Newspaper Page Text
r Pact r it. WIDEAWAKES, . lit 0KOHCK 9. BTRLEJUU. Ifhere s,a labor to, Jie. wrought,,. There 8 a race that we must run, There's a battle to be fought, And victory to be won, For cheated aatieo's .sake!. Uo, 7C people plundered long, l$y the banded hordes of wrong; -Tp and on them, brave and strong; Lincoln for or leader take; Wide-awake, boys! Wide-awaket ?( From the desolated South, s.Creelitj ika the glovious West, v. With- Vicod-niark on hijj'.moutnyr And a horror n his crest, Comes a black infernaj uuke! T- 5 While le lurks with double tongue, 1 iSowJ before the vi sprung ; ; Smite him, fcrethers, old and young I Itewwt be will leuJfc Sif-e 1 -:' W iiea wake, boys! Wide-awake 1 Suite In ewy public VrfV " ' ' ' '' Fat "Old Buck-' and all his beeves T-e three inches on' tlreVlb; '' ' ii In their loathy den of thieves, ,, t Clean the Augean barnf ancl make '-'' ' Once ifor all a cleansing sweep; "' . : ,f Roll them to the wholniing deep . Of Oblivion's hungry lake! - ' ; . Wide-awake, boys! Wide-awake! From the sea-like murmuring pines- 3 , Of the chaiuless hills of Maine . . j.Tp the glorious Bowers and vines . a i-W the prairie's billowed plain; - ,.: From the shore of sea and lake, To the shore of lake and sea Swearing that we will be'Treo- llisej and le our watchword be!'; ''Honest Abe 'for 'freedom's sake! ' 1 '' ,- "Wide-awake boys! Wide-awake!?' .f; ; 3Ku"i t fa .:T6e"Grandniil,''3aid a little urchin, 'your specs are upsiue aown ao wear tbeui thu toBce;jo sew?'V ' ay dear, I wear them soYto see."f? you '.No, I"A little girPhearirig Tier mother , ppeuk of going into half-mourning, said, f "Why areyou going into half-mourning, ' mamma--iiarcianyis.of iour Relations ha,lf, ' dead?" ' ' " 63?A oldicr being asted-rif. 1ie."iiieE Vith'nluth hospitality; while he was it) Jreland.'repfiedj-That b'e.-was' ja the hospital nearly all the tinae 'te was there." i;.- - .'-y- S.'-That baby," said the delighted mother, "we look upon as, the flower of the family." Being a boy and robed in yellow flannel, she oughtlo have called mi the aa flower ? . ? CS5A witty fellow slipped down on ou icy pavement. "While sittiug he mut tered, 'I have no desire to see the town burned down, but I sincerely wish the etreets laid in ashes." . :Z'M isr 'fr ' Vfl ..V- XA jawyer. beingCMckiimade his agt will and testament, and gave all his property to fools and madmen. ' Being asked itne.reason for so' doing he said, "Front -each I got it, and to such I re turn it." ' - V Jerrold was enjoyinga-drive one day with a jovial speudthriftr.Well : jJ.errOjJdBaid the driver of -a, very fine j paitof grjf "what da you; think iyf my prays?" "To tell you the truth," said l- Jerrold,il' jwas just'tlwnking jof your nns! A man in Iowa' ii ad his nose bit ten off the other day in an affray begun bytihJselQ foufsr.herjto a,n5 ger ofbeing indicted for getting up tbe .uarreL' Any grand jury .that will have to examine his case and face will have to report, "iVo bill found." ' Stl After P'Contell obtained) tie littal of a ho'rse-stealer, Che thief, "in acqu "Uch! Counselor, in troth l ve no way . to thank yer honor, but I wish't I saw . Y . you knocked down in me own parish, an' J V- . ' sure wouldn't I bring a few to the res- ;. ' ' .;j 'I. 'it'iH -., -' ; t'flle'8 a vounsr man after mv own 4 heart," said a lady to a caller, of one ' K - - who .had just passed her window. 65: "i", "Then he, told Mary :a awful story ' las - ' - : : njght, pother a.fVc he ihqugijtjjd gone , , ' ; f jwrpiKBp,;fiu iuiiiOBio, :t;Biiu.iWii5 circle, -, 'for heaidhc wa8n't- after'anybotly's t-l'.ii:--. heart but hfeTSJ't-'13 il,J teLm- Sr: -.' fjPanl Pry, one day, espviBir a man v Sr'8 !;tsrtHy'tluiJ isMi him what c - l ne was aigging , . . . . ''Andj-what are jow going jto ao with -T ' ;. . C ji euch big.holet'- isaid.iBiuli -:i j s ;ii o:ii wOdiai tomaktf it lnti smalt holes, andtail. it 'Iotob fellers to set fence ,:.posUnrt : ' : - Y . "Toeraelesscam p sent tothe .: -' Loniivilte :Briteria-JF(raiiw obit- '0 ariHonW'i C. .Whittborfte, one of t-if o-heJ5rckinri'age Efeeliors fSfTennlssle. r.'.-C,v:.' .-The notice statftrl that ttiA funttrol jianl. ; i;? 7'es were conducted by the Kev. N. G. i Tavlor.fTh'fkfttrffh tnfcn.fti3jirflKat I i y tne itev. jir. la yior is Mr. VV hitthorne's .jtompetitor,- being an JUlectobikA the "Belf ticket nd that iheJwp.had a discussion "fcthe.ilkta'wher to have .diedj in which he, got the, worst of the 7 ft A:vtravclBr ,wbfTrode a horse . of - rveryt large size, and especial! y of uncom-i . -rmonTieiigia,' jately stopped at a- pnbho house in the western part of Massachu setts, and ordered his steed to be put in Ihe stable. Feeling ,uBxious: For the .oriifort of hisfour-footed companion, he afterward inquired of the hostler' if he . X liad put his horse' up as he' directed, "why, yes, I've put up one end of nim;4ie s spjong JL.had toIeaye thejt)ieT cna in yie orcnara. SSS-"Jrellow sofjrers, said a newlv ,elevfe;dL.ieutenantpf militia, Tm all-, :fir?4 yo' for ' this shove up in i; the janks yoa. have given me,-:. Fellow s' sogers, - Pin . not. going to .forget your kindness soon, not by a darned sight; and JlJljPfe-it.ivI' . dyWtehfrQApipe J?oard, so long as there's peace, but as I c-o in fnr rntn. trx ;as3 - " v' XT- v Siftfe ! l come .to ; resiTiff f' " resign right off, and give.very fellow ai tuiT enate lor glory, and all that 'ere.' BTwaX dandies were, some time ago4 taken - before a' 'Dublin- --mah-istrar .' charged with "intendinffto fighta duer.' The J ustice, who .was a shrewd and wag- : glsh -man, hadstr6ng doubts as k the ! really pB'gn'aeroas' lhclinati6h'ofiefther tt? tHigerente- bo he dismissed tbem ,jiponi,promiBe,'not to earrv the matter y.,qjrhex, ' .hn;tr added, Gentlemen, :! let 2.j9u,ou. wr. fimep.-Djut, upon my scon c4u.c, ji luii me uruuifuti asrain riptnrp you are brought aeain before me, I'm blest jf.I don't hincl eyou .bo'tlvr down to fiorht." They did p.ot offcni.l a. - seeond time. LETTER FROM AUTEMtJS" WiRD, Jr. j Interview with Mr. Dotitrlaa' Grand Fir- i i J. i , tOB Shw. ft. ; i r j Mister Editkr: I secz my quil to inform tlie publik thru the medium of your kolunis of the grand addishun I hav" gest inaid too mi grate rnetropoliti eiiin eho biznes, and darin Slak rope and gim nastic Surkus. Last nite I had an iutervu with Stcvun A. Duglas, tbe renound politikal ainbidixter and pro prietor .and Cheef Kloun in the grate populer suverenty sho. Mister Duglas is generally kald the little giant from his haven performed the grate feet of wakin the wholoi length of Mason and Dixon close line with the dred skot ! 1 ' Ki !n nnr. ti .mi ,1 I11LJ nrlli-llA VIlvlaiMJUU 111 Uliv Uiinu, uuu uio n uure popular suverenty sho in the utherj and allso pulin up the niammuth tre kald the,1misoorie r.,Jcompromizc, which was first' planted in 1787 by Thomas Geffer son and others, and set out agiu in 1820. Mister Duglas puld-up this tre and the constitution with it and plast them un- der his 'feat. C But I waz goin on to sa that he haz bin travlin thru the estern and suthern states perforniin his tricks and speakin his pees. I.The. wa he takes urn iu with his pop"iler suverenty game is not slo. He holds ont a big bill to the people and sez, . theres populer: suverenty-theres the gratest prinsipul. At first tha think tha sea it; but when tha look a little sharper it evanishes like , a du on the orientle kornstalk when the noonda son rizes irPthe east -bn a thunderin hot day in. the middle of juli; it kant be found no', where, , , The .. folks sometimes get mad and korner him in a tight plase, but he is tarnal smaul and kin eraul thru a mighty little hole. But tha sa he did One crate trik-at won plase he ate an ox and 20,000 klams. , r .., - As soon as 1 herd ot his ; arrive m toun 1 went to pa him a visit.' I found him in his sho room speakin his- pees. I thowt 1 wouldn t be. very formal,-and sez I hav'nt ye got that pees larnt yet? SerTie? Tis"-t urthers sdnr oi ' the tioefc trin that the people dont beleev! and.l hav to alter it occashunally to sute th" plase. .Scz I, how dooyou like the sho bitness? Sez he, it dont pa'.j- Sez I, mi groned and a tere started in hiz i: and I sez he, I thowt I shood make a good iaeai out-oi , mi popuier suverenty; dui, sez ne, it nas spt tne nuit sno; tne peo pie begin too sea thru it, and, tha sa it is a humbug, fcez he, as soon as 1 hav yused up mi posters and advertisements I shal throw it overboardr i i i i L', Sez I. Du?rlas whattle ve take for ver o - j 4 populer suverenty Sez he ile eel it cheap. 1 told him 1 dident know how todiinanage his tricks but I wood go into partnership with him in the sho biznes. Sez befits a bargain. I then axt whot he thot of takin along some darkees. to dans the',i6rnp!peL ' Sez he, I 'want hav enny thing icrdoo with the nigger biz nes asin it don't pa. He sed he went into' the nigger bizness in 1854 and: had bin gom down hill ever sins; he sed it had nurly rooinedhim. The little giant then purt'ormed : on the' .slakrxope, and klimb up a greet pole and spoke his pees on the top. One of Abe Lincoln's ralps was next browf in, and Duglas was . set on and rode out thru the : back dore. - Doglasia about 5 - feet hi and a thun derin grate inan for wun of his size. I maid a.frcnological examination of him Hc is a man of tremendous pour. Iliz 3 are huge... His bump of humbugg ing is as bisasagoos ez. uonseensnus ness is kaved in. Heed make a firstrate crier. in. the sho ,bizBesi hisbump ot telhn yarns aint smaul. ' . Duglas an4 1 have kompleted our pro gram for our, nu sho. , We call it the nu yunion sho, and greest pole, surkus, to eetheVil Jtther alarmih and darin teets. ;' . ..;'- ; Duglas will purform the grand double and single handed game.' of ..populer suverenty. This game can be "seen best with the ize sheL But I must klose. W are goin! wfetward in a few daze.' Yurs in hast, ff;7 . . ' iiJTT m " ArTESIUS WARD, Jr pee es Duglas sez give populer suver H DIED POOEt Wi??it. was a gad funeral to me7-said the speaker; "the saddest I have attended for years. . tA "That oi Hidmondsonr :ttYes;"f cf v'TT-, :- "How. did he die?.".. .. to " oor-r-popr, as poyertyi his lite was one long struggle with the world, and a every ' disadvantage. 1 Fortune mocked him all. the. while with gilded promises UMLt-syere. destined never to know fulfill ment"t , " "Yes, he was patient and endrin, remarked one of r. wM Patient as a Christian; enduring as martyr, - was tha answer, c fl'oor man He' was worthy or a better fate.' ; He ought to have succeeded, Tor he deserved SUCCeSS. ,i ti-r "Did he not" succeed?" questioned the one . wb'o had spoaetf'of his erseVrenc and endurance. , V;?'Sro, sir; he died pporj as I have just ever succeeded.. A strange fatality seemed to attend every enterprise. 4'L was; with him ift hjs last.moments, said another, 'and thought h&died rich. ')Hof heshas left nothing behind," was repiiea. "ne neirs win nave no con cerhiastb the -admrmsttatjii of jthjejes tate. I 'He left a good name," Bail 6he,aPd that is something. .,-.,.,: ' - r: -i . ; '. v lf'And a legacy of noble deeds that were done in , the ' name : of t humanity) remarked another.. ;v. !i! i ? -.'liessons of patierice in . suffering,; of hope iu adversity, of heavenly con2 dencewhe'n no teunbeams fell upon his bewildering path," was the testimony of anoiner. , . 1. riAnd high . trust, manly courage, he roic fortitude. '-" .iiTU.. 1, :!, ' il l.i: declaration; "richer than the millionaire who went' to his long home thf same day a miserable pauper" in all but gold."''A sad -funeral, did' you;5 say? No- my. friend, it is rather a triumphal proces sion!' Not the burial of a human clod, but the ceremonial attendant of the trans lation of an angle. 'Did not succeed!' W iry hrs' wh o 1"1 If e; war a'fefieyof-'Stie-cesses. Iif'eryonflrct fiecimVoff the ; victcrr, and now the victor's rown.-iB on victor, ana now me vioiar s rown.-ia hia:it0W. ;::, AQy gra8ping, sosnlfess, s fish man, with a share of brains.m theMnmonev and ,earn the krt teei- may gjithej in " mojiey,; and learn the art of keeping it; but not one iu a hundred can bravely .cpnquer in. the battle of life as Ediuondson !has conquered, and step forth from the ranks of men, a Christian hero." " '.i.- rr JTT. r JC... Cr- ' i' BL''EvefjrBody ia Naples," says a i recent Letter, -"irowjocupTOr biwself; herself exclusively :with politics-ii-ven I tho children ' I just heard a little - l t DO3.?V0 years oi age, ,say tp a gin - oi : uiiuc, in yuu piv hku. uici x ' three, 'Hill you play with,, pief 1: will -.PTyr'Long lire Garitvildi!' you shalj an- , .. .1 I : a 1 . tj . t l T 1 sv;cr, 'Louis live-tin; till you."5 Kir.irT, -and,. I- tviil 1 Snstiranri GUARD AGAINST FALL AND WINTER FIRES! B Y ;' . , ; i ! Choice Insuranoo WITH THE neorporatod 1819-Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL.. $1,500,000, ' ABSOLtTTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF 500,000.00, And the preetiee of 40 years success and experience. Upward of S1S.000.000 of losses have becu paid by the jKtna Insurance Company In the pnst 40 years. The value of reliable Insurance will be apparent from the following .OSSES ' PAID BY ' THE iETNA DURINO THE PAST FIVK YEARS" ' n Ohio, - - 8431,5-20 83 n Wisconsin, l()fi,!S3 (17 n Kentucky, - 204,939-40 In Miuhljtan, - $158,043 81 !lndiana. - -M63U 81 tn Illinois, - - 44et.3-2? 4W Missouri, - - - 3H4-518 04 Iowa Minn., 101 J)9 46 Tennessee, - - 97.54!) 21 Kansas & Neb., 19.945 77 Art. ot Ga., -. 23.945 09 Penn. & Va., - 3135 82 Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $52,413 IS Fire and Inland Navigation Risks accepted al terms consistent with solvency and proflt. Kspeehtl attention sivn to JnsuraHc or-uwiurti-i IpiGSand contents, for terms or I to 5-years. The solid service Ions and successfully tried, and the many -advantages tiro, Jitna Insurance Company possess in us un, aouru norm ovrioiK j thoso ready to insure and understanding their best interests. Durinsr "strineent times" tbe necessity for rename Insurance becomes an lmperativo.lmx the abil.ity t sroperiy owners to susiam ios uouig vnen uiuuu lassenadi ' ;4 " i- i .- i ti Aeoncies in-' all tne tinnclnal ciUp and towns tftroughont tbeKtato. i.Holicies issued without delays hv snv ot tne auiv auincrizeii as. nia oi me iomuuuy. 11 lousiness aiieuuco o wun o;miicd inu uuir itv . . ... ( ORES BRAJC;H, Arert, Sept. 20.-3S'3m. ,. r. fomerov, y. Exclusively . Fire Insurance. POME RO Y AGENCY, : DIA M HASTTAM No. 68 Wall Street, Hew York, - INCORPORATED, 1821. vTM. PITT PALMER, President.' ASDREW J. SMITH. Secretary. DIKKOTORS: W. P. Palmer,:- Petkr Cooprr, ' Henrt ELI.S'AnRTH, A DOU6TUS V. "VVjLR, .. Jamks Collet, ;. ... Sidney Mason, Moses Taylor, ... , 1,. S. Sitarez. John Caswell, John Steward,- ...... - John C. Green, ., . amuei. F. AIott, , Rfpcs L. Lord, : . Wm.W. Fox, Kdwin 1). MoRGijr, KlCHAHB TlGHB,. n Tiio.Mia Barron, Robert B. Mintprh, 1 110 iS VV. i'EARSA t.BKN 13. UROrKER. Thi3 stanncb olil Comnsnr liaving fully complied with' the laws of this State, continue to insure the safer classes of property - Against Loss or Damiigc by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies, Tliulr "TTOIHMffS are-Irootwt -Tmmr4 1 itiits. inn avoiamg litigation, nay nig naa oniy one lawsuit dunnr a businusstjl Particolar alteiitiou riven to-tli Insurance of Faxrn Property, Isolated Dwellings, and tlieir-Furnituitei Polioieslesneil for tne? terra of ONE, ' THREE, or .FIVE r YEARS, LOSSES conitably adjusted and promptly paMf in Cash attUU Agehcv.. . ' '' -' : w :. JAMF.SKALSTOH.Agent. WESTERN "BRAkciI ' OFFICE, Nd. 1 Superior . Street,. Cleveland, .0. I . - S. S. COE, General Azent. JDHN SEWELL, Assistant. Apr. 24, 'CO. ltBm Regular Marietta and; Cincinnati l'acke Ol3L0.:-3Nr.c--3' J. J. BLAGG. Master; ... JOHN HE1SXER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thursdirf t 5 o'clock, r. h. passing romeroy n isnturaay avuo'ciocs. a m. Leaves Marietta, every Monday at S o'cloelt jl; m. Leaves Comeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. h. For freight or passage apply on ooam nrto -i OS & MONTGOMERY, Sov.29,i9. 48-tf.a; romeroy nan-Boat. PROCLAMATION! I! WILLIAM DESJi I SON, Governor., of the State i ofOliio. do hereby, notify the qualified Kl colors nftlm Stiite of flblo to assemble in their respective Townships and the usual place of bplqing Eiecttuns.un 1 uesuay, being tne si$ui aay oi ivovc tu ber, A. D. I860, and then and there to proceed, as tho taw streets, to elect twenly-tbree; Klec.tprs of President and Vice President of the Omted States, In ipursuance of tfio Constitution and Laws of ' the United States, aud-ofth1 fitate.-r 4 . , IN TESTItONY'-VHERF.OFf:l bflTe hereunto !-set myhaodaivi.eausod the Great Seil of t- tJ!afJ tu,-Uii9 seventeenth day of Sepiomber, in tha year Of our Eofd 'One Thonsand fiight Hundred ana fi&W,-unllof -tb independence of tho Uirited Stiites the Eighty-Filth. I I By the Governor: i,;i"vVlLLIAM l'ENXISOjf. l.Mvfaihi.i Secretary of iitate. j nj ITeiTe"rt'ynryremrig--to oTrtreorrect topy of the original, transmitted io me by the Governor. Heiit. 28, I860. 33-51 J. J. WHITE, S. 31. C. if -j-. ' j ' j ti". ;- ; Dry Gopds&Caxpet Store. r'-.Nos. lbi, .103 and '. 100. West , Fourtli' Street, J. ...CINCINNATI, ..:r:;i :. r "..Importers of ,m'- 2'-.-i Brir (goolilH; 'Cab Are now opening an extensive and complete , - ' . assortment ':ot,'.". -j . ; F ORElG If , AJJD- A TVtKBIC AjH" ' , .. etc.,. etc: '' .'if-.: fEamilles, Htel Keepers, Steanboat A. Owners,. and Purchasers, generally, may -depend, upon, finding the beat .class, of Goods, at prices as low as they can be pur- ' " chased in the ' Eastern Cities. Sept. 14, IP00.36-3m ' F 0 E . A L L. f iXHE subscriber .having 'just returned from JL the Last witu an eiegsirij stock ot Pry Goods, - Notions, . Hats, i. . r uaps, uoots, Baoes, accv . Will oft'er them -to the publi at ten per- cent p advance on cost, fur. ' - '.-.. . CASH OR-READY- PA In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in -demonstrating to tie satisfaction '. of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices".'. f, , , . . . " 3 "We-wll .enumerate.. a' iew articles, giving Best mitddei' prints. 10c per yard. Pancy pripts Good bleached ninslin 4 bleached muslin ......... a'.ic " .....10c ' '""' ...... 8a '"' Latest styles best delaines...... ...15 to 20c " Cashmeres ".:...J.JI1..; l.'ifi ' - Bonnet ribbons from "...'.. ......... .10 tp:40c?' Fine Frtnch.wool delatnc,.'...,..50 to '75c? r j (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ) Ladies' heavy kip shoes. ..T...."....$l per pair; Ladies' calf.....'...!.V:.;.."....: 1 25:J " 4 LtiliesfiicBl' eaie.i...:;..l.V...i.:. 1.25 Q 1 40, : And' -all other good Hrold-at- proportionable orjtic Tobn consiieratJonUinre, ffitvo C .A S H dis- ; f From this dat: 'w posliitfely . continue the credit business, for good nnd suf- ficient cause. We i-espectfully aslf n 'examinatianr'bf ear stock, tnd if tho Ooods suit, prices shaH'snit. Jan. ,'60. 1-fcf MifMkport) Ohio. - - t JUt 2 WSg ". 'EEMOVAL. 'a a.- AS REMOVED . HIS JEWELRY Tin'n.Vlno- immediately at 'the Head Landing Road, nest door below Remington's Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the same'time, open Ids new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of : JEWELRY AND Of everv description, which he will sell rants evtjry article to bs of the value represented. Hi3 Store-Koom is spacious, and espressiy imeu up iur uie commoaious recep tion of Customers, where they will and a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. 'All his work, stteh aa ' . wiTCJi, CLOCK AHD JJWSLP.Y HEPAIRIHG, Will bVexecute'd ii'the very besi mauner, warranted to give satisiaction; oinsrwisa To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanis, and wishes for a contiauahee of the Eajae. 2'."3-tf At the head of Wharf-iJoat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. Miscellaneous. if t ; 1 -flM Thirty Dollar Double lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING .MACHINE. A Beattiful Gift for Hmhands to their rWivet '' '- - ; and Daughters. ; miie introduction of this most beantifniria" emi- X ncntlv l.ractueal machineilll- Urlng Joy and glad ness to the hearts of thousands of our country women throughout the laud. It is pronounced by ti,n ,jt inrfecs to be the most simple, practical and durable Jiacliine now' before the .public,- ahd the most desirable l'5f 'fiimily Hso; be8ifs.' reliable and ac curate n all kinds of work, using any. size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew. with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods usea in a family. We enumerate a few of its snperiof ad- lot. "It makes tho strongest; 'most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. . 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed ana does not break needles. , 3d. It sews- froar two common spools without i wimlinp. .' ..- ... . ' uses' no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging ot goods. . i . . nih. It runs with irreat ease, and auietly. 6th. It can beu'irdrstooll and operated upan with very liltW instruction. , Jth. It is sold f r Ihe low price of thirtj dollar. Specimens of its work will, be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the Jl.tchine and work can be seen al the agents' residence, next door to Dr. Train's Office, near the Bank Buildihg. a-. : McSlASTEU rtc. SOW, Sole and exclusive agents for Maigs,-Athens ami Washington Counties, Ohio. Jan. 3, '59. J-tf WHEELED & WILSON'S 'New uvlTortt.Mrice. TflB,;EtEGANCE, SPEED,;; NOISELESS ness . and-. simplicity of ..theJ'Machine;: thq beauty and st.renirth of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible i-to ravel, and learing no ridge on tho nn(icr ''sKlc,::ec(Juomy of thread and adaptability to the finest or thinnest of fab ribshairendered tliii flic moat popular Ftjmily Sewing Machine in use. , , , .... : . !,.,.. Printed: 'instructions ' accompanying ach 5Iachine,J. to .enable'' purchasers to " sew ordi nary seams r- stitch, felt,' 'quilt,' gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine, in orders. , Each Machine is warranted , for three -years. For Further. jioa-twulars. apply to' the under- siffned ajrent. j ,. V ., C E. DONNALLlt.. ! Pomeroy November,. '59. tf : .... .: .? C h a 1 y b e a t e E, est o r a t i v e - An aperient and Stomachic-preparation of IUOX puriflpd of 03syen and Carbon by combustion in Hidtogv'!HetJid:Tjftfie hiest.Me4rc'a" Au thorities, both in iiuropo and lhe Unilou &tales,'anu prescribed in tnelrjlraotret.T ; v Tbe experience fef thousftifds' dally proves that no preparation pf Iron enH)aJiiompared wtth'it. jbn lipritesi tfio 'blodlt. AcpressliJn tC vital energy, pale ifnd'rfthc'Tiyrse Wckly coinllexloiis indieat its necessitynilmost oysry conceivable case. . MnnbxWasi'in-. .-aU-'i maladies in' which i haA'bccn has proved n,bsoluttly curative in each of ,1... inmnlnmltf V7- '-txt fei(lt4 tJerVouB 'A'flofctiorisEmaeiatiori, DVs- jiepsia, Ooasilpation: J liarrhoeailjyswtery, Incipient . j i'. . i .. 'T'..-.. i c i ijL. Ii'sjhehstraatibn, '.Whites: Clilorbsls',J Liver 3 Com plaints, farbnlo' &eadae1i8, Hhemmatism, Inter loittent Bevera, lEtorple 04 4i)o Eae,iUtJi . In cases of GcRtlui liLiTy; whot.'rer the result of acute diseaseorf Jie continued diminution of nervous, anu lliuscuiar ein:ri: iruui i-iiroiue com plaints, .one 'this restorative has proven suc cessful to an cxtenti which no description nor written attestation'woitiiair.?nder credible; Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their oivn neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busv world as if just-returned from protracted travel in a" distant land, fr-ome very signal instances of this kind are -attested of female Sufferers;' emaciated victims of-apparent, sanguineous exhaus tion, critical changes, and that complication of nerv ous and' d-ys)ieptik; & version, tOiatr. -hnd; exercise for which.t.he physician has no name. . . In,Nervnus Affections of all kiiufs, and for reasons faiuiliat to piedjcal men, the operation of this pre paration of .iron must necessarily be-salutary, for, unlike tie old oxidco, it is vigurbngly tonic, without being exciting, anil overheating; and gently, regu larly aperient, evyn in the most obstinato cases of costiveneas without ever being a gastric purgative, Or iuiUctiug'a disagreeable sensation. . '. :. It . is. tiiis latter property,- among :olhers,' which makes It so remarkably, effectual an1 pcrtnanent a remedy for Pigs, upon which it also apnears to exert a distimlT trnH-vpnTttM ctiM, by dispersing tha local' tendeney-whicii ihem.; ... ,.. .... ; - Iu rjjsfcpsia, inunmerabio as aro Its cnitsftv, a slnete box .of tbeso Chalybeate Pills ban.. often i suihced.for Uie.inost habitual cases, including the at--i temlenl Cosliveuess. . . , . In unchecked UntrrlUKa, even whun advanced to Dysentery, couuriued, einanpiaviiigy and apparently malignant, the effect have Ju equally. uecittvo and astonishing., , :. . ,, ... ;! lu tiio local puins, loss of iResh. and .treii",th, de Uilitatiag icough,, ami reinittout liectie," which generally 'Judicata Incipient , Consumption,' this .retu'dy ia ttllayud, tiie iilann. of friends and hysi cians, in several very gratifying and :iatersting in stances. . . . . . . t.- " In Scrofulous,. Tubexeulosi, this medicated iron has had Tar more thali the gool cffectT'of the most cautiously balanced prerrnration9 t( iodine, witiinut ai'y'of thoir well known riabililis'.- 'i'Us attontUiu i'f .females cannot bo too confidjatly 'BiViMd totlris reihedy'alid restorative, in the cases peculiarly iitfeelirg them.: - - -., ; : . , . . In Khuu(Bathii,iliotli Chroiiie"and liiflammntory in tiie i:.iti', however, in'irti.;deciUolly. na3, i,Jen invariably well reported, btth is .JleViating pi. in and reducing the S' and stillness of thejoiuts and iiiiij-eti'f . ' " j ! i-j t'. 1 f, " lu ti.torinittein Po'vors it in u'sC necessarily b'J a great reiiiuiU antit'iiorir He restorative, and its nro- iui. be bt - the-vVest,-wiU-uwb- !' 4iiirlt roiiuwii iiud-uscfuliiess. . ,;;rtr;;b , liaiipy.Miil Mii i-est iralive vir.-tst r(.i.l appetite u implole iffgelinii-,-rapil ai-hlitioif 'of strength, w'l!l ll,uu"l, disposition lor ative uud cheerful ' Puiiiplu :ieat flat ineUil bnvcscoutuinlngSo 'pitts, price 50 cents per box; lor sale by druggists and dealers.!--AVjll bent free to any addressoli reotMpt of the price. All letters, orders, etc.,.should bo.ud tirv'sseu to .' . ' ' v.- II. it. I.OfKE & Co , General Agents, 'Ni Y. uct. 12, 00-40-1 v l- A '- G i- IB. K ft! STORE TO A. BURNAP'S NEW of the AVharf'-Roat FANCY ARTICLES, at very reasonable prices, and he war prompt and durable. ' All iis'rrork ia for it will be re- tne money laid ouv W. A. AICHER, Jeweler. Misccllaneons. B, SKIRVIN. X. H. KELLET. . COL. THOS. SMITH. EXCEUIOR M AftBU W0nKSt RACINE, MEIGS CO:, 0. Opposite the U. S. Hotel, and two Boors Isortti (if (Jot. &nuth s Nore. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT t'ully infoiul the citizens of Meigs and ad joining counties, that they are now prepared to furnish to order, - . ; ; Monuments, Head-stones, Counter-Tops, lable-lops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style and very best quality ot Foreign or American Marble. Those wishing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this-kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit- will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all. who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. ' ; j J ; SKlKVIiS, KELLEi & SMITH. Aug, 17. 1-33-tf : ' NEW GROCERY TirE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED 'an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queensware, Shoes, &c., &e.; at, Jen nings ond stand, near the l.olhng Mill, winch will be sol.l UNUSUALLY LOW, CASH. Constantly on hand; Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Corn -'leal, cranoerries, . Out-Meal, . ' ' - Sugar, Pried Apples, tottee, Dried Peaches, Tea, , Potatoes. Hominy, Pearl Barley, Beans, -Teas, Molasses, Sirup, ': Vinegar. Bacon, . Dried Beef, Raisins, Codfish, '' Currants : " Mackerel, - &c, ... C. E. D0N.NALLT. 2-0-1 v ' :- White Fish,. Pomeroy, March 1.- PL AH" IIT G MILL, NO. 1. JOHN r5. IAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill, hits a large assortment of Lumber, either rough ot rlaned. on hand, which will be sold as low as ,inv other establishment can afford to. Ashe is a practical mechanic, ho will gnarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to sm purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the nuaiiiy oi me in:iirti. - - - All orders addressed to JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Iloadley, AVharf-boat, Tomeroy, will be promptly attended to. Imay mw.6-M-yj JOSEPU PATTO.V. . DAS. E. SMITU pat ITaviti" recentlv formed a partnership for. the Q B - purpose of carrying on the GnocEny BUSINESS In all its departments, respectfully invite the ntten lion of this community to our present stock o PEESH GROCERIES, fb which will constantly be added sew supplies, as the demands f trade may require. The junior partner having had a long experience in the business ill this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for tne marKet, at Prices to Suit All. . Country merchants will do well by giving us a call uetore purcuasing eisewnere. 'Our stock comprises .Sugar, Molasses; Coffee, Tea Rice. Tobacco. Cierars. Hams. Codfish, Mackerel. Halibut. Confectienaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matches, &c, and all the nick-naeks usuall fcml In sm'h establishments. ' ' - . . Countrv Produce wanted, for which tho highest market price will bo paid. t. We also purpose doing a COMMISSION, BUSINESS; v ..Our Establishment is on Front Street, (lie "Gibson House," - HOinerby, O. -- April 20, I860 3-IO-tf v .. -j.: Whitmore, WolE DufiE & Co. . importers nnd,Pealers in , .. k H'AllDiWA It E S SIGN OF THE ANVIL, - Nou'Se'-Woal St- three? doors " above St, j Charles Hotel, . , , : f PITTSBURGH, PA., ' HAVE now in stock a full assortment of English a.-rmau and American Hardware, of every de scription, which is unrivaled in extent and variety by any other establishment in tne country- . '- Having direct connections with the manufacturers, onr facilities for obtain'msr roods are such as enable ns to-sell.-a prices itstw as can be fquud in Any of the, fosTKRN -MARKETS. : " t. ? r lluyers will promote their own interests by exam ining our stoK ana prices oeiore purchasing. We are agents for the sale of Wilson, Hawksworth, Ellison & Co. "s Celebrated Steel ; Watrouss, Ship- man & Co.'j Adjustable Handle Drawing Knives, Troemner's Philadelphia ScaleSjjJfckBsland's patent liox Irons; and seil at niaiS"fWvuriiSTSTPtces "Nov elty" and "Variety" LocksBitoJkasilLippincott & Co. and Ncvmycr& tTraSPs-AxesfihoJ-els, Saws &c: nmlse'8 Kentucky Co- Bella, tateift and com mon Boring Alaclnne&iitJlettles. Agble-parers. nuicncr s -f-""':7" W " JlTIft -"" riusps Witherby's fitsaiStTrftwlnfcrKiiives, Coe' Wrenches, strlj1jStm'i&aJv5Rble and pocke uilcuMjrmjsijiwtilii! nwNfritaii uruuus, oicig Kells, MfSTKrriaPjj, (Jfiains, oic., oic. sept. Tmts0iiM . i.-.;.'.' -.?- nrtflE undefijljjkill PaJ' tu0 "ig"est cash i market price tor rags. Also, 1 elts, i urs. Sfieeftfefcias, etc. " - ,e 'n ' i ,iriippTB!r Paper; Cigars: Nails - &c.l given in exchatig.wiicji desiredarid constantly kept on Jiapd, in sufficient .quantity to supply the riiarket, a lair figui-ea.. 'j :t . j CaU at the PQuieroy WJiarf-boat, Pomefov, O. Sept: '28, 'Ce. 38-ly'' ' T. BRUNKER. Jloud Notice, . NOTICE is hereby rViveri Wat a petition will ' be presented to the Commissioners; of Meitrs County at their December session, A. 1). 18G0, praying for tlie vacation of -that, part of the Cotinty road which is on the front part of 100 acre lots No.s 178 and 179, and in Lebanon township, .Meigs County! Ohio, and known as thfi.'iCi-aU Estate;! how owned by Aaron. Hall. October 1G, 18(50-4 l-4t AARON HALL. ' i east side of Butternut street, described as fol TAIV & '..WtftTEHl GOODS thenndWdll..ilf of Lot No. 220; and the i-undivided half of so much of the north-western TUSTRSCMVKD, a complete assortment of; pnrt of Lot No. 221 ns is not owned by Thomas Reasonable .Good, conaistinsr of Drv Goods, i Whiteside,, with the Mill, Buildin-r, Engine and liooks.'S; t'itionei'3r;JfatsCnps, Uonnets, Triiu minjrs, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Stone- waii'e,'ro8ories," Oils, Manilla, and Cotton Rape, Cord and Twino; .Wall and 1 Window Papers, Clothing Shoes, Cpmforts and Oil Clothsi, Nails, Cit-vsji, "' tieoj, Musical Instruiuents, and any otiier Coo ls thin-people want. Oct. 1O18C0.-M-tf ' WM. IT. TtKMlXHTOV. LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAY LOU'S RUN, AND C&rr's Run.'' Application to be made to M. Heckard, L'sq., Tomeioy. Aug. 10,33-t S. W. POMEROY. Thousands arc daily spenking in the praise of DR.. EATON'S . i ! T N V A AT T T T. V. C. 0 T? II T A ' T.J rjEXDERS his professional services to all ! X , t , Z . ' JL Southei n Ohio and Northern Virginia, n-.a.nrr. nvt.Tifr wii.-n o-iv.Mi in time, it acts as ifbv are afflicted with cfincer, in any ot its mnffic. and oni xriai. ai.onb will convince vou that f'tinperoufi ar.d other malignant tumors l 1 what we say is true. It contains No Paregoric or Opiate ; of any kind, and therefore relieves ly removing j the sufferings of your cliilil, instead of by dkadepi- i inu its sensibilities. For this reason, H commends itself ns the on i.t reliable preparation now known for Children Teethincr, Uiarrha;a, llysentery, Gripinsr t in the Bowels, Acidity. of the Stomach, Wind, Cold i i in the Head, and Croup; also for softeninz the gums ' redncinz inflanmiiition. rt'zulatinc the Bowels, and ; relieving paiu, it has no equal tieinz an anti-spas- i modic it is used Willi unfailinz success in all casesof Convulsion or other Fits. As vou value Ihe life and ! health of your children, and wish to savs tbc in from those sad and blighting consequences which are cer tain to rwsult from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints are com posed, take none bnt Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared onlv by CUUKCII DUI'ONT, No. 409 Broadway, New York. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED livavs nrescnts us with the same essential elements. and gives, of course, th True Standnrd. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Ac, and we find in every Instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, and ou ape mauo wen. i se nioou roou is lounueu upon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS dapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fection whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, use Mo. 1, which is also the Pi o. for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all hrouic t;oinpiainis arising irom uver-use, irenerai Debilitv, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, fur Liver Complaints, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already preparea lor aosorpnon u is miten Dy urops anu carried immediately into the circulation, so that hat vou gam von retain. 1 no no. 4 is for temaie Irregularities, Hyateria, Weaknesses, &e. Bee spe- ial directions for tins. For Milt hneum. irruptions. Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food, $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 4U9 Broadway, New YiTk. By And by all respectable Droggists throughout the 3-4-y. country. SAN FORD'S Lt VEBt N VIGOR AT Ofty NEVER DEBILITATES. 'TIS COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMSi . and has become an established fact, a Standard Modicine. known ami ap- proved by all tha resorted to with con" for which it is recora- within the last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed, to the tempera taking it, and nsed iu gently oh tho Kowels. Judgment guide you Invigorator, and . it plaints, Dropsy, Sour rhoca. Billions At mer Coiiiplainls,Dys ness, Cliolic, Cholera, have used it. and is now fidencc in nil the diseases mended. It has nred thousands years who bad given ,up ne numerous nusoiicueu session show. The dose must be adapt- ment of the Individual stK-h quantities as to act Jict tne dictates oi your in tho nse rf the Liver will enre liver . Com Stomach, Chronic Diar tacks. Dyspepsia, Sura- entery, Habitual Costive- Choltra Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Jaundice, f emale w ea k nesse g. . Flatulence, and may Ordi ary Family be used successfully as an Medicine, it will cure thousands can testify,) in - Sick ; Headache,. , (as twenty minutes, lr fills are taken at the I tack. , ing their testimony two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- All who use it are giv l its favor. - Mix water in the mouth with the Invieorator, and swauow ooin logctner. rrtce One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO S A NFORD'S FAMILY CATHABttC PltUt CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and rnt up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep . in any clundtc. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro- i prietor hasused in his practice ' - mora . tuan Jtwenty years. The constants increas-, ingilcmund from those Who have long usetf tbe -inns ana me saiisiac- nn u.l.l,.li .ill nvi.Ace in rf.rr.trii tn ihi'ir. li induced . me ; to jiiace if ,inein wiiuin ine reacuei all. r"i The profession ;well- H fknow-that different Cn. portions of the bowels tbarics act oh diftori-'iit The Family Cathartic ft 0 H r. m tl'ill has, with duo refer isiieiL fact, been com fof the urfst Vcsretal-le ence to tilts well cstab- pnumlud from a variety Extracts, which act alike ion every nart oi tne ai mentary canal, aud ars .good anil safe iu all ease i where a t;atiiar- tic is needed, sticll as StmnacU. Pains in the ness, Costiveness, Pain whole bodv, from sud- Derangements . of the Hack and Lions, Sleepi- 8 A iind Soreness ovr- the den cold, which, frc H 4 iqui-'Utly, if neglected, I Fever.Loss of .Appetite, (of Cold over tho Body, lor weight in the had.:ill 1 Worms in. Children or great Purifier of the to which flesh "is heir, lion iu tjiis advertise- end in a long course Of Creeping Sensation Restlessness, Headache, 0 Inflammatory Diseases, Adults, Rheit t iitisui, a Blood and many disi-ascs too numerous to mou meut. Dose, I to 3. ; PHICS, THBEE DIMES. The Liver Tnvisorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold whole sale by the trade in nil he large towns. S. J . ' . SAjrUnU,lil. II., ,: , - ., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 3y. 335 Broadway, KeW York. .MAiXHOOl), ' ' IIOW.XOST, IIOW BESTORED. Just Pirfdis7ied,'m'a Scaled Envelopcx A LECTURE on the hiatnre, treatment and radi cal cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Ernissionr producing Irrrpotency, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. , . T4.V ROB. J. CULVERWELL, M. I).', " The important fact that the awful consequences of self-abrrS'i may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines or the dangerous applications of caii stics,iiistriimcnts, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is here " clearly demonstrated, and the entirely now and hignly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of -the day. This Lecture will, prove a boon to thousands and tbouands- ... ; . . . - Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CH. J. "C. KLINE, 480 First-Avenue,. New. York, Post Box 4,586. , may I,. .'60- 17-lyj: HOWAED ASSOCIATION, FIIILAOELPIIIA. A Benevolent lilstitutlOH established by special En " dowment. for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted . with. Virulent and .Epidemic .Diseases, .. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex Hal Ocgans. ' . ' . TXTEDIOAL ADVICE siven gratis, 1y the Scliria IVi Surgeon, to all-who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation habits 01 inir, oc:.,j ujtQca ui cvbiuiuc uvuiiv, 11101- icines furnished free of charge. ' " .' Valuable Reports on-Spermatorrhoea and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, nnd on the New. Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKIT.LIN HOUGHTON. Acting Sgrgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, GEO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary. : .t Presuloiit. mHOMAS Winn, plaintiff, vs. Hannah Winn, L defendant- Divorce Court- of Common Pleas, Meigs County. The said Hannah' Winn, ot Morgan County, in the estate ot Uhio, de fendant, will take notice, that on tlie 18th day of September, the said Thomas , Winn, plaintiff, filed his petition against her, in the Court of Common Picas for Meigs County, ask ing said Court to be divorced from said defend ant. Tlie said Hannah Winn is hereby noti fied to appear at said Court, to be holden al the Court-house in romeroy, on 2d day ot JNovem- ber, A,. D. 1800, and , answer or demur to said bill, or said decree will ,be taken against her by default; cause 'assigned: three years"' wilful absence. - v SIMPSON &' LASLKY, , Sept. 21,;:60. 37-6t. Attorney tor plaintiff '' . SHerliT's 'Sale. S. A. Burnap and J. Carlwrighi vs. (leorge Stii'srs : 4".. .. - and Joseph Palton, ft al. ... By virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs county, I will offer lor safe, at the door of the Court-house in Pouieroy, at' 10 o'clock A:m., - On the 5th day. of jYovember, 18(30, the" following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in the town of Pomeroy, on the Roller,,ahd other machinery attached thereto. To lie sold as the proderty of George Stivers, at tlie suit of S. A. liiirnap and J. Cartwright. Appraised at 1,100. Terms of sale,-cash. Oct.., 1809. aa-st, J. J. WHITE,. S. M. C. WM: II. & J. GRANT ITAVING formed a partnership under the uhove 11 name, and having imrchased the fcfcCrystal Mill." iii. Middleport. design running it regularly from this time. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat, i and other G rains, and hope by strict attention to . busint' to merit and receive a good patronage. I April 10, lt00. tf 'W M. 11. & J. GRANT. CANCEES CUBED. U. G. C OLER who j forms, j e- : moved j Without the Use . of the Knife. ! The following, among many oilicvs that might ; be adiluceil, are testimonials from physicians of ; extensive ami loug-eontinuccl practice: . . j JClbaxt, Athens Co., ()., Jan. 12, 1SG0. IlK. G. Hear Sir: Having seen several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent eure ef Cancer in any of its forms may be 1 had. if application be made to von before the tumor affects the vital organs. JOHN KAKH ART, M. 1). i Harhisonville, !Meigs Co., Jan. 5, 18C0. , I take pleasure in certifying 111:11110.00168; mode of treating Cancers is completely successful, j as many difficult cases resulting in quick and peruia- ; nent cures, through his treatment. have come under j my notice, as a practisiug physician during the last I2years. JOSEPH MOOKE, M. D.. : Office and residence, opposite Hugg & Coe's , Drug Store, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24, I860. 3-4-y National Dispensary for- Private Diseases, Established January 1st, 1853. $500, 850 FOISFEIT! Tliree Eminent Phvslcia'ns in constant attendance. The faculty of the institution, consisting of ; PROP. EGBERT JACKSOS, . Member of the Royal College ot .-surgeons, i.ono.011. DK. ROBERT HERBERT, Late -of Phil., a member of tha Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VELPEAU. . - . Late of the Londoaann r-aris nospiiais; CnnrnntPR under a Penalty of S500, n complete cure of ever Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, ana wunoui uiercurj. We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because: wej will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. - ; . ' '! Thk Physicians or tne jNationai jjispensary havb discovepbd the ONLY RKMEDYin the WORLD from all the kffects op early imprpdknck. Relief in twenty-four hours. , A euro wuriaiileu. in Irom one to three weeks. ' Married persons, or yeung peojile contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or Tearing any pusicai weakness, deformities, or. organio debility, should make application at once. Thor who place themselves undor onr care, may rely religiously in onr honor as eeutlemeii that their secret will be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CURE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, weakness or tne Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Impoteucy,. General UcDituy, nervousness, uyspepsiu, uiuguor, now Spirits, Confusion of Ideus, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease or the Heaa, 1 nroai, nose or mcui, .anociiims of tho Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits or Youlli those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body and Miud. . . . ,: . . The Mountain of Light, or Medical Frotector, A Book of near 3(10 pages, tfontainlng, full Informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for '.hose who are married or thinking of mairiage,' will be sent on receipt of 53 cents. This book contains the most valuable information In the 1 language. Useful alike to malo and female, but should not be In the hands of very young persons.-as it contains in formation that might be perverted to UHWorthy ends. Alsrt a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Love and Beauty, never before 1 Satisfactorily revealed in any book in the English language. Price 511 cents one of the cheapest books in the world, Send fora Circular fully describine it. Very liberal terms to thoso who buy in large or small quantities to sell again, made known on appli cation. The low urice at which tin' book i9 retailed (5(1 cents) renders it one of the quickest selling books in thn market. Special inducements to clubs. Kvi-rv letter must contain six-rents in stamps, for which will be sent a rrn, written Reply; also, Tne Dispensary Cin tlar, a truly Valuable advisory doc nment for old or young, married Oram married, and especially for all' who have made themselves OLn voriio hiknIiv a certain secret practice. It contains more viiltmhio information than many books. M. Vblpsii 's Heai-tii yino Powper. It imparts to the t'ompli'Kmii an exquisite I1I00111 mid transparency. nii'l etreitmilly prevents m lorHiimon m wriiiRiej, blotches, frevkles, pimples, wons, etc., etc. Price 1 pir box. sent bv maii. Dr. Jackson's I-Vmamc Monthly Pills, invaluable in f.: male irre!rula ri'.i s. but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, U'st they sh-niM inar the hope of oflspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price SI, forwarded by mail. , Dr. J.U-ESOK 3 I KRPETCAL PriEVESTIVK, 13 tlie OIIIV article in the world that without inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous and of married ladies too fi'ebb' to bear children ex cept at the hazard "of lite have ball reason TO ne thankful fofthis Invention.. It resembles no oth.-r preventive in use and is superior to all. Forwarded to any address. . - ,.' Y;. . . Address lirs. J.M iuiu.i, nr.rjtui oi ... or simply r. . mux liiiiciniiaii, mno. wuire roi Svcaniofc strett. Medicines and instructions sent promptly to any partof the country. . . . 2 :i em. - - - Tlie only Safe Preparation That does not Dye, but icUl, restore GRAY HAIR : To its original color, by Nature's own process, is Prof. 0. J. Wood's Celebriited II AIR RESTORATIVE In proof el the above assertion, read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all parts of the country. . : ; . ' ' !. - " '. ' Hon. Solomon Mask, Ann Arhor, Mich., says his wife, whose hair had become very thin, and .entirely white, was restored to its original brotvn color, and thickened and, become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over, the'head. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative with the hap piest effects. . Hon. Judok BREESEi Ex-S.ontor o.f Illinois, says my hair wa9 prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed its original color, andj have no doubt permanently so. Hon. H.L. Stewart, says my hair was very: gray, but after using two bottles, it restored it to its origi nal color. '.' ,-';! '.- I - ' '1 " Rev. J. K Braoo, BrooUlield, Mass., sars it has re moved from my lieal Inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendenny to itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to its original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, 111., says my hair was rwd-ttiirdg gray, -or rather white, bnt, by the appli cation of tiie Restorative as directed, it has resumed its original color. ' ' ' ' ' : '-' ' Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after nsing a great many other preparations, all to no effect,! used one bottle of your Hair Restorative, which has cured a humor in my he-ad of two years' standing.; "'; : Benjamin Lossuidoe, 251 Seventh Avenno, New York, says, having lost my hair by the. Effects of'tho .Erjsipeas, when it began tD grow, instead of black, 'as heretofore, it was well mixed wilhgrajr; Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I was induced to try yours', ahd in spite of all my douhts it has had the desired effect,. H. L. MV'ilHams; M. D.,Pecltensvills, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and find it all it is rec oinmended to be. I have tried it for Tetter and find it a certain care; ' ; . .. t , r .' "VV. M. WoonwARD, 5T. D., Frankfr.rt,'Ky.; says, he recommends it in his practiqe as the best: prepira tion for the hair now in use. " EnwARD VVai.cott sa-vs; three months ago my hair was very gray; r. is novy a date urown, tne original color, smooth aud glossy, all by the use of Wood's Restorative." v ' : ' Wilson Kino says, one month's properapplication will restore any person's hair to its .original color and texture.) i , . -. .7 i -..... ' J, D. Hoes savs, a few applications fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out and turn black j its orig inal color. . ! .- '. c-'n : .-? ' - Bktsev Smith, Korth-east Pennsylvania, says that hor hii-. hm fnr unmhpr of veara. been perfectly white, but now restored , to its' youthful color, soit and glossy. . - . . . 1 Dr. J.'W. 13oND,vSt. :Paol,' says thutitiis' hair is strong, thick, and black, although a short time sinee he was both bald and gray. The people here saw Us effects nnd have confidence in it, . . ..! r -.vl MooBt. fiosi.To. M. n.. St.. Louis, says that after trying many Mher preparations, all to no effects he seu two bottles, wnicn covereu nis man wnu and vigorous growth or hair, and invites all to come and see it. : . . . . ' ' ' ! '-'" Sarah J. -Brown says her hair was not only gray, out so thin she feared its entire loss but after using twobottlesit liasrestorril both the color and jrpwth. Prepared bv O. J. WOOll & CO., 114 Market street. Saint Lonrs."a"nil 312 Broadway. New York, and sold by all Umgglsts and Patent Medicine Dealers: also, bv all. Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United states and Canada. 7, lH0II.T-81-3ml . on i ' ASS AND QUEERS' WARE. WE invile the attention of buyers to our Ujfge Ojld well assorted tock f Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. ' Wo have no hesitancy in. saying that, we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than they are sold in any other Western market. -All orders carefully selected and weHpackcd. Wo solicit an examination of our stock. ' - PUKSELL & GORDON,. ! I3-Iy. . : . Front street, Portsmouth, O , NOTICE.- 1 FT IlEREBY notify all persons who employ ray "'-J- sons, Uiiaries toattcs, ana trancis oattes, or have enipioved them, that I will claim the i amount of wages due. tlieai, or paid to them,, or I. which may he paid to them, as they are minors, 1 and not authorized to act for tWm?elve.- '"' i . 0ct..l, I80U 40-3 CIIR18TIAN SATTES. Afljuinlstrator's Notice. " '" "VrOTTCK is hereby riven1 that the utid'er JLM signed has been' appointed and duly qual ified as Administrator on. tlie estate of llavid Southerlaud. lata of Moigs (.'uuutv, Ohio, dee'd Oct. o, 1800. i0-3t WM. COLEMAN. mmtSm. Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. AT 2 m iqj tn s PHArfMACVA DR. kO BACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES. WHEN DH. ROBACK. the celebrated Swedish Physician, introduced his lllood Purifier and Blood Pills in the United States, he set forth ill plain language their curative properties. ..This was years ago. The task of recommending them ha since been taken out ot his hands. Enlightened men whose character for sound judgment and philosophy gives their opinions weight in tne community, men who observe, reflect, and make "assurance doubly sure" before they decide are everywhere up proving and nrging the use of these wonderful Prep arations. All who confide in the wisdom ond. hn.ff ' csty of this class, or who choose to investigate for themselves are now of one mind on this important subject. Dr. Roback invites the attention of the sick to tho Original Letters,. - - . ,,-t from members of the Medical Profession, Editors of public Journals, well known Merchantsand Farmers, and Ladies of the highest respectability, giving ac counts of extraordinary cures wrought by the reme dies, or which cures tney tneinselves were- . ' Eic Witnesses, r These parties maybe consulted personally or by letter, by those who have any doubt upon the sub ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Roback,' which is At all times accessible to the public, cstnb' lisbes the following ' - .FACTS:' - ' -; -! That he'BIooJ Purifier" and "Blood Pills" have been proved by analysis to Contain no Mineral;' ' That they cure the al most universal corn pi? ut, :;' Dyspepsia,, " with unerring certainty, and In a very short lime. That after all other medicines have proved useless, they relieve . . t Liver Complaint, ' and restore the health and strength of the sufleror. Tha : ' SicJe. Females, " who have languished foryears in helpless weakness and despondency, recuperate with great rapidity under theirinvig'orating.nperation. .That all sexual disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating pi operues. mat tnoyrecruii , .... .: Shattered Constitutions, however they may have been trifled with and abused , that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, knO render it enjoyable. That, operating directly upon tl ? poisonous disease tn the blood, they ' , -,', - Cause' Soon to Ileal, . . , , and discharge from the system, every taint of Scrof ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. '. That they ' ' I. . Recruit. Ope DebiliUtted,. and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous system, the skin, glsndsoi muscles, arisino prom jmpdrities of the blood akb secretions, in which they do not give prompt relief. aud, (ir administered Deiore tne very euaaeroi me has been invaded,) effect a painless and perfect core.. Bear in miua mat tne "Mcanamavian vegeiaoie Blood Pills" are endorsed -by exnerience of thou sands of living witnesses, who, in letter, affidavits; medical works, and by word of mouth, proclaim them to be the very best preparation ef tbe kind ever offered to the broken-down victims of ill-health They hunt disease through, every avenue and organ or the system, ana to expel it tuorougniy ana perma nently. . ' xxoone can uouoi meir superiority auerone nngio trial they are not only better, but, in fact, cheaper than any other Pills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better effect. . Price of 4ho Scandinavian Vegetable .Blood Purii tier, $1 per bottle, or $5 per half dozen. Of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, 35 cents per box, or 5 boxes for SI. In difficult er complicated Cases, Dr. Roback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for the reply. -. r, ;. -f .. From Rev. Mr. McMulleh, Pastor of KoVerts Chapel. - , :(i Ibdianapois, Oc4obor 6, 1PS7. Dr. C. W. Roback Dear Sir: I have used your Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from which I have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste; it certainly has a happy effect upon the nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re gards, and believe me Yours. ' ..i . J. W. T. McMULLEN. , Principal Office ahd Sales Rooms, So.-8 East Fourtli street, 3d Building from Main street, Cincin nati, O. Laboratory In Hammond street.'- .. For, sale in Meigs Co., by.D. llEED, Pomeroy; Hcgg & Coe, Middleport; . E. S. Branch, llutland; Jn M. Cooper, Pageville; J. K. Ellis, ' Eacine; ' Rob erts &' TiDi, Long Bottom; I. H. Hayman, Apple ( J rove; . WeldensA; Bestow, Chester;- A E. Reed, Orange P. O.; W. M. "Swallow,- Letart Falls; Wm. Dickey, - Harrisonville; M. ? E. Smith,: Syva.euse; andby Druggists and Merchants .generally,-.throughput . the Union. ., ' 3-7-y.-'. I II . M A It-T IKI'S; G ATA DENIAL CORRECTOR ! ! .. HAS HAD . . .... : .: , ATE N, "STEAKS TBI AL, ; ' WHICH SHO'JLD BB ! . SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE EVERY , ' . Suffering "Woman u of the GreaLTfaluo of tho CATAMENIAL CORRECTOR!! - : , And that it is without exception ; SSTIIE. BEST MEDICINE- BKFOFE THE PUBLIC FOR ALL DISEASES' AH ISINfi FROM I R REGIT LARITIES.CHROSIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, PALPITATION OF THK HEART; ' VJiKTIGO OK DIZZINESS, , '"'' ' PAIXR IN THE K1DSEYS, Vi l PAINS IS THE SM.LL OF THE BACK, ', PAINS TINDER THE SHOULDERS, ' ' LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, LANGUOR AND NERVOUSNESS GENER.VLLY, ' DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION '-' SUSPENDED MENSTRUATION, -, . OR CESSATION , OF THE MEJiSES, .... , r And an almost endless variety of other diseases at tendant on irregularities superinduced by colds, by over exertion, by a weak constitution, severe men titl or physical labor. ; The simple remedy for all-it to gel at the primary cause of the disease;, remove it, and yon assist nature to regulate. . This can be done by the great , CAT AMEMAfc:- tOHHEGTCmi Which has never failed to b'ffectia cure .when prop erly used, according to. tlie directions, and a fair ' trial given it. ' l i r:i"'T:: , It is preparedrom the recipe, and under the per eonal supervisioij of a most Skilful Physician, who " for a number of years confined its use to bis private practice;' For the ewihrears that It has been before the public it has gained for itself a position that will soon, by its rapid increase of popnlarivy, place lt at . the head of. all remedies, heretofore , offered" for Women's-diseases. Thei- more-es'peelallyi those above enumerated,;which too often end in . . ' For'sale , ljr most respectable DruggisU tnrongh ont tne Union and Canada's. " " " Frioe,$1.00iperfioli, ' IiAB-Q-El-SIZE, $J..50' PER; BOTTIE4, (i. B. When it happens that .your. Druggist haar not tlie ahicle, the -money1 can be remitted direst to ire, and if two or more bottles are ordered at one time; tbe medicine-will be sent free ot charge fer transportation. ' r ; J - Particular directiens as to use; &e.y aecompanylrig each bottle. . . .:'r .... .- Druggists can be supplied direct from onr Labora tory, Or by sending their orders to . r ' BAKKES or PARK, New York. F. C. WELLS ci Co , Kew' York. S.:Bi HANCE, BnHimorej Md. DYOTI'S, Philadelphia, Pa. J. WRIGHT & Co.r Kew Orleans, La. JOHN D. PARK., Cincinnati, O, H. H. HAYS, Portland, Me. Or to-any respectable Wholesale Druggists in Kew York or Philadelphia. Circular, wlthTrade Prices &e.i for. the Corrector, and our 'other aiedifines, sent free to Wholesale Buyers. : Ko Medicine placed on Commission. l: :vlh.U J".D I. DE NYSE,: General Agent for the United States and Canada; 40 a un St., New York. July 10, '60. 27-ly ti . Marietta & Cin.' and Hillsboro & Giri. 'B. R ON anif after Thursday,' A-pril 26, 180, trains will leave Athens as follows: " Goino East Express Mail at -' ' ' " ' TJ'Slf r. . . Going West .Mail at ', -. . . .. .-.-' tO'Ja A. w. TppExpress mail east makes close connections at Parkersbufg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,' and at Cincinnati with trains-for aV points West.--.. .. .... - . : T - JO Passengers "I e a vi n g Park ertburg-' af 8 :Mt m liv arrive at Columbus9;l3 p. M. ,,, .:i:.;; TljTickess at reduced rater are 'sold at Chilli cothu and Athuns, for ColnnAus.; ; . . . JTJfThrough tickets to all points East and West can be obtaiaed atali the principal Tick,el Offices on the line of the Road. A . discount of ten cents on ach ticket from regu ar tariff rates will be made 011 11 tickets nuruUdjvd at the ticket ofilces. , ,ORLAN SMlTB,(rm j J. Foooitt. Geu'I Tivket Ag't. Chil. may, J,3bX !sEPT.a860.; d ni. SEPT I860. AT WHOLESALE ONLY; ; : j; Fs .TOWELL, - WnOLEaALB DEALER IX HATS AND NOTIONS PORTSMOUTH,: OHIO! ; T HAVE just returned from tip Eastern cities with v ; - " Ainei-icau and nropentt D 11 Y G o. o r s Hats, Bonnets and Notions,. which aro now in store and ready for inspection. My stuck will b'a found, as heretofore,,.- Iiargo ancl -4a-ttx-A.otT7-eS and comjiosed niniulv or safe, and staple goods, which ill be sold at the ' , - . Responsible and prompt merchants. Vi the neigh-, boring counties in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia, will save time and money by calling onlthe nndersigned. Sept. 2P, '60. 3)-iy J. F. TO WELL. J W"k i I 1 - 2