Newspaper Page Text
' ' - POPPED COK1T." .. One uv imn night when the wind" was high, Ani thh rain felt in heavy splashes, A little bay".1 ov ite kitchen fire, A pepping o rn in the ashes. nd hi stater, curly-headed child of three St lookingrsa, jit. ' c,ose o his knee. The blast went howlL round the house, . ; As if to t,ct inilwas" frying ; . It rattled th lfttdk of thff uter door, Then it se Vned'kbaby c Now and then drojuPwra th ' chimney came And sputtered ad'kiMeiin he bright ted florae. ,. '. Pop ! pop! and tl kerne -s one-'hy on, Came out of the v 'onhers flying The Hoy held a long P'n fa his han. And kept it busily ?'yi8? JTs stirred the corn an xt PPP tn more, Ar- tuter jumoed on t e clean, twwpt floor. Part of the kernels poppe ont ene-WAyr Aud part hopped out the ' ther ; Sorae went plump into his s "ir' &P Sonw went under the stool of th brother; The little girf gathered them i nto a vnd called ifeew a,iet 0f n, ;ik- ; whiieshcep." All at once the ley a4 still as a mousej. And into thesfi kept gazing; He quite forgot he was popping cor. FortLekokedwhereihswoodWasl vMazinS'; Sle WV'ed, and lie fancied tiiat he cot. 'ld 8ee A house aad a barn, a tiri and a tree. Still steadily gazed the tboy t these, . And pussy's back keytteting, Till Lis sister cried out. "sirby fieorge, Only see how the conn is sawking!" And sure enough, w lien the bey looked back, The corn in the asU6-.va1rstquate black. 'Never mi nd, " said fct,1 shal haw enoagb, -. So- let s sit back and cat it-; I'll carry the stool and you the ecm It "8 good nobody can beat it." She took uprthe comunlhoriptBafttiie, : And they ate it all, nor wished for morelj J Wilt and S&fedom. S?2uSay what you -will, a marriage by advertisement must, after all.jbe ; ihe unifen f two "corresponding" minds. JSA man who avoids matrimony n account of the cares of wedded life, is like one who would amputate a leg ta save his toes from corns. haven "A "voanff man having devoted Limself to the special entertainment f: aecwMpany of pretty girls for a wfecfle venlng, demanded payniettt in kisses, when one of them instantly replied: "Ceatainly, sir, present your bill." 5grA facetious boy asked one of lis jlay mates how a hardware dealer differed from a boot-maker? The latter,' some what puzzled, gave it up.7 "Why," said the other, "because the one sold the nails, and the other nailed the soles." 13uA man stopping bis p, wrote: "I think folks doant ort spend thane niunny on papera, my farther never , did and evry body &ed be cr-ea the smartest jan in the konntree.andfcad gotthe In telligentist famely of buoy that ver dug taters. . jgu"Eddi" said a mother to her hopeful son, as she was reading to him 'with: about Pocahontas, in the History rF Virginia '.'Eddie, do yon ' know ro Pocahontas was?" i'lYes, : tria," said hopecl, -whose thoughts Vere upon a covet 1 pony, ehe was a fast tacker." : . J'Qpod morning Pomper t" sai,j a aw ycj. "Good morning, lr.assa." . "What malrea VOU CarTV VOV r Vinrl flown SO. I.MWu tl - J Pompey; why don't y 0"u. walk with your bead erect, like me ' Massa, you ever been tro' a field o' w'eat when he ripe?" "Yes, Fowpev.. 'Well, vou take no tice seme of .c h-jada Btand np, and some hsittg wp'; dom dat stand up got no grain vx Mem. r Aa Paris elves the fashions to wr nlace boastins of hich civilization n fair to presume that the days of crinoline are numbered. A new style of ! miufinn vdh errpf r f-ivfir there as it supports the dress without whale ! U U UVWE, " -. . bone or steel, relying for this purpose vnereW on the harm' mious and skiUni disnosition of the. nlaited muslin of which it is composed. The multiplied skirt, or iitpon ? multiple it as- called EUDPorU a series of volants', tapered and grouped like, a fan, which are moved at will bv m'-ana of metallic eyelets. For traveling it is osite-'-asreeable, a3 it oc cupies little spacev What a. boon in crowded horse-car f- BB Agl A humorous eld nran leu m w-j an ignorant, and rather impnent;oonft preacher, who lo jnfom the old gentlem" ia very p0B;tive terms, e would never reach heaven unless he was horn again, and added, with ap parent solemnity, and no small self-conceit -'JT have experienced that change, and now feel no anxietyi" "And have you been bora again?" asked the gentleman. - "Yes, I trust I have." "Well," said the old gentleman, eye ing him attentivelj,."Id6n1 think it would hurt you a.kit, young man, to be born once morel"" - Preacheriastantly made tracks with a flea ia-iiis-'ear. AftlOJUahlag Pact, Objection of a Clergy man to large Salary, Ministers ia our day rarely object to an increase of salary, but we find in an exchange a capital story of an old Con necticut pastor who declined it for sub stantial reasons: Ilis country parish raised his salary from $300 to 8400. The good man ob jected for three reasons: "First," said he; "because you can't Cord to give me more than $300.. Second," becanse my preachingisn't woith more than that. "Third," because I have to collect my salary, 'which, heretofore, has beennthe hardekt part of my labor among you. "If 1 bad to collect an additional hun dred, U would kill me." I An arousing- incident to'ok plaee in one of the largetdry -goods stores in New York a short timcsirice. A good-looking, honeMfaced country girl came to town with her "feller" to do a little trifle of shopping. T'ha. magnitude of the store, ihe piles of goods, the dazzling array of articles, the flitting cash-boys, quite over-powered oar good friend, . who scarcely knew what to do. Her "feller" obstinately refused to go in, but loitered towards the door. The clerks being all busy just then, the young lady was obliged to remain standing for a few moments. At length a gaily dressed little fellow came bowing a od smiling up to the. blushing custo mer with "Anybodjr waiting oayon, madam?" The color'dcepened in her cheeks as she pointed to the door end faltered out ) AN ADVENTURE! OH THE CARS. There were five of us yes, five as happy fellows as were ever let loose from college. It was "vacation," and we concluded to take a trip to the Falls. We got aboard the cars at N , and were soon traveling very rapidly toward our destination. We had just seated ourselves and pre pared for a comfortable smoke, when in came the conductor, and who should it be but our old friend Fred li . After the common salutations "How are-you old fellow," etc. had passed, Fred said he had some business for us to attend to. "Out with it, old chum," said we., "anything at all will be acceptable, so let us have it." "Well, boys," said Fred, in very confidential tone, "in that next car there is as 'lovin' ' a pair as it was ever my lot to see. Thev ara croine- down to IP- to get married, and now if you cat'-have fun an over it, just pitch inv They must, to cared for, and I don't lenowwho can da' it better than you." In a truomcnt Fred was pone, and we set our hev3 together to form a; jslanfor "taking care "of t&e lovers." "I have it "ioys," said Bill Seevrs; "we must mak t that girl think that Ser lover is a marr.'e'd " "That's it, n ill that's it," said we, not giving him time to finish the sen tence, l'Thtrte is a Married man and tfie father of children-, " said Bill. "That's the gad Je, boys; now let us pfayit." - It devolved upoi ' me to commence operations, Accordingly, I entered the car-la. windows were L aibrmetl the lovers were. Sure-enough, ti're they were, in 'eal 6offe l&v.erjt' style. All this I gathered ati t glance. Step- e up so- tnemw t said: Why, Jones, what in ite deuce are you - "loinS wtli: this- girl?' .a, e here, stranger," saiV- tne fellow, "yoa'iv a mie -mistaken; my name ain't ones?. "Wln 'S Joflcs," said:r, "yoi - certainly aven't i '.eft ymr wife and chil dren, and f off for a sinsle tried to palm yourself off, for man; have jovl .. f. u,m "X icll ou m j na me-ai n-1 't never was Jones; "tunt a nuther.."" shook my head and p, sse T seat to see the rest oi tne Harper. 1 goin' to be, I merely on to anothc fun. 'The gi rl looked "wild" after I sat . aes, aHds Harper; soon cc B" it I was mistaken. down; but Jo. vinced her th About the time they got to feeling right well agai n, in came Juliet uregg. Harper, he accosted, him you here! How did you nd babies?" i, stranger, you ain't the vlled me Jones to-day, Walking up to "Why, Jones leave your wife "Now see hen fust man that's c. aa" I reckon I m him; but I ain't J t nst look awlully like "ones,, an.' more-n- tha,t, e Jones. I haiut got either but this ere ' to splice, an' then it my wife-, and I t what, in the course yea musn t call m a wife, nor babies eal an' me is a goi. you can talk aboi wouldn't wonder bu of time, you might I teo, but you musn't This retort brougi laughter from the sp brought blushes to tl" VW was poin' to be s alk about the babies, eall me Jones!" it forth vociferous jcia-torj, and it also ie face?f "the gal licedk"" trregg: "you w'H "Ah. Jones,' saia regret this in the futu re. JL pity your this poor girl." nr reai name is teen. Solin' me, a't sp4ieed yet; wife and cniiaren, uuu "So, Mr. Harper, yo Jones, is it, an' you've V n? Well, we ai an' I don't think we wil" I mod' said the & sirl, and her eyes tairly Harpcry. on't erl Thar ain't "jane, auc, o. uBnnr T'm Bill Hart yuu nvn -j in ne, an' darn arop oi ouuuo '11 prove it. j -aexson-j Bill t- hia Til rTTlPTl 1.. tJCU. Seevers, and Jim layers eu , course their attention was c tiled to-Har-V.v his loud talking, 'ley stepped up to him and said: alt thia ffess " "J ) " ' about!" ' .tt could This was more tnan narper stand. He leaped npon a bw. ain't uv " caifl he. "my name Jones, and I can lick the feller that says it is.' . . . . -.t By this time we had got to a , and our friend Fred came into the car and made Harper keep quiet. iue gm that wouldn't be "spliced" requested Fred to help her oa the train that was going feaei: to N--, which he did, and the-notorious Jones, ftfwt Harper, fol lowed her. - We learned afterwards that he proved himself to be. Bill Harper in stead of. Bill Jones,: and . -he and bis gal Jane "go spliced." XA following story of the coal oil excitement in Allegheny county, Penn., is as like to nature as if true as it probably is, for that matter : " In a neighborhood on the creek lived and labored a son of Vulcan, who, with his limited means, had barely enough to 6ecure a small piece of land and to obtain a scanty living for his rising family. The ideas of his children had been taught to shoot but little in any. direction toward knowledge and re finement ; and he little expected to be anything more than the village black smith. But when the oil fever broke out, learning of the success of his neigh bors in finding oil, he thought that he might while away his spare hours in drilling a hole on his own homestead lot: and having tools convenient, he went to work, and after a f8w weeks of patient industry was successful in ob taining a good show of oil. It was soon noised about the village, and the black smith was somebody. at once. He bad a daughter, also, who had blossomed- inte maidenhood almost unnoticed and un known, but who now became an object of interest to the Jew young men in that small community. It became a question how to break the ice of former indifference,-and to secure a favorable acquaint ance with-the heiress of the oil-well. For awhile the, Batural timidity of the boys kept them aloof ; but at last one Oi" the boldest and best-fevered among them determined to try his luck, and on a Sunday evening, attired in. his best, res olutely marched forward and offered to escort the damsel home. Imagine his chagrin when she, turcing upon him a look of lofty independence, that would have , done -honor to a Broadway belle, repied;:in.: language more severe than chaste, 'Nonesense! you can't come that I -Dad's struck-ile !' " jAlbert Clark, a well known and respectable citizen of Hernando county, Florida, was brutaly murdered by one of his negroes on the 8th- inst. The culprit, Hampton, was brought into Brookvile on the 12th inst., and, having made a speech on the gallows, admitting his guilt and the justice of his punish ment, was executed in front of the Court-house and in the presence of a large number of the citizens. esiWhy are washer-women in the suds like Adam and Eve in Paradise? insurance. GUARD AGAINST FALL AXD WINTER FIKlis: B T Insurance O lx oloo WITH THK Incorporated 1819 Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL., $1,590,000, ABSOLUTE AND UNIMPAIRED. NET SURPLUS OF $500,000.00, And th prestipe of 4t yean succees and oxperienee. Upward of $12,000,000 of lnssos have been pnlil by tha yEtna Insurance Compiiny in tlm past 40 year. Tha value of reliable Insurance will ba apparent from the following LOSSES PAID' BY THE jETNA DHR1NO THC PAST FIVE TEARS I In Ohio, - - 8431.550 F3 In Wisconsin, 1M5.!55 07 In Kentucky, - 204.939 40 Missouri,- - - 384.518 04 Iowa : Minn., 101.3!i!) 40 Penn. & Va., - 31.59.VP2 In Michigan, -815P .043 81 In lmliana, - I46,3;i fc'l In Illinois, - 44K.3-27 41 Tennessee. - - 97.540 21 Kansas & Neb., 19,045 ArK. & Ua., - S.-3.SI4J US Mississippi and Alabama, - - - $32,412 18 Firo and Inland Navigation Risks accepted at terms consistent with solvency and profit. Kspecial attention siren to Insurance of DWELL INGS and contents, for terms of I to 5 years. The solid service loner and successfully tried, and the many advantages the iEtna Insurance Company possesses in its line, shonld not be overlooked by those ready to insure- and understanding their best interests. tirirte"stri spent times" the necessity for reliable Insurance' becomes nn imperative duty the-ability of property owners to sustain loss being then much lessened. Ascencies- in nil tje principal cities and towns throughout the State. Poliiiea issued without delay, bv anv of too dulv authorized As nts of the Company. JTJ'Business attended 1o with despatch and fidel- itv. usu bka.i n, .geri, Sept. 20.-38 -3m. Pomerov, O. Exclusively Tire Insurance. POME-ROY AGENCY, MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN t No, 68 Wall Street, New York, It ' mt ft if a. i c o INCORPORATED, 1821. . PITT PALMER, President. ASD. 'SEW' J, SMITH, Secretary. DIRECTORS: W. P. . Twm, SAMcrr. F.Mott, l. W. F. i 'ffrr, W.W. I " Edwin I). 1 Richard Tu IBB Thomas Bah. Robert B. M. xm, Tboms W. P ."" Pktkii Coopbr, Henrt Ei.t.swoRTir, Auodstub W. Ward, James, Sidney Mason, M"ses Taylor, I,. S. Soarez. .loHN tlASWET.L, John Steward, John C. Green, Em B. Crocker, Dili Jnnnh old Company havinc fully comnlied with the laws t "' State, coutinoe to insure thu safer classes of p. "operty Against Lo,rJamnse by Fire, at as low rates as o er firs c,il89 Stock Companies. Their policies are f-tea rin technicaiities, thus avoiding- litioation, hiving had only one lawsuit during- a business of THIHTY-INE YEARS. Particukir aUention giv.ili tolhe Insurance of Farm Property, i8olated Dwellings, and their Furnitoro. PolL issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid in Cash at this Agenc.. . JAMES RAISTOS, Agent. WESTERN BRANCH OFFICE, 1 Svuerior Street, Cleveland, O. Xo. s. S. COE. G-.-neral Aeent. JOHN SEWELL, Assistant. Apr. 24, '60. 103in Regular Marietta and Cincinniiti Packet, Oliio No. 3, J. J. BLAGG. Master; JOHN HEISXER, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati every Thntsdav at 5 o'clock, p. m. passing Pomeroy an Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. Leaves-Marietta every Monday at 8 o'clock a. m. Jjeaves romeroy every Tuesday at 6 o'clock a. m. For freight or pVssajto apply on board or to PAT f05 & MONTGOMERY, Kov. 29, '59. 48-tf Pomeroy Wharf-Boat. P R OCLAMATION! I WILLIAM DE5NISOS, Governor of the State t ef Ohio, do hereby notify the qualified Klectors of the State of Ohio to assemble in their rejpective Townships and Wards, at the usual place of holding elections, on Tuesday, being the sixth day or Novem ber, A.D. i860, and then and there to proceed, as the Isw directs, to elect twenty-three Electors or President and Vice President of the Uuiled Stales, in pursuance of the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and of th's State. IS TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I hnv ' set my h nn C9nsad-n,e Or-o.'.- Hea) tf the Rtjite of Ohio to 'be aaTxSTfV-nt-C'ottim-bus. this'seveiiteeiUh dav of September, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred ana hixtv.. and of tha ' States the W'-v -u'V'FMll. ..v-pauduuva ui mo ViiUe' " the Governor WILLIAM 1'ESSISON. A. P. Russell, Secretary of State. 1 hereby certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the original, transmitted to me by the Governor. Sept. 28, I860. 38-5t J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Dry Goods & Carpet Store. JOHN SHILLITO & CO. Sos. 101, 103 and 105 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O. Importers of Bar (oot)$ S- (fargrtiiuj, Are now-openinjr an extensive and complete assortment of FOBEIGN" AND AMEHICAIT m CAPiPETIFG, ETC., ETC Families, Hstel Keepers, Steamboat Owners, and furehasers, generally, may depend 4np6n finding the best class of Goods, at prices as low as they enn be pur chased in the Eastern Cities. Sept. 14, IHiO. 3G-3tn FOR ALL. riHHE subscriber having just returned from. I the iiast wnn an eiegam stoc& or Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes &e., Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual facij which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us- wtlt an examination of stock and priees-..: We will enumerate a few articles, giving Drices. as an index to the whole stock:. 7 . . . . -, t . Best madder priats Paucy prints. . Good f bleached muslin... bleached muslin Latest styles best delaines. Cashmeres Bonnet ribbonsfrom Finn TYpneh wool delaine., ....xvv per yara. 8a9cv " 10cv ...w8c " ...15 to 20c-"- J5o ' ...10 to-40cu -...50 to 75c'1- (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes $1 per pair; Ladies' calf 1 25 " Ladies' best calf 1 2o to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them.. From this date we positively dis continue the credit busiueas, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully aak aa examination of our stock, nd if the" Goods suit,, prices shall suit. ' . TJ 1! WIT SAXT B. B. WILSON, I REMOVAL. MAS REMOVED niS JEWELRY Building, immediately at the Head of the Wharf-Boat Landing Road, noxt door below Remington's Stove, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the sametime, open his new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reasonable prices,, and he war rants every article to be of the value represented. Ilis Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the-commodious recep tion of customers, where they will find a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business-. All his work, such aa WATCH, CLOCK ABD Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All hia work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. To-all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and 1 t .f V T ' A I Titi nn t . Wisnes lor a cunimuance ui ms same. 2-3-tf. At the head of grttsfrilanfousv GIFT Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beautiful Gift for Husbands to their Wives and Daughters. rpiie introduction of this most beautiful and cmi X nently practical machine will bring joy and glad ness to tne neans oi inousanua oi our country women uirnugnoui me tanu. 11 is pronounced ty the best jurices to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, nud the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate An all kinds of work, usinc any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will siw with oqual facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. We enumerate a few f its superior ad vantages. 1st. It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rablc stitch of any yet made. !2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and docs not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re- wjniiinsr. 4th. It uses no oil on top, thus-preventing the anmagms: oi pooos. 5th. It runs with frreat ease, and quietly. Cth. It can be understood and operated upn with very little instruction. 7th. It is sold f r the low price of thirty dollars. Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeins them, by letter, or the Machine and work can be seen at the agents1 residence, next door io Air. 1 rain's omce, near me Bans Bunding. IUc.TIASTEU fe SOiX, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. .Ian. 3, '59. !-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S A T New York Prices. THE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS ness and simplicity of the Machine: the beauty asti strength of Btih being alike on both sides, impossible to rarcl, and leaving no ridge on the under aide, economy of thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accomf anymg each Machine, to enable purchasers- to sew ordi nary seams stitch, lelt, quit, gather, tuck. .. .,..; ilSC. t keep th Machine m order. Each- Machine is warranted for three years. For Further particulars apply to the nnder siKuedageut. 0. B. DONNA i.t.v DR. MOTT'S Chalybeate Restoratiye FILL S OF IRON. An aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxvgen and Carhon by combustion In Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical An thorities, both in Europe end the Vaited Slates, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compered wtth It. Im purities of the blood, depression ef vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly cempleirione indicate lis necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies In which it has been tried, it has proved absolutuly curative ia each of the following complaints, via: In Debility, Nervoae Affections, Emaciation, Dye Sepsia, Consapatien, Diarrhoea, Dvsentery- Iacipieat oasampden, Scroraloae Tuaercalosie, Salt Rhcam, Misaenstroatiea, Wbit, CWorosis, Uver Com plaints. Chronic Headaches, KheamatiM, Inter mittent Fevers, Fimples aa the Face, oz. In cases of Ctkkeral DkeiLtw, whether the re"'t of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of A m MACHINES nervous and muscular energy from chromo com plaints, one trial of this restorative has proven suc cessful to an eirtent which no description norwritten attestation would reader credible. Inva lids o long bed-riddi'n as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared in the busy world as If just returned from protracted travel in a" distant lend. Some very signal instance of this kind are aKesled of female Kufierers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exhaus tion, critical changes, and that complication of nerv ous and dyspeptic aversion to eir and exercise for which the'pbysician has no name. Id Norvons Affections of ell kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this pre paration of iron must necessarily be salutarv, for. unlike the old oxides, It is vigorously tonic, without being exciting-ami overheating; and gently, regu larly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness wilhcat ever being agastric purgative, or indicting a disagreeable sensation It Is tliis latter property, among others, which makes it so remarkably, effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specitlc action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are Its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate Fills has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, including the at iendent Cosliveness In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dysentery, continued, emaiiciatiug, and apparently malignant, the effects have beu equally decisive aud astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, de bilitating cough, and remittent hecty, which generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physi cians, in several very gratifying aud iuteresting in staiices. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good effect of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without ary of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly affecting them. In Kheiimutlsin, both chronic and inflammatory in the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invariably well reported, beth is alleviating pain and reducing the swellings und stiffness of the joints aud muscles. In Intertui Stent. Fevers it must necessarily bo a great reuieil-y and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in the new settlement of the West, will prob ably be one of high renown and usefulness. Jio remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine; which exerts such prompt, happy", and fully restorative effects. Good appetite c implete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active aud cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 5u cents per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be ad dressea to 1. B. LOCKE AV Co., General Agnts, K. Y. 01. 1?, m-w-ty. STORE TO A. BURNAP'S NEW JEWELRY REPAIRING, it. a. -All, ii eweler.. Wharf - Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O ittiscellaitfoiis. W. B. SKIT.V1N. I. . BILLET. C OI.. THOS. SIITI1 EXCELSIOR MARBLE WOfift, RACINE, MEIGS CO., O. Opposite the V. S. Hotel, ami tv XWrs North of Col. Smith' $ Store. rilHB UKDEKSIQXED WOULD HE3PECT 1 fully inform the itieea of Mig aad ad joining counties, that tlkty ara now prepared to furninh to order. Monuments, IIad-ston.i, Counter-Tops, Table-Tops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the nat ap proved style and very best quality of Foreign er American Marble. Thoae wishiag to abtaia GOOD WOiK, of this kind, at priees which cniiEot fail to suit. win uo wru io Kive us a au berare itnrrliM nr elsewhere. We are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with thair pat ronag, personally, ar by order. SK1RVIN, KELLEY SMITH. Aug. 17. 1-33-tf NEW GROCERY AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queensware, Shoes, &e., &c. at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, which will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, . POH OASS. Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Surar, Dried Apples, C'effee, Tea, Molasses, Dried Peaches, Potatoes. Homjny,- Pearl Barley,. Beans, Teas, eirup, Vinegar, JiacoB, Dried Beef, Codfish, Mackerel, &C-, &c. C. E. DIWVAT.I.T Raisins, Currants White Fishr Pomeroy, Marcli T. 2-9-ly PLANING MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVlSr OF the Sugar llun Tlanirg Mill, lias a large assortineat of Lumber, either rough or planed, on hand, which will be sold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As he is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will he executed in n manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of the material. All orders addressed t JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O., Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, T7ill be pronsptly attended to. (may 22, i860. 3-20-vl JOSEFH PATTO.V. DAS. . 8MITIf. PATTQN & SMITH, naving recenny-iormea a partnership lor the purpose of carrying en the GBQCSBY BUSINESS In all Us departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community tft our present stock ol FHESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly be added Hew supplies, as l. n a i r . i.. - Luc- tiiTmuu" -l iriuc ma, rt:llirB. The junior parttier liuvin had a long experience in the business in tais market, is enabled to Drocure just such stockt as is required for the market, at Pricet to Suit All, Country merchants will Howell h irlclnn- . . u ..ument. vouotry Pro4ue wanted, for which the highest market price wiil bo paid. We atsa purpose doing a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Onr establishment is on Front Street, under the "Gibson House," Pomeroy, O. April , ie). S-IB-tf WWtmore, Wolff, Duff & Co., Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, SIN OF THE ANVIL. No 59 Wood St., three doors above St. Charles Hotel, PITTSBURGH, PA., TTAVE flow If) Stock f assortment of English, iJL G, man and Amen"" nruware, oi every ae scrtptlen, which Is nnrivalsd n extent and variety bv any other establishment In the country. "Having direct connections with the manufacturers, ..itiM for obtaining roods are such as enable us to aclt t prices a low a can be found in any of the CmcM markets. , . , Buyer will promote their own Interests by exam ining onr stock and prices before purchasing. We are agents for the sale of Wilson, Hawkswortn, Ellison Co.' Celebrated Meet ; Watrouss, Ship man Ar rn ' ail1.iKt.ble Handle Drawing Knives, J Tjnet'S Philerteiphia Scales, Kingeland's patent I Box"lrane; nJ "". mattufactjircrsiirtrejaSQV- eltv" and "variety" locks ana A.aicucs; Aiippmvuu & Co. end Hewmver dr. W!Ts Axes, Shovels, Saws, &c; Podge's Kentucky Cow Bells, ratent and com mon Boring Machines, Brass Kettles. Apple-parers, Butcher's Spencer's and Horner' Files and Hasps, Witherby's Chisels and Drawing Knives, Coe's Wrenches. Wostenholm's Knives; Table and pocket Cutlery of Best Knglish and American brands; Sleigh Bells, Anvils, Vises, Bellows, Chains, tc, dtc. sept. 2S, 18v. 38-51 RAGS! RAGS! RAGS! rnilE undersigned will pay the highest cash Ju market price for rags. Also, Felts, Fura, Sheep Skins, etc. Wrapping Taper, Cigars, Nails, &c, given in exchange, when desired, and constantly kept on hand, in sufficient quantity to supply the market, at low figures. Call at the Pomeroy Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, 0. Sept. 28, 'GO. 38-ly T. BRUNKEU. Road Notice NOTICE is hereby given that a petition will be presented to the Commissioners of Meigs County at their December session, A. D. 1860, praying for the vacation of that part of the County road which is on the front part of lota Ko s 1 78 and 17'J. and in Lebanon township, Meigs County, Ohio, and known as the "Crall Estate;" now owneu oy Aaron nau. October 10, I860. 41-4t AARON HALL. FALL & WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED, a complete assortment or seasonable Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Books & Stationery, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, irnn , ; D iNjr,;rTw llsi rd wave. Oueeiisware, Stone- 1111 11 JO, 1V1V-J - - J ware, Groceries, Oils, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Cord and Twine; wait ana niraiow iaji, Comforts and Oil Cloths, Nails, f;in stool. Musical Instruments, and any other Goods that people want. Oct. 10, 1S130. 4U-tt IV ai. 11. ivL.ui.NUiUii. LOTS FOR SALE. ON SUGAR RUN, JNAil.UKH ku., Purr's Run. Application to- be made to M. Heckard, Esq., pomeroy. tm)tw Our stock comprises Sugar, Molasses. Coffee, Tea, Kice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Cortllsh, Mackerel, Halibut, Cerifecttenarieg, V illow Baskets, a large lot or Mateaes, ac, and aU tbe uick-n ,,:;' liep. lu each nuuu usuimy AlTg. lW3-t p. n.rvAuawi. gJMcal. is i Thousands are linily speaking in the praise of D K . EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, and why? because it nkver fails to afford ikst.n taneoi's pklirf when pven in time. It acts as if by innsric. iimi one triai. u.nvp will convince you that what we say is trnc. It contains No Paregoric or Opiate of anv kind, and therefore relieves by removino tiik srrrF.RiNes of your child, instead of by deaden ing its sensibilities, vox tins reason, it commends itself as the oni.v rkliabi.e preparation now known for Children Teetbinjr, Diarrhosa, Dysentery, Griping in the Kowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind. Cold in the Head, and Croup; also for softening the (ruins, reducins inflamination. refrulntinsr the Bowels, and relieving has no equal bc-ine.aii anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all casesof Convulsion or other Fit. As you value the life and health of your children, and wish to save them from those skiI anil blipliting consequences which are cer tain to result from ihe use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Complaints are com posed, take none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor hial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price. 2.T cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared onlv by CIlimCH A DUI'O.XT, So. 41)0 Broadway, New York. BL,OOBFOOI. Healthy human Blooi upon being ANAL YZ E O always presents ns with the same essential elements, nnd gives, of course, thu True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, &c, and we And in every instance curtain deftciencies in the r.d globules of Blood. Supply these deSciencies. and you ape made well. The Blood Food is founded upon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There ar FIVE rREPARA TIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood in different diseases. For Congtis. Colds, Hronchitis, or any af fuction whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption. uc 5o. 1, which is also" the 7o. for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chrotiic Complaints arising from Ovr-ue, General Dehilitv, and Survous Prostration. Ho. S, for Liver Cmitaints, Jo. I, ror Dyspepsia. Being already prepared fr absorption it it Taken by Drops and rrnd iieitiiit!.-ty iato the circulation, so that what yau gain yon retain. The 2f o. 4 is for Female IrregalaritiM, Hvttevla, Weaknesses. Ac. Kee spe cial directions for this. For Salt Kheuoi. Kruptions, Scrofulous, Kidaev, aad Bladder Complaints, take Ho. 5. In all cases the directions ninst be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food, $1 per bottle. Sold byCHlTKCH & DUPOST. No. 41)9 Broadway, Sew Yi-rk. Ry -- And by all respectable Druggists throughout the cauulry. " 3y. S A If F 0 ED'S UVEB IKVICOBATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES. ITISCOMPOUJCDIiUKSITIRKLY FHOM GUMS, uil aa aecaw aa ustablished fuct, a Standard .Hofliclee.kaown ami sp haveuaeait. nnd ia bow fideace ta all the diseases mended. It kas (urea thouiands years wka haa given up the nameroue unsolicited session show. ' The dose aiust he adnpt nient of the individual sin k quantities as to act bet Ihe dictates of your in lae use rf tke Liver will cure Liver leni Storaack, Chronic Diar tacka. Dyspepsia. Sum entery, MabitttaJ Costive C'holtra .Morbus, Cholera Featale Weaknesses, be used successully as an Meilicine. It will cure thousands can testify,) in two er three Ten spoon -commencement of un at- AU who use it are giv iii its favor. proved by all tha resorted to with con" ! for which it is recom- i i within the last two ; all hopes of relief, as j certincatesiu my pos- ; ed to the tempera- : taking it, and nsed in gently on tha Bowels, judgment guide you Invigorator, and it pliiiDts, Dropsy, Sour rkoea, Billious At- : merC.oniplaiiils.Dya ness, Cholic, Cholera, : Infantum, Jaundice. . Flatulence, and niay Ordi ry Family Sick Headache, (as twenty minutes, if i fuls are taken at the ' tack. i iug their testimony Mix water ia the mouth with the Invigorator, and swallow both together. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFOR DS FAMILY CATHAHTJC PJLL$t CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro--practice more than the constantly increas who have long used the tion w hich all express in induced rac to place S all. H The profession well H thiirlcs a.-t on different H The Family 'Cathartic P, ence to this well M pounded from a variety Extracts. which act alike Jj imcntary canal, and are ease, where a Catiiar- "T lierantrffinents of the n prictor has usud ia his twenty years. ingdcHiand from tlio-e Pills and Die 1 1-( i regard to their use, has itheiii within tile reach ef know that different t'a jportions of the bowels. I Pill has. with due refer- lished fact, been coiii ol the purest Veai-lul-Io iin every part of the ai' good and .safe in uli tie is neetled. sm-h as StMinnch, Pains in the lies. Costiveness, I' w hole body, from- siid Ouently. if neglected, Fef rr.Lrawof Appetite, of Cold over the Kodv, or weight in the hcad-al! Worms iu Children or great Purifier of the to which flesh Is heir, tion in this advertise- liack and Lions, Sleepi- anil soreness- over Tho den cold, which, fre-end-ia a lr.g course of a Oecping Seiiation. Restlessness, Headache 0 Inflammatory liscties, AOuits, l.liemrattsm, a Blood and many diseases tn numerous to meu luent. Dose. 1 to 3. PRICE. THT.EE DIMES. The I.iver Invigorator and Family Cathnrtie Pill are retailed by- Druggists generally, and' sold whole sale by the tr.iJc in ail the Inrire town. S. T. V . SASFOHH, Mi P., Manufacturer nnd Proprietor, 3-4-v. 3115 Broadway. New York. MANHOOD, HOW tOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Pulh'sJied, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE nn the nature, treatment nnd radi cal'cure.of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, fiexual BeblMtyV Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental ind Physical Debility. By ROB. J. CULVERVVKW,. M. D., Tb Importttnt fut that tho awful coiispqiiences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal wiedtelnes or the dangerous applications of cau stics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other em pirical devices, is boru clearly demonstrated, and th entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means 6f which every one Is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the iav , This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. 'an tliouands. Sent tinder seal to any addr9- Po-; pilid on the receipt of t wo postage staji's, b- nddressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 480 Firs. Avce, New York, Post Box 4,586. may '60 17-lyj HOWARD ASSOCIATION, I'lIILADELPIIlA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En downient.fortlie Relief of the Kick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, nd especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, dec.) and in cases of extreme poverty, Med icines furnished 'ree of eharee. Valuable Reports-on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the ar ticled in sealed letter envelopes, free o" eharee l . ... r . t . - . . iwr,,r uijct: rwmp 171 :siage whi ne acc,;;ni,io. .fre.-i, VJ- J- .-K1LL1N UGlliHTON, Acting StiTgeoii- U'-'wafl .Association, S. 2 South Ninth street Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. HEARTU EI.L, GEO. FAIKCH1LD, Secretary. President. SEPT. 18G0. SEPT. 18G0. AT WHOLESALE ONLY. J. F. TOWELL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN II ATS AND NOTION. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO. I HAVE Just returned from the Eastern cities with an immense stock of American and European D li Y GOODS, Hats, Bonnets and Notions, which are now in store and ready for inspection. My stock will be found, as heretofore, Xiarge A2xc3. Attractive! and composed malnlv of safe and staple goods, which will bo sold at the HIGBCT PRICES, n :vi.. nn.l . wiinnt mnn-li-inla ' ttift nirli. boring counties in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia, will save time and money by calling on the undersigned. Rent.SS, ou. ao-iy J - 1 " l, l.. Wm7h. & J. GRANT r-w svivn fnrmed liartuershin under tlie above II name, and having purchased the "Crystal Mill," i in Middleport, design ruuniiig it regularly from this j time. We will pay tne Highest Market Price for Wheat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to buinessto merit and receive a good patronage. April HI, lrW.-lf W At. U. & J. GRANT. IRON F E N C I N-G! 1 . AXD 1 O II TIC O 33 S CAN BE PROCURED IN IRONTON AT as low prices, in as great variety, and of as good material as any place in tlie West. T. S. KIRJKER- Ironton, Ohio. Nor.. 15) 59. 40rly CANCERS CURED. DR. G.COLER TENDERS his professional services f all in Southern Ohio nnd Northern Virginia' irtio are afflicted with cancer, in any of its forftis. Cancerous and other malignant tumors re moved Without the Use of the Knife. The following, among many others that might be adduced, are testimonials from physicians of extensive and long-continued practice: Albany, Athens Co., 0., Jan. 12,1800. Dk. G. Dear Sir: Having seen several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by yoor treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent eureef Cancer in any of its forms may be hud. if application be made to you before the tumor atlecis tne vital organs, juhjm .3kmaki,j. ai. Harrison ville, Meigs Co., Jan, 5, 18C0. T 1 1 r. 1 .. . l,.t Tlw f"-,a nrv.i.lai,' l.anlinr. it... 1 nrtinnlnlAlv a r r(.af II 1 as manv difficult cases resulting in qnick and pennn- . .- 1. ...... 1. . . . 1 nn....l. iiii.!... Iieill I II lii I ir(ii;ii u i ii imiriii.. ii.i , i , iui'iki mv notice, as a practising phvsieian during me last 12'years.. JOSEPH MOORE, 51. D. Office and residence, opposite ntigg & Coe's Drug Store, Middle-port; Meigs Co. 0, January 24, 18G0. 3-4-y Wational Dispensary for Private Diseases, Esrablished January 1st, 1H59. $50, $500 FOICFEIT! Three Eminent Physicians in constant attendance. The fncultv of the institution, consisting of PROF. EGBERT JACKSON, Member of tho Roval College of ilnrgeons, London. DR. ROKEUT HERBERT, Late of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and M. EUGENE VELPKAU. Late of the London ond Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penalty of J50O, a complete cureofevors Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, and without mercury. We are perfectly safe in making this offer, because we will not undertake any case that we are not sure of curing. The Physicians of the National Dispensarv wave discovered the OliLY REMEDY In the wOKlji from all the efkicts or kari.v imprudence. Relief in twenty-four hours. A cure .wananted in from one to three weeks. .Married persons, or yfmng people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or organio debility, should make application at oace. They who place themselves nnder or care, may rely religiously in our honor as gentlemen that their secret will be inviolate, and that a CERTAIN CURE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, Inipotency, General Debility, nervousness. Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nos or Skin, Affections of the Lungs. Stomach, or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful' and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body aud Mind. The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, A Book of near 3C0 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for those who are married or thinking of mai'riag, will be sent on receipt of 53 cents. This book contai ns the most valuable information in the language. Useful alike to mule and female, but should not be in the bands of very-young persons, as it contains in formation that might be perverted to unworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all tho hidden and de lightful secretsof Marriage. Love aud Beauty, never before Saiisfaetority rcvealed in any book in the English language. Price 5n cents one of the cheapest books in the world. Send fora Circular fully describing it. Very liberal teruis to those who buy in large or small quantities to sell again, made known on appli cation. The low price at which th book is retailed (51) cents) renders it one of the quickest selling books in the market. Special inducements to clubs-. Every letter must contain sis cents in stamps, -for which will be sent a ri'Li., written Reply; also-, The Discknsrv CiarcLAR.a truly valuable advisory doc ument for old or young, married or unmarried, anil especially for all who have made themselves old verso mkn by a certain secret practice. It contains more valuable Information than many books. jV. Y'ki.i-eac's UKAi-riFViNS Powder. It imparts to the complexion an exquisite nlooin and transparency, and effectually prevents the formation of wrinkles, blotches, fret.-li.les. pimples, wens, etc., etc. Price 31 per box. sent by mail. Dr. Jackson's Fkmai.e Mosthlv Pima invaluable in female im-;sAiarH;es. llii'i'.;-iu)vi:ilile to he used during pregnant y, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used In the lioctor's private practice for 30years. Price Jl, forwarded by mail. Dr. J.t.-Ksos Kkrpktcal Prvktive, is the only article in the world ttiat without inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous andsof married ladies too feeble to hear children ex cept at tne hazard of life have had reason to be thankful for this invention. It resembles no other preventive in use and Issupenor to all. Forwarded to anv address. Address Tlrs. JACKSON, HEBERT & Co.. orsimply P. O. Box ):)(. Cincinnati, Ohio. Office Ifi" Sycamore street. Medicines ami instructions seat prninpllv to any part of the country. i! 3SJ Cm. The only Safe Preparation That does not Dgc,'bxt icill restore GRAY HAIR To its original color, by Nature's own process, is Prof. 0. J. mod's Celebrated HAIR HESTOKATIV2. In proof of the above assertion, rend ','ne following testimony from distinguished persons from, all farts of the counlr. Hon. Solomo M, Ann Arbor., Mio'o. savs his wife, whose hair Iiad becothe verv thin, and eu'tirely white, was restored to its oriir uul brown .olor thickened and become bej;utifui and glossv pc, an.u entirely over, the l'-JBd. others of nry' family and friends are asms; your Restorative with-the hap piest effects. Han. Judos 'BREre, Ex-senator of flrnois.saysmy hair was Pt!ma;.arely gray, hot fry' the use of Wood's Uestora'.ve, ,t has resumed its original color, and I bave no. ooubt permanently so. in. H. L. Stewart, -says' my hair was very gray, nt after using two bottles, it restored it to its origi nal color. Rev. J. R'BiUno, Brookfleld, Mass., says H has re moved from ruy head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to Its original color. J. W. Davibsok, Monmouth, III., says my hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white, but, by the appli cation of the Restorative as directed, it has resumed its original color. Dr. G., Chicago, says, after using a grct many other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottle of your Hair Restorative, which has cured a humor in mv head of two years' standing. Benjamin Losuridoe. !iVt Seventh Avenno, Now York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Krjsipelas, when it began t grow, instead of black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the eolor without effect, I was induced to-try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has had the desired effect. H. L. Williams, M. D., Peckensvillo, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and find it all It is rec ommended to be. I have tried it for Tetter and find it a certain cure. W. M. Woodward, M. D., Frankfort. Ky., says, he recommends it 111 his practice as the best prepara tion for the hair now in use. Edward W'alcott says, three months ago my hair was very grnv; P. is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's- Restorative. Wilson Kino savs, one month's properapplieation will restore any person's hair to Us original' color and texture. . J. D. Hoes savs. a few applications fastened my. hair firmly. It began to grow out and turn black, is orig inal color. . ... Betsev Smitii, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to its youthful color, soft and glossy. Dr. J.W. Bond, St. Paul, says that his hair Is strong, thick, and black, although a short time since he was both bald and gray.. The pjople here saw its effects and have cohlldence-in it. Morris Gosling, M. D., St., Lb(rlslsays that after trvlug manv other preparations, all to no'effecti he used two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair, and invites a to-come and see It. , Sarah J . Brown says her hair was cot only gray, but so thin she feared its entire loss but after using two bottles it has restored both the color and growth. Pretvi'ed by O.J. WOOD & CO., 114 Market street, SainvWuis, and 312 Broadway, New York, and sold bv aft Druggists and Patent Medicine Dea ers; also, by all Fant-v and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United Slates and Canada. Alt- ' 1800. 31-3nl CHI N A , GLASS queeusVare. xrEliivile theattention ofbuyers, toourlargeand VV well asorted stock of Ware now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesitancy in sa.Mi'B - do sell, goo.l styles and qualities of wuro lower than thev are sold iu'aiiy other Western market. Ml orders carefntlv selected and well packed. W e solicit an examination s"J-& GORDON, 13jv Front street. Portsmouth, O .- - ' : 7 SiierUt 'a Sale; Warren L. Bissell vs. Adanijah Smith. By virtue of an execution to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs fountv, I will offer for sale, at the door of the' Court-house in 1'omeroy, at 10 o clock a. m.,. iu. , ail A dan of November, 1800, the following tlcscrilid'lBiias and tenements, . , f i nf .lie south half or the IO wu: me - -- noi th-east. quarter of section -No. 18, town Io. 2, range No. 13, in Salisbury township, being 32 acres, more or less. To be sold as tlie prop erty of Adanijah Smith, at. the suit of Warren L. Bissell. Ar,piaied at S288. Terra of sale, cash .1. J.. WHITE, S. M..C. Oct. 15, 1800. -12-6r;. ?.00 v iir.sisv -utf w "s.e Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. pharmacyA DR. ROBACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIES' WHEN DR. BfQBACK, the celebrated Swedish Physician, intmlnced his ltlood Purifier an, I Bloo.l Pills in the Unft'ed States, he set forth in jilain language their cnrr.ti'Ve iroiierties. This w'ns years' ago. The task of recommending them has sincc" been taken out of his hands. Enlightened men whose character for sound judgment iiiitl philosophy gives their opinions weight in tne community, men" who observe, reflect, and make "assnrance doubly sure" before they decide are everywhere ap-' provingand iinriitg the use of these wonderful Prep-" arations. AW who confide in the wisdom and lion esty of this class, or who choose to investigate for. then-selves are now of one mind ou this important subject. Dr. Robacfc invite's the attention of the sick to the" Original Letters, from members of the .Medical Profession. Editors of public Journals, well known Merch.'mtsaiid Farmers, and I.aoies or th: highest respectability, giving ac counts of extraordinary cures wrought by th" n ine die, of which eurs's th themselves ere Eye Witnesses. These parties may bo consulted personally or by" letter, by those who have any doubt upon the sub-" ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. Robncfc--which is at all tinies accesslWe tothe public. i-stn' ' lishes Ihe following FACTS.' - That the"Kloo.I Purifier" and 'Blood Pills" hav ' been proved by analyst to Contain no Mineral; That they cure the almost universal comply it. Dyspepsia, with unerring certainty, and In a very short ;ii:ii-J-Thst aflerall other medicines have proved useless they relieve Liver Complaint, and restore the health and strength of the suffersr. Tha Side Females, who have languished for years in helpless weakness and despondency, recuperate with great rapidity under their invigorating operation. That all sexual disabilities are removed by their cordial nnd gently; stimulating properties. That they recruit Shattered Constitutions, however they may have been trifled with and abuson, that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, anil render it enjoyable. That, operating directly upon IL 3 poisonous disease in the blood, they Cause Soon to Heal, and discharge from the system, every taint of Scrof ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they Recruit the Debilitated, and that there Is no disease of ihe Rromnefi and Bow els, the liver, the nervous svstem, the skin, glands or muscles, arising from impurities of -rnie ni.o"D and secretions, in which they do not give prompt relief, and, (if administered before the very citadel of life has been invaded,) effect a painless and perfect cure. Bear in mind that the "Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience of thou sands of living witnesses, who, in letters, affidavits, medical .works, and by word of month, proclaim them to be the very best preparation ef the kind ever offered tothe broken-down victims of ill-health. They hunt disease through every avenue and organs of tlie system, and to expel it thoroughly and perma nently. No one can doubt their snperiority after one single trial they are not only better, bnt, in fact, cheaper than any other Pills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better effect. Price of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Puri fier, ?1 per bottle, or 85 per half dozen, or the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes for Sri-- la difficult or complicated Cases, Dr. Robaek may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for the reply. From Rev. Mr. McMulIen, Pastor of Roberts Chapel. IicniAKAPOLis, October G, Ii-3?. Dr. C. W. Roback Dear Sir: I havo used your Blood Purifier for a liervonsaffection, from which I have suffered much' at times. While it is pleasant to the taste, it certainly liayti happv effect upon the nerves. Please accept my thanks for your kind re gards, and believe iue Yours. J. W. T. MrMUI.I.EN. Principal" Office and' Sales Rooms. No. 6 East Fourth street, 3d Building from Main street, Ciiuin nuti, O. Laboratory in Hammond street. For sale in Meigs Co., by D'. Reed, Pomeroy; Hugo & COE, Middleport; E. S. Branch, Rutland;- J. M. Cooper, Pageville; J. R. Elus, Bacine; Rob erts & TlDB; Long Bottom; " I. II. Hatman, Apple Grove; Welden & Bestow, Chester; A. E. Reed, Orange P. O.;- Y. M. Swallow, Letart Falls; Wm. Fickev, Ilarrisonville; M. E. Smith, Syracuse; and by Druggists and Merchants generally, throughout the Union. . 3-7-v". Administrator's Sale of Keal Estate. IN PURSUANCE of an offer granted by tlie Probate Court of Meigs Comity, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at psbKc auction, On the 2Jth day ef Nwreiaber, A. D. 1 SG0M at eleven o'clock- forenoon, upon tlie premises, the following described real estate, situate i'il the County of Meigs, and State of t.'hio, to wit: beginning !rt the south-west corner of tiie nortU enjrt q;rter of section So. 12, ia town Nn. ij, aifd range No. li, of the Ohio Company's Pur chase; thence east 78 rods; thence south rods; thence east 26 rods; thence north S5 rods; thence south t?2 degrees west 105 rods; thence south IS rods ond 15 links to the place of be ginning, containing 25$ acres, mote or less-', subject to the dower estate, .nerein of Jane Ann -. Wilson. Appraisal 5150. Terms of sale,-" one-half cash hana, ad one-lialf in six. months f.o'i the day of Bale, with interest; the p..rrci payment to be- secured by mortgager upon the premises sold. , w. a. NORTON, AduiTJ af Kobert Wilson, dee'd. Oct. 20, 18Gfr.42-t ..- Sheriff's Sale. Wilson, MoEiroy & Co. vs John Sloan. . BT virtue of an execution to me directed' from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, . I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at one o'clock P. H., On the 30th day of November, 18G0, the following described lands -and tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs County, in section 18, town 3, range 13, in the Ohio Company's Pur chase; it being all the land owned by the minor heirs of Amos Parsons, dee'd; lying on the west side of the road leading from Athens to Pomeroy, in section 18. To be sold as the property of John Sloan, at the suit of Wilson, McElroy & Co.; appraised at $900. Terms or sale, :ash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Oct. 18, 18C0. 42-5t 3.00 Sheriff's Sale. William Lyons vs. Abel Chase. BY virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the" Court of Common Pleas of Meigs County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. jr., On the ZOth day of November, 1860, the following 'described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs County, Ohio, and known as the north-west quarter of the north west quarter ot section No. 8, in town No. 9, and range No. 15, of the Ohio Company's Pur chase, contaiuing 40 acres, more or less. To be sold as the property of Abel Chase, at the suit of William Lyons, administrator of John Lyons, deed. Appraised at 500. Terms of -sale, cash. . J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Oct. 18, I860. 42-5t 3.00r' Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cin. R. R OX and arter Thursday, April 26, 18d0, trains will leave Athens us follows: Going East Express Mall at 12:26 p. M. Goiho Wkst- -Mail at 10:36 a. h. TPpKxpress mail east makes close connections at Parkersburg with the trains of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at Cincinnati with trains for all -points West. JfyPassengers leaving Parkersburg at 8:10 a. h. arrive at Colunibus9:l3 p. m. JTjTickess at reduced rates are sold at Chilll cotlie and Athens, for Columbus. JTTrThrongh tickets to nil points East and West, can be obtained at alt the principal Ticket Offices 011 the line of tho Rond. A discount of ten ecntson.eachitieket from re gu ar tariff rates will bo made on 1I tickets purchased at tho ticket offices. OKLAKD SMITH, Sup't. . J. Foooitt, Gen?! Tieket A't. Chil.'may. 1,59.;. RUTLAND JTJESERY. IWOULH respectfully call the at tention cf the pniblic to my stipe- 1 rior stock of Eruit Trees offered for sale this Fall, embracing trrer 400 varieties of the Apple, 100 -varieties of the l'ear,- 100 varieties of the Peach, 30 varieties of" the Cherry, 10 varieties of the Plum.?. 8000 Apple Trees, one vear from -graft, 10 dollars' per 100. 1500 Dwarf and Standard Pear Trees, 1 to 2 years old, 411 cents ench. 4M) bndded Peach 1 reos, 10 dollars per hnjidrirdJ. 000 Cherry Trees. 2 years old from graft, 40 conts-j eai-h. 100 Plum Trees, 2 years from prafl, 40 cents each.- 200 Cherry Currants, 25 cents each. 1(1(10 Catawba Grape Vines, 10 cents eacb- KiOO Isabella Grape Vines, 10 cents ftwb. 1000 Lawton Blackberries, 18-dollars prr 151 1(10 Concord Grape Vines, 58 conts each. 3000 Houghton Seedling Gooseberries, entirely free froiu mildew- and Might, the most productive nnd 1 profitable of any other variety under cultivation -price 15. ceats each, or 81.58 per dozen. WILLIAM W. II UBBELL, One mile above Rutland, on the Athens road, Meigs Co., Ohio. Oct, 2.6 l.860c-42-5ni 4 " let). Fir, e ' The flerk "wilted." 1 Because they are eo-apy. Ja. 3,130. !-tf JJld'fleyr.rt. 01i. '4