and all who are afflicted with any of the above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from the system, and when once out on the skin, a faw applications of D E. WEAVEE'S CERATES OINTMENT, and you have a permanent cure. The Cerate has proved itself to be the beat Oint ineat ever invented, and where once used, it has never been known to fail of perfecting a permanent cure of Old Sores, Tetter and Ringworm, Scald Head, Clnllblains and Frost Bites, Barber's Itch, Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or Pimples on tho Face, and for Sore Nipples, the Cerate is the thing required to curo. It should be kept in the bouse of every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by most dealers in Medicines. J. N. IIAKICIS A CO., Proprietors for Western States, - Cincinnati, Ohio, Tn whom all orders for above Medicine may be addressed. Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, i860. 30-ly NOTICE. RICHARD A. Cramer, of the State of -Virginia, will take notice that Samuel Price, of the County of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, did, on the 9 th day of July, A. D., 18G0, file his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, within and forthe said County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, against the said Richard A. Cramer, and Ephraim Weston, James Marshall and Joseph Rodgers, dafendants, setting forth that on the 9th day of April, ' A. D., 1860, at Sunfish, in the County of Manroe, in the said State of Ohio, the said defendants made their three several promissory notes, in writing, of that date, and delivered the same to the said Samuel Price, and thereby, that they or either of them promised to pay to the said Samuel Price the sum of 554.83, in six months from the date thereof, and 554.83J in nine months from the date thereof; and that said six months will have elapsed on the 12th day of October, A. D., 18G0, and that said nine months will have elapsed on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1801; and that the said defendants have sold their property with intent to defraud their creditors ; and praying for a judgment in favor of the said Samuel Price, against the saut ueienuants, ou tiie said 12th day of October, 1800, for the said sum of S554.8U, and interest, and on the said 12th day of January, 1801, for the said sum of 5334.83 J, and inter est. And the said Richard A. Cramer is hereby notified that an order of attachment has been issued in this case, and returned, and that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 12th day of October, A. 1)., 1800. SAMUEL PRICE, By Simpson & Laslky, his Att'ys. Sept. 3, 1800. 35-0t MARBLEWORKS; nnilE undersigned would respectfully an JL nounce that he has become the proprietor of the "Premium Marble Works," of Racine, and will continue the business under the su pervision of Mr. J. L. Walhir, at Racine, with a branch at the house formerly occupied by Judge lrvin as a law office, at the west end of Sugar Run Bridge, iu Pomeroy. Bv a prompt attention to business and the produc tion of superior work, he intends to merit, and hopes to receive, a liberal patronage from the citizens of Meigs and adjoining counties. Call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. j, y. SMITH 1 Srtpt. 7,180.V-V.-tf NEW ARRIVAL ! OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, i i GOODS, AT THE On Court Street, a lew Doots below the Court House, 3E Q BIE X. C ""ST , O. THE subscriber takes' pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers,' and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city T . 1. .. l i - , i ... i . 1 1 ,, . o i. i ,. .'1'ieuuiii siocb. oi goous in me auuve iiuiuni uuc, an 01 nuiuu ue will sc.l at a living profit. . . . He would call especial attention to his stock which he will sell at city prices; also to his large stock of Faaoy and Variety Goodij conv prising in part a choice lot of k POCKET-BOOKS, for Ladies andGecCletnCi,' Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brualies, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &c. In Silver, Steel and German! Silter frames, suited for all ages. Oold Pens. He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard'a and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, whicflt he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of the public, With tne assurance that customers shall receive the worth of their money. An examination is solicited. June 18, 1800. 524-t JOSEPH PATTOJi. DAS'. E. SMITH. PATTON & SMITH; Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on the GHOCERV BUSINESS In nil its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our present utoclc ol FRESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly be added sew supplies, as the do in and 3 of trade may require. The junior partner having had a long experience in tlie businessin this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sucar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Coufectisharies, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matehes, &c, and all the nick-nacks nsuoTly kept in such establishments. Country Produce wanted, for which, the highest market price will be paid. We also purpose doing a . COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on the east side of Court Street, three doors from Back Street, Pomeroy, O. April 20, I860. 3-16-tf C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN A. BRADL E YS & T O ."V 153 3 9 '.And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron "Ware, OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOX, At 3Flixrr's Old JSt-iacl ITIIDDLEPOKT, O. 1HAVE just received a large assortment of Stoves which I will sell lover than ever, consisting iu part, of i ' , Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PAHLOn STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GRATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODI3 PLATES.&O. WATER SPOUTING, Hoofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in the way of Stoves Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. TCJ'Old Copper, Brass and Pewtor taken in ex change, may 5, i860. 19-ly RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established in 1P37, and first article if the kind ever introduced nnderlhe name of u Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any otht-r coun try; all othei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfits. The genuine can be known by the name of UKYAN being stamped on each WAFER. Brtn's Pdlmomo Wafers t Relieve Cougkis, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung T)iseases. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils.- Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve tho above Complaints in Ten Minutes, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are a Blessing to all Classes and Constitu tions. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers iu the house. No traveler shouid be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer in his pocket. "NOvporsori will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers i . Twenty-five cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor Rochester, N. Y. Sold hy D. KEKD, Pomeroy. 3-31-ly Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, j.j. nun ur. .nnstcr, jr JOHN H.EISNER, Clerk; ' t r ot a r i - . Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, p. m. passing Pomeroy en Saturday at lOo'clOck a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. Leaves fomerny every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. h. For freight or passagw applv on hoard or to PAT I'ON & MONTGOM KRY, Nov. 29, '39. 18-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS & BBO Mason City, Va., DEAL&nS in l.nmtier in ine roucn. ano Miiniunciu rurs of Flooring, Ceiling and Wealherboarding. T I .. " .(I 1- ; . , i .. . I .. .. . . J lnnikai. UQ .! 1 1 1 nillllll Oil 1,111,13 UIIIIU, .in iuuiuui order; also keep constantly on hand Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Lath and Shi.igles. Our cash prices for dressed Llmbor are as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring per thousand - - $26 00 White " " " - - 22 50 Ceiling - 20 00 Weatherhoanling per hundred fuet - - I 25 All orders addressed to Pomeroy P. O. will receive prompt attention. may 15, 'Co. 19-ly IRON FENCING AND CAN BE PKOCURED IN IRONTON AT as low prices, in as great variety, and of as good material as anv place in the West. T. K1KKER Ironton, Ohio. Nov. 15, 59. 46-ly FARMERS, ATTENTION! W A N TED, 10,000 Bushels Corn & Oats. rp HE subscriber will pay the highest CASH JL market price for Corn nnd Oats, if delivered soon, at his FEED STORE, '-Remington's Hall," l'omcroy, O. Hay also wanted. Persons desiring Feed can procure the same of .1. C. ROUSCilER, 'Rcniinpton's Hall."' Auj. 1 1. 'CO. "2-U Onio No. S3, 1 jr.r;j FAKC Y AKD VARIETY OLD STAJvD OF of fine , -.t,k JUAMUKbCltT. BUY YOUR G-roc Where yott can get them Cheapest. CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugli's Building, four doors west of Court street, em Front, Pomerov. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 1800. 16-1 ' AMONG the articles to he found coittantIy on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are 20 brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, b-16-tf S. KILVKRXAJf. 25 Sacks of Coffee, for sale ch tap, bv 16-tlJ , S. SILVERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forlsale cheap, bv IU 10-tf. , S.J SILNEKMAN. Q kegs good Knglish Soda, for sale cheap, bv ZO IB-tfJ S. SILVtKMAN. KC boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv JJ 16-tll S. SILVERMAN. 40 boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. IOOjOOO Clar,,b?eiie,al "sor'ment, for sale 16-tf S. SILV KRMAN. QT boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale AJ cheap. by HS-tfl S.silvermAN. Cr boxes Candy, for sale cheap, bv 0J 16-tf S.SILV ERMAN. O K boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, Z0 by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 10 brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sain cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, bv xw .16-tf S. SILVERMAN. SA keS' f Nails, for gale cheap, bv aKJ 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 0 bnxes Starch, for gale cheap, by 16-tf S.SILVERMAN. fnn ross Matches, for sale cheap, bv 116-tfl S.SILV S. S1LVEKFAN. $500 worth of Qucensware, for sale cheap, by 16-tfl SILVERMAN. FOR ALL. THE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and priees. We will enumerate a few articles, giving prices,' as an index to the whole stock: Rest madder prints. .10c per yard. Pancy prints. a9c " 10c " , 8c " ....15 to 20c " 15c " ....10 to 40c" ....50 to 75c" J bleached muslin Latest styles best delaines. Cashmeres llonnet ribbons from Fine French wool delaine. (Usual price, 75 to fl.OO ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes $1 per pair, Ladies' calf 1 25 " Ladies' best calf. 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. AVe respectfully ask an examination of our stock, Mid if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. 15. WILSON, Jan. 3, 'CO. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. PILLS A never failing Antidote for Sick Head 0 ache, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, ache, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, S Liver Complaint, CosUveness, iiuwuww, . D r I - p, graved Appetite, Diaor- a V dered Stomach, nsie Obstructions, e. TxrTT.HOTa a PILliB are universally a knowledged to be the best now In use. As a Family medicine they are particrjarly rceommended-slmple and harmless, but highly medicinal In their com bination. One Pill ! mili bnt wr- tain effects. The robust man and the delicate chad use theiu alike, with every assuranca of entire With Wilson's Pills, every Mother u. the land becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a sPEcmc, and stana wiinoni a rival for tho following affections: HEADACHE, FEVE It St. AGUE, HEADACHE, FEVER Sc ACE, DYSPEPSIA, llTKB C0BFLAIH T, BYSI'EPSIA, UVSB COMFLAOTT, CoatiTeness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold hy Druggists & Dealers everywhere. .. PREPARED BY B. Ii. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Impdrters & Whelesals Druggists No. 60, corner Wood and 4th Sts. Pittsburgh, pa. SOLI PROPRIETORS Or B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge July 31. lEBfi. 30-ly JACOB RtTMSET. OEO. A. KUMSEY. JAMES M. RUMSEY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Hosiery, Gr 1 o 7 o rf3 3NTotioxiB; ALSO, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH AND UMBRELLAS. SECOND StUEET, fiiear Market, 3-32-ly Portsmouth, Ohio. SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. TIIE SUBSCRIBER If AS TIIE PLEASURE to announce to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that lie has opened a shop on Sugar Run. near the Tannery, where he will manu-, facturc, and keep constantly on linricl, any nr t icle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can rive satisfaction to all who may ' tavor us with a call. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. I)AVTI OEYI'.i:. I'omT'ir, 1-1. if $22,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLO OFF AT C)OlTi i I WANT YOUK CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES' SITAfcLf I have everything in the Dry GoocU line: Prints, Deianes, Merinoes, Cobergw, Alpacas, white goods, Brown and Blenched Muslins, , Cheeky Flannel, Ticking. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinet, Jeans; Tweeda, &c. ... - , , H A ROW A Fl E. ' - ' Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Bresa Kett?r Log and Trace Ckaina, Horseshoe Nails, M'V Saws, Crosscut Saws, Buttal' ; OAEFENIERS TOOLS. Planes, SawB; Chisla, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bite, Square; Leveji.-. Al30, . . . . . - ' . . . COOPERS' TOOLS. Tress Hoop Adz&s, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives ef all kinds, BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear; Ci." and German Steel. Buggy Springs and Axela, Wagon-Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. .. - -,- ; I would call the attention of Builders to my Iafgo let of Doors, Sash, VenatLtBi Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also, OX O T a X EtT Or Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. Also, a Wj0' and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and id complete stock isses and Ladie Misses and Ladie Shoes of all kinds. I keep Wrapping Twine.- . . .TAILOtlllfCr. If you want a god fitting Coat, Pants oy Vest, give me a call.-1 have a largo lot f Piectf Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best style,- and warranted, a good fit ef. no sale. . .. .. , The alioYe and various other articles not mentioned will btf Bold Without reBerve."at coat, fat CASH. Give me a call, . .. . H. COHEN, Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 1860. " "Front street thre doora above eeorft. ATPRALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of thir ever invented in t The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from Aft Tim. nan nt nol ia onvpil uifl n. mnn lntenRe bottom of the Oven. - . ; : . In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurning Stove,- we wish- ... i it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use ' ' .' ' . . fi fi In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Steve we sell to bo, what if. is repreeenfed. This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We' hate the' most improved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon the merits of the different palAerrS,- we will oi;- elude our notice by announcing that our PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat,- either in quality, or in cheapness, and we defy compctititwir METAL LIC 11 YD HANTS . Kept constantly on hawdr and we respeotfnlly invite the pufcli to- i amine our stock. . - j ; . ... ' ; In addition to onr heavy stock of Stoves we' will keep constancy on fca, and nianufaetare to order TIN WARE.- : "u-. h;- - . ' , r To the Citizens of Meigs-and Adjoinixo Counties: ' i .-! ' - ' The above remarks will demonstrate to yon, f certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it.i to be done, naturally suggests itself. ; Do you wish to buy on credit? Then you have simffly been wasting your time in reading our card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing7 money, if wc have to credit. We have therefore,- concluded to sell exclusively for - ;v And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper, Pvags Ofd Silver, tcn at their higirtut market value. . :, ? ' -' - : " ' : ' ' " Past experience has proven the beneficent results" of the cash system, to' both" purchaser nd seller, and it ia for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper as well as ftr our own wh6 can BUY and SELL cheaper We respectfully invite you to call and see wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it awav till vou have' given us a call.', '' 1 Aug. lti, 1859. ly ' m3A.ISESt. X3JO" ' OnV COODSt MEN'S AND BOYS' ClOTmtfdi -; HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARJV , AVING RECEIVED A LARGE i. . . i . p 1 i . . .1 i . .1 i it - nr a k!l.(H-lL Ul IJllUtlH: HliaiUVM IU LUC ft plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to m v patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or' coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. ' '- . . Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of X. 31. 3f GLO f fLl assisted by as competent workmen as any in the' county; -Everything in fire wy of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. . a . TII3E3 PASmONS PORTaa SSASOZff : Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cidths, Cussi-' meres, VestingSj &c. . . ' ... N. R. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who' are now disre garding the moral obligation incurred to pay vp according to agreement, I wisli to. say I will not hesitate to remind yoii, if necessary, in a forcible irianncr, that n legal obligation was also incurred. Pdnleroy, January 3, 1800. CHARLES BICI1.11ANIV. asr av m Sealers in Gold JEWELRY OF ALL K I N DS , . : II A V E R E M 0 V E D T O WHIG-T'S NEW BTTTT.ttit TSf Corner Court and Front Streets, Pomeroy, K THERE we shall be pleased to' see desire anything in our line. He keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, German, Trench and American Jewelry, Fancy Articles; Clocks from 2.00 to 12.00. of every size and description: -Eve Glasses ! Gold Tens, &c. ' . ... - .. ..' -. ' Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done in the bt manner, rironiptlv.' August- 7, 160.- 3 HI if .- Boya: Calf and Kip Boot and Shoes: Children, a large stock of Cordage of all alzea, Bxoo OCOttGE If AXCIf 3LQSTAKB Pomeroy, 0 community to one of the greatest improvement JA.'3 the coal, by w hich t v r. htnfc thrown-tn the ' . . v; that we adopt t hut 'system. the improvements in tfur Stove's; whol&ef 'van" you Value, your, hard-earned money, not to lavish ; . .' . PR ALL Si HATCH," AXD CAREFULLY SELEC!TED rp j r 1 j . 1 - i -n i , t illlA;! 1 dUC. ( ii 11(1 tVllMIll Will IIK K RTIT. f'fim . AKDKEVT BURREttl' 9. and Silver Watches, our old customers, and all otbers.whb