Newspaper Page Text
fOMEROY TELEGRAPH. I RIDAY, I I I - I I October ,801860. B.Our young folks will be delighted to hear of the "Winter Amusements" advertised in another column. f6FReniington's wants are set forth in a notice in our advertising columns which farmers, and others, will do we to read. - Real Kstate for Sale. Several lots below the Pomeroy Salt Works will be sold very low, and on easy terms. Call on the editor at his office, and you can hardly fail to be suited. B&We are pleased to see the Courier again in the Wheeling and Cincinnati trade. . .. She is still in command of the veteran, Capt. Sam. Mason. Billy An derson presides in the office, as for merly. SggbAs will be seen by reference to our new advertisements, Mr. Geo. Hut tel has just received a new stock of men and boys' clothing. Purchasers can rely upon a correct representation of any article they procure of him. "Be ye clothed." t3Tbe official majority of the Re publicans in Pennsylvania is ascertained to be thirty-two thousand and ninety-two, on Governor, and some thousands higher on Members of Congress. . The Repub lican majority in the Legislature is sixty one On joint ballot. . That is enough for all practical purposes. , JSWHr. William Hubbell, of Rutland, has our thanks for an assortment of choice apples. Mr. II., by means of his fine nursery, and choice selection of va rieties, is doing much to improve the quality of fruit in this county. All such enterprises deserve to be encour aged; See advertisement. ','.-..- 1 . Hoi for Athene , The grandest demonstration ever had in this section of the State is to come off at Athens, on Friday, the day of the date of this paper. Wo did not get the notice in time for last week's issue. We understand that at least one hundred Wide-Awakes, and others, from Pome roy, will be in attendance. Celebrated speakers are expected. Bg&Three cheers for Oregon! The last mail from Oregon brings the grati fying intelligence that a true Republican, E. D. Baker, has been elected to the United.. States Senate in place of Gen. Joe Lane. " This is indeed a glorious re sult, i Soone by one go out the dough faced disunionists and their allies. The news brought from the Pacific gives as surance that even Oregon and California will vote for Lincoln. ; JBSyWe had intended noticing two or three weeksago, the cosey improvement inade' by Mr. Wendell Joachim, ou Pront Street. But it is not yet too late, as the improvement still remains, and Wendell ' is to be seen daily in it .'mete-ing"; out to our good citizens the choicest stakes, surloins, cutlets, chops, Ac,, which our country produces. His chop 'is a few doors cast of the "Rihel darfer House." Give Wendell a call. Fatal Accident, j An inquest was held on Tuesday last upon the body of John Johnson, who was found dead under the river bank, near the Goalridge Mill, on that morn ing. We have not learned the partic ulars, but understand that strong suspic ions of foul play exist in the minds of miany of our citizens.' ;The"head of the deceased Was much bruised, and his neck broken, and in such a manner, it is said, asoe-uld hardly occur by a mere fall ftuvex itie ibajik. ... We trust a full investi gation may lead to the facts in the case. TfW j,,-r -s . ' ; arThe Fall Term of the Court of Common Pleas for Meigs County will commence its session on Friday, the 2d lay of November-r-one week Jfrom . to 4ay. It will probably sit through the week .following. The following are the Jurors summoned to be in attendance: '!-Grasd Jurors. Jesse Parr, Jacob .Mnssery:A. CL Coulter.. W. B. Reed, John Gibson, S. W. Higley, J. E. Wat ting Calvia McKinsey, A. R. Jenkins, Ll- H. .Bingham, D. ,R. Jacobs, Alvin Jlobart, Silas, Jones, John McKinstry, .Martin Dye, Sen, . Petit JuBORS.f-W. S. Wilson, Thos. .ySiipith.V John Davis, Thos Shelden, G. W: Bradshaw,' Wm. Cahoon, Thos. A jexander, Francis Kinney j Aaron Stout. CJ'DeWolf, Henry Warren, J. T. Black. i . . . u i m i . . aTbe jubilee -at Gallipolis, on ' Thiusday night of last week, in celebra-vliPfl-flLth.e, Republican victory in that ppnntyy as .well as elsewhere, was the grandest scene we have witnessed during 4Ue. campaign. Wc regret having ne glected to write a notice of it until it is now too late for to-day's paper. Suffice It to say . that the people of Gallipolis, proverbial as they are for hospitality and spirit in all matters of that kind, sur passed even themselves, while the thou sands in attendance showed that the itif en of the county generally were f 'ye for a Agd time." With a ns lualho ascension a magnificent .display f fire-irorkjs. sev-IeraOM4d9eJ1Wid-,Aks with torch lights, aad.' Manful tirasparescies ban$s',ef ic thMsiaBtic me wade jenoxe enthusiastic jby tfee presence aad leS5of.'th fa$hel conspire to make the ocaifi on f soote tha.9 or dinary interest. Every.-thiBg passed of pleasantly, and the Gafjfpfllis jubjlea will long hi remembered by ajl who were;for.tunate enough to be presBt.r. -fitn;" such a spirit as was then mani fested, we predict shat the day is -not zjRffiUtibh when, Gallia County will roll up a Republican majority equal to that of our own banner County of Meigs. And 'go mote jt bp, " "... Special Request. It is now nearly three years since we took charge of the Telegraph. We have expended a large sum in new pressess, type, &e , and in enlarging the paper. Our readers must judge the character it has acquired. We have aimed to make it all that could reasonably be expected in a county paper. It has been more especially devoted to politics than we could desire, -but this seemed almost a necessity under the circumstances. The campaign is about to close, and there will be opportunity to devote a larger space to other matters. We intend to pay more special attention to agricultu ral matters, and the material interests of Meigs County, generally, than we have done in the past. It will be our aim to make the Telegraph emphatically a fam ily paper, such as our citizens will not willingly do without. We are thankful for the patronage be stowed upon the enterprise, and take it as an indication that, in some degree at least, it has met the expectations of the public. We commenced with less than 400 subscribers. We now have about 1000. The increase has been slow, but regular. No effort has been made by agents, or other solicitors, to increase the list. It has Quietly worked its way into the homes of the county where it has become known. There are many fami lies in the county, however, who would be glad to have its weekly visits if it was once brought to their notice. Many have never seen a copy of it. We be lieve it will finally work its way into the hojnes of all our reading citizens. And it will be, more than ever, our object to make it an instrument of elevation of in formation and use to all who patronise it. . But our special purpose, at this time is to suggest to our readers the fact that the Telegraph cannot be published with out money. The times have been hard, and we have not, therefore, called upon our subscribers to 'pay up. If we-had not had other resources to draw upon you would not have had the Telegraph, If it is continued, it must sustain itself in future. The next two months will de termine that matter. There is a large amount now due the office, which, if promptly paid, will insure its continu ... ance, with improvements. With the abundant harvest just gathered we think all could pay with a little effort. It would be a special favor if they would ao so. we snail expect a general clos ing up of accounts during the next two months. Let us commence the next volume with accounts squared, and it A will be better for all parties. We hope no one in arrears will overlook, or forget this request. BOOK NOTICES Ladies' Home Magazine, Philadel phia, published by T. S. Arthur & Co., edited by T. S. Arthur and Virgiuia F. Townsend. The November number of this popular work is received. It pre sents its usual variety beautiful en gravings splendid fashion plates pat terns in crochet and choice literature n prose and poetry. No more appro priate present could be given by a hus- and to his wife, a father to his daugh ter, a brother to his sister, than a copy of this 3Iagazine. Try it. Peterson 8 Ladies' National Magazine, for November, is also received. Like all its rivals, neither labor nor expense is spared by the publishers in its "make np. xhe sterling worth or the Ao tional is its great popularity nd extensive circulation. The aim of the publisher seems to be to make each number an improvement on the last, and he is usually successful. Published by Charles J. Peterson, Philadelphia. Terms $2,00 per annum. Godey's Lady's Book, for November, is also on our table. For profusion of em belishment this number is unsurpassed. Beside two steel engravings - and one steel engraving of colored fashions, and plate, printed in colors, it has ten full page engravings of fashionable Cloaks, Hoods, &c, and the usual literary contri butions. ! Published . by L. A. - Godey, Philadelphia. Terms $3.00. ; The Ladies' Repository, for November,' is also received. The engravings of this number are the "Falls of Minnehaha" and a portrait of Rev. John Barker, D. .President of Allegheny College. The contents sustain the high character the Repository has attained. " Published by.Poe & Hitchcock; Cin cinnati, at $2.00 :. ' communicated. For the Pomeroy Weekly Telegraph.' Oct. 16th, 1880. Mr. Editor There was a circumstance occurred in our family on the 30th of August, which we would be glad to have published for the benefit of all whom it may concern. ' Our little boy five years old had been suffering severely with hooping-cough for four weeks, when he began to cough, lost his breath, and was, to all apperance, dead, for five minutes, when, after all our efforts had failed to restore him, his father thought of infla ting his lungs, and after pressing his lips to the child's, and blowing with all his might, then sucking out the air and blow ing again, we had the happiness of see ing our little son return to life, and since that to good health. Yours, with respect, Mrs. Samuel Vale. Hamilton County. The progress of the Republican party ia Hamilton county is shown by the yotes east at the several elections since its organisation. In 1855 the vote for Governor Chase was 4,516. In 1856, 9,345 votes were cast for Fremont. In 1857 Chase's vote as 8,82. On Tues day Ust, the vote was about 14,500. In November Abraham Lincoln will receive 16,a0 yotes. Thus it is aen the Re publican party is the onlj progressive political organization! of the day. It has grown jfl the face of misrepresenta tion, abuse and insult, and it will con tinue to moy forward until this Govern ment phall be re-established in peace, upon the platform adopted by the fathers of our country. Cin. Ga. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA AND OR EGON. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 23. By the Pony Express we have Cali fornia dates to the 10th, and Oregon dates to the 8th inst. On the 8th inst. news reached San Francisco by telegraph that the Oregon Senatorial Election took place in due form, and that J. W. Nesmith (Douglas Dem.) was elected for the long term, and E. D. Baker (Repub.) for the short term. Mr. Baker is a Non-intervention Repub lican, with views similar to Eli Thayer: The news electrified the California Republicans, many of whom think the fetate can be carried for Lincoln if Mr. Baker can be induced to take the stump in California. The Breckinridge Democrats are en deavoring to damage the Douglasites by alleging there is a coalition between them and the Republicans throughout the Pacific States, and that both parties will unite next winter to elect a fusion Sena tor from California. The campaign is progressing vigor ously, and the contest is so close between Douglas and Breckinridge in California that betting men continue to make even bets without hesitation, in large sums. On the 8th inst. telegraphic commu nication between Los Angelos and San Francisco was inaugurated, and was the occasion of a general jollification at Los Angelos. The line is to be continued eastward on the Butterfield route as fast as the Company are able. The Salt Lake line is also progress ing eastward from Carson Valley. Both lines anticipate connection with the great Continental line, recently author ized by Congress. The Broderick will, after a long con test to prove it a forgery, has been ad mitted to probate. The Italians at San Francisco celebra ted Garibaldi's entrance into Naples. It was said the Snake Indians had massacred an entire emigrant train con sisting of forty-six persons, nineteen of whom were men. It took place about fifty miles west of Salmon Falls. Only one man escaped. BThe Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, the organ of President Buchanan, says: "Our acknowledgements are due, and we gratefully tender them, to the patri otic and conservative mends of the Bell and Everett ticket, for the generous sup port they yesterday gave to our cause, in generally casting their votes for General Jboster. Against Col. Curtm, the sec tional candidate, they, as an organ ization, set their faces, and having no candidate of their own in the field, like patriots they adopted ours. If they have not been successful by the election of some of their own local candidates, it is not attributable to any want of sym pathy. But patriotism is, or should be, unselfish and uncalculating, and the mens conscia recti is its proud reward. Such is the reward of all those conservative men who.yesterday lent us their gercrous aid." Keeping Horses' Feet oiid Legs In Order. If I were asked to account for -my horses'legs and feet being in better or der than those of my neighbor, I should attribute it to the four following circum stances: First they ,are all shod with few nails, so placed in the sh,oe as to permit the foot to expand every time they move; second, that they all live in boxes instead of stalls, and can move whenever they please : third, that they have two hours' daily walking ex ercise when they are not at work; and fourth, that I have not a headstall or trackchain in my stall. These four cir cumstances comprehend the whole mys tery of keeping horses' legs fine, and their feet in sound working condition up to a good old age. Miles. . BgL,Mr. Douglas said in his late Chi cago speech: I look upon this demonstration in Chicago of last night and to-day as seal ing the fate of the Republican party in Northern Illinois. Tremendous Ap plause. He looked upon several demonstrtions in Ohio as evidences that Ohio would be a Democratic State. Pennsylvania Election Complete. Philadelphia, Oct. 22. The com plete official returns make Curtin's ma jority 32,092. POMEROY RETAIL MARKETS. Thursday, Oct.Cj, 1BG0. Flour Wheat Oats................ Potatoes.. Green Apples Butter.... Cheese... Eggs.. ........... Molasses.. Sirup Sugar (N. O.) Coffee Rice....... Soap Candles (tallow) Fish (Cod) Fish (Mackerel).... Fieh (White) Pickled Pork......... Shoulders Sidea (smoked) .........$5.756.25 90c$1.10 ..2dc.bu ..25,30o, " ...2550c. bu. :.. 15c. $lb. ......612c.3ilb. . 78o. doz. ...'.....65c. gal. G075 $ gal. ...10llc. lb. .1718c. 7c. " ,.810c P " loc. " 6Jc. $ " ....810c. 7C. i " ..........i2c. " 12e. 33 " : 12c. 15c. " ret. 8c; wholesale 5Jc. ...0.00 1,000 Hams Crackers.... Hoop Poles Salt... .retail 25c; wholesale c bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. CmciKUATi, Oct. S3. Flour The market continues in a dull and unsettled state, and any quota tions we could give would be merely nominal. It is clear that superfine could not he sold to any extent over 70." ; Groceries A moderate demand for Sugar in the regular way at 89o. Coffee in good demand at 15J15ic. Molasses unchanged. Wheat- The market is dull and heavy, and prices have declined to $1 04 1 06 for prime red, and $1 121 14 for prime white. Corn- The demand is fair and the market steady at 4043c for old in bulk the latter rate at the lower depots. . Oats The market is dull, without any change in prices; we quote them at 30c. Rye The demand is fair and the market steady at 6465c for prime. Barley There is a good demand for the prime grades, but the lower grades continue dull; we'quote prime fall at 83 85c, and fair to choice spring at 70 80c. Hay The demand continues fair at $15 per ton for prime Timothy in bales, on arrival. Cheese The market is firm, with a fair demand at 10c for Western Reserve, and 11c for English Dairy. Butter Prime is in fair demand at 1415c for Central Ohio and Western Reserve. Common is dull at 9llc. Potatoes Prime Neshannocks are in fair demand at $1 351 40 per brl. Apples There is an improved de mand, but without any change in prices. Wc quote them at 81 001 50 per bar- I rcl for fair to prime. . , 8SL.The traveler, Atkinson, gives an account of some singular customs amorg the people of Asia. Speaking of the Ataoor, he says: "The natives here have a custom which I found prevailing in other parts of Asia, of providing their deceased brother with all the- to'ols and implements necessary to enable him to carry ow his trade or occupation in the Iamd of ghosts. If this duty be neglected, tley believe that his spirit wanders forever through dark and dismal forests, witbost finding a place of rest. The cttstoraf varies among different people, btft all tetd tc fhfe- same end. For instance-,- tfee Kisgbis chief has his favorite horses buried with him, that he may not be- corffpellwd to walk in his euosllv state a tbii? beadnrofs-when living. The Kalmucks and Kalkhave their weapons, clothes and implement placed in their graves, that they may appear suitably appareled before their mends, and able to engage in tbeir or dinary pursuits. But the Toungouz ra ces have similar articles placed on their graves, to be ready tor service tne mo ment they awake rrom what they con sider to be their temporary repose." A New Motive Power. The Paris correspondent of the Lon don Star states that the whole of the scientific world is in a state of revolu tion at the bare prospect of the success obtained by JML, .Lenoir s new motive power. He has simply utilized the prin ciple of the expansion of air when a lofty temperature, by means or combustion through the spark of induction of hydro gen. The economy produced is calcu lated at not less than forty per cent, by the suppression of the boiler, the chim ney and the other accessaries hitherto used in the construction of steam en gines. The machinery itself offers a sa ving of thirty per cent. This new ma chine, which seems to realize every dream of the inventor and manufacturer, by offering an immense result of power in exchanging for a merely nominal sup ply of fuel, is about to be tried on some of the French railways. A Cbcap Luxury. As a weary traveler was wending his way through the mud' out in a far west region of the country, he discovered ahead, a young maiden standing in the door of a small log house. He rode up in front of the house and asked the maiden for a drink of water; he drank it and she being the first woman he had seen for several days offered hef a "dime for a kiss." The young maiden ac cepted the offer, and received both kiss and dime. The traveler was about to resume his journey; but the maiden, never before having seen a dime, asked "What am I to do with the dime!" You may use it any way you wish," said he, "it is yours." That being the ease," she replied, "I'll give you -back the dime and take another kiss." Augusta, Ga., Oct. 11. The receipt of the election news from Pennsylvania and Indiana has created a profound sen sation among all parties. The Caroli nians are mounting their bats with cock ades. A special dispatch from Philadel phia says: "Our majority will foot, up nearly 35,000, and make Pennsylvania the banner State. Lincoln will probably get 50,000." JTjyRead the following, from Dr. Laepcr, an oM resident of Stark county, for many years, the. most prominent pbysi?in anddruggis'.of the pine?:' Navarre, Stark Co., Ohio, June 21t, 1858. Sometime since,! received a lot of Dr. Richard son's Sherry Wine Bitters to sell on commission. They nro all sold, and your further supply of three dozen just received. 1 think I shall need more soon, as ticy are in good dumand and highly praised by sufferers from indigestion, dyspepsia and liver coin. plaint. Yours, very respectfully. JAMES L. LEKPEK, M.D. Sold by D. RKE1). ' 43-2w. lO'Piirry Davis' Vegetable Pain iLiiler derives much of its popularity from the simplicity attending its use, which gives it :i puctaliur value in a family. The various disu.tJ9 which amy bo rauchod by it and In their incipient stajri's eradiraK d are amoug those which are peculiarly fatal if sulfun'd to run; but the curative magic f ibis preparation at ence disarms thoin of their terrors. In ail respeets it fulfills the conditions of a popular medicitm. Slick to it, there fore; buy the original and genuine. Sold by A. SEEBOHM, and L. HEED. 42 9w. UpFor Erysipelas, Dr. S. A. Weaver's Cerate will be found one of the most soothing applications overused. It has never been known to fail of effect ing a perinaDent cure. It will reduce the swelling, remove the inflammation, and relieve that intoler able heat, itching and burning sensation accompany ing this distressing complaint, and heal the sores and eruptions, in this way affording comfort until the patient gets permanent relief. An old gentleman of Lyme, Conn, j who bad Ery sipelas on his legs so badly that be could not wlt, says, "At the time I commenced using your medi cines I stopped all others, and I used but three boxes of the Cerate, and my legs are now perfectly well." Sold by medicine dealers generally. -JO" All, especially young men, should read the advertisement of tbe new "National Dispensary" at Cincinnati, in another column. SALEM CENTER i IS OGrG d SON O' FFER for sale their usual supply of Grafted Appln Trees, consisting of about fifty choice varieties. Price Ten Dollars per Hundred. Salem Center, Meigs Co., Ohio, Oct. 19, 1860. 41-tf ; "' C. A.TMATTHE WS, - DEALER IN A. BRADLEY'S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Lt Hpps Old Stand ItUDDLEPORT, O. 1 HATE just received a large assortment of Stoves wnicn i wnt sen part, of lower than ever, consisting in Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PARUOn STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GRATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &G. WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. I Persons in want of anvthinc in the wav of Stoves ! Tin, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. JtpOld Copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex change, may .S IcQO. lD-ly STO VES!, NEW ARRIVAL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE OLD STAND OF On Court Street, a few Doors below the Cowrl flotrse, 3E O TSJL. X3 3Ft O TT , O. ffHE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers -L and the public in general, that he has just returned from the city with a -jplendid stock of gotxls in the above named line, all of which he will seil at a living profit. He would call especial attention to his stock of fine which he will sell at city prices; also to his large stock of Fancy aad Yariety Godt, om prisiog in part a choice lot of ROCKET-BOOKS, for Ladfe andGetttlemen, Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Brushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, Ste. gPBOTAOT Tgffl ' A XTSTXI GTiASBBS, la Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Gold He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren k Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites tbe patronage of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the Worth of "their money. An examination is solicited. June 1?. I860. !J4- PEftBY DAVIS' VEGETABLE JPalii Killer. WE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION Of THE PUBLIC TO THIS LONG TESTOAJU VZ, RI VALLED . . Family Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purely vegetable comround, and while it Is a most efficient Remedy for Pain, it is perfectly safe medicine even in tbe most nnskil. ul hands. ' For Summer Complaint, or an, other form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adulu. it is almost a certain cure, and hat without doubt been more successful in curii.g the various Kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful phvsiclan. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or lesspruv aleat;the . . ' PAIN KILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European refiuenis, in tuose climates, A Sure Itemed y. As a Tonic for tbe Stomach, it is unrivalled. few doses will relieve severe cases ot Indigestion, and it is often a perfect cure for ' Dyspepsia in its most aggravated forms. Its tonic and stimula iing properties, arousing me system 10 vigorous ao lion, render It a most effectual core for Colds and Coughs, when used according to directions. For external anDlicalion it ia unsurpassed bv m medical preparation krowu. Kheiiinatism, and Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved and oiien cureu Dy it. Any soreness in tbe Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application. It cures instantly the must violent Toothache. It should always be kent near at hand, to be used in cases of severe Burns ov Scalds, If applied Immediately, according to directions, It will give ins ant relief, and prevent blistering. it is peculiarly aaapieri io ine wants oi Slcumboaimen, and others traveling on our Western Rivers. JL rinrccuons accompany eacn Dome. It has been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. It is tbe al'nnst constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler on sea and land and no oue should travel on our lakes or rivers without it. Sold by doalers everywhere. The nublic w llliautio JiiuT thev pet the cen. nine Pain Killer, as some unprincipled men use that mime fur their awn worthless compounds; in so doing they deceive the community, and infringe upou me "iRini jviark-'OI ferry uavi. FBICES-25 Cents, 50 Cents and 81 Per Bottle. J. S. HA RR'S & CO.. Proprietors for the South and West. Cincinnati, Ohio. I Sold wholesale and retail bv A. SEEBOHM and D. KKKU, Pomeroy, O. . juiy ji, leuu. ju-iy DR. WEAVER'S CANKEB ' & SALT RHEUM FOR THE CURB OF Canker, Salt Rhenm, Erysipel.-.s, Scrofulous Dis eases, Cutaneous Eruptions, and every cina ef Disease arising from an impure ' state of the Blood. Flic most Effective Blood Purifier of the Nineteenth Century. It Is the prescription of an educated physician, and all who aro afflicted with any of the above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from the system, and when once out on the skin, a few applications of DR. W EAVEE'S CERATE, : OINTMENT, and yon have a permanent cure. The cerate nas proveu usen to or me op si Dim mest ever invented, and where once used, it has never been known to fail of perfecting a permanent enre of Old Sores, Tetter and Kingworm, Scald Head, Chillulains and Frost Bites, Barber's Ilcb, Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or Pnnptes on tne race, ana nr Sore Nipples, the Cerate lathe thing required to euro. It should be kept in tbe house of every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle.. Sold by most dealers in Medicines. J. N. IIAKRIS & CO., Proprietors for Western States, . Cincinnati, Ohio, Tn whom all orders for above Medicine may be addressed.- : , Sold by D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, I860. 30-ly DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHEltEY Wine B i t ters. The Celebrated New England Remedy FOR HABITUAL. CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Fever and. Ague, Gen ml Debility, and all other ' Diseases arising . from a Disordered Stomach, Liver, or Bowels, ' s u c h a s Acidity of the Stemacb, Indigestion, Hartbnrn, Loss of Appetite, Costiveuess, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Disgust of Food, Sour Ernctions, Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach, Dimness of Vision. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest or Limbs, and in all cases where a Tt'NIC is necessary. The Sherry Win Bitters are prepared by a regu larly educated Physician of note and position. They are the most Pleasant and Valuable Tonic of the day. They are Just what persons re quire when recovering from protracted illness, or in the Spring of the year, when a Medicinal Tonie is required. They are largely recommended, by Phy sicians through tbe West, and the proprietors are daily in receipt of letters noting enres by their use. Thomas Stanford of Blonntsville, Henry County, Ind.. writes us, under date of May 4th, 1860, that for three years be was afflicted with Nervous Debility, of the most positive character, and could get no re lief, until ho used the Sherry Wine Bitters, Which soon completely restored him, and he la now in robust henlth. One of the GREATEST CURES EVER KNOWN, was that-of Geo. W. HofTmnn, Berwick, Seneca County, Ohio. He had been afflicted with Rheuma tism in all its various forms for about twenty years, he had nsed everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, but got no permanent relief, until tbe Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cuied him. He writes ns two year after his cure, and says, "I have no return of the complaint," and further says, "I think and believe that in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specific certain remedy.'' Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. Price, 75 Cents per Bottle. J. N. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Southern and Western States. Sold bv D. REED, Pomeroy, O. July 31, 1360. 30-ly SELLING OFF AT COST! ,G O'u.xxsxxil'tlx, HAS a large lot of Bifllcs, of his own manu facture, on hand, -which he will SELL OFF AT COST, as he designs closing up his business. They are of the best manufacture, and warranted to be such articles as represented at the time of sale. Call at his Shop, opposite Morton's Boat yard, Pomeroy, O. Srpf. 9, 3-3-3m A. HA AG. FIST IS K LAMBREUHT. BUY YOUR Where you can get them Cheapest. CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE" ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place May Hugh's Building, four doors west of Court street on Fr.-mt, Pomeroy. S. SILVERMAN. .April 20, 1800 16-tf ' : AMOiNG the article to be found constantly on hand at . SIiVBRMAK'S Grocery, are -SO brlt. Motase for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERS AIT. CC Sacks of Coffee, for sale ebiap, by 40 16-tlj . SILVERMAN. 1 f lhJ- Sngar, forlsale chsp, W 1U 16-tf. S. SILHEKMAK. O K kegs good English Soda, for sa U cheap, by CD lo-trj s. s;lvekjIn. K( boxes German Seap, for sale cheep, by 0J 16-tf S. SlLVERiAJf. Af boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, by TtU 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 100,000 c&b8;"'1 a"ortment' for u 16-tf S.SILVKRMAN. O boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale 4tO cheap, by 18-tf S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes Candy, for sate cheap, by 16-tq S. SILVERMAN. 25 boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cheap, by 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 10 brls. No.'s S and 3 Mackerel, for sain cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 C brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, by xyJ 1.16-tf S. SILVERMAN. CA kegs of Nails, for sale cheap, by UXJ 16-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. OS boxes Starch, for sale cheap, by 40 rifi-m r s S.SILVERMAN. OAA gross Matches, for sale cheap, by 4dJJ rifi-tn s. si I. S. S1LVEKFAN. $500 worth of dneensware, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVEKMA5. m . I V"V KYI' n I O rusitvi -'it . r.ninir Antiilnt fat fiiek Head afba. DvroeDsia, levtr aad astw, .O y Liver Complaint, Ucsbttows, ' - .r V"A Biliotumena, Neuralgia, Colie, if Depraved Appetite, Blsc- V dcred Stomach, Famai' Obstructions, e. 4? TXTTT.SfYM S 'PTTjT.S are vrn'rimtiT r- knowledge! to be the beat now in use. As Tamlly medicine they are particularly recommendeoVatapTe and harmless, bat highly medicinal In their com blnation. On Pill dose, with mild but cer tain effeeti. The robustman and the dslicats child use theni alike, with every assurance of entire misty. With Wilson's rills, every u. the land becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a mono, and stand without a rival fcr the following affections: HEADACHE, FETEB 8c AGUE, HEADACHE, FETEB & AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LITER COXFSAXBT, DYSPEPSIA, IXVZK COMPLAINT, Costivenets, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveneas, Biliousness, Heuralgia. Sold by Druggist ft Sealers everywhere. PKEPAEED BY B. L. PAHWESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists I ' No. 60, corner Wood and 4th St. 1 PITTSBURGH, PA. I sou rinnunOBS or la B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. July 31, 1866. 30-ly BELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established in 1837, and first article of the kind ever introduced under the name of "Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any other coun try; all otbei Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known bv the name of BRYAN being stamped on each WArER. Brtak's Pulmonic Watsrs . Believe Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. Bryah's PuiMOmc Waters Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Brtah'b Polmohic Winn Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in the Chest. ' Bryan's Polmohic Wafhs Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lutig Diseases. Bryan's Polmohic Wafers Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve the above Complaints in Ten Minutes. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers .Are a Blessing te all Classes and Constitu tlons. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer Ate adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's. Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. ' Bryan's Pulmonic VTafers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family should be without a box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in the bouse. No traveler shouid be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafeis in his pocket. -No person will ever object to give for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twenty-five cents. JOB MOSES, Solo Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Sold by J). REED, Pomeroy. 3-31-ly 1MC11 1 inery ! THE subscriber has again re sumed her Millinery busi ness in the room occupied as a Grocery and Notion Store, by Martin Hecox, one door vest ef W. A. Aicher's Jewelry & Watch Establishment, where she will be happy to wait on all her old customers, and as many new ones as possible. She hopes, from her long ex perience in the business, to please a large ma jority. Her assortment, though small, will be kept up, and complete work done on short, no tice, and warranted good. S. D. GIBSON. Pomeroy, Sept. 24, I860. 38-3m A. E. LINE. W. W. MANLY. LINE, HANLY & KR0ELL. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, 25 Main St., next door to the Madison House, Orders respectfully solicited, Oct. 5, lSfjO.3 33-lr 22,000 WORTH OF GOODS- - fO BE SOLD so- o XT 3VE ; XT I YOUR CASH, and if the goods suit, prices SHALLC- I Have everything in the Dry Good1 Knee Prints, Delanes, Merinoes, Cohergn, Alpacas, -white goods, Brourn and Bleached' Muslins, Check, Flannel, Tickings, . Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &c. . H A ft D W A ft EV GTasw, Nails, IiOciar Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beams, Brass Kettle,. Log aad: Trace Chains, Horseshoe mils, Mi" Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butt! CARPENTERS TOOLS- - Planes, Sawa, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Squares, I.eTeli. Alo, COOPERS' TOOLS. . Tress Hoop AJzsfl, Broad-Axesr, Compasses and Knives of all kinds. B&AcKTsirrras TOOLS. Bellows Vices. Anvils! Files. Korse and German Steel, Buggy Springs' anst A-xels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kidk I would call the attention of Builders to rtry haze lot of DoorsJSash. Yantiaa- AJiiuua, an uiaue 01 ciear nnue jrine. O T ' Pn.f. Ta nl. a .l .11 1.1 3 . .1 17 w"vi . w vi Aiuuii, iiu i wwva v. vwwu.-M.c..v .UVU a Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep Wrappine; Twine- . , x: If you want a good fitting Ceat, Pants or Testr give em- a ealL I have a large lot f Piece Goods- for manufrcturing purposes-., 'Work done up in. beat style, and warranted .a good fit or no sale.. The above and various other articles net mentioned will be sold without reserve-,' t eoatr fit CASH. Give me a call. -r. -- H.'COHENs' Pomeroyy 0, Jan. 3, 1866. Frost street, three door above Cwrft , lil . J. PRILL. PHALL & HATCH, 'DEALERS :11 -STtWIS- AT PR ALL'S Court street Would respectfully call the attention ot this ever invented in COOKIiJG STOVE The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from 50 rr cent, nf fuel i saved, and a more intense bottom of the Oven. r ji j..-: a: J iin'n ah introducing mis greaiy-iuiyrvvvu uaautuuiug oiutv, wv nuu it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every This is not the only pattern we propose selling. WOOD COOKING STOVES. witnout dwelling upon elude our notice by amnouacing fha.t our ..-.' .. . - . : S ' . ... J r : . -"... :-.T.! . .;--. Can't be beat,- either in quality, or jtc cheapness). aid we defy eonieffsastv. . Kept constantly on hand, our stock . . .. In addition to' our heavy and manufacture to order, To the CmzEss or Meigs Asd Anjtoisraa CocntiesV ' ' : V (-r. The abev? remarks wfll' d'emo'nstevfo yoi; ia certain degree, the nature of the business we intend! to prosecute.-- The manner in 'which if "ia to be done, naturally suggests itself. "J)o you wish 'to buy on credit? Then jotf-ha-fc sittrply been wasting your time in reading our card.:.' We cannoo Sell at our prioea without hwia'g money, if we have to credit, . We have therefore,- concluded to sell exclusively fo j- ;.-.f And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, rewter,- Copper, Rags,- Old Silver, at their highest market value. ' ' i ' ' . :, ,,.r Past experience has proven the beneficent results of tne Cash system,- to both pniringer a4' seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers who can buy much cheaper- Us- wolf as fer" our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper , We respectfully invite you to call ana see wish to purchase or not but we warn you, as .t away till you have given us a call.- 1 Aug. 16, 1859. ly . ; Vi onv coot)s7 mews s ao boys" cutmm :' HATS AND CAPS, ' .... . V.. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENBWARE; V be., HAVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLY ' SEiEGTEW Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and which will he kept com plete hy frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to my patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necessary to con stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CA-SU or confn try produce, on the most favorable terms.- 'r ""':Vt..-' THE TAILORING BUSINESS '- ; - Will Via onnInoted. as heretofore, under assisted by as competent workmen as any OI luaKing, UUHing vr ueiauiug, jiiuiujjuji aireuuou vv.- ,. ' .. Will at all times be found on hand, together with a full Stock of Cloths Cas?i meres, Vestings, &c. ' " , N. B. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now disre garding the moral obligation incurred to pay up according to agreement, I wi'n''to say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible nianiivr', that a legal obligation was also incurred. . Pomeroy, January ?, l'86M.i ." CHARLES BICIIMANIV. I CHTvXArJ n Dealers in Gold JEWELRY OF A L L K IN D S, HAVE REMOVED TO oaiit jet. t Or i? m aSs 3es 33 xy i i is jc ' Corner Court and From Streets, Ponwroy, O. WHERE we shall be pleased to see our old enstowers, and1 all others who desire anything in our line. We keep constantly qh land a good aswrrt ment of Gold and Silver Watches, German-, French and American. Jewelry, FanW Articles; Clocks from $2.00 to 12.00", of every sise and description; Eye Glassei, Gold Pens, &c. ' r i Repairing Watches, Clocks a4 Jewelry. don in the best manner. rorarf August 7. I860. 3 31 -tf OFF AT COST! O A. XT I X TT Rasos. Stocks and Dves: also. Shear. Cast1. Also,- X N Or I V : f .T TT . ih ST-w.i- -1 J ' ' uruiHiuug uwus, xiais Bail v.jj. siuiw, m mrgv AtVja Van UUI Uip VWU BUU UUUVB) UUUUICO a large stock of Cordage of all sia, Breoat Z3TO. GEORGE HATCH flLDSTftfD Pomcror; 6. community to one- ef rtt greatest improvement!. the coal, by which heat thrown to the r a. "si.t J!a,r. "i .9:9' Stove we sell to' be- what it is' represtenfedV We have the most improved patterns- of. -rf -. I; tne merits or tne different patterns, wo will cst-' METAIL1C ; HYDRAN1'& - and we respectfully invite the publio to-' emfa ' : ' ; r. :.': l stock of Stoves we will keep constantly ofe Iranif, TIN WARE.- .1 1; 'i that we adopt this system. ' s : '' ';' : : tne improvements in pur Stoves, -whether yeu you value your hard-earned money noil te .'lavish, ' - '. . ' . " " r " ' ' ' PRAtt & ftAT " 1 '):lt the suoervision of N. TV1' f .rtTl7TT,TX' in the county. Everything i a tli war ANDffEW fill K Ifc CR T. 1 I Jv Jl and Silver Watches, AND