Newspaper Page Text
ostrv. tiSThe'Cin-:innat.i Oontmtrcial, speaking of the articles on exhibition at the United States Fair in that city, says : "Mr. Henry Kirk, of Fayette Co., Ohio, har an elephantine steer, six years old,: which weighs 8300 pounds gross. . He is grass and grain, fed. He rutin upon pasture all summer, and in the winter has been fed hay, and a half bushel per day of corn on the cob. The flesh, seems packed upon him in the only pos sible, way that it could lay on Uim. He is a thorough bred Short Horn- The following fragment from a stray author fiM him:" BTJNNIT TO YE BIO OLD STEER. COMPOSED WHILE 8TASDES WITHIN 2 FEET Of hi a a touctun' oti him now a the. '- All bale! 'thou mighty animilall hale! C ' You are 4 thousand pounds, and aur purty wel I'roporshund. thou tremenjious boven nuggitl I w under how big you wus weayon AVos little, & if your mother wold no you now That you've grone, so long & Thick, & phat; Oaif yure father would rekegniie his of-spring & his kaff, thou elfantine quadrupid. 1 wunder if it hurts you much to bee so big, & if yon grode it in a month or W- V I spoDe wen you was young that it didn't gin You skim milk but aluha Kreroegon culd stof Into yure little stummuk, jest to see How bigyude gro; & afterwards tha no 'dout Fed yu on otes, & ha & eich like, v. X i , i i vi lux pernaps an occasion punkin or squosh! In 'all probability you don't no ynre enny . , : Bi?er than a amall Kaff; fur if yu did, .-" Yude brake down fences & switch yure tale A rush around, & hook, fcbeller, &-ronr 66i fowkes, thott orful beste. - what a lot of mince Pii yude maik, k Saesengers, & yure Tale, -Which kaint wa fur from phorty.JE, ; " Wud maik nigh unto a barel of ox-tale soup, & cudn't a beep of slakes be cut; eph yu, Wiwh.wiUi Soli, & Peper & Termatcr. Cetch-iv wouldn't joe bad to taik, . ;, Thou great and Glorious inseckt! But I must klose, 0, most p rod i jus reptile! A fur my admirashun of yu, when you dit- -l ie rite an node onto yore romance, ' Pernonncia' ya the largest of yure race; ' & as I don't expect tn hnre a f of a $ Agin to spare fur to pa to look at yu, & as Iintmdcd head,"I will sa farewell.1 : " . : u '.U : . "iMmgTa'Tning"that never should' " " - ! fte'doiie 4 n iaiepartf For 'tis, when rightly understood, . Aft cdiofrofc theeart pin echo frootl the heart when filled ', With efferrescenr MisV -4 When all the joy with which 'tis thrilled Concentrates in the kiss);',- - lKftAmorig the cariosities discovered by the census-takers, is pretty girl of JUKQll, uie.BOUUiern part 01 luonsuu, NeV t fork, t'who1 haa a husband vone hundred and seven years of age. X ,1. 8The servant of a Prussian officer was one day with a crony who inquired how he got along with his Jiery . master. 'Oh, excellent," answered the servant; "wo live oa very friendly terms every wiwfeO$a ;eacl4 other's coats. -He tak.eS his coat 'off to be . beaten, and I keep miue on." BgVn old man said '-For a long time I puzzled myself about difficulties ff Scripture, until I came to the conclu sion that dreading' the , Bible was ' like -eating fish; i When I find difficulty, I lay it .aside and call it , a bone,.' ; Why should I choke on .a boue, when there is so much, nutritious meat?" ,-." SguBilliard players are in- a fever of excitement. It has been omcially an nounced that Mr. , Phelan, the greatest billiard player oa this .continent, has re ceived a letter from M. Berger, the greatest waster jot the cjje in EuropeJ and thaif Mr. Berger declares it to be his intention to visit the United States some time next month. i cftT5 Where are ou going?! said a young gentleman tq an elderly one in a white cravat, who'ra he overtook a few miles from Little Rock. "I am going to heaven, my son; I have been on the way inore tbaa etgliteen 1 ytars." "Well, go od-by, 6ld fellow, if you have been traveling toward heaven eighteen years nrid got no nearer to it than Arkansas, I will take another rdute." n a wide-mouthed bottle dissolve eight ounces of best glue in a half-pint of water, by setting it in a vessel ot wa ter and heating it till dissolved. Add elowly, constantly stirring, two and . a half ounces of strong aquafortis (nitric acid.) .; Keep it well corked and it will be ready . for-nse.' This is the "Cele brated prepared Glue," of which we hear so much." ,-l'T.,'l.',;?s :,"!''.;.,..'.',. lgsSeven miles within ari houf has been the greatest speed in walking, but & Mr.; Hall, in a match with Mountjey, the pedestrian, accomplished the fol lowi'ng';t One mile in Beven minutes thirteen seconds ; two miles, in fifteen minutes twenty seconds, and four, miles ia '-thirty-two.: minutes exactly -vThis latter i the highest point of speed on record. ' Words. The 'small number of words which Are usedin comparison with those which jiTeryperson wild speaks thfCi.English language has a . right to use, has been illustrated by Mr. Marsh, inu some curi ous instances. The t vocabulary ; of : the languagendV cdntafiil nearly a hundred thousand words. Of these Slilton used only eight thousand, and Shakspeare ... t n.i T . ' ' i " . . , ' 1OTuy niteen Tousana, t'Do you want' a ra'al prime' lot of butter? asked a peaier, wno naa picicea It'p: at fifty different1 places. .. "What 'sort of butter is it?)' asked the merchant. "Tne cleat quill made by my wife from a dairy of forty keows; only two churn-1 ine-g." "Whatmakes itsomanv colors?" "I guess," replied the'Yarikeewho was ,Bent fckin. to tne Bliet tamily, "l guess 'yon vould never ax that question if you had seen mv keows. for thev're a darned Bight more Bpeckleder than my butter!" a ne Tocrcnan ueciiucu tmuiug. i'.-'.t ) . aIt was verv hard work to get the fight answer- out of the boy 'whom a traveler on horseback touna at woric in 6mA bf miserable, vellow." sicklv- . looking iorn, that ought to be sent to .the springs for its health. . ,'Xpnr corn looks very yellow," said tnl "teaveleras he stopped in his ride and talked to the boy over tne ience. 4.'Yaaj," said the boy; "it was ihe yal J ' i .lit ler kina we piantea. .MAnd it's mighty small, -too,'' the traveler continued. . "In course," said the boy, "qause we planted -the small kind of eorn? "Yes, yes, I know; but I don't think you'll have overjialf a, crop; dp .you?" ''Whyj'noiri course we shan't; cause for we- ' planted ' this1 ere ' field : at the halves" , ' . - ''-.,."Good-byr" : said the traveler; ; ."I think you'll do for seed." : . But the boy would not let him off so. Calling him. back after he had got on a few rodsv the boy cried out: . . ' "I ay'j stranger, I hope you will pick up a . deal of valuable information in the eoiirse ofyour travels." HINTS OF THE SEASON. I. Cut corn and such other crops as were, sown-for soiling cattle. Feed beet and turnip tops, cabbage leaves, &c, es pecially to milch cows. Give an abund ance of green feed to fattening stock; now is tne time to lay on flesh, not a couple of months. " It is easier to gain three pounds m weight now, than one in December. II. Select corn for seed, choosios the earliest, most prolific, and such as ives promise of superiority. Good se lected seed will produce better crops than that which is taken at random. Cut and shock Corn when ripe, or imme diately after the first frost. Leaving it in the wind until battered and bleached by the wind and rain, makes the fodder worthless and the grain inferior. III. Attend to draining all wet or tenacious soils. s If there is cold or stag nant water in the subsoil, any expecta tion of good crops will be disappointed. It is. better policy to borrow money with which to pay for draining, (and we hate borrowing,) than "to leave the land un- drained; it pays better. Many kinds of sou that are worthless in a state of na ture, become the most valuable after be- g drained. "Tile can now be had in nearly every town, and makes , the best and most durable of all drains. IV. Keep your fences in good order. At no other time in the year are stock more apt to be breachy, especially such as are allowed to run in the road to pick up a precarious living by stealing food, or appropriating the pickings. Uneeow in the road compels every farmer in the vicinity to keep his fences up, and gates shut. This expense exceeds by many times the price of the cow in a single V. Commence to fatten hogs early, supplying them with plenty of such bed-, ding as will make good manure when mixed with their droppings. Hogs fat tened now bring more in market than those thatcome later, and fatten at a much less 08fc,,v'-.-..--w.-. -...-. YI. Make all the manure you can. Cart much for this purpose, and place it where the urine and droppings of stock can mint with; it in winter. 1 "-Weeds that have not": ripened their seeds, will aiso increase tne pne. 11, nowever, tne seed are ripe, it is better to -burn them, for the eed will not be destroyed, but eprout next season, so that while ma nuring the soil, you will also seed it with weeds, and there are always more than enough of these. Ohw Farmer. The Father of Rl-r era. - A writer, referring to the vastness of the Mississippi, says: "It extends 2,100 miles from the fro zen regions of the North to the sunny South, and with the Missouri river, is 4,500 miles in length. It would reach from New York .across the, Atlantio ocean, or from Fiance to Turkey and the Caspian sea. Its average depth is fifteen feet and its width half a mile. The floods are more than a month trav eling from its source to its delta. The trappers can - exchange the furs of. ani mals caught by them on the. Upper Mis sissippi for the tropical fruit gathered on the banks below. The total value of steamers afloat on the river and its trib- utaries is more than $60,000,000, num beringlOO boats, with more than twice the steamboat tonnage of England. It drains an area -of 1,200,000 square miles, and washes the shores of twelve power ful States. . . In one single reservoir at Lake Pepin, between Wisconsin and Minnesota, 2,500 miles from the sea, the navietf of the world hiight safely ride at anchor." Setting Fence Post.. A writer in the Ohio that he"can set 'posts Cultivator says better and far more rapidly by driving with a maul or iron sledge, when the ground is just free from frost, and still wet and soft, than by digging holes. His posts are sawed seven feet long, and four by five inches ui size, and then carefully and regularly sharpened, so as to put the "top end down." The posts ' are held steady or turned, when necessary, by using a long-handled iron wrench, and made just large enough to slip over the top of the post.fOn loamy . or clayey land, tree trom large stone, posts can be driven with great expedition, and. will stand firmly, the eaith around them being well packed by the crowding of tne post. - Mill Corn FodderCut it Now.' Now is the time to cut up corn fod der, If. cut before the ear or grain forms, cattle will eat the stock entire, buts and all; but if left until the grain or ear is tormed, the cattle will eat very little if any : below the ear.. Again, if corn todder is now cut, the heat 01 the sun for the coming two weeks will dry it, so that it can be stacked away with out risk of heating. Use a cradle, in cutting; if a common grain cradlej make a new head piece and spread the fingers, so that they will carry the corn without clogging. There is a regular corn cradle made, and we presume tor 6ale by all agricultural im plement dealers, and if any one has ten or more acres of fodder itwill pay well to purchase one. What Weight - the Dr .'.Crryvv , -Creatures . Few persons f says the WirZd) imag ine the extent of the trade in crinoline wire. - For about three years past the consumption of wire by the crinoline workers in this country has been not far trom one hundred tuns per week. The wire is of steel, and the price has ranged from, fifteen to thirty, cents per "pound. At the average T-twenty-two cents the yearly consumption amounts to $2,464, 000. At present the demand is as active as ever, and prices are advancing. The ladies will be surprised to know how much this part of their dress costs in the aggregate. , What It. Coat to be a Lincoln Mn Povrn South.- '- -' iA man in Vicksburgh, Miss., ex pressed himself in favor of Mr, Lincoln What happened to him is thus narrated by the Vicksburgh SSun: ''When we last heard of the Linconite who gave his opinions an airing so freely in our city on Monday, and who for so doing aras sent adrift on the Missisippi river, after beihg well tarred, was about twenty miles from here, slowly progress ing towards New Orleans, in mid ' river. A stout cord and a strong limb is the only fit punishment for such incendiaries ot eviL A Duel Between Two f - Killed. Brothers Both The Natchitoches Clironicle of the 25th ultimo , records the following , terrible tragedy. ' " " 4 "A quarrel arose a few nights ago be tween two brothers named Langino, (William and. Burril,) . residing a few miles above Campte, when a proposition being made by - one of them that they should fight it out immediately with double-barrelled shot guns, it was ac cepted by the other, and firing simultan- the suit of S. A. Burnap and J. Cartwright. eously, both of thcin Were instantly Appraised at 1,100. Terms of sale, cash. -killed." - ' i Aug. 23, i860. 3-1-5 1 J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. .lihitranrc. GUAKl) AGAINST FALL AXD WINTER FIRES! b y I xx st xx ranoe WITH THE Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL, $1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF 8500,000.00, And the preslipre of 40 years success nnd experience. Upward of $1-2,000.0(10 of losses have been paid by the jtna Insurance Company in tha past 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following . LOSSES PAID BY THE J5TNA DrRIItS TBI FAST FIVE TSXRSt In Ohio, - - $431,590 P3 In Wisconsin, 106.1155 07 In Kentucky, - 304,939 49 Missouri, - - - 384,518 04 Iowa dr. Minn., 101.390 46 In Michigan, - 9158,043 SI In Indiana. - 146.8391 In Illinois, - - 448.327 41 Tennessee, - - 97.'4!t 21 Kansas & Neb., 19,945 77 Penn. 6c Va., - 31,593 82 Ark.fii Ga., - 23.943 09 Mississippi and Alabama, - - 352,412 18 Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with' solvency and profit. Especial attention (riven to Insuranee of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid service long and successfully tried, and the many advantages the -Etna Insurance Company nossesses in Jta line, should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. During "stringent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance becomes un Imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. : - A are n ales in all the principal cities nnd towns throughout the State. Poll Me issued without delay, by any of the duly authorized Ag ntsof the Company. rf Business auemira to wnn aespatcn ana nuoi- l. HUL'V 1 I , f'll m . ) sept, su.-30-am. romerov, u Exclusively Fire Insurance. POMEROY AGENCY, MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, : Ho. 68 Wall Street, New York, -. s INCORPORATED, 1821. vVM. PITT PALMER, President. AXDREW J. SMITH, Secrevary. PIREOTORSi W. P. Palmer, Sambel F. Mott, Peter Cooper, Henri Ellsworth,' AcoosTCg W. Ward, James Colles. Sidney Mason, Moses Taylor, T,. S. Soarez, John Caswell, John Steward, John C. Green. KTFCS It. LORD. . Wm. F. Mott, Wm.W. Fox, bDWIIf II. AlnROAlC, Richard Tishe. Thomas Barron, ' KOBERT H. MINTOR1I, Thomas W. Pearsali, Eren B. Crocker. This staunch old Company having fully complied with the laws of this State, continue to insure the safer classes of property Against Loss or Damage by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies. Their policies are "free from trohnioaiities, thus avoiding litigation, baring had only one lawsuit during a business of Particular attention given to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Agenc . ' , WESTERN .BRANCH OFFICE, iVb.' 1 Superior Stre-ct, Cleveland, O. " S. S. COE, General Agent..' JOHN SEWELL, Assistant. Apr.24, '60. llm (Sdurational. FRAMKLIN INSTITUTE, i HARTFORD CITY. MASON CO., VA. This Institute has been successfully commenced under the patronage of the Hartford City Coat, Mining & Manufacturing Company, for the benefit of Farmers' and Mechanics' sons and daughters, where they may receive Ihe advantages of a superior EDUCATION to what has hitherto been offered them in Common Schools, at charges sufficiently low for all to embrace a complete Academical Education. It Is now entering on its second session, and is de lightfully situated on a gently sloping sandy emi nence, overlooking the river Ohio, and only short distanca from the Steamboat Landing. The .School Room and Teacher's Kesirtence is held m that spa cious building formerly known as the Brethren Charon. t The room contains 2,000 sqare feet, and Is replete with every suitable convenience. . . The beating and lighting apparatus is perfect; having four large stoves, and 280 feet of window - llgnv, ana neing eiev&iea id leei anuve ine roau way, making it the most desirable, healthy situation imaginable. s .. ' - There is also a Library and Reading Department attached, for the use of students, containing ninny excellent standard works, with monthly and weekly periodicals, to sou the desire or ail. parlies, and it is intended hereafter, to add a Piano Forte; for the Ladies, as an accompaniment to the City Brass Band, now in full operation every evening. The School Is conducted ty tne Principal, aided oy Assistants, male nnd female. The mala pupils are taught every branch of learn ing necessary for their future advantage, making them earable of entering on all such duties as may hereafter offer for their weal. The female d epartinent are also tangbt every nec essary accomplishment, with plain and fancy needle work In auuiiion to a souna scnoiasiie course. ; Hours of attendance, 9 to 12, and 2 to 5, for youth, and 6jj to 9. for adults. 1 bus may the children of the above receive as lib eral an education as in aristocratic institutions, whose charges exclude many a naturally talented child from obtaining the assistance necessary to develop Us intellect. Pupils charged only from time of entrance. Terms persession of 3 months, 82.50 each. A limited number ef boarders are taken at a small charge. . References may be bad to parents, of pupils, either in Ohio, West Columbia, Mason City or this place, on application to the Principal, at the Institute. SAMUEL B. SAUNDERS, Preceptor. Oct. 4.-40-tf. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION! THE legal voters of the County of Meigs are hereby notified to be and appear at their several places of holding elections, on Tlie Second Tuesday of October, 1860, for the purpose of electing One Supreme Judge, - - , . . " Attorney General, . " Member of the Board of Public Works. ALSO, One Member of Congress, " Probate Judge, ; u County Auditor. " Clerk of the Common Pleas Court, " County Treasurer, " County Recorder, '. " County Coroner,,- . " County Infirmary Director. . The Trustees of "the several townships in said county are required to return the follow ing number of Jurors for their respective townships: Salisbury, Salem, Chester, Lebanon, Columbia, : 34 T 7 5 5 13 Orange Rutland, Letart, . , Olive, ' Scipio, . Sutton, Bedford, All of which notice is given pursuant to law under my hand, at Pomeroy, this 8th day of September, i860. j. j. wurija, a. m. u. 36-4t t 1 Sheriff's- Sale.'' - S. A. Burnap and J. Cartwflghi vs. George Stivers .'('! ; ' and Joseph Patton, et al. By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. m., On the 29th day of September, 1860, , the following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in the town of Pomeroy, on the east side of Butternut street, described as fol lows: the undivided half of Lot No. 220, and the undivided half of so much of the north-western part of Lot No. 221 as is not owned by Thomas Whiteside, with the Mill, Building, Engine and Boiler, and other machinery attached thereto. Tn luianlrt oa tha nwuturlT ftf Clf nVrC. Stivers, at. ft W 5 K 1- JS? ml REMOVAL. TAS TlKMOVJiU lii JrjWlijLilix Jtl T:i,linT . immediately at the Head Tinad. next door below Reminstou's Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public did, at the samejtime, open his new Stock, lates-t patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of ivfrv descriDtion. which he will sell rants cverv article to be of the value represented. -r. . .1 1 J.V - .1 ' liis Store-ivoom is spacious, ana expressiy uhbu up iur iue uummouious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH, clock and jewelry repaieing, Will be executed in the very best manner, warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise turned. - To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes ior a continuance of the same. W. A. AICHER, Jeweler. 2-3-tf. - " " At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. A G IF T . . lVEOORXS'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Husbands to their Urt't and Daughters. The introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently practical machine will bring joy and glad ness to the hearts of thousands of oar country women throughout the land. It is pronounced by the best judges to be the most simple, practical anil durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate en all kinds of work, using any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few ef its superior ad vantages. 1st. It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re- W4thV'ft pses no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging ot oods. ... 5th. It runs wiii Rreat ease, and quietly. 6th. It can be understood and operated upn with very little instruction. 7th. It is sold f r the low tr1oe of thirty dOllan. Specimens of its wrk will be sent to any on3 de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Machine anu work can be seen at the agents' residence, next door to Dr. Train's Office, near the Bunk Building. McMASTEIt Ac SOiV, Solo and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. (Jan. 3, '59. 1-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S mm fMGHi: A T New York Prices. THE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS ness and simplicity of the 'Machine; the beauty and strength of, stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and- leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to enable purchasers to sew ordi nary seams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. Each Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. C. E. DONN ALLY. Pomeroy Ivovember, '59. tr NOTICE. LYDI A ; Webster, and Clinton Norton, of Wheeling, in the State of Virginia, will take notice that Isaac A. AVebster, of the county of Meigs, and State of Ohio, did, on the 2'Jth day of August, A. D, 1800, file his peti tion in the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the said County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, against the said Lydia Webster and Clinton. Norton, defendants, setting forth that he was, on the 4th day of August, 1857, seized in fee simple of the following real estate, situ ate iii the County of Meigs, Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning at the south-west corner of fraction No. 13, in section No. 14, town 4, and range No. 12 of the Ohio Company's Purchase; thence north to the corner of another survey 'granted to Isaac A. Webster by David' Saunders;- thence east with lands of said Isaac A. AVebster to a corner of land' formerly owned by Bruce; thence with the line of lands formerly owned by Bruce south to the section line; thence west to the place of beginning, containing forty-four acres, more or less; and that Lydia Webster was, on the said 4th day of August, 1857, the lawful wife of the said plaintiff, and living and co habiting with the said Isaac A.' Webster as snch wife; and that shortly . prior to said day of August, 1857, the said Lydia Webster and one Israel Cullen entered into an alliance to defraud the said plaintiff out of said prem ises, and induce him to transfer said premises to the said Lydia Webster; and 'in pursuance of said alliance, the said Lydia AVebster and Israel Culleu falsely and fraudulently repre sented to the said Isaac A. Webster that the said Isaac A. Webster and the said Lydia Webster could nd longer live and cohabit with each other as husband and wife, and that the said Lydia AVebster desired a separate mainte nance, in consideration whereof, and for no other consideration whatever, he, the said Isaac A. AVebster, on the said 4th day of August, 1857, made and delivered to said Lydia Web ster a deed ot said premises; and that on the 8th day of August," 1857, said Lydia AVebster refused to reside on said premises, and left the said county and State in company with the said Israel Cullen, and has ever since lived and cohabited . with him as his wife; and that the said Isaac A. AVebster was afterward divorced from the said Lydia Webster by a decree of said Court, on account of said adultery ; and that afterward, on the 29th day of May, 18(50, the. said Clinton Norton purchased said prem ises of the said Lydia Webster, and received a deed for the same, but paid no valuable consid eration therefor; and that said Clinton Norton, at the time of said purchase, had full knowl edge of the premises aforesaid ; ana praying that said .deed qf conveyance may be set aside and . held for naught. And the said Lydia Webster and Clinton Norton are notified that they are required to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday after the 12th day of October, A. D., i860. Dated this 2d day of September, I860. . " ISAAC A. AVEBSTER, 35-Gt By Simpton a Lasley, his Att'ys. LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLOR'S RUN, AND Carr'a Run. Application to be made to M. Heckard, fcsq., Pomeroy. Aug. 16,33-t 8. AV. POMEROY. SlUll BURNAP'S NEW of the Wharf-Boat in general, that he comprising all the at very reasonable prices, and he war prompt and durable. . All his work is the money laid out for it will be re ePtscellaitcous. W. B. SKIRVIN. 1. H. KELLEY. C OL. THOS. SMITH. EXCEUtOH MABBLE WORKS, RACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the U. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the citizens of $teigs And ad joining counties, that they are now prepared t furnish to order, :'J Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, Tatle-Tops, Mantles, and every thing in their line, of the most ap proved arylend rery best quality of Foreign or American Siarble. TToMl-'wleBfetn'eOdlt'lnrORK, of tnis Kirfdjjy; prices irtuch cannot ma. to suit, will do well to grje us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We arereSolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat- ronag, personally, or by ortler. SKIRVIN, KELLEY & SMITH. Aug. 17. -1-33-tf NEW GROCERY , , . . . AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Uueensware, bhoes, Sc., &c, at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, which wm De sola ujn usualli l,uv, Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, ' ' Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, . Molasses, l'otatoes. . Hominy, Pearl Barley, Beans, Peas, Sirup, Vinegar, Uacon, Dried Beef, Codfish, Mackerel, &c, &c. C. E. DONN ALLY. Eaisins, Currants White Fish, : Pomeroy, March l.-2-9-ly AdminUtrator'8 Sale of Real Estate. TURSUANT to an order of sale granted X. by the Probate Court of MeigS County, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on the Gth day of October, A.D. 18G0, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock P. M , upon the premises, the following real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : beginning 54 rods west of the south-cast corner of the north-east quarter of section 12, town 6, range 14, in Ohio Company's Purchase; thence south 50 rods; thence west 26 rods; thence north 50 rods; thence east 2G rods to the place of beginning; containing 8 acres and 20 rods. Appraised at one hundred and sixty six dollars ($16(5). Terms, one-lialt casn m nana, ana tne resi due in nine months, with interest on the de ferred payment from the day of sale, to be se cured by mortgage on the premises sold. W. H. JNOilTU.N, Administrator of Robert AVilson, dee'd. Poraerey, Sept. 8, I860. 36-4t She riff 'a Sale. Wilson, M'Elroy & Co. vs. John Sloan. Y virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock a. On the Uth day of October, 1860, the following described lands and - tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs County, Ohio, in sec tion No. 18, town No. 3, range No. 13, in the Ohio Company's Purchase; it being all the land owned by the; minor heirs of Amos Parsons, dee'd, lying on the west side of the road lead ing from Athens to Pomeroy, in Bedford town ship, and being sixty acres ; to be sold as the property of John Sloan, at the suit of Wilson, M'Elroy & Co. Appraised at $900. terms ot sale, cash. J. J. AVIIITE, S. M. C. Sept. 11, I860. 36-St B.UU LEGAL NOTICE. ELIAS Story, who resides at Pike's Peak, in the Territory of Kansas, will take notice that Ruhamy Story, on the 4th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1860, filed her petition in the Pro bate Court within and for the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, alleging that, as the widow of Ira Story, deceased, and guardian of Lu cinda Story, one of the heirs at law of the said Ira Story, deceased, she is entitled to the sujn of $200.03, with interest thereon from the 11th day of January, A. D. I860, under the order of distribution made by said Court upon set tlement of the account of the said Elias Story, administrator of the estate of said Ira Story, deceased; and that, although more than thirty days have elapsed, since said order of distri bution was made, ' and although payment has been demanded of said Elias Story, he has neglected and refused to pay said Ruhamy Story the amount claimed by her, as aforesaid. The prayer of the petition is for judgment and execution against the said Elias Story for the amount due said Ruhamy Story, as aforesaid. Said petition will be for hearing on the 27th day of Cctober, A. D. 1860, at 11 o'clock a. mj RUHAMY STORY, , By Simpson Laslet, her Att'ys. Pomeroy, Sept. 4th, I860. 36-6t NOTICE. RICHARD A. Cramer, of the State of Vir ginia, will take notice that Samuel Price, of the County of Meigs, in the State of Ohio, did, on the 9th day of July, A. D., 1860, file his petition in the Court of Common Fleas, within and for the said County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, against the said Richard A. Cramer, and Ephraim Weston, James Marshall and Joseph Rodgers, dafendants, setting forth that on the 9th day of April, A. D, 1860, at Sunfish, in the County of Manroe, in the said State of Ohio, the said defendants made their three several promissory notes, in writing, of that date, and delivered the same to the said Samuel Price, and thereby, that they or either of them promised to pay to the said Samuel Price the sum of $554.83, in six months from the date thereof, and 554.83 J in nine months from the date thereof; and that said six months will have elapsed on the 12th day of October, A. D., 1860, and that said nine months will have elapsed on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1861; and that the said defendants have sold their property with intent to defraud their creditors ; and praying for a judgment in favor of the said Samuel Price, against the said defendants, on the said 12th day of October, 1860, for the said sum of $554.83, and interest, and on the said 12th day of January, 1861, for the said sum of $554.83 J, and inter est. And the said Richard - A. Cramer is hereby notified that an order of attachment has been issued in this case, and returned, and that he is required to appear and answer said petition on or before the third Saturday afterthe 12th day of October, A. D., 1860. SAMUEL PRICE, By Simpsoh t Lasley, his-Att'ysl Sept. 3. I860. 35-6t TO A. IRediral. MOTHERS. Thousands are d:ii!y speukins: in the praise of DR. EATON'S wliat we say is true. It contains No Paregoric or Opiate ui Any kina, anil inereiore relieves by rexovino the scrrERiNos of your child, instead of bv m.ohn- i , iN iTssKissiBii.iTiKs. For tills reason, it commends j .iocii hi, wc unu kkli a ble preparation now Known i for Children Teelhintr, Uiarrhoia, Uvsenten-, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind. Cold in the Head, and Croup: also for softening the p-ihtw reducing inflammation, regulating; the Bowels, and ' TNPAArTTT'P PflRTlT AT mENDERS his professional serTiccs to all in i h U " 1 A Ll NL Southern Ohio and Northern Virginia, who r.r'Thil," K'tTm?. Ta" S7fbV ! are afflictcrt with cnnc?r. in ot" i,s fs macic, and one trial aloke will eoiiviiu-H vou timt i Cancerous and other malignant tumors re- relieving pain, it has no eqnnl being an anti-spas- have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and pcr modic it is used with unfailing success in all cnsvsof I manent enre cf Cancer in any of lis forms may be Convulsion or other Fits. As yon value the life and i had, if application be made tn yrnf before the tumor ncaun oi your cnuaren, and wish to save them from "" "nfsiimiK consequences which are cer tain to rusnlt from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints are com. posed, take none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor niAL. this you can rely upon. It is nerfectlv linrm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bettle. Prepared only 1y CUUKCII DITI'OST, No. 409 Broadway, New York. 1.. ...t I K 1 1 I.. : . . . BLOOD FOOD. Healthy human Blood upon lieing : ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements, and gives, of course, tliu True Standard. Aiiiilvze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, jjivcr uiiipiaiiit, Lispepsia.croiuia, ezc, and we And in every instance certain deficiencies in the rod globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and you ape made well. The Blood Food is founded npon tins incory nence us astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or Lungs Inducing tviisuii'rtiuii, o i. i, wnicn is aiso ine fto. tor Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared for absorption it is Taken by Drops and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain yon retain. The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses, &c. Bee spe cial directions for this. For Salt Kheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, nnd Bladder Complaints, lake No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food, $1 per bottle. Sold by CHUKCH & DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New Ynrk. By And by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. . . , . 3-4-y. S A N T 0 ED'S UVEn IflVIGOHATOa, NEVER DEBILITATES. IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known anu ap have used it. and is now fldence in all the diseases mended. It has cured thousands years who had given up the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose mast be ndapt ment of the individual such quantities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use cf the Liver will cure liver (Jom Rtomach, Chronic Diar tacks, Dyspepsia. Snn entery, Habitual Costive Cholera Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- All who use it are giv in its favor. nroved hv nil that resorted to with con" for which it is recom- within tbo last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed to the temnera- taking it, and used in gently on the Bowels. jHdgineut guide you Invigorator, and it plaints, Dropsy, Sour' rhoea, Billious Ai mer Complainls,Dys ness, Cholic, Cholera, Infantum, Jaundice, Flatulence, and may Ordi ary Family Sick Headache, (as - twenty minutes, if ! fuls are taken at the i tack. j iug their testimony Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ' ALSO SANFORD'S FAMILY CATH ABTtC ?tllZ CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put vp in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a. gentle but active Cathartic which the pro practice more than The constantly increas who have long used the tion which all express in induced me to place all. The profession well tharics act ou different The Family Cathartic ence to this well estab ponnded from a variety Extwcts,w!)ich act alike imentarV canal, and are ease i where a C.ftnar Derangements of t!)e. Back and Lioiis, Sleep! and .Soreness over the den cold, which, frc-i end in a long course of a Creeping Sensation Restlessness, Headache, Inflammatory Diseases, Adults, Kheui. utism, a Blood and many diseases prietor has used in his twenty years, ing demand from those Pills and the satisfuc regard to their use, has them within the reach ef know that different Ca portions of the bowels. Pill has, with due refer lished fact, been coni of the wtirest Vegetable on every part of the al goed and safe in all tic is needed, such-as Slamaca, Pains in the ness, Costivenoss. Pain T'hole body, from sud- quently, if neglected, Fever,Lossof Appetite, of Cold over the Body, or weight in the head,all Worms iu Children or great Purifier of the to which flesh is heir, tion in this advertise too numerous to men- ment. Dose, 1 to 3. PBICE, TEEEE DIMES. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartie Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by the trade in all the large towns. S. T. . SANFOKD, M . 11., Manufacturer and Proprietor, . 3-4-y. 335 Broadway, New York. MANHOOD, now lost, now restored. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radi cal cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. By ROB. J. CULVKRWELL, M. D.,' The important fat that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines'or the dangerous applications of cau stics, Instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and hignly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This Lecture will prove a boon -to thousands and thouands: Sent under seal to a-ny address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage slaups, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586. Tmay 1, '60 17-ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En - dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (aga, occupation, habits of life, &c.) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med icines furnished free'of charge.' Valuable Reports on -Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the. Sexual Orarajis, and on. the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr.. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, Ho. 9 South Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEART WELL, GE09FAIRCHILD, Secretary. President. PLANING MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill, has a large assortment of Lumber, either rough or planed, on hand, which will be sold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As he is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of the material. . All orders addressed to JOHS S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. C, Tomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, will be promptly attended to. may 22, I860. 3-20-y FARMERS ATTENTION! wanted, , 10,000 Bushels Corn & Oats. THE subscriber will pay the highest CASH market price for Corn and Oats, if delivered soon, at his FEED STORE, "Remington's Hall," Pomeroy, O. " Hay also wanted. Persons desiring Feed can procure the same of J. C. ROUSCHER, "Remington's Hall." Aug. 14, '60. 32-tf , : - NOTICE. THOMAS Winn, plaintiff, vs. Hannah Winn, defendant Divorce Court of Common Pleas, Meigs County. The said Hannah Winn, of Morgan County, in the State of Ohio, de fendant, will take notice, that on the 18th day of September, the said Thomas Winn, plaintiff, filed his petition against her, in the Court of Common Pleas for Meigs County, ask ing said Court to be divorced from said defend ant. The said Hannah Winn is hereby noti fied to appear at said Court, to be holden at the Court-house in Pomeroy, on zd day ot iNovem- ber, A. D. 1800, and answer or demur to said bill or said decree will betaken against her v p..i.. ...;ral- tl,rn wilf.,1 , uy uciauu, vu o.fev.. J"V"' absence. SIMPSON & LASLEY, Sept, 21, '60. 37-6t Attorney for plaintiff CANCERS CURED. DR. G. CO LEr! moved Without the Use Of the Knife. "'"""S e i(Ulnced, are testimonials from physicians of extensive ana lon-comiuueu practice: Albany, Athens Co O., Jit 12, 1800, : Iik. G. Coler Hear Sir: Havinir seen neernl ol- stinate cases of Cancer cored by your treatment, I anecls tne vital organs. JUHi EAKHJ.1f(,B. Harrisonviixe, Meirs Co., Jan. 5, 18G0. I take pleasure In certifying that Dr. G. Coler's mode of treating Cancers is completely successful, as many diffic lt cases resulting in quick and pernra-m-nt cures, through his treatment, have come amUf inv notice, as a practising physician during the last 12 years. . ' JOSEPH MOOKE, M. D. Office and residence, opposite Ilugg & Coe's Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24, 1800.--3-4-y - National Dispensary for Private Diseases, Established January 1st, 1859. $500, $500 FORFEIT! Three Eminent Physicians in constant attendance. The farultv of the institution, consisting of PROF. EGBEKT JACKSON, ' Member of the Roval College of ilnrgeons, London. DR. ROBERT HERBERT, . Lale of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and fll. El'txbniE VELfKAU. , Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penaltr of S500. a comnlete cure of ever) Sexual Disease, howevet aggravated oy neglect, anu witnout mercury. - - "We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because wel will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. The PuYsiriiXs of the National Dispensary rave discovered the ONLY REMEDY in the WORLUfroin all the effects or early tMPRr-DENcr. Relief in twenty-four hours. A cure warianted In .from one to three weeks, i Married persons, or yonng people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or orgauio debility, should make application at once. They who place themselves under our care, may rely religiously in our honor as gentlemen that their secret will be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CUKE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of tho Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from-Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage lmpossioie, ana Destroy uoin uoay and Mind. - , The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, A Book of near 300 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for 'hose who are married or thinking of mairiage, will be sent on receipt of S3 cents. This book contains the most valuable Information in the language. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in the hands of very young persons, as it contains in formation mat might ie perverteu to UHWortny enas. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secretsof Marriage. Lovo and Beauty, never Deiore Satisfactorily,... revealed In any book in the English language. Price 5(1 cents-rone of the cheapest books iu the world, Send for a Circular folly describing it. - Very liberal terms to those who buy in large or small qunnimea luaeu nguiii, luauc miunn un afpu ciition. The low price at which the book is retailed (50 cents) renders it one of the quickest soiling books in the market. Snecial inducements to clubs. Every letter must contain six cents in stamps, for which will be sent a full, written Kenlv: also. The Dispensary CiRcrtAR,a truly valuable advisory doc. nment for old or vonnir. married or unmarried, and especially for all who have inado themselves old young men Dy a certain sccrei practice, n cuuwun more valuable information than many books. M. Vki.heap's Beautifying; Powder. It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, ani eneciuany prevents tne lunuuuun yi niiKieK, blotches, freokles, pimples, we us, etc., etc. Price 91 per box, sent by mail. ' Dr. Jackson's Female Monthly Pills, invaluable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price $1, forwarded by mail. Dr. Jacksor's Perpetual Preventive, is the only article in the world that without inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept nt the hazard of life have had reason to- be thankful for this Invention. It resembles no other preventive in use and is superior to all. Forwarded to anv address. Address Drs. JACKSON, HEBERT & Co.. or simply P. O. Box 43C, Cincinnati, Ohio. Office 167 Sycamore street. Medicines and instructions sent promptly to any part of the country. 8-3H 6m. , . '.. 7 The only Safe . Preparation That does not Dye, but will .restore GRAY HAIR : To its original color, by Nature's own process, is Prof. O. J. Wood's Celebrated HAIR RESTORATIVE- In proof of the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all parts of tho country. Hon. Solomoic Mann, Ann Arbor, Mich., says Ills wife, whose hair had become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over, the bead. Others or my family and friends are using your Restorative with the hap piest effects. - -.: ' r::. Han. JoDoc Brcese, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed its original color, and I nave no doubt permanently so.. . -i '! . . - Hon. H. L. Stkwart, says my hair was very gray, but after using two bottles, It restored it to its origi nal color. . - V t'll - ; Rev. J. K Braoo, Brookfleld,Mass., says it has re moved from my bead inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and 'restored my hair, which was gray, to its original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, 111., says ray hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white, but, by the appli cation of tiie Restorative as has resumed its original color. . Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after using a great manv other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottle of your Hair Restorative, which has cured a humor in mv head of two years' standing. Bbnjamim Losoridos,-254 Seventh Avenne, New. York, says, having losl my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when it began t grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray,' Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I was induced to try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has bad the desired effect. : H. L. Williams, M. D., Peckensville, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and And it all it is rec ommended to be. I have tried it for Tetter and find it a certain cure. W. M. Woodw abd, M. D., Frankfort, Ky., says, he recommends it in his practice as the best prepara tion for the hair now in use. Edward Walcott says, three months ago my hair was very gray;- i', is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Restorative. ; - ' ' -'-' - Wilsok Kmo says, one month's proper application will restore any personal hair to its original color and texture.. i . - ' J. D. Hoks says, a few applications fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow but and turn black, its orig inal color. ,i ..- -, :. - ; "; -Betsev Smith, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but-now it is restored to Its youthful color, soft and glossy. . Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Paul, says that his hair, is strong, thick, and black, although a short time since he was both bald and gray. The people here saw Its effects and have confidence In it. . Morris Goslino, M. D., St., Louis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no effect, he used two bottles, which covered his head ,witb a new and vigorous growth of hair, and incites all to come and see it. . '- ' ,'-' i Sarah J. Brown savs her hair was cot only gray, but so thin she feared its entire loss but after using two bottles it has reetored both the color and growth. Prepared by O.J. WOOD & CO., 114 Market street. Saint TLouis, and S12 Broadway, New York, and sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United States and Canada. - Aug. 7, 1860. 31-3iu ' Sheriff's Sale.;- Nial R. Sye vs. F. W. Stevens. , ; BY virtue of tfn order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock a. sr.; On the 10th day of October, 1860, ' -the following described lands and tenements, to wit: the northerly half of lot No. 181 in the town of Pomeroy, and County of. Meigs, the same to be of equal width at the front and rear ends. To be sold as the property of F. W. Ste vens, at the suit of Nial R. Nye. Appraised at S416. Terms of sale, cash, . . r - J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. -r Sept. 1, 18G0. 35-5t 1.50 CHINA; GIj AND . ASS GTJEE3SFS WARE. TUfE invito the attention of buyers, to our large and u Hnrtcd stock of Ware now on band, to which we will receive additions during the spring, w. h....nhitini'tiii Ravine that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than they are sold in any other VVestern market. ! oruere carem """''rK. solicit an examination oi oursioc. j PURSELL & GrORDON, Front street, Portsmouth, O. ! 13-Iy. 1 Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. pharmacyA DR. t O BACK' S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES ROBACK. the celebrated Swedish Physician, introduced his Blood Piiriner;anl Blood Pills in Ihe United Slates, he set forth iu plaii. languafe Ifieic cup -live properties. This was year ago'. The task of rti'roWruvmding them has aince been tiiken out of his' hands. Enlightened men whose character for sound judgment and philosophy gives their opinions weigh ifl ine community. m'n who observe, reflect, and rVntkr "assurance doubly sure" before they' decide arft everywhere ap provingand urging the useof these wonderful Prep- . arntions. Ail who confide in the wifom and lion esly of this class, oV Who" choose to Investigate for then-selves are now of oiie nniid on this important , subjeet. - : - Br. Koback Invites the attentinu of the sick to th. Original Letters,' from members of the Medical Profession, Editors o ! publicjouriials. well known Merchimtsand Farmers and Ladies of fhe highest respectability, giving ac counts of e'jttaiyfdinary cures wrought by the re me lies, oi wnicn cures tuy themselves were Eye ' Witnesses. '' - ' These pnrtie- wtay be consulted personally or b letter, by those wno have any doubt upon the sub ' ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Robaclc : which is it all times accessible to the public, t-stab' lishes th? follow reg f'AVTS: ' 1 J f That the"Bloo.I Ptfrtfler" and "Mood PHls'i'havV been proved by analyst to . , visntain no juvnerai; :- That they euro the almost universal eomple atf I . jjyspepsuty . . , . , with unerring certainty, and in a Very short Mirre" ' That after all other medicines have proved u&efessV t they relieve . Jjtvtr Ubmplamt, -n i. t , : and restore the health and strength of the s . ; Tha ' Sick Females, who have languished for years in helpless weakness and despondency, recuperate wfth great rapidity under their invigoratine operation. That all sexital disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently . stimulating piopertiiis. - That -they recruit- ' - i'ii ::. shattered Constitutions. .,.!. - however they may have beentrifled with and abuseo. that their direct tendency is to lengthen life," an mnilnr it .ulnvn I.I u '1' I. I nnAM.t .1 ; 1 . 2r-nn - tL 3 poisonous'disease in the blood, they , ; . : : , Uavse Soon to Ileal, . and discharge from tho system, every taint Of Scro ' '' uia, wueioer nerecuaryor oinerwise. rnal tney Recruit tlie Debilitated? l'1 i -t and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous system, the skin, glands oi muscles, arising from impurities or the-sumo ihe ' secretions, in which they do not give prompt relief T and, (if administered before the very citadel of life-' has been invaded,) effect a painless and perfect cure. Bear in mind that the "Scandinavian Vegetable: Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience of. thou sands of living witnesses, who, tn letters, affidavit, 1 medical work, and by -word of mouth, proclaim them to be the very best preparation of the kind ever' offered to the broken-down victims of ill-health. . They bunt disease through every avenue and organ ' of the system, and to expel it thoroughly and perinsv , nently. - . : ' ' No one can doubt their superiority after one single trial they are not only better, but, in- fact, cheaper ' than any other Pills, for it takes less number of them to produce a better effect. Price of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Puri fier, $1 per bottle; or 95 per half dozen. Of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, SS cents per box, or 5 boxes for 91. .-: . . In difficult or complicated Cases, Dr.' Reback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one . stamp for the reply. From Rev. Mr. McMullen, Pastor of RoHerts Chapel. .. i . ; Indianapolis, October B, lt-5-. Dr. C. W. Roback Dear Sir: I havo used your " Blood Purifier for a nervous affeetiou, from which I ; have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste, it eertainly has a nappy effect upon th nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re gards, and believe me Yours. i;,;,f J. W. T. McMULLEN. Principal Office and Sales Rooms. No. 5 East Fourth street, 3d Building from Main street, Cincin nati, O. Laboratory in Hammond street. ; ' For sale in Meigs Co., by D. Reed, Pomeroy," HruQ & Coe, Middleport; E. S. Branch, Rutland; L M. oopee, Pageville; J. R. Ellis, Racine; Robt erts & Tidd, Long Bottom; , I. ,11.; Hayman, Apple Grove; Weldex & Bestow, Chesterf A. E. Reed, Orange P: O.; ' W. M. Swallow, Letart ' Falls: Wm. Dickey!,- Harnsonville; t M. ,-;. Smith, Syracuse; and , by Druggists and; Merchants .generally, throughout the num. . . 3:T-y. U II fll A It T I N 1 'S CATAMENIiLl CORRECTOR!!. HAS HAD A T E N" T E A H 8 " T B I A L , 1 WHICH SHO'ILD BK SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE EVERY , ' Suffering Woman : . -r . , of the. Great Value of the., ., . , CATiVMENlA'U . CORUECTQR JJ , And that it is-wlthout exception ' neg-TIIE BEST MEDICINE- ' ' BEFORE THE PUBLIC ' - : : : ' ! FOR ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM IRREGU LAR1TIES.CHRON1C OR NERVOUS ' DEBILITY. PALPITATION OP THE HEART. VERTIGO OR DIZZINESS, 1 i,-Sl ,' - PAINS IN THE KIDNEYS, .. r PAINS IN THE S.M LL OF THE BACK, 11 " . PAINS UNDER THE KHOULPERS, v. , LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, ' V " LANGUOR AND NERVOUSNESS GENERALLY, DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION SUSPENDED MENSTRUATION. OR CESSATION OF THE MENSES, J And an almost endless variety of other diseases al- tendanton irregularities superinduced by colds, by over exertion, by a weak constitution, severe men.' tal or physical labor. The simple remedy for all is to gel at the primary cause of the disease;- remove it, and you assist nature to regulate. This can be done by the great ' ' CATAMENmt :C0nRE0T0Rt Which has never failed to effect a cure when prop erly used, according to the directions, and a, fair' trial given it. .... It is prepared from the recipe, ana under the per- -sonal supervision of a most Skilful Physician, who" for a nuurber of years confined its use to his private practice. For the few years that it has been before - the puone it has gained lor itseir a position-. mat win. soon, by its rapid increase of- popularity, place it at the head of all remedies heretofore' offered" fnr -Women's -diseases.- The more esDeciallv those 'above enumerated, which too often end in ; .. . ,r ... r C1HSCWFTION, . : .;f For sale by most respectable Druggists through out the Union and Canadas. -if;-. ;. j. : Prloo, $1.00 por 33otter' LARGE SIZE, $1.50. PER BOTTLE. N.' B. When H happens that' your -Druggist -Ess not the article, the money can be remitted direct to. us, and if two or more bottles are ordered at one time, the- medicine will be sent free of charge .for transportation. . - -. . .' Particular directions as to use, dee,, accompanying each bottle.' ' ' ' " Druggists can be supplied direct frora our Labors r tory, or by sending their orders to'1' " ' BArtNES & PARK, New York. P. C WELLS 4c Co., New York. S. B. HA NCE,' Baltimore, Md DYOTl 'S, Philadelphia,- -Pa. J. WRIGHT & Co., . New Orleans, La. - JOHN PAKK, Cincinnati, O. H. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. .' ; Or to any respectable Wholesale Druggists In New York Or Philadelphia-: Circular, with Trade Prices, . &c, for the Corrector, and our' other medicines, sent free to Wholesale Buyers-i-i-1: V:l ii-Jiin-.t No Medicine placed oa Commission. - - J D. I. DB NYSE, ! , General Agent for the United States and Canadas,. 0 a on St., New York.. July 10, tW. S7-ly- . ..- . ...,.,-.' Marietta & Cin.' and ;HilIsbcti ! &'Cin. Ki It " ;! -"iQSrS h'-' ON and after Thursday, April 28, 10, trains will leave Athens un follows:-! . t. . Goino East Express Mail at ' ."-"'-' rasT'.i; Cons West Mail at'.- - I- ,- - ,10:3 .n. L 'Express mail east makes close connections at Parkersburg with the' trains of the- Baltimore-arid-Ohio Railroad anJ at Ciaeinnati with trains for all points West. ' - JTJ5 Passengers leaving Parkersburg at 8:10 a.' x. arrive at Columbus 9:13 r. m. . . . jTjTickess at reduced rates are sold- at Chilll eothe and Athens, for Columbus. ' '.. , ITrTh rough tickets to all points East' and West can be obtained stall the principal Ticket Offices on the line of the Road. : n , h - . A discount of ten cents on each ticket from rego- -ar tariff rates will be made on all tickets' purchased at the ticket offices. : ORLASDSMITH, Stipt. J. Fuooitt. Gent Ticket Ag'U , Chil. may. 1,59. APPRENTICES.. THOSE wishing to take. boys op girls at any ago from infancy to 14 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known their wishes to Mr, Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary, nea Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors.. Feb. 7, '60. tf, u. . - M. BOSWORTH. , A. SEEBOHH, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY;, DEALEE IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, , .; Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumery,., and Fancy Articles, - Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. Prescriptions carefully put up. Jan. 9. 5-2. AttKcbmeut. TN attachment before P. Hogg, a Justice L the Peace of Salisbury tawnsMpy JHeigs- County, Ohio Alfred warnr vs. -Enoch A ; "'n8. unine ie . said Justice issued Collins. On the 18th day of September, 1860, an order of attachment in - ine aDOVe HCiion i for the sum of ninety-threo dollars and nine cents. ' Sept. 25, I860. 38-3t A. GARDNER. -