Newspaper Page Text
1 POME ROY TELEGRAPH.', FRIDAY, November S3, 18GO. BS?" The Winter Session of the Board of Countv Commissioners commences on 'County Commissioners conn At ...i.. : n,.,,. the first Monday in December, Xe-No-Ca-Wa, - " The young Indian war chief of the Plains," lectured and exhibited his In dian portraits in the Presbyterian Church u""1 1 J . . .. . on Tuesday evening last to a delighted audience. ' Xtgbm The steamers Courier, Bostona No. 2, and Cricket iVo. 2, and Mr. Geo. Hoadley, of the Pomeroy Wharf-Boat, have placed us under obligations during the past week, for newspaporial favors. Accept our thanks. Tbe Home Blagaxlne- For Decembef is promptly on our table, and it gives us pleasure to refer our readers to this number as a sample of literary worth. The great aim of the publishers is to excel in literature, and not devote too much attention to embel ishments ; yet this number has a beauti tifui steel engraving entitled " Protec tion," and the variety of plates that are usually found within its folds. Address T. S. Arthur & Co., 303 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Terms: $2.00 in advance, for a1 single copy. Eight -copies for 5.00. and au extra copy to the getter up of the crab. , Outof the large list of exchanges we receive at this office, we have search ed dilliccntlv for something of interest other than the secession movements in the South, but hardly an item of news an be found that does not savor with "secession," " disunion,". " nullifiers," &c. ' The political, commercial, mone tary, religious and all other items seem to be gotten up with special reference to the all-absorbins topic. Our readers are doubtless as tired of it as we are, but in the absence of all other matters of news, we are compelled to give you just such A8 we have, and wait till we can get .something better. So far, the fire-caters have assumed no reliable position, nor can they till they have met in deliberative . bodies, recog nized by the legal authority of the States, -till then all their raving and ranting can be put down as naught. It is thought 4hat, by that time, the " second sober thought" will come across their minds, and discretion be considered the better jart of valor. TRANSFERS OF REAL. ESTATE. The following transfers of Lands were made on the Books of the Auditor of Jleigs County for the week ending Nov. 20, 1860. Columbia Tp. David C. Skinner to Isaac Farley, 1C5 3-10 acres in pec. 2 ; $1322. James Gregory to Isaac Greg ory, 80 acres in sec. 34; $1100. Olive Tp. Henry Bowers to John Oniel, 80 acres in sec. 26 ; $G00. Salem Tp. Aden Cecil to Michael Hawk, 5 1-5 acres in sec. 36 ; ?50. Salisbury Tp. John Russell to John W. Vining.,'1 acre in see. 26 ; $50. Pomeroy. V. B. Horton to Ebenezer Williams, small lot out of lot No. 25S ; $37. .. Middleport. A. II. Murray to Cor poration of Middieport, street from 2d in Sheffield to meet corresponding street in Behan's addition; $50. Philip Jones -to Harriet B. Smith, lots Nos. 76 and '77 ; $G50. Scipio Tp. Henry Davis to Solomen Beeves, 80 acres in sec. 3 ; $1200. Sctton Tp. V. B. Horton to Silas . J ones, acre ; $37. . Racine. Benjamin S. Miles to Mary Miles, lots Nos. 44 and 49; $1400. Strayed or Stolen. From the stable of the undersigned, in Chillicothe, Ohio, on Sunday night, November 11th, 1860, a dark roan mare, seven or eight years old, about sixteen hands high, rather heavy, but well made, has rather a bushy mane, a part of which is inclined to lie on the left side; shod all round, but one half the shoe on one of her fore feet was broken off. A liberal reward will be paid for her return, or for such information as will lead to her recovery ; and if stolen, for the detection and conviction of the thief. Address : A. P. Miller, Chillicothe, Ohio. Illinois Election. Chicago, Nov. 19. The oflicial vote of Illinois is as follows: Lincoln, 172,545; Douglas, 160,549; Bell, 4,846; Breckinridge, 2,272. The increase of the vote over 1856 is 103,131. TPoisontng Case. - Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 19. The trial of 11. S. Richardson and Sarah Ann Heald,' for poisoning Stephen Ilealdy, (the husband of the latter,) closed 'to day. Richardson was convicted and sentenced to the State Prison for thirty years. Mrs. Healdy was acquitted. , By the Pony Express. California Election. Fort Kearney, Nov. 18. The Pony Express, with San Francisco dates to the 7th inst., arrived here last night. The telegraphic dates are up to 10 P. M. of the 8th, via Fort Churchill. The Pony Express, with St. Louis dates to October 23d, arrived at San Francisco on the 5th inst. The arguments in the New Alniaden Quick-silver Mine case had closed, and an impression prevailed that Judge McAllister would decide for the Govern ment, and Judge Hoffman for the claim ants, rendering an appeal to the United States Supreme Court necessary before the injunction can be dissolved. . The election returns from the central counties foot up as follows : Douglas, 13,385; Lincoln, 14,342; Breckinridge, 10,438; Bell, 3,6.26. The vote of the State will probably exceed 120,000, nan rrancisco . care .Lincoln ' over g,000 majority. San Francisco, Nov. 8, 4 p. m. ) Yia. Ft. Kearney, Nov. 13. f Editors Missouri Democrat : About &0f000 votes are returned, Lincoln ia fihead of Douglas 2,500, and expected to carry the State, Breckinridge is behind both.- Wm. Rabe, Sec'y. State Cen.'Cora. CaCTcjrnia Election Washington, Nov. 19. Reliable private California dispatches say that Douglas has 3,000 majority over Lincoln, and 11,000' over Breckinridge. Other dispatches say that the returns i cause ot the outbreak was alleged at already received amouut to 90,000 votes, j tempts at kidnapping, and threatening and that Lincoln is 2,000 ahead, and 1st j Free State men by Hintl and his assuci-ospc-ted to tarry tho State. i es. From Hie Skw Orler.ns True Delta. THE: WAY GEORGIA PROPOSES TO SECKDK. In no State of the South have the Dis union .Breckinridge faction assutiieu a move, or indeed so truculent a tone or .menacing a demeanor towards their I Uuion-lovinj lg fellow citizens as in Geor- j gia; lOOniDS, One OI their Senators Of Toombs, one of their Senators of the UUlted States, if nossible exceed- . ' pobbioie, exceed - j in; 1 11 T.rPn Sniiil n I A on nnnnoomatt ta t lia uuuvviuviiia i, uv wildest nullifier of South Carolina, i-:i-i. T i, ..... t-. . ! WU1" 1V aiaio in tap uea- eral Senate, acts and talks irmm in tho vein of the Anacharsis Clootz, of the nrst French revolutionary times, than . . J, ' . -uj penou. Among the measures these doughty demasonuHs , , . i . D . . rvt?"V "-"r-""" " vwig.a, since their bolt from the Democracy, the following bill, to be proposed to the Legislature on its assembling, has re cently been put before the public, and the paternity of which was very generally ascribed to Mr. Alfred Iverson aforesaid. The bill, which would be accurately described as a measure to incite to mur der and arson, has the following cap tion, and is in these words: "A Bill for the Protection of the Owners of Slaves in the State of Geor gia Whereas, one Abraham Lincoln, a Black Republican, has been duly elected President of the United States for four years, from the 4th of March . - .i i - .. ueit, auu w ereas, 10 is ewuen 10 every ""fl.T.. . . u F" . ot saia l.incoin and his coaojutors wiil ce wieiuea tnrougn tne uoverntuent oi the Uuited States for the destruction of! the slave interests of. the South; and i "UB'r ' l,ie bU.lclJ' " requires i that the question should be met with the most vigorous measures upon the part or the people of the sovereign State of Georgia; therefore, ''Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in general assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and alter the pass age of this act, it shall be unlawful lor any person whatever to receive a com mission from and hold an office under the President of the UnitedStates, or to fulfill the duties belonging to any office in the United States Government, within the State of Georgia, which may have been conferred upon any citizen or resident of the State of Georgia by auy previous administration of theLJuited States Government. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any individual whatever shall, after the 4th of March next perform any duty by virtue or any order or commission ema nating from the United States Govern ment or any branch thereof, ' such per son shall be deemed an outlaw and trai tor to the sovereign State of .Georgia, and shall suffer death in any manner which it may please any good and loyal citizen of said State to inflict. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be no crime for any one or more good" or loyal citizens of the State of Georgia to consume by fire all the perishable property of said outlaw. 4. Be it further enacted, That in all eases of outlawry as herein defined, the habeas corpus and the right ot trial by jury shall be suspended.- 5. Be if further enacted, lhat if any judicial officer shall grant a writ of ha beas corpus in the cases heretofore re cited and set forth, he shall be deemed guilty of outlawry and shall suffer the penalty ot death and conflagration as hereinbefore provided." It could scarcely be .supposed that Iverson to whom the ascription of the authorship of this diabolical Jacobini cal production was very generally made, would not, it not guilty oi it, either re pudiate and denounce the statement or proclaim himself its approver. Accord ingly, we find this weak but virulent demagogue, who is bidding in this sav age and brutal manner for re-election to the Senate he would destroy, appears in the following characteristic letter of ex planation, in which he refuses to accept the affiliation upon him of the assassi nation and arson bill, dec-luring himself, however, in favor of its adoption ilasone of the plans of resistance to the rule of a Black Republican President." This is his letter: Columbus, Oct. 18, I860. Editors Times Gentlemen: I. have noticed an article in the Star of this city, alleging that one of the Senators in Congress from this State has proposed and urged that all persons who shall accept offices unT der Lincoln, if elected President, should be outlawed and killed, and much holy horror has been expressed by that paper and other kindred submission sheets, at the enormity of the proposition. If the undersigned is the Seuator alluded to, I take occasion to say that I am not the originator or the advocate of the policy alluded to, aud that I must have been misunderstood it any oue has so repre sented me. The policy has been sug gested by others, aud I have occasionally in private conversation spoken of it as one of the plans of resistance to the rule of a Black Republican President; but I have generally disapproved it, as many persons in Columbia will doubtless bear me wituess. Still, I do not hesitate to say, that in my opinion any Southern niau who would accept office from a Re publican President, elected upon the plat form of the Republican party, of avowed hostility to Southern Slavery, would be no better than a Black Republican, and ought to be condemned aud ostracised by universal public sentiment; aud while 1 hold a seat in the Seuate of the United States, I will vote against the confirm ation of every Southern man who will be rotten enough and base enough to accept office Iroui Lincoln. If this declaration will aid the cause of Douglas or Bell here or elsewheie, their friends can make the most of it. But my plan of resistance to the election of a Black Republican President, has been too often expressed both in public aud private, to be misunderstood. If the parties who have thus criticised what they have obtained from street rumors consider my position aud opinions of anv consequence aud wish to make them i . . . . the subjects ot comment, they have only ! prime ai mtojoje. to advert to my speeches in the Senate j Barley The market is dull, and and at Griffin, to understand what I j prices are a shade lower. We quote would do, or advise the South to do, in ! prime fall at 858Sc, and prime West the event of Lincoln's election. I have ern spring at 7578c. These are the not changed the opinion then and there ! rates paid by the Brewers. Malsters (expressed, and when the contingency j are holding off for lower prices, shall actually arise, as it now seems i1ay The demand continues good probable, if not certain to do, I bhall not j and tlie market firm at S15 5016 00 be backward in reiterating them to the Per. ton for prime Timothy in bale, on nublic. and enforcinsr them' bv all the ! arrival. arguments I can bring to bear upon the subject. Alfred Iverson. Kansas News. Leavenworth, Nov. 17. The Times of this city publishes a .etter from Linn county, Kansas, giving an ac- count of a Dew outbreak inthat region, i Apples There is a moderate de At the date of the letter one man, mand for Western at $1 001 50 per named Russell Hinds, after a trial by brl for fair . to prime. Choice Aew lynch law, had been hung, and others York, in larre brls. are sellintrat 82 00. ordered to leave the Territory. The Florida Election. Savannah, Nov. 17. Official return's from sixteen counties in Florida indicate that the majority for Breckinridge in the State will be about 3,000. Movements In Alabama. Mn vmnwirn v At a Ynir 17 n :., : e niiiiir-iiM iiirrLiirr. 1 1 i rsiirri I III IIM I I V. l i "I f- 1 , to take into consideration the present - . i . . . i , r f nf r t o H-i l rc? nrnrj hn In at t)ta I unirn O i4. iv . u 11 it 1 1 o nug nviu u in v-'ufaws i i to-night. Mr. Yancey and Hon. lhos Watts were unanimously nominated as delegates to the State Convention. ! , . . T. Progress o Liberty In Italy. New York, Nov. 18. The steamer T" j j i. e o .i . .1 I vanderhilt. from Southampton on the 7th aTr:ved here at. noon to-dav ? j Admiral Napier is dead Hurst beat Paddock in five rounds, lasting 10 minutes. No knock-down blows were given The Piedemontese, under Victor Emanuel, gained a brilliant victory on the 3d on the Garglians. They attacked in front with troops, flanked by the fleet, and dispersed the Borboun Army Tents, wagons and stores were left in ! Victor Emanuel's possession, with 11,- j 000 prisoners. Gen. Somnaze pursued the enemy af terwards, and occupied Mola and the 1 positions commanding Gaeta. Victor Emanuel was expected at Naples lnime- , diafeiy. Garibaldi was at Naples. An- archy reigns at Viterbo. The voting !on ilnnexation commenced at Perugia. The inhabitants of Viterbo hastened to vote,' notwithstanding the French r-rn n-i ti An 01114 Trvn t i fi.o 1 rrAnJi v!nno It reported that the conclusion of the treaty of commerce between England and Austria is unfounded. A large body of troops remain outside. The fortress at Gaeta have sent a proposal oi sussender to the Pidemontese. A later telegram from Shanghai says it is reported that negotiations are not going on smoothly at Tiensin. Chappel's piano factory, in London, has been burnt. Twenty persons werej injured. A telegraph cable to connect Singa pore and Rangoon is about to leave England. Its length is about 1,300 miles. Fresh troops left Turin for Naples. The corn crop in Italy was deficient MARRIED. On Nov. Ctli, ISO!), ia Lebanon township, Meigs county, by II. S. Lawrence, Esq, Mr. Ebenezer Jones and Miss Irene Anderson- On Nov. 5th, 18G0, by Rev. J. Kissell, Mr. Christopher. Hauser and Miss Catharine Schreiber, both of Pomeroy. At the parsonage in Chester, on Thursday, Nov. loth, 1860, by Kev. J. W. Lewis, Mr. John II. Gale tend Miss Mart Jenkins, both of Sterling Bottom, Meigs county, O. , In Columbus, on Thursday, Nov. 13th, 1860, Mr. THEODORE S. GREINER and Miss JEANIE POWERS. Mr. Grcineris a brnthcr typo, at present connected with 'he publishing house uf Messrs. Foil ett. Foster & Co., of Columbus, il-.: nnl bis f:iir briilu have been pnying a visit to their friends In this place, and we vers much pleased atreeciritig a call from them May thir bright prospects be fully ru1iz?d, and every d;(y of their life bj a renewal of the pleasan1 Iioim j iiioi u uhicli they are now no luxuriantly en joying. FOMEBOY RETAIL MARKETS. Corrected Weekly b; Grant, 3f Bros, Millers, and Palton 5 Smith, Grocers. Tik'rsdav, Nov; 29, 1SG0. Flour...'tt'hite Wheat. Fam., SG.OO; Red do. ex tra, S-V.O; Superfine, S-".2". Wheat ...White, No. 1, 1.05; Red, No. 1, SI .00. Corn f!0c. bush. Oats 2 )C. $i hu Potatoes , Gvecn Apples Hutter Cheese Ejrjrs Molasses Sirup Su;;ar (N. O.) Co flee Itice , Soap Cum lies (tallow) Fish (Cod) Fish (Mackerel) Fish (White) l'ickled Pork Shoulders Side) (smoked) Hums ..SIViUOc. 'r " ..40.6f)c. 3 hu. 1 Cc. i9 lb. 012c. lb. 10c. doz "iOc.'j? gal. UO(?,75 gal. ...U(S)lle. 3 lb. .1718c. P " 0c. P " ...SH)c. p " 15c. "p." (ic. r& ...810c. "H " ic. P " 12c. " 12c. 1 " 12c. P " 15c. P " vet. Sc.; wholesale ojc. i3 ', COO 1,000 Cracke.s... Hoop Poles... Salt. .retail 25c; wholesale 3 bush Cincinnati Wholesale Market. Cincinnati, Nov. 18. Flour The market is unsettled, and prices , nominally unchanged. About U00 oris superfine sold at S-t CO, and some small lots extra at 4 805 30. linos Partly owing to the warm weather, the uiaakct was quite unsettled again to-day, and prices merely nominal. Holders finding it useless to press sales withdrew from the market. The only sale we heard of was 300 head, average 200 lbs, at G 12. There is no de mand for future delivery. Provisions Mess Pork is in moder ate demand, with sales of GOO brls at $16 00, and it can be purchased at this price for future delivery. Green meats nominal, which is partly to be attributed to the bad weather. Hams sold at 77f c. Small sales of Lard at l()c. " Groceries Sugar dull and Jc lower. Sales of 20 hhds good fair at 7fc. Mo lasses dull at 3334e, with a very limi ted denntnd. Cofl'ee lower, and dull at 14?15ic. In the small way prime to choice brings 1515c. Wheat The market continues dull, aud prime white declined to$l 031 03. lie! is unchanged; we quote prime at 1 00. Sales " of 200 bush fair red' at !i5e; 300 do prime white atl 05: 300 do fair do at SI 00. Corn The demand is moderate at 35c at the lower depots, and 32e at tl e upper depots. Sales of 3,350 bush at lower depots at 35c; 1,500 do at upper depots at 32c. Oats The market is steady, with a fair demand at 28c in bulk. IIve 'Flic market is dull, but with- out any change lionrrn in nri f'Hz v , prices. We quo'te ...... ..h - .1111 IJV 1U J1 1.J II Cheese The demand is moderate at 9ic for Western Beserve, 10c for Ham burg, and 11c for English Dairy. Bctteu Prime roll continues ill fair demand at 15Uc for Central Ohio aud Western Kescrve. Common is dull and heavy at 9(3,llc Potatoes The market is unchanged and duil. Prime Neshauocks are sell ing at 3035e, on arrival. From store they are selling at SI 35(5jl 40 per brl Of 2 bush. Da. S. O. IhriiAKDSON's Sherry Wise 15ii riiis. The irrrat success of this medicine tins been :m imluro inent for oth.-rs li niniiiiracluro iniiiiiiier.ilile kinds of Bitters, with which tliu wliolo country has for inanv vcars l.ccu flcoiled. The niiiiiber iiii'l variety ; that lias boeii offere.l to the public, since the intro- duclions of Ot. Kichar.lsoirs .slurry Wine Bitters may be counted by thousands; and not one of which i can be named, that is now existing, that was Intro duccd even twenty years later thai, the origin i this medicine. They suddenly aypearc.l, Willi Dam- w ..,.,.,MH,n,.rthir mmbie virtue., tut as quickly departed, and were seen no more Sold by 1). REED. jr'f'Evcry mother and housekeeper must often act as a family physician in the numerous Ills and acci dents that occur among children and servants. For many of these cases I have used Davis' fain tiiller, and consider it an indispensable article in the medi cine box. In diarrhoea, it is iiiiich used wilh great success. For cuts and bruises il is invaluable. N. V. Examiner. Sold oy A. SEEBOHM, and D. REED. 44-2W. J. B. HAMPTON, 9 m a- 3IANUFACTU1XER OUTII-EAST CORKER OF COURT AND Back streets, opposite the new Bank Build ing, I'omeroy, O. June 21, 'o9. 23-ly MONTGOMERY 6 H0ADUVt STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, WHARF-BOAT, POMEROY, . Keep constantly on hand LIMB, PLASTER. PARIS, CEMENT, &e. TE respectfully request builders, and others in v need ot luu anove articles, toiive us a call bo lore purchasing clsnwhero, as we are confluent we cau supply you as cheaply as any other dealer. April II). 'CO. 15-3iii. j. 8. COPES. HARLOW J. PHEU-S. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 74 CAMP STREET. Nfw Orleans, L,a. Particular attention given to the purchase of Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, lie, aud to the sale of Western Produce. REFER TO Hon. V. B. HORTON, Pomerov, O. Messrs. DAA'lEL & RATriJBUKJf, Rankers, Pome rov, Ohio. A. VV. BUSKIRK. Esq., Portsmouth, O. Messrs. GAYLOHD. .SOX & o.. Cincinnati. O. " JV1ILLKK, WUNGA I E & Co., Louisville, . juij ir, jcuii. -O-IJ APPRENTICES. rilHOSE wishing to take boys or girls at any J age from infancy to 1-1 years, to live with them till of legal age, would be doing a public benefit by making known their wisheg to Jlr. Scott, Superintendent of the Infirmary, neaa Chester, or to either of the Infirmary Directors. f eb. , til). tf. M. liOSWORTH. SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE to announee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on Sugar Run, near the Tannery, where he will manu facture, and keep constantly on hand, any ar ticle in his line of business; and we feel assured that we can give satisfaction to all who mav favor us with a call. N. B. All orders attended to as soon as pos sible. DAVID GEYER. Pomeroy, 1-1. tf A. (t. CiiOWLEY & CO., WILL HEREAFTER CARRY ON THE Carpenter and Joiner business; Doors, Sash, Blinds, &c, executed to order. From long experience in business, we feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction in all orders en trusted to our care. For past patronage our thanks are due the publie, and we respectfully ask a" continuance of their favors. The Mill is few doors above Williamson's Flouring Mill. 1-10-tf A. K. LINK. W. W. HANI.Y. F. KROEI.L. LINE, HANLY & KR0ELL. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND Commission Merchants, !5 Main St., next door to the Madison House, OINCIWJTATI. Order3 respectfully solicited. O.-t. 5, 1SC0. 3-3!)-ly Regular Marietta and Cincinnati Packet, - Ohio No. 3, J.J. Kl.AGG. Mast-r; JOHN HKISXEH, Clerk; Leaves Cincinnati wvery Thursdav at 5 o'clock. . M. passing Pomeroy en Saturday nt IDoVlook a. a. Leaves Marietta every Monday'at 8 o'clock a. m. Leaves Komeroy every Tuesday at B o'clock a. m. For freight or passage applv on hoard or to PAT VOX & MONTGO.M KRY, Sow 59, 'ofl. 48-tf ... P eroy WharfrBoat. Marietta & Cin. and Hillsboro & Cm. R. R ON and after Thursday. April -JU, ldiill, trains will leave Athens as follows: Going Kart Kvpress Mall at - - 12:?C p. m. Go, no Wus-r -.Mail at 10:3li a. m. T1 r'iixiiress mail east makes close connections at Parkurshurc wilh the trains of tho Kaltimore and Ohio Railruad, and at Cincinnati witli trains for all points West. r rKass-'iisrers leaving rMrtersourz at 8:10 a. m. arrive at Col unihiis 9:13 r. h. V rM'ickcss at reduced rates are sold at Chilli cothe and Athens, for Coiumhus. '"pThrninrli tickets to all points East aud West can be obtained atall the principal Ticket Offices on the line of tliu Road. A discount of ten cents on each ticket from resn nr tariff rales will be made on II tickets purchased nt the ticket offices. ORLAND S.M ITH, Sup't. J. Foboitt. Gen'l Tieket Ag't. Chil. may. 1,59. Tupper's Plains Seminary. The Second Term of this Institution will hecin on Ml 'N DAY. November 2i, IWiU. Great pains have been taken to make this Insti tution one wkich may supply tho wants of the com miinity in which it is located, anu an mose who mav attend it from abroad. No trouble has been spared in furnishing tnu rooms, and in adopting the most appproved Text Books. The chief design of the Institution is to prepare young men for College, and Teachers for more ex tensive usefulness. Lessons wilt be given (if desired) in Music, Draw ng. and Painting. The Principal flatters himself that, with his ex perience and the abundant success lhat has herelo- ore crewneil Ins ctlorts as leacher. and the aid of experien od Assistants, lie shall be able to givu en tire satisfaction to ail who mav patronize him. ri... w. ; i. ...i !.. .." t :.-. III it irUitlllltUL MlflUIH OI the County, and parents who wish to send their child ren lo Scl.ool can certainly liud no place more free i uiii itc iii .in La niriiis. ,TUITIOM. Principal's Department, .... $3.75 Primary " ..... in. Music and Paiiitiug, - - - - - Kxlra. Hoarding can be had at from 1.511 to l.;s ner week. KDVVIX KliYKS. Priiu-ioal. 1 upper's Plains, Meigs Co., O. 44-'ii Notice James Worthing, Adm'r of "1 Meigs County Probate Court. Petition to sell land. David Dailey, dee'd vs. Susan Dailey, et. al. To Susan Dailey and A. J. Dailey. who reside iu the State of Virginia, and Clarissa Dailev whose place ot residence is unknown, J. II. Dailey, Luther Dailey, Pcgy Flich, whose rlacc of resideuee is also unknown, Ruth Ward, wlio resides in Scioto county, Ohio, and Philip Dailey, who resides in Athens County, Ohio, aud Rachel Lonas, who resides in Meigs County, you are hereby informed that on the 27th day of October, ISfiO, said administrator filed his petition in the Probate Court of Meigs County, Ohio, the ob ject and prayer of which petition is to obtain an order on the 15th day of December. 1800, for the sile of the following real estate, (of which the said David Dailey died seized) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the debts of said decednet, to wit: the farm upon which the said David Dailey resided at the time of his decease, being part of Sec. Hi, Town 4, Range 12, in Ohio Company's Purchase, in Orange Township, County of Meigs, State of Ohio, and containing 25 acres more or less JAMES WORTHING, ' Adm'r of David Dailey, dee d. Dated Nov. 9, 18111). Nov. 10, 'CO-4w FKESH BALTIMORE ysters, FOR At SALE BY THE CAN, Sam. Silverman's, Front St., West of Com t, POMEROY, O. 41-tf s NEW ARRIA AL OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY AND VARIETY i i GOODS, AT THE 4 ill H On Court Street, a few Doors below the Court House, JPOM33H.OT, o : TnE subscriber takes pleasure in inofrming his numerous customers, and the public in gener.-il, that he lias just returned from the city with a splendid stock of goods in the above named line, all of which he will se.l at a living profit. He would call especial attention to his stock of fine u which he will sell nt city prices; also to his large stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, com prising in part a choice lot of P O C K E T-B O O K S, for Ladies andGcntlemen, Money Bags and Purses, Cigar and Card Cases, Combs, Tooth and Hair Rrushes, fine Cutlery, Pistols, &c. sipOT-A-oaLiXis ess asz-srza g-TjAsses; In Silver, Steel and German Silver frames, suited for all ages. G- old 3E3 ens. . IIS also keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of superior Gold Pens, of Sheppard's and Dawson's, Warren & Hyde's make, which he warrants to give satisfaction. He invites the patronage of the public, with the assurance that customers shall receive the worth of their nionej'. An examination is solicited. June 18, 1 8(50. '24-t PETER LAMBRECHT. PEHR V DAVIS' VEGETABLE WE BEG fn CALL THK ATTKNTION OF THE PUBLIC TO THIS LOXG TESTIS O AND VX RI VALLED Family Medicine. The Pain Killer is a purelv vegetable compound, and while it is a most efticieut Remedy for Pain, it is perfectly sa'e medicine even in the most unskilful hands. For Summer Complaint, or irnv other form of Bowel Disease in Children or Adults, it is almost it certain cure, ami has without doubt been more successful iu curii.g the various kinds of cholera than any other known remedy; or even the most skilful physician. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease isever more.or less prev alent, the PAIN KILLER, is considered by the natives, as well as by European residents, in those climates, A Sure ISemedy. As a Tonic for the Stoniaoh, it is unrivalled, few doses will relieve severe cases of llMliffCStlOII, and it is often a perfect cure for Dyspepsia in Its most atrirrnvnted forms. Its tonic and stimula ling properties, arousiuir the system to vigorous uc lion, render it a most effectual cure for Colds and Couglis, when nsed according; to directions. For external application it is unsurpassed by anv medical preparation ki own. IClietiuiatisni, and Ncuralfric Affections are quickly relieved and oiien cureu uy u. Any soreness in llie Muscles or Joints can be relieved by its application. It cares instctiiLiy me niusb violent Tooiiiachc. It should always be kept near at hand, to be used in cases of severs IStirtis oi' Scalds. If applied immediately, according to directions, it will (rive ins ant relief, and prevent blistering. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of St ea iik boa tin en, and others traveling on our Western Rivers. II (-Directions accompany each bottle. It has been tested in every varieiv of rliimtn. nml by almost every nation known to A mericaiis. It bj the almost constant companion and inestiin:ilil friend of the missionary and the traveler on sea and laud anil no one should travel on our lakes or rivers without H. Sold by dealers everywhere. ... CAUTION. the public will be cautious lhal thev ret the n. nine Pain Killer, as some unprincipled men use that name fur their own worthless compounds; iu so doing they deceive the community, an.t iufriiei-e upon the "Trade Mark" of Perrv Davis. PKICES-25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1 Per notue. J. X. HA KR'S & CO.. Pronrictors forlhe Sonlhaiul West. Cincinnati. Ohio. Sold wholesale and retail by A. SKEBOHAI and 1). KKKD, Pomerov. O. July 31, 18UU. 30-ly ' DR. WEAVER'S CANKER & SALT RHEUM FOK THK Cl.KE OF Canker, Salt Rheum. Erysipel.-.s, Scrofulous Dis eases, cutaneous irruptions, aud every kind ef Disease arising from an iinpure state of ihe Uloi.d. I tiemtist Effective Olood Purifier o( the ft inelccitlli Century. It Is the proscription of an educated physician. and all who are ntHicted with any of the above named diseases should use it without delay. It will drive the disease from the system, and wlienouce out on the skin, a fw applications of - DB. WEAVEB'S CERATE, OINTMENT, and yon have a permanent cure. 1 he uerate lias proveu useii lo lie llie nest Oint- meat ever invented, and where once used, it has never been known to fail of perfecline; a permanent cure of Old Sores, Tetter and Ringworm, Scald Head, Chillht ius and Frost Bites, Jiarber's lich. Chapped or cracked Hands or Lips, Blotches or f imples on the c ace, and lor sin e minpies, the Cer..te is the thing requir-d. to cure. It should be kept ill the house of every family. Price of Cerate, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by most dealers in Medicines. J. N. UAICtllS & CO., Pronrictors for Western States, Cincinnati, Ohio, To whom all orders for above Medicine may be addressed. Sold by n. KEEP, Pomeroy, O. July 31, I860. 3o-ly DR. S. O. RICHARDSON'S SHEhRY Wine B i t ters. The Celebrated New England Remedy FOR HABITUAL. CONSTIPATION. Jaundice, Fever and Ajjue. Gcn- i:i I ftebillfy, and all other Diseases arising from a Disordered S t o in a c tl , Liver, tn Bowels, 1 such as "Xciditv of tho Stomach, Indigestion, Hnrlhnrn. Loss or Appetite, C'osliveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Dwgust of Food, Sour Erections. Sinking or Fluttering of the Pit of the Stomach. Dimness of Vision. Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes, Pain in the Side. Back. Chest or Limbs, and in all cas.-s where a Ti-NlC is necessary. The Stierrv Win-i Bitters are prepared by a regu liirly educated Physician of note and position. They are the most Pleasant and Valuable Tonic of the day. They are just what persons re quire when recovering from protracted illness, or in ttie Spring of the year, when a Mi-dicinnl Tonic is required. Hiey are largely recommended, by Phy ici:ms through the West, 'and llie proprietors are daily in receipt of letters noting cures by their use. Thomas Stanford or Blountsville. Heiiry County, linl., writes is, under date of May 4th, ISOb. that for three years he was afflicted with "Nervous Debility, of the most positive character, and could get uo re lief, until he used the Sherry Wine Bitters, Which soon completely restored him, and he is limv in robust healih. One of the GKEATKST CURES EVER KNOWN, was that of G W. IIiitTin.-in, Berwick. Seneca County, Ohio. He had been alllicled with Rheuma tism in ail its varioes forms for about twenty years, lie bad used everything; recommended by tiie skill of Physicians, but got no permanent relict, until the Bitters were introduced, and three botiles cu.ed Jiim. H.s writes us two year after his cure, aud says, '"I have no return of tbe complaint,'" aud further says, think and believe tiial in Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and Kidney Af fections, or Dropsy, il is a Specilie certa u remedy."' Sold by dealeis in medicines generally. Price, 7.5 Cents per Bollle. J. X. HARRIS & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agents for the Southern and Wesitrn States. Sold hv p. REEL!, Pomeroy, O. July 31, lriili.-3U-ly SELLING OFF AT COST! yV. 1.X..J.Cr, Gunsiriitli, HAS a large lot of Riflles, of liis own manu facture, on hand, which he will SELL OFF AT COST, as he designs closing up his business. They are of the best manufacture, and warranted to be such articles ns represented at the time of sale. Call at his Shop, opposite llorton's Uoal Vird, Pomerov, O. Sept. 1 lMi0.-gc.RiB A. H A AG. OLD STAND OF ti & BUY YOUR Groceries Where you can get them Cheapest. s. set Irian CLAIMS THE ADVANTAGE ABOVE hinted nt, together ivith the quality of the articles, over any other establishment in the county. Remember ihe place Mayhugh's Ijiulding, lour doors west of Court street, on Front, Pomerov. S. SILVERMAN. April 20, lStiO. 16-tf MONG the articles to be found constantly on nanu i -t 1 1, v Hn.ii .ifl s urocery,are SO brls. Molasses, for sale cheap, by 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 25 Racks of Coffee, for sale chnp, bv lti-tlj S. SILVERMAN. 1 f hhds. Sugar, forsalo cheap, Jbv 1 U 16-tf. S. f SILNEHMAN. Q T kegs good English Soda, for sale cheap, by CO lti-tlj S. SILVERMAN. 50 boxes German Soap, for sale cheap, bv 16-tf S. SILVERMAN. 40 boxes Balm Soap, for sale cheap, liv 16-lf . S- SILVERMAN. IOO5OOO )if;ar!',1J:c,lCla, assortment, for sale 10;tr 'CltP' S.SILVKRMAN. 25 boxes Tobacco, different qualities, for sale cheap, by lj-tf S. SILVERMAN. CTfi boxes Candy, for sale cheap, or 0J IG-tf S. SILVERMAN. Q AT boxes Star and Dollar Candles, for sa'e cheap, AO by 116-tfJ S. SILVERMAN. 10 brls. No.'s 2 and 3 Mackerel, for sale cheap, by lfi-tf S. SILVERMAN. - rv lrls. White Fish, for sale cheap, bv LlG-tC S.SILVERMAN. kess of Nails, for sale cheap, Wv uu lG-ifJ S.SILVERMAN. boxes Starch, for sain cheap, hv tJ 10-tf S. SILVERMAN. )fM gross Matches, for sale cheap, bv IJG-tf . . S. SlLVEh.FAN'. (SAA worth of Queenswaro, forsale cheap, bv ijptJVU ifi-tq s. SILVERMAN. . , X.. --Oiaitio & Ana. VJ. 1 w mm tmm mm v j n A XMTer iailiiiir. AnliiloW for Sick Ilfad. O ache. Dyspepsia, lever and Ague. j, Eilieusness, ftcurali;ii,Lolic, i. praved .fpctito, Bisor- a Y dered Stomach, lemsie S matron ions. Ac. A.' " ' .IC 25 ct VFIISON S PHjL3 are un:veri!ly -knuwli-dsed to be the bet now in use. Ar a Family medicine they are particnlarly recomaiendcd-simple and harmless, but highly medicinal in their com biuation. One Fill dose, with mild but cer tain effects. The robust man aud the delicate child use then, alike, with cvwry assuranco of entire safety. 'With Wilson's FiUs.every Mother b. tho land becomes her own physicuui. They have proved themselves a si-ECinc, and stand without a rival for the following .iffuctlons : HE VDACaiE, IEVEK Sc ACHE, HXAOAtHE, FEVEB As AOCTK, DYSPEPSIA, 1IVER COMPLAUfT, BXSPEPSIA, tlVEK C0SPLAIHT, Costiveness, Biliousness, Keuralgia, Costivenese, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold by Druggists & Dealers everywhere. PKEPAJtED BY . B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Importeps &. Wholesale Druggists No. 60, corner Wood and 4ta Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. SOLE TROPK1ETORS Or 3 B. L. Fahnestock's Vermifuge, q July 31, lefiG. 3b-ly BELIEF IX TEN MINUTES. PULMONIC WAFERS!! The original Medicine Established in 1837, and first article f the kind ever introduced under the name of i'ulmonic Wafers," in this or any other coun try; all othei I'ulmonic Wafers are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name of BRYAN being stamped on each WA KEK. Bkyan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness. L'r'yan's Pdlmokic' Wafers 1 Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing:. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in, the Chest. Bryan's Pclmonit Wafers Relievo Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. Bryan's Pdlmonii: Wafers -Believe Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. ' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Relieve th above Complaints in l eu Minutes. Bryak'j Pt i.Momc Wafers Area Blessing to all Classes and Conslitn tions. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Aie adapted for Vocalists ami Public Speakers. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer's Are in a simple form and pleasant to the taste. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Not only relieve, but effect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryvn's Pulmonic V afeks A ro warranted to give satisfaction 10 every on. No family should be without a box of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in the house. So traveler should bo without a supply of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in his pockot. No person will ever object to (rive for Bitv.-.s's Pulmonic. Waflrs Twenl -five cents. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Sold t.j D. REKi), Pomeroy. 3-31-ly THE subscriber has again re sumed her Jlillinery busi ness in the room occupied as a Grocery and ftotion Store, by Martin Ilecox, one door west ef W. A. Aichcr's Jewelry & Watch Establishment, where she will be happy to wait 011 all her old customers, and as many new ones as possible. She hopes, from her long ex perience in the business, to please a large ma jority. Her nps-ortment, though small, will be kept up, and complete work done on short no tice, and warranted good. S. D. GIBSON. Pomeroy, Sept. 24, 1S0O. 38-8m SALEM CENTER W3 W 'Ml'iil W li9 HtSl M POGG tSs SON OFFER for sale their usual supply of (.rafted Apple Trees, consisting of about fifty choice varieties. Price 'fen Dollars per Hundred. alem' Center, Meigs Co, Ohio, Oct. 10, VSOO.' iQll . ll 1. y y XL- -$22,000 WORTH OJA 4UviJO" SOLD OFF AT COS1 WO XI XT TVT HTJG I WANT YOUR CASH, AND IF THE GOODS SUIT, PRICES SHALL? I have everything in the Dry Goods line: Prints, Delanes, Merinoes, Cobersa, Alpacas, white goods, Brown' arid Bleached 3Iuslirs's, Check, Flannel 'Tickic"' Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Jeans, Tweeds, &c. " ' HARDWARE. Glass, Nails, Locks, Axes, Cutlery, Coffee Mills, Scale Beani3, Brass Kettle', Log and Trace Chains, Horseshoe Nails, M" Saws, Crosscut Saws, Butts! CARPENTERS TOOLS; Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augers, Hatchets, Braces and Bits, Square's; Lovei. Also, COOPERS' TOOLS. Tress Hoop Adzes, Broad-Axes, Compasses and Knive3 of all kinds. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS. Bellows Vices, Anvils, Files, Horse Rasps, Stocks and Dyes; also, Shear, Cj.- t and German Steel, Buggy Springs and Axels, Wagon Axels, Woodwork for Bug gies, and Buggy Trimmings of all kinds. I would call the attention of Builders to my large lot of Doors, Sash, Veue Jaa Blinds, all made of clear White Pine. Also, TJ Xj O T Coats, rants and Vests of all kinds, and Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps." Also, a !si-'-5 and complete stock of Custom-made Men's and Boys' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes; ChiMi tn, Misses and Ladies' Shoes of all kinds. I keep a large stock of Cordage of all sizes, liiiws Wrapping Twirfe. " TAIIiOKIU Gr. If you want a gsod fitting Coat, Pants or Vest, give me a call. I have a largo lot of Ticco Goods for manufrcturing purposes. Work done op in best style, and warranted a good fit or no sale. . . ...... ' Tho above and various other articles not mentioned will be sold without reserve "nt-es'-f.i! CASH. Give me a call. . j j COTIFV'"' Pomeroy, 0., Jan. 3, 1860. Ffoat atrcetj' three dowa above OrVtt, W. J. PRALL. PRALL & Court street Would respectfully call the attention of this ever invenieu in The Burning of the gas and smoke arising from IT PRALL'S y 50 per cent of fuel is saved, and a more intense heat 'thrown to the 'SM&jii&a pp. bottom of the Oven. . - In introducing this greaty-improved "GasBurnlng Stove, we wish rSS it distinctly understood that it is not our design to use 6 i In disposing of them, but will WARRANT every Stove we sell to be what it is 'repwntoJ. This is not the only pattern we propose selling. We have the most improved patterns of WOOD COOKING STOVES. Without dwelling upon tho merits of the different patterns, we will con clude our notice by announcing that our PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES Can't be beat, either in quality, or in cheapness,' and we defy tempetl Jun. METALLIC HYDRANTS Kept constantly on hand, and we respectfully invite the public to cs.i::;qe jur stock , , . . In addition to our heavy and manufacture to order, To tiie Citizens of Meigs ask Adjoining Coi'mies: - certain degree, the nature of the business we intend to prosecute. The manner i;i vhivh it 'a to be done, naturally suggests itself. Do you wish to buy on credit? Then yov. s-"ti p'v been wasting your time in reading onr card. We cannot sell at our prices without hw:n- money, if we have to credit. Wc have therefore, concluded to sell exclusively for CASH, And exchange for Old Metal, Brass, Pewter, market value. Past experience has proven the beneficent results of the cash system, to bo!h run-linyer ard seller, and it is for the benefit of our customers our own who can BUY and SELL cheaper He respect! ully invite you to call anu see wish to purchase or not; but we warn you, as it away till you have given us a call. Aug. 1G, 1859. ly DHV GOODS, MEW'S Afti BOYS CLOTmO,; HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARO. . AVING RECEIVED A LARGE AND CAREFULLY SIILTXTEjV Stock of Goods, adapted to the Winter Trade, (and which will ? e kin t i cu; - plete by frequent additions during the season,) I am prepared to ofi't r to j patrons, and the public at large, everything, as far as possible, no. e.-"s;u 3' fi i'm"-; stitute a full Stock in the above lines, and which will be sold for CASH or toua try produce, on the most favorable terms. ' r THE TAILORING BUSINESS ! Will be conducted, as heretofore, under the supervision of N. M. M'G LOTiIT TNY assisted by as competent workmen as any in the county. Everything iiV the Way of Making, Cutting or Repairing, promptly attended to. . the; i'a.siiion's pon teeb (sascscsrir :' Will at all times be found on hand, together with' a full Stock of Clot ssi meres, Vestings, &c. . . .. .. . . : . ( - . r , , . N. 13. To those whom I have extended a short credit, and wim ayr .now garding the moral obligation incurred to pay up according to agrtcntent, I Vii?b..t say I will not hesitate to remind you, if necessary, in a forcible iiianuer. (bat legal obligation was also incurred. Pomeroy, January o, Dealers in Gold and Silver Yatches; r AND -. . . . . - i-Ja JEWELRY OF ALL K IN D3, HAVE REMOVED TO, OAnTWRIGT'S JNTU7W BXJIXjDIG-. Corner Court si ml Front Streets, romcrnjV . WHERE we shall be pleased to see our old customers, and all ether.-., wl. i desire anything in our line.' We keep constantly on hand a gO'(t a-or- -' men't of Gold aud Silver Watches, German, French and American .Tev.-e.lry. ; Fancy Articles; Clocks from 52.00 to 12.00, of every size and description; Eyc'GlaKfeef , Gold Pens, &c - " ' ' Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, done jn the best icar.ucr, rrrTrpy. Augtiftt 7, 1560. -81-tf v " . 'v rx rt ABOUT I Tl I U Gr , GCOltGC IITrif. HA TCB , OLDSTAfD Pomeroy, O. community to one of the greatest impvorcmf a? 9 tha coal, by which stock of Stoves we will keep constant!;- 03 bar.d, TINWARE. . : The above remarks will demonstrate to vv ia Copper, Rags, Old Silver, &c.J at t!.eir l.Tgiir't wi:o can buy much cheaper :s well ns for r-that we adopt this system. the improvements in our Stoves, whet rr vf" you value your hard-earned monev, not to Invwb . " , : PRALL &, HATCH. . (ft p IP 175. rrs .. 1 r