Newspaper Page Text
iif: 4h 111 11 lfl I ur T. A. PLANTS, Editdr. . "Independent in All Things' JTeutral in Nothing." VJLTJME III. POMEROY, MEIGS COUNTY; OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1860. NUMBER 61 ustnss Car dsi Owner' Namet. r. Sec. Lot Acres. r. Part. T. A. PLANTS L. 1"111. PLANTS A PAlTfBi Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Pomeroy, 0. Office in Edward" s Building. . 4. BCRAP. P. B. BTAKBSRY. BURNAP A. STANBERTi Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Particular 'attention paid to the collection of claims. . Of fice on Front street, at the head of Steamhont Landing?, a few doors east of the Gibson House Pomeroy, 0. - 2-38-ly t. imwi . c. n. anonviiNOR. KNOWLES Ac. GROSVENOR, Attorneys nt Law, Athena, Athena County, 0., Will attend the several Courts of Meifrs County, on the first day of each terra. Office nt the "Gibson House." 2-1 6-1 y MARTIN HAYS, ' Attrrney-at-Law, H.irrisonville, Meigs Co., 0., " $ri Tirpmptly attend to all business that may Jii entrusted to his care, in the seTeral State Wr'i& 'it V?6a'nd in the U. S. Court for the Jf0rtj-tt and Southern Districts of Ohio. 8-8 w..,tD. " - Attorneys at Law. W. R. dens Office ml Athens, O, and L. S. TowBsend's in Pss'lK j Meigs Co, U. i'romp attention giTen w -jollection of claims, and other business en trusted to them. 2-48-1 y PETER LAMBRECHT, Wttenmalter & Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jew. lrj and Fancy Articles, Court street, below the new Ranking House, Pomeroy. Watches, Clacks and Jewelry arefully repaired on short . .- 1-1 W. A. AICHKR, . - -, . Watchn&ker and Jeweler, and wholesale and TeUil dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Front street, below the "Reming ton Home," Pomeroy. Particular attention paid to repairing all articles in my line. 1-1 T. WHITESIDE. Manufacturer of Boots and Shoes, three doors above stone bridge. The best of work, for Ladies and Gentlemen, made to order. MoQUICiG ti. SMITH, ILeather Dealers and Finders, Court street, three doors below the Bank, and opposite Branch's -Store, Pomeroy, O. SUGAR RUN SALT COMPANY. Salt twenty-five cents per bushel. Office near the Furnace. 1-1 C. GRANT, Agent POMEROY SALT COMPANY. 8alt twenty-five cenU per busheL 1-1 nABSKT SALT COMPANY. Cealport. Suit twenty-five cents per bushel for country trade. O. W. CUUl'JSK, ee y. ISAAC FALLER, Clothier. Grocer and Dry Goods Dealer, first tore above C. E. Donnally's, near the Rolling MilL Pomeroy. O. Country Merchants are re spectfully requested to call and examine my stock of Groceries, as I am confident that 1 cannot be undersold. . 1-23 T" F. LYMAN, Tainter' and Glaiier, back room of P. Lam brccht's Jewelry Store, west side Court street, Pomeroy, O. 1-1 JOHN EISELSTIN, : 'Saddle, Harness and t runk Manufac turer, Fi-ont street, three' doors below Court, Tomeroy, -will execute all work en trusted to bts eare with beatiress ana'dispafeti Saddles gotten up in the neatest style. 1-22 ' M. BLAETNER, 'Carriage & Wagon Manufacturer, 'Front street, first corner below the Rollinz Mill. Pomeroy, O. All articles in lino of business manufactured at reasonable rates, and they are especially recommended for lurability. 2-5-1 y ' F. E. HUMPHREY. Cfflwefcsmitb, back of the nank building, fomeroy, O. Farming Tools, Shovel Tlows, Mattocks, toes, sc on hand and Vut' made to ordr. Horse Shoeing and all kinds of Job Work done to order Jan. 3. 3-1 RICni). STEWARD. . JOHN P. GILLILA.V. STEWARD & G1LLILAN. This firm ImTe located in the old stand of B. F. Stives, on Front Street, a few dwors below Nye's Saw-Mill. HrBe-sltoeing, Ironinp Wagons and Buggies, and all kinds of Jobbing work done in a satisfactory manner, at moder ate rates. 3-31-ly. S. W. ROSS, PainUr, Glaiier, and Paper Hanger, Pomeroy Paper put on at fom 12 to 16 c'tg per bolt, according to quality. Orders left at Telegraph Printing OffiVe promptly attended to. 17-m WM. RUST, Tailor, Front street, a few doors west of Court, Pomeroy, O. Men and 15oy s clothes made to order; also, cutting done. As I have fto. 1 sewing muchine, my facilities for doing work are complete. 3-20-ly . ' FRANK COOPER, Stone Mason' '& Bricklayer. Residence in John Lance's Building, near the Catholic Church. Dressed and Rubble. stone work executed in the best manner: also, Bricklaying Cementing, tc, done at reasonable prices.. Work war ranted. 3-24-ly A. KOHL, Dealer in and Manufacturer of V mbrel .as. . He holds himself in readiness to make Umbrellas to order, or repair old ones in the most substantial manner He will Also buy worn-out Umbrellas at liberal prices. 'Shop on Linn street, north of Smith's Shoe ;Stere. He would also inform the public that he pre pares SALVE, which he will warrant equal to any in use, for the cure of Felons, Catarrhs, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Rheumatism, White Swellings, and many other diseases of the kind. Price. 25 cents per Box. Jan. 3, 186(1. 3-ltf- THOS. H. DAWSON Holds himself in readiness to repair Accordeons and Flutinas. Keys inserted, and instruments put in good order. Charges moderate. By leaving orders at George Ioachim's Store, a few .doors above Donnully's, they will receive :proupt attention. 8-30-tfJ jggfTo Teachers. lhe Board of School Ex aminers for Meigs County will meet on the first Saturday ot each month, at the Lourt House, in Pomeroy. for the examination ol Teachers. . Examination to commence at 10 o'clock A. M and continue till 41 P. M. - B"No Teacher need apply at such exami nation who has a certificate valid for three months from the date of said application. By order of the Board. Jan. mt. H. C. WATERMAN, Clerk. BLANK REPORTS can be procured by ap plying to the Board, or at the "iclegraph of ffce. JOHN E LB EN, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIST, AND IIYDROPATHIST, tenders his professional services to the .citisens of Pomeroy and vicinity. OFFICE, in John Gcyer's Building, (for .merly Jacob Neitiling's,) on Sycamore street, learly opposite Lowry s nn onop, romeroy, u Officii: Hocks Till 9 o'clock A. from 1 .to 3 o'clock, and from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M. Office Prescriptions, from 25 cents upward, for cash. June 2, '57. tf SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY. imHE .EUBSCRIBER HAS THE PLEASURE JL to annouuee to the citizens of Pomeroy and vicinity, that he "has opened a shop on Sugar Bun. near the Tannery, wliere lie win manu facture, and keet) constantly on hand, any ar ticle "m his line of business; and we feel assured ithat we can give satisfaction to all who may ifavor us with a cafl. K B AU ordcrg attended to as eoon as pos Bi. ' DAVID GEYEK. romw', 1-1. tf r u n l, i r. n r. i B y T. A. PLANTS & CO. Office in first 9tory of "Eowahtm' Bitii.dino,' nen the '-Sugar Run Rto Bridze " Pdriieroj-; Ohio. All Business of the Firm. Transacted by .. E. MCLAUGHLIN, Business Manager TowTiomal! applications frfr Subscription, iisiug (ihd Job Work should be marie, at !ho office. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION n nrtvnncp, :::::::: $T.5(. If paiil within the year, : ; : : : 2.0" If not paid within the year, : : : s.Jr TTPNe paper will b discontinued ontil all arret r- srus are paiil, exeept at the option f the publisher. RATfe OF AHVKKTIFING: TlMK - - 6w Am i P on M or is oo One square 2 0 ems Two nuiir. - - t (H 9 ft 3 01 5 Of 7 n 3 PS fH H w Oiip-fo'ipth enlunittf 9 rtfn !srtts 01 One-hnlf colnmn Three-fonrUts do, 7 5fi 9 (X h! ' 16 00 an 30" 10 00 12 00 IS 00 90 001 195 OOI 30 oo 35 00 One column. - - I IS 00 15 00! Ir 00! as oouo oo Loral advertlspmeiits chareerf nt rates allowed hv w. from which 15 percent, will be deducted for snvanee paymni. Caanal tr transient advertisements most be paid I'or'n advance. Ailvrtisements not iisvine the tinmbor of itiier- t'ons itiHrkeil on copy, will be continued until for bid, and ehareedaccordlngly. THE LAW OK SfitTSPAPKRs. Subscribers wlto Jo note've eifit-ess notice to he contrarv. are considered as wishin? to cgntinue their subscriptions. 3. If subscribers order tbe discontinuance of their papers, the publishers can continue to send them un I I all arrearages are paid. 3. K subscribers nefrlect or refuse to take their pa. pen from the office to they are directed, tliey are held respotisiUln till they settle their bill, and or ler the paper discontinued. 4. If any subscriber romoves to another place ivtfhnnt llir.hllliw tli nuA v. a r.n t. entto the former direction, the subscriber is held re- oponsihie. 1 ne -coarts nave xeclded that rertttiinp to taKe a newspaper from the office, or removing and lenviup it uncalled tor, is prima facte evidenceoi intentional fraud. TELEGRAPH JOB OFFICE In connection with our Newspaper Estab lishment, we have a complete Job Office. We are therefore prepared to execute PLAiH AND 6RMMENTAL JOB WORK, Such as Posters, Programmes, Bills of Lading, ill Heads, Business and Visiting Cards, Blanks, &c. at O "V I X o o s . - We call the special attention of this comtnu uity to the above proposition, and de6ire an in vestigation of our work and prices. T. A. PLANTS & Co. O. CIL. WM. P. IT!! BUR. DANIEL & RATHBUEN, SANK BLOCK, Pomeroy, O, Collections made and promptly remitted; Busi ness paper discounted; buy and sell Exchange, Gold 1 and Siivcr Coin, Uncurrent Money Land Warrants, &e. . FOREIGN EXCHANGE For sale in sums to suit. We are prepared to draw direct on London, Liverpool, Swansea, Glasgow, Dublin, Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Baden-Baden, and otter cities in turope. Also, Money inheritances collected in very part of Europe; Money received on deposit, and interest al- lowedon time deposits, at rate agreed upon. Jan. 17. -3-ly MARBLE WORKS r 1HE undersigned would respectfully an nounce that he h;is become the proprietor .if the "Premium Marble Works,"' of Racine, ;nd will continue the business under the su pervision of Mr. J. L. Wallar, at Racine, with a branch at the house formerly occupied y Judge Irvin ns a . law office, at the west . nil ol fcugar Kun liriilge, in l omeroy. By a irompt attention to business and the produc- :on ot superior work, he intends to merit, nd hopes to receive, a liberal patronage from he citizens of Meigs and adjoining counties. ; "ail and examine his stocfc belore purchnsing ; isewhere. J. V. SMITH. Sept 7, 1860. 3o-tf ALFRED NESMITH, 1 .ale of the Firm of StfVenson. Bo wen & Neemitli,) A O W V I II K WILLIAMSON, & CO. Wholesale Dealers and Jobbers in DRY GOOD S, 425 Market & 414 Commerce Sts. M. WILLIAMSON, Bet 4th & 5th North side O. H. WILSON, O -T V7fDCAV J "r"' PKlT.iniCT.PnTA March 1, 59. CHOICE C0TflIN&. Z. Ij - EISNER. JJAS just received a fine lot of MEW AND B0Y'$ CLOTHWC, Consisting of Dress, Business and Overcoats, of the latest styles and of eyery quality. Pants, Vests, Marts, cravats, &c., on hand, at prices that cannot fail, to suit, either at wholesale or retail. Store under the. "Gibson House," Pomeroyj 0. Sept. 28, I860. 38-6m SAW & PLANING MILL. DAVIS B B O . , Mason City, Va., ItKALEKS in !.ilinter i n tlie ruiich. i.n.i Miiiiiifnctn 1 rrs of Kloorinc, Oeiiins and Wentlierbonrilins. HUmine; of hII kintlit done. unl Imtiber itttwud to rler; ulo keei constt.ntiy on hanl rsh. poors. HliniU. Ltitli and Mii-tirles. Our caslx irice& for lrttHel Liinl 'r tire ns follows: Vellow Pino Floonng per thoustind ' - - $26 CO Wltitu ' " - - 511 (Villus; - - ... 20(1(1 mittierbonrolnir per hnmired fuel - - l sa All orders mldrussea lo fomroy r. u. will receive lrnniit ittteiition. may IS, 'tin. 10-ly A. SEEBOHM, n t? n n a txt a Tn a po tufcia p y D' EALER IN OILS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, Varnishes, Dyestuffs, Perfumery, and fancy Articles, Front Street, Pomeroy, Ohio. Prescriptions carefully put up. Jan. 9. 2-2. The Cheapest Store in Town! Corner Front and Sycamore Streets, POMEROY, OHIO. SIMON SILVERMAN, Wholesale and retail Dealer in READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS & NOTIONS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, GrllOCEIlIES, Invites the puplic to his spleudid stock, which he has recently received-. It is unnecessary to particularize, but I will say that my stock is well selected and will be sold at prices une qualled. Jan. 24, 1860. 3-4-tf. J. B. HAMPTON", t a-MANUFACTURER :0UTH-KAST CORNER OF COURT AND IO Back streets, opposite the new Back Build 'ing, Pomeroy, 0. June 21, '59. 23-ly LJN"DS Returned Delinquent by the Treasurer of Meigs County, in August' 1860j on which are charged the Taxes for 1859, with a penalty of thirty per cent, on said Taxes; Also the Taxes for 1860. CHcher's Xamei. Sec. Lot Xo. Bedford Totcmhip. Bing, George same Jolin, JameS..::.;:;...;.:.. 13 13 13 0 9-15 262 262 640 640 31 Cltvrki Eber...::::. ;.:..:;.. 13 Uownard, Daniel Downard, Prestley !13 IIS IS 640 640 lk 15-14 25 17 25 Kirkcndall, Samuel.... ., Marsh, Daniel... 262 640 13 Mcvay; John ;...;...::.. 13 340 Marshall, Samuel..... , 13 13 !C40 Parsons, Amos 18 24 am 64fi same...:..... 13 Ryther, Phebe..; : Sewell, Samuel... 13 II 262 13 36 640 Walker, Ansel.... 13 2, 640; 640 Talker, batuuel 13 13 13 23 Webster, Gilbert G 14 262 .."....same-. Young, John J.., (1 hixtr Tawmihin- 2( 62 1 o' lo 20-21; 2J2 Aihworth, Thomas' Kst 12 12 34 TO, Beck, Prestley Buffington, JbSG!h F Beats, Charles Cane, James' Est.... n-.icac 11 9-15 18 3 640 12 12 12 12 12 262 640 6401 ! 262 640! Cartwright, Hiram i Farmer, Dudley L.. j Ferrcn, Henry 12; 24 i40 12 28 21-20 262 ; Gilhreath Thomtis 12 12 13 12 12 12 262 German Lutheran Church... 33; 64i. Hood, James Johnson, David R.. ....... Kimes, Jacob Kimes, Sarah Myers, Silas Morris, Morris., Reinschild, John Roush, Cornelius' Est... Scheibelear, Eli same Smith, David ." same Columbia Township. 15-21 262 640 1 1 1 640! !640 12 36 16 640 12 640 12 21 -27 262 13 4 34 610 !640 12 12 3 64U: 3. 12 12 151 15 15 9 9 262 262! I 64CM Bratton, Adam and others . 16 33 15 c 640 2G2 Rrooks. John W , B :ittohj Adam.. 640 Chase, Abcl.w.....;. ....... Golf, James C Gregory, James Haning, Ira C McCan, Patrick Perry, Russell Queen, Samuel Vale, Eli White, Samuel '. Ward, Na hum Wood, John ...... :Same .. .m. Lebanon Township. Decker, James and W m . Decker, Thomas F.i...;.. Fitch-, Madison L-.-.i;... ..i..-.same . Ours, James Seeiey, Solomon B. ...... Wells, Junies-.i... iTr..sanie.ri7i...i....... White-, James -..Slime Ward, Nahuin Woodruff, Susan Letart Township. Eastcrday, Martin Rousli, Benjamin B Smith, Calvin; Say re, Edward same Say re, Benjamin.. Oliva Township Brooks, George Bell, James 1 15 17 64i 15 33 3 64!) 640 3 15 15 2!! 640 15 9-15 262 15 12 lb; 36 21-22 6401 15 15 540i 640 262! 15 15 21-22 30 262 15 640! 11 11 11 040 27 610 640: 640 340! 33 11 211 36 14-15 21 11 11 36 160: 100 1178 11 142 1 l&j 11 11 11 11 14-15 1 4-1;" 06 30 10O 142 141 100 640j 36 640' 36 223 !12 100 .il2i 15.9.H 100! 274 26 .111 26! 640! 26 . 26 86 29' 64u 64u; 100i 21SJ 640 040 29 30 120 3-6-1 v Buffingtou, Stimuel 100! l'.'O 121 same 12 100, 122 sMue same li 10U 123 Buffington, Samuel 3' 11 3 Buchanan, James.... 640 same 5 "1 27-2o! IS! 262! com. Bean, Jacob Curtis, Josiah... 2k 2'- !640 610 same same Cowan, Mills. .. 11 11 11 30 64 27-3 21-2i 262 62 Dewolt, Calvin.. Eidencire, Jacob and Simon!!' 23 610 610 Green, Ebeneier, jr Hill, Robert Mclntire, Joseph: McNeil, Rasselas same McBride, Thomas B Pinnell, Henry M Parker, Adonijah Pigot, Edward Reed, Samuel Stout, Alexander same Sheilds, James Jr Smith, John M. same.., ......s.ime ...... ..-..ii.i Skibtter, Wm P Sedore, Nancy Tribbitt, James H Tnrben. Jean Bantiste.. 3o 34-13 lb, 3 9 262! 640 lOOj 100 160 10'J 3-i.-12 102 1155 03 139 23 640 19-24 35 29; 100: ,640 35 640! 29 15 262 2 21-10 12 262 2H 10(1 1155 35 35 35 24 640 35 640 640 64. 3 OT-2-2 262 11 640 32 35 3a 3 6 12 . 6 64u 640, 3: 3 Talhott- A(In.linft r ill Talbott, James H. jH Orttnac Townxhiit. 64i - f - (. Rln.VLmo .Tiiaonh '1 64:1 i440 Carter, Bazil.... Cole, Charles . Greene, Ebenezer Jr Halsey, Barclay...... Pfarr, Sophia Shuler, John Rutland Township. Bradshaw, James M ...;... UradshaW, Gilbert Bing, John Hollows, Benjamin Est ......same.-.. Braley, Joel Bickie, Abner lira lev, Cyrus Bachnel, John W Comstock, Keturah...... 640 1 640 27 27 261 262 262 20-21 30 80 16 4 640 610 640 64! ' 262 33 23 33 640 64.i i01: 30 ;64M 17 2'J 2o 64 04. . 2 2 Chase, George W ' . Phiisiv Kmpi'ip. 640! it;,n i: i. '14 18 !64Jj 23 64 Giles, Miron S &610 Hunnewell, Hill and others Hysell 2d, Wm Eat...... Hysell, Nathan Maguire, James same Murphy, James Simpson, Daniel W same Titus, Nicholas' He rs Salem Township. Brewster, R 11 Barrett, John Conk e, John same Chamberlain, Wm H Cline. Wm C Davis, Quincy A Davis, Erastus R same Dyke, Henry L Dyke, Simeon Davis, Geo J Edmundson, Nathan same... Johnson, James Lynch, James Sweet, Jacob Strong, Wi'.lard Turner, George Williams, John's Est same Wright, Hugh Wood, Joshua Salisbury Township. Ashworth, Thomas 3 640 3! !10 7 1 6 lo! 61 641 18 4 10 610 262 04( 26! 640 31 640 '640 12 18j 36 64' 610 262 14 32 32 31 64( 640 64f 13 64) 19'610 31 64 21-20 02 14-15 26 3 640 864) 1864 151262 18,610 27 21-27! 262 262 30 30 640 640; 8:640 9-1 ti 262 same Archer, Benjamin Jenkinson, James McNimce, M L 33;640 17,640 31640 A LIST OF AND TOWN 3! 262 49! 3045 2 411 90uth-east uart 31 2 19 19 4C 252 south-west of 240 a in north of east 1 71 441 west hf of north east qr ex ten & on south west aide of creek 420 .........north part of north west'qr 314 south part of narth. 100 OWti WMt qr 620 ...eaet hf of nortk hf "' i,".. 336 north side of north west qr 116 .........north part of south thirteen a of nineteen acre lot west of s w qr 315 north west qr of north east qr 199 all west of road in south hf of north west qr 252 south east qr of north east qr 327 east part of west hf 866 south partof east hf ex Brickies' 20 acres in south west part 25 .east and south of north west qr of south west qr 115 .house lot north of creek on east side of section 864 .west end of frac ex thirteen acres north west corner 51 1 25 n 23! is 24 51 40: 1 40 2o 40 5 48 36 25i 110 8! 23 7! 1 96$! 25 31 Si 28$ 81 .south east corner of frae) 119 east end 34! 7011K east part of north west of 11 vt 4W li north east qr of south east qr 266 north and west of north east 80 acres 329) north of east 100 acres in south hf o 18 3 3 60. 16 124! mid on west line. 44 493 343 south part of 671 a in north 2. 218' north west of north east or 24 i 110 lot 6 Orchard lot 35 60 465 the part east of Chester and 31 238 L .w of Road near n w cor of 33 40 471 jnorth east quarter of south 36 65 60 100 80 302 south west part 385 north hf Of south east qr 17 1 1 160... house lot near Adams' mill 1007 south east part of sout east 36 16 32 934 west hf of south west qr 60 26 12! 50! ' 55 288 south of east hf of south 145 west of north hf 4 31 109 und 1-7 of 88 i a & n J of s 796 north part of east 200 acres in sec 252 50 acres west of south east qr and five acres s e of s w ar 3 3 16 33 6 8 184 132 near center of frac 134 .........north east corner 23$ 53J 358 ...und of 85 acres south west of north east qr & n w of a e qr ...south west qr of south west qr ...mid on east line ...north west qr of north west qr . ..inorth hf of north west qr ...s e qr of s w qr & a WOf seqrex 10 a w aide ...north east qr 40 202 434 188; 752 651 40, 80j 17 80 63 16CH 752 29 b'Oi 538 541 south hf of south west qr 2 121 10 36 IS 18 101 ...south p:rt of north hi ...north west qr of south east ...south part of west hf 40 188' 107(H 6. 26-: und hf of mill lot in north west of s e qr west end west end of east 200 acres und hf of mill lot in n w of a e qr south east qr except one acre north west ..west of north 100 acres of south west qr south part of section north part on the river ex 3 acres n w i.-.south of north west qr ..i.i-.-.i.east hf east side Of north 75 acres .....west side of north 75 acres : ' " south end north west of north east qt s of n IOd a of n w qr east half ihouse 1st in south west pari .........n part except 60 acres n e of Tom's run north part of south 199 acies in section north east of lot" 6 & south last of lot 7 . uorth east 5 acres out east hf of south west qr except dower . north hf of n east qr north east of 30 acre lot south part of 3d acre lot 30 iicre lot except S acres north east and IJ acres south west uorth of Forked Run and iu north part of 30 acre lot 22 acres nort h east cor of west 265 acres of n hf ex 20 a n w south east of south hf of n ctst qr '....north point south part of west 182 acres lot 6 and north of lots 4 and 5 north of Shade river south cast of south east qr north end i;.;i...;und 3-7 of west end ...south side of n 200 a in east hf north west of north west qr east hf west hf of south east qr Leasehold i. Mill Lot West part of east 34 J acres west end . east hf ' north west of sec 120 rods south and 65 r east south west cor below mouth of Guyan north of north west qr s e qr of n e qr ex 5 a s e north end north end west hf 62 417 80 64 36 6 265 l59! 701 1082 833! 71 73 21i 84 80 588 250 431 142! 50 45: 30ti 307 67 17 380! 77! i 499 f.C. 1 73 787 26 26 71 787 174 1053 174 3921 2. 282; 792 153 7 44 44 655 1031 12 95 531 bo 11 10 n 36 29 20 30 80 212 4 21 SI 20 109 382 31 100 30 23 36 3u 16 26 4-7 118 100 50 436 328 131 858! 80 20 40 348 690 174 217j 13 811 306 175i 328! 372j 262 672 80 50 23 80 35 50 80 80 120 ..i.w and n wofshf ....Mill Lot in 8 hf n of Shade river ....south of Shade river in e part ....south hf ....und 4-7 of west end ....n w qr of s'e qr & e hf of n e qrof s w qr ....w of e 215 a of n hf ....und j of 320 as ofnwqrwofcj&se of s w qr ....und i of 320 a s i of n w 4 w of s J & a e of s wj ...n of e hf ex 33 a e aide ....seof n e 10 a ....n w of n e qr ....neofneqr ....3 w part n e part eof Shade river ....nepart 2' 1420! 35 24 28 182 320 35 3-7i 64 135 1104 30 155 489! 11 470 2134 lOOj 116 35 3 6 584 177 1 114.: 159 43-J 363 758j 468 80 ' 14 105 513 33 33! 31 40 10 10 254 90 9i 301 30 in s w part of e 210 a of s hf .....iu s wpartofe2I0aofshf n 76 a of Lot I ex 1 a I of 40 a w & 8 of n w 50 a near mid of frac I of Mill Lot in n e of n w qr in u e part of w hf of s 220 a joi'Mill Lotinne ofnwqr e of J McElphatrick's land s of 41 a s w of n w qr w hf of n e qr n w part of sec se of n 300 a e of s220 aex 13 j e end n220aofeiif .....un.l hf and 40 a dower in 150 a a e un'l qr of 110 a s of se qr & s e of s w qr , s 189 of e hf ex 25 a to Thelps w side Mill Lot s part of n 110 a of w 210 a s e corner of frac undhfofn w 80 a .....w hf of Be qr s e qrof s w qr s part of 60 a a w of 8 w qr eof a w qr l4 aneofswqr&nhf of 40 a 8 of a e cr w hf und hf of Mill Lot s 50 a of s w qr ex und hf of Mill Lot n part of w hf of n w qr w of s 120 of s wqr n wqr of 8 wqr w hf of a w qr e end wend etndofsKOaia aec s hf of 3 w qr s w 100 a w part .....e of n e qr s end s w part e hf of n w qr shf ofse qr No. 7 Radfords survey 16 7. 3 1092 4 266 55 1 2941 18jI 40. 172' 42u 5 30 39 2.' 25 33 30 5 20 20 80 17 Oi)3j 600 75 18 i2 94 83: 99 23 220 9-: 27J 164' 500 2072 125.' I 163 18 4; 454 95i 00 0 40 80 40 3i0 25 31 202 12 18 21 141 2vl 4 36 160 1193 881.! 84 43u 13 131 li 482. 8 3! 31 31 10 13 19 631 424 40 80 50 302 31 404 31 56 78J 692 711 80 100 504 756 18 6 18 33 1 93 60 5J4I 96J 48i 73 32 30 30 366! 58ftl 8)0; 80 8J 27V1231 11 651120. 83 17 40 I 811 .sofneqr&ne ofae qr s wof section n partfwhf jf n'wqr 23 270 41! 211 LOTS ran. DC. 46!45 7;58 3!50 7; 2 6,39 8)29 4;93 3! 7 6:89 3!05 4:26 6;33 17163 :S5 3! 6 14;71 1U4 1:75 29:76 3;44 9! 8 2:21 Cj 8 east of frac & north east of north west or1 4; 4 2:81 Racine Road 771 s hf on Tp line 3157 606 east qr 5188 12;84 " ' r t I qr 14:40 14;35 5155 2;96 3112 cast qr 200 a in e 1 ex eleven and one hf a n w 15 48 9182 3:96 4: 6 5i75 3:14 873 21 2 10:88 12:27 9;j8 t-ii 719 2;79 quarter 16IU1 5:39 5:78 !0j3U 5;39 1 17147 lld2 9i08 740 4:47 6;02 213J 7; 8 5'64 4;79 7;56 I 1!3 .7114 5;91 11;64 10165 3j 6 17155 I 3!4d 5;o9 160 6:j0 21;33 3io2 ;li lj 7 06 9145 I8;d2 2'5'J 2! ti 6'34 2:67 6j 1 723 13,14 614 11:64 271 4:00 5;50 260 7;U 320 558 5;62 7171 8;05 lOI'Jl 2i36 :i:40 3;55 10; 0 6;76 16103 8:01 12:40 4: 9 931 9.64 15;31 961 469 I I 1!69 1'70 25:30 3;52 9'50 372 3; 10 7,43 2:53 593 8!22 8;76 17189 is: 4 17; 3 35;00 :2:43 143 7M1 1;59 6.;36 1 5'61 4 91 2;33 4:39 18; 13 13154 3;63 48 1:78 7;45 6.30 7;21 9:62 11'50 11.90 8,36 17rJ7 15156 8:13 13I8T 5;85 8'88 13:32 I I 25109 20'43 4,43 3:85 3i83 X Oliver, John '13 Price, William !13 Roush, Jonns ;!l3' Smith, Isaac B 13 Sutley, John R... 'l3j 262 22-21 !262 33 100 35 33, 640 100 fecott, John s 1-flt Thompson, Aaren.;..... Young, Frederick. Young, James...... 13 13-21 262 i1S 18; 8 641. 18 ' 18! 640 13 14 640) Scipio Townsnip. Allen, E P............;... ......same same..:... samt?..... Figley, Robert Hampton, Bradfield Howell, Wm Hysell, Owen 22 16; 16 2C2 14 ;64N 14 14! 64W 16, 24' ,640 640 640 14 14j 1 14 16, 81 640 640 14 144 ..SSI 640 Morrison, John 14 14 331 640 Fierce, Jonathan's Est.... 22 262 fullins, M L & ur A Smith. 14 14 7 4 10 14 640! Riggs, W A J Stanley, Jackson Whittemore, Wm H Sutton Township. Ashworth, Thomas 640 '14 262j 262 14 12 26 12 12 . ei 4! 6401 Aumiller, Jonathan & Co.. 124 640 same Aumiller, Ephraim & Geo.. Broderick, Patrick.- 12 12 12 640f 1601197 1601203 Duskey, Daniel 13 5-6 100: 298 Joy, Benjamin's Heirs...... 12! 13 12 12 12 12; 13 1 1-7 85-36 840 l; 301 293 294 10l Lewis, Daniel 100 Quill an, Amos' Heirs 100; 100: same .....'. 35-30 Roush, Jonas Roberts, Samuel S 1W64W 160 1215 Sands, John & Martin 1-7100) 301 16 Self George W s Est 121 1616401 LANDS AND TOWN LOTS (Continued.") VILLAGES. MILLEIKBCRO. Owners' Names. So. Val. Description. Total Am'l S Cts Martin Samunl same 168 11 3 09 39 I.ETAHTVILLE. Haymitn Gaorge T 6 B4 'snme S 42 Burns' Addition to Letart. 3 ti 1 07 McCownn John 53 557 941 5 31 5 70 6 59 McLain William Say re Henry 11 8 REEDVILLE. Kecd F B 6 1G8 7 33 INDEPENDENCE. johusnn Charles same Morse A .L Warner George 41 K 55 100 E52 1U0 1 66 3 33 13 14 1 84 LJorton & Dzlncy's Addition to Pomeroy. Fisher Henry 116 84 2 90 Dabney's Addition to Pomeroy. - Canine Peter l)abiKy Chaa VV same same same Same same same same . yame Glfckuer John Grime Kdw H 4 9 10 11 ea 42 70 51 ICS 159 210 6 210 Plants' Addition til veil side 350 4 30 5 U6 5 01 5 75 5 14 3 30 4 es e i 7 1 se 4 i-9 7 65 335 210 169 273 41 34 34 172 3-20 !t) w - Horton Thayer 70 it on e line by 100 off 22 01 same Llnd K.lward 515 MO 6 3 23 8 04 2 t-5 8 85 Vlirf as Jacob jr 3 iS9 Plants' dddilinn Wuisenbach Henryi7 510 M1DDLEPORT COItPOr.ATION Coalport. Dawson Wm 58 573 e 8 37 6S 21 Ji ofSOXlOOftw MeGhite's 2 10 55 108 w a 5 02 Uoldeu George Rmith Aurilla C. A. MATTHEWS, DEALER IN A. BRADLEY' S And Manufacturer of Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, OF E VER T DESCRIPTION XI. xx 13 IP's Old Stand .VIDDLEPOBT, O. 1H AVE Just received a large assortmei.t of Stoves which 1 will sell lover than ever, consisting fci part, of Arbiter, Live Oak, Victor, With an assortment of Coal and Wood PAntOK STOVES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. QXIA.TES, FIRK FRONTS, ODD PLATES. &C. WATER SPOUTING, Hoofing and Jobbing of AM KINDS, done on short notice. Persons in want of anything in tho ay of stoves Tin, Cnppwr or Sheet Iron Ware, would save inonev bv railing 011 me. nroid Copper. Brass and Pewter taken in ex cbangu. mav ', If60. 19-ly FALL & WIMTER GOOPS JUST PvECEIVED, a complete assortment of seasonable OoOcln, consisting of Dry Cioode, Books & Stationery, Hats, Caps, Uonnets, lnm miags. Notions, Hardware, Queens ware, Stone ware, Groceries, Oils, Manilla and Cotton Rope, Cord and Twine; Wall and Window Papers, Clothing, Shoes, Comforts and Oil Cloths, Nails, Glass, Steel, Musical Instruments, and any other Goods that people want. Oct. 10, ltfC0.-40-tf WM. II. HEM1NGT0N. L. li. MOO UK, Saddle, Harness and Trunk Manufacturer, Middleport, O., KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON ILA.ND, AND will manufacture to order, all of the vari ous articles-usually manufactured ia such es tablishments. He culls particular attention to his Harness making, and "defies the world" on fancy mounted doulile or single Harness. Do not fall to give me a call, in my shop on RuU land sU-eet, at the head of First street, in Holt's Building, up stairs. Cash paid for all kinds of Hides, Skins, &c, at the highest market price. June 21, ''.!. 25-ly PEACH GftOVE NURSERY THOSE who waut Peach Trsee come soon, as we have a few thousand not yet sold, of tho finest growth, and the largest assortment in this vicinity over 100 varieties, an 30;000 in all, rating according to quality, from seven to fifteen dollars per 100. Apple, $10 per 100. Pear, Cheery and Plum at the usual prioes. M. W. RUTHERFORD & CO., 4 miles west of Rutland, Meigs Co., O. NV, 2, 60. 18-4m a about 70 .713' n eof fraction lif 84 ...seeor 164 -Tannery Lot 857 ehfqfw IOOaofawar 35 386 5(1 7-3 izcu.. uouae otiot in s e , 3G 30 59 80 s side of w hf 8 16 18 132 n end of hf of n e qr - w of e 100 aofshfofahf innhfofahf eof w&OJa 706 155 340 201 C3: .23 ...n wof e 100 ...6th Lot w of Stat rocut ...8th u W of Stat road n w on w Una ...n e of b qr .;.n e of a w 84 a In a w qr ...w part of n e qr .n of a wqr ..jaaeooio w q .. .e hf of n e qr ex 14 a n e & L5 16 16 16 24 17 16 8 .25. 83 23 7 . 4 8 11 11 62 245 220 654 40 28 65 40 262. 1 360 : 69 741; 44 17 18 384 n&wof e 80 a of w 161 a n part of 120 a in a t qr ofqr ......... w end of n hf ex 28J aw i part of 4 a Lot near Harmon viTI w hf & a e qr of a w qr & 8$ a on n os w qr a hf of n e qr ' .Mill Lot inahfof nhf of neqr ........w hf - e end .on township road line ; a w or'sS, 4, 5 & 6 Warner vract ex Lots off a w part s part ex S a e & 1-7 a to Cobb n wof e 50 a of Lot2 seof n 77a " - 50 by 60 ft front of n w cor of I) DeWoIf a Lot 83 100 437, 853 (A 71 13 97! ,1, 2i 1231264' 80! 325 12 1; 161 407 201 f,13 80 33 3-5 1 100 1140l 6! .' 3 77 151 43 C-7 I 1770 130 4 403 1-12 102 555l in n of X a s part MIDDLEPOET C0EPOKATI0N Sheffield. Golden Gaorgs Murray A H same i sai same same 80 103 X of K 33S - 61 ' 4GJ 66 m 65 Mi.orlowerhstf 3 39 S 76 7 69 3 21 70 1974 X cr of SI A 66, joliilne Behan'a Addition 44 14 same 42 S) ft trout of alley, and No 61 O'RoaVfee" Alex'r 25 220 63 3 80 69 9 3 15 Kpup Jonas 21 252 w end off 99 431 58 52ft south Of e X Web1 Jp Ann same JIIDDLEP0ET CORPORA TI0K Behan,$ Addition. Murray A H fain 29 .30 105 S10 2 04 3 92 POMEROY. Ashworth Robert 239 Crosbv f it H 159 Seeds Martin 275 Kastman Frank 48 KnlpJehn 124 German U P B St 60 5 ft w side 3 69 4lj0 78ftOuilulb9rr) ri 15 66 33(i I J V3 S69 25 ft on Condor, w s 7 54 403 w ,' , 6 49 155 S 63 161 SO ft on Front, e aide 6 07 874 SU 16 John's Cbtir.-h 7 Guthrie G fc fil 60 same Guthrie G S & A-M Moore Holt Horace Love 11 Joseph same Lowry Jebn 11 65 240 54 55 940 24 63 G7 or - of back part 1 55 168 , 5 m I( 5 66 bus 25 ft X 53 fest ea Bycamore 15 11) tame same same 87 H74 18 57 130 2( 2 5 55 67 7 ft on Sycamore s of 1 1 350 71 lol 1 W 437 TVs part occupied 8 50 4M sub 4 13 46 437 ' b 49 25-2 sab 3. 39 ft On 1C9 59 ft Purcell John 304 same 3S9 same 3(3 with dwelling Root Pert) ' 163 Sliafer John 3U5 Schan John 39 Condor streot 6 30 Starkey William 24 1 470 sub 2, 45 ft on alley X 50 on road 13 98 Stafford Jofaa Welsh John Veeks Edwin 163 3JS ub2 A3 9 (Hi 25 240 8 31 555 67 sab 1, 140 ft on Athens ruad I 63 same 255 141 5f acre bet lot 19 aud corporation line 2 28 S'ye's Addition to Poneroy. Ashworth Thomas 4 Lanbam Fletcher 50 1G1 ies 8 3H 6 40 FOR ALL. THE subscriber having just returned from the East with an elegant stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, Will offer them to the public at ten per eent. advance on cost, for CASH OR READY PAY. In this proposition there is no humbug, but an actual fact, which we would take pleasure in demonstrating .to the satisfaction of any party favoring us with an examination of stock and prices. We will enumerate a few articles, giving prices, as an index to the whole stock: Best madder prints 10c per yard. Pancy prints 8a9c Good I bleached muBlin 10e " I bleached muslin 8c ". . Lateststyles bestdclaines :.15to20c " . Cashmeres 15c " Donnet ribbons from 10 to 40c" Fine French wool delaine ..60 to 75c" (Usual price, 75 to $1.00 ") Ladies' heavy kip shoes $1 per pair, Ladios' calf... -.A 1 25 " Ladies' best calf. 1 25 ti 1 40, And all other goods sold at proport. unable prices, for one consideration that we receive CASH for them. From this date wo positively dis continue the credit business, for good and suf ficient cause. We respectfully ask an examination of our stock, ind if the Goods suit, prices shall suit. R. B. WILSON, Jan. 3, '60. 1-tf Middleport, Ohio. FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale a Farm of either one or two hundred acres, (to suit purchasers,) with abeut 70 or 80 acres of it cleared and under good fence, and containing plenty of good water. There is also a new frame House and a large frame Barn on it.- The place is situated about two miles from Roberts Si Tidd s Landing, Lower Long Bot torn, Olise Tp., Meigs Co, Ohio. For further particulars inquire of IL COCKS. Terms easy and reasonable. Oct. 12. 40-3m HENRY COCKS. F I A N 0 S MP I A N 0 S ! IWILLfurnSbh i'lanos or ilelodons as low at per sons can bay them in tin- cities, t will f m np, tune, and kerp In order all Pianos or Melodious told by me, and guarantee them for two yrar. Time givvn on good security. 1 deal in the following make of I'tauov: J. fc C. KISHEK. JJewYorki HA LLKTT & DAVIS, Bosloa; HUKTiiMAX 61 HIKE. Buff.: KOAKIIMAN dcUKAY.Alb.; CHlCKKRIMr. Biwton; And GEO. A. PHi.NCE'S Melndeons. All lettursaddressed to P. 8BUSXII, Poruoroy, O., j will meet pnm pt attention. Oct. 19, UGG.41-Iy.. COALRIilGE MILL 1 mHE STJBSCSrBtR BEStRES TO INFORM X the Wbeat-growers of Meigs and adjoining counties, tbat be will gire, in excLsoige for ooe bushel of good, cieaa W heat, 42 pouadu of Flour. Persons wishing large lots of Flour made, can have it manufactured at 40 cents per brh; offal to co to the owner of tho Wheat. ... . T- t 1 J rersocs resitting oeiwecn raraersourg aoci uauipohe, by sending five bushels of food clean Wheat, I will give one barrel of riour, , pay the freight oa the same botb ways, they finding tho oaiTCi. July 26, '5fc 30-tf LOTS FOE BALE. ON SrGAR RUN, NAYLOE'S RT3, AND Carr's Run. Applicatiaa tr be mad to M. Howard, Esq., Pemeroy. Aug 1,33-t V- WMZ57. .. a n of 29-20 13i 6;61 fcl4 20ill SO! 8 2;64 2149 59:58 69 2!5 1 I7I80 - HARRlSONVltte. BragdonLH 3 111 Dunlap's Addition Jones Philip 9 128 White Calvary 3 470 . . - r ; : . 3 91 PAGEVIX1I. . ; Stevens Wit ham 26 . 6 a of . same . ?. . 19 . 9 watt V ' r -'l SfiKiksViUK D. Lexis' Addition 15 4 uu vaniel 3 37a ; "" .. 4 41 - ama 12 . , sasse v 1 : jm .! 4a same 43 3 U 1 7 r. l CARLETONVIIIS. Hayden"WUHa 1 907 8TRACr6E. Broderick Patrick 74 S42 42 , 84 P4 84 f9 tlO 4 S0 M too , in. 1 3S :: 5 li 53 S3' 1 4 IV k S3 :Ut) ' i It Qulllan Amos 7 R a me same ama same same same ama same M 18 rr C5 e 70 '71 14 J. Thomas DstU RACINK. Adams Harrison 18 same IS Cnrtis Abner 59 Conpo Harrison 56 same 54 Dnnham Amanda v3 same 56 Halv Solomon ' 2S lhli Christopher 55 Lailaace J B 5 Laughead Joseph S3 273 Hyer's Addttloa-, M 04 ir.r.ui, .... .f a-: m . 'zj ... . . 1'5 i 126 105 Woirs Addition ' 4 IO 13 Wolfs A rid I lion , S4 63 Wolf's Addition 1 12 1H6 X 36 ft 1 w corner 6U M Mer's Additloa S 30 SO all excetit 26 X 36. . , . it. w corner 4 M Packer Mary 69 652 H M 8tT "f Obio. Mston Cocktt, se: " I, A AR05 STIVERS, Auditor of said County, t hereby, certiry that the foregoing list U correctly coplenl from tbe liet rr-tnmed by tbe Treararar ofl said County In August, h60, and aa copied Into the duplicate of 1860 foraald Countv,m,d U.a-. the amoont ' annexed to each tract or lot 'is correct, and calcnr ; lated as the law prescribes. - Jfotice is then fore hereby given that the everai tracu and lots in said list contained. Or aatMcsk thereof as will be necessary to pav the taxea and penally charged thereon. ill be sold by tbe Trefea-' urerof said County, at tbe Court-house In ths) town of Ponierpy.on the second Monday In Janaary, 1861,' between the hours 01" 10 o'clock a. x. aud 4 o'clock r. x. of said day, unless said taxea and penalty fca ' paid before that time. AAKON 8T1 V BHK-, Auditor of..Ve!tTJ Cttunty-. ' ! ;i Pomeroy, Dec. 14, 7860. 49-41 Exclusively Fire Insurance . , POME Il OYA GEN C Y. 91 A K II ATT A TV FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ; Ho. 63 "Weil Street. New York, . . ft 2 ta w ' c 8- INCORPORATED, 1821. WM. PITT PALMER, Prtrtdent. ANDREW J. SMITH. Secretary. DIREOTORSt ' ' W. P. Palmer. FtTKH Cooran. Samcil F. Mott, . Rnrcs U Loan, Wat. P. Mott, Wa.W. Foi, Edwin f. Mnaoalr, Kicbakd Tiona. Tboxas Baooh, Robert B. MiKvntw. Hknrt F.liwot. Acocsrca W. us, ..r . Jamks Colles. PinCtT MAtojr, . : JJnsu Taylor, J.. S. Kparxz. - -.-' ' v John Cabwkll Jos KriWAJlS, John C GatEH. Thomas W. PzAia.ui., sutcy B. Umo-"xn. This staunch old Company having fully leoaapl'.ed with the laws of this fcvatu, contluus te huura tha safer classes of proporty Apaint Loss or nnrtliigre by Flrft, at nt low rates" a other trst class Stock Companies. ' Their policUa are free from tkcbmicaiitiks, thus avoiding litioatiok, having had only oxc lawsuit durius a buaiai'ss of TJUliTT-NINB TEAKS. Particular altcutiou given to tho Insurance of Form Property, Isolated Dwellings, and their Furniture. Policies issued for lhe torra nt OXL THREE, or FIVE YEARS, LOSSES equitably ftyute sd promptly, paid 1st Cash at Uu Ageoc. JA MBS EAISTOH, Ages. BRANCH OFFICE, 1 Superior Street, Cleveland, (X. No: S. S. COK, General Agent. . JOHN SEWT.LL, Assistant. Apr. S. "OO ! THK subscriber has again re sumed her Millinery busi ness in the room occupied as a (Grocery and Notion Store, by Martin Jlecox, one door west f W. A. Aicher's Jewelry L Watch Establishment, where she will be happy to wait on all her old customers, and as many new j ones as possible. She hopes, frtun Iter long ex- joritr. Hei' assert insat though mnl will b kept up, and complete work done oa short ao , tioe, and warranted good. 8. U. HBSON . ! E4LEM CENTE Jl . 3Lf O O O i'FER for sale eJO . 3 O their usual surlT cf O f pl Atw u T: 7 r ,Bnr.d; ! J Palem Center, Meigs C:, DhjeOct. 19, 103. 41-tf ' ' REMINGTON QTgE. r. B. 'it III K l.D A TIF 12 ii'' rroprlotor, At th htad cf Steamboat .Landing, Froot Stret, TraeT'sy. Otic. . ' IB ; 1 " ft.