Newspaper Page Text
V 6 floeirg. KISSES. " Oh, kiss me and go,'' Said the maid of my heart,. And proffered her lip A9 a- hint to depart ' The midnight approachcsr. My mother will know, . My kindest and dearest! O, kiss ice and go. ' She gave me the blessing In such a sweet way.. The thrill of its pleasure Knticed' me to stay ; So we kisafd till the morning dime in with its glow, For she said every moment, " O, kiss me and go.-' ftolit and uultsclonu BThe lash that man docs not ob ject to have laid on his shoulders the evc-lash of a pretty girl. Bg-We arc prone to judge others narrowly, by their particular acts; . we like ourselves to be judged generously by our spirit. BSL.Throw & piece ofmeat among bears, aud a piece of gold among men, j and which will behave most outrageously the men or the beasts? JJ6T" A beautiful definition of forgive noss is that of .the deaf and dumb one who defined it as ! odor which flowers yield when trampled on." He WU Posted. Napoleon used to say, y A handsome woman pleases the eye, but a good wo man pleases the heart. The one is a jewel, the other a treasure. " SgjuWouian is like ivy the more you are ruined the closer she clings to you. An old bachelor adds: " Ivy is like women the closer it clings to you the more you are ruined. " . 8When the Chinese want to de scribe a fellow who pretends to be very brave, and make a parade in order to bhow his courage, they say that " he is witting off a hen's head with a battle axe. " ... SggSuiith met two editors who had been at " outs, " on the Street walking arm-in-arm. " Ilillo !" said Smith, ''the lion and lamb lie down together, do they ?" " Oh yes, '.' said editor No. 1, " Jone3 here did the lyin' and I did the lammin, " and of course we came down together. " Tit for Tat. A young lady asked a gentleman the meaning of the word surrogate, and the gentleman explained it to her as "a gate through which parties have to'get mar ried." "Then I imagine," said the lady, :that it is a corruption of sorrow gate?" "You are right, Miss," replied her informer, "as woman is an abrevia tion of woe to man." WagUh Clergyman. A certain elder was holding a series of meetings t a place where but little assistance could be had, was overjowed one Sabbath morning to see a brother who was a good preacher, ride by, and immediately insisied that he should Breach for him. 'No," said the brother, ''but if wish, I will preach this evening." "Yerv well." said the elder, "I you will pregare the wayibr you,by preaching from the text; 'He thatcometh after me is greater than. I.' " "If yu do," said the brother, "I will preach- in the evening from 'All that came before me were thieves and rob bers.'" Fellow Travelers. " Will you help me out of this mud hole?" said, a traveling druggist, who had just been compelled to stop his team in a mud-hole, because his horses couldn't pull it out. " I can't stop, " said the Yankee, who was heavily loaded, and was fearful that he would be too late for the car3. " ". I would take it as a great favor, besides paying you, " said the druggist. " What are you loaded with ?" asked the Yankee. "Drugs and medicines," said he. " I guess I'll try to get you out, then, for 1 am loaded with tombstones. They were seen after that. . traveling tosether Coesticlf on Billiards. The following is Doesticks' idea of the game of billiards : " I need hardly tell you that the game of billiards consists in "punching ivory balls about on a big table covered with green cloth, which looks like half an acre of meadow land with au India-rubber fence around it. That the balls are punched with long wooden ramrods with wax on the end to save the wood, and feather on the end to save the wax, and chalk put en. to keep the leather from wearing ouk. You take your- ramrod" and rub some chalk on the little end ; then you lean over the table then you squint then you lift up your leg then you fiddle a little on your left hand with your ram lod then you punch your ball. If your ball runs against the other man's ball, you've done a big thing, and you ' poke up a lot of buttons that are strung on a wire ! This is all there is of the game of bil liards. Anybody can punch billiards. I can, and maybe you could. " STRAIGHTENING ACCOUNTS. In a certain parish in England, a Quaker barber received, a note for church rates, five shillings and sixpence. He catted' upon the clergyman of the parish and said : " Pray, friend, what dost thou mean by this note?" " Mean ! Why, it is for the church rate; don't you see ?" -Yes, friend, but what is that for ?" " Why for the repair of the church, and for the decent maintenance of public worship, to be sure. " " Well, friend, but what have I to do with that? I don't attend thy church. " O, that don't signify ;- the church is always open, and it's your own fault if jou don t come. JJesiue, it s the law, nd you must pay. " MSTeli, friend, I take leave to tell you that-1 think that a very unjust law that obliges me to pay for a ministry and re ligion which I don't attend. Fare the well. " A few days afterward, the barber, by way of straightening accounts with the passen, set his reverence a note: " Debtor ta-Iimothy Salters, for shaving and hair-cutting, five shillings and six pence. " The receipt of this note by the parson Tcry quickly brought him-to- the shop, in no good humor either. "-What do you mean by sending me this bill ? You never cut my hair nor shaved me in your life.! " Nay, friend, but thou knowst my shop is openr and . it is thine own fault if thou dost not come to be shaved. ."' WHKRG 1 THE SHOVEL I " Nathan where is the shovel ? here I"ve been hunting long enough to do my work twice over and can't find the shovel. " . The farmer was very wroth. "I don't know where it is, father, sum'mers about, I suppose. " " Nathan, you have the shpTel where you have worked, I know. Why don't you always put the tools in their places ?" " Where is the place for the shovel, I should like to know, father?'' lie could not tell. It had no place. Sometimes it was laid in the wagon, and occasionally accompanied that vehicle when it was harnessed up in a hurry. Sometimes it was hung up with the har ness to fall down when not wanted or to get covered up when it was. A great deal of shoe leather had to come to naught by that shovel. It had at times more than the obliviousness of Sir John Franklin, and defied discovery. So it was with all the other tools. They would seem to vanish at times, and then come to light rusty as old anchors. The farmer's barn was crowded. He had no " room to spare " there. There were several in his. dwelling, but the barn was always crammed it was a kind of mammoth sausage stuffed every year. So there was no room for a special de partment for tools. In his imagination he never saw his hoes hung on a long cleat, chains all regular in a row, his rakes and forks hung overhead, certainly he was never anxious for such conve nient room. Why? His father never had a tool house, and his father was called a good farmer. So he was then, in his day but there are better husbandmen now, let me say, and I desire to shock no one's veneration. Did they find the shovel? They might as well have searched for the philosopher's stone, seemingly. Nathan started for Mr. Goodwin's to borrow one. Their work must be done, and borrow he must. "I don't know as you will find one in my tool house, " replied Mr. Goodmans. Nathan noticed that he bore down on some .of his words like a man on a plow beam. Didn't he mean something? Nathan went to tool room thoughtfully. A door on wheels opened with a slight push, and there were Goodman's tools enough, Nathan thought, to equip a company of sappers and miners! Hatchets, axes, saws, tree scrapers, grafting tools, hoes, diggers, shovels, spades, pick-axes and a large lot of other tools, neatly and compactly arranged. It was Goodman's ark to save him from the deluge of unthrift. Here every night the tools were brought in and wiped clean and hung up in their places. The next morning he was cer tain that he could find his tools to com mence a job with. He partitioned off a large room in his new barn for tools. It was central and easy of access. It was a pleasant place for a visitor, and the tools were of the best kind. Every new shovel, or rake or fork, before being used was well oiled with linseed oil, which left the wood smooth and imper vious to water. Goodman says. " I had rather have the few hundred dol lars I have spent for tools so invested, then to have the same in railroad stock; it pays better. " No doubt of it. Now there is no patent on Good man's plan, and it is hoped many arill go into it the more successful imitations the better. DOW'S ALPHABETICAL ADVICE. A Always attend to your own avoca tion. Avoid ale-houses and artful wo men. - - B Benevolent but not prodigal. Bury all bickering in the bosom of for getfulness. C Contrive to collect cash and keep it. - D -Do your duty and defy the devil. E Early endeavor to eradicate every error, both of head and heart. F Fight fairly when you do fight; but the better way is not to fight at all. Fiddle for no fools. G Grace, goodness, gumption, and a little goose-grease, enables a man to slip through the world mighty easy. Get them and glory in them. II Harbor hope in your heart, if you would be happy: but, hark ye, hope ean't sunder nor rot the rope of a hang man. I Inquisitiveness is insufferable; in dulge not in it. J- Juleps may be called the juice of joy, and the yeast of jest, but let them aline, tor too much joking often de stroys the jovialty of the social circle. K Kindness kindles the fire of friendship. A kiss always avails more than a kick. L Love the ladies. Look before you leap. Eschew loaferism. M Make not mischief by meddling with other folks' business. N Never be caught napping, except in the night time. O Order is heaven's first law. Obey it. P Pursue the plain path of probity, and put .in practice what you will give in precept. Q Quarrel not, quibble not, be not fond of asking questions, or addicted to queries. K, Rum ruins respectability. Re nounce, renew, and renovate. S Seek salvation, oh, ye sinners! become saints and you are safe. T Take time by the forelock. Try to turn every moment to account. U Unison unites to unity. In the whole universe there is unison. Be you, therefore, united for the sake of unison. V Vanity has connection with valor, remember that. W Women and wine bring want, woe, and wretchedness, when wickedly indulged in. X 'Xtra 'xertions accomplish 'xtra ordinary ends. Y Yield to no tyrant. Yeomen and their yoke fellows are lords of the soil. Z Zig-zagging is characteristic of a zany. Take a straight course through life, and zealously pursue it. Excessive Modesty. A young lady recently stepped into a fancy dry goods store, and called for a pair of stockings, addressing herself to a nice little specimen of imperial spot, and moustached lip, that stood behind the counter. " Haven't any article of that name, Miss, but we have beautiful hose of silk and Lama's hairwhich do you prefer? and what color do you admire ?" " Young gentleman she replied, " I called for a pair of stockings!. I mean what I say, and if this shocks your modesty, you will excuse me.. I know a tow-headed fellow over the way who will sell me a pair of stockings ;" and with this remark she left the young embodimenfcvof starch, hair and ramrods to recover at. his leisure from the shock given . to his ; modesty by. tills t'ulgar young, lady.. .Insurance. Exclusively Fire Insurance. POME II O YA GENC Y, HI A IV H A T T A W FmS INSURANCE COMPANY, Wo. 68 Wall Street, New York. ft Q a ft J. SS iS e 9 0 INCORPORATED, 1821. VTM. PITT PALMER, President. AXDKEW J. SMITH, Secretary. DIRECTORS: W. P. Palmer, Samcei. P. JIott, Ri'FCS li. Lord, W.m. F. :v1ott, Wm. W. Pox, Kdwin 11. Morgan, KiniARD Tifiiiit, Thomas Hahron, RonKnT 11. Minti-rt PfcTER C'OOPKR, Hknrv K.r.i.swoRTn, Aucu'STrs W. Ward, Jamks C', Sidskv Mason, Mosksi Tavlor, L. S. StT a rez, John Caswell, John Steward, John O. Ctrkkn, 1 HO.MAS . PEARSA H.BKN a. t UO! KER. ThU staunch old Company having fully complied with the la .vs of this Slate, continue to insure the safer classes of property Against Loss or Damage by Fire, at as low rates as other first class Stock Companies. Their policies are free from tki hnicai itiks, thus avoiding litigation, having had only one lawsuit during a iiusint's of THIRTY-NINE YEARS. Particular attention jriven to the Insurance of Farm Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for the term of ONE, THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably adjusted and promptly paid In Cash at this Ageuc. JAMES RALSTOX, Agent. WESTERN BRANCH OFFICE, No. 1 Superior Street, Cleveland, 0. S. S. COE, General Agent. JOHN SEWSLL, Assistant. Apr. 24, '60. 103m Dry Goods & Carpet Store. JOHN SIllLLITO & CO. Kos. 101, 103 and 105 Vest Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, O. Importers of Are now opening an extensive aiid complete assortment of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN Si 0 i wmm mmmm, ETC., ETC. Families. Hotel Keepers, Steamboat Owners, and Purchasers, generally, may depend upon finding the best class of Goods, at prices as low as they can he pur chased in the Eastern Cities. Sept. 34, IPiiO. 3j-3m FOR ALL. FMHE subscriber having just returned from I the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per cent, advance on cost, for CASU OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will enumerate a few articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: Best, madder prints 10c per yard. Pancy prints 8a0c " Good I bleaclied muslin 10c " J bleached muslin 8c " Latest styles best delaines 15 to 20c " Cashmeres 15c " Bonnet ribbons from 10 to 40c" Fine French wool delaine 50 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to 1.00 ") Ladies heavy kip shoes $1 per pair, Ladies' calf 1 "Jo " Ladies' best calf 1 25 to 1 40, And all other goods sold at proportionable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date we positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. Wo respectfully ask an examination of our stock, and if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. 15. WILSOX, Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Middlepoi t, Ohio. FALL & WmTEft GOODS JUST RECEIVED, a complete assortment of seasonable Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Books & Stationery, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Triai mings, Notions, Hardware, Qucensware, Stone ware, Groceries, Oils, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Cord and Twine; Wall and Window Papers, Clothing, Shoes, Comforts and Oil Cloths, Nails, Glass, Steel, Musical Instruments, and any other Goods that people want. Oct. 10, 1800. 40-tf W M. H. REMINGTON. C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN A. BRADLEY'S shoves;, And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, A.t Xtm-iPia'eJ Old SJtctxicl MIDDLEPOUT, O. 1H AA'E just received a ltirso assortment of Stove3 which 1 will sell lower than ever, consisting in part, of Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and "Wood PAHUOn STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GIIATES, FIRE FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &0. WATER SPOUTING, Roofing and Jobbing of ALL KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in the way of Stoves 'Jin, Copper or Sheet Iron Ware, would save money by calling on me. JXj011 Copper, Braes and Pewter taken ia ex change. may S, 1880. 19-ly L. B- MOOUE, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles usually manufactured in such es tablishments. He calls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world'' on fancy mounted double or single Harness. Do not fail to give me a call, in my shop on Rut land street, at the head of First, street, in Holt's Building, up stairs. Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins. &c. at the highest market price, j June 5!lJ.'5J-i.'5-ly 1 1M k k 1 ft H W AS R123IOVED UTS JETVELKY KniMiiiov Immediately at the Uo.-.ul Lanlinr Road, next door below Remington's Store, and informs herewith, all his customers and the public in general, that he did, at the sanietime, open his new Stock, comprising all the latest patterns of JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Of every description, which he will sell at very reasonable prices, and he war rants every article to be of the value represented. Ilis Store-Room is spacious, and expressly fitted up for the commodious recep tion of customers, where they will iind a prompt and satisfactory attending in all their wants appertaining to his business. All his work, such as WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING, Will be executed in the very best manner, prompt and durable. All his work is warranted to give satisfaction; otherwise the money laid out for it will be re turned. To all from whom he has received patronage, he returns cordial thanks, and wishes for a continuance of the same. W. A. AICIIER, Jeweler. 2-3-tf. At the head of Wharf-Boat Landing Road, Pomeroy, O. llltscclhncous. A GIFT. MOOIIE'S Thirty Dollar Double Lock-Stitch FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Beaulifvl Gift for ITushands to their Wives and Daughters. The introduction of this most beautiful and emi nently practical machine will brine joy and glad ness to'tlio hearts of thousands of our country women throughout the land. It is iironounced by this best jm'ires to be the most simple, practical and durable Machine now before the public, and the most desirable for family use, being reliable and ac curate n all kinds of work, usins any size and kind of thread, from No. 8 to 200. It will sew with equal facility the thickest and thinnest goods used in a family. Wo enumerate a few ef its superior ad vantages. 1st. It makes the strongest, most elastic and du rable stitch of any yet made. 2d. It has the best and most reliable feed and does not break needles. 3d. It sews from two common spools without re winding. 4th. 1 1 uses no oil on top, thus preventing the damaging of goods. 5th. It runs with great case, and quietly. 6th. It can be understood and operated upan with very little instruction. Tth. It is sold f r the low price of thirtj dollars. Specimens of its work will be sent to any one de sirous of seeing them, by letter, or the JMnchiue and work can be seen at the agents1 residence, next door to Dr. Train's Oflice, near the Bank Building. NcNASTEK soar, Sole and exclusive agents for Meigs, Athens and Washington Counties, Ohio. JJaii. 3, '59. I-tf WHEELER & WILSON'S AT New York Prices. milE ELEGANCE, SPEED, NOISELESS J ness and simplicity of the Machine; the beauty and strength of stitch being alike on both sides, impossible to ravel, and leaving no ridge on the under side, economy of.thread and adaptability to the thickest or thinnest of fab rics, has rendered this the most popular Family Sewing Machine in use. Printed instructions accompanying each Machine, to cnarjlc purchasers to sew ordi nary seams stitch, felt, quilt, gather, tuck and bind; also, to keep the Machine in order. Each Machine is waraiutcd for three years. For Further particulars apply to the under signed agent. ' C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy November, '50. tf Chalybeate Restorative TILLS OF IRON. An aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON puriflert of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrojen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Au thorities, both in Europe and the United Slates, and prpscribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared wtth it. Im purities of the blood, depression of vital cnerpy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in almost ever conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In Debility, Nervous Affections. Emaciation, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Mismenstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Com. pbdnts. Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism. Inter mittent Fevers, Fimples on the Face, Ac. In cases of General Debility, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued 'diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic com plaints, one trial of this restorative 1ms proven suc cessful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, havj suddenly re-appeared in the busv world as if just returned from protracted travel in a" distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent, sanguineous exhaus tion, critical changes, and that complicition of nerv ous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the'phvsieian has no name. In Nervous" Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the opuration of this pre paration of iron must necessarily be salutarv, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regu larly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness without ever being a gastric purgative, or indicting a disagreeable sensation. it is this latter property, among others, which makes it so remarkably, effectual aud permanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specilic action, by dispersing the local tendency which, forms them. In Dysrepsiai innumerable as are Its causes, a single "box of these Chahbeale Pills has ofleu sutliced for the most habitual cases, including the at teudent Costiveness. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dvscnterv, confirmed, einancialing, and apparently malignant, the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. , In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, de bilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and phsi cians, in several very gratifying and interesting in stances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has had far more than the good eifect of tlje most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without ary of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy and res-loralive, in the cases peculiarly affecting them. In Kheiiiuatism, both rhronic aud inflammatory in the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invariably well reported, bwth is alleviating pain aud reducing the swellings aud stiffness of the joints aud muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in iho new settlement of the West, will prob ably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole history o!' medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite c mip'leto digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, iinniedialelj follow its use. Put up in neat Hut metal boxes containing 30 pills, price 5U cents per box; for sale by drugirists and dealers. T4ill be sent free to any addresson receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be ad dressed to li. H. l.OCKK 6 Co., General Agi-nts, X. Y. Ott. W, HHi-40-ly. PTORR TO A. BURXAFS NEW of the Wharf-Boat Miscellaneous. V. B. SKIRVIN. I. H. KKI.t.EV. r OI.. TITOS. SMITH. EXCELStOH MARBLE W0HK$, RACINE, MKIGS CO., O. Opposite the If. S. Hotel, and two Doors North of Col. Smith's Store. TITE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the ciiizeus of Meigs aiul ad joining counties, tliat they are now prepared to fnrnih to order, Monuments, Ilead-stories, Counter-Tops, Table-Tops, Mantles, and everything in their line, of the most ap proved style ana very best quality of Foreign or. American Marble. Those wishing to obtain GOOD WORK, of this kind, at prices which cannot fail to suit, will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. AVe are resolved to give full satis faction to all who may favor us with their pat ronag, personally, or by order. SlUKViN, 1CELLEY & SMITH. Au?. 17. 1-33-tf NEW GROCERY AND THE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST OPENED an extensive assortment of Groceries, Pro visions, Queenswave, Shoes, &c, &c. at Jen nings' ond stand, near the Rolling Mill, which will be sold UNUSUALLY LOW, 3rOIT. OAJSH. Constantly on hand Buckwheat Flour, Prunes, Corn Meal, Cranberries, Oat-Meal, Sugar, Dried Apples, Coffee, Dried Peaches, Tea, Potatoes. Hominy, Pearl Barley, Beans, Molasses, birup, Vinegar, Bacon, Teas, , Dried Beef, Raisins, .Codfish, '. Currants Mackerel, White Fish, &c, &c. C. E. DONNALLY. Pomeroy, Marclt 1. 2-9-ly PLANIITG MILL, NO. 1. JOHN S. DAVIS, OF the Sugar Run Planing Mill", has a large assortment of Lumber, cither rough or planed, on hand, which will be rold as low as any other establishment can afford to. As he is a practical mechanic, he will guarantee that his work will be executed in a manner to suit purchasers, and prices shall correspond to the quality of the material. All orders addressed to JOHN S. DAVIS, Box No. 75, P. O., Pomeroy, or Montgomery & Hoadley, Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, will be promptly attended to. may 22, 1800. 3-20-y JOSEni PATTOS. BAN'. E. SMITH. pat Having recently formed a partnership for the purpose ot carrying on tne GnOCEHY BU$tNE$$ In all its departments, respectfully invite the atten tion of this community to our present stock ol FRESH GROCERIES, To which will constantly bo added Hew supplies, as the demands cf trade may require. The junior partner having hurt a long experience in the business in this market, is enabled to procure just such stocks as is required for the market, at Prices to Suit All. Country merchants will do well by giving us a call before mirchasimr elsewhere. Our stock comprises Sugar, Slolasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Tobacco, Cigars, Hams, Codfish, Mackerel, Halibut, Coufectianaries, Willow Baskets, a large lot of Matehes, Ac, and all the nick-nacks usually kent in such establishments. Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. Wo also purpose doing a COMMISSION BUSINESS. Our Establishment is on Front Street, under the "Gibson House." Pomeroy, O April 20, 18G0.3-I6-tf Whitmore, Wolff, Duff & Co., Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, SIGN OF THE ANVIL, ETo. 56 "Wood St.,. three doors above St. Charles Hotel, PITTSBURGH, PA., HAVF. now in stork a full assortment of English, G'-rmn-n and American Hardware, of every de scription, which is unrivaled in extent and variety by any other establishment in the country. Having direct connections with the manufacturers, m.v r..n;t;tw.u r.-ti. t lit'tlniiii ironils lire ant'h s eimhle us to sell at prices as tow as can be found ill any of 1110 rastkun markets. Buvers will promote their own interests by oxnm imng'our stock and prices before purchasing. Ellison & Co.'s OWbrnted Steel ; Watrouss, Ship man & Co.'s Adjustable Handle Drawing Knives, I roem ner s rnuaueipnia rtcaies, ninsmini's r;neut Box irons; and sell at manufacturers' prices '-Xov-eltv" and "Variety" Locks and Latches; Lippincott oi Co. and Xewuiyer & GratPs Axes, Shovels, Saws, &..; Dodge's Kentucky Cow Bells, patent and com mon Boring Machines, Brass Kettles, Apple-parers, Butcher's spencer's and Horner's Files and Rasps, Witherby's Chisels anil Drawing Knives, Coe's Wrenches. Wostenliolm's Knives; Table and rocket Cutlery of Best English and American brands; Sleigh Bells, Anvili, Vises. Bellows, Chains, &c., &c. sept. Sri, IstiS. 3S-5t SEPT. 1SG0. SEPT. 1860. AT WHOLESALE ONLY. J. F. TOWELL, WHOLESALE DExYLEIt IN HATS AIVI NOTION'S. POKTSMOUTH, OHIO. I HAVE Just returned from the Eastern cities with an immense stock of American anl Euiopwui DRY GOODS, Hats, Bonnets and Notions, which are now in store and ready for inspection. My stock will be found, as heretofore, Xiargo and Attraotlvo! and composed mainly of safe and staple goods, which will be sold at the IlIGrllT 3?HXCES, Responsible and prompt merchants, in the neigb- :.x K i. nt ni'tv :i nil Viririnia. w ill save time and money by calling on tho undersigned. Sent. 2d, 'till. Jf-iy CHINA, GLASS AND fs TT V. T ftF 8 W ARE. TTrF invite the attention of buyers, to our large and VV m ......,i,..i .i,u.t nf Wan' now on hand, to which we will receive additions during the spring. We have no hesitancy in saying that we will, and do sell, good styles and qualities of ware lower than the- are sold in any other V ostern market. Ml orders carefully selected and well packed. Vi o solicit an examination -& GOKD0N, 13-Iv.- Front street, Portsmouth, O. LOTS FOR SALE. OX SUGAR RUN, X AY LOU'S UUX, AND Chit's It tin. Application to be made to ,Lr-V' t..r.:::r,v. & SM TH. ItTcdtcal. Tliousaiuls ar (TaiTy speaking: in the praise of DR. EATON'S T N V A TVT T T T, V f 0 1? T T 1 1 , f ., , 1 f U U v If 11 1 A hi .and why? because it nrvp.h fails to afford instan taneous relief when given in time. It acts as if by magic, and one triai. alone wiil convince you that what we say is true. It contains No Paregoric or Opiate : of aky kind, and therefore relieves bv rewovi-o the srFFKRiNos of your child, instead of by dkadem- i i't; its sensibilities. For this reason, it commends ' itself as the osi.v reliable preparation now known f ir Children Teelhin?, Diarrhoea, "Dysentery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind. Colli j in the Head, and Croup; also for softening the gums, j reducing inflammation, regelating the Bowels, and ! relieving pain, it has no equal being an anti-spas- j modic it is used with unfailing success in nil cases of ; Convulsion or other Fits. As you value the life and ' health of ynr children, and wish to save them from j tnose sail ana blighting consequences which are cer tain to result from the use of narcotics of which all oilier remedies for Infantile Complaints are com posed, take none but Dr. Eaton's Infantile Cor dial, this you can rely upon. It fs perfectly harm less, and cannot injure the most defica?e infant. Price. 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only bv CIlUKCIi A OIJPOST, No. 4t)9 Broudway, New York. Healthy human Blood upon being ANALYZED always presents ns with the same essential elements, and prive-, of course, tliu True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person sttffrijiir from Consumption, Liver Complaint. 1yspepsia. Scrofula, A-c, and we find in every iiislanc certain deficiencies in the globules of Blood. Supply these deficiencies, aud yon are made well. The Hlood Food is founded upon this Theory hence its astonishing success. There are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of tho Klood in different diseases. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, or any af fuction whatever of the Throat or Lungs inducing Consumption, use No. I, which is also the No. for Depression of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, and for all Chronic Complaints arising from Over-use. General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already nrenared for absorption it is Taken bv Drons and carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 4 is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weaknesses. &c. Ree spe cial directions for this. For Salt I heum. Krnptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food. SI per bottle. " Sold by CHURCH & DFPONT, No. 4t)9 Broadway, New YVrk. By And bv all respectable Drnrjrists throilfrhont tho Country. " 3-4-y. SAH FORD'S UVEH !ftVlG0RAT0Ht NEVER DEBILITATES. T IS COMPOUNDED FSTIRELY FROM GUMS, L and has become an established fact, a Standard Medicine, known aim ap liave used it. and is now fldence in all the diseases mendud. It has cured thousands years who had given tip the numerous unsolicited session show. The dose must be adapt ment of the individual such quantities as to act Let the dictates of your in the use f the Liver will cure Liver Cm Stomaeh, Chronic Diar tacks. Dyspepsia, Sum entery, Habitual Costive ChoRra Morbus, Cholera Female Weaknesses, be used successfully as an Medicine. It will cure thousands can testify.) in two or three Teaspoon commencement of an at- All who use it are giv iu its favor. i proved by all tha I resorted to with con" for which it is reconi- within the last two all hopes of relief, as certificates in my pos ed to the tempera taking it, and used in gently on the Bowels, judgment guide you lnvigorator, and it plaints, Dropsy, Sour rhoen. Billions Ai mer Coniplainls,Dys ness. Cholic, Cholera, Infantum, Jaundice, Flatulence, and may Ordi ary 'Family Sick Headache, (as twenty minutes, if fuls are taken at the tack. ing their testimony Mix water in the mouth with the lnvigorator, and swallow both together. Price Oni Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFOR D'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILU, CONFOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put vp in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep in any climate. The Family Cathartic Pill is a gentle but active Cathartic which the pro practice more than The constantly increas whohavelong used the tion which all express in induced me to place all. Tho profession well tharics act on differtnt The Family Cathartic ence to this welt estab- iiounded from a variety ixtracts, which act alike imcntary canal, and are case where a Cathar Derangements of the iprietor has used in his ilwenty years. liogilcHiand from those Pills and the satisfac ' regard to their use, has ithcin within the reach ef H know that different Ca rt ilorticns of the bowels. ; Fill lias, with due refer ilished raei,lmen com iof the purest VeffelaLle ion every part ot'theal lirofnl ami safe in all jStwiuaoh, Fains in the C ness, Costiveness, Pain Back aud Lions. Sleepi- and Soreness over the p4 whole bodv, from sud den cold, which, frc- 15 fluently, if n ejrlected, end in a long course of a Creeping Sensation lictkssness, Headache. Inflammatory Diseases, Adults, Kheu 1 atUm, a Blood and many diseases too numerous to" meu meut. Dose, 1 to 3. i Kevt-riOiss of Appetite, jot Cold over the Body, ;or weight in the head.all I worms 111 1'iimiren or real FurtuVr of the to which flesh is heir, tion in this advertise- PRICE, THREE DIMES. The Liver lnvigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generylly, ami sold whole sale by tho trade in all the lare: t-tvin. S. T. V; . SASKOKn, M. P., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 3-4-Y. Broadwav, Sow York. MANHOOD, now Losra now kestoked. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE on the nature, treatment and radi cal euro of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impott;ncy, Consumption anil Mental Mid Physical Debility. By ROB. J. CULVKRWKLL, M. D., Tho important fact that the awful consequences of self-abuse may be effectually removed without inter nal medicines or the dangerous applications of cau stics, instruments, medicated bouiries. and other em pirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely m;w and highly successful tre:itsinnt. as adopted by the celebrated' author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thouumls. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage staMips, by addressing Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box4,5(-a. may 1. 'CO lT-ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En downient, fertile Relief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Kpidemic Disea-es, and especially foi the Cure of Diseases of the Sex ual Organs. MEDICAL ADVtCE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a de scription of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, ice.) and in cases of cxtremo poverty, Med icines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhrpa, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Rem edies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the af flicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will bo acceptable. Addrejs, Dr. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth street Philadelphia. Pa. EZRA D. HEAKTU ELL, GEO. FA1RCIULD, Secretary. Presidout. RUTLAND NTJRSERY. I WOULD respectfully call the at tention of the public to my supe rior stock of Fruit. Trees offered for sale this Fall, embrapinsc over 400 varieties of the Apple, 100 varieties of tiio i'ear, 100 varieties of the Peach, 80 varieties of the Cherry, 10 varieties of the Plum. WKin Apple Trees, ono year from graft, 10 dollars per Kill. I5(if) Dwarf and Standard Pear Trees, I to 2 years old, 40 cents each. 4001) budded Peach 1 rees, 10 dollars per hundred. 6(i(l Cherry Trees, 2 years old from graft, 40 cents each. 10(1 Plum Trees, 2 years from graft, 40 cents each. 2(1(1 Cherry Currants, 25 cents each. 11. H) Catawba Grape Vines, Id cents each. li CO Isabella Grape Vines, 1(1 cents each. Kltto Lawton Blackberries, 10 dollars per 100. 1(10 Concord Grape Vines, 50 centsfacli. 3000 Houghton Seedling Gooseberries, entirely free from mildew and blight, the most productive and proiiialde of any other variety under cultivation price 15 cents each, or 31.50 per dozen. WILLIAM W. IIUC15ELL, One mile above Rutland, on Uie Athens road, Meigs Co., Ohio. Oct. 20, 1SGO. 4'2-jm GEORGE HUTTEL, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. ri1HI'old customers of this house will 1 please bear in mind that I am still manufiictuvinsr, clothing to order, in my nctv building, on Court street, 2 doors from Front, Pomeroy, Ohio. My facilities for get ting up work is excellent, and I tvarraut it to be made according to order. READY-MADE CLOTHING Kept constantly on hand. Gent's Furnishing tioods, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, &c., &e., in good supply, and I take pleasure in inform ing my friends that I have just received a line stock. Thankful for j'our former liberal patronage, I hope to be able to oiler inducements for its continuance. GEO.. HUTTEL.. Oct. 20, I860. 3-1-tf CAKCERS CURED, DR. G. COLEE! rnfiXftERS Lis professional services to all in Somhel.n Ohio and Northern Virginia, who'j are afflicted with cancer, in any of its forms.'j Cancerous ani other malignant tumors re moved without the Use of the Knife. ; The followinr, aniwig many others that might he adduced, are testimonials from physicians of j extensive and long-continued practice: Albany, Athens Co., O., Jan. 12,1800. Iik. (x. Colkr Dear Sir; Ha ing aecrt several ob stinate cases of Cancer cured by your treatment, I have no hesitation in saying that a speedy and per manent cure ef Cancer in any of its forms may be had. if application be made to von before the tumor affects the vital organs. JOIljf EARltAKT, 51. B. Haruisoxvii.le, Meigs Co., Jan. 5, 1860. I take pleasure in certifying that Dr. G. Coler's mode of treating Cancers is completely successful, as many difficult cases resulting in quick and perma nent cures, through his treatment, have come under my notice, as'a practising physician during the last 13 years. JOSEPH MOORE, M. D. Office and residence, ojvp&sitc Hugg &. Coe's Drug Stove, Middleport, Meigs Co. O. January 24, 1800. 3-4-y XTational Dispensary for Private Diseases, Established January 1st, 1859. $SOO, $500 FOKFEIT! Three Eminent Physicians in constant attendance. The faculty of the institution, consisting of PKOF. EGBEKT JACKSON, Member of the Hoval College pf burgeons, London. PI!. KOBE XT HEKBEKT, , l.nte of Phil., a member of the Society of Friends, and .M. EUGENE VELPKAU. ' Late of the London and Paris Hospitals; Guarantee under a Penally of $.((), a complete cureofeverj Sexual Disease, however aggravated by neglect, and without mercury. "Weare perfect safe in making this offer, because we! will not undrtake any case that we are not sure of curing. The Physicians of the National Dispensary aivi discovered the ONLY KE.MEDVin the WOKtll from all the effects of early imprfdence. Kelief in twenty four hours. A cure warianled in from one to three weeks. Married persons, or young people contemplating matrimony, who are aware, or fearing any physical weakness, deformities, or organic debility, should make application at once. - They who place themselves under our care, may relv religiously in our honor as giJnlieinen that their secret will be 'inviolate, and that a CEKTA1N CURE will follow of the following diseases: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Self-abuse, Weakness of the Back, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad der, Involuntary Discharges, linpotency. General Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of Ihe Head, Threat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Lungs, Stomach, or Bowels thosa Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habits of Youth those Dreadful and Destructive practices which ren der Marriage impossible, and Destroy both Body and Mind. . The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector, A Rook of near 300 pages, containing full informa tion about all private diseases, and a guide for those who are married or thinking of mairiage, will be smut on receipt of 53 cents. This book contains the most valuable Information in the language. Useful alike to male and female, but should not be in the hands of very young persons, as it contains in formation that might be perverted to unworthy ends. Also a full and explicit key to all the hidden and de lightful secrets of Marriage. Love and Beauty, never before Satisfactorily revealed in any book in tllo English language. Price 50 cents one of the cheapest books in the world. Send for a Circular fully describing it. Very liberal term's to those who buy in large or small quantities to sell again, made known on appli cation. The lo'w price at which thn book is retailed (50 cents) renders it one of the quickest selling books in the market. Special inducements to clubs. Every letter must contain six cents in stamps, for which will bo sent a Fn.t.. written Heply; also, The Dispensary CincrLAR,a truly valuable advisory doc ument lor old or young, married or unmarried, and especially for all" who have made themselves old yocno men by a certain secret practice. It contains more valuable information than many books. M. Vki.pkai 's Ueaitifvino Poivdkr. It imparts to the complexion an exquisite bloom and transparency, an-1 effectifally prevents the formation of wrinkles, blotches, freckles, pimples, wens, etc., etc. Price'$l per box, sent by mail. Dr. Jackson's Female Montiii.y Pills, invaluable in female irregularities, but not advisable to be used during pregnancy, lest they should mar the hope of offspring. Used in the Doctor's private practice for 30 years. Price SI, forwarded by mail: Dr. Jackson's Pkrpet(al Preventive, is the only article in. the world that witluml inconvenience or danger will infallibly prevent conception. Thous ands of married ladies too feeble to bear children ex cept at th hazard of life have had reason Vj be thankful for this invention. It resembles no other preventive in use and is superior to all. Forwarded to any address. Address Drs. JACKSON, HEBERT & Co., or simply P. O. Box 436. Cincinnati, Ohio. Office 16T Sycamore street. Medicines and instructions sent prniptlv to any part of the country. S-:ii li'm. The only . Safe Preparation That does not Dye, but will restore GRAY HAIR To its original color, hy Nature's own process, is. Prof. O. J. Wood's Celebrated HAIR RESTORATIVE In proof of the above assortion, read the following testimony from distinguished persons from all parts of thecnuniry. Hon. Solomon Mann, Ann Arbor, Mich., says his wife, whose hair had become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over, the head. Others of my family and friends are using your Restorative with the hapr piesl effects. Hon.JcDGE Buf.ese, Ex-Senator of Illinois, says my hair was prematurely gray, but by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed its original color, and 1 liavo no doubt permanently so. Hon. H. L. Stewart, says my hair was very pray, but after using two bottles, it restored it to its origi nal color. Rev. J. K Braoo, Brookfield, Mass., says it lias re moved from my head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to.its original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, 111., says my ha4r was two-thirds gray, or rather white, but, by the appli cation of tile Restorative as directed, it has resumed its original color. Dr. G. Wai.lis, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottle of your Hair Restorative, which lias cured a humor in niv head of two years' standing. Benjamin Lonoridge, S54 Seventh Avenue, New York, says, having lost my hair by the effects of the Krvsipelas, when ft besan t grow, instead cf black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I was indnced to try yours, and inspite of all my doubts it has had the desired effect. H. L. Williams, M. D-, Peckensville, Ala.; says, I have Msed your Restorative, and find it all it is rec ommended' to be. I have tried it lor Tetter aud fiud it a certain cure. W. M. Woodward. M. P.', Frankfort, Ky., says, he recommends it iu his practice as thj best prepara tion for the hair now in use. lnwARD VVai'ott says, three months ago ray hair va.-, very crav: i'. is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Restorative. Wilson Kino says, one month's proper application will restore un? person's hair to its original color and texture. J. D. Hoes savs. a few applications fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out aud turn black, its orig inal color. Betsey Smith, North-east Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number ol" years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to its youthful color, soft andglossv. ; ;. Dr. J.W. Bond, St. Panl, says that liis hair is strong, thick, and black, although a short time since ho was both bald and gray. The people here saw its effects and have confidence in it. Morris Goslino, M. D., St., Lonis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no effect, he used two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair, and invites all to come and see it. Sarah J. Hrown says her hair was.not only gray, lint so thin she feared its entire loss but after using two bottles it lias restored both the color and growth. Prepared by O. J. WOOD & CO., 114 .Market street, Saint Louis, and 312 Broadway, New York, and sold bv all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, bv all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United States and Canada. Aug. 7, I860. 31-3ni THE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO IJfFORM the Wlieat-gro-tvers of Meigs and adjoining counties, tliat he will give, in exchange for one bushel of good, clean Wheat, 42 pounds of Flour. Persons irishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per brl.; offal to go to the owner of tho Wheat. Persons residing between l'arkersburg and Gallipolis. bv sending five bushels of good clean Wheat, I will give one barrel of Flour, pay the freight on the same both ways, they finding the barrel. W. C. WILLIAMSON July 20, '50. 30-tf WM. E & J. GRANT BAV1NG formed a ptirtnrship under the above name,anil having purchased the "Crystal Mill," in Midilleport, design running it rugularly fvom this time. We will pay the Highest Market Price for Wheat, and other Grains, and hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a good patronage. April 10. Ir'tif). tf W 11. II. & J. GRANT. Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. PHARMACY. V DR. KOBACK'S SCANDINAVIAN REMEDIED WHEN DR. ROBACK, the celebrated Swedish" Physician, introduced his Blood Purifier arid' Blood Pili'sin the United States, he set forth in plain' language their curative properlies. This was years ago. The task of recommending tiiein has since' been taken nut of his hands. Enlightened men whose character for sound judgment and philosophy gives flieir opininss weight in the community, men who observe, reflect', and make "assurance doubly Sure'' before they decide are everywhere ap-" provingand urcring the use of these wonderful Prep arations. All who confide in the wisdom and hnn eslr of this class, or who' choose to investigate for', themselves are now of one mind on this important subject. Dr. Koback invites the attention of the sick to the' Original Letters, from members or the Medical. Profession, Editors of public journals, well known Mercl tsand Karmersr- and Ladies of the highest respectability, giving ac- counts of extraordinary i-ures wrought by the rcrne die, of which cures they thcli3tves were Eye Wifnetses. ' These parties- may be consulted personaHv or b? letter, by tlioae who have any doubt upon the sub ject. The evidence in the possession of Dr. ITcfiacWy which is .11 all times accessible to the public, cstab' lishes vhe following FACTS: That the "Brood Purifier" and "Blood Pills," have been proved by aaalysf to' Contain no Mineral; ' That they cure the almost universal compto nt,? Dyspepsia, with unerring certainty, and in a very short time. " That al'lerall other medicines have proved useless they relieve Liver Complaint, and restore the health and strength of the sufferor. Tha ... Sick Females, who have languished for years in helpless weaknes and despondency, recuperate with great rapidity tinder their invigorating operation. That all sexual disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating pioperti.:s. That thov recruit Shattered Cftistitutions, however they may have been trifled with and abuses, that their direct tendency is to lengthen life, ana render it enjoyable. That, operating directly upon tl 3 poisonous disease in the blood, they Cause . Soon to Heal, . and discharge from the svstem, every taint of Scrof ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they Recruit the Debilitated, and that there is no disease of the Stomach and Bow els, the liver, the nervous svstem, the skin, glandsoi muscles, arisino from impprities of thk mono and -secretions, in which they dn not give prompt relief, and, (if administered before the very citadel of life has been invaded,) effect a painless and perfect cure. Bear in mind that the "Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills" are endorsed by experience of lhon sands of living witnesses, who, in letters, affidavits, medical works, and by word of month, proclaim them to be the very best preparation of the kind ever offered to the broken-down victims ef ill-health. They hunt disease through every avenue and organ of the system, and to expel it thoroughly and perma- No one can doubt the'r superiority after one single trial they are not only better, but, in fact, cheaper than any other Pills, fof it takes a less number of them to produce a better effect. Price of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Puri fier, SI per bottle, or S3 per half dozen. Of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood Pills, 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes for SI. . In difficult or complicated Cases, Dr. Roback may be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for the reply. From Rev. Mr. McMullen, Pastor of KoVerts Chapel. Indianapolis, October 6, le5. Dr.T. W. Roback Dear Sir: I have nsed your Blood Purifier for a nervous affection, from which I have suffered much at times. While it is pleasant to the taste, it certainly has a happy effect upon the nerves. Pleaso accept my thanks for your kind re gards, and believe me --Yours. J. VT. T. McMULLEN. Principal Office and Rules Rooms, No. 6 East Fourth street, 3d Building from Main street, Cincin nati, O. Laboratory in Hammond street.. :;; For sale in . Meigs Co., by D. Reed, Pomeroy;. Hcgg & Coe, Middleport; E. S. Branch, Rutland; J. M. Cooper,. Pageville; J. R. Ellis, Racine; Rob-, erts & Tidd, Long Bottom; I. H. Hayman, Apple Grove; Welden &. Bestow, Chester; A. E. Reed, Orange P. O.; W. M. Swallow, Letart Falls AVm. Dickey, Harrisonville; M. E. Smith, Syracuse; and by Druggists and Meicliants generally, throughout the Union. , 3-7-y. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. IN PURSUANCE of an order granted by the "Probate Court of Meigs County,,, Obioy I : will offer for sale, at public auction, : . -' . , ; On the 24th day of November, A. D. 18G0., '' at eleven o'clock forenoon, upon the premises,., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Meigs, and State of Ohio, to wit:1 beginning at the south-west corner of the north east quarter of section No. 12, in town No. G,f and range No. 14, of the Ohio Company's Pur chase; thence east 78 rods ; thence south 50 rods; thence east 20 rods; thence north 85 rods;' thence south 82 degrees west 105 rods; thence south 18 rods and 15 links to the place of be ginning, containing 2o acres, more or less, subject to the dower estate therein of Jane Ann Wilson.- Appraised at 100. Terms of sale, one-half cash in hand, and one-half in six. months from the day of sale, with interest; the deferred payment to be secured by mortgage upon the premises sold. W, H. NORTON, Adm'r of Robert Wilson, dee'd. Oct. 20, 18G0. 42-4t , , " Sheriff's Sale. Wilson, McElroy & Co. vs John Sloan. BT virtue of an execution to me directed .from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs ' County, I will offer for sale, at Ithe doo of the Court-house in Pomeroy, t. one o'clock; P- . t f;....t On the oOth day of Kovember, 1860, ' the following described lands and tenements,1 to wit: situate in Meigs County, in section 18, town 3, range 13, in the Ohio Company's Pur chase; it being all the land owned by the minor heirs of Amos Parsons, dee'd; lying on' the' west side of the road leading from Athens to Pomeroy, in section 18. To be sold s the. property of John Sloan, at the suit of Wilson, McElroy & Co.; appraised at S900. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Oct. 18, I860. 42-5t ; 8.00 SUerlff'a Sale. ": ;" - "' ' William Lyons vs. Abel Chase. ! BY Tirtue of an order of .sale to me directed from the Court of Common Pleas of Meigs. County, I will offer for sale, at the door of the Court-house in Pomeroy, at 10 o'clock A. ji, On the 80th day of Kovember, 18C0, ' ' the following described lands and tenements, to wit: situate in Meigs County, Ohio, and. known as the north-west quarter of the north west quarter ot section No. 8, in town No. 9, and range No. 15, of the Ohio Company's Pur-' chase, contaiuing 40 acres, more or less. To be sold as the property of Abel Chase, at the suit of William Lyons, administrator of John Lyons, dee'd. Appraised at 500. Terms of sale, cash. J. J. WHITE, S. M. C. Oct. 18, I860. 42-5t , 3.00 . HAGS! BAGS! HAGS! : THE undersigned will pay the highest cash market price for rags. Also, Felts, Furs,, Sheep Skins, etc. Wrapping Taper, Cigars, Nails, &c, given, in exchange, when desired, and constantly kept on hand, in sufficient quantity to supply the market, at low figures. Call at the Pomeroy Wharf-boat, Pomeroy, O. Sept. 28, '60. 38-1 y T. BRUNKER. The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON SILYEEMAI, Wholesale and retail Dealer in HEADVMAt)E GLOTHMG,. HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING DRY GOODS .TJJD GROCERIES, Invites- the puplic to his spleiKil stock, wliicht he has recently received. It is unnecessary to particularize, but I will say that my stock is well selected and will be sold at prices une qualled. Jan. 24, I860. 3-4-tf. WOOL CARDING, AT TT1E" RACINE WOOLEN FACTORY HAVING put in new machinery, we are prepared, to, do Wool Carding at 4 cents per pound. ' All work warranted,. where the wool is clean., j iVool or I.ard taken in pay for work. I July 3, 1M0. 20-tf THUS. EG AN. i