Newspaper Page Text
POME ROY TELEGRAPH. FRIDAY, I lilt I October 186, BL.Mr. Stephen Church of this Town ship presented us with a basket of beau tiful Belleflower Apples... We have seen nothing in market yet that will compare with them. . Accept our -thanks. l&.Th6 prisoners of whora we spoke last week, broke jail on Sundaj evening last, and made good their escape. There were; four of theui, and a reward of $50 each id offered by the Sheriff for their recovery. ' ; " 1 We are greatly indebted to the gentlemanly operators in the Telegraph offices at Athen i and Pomeroy, for the dispatches which we are able to give to our . readers to:day. Long may they waive.' ' K ' "' Turn Out Td'the demonstration to-night. The Wide-Awakes, and everybody else, will be there. Let there be such an out pouring of the people as Pomeroy has never seen. Come prepared to enjoy the rictory. Leave all jealousies-all bitter feelings all partisan hatreds behind. With joy and gladness-witu good will to H menwHh faith in the tri umph of truth and right -with trust in the virtue, intelligence and progress of the people, come to the- jubilee to night! Let the ladies come and add by their presence and smiles to the joy of the occasion! Come one, come all! and let the free air be freighted with the generous huzzas! of thousands of free voices! Come to the jubilee! r - The Election in Ohio. i We Have not been able to get anything like complete returns from, the State at large. --- But enough-has been received to warrant us in saying that- the Republi cans have triumphed by at least twenty ikotuaud majority! .-'This is an increase of some eight thousand over the majority for Governor last year. We will be able to give the full returns of the State in bur next. Both wings of the Democracy Were united on1 thW State, ticket,' and the Bell party on a portion of it. ", But at the Presidential election, if each party runs an Electoral Ticket as they say they -willLincoln's majority over the high-; est of the other candidates will not be less;;, than teventy-fve thousand! Mark he 'prediction! Evermore,, Ohio will give her Voice, and her arms if need be, for freedom,' the Constitution and the union, :. . w:' .' OFFICIO VOTE OF MEIGS COUNTY. ''"We are able to give the official vote of this county, to which we refer our read '; -era with -the most unfeigned pleasure. Nlsver has there been so complete a rev olution in political parties as has -occurred in this county: Mr. Horton. es pecially, has received such an endorse ment by his immediate neighbors as no other ni in in the State has received. This is a compliment as honorable to the people as it must , be 'grateful - to Mr. iorton. A majority of thirteen hundred j and eleven, is the response which an in- j -telligent -community has given to the avalanche of falsehoods with, which it was intended to overwhelm him. Never, in the history of political warfare, was a campaign conducted with such an utter disregard for truth and the common de cencies of social life, as this; and the re sult, we trust, will teach them a lesson j that will not soon be forgotten!, The whole Republican" county ticket is elected,- of course.; ' The official ab stract, to which we . refer our readers will show the majority received by each. There will be a general torch-light procession, and 'speeches this (Friday) evening," at Pomeroy, to which . every -. body, is invited. Let the people rejoice. Bat in their joy, let it be remembered -that for the glorious result, we are in debted to' hundreds of earnest, honest men who have always heretofore, and .many of whom wilt hereafter, act 'with it-he BO-called Democratic party. Many of them have acted with us simply to rebuke the shameless ' profligacy and dishonest efforts of their leaders to de ceive the people and obtain their votes on false pretenses. There are hundreds! more of honest men in the party who 4re ashamed and disgusted at the course of their leaders, but who are not yet prepared to leave their old party name .and associations. Let the Republicans mse their triumph with generous forbear .once let them rely upon the force of truth and the justice and beneficience of Vtheir policy let them address, as hereto fore,the intelligence and moral sentiments - .of.tbe people letTfheni avoid all appeal to. passion and prejudice, and these hun dreds will be with as next year. It is an insult to a reading community to sup pose that they can be imposed upon, and led blindly to their own degradation, by -the insane ravings of unprincipled dem agogues, shouting "Nigger!" "Aboli tionism!" "Black Republicans!" "Woolly neads!" &c. Thu style of flaag-wbanging has become etale, and men who have any self respect left, feel it in insult to their manhood to be ap proached any longer in this style. We think the vote of Tuesday will inaugu rate a new system of Conducting a can vass. And for the honor of human na ture, we hope our Democratic stumpers , will be convinced, that our people ap preciate them at their true worth. a-"Nigger, I wants to ax you one of dem thunderums." "Well, Sam, per ceed." "Why am a nigger, after eating salt fish, like a celebrated poet?" "Do 'no, less be-kase. be-kase" "Well, kase what?" "Why, kase he's Dry-den!" DIED, October 3, at Great JJcnd, Meigs County, 0., Miss Saeah E. Bicknell; aged 21 years and 10 days. - She rejoiced to testify of the triumph of grace in a dying hour. We have laid her in the grave, with the precious hope of a glorious insurrection, . - . ' .!... Official Abstract of Votes Polled in the several Townships and Precincts of Meigs County, for County, Dis- trict, and State Officers, on the 9th day of October, 1S60..- b 2. o c g sr. o. r a O n 5s r- 2 a. c a" a- o i o 5 a i t ' S ft. 2 P 5 .2 H i w to ta co -Co i- k - M i tO KO(BUI)0CO00 OMHtf-JOOHClO00W I-4 tO I-1 I- M - - l-l f WHfflOMHi(l.tDMMO-T COU'U'OOOlt.-JCCl-'OfflO cc ts rfk. to co i-co m hi MMtOMHCOWOOOHOifkOO (OlfCQHOOClH'OlOOOM 'M M M H M M M M I t y-t ' QOQ04-0000030J(.OOCOO OS -1 00 l9 to oo to -1 o CO oo CO tO l- tO CO l- CO HbSM MHtOMMHMI-l -MHM 00Q0iKpi(.0)09iC3OOO o cc ICO tO-CT to CO Mi(k - HM 4 t-k t-'-CO M OO 0 J O M r -v ' .- - . - "' I'lO 1 tO l- l-1 I-4 M-i : - ,:.j4t t O O O' O O O l-i Oi J i-i o '- CO - o to CO CC - 00 CT Ci O to to J 00 - to co to tOttttOCO t-CO HWH l-'OMOOOll'OOOStOU.OO i- to i- - t-t-' iii-i-'t-i OOO O M 4a OS I 0- : ' .U H :V r . i y. : ' to ''- to . to . to AO' o to o ex to 1 4- to to oos"-icc;aco-iicj tO '' CO l-1 tO K- H- tO l-i t-t WWWOOMWCSCJMOiMCO vi oo ao-io oco oo -t o c-i COtOtOCO h-"CO . M ts M ciKoaaoaiHiF'UooHH cs LO to J 00 CO MHt HMMMM t- I ' I ' coto-toco H-CO f mm' (- eo 35-00 00 CO CO CO C5 oo to. to- oo .!SOOOOl-'.0-)HOC) ;C30OUIC0!00:MUCDO000 COlOC7tOCO CO M H M M . l.HLwIVOUUIMQ9l -0 UlOCSHWttWMMOCntS ' tO l ' p ' 1 ' i '' eo'Cnoo(-ooO'C!-'t-- 00(vlCDQOWOWOMO t0tOlf-tOlO MM MUM --'O5lO-Il.f-t004- vioc3McWii.M4oeM MMOJMMMWM ' ' ' l h-'coi-'m'-coooi-'o; toMOovaioaoouctsoa) COtOtftOtO MCO MtiM MHO(JC000rf.ClC5t04OO ooiF'OU'UMQoaiOHOMw MMtOMMhlMM I ' I ' I ' M (OMH ta ii Cji m nn rr, i-r J. m t . si COt04tOCO MU ' MUM tOHtOMOOOit.CBU'Ohl.OO .oNMeiiowuooQosii. MM tO MMMMM MMM ooi.oi-a..atooocDoo3 IMPORTANT FROM OREGON BOLT OF - THE BRECKINRIDGE SENA TORS. .... The political aews from Oregon is important, lhe Legislature, or that State met the 10th of September at Sa lem. The House was organized . by electing Benjamin Hording, Douglas Democrat, who at the two last elections voted far Logan, Kepublican, for Con gress, as Speaker. T- McPatten, Re publican, was elected Chief Clerk; , Al len, Douglas Democrat, Assistant Clerk: aud Severage, . Republican, SergeantTat- Anus. : .. r' . ; '. . The organization of the Assembly was regarded by the Breckinridge men as an indication that a Douglas and Republican coalition was already formed to elect Col. Baker, Republican, and S. W. Nesmith, Douglas Democrat, United States Senators. The Constitution of Oregon requires two-thirds of all the members elcted to each House to form a quorum to do busines. Upon receiving news of the organization of the House, six of the Breckinridge members of the Senate bolted, absconding from Salem early on the morning of the 11th, leaving that body without a quorum, and the Senate continue 1 in that condition -up to thej latest account. Both Houses adjourned until Mon day, Sept. 17th. . : ; As the stage passed through Corval lis ; on' the 14 tb, the Sergeant-at-Arms was there with a posse of citizens searching for the absconding Senators, who on the arrival of the : officer had ! taken to the . bush to avoid arrest. ' They had all been stopping at Corvallis j ever Bince leaving the Senate. One of; them was arrested, but subsequently! made his escape. ' . j A resolution . had passed the Senate empowering the Sergeant-at-Arms to compel the attendance of absent mem bers' to call to his aid whatever force is necessary. The President of the Senate is Hon. L. S. Elkins, and the Secretary is Mr. ! Jfope. Both are Douglas men. The Sergeant-at-Arms. to whom has been entrusted the delicate task of bringing back the absconding members' is of the same political faith. FOREIGN NEWS. r The following are from the Paris cor respondent of the N. Y. Herald: WHAT WILL THE POPE DO? THE CHURCH ' IN. FRANCE. I am assured that.the Pope will leave Rome and that he will take Tefuge in Spain. : Already it is mooted here that a French Cardinal take precedence . of the French clergy as its religious head, and that for the future he shall govern them irrespectively of the present Pope. Of course as yet these are but rumors. You may expect to hear of 'Garibaldi being in Borne now very soon, as of course the French troops will leave that city the moment the Pope has done bo. GARIBALDI AND VENETIA. From Home Garibaldi will most likely go to Hungary. Please bear the pre diction in mind. Victor Emanuel will prevent -his going to Yenetia, should he remain in the same mind as at present; and Garibaldi, to carry out his plan of forcing Austria from Venetia, will carry his force into Hungary. The alterna tive is that Victor Emanuel should him self attack Venetia, which he may do when he finds that Garibaldi is deter mined upon attacking Hungary. Altogether, the politicalhorizou is dark and gloomy, and we may look for a fear ful tempest soon. France will keep clear of the turmoil, that you may de pend upon. The Emperor is determined to give no shadow of an excuse for a coalition against his Government. Next. Monday evening their Majesties will ar rive at St. Cloud, having then termina ted their voyage, which has been, from beginning to end, such an ovation as was never before witnessed. Respecting the relations of England and France, I fancy it is a pretty gene ral opinion that they do not exhibit any very sensible improvement. The Eng lish view with extreme jealousy the :tpup3Xj puv sduuaioj - jjoqjgijuug qoois .s. . ... 55 - uSnBqmejg "AY 'd '-T ' ' te i t. ; ' - uoiojj g; ourjuaiu '.::: ".. - . " - ni?JBK .a -0 . " . H mA. ; . ' ' ; 1 . . ;. ' :. -wis i n ' u i - - - Suiuaoq; ' ' i -. - - .- sJOApg uoaoy - . - - & - - JJBUIg -Q -g ? "oiq a 030 $ uo)2uiiuo -jj ? .- n - aaiBJ g -g; - - - ,- , j95ojBi9 'a a j;.: iia ;ii-f j - q?irag -jj; -jj ... - UBraJOB Q 'JJ - mqaj nBpsBqag - - jnqsutrjg - - - oBjg -tu 3 countenance with, which the French, by their presence, afford the Maronites in Syria, -an J -do not scruple to say that they , are laying the foundation of feel ings on the part of the Druses which will ultimately find vent in deeds of bitter vengeance. Fuad Pacha of himself, ac cording to them, was from , the first all sufficient for the occasion, and an egreg ious blunder has been committed in taking in the French at all. (A good many others, not English, thought so at the time.) On the other hand, the letters received from China on the part of the French are full of envy, bitter ness and all uncharitableness. The su perior preparations of the English in that distant region, aud the invidious caution exercised by them that the mis takes of the Crimea shall not be repeate I at Shangbse,. are engendering a fund of ill will! the outpouring of which we shall witness iu due season. The English, it is said, are incapable of risingabove the commercial level of the enterprise, whila the French, full of the noble ardor of civilization, think of nothing but the- glory to be derived tliereiroin. And from Naples not a post arrives, but to exhibit an agony of fear lest perfidious Albion should rob imperial France of all the practical fruits of the "idea" which carried it to Italy. ; v KOSSUTH AND THE HUNGARIANS. Kossuth is in Naples. It is said that Garibaldi has made formal promise to the distinguished Hungarian that he would aid his countrymen to regain their independence. In view of the danger of an insurrection in Hungar', Austria has announced to Pius IX, that she cannot entervene in his favor. This has caused the Cardinals that form Pius IX. 's Cabinet to think of disbanding the Papal troops and trusting to France for the safety of his Holiness; but Lamoriciere will not listen to aught as long as he has not fairly encountered Garibaldi. He promises the Cardinals victory, and thus to prevent their follow ing out their wise conclusion. BANCROFT VS. DOUGLAS. We take the following extract from Bancroft's second volume on the war of American Independence. He is descant ing on fundamental principles of free dom in Virginia: Other colonies had framed bills ot rights in reference to their relations with Britain; Virginia moved from char ters and customs to primal principles; from a narrow altercation with lawyers about facts to the contemplation of im mutable truth. She summond the eter nal laws of man's being to protest against all tyrar.iy. The English petition of right in 1688 was historic and retrospec tive; the Virginia declaration came di rectly out of the heart of nature, and announced governing principles for the people in all future timer. It was the voice of reason going forth to create new institutions, to speak a new political world into being. Virginia presented herself at the bar of the world, and gave the name and fame of her sons as hos tages, that her public life should show a likeness to the highest idea of right and equal freedom among men. Mr. Douglas contradicts Bancroft and all that is truly noble in the principles of the fathers of American Independ- ence, as follows: No man can vindicate the character, the motives and the conduct of the Declaration of Independence except upon the hypothesis that they referred to the white race alone, and not to the African, when, declared all men to have been created free and equal that they were speaking of British subjects on this continent being equal to British that they were entitled to the same in alienable rights, and among them were enumerated life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of In dependence was adopted merely for the purpose of justifying the colonists in the eyes of the civilized world in with drawing their allegiance from the British crown, and dissolving their connection with the mother country. POMEHOT RETAIL MARKETS. . THLJtSDlY, Oct. 11, 160. Flour Wheat Oats Potatoes Green Apples Butter. Cheese Eggs Molasses ..-A .....-3.75C.25 1"..'......'. 9()c,$1.10 25c. hu ...25c. P " .. 25fai50c. ffl bu. ..r. i5c. ib. ...J... ..612c. ji lb. ...7fo',8c."P doz, r... .5c.P gal. Sirup Sugar (N .....607o gal ;-... i lllc. lb 1718c. " 7c. " ..:...8ioc. ......... .......:.;-......i5e. W " .......;...6Jc. " ...810c. 13 "' ...7c. & " ........12c. & " 12c. ". ...12c. "ft1" 15c. " ret. 8c wholesale oic. '. O.). Coffee Rice... Soap Candles (tallow). Fish.(Cod). ...... . Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White)..... Pickled Pork..... Sl.onllers. Pii:ea (smoked)... Hums.....;.... Crackers. Hoop Poles..,..'.., 6.00--. 1,000 Salt retai 1 25c: wholesale c. bush TUIi GltUAT UEliDY. THE CELKBRATED C EWES SEE LIBIMEBT, TXrELL known and accented us the most efficacious aud certain remedy erer discovered, for all comiiluiiils, where an external application is neces sary. Endorsed and prescribed by distinguished phsicians. Equally good for man or beast. . . FOR HHEUMATlSit ' Udl GkSE33Klt LiCIHSNt! t o K liUKSS . - - - ' ' Use GEKK9EK llUIMtNT fok sore throat- Use Genessee LlMHENrl IfUK JJKU1S1SS , , , j Use Genessee Linimem r FOR SPINAL AFFECTIONS Use Genessee LinimkntI FOR CRAMPS, ANI ALL ACHES ANP SORES . .Use Genessee Liniinentl A fresh supply just received, and for sale by D. .RfiED. Pomeroy, WELDON & BESTOW, Chester, BRANCH & PAINE, Ruliand, 1). JOHNSON, Tapper's Plains, and Storekeepers throughout the country. .N.U.WALKER, . Proprietor, Pittsburg, Pa., To whom all orders must be addressed. 1 Kept. 81, lBtiO. 37-3m ... SEPT. 1SG0. SEPT. 1860 "i AT WHOLESALE ONLY: J. TO WELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN - ' PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. I, HAVE j:it rftnrneil from Kastern cities with auinim -lis.-, stuck or' -"(!' ' , Awericaa mxl Curoiean ' D It Y G O O 13 S , Hats, Bonnets and Notions, which are now.iu store and ready for inspection. sny siock win oe louna, as nereioiore. Ziarse and. -A--ttr,otlA7-oI and composed mainlv ofw safe and staple goods, wuicn will bu sold at the , r RIGHT PniCES, ' , ResDousible ui.d prompt merchants, i i the neish- borincr counties ill Ohio. Kentucky and Virginia, will save time and money by culling on the undersigned. "on. an-iy J. r . iu vicll. Whitmore, Wolff, Duff & Co., . Importers and Dealers in ; HARDWARE. SIGH OF THE ANVIL, No. 56 Wood St., three doors above St. Charles Jotel, . PITTSBURGH, PA., HAVE now in stock a full assortment of English, G. rman and'American Hardware, of every de scription, which is unritaled in extent and variety by any other estubluhmeut in the country. Having diTcct connections with the manufacturers, our facilities for obtaining goods are such us enable us to sell at. prices us low as can be found in any of the KistkRn Markets. Buyers will promote their own interests by exam ining ourstock and prices before purchasing. We are agents fur the sale of Wilson, liuwksworth, Ellison & Co.'d Celebrated 51 leu I ; Watrouss, Slup & Co.'s Adjustable Handle Drawing Knives, Troeuiner''s Philadelphia Scales, Kingsland's patent Box Irons; and sell at manufacturers' prices Nov elty11 and Variety11 Lucks and Latches; Lippincott & Co. and NewmyerA GrafTs Axes, Shovels. Saws, &c; Dodge's Kentucky Cow Bells, patent ami com mon Boring Machines, Brass Kettles, .Apple-parcrs, Butcher's Spencer's anil Horurr'a Files and Hasps, WitlierbyV Chisels and Drawing Knives, Coo's Wrenches, Wo.tteiilmlui's Knives; Table and pocket Cutlery ot Bst i-nfclish aud American brands; St-eigli Bells, Anvils, Via-s, Bellows, Cbaius, etc., etc. .. sept.SH, lt-08. 38-St ".' " C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER 1 H , ; A. BRADLEY'S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, At Hupp's Old Staud ItllDDL-UPORT. o. 1H AVE just received a large assortment of Stoves which 1 will sell lower thau ever, consisting in part, ol Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PAHtOR STOVES, A. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. hsatiiihib'ototm;-; GRATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. AC. WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in the way of Stoves Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. TT"?01d Copper, Braes and Pewter taken in ex change, may 5, I860. 19-ly JOSEPH TATTO-V. DAN. E. SMITH. PATTON & SITH, Ilavjtng recently formed a partnership for the , purpose of carrying on the GROCERY BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully incite the atten tion of this community to our present stock ol PEESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly be added Hew supplies, as the demands f trade may require. The junior partner hnving had a lomr experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, I'igars, Hams, Codfish,. Mackorel, Halibut, Confectienaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matches, &c, and all the nick-nacks usually kept in such establishments. Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market price wilt be paid. We also purpose doing a - , COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on Front Street, under the "Gibson House," Pomeroy, O. April 20, I860. 3-16-tf RAGS ! RAGS ! RAGS! THE undersigned will pay the highest cash market price for rags. Also, Felts, Furs, Sheep Skins, etc. Wrapping Paper, Cigars, Nails, . &c, given in exchange, when desired, and constantly kept on hand, in sufficient quantity to supply the market,, at low figures. Call at the Pomeroy Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, O. Sept. 28, '60. 38-1 y T. BRUNKER. REMINGTON HOUSE. F. B. RIHELDARFER, Proprietor, At the head of Steamboat Landng, Front Street, Tomeroy, Ohio. OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, GOODS, AT THE On Court Street. few Doors below tbe Court House . . . x onxxino -sr , o TIIE subscriber takes pleasure in inofttning his numerous customers, and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a splendid stock of goods in the above Earned line, all of which he will se.l at a living profit. He would call especial attention to his stock of fine which he will sell at city" prices; also to his large stock of Fancy and Variaty Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of .. ,. P OC K E T-B O O K S. : " - - .-..-' . ' ''. ; : ' ' , for . Ladies andGentlemen, Money Bags and- Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &c. . ; . , . . s. SPEOTACXjES cb.XlVS GrXj.A.SSES, In Silver, ,Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Gold He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. . He invites the patronage of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the worth of their money. An examination is solicited. June 18, 1800. 24-t 0SSi65I2SSS5IO- - PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE aAii Killer. WE BEG TD CAM. THK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THIS LOJ.Gr TES1ED AND UNK1- VALLED . Family Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable compound. and while it is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is perfectly sa'e medicine eveu in the most unskilful hands. . For Summer Complaint, or anv other form of Bowel Disease In Children or Adults, it is almost a certain cure, and has without doubt been more successful in curing tus various kinds of , ': cholera than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful pin sic inn. in India, Africa; and uuina, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prev alent, the PAINKILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European residents, in those climates, A Sure Itemed y. Asa Tonic for the Stomach, it is unrivalled, few doses will relieve severe eases of ..... . IiHligestloii, and is often a perfect cure for ' .. 1 rT'.' ". '. Iyspepslai '." - ' . ' '".' in its most acjeravated forms. Its tonioami stimnla ting properties, arousing the system to vigorous ac lion, reudor it a most effectual cure for Colds and Coughs, when used according to directions. ' . For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation krowa. Itlieiiiuatisin, arid Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and often cured by it. Any soreness In the Muscles or joints rail w reneveu oy us application. U cures insliiullj the most violent 1'ooiUaclic. It should always be kept near at hand, to be used in cases of severe Burns ov Scalds. If applied Immediately, acrording to directions, it will give uis ant relief, aud prevent blistering. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of Steuiitbosiliiicn, and others traveling on our Western Rivers. U Jiiireclions accompany each bottle. It has beeu tested iu everv variety of rliniota. inJ by al most every nation known to Americans. . It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary- and the traveler on sen and laud and no one should travel ou our lakes or rivers without it. Sold by dealers everywhere. t, ...CAUTION. The public will be cautious that tliev set the jren- uinn .Pain Killer, us some unprincipled men use that name for their own worthless compounds: in so doing they dsceive the connn unitv, and iufringe upou the "Tradk Mark" of Perrv lavis. PJRICES-25 Cents, 50 Cents and 81 Per Bottle. S. HARR'S & CO.; Pronrietors fnrllin Sonthnnd West,. " ... Cincinnati. Ohio. Sold wholesalo tod" retail by A. SEEBOHM and 1). ai'.Au, rmneroy, u. , juir istju. 30-iy DR. WEAVER'S CANKER & SALT RHEUM FOR THE CliBK OF Canket, Salt Klicuin, Ervsipcl..s, Scrofulous Dis eases, t iitaiious Eruptions, and every Riud . of Disease arising from ac impure . slate of the Ulood. Mae most EiTecti ve liloort Purifier . oi file itiuelcciilti Century. ' It Is thb prescription of an educated nhvsician. and all who are afflicted with any of the above allied diseases should use it without delay. It wilt drive the disease from the system, and when once out on the "skin, a fuw applications of - DB. WEAVER'S CERATE, i OINTMENT, and you have a permanent cure. 1 lie cerate nas proved usen to dp mo bPSt Oint meat ever invented, and where oneo used, it has uover been known to fail of perfecting a permanent cure of Old Sores, Tetter and Rinsworm, Scald Head, ChillM;.ins and Frost Bites, Barber's Itch, Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or Pimples ou. the Face, and for . sore nippies, the Ceruto is the thing required to euro. It should be kept in the House or every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by must dealers in Medicines. J. II A It ISIS & CO., Proprietors for Western States, Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for above Mcdiciue may be addressed. Sold by r. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, I860. 30-ly DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHEljl.Y Wine Bit ters. The Celebrated Neto England Remedy FOR HACITUAIi CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Oeii r:il Debility, and all other Diseases arising from n Disordered Stomach, 'Mver, or Bowels, such as Acidity of the Stomach, Indigestion, Harlbnm. f.oss of Appetite, Costiveuess, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Disgust of Food, Sour Eructions, Sinking or .Fluttering of the . Pit of the Stomach, Dimness of Vision. Yellowness of the Skin mid Eyes. Pain in the Sidei Back. ( hest or Limbs, and in all cases where a Tt'NU.' is iiecessary. Hie Shorr Win-5 Bitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note and positioa. They are the most Pieusiint and Valuable Tonic of the day. They are just what persons re quire wh.n-recoveriiig from protracted illness, or in the Spring of the year, when a Medicinal Tonic is required. They are largely recommended, hy Phy sicians through the West, and the proprietors are daily" in receipt of letters notine cures by their use. Thomas Stanford or RlounUvillo. Henry County, lnd., writes us, under date of May 4th, IS60, that for three years he wns afflicted with Nervous Debility, of the-most positive character, aod could get no re lief,' until he used the Sherry Wine Bitters, Which soon completely restored him, and he Is now in robust health. One of the GREATEST "CURES EVER KNOWN, was that of Geo. W. Hoffman, Berwick. Seneca County, Ohio. He had been afflicted with Rheuma tism in ail its various forms for about twenty years, he had nsed everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, but got no permanent relief, until the Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cuied him. He writes us two years after his cure, and says, "I have no return" of the. complaint," and further says, "I think and believe that in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain remedy.'' Sold by dcaleis "in medicines generally. . Price, 75 Cents per Bottle. J. X. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Southern aud Western Stales. - Sold bv D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, 1860 30-ly LANE & BODLEY'S PORTABLE STEAM CIRCULAR SAWMILL Will bo In operation and Sawing Lumber at TTuited States Great Agricultural Fair At Cincinnati, Sept. 12 to 20th. OHIO STATE FAIR, Dayton, Sept. 25th to 28th. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR, Bowline Green, Sept. 18th to 22d. SDIASA STATE FAIR, Indianapolis. October S3d to ?51h. Sept. 7, I860. 3J tl FANCY AND VARIETY OLD STAND O' BUY YOUR Where' you can get them Cheapest. . CLAIMS TIIE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember . the place Mayhugh's Buildiiir, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, i860. 16-tf ' ' L - - ' ' AMOXG the articles to be found constantly on baud at S. SILVERMAN'S Grocery,re r SO brls. Molasses, fur salo cheap, bv ": 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 25 S.-icks of Coffee, for sale ch ar, by (16-ttJ '- S. SILVERAfAX. "J ( hhds. Sugar, forlsala cheap, by 1 U TJ6-tr.J S. f SII.NERMAN. O K kegs good English Soda, for sale cheap, by 4.0 10-tfJ H. SILVERMAN. Tfl boxes German SSap, for sale cheap, by . 0J 116-tf S. SILVERMAN. A C boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, bv tU ; 16-tf S.SILVERMAN. 100,000 cHea"'"1 Mrtment' for 4316 16-tf SILVERMAN. Q f boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale ZiJ cheap, by le-tf) S. SILVERMAN. frr boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by UJ 16-tf S. SILV ERMAN. Cy C boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sa'e cheap, 4J by 116-tfJ . S. SILVERMAN. "I rt brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sain cheap, by ivy 16-tf . - . . S. SILVERMAN. If) Vis. White Fish, for sale cheap, bv w LIS tf S.SILVERMAN. ."tn kegs of Nails, for sale cheap, bv ,JyJ 16-lfJ S.f SILVEHMAN. (.Ji.T boxes. Starch, for sale cheap, by '" !6-tf . . S.SILVERMANJ !(" t gross Mutches, for sale cheap, by - -VA lG-tf . 8, SILYEKF421.- dt.'tAA worth of Queensware, for sale cjieap, by . fPtJUW 16-tf 8. SII.VEKMAN. A never fiiliug Autidotii for Elck Hi ad- ache, Dyspepsia, lever and Agne, Vi. V Liver Complaint, Costiveness, xJ- BlUonsncss, Noaralgia, Colic, Di praved Appewte, uisor- a dcrcd Ktoniacn, mmaio - Obstructions, ic. I 85 CU. C? TrTT.aOTJ e PILLS ar uniTorsaliy a - knowlcdired tobo the lt now In uo. AsaFaiuily medicine they are particiilarly rerommecded-simple and harmless, but highly medicinal In their com Muatioa. One Fill a dose, with mild hut cer tain effects. The robust man aud the delicate child use them alike, with cvory assurance of entire safety. With Wilson's Pills, every Mother u. .o lnd becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a specific, and stand without a rival for the following aGVcUons: . , . ,. . HEADACHE, I EVER Sc AGUE, HEADACHE, FETEB As AGUE, BTSPEPSIA, ITTEE COHPL&XST, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COXPLAIHT, Costiveness, Biliousness. Neuralgia, Costivenesa, Biliousness, Neuralgia. 3old by Druggists tt Sealers everywhere. PREPARED BY B. It. FAHNESTOCK & CO, Importers & Wholesale Druggists Ko. 60, corner 'Wood and 4th 8ts. PITTSBURGH, PA. sols proprietors or q B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. July 31, 1666. 30-Iy RELIEF li TEN MINITES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established In 1837, and first article -f the kind ever introduced underlhe name of ' Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any other conn tr; all otliei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits, lhe genuine can be known hrthenaine of BRYAN being stamped on each WAFER. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafkks . - Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. ' J" ' Rrvan's Pi-i.monic Wafkrs Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. BRVAS'S PULMONIC WaFKUS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains iu the Chest. Bryan's Pi'iiomc Wafkrs Relieve Iucipi-nl Consumption, Lung Diseases. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve. Irritation of tbe Uvula and Tonsils.' - " Bryan's Pclmonic Wafers Relieve thv above Complaints in Ten Minutes. Bryan' j Hi-i.monic Wafers Area Blessing to Jill Classes and Constitutions. Bryan's Pulmonic W'afkrs ' Ate adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmoxio t afers A re warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a box of Bryan's Wafurs iu the house. No traveler shoiiid be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers iu his pocket. No person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-live cents. . . JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Sold by D. REKD, Pomeroy. 3-31-ly THE subscriber has again re sumed her Millinery busi ness in the room occupied as a Grocery and Notion Store, by Martin Hecox, one door west ef W. A. Aicher's Jewelry & Watch Establishment, where she will be happy to wait on all her old customers, and as many new ones as possible. She hopes, from her long ex perience in the business, to please a large ma jority. Her assortment, though small, will be kept up, and complete work done on short no tice, and warranted good. ' S. D. GIBSON. Tomeroy, Sept. 24, 18C0. 38-3m A. B. LINE. W. W. HANLY. LINE, HANLY & KROELL. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, 25 Main Stn next door to the Madison House, OIN OIIVN'ATI. Orders respectfully solicited. Oct. 5, I860. 3-30-1? 22,000 " VyORvTHGFOp DS" TQ:flE':;ioLl): XT 3VC3L3 U& I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IP THE GOODS' SUIT, PRICES SH ALL I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints.; Delahea;' Merihoesi. "Cotierg' Alpacas, white good's, i Brown and : Bleached Mnsh'usy Check, FlanneC Tiotinj- r Cloths, Cassimerer Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds,-S:c. - " H A R D W A R E . " Glassy Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee. Mills, Scale Beams. Sras Kttea, 'Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, Mi" Saws, Crosscut Saw. Butt!' V CARPENTERS TOOLS. ' Pianos, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits," Sjiar3. Level. Also, " ' i COOPERS' TOOLS. Tres9 Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knives of nil kirwR ; BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows , Vices,, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks acd Dyes; also. Shear, Ca8 and German Steel, Bnggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woc!work for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of-all kinds. r I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Doors, Salv Venetian Blinds, all made of elear White Pine. Also, ; ' '.'O'lji'' II I U Gr- .. : Coats,. Pants and Vests of alllcinds, and Furnishing : Goods, Iiats and'" apsi "aJiHr and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; Children, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of, all kinds. I keep a large stock of Cordage of all 'srees, Breoia Wrapping Twine,. ,. . . : - ''-. , . ; TAIIiO If you want a gsoil fitting Coat, Pants r Test, give me a call. I have a large Int. of Piece Goods for manufacturing purposes-. , Work done trp in best style, and warranted ..-l good fit . or no sale. " " . i ; ; .. .t .. , The above and various other articles hot mentined will be sold without reserve, at cost, for CASH. Give me a call, - . ' ; ' J-T.C!OITKX. Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 1860. :- '. Front street, threedoois aljov'e Court. M . J. PUALL. AT P R ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invented in ... COOKING STOVES rue liurning or toe gas and mnoKe arising irom ou per cent ot juel is saved, and a more intense In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurning, Stove, we wih, . , -; it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use ... -. :; ' ' Gr Jk. S ' . . ' . : . ' , .' .'- ' ,: . f In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every StoVe we sell to be what it is rep ream ted. . This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We have the most improved jm Items of ' WOOD COOKING stoves: .' Without dwelling upon the merits? 6f the different patterns, wc will con clude our notice by announcing that eur' ' ' PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness,-aud we defy competition. METALLIC HYDRANTS : Kopt constantly on hand, and we respectfully Invito the public to examine Mir stock - : . - - - . In addition to our heavy . and manufacture to order, To the Citizens or Meics ax Apjoisiso Cobkties: , ; ' : . ; ; " - The above remarks will demonstrate to yon, .in ;! certain degree, the nature of the business wo intend to prosecute. The manner in -which' it is to be done, naturally suggests itself., j Do you wish to bny on credit? Then yon hnve simply been wasting your time in reading pur card. We cannot sell at our prices without losing money, if we have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for'-- ' : I And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, Copper,-Rags, Old Silver, fta at-lteir- '.tgKrt market value. ' ' ' - .. . -Ii f" . Past, experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to belli purrhiiser pud seller, and it is Tor the benefit of our customers wl.o can buy much chenper-r-iiR well ,ii fof our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that we adopt this system. . ' We respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Stoves, whH lief' Vhi wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it away till you have given ns a call. ! Aug. 16, 1859. ly onv G00D$t men;$ And bovs' clothing, y HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, , H AVING RECEIVED A LARGE Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and whicli will be kept com plete by frequent additions during tbe season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and tbe publie at large, everything, as far as possible, necess.iry'to f-oii-stitute a full Stock in tbe above lines, and which will be sold for CASH "or coun try produce, on the most favorable terms. . " THE TAILORING BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of.N. M. M'GLOTfl LIX, assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county. Everything in the w.y of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. THB FASHIONS IOH. "37ZXX3 SEA.SOjNr Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloth0, (WU meres, Vestings, &c. N. B. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the moral obligation incurred to pay vp according to agreement, I wish U say I will not hesitate to remind yon, if necessary, in a forcible manner, that s legal obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January 3, IStiH. CHARLES Bit I1.7IAIMV. 9 Dealers in Gold and A JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, HAVE REMOVED TO . . , O J3L. n TP W H. X O 17 S 3T 3Z3 X7" BUILDIIffG. Corner Court and Front Stret-ts, Pomrrej, O. WHERE we shall be pleased to see our'old customers, and all others whi desire anything in our line. We keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Gold and Silver Watches, German, French and American Jewelry. Fan - r Articles; Clocks from $2.00 to 12.00, of every size and description; Eye GIhsfcs. Gold Pens, &c. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done in the best xannerx promptrj. August 7. I860. 3-31-tf ' " OFPAT : OSTJ xrrv x tx 10" C3- GConJcn.iT(ii. Pomeroy, O. community to one of ' the; greatest: improvements ''' . .. ' ' ''' --'k, -- ' f n coai, py wmcn .pseijjr heat thrown to the j?;. stork of Stoves we will keep constantly on hand, TUfWARE,' " ' ...... you value your hard-earned money, but to lavish . ... ;.r,. PRALL &. HATCH. AND CAREFULLY SELECTED A!DEW nUKIaCICT. Wt?1S,tliW 1 Silver "Watches, 3v XD I! ! ) i i . t t i , J. i -1