Newspaper Page Text
TWO Days Later from Europe, THE PERSIA OFF CAPE HACK. St. Johns, Nov. 4 via Sackvillo, 5th. The steamer Prrsia passed off Cape Race on Sunday evening at live o'clock, bringing dates from Liverpool to the 27th and from Queenstown to the 28th uit. . : The steamers Arago and Glasgow ar rived at Southampton on the 25th, and the Cannula at Liverpool ou the 28th. Affairs in Italy remain- unchanged. The Warsaw meeting terminated on the 2Gth. The principle of a European Congress was agreed upon. It is reported that Austria has pro posed mediation with France for a pa cific solution of the Italian question. The position of the hostile forces in Italy was literally uuchanged. Some details of the voting on the ques tion of annexation confirm the previous reports that the result was almost unan imously in favor of annexation. The British Legion in Italy had a 'Enlistments for the Papal army had ceased. It was said that the Ambassa dors of Prusia, Spain, and Portugal were preparing to quit Turin. The vote of Sicily was almost unami mous for annexation. Victor Emanuel would be in Naples on the 28th. A dispatch from Ancona says voting on annexation had been decreed for the 4th and 5th of November. The English sqadron had left Syria for the Adriatic. Two French vessels remained at Beyrovt. It is reported that agitation prevailed in Damascus, and that threats were made against the Christians on account of the war tax. A new charter by the Emperor of Austria accords a Court of Chancery to Hungary, and the Chancelor is to be a member of the Ministry. The number of the members of the Reichsrath is to be increased to oue: hundred, by coun selors elected by provisional diets. The 'constitutional institutions of lluu gary are tO' be re-established, and the Hungarian language is to be the official language. All ficancial matters to be subject to the approval of the Reichsrath. The university at Pesth to be re-opened. Abolition of personal service due to land lords, and of exemption of nobles from taxes, is cenfirnted. The" representation of all classes of the country in the Legislature and the Administration are tq be re-established as principles. . . The Hungarian diet is to be convoked without delay, and the Emperor then to. be crowned King of Hungary. Similar Constitutions are to be granted to Transylvonia. Gen. Benedick was appointed Com-mander-in-Chief-of the army in Italy. The Emperor's charter was favorably received at Pesth, arid Buda was illumi nated hy order of the municipality. The principle of a European Congress has been adopted. . Advices from Constantinople say the Grand Vizier is favorable to a forced loan. All Pasha is named for foreign Minister. The withdrawal of Riza Pasha from the Ministry is expected. A great fight occurred at the election of Greek Patriarch. It is confirmed that Austria has 100, 000 men in Verona aloue. Mantua and Peschiera likewise are strongly garri soned, i The Pope assured the representative -of France at Home that he had no in tention of leaving. The Opiuione Nationale of Turin caused considerable sensation in all quar ters, by publishing an article branding the Warsaw meetiug as nothing but a conspiracy on the part of the Govern ments represented there, against France, and also charged England with being a ligo between." The same journal gives -a report that the Government of Aus tria proposes to negotiate with Frauce for a pacific solution of the Italian ques tion. She will resort to arms with the countenance of her new ally. TheWarsaw meeting adjourned ab ruptly on the 26th, Owing to the illness of the Dowager Empress of Russia. Vienna, Oct. 20. An order has been issued to prepare for the Coronation of Francis Joseph, as King of Hungary, next spring. . f Warlike preparations are being exten sively increased on the Mincio. Xater from Europe. .ARRIVAL -OF THE ADRIATIC. , Randy Hook, Nov. S. 'The Adriatic, From Havre via South hampton, passed the Hook this morning. Her advices are three days later than -those of the d'eintc Albert .at St. Johns. The steamship Norih Jimerican ar rived at Liverpool on the -23d, and the Glasgow at Queenstown on the 2Gth. The Edmburg sailed .on the .24th for New York. " . ' Victor i7nZlad:arrived:ft Denifia, in Naples. The lloyalists'had evacuated Cajazzo and the vicinity. The line of the Vol- .turno had been abandoned for that of the Garglino. Garibaldi liad entered Capua. .."' JThe .Emperor of Austria had intro duced the;new charter, making immense concessions to Hungary. .A semi-official article in the Paris Constitutional says; "An organized and powerful Italy is henceforth for the in terest of Europe. The part of France is that of non-intervention. When the revolution is accomplished it should be consolidated by the act of a European Congress. The Sardinian Ambassador has been ordered to leave St. Petersburg. Napoleon lias received a letter from the Czar to the effect that nothing hos tile to France should be entertained at the Warsaw interview. 'The Arago arrived on the 3Gth. - Thj ship Red Jacket, from Melbourne, had arrived, with 150,000 in gold. The ship Martha Whittemorc of Rich mond, strauded in Dundrum Bay on the 20th. The proclamation of the Siciljau vote would be made the following day. The Papal Nuncio had left Paris in consequence of orders from Rome. At the Newmarket races Mr. Ten Broeck's Umpire beat Tom Bowlin in a match for 1,000 sovereigns. A recent census of Russia shows a population of 79,000.000. It is reported that the Xuncio at Mad rid had remitted with a few days, 2,000 a eals to the Pope, which had been raised by the Bishopsu Gen. Lamoriciere will return to France, smart encounter with the Royalists at Capua, but were victorious, with a loss of three killed and thirty wounded. Spain had withdrawn its embassador at Turin, leaving its affairs in the hands of a Charge. The text of the Russian note to Sar dinia, protesting against her course in the Lffairs of Italy, and ordering her le gation to retire, is published. It is very iitrong in its tone. It is stated thafthe English Admiral is going to (laeta, for the purpose of pro- . tecling the light ot the King of tuples. An Imperial decree raises the price of ; tobacco 20 per cent in France. ; The Emperor Napoleon held a mili . tary council relative to the formation of a uew plan of an army of reserve. All the Marshals attended. From llio Nw Orliars Delta, Xnv. 2. TERRIBLE STEAMBOAT CATASTROPHE. EXPLOSION OF THE H. R. W. H LL. G ICS AT LOSS OF LITE. NAMES OF THE DEAD AND WOUNDED. The steamer Wm. L. Levy, Capt. Puckett, hence for Alexandria, when opposite College point, was hailed by the steamer . R. W. Hill, on Wednes day night at about 12 o'clock. The Levy ran alongside and ascertained that the Hill was in distress, having ex ploded the third boiler from the lar board side. The Levy returned last evening, hav ing in tow the Hill, when she lauded her at the foot of Girod street. At the time of the explosion there was a head of steam on varying from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and twenty-five pounds to the square inch the usual power but owing to the' fact that below Australia .Landing the boat had run over a stump, knock ing a hole in her hull, and no doubt thereby affecting the boilers, this explo sion may be conjectured. - The engineer, however, told us that the boiler head i3 made of cast iron, and bears the mark of an old crack in .the rim . where-if was severed from the main boiler. The explosion is of a curious charac ter. The boiler head is driven out only from the upper part, and doubled over in its center, having the appearance of a circular book cover half closed. .When the explosion took place the boiler- head was only partly bent over, con sequently the steam and water eseap.ed upwards 'in great force, and broke the floor of the saloon and damaged some of the state-rooms. As the steam and wa ter gained egress, the pressure against the boiler-head caused it to fall over as already described, and then the steam and water took a horizontal course, dashing in the greatest fury aft over the cotton bales, where some forty-five per sons, deck passengers and all hands, all Irishmen, were sleeping. From Mr. Jonson, a passenger, we learn that on Wednesday night at 11", o'clock the after head of the boiler above described blew out, passing, with its consents, (steam and water.) entirely through the engine rooms, killing the second engineer and the striker, both of whom were on watch, and also killing some thirty or forty deck hands and passengers; also, badly wounding fifty or sixty more. None of the cabin passengers were in jured except Mr. Lohman, he having his' right hand slightly wounded. The officers all. escaped without in jury. 1 he barber, G. H. fccurry of Nash ville, and Charles Hagger of Nashville, jumped overboard and were drowned. Mr. Gudden Marks or ."New Albany, was instantly killed. Henry Foster of Memphis was considerably scalded, but not dangerously. A, young boy, name unknown, who had jumped overboard, succeeded in gaining the shore. Mayor Monroe quickly, together with Lieut. Jocques and a body of police, were in attendance on the 11 ill last even ing, in removiug the wounded to the hospital; also rendering all aid to those whose precarious situations lequircd im mediate attention. Nine wounded men were sent to the Charity Hospital, three to Dr. Stone's Infirmary, and two are still on board the Hill, badiy scalded. It was a melancholy spectacle, to be hold the whole cabin of the Hill strewn with the wounded, dead and dying, and every person on board endeavoring to do his udiiobt to relieve the suffering of the unfortunate. Not a female was hurt on board. The dead bodies make an exhibition beyond description.- Each body was stripped, placed on a pallet, and laid out ou the saloon deck and covered with sheets. Some . of the bodies are entirely .skinned, and present a horrible sight, like highly colored Indians. Others are stripped of skin in various parts, pre senting a fearful app'earance. It is said that a tea tain boat passed the Hill at the time of the accident, and though the agonizing yells and piercing shrieks of the dying and wounded could be heard a distance of five or "six miles, and the boat alluded to waseveu hailed, still she refused all assistance, as will be seen by our river news-report. Last night we visited the Chanty Hospital, and found that one of the sufferers had breathed his last died in excessive agony. The others in the hospital, some of whose names are ascertained .o be John Maily, Patrick Parle, John llacket, are doing as well as it is possible under their painful condition; still, some of them may not live during the night. The clerk of the Hill not having the list of killed and wounded yet correctly made out, requested us to wait their publication until this noori. The demage to fire Hili- is trifling compared with the loss -of life, and be yond the boilerand the small damage to the saloon floor, she is scarcely injured. Cincinnati Wholesale Market. CrariNNATi, Xov. S. Flour There was a better feeling in the market under the ews from New York, and prices are firmer. Sales at from ?4 85 to 85 25. Gkocekies About 60 hhds new Su gar were received since Saturday, and small sales were made at S8$c, the latter rate for good fair. Coffee is firm at 15i15c for good to prime. Mo lasses dull and old offered freely at 41c. Wheat The demand is good with light receipts, and prices advanced 2c per bush, closing at 81 0G108 for prime red and SI 14(S 1 16 for prime white; sales 1,300 bush choice red at SI 10; 1,100 do prime at SI 10 the latter was strictly prime; 350 do good do at SI 06. Corn The demand continues good and prices advanced lc per bush: we quote new at 3336c, and 4144c for old the outside rates at the lower depots. . Oats The market is dull and heavy though without any quotable change in prices. Rye The market is dull at 04G5c for prime; sales of 1,000 bush prime at 04c. Barley The prime samples of fall and spring continue in fair demand, ami the lower grades are dull and heavy; the offerings are chiefly of the latter kind; we quote prime fall at SagOOc, and prime spring at T075c; sales ol 600 bush prime fall at !8c, delivered; 800 do do do at 85c; 350 do good fall at Kie. IIav The market is unchanged and ' dull; wc quote prime Timothy at $15 00 lfj 50 per ton in bales, on arrival. Cheksk The demand is fair at 01c for shipping lots of Western Reserve. Sales 250 boxes Western Reserve at Die. 50 boxes Hamburg at 10c. Butter Prime fresh is in fair de mand at 1415c for Central Ohio and i Western Reserve; common remaining dull at 9llc. 8 brls choice Western ! Reserve roll sold at 18c. ! Atples The demand is moderate at $11 50 per brl for Western. Potatoes The market is dull and heavy and lower. Prime Neshanocks are selling at 3035e on arrival. Seed Clover is in fair demand at S5(7t5 25' for fair to choice. Timothy is nominal at 22 25. Sales 50 bushels new clover at 85 20. POMEEOY EETAIL MARKETS. Corrected Weekly by Grant " Bros, Millers, and Fatton $ Smith, Grocers. TlICFSDAY, SOV.P, Flour. ..White Wheat. Fam., f!.0n; Red do. ex tra, $5.0O, Superfine, $5.2i. Wheat... White, No. 1, $1.05; Red. No. 1, $t.OO. Corn... - "Or. 'f tiush. Oats 'idc. "r hit Potatoes 25.30c. " . Green Apples 25"i0c. bu. Butter loc. "P 11). Cheese C12c. "r lb. , lOe.P doz Molasses 5oc. gal. Sirup C0(;?J5 gal. Sugar (X. O.) Italic. v- Codec 1718c. " Jtice c. " Soap 8(n,10c. s " Candles (tallow) loc. X " Fish (Cod) .' 6c. " Fish (Mackerel) 8 10c- 1 ". Fish (White) ; 7c. " Pickled l'ork .....12c. " Shoulders , ,12e. ", Sides (smoked) .i.l2c. " Hams ........15c. X " Crackers .ret. 8c.; wholesale Ac. r$ ', Hoop Poles 0.00 fi 1,000 Salt... '..retail 25c; wholesale c. 1$ bush For llio Pomeroy Weekly Teb-graph. OX THE DEATH OF L. 1.. STOUT, TO THE BEREAVED FAMILY. " Thy will,- O'God, bedoru." How sad the moanings of our hearts,. Each lonely hour that passes by, . A loved one early did'st depart, i , ' Bright star, to cheer life's dreary sky. '. Thus from our midst, his lovely form Was quickly torn away ; Our fondest hope, and earthly charm, Now moulders to decay. How hard, incleed, to give him up ; -How loth to yield him to the dust; We feel it is a hitter cup, Yet, mighty Maker, thou art just. Before thee we submissive stand, And humbly yield to thy behest; Resign that loved one to thy hand, Divine Redeemer, to be blest. ' Secure from every earthly snare, He lives in Heaven above ; Lord, we submit him to thy care, Eternally to bask in love. He reigns around the sacred throne, . . Adorned in robes of spotless white Ten thousand voices cheer him home, To share with him supreme delight Millions of happy saints appear; Hold sweet communion in that sphere. Angelic legions join the band, And welcome to their happy land. Thus, mingling in one mighty throng, All heaven is filled with joyful song Seraphic legions catch the fire, Tuning their harps, they join the choir. All o"er the heavenly plain resound, Far sweeter songs than earth has found. Oh! how our spirits now aspire To join, in heaven, that holy choir. P. W. V. SEPT. 1SG0. SEPT.-18U0. AT WHOLESALE ONLY. J. F. TO WELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN HATS AND NOTION. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. I HAVE just returned from this Eastern cities with an imiii'Mise stoek of American and Europcau D 11 Y G O O D S , Hats, Bonnets and Notions, which are now in store and ready for inspection. Aly stoek will be found, as heretrore, Xiargo and -A-"fc'ti"aIoti7"o! and composed mainlv of safe and staple goods, which will lie sold at the XVIGrLIT PRICES, Re'sponsiblo ai.d prompt merehants. i-i the noijrh borii2 counties in Ohio, Kentucky and Vireinia. will gavetimo anil money bv calling on the undersigned. Sei.t.S!?, 'tin. 3rt-lv J. F. TO WELL. IRON FEN C I N G AND CAN BE PROCURED IN 1RONTON AT ns low prices, in as great variety, and of as good material ns anV place in the West. T. S. KIRK Ell Ironton, Ohio. Nov. 15, 59. 10-1 y HAGS! RAGS! RAGS! THE undersigned will pay the highest cash market .price for rags. Also, Felts, Furs, Sheep Skins, etc. Wrapping Paper, Cigars, Nails, &c, given in exchange, when desired, and constantly kept on hand, in sufficient quantity to supply the market, at low figures. Call at the Pomeroy Wharf-boat. Pomeroy, O. Sejrt. 'Jy, "GO. ::8-'l.y T. BKUNKER. Road Notic. "VfOTICE is hereby given that a petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs County at their December session, A. 1. IriOO, praying for the vacation of that part of the County road which is on the front part of IttO acre lots No.s 178 and 1 70, and in Lebanon township, Meigs County, Ohio, and known as the "Crall Estate;' now owned by Aaron Hall. October 10,1800. ll-U AARON HALL. FALL & WfflTEB GOODS JUST RECEIVED, a complete assortment of seasonable Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Books & Stationery, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Trim mings, Notions, Hardware, Queens ware, Stone ware, Groceries, Oils, Manilla ami Cotton Rope, Cord and Twine; Wall and Window Papers, Clothing, Shoes, Comforts and Oil Cloths, Nails, Glass, Steel, Musical Instruments, and any other Goods that people want. Oct. 10, 1 800. 40-tf WM. II. REMINGTON. LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, NAYLORS RUN, AND Carr's Run. Application to be made to M. Heckard, l"si., Pomerov. Aug. 10,33-t. ' S. W. POMEROV. Marietta & Cin. and Hillsnoro & Ciu. It. R OX and after Thursday, April 26, IfliO, trains will leave Alliens as follows: Goiso Km Express Mail at - - 12:00 r. i. Oni.Mi Wkst -Mail at Ill-.HIi a. m. V'TKxpress mail east makes close connections at Parkersburs with the trains of the Ballimore and Ohio Kailroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all points West. "r'l'ass-'iitrr l-avi.ii 'Parkersbunr at 8:10 a. m. arrive at Cli:ifitus9:l3 r. M. Tl'lickess at reduced rates are sold at Chilli coihe and Athens, for 4'oltimbus. lrT''l iiroiili tickets to all points East and West can be obtained at ail the principal Ticket Ottices on the line of the 1,'oad. A discount of n-n cents on each ticket from rusru ar taritf rates will be made ou ill tickets purchased at Hie ticket outers. OKLAX1) SMITH, .Sup't. J. ForiOiTT, Geu'l Tlrtet Ast't. C'hil. nur. 1.59. .tauranrf". GU.Wili AGAINST " FA 1.1. AM) WIXTElt FIKES! B Y Clioico Insuranoo with thk Incorporated 1810 Charter Pcrpetnaf. 1ASU CAPITAL, 1,500,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS-OF 500,000.00, Ami ths prostiire of 1(1 yenrs scipci'fs and expericm-e. I'pwaril ol' Sli.lKUl.diii: if l.issi have been paid by the .4CU1.1 linuranro Company in llii! past 40 year. The vfllno of reliable insurance will ba apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE .ETNA DrRINQ TI1K I'AST FIVE YEARS I In Ohio, - - .SJril.,-,-.'!! n In VVUeonsin, lli(i.!t.",5 d7 In Keiiiiu kv, - 2il4.'.i:t!) 40 .Missouri. - "- - 34.."i8 C4 Iowa A- Minn., 101.3!i) 40 In .Miehipa II, -5158.043 fil In Indiana, - I4G.R3M HI; In Illinois, - - 44H.3-27 41 Tennessee. - - I7.54! 51 Kansas fc Neb., 10.!H." " I'enn. Ac Va.. - 31.5U.1 f-i Ark. & Ga., - 23.1145 (111 Mississippi and Alabama, - - - Sj2-41- IS Fire ami Inland XavirHtion Kik9 accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit. Ksje-cial iiltcmloH jrix'en to Insurance of DWELL INGS ami contents, for terms of 1 to 5 years. The solid service lone and successfully tried, and (be many advautaees tilt) Klnu Insurance Company possesses in its line, should not be overlooked by those ready to insure and understanding their best interests. - . - Duriiii; "stringent times' Hie necessity for reliable Insurance becomes an imperative duty the ability of property owners to sustain doss bein then mm-h lessened. . ,.... ..- .' . Agoneie in-all tlie -principal cities and towns throughout the State., . Poli -ies issued without delay, by any f the duly authorized Ajr utsof Hie Company "rjUusiness attended to with desKiteh and tidcl itv. OKEX HKAA'CH, Agvvu . Sept. 20.-38-3m. . Pomerov. O. . Exclusively Fire Insurance. POME UoTaGENCY; , - ?i A IV II A T '81 A N FUSE INSURANCE COMPANY, Eo. CS Wall Street, New York, Sot ' - ; m INCORPORATED, 1821. 1 WAI. PITT PALMER, President. AXDKEW J. SMITH. Secretary. DIRECTORS: W. P. Pat.mbr, Peter Cooper, Samiki. P. Mott, JIenkt Ellsworth, Rcfus I.. Lord, ArorsTr? W. Ward, W. K. .1oTT, Jamks C'oi.i.ks. Wm.W. Eox, Sidni:v Mason, Kdivin il. Moroas, Moses Taylor, UlClllRD TlOHK. L. S. Sl'ARKZ. Thomas Karros, John Caswell, Kobert B. Mini'irs, John Steward, Thomas W. Pearsall, Jons C. Green, Koes B. (;ro:er. This staunch obi Company havinr fully complied with the lans of this Slate, continue to insure the safer classes of property Against I. oss or D:iuiii:! by I'irc, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies. Their pol'u-i-'s are free fmiii -m usicil ities, thus avoiding i.iTiRATioN, baring had only oxe lawsuit during a business of THIKTY-IJI5TE YEAES. Particular attention given to llie Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of OXE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably a-ljusted anil promptly paid U: Cash at this Agenc . JAMES RALSTON, A'ei.t. WEST EE X BltAXCII OFFICE, Ar'. 1 Superior Sfrcct. Clrvcland, O. S. S. COE. General A -rent. JOIIX SEWEI.L. Assistant. Apr. 24, 'GO. UKlni Regular Marietta anj Cincinnati Packet, Oliio KTo- 3, J. J. KT.AGG. UnMi-r; m -VT JOHN HlilSXKK, Clerk; u'-SlZl! Leaves CinciiiiKtti rvtiry Thursday ;it 5 n'i'iock. r. m. ;irsinn- Pomeroy on SMnrOuy tit It) o'clock k. . . Leaves Marietta every Moinlay :tt 8 o'clock a. m. - Jii'iivi'8 hineroy every Ti:-'l:iy at l o'clock a. m. For freight or piisa g1' s 1 -1 v on .: rl ir to t'ATl 0' & .MONTGO.MKKY, Nov. 09, 48-tf I'ouieroy Wharf-Boat. Dry Goods & Carpet Store. .1 UN shIllito & CO. Xos. 101, 103 and 1(15 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O. Importers of , , Bnj ootJs it Cavnctinf), Are now opeiiin; an extensive am! complete assortment of ETC., ETC. Families. Hotel Keepers, Steamboat Owners, and Purchasers, generally, may depend upon finding the best class "of Goods, at prices as- low'as they can be pur chased in (lie Eastern Cities. Sept. 14, iwn. 3B-3in FOR ALL. rriHE subscrilicr having just returned from 1 the East,h an clcguut stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps; Boots, Shoes, &c, . Will offer them to the public at ton .per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is r.o luunbujr, but an actual which vre would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will cnunicratp a few articles, giving pi ices, as an nuk-x to tlia wuule stock 13est madder prints Pancy prints , (rood bloai-hed liu.s'in. bleached uiitsliii Jyatest styles bestdeluiu.-s Cashmeres lio-nnct ribbons from Fine French wool delaine ... !l;c per yard, a!)c " 10c " c " ....10 to 20c " 15c " ....10 to J0C" ....50 to 70c" (Usual price, 70 to $1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes SI per pair; Ladies' calf 1 25 " Ladies' best calf 1 '2o to 1 40, And nil other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for ood and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of our stock, tnd if the Goods' suit, prices shall suit. 15. 15. WILSON, Jan. 3, V.O. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ; rpilE old customers of this house will JL please bear in mind that 1 am still I manufacturing clothing to order, in my i new omiuing, on t.ourt street, 'J. doors trom i Front, l'omeroy, Ohio. My facilities for get ting up work is excellent, and I warrant it to be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on hand. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cravats, Shirts. Collars, Gloves, &c, &c, in good supply, and 1 take pleasure in inform ing my friends that I have just received a fine stock. Thankful for your former liberal patronage, I hope to be able to offer inducements for its .continuance. OF.O. HUTTEL. ! Oct. 26, lT.(.--!?-1-t.r i i i f llW''lALl '.OF WATCHES, JEW.EL11Y, FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS, AT THE t !i m On Court Street, st texv Doors below Iic Court House, I O 3M BH.OT, O . nHIE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers, J- and the public in general, that ho has iust returned from the city with a -plendid stock of goods in the above named Hue, all of which he A will sc.l at a, living profit. iissMs He would call especial attention his stock I i!J ma mu - Hums 'sir w .''iiiiiiS it 11 which he will sell at city prices; also to his large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of POCKE T-B OOKS, for Ladies a.ndGcntlemen, Money Bags and Turses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Urushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &.C. In Silrcr, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. Grold !Pens- He also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, whicli he warrants to give satisfaction. Heiuvites the-patronage- of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the woitli of their monev. An examination is solicited. Xuni is, 1800. 24-t ' PETER LAMBRECHT. ; PEHHV DAVIS VEGETABLE Pain IKillei?. WE RKG T" t'AI.I. T1IK ATTKXTIOJf OF THE HIJBUCTO THIS LONG TESTED ASD VXKl VALI.KU Fstmily Iflcilicinc. The Pain Killer is a purelv vegetable cnmpnuml, ami while it is a must efficient Kemedy for Pain, it is perfectly sa'e nieilicine-even in the most unskilful liaiitls. For Siimnicr Complaint, or anv other form of Bowel Disoaso in CliiUlren or Adults, it is .almost.. certain euro, amt has without douht been more successful in curii.g the various kinds of . . i .''. cholera than nny . other knr.wi, remedy; or even the most skilful phsic"nin. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease istsrur more or loss prev alent, the PAIN KILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European residents, in those climates, A Sure Uemedy. Asa Tonic for the .Stomach, it is unrivalled, few doses will relieve severe cases of Indigestion, and it is. often a perfect cure for . Dyspepsia in its most aggravated forms. Its tonic and sttinula ling properties, arousiiur the system to vigorous ae lion, lender it a most eil'ectual cure for Colds and Coughs, wlierc used according to directions. ' For external application it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation kron. ICItctuuatism, and Neuralgic Affections are quietly relieved and often cured by it. Any soreness in the .Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application, il cures instuialy ihe most violent Toottiuchc. It should always be kept near at hand, to be used in cses of severe Bursts o;1 Scalds. If applied 1 m 111 ."! in I c-1 y , accordiiiir to directions, it will give ins ai.t relief, and prevent blistering. It i peculiarly adapted to the wants of Strstinboittmcii, uiidolhers traveliuz on our Western Hirers. V ? Jiirectioris accotiiany each bottle. It 1ms been tested in every variety of cliinato, and by almost every nation known to A inericaiis. It is Ihe almost, constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary unci the traveler on sea and land and no one should travel on our iaktfs or rivers without it. Sold by dealers everywhere. ... CAUTION. flic public will lie tanlioiis that they set the gen nine Klin Killer, as some unprincipled men use (hat name for their own worthless compounds: in so doinir tliey deceive the comiu unity, and infringe upon the "Tkade Mark" of Perry Davis. PHICZ:S--25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1 Per Bottle. J. If. HA Kli'S & CO., Proprietors for tko South and West. Cincinnati, Ohio. Sold wholesale and retail by A. REE B J HM and JJ. KKKli. Poiu.-rov. O. July 31. IfOii. 30-Iv DR. WEAVER'S GA&KEB - & SALT HHEUM FOI! THE CI HE OF Cauker, Salt Kheiiin, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Pis . eases. Ciitaii ions Eruptions, and every kind . ' ef JJisasti arisini; from ar. iinpare state or the Blood. P lie most Ffreclive Blood Furiflei oS'llie :tinctceiit!i Cent si ry. It is the prescription of an educated physician, and all who are aniicted with any of the above named diseases should use it without delay, it wilt drive the disease from the system, and when once out ou the skin, a fuw applications of DR. WEAVER'S CERATE, OINTMENT, and you have a permanent cure. The Cerate has proved itself to be the best Oint ment ever invented, and where once used, it lias jiever been known to fail of perfect ins; a permanent cure of Old Sores, Tetter and hiinsworin. Scald Head, Chillld iins and Frost Bites, Karher's Ilcli. Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or Pimples on the Face, and for Sore fVipples, the is 'in? W.r.g requir-d 'm ei;;-;. ,U '..,.;.; be kupt in the house of every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by most dealers in Medicines. J. IV. il AKKIS iV CO., Proprietor for Western Stutcs, Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for above Medicine may be addressed. Sold bf P.-HERD, Pomeroy, O. July 31, leco. 3U-1J DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHERRY Wine Bit ters. The Celebrated Neva England Remedy FOR HA 13 ITU A T CON STI PATION . J :i n lid lee. Fever mid Ague, Ueu r:il ncblltty, and all otlser Disease ariiur Troui a Oisordered S t o in a c li , Liver, i Bowels, s n e li as Acidity of tho Stomac'h, lndiseslion. HarJJiurn. t.oss of Appetite, ( ostiveness. PIiitrt and lileediiiir Piles, Diiiust of Food, Sour Kructions, Sinking or Fluttering of tho Pit of the Stomach, Dimness of Vision. Yellowness of the Skin and i-.yes. Pain in the Side. Back, i best or Limbs, aird ill all cases w here a TwSIC is necessary. The Shem Win- Bitters are prepared by a repa larly educated Physician of note and position. Tliey lire Hie most Pleasant and Valuable Tonic ofthe-day. Tliey are just what persons re quire whan recoverinp: from protracted illnes.. or in tho Sprinrif tho year, when a Medicinal Tonic is required. Tliey are largely recommended, by Phy sicians through Hie Vvest, and the proprietors are daily in receipt of letters noting cures by their use. Thomas Stiniford of niounisville. Henry County, I ml., writes n, under date of May 4th, If flit, that for three years he was afliicted with 'Nervous D ibility, of the most positive character, and could get no re lief, until lie used the Sherry Wine Bitters, Which soon completely restored liiiu, and lie is now iu robust health. , One of the G HEAT EST CUKES EVER KNOWS, was Hint of Geo. W. Hoffman, Berwick, Seneea' County, Ohio. He had been alllii led with Rheuma tism in all ils vario-is forms lor about twenty years, he had used everything recommended by the skill of Physicians, hut got no permanent relict, until the Bitters were introduced, and three bottles cued hi in. He writes us two jcar. after his cure, and says, "1 have no return of tlie complaint," and further say, -'1 think and believe that in Kiieuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidne) Af fections, or Dropsy, it is a Specillc certa.n reined)".' Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. Friec, 75 Cents per Bottle. J. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Southern and Western Stales. Sold l.v I). HEEl.', Pomerov, O. July 31, kkilt. 30-ly SELLING OFF AT COST! .V.. "E-CV-VCS-, G-uiiszxiitli, HAS a large lot of Kiflles, of his own manu facture, on hand, wli'teh lie will SELL OFF AT COST, as lie dt'stgus closing up his business. They nve of (holiest manufacture, and warranted to be such articles as represented at the time of siile. fall at his Shop, opposite Morton's l'oat vavd, l'omerov, 0. iP.2S,, A. HA AG OLD STAKD OF 5 BP ii3r k'Srf of lino a hJlM, itv ii- v& i-w 'yjuii 'iiiiii a siB-ii wa mm w 4 uis w a BUY YOUR Grrooeries Where you can pet them Cheapest. S. mflRIA! CLAIMS THS ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted at, together with the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember the place Mayhugh's Building, four doors west of Court street, on Front, Vomerov. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, 18G0. lG-tf A WONG the articles to be found constantly on V hand at . i. SILVERMAN'S Grocery, are . brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, b 16 tf S. KILVERNAX. . 25 Sacks of CoCce, for sale ch'ap. bv 10-ttJ S. SILVERMAN. 10 lihds. Sugar, forlsalo cheap, bv lti-tf. S. SILNEKMAX. Q fT kegs rood English Soda, for sale cbeap. by iJ Iti-tfJ S. SILVEKMAX. ff boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, hv 0J IG-tfJ , S. SILVEKMAX. 40 boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, bv lG-tf - S. SILVERMAN. 1 f( 000 Cigars, peneial assortment, for sale ' cheap, by 18 tf S.SILVKRMAN. f) boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale wc cheap, by LlG-tfJ . - S. SILVERMAN. fCA boxes Candy, for sale cheap, by W (.10-11 j S. SILVERMAN. Q T boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sale cliap, by 110-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sain cheap, by --" l'"-tf S. SILVERMAN. 1 A brls. White Fish, for sale cheap, bv Ll6-tf S. SILVHKMAN. "iH 'c,'?s of Nails, for sale cheap, bv IG-tfJ S.SILVEKMAN. )!": boxes Starch, for sale cheap, by 10 tQ S. SILVERMAN. t'T pro Matches, for sale cheap. bV IG-tf S. SILVEhFAN'. C2?":AA worth of Qnccnsware, forsale cheap, bv VJw Ifi-tf H. SILVERMAN. "Vi" "f w y si" PILLS, ; A ni.rer fkiling Antidote lor Sick Head ache, Dyspepsia, lever and Ague, Liver Complaiut, toetiveoess, y Diliousnesa, hcuralgia, Uolic, fif Di pravcd Appetite, Disor- dcredftoniacn.ronuuo & v ntwlrmvions. Ac. A J I S5 cti. S WITjaOK S PILLS ara un'Tsranlly a- t-...iu.w ij,tu. the tn4.t now in a so. As a Family medicine they are particularly recommended -aitnpic and barmteM, out nigniy nitsun-ium m v. biuation. One Fill a ose, with mi.ld but cer tain effecta. The robust man and tho delicate child uso theui alike, with every assurance cf entire With Wilson's Pills, every Mother h. the laud becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a specific, ana swna wiinout a rival for the following affections; nCiDACnE, FETEB 3c AGUE, HEADACHE, FETEB As AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, LITER COMPIAINT, . DYSPEPSIA, IIYEE COMPLAIUT, Costiveneas, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costirenese, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Sold by Druggists & Dealers everywhere. PR F. PARED BY S. L. PAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists No. 60, corner Wood and 4th Bts. PITTSBURGH, PA. on ranramoaa of qB. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge. p July 31, ISIiU. 3ll-ly iiELIEr IX TEIV mirVUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Meilirino Established in IS37, ainl first article -f the kind ever introduced under the name of '-Pulmonic Wafers," in this or any othr ciiun try: ail othei Pulmonic "Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by "the name of BRYAN being stamped ou each WAKIlU. Hiivan's Pulmonic Wit-Kiss Kelieve Couglia, Colils, Sore Throut, Hoarseness. IJRYAN'S Pfl.MONIC WiFERS Kcliore Asthma, tSroncliitis, Difficult ilrealhing. Bryan Pn.MONic Waferb Kelieve Siiilling ot Blood, Pains in the Chest. Brtav's PrLMONic Wafers Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lunt; 'Jiseasca. Bryan's Pcl.monic Waters Kelieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. . Bryan's Pclmsit Wafkus Kelieve thv above Complaints iu 'Icn Minutes. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafkrs Are a Blessintr to all Classes and Constitutions. Bryar's Pn.xroNic Wafers Aie adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pllmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmonic V afers Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No family s1ioild bo without a box of Bkyab's Pulmonic Wafers iu the house. - No traveler slionid be without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in his pocket. No person will ever object to cive for Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Twcnly-Bvc cents. JOB MOSKS, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. T. Sold l.j 1). HEM), Pomeroy. IS-:j-lj J 33Iil 1 inery ! rT"IIIE subscriber lias arnm rc I siimed her Milliv.ei'y busi ness in thu room occupied as a Grocery and ISoiion Stere, by Martin Ilecox, one door west ef W. A. Atelier's Jewelry & Watbh Establisiliuient, wliero she will be happy to wait on all ber old customers, and ns many new ones as possible. Slis hopes, from her long ex perience in the business, to please a large ma jority. Her assortment, though small, will be kept up, and complete work done on short no tice, and warranted good. S. 1. GIIiStVN. Pomeroy, Sqit. 24, 1 800. 38-3m SALEM CENTER FOGG cfc SONT OF FEU for sale their wual supply of Grafted Apple Trees, consisting of about fitly choice varienes. I l'rice Ten Dollars per Hundred. 1 HaTcm Ccntor. Meigs IV... Ohio. ilct. 10, K",o. " ' i 3 OA 1 'liPoTrWORTH OF GOODS 'rp JJ SOLD OFF AT tJOST! 20" O H U 2MC BTTG- I WANT tOUtt CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT. PllliJiiS SHALlf T have everything in the Dry Goods line: I'rints, Delanes. Merino3, CoWgfy Alpacas, white goods, IJrowu and Bleached Muslins', Check, i'lanjjfcl, Tickiujs, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets'," Jeans, Tweeds, &e.r. : s . HARD Glass, Nails, Locks, Axos, Cutlery, Coffee" Mills Scalti Uvjjs, Brass Kettl Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe "St&U, M;'l Saws, Crossttii iaw.. Battel .; CA REENTERS .TOOL?-. , , Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Bra'ces and Bits, Square, LtaU.- Also, . ' . . " ' " ''" - - COOPERS' TOOLS. .' :.'-' Tress Hoop Adzes, BroaiJ-Axes, Compasses and Knives of all kiud.- " - 3 . ' . " ' BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Hasps. Stocks and'Dves; also, Shear, Ct and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, "Woodwork fwr liu gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. ..." - ;'' ' I would call tho attention" of Builders to my large lbi of Doors; Sash; Vatiau Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also,.' ".-".' ' "' : " . c l o -r h i wr g . . Coats, Pants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goode, Hat and C'aptf.- 'AlkS,' a Urge and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and ;Uoys' Calf and Kip Hoota aiid t"hoeifc: Cliildrejt, Misses and Ladies' Saoesof all kinds. I keep k Jurge stock of Cordug uf nil . siaisa, Iroju AY rapping Twine. . s? Su x Xj o x ixr 3m ' If you want a geod fitting Coat, Panta or Vest, give me a call. I have a laTgo lot of Piue Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done up in best stjlc, and w;tiranted,a gj fit r no sale. . ; . , . - ". The above aid various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve," at cwt, fat CASH. Give me a call. ' ; 1 r. ru TT"F,.V. Pomeroy, O., Jan. 3, 18G0. W . 3. P 11 ALL.. Jans.-1. Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this eveT invented in UM:lli:Wirlil W rJLi - m. - ! ...... .. -.. - .. !.!' , itie liurmng oi tne gas ana smoso arising irom 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a mora intense bottom of the Oven. , SKjgfcjf In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurning Stove, we wish " - ,'-: ' - it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use ' - . - ; ': .r:;;v ..?. k 6 C3r in disposing or them, but will WAKKAM every 'i"i,; 5.. .... . i .. ... ... .,., J ma la uub luv vui miiciu w jiiuuav sciuug. WOOD COOKING STOVES. . . ' Without dwelling upon the merits of the diferent patterns, ir wiB M elude ournotice by announcing that our - PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES -- - - " ' " j". - : '. . . " -i -. i ,:t Can t be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness, and we dfy 4wpiUB. METALLIC HYDRANTS P ICept constantly on hand, und we respectfully invite llio publi ; tukiu " .'! our SLOCK - In addition to our heavy stock of Stoves we will keep tttMttly WtmA, -and manufacture to order, TIXWAUJS. 'ei''? - , . : To the Citizsxs or Meigs axd Adjoisiso Cor.vTiEs: : k v-v - The above remarks will demoaitrtte to tu, ta -. certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner in which it W to be done, naturally suggests itself. )o you wish to buy ou credit? .Then yya. La-e Binip been wasting your time in reading our card. AVe cannot sell at bur pr;cs"v.iltoik ItsiSj money, if wc have to credit. We have therefore, concluded to tscll exclusively for " : ' ' - And exchange for Old Metal, Evaas, Tewtcr, Copper, Bags, Old Silver, kt t tl.eir hjgWcut market value. . -' ' . . i ' j 4. l'ast experience-has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to o:h. puchFir 4 seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers wko can buy much chcapit ns well 'iis tT cAir own who can BUY and SELL cheaper that wc adopt this system.,. " . . " i-Vii": ; AVe respectfully invite you to call and see the improvements in our Sfo,, whethw wish to purchase or not,- but wc warn you, as you value your hard-earned money, nnr-wi lttiA it awav till you have given us a call. " ' 1 Aug" 16, 1859. ly . PR ALL. L HATCH, i OHY GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHtsV ' " HATS AND CAPS, I - : GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUE ENS WA RE, . AVING KKCEIVED A LARGE oiock oi uoous. aaapica io tne plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to offer to mj patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, necespary to rnrj." gtitutc a tun otocK in live aoo"e lines, ana wnicn ve sola tor t. il or fcn try produce, oa the most favorable terms. ... . . - - ; THE TAILOIiINO BUSINESS Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. -51 G I.OTITLIN.: assisted by as coinpotent workmen as any in the county. Everything in tlte wrjy of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. ... . " : THE PASHIONB POn TEIE SBSOlvJr Will trt all times bo found on hand, together with a full Stack f Clot hs, Cei meres, Yestings, &c. t .. i.i . ----- ' .'.'.-' N. B. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and who are now Wipro-. garding the mioral obligation incurred to pay vp according to agreement,-T with ' say I will not hesitate to remind you, if , necessary, in a forcible manner. 4lm' legal obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January G, 1&60. - - li S f ' Dealers in Gold JEWELRY OF HAVE K E jOA-nTWHlIGT'S KT33"7CT ETJIIjUI KT G5 i Corner Court :ml Front iinii ' t ', "RflTHERE wc shall be pleased to see onr-old customers, and all others who I Jesire anything in our line. Wc keep constantly on hand a pno'd as-eort-ment of ("old and Silver Watches, German, French and American Jewelry. Fancy Articles; Clocks from SJ.QO oj?.00, of every, size and description; Eye Glares', Gold Pens, & c. , ' . . Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, ibr.c ;n the hc?t manner, rromptl--. Auus-t 7, I860. -31-tf 1 ABOUT 2 TTi WARE. Ulos,. Front street, -three dooi a bv -Crt. Ywr W';" 2 oldstai:d Hf Pomeroy, O. community to on of tho greatest iiiijivei6t -&sm , ' M i&l 'hX ' SSS3aS: 7.4m&$m&f. ... . - . essriWE iiijj coat, oy wuicu vjiS5RsFE heat thrown to the Jvro&LLi btove we sell to be vrliat -it is -represwrtM w i . .1,.. : . ' 1 - " iic uuiv me luusir lliiil u 1UJ1V ' . ;..-"":.. , AND CAltEFTTLljY' ?EL'rTfT"Er inter j.raue, t ami wnicii win te Kent fero- and Silver Watches, AND ALL KINDS, M O V E D TO M 1 JL 'c5