Newspaper Page Text
if ft ft ii s f: A ft" (I 1 r V POMEROY TELEGRAPH. I October 5, I860. FRIDAY, t i Republican Meetings. H. L. Sibley and' Wm. II. Lasley will address the f&V? following times and placesiT p Lebanon township," Adams' School house, Friday evening;,, OctSf Portland School-hOTse, Saturday ejQWng Oct. 6. Salem'township, Salem Center, Mon Aav eveBine, Oct. 8. - . ? - - 'Meetings te commence' at 7 o'clock M. ' ' '' '.-' V.. ii-Como to the Grand Mass Meeting on Saturday, the 6th. ' .' : ' -'.See that every Republican voter is brought to the. polls, on Tuesday. . ' jgg-The i awards of premiums of the 'Meigs County Agricultural Associa tion" -will be found in our paper to-day. j,Simon Silverman has a large lot of Wide-Awake caps on hand, very cheap . Store corner of Front and Sycamore Streets. -.- ' Bring In tU Bctnrut. Will some one see to it in each Town ship that the returns are sent in as soon as the votes are counted out. We may be able to give the result of the election in the District in our next issue if the ot. am rirriiio-Vit in TttOmntlv. See to it. '"' '" : v' -1 N. B. ' la addition to the speakers announced in another column for the Mass Meeting on Saturday next. HON THOS. BEACH, of Chillicothe; will be present, and prob ably, others.'. From Pike' Peaky . In another colamn will be found a letter from our fallow-townsman, K. E Sidebottoiuj giving a correct acco'unt'.of the- new gold regions. It would be well for ail to read ts letter before making ni their minds to emigrate. . "The letter is well written, and we hope to hear from him as often as ' he iriay find it conveni ent; write. J 1 ""..V--" :.' ' ; S Bgk.We invite attention, to. the card, in another column, of. Line, Hanley & Kroell, wholesale, .Grocers and Com mission"Merchants, Cincinnati. We are acquainted , with pne ( member . of r the firmpi-Mr.f:Hajiey---apd; feel confident that he will spare no - pains to accom modate those who may give his firm patronage.' Take this address in . your pocket, and call on tnem wnen you go id tne city. -Xl .,.. "u 'f.- . 'JBOn(i Tuesday , last, a man by . the name of Isaac Cronan wasi severely; in jured by 1 one; of : the cars at the - coal works below Sugar 'Ttun'. ! The rope, broke which was letting, the car down to the; boats, and it struck -him. with such; force as to throw1 him- kjuite a distance into the rverV fHe was speedily taken out," and medical aid brought 'to his re lief Oneaof his legs was found to be hadly, crushed hdt we Jearnhis slull -was ' fractured. i He will probably 5 re coyer, but must, undergo a long r and painful siege of suffering. ; B.Thei fleet steamer Henry Logan, regular tri-weekly Gallipolis and Par Tkersbtirgh packet, places us under weekly obligations for . the delivery ! ,ofr the Portland and Great,; Bend, packages of the 'ieiegrapli, . which otherwise 'would - not reach our , 8ubscribers',till the:' Mori -day following. 7 publication : day. We hope the citizens ,of those Jplac,es, as well :as at other points along - the river, will bear in mind that for Accommodation, punctuality and cleverness the officers of this boat , ars notorious j together,, with the fact that, the boat is ikN'-JLixax-, eler." '. , ! ''"V: ;:".' "t BiThe Ohio -EagU f Extra j vlfich we' refer to in another part of the paper, is sought for with, an . eagerness that really surprises our De6cVat$e'..'fiiend,"Bn.d t not only are the Democrats' the anxious ' inquirers' after this, document," but the Republicans-Vaiid . especially, the coaU diggers made'; such ' i rush . upon the Democratic head -quarters, "that : St yasikoughfbesf -to spendits circulation. Gentlemen,' the thing istoo apparent ' to deceiye ,, any one.;' , Better for yots not to have Circulated it in' this re- gibri'at'lcasff and we "believe3 it will ' havethe' Bame;1 ect6yerywhere.: Let -them 'circulate. -:" ;h y, - .;..T. - . . - :U .air J(! .h .TheMisS B.,"'of Natchez," whom thee. Prince; of: Wales ..danced .with , at Montreal,1 and vthqtn' .he afterward, in quired for and -expressed a desire to meet,again7APBaid to be Miss Shelby julackbarn; ,t. thatVflade.: Her .Bister "is llua'wif ef- GtovMorehecd's son, of K.n.tlicJ:yjesepre iheautifuland, prohal)ly created a slight sensation underneath the -Prince's rib&t i.i BThe richest man in Great Bxitiaa is e. Marquis of; Westminister, whofee annual income is about $7,000,000. . Oa.iSnnday ning, Sept. 30, by Ec. B. F. MpElfresh, Mr, Burt p.; Mprext. and Miss Saeah.J. Hfmmk, all of Middkport, Ohio. HpFrom all parts of the couniry wa B Uarag ;Dr. SVWemrt Canker and. Salt Sbenm Syrup spoken of in Uia fcigbest ieemg, a ad maeiog testimony from JndivMmiUof alrlk standing In the. community where thsireaidOi, . ?ey U-faj that Hi U the beat humor ifiMfiefniHtiiy naWVrkiownod we aA vise all arhb ius thiliin4f ae4lSne tugjyea trlar urn: ir;, ij if 13C-gwi liomfor theiueofths VgetaM.a Pain Kiliert ytm .will Ond.tbem inetrnttUe, and by following the. djr rections, kn faameuie amount of suffering cn tpre yented, and. &H trifling expeate, lie cure you get the genuirre Davlni Vegetable Fair KiUen; upon its p'utatloai and gteat sale, nny ' other an.t worth less preparations are being pfilmea pff upon the pub 11c: Donn delay, but get It, and test It. ' i Sold by A. SEEBOHM, and D, REED. 38-.' Pa. S.' p.- 'Rni'iRbaWs' SHKkT7VVisi! BitPters. Pharroacueticnl Priipurutjou, by a-regnlarly educa ted Physician is one of tUe umV ileasunt and v nble tonic t)f th-:.Jay. Person recovering: fto iMtM.Uii illtrMtt nr Llino -who ut, Illijl ' r Cbn.tipatSou, or auy disease aris'uijr from a digor- dered Bloiolii-h, Liver or Bowels, vUl find in the Sherry Wliia BlUera, a frieud more to it dtisiicd '&$d. beep, i"':;' --.r AWARD OP PREMIUMS Of the Tenth Annual Fair of the Meigs County Agricultural Association, held at Racine, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 19 and 20,. 1SG0. 1ST CLASS HORSES. Best Stallion, over 5 years old. Hay den McKnight, $5 00 Best Brood Mare, Kobt. Hysell, 4 00 2d best . Weston Hvsell. 2 00 Best Stallion, 4 years old, D. K. Jacobs, : 3 00 Best Mare Colt, 4 years old. A E. Banks, 3 00 2d best do, Mrs. S. A. Bur nap, 2 00 Best Horse Colt, 3 years old, Chas. Green, 2 00 2d best do, Wm. Todd, Jr., ,1 00 Best Mare Colt, 3 years old, Thos. Walker, 2 00 2d best do, L. T. Gardner; . : ' 1 00 Best Horse Colt, 2 years old, Chas. Green, -,'. 2.00 2d best do, Feree Dougherty, 1 00 Best Mare Colt, 2 years old, Mrs. Anna Sayre, ' , 2 00 Best yearling Horse Colt, Kobt. Hysell, , 2 00 2d best do, D. Kidenouf, .-V. " . 1 00 Best yearling Mare Colt, James Mauck, -;-.-d-- 2 bo Best sucking Horse Col t, Weston Hysell, . ;f U M- . . .2 00 2d best do, John Ashworth, " .. 1 00 Best, sucking : Mare Colt, James rr .it . . " .1- -r ' ' . 2 00 1 00 2d best do, D. Bidenour, : t . Discretionary premium on 3 year old Horse Colt, A.. Torrence, . 1 00 2D CLASS-iSnjLES t draft horse's" Best span . Draft Horses, G. B. Forrest, ::-:.-. 2d best do, 'James McKay,: Best span matched carriage do, W. W. Bradford, ... : Best family buggy Horse, G. B. $3 00 .2 00 3 00 Forrest, - - 3 00 2d best do, R. Keed, : 2 00 Best Jack, J. S. Grimes, 4 00 Best saddle Mare, Saml. Sillimari, 2 00 2d best do, D. Morrison, .. 1 00 , , , , 3D CLASS CATTLE. Best bjooded Bull, over 4 years old, J. W. Sayre, '. Best do do, over 3 years old, D. $5 00 U. Hopkins. - 4 00 00 Best do do over 2 do, A. Stout, ... 3 Best do Bull Calf, Geo. Tilling- hast,? . 2 00 2d do do, D. O, Hopkins, 1 00 Best do Cow, D. O. Hopkins, 4 00 2d do do, D. O. Hopkins, . V 3 00 15est ,(10 ileuer, d years old , C. Jfugh, ... 4 00 Best do do, 2 years old, A. Stout, 3 00 2d best do do do, A. Stout, 2 00 Best do Heifer Calf, John Salser, . 2 00 Best do Mileh Cow, A Trussell, 4 00 Y.-, '4th. class cattle. ; .,'.'.. Best yoke Draft Oxen, Mrs! S. A. Uurnap, 84 00 Best ; yoke Steers, 2 years old, . Unas.. Irreen, , 3 00 5th Class sheep Best Fine-wooled JBuck; Bazel liisss, ,- - . - 4 00 Best 2 Fine-wooled Ewes, Ba- zel Kigss, : :- 3 00 Best Common-wooled Buck, Mo ses H. Morse, .s ; , 2 00 :r'6TH!cLASS HOqS & POULTRr Best. Boar, A. Stouti ' ! 4 00 Best brood Sow, F. D. Wolf, . . 4 00 Best Fat Hos, John Salser, 4 00 1 00 ; 50 Best pr Chickens, J ohn K. Boss, 1 Discretionary,. Joseph Church, -Best Guinea Pigs, discretionary, . John W oods, Pip;s 11 weeks old, discretionary, 50 J.J. 1'etrel, . ; JV.; ;;rt'- ",7tH CLASS CROPS, 4C,r;1 50 Best specimen Sorghum Molasses, A. Trussell, -.- 1 00 00 50 00 50 00 Best bu. rWheat, John Woods, ; 1, 2d best do do, Dan'l Bibbee,' - '-. Best do Oats, J. C. Pugh,; ,; , . 1 2d best do do, J: T. Bailey, 7; Best variety Corn, A. Stout, 1 , ,( 8tU CLASS FRUIT. liest bu." Green Apples, W. W. ' Hubbell. - - - 5 00 2d best do do, L. Powell, V , 3 00 Best bu. Green Peaches G.; W. Cowdery, . . - , .1 2 1 3 00 00 00 00 60 00 2d best do do? Peter Harpold, . Best bu. Pears, L. Powell; - 2d ,best do do, J,.., Vv t bayre,. - ,2 Best bu. Quinces, L. Powell, 2d best do do, ix. VV. Looper, 1 Best , ,;bu. Dried Apples, A. " V Stout, ' ; - . 1 00 Best do do do 'Peaches, A. Trus- " . ". sell',:: '' : ' 1 00 Best J bu. Grapes, Silas Jones, . .50 9tH CLASS VEGETABLES ,'-' 7 Besf bu.'Irish Potatoes! JameV mall, :;t:; ': '.' ei 00 50 00 00 50 50 00 50 2d best do do, Jas. McKay, ' .'.-J-' Best bu, feweet Potatoes, A. otout, . 1 Best J doz. Watermelons, L. T. -.Gardner,-.' '.., 1 2d best do do, Robt. Hysell, 2d. ; Best i doz. heads CabbageM. . ,IL Slorse, ' ; : : - Bestbu1. Onions, Thos: Wilcoxen, 1 2d best do do, E.obt. .Beabout,; Best A doz. Pumpkins,! T. II. -Pilchard, : . - .- 1 00 Discretionary,' on Beans, A. Web-,j . ' , .: ster, ',, ' - ; f -50 10th" class BUTTER,- CHEESE,. HONEY, 4C. Best 3,1b Butter, Mrs. S. C. Lar- .r.kin,. . ' 2d best do do, Mrs. E. Paden ; Best do Cheese, Mrs. A. Trussell, ' 2d Tbes$ do. dp, Mra. S.; A.:Burnap, Best 5 ft Honey,'S! C. tarkin, , Sitliest; do dp,Ppwell. ,:V."'..; :.i Best loaf Yeast Bread, Mrs. John Woods, ; .,"''-' 2d best do do', Mrg. J. P. Silliman, Best loaf SaltRising Bread, Mrs. . Shbrah Jewett, ; ;, : ' -, ' ,f': 2d best do do, Mrs. P. Harpold, -Best Pe'ach'.vPresei-yes, Mrs,," E.v;; " Paden,"; ! ; ' 1" .. -.' :"';";' ;'; 2d best do do, Mrs. J. J. Petrel, : : Best Quince d6, Mrs. J. J.; Petrel, : 2d best do do, Miss It. E. Ellis, - Best Tpmato do, Mrs- J. J. Petrel, f Best Currant Jelly, Mr?. E. Paden, ; 2d beet 'do da, Mrs.' J. J. Petrel, 'Z Best Grape doyMrs: JJi Petrel, Beet Peach do, Mrs. K. Paden,'' 2d best do do,' Mrs, J. J. Petrel, : -' jEJest Blackberry do, discretion-" ' ary, Mrsl' J. J. Petrel, ' Best Sweet Pickles, Mrs. J. J, - Petrel; - :'t ;- '. 2d best do do, "Mrs! R. Ashworth, Best SourPickles, Jre. J. J. ' , Petrel, , ,.,:'.' - ,;( ; Best Blackberry Jam, discretion'-; ary? Mrs. J. J. Petrel, 'i Best air-tight Peaches, W. W, 'Hubbell, . I '.;..' 2d best do lo,,Mrs. J.. J, Petrel, ; Best air-tight can Pears, discre- 2 00 L 00 I 00 50 t 00 50 1 00 ; '50 I 00 50 50 ' 25 50 25 50 50 25 '50 50 25 , 50 : : 50 '25 . 50 ';::!25 L 50 25 - ionary," Mre;Iv Smith, f f1 ,Best llspuerry Jam, discretion- .50 : -V! 1 50 Mrs. . J Petrel. - j ;est iiasptierry Jelly, discretion-., i ' aryj Mrs. J. J. Petrel, . " ": j Best air-tight Plums, discretion- m: j..: j. Petrel, 50 Best Pepper Pickles, discretion- arv, Mrs. J. J. Petrel, 50 llTn CLASS DOMESTIC ARTICLES. Best 10 yds. Flannel, Mrs. M. II, Morse, 2d Best do do, Rob't Ashworth, Best 10 do Jeans, W. II. Moore, 2d Best 10 do do do, Best pair Blankets, R. Asworth, Best Rag Carpet, P. Harpold, 2d Best do, Miss. R. E. Ellis, Best Yarn Carpet, Mrs. M. E. ' Sayre, Best Woolen Stockings, Mrs. Rob't. Ashworth, 2d Best do, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Best do Socks, Mrs. Silas Jones, 2d"Best do do, Rob't Ashworth, Best Cotton Stockings, do Best Woolen Mittens, do Best Quilt, Miss. Jas. McKay. 50 2; 50 25 50 00 50 ei 1 00 50 25 50 25 50 50 50 25 50 2d Best do,' Mrs. T. Middleswart, Best Designed Quilt,Mrs. Hannah Hayworth,. 2d Best do d4 A. J. Richey, ,y 5 Best Pieced do, E I Paden,' 2d Best do do, Mrs. Amsden, Vj 12TH';CtSS-FXdWERsi" , 25 50 ,. 25 Best display- Natural Flowers, Mrs. E. Riffsr, ' V . I f . $1 00 Best display Worsted . Flowers, Mrs. Rob't. Ashworth, Best display Paper Flowers, Mrs. C. Young, Best: display Feather Flowers,' Mrs. E. Paden, 1 00 1 00 1 00 Best show Bead Work, C. W. Townsend, ' ,;'' Best Lamp-mat, C. Young, Best Crochet Work; Miss . R! E. Ellis, ";--;.'. : .'; 00 00 ' 1 00 13tH CLASS MANUFACTURED ; . :..:: CLES. .' ' ".' i,.!' Best one-horse open Buggy, G. B. Forrest, Best one-horse top Buggy, Geo. , Racier, v ; .. Best Harrow, John Woods, Best Ox Yoke and Bows, A. Web- ' ster,: ' " Best Grain Cradle, Solomon Wea- ver, a - . ' .x . c 2d best do 4o, N. Davf ; Best Hand Rakej S". B: Seely,s' " 2d best do do, D. Ridenour, : 14 th ".class manufactured ARTI 92 00 00 00 2 00 2 1 00 00 ! 50 ' 25 ARTI - CLES. - - .'. Best Sett Buggy . Harness, J. W. Worley, :: , , . 2 00 Best Side1 Harness Leather W. Chittenden, - 1,00 Best pr. Fine Boots, H. L. Sibley, 2 00 2d best do Kip do, J. L. W. Bell, . . .. ' 1 00 Best do Stoga do, H. L. Sibley, 1 00 2d best do do do, J. L. W. Bell, 50 Best do Shoes, do, " 50 Best Oxford Ties, H. Ir. Sibley, 50 Specimen Dentistry, Dr. A. C. Early, Commendable. 15TH CLASS MANCFACTUED ARTICLES. Best bbl. Flour, C. Young,' $2 00 2d best do do, D. R. Jacobs, Best do, Dairy Salt, Dabney Salt - : 1 00 UO, 1 00 .1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 Best do, ' Packing do, Dabnev ; Salt Co, -s. .. Best doz. Boxes Table Salt, Dabney Salt Co, ; ' ' : Best Tight bbl, M. Johnson, Best Flour do, D. R. Jacobs, Best doz. Brooms, C. W. Town- send, Best Marble phecimen, Skirvin & Smith, 00 00 00 2d Best do, Skirviu & Smith, 3d Best do, Skirvin & Smith, " Fancy Clock, Bichmann & Burket, Discretionary, .; ...... 16tH CLASS PLOW MATCH. 3 00 Best and quickest plowing, John Woods, 1 5 3 00 00 2d Best do do, C. Pugh, 17TH CLASS EQUESTRIANSniP. Best and most graceful Rider, Miss Betty Tanner,. ; $o 00 00 00 00 bo 2d Best do, Miss Ellen Radford, - 4 3d Best do, Miss Wallar, , 3 4th Best do, Miss Maria Stanart, 2 ,. : "'SWEEPSTAKES."' Fastest Trotting, H. S. Welton, $10 2d do, A. E. Banks, 5 00 Fastest Pacing, J; W. Worley, 10 00 2d fastest do, S. Silliman, 5 00 OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE NEX TERM. President VS. R. STRONG; Vice ' President J . R. Ellis; 1 Treasurer O. Branch; -,, r .'' Reccr. Secretary Dr. J.R. Philson; Cor. Secretary L.' Paine". ;...; Directors Jt J. Coombs; Wm. Foster: Thos. Fesler; G.,B- Forrest; P. Fisher; Chief Marshal Samuel Titus; , ... ' Assistant Manhal Geo: Stivers; . - GEO. MCQUIGG, Rec. Sec. ' POMEBOT EETAIIi MARKETS. .;. . Thdrsdat, Oct. 4, 1960. '. Flour...'.:................ Wheat...............:... ................$5.506.50 .':......:..:......90c$ 25c. Pbu , ..;.25c. " ....2550c. bu. 15c. P lb. .;......;.;r8e.i doz. .. jjl gal. I Oats Potatoes........ Green Apples .". Butter Cheese... Eggs..U......--Molasses ............... . Sirup '. Sugar (N. 0.)..... Coffee... Rice......: .............. Soap Candles (tallow)....... Fish (Cod). Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White) Pickled Pork..... Shoulders Sides (smoked).,...... Hams 6075 gal. .......10llc. $ U. 1718c. " .............7c. " 810c. ". .....f.....15c. f ..6Jc. P ........810c. " .......7c. W " ......12o. ; .: T2c. " ..::...:.:.i2c; " ........... .15o. Crackers.... Hoop Poles ret. 8c; wholesale 5Jc. ..... ti.uo , .ouu Salt reiiJ5c.;jKlipegalgc. bush i v Cincinnati Wholesale Market. - wA "it & '-f-'-- ! ClHClRNATI, Oct. 1. Flour The demand continues quite limited, and the sales few and unimpor tant. Holders, however, seem unwilling to make any concessions. Sales at from 85-10 to 5 30. Groceries No change in the mar ket; the demand is moderate. Sugar 89c, Molasses 4243c, and Coffee i5ioc. ; ... ;, Wheat The market continues dull and buyers are holding off, anticipating a declinfe.i tThe sales reported were? at 81 11, per bush. , Corn The demand is good and the market firm at 50c for ear in- bulkpand 5759c for mixed and white shelled -including sacks. ' '. '?7. ! ; ' Oats The market is steady and the demand fair at 31c in bulk. , Ste The demand continues good and the market firm at "7071c ' for prime. : ' BAEtEy The receipts are liberal and the market dall." : We quote prime fal at 95c,' and spriog at 7585c. ' ; . 31 AT? The demand is good and the market firm at $17. per ton for prime Timothy in bales, on arrival, r - " ,; Cheese The market is firm, with a OO'd .de'iriuud fit lttSt quoiatrnn.-.; SaJCS Vejstern.'. Reserve ui lJc j ' flumbnrg at ibcv:'( ; . ;:. .;; " ., ", Kutier Prime )reeh is in good de mand' at 15(5: loe lor Centra! Ohio and Ves'te'ru''. Ileoefve; Common : ; dull at 9Ile. THE Last Grand Rally There willbe a MASS MEETING AND- " - . ' ,. Torcli-Hght Procession OP "WIDE-AWAKES," In Fomeroy, on Monday Ntght Preceding the State election. Speeches will be delivered at the Court-house, or from the steps thereof, by HON. V. B. HORTON and other's. Let there be a good Repub lican Rally! . RAGS! RAGS IB AOS! THE undersigned will pay the highest cash market-price for rags. Also, Felts, Furs, Sheep Skins, etc. '.' ' .Wrapping Paper, CiKars,. Nails, &c, given in exchange, when desired, and constantly kept on hand, in suffioient quantity to supply the market, at low figures. Call at the Pomeroy Wharf-boat, PomeroyU. Sept. 28, '60. 38-1 y T. KDtUKKER. SELLING OFF AT COST! HAS a large lot of Eiflles, of his own manu facture, on hand, which he will SELL OFF A T COST, . as he designs closing up his- business. , -They are of the best manufacture, and warranted to be such articles as represented at the time of sale. Call at his bhop, opposite Horton s Boat yard, Pomeroy, G. . , '. Sept. 23, I860. r38-3m , . A, HA AG. C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN ... A. BRADLEY'S And Manufacturer' of Copper, Tin,& Sheet Iron Waref - OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; f u.t X-iiipia ' Old Stand IflAVE just receWetl a large asaortinei.t of Stoves which 1 will sell lower than ever, consiatina' in part, of ' . . . , Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PARLOR STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. &9 Gil ATESi FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &0- ; WATER SPOUTING; Roofing and Johbing of A LL KIXDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in tuo way or !5toves 11, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware.' would save money by calling on die. . ; - r TFPOld Conner. Braes and Pewter taken In ex change. " . ,j ! " : . ... may s, lseo. 9-iy r 'EE FOR ALL. subscriber having just returned from . the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, uaps, Hoots, Snoes, &c. Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASII OR READY PA Y. . - In this proposition there is no humbuir, but an actual fact, which we .would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of .any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. ::... We will enumerate a few articles, -giving prices, as an inaex to tne whole stock: Best madder prints. ,..10c per yard ...8a9c . " ...10c Pancy prints..... ., Good J bleached muslin. 4 bleached muslin... ....8c ", .15 to 20c " .....loc " Latest styles best delaines Cashmeres.................... Bonnet ribbons from .........10 to 40c" ""' Fine French wool delaine ....50 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ") i Ladies' heavy kip shoes 1 per pair; Ladies' calf. 1.25 . , Ladies' best calf..... ... 1 25 to 1 40. And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive C ASH for them.' From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient' cause. 'i .: !:.'.-.,: We respectfully ask an examination of ur stock, nd if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. . - . . li. IS. 1LSU-N, Jan. 3, '60-i-tf Middleport, Ohiq. . Dry Goods & Carpet Store. J0HA; SIlElTTO & CO. Kos. 101, 103 and: 105 West Fourth Street, , ; CINCINNATI, O. ' " Importers of ' : Are now opening an extensive' and' complete '' " ' assortment of . .i ! rOEEIGIT AND AMERICAN ' GAriPETIFGr, : v :.: etc., etc: ; . Families, Hetel Keepers, Steamboat , . .; "Owners, and Purchasers, generally, may depend kjioii finding the best class of Goods, at prices as low as they can be pur chased in the EasteruP.Cities. Sept. 14, 1800. 36-3m ' Regular Marietta an4 Cincinnati Packet, J. J. BLAGG, Master; JOHN HK1SXEK, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursday at 5 o'clock, r. M. passiDg Pomeroy en Saturday at lOo'clock a. m. Leaves Marietta every Monday at S o'clock a. m. Leaves romeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to PATTON& MONTGOMERY; ' Nov. 29, '59. 48-tf . Pomeroy Wbarf-JBoat. JOSEPH FATXON. - ,1)AN. E. SMITH. PATTOM & SMITH, Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on the . G R 0 C E-R V BUS I N ESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our present stock ol , ..' FBESH GK.QCERIES,., To which will constantly be added how supplies, as the demands of trade may require. The junior partner having had a long experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market, at ; Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasins elsewhere. ' Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Ollflnlihnt, Conferttonaries, WtHnw BasketM, a large lot at ;.Matehes,'.Si., and all thu niuk-uueks usually K.ili,iii.sui'n esuuiisniiienis. , Coiiiitry Produce wanted, fOr which the highest market price will b paid. - We also purpose doing a ? .. : COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on From Street, under J the "Gibson House." Pomeroy, O. I pril 90, 1880. 3-I6-tf , ! S T O T E5 SI- ONTEW OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE m & ti:;s; Wr On Court Street, lew Doors below tne Court' House, .. 3E o awe n o y , o . r I HE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers,' J- and the public in general, that he lias jnst returned from the city with a iplendid stock of goods m the above named line, all f whtcfi he will sea at a living profit. ' ' lie would call especial attention" to his stock of fixe ; v.:- - -.. which he will sell at city prices; also to his largo stock of Faney and" Taraity GoOdi, com prising in part a choice lot of .- POCKET-BOOKS, for Ladies andGentlemen, Money Bags and nair iirusnes, tne Cutlery, ristols, sc. In SiWer, Steel and German Silver frames suited for all ages. . He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Shepparcfs and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. r lie invites the' patronage of the public, with wortn 01 their money. An examination is solicited. .. ,- ; June 1, 1801). 4-t PERRV OAVtS VEGETABLE WE BEG TO CALL THK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THIS LONG TESTED AND UNRI VALLED ', V-., Family niedlcfnc. 7 ; The Pain Killer Is a purely vegetable compound, and while it is a most efficient Kemedyor Pam, it is perfectly safe medicine even in the moat unskilful hands. " For Summer Complaint, or any other form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adults, it is almost: a certain eure, and has without doubt beon more successful in curing the various kinds of ' .- ' - ' -.;;, ' cholera than any other known remedy; or even th most skilful physician. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease iserer more or less prev alent, the , ; . .1 s PAIN KILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European residents, in those climates, . A Sure Itemed y. As a Tonic for the. Stomach, it is unrivalled, few doses will relieve severe eases of, . ludisestlon, ; . - - and it is often a perfect cure for ' ' '''-" ' ' ' " ' - . 4. '-i- Dyspepsia i "i,.v in its mbst aggravated forms. Its tonic and stimula ling properties, arousing the system to vigorous ac lion, render it a most effectual cure for Colds and Coughs, , ' ; ' ( when nsedaccerding to directions. i'.;t For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation known. -. , JRhcumatism, and Seuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and often cured by it. Any soreness in the Muscles or Joints can bo- relieved by its application. It cures instantly tho most violent , Toothache. It should always be kept near at hand, to be used in cases of severe - Burns o;' Scalds, If applied immediately, according to directions, it will give ins'nnt relief,"and prevent blistering. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of . , Stcuutboaimen, - and others traveling on our Western Rivers. JCpLMrections accompany each bottle. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and" Dy almost every nation known to Americans. It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler on sea and land and no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Sold by dealers everywhere." ' CAUTION. The public will be cautious that thoy got the gen uine Pain Killer, as some unprincipled men use that name for their ow-u worthless compounds: in so doing tiiey deceive the community, and infringe upon the "Trade Mark'? of Perry Davis. PEICES--25 Cents.. 50 Cents and $1 Per Bottle. J. N. HARRIS c CO., Proprietors for the South and West. . ., Cincinnati, Ohio. Solil wholesale and retail by A. SEEBOHM and D. KKE1), Pomeroy, O. July 31, 16o(W30-ly ' (i DR. WEAVER'S CANKER W sAtT. RHEUM FOR THE Oil RE OF Canker, Salt Rheum, ErjsipeUs,- Scrofulores Dis eases, villaneous Eriiptionsana every Kind ef Disease arising from an impure . : state of the Blood. The most Effective Blood Purifier of the IViiieteenth Century,-- ;-' It is the nrescrintion of an educated DhvaicianJ and all who are afflicted with any of the above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from the system, and when once out on the skin, a faw applications of DB. WEAVER'S ' CERATE, OINTMENT, and you have a permanent cure. . the cerate has provea itself to be the best Oint meat ever invented, and where once used. It has never been known to fail of perfecting a permanent care of Old Sores, Tetter and Ringworm, Scald (lead, cniubiains ana f rost Mites, Haroer s Jtch, Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or Pimples on the Face, and fr Sore Ni pies. the Cerate is the thing required to euro. It should be Kept in tne nouse oi every lainuy. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. ' Sold by most dealers In Medicines. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors for Western States, " "- ; . . ' '' ' '' Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for above Medicine may . be addressed. , , Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. . July 31, I860. 30-ly : .' ' !; DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S ''" SHEKliY Wline B i t ters; '. 27ie Celebrated New England Remedy ,, . : : ' for " ... ' . habitual. .constipation. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Gen rstl leblllty, and all other . Diseases arislnjr from a Disordered Stoih ac h, . ' ...Liver,-, or Bowels, ( . , , sncli as - .Acidity of the Stomach, Indigestion, Harlbura, Loss of Appetite, Costiveuess, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Disgust of Food, Sour Eruetions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ot the Stomach, Dimness of Vision. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest or Limbs, and in all cases where a TVN1C is necessary. ' ' t The Sherry Wine Bitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note and position. They are the most ...'.'. . Pleasant and Valuable ! "-' ' Tonic of the day.' They are just what persons re quire when recovering from protnicted illness, or in tho Spring of the .year, when a Medicinal Tonic is required.' They are largely recommended, by Phy sicians through the West, and the proprietors are daily in receipt of letters noting cures by their use: Thomas Stanford of Blountsville, Henry Couuty, Ind., writes us, under date of May 4th; I860, that , fesr three years he was afflicted with Nervous Debility, of the most positive character, and could get no re lief, until he used the Sherry Wiue Bitters, -: Which soon completely, restored him, and he is now in robust henlth.' One of the QKEATEST CURES EVER KNOWN, was that of Geo. W. Hoffman, Berwick, Seneca County, Ohio. He bad been afflicted with Rheuma tism in all its various forms for about twenty years, he had used everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, but got no permanent relief, until the Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cuied him. He writes, us two years after his cure, and saysr "I have no return of the complaint," and further says, "I think and believe that in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia,' Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specitlc certain remedy." Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. . , Price, 75 Cents per Bottlel X N. HARRIS & CO., ,i " Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Southern and Western States. Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. ' " July 31, 1800 30-ly ' ' . ' ' LANE &, BODLEY'S PORTABLE ' STEAM CIRCULAR SAWMILL Will he in operotion and Sawing Lumber at , XTxxitoca. States . Oreat Agricultural Fair, At Cincinnati, Sept. 12 to 20th. OHTO STATE FAIR, Dayton, Sept. 25th to 28th. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR, Bowling Green, Sept. : 18th t 93d. . .' -( . NDIANA STATE FAIR, Indianapolis. October 91 to U3tb. L"cpt. 7, l50.3S-6tV OLD STAND OF . a. csn isEEi .m. s Turses, Cigar and Card Casci, Combs, Teott aihd the assurance that customers shall receive the PETER LAMBKECHT, BUY YOUR Where you can get them Cheapest. CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE "ABOVE hinted at, togethep with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the - place May hugh's Building, four doors west of Conrt street, on Front, Fomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. . Aprir20, I860. 16-tf - ; AMONG the articles to be found constantly on hand at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are : 20 brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, by ' ' - 16-tf - ; ,., . S.SIWBRNAN. 25 Sacks of Coffee, for sala-cb lap, by W-tlJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forlsale cheap, bv : J 16-tf. -.6. SILVERMAN. C K kegs good English Soda, for sale cheap, by 4,0 16-tfJ ,. S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes German Soap, for sale chenp, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 40 boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, by . , 16-tf -- . 8. SILVERMAN. IOOjOOO 'jj5' ene,al assortment, for sale 16-tf cheap, by ... , - SILVERMAN. f)r boxes Tobaco, different qualities, for sale 4tO cheap, by IS-tf . S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by 16-tf , i, S. SILVERMAN. 25 boxes Star and Dollar Candles, Tor sale cheap, by 16-tfJ . , . S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sal cheap, by XKJ 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 fj brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, by XKJ LlO tf . S. SILVERMAN. KfJ kegs or Nails, for sale cheap, by" ' ' 16-tf j . S. SILVERMAN. boxes Starch, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. CiOTi gross Matches, for sale cheap, by "rifi-tfl - s. si l. S. S1LVEKFAN. worth of-Qujeensware, for-sole cheap, by 16-tq . S. SILVERMAN.' V Pi U .Off A never fidllng Antidote Bick Head- ache. Dyspepsia,. Jfever ano B1? Liver Complaint, LxjsuTeue. - Biliousness, Nouralgts, Colic, J ,f Depraved Appetite, Disor- ered5tomacn,ifonuue w iCU WTT.SON S FIUiS ara universally ac knowledged to be the best now In ukv As a family medicine thev are particularly reeoaunended-aimple and harmless, but highly medicinal In their eom bination. One Pill a dose, witn mua oui cer tuin ofTrH-.ta. The roliustman and the delicate chfld use theiu alike, with evsry assurance of entire safety. With Wilson's Pills, every Motner n. l.nrl hnmrnos her own nhvslclan. They have proved themselves a spxemo, and stand without a rlyal for the following auecuons: -. HEADACHE, FEVER 8c AGUE, HEADACHE, FEVEB AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVES. OOHFLAXHT, . , DYSPEPSIA, HVEB C0HP1AIBT, Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Coativenese, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold by Druggists & Doalen evorywhere. PBEPABES BY ' L. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists Ho. 60, corner Wood and 4tiSts. PITTSBURGH, PA. oil rBoramoM or ' 0B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. July 31, 1866. 30tly BEL.IJCF IX TEN MINUTES.; PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicihe Established in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name . of "Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any other coun 'try; all othei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name of BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER, ... . Brvan's Pdlmokic WxrrRS -r -: Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Bryan's Pclmonic Winm i . .. Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Bryan's Pulmonic Wfisrb " Relieve Spitting oi Blood, Pains in the Chest. k.- . ....-JPauAS,!, Pulmonic. Wafers .... Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lunguiseases. ' BrtaVs' P utMoid'cWAruis Relievo Ireitatioiof the yttilaand Tonsils. - .-r v Bbvan's PoLHONir Wafers . . Kaliejrejtlis above Complaints in TejrMinutes. , . ... "j5Ryan s Pulmonic Vafers Are a Blessing to all Classes and Coustitn tions. , . r, . . ., Brvan's Pulmonic Wavers Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers? , ... . t Bryaii's Pulmonic Wafer's ..' '' '' ,.';.' Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Polmomg Wafers ' 1 " ' Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pdlmokic Wafers ; ' Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a box of Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers i-. - ' in the house. - :'.' No traveler shouid be without a supply of "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafkbs , in his pocket. , , " , ., No person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ' Twenty-five cents. . ' JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor,. Rochester,1 N. Y. Sold by 1). REED, Pomeroy. , 3-31-ly Regular Portsmouth & Parkerstufg ' Packet, ST 33 A. 3VE jE3 3cLr "Melrose," Capt. J. S. HURLT, V ' , 8. P. Simpson', Cl'k, Will pass Pomeroyi on the up trip, every Tuesday and Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock A. M.,and on the down trip, every Thursday and Sunday, at 4 o'clock P. M. Connects at Portsmouth with Bostona, for Cincinnati, and at Parkersburg with Wheeling pack ets. Freight and passengers taken through to Vitts burgh and Cincinuali atsame rates as through boats. Aug. 14, 1P60. 32-lm. WOOL, CARDING, '.'.';- .. 'i . AT-THE. t i ;.. RACINE WOOLEN FACTORY. HAVING put in: new 'machinery, tre are prepared to do Wool Carding' at 4 cents per pound. -' ' - ' r' All work' warranted, where the wool is clean. tYool or Lard taken in pay for work. -July 3, I860. 26-tf ' THOS.: EG AN. : :; WM. H. & J. GRANT ;;; ft AV1NO formed a rartnrshln nndor th above 11 name, and liavinn nurcbased tho "Crystal Mill." I iu Middleport, desigra ruuuing it regularly from this . time. We will pay the - , - - . ) j Highest Market Price for "WTieat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a good patronace. , , I H.riiip, iaw. if ,. . MMVn.;. GBAJtr.; f22OOW0RTH jlX) BE SOlJj' , 3 Of aBCTCT aSrlf El XT'O a. 23 O TJ T 2" Tt - i v?Asn toiJit. casiT Ai. ri? jf jHe: goods scit; mces shall? I have everything in the Dry. ttods line: Prints, Delanes,- Mefinoes, Cobergf Alpacas, white goods, .Brown and' 'Bleached1 Muslua, Check, Flflnnel, Jicikisgs, Clfitha, Cassimereg, Satinets, Jai, weeda, &. " . j " , . " " H a pL D w A ft . ev;-,: Olasa, Naila, Locka, Axes Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Bjm Kejt Log and Trace Chain, H3esho Nails, Mll Sawa, Croaaout Sw Bttt!' ' ' ' CARPENTERS , -5 O'dS'.-'. V-.' . : Planes, Sawa, Chiwla; Angara, Satohats, Brao"and; Bitaf : Ssaxei, $tjl$k- Alio;' ' -- ' '. . " - .--Vi.. --.f.f ;; -; G OOPE R5' TQbLS jvf; ;Xz I. trosj flop Adzea, Broad-Aiea, Compaasca and Knives of all kiftiit . BLACKSMITHS TOOLS;,, Belfora : t'iceff, Anvils, Files, Horse Baspa, Stocks and Dyes; also; Shear, Cast and Genuan Steel. Buggy Springs and Axeis, Wagon Aiela, Woodwork for Bg-: gies, and Buggy I'rirarBiugs of all kirrds. . ',' . '; - '"I ; I would. call the atferrtlo of Buildel-s to my large lot of tDSox, Sah,.Tiiaar Blinds, all made of clear WMte PiBfe. Also,- ,-. - -1-' 3 " !.f'-?--, o aC" 5 r';aac i & i 'i - isia" : Coats, Pants and Tests of all kind mtidi Fctrnfsn Gobdsvmts and tkkp. ttttcS and complete stock of Custom-made Wen's and- Boys' Calf aad Kip -Boots "and 8hoeS; Child rew, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds.,. I teej a forge atock f Cordage ef ail- sJeaa,' firor Wcappiag Twine. '.' '' . ' ' ,. '" . : 4-' -";- - ';'3 . : If you want a gsod fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call. I have a large lot as Piecef Goods for mahufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best style, and warranted, goed at- at no sale. ': ':- -s. . -, - - Tbe above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reservej'at' cos, foe CASH. Give me a call. . ,t ,., : H.COHEN.- Pomeroy, O, Jan. 3, .1866. W . J. FKAJLL. ..;i''v AT PR ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in . t 7js S. mummwmm-mwmwmm The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from the coal, by which sgj 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense heat thrown to the 'J 'bottom of the Oven. . ' "1! ' 'i-jfe 'In introducinz this rreaty-improved "GasBnrning Stove, wc wish - it distinctly understood 'thai it is not our design -: ..' i : j - ; - ; '.!;: -'. ,- In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Stove We1 sell1 'to be liat' it Is rejJreWntetR j This is not the only pattern we propose selling. ;We save the most imprtfY'ed' patterus i WOO D COO KING. ST() V:Eg; : ; ' Witheut dwelling upon the aserits ef tie different patlernswef-Wlli; en elude our notice by announcing that our ': .-; ! rt-i o - PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can t be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, nd ire defy ctiooptjtl!. METALLIC HYPIUKTS Kept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the puille to esnwiae' our stock .-, .... '-' ' .- -' . i , In addition to our heavy and manuractrirc to order, 1 i ( j i To the Citizens or Meigs and Adjoimixo CouNtres: . - t-. ... - -v- !.!. ....-n. - - certain degree, the nature of' the business-we to-be done, natura-lly;suggests. itself. ; Do you been wasting ypur tune in reading our card. money, if we have to credit. ,:Vtt have therefore, And exchange for Old MetaL-Brass, Pewter, market valuer . i :l ' .' ': Past experience has proven the beneficent results of, the cash .system, to both1 purchaser aneF seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who can' buy much cheaper as welt'- as "for our own-who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this systemV l,a':'-,:s '"' ' We respectfully invite you to call and see wish to purchase or not; but wd warn'you, as you value your hard-earned' money, Taot talaviaip it away till you have given us a call. : i .!uTi; . jh t . i, , ,-nj, . t-,,:J Aug. lb, 1859. ly- ,:i . ,:! F.s-i-i. ' xe t GROCERIESIIAlipWARE, QUEENSWAR& patrons, andHthe!puhlitf at large, everything, as far as. jpossibIeu"pcce8sarji Itfcfiia stitute a full StOckih1 the abote lines'; -and try produce, 'bn the ihostf favorable terms., Will be. conducted, as heretofore, under assisted by y as competent workmen as any in thercvnty. JEtei-ytfiiag 3tk theavay Cutting.ox Hepairing, promptly attendeu oi? -K-'t .v,- si va ar iV,.i , , ., j... .1-lfHd Vrtl it:;:h tnti.J t i.f-.; . of .Making, Will at all times be found on hand,- together, with a Ml Stock of Gloths,- Cassi- mercs';-VestingR&C;: L' -'-::U '''-''- - ft si c? ioj- . ,-.-! u. Hi: 13.- To those whom I have extended a short credit, and .trhoi ajr$ how disre garding the moral ohUgatian incurred to' pay jtp according to? agreetnet, I wisio say I will not hesitate to remind you, if neceiisary, Ija forcible manircr that a legal obligation' was ais6.-iicnrred - ,m i, Pomeroy,. January 3, -1.86jFJrt.'f 1;',r CHARLES BICllMAKIV.f ; .. .. . ; ; T .... .. . .r .., .-i Dealers in Gold &ad Silver Watcfie AND ilEW.EtR'Y OF ALLikiNJtti ; .; 1 ii a'veKe no t El) 1r'0: ;.7f- 1 z :- i O .A. X. T "VST XI I O T f S , JKT 3E! "W . 5& it it 3t 3 SC ; . ; r: ' . .: :. - Corner Court au4 From Street, Aomeroyt . "M7"HERE we shall be pleased , to see our old customers, and all otheftfhi :T . desire anything in our'liiie. We keep constantly on hand a jjpdd assort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, Get-man, French and American Jewelfy Fairtry Articles Clocks from $2.00 to 12.00j of every size;and description:'' Ex? Glirree?, G61d Peri&c:-"' '". - ' -.' : - -?;!. y-:;. A - J.l 1 Repairing 'Watches, Clocks arid' Jewelry, done in the' best manner prohirWy August 7,18&0.3- ;-31-tf ; " : ' OfP AT COST! Front street- tare doors' above CewrT. OEOBGE IIATCU. r T?o.n, s. if?; Tub -tr. community to one of Tba "greatest imprevemasiiS' " ' r.. j. t - sy&m ) to use . . ' ' . SJT " ' i r. .1 - : it v,-,i van -Af.' a:?- l f r t.' . r J ? stock of Stoves' we will keep constantly on Jteud, ilk u AitJx .s :. . -, 41 n r The above remarks will demonstrate Id tou'Ih intend to prosecute.' a The manner in is Jbwy.on creditf- Then ryou have -ffimply- We cannot sell at our prices trrthoat losing concluded to sell exclusively for' - '.m uj-t'j$. Copper, Rags, Old Silver, 4ft, at? tfieir-I Kignest : -:- -S -.-:' ; ; : :.i'--yr. ,- . the - improvements m our-":toyr,-whetBei-'v' TKALL & IlATCIt iT:n..t xgar. which will bej sol 4'oriGASH .or . . '. f k.! , ,j ' the supervision of N. H. Sf'GLOTHL -'Wy'Mmmmvi "; ' ' 1 . f c mm : rg&l m TT7T i-r" l7